If you don’t want to read the full post let me sum it up for you…..if you want to control immigration you are somehow morally deficient, lacking in compassion, honesty and intelligence and you are a racist. There should be no difference between economic migrants and asylum seekers and even confirmed terrorists should be allowed sanctuary here. Hislop’s whole argument is based upon his intepretation of the Victorian attitude towards immigration…
Britain was such a marvellous country that unfortunate people from countries that were not so marvellous (because they were run by foreigners) might well end up being forced to leave them.
Britain, as the moral as well as the political leader of the world, would therefore welcome these refugees in and trust them to contribute to their new home in a way that would make it even more marvellous.
The real world doesn’t seem to impinge upon Hislop’s utopian idealism at all. Just the usual smug, patronising elitist take on immigration the BBC has peddled, unsuccessfully, for years…not helped by the use of someone like Robert Windour, the author of Bloody Foreigners, who appeared as an anchor voice commenting on immigration…but again hardly the voice of the common man, as his superior smugness radiated from the screen.
Who are the real extremists, the racists, the immoral ideologues for whom rabid dogma and intolerant and prejudiced ideology trump common sense?
The BBC wants you to believe it is anyone who dares to raise the suggestion that immigration should be controlled, but in fact the real extremist and manufacturer of immigrant hysteria and racist propaganda is the BBC, the BBC that shouts down anyone who wants to control immigration as racists, immoral and stupid little Englanders, the BBC that demands an open door policy allowing in unlimited numbers without regard to their effect on society or indeed if they harbour extreme and violent intentions towards it. The BBC that pumps out endless pro-immigration propaganda that tries to portray mass immigration as a moral duty that to turn our back upon would reduce us to the level of Nazi barbarians.
Ian Hislop takes up the baton for the BBC as he is given licence to front a programme that is pure propaganda, sanctimonious drivel that has been produced by the BBC in order to influence the Brexit negotiations…highly politicised, partisan misinformation manufactured and shaped to alter your opinions about immigration and thus about the EU which the BBC hopes we will still remain a member of as it also works to undermine Brexit and the referendum vote. Hardly fulfilling its obligation to be impartial, accurate and honest.
Ian Hislop sinks ever further in my estimation as he sells himself cheap to produce this dishonest and extraordinarily one-sided rant in favour of immigration. The BBC’s use of Hislop shows they did not have any intention of a proper debate. Hislop is well known as being pro-immigration and pro-EU and so they knew he would produce a programme that would be ‘on-board’, and such was the case.
Hislop had two weapons…the first, the adoption of the moral high ground, an idealistic hubris that gathered around itself a righteous superiority that declared those who want to welcome all are moral and decent human beings whilst those who seek to slam shut the doors are morally deficient and inhumane racists. Look at how he talks to the ‘controversial’ Katie Hopkins [about 38 mins in] as he snears and grimaces as if there is bad smell and refuses to accept her language or the truth behind the language she uses that is an all too honest portrayal of the immigrant situation in some cases…..’cockroaches’, ‘feral’ and ‘festering sores’…they all sound prima facia tasteless and improper and yet in context they are not…Hislop wants Hopkins to wrap her allegedly unwelcome ideas in more pleasant, ‘acceptable’ language that doesn’t offend…or tell the truth. Classic BBC. The same BBC however that is prepared to label you a racist, a Nazi, an ignorant, bigoted little englander and who said Tommy Robinson was ‘polluting’ the public’s mind and that the ‘Christian’ DUP were ‘backward and unpleasant’ due to their religiously based views… apparently strong and ‘offensive’ language can be used depending upon who is saying it and who the target is.
