Last week we had the anniversary of the murder of Jo Cox. Naturally the BBC gave up plenty of airtime to talking about this and Brendan Cox is the new goto fixture at the BBC for any comment on terrorism and Far-Right hate. Jo Cox’s actual murder was of course headline news for days, if not weeks and is still a pivotal point of reference when the BBC wants to ‘warn’ us of the perils of Far-Right extremism and its lurking presence as it readies itself to take over the country.
We were told that attacks on the likes of Jo Cox were an attack on democracy itself and could not be tolerated. Similarly the shooting of US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was given massive coverage here and blamed squarely on ‘Right-Wing rhetoric’, Sarah Palin coming in for particular blame as she had ‘targeted’ Giffords in the election.
Sarah Palin at centre of storm over political vitriol after spree leaves six dead and congresswoman in critical condition
This was highly synthetic outrage from the Left trying to claim that certain completely innocent remarks were the incitement for a murder. How different when the Left ran an actual murderous campaign against Trump which resulted in an attempt to kill senior Republican politicians.
The BBC barely mentioned the attempt to shoot Republican Steve Scalise, the story soon vanishing from view….from the Mail….
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was in a critical condition in hospital on Wednesday afternoon after he was shot by a Trump-hating gunman who opened fire on Republican congressional baseball practice.
The Louisiana congressman was shot in the hip as he stood on second base at the field in Alexandria, Virginia at 7am on Wednesday. His staff initially described his condition as ‘stable’ but the Medstar Hospital in Washington DC later said that Scalise was in critical condition after having surgery.
He was among five injured when James T. Hodgkinson, 66, opened fire on the Republicans with an assault rifle from the third base dugout at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park in Alexandria, Virginia, as the group practiced batting at around 7.00am.
You would hardly know that such an attack had happened had you relied on the BBC, little to nothing on the radio and the story vanished rapidly from the BBC news consciousness…in contrast Democrat Giffords’shooting dominated the news for a long time and was referenced frequently….as well as the blaming of ‘Right-Wing’ rhetoric for the attack.
No such angst about violent Left-Wing rhetoric and actions, no qualms at all it seems about the endless appeals to someone, anyone, to assassinate Trump or about the ‘resistance’ that is in fact violent thuggery by the Left, much as Corbyn’s stormtrooping Brownshirts enact here on our streets.
Where is the outrage at such attacks and threats to kill the President, even a play running at a New York theatre encouraging his assassination?
15 Times Celebrities Envisioned Violence Against Trump and the GOP
Hollywood has issued dire predictions and hysterical warnings about Donald Trump ever since the Republican businessman first announced his candidacy for the presidency in June 2015.
But the level of vitriol and violent rhetoric against now-President Trump has increased substantially in recent weeks, from comedian Kathy Griffin’s now-famous shock “beheading” photograph to Shakespeare in the Park’s not-at-all-subtle “assassination” of Trump on a stage in New York City’s Central Park.
Unfortunately, Griffin and the director of Julius Caesar are not anomalies in Hollywood; actors, writers, directors, and other celebrities have fantasized about using violence against Trump, his supporters, and other GOP lawmakers for at least the past 18 months.
Quite quite extraordinary how the BBC practically ignored the attempted murder of a US Republican and the campaign to kill Trump.
just think about the uproar if someone had put corbyn’s face on a poster saying why not. The BBC would be talking about it for weeks.
No for years.
“BBC will no doubt give us the full details on his mental health issues in the news today”
BBC will reject the health claims and bombard the viewing public with the lies: It is now believed by our exclusive BBC reporter that the white killer was once a member of an Evangelical Church and has many Jewish friends in the locality!
#Muslim lives matter…
Well judging by Corbyns hands over mouth in shock photo. I haven’t see the photos of him in Manchester showing the same grief… oh of course, he wasn’t there!
The Finsbury mosque attacker ( well nearby ! ) apparently has mental health issues according to his mother but the BBC will no doubt give us the full details on his mental health issues in the news today.
Yesterday when I heard of the attack I wondered if a link would be falsely made between The Finsbury attack and Grenfell.. and yes it has courtesy of the DM of all places.
We are told how Neo Nazis are celebrating the Finsbury attack yet the DM seems to only have an Amercan to base their story on. Later on in the article, a single one line paragraph with no source whatsoever states ‘Some even say the Grenfell Tower fire was staged’. And there you have it, hateful right wingers that hate Muslims also attack the validity of Grenfell Tower fire.
Thus ‘far right hate’ can now be linked to the Tory scum who let the fire happen to get rid of the poor = Teresa May is a Nazi.
Scoop of the day for Toynbee.. BBC.. JK Rowling.. Guardian.. etc etc. But remember you read it here first!
The Daily Mail has been taking some very strange (for it) views on things since the election. Is Paul Dacre on holiday? By the majority of the comments on articles the DM is annoying many of its readers. You can of course easily tell when an article is ‘bombed’ by Momentum.
The daily dose of VD following a well trod path…
Worth checking if she has any posts on young girls around the North sharing their daily experiences?
or any proof, or any police crime numbers or anything really
If only we’d coined the word “NonMuslim-ophobia” and declared victimhood at the start, we would not be in this predicament.
