Perhaps they don’t want us to see how bad it is going for the remoaners?
It is usually bad for them.
Maxi will be on shift later, he will ‘fix’ it for us then .
Message to telly tax payers – Al Beeb is a joke !
I gave up on the “latest” when some tit was saying that more people now want to stay than leave and another was asking for proof of this statement, not forthcoming.
Al Beeb a joke Taff? If so the joke is surely on us as jokes are occasionally funny.
Our local Woolworths decided that life as a Woolies was-well, not what it was made for.
So in 2009, it transitioned into a Poundland.
Can I nominate Oldbury Poundland as the first-and indeed first original -shop to change sex and identity in the UK?
BBC News – “A man has been Tasered by police after reports people were being attacked at a London mosque just before 01:30 BST.
Officers said they acted after finding a man waving an “item” around near the London Central Mosque in Regent’s Park.”
Tasered a guy waving an item around ? near a mosque??
Item?, an axe?? a gun??? a knife???? , or
is it a pack of bacon? … no folks it was a
… wait for it, shoehorn
… so pleased plod were enforcing sharia so enthusiastically
I wish our joke of an underperforming overpaid police force would spend more time dealing with real crime………..Like dealing with peadophiles, muslim grooming gangs and muslim terrorists instead of standing around outside mosques like well a pork pie in a mosque.
This joke is good enought to grace any BBC comedy on Friday.
Glad we saw it here first, we`ll not see it`s like on any lefty media outlet though. Zees eez never funny when you dare to laugh at the left.
Get the feeling McDonald fired from the hip on the rage thing then had to stand his organised people down as it would look bad for Corbyns glorious election victory to come…
It’s possible. I think it’s more likely though that the headline for the march ‘bring down the government’ and all the talk of ‘rage’ put off the knit your own muesli brigade who otherwise might have let little Cressida and Jake have the day off from nursery so that they could all come down from Crouch End in their Danish pram-bike. The ‘genuine’ protestors from Grenfell seem to have stayed away as well, which was probably an organised decision of some sort.
Only a day? These children of wealthy parents (i.e. scroats) don’t deal in days! Make no mistake about it; these people are usually highly educated and quite able to out-think some of the most intellectual labour MPs (that’s why Corbyn is where he is right now) and aren’t worried one bit about corbyn losing more ground as they can simply return to mom and dad if they need to pay those fines for daubing windows, walls, with paint or when they throw bricks through peoples windows while high on weed (man)
Al Beeb has been busy pouring islamic poison over its licence paying views so has neglected the normal smug abuse it fires at President Trump. Sadly this morning poor Justin had to report that the Republicans had won a seat which the democrats had billed as a referendum on Trumps Presidency and had thrown industrial amounts of cash /bribes to win – but didn’t. Poor Justin sighed again when saying it was a 6% majority. He didn’t even have one of smug little quips he, or his twin brother sopel, normally throw in to question Trumps legitimacy.
I am no fan of President Trump but he does seem to do what he promised his electorate and must be respected for that. And , having so much money, won’t feel the need to exploit every penny of uk taxpayers money. Watching the state opening and seeing 800 peers each on £300 a day was enough for me.
We seem not to have any Islamic terrorist attacks for a few days – oh wait a minute – Brussels – Paris and whatever else the msm has chosen not to report.
My reason for asking is threefold. We know he is overweight, although any tendency to obesity is not a guarantee of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Thin people also get it.
He has been, since his appointment as Foreign Secretary, apparently somewhat reluctant to travel. Again, that is no sure indicator although travel and irregular meals, hot climates and so on, can make traveling handling diabetes very difficult for those with the condition.
I turned on PM on BBC Radio 4 (5-6pm) part-way through Eddie Mair’s interview with Boris about the contents of the Queen’s Speech. He was having a very Diane Abbott of an interview.
Finally, I thought Eddie was very bullying. Is there a law against that these days? If not, he did not set a very good example, talking over Boris’ answers and making the whole thing worse.
Well, the Day of Rage didn’t achieve McDonnells objectives. No million marchers, just a smaller, much smaller number of the usual suspects, trots , rabble rousers and Momentum types, all looking like a job is alien to them and no doubt major imbibers of the £36 billion spent on working age benefits in London ( bigger than the defence budget).
It time for the conservatives to gain some courage, stop apologising and fight back against these scumbags and their supporters in the MSM.
Makes you longfor water cannons with the uneraseable dye in the water. Bright green hair, face , arms and legs for a month. Big laugh for all of us but a real problem for the rent a mob crowd . see TM Boris was right we need hundreds of water cannon across the country , all fitted with dye dispensers. I would willing buy a ticket to see this socialist scum dyed bright green or yellow. Tolerating this shit will only lead to ever more assaults on our democracy. Give em a good going over and free us from these leftist scum.
Doublethinker. How about spraying them with just purple and yellow?This would add insult to injury. Plus they could be dobbed in for supporting a terrorist organisation (ukip) under Theresa’s new regime.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have UKIP, or some of the few proper conservatives left adrift in the Tory party organise a million-person (let’s not be sexist!) march on Parliament to demand :
-Brexit by any means necessary. And now. No pasaran, venceremos.
-Licence fee abolition
-Overhaul of the Marxist education cartel
-Immigration only for people who can contribute. That doesn’t include taxi drivers and baristas.
-Drastically amend the NHS (another socialist monolith). I’d abolish it myself but I know it’s not popular.
-Reintroduce Capital punishment. Or if that’s too radical, let’s please not release murderers after an insulting jail sentence. Terrorists should just be shot on sight.
-Overhaul the legal system, so that people like Mrs Blair and Phil Shiner get a well deserved jail cell. Same goes for those bankers who got off scot-free in the collapse of 2008.
-And dust off those old treason laws and bring em back
It could be a mass turnout from sensible oldies and people from the Shires, and for everyone who thinks the world has gone utterly mad, which it has. We could call it the Day of Beige.
In all honesty I think that if we were to make it illegal for any Election Candidate and the political party they represent to willfully lie or to be proven to have made no intention to carry out any pledge in thier manifestos… No enquiries, no sub committies run by other MPs… Actual criminal investigations as in my mind I feel that lying to the electorate is more serious than perjury and can be as damaging to the National interest and its` democracy in the same vein as treason… All MPs should be held accountable by law!!! Any MP found to be acting in a way which maligns our Parliament (expenses, bumming rent boys, accepting bribes etc..) should be made to step down from thier seat and they should have to campaign for re-election at the earliest possible date… Let the electorate be thier Judge, Jury and Executioner!!!
Also MPs should be full time employees of the people and as such should not be allowed directorships and executive positions in the private sector where the position of MP could be used to influence decisions…. However I do feel that if this were to be made law, the current salary of an MP should be doubled….. Perhaps then we would see genuine politicians in Westminster, I have no problem with career politicians if that is thier only career!! At the moment we seem to have a house full of people who hold positions within big business which to myself shows a conflict of interest… Criminal proceedings are actually a hell of a lot cheaper than enquiries, and thier resulting sentences are much more of a deterrent than a group of other MPs telling you off and then allowing you to carry on being an MP… Let`s face it all the sub commities are made up usually by some of the most decietful and dishonest politicians at Westminster.. Look at Keith (Hotpoint) Vaz…. He is now once again holding a position of authority heading up a sub-commitee again… Business as usual!! He should have faced criminal proceedings and should have been made to stand to be re-elected, let the people decide whether they wish to be represented by a criminal as close to the time of the verdict in the Courts as is possible, whilst it is still fresh in thier minds….. I am so sick and tired of seeing an endless procession of liars and corrupt oxygen thieves selling us out so they can fill thier pockets with bribes and false expenses claims….. A lot of people look back on the Thatcher years and criticise her role as Prime Minister and blame her for a lot of things which were nothing to do with her, blaming her for the closure of the mines for example, yet it was the previous Labour government which implemented the closure of the majority of them… There was one thing that Thatcher did have , and that was to be as good as her word… She was honest and disliked dishonesty in her political party and people forget that,…She had no conflict of interests, she also stood up for our interests whenever it was needed… Yes, some decisions were hard at the time to understand but the simple fact is that when she left number 10 our economy was never in better shape… Also she didn`t hesitate when action was needed over the Falklands, she made all of us in the UK once again feel proud of being who we are….
I honestly cannot name any current politician in Westminster who I would class as trustworthy.. Dishonesty and corruption has created voter apathy, it has also given people such as Corbyn and his Momentum associates a soapbox from which they ferment some quite dangerous political viewpoints, and outright lies regarding thier intentions should they ever get in power….
Do you notice that they always choose Wednesdays?
That`s because their needed lard arsey students can`t and don`t do sports at the local college or poly.
How many of the fat tranny types can you fit into a gender neutral portaloo? And shouldn`t we be asking for this to raise money and awareness for Chubby Chasers Monthlies?
I`d like to see disabilty scooter football…why not? Failing that, the Charity Sheild should be played with both team in high heels, so the ladies could learn how to play properly.
Next Head of Sport?…surely it`ll be me!
Okay, let’s not be unkind. Don’t sit there with a smug, satisfied smile on your face. Simply because the predicted number of demonstrators attending today’s so called Day of Rage fell a tad short (ahem) of the 1-2 million that had been suggested,we shouldn’t mock. No, really we shouldn’t, but…
We’ve heard about this event for weeks. Old McDonnell was promoting it on Radio 4 this morning. It was supposed to be an enormous demonstration of discontent with the government. “It’s going to bring down Theresa May” some of the unwashed predicted. The police say it was only about two hundred that actually bothered to get their unemployed scruffy arses out of bed. Oh dear, oh dear!
Of course, even with such limited numbers there were still scuffles and the usual vile behaviour. Apparently some of the louts chanted despicable things about Theresa May’s mother, who died recently. Well, par for the course with this sort of trash, I guess.
It looked like the usual perennially discontented rabble; Muslims, blacks, tattooed tarts, mouthy, unpleasant illiterate yobs. With so few people it was hardly a demonstration.
More like an audience for The Jeremy Kyle Show…
What I would really like to know, is who is ‘Dave Rog’?
Is he a Roger, or a Dave, or did someone change her name all of a sudden, so who knows a girl called Roger; or does – er – she…
Rave Doge doesn’t deem to have the same ‘ring’ about it, so ‘Doiyvy Rosie’ could have got more tweets I suppose.
Remember calling the Police ‘The Fuzz’? Never did myself, I always thought they were doing a great job back then, but this was in the sixties, and I had three pints lined up in ‘The Barley Mow’ in Duke Street about the time that Grosvenor Square was going to be smashed to bits by a crowd of assholes.
Not quite al Beeb but perhaps the written version – The Guardian Newspaper. I look at the quite often to see what the enemy is thinking (loose term) . I am interested in whether they allow comments. I know that many subjects do not allow comments – often with the word ‘Islamic’ in the title. It kind of bears out the attitude at al Beeb where they know they are so sure in themselves and cannot take an alternative view or discussion. Fortunately the newspaper is failing and with hope will go the way of The Independent which is a truly sad thing these days.
Thatchers biggest error was letting Channel 4 get going on our tab.
National Curriculum was another, but sense that Jon Snow has probably weeviled his smarmy nastiness into the culture even more than years of awful,schooling.
If only she`d finished off the BBC as they gloated at Oxford Uni refusing her an honorary degree.
Mrs T has gone, whereas the likes of Heseltine, Hattersley, Warnock and Jonathan Miller are still here.
No justice G_d is there, sir?
Mines not to reason why-but it`d be nice to know.
Has there been a phase shift in British politics ?
UKIP have become the Tory party.
The Tory party has become the Libdems
The Libdems have become the Labour Party
And Labour have become the Communist party
What a useless prick he is. ‘Oh he’s so noble and right on’. No, he’s a joke.
Delusions of winning – when he hasn’t, sticking it to the Queen – even though she is an important figure to many in this country and then embarrassigly going to Glastonbury to highlight his cred.
