I’ve been out of circulation for a few days, and have been unable to peruse this site, or indeed any others, so I’d like to ask for a little help, if you wouldn’t mind? I’m certain the issue will have been discussed here, but I have only just returned.
I have returned to the keyboard, only to discover that there is now a ‘musical offering’ that we are being encouraged to download to support the victims of the fire. All well and good, but I’d rather they’d learned to sing in tune first.
The help I need is this:
Would someone, anyone, please provide me to the link where I can download the popular music industry’s chart-topping song with proceeds to go to the victims of the Manchester bombing?
Would someone, anyone, please provide me to the link where I can download the popular music industry’s chart-topping song with proceeds to go to the victims of the Borough Market mass stabbings?
Would someone, anyone, please provide me to the link where I can download the popular music industry’s chart-topping song with proceeds to go to the family of Lee Rigby?
Stew – Did have a listen but not my thing – too old! But good to think that some of our youngsters are still able to think for themselves and still able to give more than half a stuff about the people who have protected this country and have just not conveniently forgotten about Lee because he was murdered in the name of the “religion of peace”.
As you said I shant expect the pop industry or the BBC to be too interested in this one. As amongst the chattering classes, protecting Islam/migrants currently seems to be the only game in town despite the fact that it seems to contradict all of the values that these morons say they espouse such as feminism, homosexuality, tolerance etc. And also somewhat flies in the face of the current fashion that all muzzies are cuddly and in all truth just want to “love like Jo”( or maybe these days love like Bendan).
I expect these couple of lads probably have a bit more insight and empathy for what happened to Lee because they are probably a bit more grounded and ( I presume) come from a more traditional “working class” background rather than being born with a silver spoon in their mouth (or at least jumped on the middle class bandwagon) and having their whole life pretty much mapped out for them (which these days seems to include adopting the correct “right on” progressive attitudes.
Talking of grounded individuals – It was also good to see some pictures of Susannah Reid and Piers Morgan out celebrating after vanquishing that nasty uncouth, working class oik Tommy Robinson the other day. According to the Express she was wearing skintight ensemble with a pale pink fascinator and she finished the glamorous look with a pair of dangling earrings. Apparently she was also wearing a hot pink dress with her pert derrière on full display.
If you want to see the pictures see the link below. http://www.express.co.uk/celebrity-news/820216/susanna-reid-piers-morgan-good-morning-britain-royal-ascot-gold-cup-mark-wright
What saddens me more than anything these days is that vain, vapid individuals such as these have in part become the opinion formers for the media and politicians.
The EU needs our Pensioners to remain in Europe because of their spending power.
The Europeans need to work here because of the high unemployment in Europe. Therefore it should be a ‘win win’ situation for Theresa?
Al Beeb, the MSM and the EU are getting desperate with their propaganda. The EU Parliament is worried, very worried, because they keep telling us the door remains open for us to ‘come back in’.…………. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40376083
Note the EU ‘flag rag’ in the font of the image. Propaganda
ZDF was pointing out today that 1 in 5 cars manufactured in Germany are sold in Britain and 60,000 workers would be directly affected. They also pointed out joyously that Britain would no longer be able to block the Glorious European Army went it brexited. The British, even now, think that the EU is all about free trade and that some pseudo-membership of the internal market will bring prosperity. In fact, we are paying billions a year to run a trade deficit with the EU. In other words, we are paying out good cash to become ever poorer.
The aspirations of ISIS are those of the EU – to become a real rather than a pretend state. The obsequies of the recently defunct Helmut Kohl are to be held at Strassbourg – essentially a European state funeral. This even puzzled some German commentators who were surprised that the European superstate had come into existence without anybody mentioning it.,This just shows the strength of Europeanism in Germany. The man who reunited Germany, reunification being an obsession with Germans since the end of the war, is not going to be honored in the state he created!! The “fool’s gold” of a single market is just a ruse to exert more poliical control over the UK. The EU will make juridiction by the EU court over any “single market” deal a sine qua non. Remainers who moan about the almost insurmountable problems involved in dealing with 40 years of EU legislation post Brexit and who also claimed that Britain was a sovreign country are buffoons if they cannot see the glaring contradiction.
They have’nt lost!
Defeat is victory!! Cohesion through diversity!!
At least the slogans of the Soviet era were just fanciful exhortations.
Proletariat of the world unite!! Soldier beware!! Let us complete collectivisation!!
The Corbynistas believe in oxymorons. Comrades onward, light through darkness!!
Or some such ballocks. Truly Orwellian. Strength through weaknes!!
The Express is the only paper leading with story about the UK’s dramatic population increase with the headline “Migrant Numbers Rocket”. Guess which newspaper is left out of the BBC’s Newspaper headlines review. Choosing to lead with The Guardian, The Independent and The Mirror again I see.
Luton – these days I think I look at the Express more than the Mail. The Mail whilst it tries to pitch itself above the “hoi polloi” tabloids Is a very fickle friend to common sense and honesty.
I used to buy it at lunch times but since the election it seems to have been more than willing to jump onto the drag the Government down/Grenfell Towers bandwagon and then on the next page be calling for restraint. As for the broadsheets, I gave those up years ago apart from weekends, But now I am thinking about giving that up too.
Last weekend I think in the Telegraph magazine on Saturday was not fit to even be useful as toilet paper. We had an article of sympathy devoted to young girls and women at the “The Jungle” .
Apparently this week is “Refugee Week” The trouble is even accepting that there are vulnerable adults at the “Jungle” I for one am now getting tired of having my heartstrings “plucked” bearing in mind the last lot of vulnerable children we accepted would have been more suitable for a Rugby Team than a kindergarten. No mention is made that some of them may be Economic migrants just a concentration on the “refuges” I wonder why?
Maybe a National “Economic Migrant Week” would be more honest!
There was also 8 pages devoted to the “work” of the talented photographer Brooklyn Beckham from his new photography book. I must say I was speechless with amazement at all the provocative, dazzling images. What a talent! and apparently it is only £14.99 from Telegraph Books including P+P. You better rush out and get yours quick I bet they will go faster than a David Lammy/Diane Abbot complaint about waycism!
I think the word mundane didnt do it justice. Talk about the establishment looking after its own!
Looks like I wont be buying the Telegraph again either.
My trajectory has been very similar. I stopped buying the Telegraph when the Barclay Brothers turned it into an increasingly Left wing rag run by clueless youngsters obsessed with an online world they actually hadn’t a clue about. I hung on with the BBC because it was the only radio source much of the time, and my only ‘traditional’ news came from the Mail, but even that has gone now as it is simply a rabble rousing rag that hoes with whatever its editors think is current public opinion.
Studying the statistics of people like us, the marketing types would conclude that we gave up traditional media (especially print) because the Internet was free. But that isn’t the reason at all – it’s because the choice is either insulting trash from the lightweight sources or Leftwing, globalist bias from the heavyweights.
Oaknash……… There was also 8 pages devoted to the “work” of the talented photographer Brooklyn Beckham from his new photography book. I must say I was speechless with amazement at all the provocative, dazzling images. What a talent! and apparently it is only £14.99 from Telegraph Books including P+P ……..
I only hope that more than us two feel disgusted at what is classified as ‘news’ now. I put it down to the sheer immaturity of the reporters who want to feed us this ‘stuff’. I’ve been a Mail reader for years, as the red tops are too much like comics, and broadsheets are too big to handle (I know). But it seems, like womens magazine, its becoming more ‘celebrity’ driven, and given that the main age group of their readers aren’t teenagers, why believe that they are in the remotest bit interested in the privileged/spoilt/sullen/eldest child of parents – one of whom was an above average footballer who stamps his foot because he hasn’t got the title of ‘Sir’, and the other a pop singer who couldn’t sing.
Sadly the media’s obsession with this family gallops on unabated. We all know that Simon Fuller pulls the strings for every appearance and photoshoot, and has huge vested interests in their financial pulling power. We know that Mrs B has got her MBE for employing teams of designers who know one end of a pencil from another, and we know that the eldest child has had his ‘talent’ paid for and will no doubt stamp his foot when pro photographers start to critique his ‘work’.
Brissles I can only assume that the Telegraph owed some sort of favour to the Beckhams or their publicists. They have been always been very focused on the “Beckham” trademark and I suppose this just another tactic to keep the pennies rolling in on the back of their normal mediocre offerings.
To be perfectly honest I wouldnt even use that magazine to mop up the wee of an incontinent dog.
I don’t think its just the Telegraph, most of the popular press appear to pay homage to this family, on the assumption that we are the slightest bit interested. Like I said before, the one pulling the strings on all aspects of their lives is Simon Fuller – they don’t sneeze without running it past him first, so all the photos Daddy puts on social media, the film part, the sponsorships and ambassadorships are all staged by his PR team. So we’re into damage limitation mode now, as he totally cocked up with his furious rant about the non-knighthood. He’s getting past his prime, so the kids are being ramped up to continue the money making machine. Oh for the time when the whole of the UK will say Beckham who ???
Extracts from the ONS details:
“The latest immigration estimate for the year ending (YE) June 2016 is 650,000, with a confidence interval of +/-34,000 (the highest estimate recorded), compared with 639,000 (+/-34,000) in YE June 2015.”
“Immigration of EU citizens was estimated to be 284,000 (the highest estimate recorded), compared with 265,000 the previous year. This difference was not statistically significant. Immigration of non-EU citizens was estimated to be 289,000, similar to the previous year, and shows that the gap between the 2 citizenship groups has narrowed in recent years….”
