“UK summer fruit and salad growers are struggling to recruit migrant workers, with more than half saying they don’t know if they will have enough to harvest their crops”
There are several things wrong with that that I can see. Apart from the obvious, it’s interesting that BBC seems to be suggesting that “more than half” is enough to establish a consensus. Yet they won’t concede that ‘More Than Half’ is enough to win an election or a referendum.
Most farmers provide caravans for seasonal workers to live in. Perhaps any Grenfell survivors who are out of a job could take advantage and have somewhere to live and a chance to earn some money in the fresh air for a few weeks? Anyone…anyone…?
Seems local ratepayers will have to dig deep if they are tempted. Maybe they can sublet to squaddie families in military housing whilst the breadwinner is being shot at by their cousins?
Only 21% of farmers said they actually have a problem (problem actually being “we’ll make less money if we can’t employ cheap migrants”) – see my earlier post from 7:01am. Meaning that to the BBC, a fifth constitutes enough to establish a consensus…
The Guardian agrees that UKs farming industry is not fit for purpose (requires £3bn EU subsidies) and survives on forced low wages for its workers (plentiful cheap labour)!
“Life’s tough on our struggling farms. Now they face Brexit’s chill winds”
From £3bn subsidies to plentiful cheap labour, farmers enjoy the fruits of the EU
– theguardian.com/theobserver/2016/jul/24
So BREXIT is the problem because it will stop the fruits of the EU, which are £3 billion in subsidies and cheap low paid foreign labour?
If all the UK fruit pickers’ wages add up to £3bn then they work for free because they get £3bn from the EU?
Would Labour agree or disagree with Uzbekistan’s cotton picking initiative, which could be used for our fruit picking …
Uzbekistan is one of the world’s largest cotton exporters (this would be classed as a Government success story), and the government of Uzbekistan uses one of the largest state-orchestrated systems of forced labor to produce it.
Every year the government of Uzbekistan forcibly mobilizes over a million citizens to grow and harvest cotton. The Uzbek government forces farmers to grow cotton and deliver production quotas under threats of penalty, including the loss of the lease to farm the land, criminal charges and fines. The government forces over a million citizens to pick cotton and deliver harvest quotas under threat of penalty, including expulsion from school (think of the children), job loss, and loss of social security benefits.
Never mind giving 16 year olds the vote …. “2012 harvest the government of Uzbekistan adopted (was forced to by foreign Governments) a policy not to mobilize children younger than 16 (normally aged 11-15) on a mass scale”.
The PM has said that no migration checks will be made on residents of Grenfell Tower. Well that speaks volumes doesn’t it ? and Jeremy Dustbin hopes that those moved to other accommodation that their rent will not be increased – blimey, do they actually pay any ????
This tragedy has thrown up more questions – aside from the construction issues. I would like to know how an Afghan arriving in the UK 3 (THREE) years ago, is able to be housed ahead of those already on the waiting list, AND in the most expensive capital of the world in the most expensive area ? Why wasn’t he shipped off to a city somewhere else ? (not that I would want to wish further migrants to other areas), but no, whilst most of us cant afford the train fare to the capital, others arrive with no connection and given a home without too much fuss.
Big discussion now going on to speed up the process of building more social housing. If Councils had spent doing just that back in the 70’s onwards, with the money they received from selling off whole estates of council housing, – and put a halt to selling them off wholesale, then (migrants aside) the housing issue wouldn’t be so bad.
Can you imagine the calls home. ‘Get over here now, not only will they put you up in a property that is better than anything back home, if we set fire to it we’ll get even more cash, some hand me down Adidas gear and get put up in an empty mansion’.
DavidA – don’t worry, once we command our language, rather than talk nonsense and let people use it to shut debate down things will get better.
Just smile at the madness for now – watch as Christopher Hitchens goes from meeting after meeting and says in one of them …
“I find it amazing that they (religious spokesmen) come up with a new way to answer the same question again and again, but they know where I stand and I haven’t changed my position at all. ” (from memory so won’t be accurate)
Guess that’s why the conversation is interesting – because the other side keep changing it and he was willing to concede if they had a good point.
Chin up…
“.. we reached for the stars. Acted like men. We aspired to intelligence and didn’t belittle it, it didn’t make us feel inferior. We didn’t identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election. And we … we didn’t scare so easy. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men.”
Watch from the beginning – it’s a good speech to remember and doesn’t just apply to the USA.
I wonder how many of these oxygen thieves would bother to turn out if they knew that the press weren’t going to be there to choreograph the event, Charlie?
Does this mixed “United Colours of Bennetton” crop of confused and angry shouters feel that they are neither black nor white?
Hence their anger at white uniformed officers.
More or Less?
Laurie Taylor?
No..only joking.
Just another set of friendly Corbyn supporters on a day out.
What beggars belief is the pathetic Tories sitting in silence refusing, or unwilling to call this out for what it is.
Violent, deliberate, aggressive, and intimidatory. Yet all seemingly perfectly acceptable.
But bacon butties in sight of a Mosque….that’s a different story.
Might I suggest to Tommy Robinson that the next time he organises a march, placards are to hand with those pictures and the slogan “The face of Hope Not Hate” or “The Face of Anti-Fascism” writ large?
May’s new “Amnesty Policy” to grant amnesty to everyone in the UK! Everyone is now legally legal – so now “Enough is Enough” is because we treated everyone equally!
Look no further than the west of Scotland and those supporters of republicanism and nationalism and the bBC …………they’ve taken rage to a new level………”PermaRage”………..look no further than the SNP performing seals at Westminster ( now substantially reduced in number) and you see permarage in action…………
Salmond and Sturgeon are prime exhibitors of PermaRage.
Sinn Fein IRA and Corbyn/ mcDonnell and Abbott are also permaragers…………..add all these trade union officials.
There’s a lot of em……………….and the bBC is the common denominator in giving them plenty of stage time.
An important point in there was that majorities of both the elite group and the non elites both agreed that there should be a halt to all immigration by Muslims. Now that is a powerful statistic but one which the political class will ignore. But surely if a majority of the public want something strongly enough ,for long enough and , critically, vote for it , then eventually some politician will come to power who will give the public what they vote for. The problem we face is that time is not unlimited and if the current political class keeps on with its open borders policy the continent of Europe will be swapped and all democratic solutions will be off the table.
So if British people break the law they get punished.
If immigrants break the law .. they can pull out the “trauma card” ..and claim amnesty.
1.5 million illegals ?
“It will cost billions to send them back”
.. And keeping them here will not cost billions ?
.. And what kind of encouragement does that give to future illegals ?
“It will cost billions to send them back”
Let’s not think in crude terms of ‘sending people back’ – we are simply talking about a humanitarian family reunification programme, giving people the opportunity to return to their original homelands. The money involved is peanuts: even if it was costed at £10K per person, that’s only £15 billion – about one year’s worth of foreign aid. This really would be ‘foreign aid’ in a most noble sense. Tremendous opportunity for the travel industry. What’s not to like?
The Metropolitan Police and/or Westminster City Council I believe have operated an informal repatriation policy with Roma gypsies for some time. They pay their coach fare back to Romania, Hungary or wherever. Of course, three months later they just come back again, refreshed after a nice long holiday in the old country! It would be the same with any kind of repatriation programme on a larger scale. Of course, it’s all speculation anyway because no mainstream politician would dare suggest something like that. Even 50 years ago Enoch Powell was crucified for it.
It’s not repatriation – it’s a family reunification programme. Big difference. Backed by proper border controls. A person who has received funds is not permitted to return to the UK. Legislation is already in place – Section 1(5) of the Immigration Act 1971, the Mental Health Act 1983 and The UK Borders Act 2007. It is simply not being enforced.
Listening to the EU residents on bbc WS – Lordy they’re a sulky lot. If reciprocal arrangements are put in place will they stay?
No! That’s it, they’re going home! A Pole who came to wash cars has had enough – he’s hurt and offended and insulted so there. See who cries when you all have dirty cars!
How does the BBC find them?
I can count Poles, many Italians, Germans even French amongst my closest friends and colleagues…I even speak these languages to varying degrees and they all know I voted to leave and why – and whilst they don’t all agree with me they understand the rationale ..and guess what – most of them are happy to become British citizens as they have lived, studied and worked here for varying lengths of time….they all speak English (better than some so called British citizens) and abide by our laws – they could go home but they don’t want to and none have expressed any hint of racial insults….maybe it’s the moaning ones who should go..
James, why DO they all want to stay here and become British citizens ? We all go to Italy, Germany and France for idyllic holidays – and wishing we could stay there for the weather, the food and a more relaxed way of life ! I often wonder how many of our ‘students’ who ‘study’ abroad actually remain in the country, but come home instead to earn a living. It never seems to be the case the other way around.
The BBC finds them as rent boys, nannies, drugs peddlars, fake student courses, bonsai trimmers and serge trouser presses. Maybe the concierge will point them to something edgy and dark via a kebak house, cafe or taxi firm-once the weekend parent has returned the washing, and gone back to the Chilterns.
Maybe RADA or tattoo parlours for the serious actup ones required.
And certainly nowhere where the good ones do hard work and we work alongside.
I`ve NEVER met any of them with views like the BBC push upon the rest of us.
Here s Boris, warming up on his strategy skills with two pages of Queens speech, before he jumps in the clown car with Davis, May, … oh and Hammond! (lord help us), and they trundle over to Brussels, to negotiate with 27 countries
Of course, he s not the zombie PM, speaking of who … how s that going with those 10 MPs?, before the 27 countries
Untenable and a liability
He was foolish to go onto the show.
Mair was personally vicious, nasty and similar to Johnson some time last year, so he ought not to have gone on. Send on someone who hates the BBC as we do, Boris is not that man. Clowntime is over.
But that he did shows how reduced the current crop are, a fired up Boris would wipe the floor with scum like Mair.
By way of defence-all I`d say is listen to Mairs questions and the BBC priorities.
The Tories need to see this is a fight to the death, and they need some backbone, preparation and to fight.
Or else the BBCs “burning injustices” will create yet another Grenfell, and the Tories will meekly go to the stake as they`ve been doing since 2005.
Oh do put a sock in it Mair with your ‘burning injustices’. Yeah, burning injustices like hundreds of illegal immigrants being rehoused in luxury flats at taxpayers’ expense now being told they can stay in Britain as long as they like. Oh my heart bleeds at such injustice, I’m sure they’d be much happier back in Afghanistan.
Dead right GWF.
Communalislam never sleeps.
So why the dozy tories feel that they can out their feet up awhile is beyond me.
Thatcher knew it was always a generational fight to the death with socialism.
After all, the Lefts jobs and salaries, let alone influence fame and beehive baubles all stem from this force to get power , even as it kills.
As long as it`s not their skins at stake
Didn`t there used to be some kind of seed that lay dormant during the bush fires?
But the fire coming over the ground above then began its germination and flowering?
It didn`t happen as the flames licked through, but a decent interval afterwards.
Reckon UKIP is going to be like that.
“Burning Injustices” eh Eddie?
Like your playing of “Smoke On The Water” on your show last week in connection with the same Grenfell story?
.Now-are we in
(1)the world of BBC subliminal nastiness to further “inflame” or “set the house ablaze” agendas of the BBCs pyromanics?
Or is it
(2)piggybacking on the dead and charred to show their pals how ironic and clever they can be? How they can “get away with this desecration of the dead”
Or is it
(3) simply clueless, crass editorial indifference, there`ll be no comeback -so what?
They are desperate for another fire to get Corbin elected. Even the idea is revolting but that’s albeeb. Means tested tv licencing tax. You heard it here ….
The ill concealed glee of the bbc when there’s something harmful to the country and it’s people is very sick, an addiction and should elicit treatment.