His appearance there will remind me of the cameraman in Groundhog Day trying to auction himself to the highest bidder, slowly turning to receive the pitying looks of the crowd.
This guy wants to be the leader of this great country yet he treats it like an easily impressed youth centre.
It’s ok… Di has said the full £243,000,000 cost for all illegals will be covered by a banker tax. Bet the Eavis family will be thrilled to have such folk in their tent city.
Not once has she shown any gratitude for being lucky enough to live in a country where it doesn’t matter how ugly or thick you are, someone will still have sex with you.
I still don’t know who she is, IMNALY… I’ve asked loads of people here recently!
Is he supposed to be famous or interesting?
I wish someone here could explain, because I’m off my medication, and back on the red and sometimes the white, occasionally at the same time…
Answers on a prescription form please, care of Scrobs – 60+ likes the ladies so don’t get anywhere near the dispensary counter without looking behind you…
Lily the pinked or something, Scrobie. You know, faintly Leftie but loaded thanks to a rich actor Dad and the Yoof buying her records. Actually, I thought a couple of her early songs were really rather good but I’m told she has gone off a bit. Am also informed that her presence in the music charts now is somewhat non-existent. That might also explain the pinkness.
Dear Scrob
I recommend you get back on the medication. Don’t mix the red and white – it’s a solid hangover guarantee for most people . As for our Ms Allen, she is a tone deaf fishwife, virago, scold and a battleaxe who thinks she’s important, but all her media power will disappear as soon as she’s old or unfashionable.
I don’t doubt she’ll be playing nostalgia gigs in small market town pubs when she’s 50 odd, if she lives that long.
So, this is she who I regularly read about here. I had/have no idea who she is or what she does. But the photo says everything to me such that this point is valid: I sure would not like to wake up in the morning and roll over and look at that……..
How come all the media political scum seem to gloat at May “failing to get her manifesto” soundbite? Not only would they get cheesed off if she DID include any of those grammer school proposals?
But-given the election result-is there anybody who DIDN`T think that she`d have to lose a few ideas that won`t get through or annoy the DUP?
And has this not been trailed endlessly since the result of the election?
So it`s not news is it?
Still-they use it as if it`s new.
Reminds me of May getting slated for not bringing migration down? As if that`s something that her opponents actually want her to succeed in?
But that`s media political splashings…and only shows how aimless and stupid their game is.
good post chrisH..totally agree..
they are beyond pathetic theses days and now we can all see what they’re up pretence anymore is there?
What a state of affairs when one’s “national broadcasting corporation! (!?) is, inter alia, effectively what would have been described in W.W. 2 as a “Fifth Column”
Am now watching some Brexit documentary on BBC2.
Don`t even need to turn it up-watch the faces, count the minutes of bias, note the likes fo Crick shouting at a UKIP bloke.
This is NOT balanced documentary, just biased wall to wall re-education.
Sooner we get out and hear them howl, hopefully counting the heart attacks of Heseltines and Soubrys, the better, Funny how a Nicky Morgan or George Osborne become pets of the BBC isn`t it?
8pm R4 Moral Maze is RAGE politics exploiting the Grenwell Tower Fire
I don’t know why they have to rush before the preliminary inquiry
Rage is an understandable emotional reaction
– It’s not just a response to the number of people who died or were severely injured
– It’s when you look at the accounts of Kensington and Chelsea council that the emotion crystallises into something more morally troubling.
– spendable reserves of more than £300 million, £1.5 million on subsidising Holland Park Opera.
– A sprinkler system for Grenfell tower would have cost around £200,000. (belive that if you want)
– Were those in Grenfell tower victims of the dogma of the free market … that has destroyed our sense of social obligation and the common good?
– If they were victims of bad government, is the answer more regulation?
..Or does “red tape” reduce morality and personal responsibility to a tick-box mentality?
This Wednesday campaigners are planning what they call a “day of rage” to protest at the social injustice they say is at the heart of the tragedy.
– They are calling for people to “defy Tory rule”.
– It’s not hard to turn this tragedy into a political morality tale about rich and poor and it may even be understandable to do that,
… but is it a justifiable tactic when emotions are running so high ?
– Anger is an energy that can be focused to achieve change, but it can also career out of control as we saw outside a mosque in north London this week.
– With3 recent major terrorist incidents and a fractured political climate you could argue that as a nation we’re living through febrile emotional times.
– Do we all have a responsibility to choose our words carefully?
It’s the old corruption v incompetence with a smigin of alleged racist as deployed in the Lawrence case. Authorities can’t win now.
Damage limitation at best . Narrative is written whatever the truth happens to be. I understand the council threw £10 million at improvement but the austerity argument will win because al beeb and the others have sold it to poor joe or mo public
Meanwhile over at Yahoo news, there’s an article about the luxury block that the Grenfell residents are being (temporarily) rehoused in. Comments are not going well – many people pointing out that some of the Cumbrian flood victims have not been rehoused, two years on.
Heard Eddie Mair sneering at this news re the burned out plebs and migrants maybe getting toff posh flats in Kensington.
He was talking to some architecture poppet who knew nothing about anything about what concierge services might be on offer.
Very Passport to Pimlico class-snob stuff from Eddie( who , I imagine will not be affected, or else HE`D be on the phone to The Barbican Residents Co-Op or whatever his gated community guardsmen call themselves).
Next up was Prince Phillip not being well. Again, no-one knew anything but Eddie rather thought that it would be a bladder problem. Five minutes of THAT followed. Ten minutes primetime-the toffs might yet meet the chavs in a flat nearby, and Prince Phillips prostate problems getting an airing?
We pay for this. In more ways than one.
How about the (upwards of) 500 ex-servicemen, sleeping rough on London streets, after risking life and limb for their country. What is Citizen Khan doing for them? Or are they PNG. ‘cos they may have shot at his ISIS mates?
That Kaan bloke is an absolute joke. He stands in on photoshoots looking like a third rate pillock, and has no bearing to show for being one of the most powerful positions – not jobs – POSITIONS in the world.
Sadiq’s manifesto pledges
\\That’s why, if I am elected Mayor, my single biggest priority will be to build thousands more homes every year, for you, your family and your friends – and to give first dibs to Londoners on new homes. Our capital needs more than 50,000 new homes a year – yet the current Mayor has built barely half that number. And when they are built, too often they are not the properties that London needs. //
In office he’s in charge of Homes for Londoners board
see their meetings every 3 months ..not much done
“GLA officers are preparing a draft London Housing Strategy (LHS) for
consultation with the public. This is due to be published in early August 2017. ”
“That’s why, if I am elected Mayor, my single biggest priority will be to build thousands more homes every year, for you, your family and your friends .”
Has London got room for them all ? It is full up!
Reduce the import of people .
Not only housing, but also critical infrastructure. A £250,000 bridge in Keswick has taken 2 years to replace and will reopen shortly. This is, of course, just one instance of missing infrastructure harming the local economy, but the government can spend £ 75,000 on refurbishing one flat in a tower block. The needs of noncitizens or citizens in name only are pandered to in London, but the voices of citizens in Cumbria are too far away to be heard in London.
Where BBC Diversity = inviting your mates on
– AaronBastani of NovoraMedia who was on MoraMaze a few minutes ago
was also on with Amol Rajan on Newsnight last night
Laughing my Ossoff
Not the BBC but no doubt they would sing from the same prayer sheet.
this gem came from el Guardian….
“With 100% of precincts reporting, Handel had 52.7% and Ossoff had 47.3%.
Sporadic downpours and flash flood warnings helped to put a damper on Democratic turnout in base precincts and on the hopes of progressives to thwart Republican efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Combined with an energized Republican base that kept Ossoff from accumulating a significant lead among early voters, it doomed the hopes of the anti-Trump activists who made the first-time Democratic candidate a minor political celebrity. “
First, we had a woman engineer from today sitting in a Spitfire cockpit. She told us that the Battle of Britain was won because of a woman engineer. This woman, because she had a long name, suffered unfairly because the term Mrs was shortened unintentionally to Mr in official documents of the time. And? Her triumph was to invent a device that overcame negative G in RAF fighters. It was shortly replaced by fuel injection.
No mention of the men who actually did the dangerous acts of shooting down Hun bombers. But much was made of the need for wimmin engineers today. No mention of market forces of course.
She went on to explain that women today still lack opportunities for success. But she’s an engineer being paid well through us. The sofa sloths luvved it all.
Next was a mention of Chuck Berry. Some sort of celebration. They played about ten seconds of Johnny B Good. The female sloth pretended as to how happy that music made her feel, although she quickly added that she was so very ecstatic to be on the show anyway (pass the bucket).
The male sloth quickly added that there was a female version called Lady B Good and they both then preened themselves. Equality complete and a black male included!
There was also a feature about the lack of wimmin as sports coaches. Obviously down to a hate crime against wimmen.
Beatrice Shilling had the idea of putting a glorified washer in the fuel line to prevent back flow and provide a miniscule fuel reserve during short ‘negative g’ periods. The Merlin engine was never fitted with fuel injection.
Like mass immigration it is never explained why we need more female engineers, (who is going to do the jobs they would have liked(?) to have done?). There is the usual confusion:
a. women are just as capable
b. women bring something different
c. engineering needs to change to suit women
d. most women don’t want to do it
All part of the post-modern, collectivist plan. We will tell you what part of the tractor to make and how many. The fact that someone doesn’t want to make tractors and that the state has too many tractors is of no importance.
too sad for words..but:
David Vance @DVATW 14h14 hours ago
The #DayOfRage is the fury of the feral Left and its hatred of the fact it has lost yet another General Election to the useless May!
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Dougie BrimsonVerified account @dougiebrimson 13h13 hours ago
To all those people taking part in #DayOfWork to pay taxes to support those taking part in #DayOfRage I salute you. You’re the true British.
64 replies 701 retweets 1,459 likes
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?? ?? @Ms_Anthropea 14h14 hours ago
Can we have a #DayofRage for all the young girls who have been raped by grooming gangs? Oh, yeah, I forgot. That would be racist!
Lewis @Lewisbaker1603 14h14 hours ago
can we get #DayOfGraft trending for all those people who work for a living & contribute to those services being stretched by #DayOfRage
“”Missing babies: Israel’s Yemenite children affair””
“”In the years after the creation of the Israeli state hundreds of babies went missing. Their parents, mostly Jewish immigrants from Yemen, were told their children had died, but suspicions linger that they were secretly given away to childless families””
This is one of the most vicious anti-Israel features that I have seen by the BBC. I worked in Israel a few years ago with a Yemen Jew. They are Arabs but are also Jewish. It made my head spin at the time!
He had no issues with Israel and was very happy to live there with his family.
Also, there’s a huge number of muslims living in Israel and they have NO intention of returning to an Arab country.
But this is all too complicated for the anti Jew /Israel BBC brain to comprehend.
How many Jews live in Palestine? Anyone guess? How about less than zero?
Oh and add that little bbc idiot L.Kuntsberg to Corbyn’s cell!
God she looks so like a bad case of in-breeding it’s not true! ..& as it goes, for me at least, I am reminded of a female (?) version of that banjo-playing kid in Deliverance!..1972 for those of you old enough to recall:
I haven’t been back in UK long and wanted to find out about the much vaunted “Day of Rage”..but I cannot see anything!..why?..what happened?..was it cancelled due to the hot weather(for UK)?..or maybe it was postponed until the weekend so that more people who actually work for a living can attend. There is nothing to see here afai can see!? ..move along:
The print division of Al Beeb have an article up about the ”’day of rage”’ wow its real lawrence of Arabia style reporting, or rather Hamed of Hamstead, reporting 100s march, they say 500 further down, ofcourse thats the grenfel crew aswell, police say 10 to 20, then after a twitter bugle call, 200 ……
Any glad to see no-one got carried away with all the drama.
Oh wait a minute, one guy got carried away literally kicking and screaming about how he is there marching for peace, no shit look, funny……………..
A male protester was later pinned to the floor by police following what appeared to be a skirmish with officers, the Press Asssociation reported. As he was being carried away he repeatedly shouted he was a “peaceful” protester.