“Immigration of Bulgarian and Romanian citizens continues the upward trend seen over the last few years and in 2015 Romania was the most common country of previous residence.”
“The most commonly stated reason for immigration to the UK is work (Figure 5). In YE June 2016, 311,000 (48%) people immigrated for work (the highest estimate recorded), compared with 294,000 in YE June 2015. This difference was not statistically significant. Of these, 182,000 (59%) had a definite job to go to and 130,000 arrived looking for work (a statistically significant increase of 23,000 from 107,000 the previous year).”
Summary – The most often repeated quote from the ONS report – “(the highest estimate recorded)”
It is my view that the country is being managed recklessly by the political elite of all persuasions. We need a military coup to start drawing some lines. A ‘reboot’ if you will.
BBC Radio 4 TOADY Programme continuing as they started yesterday, campaigning again against Brexit. Justin Webb in the forefront asking leading questions of a pejorative nature. Some carefully chosen contributors bringing their woolly understandings to drag things down further.
Will they go on in this vein tomorrow? I expect so.
Then after a day off, and more complaints letters hitting the DG’s and OFCOM’s desks, they hopefully will ease off next week. If they keep the onslaught of yesterday and today going I can only see it getting more and more people in the UK to say “Get us out and get us out completely! We do not need all this.”
I’m not sure it was Webb but I caught some fool lobbing easy practice balls to a woman defending the European Medicines Agency. Rather than having done some research into the very real problems surrounding this bureaucratic organisation and trying to get under her skin, Webb (assuming that is who it was) fed her leading questions more akin to the BBC circa 1930s, displaying his finest obsequious ‘Is there anything you would care to say to a grateful nation, Prime Minister?’ technique
This was followed by another snippet on women’s cricket, itself rapidly followed by a magnificent dive for the off switch, thus avoiding a burst blood vessel.
Absolutely. I remember working on a project for a large multinational food company. They had 2 facilities one in Malaysia and one in Singapore. They were on the verge of closing the one in Singapore until they looked at the “commercial” cost and losses due to pilferage. The Singapore site was nearly double the cost of the Malaysian one. However, the “shrinkage” costs were at such a high level that it would lose money. They kept the Singapore one.
BBc Breakfast 08:00 Reporter at a French bakery. The reporter informs us it’s year on from BREXIT a lot has happened and would we change our minds now. …….They just never stop.
There is a great sense of unease running through everything. Leavers are concerned Brexit won’t happen. Remoaners are losing numbers but still keep trying. Our cosmopolitan capital is a pot of divisions just simmering like a volcano ready to erupt. And then what did I hear on Toady this morning. Some police bigwig – and you could tell he was one of the big guys because he’d obviously done the course for trying to obfuscate and say as little as possible in tortured language to fill up the radio time he was given. BUT…he did manage to say, words to the effect that….if there are riots this summer as in 2011, then we could not cope! Well how good was that? I couldn’t believe anyone could be so stupid to come out with this in the current fragile atmosphere. Why don’t people think before they open their mouths? If any group of thugs were wondering should we…when…could we….then there’s the green flag, guys. Unbelievable!
Laura’s K’s comments on the PM’s offer re EU citizens here was disgraceful! Why are these people allowed to get away with it?
And I toss this in as a thought….notwithstanding all possible problems, I am beginning to think that Brexit would be a good time to introduce mandatory ID cards in this country!
‘Why don’t people think before they open their mouths?’ you ask. Simple answer Soapbox, if he’d followed that axiom he’d never have achieved senior rank in what was once the Police Force but is now conveniently labelled the ‘Service’.
The biased BBC just cannot help themselves.
I didnt watch QT last night, or any tv, so only came across the Dumbleby throwout news this morning.
There is a clip on bBBC of the moment.
The rentagob is interrupting Gina Miller.
So it looks from the clip as if he is against a Left Liberal Remoaner. Ergo he must be a right-wing extermist, yes?
In fact, we discover he is a ranting Leftmob gobshite. Not evident from the clip.
Careful editing and context removal ensures the wrong conclusion is drawn.
Or, to the bBBC, the right one.
Somebody posted a clip on here that made me chuckle – Jacob Rees-Mogg saying ‘Article 50 has now passed into law, thanks to the efforts of Gina Miller.’
Here’s a not very funny, 70s joke.
The era of strikes and Mineworkers union power.
But bear with me.
The NUM president stands up and says “Brothers. Comrades. We have secured the best ever deal for our members. A 30% pay rise. A 25 hour working week, across only three working days. 10 weeks annual holiday. Free transport to the colliery. In return for this all we have to do is work one Saturday morning per month”.
And a man at the back of the meeting stands up and says in a huff, “What. Every month?”
In all Brexit matters, and for that matter nearly everything else that involves change, the biased BBC bend over backwards to find and prioritise the equivalent of that man at the back. The one who is not happy, the one who might miss out, the one who opposes, the possible, theoretical exceptional situation, the extreme nitpicker.
Its a deliberate policy of undermining the government and the rule of law. They should be prosecuted for sedition.
Sluff, we’ve often mentioned on here the lack of any comedy directed towards left-wing targets on the BBC. If we want that we have to look outside the stale, conformist portals of Auntie Beeb. I’ve found a rather amusing cartoonist who makes some funny cartoons about leftism. He seems quite intelligent and actually claims to be something of a leftie himself, but says that the right is exhausted as a target for jokes (tell that to the BBC…) https://www.facebook.com/patriarchiecomics/
You are absolutely right. In a way, the British miner committed employment suicide via democracy and that was a process many of us here would have chosen to allow them because we believe above all in democracy.
They were a great example of ‘true lions led by donkeys’ into a working and, in many cases, a societal wilderness.
We may now be staring at the end of democracy as we have known it for many generations, if the EU Referendum vote is overturned.
Insufferable leftist bellends – I wonder what the total carbon footprint of Glasto is these days? Do these morons even care? Of course not! Hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance are prerequisites for today’s regressives. I have a suggestion for next year’s Glasto – all energy/power at the events (for absolutely everything, including iPhones) must be provided off-grid by ‘renewable’ means only. That means solar panels and…erm… I dunno, hook up a generator to the latrines? I’m sure there will be more than enough sh*t to go around.
Obi, if the libbie yoof can walk miles (with or without their middle-aged Mums, Dads, whatevers) into Glasto to stand to watch music and wave their arms in the air, there’s no reason why Michael Eavis and friends cannot rig up some giant wheels and get the Glastogoers going at generating their own electricity.
With a bit of luck and effort, they might not only power all the stages and BBC’s OB but light up Taunton, Weston, Bristol and Bath for a couple of weeks as well.
I expect the police and social workers will want to interview her and her parents and see if her racist attitude towards her potential husband requires attention
Another incident of anti Moslem hate crime for Tell Mama and amber Amber to chalk up.
It’s begun.
The bbbc are going to question, belittle, devalue, ridicule every stage of these negotiations and I’ve had enough of their sour grapes already. Brexit: EU citizens deal fails to allay fears
The bbc have found some bulgarian bint who must be a couple of potatoes short of a goulash. ( i know that’s hungarian but hey)
FFS which bit of “The settled status would give EU citizens (who have been here over 5 years) the right to stay and access healthcare, education and other benefits” is too hard to understand.??
It’s so like the fire drill scene in Fawlty Towers it’s laughable.
That bulgarian bint who they try to pass as a normal person actually works for al jazeera. Google is your friend when the beeb dont mention her background or what she represents. She was too comfortable in front of the camera which alerted me. Never trust them.
Living under the world’s only “feminist government” is becoming increasingly dangerous, especially for women. Large parts of the country, including its capital Stockholm, are effectively ruled by Sharia-adherent Muslims.
WARNING: This article contains graphic descriptions of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). Content is not suitable for young children and may not be safe for workplace viewing.
A new report provides disturbing insights regarding changes in the fabric of Swedish society that have followed an unprecedented influx of Muslim refugees and migrants.
The report is partly written by SVT, the Swedish state media, and concludes that at least 150,000 women in Sweden have experienced genital mutilation. This brutal procedure can involve partial or complete removal of the clitoris (i.e., clitoridectomy, clitorectomy or infibulation) plus excision of the labia as well. All too often, this operation is performed in less-than-sterile conditions and, just as frequently, without anesthesia.
Authorities are astonished by the high number of women and young girls who have been subjected to FGM. A report from 2015 concluded that “only” 38,000 women had experienced genital mutilation. This sharp increase most likely results from the determination of Swedish politicians to comply with the UN’s Refugee Convention and EU regulations on refugee quotas.
Sweden has a population of 10 million (five million women and girls).
Swedish tolerance and openness has been up for international debate since American President Donald J. Trump used the country as an example of how refugees and migration from Islamic countries corrodes the rule of law and contributes to the formation of Middle Eastern enclaves, even in strong civil societies like those of Northern Europe.
Big areas of Sweden are now under de facto Islamic rule. Stockholm, Sweden’s capital, is almost completely surrounded by areas (commonly called “no-go zones”) that are veritably ruled by Muslim gangs and Islamic sharia police. “There is lawlessness in parts of the Stockholm region now,” a nervous police chief, Lars Alvarsjø, said. “There are some areas where we seem to lose control.”
Lawless areas in Sweden are growing in size and number every year. From 2015 to 2017, they increased from 15 to 23. According to the Swedish authorities, “religious police have taken the role as law enforcement” in many areas now.
