Sarah Montague was gushing all over Billy Bragg as they talked excitedly about Corbyn appearing at Glastonbury in yet another of his down-with-the-kids PR stunts. Tory MPs were apparently choking on their full english as they listened in disgust to the BBC pro-Corbyn hype which they declared would, with one more little push, see Corbyn in No10 . Can’t say they are wrong as Corbyn gets a free ride on the BBC Corbyn-for-Prez bandwagon.
Montague was all fur coat and no knickers as she proved her willingness to let Corbyn go all the way declaring unashamedly that he was ‘recognised as a man who doesn’t change his mind’!!!!
And yet that’s the biggest lie of all. Corbyn campaigned in the election on a raft of lies, his whole life, principles and ideology ruthlessly dumped in some dark room until he gets the reins of power…the BBC not bothering to turn some light upon these past glories.
Corbyn dumped his love of terrorists, his opposition to shoot-to-kill and his Euroscepticism, the man who declared he was the ‘ethical politician’ bringing a new, kinder, more gentle, more honest politics to Westminster lied through his teeth continuously throughout the campaign…even is famous beige clothing was dumped for a new, ‘respectable’ dark suit and a red tie. He’s living a lie and the BBC don’t want to know.
May on the other hand was mocked remorselessly by the BBC for her ‘strong and stable’ sales pitch… however she is mocked for apparently not being ‘strong and stable’….thus proving she was in fact right to press those characteristics as necessary for government. Note also that before the election the BBC were telling us that the EU were not concerned about the election and that the outcome would make absolutely no difference…now apparently it is crucial to our negotiations and a ‘humbled’ May cannot possibly hold her own in those negotiations…also the BBC told us during the election that whilst May wanted it to be about Brexit other issues had taken over…such as terrorism and the economy as Corbyn mostly ignored Brexit and campaigned on ‘austerity’ and the NHS…and then police and security [lol]….but now the BBC is telling us it was all about Brexit and the election changed everything and we must now surrender to the Remainders and go for a soft stay in the EU.
The BBC just makes it up to suit as they go along hoping nobody will notice the complete change of narrative….as did Corbyn….and he got away with it.
As for austerity, Labour gets away with murder as it claims that austerity has destroyed the economy…and yet we know that there has hardly been any austerity…proven by the fact that Osborne’s plans have continuously been put back and the goal posts moved for the deficit target. Labour then criticises the government for not getting borrowing down quick enough…so Labour criticises for cutting spending too much and then criticises for overspending…and the BBC presenters make no comment. And Labour’s big plan? Massive borrowing and the highest taxes of any peacetime era ever.
Then we had the various police officers all suddenly appearing on the BBC complaining that the recent spike in terror attacks meant resources were being diverted from other areas of policing…and the BBC is shocked. Not so shocked when hundreds of police were diverted into checking up on child sex abuse claims against Tory politicians or when they were sent off to stitch up Sun journalists in the wake of the Leveson show trial.
The BBC is very selective in what it decides to see and not see.
Just a poll, and one unlikely the BBC will run with as they did not ‘commission’ (BBC ‘quotes’) it:
Does suggest that whoever the BBC speaks for, it is a small segment of the nation.
Not a very ‘diverse’ crowd at Glastonbury, is it? Shockingly white and middle class.
A big onanistic remoaner-fest, it would appear.
Brought to them entirely by the innovations of capitalism.
The ticket price for Glastonbury 2017 is £238 + £5 booking fee per ticket. Quite exclusive then; now what was it Corbyn keeps saying, “For the many not the few.”
The BBC deleted this tweet shortly after putting it on twitter.
Glastonbury is clearly now for the middle class, middle age and older, only rich yoof need apply. Its as counter cultural as Starbucks.
Jez in the tweet photo looks about as right on as Dylan from the Magic Roundabout – keep on rockin in a free world Jez – this one might come back and bite you.
The BBC is nothing more than a propaganda machine for labour. BBC sponsors Glastonbury , which has become an annual gathering for middle class young lefties, part of Corbyn’s fan club. Naturally Corbyn turns up for yet more adoring coverage from his taxpayer funded publicist.
Meanwhile Marr repeats labour lies . Some young thing called Ellie Mae tells us WTO rules are a disaster because tariffs would be 30-40 per cent. Marr says nothing to correct her. Fraser Nelson tries to put her right but isn’t given time. Ms Ellie also blames Grenfell on expenditure cuts . Another lie that I hope will be exposed when calm investigations are given time. Next some labour MP called Abrahams rails against Austerity. Another myth that the BBC promotes. Public expenditure has risen from 2010 to 2016. The problem is that the public sector is inefficient and directs resources wrongly. So we continue to borrow even when we have had a long period of economic growth .