Too much and for too long our politics has been constantly letting the media call the shots. They are the media for God’s sake. Their job is to report and reflect not to order and direct.
Pay attention Theresa – watch Fox News and when it comes to the media say, ‘Enough! I’m in charge, not Peter Hall”.
Trump has proved that you don’t require the media in order to govern. He doesn’t need them – he has Twitter.
Listening to MSM and Al Beeb this evening the media are now doing their damnedest to sabotage the UK’s break for freedom, freedom from the un-democratic European super state.
I forecast that this would happen.
The media is awash with ‘Londoncentric remoaners’ who are completely out of touch with the people of Great Britain. They are using their propaganda as a desperate attempt to influence the younger gullible voters.
A media full of ‘journos’ who have never done an honest day’s work in their life and are completely out of touch with the genuine working class.
Dear me the MSM are absolutely desperate to denigrate Trump. This isn’t BBC but MSN.
“Analysis: Trump calls Ukraine the thing Ukrainians hate the most”
He said The Ukraine. Not Ukraine.
Trump Uses Definite Article! We must surely see what an evil man he really is now right?
And they remain seriously outraged that he has made them irrelevant. Their contribution to the World is so very questionable and yet they truly believe they are the most important thing in it – astounding.
That John McDonnell, the Shadow Chancellor (old enough to know better but then look at Corbyn the rebellious teen who won’t bow to the Queen) should be openly promoting the Day of Rage should prompt some serious questions to be asked.
If not for the ‘free stuff’ coupled with no fear of having to get a job, I’m still trying to understand why a sentient adult with a functioning memory would want to see Labour in power.
Tony Benn used to do this. As did Red Ken and Hatton etc.
Basically kiddie fiddling of the mind, paid for by the unions and danegeld from the craven government of the day.
If the left were consistent then they`d shaft Barry Gibb. Tax exile of long standing.
But they won`t.
She went on to explain that women today still lack opportunities for success.
This has been demonstrated to be BS of the first water. Large-scale studies in the most egalitarian countries (Scandinavia, mainly) showed that the more options you give for women to freely pursue a profession, the more they choose traditionally female-style work.
This is the exact opposite of what the imbecile Left predicted, that throwing open the job market would lead to hordes of women engineers and IT experts. Wrong.
Classic BBC hatchet job through misleading headline: “Fruit and veg farmers facing migrant labour shortages”.
Yep. Britain – which never had strawberries or other fresh fruits or vegetables in the past – may have to go without again. Problem is a shortage of migrant workers, due of course to Brexit and the uncertainties surrounding it. However, read the actual numbers in the survey – commissioned by the BBC itself – and it tells quite a different story. It works out that 75% of the surveyed farmers said that they had enough workers or did not know, which creates a slightly different impression. Only 21% said they didn’t have enough migrant workers.
The BBC also states that “Many growers blame the weak pound which has reduced their workers’ earning power”. No, the effect of a weak pound is to make overseas currencies stronger in comparison. As the BBC points out, most of the seasonal workers are from Romania and Bulgaria. These two countries do not use the Euro as their economies are too weak: Romania has the Leu and Bulgaria the Lev. The weakness of the currencies makes them particularly susceptible to the markets, but a weak pound helps migrant workers from those countries (BBC… try actually speaking to such people who are working on fruit farms here).
Here’s another suggestion for the BBC: instead of wasting time on this propaganda, how about an article on why, with more than 250 varieties of strawberry to choose from, the supermarkets sell mainly Elsanta – the blandest piece of watery pap available.
I heard that and thought the same….is it because none of the reporters actually passed their Maffs exams and don’t understand statistics – well Jezzer did win the election!
However they did their usual and put in the ‘could’ word in the report I heard…that allows for a multitude of sins
As a lad I spent my school holidays picking fruit, poor pay but got me out of the house and kept me in vitamin c. Now how about the kids get off there iphones and pick some fruit 😉 If a farmer has a labour shortage, he will have to either up the pay or invest in some machinery – pretty much like the rest of the world does!
Not sure I see how a falling pound helps migrant workers from Bulgaria, etc? If the workers are sending there remittances back home, doesnt matter where, then a weaker pound will result in less local currency. The fall in the pound should encourage a shift to local rather than migrant pickers.
Exactly. Perhaps some enterpreneur could develop an iPhone app to tell the kids where strawberry picking is available and have their wages paid directly to PayPal or Apple Pay 🙂
I see that my zero-hours, minimum wage nephew eventually responds to my e-mails via his ‘iphone’. I inherited a Nokia 1600. I’ve got money, he hasn’t, I wonder why?
Ian R,
“…. read the actual numbers in the survey – commissioned by the BBC itself – and it tells quite a different story.”
Its a bit like the election: Labour won, Conservatives lost.
Anybody reversed the BBC’s lies and sent it back for a “Fact Check”?
They normally roll out some farmer to cry about their business. Well it’s their profit and loss – not mine. I would Britain import guest workers who send their money back home and have no commitment to our country except for ripping as much out of it as possible?
Do the old ‘ pick your own’ thing like when I were lad and if you want fruit- import it .
The ‘heads of valleys’ district in Wales has high levels of unemployment. Thirty miles up the road, upgraded with our money re-painted blue and gold, are the fruit growing areas of Herefordshire and Worcestershire.
If I am sending levs home and the pound is weaker against the euro, then I leave for Germany,say, to ensure I at least maintain my income. If you have euros stashed away somewhere, they will now buy more pounds than they would before the referendum. If you live in Britain you are better off. You have partially offset, the increased costs of imports. Rather than rely on cheap labour, the fruitgroweers could invest in technology.
After all, we are always being told that Britain’s productiivity needs to increase.
Seriously! On what planet do you have to be living to think this is okay? Only Planet BBC and a few other satellite worlds.
Since when did it become okay to condone illegal activities because something bad happened to people?
Surely if somebody was subletting or overcrowding their flat (my comment it may not be true) then they are culpable for the increased level of fatalities….will they all please step forward….
James – the new labour mp -Toad – only got a majority of 20 so any additional lefty voters will be most welcome eh? Toad was on the management committee ££ of the council – but obviously not to blame for the fire right.
All over LBC this morning about an amnesty for sub-letting landlords and associated illegal immigrants involved in the Grenfell fire tragedy. Surely if prosecutions are going to be pursued for people negligent with regards to the compliance of the refurbishment to building standards then surely those sub-letting should also be prosecuted. Overcrowding in a high rise must surely be deemed a fire risk ! The building must have a fire certificate that states maximum occupancy is x number of persons. Will we see a clampdown on sub-letting as a result of this tragedy? I think not.
Celeb DJ Chris Evans keeping up the Beeb drip drip – just quoted from a report on the Queens speech that’s President Trumps visit has been “kicked into the long grass” and said “If you find yourself by the long grass and someone approaches with a strimmer make sure you distract them” hilarious no?
John Humphries on radio 4. He put it to Philip Hammond that it’s quite likely that certain people in parliament (using Corby’s name mentioned in a flash) might want to make trouble over the complex Brexit negotiations. We all know who outside of parliament continually makes trouble. If only Mr Hammond had shot back with those in parliament are the least of our worries however it’s people like you Mr Humphries who delight in making trouble trying to belittle and derail Brexit. Humphries ended the interrogation by saying (again in a flash) “Does Mrs May still want to sack you?”
Now shortly after the talk with Mr Hammond they are on Brexit again. This time it’s the SNP who could possibly cause a constitutional crises over Brexit. These are not interviews in the sense of what I remember them to be but interrogations, inquisitions, designed to be decisive. It’s as if the CBB themselves are rulers and decision makers? They continue to broadcast way beyond their mandate. Humphries is at it again this time over the power sharing agreement. Why would Humphries ask a stupid question like “Where will Northen Island be in 10 years time?” What an old fool!
Who knows in these times where we’re all going to be in the next 24 hours with Islamic terrorists ready to kill us every day. I would have answered back ‘isn’t it obvious, it will be an Islamic calapahte as will the rest of the UK and Europe’.
Toady watch
Humphreys, Robinson and a prince of al Beeb -John Simpson ( so past his sell by date) are all in mourning because Isis blew up a mosque in Syria or similar. Then went on to say how bad the past year has been – no not terrorist attacks – Brexit and that woman mp who came to a sticky end.
I am not old enough to remember ww2. But one night in 1940 London lost over 3000 people from German bombing. Now that was a bad year. And apparently the year mr Simpson was born. Toady cut him off before the fool became even more embarrassing . and smug.
Then – a non interview between of all people – Humpreys and Jon lefty Snow. I turned off
Stew – I’m slightly temped to follow mr Simpson on his twitter but won’t Why give old al Beeb geezers like him be given the oxygen of publicity. He , like the rest of the al beebers, will never change his opinion.
I like to write here and see if anybody disagrees with me , explains why I am wrong and persuades me to change my mind/ view. I haven’t seen it yet. There’s a kid called maxi someone who throws a comment in from time to time.
I used to comment elsewhere but I couldn’t take the unthinking knee jerk abuse so stopped. I like to be proved wrong – unlike al Beeb in its current form…
To Invoke Gladstone, Churchill, and the Koran (9:5), really is a pointless exercise, for the wilfully deaf, and indeed the wilfully blind, with eyes so tightly shut to reality …
So it is with Tommy Robinson, his vilification will continue of course, as the press gutter races, ever faster down the road to irrelevance. So it is with ITV, BBC, Sky, and Ch4 … the likes of Piers Morgan on ITV, “Gollum” Davis on Newshite hosting pontificating discussions on Islamofauxbia.
Lets take away the gentleman who died of a heart attack in Finnsbury, and the court of the MSM … it looks like genuine facts may disappear all together, a terror attack? a retaliation? at least I haven t heard “foreign policy”, but its obvious no policy may have contributed.
Hmmm hope that s better put together than the “deal” with 10 MPs, (don t go to 27 countries in Europe, Liar).
This Hate Crime business is … Absurd
This is literally an now industry emboldened by encouragement to report them, whilst simultaneously making the criteria for them both loose and absurd.
“its not a good look” … if you tie that into an ideology that has an insane level of victim mentality, that deftly uses “projection” of its own worldview onto everyone else as a cover for is own deeds … and has gained significantly by doing so, mainly because of the cowardice of our media,(just like the BBC) and political elite.
Can they not see the danger, the very dubious precedent is being set
Voila! we have the situation we find ourselves in today, why shouldn t bloody snowflakes kick up about anything, SJWs complaints get more and more absurd
… when if some kid pulls a scarf and its a “hate crime”?
when police have to wear gloves if they touch a koran,
or can t allow a sniffer dog to do its job because its “offensive”,
these kids are seeing it happening on a daily basis.
A note – There is the fact of course that ‘insulting Islam or who it considers a ‘prophet’ counts as a hate crime, punishable by death … but that’s only at the BBC oops, (I was thinking aloud )
I mean in Islamic law … NOT OURS!. Do any other ideologies have a doctrine of Al Taqiya?
A question … Chinese/Australian people don t fabricate hate crimes in considerable numbers?
Hindus/Sikhs/Mormons don t either? genuine dangerous attacks on Jewish people/schools/premises/places of worship are escalating alarmingly pure factual evidence abounds, this community doesn t continually, and deliberately fake them.
In a country with 68 MILLION people. Do we really have a “soaring” rate of genuine hate crime? (if so, against who?),
or a rising tide islamofauxbia? AND, the evidence suggests that we do have a right to be very doubtful about many of those that are counted as “hate crimes.”
As often happens “Islamophobia” propagandists go into desperate damage control mode after fake hate crimes are exposed.
How far have to termites got?
BBC News – An Islamic reading room has opened in Gladstone’s Library in Hawarden, Flintshire, to help promote inter-faith understanding and co-operation.
The library was founded by Victorian prime minister William Gladstone. The room is called the House of Wisdom, after the library of the Islamic “golden age,” the Bayt al-Hikma
“We have worked closely with Muslim communities in north Wales to make sure the resource is locally relevant and helps to promote inter-community understanding and unity in the area.”
