I wonder how long it will be before the BBC go back to attacking social media providers, if at all. Perhaps the events of the last two weeks have convinced the BBC that social media is their new best friend?
Diane Back!
So pleased that ms Abbot has recovered from type two,3,4,5 or is it 6 diabetes and is now fighting fit and able, as next Home Secretary , to serve and protect our great nation. I can see her chairing CoBRA meetings and unleashing the State on our enemies in times of crisis.
Oprah can play were in the blockbuster motion picture.get the pop corn ready again…
Heard constantly on Beeb and Sky that over 100,000 (creeps up with every bulletin) events are taking place in honour of Jo Cox this weekend. As its such a huge story where are the cameras at these venues? there only appears to be coverage of one in her hometown and that looks sparsely attended. My area clearly didn’t get the memo, so wondered if there are millions of photos on twatter or arsebook publicising these ‘events’.
Fair do’s Brissles. Local TV here showed four people buying an ice cream with not a lot going on the background. A colour pic of St. Jo lay on the grass, surrounded by nightlights. That’s four ice creams = four events? Well, it’s a start.
I think the problem is that Mr Cox equates his perfectly understandable, personal, grief with some sort of national angst, encouraged by the usual beneficial media. Any party political point scoring is, I’m sure, coincidental of his part.
That’s why the recent TV programme spent so long detailing Thomas Mair’s ‘Nazi’ fascinations and no time at all – other than a passing reference to the therapeutic benefits of gardening – to his medication, depression and associated mental problems. Maybe poor Mair might not be the only example of brainwashing on show.
“”Residents had warned that the building – which has around 120 flats reportedly served by a single main entrance – was a fire hazard last year when rubbish piled up in a communal walkway.””
“”The Grenfell Action Group raised their concerns in a blog post last January, saying: “The potential for a fire to break out in the communal area on the walkway does not bear thinking about as residents would be trapped in the building with no way out.””
Well, perhaps if this so-called ‘action group’ had taken it upon themselves to take action and clear the walkway, maybe they would not in the news now? It’s so much easier just to play the victim and complain.
If they were truly an ‘Action Group’ they would have got together and removed the rubbish. Problem is it would have taken only a day for it to be back. I live in a high rise and generally people don’t give a toss. The estate offices couldn’t care less either. They rely on the overworked cleaners to keep cleaning up the mess that residents make. Although I’m questioning the accusation of mounting rubbish because the cleaners would have done something unless perhaps it was heavy items like white goods or furniture but even then they would have reported it to the estate office.
My belief is the fire was caused by resident negligence. I hope I’m proved wrong.
On the continent, Switzerland in particular, those living in tower blocks have a closed off area within the entrance, where huge waste containers are placed where residents can dispose of their rubbish. These aren’t privately owned blocks because most in Europe live in rented accommodation, but the mindset and culture is a million miles away from what we see here. Poverty is given as an excuse for living where there are smells of urine and mountains of rubbish, – um, bollocks (scuse me), – abject poverty has been seen in this country back in the early 20th century, where families slept 4 to a bed and kids went to school with no shoes, BUT the front step was always clean as a new pin.
Absolutely Brissles, spot on! My great-grandparents were as poor as dirt, had 11 kids and lived in a small 3 bed terrace. Their home was spotless. Everyone worked though, even the kids from when they were old enough to run errands and they always handed over their money for the household budget – it was that or the workhouse.
Dover dont get so hett up . You are being waycist as leaving your shite outside you house is just cultural relativism. Everyone does it these days in Londonstan.
This nation has imported the third world into its heart. We have accepted the ‘Trojan Horse’.
Multiculturalism does not work …….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11559451
Taffman, just read some of the comments in that link, this one voices my view exactly.
Humans have historically organised themselves into tribes for protection and mutual benefit.
Members of the tribe recognise each other by their behaviour.
If a newcomer arrives and adopts the habits of the tribe he is accepted in time.
If however he pointedly maintains a separate tribal identity he will be treated with suspicion, and when problems occur he is likely to be blamed for them by the majority.
As well as this the rate of assimilation that is required by population movement is important.As long as this is not too great all will be well as a few members of a different tribe will not be seen as a threat, however a large influx which changes the indginous population’s perception of their country/town will be seen as threatening and provoke resistance.
I believe this is built into our character as a protection mechanism and no amount of exhortation by well meaning liberals will change it.
Significant integration is essential for community harmony
taff, funny thing but clicked on your link, went to bookmark it and found that I already had that one filed away. Must be from back when there was a thinking, sharing, debating communities based around Nick’s and Steffie’s Blogs and other Blogs before the BBC Hive Mind decided to snuff them out.
Another interesting thing: the front page is up but I find it almost impossible to load other pages in order to read the comments. Is it the BBC making it difficult? If so, why?
Look! Multi culturalism was invented by a Black Jamaican Marxist so you are obviously a counter revolutionary ‘waycist’ that needs to be sent to a re-education camp !
Left wing denial means that they are simply incapable of admitting when any of their insane policy ideas fail or go wrong. Instead the blame is always placed on outside elements so this is why you hear about the shadowy ‘far right’. Alas it is this condition which has led to more man caused deaths than any other cause on the planet.
As I have explained many times the supposedly inanimate rubbish piles itself up. Rather similar to the supposedly inanimate cars which have been killing people recently.
In fact the whole scenario resembles a bad doctor who plot line ( has there been a good one in the last decade?).
Al Shubtil…. if some traitorous; short sighted; Progressive scum hadn’t decided to allow the immigration of every creed and race from the 1950’s onwards, which will result in Britons becoming a minority within our own homeland, unless our people wake up.
Sadly the boat has left the port – as ‘our people’ who agree with what you say are of the aged variety; and those who will become the minority are the generation of lefty students who are so up their a…..es with political correctness, that they will realise too late when in their 40’s with families, the position they’re in. And quite frankly they deserve everything they get.
I was discussing with my friend recently about the schools’ indoctrination of kids, she told me that her teenagers and their friends are seeing through it and figuring it all out for themselves. All is not lost.
Brissles, I always enjoy your posts. Take heart; there is still strength here, which is why the Elite fear organizations such as the EDL and parties like UKIP: “they” know history turns on a sixpence; things can change very quickly and “events” can overtake governments unexpectedly – remember the fuel crisis? No bread or milk was getting to the supermarkets by the end of it. Who saw that coming?
Also, a lot of our young folk will change their stances politically as they get more seasoned and our society deteriorates further; many contributors here have stated such about themselves, having initially been of the Left but then seeing the light.
The future for our country is dark (in more ways than one) but it can recover from it, given the right circumstances for strong and fearless leadership. Cometh the hour, cometh the man (or woman).
I have a free pass for Theresa May thanks to Abbott, May says she cannot continue due to diabetes flaring up , oh thank you Diane! Then she says Mr.Moggy will take over as caretaker … done.
Only nasty people would say this is wrong. Glorious!
The man cometh!
The rage of a thirdworld rabble burning down their own neighbourhoods and murdering policemen will always be considered as a cry for justice by the BBC. What other explanation can there be? If enrichers are enraged their anger must be righteous. On the other hand, 17 million peaceful voters for Brexit following the democratic process are supposed to represent the excesses of rightwing populism, a racist lynch mob led astray by Hitlerite demagogues like Farage. Just look at the spike in “hate crime”.
We have to push back on this ridiculous assertion “Yeh BBC is biased against the left”
One of them says it in one of those Corbyn-eco-bubble forums and then the young uns just lap it up.
#1 Switch on Bingo teaches us that when you switch on : A BBC-Pet_Issue will be being discussed like Corbyn/Left/Remain
……. and very very rarely a Conservative issue
#2 There is no Lefty call to Abolish the BBC
#3 The existence of a massive petition to abolish the licence fee with 220,000 signatures on https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
“Vicky Pollard” Lefty then says “Ah, but yes, but , yes how do you know the signers think the BBC is Leftwing ?”
… Em cos there is a reason comment next to every signature.
Just look at today’s sigs
Images I made Today’s sigs … Yesterday’s sigs
Left vs Right. Up vs Down. No, this is about rigorous debate and clear language. Where facts and opinion are brought forward to be tested. The Owen Jones comment should have been ripped to shreds by everyone … left or right or center.
I`d say that all this overidentifying with “victims” at times like tragedies is only to violently deny that you just might be a perp yourself.
The media types who get their lattes sent in, get their nannies cheaply and who give an impression that they`re always cool with migrants are every bit as culpable as the worse zero hours landlord getting the gas supply set up by cowboys.
But they`d rather lynch a Tory than go beyond their herd on Facebook.
Hence this rage I guess. Self-loathing amoral hypocrites who now have outed themselves. And the boomerang will be back.
No wonder Sadiq Khan looks more hooded than normal.
I`d also say that an unknown accident allows the left to fantasise and rage, cause endless pain and slander as they project their incoherent rage at “The Man”. So they make it up, whip themselves like Shia pilgrims to seem holy. As opposed to the Arena bomb or Borough market which only allow one answer for why they happened. And that one reason allows for no posturing, no Lefty capitalisation.
It`s of no use to set lefty narratives, these dead are not worth the protests.
They`d only set off their partners, and let Tories think that they might be right.
“Communism never sleeps.It never changes its objectives, and neither should we.Our first duty of freedom is to defend ourselves, our own”.
Mrs Thatcher, June 1979, European Parliament maiden speech.
No wonder they all hate her. But we don`t, we know.
There’s Stephen King story, ‘Needful Things’ – Small town, a caring, SJW type. He goes from person to person apparently keeping them informed of goings on, ‘for their own good’. Very bad things happen as a result because his motives are questionable but he means no harm and he maybe manipulates people, for their own good. Maybe he’s evil, maybe he’s the Devil incarnate = that’s your bbc.
Brexit !– Time for a new leader, it has been a year now and the government is dragging its feet.
Out means out! Not a ‘pretend’ Brexit.
The politicians are not listening to the great silent majority who voted out. This great nation needs a new leader.
We need Jacob Rees-Mog and Nigel Farage to lead us out of this Marxist mess .
Get ready for more Neo-liberal, Londoncentric media propaganda.
Al Beeb are worried – very worried,
Now, where is Maxi my foul mouthed friend?
@Taff I have a hypothesis ..maybe May and her media team are being black mailed
They should come out and say “Ye everyone looks at internet porn, and everyone’s sex life is their own private concern”
That black mailing (or double agents) might explain why their media team is so rubbish.
She doesn’t have to be down there bothering the victims, but what team need to do is OWN the media agenda instead of leaving a void for LibMOb scallywags to fill with their own agenda.
Strong and Stable government means saying “A tragedy has happened we govern by delegation and discipline, so it is the local authorities job is to do the work on the ground and we will be there with the stick if it transpie later they didn’t do the job.
Kneejerk speculation is a bad thing, a judicial inquiry will do things a proper way.
But the public will be concerned about fudges, so we will set time limits and make it clear that people can challenge the finding properly when they do come out ..we will not allow fudges.”
Isn’t Grenwell a microcosm of Britains LibMob cancer ?
That mob forced softness on immigration control, with the result that a tower in a prime centre of London was not occupied by proportionately British people , but the exact inverse seeming 85% foreign, may of which shouldn’t be in the UK anyway
It’ll be along wait but it will be interesting to know where the fire or fires originated.
If a true figure you’d think £10 million would buy quality refurb’s? Again going with the lowest quote because that is policy cannot buy quality. Maybe they did go with cheaper cladding but that would be down to Council priorities which often seem highly questionable.
Recently I’ve been revisiting a few of the individual bloggers that have fallen off my radar. This one has a couple of good articles about recent events. Excerpt here..
“Is Theresa May in charge now? Hardly. It appears that nobody is, and every time somebody opens their mouths they are already compromised by being complicit in the sort of blithering incompetence and half-arsed dithering that brought this entire situation about in the first place: the unfettered immigration, the pandering to minorities, the emphasis on feelings, the win-at-all-costs politicking, the ludicrous housing and welfare policies, the stuffing of councils and companies with inadequate people who are incapable of doing the job and – most importantly – the voters who put them there, kept them there, and shit their pants at the first sign that anyone, anywhere, wants to do things differently.”
The inferno is a good example of a downside of “parallel societies”. National and local government pander to “community leaders” and “community activists” creating what is essentially a layer of government unknown in less diverse areas of the country. My “community” does not have any “community leaders”, I do not even have a “community” but we do have elected local representatives. The “community” may get transfer payments from the state, but is essentially decoupled from the “democratic process” followed by the rest of the country. When a catastrophe happens, the community and local government have no real channels of communication and nothing gets done quickly enough.
The BBC is fond of the “only £5000 more for the fire retardant materials ” in the tragic event last Wednesday .
Have they asked ;
Should the residents pay for that either as a one off or increased rents ? Or volunteering to pay for themselves and others in the ” community ” ?
Bluntly I’m saying
1; either we’ve allowed a lot of low paid or benefit seekers into that area
2;The highly paid architects , doctors and engineers were to mean or too stupid to address the fire hazard problem .
Message to Al Beeb…………
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. “
The Great Get Together to do what? Subverting the democratic process and undermining the country seems the main thrust as portrayed in the country.- a load of Cox suckers I’m afraid.
Did they all get together and clear rubbish from council towers whilst learning together about the history and people who sacrificed so much, so that the living today (us) could enjoy better lives. And to not throw it away for future children.
Or was it vacuous and empty conversation, a vegan burger (pork free), non alcoholic drink and no idea of what Jo Cox had voted for in Parliament.
The newly elected Labour MP was a member of the Grenfell House management committee that turned down the opportunity to install sprinklers – albeit, from the budget that has been quoted, only in the stairwell.
She has a majority of 20 votes.
So, pace the terrible tragedy of the fire, some other questions:
Had all the flats in Grenfell Tower, and other similar residential blocks, received a voter registration document from the council?
Were all the official residents of Grenfell Tower or other such places, entitled to vote in UK General Elections?
How many illegal sub-lets were in place in Grenfell Tower, or are occurring now in other similar places??
How many of the actual residents of Grenfell Tower and other such residences knew that whilst they had the right to vote in local elections, they could not vote in a General Election?
What steps had Kensington and Chelsea Council taken to verify the right to vote, in a General Election, of residents in Grenfell Tower or other similar places?
Why has the new Labour MP for Kensington not been attacked (verbally, of course) for her role on the management committee of Grenfell Tower?
If it were not for the votes of asylum seekers, illegal immigrants and illegal sub-letters, would Emma Dent Coad even be an MP?
Finally, a little research shows that Emma Dent Coad
Is a member of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority [Job done well there, eh, Emma?]
Was a member of the Kensington and Chelsea Tenants management Organisation, set up under Labour government legislation, from 2008 to 20012 [which covers all of the initial reports into tower block safety]
Was between 2013 and 2014, a member of the K&C Council’s Housing and Property Scrutiny Committee
So she went from being responsible for the tower block to being responsible for overseeing those who were responsible for the tower block.
Kind of you, gax.