Lars Alversjø says that “the legal system, which is a pillar in every democratic society, is collapsing in Sweden.” Per Magnus Ranstorp, a researcher of terrorism and radicalization at the Swedish National Defense College, elaborates: “In the worst areas extremists have taken over. The whole sense of justice and peace are threatened by the fact that the police is breaking down and it’s only getting worse. Sweden is in a disastrous situation.”
In areas under Islamic rule within Sweden, human rights are rapidly deteriorating, especially for women. Female genital mutilation is just one horrific example of a general change in the Swedish society following the arrival of large numbers of Muslims refugees or migrants.
“In many areas, self-appointed sharia police threaten and harass women to follow Islamic law, Sharia. Threats and harassment can be the consequence if you are not married, if your legs are not covered or if you drink a glass of alcohol on your balcony. Neighbors, strangers, even children and adolescents, threaten women to follow Sharia. If the women do not comply, the sharia police increase their intimidation. A woman tells how a group of men climbed into her apartment by using the drainage pipe and confronted her in her own home because she refused to comply to their demands.”
But if ever I cite a JiIhad Watch or Robert Spencer article to a so-called “liberal” they dismiss them as
lacking all credibility.
The libtard cycle= We don’t believe it because it’s ‘extreme right wing’
What makes them think it’s extreme right wing?
It’s “extreme right wing” because we disagree with it.
Exposure of truth & facts are neither left nor right.
We need to win the war of language definition with these dysfunctional mobsters.
A lot of our angry Brexiteers below are right.
But seem to fall for the BBcs winding ups, cannot be good for our health. Remember how stretched the NHS is?
I myself rely on “events dear boy, events” to blow more than the bloody doors off the EU. The Euro is set to blow, Germany cannot keep making imaginary money to save italy, Greece and Ireland.
Just because it looks that way doesn`t mean that the Euro will stand.
I look also to Visegrad and Poland in particular. Can`t stand long.
Only wish the UK would speed it all up by carefully-placed bomblets, where are our political sappers?
They should get on with Brexit
otherwise the masses will rise up and there’ll be a “Day of Fa-RAGE”
I imagine a massive demo which shakes the Lib-establishment in its boots.
Notice how the BBC is demanding Theresa May to defend EU citizens rights in Britain – but have no headlines or interest in ensuring that the EU defend the British expatriate communities in EU countries. I ask myself is it because the BBC are feckers or is it because the BBC is filled with British hating pro-Europeans or both? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40378913
Canada’s CBC copies the BBC “Trump Defends” trick.
ie the way a story which begins as “Trump DOES” becomes a story about “Trump DEFENDS”
Yesterday Quebec’s Premier called out Islam re terrorism
The CBC then fished around for reaction from Muslims, and stealth edited the story thus making the page 2/3 about the Muslim reaction
– The initial subheadline
” Quebec premier says Muslim community has duty to step up in fight against terrorism” Wayback
“Muslim leaders say the premier is unfair to link terrorism with Islam” Diffchecker comparison
What they should have done , is kept the old page and then made a separate page about the reaction.
But if anyone doubts that May, Islam, the EU and the BBC are not marching together here is another indication.
As for me, May’s surrender to her toy boy, Emir Khan, over Trump, over Islamophobia, is clear evidence.
Enjoy this article from Conservative Woman
Grant, problem may be (no pun there, I assure you) that the likely successors are non-existent.
The People’s PM is pretty much assured of victory at the next GE unless the Conservatives pull something out of the hat. That will now very much depend on Hammond and the measures he takes up to and including an autumn or interim Budget.
Taxes are going to have to go up to cover Grenfell Tower & other housing, Police and the NHS. Hammond does not appear to be on Theresa May’s side. So he is unlikely to come up with something blindingly brilliant which might save her. Then keeping on doing it for four more years.
Any new Conservative leader as PM will have to go to the country. I just cannot see them being able to justify holding the post until summer 2022.
Boris is a mystery. If anyone (when he is on good form) could galvanise the nation it would be him. I don’t know if he was just trying to show up the BBC with his ‘performance’ on Eddie Mair’s PM on Wednesday. It is possible. In reality I think he knows he’s done a lousy job as FS and a lousy job in the GE and that his political career is now toast.
That leaves Gove as unfinished business, NiMo who made a little pitch on R4 this week, Rudd maybe? and Javid maybe? and Jacob Rees-Mogg maybe? The first and the last of these is unlikely to be willing to take on leading the Party on a short term and possible suicide mission to a loss at a late autumn or early spring election.
Because, pathetic or not, I think most people think that Corbyn would inflict far greater and longer lasting damage and we can’t risk it, at least not yet. We shouldn’t risk damaging the country Venezuelan style in order to punish her for not winning outright.
Corbyn hasn’t been rumbled yet – he’s still enjoying a honeymoon period. I don’t think it can last because he has neither the intellect, the management ability, nor the substance.
IMO, we need to stay with May a little longer. There are greater intellects out there (Rees-Mogg, for example) but as a candidiate for PM I think his background would come under immediate attack – even on this site. David Davis would be my choice, and always was, but that opportunity has been missed once already. Boris has gone up in my estimations, but no. Redwood is clever but zero charisma. Gove – also clever but not trustworthy. IDS – one of the better ones, but tried already. I don’t think the Conservatives believe in resurrection and I can’t see that happening. Who else is there?
Not BBC, but Gaurdian headline ” It is the EU that is leaving Britain behind “. Laugh of the day so far. The sad thing is that the Europhiliacs are totally unaware that it is them who are living in the past .
Just listening to Donald Tusk. He sounds like a German Capitain in a 1940’s film …. “you vil tell me vot I vant to know or you vil regret ze consequences”.
I really do think that most EU Remain/EU Leave conversations would have been easier to debate if everyone had included those that did not vote, but were happy either way the result came out.
It would seem to me that both sides became exclusive of this group.
If you talk about the referendum as “EU Leave”+”Happy Either Way” @ 65% and “EU Remain” @ 35% – you can’t say don’t include the “Happy Either Way” because that would mean the vote was useless – they just choose not to use it, but could have.
Also, it would make the point to people to take more interest – those that could not be bothered.
Excellent. There is the offer. Next item please. May ends with “enough is enough” . For the Many EU Nationals, Not For the Few UK Expats. Forward! En Marche!
May storms out after throwing “the strange death of europe” onto the table.
For those of us above who seem to be angry and splenetic at the EU crap we`re currently seeing.
Stop fussing.
Look at Brexit Central-Yanis Varoufakis and Austin Mitchells nested article where he reviews Yanis` book from last year.
You don`t have to fall for the trendy lefty renegade stuff, because he simply gives the EU tactics.
They only have one speed, one goal.
And if Iain McEwan gets a few of us dead, then he`ll get a discount on his german translations, knowing the EU and its tactics.
So don`t get moaning on here, I bet they`re delighted at despair and falling for their medai souffles.
So save yourself an ulcer, get out for St Nigels Day tonight and do NOT give the clickbait cunts like Gina Miler , Tim Farron, Anna Soubry or their BBC/EU puppeteers and “like” counters on Twitter. It`s all going as they Yanis and Austin said-probably even to the extent of Tusk singing “Imagine”. Has he sent his copyright cheque to Yoko?…and shouldn`t we be getting him to do so?
Of course, none of this will last.Italy and Greece will finish the EU in a few years time, and we in Britain REALLY ought to putting the explosive in the fissures of that fucking Union of theirs. Enough of this “Friends In Europe” stuff…they want war, they`ve got one.
And the BBC are William Joyce, do we REALLY need another Borough before we wake up?
The elite have shown that they hate us-there are far more of us than there are of them, and they are not hiding in their gated communities and leaving me to fear Cologne or Brussels type conflagrations.
I’m reasonably optimistic that the more the British public see the EU stonewall, so the more we will detect the happy clappy EU mask slipping. See kids… it’s not all cheap roaming charges and Jeux Sans Frontières. As the dubious Stuart Hall used to say: the thing that makes you laugh at those giant rubber creatures is the fact that however much they wobble and prat fall their expressions never change – what a philosopher and dirty old man he was. Whereas the Greeks were perpetual supplicants us British are net contributors – first we gave them our fishing nets. The point is the busted bubbles would never vote out of the Euro because they were still holding out their begging bowl. We can win this war of attrition, just so long as we don’t give in to our own moaning minnies. BBC, I’m talking about you.
Hate to sound xenophobic but what can you expect of foreigners? So much of our history involves, petulant, arrogant, aggressive, domineering, perfidious and ungrateful Europeans.
I like your optimism but what can we do? What are we doing? There is no discernible resistance.
How much support does Tommy Robinson have? Are there others like him? It’s looking pretty bleak to me.
So they want the Euro Court to still have jurisdiction over here and EU residents here to have special status. Surely that wouldn’t get past the EUs own laws?
Coming up 4:30pm R4Feedback
“Ed Miliband has spent the week in an unfamiliar position; sitting in for Jeremy Vine on Radio 2. So far, most listeners are loving the experiment”
Really is that true ???
(Iain Duncan Smith next week)
– Last week, Andrew Scott came on to explain why the BBC felt it necessary to make signing in to the iPlayer website compulsory. But many listeners remain unconvinced.
– Sue Lawley about the Reith lectures for 16 years.
– Also,whether the BBC should be more careful with its use of language when reporting major incidents
( Do they mean like trowing around the word “terrorist?” )
– is Radio 4’s Only Artists up to the challenge of replacing the much missed Midweek.