From Our Own Correspondent gave us
1. The Belt and Road route as the Chinese try to get a hold iin Pakistan.
2. Another petty eulogy for Helmut Kohl, where Thatcher gets a sideways shafting.
3. Kosovan football hopes in the European Cup playoffs coming soon
4. Cuba showing a Clockwork Orange on telly-the BBCs boy is the son in law for the Cuban Barry Norman-how convenient.
5. Beeb poppet goes from Mexico to Brazil but wonders what is her identity.
Half an hour of prebaked postures, but that first one re the Chinese going into Pakistan with Xis new Silk Road is truly worrying…but that`s the only one where the BBC have no interest or position on, so they ignore what their Pakistani bloke is saying.
This Chinese-Muslim conflict is only going to grow.
But we`re expected to think of Kohl as “the man who united Europe”? We were all there-it`s BS.
On bbc WS, “Where are You Going?. Cub reporter flown thousands of miles to a street, stops people and asks, “Where are you going? Cue a couple of sentences and onto the next. Fascinating stuff. Even so, agenda pushing – In Iceland reporter gushes for an age over a Romanian man dressed as a woman. He claims to be transgender which is trendy! it transpires he’s homosexual but dresses as a woman so surely he’s a bog standard transvestite?
I’ve been listening to that programme for most of my 50 plus years and I thought it did a fair job but in recent years it has reflected the leftward move of albeeb more and more. I think it may be time to end it. The poppet you mentioned at 5. Must be a friend of the producer because she was memorably awful in her smug cash in the bank albeeb way. Great for Islington but not fit for broadcast
Parents too busy to work but got enough time to take the government to court though. Typical of the UK today, you get free money but want more. If you cannot get more then you use the courts to force someone to give you even more money.
Come on BBC, let us have some more details of the parents. I’m sure you are hiding some facts about them.
The judge in this case mr justice Collins – an old Etonian with a variety of interesting decisions ( see wiki) and the lawyer one Rebekah Carrier – seems to specialise in lefty defendants using taxpayers money to support their politics. First read of the decision suggests it could be overturned on appeal or with a bit of sticking plaster legislation. Unfortunately the current government has got to appear extra nice so the latter won’t happen.
I’m sorry but I come from a hardworking background where you shouldn’t have kids unless you can afford them- unfashionable things like self reliance – solving your own problems when you can-without running to anyone for a hand out- I jknow I out of my time.
Birth control has been around for a long time.
If you shop at a German owned supermarket, and Germany pays the welfare of refugees, but some of those refugees send money to ISIS terrorists or turn out to be terrorists – are you knowingly funding terrorism? Knowing that the terrorists are still out there as there is no evidence that the Government has found the terrorists – and is possibly letting in more.
If this is the case, do we need the EU to add new advice labels to the consumer goods packaging to say if it is: Meat Free, Terrorist Sponsoring Free. Dolphin Friendly.
I wonder if the sleepy Lefties and Liberals who are so concerned about their kids and grandkids realise that not only are taxes going to rocket pay for all of this extra governance and extra safety and extra people, the lack of housing and the lack of democracy, when combined is a potent mix and is going to take the UK back to the Victorian slum era, if not before.
Each so-called election in future will not be determined by votes, not that there will be any point in voting if Referendums can be ignored, but by the result of a series of punch-ups afterwards. What happened in US cities after Trump was elected is something of an indicator.
We always used to say in the 1960s ‘What happened last year in America will be coming here soon’. That rule may still apply.
I hope not. Am pleased the Day of Rage was a non-event and largely peaceful. Haven’t heard that the US regional elections last weekend had any trouble during or after, so I hope that’s also the case and – perhaps – last November’s US fascist behaviour was just a one-off.
I voted Leave without hesitation , But now after the GE catastrophe it is extremely unlikely that this terminally weakened government can ever force through the necessary legislation. The GE result has scuppered Brexit. Negotiations can go on and on but everyone knows that it’s a dead duck and the Tories are only pursuing it because if they don’t their Brexiteers will kick up a stink that may well result in another GE and Corbyn in No 10 along with Stalinist advisors, black supremacists ex girl friend, communist chancellor and a rabble of far left lunatics. That possibility terrifies me. When I voted Leave I voted for return of sovereignty to Westminster but I never that thought that the UK electorate may go crackers and vote for Corbyn et al. I’m afraid if it is a choice of Brussels or Corbyn then it will have to be Brussels for me. Anyway the truth is now that liberal left establishment will bury Brexit, suck up to their chums in Brussels and vow never ever to give the people a referendum on anything more important than bus timetables.
We had our chance to Leave but by not demonstrating our commitment to Leave by voting for the Tories we have blown it. I know some folks here will say the GE wasn’t about Brexit but that won’t cut any ice with the liberal left establishment. Only by strengthening the will of the people argument at the GE could we have forced through Brexit. Instead we gave no mandate to do so. Keeping Corbyn out is now the big political issue.
What if Corbyn and McDonnell are really serious about OUT means OUT, including the Single Market and the Customs Union? For that is what they have been saying in the past week or so.
It is also not Corbyn & McDonnell who have been shown to be fools at the last Election. They will know what Carney has said about the effect of migration both on unemployment and pay levels. They saw what Blair & Brown did with unemployment from 1997-2007. Yes, it is to their shame they stopped speaking up about the subject as soon as Blair was elected. That is standard for the hypocrites of the Left. That doesn’t mean, however, that they do not know their ‘bread is buttered’ purely by the strength of the working man and working woman vote that used to be traditionally theirs.
The Grenfell Tower tragedy may have some positives as an inadequate tribute to those who perished there: political Parties listening to their electorates may just be one of them.
” In the end , there is a limit to what to what middle-class people will tolerate.
They will not always put up with the law being broken, and favoured factions getting away with doing this with impunity, as they do now. People will either take things into their own hands, or its goverment will use the public forces to take control. People will get hurt, there may well be plenty violence one way or the other. But the quiet and the law-abiding will only take so much of this”
Lord Hailsham, July 1974, Guardian.
(I paraphrase in part, but not much)
Yes but when will that be ? My fear is that by the time people wake up to what is happening and their tolerance is at an end , it will be far too late and our country , our continent , will be in an irreversible death spiral and heading at high speed to Islamification. The election of Corbyn and his gangsters will hasten the process, inside or outside of the EU. The situation is the most serious that the country and continent has faced since the Second World War. This is an existentialist crisis but most young people, those who will lose the most, think it’s great to welcome the world to our shores with open arms.
Just heard that an old lady who fell and broke her hip in my village had to lie in the street for four hours waiting for an ambulance, as the general hospital in our nearby (‘enriched’) city had to give preference to more urgent cases. At present, I don’t think people are able – or willing- to put two and two together and realise that adding a million people every three years to the population is going to put some strain on the NHS. If they DO work it out, they will simply say the NHS needs more money and less ‘austerity’. But eventually it will have to collapse – that could perhaps be what makes people wake up.
I have never believed we will leave. It is looking like I am right. The elites are counting on a large degree of apathy and they are right to do so. We will just shrug and accept.
The problem for them is that they are short termists. They never look long term and this is their fatal flaw.
It will have been shown to us that democracy here is fraudulent. Completely useless and that will be very dangerous.
Add to this a divided and fractured country along religious, class and income lines and you re looking at real trouble down the road. As usual the elite will get it wrong. Silencing the messenger as usual . But it is now unavoidable.
political discourse here is now toxic. There is a clamour on the left to imprison and silence all opposition. Initially they will succeed to some extent but again that is short term only.
Corbyn as PM accelerates this process . Maybe that is better than a slow descent into chaos.
few are aware of how dangerous a state we are in. It is regrettable that the BBC and most of the broadcast media at this critical time is so inept and riddled with idiots.
There is no concept of what a nation should demand of it’s people now. Only what entitlement we can demand. This is always disastrous.
The elite has a problem with us in the shires and those not brainwashed by a poor educational system .They are dimly aware that we are instinctively loyal to this land and it’s past ,present and future . That we accept this compact between generations as the basis of nationhood.
None of this is going to end well now.
Dave S,
I really wish that I believed that sensible folks in the country would come together in sufficient numbers to force through Brexit , resist Islamification etc etc. But if a majority did believe in our country and were as patriotic as you so clearly are , why did so many vote Labour, and for the most unpatriotic manifesto ever.
In my gloomy moments , occurring increasingly frequently, I think that the fifty years work of the liberal left grip on the educational system and the hated BBC , has done its work and we have now reached a tipping point. Younger people increasingly don’t believe in our country , they don’t share our values, our patriotism. They don’t think they are losing something precious when they vote to install Corbyn in No 10. They have been brainwashed into thinking that his policies represent progress . When they realise they have been duped it will be too late. I fear we may be living through the end of our civilisation both here and in rather more slowly in the EU where at least there is some political resistance to open borders and mass migration. With Corbyn in charge the fools will welcome the whole third world into our country.
Desperate times. Hope I am wrong , I really really do.
Be of good cheer DaveS.
Am reading plenty about the 70s.
In particular the dogs dinners that were between Heath and Wilsons resignation (1970-6).
There were REAL fears of a Lefty takeover via Benn and his unions, followed by an Army Coup and backlash to restore order once more.
Basically Chile-Allende to Pinochet.
Ulster was dangerously ungovernable, with its Winter Of Discontent every bit as nasty as the mainland four years after.
The BBC was STILL trashing the Empire, sucking Strasbourg cat litter like today.
And the Toytown Trots were causing real trouble on Wednesday afternoons, with power cuts soon to come. It`s not much better at times now-but in other ways it is. We`ve been through it, good people told us and wrote it.
We`ve no excuse not to know.
How bad are things when a Healey is way beyond anything in public life today?
Let alone Roy Mason.
All we get now are Fred Mulley toe clippings and John Stonehouse fantasists. And at least he didn`t claim expenses when he pissed off and pretended to be dead.
Our zombies would.
I think it wrong Dave, to dismiss the BBC especially, as being riddled with idiots, the ones on the “top floor” know exactly what they are doing and what outcome they hope to bring about!
TW – I have no doubt that they are well aware of what they are doing in pursuing the agenda they do. What makes them idiots is thinking that it’s a worthwhile goal for the world they create to achieve it.
Toobi, as do the foot soldier BBC presenters who seem to me to have been really pitching at an overturning of the Referendum vote today. Perhaps it is early Anniversary ire?
All that we can hope for on that front is that ordinary people will wake up to what is happening.
‘Listen to the people’ ought to be one of our slogans now. The other side of the rotate-able placard should carry only three words: ‘We voted OUT’.
Just bring up Germany’s surplus … “In 2016, it reached a record of €270 billion, surpassing even China’s trade surplus.”
And then raise concerns on their Christian ethics and turning sex into taxes …
The sex workers themselves would be expected to pay up when the tax man calls – boosting state (Germany) coffers to the tune of an estimated 50 million euros a year. (old story 2003) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3068827.stm
An estimated 400,000 prostitutes work in Germany, and 1.2 million customers are said to use their services daily. Revenues are estimated at 6 billion euros every year – equivalent to those of companies like Porsche and Adidas….most experts agree that legalizing prostitution has not succeeded.(depends on how you look at it? For prostitutes – NO. For Government – YES)
– http://prostitution.procon.org/
MM, lurking in the back of my mind is the fact that both the Communists and National Socialists in mid 20th century turned sex into a commodity and baby production into an industry.
Locals complain about tourists taking selfies at Grenfell Towers.
I know it is bad, but it is an impressive sight.
Perhaps it should remain that way, with a charge for selfies and a tourist shop selling souvenirs and CD’s of appearances of the Emir with his elderly Mistress faux Prime Minister.
London’s tourist industry depends on its unsavory past, so why not a memorial to evil capitalists
Are these the same locals who covered their faces when storming the Town Hall ? and who complained that not enough people were turning up ? Ok to be belligerent on the one hand, but on the other ……………………….
