What is Islamophobia?
Following recent events in the news you might have been hearing a lot about Islam and maybe the term ‘Islamophobia’ – but what does this mean?
The UK is full of people who follow lots of different faiths and religions.
Most of the time they all get along and people are free to live the way they want to.
However, some groups are targeted because of their beliefs, and because of events that people blame them for – even if this is incorrect.
Islamophobia is when Muslims are the victims of attacks just because of their religion.
It is something that worries a lot of people.
Many people think Islamophobia is created when a person doesn’t properly understand what Muslims do or believe, and that the best way to combat it is to have a better understanding of Muslims and Islam.
In fact as David Goodhart points out as people understand and get to know Islam they realise it is totally alien and contrary to their own beliefs and values and they would become less tolerant of it….
The gulf between conservative Islam and secular liberal Britain is larger than with any comparable large group….for those of us who value an open, liberal society it is time to explain why it is superior to the alternatives.
Some claim that if people understood Islam more everything would be fine, they would be more tolerant, I think quite the contrary….the more they understand about it the more alien they would find it…authoritarian, collectivist, patriarchal, misogynist…..all sorts of things that Britain might have been 100 years ago but isn’t now.
Trevor Phillips, that well known Islamophobe, will tell you that there is a wide and ever-growing gap between conservative Muslims in their ghettoes and Britain and its democratic, liberal values.
The BBC’s piece on Islamophobia, rushed out after the attack in London on Muslims, is naive and simplistic and is designed to hide the uncomforatble truths about Islam and the beliefs about Britain that many Muslims hold…no such articles from the BBC rushed out in the wake of Manchester and London Bridge or Westminster telling Muslims to stop being anti-British.
Douglas Murray in the Spectator….
‘Religion of peace’ is not a harmless platitude
To face Islamist terror, we must face the facts about Islam’s historyIt is not surprising that politicians have tried to avoid this debate by spinning a lie. The world would be an infinitely safer place if the historical Mohammed had behaved more like Buddha or Jesus. But he did not and an increasing number of people — Muslim and non-Muslim — have been able to learn this for themselves in recent years. But the light of modern critical inquiry which has begun to fall on Islam is a process which is already proving incredibly painful.
We have spent 15 years pretending things about Islam, a complex religion with competing interpretations. It is true that most Muslims live their lives peacefully. But a sizeable portion (around 15 per cent and more in most surveys) follow a far more radical version. The remainder are sitting on a religion which is, in many of its current forms, a deeply unstable component. That has always been a problem for reformist Muslims. But the results of ongoing mass immigration to the West at the same time as a worldwide return to Islamic literalism means that this is now a problem for all of us. To stand even a chance of dealing with it, we are going to have to wake up to it and acknowledge it for what it is.
Perhaps now after this latest example of Far-Right ‘radicalisation’ and anger we will have ‘Baroness’ Nick Griffin made chair of the Tory Party in order to appease the angry youth of the Far-Right community, maybe Far-Right extremists will be put in charge of the Prevent programme or used to advise government action on tackling the social and cultural discrimination that mean the Far-Right become alienated and angry and then become ‘victims’ of extremist Far-Right recruiters who pervert Nationalism and hijack the Union Flag for their own poisonous purposes. Maybe millions if not billions will be poured into Far-Right communities so that they are not ‘left behind’, marginalised and disaffected. Maybe the government will work to create a pro-Far-Right narrative across the media and political spectrum..with police officers, local councils and the likes of the BBC roped in to spin a message about the Far-Right being essentially a peaceful movement that loves Britain and British values…more so than anyone else in Britain in fact. Just remember …..’Fascism’…is the political ideology of peace.
Maybe we should keep the borders to the EU open….is this why so many Muslims voted for Brexit….white Catholics who know and speak the truth….who will the Polish kids believe…the BBC or their parents?…..
The BBC will absolutely hate this…wonder if they will be producing their own counter-video as they did when ‘Muslim Demographics’ went viral on Youtube?….