The House of Wisdom was opened by Prof Tariq Ramadan, an Oxford University Islamic scholar.
There used to be a vapid audio file with this, the Al BBC has removed it
“[T]he Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance .
It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since, its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness… Civilization is face to face with militant Mohammedanism.
When we reflect on the moral and material forces arrayed, there need be no fear of the ultimate issue.
But … the longer the policy of half measures is adhered to the more distant the end of the struggle will be.
An interference more galling than complete control, a timidity more rash than recklessness, a clemency more cruel than the utmost severity, mark our present dealings”
‘at least I haven t heard “foreign policy”’ – I beg to differ, on Euronews last night (21Jun2017@9pm) it produced a list of who has attacked ISIS and who has experienced terrorist attacks showing only Europe, leaving the viewer (you and me) to join the dots which would suggest you fight them, they fight you (IMO).
(tried to find report on but couldn’t, data was old think 2012)
This ignored the current news that “300 Isis-linked militants stormed a primary school in the Philippines” [Independent 21Jun2017] … or …. “Islamic State is now setting its sights on China, … It has no real military footprint in the Middle East, … (but is being attacked) over its treatment of ethnic minority Muslims.” [ 01March2017]
Yes – ISIS attacked a school with unarmed innocent 10 year olds – armed militants verses children and school children.
“Even if radical Salafists like the German preacher Pierre Vogel have started targeting refugees, their message is likely to fall on deaf ears. ” – I think people will seek to reaffirm their religion and give thanks to someone who rescued them and wanting hope in the future. (page 50).
We have examples and videos of how hate is spread, and not stopped by it’s own community, UK with Anjem Choudary (1999-2016=17 years of hate // arrested for 5 years in 2016) and Dispatches – Undercover Mosque
– Another question could be, “Why did it take the UK law only recently (2016) to oust Anjem Choudary, why didn’t the Muslim community come down hard on him?”
“To this day (year 2016), the members of the Schengen Accord still have no comprehensive and seamless system of monitoring people entering and leaving the Schengen. The exchange of intelligence on terrorist movements in Europe remains deficient.” – so we’ve had this problem for years and still no answers.
“The Schengen border control system de facto broke down in 2015 when Greece and, to a lesser extent, Italy were unable to maintain an orderly vetting system of those arriving from Turkey and Libya. This allowed hundreds of thousands of people – asylum seekers, economic migrants, as well as others (others meaning terrorists, illegals – we can’t even bring ourselves to say the words…”
This was very worrying statement thrown in the document – “Islamic State got hold of up to 250,000 of blank Iraqi passports and equipment to produce individualised originals.” – quarter of a million false documents ready and waiting.
“The arrogance of defending Islam (while Islam is itself something monstrous) outrages me. I demand on behalf of humanity that the Black Stone be pulverised and the dust scattered in the wind, that Mecca be destroyed and the tomb of Mohammed defiled. This is the way to discourage fanaticism”
Gustave Flaubert
Not what you would expect from Flaubert. What brought him to that conclusion? Has something been lost in translation or had the litterati of that time simply been spared cultural marxusm?
8:40 R4Today John Simpson talking about why he tweeted 2016-2017 is the worst year ever
“How would anyone know if I am a remainer or not ?”
** Cos it’s the day before the HAPPY Independence Day …nitwit **
..folowed by Jon Snow talking about how he was kicked out of university for campaigning for it to disinvest (in South Africa I guess)
R4 News doesn’t sound like Radio Lib-Supremacist at all
Stew – I sometimes think they do it just wind right minded people up like the privileged grammar school and free university students they were and still are.
John Simpson was born in 1944. So if 2016/17 was ‘the worst year for Britain in his lifetime’ I assume the events of 1944/1945 such as mass civilian deaths by V1 and V2 rockets, thousands killed in the Battle of Normandy and the push to Berlin, plus the torture and murder of thousands of British servicemen at the hands of the Japanese aren’t anywhere as bad as Brexit.
He claims politicians such as Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen and Gert Wilders have legitimised what he calls the “narrative of hate speech”.
– so when Trump etc talk they are committing hate crimes?
“Of course they are not directly responsible for these atrocities when they happen: the attacks on Muslims today, the hate crimes we’ve seen post the (Brexit) referendum,” said Cox.
Ah, just re-read my own post again…B.COX.. says “narrative of hate speech”.
Interviewer should then ask “Can he give examples for each of the 4 people you include in using ‘narrative of hate speech’ so we know what you are talking about?”.
“Do you think they should be arrested for ‘Incitement to commit violence or hate based on ‘what you call – narrative of hate speech’ ?'”
This is a new phrase to watch out for – a way to say someone is using hate speech (with no examples), but not really using hate speech (so they aren’t?).
They are on the cusp of using hate speech.
Cox is a sly operator trying to raise his profile and make money from books and journalism by exploiting our Muslim problems. He’s not worth bothering with.
Christ, what a sickening vomit inducing dose of virtual signalling. Did John know Jo Cox well then?
But yes, let’s get back to the good old days when 1,400 girls could be being abused right under your nose and you could easily ignore it under the guise of ‘moderation’.
“For the Many ( < £88K ), Not the Few ( > £88K )” – considering Labour want equality, “For Everyone, Not the Few” – would be a more fitting slogan.
From the manifesto “Labour will also legislate to reduce pay inequality by introducing an Excessive Pay Levy on companies with staff on very high pay (no values given, full costed and thought out).”.
So they will discriminate between the many and few – thus creating inequality. Am I missing something? I’m still trying to nail down this slogan.
“The the Many (majorities), Not the Few (minorities).”
Ridiculous for them to shout
“The country is divided”
At the same time they shout
…”Yeh look over there, Tories they’ve got all the money, and anyone who like Brexit they are RACIST !”
How do you unite the Country? Get everyone to join Labour of course!
I know all political parties are acting oddly in the UK at the moment, across Europe as well – my personal opinion is that it’s due to everyone not being able to ask the right questions and use the right words to describe what is happening, backed up by some data or statistics or reports and a dose of history.
We have become afraid to describe the World we live in – as it is.
“How do we stop attacks on Muslims? Everyone needs to become a Muslim!”. Many would choose to join or submit …. I hope I am wrong on this view, some pieces are setup ready for this.
– Religion of Peace (<a href="interview with student at protest)
– Capital City Mayor supports Religion of Peace
– Attacks on Muslims are escalating
– Hate crimes are up (nobody asks for details – For the Many)
– Certain things are off the table for conversation – Islamophobia
– Facebook/Google is tracking ‘far/alt-right’ without telling anyone how it is doing it – ignores Dabiq.
– Facebook is used to track blasphemy breaches in Pakistan – where blasphemy punishable by death
Let me finish on this note…
“Europe has started to enshrine Islamophobia into law – history tells us this can’t end well” [Independent 14March2017]
– I believe the issue here is that to ban something, is to give a group of people more victimhood privilege, more to shout and complain about, works for people, groups and countries.
I continue to be puzzled: “They shall not divide us” – that oft used throwaway expression used by politicians in respect of racial issues. Problem for me is that to be, ‘divided’ there has to be a prerequisite cohesive ‘whole’ to be ‘divided’. There is no cohesive ‘whole’, certainly not so far as the muslim population is concerned. Never has, never will. Indeed the cult’s handbook instructs the cult follower not to fraternise with others, disbelievers aka ‘kaffirs’. It is certainly not the same with other nationalities irrespective of their religious predilection.
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Philip_2Feb 24, 21:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 More here: The BBC is turning into a megaphone for Hamas
“A Day of Rage” A Socialist movement, to stir up intense anger, fury and hatred. With the intention to overthrow Democracy by violent means.
Rage: (Latin: Rabies) meaning “Madness”
“Queen’s Speech: Brexit bills dominate government agenda”
Some interesting HYS comments running ………….
Anyone else have trouble opening ‘Highest – Lowest Rated’ ?
Dodgey or what ?
Please can someone inform Maxi ?
Perhaps they don’t want us to see how bad it is going for the remoaners?
It is usually bad for them.
Maxi will be on shift later, he will ‘fix’ it for us then .
Message to telly tax payers – Al Beeb is a joke !
I gave up on the “latest” when some tit was saying that more people now want to stay than leave and another was asking for proof of this statement, not forthcoming.
Al Beeb a joke Taff? If so the joke is surely on us as jokes are occasionally funny.
Only for you telly tax payers.
@Taffman No no problem loading the comments

Here see how the BeebLab got a kicking as usual
Thanks for those snippets.
I still cannot open the ‘Highest Rated’ in the usual manner ?
Has your BBC login timed out or something ? ..I’m on Win 10 Chrome
This is the first time it has happened .
On Saturday, it is thought that Stephen Fry will declare “BBC Broadcasting House” as the “Greatest Gay Building” in the land.
Does the Mayor approve?
Exactly! Could be tall enough though for Gay execution purposes by the Religion of Peace?
Our local Woolworths decided that life as a Woolies was-well, not what it was made for.
So in 2009, it transitioned into a Poundland.
Can I nominate Oldbury Poundland as the first-and indeed first original -shop to change sex and identity in the UK?
Is it a Pink Poundland ?
I thought he might prefer the largest sewage works in Europe – at becton – because he is quite similar to it – being full of the same stuff.
Does it also qualify as the least diverse in the UK?
BBC News – “A man has been Tasered by police after reports people were being attacked at a London mosque just before 01:30 BST.
Officers said they acted after finding a man waving an “item” around near the London Central Mosque in Regent’s Park.”
Tasered a guy waving an item around ? near a mosque??
Item?, an axe?? a gun??? a knife???? , or
is it a pack of bacon? … no folks it was a
… wait for it, shoehorn
… so pleased plod were enforcing sharia so enthusiastically
I wish our joke of an underperforming overpaid police force would spend more time dealing with real crime………..Like dealing with peadophiles, muslim grooming gangs and muslim terrorists instead of standing around outside mosques like well a pork pie in a mosque.
Pity he wasn’t nicked by Slipper of the Yard, think of the headlines!
Is it racist to call a Moslem police officer a pig?
The last time I read of the police doing this it was to a partially sighted man carrying a white cane.
I do remember someone giving a shoe beating to Saddam’s statue. Maybe the shoe connection is an Arabic thing.
Might be best to rename the cataclysmic event ‘The Day of Rouge’ since it all appears to have been made up.
This joke is good enought to grace any BBC comedy on Friday.
Glad we saw it here first, we`ll not see it`s like on any lefty media outlet though. Zees eez never funny when you dare to laugh at the left.
Beltane – Does that mean there will be a few red faces?
Get the feeling McDonald fired from the hip on the rage thing then had to stand his organised people down as it would look bad for Corbyns glorious election victory to come…
It’s possible. I think it’s more likely though that the headline for the march ‘bring down the government’ and all the talk of ‘rage’ put off the knit your own muesli brigade who otherwise might have let little Cressida and Jake have the day off from nursery so that they could all come down from Crouch End in their Danish pram-bike. The ‘genuine’ protestors from Grenfell seem to have stayed away as well, which was probably an organised decision of some sort.
Maybe people (like 42% of the electorate) weren’t as angry as the marxist mcdonald and commie corbyn wanted them to be.
Only a day? These children of wealthy parents (i.e. scroats) don’t deal in days! Make no mistake about it; these people are usually highly educated and quite able to out-think some of the most intellectual labour MPs (that’s why Corbyn is where he is right now) and aren’t worried one bit about corbyn losing more ground as they can simply return to mom and dad if they need to pay those fines for daubing windows, walls, with paint or when they throw bricks through peoples windows while high on weed (man)
Toady watch
Al Beeb has been busy pouring islamic poison over its licence paying views so has neglected the normal smug abuse it fires at President Trump. Sadly this morning poor Justin had to report that the Republicans had won a seat which the democrats had billed as a referendum on Trumps Presidency and had thrown industrial amounts of cash /bribes to win – but didn’t. Poor Justin sighed again when saying it was a 6% majority. He didn’t even have one of smug little quips he, or his twin brother sopel, normally throw in to question Trumps legitimacy.