All you need to know about, “Hate Crime” – http://www.cps.gov.uk/news/fact_sheets/hate-crime/
The definition of an, ‘Hate Crime’ is –
“‘…any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by a hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.”
Notes on the definition (over and above those the CPS note): there HAS to be a criminal offence involved e.g. assault or damage to property. The police will investigate the incident to decide whether a crime has been committed before presenting the matter to the CPS.
The CPS suggest that, ‘Hate Crime’ is an ‘evolving’ crime and what it evolves into is essentially that recommended by a team of consultees. In London (I cite London as the, probably, multikulti capital of the World) the Panel is listed as: http://www.cps.gov.uk/london/community_prosecutors/london_scrutiny_and_involvement_panel_members/
Subtract those who are clearly working to further their own disciplines i.e. Disability, Domestic Violence, Mental Health and what are you left with? You decide. But, I single out one:
Of special note is, Dr Matthew Wilkinson who, on further research we are told, “..embraced Islam in 1991 and thereafter studied the Qur’an and the related Islamic knowledge for ten years. Matthew taught History, Citizenship and Religious Education in mainstream, supplementary and faith schools in a senior capacity for fifteen years in the UK and abroad.”
“Embraced”? Surely, ‘converted’? I also wonder where, “abroad” – any suggestions? http://www.mohammedamin.com/Reviews/A-fresh-look-at-Islam-in-a-multi-faith-world.html
No experts on Human Rights and Free Speech? I wonder why.
I would need clarity on, ‘perceived’ in this context
PERCEIVED: verb (used with object), perceived, perceiving.
1. to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses:
EG: I perceived an object looming through the mist.
2. to recognize, discern, envision, or understand:
EG: I perceive a note of sarcasm in your voice. This is a nice idea but I perceive difficulties in putting it into practice.
I would need clarity on, ‘perceived’ in this context
PERCEIVED: verb (used with object), perceived, perceiving.
1. to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses:
EG: I perceived an object looming through the mist.
2. to recognize, discern, envision, or understand:
EG: I perceive a note of sarcasm in your voice. This is a nice idea but I perceive difficulties in putting it into practice.
I would need clarity on, ‘perceived’ in this context
PERCEIVED: verb (used with object), perceived, perceiving.
1. to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses:
EG: I perceived an object looming through the mist.
2. to recognize, discern, envision, or understand:
EG: I perceive a note of sarcasm in your voice. This is a nice idea but I perceive difficulties in putting it into practice.
So, the Grenfell Head of the Council has, ‘reluctantly’, resigned. He will, of course, like NHS CEOs, have a severance package built into his contract.
Just say all his contracts were in the top floor of Grenfell Tower – then he can get £5,500 payout and a new flat in Kensington, plus start a new life with a new passport giving a new name with full amnesty and then get the NHS to pay for a sex change so he can hangout with Lily as they talk about having nothing in common.
Mark Steyn was right – these stories write themselves.
“…when Monica’s dress has entered the witness protection program, and has had cosmetic reconstruction surgery and is living as a pair of curtains in Idaho.”
4;30pm R4 IMPARTIAL Nicky Campbell worried about SNP creationists
Although people will laugh at the people he mocks, the link he gives uses a fallacy
“They say that science cannot disprove that God created the Earth in 6 days”
Actually they are right, cos you cannot prove a negative like something DOESN’T exist
As an atheist I say that God could be so clever he could create evolution and then mask that he created it.
He is worried about fundamental Christian creationists , a belief system that very few in world follow and who are unlikely to launch a holy war to impose their views on others. I think we all know of a much more dangerous belief system that also believes in creationism and a host of other unlikely stuff and which does impose itself on those who do not believe by the book or by the sword. Is he worried about that ? I don’t suppose so because the BBC seems to regard this second lot of creationists as peaceful , despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and the Christian creationists lot as dangerous. A dangerous and stupid view , in fact the BBC view of religion seems as at odd with facts as creationism is with science.
Ah NickyCampbell had a tantrum when I asked if he treats Muslims the same
He had a tantum/twitter rant and blocked me, mistaking me for some creationist with a blog.
Has Campbell really called out Muslims “many times” on creationism like he claims ?
I don’t know for sure cos I never watch his Sunday show.
Why’s it something he gets angry about ?
Ah I got it
He called the MSPs “numpty”
and I pointed out there is no way he would call a creationist Muslim a numpty
he may well have asked have asked Muslims, but surely never sneered “numpty”
So when I point that contraction out BANG he goes into “Does not compute ” “cognitive dissonance” mode ..he can’t admit to being the bad guy ..therefore it must be me
Briefly, with the invention of the transistor it went away but anyhow, to be, ‘fiddling with your tranny’ would not be at all appropriate these days.
Forty years ago, writing a review of 70s pop, I reflected on receiving a tranny as a Christmas present and that the first thing I heard on it was Two Little Boys by Rolf Harris.
What innocent times they were……
The same words used today would immediately suggest a sexual preferences intolerant paedophile.
early pop music is full of paedophilic signals and includes some of the most acclaimed artists:
Chuck Berry,James Brown,The Stones,Van Morrison and you will never guess which songwriter died last year once wrote a lyric line that he was bored of 15 year old girls and it was not Bowie ,George Michael or Prince.
Oi-that`s SIR Mick to you!!!
When he sang “Under My Thumb” Brown Sugar” and “Stray Cat Blues”-let alone “Starfucker” and other classics…he was being ironic, it was a different time. And like Jimmy Page and Sir Paul etc…there is absolutely NOTHING to hear, to read or to imply from their memoirs and contemporary musings. No sir…
But once they can`t sue you, yoiu can`t threaten you with no further clips or songs from the new CD to be withheld…basically when they`re reduced to pantomine or personal retro appearances like DLT or Tarby…THEN you can release your hounds of hell ijn Jimmy Savile tracksuits.
Sir Mick…paid his taxes, pioneered jaunts round the Med and not a wrinkly chancer at all…and no further questions.
Too big to fail…even if Keith said otherwise.
“The Strange Death of Europe is a highly personal account of a continent and culture caught in the act of suicide. Declining birth-rates, mass immigration and cultivated self-distrust and self-hatred have come together to make Europeans unable to argue for themselves and incapable of resisting their own comprehensive change as a society.”
Those responsible will be given a stern talking to, promoted to a new job created for them, then retire on triple pay. Or take over as minions to the next leader of K&C council.
“UK population grew by 538,000 in the year to mid-2016
At the national level population change can be split into natural change (births minus deaths), net international migration (immigration minus emigration) and other change, which at the national level reflects changes due to armed forces personnel moving into or out of the UK.
Figure 2 shows that while natural change has increased, net international migration remains the largest component of population change. Overall, natural change accounted for 35.8% of the population change, net international migration for 62.4% and other changes 1.8%.”
Full report: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/bulletins/annualmidyearpopulationestimates/mid2016#population-of-england-reaches-55-million
It goes on and on and on and on and on………………………..
Clearly this is some sort of game the Government is playing. Anyone got any idea of the rules of the game?
Needless to say, it’s not gone unnoticed that the BBC (“World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster”) has buried this news -http://www.westmonster.com/bbc-bury-population-surge-statistics/
Two thirds of the increase was net migration . We still await the details of how the government plans to curb migration (in its new bill). With Tories like Hammond pushing for continued high migration ( he doubtless lives in an area unaffected by it) I still have no confidence in the political class on this issue. An added factor is the high birth rate in enriched communities . The Tower Hamlets borough with over 3 per cent population growth in one year , is a good example .
So we’ll take a radical step – we’ll make illegal working a criminal offence in its own right. That means wages paid to illegal migrants will be seized as proceeds of crime… and businesses will be told when their workers’ visas expire… so if you’re involved in illegal working – employer or employee – you’re breaking the law. – David Cameron / 2015
“Amnesty for everyone – sod the law!” – Theresa May / 2017 (paraphrased by me)
LGBTTQQIAAP? – would it be easier just to have “H-“, which means everyone except Heterosexual people. This solves two problems, the ever changing increase of letters no longer applies – thus banners and t-shirts can be reused, great for the environment! And it means we can see the end result of all this inclusiveness.
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” – GO
However, adding the term “allies” to the initialism has sparked controversy, with some seeing the inclusion of “ally” as opposed to “asexual”[clarify] a form of asexual erasure. There is also the acronym QUILTBAG (queer and questioning, intersex, lesbian, transgender and two-spirit, bisexual, asexual and ally, and gay and genderqueer). – see wiki
– Colourful police car – everyone’s equal before the law, some are pampered by it.
“To site the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
I predict that soon we will have quite a few radio programmes expressing so-called ‘right wing’ views.
“Good! About time!”, ‘some’ will say. But beware, they will be ‘honeypot’ programmes, designed to trap those with ‘extreme’ views, i.e. to the ‘right’ of The Guardian, as they cheerfully sign up to their ‘personalised’ iPlayer.
Just needs the new offences of ‘hate listening’ and ‘hate watching’ as defined by Mr Cox.
When does the far-left make an appearance? Or have they already …. or is there no ‘far-left’ because they will always be morally superior in every sentence?
BBC news just interviewed some nutcase expert surveyor. Basically he wanted all flammable material to be removed from every office, school, hospital etc, as wall as tower blocks. As he ever heard of wood?
The interviewer asked him about the cost to which he replied with the bollocks “you can’t put a price on a life”. Actually you can. The Carthy VPF (value of preventing a fatality) currently about £2 million. Used by government and HSE.
Mark Easton in full gritty-determined mood, emoting powerfully on behalf of the bereaved – and yet he, like everyone else involved it would seem, fails to ask why the panels were fitted in the first place. Actually, of course, the bottom line is because they are a classic and pointless example of pandering to the climate change lobby – and that’s why no-one can risk asking the question, least of all slimy faux emoters like Easton.
I think it was a combination of climate change targets and Blairs decent homes legislation. So.. it’s down to Blair and Prescott that cladding took off after 2005. What.. not Theresa May’s fault?
All the greenies, the lefties and old Labour clones of the Blair era seem now to be at the far end of the sheeps pasture aren`t they?
And no EU comments either.
This is all you need-this will be EU migration, Muslim fears, Green crap and Old Labours faults.
The present Labour MP has a pashmina in the race as well.
Therefore, expect no ” whose fault is this”?
We are ALL to blame-oh look-another victim who deserves better than divisive and populist comment.
“We are where we are”…”time to draw lines and move on”.
No time for the blame game, be inclusive, consensual and make no judgements until we`ve all retired and May is gone in our coup.
THIS is the Left…file this one under diesel pollution and the Green labour conspiracy to choke Tory kids…er, yes…why not?
Fuck the BBC, the EU , Labour and the Greens . If we can`t pin that tail on their fat arsed donkey of theirs-well , no wonder they laugh at us.
We`re shit aren`t we? Time to get those streets back tomorrow. Independence Day, the Feast of St Nigel of the Weald.
Bollox to Cox#
@Grumbler : They have a trick : they phone around experts , most of which say perfectly sound things
..then finally they get to one who says something that fits BBC narrative.So they air him and never mention the others.
Project Fear back again with vengeance
BBC South West …..turned that off…
Sky News….collapse of strawberry growing!
How the hell did UK survive before the EU?
What little faith “they”, whoever they are, have in this country..but we know who they are..so called elite!!..my foot!
What a load of lemmings…prepared to write off the nation and our future?
The BBC will be relentless in their plot to destroy Brexit
We will be subjected to constant anti brexit propaganda 24/7
I am sick of the great and good…and John Simpson et al telling us ad nauseam that they know best.
The country is in a mess.
Democracy is in tatters
And I do not need John Simpson ,Jon Snow and fellow travellers to continue their pontification!
Rant over
Unless the UK does no Brexit deal the divorce bill is likely to be minimum £50 billion and maybe even £100 billion.
People will then ask how come the govt made all those austerity cuts but could find tens of billions for a divorce bill?