Suggesting that Islam become more like the Church Of England is, from my take, asking muslims to be lazy and interpret the q’ran as a long form version of ‘be nice to other people’ – that’s not a religion though. Whether you agree with it or not, Islam is a doctrine that is vehemently anti woman and is violent enough to legitimise taking matters into your own hands with regards to homosexuality and a number of other ‘offences’.
Yes the Bible has those same things in the old testament. However, anyone who knows anything about the new testament (ie what Christianity actually IS) would know that the new testament (not the old) is the basis of Christianity.
I imagine if there was a mosque in London that allowed gay marriage then I’d have heard about it relentlessly vie Radio4 so in the mean time stop pretending as if there are different levels of misunderstood conservative/liberal islam operating.
“Yes the Bible has those same things in the old testament. However, anyone who knows anything about the new testament (ie what Christianity actually IS) would know that the new testament (not the old) is the basis of Christianity.”
Therefore, Jews share a common philosophy with Muslims?
Yes the Jew’s Torah is just as violent as the Bible and the Quran. The Torah mentions stoning for mother and son sex, gay sex, blasphemy, being a stubborn son etc. It also lists punishments that require death by burning, beheading and strangling.
Jew’s don’t believe in Jesus. Christian’s follow Jesus so all the Bible Old Testament violent stuff no longer applies. Jesus warned of false prophets.
Muslim’s also believe in Jesus but their Prophet is supposed to be the very last one so everything he said cannot be undone – even if Jesus returns to Earth. Their Prophet has pretty much undone all of Jesus’s peaceful advice and teachings.
Islam really has taken a religion and turned it into a cult.
Tabs, the important thing to remember about the Old Testament is why those laws were given. Most people look at the capital punishment there, together with the ‘clearing of the land of Canaan’ and other people groups, without investigating why.
Mohammed had had exposure to both Judaism and Christianity before he received his ‘so-called revelation’. The New Testament in the form of ‘The Gospel’ (Injil) is referred to in the Quran. Some Muslims respect it and make a point of reading it. You are right about Islam as a cult. Its ‘pick and mix’ nature (similar to New Age ‘faiths’), difficulty of converting out, and so on, tends to identify it as such, along with – of course – the behaviour of its adherents.
The Jews do NOT have a common philosophy with Muslims.
Judaism properly developed as a religion following the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Judea by the Babylonians (called the Babylonian exile). It is a religion that legitimates the right of Jews to call Judea (Israel) their homeland. The Torah is largely historical – there is no claim it was written by God – the only thing claimed to be written by God is the ten commandments.
Islam developed out of one man’s attempt to usurp control from a local dynasty (of which he was a part) in Mecca. Islam the religion was forged in war. It claims the Quran was the direct word of God, and Muhammad (the leader and founder) was the perfect man to be imitated. It was used to legitimate the overthrow of the rulers of Mecca and the conquest of the Arabian peninsula. It was then used to legitimate conquest of lands to the north, east and west. It is a religion of global conquest. The followers of Islam used to be called the Muhammadans.
Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate, That’s a good summing up you’ve written.
I like to remind people that the Bible is not one book but a collection of 66 books penned by 40 authors in 3 different languages on 3 continents. Writing over a period of roughly 2 thousand years the composers had varying backgrounds so more than one point of view is represented. And many styles of writing are used. It’s not all dictatorial.
The Koran in contrast is an alleged record of the recitation of ONE man over a period of roughly 26 years of his life.
Today go about your business . You will meet familiar , semi familiar and strangers as you go about .
Do you know their religion ?
You will if they’re Muslim
The Old Testament is common to Christians, Jews and Muslims alike. In the case of the former, in simple terms, it is succeded by the New Testament. In the case of the latter, by the Koran. The OT is indeed bloody in parts, and some of that spirit is retained in parts of the Koran, whilst being notably absent in the NT.
An important difference is that the OT is largely intended as a historical record of mankind and the people of Israel, documenting the trials and tribulations of the latter. The Koran, however, is atemporal in nature; it does not simply report past struggles, but advocates their continuation until Islam is triumphant across the world.