I am no fan of President Trump but he does seem to do what he promised his electorate and must be respected for that. And , having so much money, won’t feel the need to exploit every penny of uk taxpayers money. Watching the state opening and seeing 800 peers each on £300 a day was enough for me.
We seem not to have any Islamic terrorist attacks for a few days – oh wait a minute – Brussels – Paris and whatever else the msm has chosen not to report.
Is Boris Johnson diabetic?
My reason for asking is threefold. We know he is overweight, although any tendency to obesity is not a guarantee of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Thin people also get it.
He has been, since his appointment as Foreign Secretary, apparently somewhat reluctant to travel. Again, that is no sure indicator although travel and irregular meals, hot climates and so on, can make traveling handling diabetes very difficult for those with the condition.
I turned on PM on BBC Radio 4 (5-6pm) part-way through Eddie Mair’s interview with Boris about the contents of the Queen’s Speech. He was having a very Diane Abbott of an interview.
Finally, I thought Eddie was very bullying. Is there a law against that these days? If not, he did not set a very good example, talking over Boris’ answers and making the whole thing worse.
Well, the Day of Rage didn’t achieve McDonnells objectives. No million marchers, just a smaller, much smaller number of the usual suspects, trots , rabble rousers and Momentum types, all looking like a job is alien to them and no doubt major imbibers of the £36 billion spent on working age benefits in London ( bigger than the defence budget).
It time for the conservatives to gain some courage, stop apologising and fight back against these scumbags and their supporters in the MSM.
Makes you longfor water cannons with the uneraseable dye in the water. Bright green hair, face , arms and legs for a month. Big laugh for all of us but a real problem for the rent a mob crowd . see TM Boris was right we need hundreds of water cannon across the country , all fitted with dye dispensers. I would willing buy a ticket to see this socialist scum dyed bright green or yellow. Tolerating this shit will only lead to ever more assaults on our democracy. Give em a good going over and free us from these leftist scum.
Doublethinker. How about spraying them with just purple and yellow?This would add insult to injury. Plus they could be dobbed in for supporting a terrorist organisation (ukip) under Theresa’s new regime.
Not dye. I think a can of Raid from the hardware store would do the trick.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have UKIP, or some of the few proper conservatives left adrift in the Tory party organise a million-person (let’s not be sexist!) march on Parliament to demand :
-Brexit by any means necessary. And now. No pasaran, venceremos.
-Licence fee abolition
-Overhaul of the Marxist education cartel
-Immigration only for people who can contribute. That doesn’t include taxi drivers and baristas.
-Drastically amend the NHS (another socialist monolith). I’d abolish it myself but I know it’s not popular.
-Reintroduce Capital punishment. Or if that’s too radical, let’s please not release murderers after an insulting jail sentence. Terrorists should just be shot on sight.
-Overhaul the legal system, so that people like Mrs Blair and Phil Shiner get a well deserved jail cell. Same goes for those bankers who got off scot-free in the collapse of 2008.
-And dust off those old treason laws and bring em back
It could be a mass turnout from sensible oldies and people from the Shires, and for everyone who thinks the world has gone utterly mad, which it has. We could call it the Day of Beige.
In all honesty I think that if we were to make it illegal for any Election Candidate and the political party they represent to willfully lie or to be proven to have made no intention to carry out any pledge in thier manifestos… No enquiries, no sub committies run by other MPs… Actual criminal investigations as in my mind I feel that lying to the electorate is more serious than perjury and can be as damaging to the National interest and its` democracy in the same vein as treason… All MPs should be held accountable by law!!! Any MP found to be acting in a way which maligns our Parliament (expenses, bumming rent boys, accepting bribes etc..) should be made to step down from thier seat and they should have to campaign for re-election at the earliest possible date… Let the electorate be thier Judge, Jury and Executioner!!!
Also MPs should be full time employees of the people and as such should not be allowed directorships and executive positions in the private sector where the position of MP could be used to influence decisions…. However I do feel that if this were to be made law, the current salary of an MP should be doubled….. Perhaps then we would see genuine politicians in Westminster, I have no problem with career politicians if that is thier only career!! At the moment we seem to have a house full of people who hold positions within big business which to myself shows a conflict of interest… Criminal proceedings are actually a hell of a lot cheaper than enquiries, and thier resulting sentences are much more of a deterrent than a group of other MPs telling you off and then allowing you to carry on being an MP… Let`s face it all the sub commities are made up usually by some of the most decietful and dishonest politicians at Westminster.. Look at Keith (Hotpoint) Vaz…. He is now once again holding a position of authority heading up a sub-commitee again… Business as usual!! He should have faced criminal proceedings and should have been made to stand to be re-elected, let the people decide whether they wish to be represented by a criminal as close to the time of the verdict in the Courts as is possible, whilst it is still fresh in thier minds….. I am so sick and tired of seeing an endless procession of liars and corrupt oxygen thieves selling us out so they can fill thier pockets with bribes and false expenses claims….. A lot of people look back on the Thatcher years and criticise her role as Prime Minister and blame her for a lot of things which were nothing to do with her, blaming her for the closure of the mines for example, yet it was the previous Labour government which implemented the closure of the majority of them… There was one thing that Thatcher did have , and that was to be as good as her word… She was honest and disliked dishonesty in her political party and people forget that,…She had no conflict of interests, she also stood up for our interests whenever it was needed… Yes, some decisions were hard at the time to understand but the simple fact is that when she left number 10 our economy was never in better shape… Also she didn`t hesitate when action was needed over the Falklands, she made all of us in the UK once again feel proud of being who we are….
I honestly cannot name any current politician in Westminster who I would class as trustworthy.. Dishonesty and corruption has created voter apathy, it has also given people such as Corbyn and his Momentum associates a soapbox from which they ferment some quite dangerous political viewpoints, and outright lies regarding thier intentions should they ever get in power….
PS sorry for the longwinded post….
Justin Casey
In a nut shell, some of them are traitors.
Justin Casey
“… Dishonesty and corruption …”
Absolutely spot on. Top post.
Do you notice that they always choose Wednesdays?
That`s because their needed lard arsey students can`t and don`t do sports at the local college or poly.
How many of the fat tranny types can you fit into a gender neutral portaloo? And shouldn`t we be asking for this to raise money and awareness for Chubby Chasers Monthlies?
I`d like to see disabilty scooter football…why not? Failing that, the Charity Sheild should be played with both team in high heels, so the ladies could learn how to play properly.
Next Head of Sport?…surely it`ll be me!
What Day of Rage?
Nothing on the BBC web-site as of 22.18hrs.
George Clooney is making tequila. Is that legal?
Will that help a Day of Rage?
yeah been looking aswell, their incitement fell on deaf [ours] and dumb [ the soap dodgers ] ears.
Oh well, it’s not like their policing would have added to the problems of, as Corbyn would describe, the understaffed police.
Are you saying Labour made a big promise
..and didn’t deliver ?
Okay, let’s not be unkind. Don’t sit there with a smug, satisfied smile on your face. Simply because the predicted number of demonstrators attending today’s so called Day of Rage fell a tad short (ahem) of the 1-2 million that had been suggested,we shouldn’t mock. No, really we shouldn’t, but…
We’ve heard about this event for weeks. Old McDonnell was promoting it on Radio 4 this morning. It was supposed to be an enormous demonstration of discontent with the government. “It’s going to bring down Theresa May” some of the unwashed predicted. The police say it was only about two hundred that actually bothered to get their unemployed scruffy arses out of bed. Oh dear, oh dear!
Of course, even with such limited numbers there were still scuffles and the usual vile behaviour. Apparently some of the louts chanted despicable things about Theresa May’s mother, who died recently. Well, par for the course with this sort of trash, I guess.
It looked like the usual perennially discontented rabble; Muslims, blacks, tattooed tarts, mouthy, unpleasant illiterate yobs. With so few people it was hardly a demonstration.
More like an audience for The Jeremy Kyle Show…
Last time we saw something of the like it was because the Police shot some murdering scumbag – Same quality people
What I would really like to know, is who is ‘Dave Rog’?
Is he a Roger, or a Dave, or did someone change her name all of a sudden, so who knows a girl called Roger; or does – er – she…
Rave Doge doesn’t deem to have the same ‘ring’ about it, so ‘Doiyvy Rosie’ could have got more tweets I suppose.
Remember calling the Police ‘The Fuzz’? Never did myself, I always thought they were doing a great job back then, but this was in the sixties, and I had three pints lined up in ‘The Barley Mow’ in Duke Street about the time that Grosvenor Square was going to be smashed to bits by a crowd of assholes.
Not quite al Beeb but perhaps the written version – The Guardian Newspaper. I look at the quite often to see what the enemy is thinking (loose term) . I am interested in whether they allow comments. I know that many subjects do not allow comments – often with the word ‘Islamic’ in the title. It kind of bears out the attitude at al Beeb where they know they are so sure in themselves and cannot take an alternative view or discussion. Fortunately the newspaper is failing and with hope will go the way of The Independent which is a truly sad thing these days.
No Al BBC bias, and honest news
Chanell 4 is also having its day of rage, desperately trying to rubbish the government. Remember we subsidise this excrescence too. Why?
Thatchers biggest error was letting Channel 4 get going on our tab.
National Curriculum was another, but sense that Jon Snow has probably weeviled his smarmy nastiness into the culture even more than years of awful,schooling.
If only she`d finished off the BBC as they gloated at Oxford Uni refusing her an honorary degree.
Mrs T has gone, whereas the likes of Heseltine, Hattersley, Warnock and Jonathan Miller are still here.
No justice G_d is there, sir?
Mines not to reason why-but it`d be nice to know.
Steptoe refuses to bow to Queen.
Has there been a phase shift in British politics ?
UKIP have become the Tory party.
The Tory party has become the Libdems
The Libdems have become the Labour Party
And Labour have become the Communist party
Phase shifts involve sine waves taff we don’t seem to be in possession of a sane wave at the moment.
You would have thought she would have gotten one her doorman to smash his knee-caps, he would of bowed over then, she is just to nice imo.
What a useless prick he is. ‘Oh he’s so noble and right on’. No, he’s a joke.
Delusions of winning – when he hasn’t, sticking it to the Queen – even though she is an important figure to many in this country and then embarrassigly going to Glastonbury to highlight his cred.
His appearance there will remind me of the cameraman in Groundhog Day trying to auction himself to the highest bidder, slowly turning to receive the pitying looks of the crowd.
This guy wants to be the leader of this great country yet he treats it like an easily impressed youth centre.
jezzbolla at glastonbury wtf talk about cult of personality
this sounds like some shit wimpy parody version of a nuremberg rally
at £238 + £5 booking fee im guessing there wont be many of liebours beloved down trodden austerity suffering underclass there
It’s ok… Di has said the full £243,000,000 cost for all illegals will be covered by a banker tax. Bet the Eavis family will be thrilled to have such folk in their tent city.
Lucky the BBC staff are parked in the VIP yurts.
” even though she is an important figure to many in this country”
She is our Head of State.
He should be banged up for treason
Lily Allen is a very ungrateful person.
Not once has she shown any gratitude for being lucky enough to live in a country where it doesn’t matter how ugly or thick you are, someone will still have sex with you.
“where it doesn’t matter how ugly or thick you are, someone will still have sex with you.”
Yep, that’s why I’m staying!
Pop-Tarts go in the toaster, from what I remember from my student days.
the archetypal dozy bint!..and look at her hair and skin in that’s a f*ckin’ disgrace!
a very bad advert for over use of fags, booze and drugs I would argue.
..but I luv you reallly lillly ..innit’
..even if you are one very sad little person..there I said it..oops..but I do luv ya..still!..despite evryfink we bin fru babey!
I still don’t know who she is, IMNALY… I’ve asked loads of people here recently!