People should wake up and realise that the current govt Brexit strategy is a worse option than either no deal supported by Lord Lawson or Lord Heseltines suspending doing A50
Whatever course the govt takes the future looks bleak for the Tory party
If we leave the customs union and the single market then we are out cleanly. The EU can’t control us. That’s the benchmark. Transitional deals don’t affect the bigger picture .
It’s baffling how many people sit on QT where they will debate there not being enough money for schools and the NHS and then happily we should pay a fabricated divorce bill of £50-100 billion because the EU tell us that we have to.
Where do they think the money will come from.
How disappointing that a country once so proud has become so cowed and browbeaten that when someone makes a demand for which there is no precedent, we piss our pants and ask ‘how much’?
Loads of spliff taking intersex tie dyed hippies then is it?
Like the Piss Corps that let the Serbs go through the Bosnians in thei care in Srebrenica?
Imagine the oaf that they`ll have to take.
Defending Conchitas Wursts right to get its record released in Crimea by 2050.
The Weimar Barmy Army…but it`d give Junkcer his chance to pin medals to Belgian scout kids chests…give Verhofstad a chance to dress up as David Mellor and aspire to THAT slugs standards in public life.
No…time to take in a few Russian footy mercenaries, to be on the safe side then.
And we have a shortage of fruit pickers !!!!!!!
More Al Beeb BS. – Sell your sovereignty for a punnet of Strawberries.
On Parliament TV (08:30pm) in London’s City Hall – they are talking about the tragic Finsbury Attack on Muslims. They have just passed an urgent motion by Jennette Arnold to …… wait for it …… support London’s emergency services.
So they all sit round, say how tragic it all is and the only urgent action is to put on record the support the of the people who actually had to do something and do real work. Bonus is that the Mayor gets to look like an emperor at the head of the table … and everybody does a unanimous agreement … here is Boris when he was Mayor of London…
This TV is great for seeing where all that time and money goes.
May has LONG said that EU citizens can stay here.
As long as our citizens have equal rights in the EU, once we`ve left in Mar19. Have yet to hear our BBC give a stuff about OUR people. And if the EU refuse this reciprocity, you can bet that all the EU spongebags like Farron and Heseltine will be allowed to say why the European Union is quite right to do this.
THAT is how traitorous this scum of a political elite have become after 43 years of Mad Burgher diseases c/o Brussels.
“”London Mayor Sadiq Khan refuses to stop terrorist flags on marches in London””
This is a recording of today’s GLA London meeting chaired by the Mayor. He refused despite requests from three members to contact the Home Secretary in order to request the banning of Hezbollah’s political wing who marched through London on Sunday.
In a longer video of the meeting, he was also grilled by a Labour member and a Conservative Jewish member (what a spat that was!) regarding his lack of such action and obvious support for Hezbollah.
@Times said that Darren Osbourne was incensed about that Al Quds march ..and in a drunken state drove to london ..too late to hit the march.. he chose a second target the Finsbury Park Mosque
Just watched the smug, self-satisfied little face of Ian Hislop crumple in concern as he signs off an hour of heart-stringing-along mis-information with micro-managed justification culminating with the 250,000 Belgians welcomed in 1914 as proof positive of our humanity. Well Ian, if you believe that there is a valid comparison between a relatively small number of western Europeans, given temporary shelter when the whole world was in sympathy with ‘Brave Little Belgium’, and immense numbers from alien cultures with religious, moral and educational standards at equally immense variance to our own, unasked and uninvited by the population at large, let’s hope the bulk of them stay in the north and don’t all move to Islington.
He also knows that nobody dare point out where the differences are.
Douglas Murray has said something along the lines that importing the next generation of Germans from Eritrea might not be such a good idea. As the world’s populations are clearly interchangeable*, I can’t imagine what he must be thinking.
(* Except, of course, when fawning over some obscure tribe of losers that’s facing extinction because it hasn’t progressed in 5,000 years.)
Tomorrow is Independence Day.
Happy St Nigels Day everybody.
My Nasty Party pals and I are taking a corner of the local Wetherspoons pub here in Wessex to plot our Tolpuddle Resistance plans. Jo Cox as Class Traitor seems to be the best one, followed by shafting the LibDems and Greens over their forcing the poor to sport burning pads on their flats. Frank Dobson would NOT have done this-whip up the hate!
It`ll be Bombadier all night and a tribute to Rik Mayall for his “Ein Volk, Ein Euro” advert in 1999.
Hope to get those Farage Trump cards printed up to give to everybody. Rest assured-have already told the BBC that half a million people came to it.
Bet they don`t tell us all on Saturday though.
We`ve got a bloke who looks like James Goldsmith coming for the night, best speech impediment tribute to him gets a Shepherds Neame to honour the Kentish Colossus Himself!
UKIP badges get a free half-just dusted off mine from last year.
The Al BBC once again pushing the sharia narrative, and forced to apologise
I m sure they ll be pleased with Liar Mays “whole package of measures” which
may see no need for Al BBC apologies in the future.
Does the BBC accept that woman in red is not part of the apology process and being more than a bit inflammatory herself? Getting her to apologise rather than sending out some dumb TelePrompTer bimbo would be fun, as she already looks like chewing a wasp is a default. Some might say.
The usual communist nonsense coming out of QT tonight, which is coming from my old home town of Plymouth. Worth noting that Plymouth is huge University city (as is Exeter, just up the road). Comrades everywhere.
Still incapable of, “getting it” protestations from the Daily Fail, May has only managed to deliver chaos, and not the coalition. Boris, Davis and May are a dangerous liability on Brexit
May said she has zero legislation to put forward in 2018-2019, having lost her party’s majority in the 8 June general election. First she was out like a whippet and announced she had done a deal with the DUP in order to get her audience with the Queen on 9 June.
Shortly after, we discovered there was no deal.
One day later on 10 June, the May team again announced its deal with the DUP was complete.
The DUP once again informed the press no such deal had been done, and May’s office stated the announcement of a deal was made ‘in error’.
The morning of the Queen’s speech, in which the government declares what it will deliver over the course of the next parliament – still no deal had been done. Today a DUP-Tory deal prospect is now apparently ‘very good’ .
The Tories as always, utterly incompetent, but this, literally is just a shambles.
There are going to be questions asked, the Tories Cameron and May are to blame for this situation with Brexit,
and further ruination of our essential services.
FFS – Less Islam, drawing attention to Islamic terrorism is, ‘inflammatory’, is ‘hate speech’ – Amazing!
And when it comes to hate, actions speak louder than words.
Lordy! Who is that woman with a face like a melted shoe?
Anyhow, leaving the EU must surely qualify as a xenophobic hate crime?
Hey Question Time audience is not NOT rigged today
(well seems that way when I switched on the radio)
They are rigging the subtitles : when Peter Osbourne was getting applauded the word “Booing” was on the screen
Big Negative is that Gina Miller is on
and minor member audience members are shouting down the panel
Dimbers just kicked one guy out.
On the panel are Conservative justice secretary David Lidington,
Labour’s shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth,
the SNP’s new Westminster leader Ian Blackford,
businesswoman Gina Miller,
and Daily Mail columnist Peter Oborne.
Twitter pushes certain lines at you
Tonight it ‘s
“Revealed: Inside the secretive Tory election call centre
The Conservative Party contracted a secretive call centre during the election campaign which may have broken data protection and election laws, a Channel 4 News…”
What s new? why the surprise?
and that’s only so far … corrupt (maybe as much, or more so than last time)
The Tories spent £12 million on the general Election, Labour £4 million,
as usual p-ss poor Tory management, and erm maybe more.
We do seem to be stumbling toward a life like East Germany under the Stasi. Monitored, harassed, denounced. And with modern technology it’ll be so much easier, than back then, to monitor and prosecute the ‘enemies of the state’ :-
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
BBC So-called “NEWS” Headline:
“UK summer fruit and salad growers are struggling to recruit migrant workers, with more than half saying they don’t know if they will have enough to harvest their crops”
There are several things wrong with that that I can see. Apart from the obvious, it’s interesting that BBC seems to be suggesting that “more than half” is enough to establish a consensus. Yet they won’t concede that ‘More Than Half’ is enough to win an election or a referendum.
Most farmers provide caravans for seasonal workers to live in. Perhaps any Grenfell survivors who are out of a job could take advantage and have somewhere to live and a chance to earn some money in the fresh air for a few weeks? Anyone…anyone…?
Seems local ratepayers will have to dig deep if they are tempted. Maybe they can sublet to squaddie families in military housing whilst the breadwinner is being shot at by their cousins?
Only 21% of farmers said they actually have a problem (problem actually being “we’ll make less money if we can’t employ cheap migrants”) – see my earlier post from 7:01am. Meaning that to the BBC, a fifth constitutes enough to establish a consensus…
Hundreds of people in my village used to pick strawberries
#1 JobCentre stopped you signing back on after harvest
#2 Gangmasters moved in
Then Polish came, but when they could work legally they moved to office jobs
BTW it’s very difficult to get a farmer to complain about something
The Guardian agrees that UKs farming industry is not fit for purpose (requires £3bn EU subsidies) and survives on forced low wages for its workers (plentiful cheap labour)!
“Life’s tough on our struggling farms. Now they face Brexit’s chill winds”
From £3bn subsidies to plentiful cheap labour, farmers enjoy the fruits of the EU
– theguardian.com/theobserver/2016/jul/24
So BREXIT is the problem because it will stop the fruits of the EU, which are £3 billion in subsidies and cheap low paid foreign labour?
If all the UK fruit pickers’ wages add up to £3bn then they work for free because they get £3bn from the EU?
Would Labour agree or disagree with Uzbekistan’s cotton picking initiative, which could be used for our fruit picking …
Uzbekistan is one of the world’s largest cotton exporters (this would be classed as a Government success story), and the government of Uzbekistan uses one of the largest state-orchestrated systems of forced labor to produce it.
Every year the government of Uzbekistan forcibly mobilizes over a million citizens to grow and harvest cotton. The Uzbek government forces farmers to grow cotton and deliver production quotas under threats of penalty, including the loss of the lease to farm the land, criminal charges and fines. The government forces over a million citizens to pick cotton and deliver harvest quotas under threat of penalty, including expulsion from school (think of the children), job loss, and loss of social security benefits.
Never mind giving 16 year olds the vote …. “2012 harvest the government of Uzbekistan adopted (was forced to by foreign Governments) a policy not to mobilize children younger than 16 (normally aged 11-15) on a mass scale”.
Uzbekistan’s Forced Labor problem – Still Going Strong in 2016
The PM has said that no migration checks will be made on residents of Grenfell Tower. Well that speaks volumes doesn’t it ? and Jeremy Dustbin hopes that those moved to other accommodation that their rent will not be increased – blimey, do they actually pay any ????
This tragedy has thrown up more questions – aside from the construction issues. I would like to know how an Afghan arriving in the UK 3 (THREE) years ago, is able to be housed ahead of those already on the waiting list, AND in the most expensive capital of the world in the most expensive area ? Why wasn’t he shipped off to a city somewhere else ? (not that I would want to wish further migrants to other areas), but no, whilst most of us cant afford the train fare to the capital, others arrive with no connection and given a home without too much fuss.
Big discussion now going on to speed up the process of building more social housing. If Councils had spent doing just that back in the 70’s onwards, with the money they received from selling off whole estates of council housing, – and put a halt to selling them off wholesale, then (migrants aside) the housing issue wouldn’t be so bad.
Can you imagine the calls home. ‘Get over here now, not only will they put you up in a property that is better than anything back home, if we set fire to it we’ll get even more cash, some hand me down Adidas gear and get put up in an empty mansion’.
Payne -…. why is it only us that can see this ?
I despair. I truly do…………
DavidA – don’t worry, once we command our language, rather than talk nonsense and let people use it to shut debate down things will get better.