I was going to say ‘my pleasure’, but it seemed inappropriate given that this time-serving leftist failed, in two different positions of authority, to do anything to prevent the deaths of so many people.
Excellent post John.
While these points are being made on sites like this one and Guido, I have not seen a word about them on MSM.
Rather than Theresa May, I would say that Emma Dent Coad has questions to answer . This is also true of the Emir, because the GLA has strategic authority and responsibility for disaster and emergency planning and coordination.
Yes EE,
The weakness of HMG has allowed the Mayor and this coad toad creature to take a step to the left and say ” not me guv” . I’m worried that Corbin will requisition my home because it’s been empty when I’ve been out.
I m not rich but I believe in property ownership and for the sheep who voted Corbyn to accept the idea of taking over property because he has a housing problem is frightening .
I think I went down the same research road you travelled. This Coad character does not seem to be held to account by al Beeb or anyone else yet. I say this although I have reservations about attribution of blame to anyone yet. But since msm has gone full grief orgy and pouring blame over everyone except labour then there is pressure to counter it because serious public disorder is not far away if msm is not shut up.
Every so often the muslims within albeeb slip up with stupid propaganda like this to show the world the truth about their bias. I am neither Jew now Muslim but the imbedded anti Israel bias of al beeb is an embassment to Blighty. If uk can’t do something about al beeb maybe Israel can?
Does the BBC truly not understand the difference between local opinion and a bussed-in Socialist Workers/Momentum mob?
The BBC fully understands the difference. The former cannot be organised, although can be exploited. With the latter, however, it’s simply a matter of a BBC editor phoning an old chum from university days and asking for a mob for the film crew at the appropriate time and place.
Socialist Worker {Now there is a missmatch if ever there was on they may be socialist but they are not workers} and momentum are bad enough but its the brownshirts from the likes of antifa and hope not hate and similar groups who seem to appear at such events that are the real problem and the even bigger problem is the large ammounts of coverage given to the antifa/hope not hate brownshirts by the wretched BBC and the rest of the print and broadcast MSM that really annoy and anger me. Just one of many reasons I no longer pay the BBC viewing tax and never will ago pay the BBC viewing tax.
Back on the subject of leadership and showing up. Have been listening to the 7am News and the start of the Sunday Programme with William Crawley on BBC R4.
Much criticism of the staff at the Borough of Ken & Chels. Apparently they have been told to now stay home while other civil servants have a go. William Crawley demonstrating great BBC skill at asking leading questions. He’ll be on TODAY soon, at that rate.
No-one at the BBC appears to realise that Bro Ken & Chels are not the overriding authority with, well … authority there. It is the GLA. The Greater London Assembly has overriding authority over the area under the Mayoralty. Yes, I know Mayor Sadiq Khan was an early visitor to Grenfell Tower. Visitor, but where is his Authority’s practical assistance, the co-ordination and resources of his Authority of which he is in charge?
Khan and the GLA appear to be another no show at Grenfell Tower.
Since every organisation has a pecking order I suppose a permanent seat on toady must the albeeb pinnacle . William Crawley sounds a bit male and non Muslim so he doesn’t stand much chance . If he’s a bit of a journo he can def forget it. Try country file .
You know a Tory leaders days are numbered when the Daily Mail turns to supporting the Socialist Workers Party in preference !
To be honest May is indeed a hopeless mess, but then so is the entire Tory party without an ounce of spine between any of them, no passion, no conviction save for the common greed which unites them.
This week Peter Hitchens says the Tory party is rotten to the core, and cannot be rebuilt or reformed, its only future is to die.
The in fighting between them seems never ending, and it is apparent now that since the botched election – botched because of the greed ridden manifesto the in fighting is only becoming worse. A house divided cannot stand, and the Tory party is certainly divided.
Sorry, but “Tory party is rotten to the core, and cannot be rebuilt or reformed, its only future is to die” is extreme and, IMO, downright silly.
As Thatcher said, the facts of life are Conservative. That’s makes it the only credible more-or-less rightish party around. I’d like to see UKIP do better but I think that’s very unlikely.
“Rotten to the Core” implying every member? Come on !
It is becoming increasingly difficult to find measured, well chosen, temperate language anywhere, and jokes aside, I find it disappointing to read it here.
Try Douglas Murray – wouldn’t dream of coming out with crap like this.
Jo, OK, maybe Thoughtful’s choice of words is a little excessive but only a little. (I have a notion that he may be a Labour supporter or former Labour supporter. Maybe I’m mixing him up with other folk on here. Apologies if I am.)
Do you remember what happened on Monday evening last week at Westminster? A 1922 Committee meeting. A group close to the core of the Party? Yes, the Parliamentary backbenchers. What happened there? May’s apology. They back her. It is assumed she went there with her Cabinet’s backing. It is the usual process.
Then came the awful tragedy of Grenfell Tower on Tuesday evening.
You have to answer where was the PM and Cabinet on Wednesday morning? Afternoon? Evening?
The PM went for the first time to North Kensington on Thursday and made a mess of it. Where was the Cabinet to help? Stand with her? Anytime on Thursday? OK, Hammond had an important EU meeting but where were the others? Nowhere to be seen. Friday? Same again. As I have posted before, they should have been backing their PM up.
If you accept that the MPs who form the current Cabinet have also tacitly said “We back Theresa” on Monday, and are nowhere to be seen on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in a real crisis, not of their making, what does that suggest to you and the whole country?
Surely anything but a rock solid political Party of senior members who have some integrity at their core in Cabinet.
I think you also misunderstand what the core of the Conservative Party is and where it lies. Am not a Conservative Party member so it’s no skin off my nose but I’m very angry on behalf of those ordinary people who are – they are not the core – and who, in their own spare time and unpaid (unlike the MPs and SPADs, etc.), canvass and campaign for the Party for weeks only to be let down by its core leadership.
Twice in two months.
Then ask yourself another question, Jo. What about the conduct of John Major before the EU Referendum and since? He has been, effectively, threatening the negotiation of the UK’s departure from the EU with the spectre of a return to terrorism in Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK over Irish nationalism. Is that not a rotten thing to do? Is a retired Conservative PM, however much of a failure, not part of the core of the Party?
Speaking of retired PMs, what about David Cameron who, almost exactly a year ago, was threatening old age pensioners that if they didn’t vote to Remain in the EU their pensions might be at risk in an emergency Budget. Is that not rather smelly, if not rotten?
You resort to Douglas Murray. I do not know if he is a Conservative Party member or not. If he is, he may well be closer to the core than ordinary constituency members but I venture that he would not mess around with weasel words. He would be exactly like Thoughtful and tell it like it is. There is something a little rotten at the heart of the current Government, is there not?
Can they recover? Maybe.
But they from the top down, from the core outward, have got to put in a completely perfect performance for many weeks and months to do it.
I don’t mind the Conservative Party dying, as long at is replaced by a PROPER right-wing party to give the people a real choice. All the main parties at the moment seem to be just varying degrees of left – Ken Clarke a Tory? Give me strength …..
Not the ken clark as in the ken clark who looked forward to the day that parliament was just a branch office of the EU by any chance? And with a statement like that ken clark belongs with the garden gnome commrade corbyn labour party rather than any form of conservative party from where I am standing.
JosF, thinking of my lengthy post to Jo above, there’s another example with Clarke. Core of the Tory Party, a ‘grandee’ is the word, and one who wobbles. He was a much more of a positive Tory when Maggie was in charge and has slid sideways, into Liberal leftism.
He wouldn’t fit a Corbyn-led Labour Party though. He is big business, evil big tobacco business, and wants to integrate the UK into the EU as you observed. That doesn’t fit with Corbyn’s HardLeft anti-EU principles. Yes, another variable principle politician. I don’t mind a politician changing their mind and being clear about it. At least Clarke has been that honest, unlike Comrade Corbyn.
Peter Hitchens has some eccentric views to put it mildly. His campaign against the Conservative Party has been conducted for years.
The Mail on Sunday has also been running anti Conservative articles for a long time, its views are different from the weekday version and it has a different editor. Very confusing when it’s all one website.
Both Mails have been taken in by the current febrile atmosphere however.
The Conservative Manifesto was hardly greed ridden. Rather than playing up to people’s greed, it offered core Conservative voters nothing at all. Indeed it threatened to prevent them passing on their houses to the next generation and for some pensioners to lose winter fuel payments. Sensible Conservative policies? No!
Meanwhile Corbyn offers freebies, huge debt and wants to capitalise on a terrible fire.
The Cobservatives do stand for something and I’m sure they will learn lessons and start articulating better. We don’t have any top flight politicians at the moment , I admit, but things will change. Political generations don’t last long.
Agree – particulary your last sentence. A week is a long time in politics etc.
Peter Hitchens hits the nail on the head occasionally (who doesn’t?) but, much of the time he comes across to me as a narcissistic weather vane, but also returning time and time again to old articles and speeches that hardly anyone can remember, banging on and on desperately trying to justify his views.
Seems to me he’s being overshadowed by the likes of Douglas Murray, Delingpole, Steyn, Liddle (on a good day) and others, and he doesn’t like it one bit.
Bit of a has-been, IMO.
Douglas Murray gets my vote. Two things spring to mind. He’s actually dared ask the question openly “Who is Europe for?” When did you last hear that? He’s also pointed out that, as a result of immigration, most of our future is going to be spent discussing race. He’s right – nice to have something to look forward to.
With some small experience of publishing I can assure you that the differences between the editors and editorials of the DM and DMoS will be far, far more concerned with personal point scoring than the production of informative articles.
EE, if it wasn’t a rotten manifesto and it didn’t contain the Conservative principle of tax cuts for the top earners and tax increases down at the bottom of the income scale, can you explain why those who you claim were the core of the Party (ie. the outer edges of the Party) did not manage to get enough people to vote for it to win Theresa May a majority?
I don’t read the mail or Mr Hitchens. I am not a member of any political party but I do believe in freedom and that people are responsible for their own actions and that the state should only be there for real need.
We are into politics here not the bias of albeeb and the need to evidence it ( which the majority here have plenty of actual and anecdotal evidence )
What I’m suggesting – I think – is that we should link our comments to our enemy – albeeb – and not into the existence or not of the Tory party. Personally ukip ain’t right enough for me but thats not for this website.
Spot the difference: Soon after Manchester, Westminster Bridge and London Bridge, our Emir and Corby were out pouring oil on troubled waters, “stay calm everybody, don’t give in to hate and anger, stay united. Love and peace man, Kumbaya everyone”.
Soon after Grenfell they and their henchmen were out pouring oil on fire this time, “be angry everyone, and turn your anger on May and the Tories”.
Charlie M,
It’s all part of the scam.
In the UK, the BBC see themselves as the last bastion against the complete failure of multiculturalism. In that role, they share their failing position with all other media throughout Europe. In dramatically stepping up their efforts to convince the viewer/listener that Multikulti is good and Nationalism is bad, the BBC are acting as the voice of the State, but strangely, independent of the state. They are collectively trying desperately to head off the apocalypse of failed multiculturalism that’s now very clearly on the horizon. In that role, I firmly believe the BBC can be seen, palpably, to always favour the soft liberal/labour multikulti devotees as being the only hope left to salvage some kind of multiculturalism in the UK. The expression, “behind the curve” applies since they’ve been rumbled by the public who, increasingly see through their pathetic efforts to pour water on the smouldering fires just beneath the human surface. Same with overt BBC support for Corbyn. The sensible voting public, quite rightly, see Corbyn as another Globalist who would open the floodgates to the World to enter the UK and like Bliar would not seek the consent of the public to do so. When in a hole, stop digging.
I have no doubt that the BBC see Brexit and losing overall control of our affairs by the EU as another step toward the looming multikulti apocalypse. Their apparent (as they see it) power to alter the voters thinking is seriously waning and they haven’t fully woken up to this yet. I imagine that if Brexit fails to materialise so will multiculturalism – immediately with all the consequences. Bitter, bloody. Will the UK be first or parts of Europe?
Oh dear, a very off-message comment in the Sun, one hopes the poster will have his collar felt by the Bill.
“If he hadn’t of been cooking ‘iftar’ after ramadam, and been so careless because these death cults fast all day, they should stop Muslims from fasting, they become disorientated and cause disasters. I’ve lived amongst these people and shown so much respect but they’ll always treat infidels like pork meat, because their religion can’t separate religion from state, they’ll always be regressive and stuck living in the 1400’s”
I did say at the time it would be likely that the fire was started by some hadji getting a bit too keen with his camping stove. However, that explanation is so off-message for the liberal media it would go straight to room 101.
It is very reminiscent of a saudi airliner in the 70s whereby the aircraft was gutted by a fire allegedly started by a hadji brewing up some tea on a camping stove inside the aircraft. I say allegedly as the report denied the claim but seemed to dance around the fact that it was possible , in those days, to take a camping stove (or anything else it seemed) on to an airliner.
I can just imagine the scene in the tower block, plenty of barbecued sheep, ‘hum-du-lilla’s, ‘alluha ackbar’s then a ‘fucking hell’ as the 1-bedroom apartment with 50 ramadan guests fell prey to the simple theory of combustion.
I know it`s Fathers Day, but all I`ve got in head is Miss World.
Yes, we know that the fire was unfortunate in Labour/Green/EU and Brexit terms.
But now that the Rising is on hold, the Queen given a few hours to parade her sadness round the show trial event of yesterday morning?
We can now park that fire itself for a while as we cover up for Khan, Snow, Lily, Blair and Ken, Caroline and Guy.
Will take a few days, but here`s the Miss World Swimwear heat for you boys out there.
Basically, Theresa May seems a bit crap on her kitten heels, wobbly and nervy.
The fire was one thing, but her inability to don the Mother Theresa wimple from Graham Norton these last few days. has rather miffed the judges.
Particularly, when it was left at reception and she ought to have shown here at White City before the incidentals at Grenfell.
Yes, we know she won the phone vote-but this is a judgement call , and requires experts and cameras, Oxbridge and lineage.
So we`re afraid that she`s NOT going forward to the Ballgown stage.
Instead-allow us to introduce you to your new Miss World.
Angela Merkel.
Runner up will always be Hillary Clinton.
Yes, we know you lads might have preferred an Ivanka or Melania. let alone a Sarah Palin or a Coulter.
But no-they`d only end up as discarded hated old crones and boots like Thatch or Whitehouse.
So no- let May twist in the liberal winds. She wants Brexit, as do the majority of the country that elected her.
No!…it`s OUR Fire, and until The Twin Towers can come down without a waste of Club Class air miles?
The this fire is ours.
We are the Keeper of the Flame. NO Brexit, no Tories, no haram.
Does my bomb look big in this?
Tough! That`s all you`ll be getting offered come next Muslima Umma Contest in 2022.
PS. Hubbys been given Douglas Murrays book c/o my boy and Amazon…quelle surprise!