Is he supposed to be famous or interesting?
I wish someone here could explain, because I’m off my medication, and back on the red and sometimes the white, occasionally at the same time…
Answers on a prescription form please, care of Scrobs – 60+ likes the ladies so don’t get anywhere near the dispensary counter without looking behind you…
Lily the pinked or something, Scrobie. You know, faintly Leftie but loaded thanks to a rich actor Dad and the Yoof buying her records. Actually, I thought a couple of her early songs were really rather good but I’m told she has gone off a bit. Am also informed that her presence in the music charts now is somewhat non-existent. That might also explain the pinkness.
Watch out for when it starts to go grey.
Bad sign that.
Dear Scrob
I recommend you get back on the medication. Don’t mix the red and white – it’s a solid hangover guarantee for most people . As for our Ms Allen, she is a tone deaf fishwife, virago, scold and a battleaxe who thinks she’s important, but all her media power will disappear as soon as she’s old or unfashionable.
I don’t doubt she’ll be playing nostalgia gigs in small market town pubs when she’s 50 odd, if she lives that long.
So, this is she who I regularly read about here. I had/have no idea who she is or what she does. But the photo says everything to me such that this point is valid: I sure would not like to wake up in the morning and roll over and look at that……..
How come all the media political scum seem to gloat at May “failing to get her manifesto” soundbite? Not only would they get cheesed off if she DID include any of those grammer school proposals?
But-given the election result-is there anybody who DIDN`T think that she`d have to lose a few ideas that won`t get through or annoy the DUP?
And has this not been trailed endlessly since the result of the election?
So it`s not news is it?
Still-they use it as if it`s new.
Reminds me of May getting slated for not bringing migration down? As if that`s something that her opponents actually want her to succeed in?
But that`s media political splashings…and only shows how aimless and stupid their game is.
good post chrisH..totally agree..
they are beyond pathetic theses days and now we can all see what they’re up pretence anymore is there?
What a state of affairs when one’s “national broadcasting corporation! (!?) is, inter alia, effectively what would have been described in W.W. 2 as a “Fifth Column”
Am now watching some Brexit documentary on BBC2.
Don`t even need to turn it up-watch the faces, count the minutes of bias, note the likes fo Crick shouting at a UKIP bloke.
This is NOT balanced documentary, just biased wall to wall re-education.
Sooner we get out and hear them howl, hopefully counting the heart attacks of Heseltines and Soubrys, the better, Funny how a Nicky Morgan or George Osborne become pets of the BBC isn`t it?
Yes, I saw that and thought there’s absolutely no point in watching another ‘Brexiteers are thickos’ hit job.
Link to previous page & posts from 11am to 5:30pm
8pm R4 Moral Maze is RAGE politics exploiting the Grenwell Tower Fire
I don’t know why they have to rush before the preliminary inquiry
They straight away first speaker uses language tricks
: “People are dogged down by austerity”
Well, not hard to work out the BBC’s opinion and agenda then, is it?
They really are unspeakable.
It’s the old corruption v incompetence with a smigin of alleged racist as deployed in the Lawrence case. Authorities can’t win now.
Damage limitation at best . Narrative is written whatever the truth happens to be. I understand the council threw £10 million at improvement but the austerity argument will win because al beeb and the others have sold it to poor joe or mo public
Meanwhile over at Yahoo news, there’s an article about the luxury block that the Grenfell residents are being (temporarily) rehoused in. Comments are not going well – many people pointing out that some of the Cumbrian flood victims have not been rehoused, two years on.
Heard Eddie Mair sneering at this news re the burned out plebs and migrants maybe getting toff posh flats in Kensington.
He was talking to some architecture poppet who knew nothing about anything about what concierge services might be on offer.
Very Passport to Pimlico class-snob stuff from Eddie( who , I imagine will not be affected, or else HE`D be on the phone to The Barbican Residents Co-Op or whatever his gated community guardsmen call themselves).
Next up was Prince Phillip not being well. Again, no-one knew anything but Eddie rather thought that it would be a bladder problem. Five minutes of THAT followed. Ten minutes primetime-the toffs might yet meet the chavs in a flat nearby, and Prince Phillips prostate problems getting an airing?
We pay for this. In more ways than one.
How about the (upwards of) 500 ex-servicemen, sleeping rough on London streets, after risking life and limb for their country. What is Citizen Khan doing for them? Or are they PNG. ‘cos they may have shot at his ISIS mates?
That Kaan bloke is an absolute joke. He stands in on photoshoots looking like a third rate pillock, and has no bearing to show for being one of the most powerful positions – not jobs – POSITIONS in the world.
What a sad little prick he is.
A dangerous little prick.
And voted in by a majority of very dangerous people.
Sadiq’s manifesto pledges
\\That’s why, if I am elected Mayor, my single biggest priority will be to build thousands more homes every year, for you, your family and your friends – and to give first dibs to Londoners on new homes. Our capital needs more than 50,000 new homes a year – yet the current Mayor has built barely half that number. And when they are built, too often they are not the properties that London needs. //
In office he’s in charge of Homes for Londoners board
see their meetings every 3 months ..not much done
“GLA officers are preparing a draft London Housing Strategy (LHS) for
consultation with the public. This is due to be published in early August 2017. ”
“That’s why, if I am elected Mayor, my single biggest priority will be to build thousands more homes every year, for you, your family and your friends .”
Has London got room for them all ? It is full up!
Reduce the import of people .
One is sure all the Greens living around Regent’s Park will approve as Saddiq’s asbestos towers soar skywards to pack them all in.
Not only housing, but also critical infrastructure. A £250,000 bridge in Keswick has taken 2 years to replace and will reopen shortly. This is, of course, just one instance of missing infrastructure harming the local economy, but the government can spend £ 75,000 on refurbishing one flat in a tower block. The needs of noncitizens or citizens in name only are pandered to in London, but the voices of citizens in Cumbria are too far away to be heard in London.
Where BBC Diversity = inviting your mates on
– AaronBastani of NovoraMedia who was on MoraMaze a few minutes ago
was also on with Amol Rajan on Newsnight last night
Laughing my Ossoff
Not the BBC but no doubt they would sing from the same prayer sheet.
this gem came from el Guardian….
“With 100% of precincts reporting, Handel had 52.7% and Ossoff had 47.3%.
Sporadic downpours and flash flood warnings helped to put a damper on Democratic turnout in base precincts and on the hopes of progressives to thwart Republican efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Combined with an energized Republican base that kept Ossoff from accumulating a significant lead among early voters, it doomed the hopes of the anti-Trump activists who made the first-time Democratic candidate a minor political celebrity. “
‘Day of Rage’? More like an episode of the Teletubbies and both aimed at the pre-school mentality.
BBC TV Morning News Today:
From about 08.15 it was a woman fest.
First, we had a woman engineer from today sitting in a Spitfire cockpit. She told us that the Battle of Britain was won because of a woman engineer. This woman, because she had a long name, suffered unfairly because the term Mrs was shortened unintentionally to Mr in official documents of the time. And? Her triumph was to invent a device that overcame negative G in RAF fighters. It was shortly replaced by fuel injection.
No mention of the men who actually did the dangerous acts of shooting down Hun bombers. But much was made of the need for wimmin engineers today. No mention of market forces of course.
She went on to explain that women today still lack opportunities for success. But she’s an engineer being paid well through us. The sofa sloths luvved it all.
Next was a mention of Chuck Berry. Some sort of celebration. They played about ten seconds of Johnny B Good. The female sloth pretended as to how happy that music made her feel, although she quickly added that she was so very ecstatic to be on the show anyway (pass the bucket).
The male sloth quickly added that there was a female version called Lady B Good and they both then preened themselves. Equality complete and a black male included!
There was also a feature about the lack of wimmin as sports coaches. Obviously down to a hate crime against wimmen.
Not quite, she was a ‘Miss’.
Beatrice Shilling had the idea of putting a glorified washer in the fuel line to prevent back flow and provide a miniscule fuel reserve during short ‘negative g’ periods. The Merlin engine was never fitted with fuel injection.
Like mass immigration it is never explained why we need more female engineers, (who is going to do the jobs they would have liked(?) to have done?). There is the usual confusion:
a. women are just as capable
b. women bring something different
c. engineering needs to change to suit women
d. most women don’t want to do it
All part of the post-modern, collectivist plan. We will tell you what part of the tractor to make and how many. The fact that someone doesn’t want to make tractors and that the state has too many tractors is of no importance.
too sad for words..but:
David Vance @DVATW 14h14 hours ago
The #DayOfRage is the fury of the feral Left and its hatred of the fact it has lost yet another General Election to the useless May!
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Dougie BrimsonVerified account @dougiebrimson 13h13 hours ago
To all those people taking part in #DayOfWork to pay taxes to support those taking part in #DayOfRage I salute you. You’re the true British.
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?? ?? @Ms_Anthropea 14h14 hours ago
Can we have a #DayofRage for all the young girls who have been raped by grooming gangs? Oh, yeah, I forgot. That would be racist!
Lewis @Lewisbaker1603 14h14 hours ago
can we get #DayOfGraft trending for all those people who work for a living & contribute to those services being stretched by #DayOfRage
BBC Online News:
“”Missing babies: Israel’s Yemenite children affair””
“”In the years after the creation of the Israeli state hundreds of babies went missing. Their parents, mostly Jewish immigrants from Yemen, were told their children had died, but suspicions linger that they were secretly given away to childless families””
This is one of the most vicious anti-Israel features that I have seen by the BBC. I worked in Israel a few years ago with a Yemen Jew. They are Arabs but are also Jewish. It made my head spin at the time!
He had no issues with Israel and was very happy to live there with his family.
Also, there’s a huge number of muslims living in Israel and they have NO intention of returning to an Arab country.
But this is all too complicated for the anti Jew /Israel BBC brain to comprehend.
How many Jews live in Palestine? Anyone guess? How about less than zero?
NATIONAL DISGRACE: Jeremy Corbyn refuses to bow to Queen and then WINKS at colleagues:
to the Tower with the terrorist-loving commie bastard..throw away the key!..or something quicker!
Trump and his first lady would have bowed, but his visit is off.
Never mind, Treezer can invite a few sheilks to tickle her fancy
BBC2 Brexit means Brexit the unofficial version ….should have been retitled , Auntie won’t let go !
Oh and add that little bbc idiot L.Kuntsberg to Corbyn’s cell!
God she looks so like a bad case of in-breeding it’s not true! ..& as it goes, for me at least, I am reminded of a female (?) version of that banjo-playing kid in Deliverance!..1972 for those of you old enough to recall:
Pass another sick bucket, please.
The sound of Luvvies making money out of an accident.
I bring you, the Grenfell Luvvie Ensemble-
Nooooooooo !
“Mummy, it hurts Mummy!”
“Mummy, it hurts!! Please make them stop.”
I haven’t been back in UK long and wanted to find out about the much vaunted “Day of Rage”..but I cannot see anything!..why?..what happened?..was it cancelled due to the hot weather(for UK)?..or maybe it was postponed until the weekend so that more people who actually work for a living can attend. There is nothing to see here afai can see!? ..move along:
anyone with a BBC link please put it up here.
The print division of Al Beeb have an article up about the ”’day of rage”’ wow its real lawrence of Arabia style reporting, or rather Hamed of Hamstead, reporting 100s march, they say 500 further down, ofcourse thats the grenfel crew aswell, police say 10 to 20, then after a twitter bugle call, 200 ……
Any glad to see no-one got carried away with all the drama.
Oh wait a minute, one guy got carried away literally kicking and screaming about how he is there marching for peace, no shit look, funny……………..
A male protester was later pinned to the floor by police following what appeared to be a skirmish with officers, the Press Asssociation reported. As he was being carried away he repeatedly shouted he was a “peaceful” protester.
>manxman thanks..what a sad rabble!
Yeah i noticed that pair myself Pert.
It is just possible Ian Katz is the last person to grasp where Newsnight rates in the scheme of things now:
Too much and for too long our politics has been constantly letting the media call the shots. They are the media for God’s sake. Their job is to report and reflect not to order and direct.