Don`t agree that the Old Testament is THAT bad.
British history is equally bloody, were we to condense it, concentrate it into a couple of shortish books.
The Torah starts as creation myths that explained a lot of big themes to the curiosity of those who created the religion…works well, has plenty truth amidst the myths( it is NOT a science book, it only works as G-Ds “coventant” with His people.
The Mosaic section include the Ten Commandments, lots of how the country and faith got settled and established. Yes-there ARE some gruesome punishments, bizarre strictures that invite ridicule. But Jews don`t practice the daft stuff, haven`t done in modern history. And it`s all for Jews-NOT for those who are not.
The next bit IS where Islam meets Judaism as Semitic practice. Joshua and Judges resemble Islamic State and the private tinpot gods that WE live with today.
After that?…history that is Jewish not ours, songs and wisdom literature that will teach and inspire until the last day..and prophecy that is as relevant now as it was then.
You cut God out, or act all holy or clever?…well G-D has Arabs, Africans, Shia, Sunni, Iraq, Syria and all the rest of them in tow?
The countries are named , the baselines unchanged, and we`re failing as Gentile Christians just as the Jews did. And the end will be the same, as we fail to read and act on it all.
Paul said we are now without excuse( Romans 1/2 etc)-all those Gideons unopened says that`s true.
“Islamaphobia” Is a confected “crime” created as Faustian pact between the mainstream media and Islam to prevent debate about some of the less “attractive” aspects of this religion.
The MSM wishes to shut down the debate because the negative aspects of this religion threaten their pro migration/pro multicultural agenda.,
Mainstream Islam in the UK – of course wish to increase their influence and power without having to undergo the scrutiny that mainstream Christianity has undergone over the ears. Perhaps because they can also see that in the modern secular society, Christianity has been turned into a shuffling, irrelevant wreck constantly apologising for its very existence.
If you add into this heady mix of motivations the presence of cowardly politicians who have no memory of the past, no concept about how hard fought for and how fragile our freedoms are (including the right of proper debate). And no real understanding of the direction of travel. Then the future for our democracy looks very grim indeed.
This has allowed a situation to be created where Islam is now in a “Heads I win/Tails you lose situation where Islam is always shown in a positive light even to the extent of manipulating the news agenda and portraying all Muslims as victims who would never do any wrong.
It is interesting that there appears to be no such a crime as “Christianphobia” – but if there was, perhaps it might concentrate peoples minds a bit more. Cant have that!
At the same time the media and the public/politicians are given full licence to critiscise and attack anyone who shows even the slightest disgruntlement with the way Islam is given a “free ride” .At the end of the day all we are asking for is some “breathing space” with regard to incoming numbers of muslims and a proper debate about how Islam “fits in” with our culture and way of life.
Is that so much to ask?
If this is not permitted by the powers to be then my question is – “What are you hiding”
It is interesting that the Government (apart from robust statements) did not seem very interested in dealing with extremism until a mosque was finally attacked resulting in injuries but no deaths. (And yes I do consider this bloke a terrorist and should be dealt with as such). However generally (up until this time) our “extremists” generally just appear to be asking for open debate and proper control of those who wish to harm us. Whilst Islamic extremists appear to be more interested in preaching murder, conquest and sharia law . (and where do all of our brave feminists stand on that?)
My main question here is – just who are the extremists?
What is for sure if the Government does not grow any balls and start to initiate some proper “grown up debate” Then further polorisation of communities is assured and there will be real trouble ahead.
Christianphobia…perfect. It does exist but the BBC won’t admit it. Tim Farron, much as I didn’t like him as a politician was subject to one aspect of “Christianphobia” when asked about his views on gay marriage etc. Again I may not agree with his views but he is entitled to hold them if that is his religion – well apparently not and be in public office in a Christian country. Has anyone asked any of the Muslim politicians about their views on gay marriage and homosexuals? I don’t think so as that would probably infringe their human rights or some such drivel. well done the Poles for protecting their culture – that’s what they are doing. Immigration is fine if controlled but integration is essential for culture to develop as one and not many warring factions.