I’m sick of hearing about the so-called austerity. As you correctly say there has been none, public expenditure rising every year – for example a bloated foreign aid budget funded by borrowing – thats more debt for our children and grand children to repay. However, a ballooning population caused by immigration means that the cake has to be cut up into smaller pieces, this of course the Beeb avoids mentioning at all costs.
Public spending is 0.2% lower than it was in 2007.
And that’s a fact you won’t hear on the Buggering up Britain Corporation.
“The problem is that the public sector is inefficient and directs resources wrongly. So we continue to borrow even when we have had a long period of economic growth .”
If you want a classic example of public sector inefficiency, waste, overmanning, bloatedness and financial incompetence, Then one has to look no further than that obsolete, irrelevant socialist dinosaur that is our beloved BBC, Yours for £147 a year. Meanwhile here in the real world the BBC would not last long {hopefully the BBC would recieve fatal injuries} if it was foced into the real world and the BBC was made to pay its way without its £4 billion a year subsidy by the BBC beening made to compete with the private sector/free enterprise on a level playing field without the BBC’s unfair £4 billion a year subsidy plus handouts from the EU.
“. . . the public sector is inefficient . . .”
Yes it is, always has been, but this is the best that can be said about it.
The public sector is the Police Federation, who sing from the Marxie hymn book, who conspire against Conservative governments.
The public sector is Rotherham/Rochdale/Insert as required Councils, who sing from the Izzie hymn book, look the other way while hundreds of thousands of while female children are gang raped, whose reaction to the exposure of these sickening crimes, is to shred all available evidence with an efficiency and celerity unparalleled elsewhere in Local “Government”.
The public sector is the MOD who leave Laptops and Tablet computers on every train in the land. Who spray discarded SD Cards like confetti in every gay bar in London. Who are never disciplined. Who order helicopters worth zillions whose rotors have never turned because the software required to make them turn was not acquired.
The public sector is every IT section in Government. Who salivate like Pavlovian dogs every time a new software system is commissioned. A system which will cost 10X the original estimate, will require 5X the original planned development period, will not work properly, or at all, and will be quietly shelved and brushed under the lumpiest carpets in recorded history.
The public sector is long term, mass maladministration in the NHS. Mass abuse, neglect, malnutrition, starvation of patients on a scale only matched by the efforts made to cover up these crimes. The public sector is £40,000,000,000 per annum (or whatever the actual figure is) earmarked in advance for legal costs and compensation for ANTICIPATED incompetence, in our “beloved” NHS.
The public sector is the BBC, whose treasons and other crimes need no further mention on BBBC.
The public sector is, you know what it is, there are failures everywhere, many deliberate failures.
The same people are negotiating Brexit. Negotiating! I have a spider in my bath who would get a better deal from the EU in the time it takes to run a bath in the NHS.
Twenty per cent of the poll tax is used on eye-watering pensions for the public sector too.
Gordon Brown, when he was failing as a Chancellor and also that rat Osborne a few years ago raided private pension pots arranged by independent-minded citizens to pay for town hall payoffs too.
I hope to live to about a hundred and fifty so I get back every penny I paid these oafs and clowns
If TM had anted to make almost every household in the UK better off by £150 all she had to do was amounted the end of the current BBC and a move to a subscription model.
And if you dont want or can manage without the BBC in your life then you are not forced to pay the BBC subscription just like if you dont want SKY, CNN etc then you dont subscribe to them, As it should be with the BBC.
If TM had wanted to make almost every household in the UK better off by £150 all she had to do was to announce the end of the current BBC and a move to a subscription model.
Just ordered myself one of those Corbyn clip on mask’s from ebay, it’s going on my punch bag in the garage.
I gush with comradely pride knowin ma bruv Billy Bragg is right by ma side. Innit.
When his helicopter can get him from his palatial, culturally homogenous idyll that is….
E’s ma eroh innit. Power to da peeple.
Billy Bragg, whose idea of patriotism is is a wonderfully multicultural Britain, lives as far away from it as he can – geographically and economically.
Corbyn campaigned in the election on a raft of lies, his whole life, principles and ideology ruthlessly dumped in some dark room until he gets the reins of power…the BBC not bothering to turn some light upon these past glories.
Corbyn dumped his love of terrorists, his opposition to shoot-to-kill and his Euroscepticism, the man who declared he was the ‘ethical politician’ bringing a new, kinder, more gentle, more honest politics to Westminster lied through his teeth continuously throughout the campaign…even is famous beige clothing was dumped for a new, ‘respectable’ dark suit and a red tie. He’s living a lie and the BBC don’t want to know.
Absolutely bloody well spot-on.