Not seen anything on the BBC website about the large earthquake in Lesvos in which a whole village was decimated. I suppose that it is not newsworthy because firstly no “refugees” involved and only one person dead:
OMG now on TV
: ITV Corbyn on Peston show
: BBC1 : Jo Cox Jamboree with EmmaBarnett
guess bbcSML decided Nicky Campbell is now JSW enough
Emma just AGAIN tweeted to show how impartial is ..NOT
8 viable terror attempts, and 3 successful, in just 70 days, but … Oh look fluffy clouds!
Ooooooh Brother! … looks like the “establishment” has decided its Jo Cox Day next .
Business as usual for the “swamp” … and hey ho a nice little earner for Brendan after his book deal.
shoe in as MD.
See the Jim Davidson link below. Davidson accuses Richard Bacon of making up their “listener comments”. And stupid Bacon reads one out that only Jo Brands nanny could have come up with, Fat, £100K a year and no chance of a Job Centre interview due to austerity cuts.
Davidson not as nasty as I`d nave likes-but the stupid BBC types like Dimbleby, Vine and Bacon give us a golden age of idiots.
If we can`t get THEM out-what chance when Tariq Ramadan calls by?
Our beloved Beeb are still stirring the shit about the tragic tower block fire. Sitting on Marr’s sofa today a couple of the usual left-wing hacks and a Tory blogger. It was consistently pointed out that £10,000,000 had been spent on renovating this block but one of the lefties kept blathering about Tory cuts and under spending. It’s become a political mantra and has about as much credibility as wobbly May’s “strong and stable.”
I’d like to ask just how much public spending would be enough? Is this disaster due to under spending or where the money was spent? Covering the building in flammable tiles quite clearly wasn’t a good idea. Were they fitted to comply with European insulation regulations? Were they bought on the cheap? Are they legal?
Probably the most important question is how the fire actually started. There are still far more questions than answers. But it really is dangerous when feelings are so raw for our national broadcaster to act as an agent provocateur.
We’ve seen already masked thugs storming the town hall. There have been ugly demonstrations outside Downing Street. There are more “anti Tory” demos set for today. Sorry about the unfortunate metaphor, but this is a political tinderbox.
We pay these parasites to present the news in an unbiased, non sensational and clear fashion.
We don’t pay them to act as munitions suppliers for the yobs of Momentum.
Enough is enough when we don’t have enough people who care to fight (loaded word – defend better) and die for the good elements of what they inherited.
Would YOU stand up and defend to the death to be called ‘they’?
Is that enough?
So this Wednesday is being advertised by al beeb – Robinson – as a “day of rage “. Coupled with the failure of a labour politician to confirm that the new government is a legitimate one.
Every day is a day of rage for me – that the al beeb exists and people pay for it, please don’t .
It is the absolute truth that the cladding caused the fire and the Tory central government did it. Any other version of the truth can be ignored. It’s 24/ bloody 7 poison from the msm on this now.
One story emerged in the press that the ‘cladding’ on Grenfell might have been due to a need to tick ‘green’ insulation targets. Don’t expect to see that on beebistan any time soon, way off-message.
If it was about cosmetics then there would have been no insulation layer, no water proof membrane and materially no air cavity. Whilst it is premature to say, it appears that the fire swept up the air cavity which acted like a chimney drawing up the very hot air current.
Go easy on the BBC there is only 500 of them in that newsroom – the phrase ‘ couldn’t find their ar£e with both hands ‘ springs to mind. Still happy Saint Jo Cox day everybody , what a woman eh she packed so much nothingness into such a short time-frame, they way she dealt with the so called Brendan of Assisi being kicked out of his job for alleged sexual harassment is almost worthy of martyrdom.
Portugal – my thoughts exactly.
Then there’s the move to make abortion up to birth and sex selective abortion legal. Is the unborn human not a life also? Self serving filth.
Can’t really comment as my BBC watching is at an all time low, but last time I looked there wasn’t much to laugh about on the BBC apart from the unintentional stuff like presenters bending over backwards and almost kissing their own a*ses in an effort to be righter on than thou. Still if they wanted a bit of diversity, not BBC everyone is the same diversity but true diversity, they could always give Jim Davidson a gig with a free hand as regards content.
Grant, remember it’s OK for liberal lefties to go to private schools. It is only verboten for Tories to go there. Especially when – ‘my Dad earned more than your Dad ‘cos he was on Telly more than your Dad, so there.’.
What with his son Henry getting onto State quangos to give advice on school dinners, getting close to Jamie Oliver in the Womans Hour studio to demand free food for all kids for always?
“Singing For Your Supper” takes on a literal meaning.
Henry of course was Rees Moggs fellow toff at Eton, as Kates dad showed himself for the privileged media bloater that he is.
I`m glad G-D let the Greeks create the word “hypocrite”.
Not easy to chisel that on all those Dimbleby graves to come.
But I hope it`s the first word that comes to mind when Last Word chooses its epitaphs for the Eton Gallagher Brothers.
At least Noel and Liam didn`t need daddys Belsen pass to get fifty years of liberal schlurping at the license fee payers endless trough.
Kate doing her gig with WILL Gompertz then?
And why not SIMON?
Yes, the BBC likes its media dynasties. Thank God this current crop are all gay, so no further family slug trails to fuss over for our kids.
End of the line.
Richard Bacon eh?
When HE`S your grand accuser, chances are that we`re at a lower order in Dantes circle of hell.
But-being a BBC “name”-he`s allowed to do so, and still keep a straight face as well as his job.
Drugs, Blue Peter, Islamophobic monicker?
Can we recall Bacon along with Vine to get them sacked-I dindt vote for either to interrogate one of the few comics who actually DID something to help our Armed Forces.
As China bans baby names like “mohammed” and “jihad” I am concerned how long Richard Bacon’s surname will survive a totalitarian regime.
If Mr.Bacon hangs around a Mosque is that a hate crime?
China bans religious names for Muslim babies in Xinjiang. Guardian Apr 2017
Search bbc site and you get to see bans in China on Ramadan, veils, beards, and dress. Same country that used one child policy to control birth rates – trouble is people then only wanted boys. What to do with all those precious, unique and possibly future feminist baby girls?
“The one-child policy has been blamed for more (more is an empty word, no chance to determine scale of problem) families killing their daughters, who are traditionally seen as less able to get well-paid jobs than sons.” BBC 29Oct2015.
Ooooooohhhhhhh, WHY didn’t Jim turn the tables on Bacon ? and accuse him of snorting when on Blue Peter ? missed a trick there Jim. God know how he would have dealt with Bernard Manning then. This young arsy generation want everyone to apologise for everything we did and said 40 years ago when they weren’t even born.
In the 60’s my best mate was born with a bad disability and walked with a limp – she even called herself ‘Spas’, – today’s lot would be apoplectic with rage at that. Davidson was spot on saying it was a different time, there was humour with no animosity and no-one was offended. Corbyn is of my generation, and I wonder if he ever laughed – has anyone asked him ?
Notice how Al Beeb don’t do comedy any more. Its time it was scrapped because Blue Peter runs it now and they still think they are broadcasting to kids.
Jim is a very funny comedian but you won’t see much of him on Al Beeb nowadays
Yes Taffy, I saw JD live at Caesars Palace in Luton, back in the day when real comedians made us cry with laughter. Those days before the thought police put a stop to all humour. They say we live in a ‘nanny state’, but I feel its worse than that, its something that hasn’t been created by the ‘state’. But an indoctrination that’s seeped into us in the way that a religious sect brainwashes its victims.
Anger is widely reported and encouraged in the media after the Grenfell Towers deaths.
Anger had to be replaced by love, a love concert, after children were blown up by a terrorist in Manchester.
People arrested for expressing anger towards Moslems after Manchester. Fears of a backlash prompted strict monitoring of Twitter and demonising and misrepresenting the march against terrorist hate.
Are there going to be efforts to prevent a backlash against landlords, property owners?
Libtard logic
There are several million property owners world wide, cannot blame property owners for Grenfell. That would be racist
Landlordophobic, Toriphobic…hell fatcatophobic?
Phillip Green and Fred the Shred our first martyrs.
Justice for Rachman and T-Dan Smith , Erno Goldfinger NOW!
We are Poulson#
Retrospective posthumous films a la Turing for these victims of Landlordophobia
We’re all supposed to be horrified that May didn’t break down in floods of tears over Grenfell, and subject herself to a mob lynching.
Personally I’ve had enough of touchy-feely politicians and slebs. And who can blame her for not exposing herself to being lynched by rent-a-mob, stoked to fury by the beeb and the Left (same thing)?
Don`t mention floods of tears Charlie. That`ll be global warmings fault and the legacy of Owen Paterson to blame for this. Lord Chris Smith of New Labour fame would, of course, had stopped it had May signed that letter to Trump.
Maybe all buildings near lefty grief fishermen like the BBC need to stay as high rise. All those liberal tears need drainage, and may well drown others less wealthy if we don`t pile `em high.
To continue the finding who links to who … Khan was sworn in under the Koran in May 2016, so Allah looks after London rather than the biblical God? Is that how the World works?
Very interesting facts Stew, I’m surprised the beebistan couldn’t have uncovered them with their thousands of overpaid ‘journos’ and huge resources. Wrong kind of facts I guess.
I wonder if they’ll do an in-depth investigation into the accounts of the various committees, tenant and management associations. It’s not unusual in third world countries for people to save on materials in building contracts and pocket the difference.
Will the beebistan investigate? Don’t be silly, they’ll do everything in their power to suppress any such investigation, starting by screaming racism and islamophobia for even daring to suggest it.
No, they’re VICTIMS you see, never to be blamed for anything, it’s always, always, big bad whitie’s fault.
Now here’s a strange thing: I was in a branch of WH Smith’s recently and asked for Douglas Murray’s The Strange Death of Europe, only to be told ‘we don’t stock it’.
Strange, as it was riding high on all the bestseller lists, including Smith’s own.
I don’t suppose it had anything to do with the town in question having a large mosque and a high proportion of peace-loving religionists. Another case of self-censorship and islamo-creep? Or indeed a case of the Strange Death of Europe by a thousand cowardly cuts?
To paraphrase Woody Allen: Just cos you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to silence you.
Perhaps some readers might like to exert some consumer pressure by checking out their Smiths and local libraries.
I paid, I think it was £12.50 through Amazon and delivered to my door. Half way through this excellent book at present. I’ll comment further when finished.
To see how USA are dealing with the wall of reality check out Mark Steyn – After America.
What hit me hard was the comment on ground zero which was turned into a bit of despair, rather than a tourch or light for the future. Meanwhile discussions for a mosque close by continued. Good references as well to story sources.
If you’re looking for it in WH Smiths you’ll probably find it hidden away on the top shelf.
Tucked in between Readers’ Wives and Men Only.
Not that I ever look in that direction myself, of course.
Before the establishment throws millions as “shut up” money at Grenfell, house the genuine tenants, immediate aid to them … and get the numbers correct, how many illegals were there?
“Damage limitation” is what we re having to endure, once again … they just don t get it
Developers, councils and indeed landlords will use the tragedy at Grenfell Tower as an excuse to speed up gentrification in the name of safety.
Had to witness the walking dead, Hammond, back from his cryo box, squirming around, once again lying through his teeth they really are doomed .. not don t get it, incapable of even realising .
As always happens … the Tory chickens “coming home to roost” over their failure, and utter mismanagement they need “spreadsheet” on ball to doctor the figures.
Do wonder how many of those louts kicking in the glass at the Council offices were trying to get any documentary proof of their poll tax non-payments removed in the “unfortunate burning of their migrant status details”.
It`s what the Left would do.
I have been saying that all along. If we stay in we shall be in a worse position than before. They will have us by the short and curlies. Also means we can’t lecture anyone on democracy !
Thanks magicoat.
Read Yanis article as well as the included link to Austin Mitchell. New found respect for both, especially Austin.
No further need to fuss now, we know what they`ll be doing.
So who needs the Euroclingons like the BBC to interpret?
Cold hard, Brexit with a ready excuse to lop the likes of Schauble and Merkel off at the knees. This is war.
Enough of this “we want the EU to succeed”. As stupid as saying that we wanted the Soviet Union to prosper in 1983 or give the Nazis their dignity in 1938.
No-we need to be the first sappers to blow it up as subtly and slyly as possible. The enslaved, terror dreading good people of Europe will thank us.
So far, so good.
I look at “The European” piled high, no-one reading or buying. But its headlines and writers , its “Berliner” size of paper is Der Sturmer, under Julius Streicher.
As nasty and wicked as any Al Quds rag in Amman.
But with OUR clean nailed mufti orchestrating the hate. Campbell, Clegg, Greer, Paulin.
The Nazis had their aesthetes and media houris too.
But none leaked the name of a Weapons Inspector for the IAEA, nobbled any investigation and then claimed to be a bit mental by way of a future career. Goebbels would not have been as crass as this, I`m sure.
This is war.
If we don`t deal with the EU as it stands, then Islam will deal with the cowards who preferred a croissant to The Cross
It appears that the UK is fast becoming a DINO, a democracy in name only.
There is only one type of leave,a and that is what is now being termed a hard Brexit. A soft Brexit is not leaving the EU.
The EU is not a tangible object such as a ball that one can hold in the hand. It is an intangible object, a concept consisting of its Institutions, Conventions, Treaties, Laws, Rules and Regulations, and to leave such an intangible object one must by a matter of definition quit/leave all of its Institutions, Conventions, Treaties, Laws, Rules and Regulations. Unless this is done, we will not have left the EU. Put simply, one cannot leave a train by keeping a foot in the carriage.
The referendum vote was clear. If there was the slightest doubt as to what we were voting for (and there is not), this was resolved by Project Fear which was based upon a hard Brexit. The people were not put off by Project Fear, and still wanted to leave.
it appears that what we may now get is a deal very similar to that negotiated by Cameron after his embarrassing year long negotiations, which deal was rejected by the people.
If the natural and ordinary result of the referendum is not put through, then the UK will have ceased to be a democracy governed by the people for the people.
Very dangerous times lie ahead if the will of the people is ignored and ridden rough shot over by an unaccountable out of tough global elitists clique who only care about their own self interests.
Strange that the new MP for Kensington is Emma coad- who was on the board of the management for the Grenfell Tower .
Yet she seems free of any responsibility for failing to have a safe building . If she felt so strongly about the management group failing on safety she should have resigned and gone public right? Wonder how much she got paid?
I don’t want to mention that she got a majority of 20. She is the legitimate MP for that constituency
“Hawaiian Hokule’a canoe makes it round the world”
From the above,
“Its aim has been to spread a message about ocean conservation, sustainability and protecting indigenous culture.”
“Protecting indigenous culture” a noble cause indeed, I’d like to see the BBC promote a little of that for the UK.
Interesting reading Toobi, I could always use a little progressive twaddle and self identify as a registered first nation tribe member and start claiming my annuity payment from the Canadian government.
Have politicians learnt nothing. Just say Santa in his white beard holding a red book will sort it all out or stop throwing money at problems (other peoples money). Get councils to inspect flats for the love of the job and humanity to check sprinklers and cladding. Then work out who signed off on poor decisionservice and reprimand or fire.