“…our overall impression and that of the Peer Review team – most from different parts of the
country – was that segregation and divisions between Oldham communities is still deeply entrenched.”
“Reluctance to change appears to run across sections of all communities. … a young Muslim mother told us: ‘My neighbour is Indian and my Muslim community tell me off for speaking with her. They say, I should speak to her if I am getting her to embrace Islam – otherwise no.'”
– Challenging local communities to change Oldham // March2006
The BBC reporting in 2006 (11 years ago) – we had the information at our finger tips…
The calls for ”resistance” are call’s to at act to bring down the country, Treason, open calls for treason and murder.
Lock her, and the rest of the 2 faced mealy-mouthed scum up.
What has she learned? While admitting that she made mistakes and that her campaign had “challenges”, “problems” and “shortfalls”, she pointed the finger at two men – FBI Director James Comey and Russian President Vladimir Putin – as the proximate cause of her defeat.
“I was on the way to winning until the combination of Jim Comey’s letter on October 28 and Russian Wikileaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off,” she said. “The evidence for that intervening event is, I think, compelling.”
How dare anyone, Wikileaks or whoever, release the truth?
Sorry, this was the ”headline” to my post above..
Hillary Clinton joins the ‘Trump resistance’
Sorry, this was the ”headline” to my post above..
Hillary Clinton joins the ‘Trump resistance’
Islam has been at war with Christendom and all non-Muslims for 1400 years. When they are found out, they go into Taqiyya and victim mode.
Lets look at the fatalities in the last few months in Britain alone . If my figures are right
Manchester- 22
London Bridge massacre- 8
Borough market massacre – 8
38 all in all. Finsbury park incident – 1
We are at war. If such is the attrition rate, then we might as well surrender, and save a lot of lives.
If one examines these incidents. The man who drove his car into muslims at Finsbury park, was very angry at what was happening to his country, and used a van as a weapon. Spur of the moment. Wonder where he got the idea?
The Muslim attacks OTH, were carefully planned. Bombs were made. Fake suicide bomb vests were designed to create panic, automatic weapons and munitions were acquired. Carbon fibre knives to escape metal detectors were acquired. Then the coordination between the members of the Jihadis.
To compare what Muslims have done in the last few weeks alone, with the actions of a man clearly angry with what politicians have allowed to happen to UK, indicates to me that the elites know what is happening, and are rushing to tamp down the rising anger in the country.
It wont work.
Note. I dont blame Muslims at all. They are doing what is clearly written in the Koran and the example of Mohammed. If we didn’t bother to read and see its results in the last 1400 years, it is we who are to blame. Muslims can say that we were warned. They have even told us they practice Taqiyya. That is they are conducting a duplicitous war. We have no excuse.
Unless we recognise this and act appropriately, there is far worse to come. In the end we will end up in a Bosnia type civil war.
I expect this has been posted already, but I don’t have time to look through the threads.
Very busy at work #DespiteBrexit
It’s nice that they don’t even bother to hide it any more isn’t it? What sort of “unbiased” reporting do you think this creature will provide?
As an aside, how rubbish are their artists? They must surely have seen thousands of pictures of AK47s over the years. The gas tube is over the barrel, not under it. Can’t they get anything right?
“It’s nice that they don’t even bother to hide it any more ”
Sadly – as I read the MSM – the opposite is the case with evangelical Christians!
While – and this should make every British citizen ashamed – the elite Gays and Muslims have been on their “world-wide” crusades with most Christian objections ending up in the editors trash bin as the Ruling Elites, radical feminists, pink tolerance brigade, have the UK press and BBC TV/Radio bowing down to their every need or desire!
Its bonkers! Everything is in reverse!? The people now hiding their beliefs are the churches/evangelical christians while the pink machine presses on with more demands, more control of the UK Media,.
i.e. more pride less shame!
We let the Muslim world talk to us under the banner of free speech … we chose not to listen.
“… they may say one thing to you in front of CNN, but I can assure you behind your backs in every Masjid* (Mosque) and Community Centre. They are standing with their Muslim brothers and sisters saying ‘we hope the Americans and British are pushed out of countries and we can implement the Sharia’. This is an Islamic obligation for us to support our brothers around the world. Our land is one. Our War is one. Our Peace is one. Our honour is one.” – Anjem Choudary (allowed to hate us from 1999 – 2016. UKophobia?)
“..we will dominate this country (UK) brother and implement the beauty and perfection of the Sharia justice of Islam.” – Anjem Choudary (allowed to hate us from 1999 – 2016. UKophobia?)
But the level of vitriol and violent rhetoric against now-President Trump has increased substantially in recent weeks, from comedian Kathy Griffin’s now-famous shock “beheading” photograph to Shakespeare in the Park’s not-at-all-subtle “assassination” of Trump on a stage in New York City’s Central Park.