How the bBC lies about how people are murdered by Muslims India policeman lynched in Kashmir Authorities in Indian-administered Kashmir say a policeman has been lynched outside the main mosque in Srinagar, the summer capital . Muhammad Ayub had been deployed in plain clothes outside the Jamia Masjid mosque during the Friday prayers, police told BBC Urdu’s Riyaz Masroor. Locals allege that the officer had fired his gun into a crowd after getting into a brawl with some youths.
So according to the bBC, this man was lynched for pulling a gun out and shooting people. Why the CS at the bBC even report he pulled out a silenced pistol in which to do his evil work of killing Muslims. Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you:
Was the Kashmir cop’s lynching a pre-planned murder?
The lynching of Jammu and Kashmir’s Deputy Superintendent of Police Mohammad Ayub Pandit by a mob at Jamia Masjid in Nowhatta area of Srinagar has sent shockwaves across the country. Several questions have also been raised in the incident which has been condemned from all quarters.
There may be holes in the story that the officer was killed by devotees who got angry at him for allegedly taking pictures inside the mosque. Army sources have said since he was a local and a police officer, DSP Ayub was the target of extremist forces and the lynching was pre-planned.
8 pm – DSP Mohammad Ayub Pandit got an order from Jammu and Kashmir Police Headquarters asking him to be on duty at Jamia Masjid in Nowhatta area of Srinagar.
9 pm – The cop reached the mosque for his duty from home which was 3 km away. He was posted at the gate on “access duty” in plain clothes but was armed.
10 pm – Ayub went inside the mosque to offer prayers during which some people spotted the weapon on him and left some devotees angry. However there is another contradictory report which says the policeman was doing surveillance activities inside the mosque.
10:30 pm – The DSP came out of the prayer area of the mosque when he was confronted by other people. One version of the story says that he was found clicking pictures of the mosque with his phone which angered the devotees. Heated arguments ensued and people charged at him. He was identified as a police officer all along since he was a local.
Army sources however say since he was a local and a police officer, DSP Ayub was the target and the lynching was pre-planned.
10:45 pm – His bodyguards fled and in panic he fired. The horrific act of lynching starts.
Contradiction: The guards have told the investigators that they were relieved by the DSP who asked them that it was an important day and they should be with their families. June 23 is the last Friday of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan.
This theory is being investigated as guards are not supposed to leave the officer on their own. 11-11:15 pm – Deputy Superintendent Mohammad Ayub Pandit was stripped naked and stoned to death by the mob.
I wonder why the bBC left out the fact he was stoned to death. So much for the so called holy month of Ramadan and that the Policeman was there for the protection of the Mosque.
TGIF and all the senior guys are long gone down the M4 to the Dorset second homes to pop up the boards in case jet goes West, Old Man, or Hoxton cafes leaving the kiddies in charge.
So it is all ‘tee tee, that Johnny Depp; what a card’, only that is not the hide-behind “quote” they are gleefully trotting out endlessly.
Something I don’t understand
Why would our counterparts at SaveTheBBC Tweets this
“Time @MartinBashir to temper abuse reports historically post #Savile”
about this ?
Re : https://twitter.com/callummay/status/877852907911000064
Europe can only go one way – greater and greater unification with ultimately a President – French or German? They’d have to fight it out – oops!
Moves are afoot for an EU wide Finance Chief and pooled spending on Defence. German is riding high right now and has really profited from the Euro. Little mention of bankrupt Italy and Spain where corruption is rife. France for all it’s bravado ain’t so hot and as for Greece?
Surprised to see Paul Johnson of IFS write article against austerity.
‘Taxing big corps , is a tax on the poor cos they end up paying the increased prices’
In the UK, if you wish to become a British citizen you have to have lived in the UK for 5 years. This is exactly what the UK is offering those EU citizens who wish to remain here. Actually it isn’t as they are getting a better deal, by being allowed to keep their EU passports, be allowed to have an extra couple of years in which to earn that right if they don’t have that 5 years under their belt when we leave and yet the bBC takes the EU side of the argument in which to say: “Not good enough”
What ever happened to neutral reporting , why the entire British media said this was a good deal, but the EU wants their citizens living in the UK to be afforded the protection of EU law, not British but there’s more. Tell me do EU citizens in China, Australia, India, Africa,ME,US,Russia and the rest have that luxury. How about EU citizens living in Greenland (seeing as Greenland left the EU a few years back) But the bBC doesn’t mention any of this, to them the UK can only be wrong.
Dimbleby chucks one of the BBC invited Trots out of Question Time.
Yes, he is a Trot. Stood as a member of TUSC (Trade Union Socialist Alliance) at the previous election.
I got this info from a rival leftie source. These Trots can’t stop shitting on each other. That is why Corbyn will never win an election.
BBC1 7:30pm Inventions from your region
The East
– water-related inventions – first the hovercraft
– unique flood protection barriers in a Norfolk blacksmith’s forge,
– Essex inventor who makes filthy water safe to drink.
– 19th-century eccentric who designed life-saving apparatus
East Midlands textiles.
Scientist Maggie Aderin-Pocock (she’s black ya know)
– car seat that stops us falling asleep at the wheel,
– the implant that’s saving people’s lives
– the fastest textile in the world.
Suzi Perry : computers and apps.
Thomas Parker : forgotten inventor was using an electric car to commute to his offices in Wolverhampton
+ eco-friendly transport.
North East
– The aircraft cabin of the future
– The illuminated lollipop stick
– ‘GPS shoes’
– intelligent tyres will change the way we get from A to B.
The North FLIGHT
– the story of the world’s first manned flight, made in North Yorkshire over 50 years before the Wright Brothers
– the jet.
– Rotherham firm inventing rescue/monitor drones
North West
From steam-powered submarines to magnificent women and their flying machines, from miniature spy photos to World War II-winning ideas.
The South
– British silver medallist in wing suit performance.
– Helping cerebral palsy, to achieve her sporting dreams.
– Hawkeye, the tracking software used in tennis, cricket and rugby
and his latest invention – VAR or Video Assisted Refereeing in action
– lawnmower and lawnmower racing!
TV and online shopping : Logie Baird’s televisor invented in Hastings
South West
Big Dishes and Telecommunications in Cornwall
The West Country
– prosthetics arm – latest 3D-printed bionics being pioneered by West Country inventors
– first prosthetics manufactured by Chard shoemaker
– x-rays, also pioneered in Chard http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08w14st/broadcasts/2017/06
So now we know where the youth voting figure came from the day after the GE – the figure of 72% for 18-30 voter turn out.
I t came from one tweet by a youth activist who arrived at it from …………. NOWHERE. That’s right, he just made it up.
There you have it – one tweet and it’s a solid gold fact, except it’s not.
The kids at my kids primary – They may chant, Trump is an idiot and Corbyn is brilliant but they seem to agree that most Muslims want us dead. As I say, actions speak volumes and they do see the actions, and the results.
Better re-boot, crank up and boost the propaganda machine ‘cos even the children ain’t buying the lies.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Colleagues and friends (if I may be so bold)
I’ve been out of circulation for a few days, and have been unable to peruse this site, or indeed any others, so I’d like to ask for a little help, if you wouldn’t mind? I’m certain the issue will have been discussed here, but I have only just returned.
I have returned to the keyboard, only to discover that there is now a ‘musical offering’ that we are being encouraged to download to support the victims of the fire. All well and good, but I’d rather they’d learned to sing in tune first.
The help I need is this:
Would someone, anyone, please provide me to the link where I can download the popular music industry’s chart-topping song with proceeds to go to the victims of the Manchester bombing?
Would someone, anyone, please provide me to the link where I can download the popular music industry’s chart-topping song with proceeds to go to the victims of the Borough Market mass stabbings?
Would someone, anyone, please provide me to the link where I can download the popular music industry’s chart-topping song with proceeds to go to the family of Lee Rigby?
Just asking, you know.
Expat John
None , none.
But perhaps this would be suitable proposal ?…………..
Can see 3 or 4 Lee Rigby tribute songs
Strangely not pushed by BBC or big pop industry
slow and Rap combo : Former Britain’s Got Talent semi-finalist George Emery, known as Yung’Gee, and Stockton singer Joe Garrett have written, produced and performed the track See You Again in memory of murdered drummer Lee Rigby
(There’s also songs by army regiments)
Stew – Did have a listen but not my thing – too old! But good to think that some of our youngsters are still able to think for themselves and still able to give more than half a stuff about the people who have protected this country and have just not conveniently forgotten about Lee because he was murdered in the name of the “religion of peace”.
As you said I shant expect the pop industry or the BBC to be too interested in this one. As amongst the chattering classes, protecting Islam/migrants currently seems to be the only game in town despite the fact that it seems to contradict all of the values that these morons say they espouse such as feminism, homosexuality, tolerance etc. And also somewhat flies in the face of the current fashion that all muzzies are cuddly and in all truth just want to “love like Jo”( or maybe these days love like Bendan).
I expect these couple of lads probably have a bit more insight and empathy for what happened to Lee because they are probably a bit more grounded and ( I presume) come from a more traditional “working class” background rather than being born with a silver spoon in their mouth (or at least jumped on the middle class bandwagon) and having their whole life pretty much mapped out for them (which these days seems to include adopting the correct “right on” progressive attitudes.