Hawian judge blocked Trump’s temporary travel ban. No civilisation will mean no conservation or any concerns at all.
Please note : Mother Earth cares not for us, we need her more than she let’s on.
By way of a reminder why the General Election was called and nothing has changed. Its not Theresa May's fault. EU negotiations paramount pic.twitter.com/D3tFFwCImj
What he should have said was IN HIS OPINION the result was catastrophic.
But then of course he is a ‘human rights’ lawyer and, as he keeps reminding us, former Director of the CPS – so only lip service is paid to democracy and justice.
“I have never spoken out publicly against you and I do not intend to now”.
“I have spoken out against you privately but, although I have much to say, I will not do so publicly. But, privately, I will.”
Article 1 of the 1st Protocol of the Convention states, “Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions. No one shall be deprived of his possessions “except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principals of international law””. (I’ve never been able to work out how to italicise or underline here so forgive me using the second set of quote. marks serving that purpose).
Anyway, fact is that the ECHR have construed this part very narrowly and I suggest Starmer should get a grip and take proper legal advice before spouting that highly questionable bullsh**.
Listening to the cricket, India v Pakistan, on Radio 4. Great match so far. Fakhar (check spelling ) has gone ballistic. Then BBC announce that TV highlights will be on BBC2 at 11.15 pm. Does this count as bias against cricket ?
R4 Now is debunking election stat claims
eg played a clip of Jeremy Vine “seems the youth vote turnout was 72%”
..em that claim traces back to Lefty blogger one hour after the poll ended , reporting his feeling of the 18-24 vote
..and it’s strange cos last election their turnout was 51%
So should not have featured on BBC news
Now “Was Corbyn 2,000 votes from government”
The alliance could have got close to 314 seats with 2800 votes
but by same rule a few extra people voting Conservative ..would made a big diff cos they lost 4 seats by 20 votes (I think he said) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08wr7ss
That famous BBC “Reality Check” to prevent all that fake news from upsetting us and getting us all frisky over what Anjem plans for us all?
How`s it going then?
Trumps “Fake News” crusade needs to catch fire over here, so the Left simply don`t get away with endless slurries of lies. The BBC have been leaving these parcels of shit,and then fine us for not picking up after them.
Sack Vine. That`d be a start-how do we do this?
Recall of DJs in statute yet?
German “justice”? – https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10543/germany-crime-gangs
The slow whittling away of established justice systems to be replace eventually by?………..
But note the reaction of the police to the decision. Would they support the Gvt. or public if latter revolted? I’ll bet they would refuse to confront the public!
Coming to a town or City near you soon (assuming it’s not there already a la, Rotherham)
Ta G, this article is a must-read.
It`s as if the dormant Nazi state structures of old have somehow resisted the last sixty years, and -like Harrison Ford-the new Nazis from Turkey etc in the 70s have recreated it all. No wonder the craven German media and political class seek sanctuary in Brussels and Luxembourg nowadays.
All those expenses, green postures and some pretence that they still are “political leaders”. Meanwhile, for their former fellow-citizens in Duisberg etc?
Maybe we should tell the Germans who presume to boss the rest of the EU, that they really ought to get home and save Kreuzburg and stop fucking up Brexit. Schauble and Merkel need to create their socialism back in that one country that Honecker urged.
Simply never knew how bad Germany has gone…this article is frightening.
Cologne New Years Eve 2016 was my biggest reason to vote to get out.
No wonder Obama and the BBC seek the Lime Green jackboots of Angela.
As for us-we want our country back, we can`t tolerate THIS.
On the World This Weekend, R4, I have just heard the head of Muslim Aid, a man more used to organising mercy trips to Syria, finding the chaos in Kensington worse than the chaos he found in the Syrian warzone. If you bring the thirdworld to London, then you must also expect thirdworld chaos there too. Lardy Mardy asking about questions of guilt. Is this the news or somekind of revivalist meeting where sinners are supposed to fall to their knees, repent and ask Lardy Mardy, in nomine BBC, for absolution?
Confiteor BBC omnipotenti
Et vobis, auditoribus,
Quia peccavi nimis
Cogitatione, verbo
Opere et omissione
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!
David Vance @DVATW 5h5 hours ago
More than 50 people lost their lives in the Summerland fire in the Isle of Man in 1973. There was no “Day of Rage”.
I watched Summerland burn, the bodies melted to the framework, silhouetted, horrifying, our disaster was the birth of ALL the UK’s modern fire restrictions/laws.
Bombings, stabbings, truck-ings, towering infernos… but don’t despair, there is hope on the horizon:
“Diane Abbott back in shadow cabinet after diabetes struggle”
Apparently she suffered “a great deal” (even the lying beebistan have to add speech marks, meaning they don’t believe a word of it and know no-one else will either).
I remember when the S H A D O W cabinate used to fight aliens that looked just like us, but with green skin.
Now they represent them, greens the lot.
UFO 70s magic, i re-watched most of the series on ewe-tube a lil while back, camel toe city, sheesh now i remember why a 14yr old lad never missed an episode.
OK everybody … I’m getting to the end of my tether here …. I agree that the only way to stop this Marxist propaganda set up which we all pay for is to stop it’s funding. Now taking into account that the majority of non political bloggers who sit in front of the tele every night are clueless and think the BBC is wonderful .. any political pressure from Gov’t will be howled down (if any Gov’t even has the balls anyway!) as being “undemocratic”. IMO the only way to go is for individual licence payers to decide not to pay it! What we need is information which gives people the facts as to how to go about it and what they must expect when they do cancel their licence fee.
It’s OK that the more “don’t give a shit” types who do this …. does not work with your average “hater of the bBBC” who do not want to become criminalised and have “officials” knocking on their door and telling them they **are** criminals and their neighbours talking behind their hands about how they are not paying their way. I am a pensioner and live in a very middle class leftie BBC champagne socialist community. I do not want to have somebody who seems official, hammering on my door and accusing me of criminality.
I do not want people replying to this post by saying … “just get on with it .. you are a coward if you don’t do it” I want to know (and am sure many people on this blog also want to know) just need to know what is the bullet point agenda as to how we do it??
I do not want people shouting at me on the doorstep! Am I on my own on this? I am not a big strong bloke who can force my point of view forward in the face of officialdom .. although I am bolshy for a woman and known as such in my leftie Salford keys champagne socialist commuter community. If I cancel my direct debit to BBC what happens next? What do I do to stop these doorsteppers and ** if I have a TV but don’t watch BBC or BBC iplayer** can I be prosecuted? I do not have the funds to fight court cases. If you have a TV and don’t watch BBC and don’t pay the licence fee can you be criminalised?
Do the BBC have the right to stop me watching a TV if I do not watch BBC?
Reasonable question I feel … (I haven’t found this answered on this blog although many condemn those who continue to pay their licence fee) If there was some reasonable strategy for people to protest by withholding their licence fee I am sure many more people other than me would be happy to accept that strategy.
Oldcrone, Know how you feel. There are a few sites explaining how you can legally avoid the license fee. They generally all give the same advice so here is a link that can hopefully help you on your way to marxist free broadcasting. http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/utilities/tv-licence
Oldcrone – this will largely repeat stuff contained in Flak’s link but will hopefully add some extra tips.
Given that you are a self-confessed bolshy woman you should be able to navigate your way through what can seem like a minefield!
If you have any device like a TV, Computer, Tablet, Mobile Phone and you watch ANY LIVE BROADCAST, be it ITV, Sky, Channel 4 or BBC etc then you are legally required to have a TV licence. Additionally if you watch any BBC iPlayer programs which are not live, you still need a licence.
So – no live TV at all, and no iPlayer, if you want to stop paying.
I have a TV connected to a Playstation through which I get Netflix, You Tube, Catch Up Channel 4 etc (NOT iPLAYER) but the key thing is that none of it is live so it is within the law.
If you decide to stop paying (eg by cancelling direct debit) you can inform the BBC that you no longer need a licence. (‘For their records’ apparently). In my experience this didn’t make a blind bit of difference.
The next tricky part after you stop paying the licence fee is that you’ll get regular threatening letters from the BBC’s enforcers (Capita). I just put their letters in the bin. The letters’ wording will gradually reach a crescendo of dire consequences until they say they will pay you a visit.
At this point I think a lot of people give in. No one wants a criminal record after all. The key thing here is to just not respond if they actually do come calling. I’m lucky as I don’t live on the ground floor, and I ignore the doorbell if I’m not expecting anyone. If you do not speak to them, interact with them in any way, never give them your name, and MOST IMPORTANTLY don’t ever let or invite them in ( a bit like the rule for vampires!) you should be fine.
The reason to be paranoid about speaking to them or letting them in is that (by all accounts) they are unscrupulous and will bully people (especially vulnerable people who don’t know the law, or their rights) into signing things they shouldn’t. They are not ‘officials’ in any sense but a bunch of mercenaries, and have no business being on your property asking impertinent questions of law-abiding citizens.
After you have successfully avoided the visit the threatening letters will still come, and then the whole ridiculous cycle starts again. I don’t claim to be an expert in this, and if anyone else on this forum can add any more please do.
OC – Another link that gives you good information about your rights in dealing with TVL, in addition to the one Taffman and Flak provided is this one TV Licensing Watch
If you feel you are being harassed by TVL and their agents you can also write to them demanding they desist. If they don’t it is you that can take them to court, but they usually do – at least for a year or so. You can keep repeating the demand that they cease bothering you.
Be aware that they have no more rights than a door to door salesman unless they have absolute proof you watch live TV – by seeing it on through your living room window – not via any supposed TV detector. If they had absolute proof they can then get a warrant and together with a police officer can demand to enter. Other than that they have no right of entry or entitlement to any reply from you.
Worth going on the sites linked to – the more empowered you are the easier it is and they all have great first hand information.
Good Luck!
The whole Grenfell tragedy has been hijacked by an evil alliance of Leftism and Sentimentalism, with the beebistan in the forefront, to which everyone, including all the media and all the parties, must be seen to bend the knee. To deviate from the PC line by one inch means instant political or professional suicide, and quite probably a howling rent-a-mob on your doorstep. So no awkward questions about who else might have been responsible, other than the officially approved scapegoats; the evil Tory council, the evil contractors and the evil capitalists. And that evil exploding fridge, which story goes completely unquestioned by supposedly sceptical journalists.
And above all May for not crying and hugging enough, as opposed to saint Corby, who’s a good hugger (as the mysteriously afflicted and strangely recovered Flabbott will attest).
Modern politics: sentimentalism and class war, in this case being a perfect match.
And I would add that they probably don’t give a monkey’s about the victims, but are probably delighted that they have cannon fodder for their perverted ideology.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
I wonder how long it will be before the BBC go back to attacking social media providers, if at all. Perhaps the events of the last two weeks have convinced the BBC that social media is their new best friend?
Diane Back!
So pleased that ms Abbot has recovered from type two,3,4,5 or is it 6 diabetes and is now fighting fit and able, as next Home Secretary , to serve and protect our great nation. I can see her chairing CoBRA meetings and unleashing the State on our enemies in times of crisis.
Oprah can play were in the blockbuster motion picture.get the pop corn ready again…
FFS! You ruined my day.
I’m truly sorry for your loss and our thoughts and dar dar dar at this difficult dar dar time.
Lessons will be learnt ( and then ignored or forgotten due to Brexit Tories , Tory cuts , not listening,listening – as appropriate).
ALWAYS CHAMPIONING THE TRUTH …… is the banner on the international version of the albeeb news . (I m out of Blighty at the mo ).
You always know when an organisation isn’t telling the truth when it starts putting up placards right?
Think Orwell recognised that a long time ago
Can someone remind me when Airey Neave Day is. I don’t seem to remember hearing much about it
29th February?
Close. 30th February.
Or Ian Gow day.
Mountbatten day.
Shergar day for animals.
All to remind Corbyn’s left wing friends where their morals lie.
PC Palmer day
As I see it ‘Cocks Day’, is a day for lefties. Well named I think.
Or Lee Rigby Day?
Heard constantly on Beeb and Sky that over 100,000 (creeps up with every bulletin) events are taking place in honour of Jo Cox this weekend. As its such a huge story where are the cameras at these venues? there only appears to be coverage of one in her hometown and that looks sparsely attended. My area clearly didn’t get the memo, so wondered if there are millions of photos on twatter or arsebook publicising these ‘events’.
Londoncentric Propaganda.
that @BBCNewsUK 100,000 is a “too wow to be true number”
One event per every 400 adults is almost impossible.
BTW I ran a Twitter search on
: Jo Cox 100
Twitter only showed me about 50 tweets mentioning 100K or 100,000
#MilkingDeath for political purposes
Seems to be a speciality of the Left just at the moment. Tut, silly me its their modus operandi.
Fair do’s Brissles. Local TV here showed four people buying an ice cream with not a lot going on the background. A colour pic of St. Jo lay on the grass, surrounded by nightlights. That’s four ice creams = four events? Well, it’s a start.
My first thought was wow ! that’s way more ‘get togethers’ than the street parties that’s been held in honour of the Queen during her reign !!!!
I think the problem is that Mr Cox equates his perfectly understandable, personal, grief with some sort of national angst, encouraged by the usual beneficial media. Any party political point scoring is, I’m sure, coincidental of his part.
That’s why the recent TV programme spent so long detailing Thomas Mair’s ‘Nazi’ fascinations and no time at all – other than a passing reference to the therapeutic benefits of gardening – to his medication, depression and associated mental problems. Maybe poor Mair might not be the only example of brainwashing on show.
Arsebook! Thanks that made me chuckle. I need more things that do that.
Grenfell Towers:
“”Residents had warned that the building – which has around 120 flats reportedly served by a single main entrance – was a fire hazard last year when rubbish piled up in a communal walkway.””
“”The Grenfell Action Group raised their concerns in a blog post last January, saying: “The potential for a fire to break out in the communal area on the walkway does not bear thinking about as residents would be trapped in the building with no way out.””
So. Who left the rubbish piled up in this third world hovel? The PM?
Well, perhaps if this so-called ‘action group’ had taken it upon themselves to take action and clear the walkway, maybe they would not in the news now? It’s so much easier just to play the victim and complain.
Language failure again. The ‘Action’ groups name should be renamed to ‘Government Letter Writing Club’, unless their is evidence to the contrary.
Words are important, more than ever.
If they were truly an ‘Action Group’ they would have got together and removed the rubbish. Problem is it would have taken only a day for it to be back. I live in a high rise and generally people don’t give a toss. The estate offices couldn’t care less either. They rely on the overworked cleaners to keep cleaning up the mess that residents make. Although I’m questioning the accusation of mounting rubbish because the cleaners would have done something unless perhaps it was heavy items like white goods or furniture but even then they would have reported it to the estate office.
My belief is the fire was caused by resident negligence. I hope I’m proved wrong.