Pay attention Theresa – watch Fox News and when it comes to the media say, ‘Enough! I’m in charge, not Peter Hall”.
Trump has proved that you don’t require the media in order to govern. He doesn’t need them – he has Twitter.
“Pay attention Theresa”
Theresa is having the same hammering from the media as Nigel Farage got. The government should have dealt with them then .
Some Tory MPs spotted this bias by Al Beeb then but did nothing thinking they were immune.
Truth be known, Labours success (only in coverage) in the GE was down to the BBC pushing hard to support the Marxist outfit.
\\#Newsnight viewing figures 570,000 at the last count.
Most of those switch over once they’ve heard the headlines and seen who’s presenting.//
They used to be higher.
Luckily, thanks to the unique way the BBC is funded, audience engagement does not matter so much as the message.
Maybe Jez and Emily can do a Dirty Dancing set on the Pyramid stage?
Listening to MSM and Al Beeb this evening the media are now doing their damnedest to sabotage the UK’s break for freedom, freedom from the un-democratic European super state.
I forecast that this would happen.
The media is awash with ‘Londoncentric remoaners’ who are completely out of touch with the people of Great Britain. They are using their propaganda as a desperate attempt to influence the younger gullible voters.
A media full of ‘journos’ who have never done an honest day’s work in their life and are completely out of touch with the genuine working class.
I must get myself on Twatter, because I would say to him “Are you someone important then ?”
Dear me the MSM are absolutely desperate to denigrate Trump. This isn’t BBC but MSN.
“Analysis: Trump calls Ukraine the thing Ukrainians hate the most”
He said The Ukraine. Not Ukraine.
Trump Uses Definite Article! We must surely see what an evil man he really is now right?
And they remain seriously outraged that he has made them irrelevant. Their contribution to the World is so very questionable and yet they truly believe they are the most important thing in it – astounding.
That John McDonnell, the Shadow Chancellor (old enough to know better but then look at Corbyn the rebellious teen who won’t bow to the Queen) should be openly promoting the Day of Rage should prompt some serious questions to be asked.
If not for the ‘free stuff’ coupled with no fear of having to get a job, I’m still trying to understand why a sentient adult with a functioning memory would want to see Labour in power.
Deep joy, Corbyn is due to appear on the Pyramid stage at Glastonbury. Now its becoming a case of “he gets where castor oil cant !!! “
What next? ‘Celebrity Love Island’.
Tony Benn used to do this. As did Red Ken and Hatton etc.
Basically kiddie fiddling of the mind, paid for by the unions and danegeld from the craven government of the day.
If the left were consistent then they`d shaft Barry Gibb. Tax exile of long standing.
But they won`t.
“IS ‘blows up’ al-Nuri mosque”
Will this trigger a ‘day of rage ‘ in London ?
The least the UK should do is build a replacement Mosque in the UK and invite everyone over from Iraq to live here.
This is what both Lily Allen and Jo Cox would want.
Di is mounting a 25hr sit on #dayofwibble with John Prescott in protest.
Don’t even joke about it.
There shouldn’t be any bl@@dy mosks in th UK
She went on to explain that women today still lack opportunities for success.
This has been demonstrated to be BS of the first water. Large-scale studies in the most egalitarian countries (Scandinavia, mainly) showed that the more options you give for women to freely pursue a profession, the more they choose traditionally female-style work.
This is the exact opposite of what the imbecile Left predicted, that throwing open the job market would lead to hordes of women engineers and IT experts. Wrong.
Perhaps an ‘orphan’ of this?
The engineering institutes are running a campaign “Nine percent is not enough!”, Scandinavian evidence suggest that “five percent is about right!”.
I’m waiting for the ‘equality’ campaigns for materials; Paper bridges! Lead aeroplanes! Sodium saucepans!
Classic BBC hatchet job through misleading headline: “Fruit and veg farmers facing migrant labour shortages”.
Yep. Britain – which never had strawberries or other fresh fruits or vegetables in the past – may have to go without again. Problem is a shortage of migrant workers, due of course to Brexit and the uncertainties surrounding it. However, read the actual numbers in the survey – commissioned by the BBC itself – and it tells quite a different story. It works out that 75% of the surveyed farmers said that they had enough workers or did not know, which creates a slightly different impression. Only 21% said they didn’t have enough migrant workers.
The BBC also states that “Many growers blame the weak pound which has reduced their workers’ earning power”. No, the effect of a weak pound is to make overseas currencies stronger in comparison. As the BBC points out, most of the seasonal workers are from Romania and Bulgaria. These two countries do not use the Euro as their economies are too weak: Romania has the Leu and Bulgaria the Lev. The weakness of the currencies makes them particularly susceptible to the markets, but a weak pound helps migrant workers from those countries (BBC… try actually speaking to such people who are working on fruit farms here).
Here’s another suggestion for the BBC: instead of wasting time on this propaganda, how about an article on why, with more than 250 varieties of strawberry to choose from, the supermarkets sell mainly Elsanta – the blandest piece of watery pap available.
I heard that and thought the same….is it because none of the reporters actually passed their Maffs exams and don’t understand statistics – well Jezzer did win the election!
However they did their usual and put in the ‘could’ word in the report I heard…that allows for a multitude of sins
As a lad I spent my school holidays picking fruit, poor pay but got me out of the house and kept me in vitamin c. Now how about the kids get off there iphones and pick some fruit 😉 If a farmer has a labour shortage, he will have to either up the pay or invest in some machinery – pretty much like the rest of the world does!
Not sure I see how a falling pound helps migrant workers from Bulgaria, etc? If the workers are sending there remittances back home, doesnt matter where, then a weaker pound will result in less local currency. The fall in the pound should encourage a shift to local rather than migrant pickers.
Exactly. Perhaps some enterpreneur could develop an iPhone app to tell the kids where strawberry picking is available and have their wages paid directly to PayPal or Apple Pay 🙂
Apple Pay!
I see that my zero-hours, minimum wage nephew eventually responds to my e-mails via his ‘iphone’. I inherited a Nokia 1600. I’ve got money, he hasn’t, I wonder why?
Ian R,
“…. read the actual numbers in the survey – commissioned by the BBC itself – and it tells quite a different story.”
Its a bit like the election: Labour won, Conservatives lost.
Anybody reversed the BBC’s lies and sent it back for a “Fact Check”?
They normally roll out some farmer to cry about their business. Well it’s their profit and loss – not mine. I would Britain import guest workers who send their money back home and have no commitment to our country except for ripping as much out of it as possible?
Do the old ‘ pick your own’ thing like when I were lad and if you want fruit- import it .
The ‘heads of valleys’ district in Wales has high levels of unemployment. Thirty miles up the road, upgraded with our money re-painted blue and gold, are the fruit growing areas of Herefordshire and Worcestershire.
Perhaps the farmers could try recruiting there?
If I am sending levs home and the pound is weaker against the euro, then I leave for Germany,say, to ensure I at least maintain my income. If you have euros stashed away somewhere, they will now buy more pounds than they would before the referendum. If you live in Britain you are better off. You have partially offset, the increased costs of imports. Rather than rely on cheap labour, the fruitgroweers could invest in technology.
After all, we are always being told that Britain’s productiivity needs to increase.
Elsanta? No connection with the chemical toilet company I hope?
“”Sadiq Khan Backs Amnesty On Grenfell Tower Illegal Immigrants””
“”The Mayor of London has called on the government to ensure any illegal immigrants who lived in Grenfell Tower to be protected””
Will the BBC support him? Please place your bets…
All of a sudden, a thousand illegals step forward.
Seriously! On what planet do you have to be living to think this is okay? Only Planet BBC and a few other satellite worlds.
Since when did it become okay to condone illegal activities because something bad happened to people?
Surely if somebody was subletting or overcrowding their flat (my comment it may not be true) then they are culpable for the increased level of fatalities….will they all please step forward….
James – the new labour mp -Toad – only got a majority of 20 so any additional lefty voters will be most welcome eh? Toad was on the management committee ££ of the council – but obviously not to blame for the fire right.
Does that include someone who was there to burgle , or growing weed ?
All over LBC this morning about an amnesty for sub-letting landlords and associated illegal immigrants involved in the Grenfell fire tragedy. Surely if prosecutions are going to be pursued for people negligent with regards to the compliance of the refurbishment to building standards then surely those sub-letting should also be prosecuted. Overcrowding in a high rise must surely be deemed a fire risk ! The building must have a fire certificate that states maximum occupancy is x number of persons. Will we see a clampdown on sub-letting as a result of this tragedy? I think not.
They really think these things through, don’t they?
‘Don’t like your refugee camp?’ torching just got a boost.
Lily got tears.
pretty sure they will be sub-letting at a profit , why are they getting away with this???
oh yeah forgot they will be of the effnik variety as well
Fortunately, there was a little outbreak of sanity amongst many of the LBC commentators, including our very own DV. Made a change from the past week.
(Sorry, Halifax. Fat fingers reported your comment by mistake.)
Celeb DJ Chris Evans keeping up the Beeb drip drip – just quoted from a report on the Queens speech that’s President Trumps visit has been “kicked into the long grass” and said “If you find yourself by the long grass and someone approaches with a strimmer make sure you distract them” hilarious no?
Just John being…. A twat, as usual.
Silly Bugger really isn’t helping the nuances of the bbc ‘balance’ narrative.
Getting it about left needs careful managing.
‘No-Go’ areas in Sweden described as, “vulnerable areas” –
Extreme naivety.
John Humphries on radio 4. He put it to Philip Hammond that it’s quite likely that certain people in parliament (using Corby’s name mentioned in a flash) might want to make trouble over the complex Brexit negotiations. We all know who outside of parliament continually makes trouble. If only Mr Hammond had shot back with those in parliament are the least of our worries however it’s people like you Mr Humphries who delight in making trouble trying to belittle and derail Brexit. Humphries ended the interrogation by saying (again in a flash) “Does Mrs May still want to sack you?”
Now shortly after the talk with Mr Hammond they are on Brexit again. This time it’s the SNP who could possibly cause a constitutional crises over Brexit. These are not interviews in the sense of what I remember them to be but interrogations, inquisitions, designed to be decisive. It’s as if the CBB themselves are rulers and decision makers? They continue to broadcast way beyond their mandate. Humphries is at it again this time over the power sharing agreement. Why would Humphries ask a stupid question like “Where will Northen Island be in 10 years time?” What an old fool!
Who knows in these times where we’re all going to be in the next 24 hours with Islamic terrorists ready to kill us every day. I would have answered back ‘isn’t it obvious, it will be an Islamic calapahte as will the rest of the UK and Europe’.
Toady watch
Humphreys, Robinson and a prince of al Beeb -John Simpson ( so past his sell by date) are all in mourning because Isis blew up a mosque in Syria or similar. Then went on to say how bad the past year has been – no not terrorist attacks – Brexit and that woman mp who came to a sticky end.
I am not old enough to remember ww2. But one night in 1940 London lost over 3000 people from German bombing. Now that was a bad year. And apparently the year mr Simpson was born. Toady cut him off before the fool became even more embarrassing . and smug.
Then – a non interview between of all people – Humpreys and Jon lefty Snow. I turned off
@Fedup we were typing at same time , see my comment below
Stew – I’m slightly temped to follow mr Simpson on his twitter but won’t Why give old al Beeb geezers like him be given the oxygen of publicity. He , like the rest of the al beebers, will never change his opinion.
I like to write here and see if anybody disagrees with me , explains why I am wrong and persuades me to change my mind/ view. I haven’t seen it yet. There’s a kid called maxi someone who throws a comment in from time to time.