Couldnt agree with you more James . I have no problem with immigration into this country but lets at least use a bit of common sense with it.
The only problem with immigration is when it involves the mass importation of low grade low IQ muslims who’s first [and only] loyality is to their peadophile mohammad and his unholy quran. And in a collective bout of madness are supported by the BBC, Al-Guardian along with the rest of the MSM, leftards, arse kissing politicians, our joke of a police force, the so-called intelligencia, luvvies and the rest of the useful idiots.
When was the last time you saw Sikhs, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Chinese, Russians etc etc carrying out the attacks we have seen from muslims over the last few weeks in the UK……….None
Christianophobia is so normal a part of life in the UK that it is no longer even noticed.
Not for me to judge, but Farron seemed to be looking for an excuse.
He`s a fey fop who`s not lost his job for baking a cake, wearing a cross or spouting his faith online or in public.
Lots of Christians HAVE, and had no help whatsoever from the likes of May or Farron.
The European Union has made THEIR Ten Commandments, and Jesus is just the Prius air freshener until the Christmas tree one comes out of the loft.
Farron had NO comeback to vermin like Newman, which breaks a fundamental tenet of the faith…always be prepared to have reason for your views, Farron had none.
Weak, weak indeed.
If you`re quailing at a Cathy Newmnan or a David Walliams FFS-what chance have you got when Tariq Ali, Tariq Ramadan come into your studios then?
Farron is a Christian, Saddam and Morsi are and were Muslim,
Which best represents the political will of his nation?
A number of very good points made in your Comment. You observe:
I have several times made a similar point. After some of the recent terrorist atrocities one saw hashtags, marches with posters or even T shirts with slogans Je Suis…, eg., Je Suis Charlie.
But after the many massacres of Coptic Christians, one never saw hashtags or posters expressing sympathy with and/or standing shoulder to shoulder together with Coptic Christians.
Christianity is undoubtedly a dirty word among the gilded out of touch liberal elitists, and the MSM.
I have real difficulty understanding the motivation of the main stream media in its approach to the Moslem religion. Even if it is amixture of a belief in multiculturalism and the need for ‘community’ cohesion I do not understand its treatment – particularly if you examine the sins of members of Christian religions- taking advantage of children , that kind of thing -which turns up high in the headlines whilst the actions and words on muslims and their leaders are minimised and excused as exceptional however anti west those words can be as well as the mass murders which arise from them.
Msm also seems to want to rubbish our judeochristian history too. I heard last week that an MP took the oath in Urdu. Was that a joke ? Are we saying that it is officially allowed not even to speak English in that useless Parliament now?
I really just don’t understand it.
Oh yes – happy day of rage everyone – brought to you by The Labour Party.
Fedup – With regard to the MSM I think you have to remember that the majority of those with “meedya” type degrees are generally all “nice” middle class types (who probably have a bit of guilt about their affluence – but not enough to give it all away) Hence they are easily manipulated into taking the “progressive” line on all things and expect us to “give it all away” instead, so that they all feel better about themselves.
I t is also worth remembering that for the last couple of decades the universities have pretty much all been quite left wing in their teachings and this will produce many graduates who are naturally left leaning.
As traditionally those of us calling for a bit more caution on “open door” migration are considered ” right wing” We are considered part of the problem and as most of them all believe in the eventual sunny socialist highlands. It is natural for them to form temporary alliances with the pro migration/Islam lobby . In their minds eventually we will all end up at the same huggy/ touchy/ feelly destination and besides when you make an omelette a few eggs (or is that heads) always need to be broken.
Because their lives are separate from the rest of us – They will be the last ones to be touched by the negative effects caused by this turmoil. They think they are our natural leaders but they will only tolerated as dhimmis because they are useful in the short term – nothing more.
As Trotsky said “War is the great locomotive of history” and I am seriously afraid that these bastards are allowing our society to be sleepwalked into it. As conventional Islam (not including the Armadis) does not seem to possess tolerance for any other belief.