Talking of grounded individuals – It was also good to see some pictures of Susannah Reid and Piers Morgan out celebrating after vanquishing that nasty uncouth, working class oik Tommy Robinson the other day. According to the Express she was wearing skintight ensemble with a pale pink fascinator and she finished the glamorous look with a pair of dangling earrings. Apparently she was also wearing a hot pink dress with her pert derrière on full display.
If you want to see the pictures see the link below.
What saddens me more than anything these days is that vain, vapid individuals such as these have in part become the opinion formers for the media and politicians.
No wonder we are in the state we are in.
Expat John
The EU needs our Pensioners to remain in Europe because of their spending power.
The Europeans need to work here because of the high unemployment in Europe. Therefore it should be a ‘win win’ situation for Theresa?
Al Beeb, the MSM and the EU are getting desperate with their propaganda. The EU Parliament is worried, very worried, because they keep telling us the door remains open for us to ‘come back in’.………….
Note the EU ‘flag rag’ in the font of the image. Propaganda
ZDF was pointing out today that 1 in 5 cars manufactured in Germany are sold in Britain and 60,000 workers would be directly affected. They also pointed out joyously that Britain would no longer be able to block the Glorious European Army went it brexited. The British, even now, think that the EU is all about free trade and that some pseudo-membership of the internal market will bring prosperity. In fact, we are paying billions a year to run a trade deficit with the EU. In other words, we are paying out good cash to become ever poorer.
The aspirations of ISIS are those of the EU – to become a real rather than a pretend state. The obsequies of the recently defunct Helmut Kohl are to be held at Strassbourg – essentially a European state funeral. This even puzzled some German commentators who were surprised that the European superstate had come into existence without anybody mentioning it.,This just shows the strength of Europeanism in Germany. The man who reunited Germany, reunification being an obsession with Germans since the end of the war, is not going to be honored in the state he created!! The “fool’s gold” of a single market is just a ruse to exert more poliical control over the UK. The EU will make juridiction by the EU court over any “single market” deal a sine qua non. Remainers who moan about the almost insurmountable problems involved in dealing with 40 years of EU legislation post Brexit and who also claimed that Britain was a sovreign country are buffoons if they cannot see the glaring contradiction.
They have’nt lost!
Defeat is victory!! Cohesion through diversity!!
At least the slogans of the Soviet era were just fanciful exhortations.
Proletariat of the world unite!! Soldier beware!! Let us complete collectivisation!!
The Corbynistas believe in oxymorons. Comrades onward, light through darkness!!
Or some such ballocks. Truly Orwellian. Strength through weaknes!!
The Express is the only paper leading with story about the UK’s dramatic population increase with the headline “Migrant Numbers Rocket”. Guess which newspaper is left out of the BBC’s Newspaper headlines review. Choosing to lead with The Guardian, The Independent and The Mirror again I see.
Luton – these days I think I look at the Express more than the Mail. The Mail whilst it tries to pitch itself above the “hoi polloi” tabloids Is a very fickle friend to common sense and honesty.
I used to buy it at lunch times but since the election it seems to have been more than willing to jump onto the drag the Government down/Grenfell Towers bandwagon and then on the next page be calling for restraint. As for the broadsheets, I gave those up years ago apart from weekends, But now I am thinking about giving that up too.
Last weekend I think in the Telegraph magazine on Saturday was not fit to even be useful as toilet paper. We had an article of sympathy devoted to young girls and women at the “The Jungle” .
Apparently this week is “Refugee Week” The trouble is even accepting that there are vulnerable adults at the “Jungle” I for one am now getting tired of having my heartstrings “plucked” bearing in mind the last lot of vulnerable children we accepted would have been more suitable for a Rugby Team than a kindergarten. No mention is made that some of them may be Economic migrants just a concentration on the “refuges” I wonder why?
Maybe a National “Economic Migrant Week” would be more honest!
There was also 8 pages devoted to the “work” of the talented photographer Brooklyn Beckham from his new photography book. I must say I was speechless with amazement at all the provocative, dazzling images. What a talent! and apparently it is only £14.99 from Telegraph Books including P+P. You better rush out and get yours quick I bet they will go faster than a David Lammy/Diane Abbot complaint about waycism!
I think the word mundane didnt do it justice. Talk about the establishment looking after its own!
Looks like I wont be buying the Telegraph again either.
My trajectory has been very similar. I stopped buying the Telegraph when the Barclay Brothers turned it into an increasingly Left wing rag run by clueless youngsters obsessed with an online world they actually hadn’t a clue about. I hung on with the BBC because it was the only radio source much of the time, and my only ‘traditional’ news came from the Mail, but even that has gone now as it is simply a rabble rousing rag that hoes with whatever its editors think is current public opinion.
Studying the statistics of people like us, the marketing types would conclude that we gave up traditional media (especially print) because the Internet was free. But that isn’t the reason at all – it’s because the choice is either insulting trash from the lightweight sources or Leftwing, globalist bias from the heavyweights.
Oaknash……… There was also 8 pages devoted to the “work” of the talented photographer Brooklyn Beckham from his new photography book. I must say I was speechless with amazement at all the provocative, dazzling images. What a talent! and apparently it is only £14.99 from Telegraph Books including P+P ……..
I only hope that more than us two feel disgusted at what is classified as ‘news’ now. I put it down to the sheer immaturity of the reporters who want to feed us this ‘stuff’. I’ve been a Mail reader for years, as the red tops are too much like comics, and broadsheets are too big to handle (I know). But it seems, like womens magazine, its becoming more ‘celebrity’ driven, and given that the main age group of their readers aren’t teenagers, why believe that they are in the remotest bit interested in the privileged/spoilt/sullen/eldest child of parents – one of whom was an above average footballer who stamps his foot because he hasn’t got the title of ‘Sir’, and the other a pop singer who couldn’t sing.
Sadly the media’s obsession with this family gallops on unabated. We all know that Simon Fuller pulls the strings for every appearance and photoshoot, and has huge vested interests in their financial pulling power. We know that Mrs B has got her MBE for employing teams of designers who know one end of a pencil from another, and we know that the eldest child has had his ‘talent’ paid for and will no doubt stamp his foot when pro photographers start to critique his ‘work’.
Brooklyn who?
Brissles I can only assume that the Telegraph owed some sort of favour to the Beckhams or their publicists. They have been always been very focused on the “Beckham” trademark and I suppose this just another tactic to keep the pennies rolling in on the back of their normal mediocre offerings.
To be perfectly honest I wouldnt even use that magazine to mop up the wee of an incontinent dog.
I don’t think its just the Telegraph, most of the popular press appear to pay homage to this family, on the assumption that we are the slightest bit interested. Like I said before, the one pulling the strings on all aspects of their lives is Simon Fuller – they don’t sneeze without running it past him first, so all the photos Daddy puts on social media, the film part, the sponsorships and ambassadorships are all staged by his PR team. So we’re into damage limitation mode now, as he totally cocked up with his furious rant about the non-knighthood. He’s getting past his prime, so the kids are being ramped up to continue the money making machine. Oh for the time when the whole of the UK will say Beckham who ???
Beckham who? oh you mean the squeaky thick twat who used to be able to kick a football quite well
Extracts from the ONS details:
“The latest immigration estimate for the year ending (YE) June 2016 is 650,000, with a confidence interval of +/-34,000 (the highest estimate recorded), compared with 639,000 (+/-34,000) in YE June 2015.”
“Immigration of EU citizens was estimated to be 284,000 (the highest estimate recorded), compared with 265,000 the previous year. This difference was not statistically significant. Immigration of non-EU citizens was estimated to be 289,000, similar to the previous year, and shows that the gap between the 2 citizenship groups has narrowed in recent years….”
“Immigration of Bulgarian and Romanian citizens continues the upward trend seen over the last few years and in 2015 Romania was the most common country of previous residence.”
“The most commonly stated reason for immigration to the UK is work (Figure 5). In YE June 2016, 311,000 (48%) people immigrated for work (the highest estimate recorded), compared with 294,000 in YE June 2015. This difference was not statistically significant. Of these, 182,000 (59%) had a definite job to go to and 130,000 arrived looking for work (a statistically significant increase of 23,000 from 107,000 the previous year).”
Summary – The most often repeated quote from the ONS report – “(the highest estimate recorded)”
It is my view that the country is being managed recklessly by the political elite of all persuasions. We need a military coup to start drawing some lines. A ‘reboot’ if you will.
so 265k we cant stop and 289k we wouldnt stop
just how many baristas do we need
What will they think of next?
BBC Radio 4 TOADY Programme continuing as they started yesterday, campaigning again against Brexit. Justin Webb in the forefront asking leading questions of a pejorative nature. Some carefully chosen contributors bringing their woolly understandings to drag things down further.
Will they go on in this vein tomorrow? I expect so.
Then after a day off, and more complaints letters hitting the DG’s and OFCOM’s desks, they hopefully will ease off next week. If they keep the onslaught of yesterday and today going I can only see it getting more and more people in the UK to say “Get us out and get us out completely! We do not need all this.”
I’m not sure it was Webb but I caught some fool lobbing easy practice balls to a woman defending the European Medicines Agency. Rather than having done some research into the very real problems surrounding this bureaucratic organisation and trying to get under her skin, Webb (assuming that is who it was) fed her leading questions more akin to the BBC circa 1930s, displaying his finest obsequious ‘Is there anything you would care to say to a grateful nation, Prime Minister?’ technique
This was followed by another snippet on women’s cricket, itself rapidly followed by a magnificent dive for the off switch, thus avoiding a burst blood vessel.