I complained to the bBC about that and I received this reply:
Dear ***********
Ref: *****************
Thank you for getting in touch about our article reporting that US broadcaster CNN has ditched a comedienne from its New Year programme after she posed with a fake decapitated head of President Donald Trump. (
We’re not a children’s website and while we are aware of the wide range of people who read our articles, equally we have a responsibility to report the main news events. News is unpredictable and can be disturbing and we have an obligation to provide adult readers with informative and comprehensible news.
As far as I’m aware Kathy Griffin asked the photographer to take the photo down and that has no bearing on our decision to include it when reporting a news story in which the image essentially is the story, while allowing readers to judge the accompanying furore for themselves. Our headline also makes clear that it was a “stunt” and the picture was not used as the lead image in the article or on our indexes, thus affording readers the opportunity to avoid it.
Thank you once again for getting in touch with your views.
but showing us the cartoons that create fury and murder nope thats off limits
Wow that reply is impudent,
hope you escalate it ..pointing out you find it offensive, whilst it might radicalise others.
“The EU is facing a range of terrorist threats and attacks of a violent jihadist nature … legitimised by the interpretation they adopted of selectively sampled religious texts.” – Trends 01
If only we could identify those pesky ‘sampled religions texts’ that cause ‘attacks of a violent jihadist nature’ and remove them from the books, or talk about them so people know.
Almost there. This report is just on the cusp of discovering or answering the question and then … nothing.
“On 7 January a man wearing what appeared to be a suicide vest and wielding a meat cleaver outside the Gouttee d’Or police station in Paris, was shot and killed as he tried to force his way in. Also in January a Jewish teacher, wearing traditional dress and kippa, was attacked and wounded with a machete in Marseille while walking to work. The a hacker was a 15-year-old boy who had arrived in France in 2010.” – Page 22 – sound familiar?
Jihadist 13 (UK 0, Highest is France 5)
Left-wing 27 (UK 0, Highest is Italy 16)
Right-wing 1 (UK 0, Highest is Netherlands 1)
Separatist 99 (UK 76, Highest is UK 76)
Totals for attacks in 2016 // Jihadis = 13 / Left-wing = 27 / Right-wing = 1 / Separatist*[1] = 99 / Unknown = 2
*[1] – this 99 figure needs more detail or breakdown, I suspect it is hiding some important information.
So Left-wing WIN the most number of attacks (27) in 2016 , who would have thought?
Thats a great find. I hope Alan puts it on the main mast.
Thanks NCBBC – as long as Alan checks the reports himself first and doesn’t just regurgitate it. I have been known to be wrong when reporting things in the past, sorry to say.
Thats very honest of you. I wish so-called Climate scientists were as particular.
Obviously some of the data is out of date.
man the snp must have been busy in 2016
Margaret Thatcher in 2002:
“We have harboured those who hated us, tolerated those who threatened us and indulged those who weakened us”
Updated for 2017: “We have raised them (education/jobs/welfare/nhs), we have given their Muslim brothers top jobs (London Mayor), we have tolerated them to be intolerant towards us (sharia/jihad/Al Quds demo), we have celebrated with them (Eid in London), we have paid them to blow us up (compensation/benefits/welfare), we gave them access to the tools to kill us (cars/trucks/knifes/planes), we just haven’t listened when they told us what they really wanted (an islamic dominated world).”
@Pounce She wrote that in the GUARDIAN 12 Feb 2002
Margaret Thatcher: Islamism is the new bolshevism
Not sure if I saw this right, but one of the poor girls killed by Abedi in Manchester was buried nearby today.
I`m sure the BBC woman said her coffin was adorned with a “bee” to show the “Spirit Of Manchester”. But all I saw was a St George flag. Guessing the BBC refuse to see any England flag, let alone encourage us all to get the wrong message.
Emily Thornberry rules apply-we`re racist.
The BBC agree.
Wonder if he’ll get prison time for this very poorly timed (and poor taste) joke?
Wonder if he’ll get murdered in prison?
Reminds me of some guy who put a rasher of bacon on a mosque door handle as a joke some time back, wonder what happened to him?
Why should he be arrested for that?
Some attention seeker says something loony
So BBC help him by turning it into a big news story
It’s not good use of resources to use police on the playground that is the internet
— It’s a Facebook internal thing..someone clicks report ..then the post ..maybe suspended .. gets checked by FB jockey who hits “keep or delete” and maybe your if it’s incitement to violence reports it to police
But it’s ok to have a terrorist parade through London with flags flying.
After that disgusting terrorist attack on those poor Muslims, has anybody heard about the arrest of 4 men just 1.5 miles from the company which hired the van out. According to the Police this wasn’t a terrorist office.
UK: 4 armed men arrested near where the Finsbury attacker lived.
Swansea is NOT near Cardiff *
BBC did report it, but I didn’t hear it on radio
* I suspect it was same hire co, but different office
They weren’t arrested in Swansea, but in Talbot Green, as per the Police tweet and BBC tweets you posted
‘Taffia’ 😉
Two weeks there was another Left-Supremacist attack in Australia, I’ve not heard it reported in UK
(Topic here is How Left attacks are under reported whilst non-Lefty attacked are given OperationBanging on)
I just posted in the other thread