Thanks oaknash.
The only thing I can think of which might change their mindset is an attack so terrible that candles, flowers, celebs and songs are meaningless. Murdering white children at Manchester obviously had this intent but I fear it will be far far worse.
Oaknash: As Trotsky said “War is the great locomotive of history”
I believe only war will lead to Separation from Islam, and saving us from a fate worse then death. War is a natural way for opposing sides to separate.
Terrorism attacks random human targets, while a hate crime attacks people of only one kind. So there is a difference between random and targeted terrorism. The anti-Muslim driver who rammed the people outside the Mosque, killing one person, was motivated by hatred of Muslims. The Palestinian who stabbed the policewoman to death in Jerusalem last week hated all Jews. But, the IS killers who sprayed Parisians with gunfire or bombed the concert in Manchester were driven by hatred of all infidels, and might even have killed many Muslims. Nevertheless,. all such terrorist killing, whatever the basis of the hatred, is wrong. There can be no civilized excuse for such killings!
This does not mean that targeted killings of active or potential terrorists is not justified as a counter-measure. Nor that we should accept the kind of religious excuses given by Muslims for the murder of infidels because they don’t accept Islam. If there is a national-religious ethic justifying the slaughter of people, that belief system must be stopped and changed (just like Nazism or Communism). So the teaching in mosques and schools around the world that jihad is justified against infidels is wrong and only fuels terrorism. Similarly the teaching of hatred of Jews by the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas school system is wrong and must be stopped. Such western-financed incitement must be curtailed!
I agree that there are arguments that the recent attack on Finsbury Park Mosque was not an act of terrorism, but rather a hate crime, or a simple reprisal/revenge attack.
You state:
Presently the facts are not entirely clear and the full facts have yet to emerge, but as I understand the facts presently detailed, the van driver did not kill anyone. The man that died had a serious heart condition and had collapsed onto the ground, before the van drove into the crowd. It appears that the man died of his heart condition, and may well have been dead even before the van drove into the crowd.
I suspect that the van driver will not be charged with killing anyone, nor death by dangerous driving. I suspect that he will be charged with acts of terrorism, although he ought to be charged simply with some form of aggravated hate crime. For once, it does appear that the man really did have mental issues if the many stories in the Daily Mail are grounded in fact.
Man Tasered by police at London Central Mosque
To help decode the BBC article it refers to a “man” “waving a shoe horn” and the police “are not treating it as a terror incident”. The article ends mentioning Darren Osborne held on terror offenses for a previous Mosque attack.
So this means it is a Muslim man having a bit of an argument with another Muslim and grabbed a shoehorn from the area where they take their shoes off.
Would be nice if the BBC just said the facts instead of trying to wrap it up in some cotton wool.
Everyone who uses the term ‘Islamophobia’ should be immediately derided as an imbecile. It’s a shame that such a piece of drivel as the BBC’s ‘What is Islamophobia?’ story above does not permit comments (of course), but we can use social media and other resources to deride the whole concocted fallacy. We should never pass by the opportunity.
The BBC should as least call it “so called Islamophobia”.
What do you mean by ‘Islamophobia’ so I understand it clearly? Can you give me three examples so I can apply it to real life? Can you see a case where the word ‘Islamophobia’ can cause unintended consequences, thus causing problems for Islam rather than helping Islam?
If you can answer the above then we can make sure that we are of the same understanding before an argument starts.
Or … we can just keep throwing this word around and hope it solves all the problems in the world.
Our choice, at the moment we have a choice.
I’m sure we can all wholeheartedly get behind the campaign to stamp out “islamophobia” as a word.
“You are involved in this fight (Islam; censorship; poverty; law and order; corruption, special privilege; totalitarian control; disease; stable society, ignoring the truth; corrupting language), don’t pretend you are not.” – Christopher Hitchens
“There is no over there and over here. For one thing, it’s over here … ” @36m58s
“Try and run a society out of a Holy Book, and I will tell you what will happen. It’s been tried. All the children’s teeth will fall out (think of the children!). … why is there hardly a blade of grass growing between Kandahar, and Kabul ?” @35m50s
Christopher Hitchens – AAI [2007]
I suggest you watch the whole thing twice at least, and think if it is relevant now.