On the continent, Switzerland in particular, those living in tower blocks have a closed off area within the entrance, where huge waste containers are placed where residents can dispose of their rubbish. These aren’t privately owned blocks because most in Europe live in rented accommodation, but the mindset and culture is a million miles away from what we see here. Poverty is given as an excuse for living where there are smells of urine and mountains of rubbish, – um, bollocks (scuse me), – abject poverty has been seen in this country back in the early 20th century, where families slept 4 to a bed and kids went to school with no shoes, BUT the front step was always clean as a new pin.
Absolutely Brissles, spot on! My great-grandparents were as poor as dirt, had 11 kids and lived in a small 3 bed terrace. Their home was spotless. Everyone worked though, even the kids from when they were old enough to run errands and they always handed over their money for the household budget – it was that or the workhouse.
Dover dont get so hett up . You are being waycist as leaving your shite outside you house is just cultural relativism. Everyone does it these days in Londonstan.
This nation has imported the third world into its heart. We have accepted the ‘Trojan Horse’.
Multiculturalism does not work ……..
Have a look at the comments running seven years ago ………………
Taffman, just read some of the comments in that link, this one voices my view exactly.
Humans have historically organised themselves into tribes for protection and mutual benefit.
Members of the tribe recognise each other by their behaviour.
If a newcomer arrives and adopts the habits of the tribe he is accepted in time.
If however he pointedly maintains a separate tribal identity he will be treated with suspicion, and when problems occur he is likely to be blamed for them by the majority.
As well as this the rate of assimilation that is required by population movement is important.As long as this is not too great all will be well as a few members of a different tribe will not be seen as a threat, however a large influx which changes the indginous population’s perception of their country/town will be seen as threatening and provoke resistance.
I believe this is built into our character as a protection mechanism and no amount of exhortation by well meaning liberals will change it.
Significant integration is essential for community harmony
taff, funny thing but clicked on your link, went to bookmark it and found that I already had that one filed away. Must be from back when there was a thinking, sharing, debating communities based around Nick’s and Steffie’s Blogs and other Blogs before the BBC Hive Mind decided to snuff them out.
Another interesting thing: the front page is up but I find it almost impossible to load other pages in order to read the comments. Is it the BBC making it difficult? If so, why?
psssst…. Scott’s chum let me into that little secret – don’t tell him. 😉
For those who missed it here it is again …………
Look! Multi culturalism was invented by a Black Jamaican Marxist so you are obviously a counter revolutionary ‘waycist’ that needs to be sent to a re-education camp !
Left wing denial means that they are simply incapable of admitting when any of their insane policy ideas fail or go wrong. Instead the blame is always placed on outside elements so this is why you hear about the shadowy ‘far right’. Alas it is this condition which has led to more man caused deaths than any other cause on the planet.
Would that be the late Stuart Hall? Not to be confused with the BBC paedo of the same name!
Yes another one who fell off the gravy train thankfully
Of course they wouldn’t say don’t do this don’t do that as its their right to do what they want even if its a danger.Racist don’t you know.
As I have explained many times the supposedly inanimate rubbish piles itself up. Rather similar to the supposedly inanimate cars which have been killing people recently.
In fact the whole scenario resembles a bad doctor who plot line ( has there been a good one in the last decade?).
Al Shubtil…. if some traitorous; short sighted; Progressive scum hadn’t decided to allow the immigration of every creed and race from the 1950’s onwards, which will result in Britons becoming a minority within our own homeland, unless our people wake up.
Sadly the boat has left the port – as ‘our people’ who agree with what you say are of the aged variety; and those who will become the minority are the generation of lefty students who are so up their a…..es with political correctness, that they will realise too late when in their 40’s with families, the position they’re in. And quite frankly they deserve everything they get.
Hey B
i have had a few now so won’t overlay it all
But I have just met up with a new crew through work 35ish and they are moving right
Excellent, now, if we can start educating the 30 year olds we might be in with a chance !
I was discussing with my friend recently about the schools’ indoctrination of kids, she told me that her teenagers and their friends are seeing through it and figuring it all out for themselves. All is not lost.
Brissles, I always enjoy your posts. Take heart; there is still strength here, which is why the Elite fear organizations such as the EDL and parties like UKIP: “they” know history turns on a sixpence; things can change very quickly and “events” can overtake governments unexpectedly – remember the fuel crisis? No bread or milk was getting to the supermarkets by the end of it. Who saw that coming?
Also, a lot of our young folk will change their stances politically as they get more seasoned and our society deteriorates further; many contributors here have stated such about themselves, having initially been of the Left but then seeing the light.
The future for our country is dark (in more ways than one) but it can recover from it, given the right circumstances for strong and fearless leadership. Cometh the hour, cometh the man (or woman).
I have a free pass for Theresa May thanks to Abbott, May says she cannot continue due to diabetes flaring up , oh thank you Diane! Then she says Mr.Moggy will take over as caretaker … done.
Only nasty people would say this is wrong. Glorious!
The man cometh!
LefbMob Projection
Manchester : “March Against Hate” … is somehow evil
London : “Day of Rage” ..is somehow something to be praised
FFS what a pitch fork, witch-burning mob
The rage of a thirdworld rabble burning down their own neighbourhoods and murdering policemen will always be considered as a cry for justice by the BBC. What other explanation can there be? If enrichers are enraged their anger must be righteous. On the other hand, 17 million peaceful voters for Brexit following the democratic process are supposed to represent the excesses of rightwing populism, a racist lynch mob led astray by Hitlerite demagogues like Farage. Just look at the spike in “hate crime”.
We have to push back on this ridiculous assertion “Yeh BBC is biased against the left”

One of them says it in one of those Corbyn-eco-bubble forums and then the young uns just lap it up.
#1 Switch on Bingo teaches us that when you switch on : A BBC-Pet_Issue will be being discussed like Corbyn/Left/Remain
……. and very very rarely a Conservative issue
#2 There is no Lefty call to Abolish the BBC
#3 The existence of a massive petition to abolish the licence fee with 220,000 signatures on
“Vicky Pollard” Lefty then says “Ah, but yes, but , yes how do you know the signers think the BBC is Leftwing ?”
… Em cos there is a reason comment next to every signature.
Just look at today’s sigs
Images I made Today’s sigs … Yesterday’s sigs
“Yeh BBC is biased against the left”
Where is the evidence on this site ? – that says it all.
Where is our Maxi’s evidence of bias ?
Left vs Right. Up vs Down. No, this is about rigorous debate and clear language. Where facts and opinion are brought forward to be tested. The Owen Jones comment should have been ripped to shreds by everyone … left or right or center.
I`d say that all this overidentifying with “victims” at times like tragedies is only to violently deny that you just might be a perp yourself.
The media types who get their lattes sent in, get their nannies cheaply and who give an impression that they`re always cool with migrants are every bit as culpable as the worse zero hours landlord getting the gas supply set up by cowboys.
But they`d rather lynch a Tory than go beyond their herd on Facebook.
Hence this rage I guess. Self-loathing amoral hypocrites who now have outed themselves. And the boomerang will be back.
No wonder Sadiq Khan looks more hooded than normal.
I`d also say that an unknown accident allows the left to fantasise and rage, cause endless pain and slander as they project their incoherent rage at “The Man”. So they make it up, whip themselves like Shia pilgrims to seem holy. As opposed to the Arena bomb or Borough market which only allow one answer for why they happened. And that one reason allows for no posturing, no Lefty capitalisation.
It`s of no use to set lefty narratives, these dead are not worth the protests.
They`d only set off their partners, and let Tories think that they might be right.
“Communism never sleeps.It never changes its objectives, and neither should we.Our first duty of freedom is to defend ourselves, our own”.
Mrs Thatcher, June 1979, European Parliament maiden speech.
No wonder they all hate her. But we don`t, we know.
There’s Stephen King story, ‘Needful Things’ – Small town, a caring, SJW type. He goes from person to person apparently keeping them informed of goings on, ‘for their own good’. Very bad things happen as a result because his motives are questionable but he means no harm and he maybe manipulates people, for their own good. Maybe he’s evil, maybe he’s the Devil incarnate = that’s your bbc.
Brexit !– Time for a new leader, it has been a year now and the government is dragging its feet.
Out means out! Not a ‘pretend’ Brexit.
The politicians are not listening to the great silent majority who voted out. This great nation needs a new leader.
We need Jacob Rees-Mog and Nigel Farage to lead us out of this Marxist mess .
Get ready for more Neo-liberal, Londoncentric media propaganda.
Al Beeb are worried – very worried,
Now, where is Maxi my foul mouthed friend?
@Taff I have a hypothesis ..maybe May and her media team are being black mailed
They should come out and say “Ye everyone looks at internet porn, and everyone’s sex life is their own private concern”
That black mailing (or double agents) might explain why their media team is so rubbish.
She doesn’t have to be down there bothering the victims, but what team need to do is OWN the media agenda instead of leaving a void for LibMOb scallywags to fill with their own agenda.
Strong and Stable government means saying “A tragedy has happened we govern by delegation and discipline, so it is the local authorities job is to do the work on the ground and we will be there with the stick if it transpie later they didn’t do the job.
Kneejerk speculation is a bad thing, a judicial inquiry will do things a proper way.
But the public will be concerned about fudges, so we will set time limits and make it clear that people can challenge the finding properly when they do come out ..we will not allow fudges.”
Isn’t Grenwell a microcosm of Britains LibMob cancer ?
That mob forced softness on immigration control, with the result that a tower in a prime centre of London was not occupied by proportionately British people , but the exact inverse seeming 85% foreign, may of which shouldn’t be in the UK anyway
Great Britain is full up. All parties know there is a housing shortage and they do not control immigration.
Politics of the mad house.
It’ll be along wait but it will be interesting to know where the fire or fires originated.
If a true figure you’d think £10 million would buy quality refurb’s? Again going with the lowest quote because that is policy cannot buy quality. Maybe they did go with cheaper cladding but that would be down to Council priorities which often seem highly questionable.
Yes, they’re going after the contractors in the media, but the bottom line is that the council signed it off.
Newssniffer shows me the BBC have done 23 iteration sof that victims list and very few seem of deep British origin
Recently I’ve been revisiting a few of the individual bloggers that have fallen off my radar. This one has a couple of good articles about recent events. Excerpt here..
“Is Theresa May in charge now? Hardly. It appears that nobody is, and every time somebody opens their mouths they are already compromised by being complicit in the sort of blithering incompetence and half-arsed dithering that brought this entire situation about in the first place: the unfettered immigration, the pandering to minorities, the emphasis on feelings, the win-at-all-costs politicking, the ludicrous housing and welfare policies, the stuffing of councils and companies with inadequate people who are incapable of doing the job and – most importantly – the voters who put them there, kept them there, and shit their pants at the first sign that anyone, anywhere, wants to do things differently.”
The inferno is a good example of a downside of “parallel societies”. National and local government pander to “community leaders” and “community activists” creating what is essentially a layer of government unknown in less diverse areas of the country. My “community” does not have any “community leaders”, I do not even have a “community” but we do have elected local representatives. The “community” may get transfer payments from the state, but is essentially decoupled from the “democratic process” followed by the rest of the country. When a catastrophe happens, the community and local government have no real channels of communication and nothing gets done quickly enough.
Sorry if mentioned before .
The BBC is fond of the “only £5000 more for the fire retardant materials ” in the tragic event last Wednesday .
Have they asked ;
Should the residents pay for that either as a one off or increased rents ? Or volunteering to pay for themselves and others in the ” community ” ?
Bluntly I’m saying
1; either we’ve allowed a lot of low paid or benefit seekers into that area
2;The highly paid architects , doctors and engineers were to mean or too stupid to address the fire hazard problem .
Good points but I think you’ll find that we pay the rents.
Encouraging signs in the comments that people are running out of patience with the BBC’s propaganda.
Message to Al Beeb…………
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. “
The Great Get Together to do what? Subverting the democratic process and undermining the country seems the main thrust as portrayed in the country.- a load of Cox suckers I’m afraid.
Did they all get together and clear rubbish from council towers whilst learning together about the history and people who sacrificed so much, so that the living today (us) could enjoy better lives. And to not throw it away for future children.
Or was it vacuous and empty conversation, a vegan burger (pork free), non alcoholic drink and no idea of what Jo Cox had voted for in Parliament.
I did not go, so have no idea.
Can’t see a comment section. Any chance Al Beeb removed it as it presumably wasn’t in their favour?
The newly elected Labour MP was a member of the Grenfell House management committee that turned down the opportunity to install sprinklers – albeit, from the budget that has been quoted, only in the stairwell.
She has a majority of 20 votes.
So, pace the terrible tragedy of the fire, some other questions:
Had all the flats in Grenfell Tower, and other similar residential blocks, received a voter registration document from the council?
Were all the official residents of Grenfell Tower or other such places, entitled to vote in UK General Elections?
How many illegal sub-lets were in place in Grenfell Tower, or are occurring now in other similar places??
How many of the actual residents of Grenfell Tower and other such residences knew that whilst they had the right to vote in local elections, they could not vote in a General Election?
What steps had Kensington and Chelsea Council taken to verify the right to vote, in a General Election, of residents in Grenfell Tower or other similar places?
Why has the new Labour MP for Kensington not been attacked (verbally, of course) for her role on the management committee of Grenfell Tower?
If it were not for the votes of asylum seekers, illegal immigrants and illegal sub-letters, would Emma Dent Coad even be an MP?
Finally, a little research shows that Emma Dent Coad
Is a member of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority [Job done well there, eh, Emma?]
Was a member of the Kensington and Chelsea Tenants management Organisation, set up under Labour government legislation, from 2008 to 20012 [which covers all of the initial reports into tower block safety]
Was between 2013 and 2014, a member of the K&C Council’s Housing and Property Scrutiny Committee
So she went from being responsible for the tower block to being responsible for overseeing those who were responsible for the tower block.
Well, at least there were 20 votes in it.
Thanks for that. Very enlightening.
Kind of you, gax.
I was going to say ‘my pleasure’, but it seemed inappropriate given that this time-serving leftist failed, in two different positions of authority, to do anything to prevent the deaths of so many people.
Excellent post John.
While these points are being made on sites like this one and Guido, I have not seen a word about them on MSM.
Rather than Theresa May, I would say that Emma Dent Coad has questions to answer . This is also true of the Emir, because the GLA has strategic authority and responsibility for disaster and emergency planning and coordination.
Thank you, EE.
Yes EE,
The weakness of HMG has allowed the Mayor and this coad toad creature to take a step to the left and say ” not me guv” . I’m worried that Corbin will requisition my home because it’s been empty when I’ve been out.
I m not rich but I believe in property ownership and for the sheep who voted Corbyn to accept the idea of taking over property because he has a housing problem is frightening .
I think I went down the same research road you travelled. This Coad character does not seem to be held to account by al Beeb or anyone else yet. I say this although I have reservations about attribution of blame to anyone yet. But since msm has gone full grief orgy and pouring blame over everyone except labour then there is pressure to counter it because serious public disorder is not far away if msm is not shut up.