Just smile at the madness for now – watch as Christopher Hitchens goes from meeting after meeting and says in one of them …
“I find it amazing that they (religious spokesmen) come up with a new way to answer the same question again and again, but they know where I stand and I haven’t changed my position at all. ” (from memory so won’t be accurate)
Guess that’s why the conversation is interesting – because the other side keep changing it and he was willing to concede if they had a good point.
Chin up…
“.. we reached for the stars. Acted like men. We aspired to intelligence and didn’t belittle it, it didn’t make us feel inferior. We didn’t identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election. And we … we didn’t scare so easy. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men.”
Watch from the beginning – it’s a good speech to remember and doesn’t just apply to the USA.
Because we’re cynical, racist, swivel eyed loons.
Has anyone heard any mention of Buildings Insurance relevant to the Grenfell disaster?
Day of Rage, aided and abetted by Labour High Command, and of course our very own, much behated beebistan.
“The Day of Rage turned out to be more a Day of Road Rage: ROBERT HARDMAN sees the protest attract just a few hundred people… but cause plenty of disruption.”
Imagine waking up every morning knowing you’re going to face more of this…
I wonder what the charmer in the botton right is saying? Looks a bit like an ‘F’ mouth position.
I wonder how many of these oxygen thieves would bother to turn out if they knew that the press weren’t going to be there to choreograph the event, Charlie?
Does this mixed “United Colours of Bennetton” crop of confused and angry shouters feel that they are neither black nor white?
Hence their anger at white uniformed officers.
More or Less?
Laurie Taylor?
No..only joking.
Just another set of friendly Corbyn supporters on a day out.
What beggars belief is the pathetic Tories sitting in silence refusing, or unwilling to call this out for what it is.
Violent, deliberate, aggressive, and intimidatory. Yet all seemingly perfectly acceptable.
But bacon butties in sight of a Mosque….that’s a different story.
Might I suggest to Tommy Robinson that the next time he organises a march, placards are to hand with those pictures and the slogan “The face of Hope Not Hate” or “The Face of Anti-Fascism” writ large?
How long will it be before we can all celebrate the walled city of Londinistan?
Led, of course by the bbbc backed sadik khan………..
The sooner we put a wall around it the better.
Better make it a long one then – say 200 miles north.
Residents of tower block in Bradford travel to London to claim amnesty:
May’s new “Amnesty Policy” to grant amnesty to everyone in the UK! Everyone is now legally legal – so now “Enough is Enough” is because we treated everyone equally!
It`s as if Grenfell Tower fell neatly and everybody decided to go out on their balconies for the census, and BBC detector van survey.
Is this another Spencer Tunick art installation?
Or does the fact they are wearing clothes suggest not?
Look no further than the west of Scotland and those supporters of republicanism and nationalism and the bBC …………they’ve taken rage to a new level………”PermaRage”………..look no further than the SNP performing seals at Westminster ( now substantially reduced in number) and you see permarage in action…………
Salmond and Sturgeon are prime exhibitors of PermaRage.
Sinn Fein IRA and Corbyn/ mcDonnell and Abbott are also permaragers…………..add all these trade union officials.
There’s a lot of em……………….and the bBC is the common denominator in giving them plenty of stage time.
Who’s have thought it?
An important point in there was that majorities of both the elite group and the non elites both agreed that there should be a halt to all immigration by Muslims. Now that is a powerful statistic but one which the political class will ignore. But surely if a majority of the public want something strongly enough ,for long enough and , critically, vote for it , then eventually some politician will come to power who will give the public what they vote for. The problem we face is that time is not unlimited and if the current political class keeps on with its open borders policy the continent of Europe will be swapped and all democratic solutions will be off the table.
So if British people break the law they get punished.
If immigrants break the law .. they can pull out the “trauma card” ..and claim amnesty.
1.5 million illegals ?
“It will cost billions to send them back”
.. And keeping them here will not cost billions ?
.. And what kind of encouragement does that give to future illegals ?
“It will cost billions to send them back”
Let’s not think in crude terms of ‘sending people back’ – we are simply talking about a humanitarian family reunification programme, giving people the opportunity to return to their original homelands. The money involved is peanuts: even if it was costed at £10K per person, that’s only £15 billion – about one year’s worth of foreign aid. This really would be ‘foreign aid’ in a most noble sense. Tremendous opportunity for the travel industry. What’s not to like?
The Metropolitan Police and/or Westminster City Council I believe have operated an informal repatriation policy with Roma gypsies for some time. They pay their coach fare back to Romania, Hungary or wherever. Of course, three months later they just come back again, refreshed after a nice long holiday in the old country! It would be the same with any kind of repatriation programme on a larger scale. Of course, it’s all speculation anyway because no mainstream politician would dare suggest something like that. Even 50 years ago Enoch Powell was crucified for it.
It’s not repatriation – it’s a family reunification programme. Big difference. Backed by proper border controls. A person who has received funds is not permitted to return to the UK. Legislation is already in place – Section 1(5) of the Immigration Act 1971, the Mental Health Act 1983 and The UK Borders Act 2007. It is simply not being enforced.
Listening to the EU residents on bbc WS – Lordy they’re a sulky lot. If reciprocal arrangements are put in place will they stay?
No! That’s it, they’re going home! A Pole who came to wash cars has had enough – he’s hurt and offended and insulted so there. See who cries when you all have dirty cars!
How does the BBC find them?
I can count Poles, many Italians, Germans even French amongst my closest friends and colleagues…I even speak these languages to varying degrees and they all know I voted to leave and why – and whilst they don’t all agree with me they understand the rationale ..and guess what – most of them are happy to become British citizens as they have lived, studied and worked here for varying lengths of time….they all speak English (better than some so called British citizens) and abide by our laws – they could go home but they don’t want to and none have expressed any hint of racial insults….maybe it’s the moaning ones who should go..
James, why DO they all want to stay here and become British citizens ? We all go to Italy, Germany and France for idyllic holidays – and wishing we could stay there for the weather, the food and a more relaxed way of life ! I often wonder how many of our ‘students’ who ‘study’ abroad actually remain in the country, but come home instead to earn a living. It never seems to be the case the other way around.
The BBC finds them as rent boys, nannies, drugs peddlars, fake student courses, bonsai trimmers and serge trouser presses. Maybe the concierge will point them to something edgy and dark via a kebak house, cafe or taxi firm-once the weekend parent has returned the washing, and gone back to the Chilterns.
Maybe RADA or tattoo parlours for the serious actup ones required.
And certainly nowhere where the good ones do hard work and we work alongside.
I`ve NEVER met any of them with views like the BBC push upon the rest of us.
Here s Boris, warming up on his strategy skills with two pages of Queens speech, before he jumps in the clown car with Davis, May, … oh and Hammond! (lord help us), and they trundle over to Brussels, to negotiate with 27 countries
Of course, he s not the zombie PM, speaking of who … how s that going with those 10 MPs?, before the 27 countries
Untenable and a liability
He was foolish to go onto the show.
Mair was personally vicious, nasty and similar to Johnson some time last year, so he ought not to have gone on. Send on someone who hates the BBC as we do, Boris is not that man. Clowntime is over.
But that he did shows how reduced the current crop are, a fired up Boris would wipe the floor with scum like Mair.
By way of defence-all I`d say is listen to Mairs questions and the BBC priorities.
The Tories need to see this is a fight to the death, and they need some backbone, preparation and to fight.
Or else the BBCs “burning injustices” will create yet another Grenfell, and the Tories will meekly go to the stake as they`ve been doing since 2005.
Oh do put a sock in it Mair with your ‘burning injustices’. Yeah, burning injustices like hundreds of illegal immigrants being rehoused in luxury flats at taxpayers’ expense now being told they can stay in Britain as long as they like. Oh my heart bleeds at such injustice, I’m sure they’d be much happier back in Afghanistan.
Can someone remind the Tories that the election campaign is underway and the BBC know this.
Is UKIP aware or alive, or as they describe the persistent vegetative state ‘ awake but unaware.’
Dead right GWF.
Communalislam never sleeps.
So why the dozy tories feel that they can out their feet up awhile is beyond me.
Thatcher knew it was always a generational fight to the death with socialism.
After all, the Lefts jobs and salaries, let alone influence fame and beehive baubles all stem from this force to get power , even as it kills.
As long as it`s not their skins at stake
Didn`t there used to be some kind of seed that lay dormant during the bush fires?
But the fire coming over the ground above then began its germination and flowering?
It didn`t happen as the flames licked through, but a decent interval afterwards.
Reckon UKIP is going to be like that.
Just a wild guess here, I suspect Bojo was fresh back from a few days sounding out fellow Conservative MPs on his chances of having a go as PM.
And having been told that they are somewhat less than zero.
“Burning Injustices” eh Eddie?
Like your playing of “Smoke On The Water” on your show last week in connection with the same Grenfell story?
.Now-are we in
(1)the world of BBC subliminal nastiness to further “inflame” or “set the house ablaze” agendas of the BBCs pyromanics?
Or is it
(2)piggybacking on the dead and charred to show their pals how ironic and clever they can be? How they can “get away with this desecration of the dead”
Or is it
(3) simply clueless, crass editorial indifference, there`ll be no comeback -so what?
They are desperate for another fire to get Corbin elected. Even the idea is revolting but that’s albeeb. Means tested tv licencing tax. You heard it here ….
It sure has to be a serious invitation to arson.
The ill concealed glee of the bbc when there’s something harmful to the country and it’s people is very sick, an addiction and should elicit treatment.
From Our Own Correspondent gave us
1. The Belt and Road route as the Chinese try to get a hold iin Pakistan.
2. Another petty eulogy for Helmut Kohl, where Thatcher gets a sideways shafting.
3. Kosovan football hopes in the European Cup playoffs coming soon
4. Cuba showing a Clockwork Orange on telly-the BBCs boy is the son in law for the Cuban Barry Norman-how convenient.
5. Beeb poppet goes from Mexico to Brazil but wonders what is her identity.
Half an hour of prebaked postures, but that first one re the Chinese going into Pakistan with Xis new Silk Road is truly worrying…but that`s the only one where the BBC have no interest or position on, so they ignore what their Pakistani bloke is saying.
This Chinese-Muslim conflict is only going to grow.
But we`re expected to think of Kohl as “the man who united Europe”? We were all there-it`s BS.
On bbc WS, “Where are You Going?. Cub reporter flown thousands of miles to a street, stops people and asks, “Where are you going? Cue a couple of sentences and onto the next. Fascinating stuff. Even so, agenda pushing – In Iceland reporter gushes for an age over a Romanian man dressed as a woman. He claims to be transgender which is trendy! it transpires he’s homosexual but dresses as a woman so surely he’s a bog standard transvestite?
I’ve been listening to that programme for most of my 50 plus years and I thought it did a fair job but in recent years it has reflected the leftward move of albeeb more and more. I think it may be time to end it. The poppet you mentioned at 5. Must be a friend of the producer because she was memorably awful in her smug cash in the bank albeeb way. Great for Islington but not fit for broadcast
Single parents win benefits cap High Court challenge
Parents too busy to work but got enough time to take the government to court though. Typical of the UK today, you get free money but want more. If you cannot get more then you use the courts to force someone to give you even more money.
Come on BBC, let us have some more details of the parents. I’m sure you are hiding some facts about them.
The judge in this case mr justice Collins – an old Etonian with a variety of interesting decisions ( see wiki) and the lawyer one Rebekah Carrier – seems to specialise in lefty defendants using taxpayers money to support their politics. First read of the decision suggests it could be overturned on appeal or with a bit of sticking plaster legislation. Unfortunately the current government has got to appear extra nice so the latter won’t happen.
I’m sorry but I come from a hardworking background where you shouldn’t have kids unless you can afford them- unfashionable things like self reliance – solving your own problems when you can-without running to anyone for a hand out- I jknow I out of my time.