(Added to a previous post, but thought it was relevant here as well)
This is a great read lads and ladies, I think there will come a point where the leftie fuckwits at el beeb will have to make a choice between their ultimate victims, and their second best victims.
See those street kids, the gangs, their going to feel Mo’s influence on them worse than those above, their 2nd generation British kids.
Sure they are stabbing each other stupid in turf wars, but soon enough it wont be other gangs that are encroaching.
They have the stomach to defend what they have, they are black, they are number one victim, the bbc will have its balls in vice when they start touching mosques.
From today’s ‘Jihad Watch’ an interesting comment:
“Jayell says
June 21, 2017 at 1:47 am
Nick Griffin (former BNP leader) noted that the kind of suppression involved in being forced to accommodate an invasion of an incompatible demographic without being allowed to give play to the normal collective defence mechanism results in a form of mental illness that could manifest as collective or individual depression or paranoia similar to the psychological consequences of being trapped in an abusive relationship. This is the situation that a lot (probably most) [of] indigenous UK citizens find themselves in and would explain why the Finsbury Park event could be viewed as not only a long overdue retaliation against an abusive invader but also a manifestation of a disorder induced by the invader. Clearly the limits of tolerance have been well and truly passed and any attempt to either enact further suppression, glibly smooth over this symptom or (worse still) justify or promote the demographic element responsible for inducing this situation, can now only inflame matters further. It would appear that we now have an active dynamic for serious social unrest and no amount of official manipulation is going to stop or divert the forces that have now come into play. The blame clearly lies with those who promoted an unsustainable situation that has no logical justification and the only realistic remedy is the removal of the incompatible demographic element that is causing this serious dysfunction.”
Today we have the state opening of Parliament, security will have to be stronger than usual, why do you think, who is the danger?
Could it be right wing groups?
No of course not, the threat will come from Muslims, and their sycophants the far left groups such as the Labour party.
Is it ‘Islamophobia’ to wonder why when I visited Nottingham University it had two Muslim prayer rooms, segregated by sex – one for Males and one for Females. I would love to have a recording of the meeting that went on with the Room Allocation Committee, a Local Imam and the Equality and Diversity Team.
Something like this maybe? ….
“Of course we must all be treated equal, male, female, ETC+ and embrace diversity.” – Equality and Diversity Team
“I agree! But Islam demands that we Muslims do not pray in the same room as others, and that women are segregated. ” – Local Imam
“Excellent, in the name of equality and diversity we will create three spaces – a faith room for the non-Muslims and a Male Prayer room for the Male Muslims and a Female Pray room for the Female Muslims.” – Room Allocation Committee
“Agreed!” – they all chip in.
“Trudeau hails “sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque”
Or to put it another way….these are the conversations we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us.
@10:34 “To site the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)”
– Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
“..she’s (Jack Monroe) not going to get penis put on her. And she’s not going to have her breasts reduced…we’ve just got to start calling here a non-sexual pronoun … We’ll all be discussing wether someone who hasn’t got a penis can be a man … when the Islamists come in with kalashnikovs… it’s a break down in our society.”
Islamoscepticism, anyone?
I have suffered, for years, with HomoNausea.
I do not have an irrational fear of homosexuals, I have an inbuilt disgust and loathing of their activities, about which I can do nothing, and for which I suffer permanent discrimination.
But homosexuals are not a major problem. However . . .
I have also suffered, for years, with EuroNausea.
I do not have an irrational fear of the EU, its overpaid trough dwellers, its supporters, its activists.
I have inbuilt aversion to all leftie organisations, highly rational, because their beliefs are nonsense, founded on bollox, driven by hatred and they have over 100,000,000 deaths on their charge sheet.
I have also suffered, for decades, with IslamoNausea (worked with them many years ago).