Donald Trump Jr jumps on BBC for tweeting FakeNews re Israel
Lower Tweet is a copy of original tweet BBCNews just deleted
Every so often the muslims within albeeb slip up with stupid propaganda like this to show the world the truth about their bias. I am neither Jew now Muslim but the imbedded anti Israel bias of al beeb is an embassment to Blighty. If uk can’t do something about al beeb maybe Israel can?
Liook BBC3 : Twitter is a clumsy tool ..so don’t try to say complex things in a tweet
One more from the #Biasedbbc hashtag ..you should check it yourself
Does the BBC truly not understand the difference between local opinion and a bussed-in Socialist Workers/Momentum mob?
The BBC fully understands the difference. The former cannot be organised, although can be exploited. With the latter, however, it’s simply a matter of a BBC editor phoning an old chum from university days and asking for a mob for the film crew at the appropriate time and place.
Socialist Worker {Now there is a missmatch if ever there was on they may be socialist but they are not workers} and momentum are bad enough but its the brownshirts from the likes of antifa and hope not hate and similar groups who seem to appear at such events that are the real problem and the even bigger problem is the large ammounts of coverage given to the antifa/hope not hate brownshirts by the wretched BBC and the rest of the print and broadcast MSM that really annoy and anger me. Just one of many reasons I no longer pay the BBC viewing tax and never will ago pay the BBC viewing tax.
Back on the subject of leadership and showing up. Have been listening to the 7am News and the start of the Sunday Programme with William Crawley on BBC R4.
Much criticism of the staff at the Borough of Ken & Chels. Apparently they have been told to now stay home while other civil servants have a go. William Crawley demonstrating great BBC skill at asking leading questions. He’ll be on TODAY soon, at that rate.
No-one at the BBC appears to realise that Bro Ken & Chels are not the overriding authority with, well … authority there. It is the GLA. The Greater London Assembly has overriding authority over the area under the Mayoralty. Yes, I know Mayor Sadiq Khan was an early visitor to Grenfell Tower. Visitor, but where is his Authority’s practical assistance, the co-ordination and resources of his Authority of which he is in charge?
Khan and the GLA appear to be another no show at Grenfell Tower.
Since every organisation has a pecking order I suppose a permanent seat on toady must the albeeb pinnacle . William Crawley sounds a bit male and non Muslim so he doesn’t stand much chance . If he’s a bit of a journo he can def forget it. Try country file .
You know a Tory leaders days are numbered when the Daily Mail turns to supporting the Socialist Workers Party in preference !
To be honest May is indeed a hopeless mess, but then so is the entire Tory party without an ounce of spine between any of them, no passion, no conviction save for the common greed which unites them.
This week Peter Hitchens says the Tory party is rotten to the core, and cannot be rebuilt or reformed, its only future is to die.
The in fighting between them seems never ending, and it is apparent now that since the botched election – botched because of the greed ridden manifesto the in fighting is only becoming worse. A house divided cannot stand, and the Tory party is certainly divided.
“Tory party is rotten to the core, and cannot be rebuilt or reformed, its only future is to die.”
Exactly the same was being said about Labour only a few weeks ago.
Does every internet loon have to exaggerate everything these days?
Not an exaggeration, Jo, or I’m a loony!
Labour, sure, were recently facing a split but not extinction.
The Conservatives would, or at least are far more likely to, fragment.
Remember 1992? Black Wednesday? Bank of England bust in all but name? Extra taxation? Fresh property slump? Recession?
The Conservatives were dead men walking for a decade after that.
Cameron’s reforms were illusory. But – people bought them in enough numbers to put him in No.10. It could and should have got better from that point.
Now we are straight back to 1992 and/or 1974. Via the Conservatives.
It wasn’t only done by Labour and their ‘bribes’.
Sorry, but “Tory party is rotten to the core, and cannot be rebuilt or reformed, its only future is to die” is extreme and, IMO, downright silly.
As Thatcher said, the facts of life are Conservative. That’s makes it the only credible more-or-less rightish party around. I’d like to see UKIP do better but I think that’s very unlikely.
“Rotten to the Core” implying every member? Come on !
It is becoming increasingly difficult to find measured, well chosen, temperate language anywhere, and jokes aside, I find it disappointing to read it here.
Try Douglas Murray – wouldn’t dream of coming out with crap like this.
Jo, OK, maybe Thoughtful’s choice of words is a little excessive but only a little. (I have a notion that he may be a Labour supporter or former Labour supporter. Maybe I’m mixing him up with other folk on here. Apologies if I am.)
Do you remember what happened on Monday evening last week at Westminster? A 1922 Committee meeting. A group close to the core of the Party? Yes, the Parliamentary backbenchers. What happened there? May’s apology. They back her. It is assumed she went there with her Cabinet’s backing. It is the usual process.
Then came the awful tragedy of Grenfell Tower on Tuesday evening.
You have to answer where was the PM and Cabinet on Wednesday morning? Afternoon? Evening?
The PM went for the first time to North Kensington on Thursday and made a mess of it. Where was the Cabinet to help? Stand with her? Anytime on Thursday? OK, Hammond had an important EU meeting but where were the others? Nowhere to be seen. Friday? Same again. As I have posted before, they should have been backing their PM up.
If you accept that the MPs who form the current Cabinet have also tacitly said “We back Theresa” on Monday, and are nowhere to be seen on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in a real crisis, not of their making, what does that suggest to you and the whole country?
Surely anything but a rock solid political Party of senior members who have some integrity at their core in Cabinet.
I think you also misunderstand what the core of the Conservative Party is and where it lies. Am not a Conservative Party member so it’s no skin off my nose but I’m very angry on behalf of those ordinary people who are – they are not the core – and who, in their own spare time and unpaid (unlike the MPs and SPADs, etc.), canvass and campaign for the Party for weeks only to be let down by its core leadership.
Twice in two months.
Then ask yourself another question, Jo. What about the conduct of John Major before the EU Referendum and since? He has been, effectively, threatening the negotiation of the UK’s departure from the EU with the spectre of a return to terrorism in Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK over Irish nationalism. Is that not a rotten thing to do? Is a retired Conservative PM, however much of a failure, not part of the core of the Party?
Speaking of retired PMs, what about David Cameron who, almost exactly a year ago, was threatening old age pensioners that if they didn’t vote to Remain in the EU their pensions might be at risk in an emergency Budget. Is that not rather smelly, if not rotten?
You resort to Douglas Murray. I do not know if he is a Conservative Party member or not. If he is, he may well be closer to the core than ordinary constituency members but I venture that he would not mess around with weasel words. He would be exactly like Thoughtful and tell it like it is. There is something a little rotten at the heart of the current Government, is there not?
Can they recover? Maybe.
But they from the top down, from the core outward, have got to put in a completely perfect performance for many weeks and months to do it.
Thoughtful is a gal.
I don’t mind the Conservative Party dying, as long at is replaced by a PROPER right-wing party to give the people a real choice. All the main parties at the moment seem to be just varying degrees of left – Ken Clarke a Tory? Give me strength …..
Not the ken clark as in the ken clark who looked forward to the day that parliament was just a branch office of the EU by any chance? And with a statement like that ken clark belongs with the garden gnome commrade corbyn labour party rather than any form of conservative party from where I am standing.
JosF, thinking of my lengthy post to Jo above, there’s another example with Clarke. Core of the Tory Party, a ‘grandee’ is the word, and one who wobbles. He was a much more of a positive Tory when Maggie was in charge and has slid sideways, into Liberal leftism.
He wouldn’t fit a Corbyn-led Labour Party though. He is big business, evil big tobacco business, and wants to integrate the UK into the EU as you observed. That doesn’t fit with Corbyn’s HardLeft anti-EU principles. Yes, another variable principle politician. I don’t mind a politician changing their mind and being clear about it. At least Clarke has been that honest, unlike Comrade Corbyn.
Peter Hitchens has some eccentric views to put it mildly. His campaign against the Conservative Party has been conducted for years.
The Mail on Sunday has also been running anti Conservative articles for a long time, its views are different from the weekday version and it has a different editor. Very confusing when it’s all one website.
Both Mails have been taken in by the current febrile atmosphere however.
The Conservative Manifesto was hardly greed ridden. Rather than playing up to people’s greed, it offered core Conservative voters nothing at all. Indeed it threatened to prevent them passing on their houses to the next generation and for some pensioners to lose winter fuel payments. Sensible Conservative policies? No!
Meanwhile Corbyn offers freebies, huge debt and wants to capitalise on a terrible fire.
The Cobservatives do stand for something and I’m sure they will learn lessons and start articulating better. We don’t have any top flight politicians at the moment , I admit, but things will change. Political generations don’t last long.
Agree – particulary your last sentence. A week is a long time in politics etc.
Peter Hitchens hits the nail on the head occasionally (who doesn’t?) but, much of the time he comes across to me as a narcissistic weather vane, but also returning time and time again to old articles and speeches that hardly anyone can remember, banging on and on desperately trying to justify his views.
Seems to me he’s being overshadowed by the likes of Douglas Murray, Delingpole, Steyn, Liddle (on a good day) and others, and he doesn’t like it one bit.
Bit of a has-been, IMO.
Douglas Murray gets my vote. Two things spring to mind. He’s actually dared ask the question openly “Who is Europe for?” When did you last hear that? He’s also pointed out that, as a result of immigration, most of our future is going to be spent discussing race. He’s right – nice to have something to look forward to.
Murray also went to the locations such as Lampedusa to see the misery. Has Merkel seen the actual policy results?
Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray vs Disruptive Diversity ala Angela Merkel.
With some small experience of publishing I can assure you that the differences between the editors and editorials of the DM and DMoS will be far, far more concerned with personal point scoring than the production of informative articles.
EE, if it wasn’t a rotten manifesto and it didn’t contain the Conservative principle of tax cuts for the top earners and tax increases down at the bottom of the income scale, can you explain why those who you claim were the core of the Party (ie. the outer edges of the Party) did not manage to get enough people to vote for it to win Theresa May a majority?
I don’t read the mail or Mr Hitchens. I am not a member of any political party but I do believe in freedom and that people are responsible for their own actions and that the state should only be there for real need.
We are into politics here not the bias of albeeb and the need to evidence it ( which the majority here have plenty of actual and anecdotal evidence )
What I’m suggesting – I think – is that we should link our comments to our enemy – albeeb – and not into the existence or not of the Tory party. Personally ukip ain’t right enough for me but thats not for this website.
Fires in Portugal – “Torcher May” has been busy !
Spot the difference: Soon after Manchester, Westminster Bridge and London Bridge, our Emir and Corby were out pouring oil on troubled waters, “stay calm everybody, don’t give in to hate and anger, stay united. Love and peace man, Kumbaya everyone”.
Soon after Grenfell they and their henchmen were out pouring oil on fire this time, “be angry everyone, and turn your anger on May and the Tories”.
Hypocrisy of the first water, as they say, CM. Hypocrisy.
Charlie M,
It’s all part of the scam.
In the UK, the BBC see themselves as the last bastion against the complete failure of multiculturalism. In that role, they share their failing position with all other media throughout Europe. In dramatically stepping up their efforts to convince the viewer/listener that Multikulti is good and Nationalism is bad, the BBC are acting as the voice of the State, but strangely, independent of the state. They are collectively trying desperately to head off the apocalypse of failed multiculturalism that’s now very clearly on the horizon. In that role, I firmly believe the BBC can be seen, palpably, to always favour the soft liberal/labour multikulti devotees as being the only hope left to salvage some kind of multiculturalism in the UK. The expression, “behind the curve” applies since they’ve been rumbled by the public who, increasingly see through their pathetic efforts to pour water on the smouldering fires just beneath the human surface. Same with overt BBC support for Corbyn. The sensible voting public, quite rightly, see Corbyn as another Globalist who would open the floodgates to the World to enter the UK and like Bliar would not seek the consent of the public to do so. When in a hole, stop digging.
I have no doubt that the BBC see Brexit and losing overall control of our affairs by the EU as another step toward the looming multikulti apocalypse. Their apparent (as they see it) power to alter the voters thinking is seriously waning and they haven’t fully woken up to this yet. I imagine that if Brexit fails to materialise so will multiculturalism – immediately with all the consequences. Bitter, bloody. Will the UK be first or parts of Europe?
Anthony Berry Day – 12 October 1984
Oh dear, a very off-message comment in the Sun, one hopes the poster will have his collar felt by the Bill.
“If he hadn’t of been cooking ‘iftar’ after ramadam, and been so careless because these death cults fast all day, they should stop Muslims from fasting, they become disorientated and cause disasters. I’ve lived amongst these people and shown so much respect but they’ll always treat infidels like pork meat, because their religion can’t separate religion from state, they’ll always be regressive and stuck living in the 1400’s”
I did say at the time it would be likely that the fire was started by some hadji getting a bit too keen with his camping stove. However, that explanation is so off-message for the liberal media it would go straight to room 101.
It is very reminiscent of a saudi airliner in the 70s whereby the aircraft was gutted by a fire allegedly started by a hadji brewing up some tea on a camping stove inside the aircraft. I say allegedly as the report denied the claim but seemed to dance around the fact that it was possible , in those days, to take a camping stove (or anything else it seemed) on to an airliner.
I can just imagine the scene in the tower block, plenty of barbecued sheep, ‘hum-du-lilla’s, ‘alluha ackbar’s then a ‘fucking hell’ as the 1-bedroom apartment with 50 ramadan guests fell prey to the simple theory of combustion.
OT but surely market rate talent like this gets him ported over to Newsnight no matter what the price tag?
I know it`s Fathers Day, but all I`ve got in head is Miss World.
Yes, we know that the fire was unfortunate in Labour/Green/EU and Brexit terms.
But now that the Rising is on hold, the Queen given a few hours to parade her sadness round the show trial event of yesterday morning?
We can now park that fire itself for a while as we cover up for Khan, Snow, Lily, Blair and Ken, Caroline and Guy.
Will take a few days, but here`s the Miss World Swimwear heat for you boys out there.
Basically, Theresa May seems a bit crap on her kitten heels, wobbly and nervy.
The fire was one thing, but her inability to don the Mother Theresa wimple from Graham Norton these last few days. has rather miffed the judges.
Particularly, when it was left at reception and she ought to have shown here at White City before the incidentals at Grenfell.
Yes, we know she won the phone vote-but this is a judgement call , and requires experts and cameras, Oxbridge and lineage.
So we`re afraid that she`s NOT going forward to the Ballgown stage.
Instead-allow us to introduce you to your new Miss World.
Angela Merkel.
Runner up will always be Hillary Clinton.
Yes, we know you lads might have preferred an Ivanka or Melania. let alone a Sarah Palin or a Coulter.
But no-they`d only end up as discarded hated old crones and boots like Thatch or Whitehouse.
So no- let May twist in the liberal winds. She wants Brexit, as do the majority of the country that elected her.
No!…it`s OUR Fire, and until The Twin Towers can come down without a waste of Club Class air miles?
The this fire is ours.
We are the Keeper of the Flame. NO Brexit, no Tories, no haram.