Birth control has been around for a long time.
Al Beeb would never go near such an idea.
follow the money, who sponsored this?
call me stupid but I always thought judges interpreted law not made it
Says it all. Should be on billboards!
On the subject of Europe – wife just received a £90 parking fine from Lidl. Phoned customer services but did not mention the War.
It would have been dearer at Waitrose…
Can’t afford Waitrose – I guess we must be living in poverty?
If you shop at a German owned supermarket, and Germany pays the welfare of refugees, but some of those refugees send money to ISIS terrorists or turn out to be terrorists – are you knowingly funding terrorism? Knowing that the terrorists are still out there as there is no evidence that the Government has found the terrorists – and is possibly letting in more.
If this is the case, do we need the EU to add new advice labels to the consumer goods packaging to say if it is:
Meat Free, Terrorist Sponsoring Free. Dolphin Friendly.
** applies to UK as well
Right as you say and yet another good reason to untangle us from their tendrils.
Foolishly, I’d thought they were Dutch for a long time.
Back to BREXIT
Next step for the traitors (you know who they are) is to create as much trouble as possible over the Repeal Bill
If they succeed, it will show to all Leave voters that voting is a waste of time. At that point, all bets are off.
My thoughts exactly.
I wonder if the sleepy Lefties and Liberals who are so concerned about their kids and grandkids realise that not only are taxes going to rocket pay for all of this extra governance and extra safety and extra people, the lack of housing and the lack of democracy, when combined is a potent mix and is going to take the UK back to the Victorian slum era, if not before.
Each so-called election in future will not be determined by votes, not that there will be any point in voting if Referendums can be ignored, but by the result of a series of punch-ups afterwards. What happened in US cities after Trump was elected is something of an indicator.
We always used to say in the 1960s ‘What happened last year in America will be coming here soon’. That rule may still apply.
I hope not. Am pleased the Day of Rage was a non-event and largely peaceful. Haven’t heard that the US regional elections last weekend had any trouble during or after, so I hope that’s also the case and – perhaps – last November’s US fascist behaviour was just a one-off.
I voted Leave without hesitation , But now after the GE catastrophe it is extremely unlikely that this terminally weakened government can ever force through the necessary legislation. The GE result has scuppered Brexit. Negotiations can go on and on but everyone knows that it’s a dead duck and the Tories are only pursuing it because if they don’t their Brexiteers will kick up a stink that may well result in another GE and Corbyn in No 10 along with Stalinist advisors, black supremacists ex girl friend, communist chancellor and a rabble of far left lunatics. That possibility terrifies me. When I voted Leave I voted for return of sovereignty to Westminster but I never that thought that the UK electorate may go crackers and vote for Corbyn et al. I’m afraid if it is a choice of Brussels or Corbyn then it will have to be Brussels for me. Anyway the truth is now that liberal left establishment will bury Brexit, suck up to their chums in Brussels and vow never ever to give the people a referendum on anything more important than bus timetables.
We had our chance to Leave but by not demonstrating our commitment to Leave by voting for the Tories we have blown it. I know some folks here will say the GE wasn’t about Brexit but that won’t cut any ice with the liberal left establishment. Only by strengthening the will of the people argument at the GE could we have forced through Brexit. Instead we gave no mandate to do so. Keeping Corbyn out is now the big political issue.
What if Corbyn and McDonnell are really serious about OUT means OUT, including the Single Market and the Customs Union? For that is what they have been saying in the past week or so.
It is also not Corbyn & McDonnell who have been shown to be fools at the last Election. They will know what Carney has said about the effect of migration both on unemployment and pay levels. They saw what Blair & Brown did with unemployment from 1997-2007. Yes, it is to their shame they stopped speaking up about the subject as soon as Blair was elected. That is standard for the hypocrites of the Left. That doesn’t mean, however, that they do not know their ‘bread is buttered’ purely by the strength of the working man and working woman vote that used to be traditionally theirs.
The Grenfell Tower tragedy may have some positives as an inadequate tribute to those who perished there: political Parties listening to their electorates may just be one of them.
” In the end , there is a limit to what to what middle-class people will tolerate.
They will not always put up with the law being broken, and favoured factions getting away with doing this with impunity, as they do now. People will either take things into their own hands, or its goverment will use the public forces to take control. People will get hurt, there may well be plenty violence one way or the other. But the quiet and the law-abiding will only take so much of this”
Lord Hailsham, July 1974, Guardian.
(I paraphrase in part, but not much)
Yes but when will that be ? My fear is that by the time people wake up to what is happening and their tolerance is at an end , it will be far too late and our country , our continent , will be in an irreversible death spiral and heading at high speed to Islamification. The election of Corbyn and his gangsters will hasten the process, inside or outside of the EU. The situation is the most serious that the country and continent has faced since the Second World War. This is an existentialist crisis but most young people, those who will lose the most, think it’s great to welcome the world to our shores with open arms.
Just heard that an old lady who fell and broke her hip in my village had to lie in the street for four hours waiting for an ambulance, as the general hospital in our nearby (‘enriched’) city had to give preference to more urgent cases. At present, I don’t think people are able – or willing- to put two and two together and realise that adding a million people every three years to the population is going to put some strain on the NHS. If they DO work it out, they will simply say the NHS needs more money and less ‘austerity’. But eventually it will have to collapse – that could perhaps be what makes people wake up.
I have never believed we will leave. It is looking like I am right. The elites are counting on a large degree of apathy and they are right to do so. We will just shrug and accept.
The problem for them is that they are short termists. They never look long term and this is their fatal flaw.
It will have been shown to us that democracy here is fraudulent. Completely useless and that will be very dangerous.
Add to this a divided and fractured country along religious, class and income lines and you re looking at real trouble down the road. As usual the elite will get it wrong. Silencing the messenger as usual . But it is now unavoidable.
political discourse here is now toxic. There is a clamour on the left to imprison and silence all opposition. Initially they will succeed to some extent but again that is short term only.
Corbyn as PM accelerates this process . Maybe that is better than a slow descent into chaos.
few are aware of how dangerous a state we are in. It is regrettable that the BBC and most of the broadcast media at this critical time is so inept and riddled with idiots.
There is no concept of what a nation should demand of it’s people now. Only what entitlement we can demand. This is always disastrous.
The elite has a problem with us in the shires and those not brainwashed by a poor educational system .They are dimly aware that we are instinctively loyal to this land and it’s past ,present and future . That we accept this compact between generations as the basis of nationhood.
None of this is going to end well now.
“Leave the EU” + “Happy Either Way” @65% // “Remain in the EU” @35%
Dave S,
I really wish that I believed that sensible folks in the country would come together in sufficient numbers to force through Brexit , resist Islamification etc etc. But if a majority did believe in our country and were as patriotic as you so clearly are , why did so many vote Labour, and for the most unpatriotic manifesto ever.
In my gloomy moments , occurring increasingly frequently, I think that the fifty years work of the liberal left grip on the educational system and the hated BBC , has done its work and we have now reached a tipping point. Younger people increasingly don’t believe in our country , they don’t share our values, our patriotism. They don’t think they are losing something precious when they vote to install Corbyn in No 10. They have been brainwashed into thinking that his policies represent progress . When they realise they have been duped it will be too late. I fear we may be living through the end of our civilisation both here and in rather more slowly in the EU where at least there is some political resistance to open borders and mass migration. With Corbyn in charge the fools will welcome the whole third world into our country.
Desperate times. Hope I am wrong , I really really do.
Years and years of an anti-British propaganda , Liberal education system brainwashing our kids .
Taffman, I suggest we accuse them of…..
Be of good cheer DaveS.
Am reading plenty about the 70s.
In particular the dogs dinners that were between Heath and Wilsons resignation (1970-6).
There were REAL fears of a Lefty takeover via Benn and his unions, followed by an Army Coup and backlash to restore order once more.
Basically Chile-Allende to Pinochet.
Ulster was dangerously ungovernable, with its Winter Of Discontent every bit as nasty as the mainland four years after.
The BBC was STILL trashing the Empire, sucking Strasbourg cat litter like today.
And the Toytown Trots were causing real trouble on Wednesday afternoons, with power cuts soon to come. It`s not much better at times now-but in other ways it is. We`ve been through it, good people told us and wrote it.
We`ve no excuse not to know.
How bad are things when a Healey is way beyond anything in public life today?
Let alone Roy Mason.
All we get now are Fred Mulley toe clippings and John Stonehouse fantasists. And at least he didn`t claim expenses when he pissed off and pretended to be dead.
Our zombies would.
Stone houses secretary /lover was a delicious looking lady if I remember right.
I think it wrong Dave, to dismiss the BBC especially, as being riddled with idiots, the ones on the “top floor” know exactly what they are doing and what outcome they hope to bring about!
TW – I have no doubt that they are well aware of what they are doing in pursuing the agenda they do. What makes them idiots is thinking that it’s a worthwhile goal for the world they create to achieve it.
Toobi, as do the foot soldier BBC presenters who seem to me to have been really pitching at an overturning of the Referendum vote today. Perhaps it is early Anniversary ire?
All that we can hope for on that front is that ordinary people will wake up to what is happening.
‘Listen to the people’ ought to be one of our slogans now. The other side of the rotate-able placard should carry only three words: ‘We voted OUT’.
accidentally ran into a video of the now banned self proclaimed national socialist group National Action
always wondered why they were banned for words and thought crimes when the islamists run amok
bottom line … number one on their hit list “THE TRAITOR CLASS” politicians judges celebrities
seems for Teresa very little and be more than “Enough is Enough”
NA may be nutters but they identified the real problem
Right on cue
Just bring up Germany’s surplus … “In 2016, it reached a record of €270 billion, surpassing even China’s trade surplus.”
And then raise concerns on their Christian ethics and turning sex into taxes …
The sex workers themselves would be expected to pay up when the tax man calls – boosting state (Germany) coffers to the tune of an estimated 50 million euros a year. (old story 2003)
An estimated 400,000 prostitutes work in Germany, and 1.2 million customers are said to use their services daily. Revenues are estimated at 6 billion euros every year – equivalent to those of companies like Porsche and Adidas….most experts agree that legalizing prostitution has not succeeded.(depends on how you look at it? For prostitutes – NO. For Government – YES)
– http://prostitution.procon.org/
Oh, and siemens get to build the sex meters in Germany.
Germany is truly industrious!
MM, lurking in the back of my mind is the fact that both the Communists and National Socialists in mid 20th century turned sex into a commodity and baby production into an industry.
Am I right on that?
or in other words delay till we are in power and we will reverse it
‘Living in poverty’ says Corbyn. The only ones in poverty are those having to work at two or three jobs, not the parasites we saw yesterday.
Locals complain about tourists taking selfies at Grenfell Towers.
I know it is bad, but it is an impressive sight.
Perhaps it should remain that way, with a charge for selfies and a tourist shop selling souvenirs and CD’s of appearances of the Emir with his elderly Mistress faux Prime Minister.
London’s tourist industry depends on its unsavory past, so why not a memorial to evil capitalists
Are these the same locals who covered their faces when storming the Town Hall ? and who complained that not enough people were turning up ? Ok to be belligerent on the one hand, but on the other ……………………….
GWF, except GT was not down to evil capitalists: it was social housing.
Over 600 tower blocks using the same cladding as Grenfell? The cladding Hammond said was banned for use in Britain?
It’ll cost a few million to replace all that cladding and install sprinklers – money we really must pay to the EU.
Ask Jeremy the Glastonbury Gremlin?
All you need to know about, “Hate Crime” –
The definition of an, ‘Hate Crime’ is –
“‘…any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by a hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.”
Notes on the definition (over and above those the CPS note): there HAS to be a criminal offence involved e.g. assault or damage to property. The police will investigate the incident to decide whether a crime has been committed before presenting the matter to the CPS.