One year on, a statement made in 2012 from someone no longer with us, that sums up the EU perfectly.
A few decades ago he separated his country from a union with an entity dominated by a regressive culture ruled by a corrupt elite.
Comparing Singapore and Malaysia now is… interesting.
Absolutely. I remember working on a project for a large multinational food company. They had 2 facilities one in Malaysia and one in Singapore. They were on the verge of closing the one in Singapore until they looked at the “commercial” cost and losses due to pilferage. The Singapore site was nearly double the cost of the Malaysian one. However, the “shrinkage” costs were at such a high level that it would lose money. They kept the Singapore one.
This is going well. Paul Mason would be proud of his fellow alumnus.
Solution: Build up our armed forces. Change the target of our nuclear missiles from Moscow to Brussels and Strasbourg.
BBc Breakfast 08:00 Reporter at a French bakery. The reporter informs us it’s year on from BREXIT a lot has happened and would we change our minds now. …….They just never stop.
BBC Radio 4 8.11am
Justin Webb: more leading questions but now actually putting words into European leader’s mouths.
Disgraceful broadcasting.
BBC Breakfast TV News at 08.30 this morning:
Sofa Sloths reluctantly mention that May has proposed residence rights for 3 million Europeans working here.
The very pro-Remain BBC couldn’t bitch and moan about it so they swiftly moved on.
They didn’t mention that by comparison there’s only 1 million Brits living in Europe.
I continue to await a pro-Brexit feature from the BBC. It’s a good job that I’m not holding my breath….
they are also not saying that may proposes to put them on the same legal status as you and me
the eu wants her to elevate them above us
There is a great sense of unease running through everything. Leavers are concerned Brexit won’t happen. Remoaners are losing numbers but still keep trying. Our cosmopolitan capital is a pot of divisions just simmering like a volcano ready to erupt. And then what did I hear on Toady this morning. Some police bigwig – and you could tell he was one of the big guys because he’d obviously done the course for trying to obfuscate and say as little as possible in tortured language to fill up the radio time he was given. BUT…he did manage to say, words to the effect that….if there are riots this summer as in 2011, then we could not cope! Well how good was that? I couldn’t believe anyone could be so stupid to come out with this in the current fragile atmosphere. Why don’t people think before they open their mouths? If any group of thugs were wondering should we…when…could we….then there’s the green flag, guys. Unbelievable!
Laura’s K’s comments on the PM’s offer re EU citizens here was disgraceful! Why are these people allowed to get away with it?
And I toss this in as a thought….notwithstanding all possible problems, I am beginning to think that Brexit would be a good time to introduce mandatory ID cards in this country!
‘Why don’t people think before they open their mouths?’ you ask. Simple answer Soapbox, if he’d followed that axiom he’d never have achieved senior rank in what was once the Police Force but is now conveniently labelled the ‘Service’.
Happy Independence Day everybody
23rd June. One year ago today Brexit.
Best political day of my life.
Just a pity we have so many immoral politicians who don’t like democracy
death to traitors
The biased BBC just cannot help themselves.
I didnt watch QT last night, or any tv, so only came across the Dumbleby throwout news this morning.
There is a clip on bBBC of the moment.
The rentagob is interrupting Gina Miller.
So it looks from the clip as if he is against a Left Liberal Remoaner. Ergo he must be a right-wing extermist, yes?
In fact, we discover he is a ranting Leftmob gobshite. Not evident from the clip.
Careful editing and context removal ensures the wrong conclusion is drawn.
Or, to the bBBC, the right one.
Somebody posted a clip on here that made me chuckle – Jacob Rees-Mogg saying ‘Article 50 has now passed into law, thanks to the efforts of Gina Miller.’
I saw the rentagob speaking before he got thrown out and his arguments were a bit confused. I think he was just anti-politician and anti-Miller.
Here’s a not very funny, 70s joke.
The era of strikes and Mineworkers union power.
But bear with me.
The NUM president stands up and says “Brothers. Comrades. We have secured the best ever deal for our members. A 30% pay rise. A 25 hour working week, across only three working days. 10 weeks annual holiday. Free transport to the colliery. In return for this all we have to do is work one Saturday morning per month”.
And a man at the back of the meeting stands up and says in a huff, “What. Every month?”
In all Brexit matters, and for that matter nearly everything else that involves change, the biased BBC bend over backwards to find and prioritise the equivalent of that man at the back. The one who is not happy, the one who might miss out, the one who opposes, the possible, theoretical exceptional situation, the extreme nitpicker.
Its a deliberate policy of undermining the government and the rule of law. They should be prosecuted for sedition.
Sluff, we’ve often mentioned on here the lack of any comedy directed towards left-wing targets on the BBC. If we want that we have to look outside the stale, conformist portals of Auntie Beeb. I’ve found a rather amusing cartoonist who makes some funny cartoons about leftism. He seems quite intelligent and actually claims to be something of a leftie himself, but says that the right is exhausted as a target for jokes (tell that to the BBC…) https://www.facebook.com/patriarchiecomics/
And the left are the perfect targets for comedy! The sheer absurdity.
Sluff, well it made me chuckle.
Then I thought of our miners.
Where are they now?
How many are in work?
I’ve stopped laughing.
You are absolutely right. In a way, the British miner committed employment suicide via democracy and that was a process many of us here would have chosen to allow them because we believe above all in democracy.
They were a great example of ‘true lions led by donkeys’ into a working and, in many cases, a societal wilderness.
We may now be staring at the end of democracy as we have known it for many generations, if the EU Referendum vote is overturned.
The miners would all now be climate change deniers
They way I look at it all that coals still in the ground and when the world goes tits up we will have to start digging it up again
I thought Glastonbury was all about music but I might be wrong…
Glastonbury 2017: Johnny Depp talks of Trump ‘assassination’
Glastonbury to open with minute’s silence
Featuring that well known musician David Beckham.
Glastonbury pays bands ‘less than 10%’ of what they’d earn elsewhere (cause they love to virtue signal)
Jeremy Corbyn to speak at Glastonbury music festival
Nothing like a Left Wing rock festival is there?
The pay is to subsidise the infrastructure costs.
Mud is not cheap.
So the BBC will be in its spiritual home.
Insufferable leftist bellends – I wonder what the total carbon footprint of Glasto is these days? Do these morons even care? Of course not! Hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance are prerequisites for today’s regressives. I have a suggestion for next year’s Glasto – all energy/power at the events (for absolutely everything, including iPhones) must be provided off-grid by ‘renewable’ means only. That means solar panels and…erm… I dunno, hook up a generator to the latrines? I’m sure there will be more than enough sh*t to go around.
Good luck with that, comrades!
Obi, if the libbie yoof can walk miles (with or without their middle-aged Mums, Dads, whatevers) into Glasto to stand to watch music and wave their arms in the air, there’s no reason why Michael Eavis and friends cannot rig up some giant wheels and get the Glastogoers going at generating their own electricity.
With a bit of luck and effort, they might not only power all the stages and BBC’s OB but light up Taunton, Weston, Bristol and Bath for a couple of weeks as well.
Has the BBC shown this footage of an attempted non-hate crime yet?
Brave 13-year-old girl punches paedo sex attacker and flees for life in Blackburn street
In broad daylight ! Ashtonishing.
Little fear of the police, apparently.
I expect the police and social workers will want to interview her and her parents and see if her racist attitude towards her potential husband requires attention
Another incident of anti Moslem hate crime for Tell Mama and amber Amber to chalk up.
He was described as a 20 year old “Asian” – so are we looking for a Chinese Buddhist or a Pakistani Muslim or someone else?
Lancastrian from Blackburn seems 100% clear to me
in Blackburn seems 100% clear to me
It’s begun.
The bbbc are going to question, belittle, devalue, ridicule every stage of these negotiations and I’ve had enough of their sour grapes already.
Brexit: EU citizens deal fails to allay fears
The bbc have found some bulgarian bint who must be a couple of potatoes short of a goulash. ( i know that’s hungarian but hey)
FFS which bit of “The settled status would give EU citizens (who have been here over 5 years) the right to stay and access healthcare, education and other benefits” is too hard to understand.??
It’s so like the fire drill scene in Fawlty Towers it’s laughable.
A couple of minutes in.
That bulgarian bint who they try to pass as a normal person actually works for al jazeera. Google is your friend when the beeb dont mention her background or what she represents. She was too comfortable in front of the camera which alerted me. Never trust them.
“Sweden: 150,000 women undergo FGM, authorities admit large areas under Islamic rule.”
Problems in Sweden? What problems?
Living under the world’s only “feminist government” is becoming increasingly dangerous, especially for women. Large parts of the country, including its capital Stockholm, are effectively ruled by Sharia-adherent Muslims.
WARNING: This article contains graphic descriptions of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). Content is not suitable for young children and may not be safe for workplace viewing.
A new report provides disturbing insights regarding changes in the fabric of Swedish society that have followed an unprecedented influx of Muslim refugees and migrants.
The report is partly written by SVT, the Swedish state media, and concludes that at least 150,000 women in Sweden have experienced genital mutilation. This brutal procedure can involve partial or complete removal of the clitoris (i.e., clitoridectomy, clitorectomy or infibulation) plus excision of the labia as well. All too often, this operation is performed in less-than-sterile conditions and, just as frequently, without anesthesia.