Does my bomb look big in this?
Tough! That`s all you`ll be getting offered come next Muslima Umma Contest in 2022.
PS. Hubbys been given Douglas Murrays book c/o my boy and Amazon…quelle surprise!
Not seen anything on the BBC website about the large earthquake in Lesvos in which a whole village was decimated. I suppose that it is not newsworthy because firstly no “refugees” involved and only one person dead:
jas, it got a brief radio mention on R4, but BBC has had other things on its mind.
OMG now on TV
: ITV Corbyn on Peston show
: BBC1 : Jo Cox Jamboree with EmmaBarnett
guess bbcSML decided Nicky Campbell is now JSW enough
Emma just AGAIN tweeted to show how impartial is ..NOT
She sent more or less the same tweet days ago
8 viable terror attempts, and 3 successful, in just 70 days, but … Oh look fluffy clouds!
Ooooooh Brother! … looks like the “establishment” has decided its Jo Cox Day next .
Business as usual for the “swamp” … and hey ho a nice little earner for Brendan after his book deal.
shoe in as MD.
She just said “Let me read some viewers views”
They look like SELECTED viewers views, cos on Twitter many were against Milking Cox
In fairness, I suspect those with other views have long since turned off. All MSM news has been banished from my house and car since Friday.
See the Jim Davidson link below. Davidson accuses Richard Bacon of making up their “listener comments”. And stupid Bacon reads one out that only Jo Brands nanny could have come up with, Fat, £100K a year and no chance of a Job Centre interview due to austerity cuts.
Davidson not as nasty as I`d nave likes-but the stupid BBC types like Dimbleby, Vine and Bacon give us a golden age of idiots.
If we can`t get THEM out-what chance when Tariq Ramadan calls by?
Our beloved Beeb are still stirring the shit about the tragic tower block fire. Sitting on Marr’s sofa today a couple of the usual left-wing hacks and a Tory blogger. It was consistently pointed out that £10,000,000 had been spent on renovating this block but one of the lefties kept blathering about Tory cuts and under spending. It’s become a political mantra and has about as much credibility as wobbly May’s “strong and stable.”
I’d like to ask just how much public spending would be enough? Is this disaster due to under spending or where the money was spent? Covering the building in flammable tiles quite clearly wasn’t a good idea. Were they fitted to comply with European insulation regulations? Were they bought on the cheap? Are they legal?
Probably the most important question is how the fire actually started. There are still far more questions than answers. But it really is dangerous when feelings are so raw for our national broadcaster to act as an agent provocateur.
We’ve seen already masked thugs storming the town hall. There have been ugly demonstrations outside Downing Street. There are more “anti Tory” demos set for today. Sorry about the unfortunate metaphor, but this is a political tinderbox.
We pay these parasites to present the news in an unbiased, non sensational and clear fashion.
We don’t pay them to act as munitions suppliers for the yobs of Momentum.
Enough is enough when we don’t have enough people who care to fight (loaded word – defend better) and die for the good elements of what they inherited.
Would YOU stand up and defend to the death to be called ‘they’?
Is that enough?
So this Wednesday is being advertised by al beeb – Robinson – as a “day of rage “. Coupled with the failure of a labour politician to confirm that the new government is a legitimate one.
Every day is a day of rage for me – that the al beeb exists and people pay for it, please don’t .
Have we actually established that the panels were flammable, or is it a media question that has become fact through repetition?
It is the absolute truth that the cladding caused the fire and the Tory central government did it. Any other version of the truth can be ignored. It’s 24/ bloody 7 poison from the msm on this now.
One story emerged in the press that the ‘cladding’ on Grenfell might have been due to a need to tick ‘green’ insulation targets. Don’t expect to see that on beebistan any time soon, way off-message.
Maybe, but all that was more to do with cosmetics
If one looks at the design of the cladding, it is clear that it was more to do with insulation than cosmetics. See:
If it was about cosmetics then there would have been no insulation layer, no water proof membrane and materially no air cavity. Whilst it is premature to say, it appears that the fire swept up the air cavity which acted like a chimney drawing up the very hot air current.
Muslim problems in Sweden? Course not. It’s not on beebistan so it can’t be true.
Sweden: 100 Muslim migrant youths attack police with stones, sticks and bats.
Charlie, only preliminary skirmishes………
Go easy on the BBC there is only 500 of them in that newsroom – the phrase ‘ couldn’t find their ar£e with both hands ‘ springs to mind. Still happy Saint Jo Cox day everybody , what a woman eh she packed so much nothingness into such a short time-frame, they way she dealt with the so called Brendan of Assisi being kicked out of his job for alleged sexual harassment is almost worthy of martyrdom.
Is that actual photograph at time of Swedish 100 attack?
Pistols drawn, civilians confused.
Let’s put Grenfell Towers into context:
“”Over 57 killed as forest fires rage across Portugal””
“”The EU has activated its civil protection efforts to help fight the blazes.””
“” Also, about 59 people have been hurt, 14 of them seriously.””
No suggestion the Government should topple. And the EU have helped. Here, the PM would be blamed for not fireproofing trees.
“Here, the PM would be blamed for not fireproofing trees.”
And not tackling Climate Change by putting propane in fridges and plastic cladding on buildings and limiting immigration?
Portugal – my thoughts exactly.
Then there’s the move to make abortion up to birth and sex selective abortion legal. Is the unborn human not a life also? Self serving filth.
R5 Now, Arts show HeatMap asking why are all comedians left wing
(ans they aren’t , but the ones on the BBC are)
Presenter @WillGompertzBBC’s joke
“Theresa May’s here, but not in person ..shes represented by an ironing board.”
Can’t really comment as my BBC watching is at an all time low, but last time I looked there wasn’t much to laugh about on the BBC apart from the unintentional stuff like presenters bending over backwards and almost kissing their own a*ses in an effort to be righter on than thou. Still if they wanted a bit of diversity, not BBC everyone is the same diversity but true diversity, they could always give Jim Davidson a gig with a free hand as regards content.
BBC social engineering to help poor northern , YOUNG musicians get on ??
Pay attention to the surname .. #nepotism
David Dimbleby’s daughter promoting her music
I wonder if it is as boring as her father ? Remember Dimblebore’s son went to Eton ? Just googled Kate. St. Paul’s school for Girls !
I’m just waiting for my dog’s bowels to open – [sample needed for vet]
(is what I would have replied to her if I was on Twatter)
The oldies are the best ones. Always worth watching a good repeat.
That was the one I was thinking about. It is amazing that Dimblebore is so stupid that he didn’t before he made the comment. What a thicko !
Grant, remember it’s OK for liberal lefties to go to private schools. It is only verboten for Tories to go there. Especially when – ‘my Dad earned more than your Dad ‘cos he was on Telly more than your Dad, so there.’.
What with his son Henry getting onto State quangos to give advice on school dinners, getting close to Jamie Oliver in the Womans Hour studio to demand free food for all kids for always?
“Singing For Your Supper” takes on a literal meaning.
Henry of course was Rees Moggs fellow toff at Eton, as Kates dad showed himself for the privileged media bloater that he is.
I`m glad G-D let the Greeks create the word “hypocrite”.
Not easy to chisel that on all those Dimbleby graves to come.
But I hope it`s the first word that comes to mind when Last Word chooses its epitaphs for the Eton Gallagher Brothers.
At least Noel and Liam didn`t need daddys Belsen pass to get fifty years of liberal schlurping at the license fee payers endless trough.
Kate doing her gig with WILL Gompertz then?
And why not SIMON?
Yes, the BBC likes its media dynasties. Thank God this current crop are all gay, so no further family slug trails to fuss over for our kids.
End of the line.
Beeboids really are stupid. Have they really tried to find right-wing comedians ? And failed ?
I could have recommend Mark Steyn who waits for Government policy to produce most of his material.
We used to have them, Grant, persona non grata now, they seem to have no problem giving air time to drug addicts though.
Richard Bacon eh?
When HE`S your grand accuser, chances are that we`re at a lower order in Dantes circle of hell.
But-being a BBC “name”-he`s allowed to do so, and still keep a straight face as well as his job.
Drugs, Blue Peter, Islamophobic monicker?
Can we recall Bacon along with Vine to get them sacked-I dindt vote for either to interrogate one of the few comics who actually DID something to help our Armed Forces.
As China bans baby names like “mohammed” and “jihad” I am concerned how long Richard Bacon’s surname will survive a totalitarian regime.
If Mr.Bacon hangs around a Mosque is that a hate crime?
China bans religious names for Muslim babies in Xinjiang. Guardian Apr 2017
Search bbc site and you get to see bans in China on Ramadan, veils, beards, and dress. Same country that used one child policy to control birth rates – trouble is people then only wanted boys. What to do with all those precious, unique and possibly future feminist baby girls?
“The one-child policy has been blamed for more (more is an empty word, no chance to determine scale of problem) families killing their daughters, who are traditionally seen as less able to get well-paid jobs than sons.” BBC 29Oct2015.
Unintended consequences again.
Ooooooohhhhhhh, WHY didn’t Jim turn the tables on Bacon ? and accuse him of snorting when on Blue Peter ? missed a trick there Jim. God know how he would have dealt with Bernard Manning then. This young arsy generation want everyone to apologise for everything we did and said 40 years ago when they weren’t even born.
In the 60’s my best mate was born with a bad disability and walked with a limp – she even called herself ‘Spas’, – today’s lot would be apoplectic with rage at that. Davidson was spot on saying it was a different time, there was humour with no animosity and no-one was offended. Corbyn is of my generation, and I wonder if he ever laughed – has anyone asked him ?
Notice how Al Beeb don’t do comedy any more. Its time it was scrapped because Blue Peter runs it now and they still think they are broadcasting to kids.
Jim is a very funny comedian but you won’t see much of him on Al Beeb nowadays
It’s supposed to be “alternative” comedy now taff, alternative to humour I suppose. Still waiting for this achingly unfunny bunch to piss off atter the 2010 election!
Yes Taffy, I saw JD live at Caesars Palace in Luton, back in the day when real comedians made us cry with laughter. Those days before the thought police put a stop to all humour. They say we live in a ‘nanny state’, but I feel its worse than that, its something that hasn’t been created by the ‘state’. But an indoctrination that’s seeped into us in the way that a religious sect brainwashes its victims.
So ironic that shitebag is called ‘Bacon’.
Anger is widely reported and encouraged in the media after the Grenfell Towers deaths.
Anger had to be replaced by love, a love concert, after children were blown up by a terrorist in Manchester.
People arrested for expressing anger towards Moslems after Manchester. Fears of a backlash prompted strict monitoring of Twitter and demonising and misrepresenting the march against terrorist hate.
Are there going to be efforts to prevent a backlash against landlords, property owners?
Libtard logic
There are several million property owners world wide, cannot blame property owners for Grenfell. That would be racist
Landlordophobic, Toriphobic…hell fatcatophobic?
Phillip Green and Fred the Shred our first martyrs.
Justice for Rachman and T-Dan Smith , Erno Goldfinger NOW!
We are Poulson#
Retrospective posthumous films a la Turing for these victims of Landlordophobia
We’re all supposed to be horrified that May didn’t break down in floods of tears over Grenfell, and subject herself to a mob lynching.
Personally I’ve had enough of touchy-feely politicians and slebs. And who can blame her for not exposing herself to being lynched by rent-a-mob, stoked to fury by the beeb and the Left (same thing)?
Don`t mention floods of tears Charlie. That`ll be global warmings fault and the legacy of Owen Paterson to blame for this. Lord Chris Smith of New Labour fame would, of course, had stopped it had May signed that letter to Trump.
Maybe all buildings near lefty grief fishermen like the BBC need to stay as high rise. All those liberal tears need drainage, and may well drown others less wealthy if we don`t pile `em high.
Re Grenfell being all Tory fault

The labour connections
To continue the finding who links to who … Khan was sworn in under the Koran in May 2016, so Allah looks after London rather than the biblical God? Is that how the World works?
Very interesting facts Stew, I’m surprised the beebistan couldn’t have uncovered them with their thousands of overpaid ‘journos’ and huge resources. Wrong kind of facts I guess.
I wonder if they’ll do an in-depth investigation into the accounts of the various committees, tenant and management associations. It’s not unusual in third world countries for people to save on materials in building contracts and pocket the difference.
Will the beebistan investigate? Don’t be silly, they’ll do everything in their power to suppress any such investigation, starting by screaming racism and islamophobia for even daring to suggest it.
No, they’re VICTIMS you see, never to be blamed for anything, it’s always, always, big bad whitie’s fault.
Now here’s a strange thing: I was in a branch of WH Smith’s recently and asked for Douglas Murray’s The Strange Death of Europe, only to be told ‘we don’t stock it’.
Strange, as it was riding high on all the bestseller lists, including Smith’s own.
I don’t suppose it had anything to do with the town in question having a large mosque and a high proportion of peace-loving religionists. Another case of self-censorship and islamo-creep? Or indeed a case of the Strange Death of Europe by a thousand cowardly cuts?
To paraphrase Woody Allen: Just cos you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to silence you.
Perhaps some readers might like to exert some consumer pressure by checking out their Smiths and local libraries.
I paid, I think it was £12.50 through Amazon and delivered to my door. Half way through this excellent book at present. I’ll comment further when finished.
Buy all my books through Amazon. I boycotted WH Smith years ago. Can’t remember why. Glad I did !
Superb book – bought it for my Kindle, and only recently finished it.
To see how USA are dealing with the wall of reality check out Mark Steyn – After America.
What hit me hard was the comment on ground zero which was turned into a bit of despair, rather than a tourch or light for the future. Meanwhile discussions for a mosque close by continued. Good references as well to story sources.
Correction, which highlights why language and words need to be clear. Ground zero is now a “pit” of despair.
If you’re looking for it in WH Smiths you’ll probably find it hidden away on the top shelf.
Tucked in between Readers’ Wives and Men Only.
Not that I ever look in that direction myself, of course.
Before the establishment throws millions as “shut up” money at Grenfell, house the genuine tenants, immediate aid to them … and get the numbers correct, how many illegals were there?
“Damage limitation” is what we re having to endure, once again … they just don t get it
Developers, councils and indeed landlords will use the tragedy at Grenfell Tower as an excuse to speed up gentrification in the name of safety.
Had to witness the walking dead, Hammond, back from his cryo box, squirming around, once again lying through his teeth they really are doomed .. not don t get it, incapable of even realising .
As always happens … the Tory chickens “coming home to roost” over their failure, and utter mismanagement they need “spreadsheet” on ball to doctor the figures.
Political Establishment – Business As Usual
Do wonder how many of those louts kicking in the glass at the Council offices were trying to get any documentary proof of their poll tax non-payments removed in the “unfortunate burning of their migrant status details”.
It`s what the Left would do.
A very interesting piece well worth reading….Credit: Brexit Central
Yanis Varoufakis teaches us that unless we the UK is willing to walk, the EU will not take us seriously.