The CPS suggest that, ‘Hate Crime’ is an ‘evolving’ crime and what it evolves into is essentially that recommended by a team of consultees. In London (I cite London as the, probably, multikulti capital of the World) the Panel is listed as:
Subtract those who are clearly working to further their own disciplines i.e. Disability, Domestic Violence, Mental Health and what are you left with? You decide. But, I single out one:
Of special note is, Dr Matthew Wilkinson who, on further research we are told, “..embraced Islam in 1991 and thereafter studied the Qur’an and the related Islamic knowledge for ten years. Matthew taught History, Citizenship and Religious Education in mainstream, supplementary and faith schools in a senior capacity for fifteen years in the UK and abroad.”
“Embraced”? Surely, ‘converted’? I also wonder where, “abroad” – any suggestions?
No experts on Human Rights and Free Speech? I wonder why.
I would need clarity on, ‘perceived’ in this context
PERCEIVED: verb (used with object), perceived, perceiving.
1. to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses:
EG: I perceived an object looming through the mist.
2. to recognize, discern, envision, or understand:
EG: I perceive a note of sarcasm in your voice. This is a nice idea but I perceive difficulties in putting it into practice.
I would need clarity on, ‘perceived’ in this context
PERCEIVED: verb (used with object), perceived, perceiving.
1. to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses:
EG: I perceived an object looming through the mist.
2. to recognize, discern, envision, or understand:
EG: I perceive a note of sarcasm in your voice. This is a nice idea but I perceive difficulties in putting it into practice.
I would need clarity on, ‘perceived’ in this context
PERCEIVED: verb (used with object), perceived, perceiving.
1. to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses:
EG: I perceived an object looming through the mist.
2. to recognize, discern, envision, or understand:
EG: I perceive a note of sarcasm in your voice. This is a nice idea but I perceive difficulties in putting it into practice.
Sorry for three posts really not my fault.
But the last line, taken from the dictionary is strangely apposite.
So, the Grenfell Head of the Council has, ‘reluctantly’, resigned. He will, of course, like NHS CEOs, have a severance package built into his contract.
Just say all his contracts were in the top floor of Grenfell Tower – then he can get £5,500 payout and a new flat in Kensington, plus start a new life with a new passport giving a new name with full amnesty and then get the NHS to pay for a sex change so he can hangout with Lily as they talk about having nothing in common.
Mark Steyn was right – these stories write themselves.
“…when Monica’s dress has entered the witness protection program, and has had cosmetic reconstruction surgery and is living as a pair of curtains in Idaho.”
Bullseye !!!
4;30pm R4 IMPARTIAL Nicky Campbell worried about SNP creationists
Although people will laugh at the people he mocks, the link he gives uses a fallacy
“They say that science cannot disprove that God created the Earth in 6 days”
Actually they are right, cos you cannot prove a negative like something DOESN’T exist
As an atheist I say that God could be so clever he could create evolution and then mask that he created it.
Anyway tweet AdamRutherford with your questions for Scottish Gov science advisor
AR says prog will also talk about Climate Change “which you should be worried about” and the extinction of coffee
He is worried about fundamental Christian creationists , a belief system that very few in world follow and who are unlikely to launch a holy war to impose their views on others. I think we all know of a much more dangerous belief system that also believes in creationism and a host of other unlikely stuff and which does impose itself on those who do not believe by the book or by the sword. Is he worried about that ? I don’t suppose so because the BBC seems to regard this second lot of creationists as peaceful , despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and the Christian creationists lot as dangerous. A dangerous and stupid view , in fact the BBC view of religion seems as at odd with facts as creationism is with science.
Founding members of the Flat Earth Society no doubt. ‘Leaders’? Wouldn’t give them a job emptying bins.
Ah NickyCampbell had a tantrum when I asked if he treats Muslims the same

He had a tantum/twitter rant and blocked me, mistaking me for some creationist with a blog.
Has Campbell really called out Muslims “many times” on creationism like he claims ?
I don’t know for sure cos I never watch his Sunday show.
Why’s it something he gets angry about ?
Ah I got it
He called the MSPs “numpty”
and I pointed out there is no way he would call a creationist Muslim a numpty
he may well have asked have asked Muslims, but surely never sneered “numpty”
So when I point that contraction out BANG he goes into “Does not compute ” “cognitive dissonance” mode ..he can’t admit to being the bad guy ..therefore it must be me
oops missed one

Campbell sent me this bizarre tweet second to last
Ohhhhhh, how lovely that someone other than me uses the word ‘wireless’ !!!
Briefly, with the invention of the transistor it went away but anyhow, to be, ‘fiddling with your tranny’ would not be at all appropriate these days.
Forty years ago, writing a review of 70s pop, I reflected on receiving a tranny as a Christmas present and that the first thing I heard on it was Two Little Boys by Rolf Harris.
What innocent times they were……
The same words used today would immediately suggest a sexual preferences intolerant paedophile.
I remember the days when you could be gay, sitting on a poof with a tranny, sucking on a fag and nobody would get upset.
I’m crying real tears here Flak !!!!! has to be the quote of the month. !
early pop music is full of paedophilic signals and includes some of the most acclaimed artists:
Chuck Berry,James Brown,The Stones,Van Morrison and you will never guess which songwriter died last year once wrote a lyric line that he was bored of 15 year old girls and it was not Bowie ,George Michael or Prince.
Oi-that`s SIR Mick to you!!!
When he sang “Under My Thumb” Brown Sugar” and “Stray Cat Blues”-let alone “Starfucker” and other classics…he was being ironic, it was a different time. And like Jimmy Page and Sir Paul etc…there is absolutely NOTHING to hear, to read or to imply from their memoirs and contemporary musings. No sir…
But once they can`t sue you, yoiu can`t threaten you with no further clips or songs from the new CD to be withheld…basically when they`re reduced to pantomine or personal retro appearances like DLT or Tarby…THEN you can release your hounds of hell ijn Jimmy Savile tracksuits.
Sir Mick…paid his taxes, pioneered jaunts round the Med and not a wrinkly chancer at all…and no further questions.
Too big to fail…even if Keith said otherwise.
Gax….. Lol ! surely we all ‘fiddled with our tranny’ under the bedclothes to hear Radio Luxemburg !
(sigh! along with ‘gay’, yet another word we grew up with has been hi-jacked)
Yes crackly radio 208, in mono with a rubbishy ear-piece. Simple times.
Brissles, at least we’ve got ‘queer’ back though!
Is it just me or is the choice for a Grenfell charity song a tad inappropriate?
‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’.
Strange. I was sure Dire Straits’s ‘Money for Nothing’ would be the choice.
i would have gone for The Crazy World of Arthur Browns most famous song
Envy of the world. Apparently.
They seem to be in some kind of competition with Jon Snow Job.
Not in a good way.
Sort of a ‘getting about away with it unless really held to account’.
Force funded, uniquely, by a public with no choice.
I notice they do not bring themselves to actually name the person who described Douglas Murray as a hate preacher.
I wonder why not?
Interviewed Live a Contributor – who was this person? Name and shame that person – or will they have their “Contributor” on next weeks show.**
They could have at least mentioned his book! “The Strange Death of
BBCEurope”** Same as Sluff – but with a book worth mentioning.
“The Strange Death of Europe is a highly personal account of a continent and culture caught in the act of suicide. Declining birth-rates, mass immigration and cultivated self-distrust and self-hatred have come together to make Europeans unable to argue for themselves and incapable of resisting their own comprehensive change as a society.”
Apologies. I was wrong. The BBC tried it on twice.
Those responsible will be given a stern talking to, promoted to a new job created for them, then retire on triple pay. Or take over as minions to the next leader of K&C council.
Something like that.
R4 Film Prog just ended by artiste saying Derek Jarman should be given award due to being “queer activist ” ..and a load of other PC stuff
Population growth for the UK 2015/2016 –
“UK population grew by 538,000 in the year to mid-2016
At the national level population change can be split into natural change (births minus deaths), net international migration (immigration minus emigration) and other change, which at the national level reflects changes due to armed forces personnel moving into or out of the UK.
Figure 2 shows that while natural change has increased, net international migration remains the largest component of population change. Overall, natural change accounted for 35.8% of the population change, net international migration for 62.4% and other changes 1.8%.”
Full report:
It goes on and on and on and on and on………………………..
Clearly this is some sort of game the Government is playing. Anyone got any idea of the rules of the game?
Needless to say, it’s not gone unnoticed that the BBC (“World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster”) has buried this news -http://www.westmonster.com/bbc-bury-population-surge-statistics/
5pm news had a Summary : UK population rises by most in one year ever, mainly driven by immigration.
up 538K to 65m
Two thirds of the increase was net migration . We still await the details of how the government plans to curb migration (in its new bill). With Tories like Hammond pushing for continued high migration ( he doubtless lives in an area unaffected by it) I still have no confidence in the political class on this issue. An added factor is the high birth rate in enriched communities . The Tower Hamlets borough with over 3 per cent population growth in one year , is a good example .
A reminder to all Tory supporters, Tory MPs and the former Home Sec………………….
Now, do you trust them with Brexit ?
So we’ll take a radical step – we’ll make illegal working a criminal offence in its own right. That means wages paid to illegal migrants will be seized as proceeds of crime… and businesses will be told when their workers’ visas expire… so if you’re involved in illegal working – employer or employee – you’re breaking the law. – David Cameron / 2015
“Amnesty for everyone – sod the law!” – Theresa May / 2017 (paraphrased by me)
Houses, houses, houses, we need more houses . Why ?
Answers on a postcard to 10 Downing Street, London .
This huge story given 30 second, 25 minutes into the 10 o’clock news with no analysis whatsoever.
An absolute disgrace.
Racist Labour MP , presumes all black MPs are Labour
All ‘blacks’ look the same to white man!
I bet that was enough to make Abbott have an attack of the vapours.
LGBTTQQIAAP? – would it be easier just to have “H-“, which means everyone except Heterosexual people. This solves two problems, the ever changing increase of letters no longer applies – thus banners and t-shirts can be reused, great for the environment! And it means we can see the end result of all this inclusiveness.
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” – GO
(lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual)
However, adding the term “allies” to the initialism has sparked controversy, with some seeing the inclusion of “ally” as opposed to “asexual”[clarify] a form of asexual erasure. There is also the acronym QUILTBAG (queer and questioning, intersex, lesbian, transgender and two-spirit, bisexual, asexual and ally, and gay and genderqueer). – see wiki
– Colourful police car – everyone’s equal before the law, some are pampered by it.
“To site the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
Incredible that Sussex police believe their pride car to be appropriate, I had to double check and here it is.
It’s irrelevant whether the officers driving the car are impartial or not, they probably will be, it’s more that they should be seen to be impartial and the decals on that vehicle do not present that image.
Good job I’m an “Ex” – I wouldn’t be seen dead in that – FFS, looks like a circus clown car!!!
Expect a Sharia car next year.
Wonder where the police keep their REAL coppers?
The ones who solve things, prevent things and get the scum locked up?
The real coppers are on TV. There aren’t any real real coppers any more.
I predict that soon we will have quite a few radio programmes expressing so-called ‘right wing’ views.
“Good! About time!”, ‘some’ will say. But beware, they will be ‘honeypot’ programmes, designed to trap those with ‘extreme’ views, i.e. to the ‘right’ of The Guardian, as they cheerfully sign up to their ‘personalised’ iPlayer.
Just needs the new offences of ‘hate listening’ and ‘hate watching’ as defined by Mr Cox.
When does the far-left make an appearance? Or have they already …. or is there no ‘far-left’ because they will always be morally superior in every sentence?
Mr Cox and his ‘hate speech narrative‘ – almost hate speech, but how can you tell?
BBC news just interviewed some nutcase expert surveyor. Basically he wanted all flammable material to be removed from every office, school, hospital etc, as wall as tower blocks. As he ever heard of wood?