Authorities are astonished by the high number of women and young girls who have been subjected to FGM. A report from 2015 concluded that “only” 38,000 women had experienced genital mutilation. This sharp increase most likely results from the determination of Swedish politicians to comply with the UN’s Refugee Convention and EU regulations on refugee quotas.
Sweden has a population of 10 million (five million women and girls).
Swedish tolerance and openness has been up for international debate since American President Donald J. Trump used the country as an example of how refugees and migration from Islamic countries corrodes the rule of law and contributes to the formation of Middle Eastern enclaves, even in strong civil societies like those of Northern Europe.
Big areas of Sweden are now under de facto Islamic rule. Stockholm, Sweden’s capital, is almost completely surrounded by areas (commonly called “no-go zones”) that are veritably ruled by Muslim gangs and Islamic sharia police. “There is lawlessness in parts of the Stockholm region now,” a nervous police chief, Lars Alvarsjø, said. “There are some areas where we seem to lose control.”
Lawless areas in Sweden are growing in size and number every year. From 2015 to 2017, they increased from 15 to 23. According to the Swedish authorities, “religious police have taken the role as law enforcement” in many areas now.
Lars Alversjø says that “the legal system, which is a pillar in every democratic society, is collapsing in Sweden.” Per Magnus Ranstorp, a researcher of terrorism and radicalization at the Swedish National Defense College, elaborates: “In the worst areas extremists have taken over. The whole sense of justice and peace are threatened by the fact that the police is breaking down and it’s only getting worse. Sweden is in a disastrous situation.”
In areas under Islamic rule within Sweden, human rights are rapidly deteriorating, especially for women. Female genital mutilation is just one horrific example of a general change in the Swedish society following the arrival of large numbers of Muslims refugees or migrants.
“In many areas, self-appointed sharia police threaten and harass women to follow Islamic law, Sharia. Threats and harassment can be the consequence if you are not married, if your legs are not covered or if you drink a glass of alcohol on your balcony. Neighbors, strangers, even children and adolescents, threaten women to follow Sharia. If the women do not comply, the sharia police increase their intimidation. A woman tells how a group of men climbed into her apartment by using the drainage pipe and confronted her in her own home because she refused to comply to their demands.”
Monsieur Martel,
But if ever I cite a JiIhad Watch or Robert Spencer article to a so-called “liberal” they dismiss them as
lacking all credibility.
The libtard cycle= We don’t believe it because it’s ‘extreme right wing’
What makes them think it’s extreme right wing?
It’s “extreme right wing” because we disagree with it.
Exposure of truth & facts are neither left nor right.
We need to win the war of language definition with these dysfunctional mobsters.
There is trouble of an Islamic nature in Sweden.
Sweden will provide the lesson all europe needs
The sooner the better for everyone!!!
A lot of our angry Brexiteers below are right.
But seem to fall for the BBcs winding ups, cannot be good for our health. Remember how stretched the NHS is?
I myself rely on “events dear boy, events” to blow more than the bloody doors off the EU. The Euro is set to blow, Germany cannot keep making imaginary money to save italy, Greece and Ireland.
Just because it looks that way doesn`t mean that the Euro will stand.
I look also to Visegrad and Poland in particular. Can`t stand long.
Only wish the UK would speed it all up by carefully-placed bomblets, where are our political sappers?
They should get on with Brexit
otherwise the masses will rise up and there’ll be a “Day of Fa-RAGE”
I imagine a massive demo which shakes the Lib-establishment in its boots.
Notice how the BBC is demanding Theresa May to defend EU citizens rights in Britain – but have no headlines or interest in ensuring that the EU defend the British expatriate communities in EU countries. I ask myself is it because the BBC are feckers or is it because the BBC is filled with British hating pro-Europeans or both?
Here we go again …. Tories deny … yep! electoral fraud/breaches
Tories deny using Neath call centre to breach election law
Canada’s CBC copies the BBC “Trump Defends” trick.
ie the way a story which begins as “Trump DOES” becomes a story about “Trump DEFENDS”
Yesterday Quebec’s Premier called out Islam re terrorism
The CBC then fished around for reaction from Muslims, and stealth edited the story thus making the page 2/3 about the Muslim reaction
– The initial subheadline
” Quebec premier says Muslim community has duty to step up in fight against terrorism” Wayback
“Muslim leaders say the premier is unfair to link terrorism with Islam”
Diffchecker comparison
What they should have done , is kept the old page and then made a separate page about the reaction.
Canada’s Independent media covered it differently
Not directly about the BBC bias.
But if anyone doubts that May, Islam, the EU and the BBC are not marching together here is another indication.
As for me, May’s surrender to her toy boy, Emir Khan, over Trump, over Islamophobia, is clear evidence.
Enjoy this article from Conservative Woman
Treezer is utterly pathetic. Why the hell have they not gotten rid of her yet ?
Grant, problem may be (no pun there, I assure you) that the likely successors are non-existent.
The People’s PM is pretty much assured of victory at the next GE unless the Conservatives pull something out of the hat. That will now very much depend on Hammond and the measures he takes up to and including an autumn or interim Budget.
Taxes are going to have to go up to cover Grenfell Tower & other housing, Police and the NHS. Hammond does not appear to be on Theresa May’s side. So he is unlikely to come up with something blindingly brilliant which might save her. Then keeping on doing it for four more years.
Any new Conservative leader as PM will have to go to the country. I just cannot see them being able to justify holding the post until summer 2022.
Boris is a mystery. If anyone (when he is on good form) could galvanise the nation it would be him. I don’t know if he was just trying to show up the BBC with his ‘performance’ on Eddie Mair’s PM on Wednesday. It is possible. In reality I think he knows he’s done a lousy job as FS and a lousy job in the GE and that his political career is now toast.
That leaves Gove as unfinished business, NiMo who made a little pitch on R4 this week, Rudd maybe? and Javid maybe? and Jacob Rees-Mogg maybe? The first and the last of these is unlikely to be willing to take on leading the Party on a short term and possible suicide mission to a loss at a late autumn or early spring election.
This is a situation that really calls for Iain Duncan Smith to take over as leader. I’m feeling a bit like Peter Cook … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5YW4qKOAVM
Boris Johnson it is then.
Because, pathetic or not, I think most people think that Corbyn would inflict far greater and longer lasting damage and we can’t risk it, at least not yet. We shouldn’t risk damaging the country Venezuelan style in order to punish her for not winning outright.
Corbyn hasn’t been rumbled yet – he’s still enjoying a honeymoon period. I don’t think it can last because he has neither the intellect, the management ability, nor the substance.
IMO, we need to stay with May a little longer. There are greater intellects out there (Rees-Mogg, for example) but as a candidiate for PM I think his background would come under immediate attack – even on this site. David Davis would be my choice, and always was, but that opportunity has been missed once already. Boris has gone up in my estimations, but no. Redwood is clever but zero charisma. Gove – also clever but not trustworthy. IDS – one of the better ones, but tried already. I don’t think the Conservatives believe in resurrection and I can’t see that happening. Who else is there?
Good article. I’ve now connected the dots of Douglas Murray’s book.
Immigration .. will replace our .. Identity .. with .. Islam
Might be a hidden message or not so hidden.
Who can tell me what his cover represents on his book?
Lots of small cartoons is it? Why so?
Not BBC, but Gaurdian headline ” It is the EU that is leaving Britain behind “. Laugh of the day so far. The sad thing is that the Europhiliacs are totally unaware that it is them who are living in the past .
Just re-read this post. The spelling error was not deliberate !
Just listening to Donald Tusk. He sounds like a German Capitain in a 1940’s film …. “you vil tell me vot I vant to know or you vil regret ze consequences”.
You would think that the Remoaners would be put off by all the threats. But they seem to enjoy it. Perverts .
I really do think that most EU Remain/EU Leave conversations would have been easier to debate if everyone had included those that did not vote, but were happy either way the result came out.
It would seem to me that both sides became exclusive of this group.
If you talk about the referendum as “EU Leave”+”Happy Either Way” @ 65% and “EU Remain” @ 35% – you can’t say don’t include the “Happy Either Way” because that would mean the vote was useless – they just choose not to use it, but could have.
Also, it would make the point to people to take more interest – those that could not be bothered.
And so it begins…
Theresa May gives away an EU migrant free-for-all come-one-come-all open door to Britain for another two years
The EU says: “it’s not enough”
Will our national broadcaster at last admit these non-negotiations are headed nowhere? Of course not.
Excellent. There is the offer. Next item please. May ends with “enough is enough” . For the Many EU Nationals, Not For the Few UK Expats. Forward! En Marche!
May storms out after throwing “the strange death of europe” onto the table.
For those of us above who seem to be angry and splenetic at the EU crap we`re currently seeing.
Stop fussing.
Look at Brexit Central-Yanis Varoufakis and Austin Mitchells nested article where he reviews Yanis` book from last year.
You don`t have to fall for the trendy lefty renegade stuff, because he simply gives the EU tactics.
They only have one speed, one goal.
And if Iain McEwan gets a few of us dead, then he`ll get a discount on his german translations, knowing the EU and its tactics.
So don`t get moaning on here, I bet they`re delighted at despair and falling for their medai souffles.
So save yourself an ulcer, get out for St Nigels Day tonight and do NOT give the clickbait cunts like Gina Miler , Tim Farron, Anna Soubry or their BBC/EU puppeteers and “like” counters on Twitter. It`s all going as they Yanis and Austin said-probably even to the extent of Tusk singing “Imagine”. Has he sent his copyright cheque to Yoko?…and shouldn`t we be getting him to do so?