I do not have an irrational fear of Islam, its crackpot leaders, or its gullible devotees.
I have inbuilt aversion to all Muslim organisations, highly rational, because their beliefs are nonsense, founded on bollox, driven by hatred and they have over 300, 000, 000 deaths on their charge sheet.
Judged by normal Western standards, and by most Eastern (Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Confucian) standards, the Commies and Muzzies are the most evil organisations on record. They also have a record of mendacity at least as long as their mass murder records.
In the West, and in the East, our joint task is to eliminate this great duality of evil.
Despite the efforts of the BBC and its treasonous imitators the reality of the source of evil is apparent.
So we must assume the role of vetinarians, long term we must eliminate the viruses in smallpox fashion, extinction is
required. Short term render harmless, all the incurable rabid dogs, the Typhoid Mary’s of our time, who disseminate the poisons with which they are infected.
There will never be any requirement to spend time praising ourselves for taking on this essential task. Or to apologise for any collateral damage, which is unavoidable when carrying out global health improvement schemes.
Great video. I love what the Poles are doing. Although Poland is a poor country at the moment, I think they may be making a decision that doesn’t just ensure their cultural survival but bodes well for their future economic prosperity as well. When the other European countries like Britain become majority Muslim, it won’t be just precious things like free speech, democratic government, women’s rights, the rule of law, etc. that will disappear. It will be the whole atmosphere in which an entrepreneurial spirit can be unleashed and business acumen and technological innovation can flourish. We will be living in a theocracy in which corruption is rife and creativity is stifled. Entrepreneurs will have to flee the country. The quality of the workforce will have deteriorated too. They will just be a rabble of superstitious, uneducated, unemployable parasites who will only be able to communicate with one another in pidgin English. Our industries will collapse and our beautiful English villages will become shanty towns inhabited by Third World savages too lazy and stupid and feckless to even dispose of their rubbish properly.
But Poland! Poland will still have a white Christian population which understands the importance of education, self-discipline and hard work. Their economy will boom. The rest of Europe will have to turn to the Poles for the goods and services that will not be available elsewhere. So my prediction is that the future is Polish.
Just to stick my oar in, there is a great misunderstanding about Islam as David Goodhart points out “The gulf between conservative Islam and secular liberal Britain “.
conservative Islam is the Saudi / Qatari version which was promoted by Tony BLiar and his evil triumvirate, and didn’t he get rich doing it!
These fanatics bring over the preachers which are sometimes called ‘hate’ preachers. They encourage Sharia courts and the covering of women’s faces. They prevent other Muslims becoming more moderate, and anyone who dares speak against them are killed. Every single atrocity carried out in the name of Islam has been carried out by a member of this sect.
In many Muslim countries this interpretation of Islam is banned outright, and they cannot understand why we in Europe are allowing it.
Our government could outlaw it too, but they chose not to, presumably because they want to enrich themselves in the same way.
This is the explanation which seems so hard for so many people to see, especially those in power who only talk to each other and their civil servants.
I have to interject here, Christianity is based as much on the Old Testament as the New. Parts of the New Testament can’t be interpreted without the reflection of the old. They really are an integrated whole.
Jesus said “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them.” Matthew 5:17
As for violence I trust people have noticed that Jews don’t practice stoning as a punishment today.
Believe me The God of the Bible is the same in both old & new testaments.
The Old Testament God is not an irrational Tyrant like Allah.
“Come now let us reason together” He says Isaiah 1:18
He first told of his salvation plan for mankind early on in The Book of Genesis. What we call the New Testament is not a different, more gentle god than the one represented in the OT. It is the same God operating under different circumstances. If anyone thinks Jesus will be meek & humble forever (The Lamb)
Please read the last book of the “new testament” The Revelation of Jesus Christ. And meet The Lion.
The Mission of Messiah (redemption of the earth) is fulfilled in two parts.