The problem is, if or when Corbyn gets to wreck the country, the electorate – especially younger generations brought up by a left-wing education system and the lies of the socialist BBC – will be as easily duped by the Momentum/BBC propaganda machine as they have been by Corbyn’s electoral lies and hollow bribes (ten quid an hour for 16 year-olds anybody?). The ruin will all be blamed on capitalism/Toreez/Fatcher/bankers/Brexit/Baby Boomers/Trump/climate change deniers and the rest, and the suckers will continue to vote him back in. That is, if he hasn’t already established his totalitarian Marxist state by then.
He won’t ever get in of course, he just thinks he will.
The thought of Zimbabwezuela-on Thames will eventually filter through, even to thick-headed kids at fake unis and crap ‘colleges’.
Suddenly, even these kids will notice that parents just won’t have the money any more, and houses will be sold. The surgical operations will be controlled by idiot union officials like when Callaghan was wrecking the country, and the crap will build up outside the houses in nasty areas of Islington and Camden. There’ll be no trains either and of course, they won’t be able to afford cars – maybe a bicycle…
Then the free money they were promised by Corbyn and Abbott won’t be there either, and a Clegg-like retraction to free stuff will make them all soooo cross, but it’ll be far too late!
Nothing like the probability of a good recession to wake people up to the fake communism portrayed by the likes of Corbyn, Abbott McDonnell and most of the other Labour flakes, who didn’t really get anything like the support they thought they just might at the GE!
And finally, who on earth gives a flying feck about Glastonbury anyway?
Hope you’re right, Scroblene, but it’s going to take another Thatcher to give the country the hard dose of truth and reality it needs. But even Thatcher had a realistic and (largely) commonsensical British public to reason with – demographics and attitudes now could not be more different.
I have an announcement…..
You can live without Albeeb . I am just completing a news free 3 days. No twitter no albeeb. The world does not end without it. Makes me even happier not to have their TV licence. I was thinking about giving up on this site but I do like to keep an eye.
Might even give up on politics all together . My MP went from a majority of 16000 to 3000 because the f wits in charge of the Tory party thought it would funny to keep saying strong and stable, trying to turn Mrs May into a cult figure and then fucking the elderly off coming up with yet another bad social care plan instead of ditching overseas aid. 13 billion taxpayers borrowed money to make politicians feel nice.
So my vote doesn’t count.
I turned on the news and found out more Muslims had been run over – this time by one of their own – a woman who may or may not have actually taken a driving test. They are a corrupt bunch who pay for someone else to take the test.
Don’t know if there are any dead Muslims but no doubt Jeremy and Teresa will be legging there, lighting candles and saying enough is enough again. And your minutes silence starts now.
Is it just me, or does anyone else find the Cult of St. Corbyn the Perverse, creepy?
Yes, like the cult of St. Jo the Martyr, of course it is nauseating, but does anyone else find it sinister?
I’m starting to think it’s: Reverend Moon, Thulsa Doom, Das Fuhrer, L. Ron Hubbard, Pol Pot, Red Guard, Hitler Youth… creepy.
Jeremy Corbyn showing his arrested development. The kids at Glastonbury are about his level. He’s becoming mentally ill the great narcissist. (If not already)
Food vendors at the Glastonbury festival have been in uproar today after Jeremy Corbyn fed the entire site using just five loaves of bread and two fish.
Percy Cheesewright told us,”I saw him coming out of a portaloo. We stood and chatted. I told him it was nice to see a man with proper convictions in politics and got a selfie with him. He was carrying a bag but I thought nothing of it. Then he gets up on stage, makes this big speech, looks to the Pyramid stage. He takes the five loaves, gives thanks and breaks the loaves. Then he gives them to the crowd. They all ate and were satisfied, and Michael Eavis picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over and walked off with them.”
It’s a disgrace. I’ve got 20,000 cheeseburgers here. What am I supposed to do with them?”
Food vendors weren’t the only ones annoyed at Corbyn. Drinks vendor Vodka Best said, “After he’d done the whole bread and fishes routine he gets Eavis to come over with some water. Then he gets Eavis to taste the water and Eavis says it’s wine. Not just any wine though. Chateau Lafite-Rothschild. Then everyone starts tasting their water and that’s wine too. Talk about champagne socialists. Nobody wants my warm Carlsberg now.”
Michael Eavis told us, “It’s great having Jeremy here. He’s the first frontline politician who’s got young people to engage with politics in years. Think I’ll keep him away from the field where we buried all those cows we had to kill during the foot and mouth outbreak of 2001. We wouldn’t want his Lazarus routine. A lot of our patrons are on drugs so zombie cows could be very distressing for them.”