Of course, none of this will last.Italy and Greece will finish the EU in a few years time, and we in Britain REALLY ought to putting the explosive in the fissures of that fucking Union of theirs. Enough of this “Friends In Europe” stuff…they want war, they`ve got one.
And the BBC are William Joyce, do we REALLY need another Borough before we wake up?
The elite have shown that they hate us-there are far more of us than there are of them, and they are not hiding in their gated communities and leaving me to fear Cologne or Brussels type conflagrations.
I’m reasonably optimistic that the more the British public see the EU stonewall, so the more we will detect the happy clappy EU mask slipping. See kids… it’s not all cheap roaming charges and Jeux Sans Frontières. As the dubious Stuart Hall used to say: the thing that makes you laugh at those giant rubber creatures is the fact that however much they wobble and prat fall their expressions never change – what a philosopher and dirty old man he was. Whereas the Greeks were perpetual supplicants us British are net contributors – first we gave them our fishing nets. The point is the busted bubbles would never vote out of the Euro because they were still holding out their begging bowl. We can win this war of attrition, just so long as we don’t give in to our own moaning minnies. BBC, I’m talking about you.
Hate to sound xenophobic but what can you expect of foreigners? So much of our history involves, petulant, arrogant, aggressive, domineering, perfidious and ungrateful Europeans.
I like your optimism but what can we do? What are we doing? There is no discernible resistance.
How much support does Tommy Robinson have? Are there others like him? It’s looking pretty bleak to me.
So they want the Euro Court to still have jurisdiction over here and EU residents here to have special status. Surely that wouldn’t get past the EUs own laws?
Coming up 4:30pm R4Feedback
“Ed Miliband has spent the week in an unfamiliar position; sitting in for Jeremy Vine on Radio 2. So far, most listeners are loving the experiment”
Really is that true ???
(Iain Duncan Smith next week)
– Last week, Andrew Scott came on to explain why the BBC felt it necessary to make signing in to the iPlayer website compulsory. But many listeners remain unconvinced.
– Sue Lawley about the Reith lectures for 16 years.
– Also,whether the BBC should be more careful with its use of language when reporting major incidents
( Do they mean like trowing around the word “terrorist?” )
– is Radio 4’s Only Artists up to the challenge of replacing the much missed Midweek.
How the bBC lies about how people are murdered by Muslims
India policeman lynched in Kashmir
Authorities in Indian-administered Kashmir say a policeman has been lynched outside the main mosque in Srinagar, the summer capital . Muhammad Ayub had been deployed in plain clothes outside the Jamia Masjid mosque during the Friday prayers, police told BBC Urdu’s Riyaz Masroor. Locals allege that the officer had fired his gun into a crowd after getting into a brawl with some youths.
So according to the bBC, this man was lynched for pulling a gun out and shooting people. Why the CS at the bBC even report he pulled out a silenced pistol in which to do his evil work of killing Muslims. Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you:
Was the Kashmir cop’s lynching a pre-planned murder?
The lynching of Jammu and Kashmir’s Deputy Superintendent of Police Mohammad Ayub Pandit by a mob at Jamia Masjid in Nowhatta area of Srinagar has sent shockwaves across the country. Several questions have also been raised in the incident which has been condemned from all quarters.
There may be holes in the story that the officer was killed by devotees who got angry at him for allegedly taking pictures inside the mosque. Army sources have said since he was a local and a police officer, DSP Ayub was the target of extremist forces and the lynching was pre-planned.
8 pm – DSP Mohammad Ayub Pandit got an order from Jammu and Kashmir Police Headquarters asking him to be on duty at Jamia Masjid in Nowhatta area of Srinagar.
9 pm – The cop reached the mosque for his duty from home which was 3 km away. He was posted at the gate on “access duty” in plain clothes but was armed.
10 pm – Ayub went inside the mosque to offer prayers during which some people spotted the weapon on him and left some devotees angry. However there is another contradictory report which says the policeman was doing surveillance activities inside the mosque.
10:30 pm – The DSP came out of the prayer area of the mosque when he was confronted by other people. One version of the story says that he was found clicking pictures of the mosque with his phone which angered the devotees. Heated arguments ensued and people charged at him. He was identified as a police officer all along since he was a local.
Army sources however say since he was a local and a police officer, DSP Ayub was the target and the lynching was pre-planned.
10:45 pm – His bodyguards fled and in panic he fired. The horrific act of lynching starts.
Contradiction: The guards have told the investigators that they were relieved by the DSP who asked them that it was an important day and they should be with their families. June 23 is the last Friday of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan.
This theory is being investigated as guards are not supposed to leave the officer on their own.
11-11:15 pm – Deputy Superintendent Mohammad Ayub Pandit was stripped naked and stoned to death by the mob.
I wonder why the bBC left out the fact he was stoned to death. So much for the so called holy month of Ramadan and that the Policeman was there for the protection of the Mosque.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of intolerant Islam
Just read the bold texts , did this chap work for the Metropolitan police?
TGIF and all the senior guys are long gone down the M4 to the Dorset second homes to pop up the boards in case jet goes West, Old Man, or Hoxton cafes leaving the kiddies in charge.
So it is all ‘tee tee, that Johnny Depp; what a card’, only that is not the hide-behind “quote” they are gleefully trotting out endlessly.
“Record number of openly gay MPs elected to House of Commons”
Hangon 46 out of 650 is 7%
That’s way higher that the 1.5% general poulation stat from the ONS
Another product of LibSupremacists ?
Something I don’t understand
Why would our counterparts at SaveTheBBC Tweets this
“Time @MartinBashir to temper abuse reports historically post #Savile”
about this ?
Re : https://twitter.com/callummay/status/877852907911000064
Europe can only go one way – greater and greater unification with ultimately a President – French or German? They’d have to fight it out – oops!
Moves are afoot for an EU wide Finance Chief and pooled spending on Defence. German is riding high right now and has really profited from the Euro. Little mention of bankrupt Italy and Spain where corruption is rife. France for all it’s bravado ain’t so hot and as for Greece?
Surprised to see Paul Johnson of IFS write article against austerity.
‘Taxing big corps , is a tax on the poor cos they end up paying the increased prices’
In the UK, if you wish to become a British citizen you have to have lived in the UK for 5 years. This is exactly what the UK is offering those EU citizens who wish to remain here. Actually it isn’t as they are getting a better deal, by being allowed to keep their EU passports, be allowed to have an extra couple of years in which to earn that right if they don’t have that 5 years under their belt when we leave and yet the bBC takes the EU side of the argument in which to say:
“Not good enough”
What ever happened to neutral reporting , why the entire British media said this was a good deal, but the EU wants their citizens living in the UK to be afforded the protection of EU law, not British but there’s more. Tell me do EU citizens in China, Australia, India, Africa,ME,US,Russia and the rest have that luxury. How about EU citizens living in Greenland (seeing as Greenland left the EU a few years back) But the bBC doesn’t mention any of this, to them the UK can only be wrong.
Dimbleby chucks one of the BBC invited Trots out of Question Time.
Yes, he is a Trot. Stood as a member of TUSC (Trade Union Socialist Alliance) at the previous election.
I got this info from a rival leftie source. These Trots can’t stop shitting on each other. That is why Corbyn will never win an election.
BBC1 7:30pm Inventions from your region
The East
– water-related inventions – first the hovercraft
– unique flood protection barriers in a Norfolk blacksmith’s forge,
– Essex inventor who makes filthy water safe to drink.
– 19th-century eccentric who designed life-saving apparatus
East Midlands textiles.
Scientist Maggie Aderin-Pocock (she’s black ya know)
– car seat that stops us falling asleep at the wheel,
– the implant that’s saving people’s lives
– the fastest textile in the world.
Suzi Perry : computers and apps.
Thomas Parker : forgotten inventor was using an electric car to commute to his offices in Wolverhampton
+ eco-friendly transport.
North East
– The aircraft cabin of the future
– The illuminated lollipop stick
– ‘GPS shoes’
– intelligent tyres will change the way we get from A to B.
The North FLIGHT
– the story of the world’s first manned flight, made in North Yorkshire over 50 years before the Wright Brothers
– the jet.
– Rotherham firm inventing rescue/monitor drones
North West
From steam-powered submarines to magnificent women and their flying machines, from miniature spy photos to World War II-winning ideas.
The South
– British silver medallist in wing suit performance.
– Helping cerebral palsy, to achieve her sporting dreams.
– Hawkeye, the tracking software used in tennis, cricket and rugby
and his latest invention – VAR or Video Assisted Refereeing in action
– lawnmower and lawnmower racing!
TV and online shopping : Logie Baird’s televisor invented in Hastings
South West
Big Dishes and Telecommunications in Cornwall
The West Country
– prosthetics arm – latest 3D-printed bionics being pioneered by West Country inventors
– first prosthetics manufactured by Chard shoemaker
– x-rays, also pioneered in Chard
So now we know where the youth voting figure came from the day after the GE – the figure of 72% for 18-30 voter turn out.
I t came from one tweet by a youth activist who arrived at it from …………. NOWHERE. That’s right, he just made it up.
There you have it – one tweet and it’s a solid gold fact, except it’s not.
The kids at my kids primary – They may chant, Trump is an idiot and Corbyn is brilliant but they seem to agree that most Muslims want us dead. As I say, actions speak volumes and they do see the actions, and the results.
Better re-boot, crank up and boost the propaganda machine ‘cos even the children ain’t buying the lies.