I think I can argue that most men apart from dysfunctional libtards, will be loving & gentle with their families & in their intimate relationships. There will be times for fun, relaxation & recreation. But the very same men (incl gay men) might respond in a violent manner if their loved ones or livelihoods are threatened. Violence in proportion & at the right time is not an evil in itself. There is a s time for everything. This is a Biblical principle.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” Ecclesiastes 3
The Biblical God likes to be praised with song & dance. He asks for it.
We have in the Old Testament poems & songs of Joy. God likes singing & dancing & music played by humans on drums, cymbals & stringed instruments. (I can’t find any expressed joy in the Koran)
The God of the O T is full of compassion & comfort.
“As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live.” Ezekiel 33:11
I ask people to remember there is a difference between historical narrative & ongoing imperative
Stories of Jewish wars with surrounding nations and tribes are not directives for Jews to kill gentiles forevermore. The Koran contains over 100 verses that call Muslims to war with non-Muslims continually, for the sake of establishing Islamic rule. For example “And KILL them [unbelievers] where ever you find them.” Chapter (2) sūrat l-baqarah (The Cow) Is a direction for all time.
It’s a war, & there is violence.
For 2000 years It’s mostly been a spiritual war although we should be ready to fight for what’s right.
The most important point I would make to my agnostic and/or atheist friends is that Christians & Jews generally believe God will bring judgement supernaturally by his own hand.
While we don’t think it will be pretty, we have no imperative to make anything happen to usher in the end of the world. God will do it himself at a time only he knows.
Christians will likely annoy you with the Gospel message. It’s what Jesus asked us to do.
Whether you want to accept it as truth or not is up to you.
We don’t have a prime directive to physically force it on you. We think God can deal with you.
Jews don’t really proselytise so you shouldn’t have any worries there.
The Koranic imperative is for Muslims to physically take the world for Allah OR ELSE.
(Allah seems to be so great he can’t manage world takeover on his own.)
For residents of liberal western countries, islamophobia is a totally justified reaction to the invasion of their countries by a huge chunk of the Middle East and Muslim Africa. These regions have no tradition of democracy, peace, or the rule of any kind of law compatible with our own. If Western politicians had been more islamophobic, the invasion would never have happened and we would not be in the mess we are in now.
I’m not aware of any other major religion that hosts violence, advocates intolerance and practices insidious take-over as does Islam. That’s why there are no other phobias attached to religions.
In particular , you could argue that Christianity has precious little to do with the often unpalatable Old Testament, or with Jesus, at least in his historical form . It was founded by St Paul not Jesus. St Paul’s method was peaceful proselytism , taking advantage of the ease of travel and communication thanks to the Pax Romana. Mohammed’s methodology was the exact opposite and his warriors destroyed the hugely beneficial Eastern Roman Empire in the process.
Concern for the welfare of your country &people is not an irrational fear.
The recently invented word “islamophobia” does not apply. Self-preservation is not a phobia.
We must wrestle back language & definitions from the extreme leftists.
I call it relevant criticism of a system that does not fit with Western values.Just in terms of gender equality it falls down flat.Does this make me an Islamaphobe ?I don’t think so but in this brave new world who knows.
In the year 2017 you can now link “F**k!”, “Islamophobia”, “Arena”, “Anti-semitism” and “Green Eggs and Ham”.
“F**k” – self-censored word, knowing that it is quite nasty we have adopted to change it to ‘F**K!’, which everyone knows means ‘FUCK!’ but we can use it now not worrying about offending people. But to use the word outright is offensive. But adding stars means you know it’s offensive, but don’t want to offend.
“Islamophobia” – stops you talking about Islam and critiquing it. Do we need I***M?
“Arena” – Erdogan in Turkey wants to ban the word ‘Arena’ because it is un-Turkish and linked to the Christian Crusades (telegraph.co.uk 29May2017)
“Anti-semitism” – stops you talking about the Jewish Holocaust in any critical way.
“Green Eggs and Ham” – banned as part of censorship in China until 1991 (only 26 years ago), when the Author died, it’s a kids book.
** inspired by a post from Tom_Kenny Islamoscepticism, anyone?