The interviewer asked him about the cost to which he replied with the bollocks “you can’t put a price on a life”. Actually you can. The Carthy VPF (value of preventing a fatality) currently about £2 million. Used by government and HSE.
Mark Easton in full gritty-determined mood, emoting powerfully on behalf of the bereaved – and yet he, like everyone else involved it would seem, fails to ask why the panels were fitted in the first place. Actually, of course, the bottom line is because they are a classic and pointless example of pandering to the climate change lobby – and that’s why no-one can risk asking the question, least of all slimy faux emoters like Easton.
I think it was a combination of climate change targets and Blairs decent homes legislation. So.. it’s down to Blair and Prescott that cladding took off after 2005. What.. not Theresa May’s fault?
All the greenies, the lefties and old Labour clones of the Blair era seem now to be at the far end of the sheeps pasture aren`t they?
And no EU comments either.
This is all you need-this will be EU migration, Muslim fears, Green crap and Old Labours faults.
The present Labour MP has a pashmina in the race as well.
Therefore, expect no ” whose fault is this”?
We are ALL to blame-oh look-another victim who deserves better than divisive and populist comment.
“We are where we are”…”time to draw lines and move on”.
No time for the blame game, be inclusive, consensual and make no judgements until we`ve all retired and May is gone in our coup.
THIS is the Left…file this one under diesel pollution and the Green labour conspiracy to choke Tory kids…er, yes…why not?
Fuck the BBC, the EU , Labour and the Greens . If we can`t pin that tail on their fat arsed donkey of theirs-well , no wonder they laugh at us.
We`re shit aren`t we? Time to get those streets back tomorrow. Independence Day, the Feast of St Nigel of the Weald.
Bollox to Cox#
And ban sharp things too!
Honestly, this is what gives H&S a bad name.
@Grumbler : They have a trick : they phone around experts , most of which say perfectly sound things
..then finally they get to one who says something that fits BBC narrative.So they air him and never mention the others.
Project Fear back again with vengeance
BBC South West …..turned that off…
Sky News….collapse of strawberry growing!
How the hell did UK survive before the EU?
What little faith “they”, whoever they are, have in this country..but we know who they are..so called elite!!..my foot!
What a load of lemmings…prepared to write off the nation and our future?
The BBC will be relentless in their plot to destroy Brexit
We will be subjected to constant anti brexit propaganda 24/7
I am sick of the great and good…and John Simpson et al telling us ad nauseam that they know best.
The country is in a mess.
Democracy is in tatters
And I do not need John Simpson ,Jon Snow and fellow travellers to continue their pontification!
Rant over
Unless the UK does no Brexit deal the divorce bill is likely to be minimum £50 billion and maybe even £100 billion.
People will then ask how come the govt made all those austerity cuts but could find tens of billions for a divorce bill?
People should wake up and realise that the current govt Brexit strategy is a worse option than either no deal supported by Lord Lawson or Lord Heseltines suspending doing A50
Whatever course the govt takes the future looks bleak for the Tory party
If we leave the customs union and the single market then we are out cleanly. The EU can’t control us. That’s the benchmark. Transitional deals don’t affect the bigger picture .
It’s baffling how many people sit on QT where they will debate there not being enough money for schools and the NHS and then happily we should pay a fabricated divorce bill of £50-100 billion because the EU tell us that we have to.
Where do they think the money will come from.
How disappointing that a country once so proud has become so cowed and browbeaten that when someone makes a demand for which there is no precedent, we piss our pants and ask ‘how much’?
Well said. The British. In one generation from heroes to zeroes. Quite pathetic.
If we don’t get out now . Any future dissident nation wanting Brexit will be put down by a European Army.
EU Army – announcement is imminent.
Loads of spliff taking intersex tie dyed hippies then is it?
Like the Piss Corps that let the Serbs go through the Bosnians in thei care in Srebrenica?
Imagine the oaf that they`ll have to take.
Defending Conchitas Wursts right to get its record released in Crimea by 2050.
The Weimar Barmy Army…but it`d give Junkcer his chance to pin medals to Belgian scout kids chests…give Verhofstad a chance to dress up as David Mellor and aspire to THAT slugs standards in public life.
No…time to take in a few Russian footy mercenaries, to be on the safe side then.
And we have a shortage of fruit pickers !!!!!!!
More Al Beeb BS. – Sell your sovereignty for a punnet of Strawberries.
And we have 1.5 million unemployed . Pay proper wages and stop benefits and you’d be suprised how many fruit pickers we could supply.
On Parliament TV (08:30pm) in London’s City Hall – they are talking about the tragic Finsbury Attack on Muslims. They have just passed an urgent motion by Jennette Arnold to …… wait for it …… support London’s emergency services.
So they all sit round, say how tragic it all is and the only urgent action is to put on record the support the of the people who actually had to do something and do real work. Bonus is that the Mayor gets to look like an emperor at the head of the table … and everybody does a unanimous agreement … here is Boris when he was Mayor of London…
This TV is great for seeing where all that time and money goes.
May has LONG said that EU citizens can stay here.
As long as our citizens have equal rights in the EU, once we`ve left in Mar19. Have yet to hear our BBC give a stuff about OUR people. And if the EU refuse this reciprocity, you can bet that all the EU spongebags like Farron and Heseltine will be allowed to say why the European Union is quite right to do this.
THAT is how traitorous this scum of a political elite have become after 43 years of Mad Burgher diseases c/o Brussels.
And it just keeps getting better. This is not what the millions throughout history died for:-
“”London Mayor Sadiq Khan refuses to stop terrorist flags on marches in London””
This is a recording of today’s GLA London meeting chaired by the Mayor. He refused despite requests from three members to contact the Home Secretary in order to request the banning of Hezbollah’s political wing who marched through London on Sunday.
In a longer video of the meeting, he was also grilled by a Labour member and a Conservative Jewish member (what a spat that was!) regarding his lack of such action and obvious support for Hezbollah.
Says it all, really.
@Times said that Darren Osbourne was incensed about that Al Quds march ..and in a drunken state drove to london ..too late to hit the march.. he chose a second target the Finsbury Park Mosque
Just watched the smug, self-satisfied little face of Ian Hislop crumple in concern as he signs off an hour of heart-stringing-along mis-information with micro-managed justification culminating with the 250,000 Belgians welcomed in 1914 as proof positive of our humanity. Well Ian, if you believe that there is a valid comparison between a relatively small number of western Europeans, given temporary shelter when the whole world was in sympathy with ‘Brave Little Belgium’, and immense numbers from alien cultures with religious, moral and educational standards at equally immense variance to our own, unasked and uninvited by the population at large, let’s hope the bulk of them stay in the north and don’t all move to Islington.
He knows there’s no equivalence.
He also knows that nobody dare point out where the differences are.
Douglas Murray has said something along the lines that importing the next generation of Germans from Eritrea might not be such a good idea. As the world’s populations are clearly interchangeable*, I can’t imagine what he must be thinking.
(* Except, of course, when fawning over some obscure tribe of losers that’s facing extinction because it hasn’t progressed in 5,000 years.)
Tomorrow is Independence Day.
Happy St Nigels Day everybody.
My Nasty Party pals and I are taking a corner of the local Wetherspoons pub here in Wessex to plot our Tolpuddle Resistance plans. Jo Cox as Class Traitor seems to be the best one, followed by shafting the LibDems and Greens over their forcing the poor to sport burning pads on their flats. Frank Dobson would NOT have done this-whip up the hate!
It`ll be Bombadier all night and a tribute to Rik Mayall for his “Ein Volk, Ein Euro” advert in 1999.
Hope to get those Farage Trump cards printed up to give to everybody. Rest assured-have already told the BBC that half a million people came to it.
Bet they don`t tell us all on Saturday though.
We`ve got a bloke who looks like James Goldsmith coming for the night, best speech impediment tribute to him gets a Shepherds Neame to honour the Kentish Colossus Himself!
UKIP badges get a free half-just dusted off mine from last year.
Have a few for me, Chris. Tim Martin of Wetherspoons is one of my heroes. And he’s a champion of Brexit.
A pint of Brexit, please!
The Al BBC once again pushing the sharia narrative, and forced to apologise
I m sure they ll be pleased with Liar Mays “whole package of measures” which
may see no need for Al BBC apologies in the future.
Does the BBC accept that woman in red is not part of the apology process and being more than a bit inflammatory herself? Getting her to apologise rather than sending out some dumb TelePrompTer bimbo would be fun, as she already looks like chewing a wasp is a default. Some might say.
The usual communist nonsense coming out of QT tonight, which is coming from my old home town of Plymouth. Worth noting that Plymouth is huge University city (as is Exeter, just up the road). Comrades everywhere.
Still incapable of, “getting it” protestations from the Daily Fail, May has only managed to deliver chaos, and not the coalition. Boris, Davis and May are a dangerous liability on Brexit
May said she has zero legislation to put forward in 2018-2019, having lost her party’s majority in the 8 June general election. First she was out like a whippet and announced she had done a deal with the DUP in order to get her audience with the Queen on 9 June.
Shortly after, we discovered there was no deal.
One day later on 10 June, the May team again announced its deal with the DUP was complete.
The DUP once again informed the press no such deal had been done, and May’s office stated the announcement of a deal was made ‘in error’.
The morning of the Queen’s speech, in which the government declares what it will deliver over the course of the next parliament – still no deal had been done. Today a DUP-Tory deal prospect is now apparently ‘very good’ .
The Tories as always, utterly incompetent, but this, literally is just a shambles.
There are going to be questions asked, the Tories Cameron and May are to blame for this situation with Brexit,
and further ruination of our essential services.
QT tonight GO WENDY sock it to the rich foreign busybody and wannabe celeb Gina.
So biased tonight.
FFS – Less Islam, drawing attention to Islamic terrorism is, ‘inflammatory’, is ‘hate speech’ – Amazing!
And when it comes to hate, actions speak louder than words.
Lordy! Who is that woman with a face like a melted shoe?
Anyhow, leaving the EU must surely qualify as a xenophobic hate crime?
Hey Question Time audience is not NOT rigged today
(well seems that way when I switched on the radio)
They are rigging the subtitles : when Peter Osbourne was getting applauded the word “Booing” was on the screen
Big Negative is that Gina Miller is on
and minor member audience members are shouting down the panel
Dimbers just kicked one guy out.
On the panel are Conservative justice secretary David Lidington,
Labour’s shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth,
the SNP’s new Westminster leader Ian Blackford,
businesswoman Gina Miller,
and Daily Mail columnist Peter Oborne.
I don’t find Ms Miller as objectionable as I feared. Great to see the leftie gobshite in the audience get booted out – Dimbers gets a point for that.
Steve German, kicked out of the #bbcqt audience, is a member of TUSC. He wrote for TUSC saying that Momentum was, in effect, too right wing
The bbc seem to feel Dimbles dun ’em proud.
Not sure the comments are entirely on narrative, though.
Twitter pushes certain lines at you
Tonight it ‘s
“Revealed: Inside the secretive Tory election call centre
The Conservative Party contracted a secretive call centre during the election campaign which may have broken data protection and election laws, a Channel 4 News…”
What s new? why the surprise?
and that’s only so far … corrupt (maybe as much, or more so than last time)
The Tories spent £12 million on the general Election, Labour £4 million,
as usual p-ss poor Tory management, and erm maybe more.
We do seem to be stumbling toward a life like East Germany under the Stasi. Monitored, harassed, denounced. And with modern technology it’ll be so much easier, than back then, to monitor and prosecute the ‘enemies of the state’ :-
Land without hope and glory
Mother of the free abortion
God who made us mighty
We’ve thrown it down the drain.
Happy Independence Day Everyone!
Greetings from Wales, the nation that voted out and still want out . Come on England! join us.
Taff is it right that Nigel is on the way back?
I don’t know ?
But I hope so . Oh how I hope so .