I used to comment elsewhere but I couldn’t take the unthinking knee jerk abuse so stopped. I like to be proved wrong – unlike al Beeb in its current form…
To Invoke Gladstone, Churchill, and the Koran (9:5), really is a pointless exercise, for the wilfully deaf, and indeed the wilfully blind, with eyes so tightly shut to reality …
So it is with Tommy Robinson, his vilification will continue of course, as the press gutter races, ever faster down the road to irrelevance. So it is with ITV, BBC, Sky, and Ch4 … the likes of Piers Morgan on ITV, “Gollum” Davis on Newshite hosting pontificating discussions on Islamofauxbia.
Lets take away the gentleman who died of a heart attack in Finnsbury, and the court of the MSM … it looks like genuine facts may disappear all together, a terror attack? a retaliation? at least I haven t heard “foreign policy”, but its obvious no policy may have contributed.
So we have Zombie May, her cronies in No10 and erm “put together a whole package of measures” … on Islamic Hate Crime? … (is that before, you doctor and compromise the review on Sharia, Liar?)
Hmmm hope that s better put together than the “deal” with 10 MPs, (don t go to 27 countries in Europe, Liar).
This Hate Crime business is … Absurd
This is literally an now industry emboldened by encouragement to report them, whilst simultaneously making the criteria for them both loose and absurd.
“its not a good look” … if you tie that into an ideology that has an insane level of victim mentality, that deftly uses “projection” of its own worldview onto everyone else as a cover for is own deeds … and has gained significantly by doing so, mainly because of the cowardice of our media,(just like the BBC) and political elite.
Can they not see the danger, the very dubious precedent is being set
Voila! we have the situation we find ourselves in today, why shouldn t bloody snowflakes kick up about anything, SJWs complaints get more and more absurd
… when if some kid pulls a scarf and its a “hate crime”?
when police have to wear gloves if they touch a koran,
or can t allow a sniffer dog to do its job because its “offensive”,
these kids are seeing it happening on a daily basis.
A note – There is the fact of course that ‘insulting Islam or who it considers a ‘prophet’ counts as a hate crime, punishable by death … but that’s only at the BBC oops, (I was thinking aloud )
I mean in Islamic law … NOT OURS!. Do any other ideologies have a doctrine of Al Taqiya?
A question … Chinese/Australian people don t fabricate hate crimes in considerable numbers?
Hindus/Sikhs/Mormons don t either? genuine dangerous attacks on Jewish people/schools/premises/places of worship are escalating alarmingly pure factual evidence abounds, this community doesn t continually, and deliberately fake them.
In a country with 68 MILLION people. Do we really have a “soaring” rate of genuine hate crime? (if so, against who?),
or a rising tide islamofauxbia? AND, the evidence suggests that we do have a right to be very doubtful about many of those that are counted as “hate crimes.”
As often happens “Islamophobia” propagandists go into desperate damage control mode after fake hate crimes are exposed.
How far have to termites got?
BBC News – An Islamic reading room has opened in Gladstone’s Library in Hawarden, Flintshire, to help promote inter-faith understanding and co-operation.
The library was founded by Victorian prime minister William Gladstone. The room is called the House of Wisdom, after the library of the Islamic “golden age,” the Bayt al-Hikma
“We have worked closely with Muslim communities in north Wales to make sure the resource is locally relevant and helps to promote inter-community understanding and unity in the area.”
The House of Wisdom was opened by Prof Tariq Ramadan, an Oxford University Islamic scholar.
There used to be a vapid audio file with this, the Al BBC has removed it
“[T]he Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance .
It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since, its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness… Civilization is face to face with militant Mohammedanism.
When we reflect on the moral and material forces arrayed, there need be no fear of the ultimate issue.
But … the longer the policy of half measures is adhered to the more distant the end of the struggle will be.
An interference more galling than complete control, a timidity more rash than recklessness, a clemency more cruel than the utmost severity, mark our present dealings”
‘at least I haven t heard “foreign policy”’ – I beg to differ, on Euronews last night (21Jun2017@9pm) it produced a list of who has attacked ISIS and who has experienced terrorist attacks showing only Europe, leaving the viewer (you and me) to join the dots which would suggest you fight them, they fight you (IMO).
(tried to find report on but couldn’t, data was old think 2012)
This ignored the current news that “300 Isis-linked militants stormed a primary school in the Philippines” [Independent 21Jun2017] … or …. “Islamic State is now setting its sights on China, … It has no real military footprint in the Middle East, … (but is being attacked) over its treatment of ethnic minority Muslims.” [ 01March2017]
Yes – ISIS attacked a school with unarmed innocent 10 year olds – armed militants verses children and school children.
Had quick scan of the following a document titled Links between Terrorism and Migration ICCT-2016
“Even if radical Salafists like the German preacher Pierre Vogel have started targeting refugees, their message is likely to fall on deaf ears. ” – I think people will seek to reaffirm their religion and give thanks to someone who rescued them and wanting hope in the future. (page 50).
We have examples and videos of how hate is spread, and not stopped by it’s own community, UK with Anjem Choudary (1999-2016=17 years of hate // arrested for 5 years in 2016) and Dispatches – Undercover Mosque
– Another question could be, “Why did it take the UK law only recently (2016) to oust Anjem Choudary, why didn’t the Muslim community come down hard on him?”
“To this day (year 2016), the members of the Schengen Accord still have no comprehensive and seamless system of monitoring people entering and leaving the Schengen. The exchange of intelligence on terrorist movements in Europe remains deficient.” – so we’ve had this problem for years and still no answers.
“The Schengen border control system de facto broke down in 2015 when Greece and, to a lesser extent, Italy were unable to maintain an orderly vetting system of those arriving from Turkey and Libya. This allowed hundreds of thousands of people – asylum seekers, economic migrants, as well as others (others meaning terrorists, illegals – we can’t even bring ourselves to say the words…”
This was very worrying statement thrown in the document – “Islamic State got hold of up to 250,000 of blank Iraqi passports and equipment to produce individualised originals.” – quarter of a million false documents ready and waiting.
“The arrogance of defending Islam (while Islam is itself something monstrous) outrages me. I demand on behalf of humanity that the Black Stone be pulverised and the dust scattered in the wind, that Mecca be destroyed and the tomb of Mohammed defiled. This is the way to discourage fanaticism”
Gustave Flaubert
Not what you would expect from Flaubert. What brought him to that conclusion? Has something been lost in translation or had the litterati of that time simply been spared cultural marxusm?
8:40 R4Today John Simpson talking about why he tweeted 2016-2017 is the worst year ever
“How would anyone know if I am a remainer or not ?”
** Cos it’s the day before the HAPPY Independence Day …nitwit **
..folowed by Jon Snow talking about how he was kicked out of university for campaigning for it to disinvest (in South Africa I guess)
R4 News doesn’t sound like Radio Lib-Supremacist at all
Stew – I sometimes think they do it just wind right minded people up like the privileged grammar school and free university students they were and still are.
2017 is the worst year ever
……………………………….. for BBC-Bias
“Jo’s concept of moderation ” like muscling in on other peoples demos
… and encouraging people donning black masks carrying sticks to breakup demos
JS said ‘we’ve never had it so bad’
John Simpson was born in 1944. So if 2016/17 was ‘the worst year for Britain in his lifetime’ I assume the events of 1944/1945 such as mass civilian deaths by V1 and V2 rockets, thousands killed in the Battle of Normandy and the push to Berlin, plus the torture and murder of thousands of British servicemen at the hands of the Japanese aren’t anywhere as bad as Brexit.
“Ah but we weren’t divided then” said John
…. What about the EU then ..was it divided ?
It’s only his worst year if he wants a no borders Britain with mass immigration and tied to the EU .
Why is he still at the BBC at his age?
Jo Cox is like Eva Cassidy, nobody had heard of her until she died.
The great advantage of being dead is that you have nothing to live up to.
Again, like Eva Cassidy, other people have and are doing it better.
Or even Little Eva
“Come On, Come on, do the death-promotion with me”
…sings Brendan Cox
John seems to have been taking lessons in moral relativism from Mishal Husain.
Comments going well. Not a divisive tweet at all.
#r4today John Simpson blaming everything on Jo Cox murderer shouting “this is for England”.
… Must be deaf when Allah akbar being screamed.
I think Boots are still doing free hearing checks for OAP’s
Brendan Cox on Euronews 20/06/2017
He claims politicians such as Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen and Gert Wilders have legitimised what he calls the “narrative of hate speech”.
– so when Trump etc talk they are committing hate crimes?
“Of course they are not directly responsible for these atrocities when they happen: the attacks on Muslims today, the hate crimes we’ve seen post the (Brexit) referendum,” said Cox.
Ah, just re-read my own post again…B.COX.. says “narrative of hate speech”.
Interviewer should then ask “Can he give examples for each of the 4 people you include in using ‘narrative of hate speech’ so we know what you are talking about?”.
“Do you think they should be arrested for ‘Incitement to commit violence or hate based on ‘what you call – narrative of hate speech’ ?'”
This is a new phrase to watch out for – a way to say someone is using hate speech (with no examples), but not really using hate speech (so they aren’t?).
They are on the cusp of using hate speech.
Cox is a sly operator trying to raise his profile and make money from books and journalism by exploiting our Muslim problems. He’s not worth bothering with.
Christ, what a sickening vomit inducing dose of virtual signalling. Did John know Jo Cox well then?
But yes, let’s get back to the good old days when 1,400 girls could be being abused right under your nose and you could easily ignore it under the guise of ‘moderation’.
“Leave the EU” + “Happy Either Way” @65% // “Remain in the EU” @35%
– Leave wins, but loses! Welcome to the future where 2+2=5.
And remember…
“Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive/Dangerous Diversity ala Merkel”!
“For the Many ( < £88K ), Not the Few ( > £88K )” – considering Labour want equality, “For Everyone, Not the Few” – would be a more fitting slogan.
From the manifesto “Labour will also legislate to reduce pay inequality by introducing an Excessive Pay Levy on companies with staff on very high pay (no values given, full costed and thought out).”.
So they will discriminate between the many and few – thus creating inequality. Am I missing something? I’m still trying to nail down this slogan.
“The the Many (majorities), Not the Few (minorities).”
Ridiculous for them to shout
“The country is divided”
At the same time they shout
…”Yeh look over there, Tories they’ve got all the money, and anyone who like Brexit they are RACIST !”
How do you unite the Country? Get everyone to join Labour of course!
I know all political parties are acting oddly in the UK at the moment, across Europe as well – my personal opinion is that it’s due to everyone not being able to ask the right questions and use the right words to describe what is happening, backed up by some data or statistics or reports and a dose of history.
We have become afraid to describe the World we live in – as it is.
“How do we stop attacks on Muslims? Everyone needs to become a Muslim!”. Many would choose to join or submit …. I hope I am wrong on this view, some pieces are setup ready for this.
– Religion of Peace (<a href="interview with student at protest)
– Capital City Mayor supports Religion of Peace
– Attacks on Muslims are escalating
– Hate crimes are up (nobody asks for details – For the Many)
– Certain things are off the table for conversation – Islamophobia
– Facebook/Google is tracking ‘far/alt-right’ without telling anyone how it is doing it – ignores Dabiq.
– Facebook is used to track blasphemy breaches in Pakistan – where blasphemy punishable by death
Let me finish on this note…
“Europe has started to enshrine Islamophobia into law – history tells us this can’t end well” [Independent 14March2017]
– I believe the issue here is that to ban something, is to give a group of people more victimhood privilege, more to shout and complain about, works for people, groups and countries.
Mark, “We have become afraid to describe the World we live in – as it is.”
I continue to be puzzled: “They shall not divide us” – that oft used throwaway expression used by politicians in respect of racial issues. Problem for me is that to be, ‘divided’ there has to be a prerequisite cohesive ‘whole’ to be ‘divided’. There is no cohesive ‘whole’, certainly not so far as the muslim population is concerned. Never has, never will. Indeed the cult’s handbook instructs the cult follower not to fraternise with others, disbelievers aka ‘kaffirs’. It is certainly not the same with other nationalities irrespective of their religious predilection.
Yep, can’t divide what’s already divided. Maybe quarter, eighth, thirty second ???
Terrorists seem to have found ways to divide us into little bits – but we stay united!