I have been saying that all along. If we stay in we shall be in a worse position than before. They will have us by the short and curlies. Also means we can’t lecture anyone on democracy !
Thanks magicoat.
Read Yanis article as well as the included link to Austin Mitchell. New found respect for both, especially Austin.
No further need to fuss now, we know what they`ll be doing.
So who needs the Euroclingons like the BBC to interpret?
Cold hard, Brexit with a ready excuse to lop the likes of Schauble and Merkel off at the knees. This is war.
Enough of this “we want the EU to succeed”. As stupid as saying that we wanted the Soviet Union to prosper in 1983 or give the Nazis their dignity in 1938.
No-we need to be the first sappers to blow it up as subtly and slyly as possible. The enslaved, terror dreading good people of Europe will thank us.
So far, so good.
I look at “The European” piled high, no-one reading or buying. But its headlines and writers , its “Berliner” size of paper is Der Sturmer, under Julius Streicher.
As nasty and wicked as any Al Quds rag in Amman.
But with OUR clean nailed mufti orchestrating the hate. Campbell, Clegg, Greer, Paulin.
The Nazis had their aesthetes and media houris too.
But none leaked the name of a Weapons Inspector for the IAEA, nobbled any investigation and then claimed to be a bit mental by way of a future career. Goebbels would not have been as crass as this, I`m sure.
This is war.
If we don`t deal with the EU as it stands, then Islam will deal with the cowards who preferred a croissant to The Cross
It appears that the UK is fast becoming a DINO, a democracy in name only.
There is only one type of leave,a and that is what is now being termed a hard Brexit. A soft Brexit is not leaving the EU.
The EU is not a tangible object such as a ball that one can hold in the hand. It is an intangible object, a concept consisting of its Institutions, Conventions, Treaties, Laws, Rules and Regulations, and to leave such an intangible object one must by a matter of definition quit/leave all of its Institutions, Conventions, Treaties, Laws, Rules and Regulations. Unless this is done, we will not have left the EU. Put simply, one cannot leave a train by keeping a foot in the carriage.
The referendum vote was clear. If there was the slightest doubt as to what we were voting for (and there is not), this was resolved by Project Fear which was based upon a hard Brexit. The people were not put off by Project Fear, and still wanted to leave.
it appears that what we may now get is a deal very similar to that negotiated by Cameron after his embarrassing year long negotiations, which deal was rejected by the people.
If the natural and ordinary result of the referendum is not put through, then the UK will have ceased to be a democracy governed by the people for the people.
Very dangerous times lie ahead if the will of the people is ignored and ridden rough shot over by an unaccountable out of tough global elitists clique who only care about their own self interests.
Strange that the new MP for Kensington is Emma coad- who was on the board of the management for the Grenfell Tower .
Yet she seems free of any responsibility for failing to have a safe building . If she felt so strongly about the management group failing on safety she should have resigned and gone public right? Wonder how much she got paid?
I don’t want to mention that she got a majority of 20. She is the legitimate MP for that constituency
Has Coad been picked by MSM or is it censored?
Radio 5 got kicking in this Twitter thread for deleting “inciting violence” tweet
(click the tweet time to open up that thread)
“Hawaiian Hokule’a canoe makes it round the world”
From the above,
“Its aim has been to spread a message about ocean conservation, sustainability and protecting indigenous culture.”
“Protecting indigenous culture” a noble cause indeed, I’d like to see the BBC promote a little of that for the UK.
We don’t become indigenous until we become a minority, OS! Something to do with the UN and one Gordon Brown!
Does the same apply to the Russians and Chinese or is it just the British ?
Only the white Russians and Chinese, Grant.
Interesting reading Toobi, I could always use a little progressive twaddle and self identify as a registered first nation tribe member and start claiming my annuity payment from the Canadian government.
Have politicians learnt nothing. Just say Santa in his white beard holding a red book will sort it all out or stop throwing money at problems (other peoples money). Get councils to inspect flats for the love of the job and humanity to check sprinklers and cladding. Then work out who signed off on poor decisionservice and reprimand or fire.
Hawian judge blocked Trump’s temporary travel ban. No civilisation will mean no conservation or any concerns at all.
Please note : Mother Earth cares not for us, we need her more than she let’s on.
Does Keir Starmer have a mandate anyone understands ? He seems a bit of a nonentity to me. One of Blair’s bum chums, I believe.
Crooked Starmer is a Europhile puppet quietly waiting for the next coup on Corbyn in order to re-establish ‘New Labour’.
Here is a reminder of his 27/6/16 resignation letter to Corbyn in which he states as fact that “… the EU Referendum result was catastrophic …”
What he should have said was IN HIS OPINION the result was catastrophic.
But then of course he is a ‘human rights’ lawyer and, as he keeps reminding us, former Director of the CPS – so only lip service is paid to democracy and justice.
And a self-regarding, pompous prick into the bargain !
“I have never spoken out publicly against you and I do not intend to now”.
“I have spoken out against you privately but, although I have much to say, I will not do so publicly. But, privately, I will.”
And just noticed this on DV’s twitter
Article 1 of the 1st Protocol of the Convention states, “Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions. No one shall be deprived of his possessions “except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principals of international law””. (I’ve never been able to work out how to italicise or underline here so forgive me using the second set of quote. marks serving that purpose).
Anyway, fact is that the ECHR have construed this part very narrowly and I suggest Starmer should get a grip and take proper legal advice before spouting that highly questionable bullsh**.
Starmer may be a lawyer but he is a crap lawyer.
Listening to the cricket, India v Pakistan, on Radio 4. Great match so far. Fakhar (check spelling ) has gone ballistic. Then BBC announce that TV highlights will be on BBC2 at 11.15 pm. Does this count as bias against cricket ?
R4 Now is debunking election stat claims
eg played a clip of Jeremy Vine “seems the youth vote turnout was 72%”
..em that claim traces back to Lefty blogger one hour after the poll ended , reporting his feeling of the 18-24 vote
..and it’s strange cos last election their turnout was 51%
So should not have featured on BBC news
Now “Was Corbyn 2,000 votes from government”
The alliance could have got close to 314 seats with 2800 votes
but by same rule a few extra people voting Conservative ..would made a big diff cos they lost 4 seats by 20 votes (I think he said)
That famous BBC “Reality Check” to prevent all that fake news from upsetting us and getting us all frisky over what Anjem plans for us all?
How`s it going then?
Trumps “Fake News” crusade needs to catch fire over here, so the Left simply don`t get away with endless slurries of lies. The BBC have been leaving these parcels of shit,and then fine us for not picking up after them.
Sack Vine. That`d be a start-how do we do this?
Recall of DJs in statute yet?
German “justice”? –
The slow whittling away of established justice systems to be replace eventually by?………..
But note the reaction of the police to the decision. Would they support the Gvt. or public if latter revolted? I’ll bet they would refuse to confront the public!
Coming to a town or City near you soon (assuming it’s not there already a la, Rotherham)
Ta G, this article is a must-read.
It`s as if the dormant Nazi state structures of old have somehow resisted the last sixty years, and -like Harrison Ford-the new Nazis from Turkey etc in the 70s have recreated it all. No wonder the craven German media and political class seek sanctuary in Brussels and Luxembourg nowadays.
All those expenses, green postures and some pretence that they still are “political leaders”. Meanwhile, for their former fellow-citizens in Duisberg etc?
Maybe we should tell the Germans who presume to boss the rest of the EU, that they really ought to get home and save Kreuzburg and stop fucking up Brexit. Schauble and Merkel need to create their socialism back in that one country that Honecker urged.
Simply never knew how bad Germany has gone…this article is frightening.
Cologne New Years Eve 2016 was my biggest reason to vote to get out.
No wonder Obama and the BBC seek the Lime Green jackboots of Angela.
As for us-we want our country back, we can`t tolerate THIS.
Germans have always had an eccentric view of justice.
On the World This Weekend, R4, I have just heard the head of Muslim Aid, a man more used to organising mercy trips to Syria, finding the chaos in Kensington worse than the chaos he found in the Syrian warzone. If you bring the thirdworld to London, then you must also expect thirdworld chaos there too. Lardy Mardy asking about questions of guilt. Is this the news or somekind of revivalist meeting where sinners are supposed to fall to their knees, repent and ask Lardy Mardy, in nomine BBC, for absolution?
Confiteor BBC omnipotenti
Et vobis, auditoribus,
Quia peccavi nimis
Cogitatione, verbo
Opere et omissione
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!
David Vance @DVATW 5h5 hours ago
More than 50 people lost their lives in the Summerland fire in the Isle of Man in 1973. There was no “Day of Rage”.
I watched Summerland burn, the bodies melted to the framework, silhouetted, horrifying, our disaster was the birth of ALL the UK’s modern fire restrictions/laws.
Bombings, stabbings, truck-ings, towering infernos… but don’t despair, there is hope on the horizon:
“Diane Abbott back in shadow cabinet after diabetes struggle”
Apparently she suffered “a great deal” (even the lying beebistan have to add speech marks, meaning they don’t believe a word of it and know no-one else will either).
I remember when the S H A D O W cabinate used to fight aliens that looked just like us, but with green skin.
Now they represent them, greens the lot.
UFO 70s magic, i re-watched most of the series on ewe-tube a lil while back, camel toe city, sheesh now i remember why a 14yr old lad never missed an episode.
OK everybody … I’m getting to the end of my tether here …. I agree that the only way to stop this Marxist propaganda set up which we all pay for is to stop it’s funding. Now taking into account that the majority of non political bloggers who sit in front of the tele every night are clueless and think the BBC is wonderful .. any political pressure from Gov’t will be howled down (if any Gov’t even has the balls anyway!) as being “undemocratic”. IMO the only way to go is for individual licence payers to decide not to pay it! What we need is information which gives people the facts as to how to go about it and what they must expect when they do cancel their licence fee.
It’s OK that the more “don’t give a shit” types who do this …. does not work with your average “hater of the bBBC” who do not want to become criminalised and have “officials” knocking on their door and telling them they **are** criminals and their neighbours talking behind their hands about how they are not paying their way. I am a pensioner and live in a very middle class leftie BBC champagne socialist community. I do not want to have somebody who seems official, hammering on my door and accusing me of criminality.
I do not want people replying to this post by saying … “just get on with it .. you are a coward if you don’t do it” I want to know (and am sure many people on this blog also want to know) just need to know what is the bullet point agenda as to how we do it??
I do not want people shouting at me on the doorstep! Am I on my own on this? I am not a big strong bloke who can force my point of view forward in the face of officialdom .. although I am bolshy for a woman and known as such in my leftie Salford keys champagne socialist commuter community. If I cancel my direct debit to BBC what happens next? What do I do to stop these doorsteppers and ** if I have a TV but don’t watch BBC or BBC iplayer** can I be prosecuted? I do not have the funds to fight court cases. If you have a TV and don’t watch BBC and don’t pay the licence fee can you be criminalised?
Do the BBC have the right to stop me watching a TV if I do not watch BBC?
Reasonable question I feel … (I haven’t found this answered on this blog although many condemn those who continue to pay their licence fee) If there was some reasonable strategy for people to protest by withholding their licence fee I am sure many more people other than me would be happy to accept that strategy.
Oldcrone, Know how you feel. There are a few sites explaining how you can legally avoid the license fee. They generally all give the same advice so here is a link that can hopefully help you on your way to marxist free broadcasting.
Oldcrone – this will largely repeat stuff contained in Flak’s link but will hopefully add some extra tips.
Given that you are a self-confessed bolshy woman you should be able to navigate your way through what can seem like a minefield!
If you have any device like a TV, Computer, Tablet, Mobile Phone and you watch ANY LIVE BROADCAST, be it ITV, Sky, Channel 4 or BBC etc then you are legally required to have a TV licence. Additionally if you watch any BBC iPlayer programs which are not live, you still need a licence.
So – no live TV at all, and no iPlayer, if you want to stop paying.
I have a TV connected to a Playstation through which I get Netflix, You Tube, Catch Up Channel 4 etc (NOT iPLAYER) but the key thing is that none of it is live so it is within the law.
If you decide to stop paying (eg by cancelling direct debit) you can inform the BBC that you no longer need a licence. (‘For their records’ apparently). In my experience this didn’t make a blind bit of difference.
The next tricky part after you stop paying the licence fee is that you’ll get regular threatening letters from the BBC’s enforcers (Capita). I just put their letters in the bin. The letters’ wording will gradually reach a crescendo of dire consequences until they say they will pay you a visit.
At this point I think a lot of people give in. No one wants a criminal record after all. The key thing here is to just not respond if they actually do come calling. I’m lucky as I don’t live on the ground floor, and I ignore the doorbell if I’m not expecting anyone. If you do not speak to them, interact with them in any way, never give them your name, and MOST IMPORTANTLY don’t ever let or invite them in ( a bit like the rule for vampires!) you should be fine.
The reason to be paranoid about speaking to them or letting them in is that (by all accounts) they are unscrupulous and will bully people (especially vulnerable people who don’t know the law, or their rights) into signing things they shouldn’t. They are not ‘officials’ in any sense but a bunch of mercenaries, and have no business being on your property asking impertinent questions of law-abiding citizens.
After you have successfully avoided the visit the threatening letters will still come, and then the whole ridiculous cycle starts again. I don’t claim to be an expert in this, and if anyone else on this forum can add any more please do.
OC – Another link that gives you good information about your rights in dealing with TVL, in addition to the one Taffman and Flak provided is this one TV Licensing Watch
If you feel you are being harassed by TVL and their agents you can also write to them demanding they desist. If they don’t it is you that can take them to court, but they usually do – at least for a year or so. You can keep repeating the demand that they cease bothering you.
Be aware that they have no more rights than a door to door salesman unless they have absolute proof you watch live TV – by seeing it on through your living room window – not via any supposed TV detector. If they had absolute proof they can then get a warrant and together with a police officer can demand to enter. Other than that they have no right of entry or entitlement to any reply from you.
Worth going on the sites linked to – the more empowered you are the easier it is and they all have great first hand information.
Good Luck!
Thank you Teddy, imay, taffman and Flak .. for the links and advice .. much appreciated. Hope it helps others on here as well. 🙂
The whole Grenfell tragedy has been hijacked by an evil alliance of Leftism and Sentimentalism, with the beebistan in the forefront, to which everyone, including all the media and all the parties, must be seen to bend the knee. To deviate from the PC line by one inch means instant political or professional suicide, and quite probably a howling rent-a-mob on your doorstep. So no awkward questions about who else might have been responsible, other than the officially approved scapegoats; the evil Tory council, the evil contractors and the evil capitalists. And that evil exploding fridge, which story goes completely unquestioned by supposedly sceptical journalists.
And above all May for not crying and hugging enough, as opposed to saint Corby, who’s a good hugger (as the mysteriously afflicted and strangely recovered Flabbott will attest).
Modern politics: sentimentalism and class war, in this case being a perfect match.
And I would add that they probably don’t give a monkey’s about the victims, but are probably delighted that they have cannon fodder for their perverted ideology.