His second weapon is of course the usual BBC one of omission, omission of uncomfortable facts about immigration such as crimes, terrorism, the negative effects upon schools, the NHS, housing, traffic congestion, and cultural take-over and suppression. Hislop only really told us of the supposed benefits of immigration missing out the huge amount of evidence that mass immigration and the inevitable lack of integration leads to separation, alienation and eventually conflict….welcome to now. He concentrated on a comparison from the past which he thought a golden age of immigration and upstanding moral behaviour…claiming that Victorian England would have welcomed in anyone in any numbers and if we lose this welcoming attitude towards immigrants we sink into some immoral cesspit. Naturally that is nonsense, we have always defended ourselves against invasion and defended our sovereignty and culture…the Victorians would not have allowed millions of highly alien immigrants to flood in who had no intention of integrating and whose own ideology set them against the host nation. Any sign of an intent to convert Britain to their ideology by subterfuge and force would have been met in return with massive force and crushed…and the guilty parties expelled.
Hislop’s take on immigration is just the usual simplistic, patronising, moralising, extremist open-door immigration puff that we come to expect from the BBC.
He ends with a somewhat pompous and smug moral lecture that said that what we need is facts [lol], less Press hysteria, less political bandwagons, less racism, less dishonesty…more compassion, more idealism, more common sense, a more open mind…and of course…a more open door immigration policy.
It is quite clear this was not an honest debate about immigration, it was itself a vehicle for hysteria, of those who panic at the first sign their East European nannies and plumbers may get more expensive, it was a racist tract that denounced anyone who opposed mass immigration as racist….the BBC always defaults to the idea that it is white little englanders who oppose it and do so because of skin colour [those black Muslim Poles….so many of them flood in here!] As for common sense, that was distinctly lacking.
Baroness Warsi of course finds her way into a BBC programme…in this case being held to account for her election leaflets that said we must control immigration, she naturally defends her position and then says however it is the racist arguments of the BNP and UKIP that we must not condone or pander to and that we mustn’t try to portray immigrants as ‘the other’ who don’t belong here….and at the beginning of the programme we get this clip of her….
Baroness Warsi: “How long before migrants stop having to take the loyalty test?”
Well in her case I’d say never…the woman whose loyalty is clearly for Muslim extremists first having resigned her government job in a show of support for the terrorists of Hamas whilst demanding Israel be disarmed and Hamas armed. The woman who is essentially a mouthpiece for the radicals in the UK, a woman who does all she can to thwart and undermine the government anti-terror programme, a woman who demands those radicals be included in talks about how Islam should be dealt with in society and seen as part of the solution…and terrifyingly she has been asked to join a government commission on countering extremism…be afraid.
Might suggest it is some immigrants who themselves decide to live completely separate lives and want nothing to do with ‘the other’ mainstream population.
Note..the foreign born population of the UK was relatively minute for centuries until after WWII….
Hislop must really suffer as a result of mass immigration.
Look at the slum-like conditions he’s forced to live in due to wage compression –
If you look on the Internet you find intelligent people. It is not that there is an absence of talent, it is that this talent (contrary to the Hew Wheldon conception of the BBC as a facilitator) is excluded by the BBC. The BBC is pernicious not because it abuses its power, nor because its worldview is intellectually bankrupt, although it is both these as well, it is pernicious because it is completely intolerant. If you watched the BBC you would be barely aware that people articulating alternatives to say Multiculturalism exist, and if you are made aware of them this would only be because the BBC promotes those who rage against them even, if the actual views of those critics are rarely if ever articulated.
This rottenness is not confined to the BBC. I thought it would be a good idea to study philosophy at university. I walked into the philosophy department and noticed that one of the lecturers had posted a piece from Private Eyes attacking Roger Scruton (or Scrotum as he was hilariously designated) on his door for all to read. Now you may disagree with Roger Scruton, but the idea that a university was a place where you could freely discuss ideas was at that moment instantly corrected.
The significance of people giving people a choice if they want to pay £30,000 to be taught by the sort of professors who think that the young man who died as a result of being imprisoned in North Korea “got what he deserved” is that they might decide that they have better things to spend their money on. The same applies to the BBC. If people were given a choice, instead of funding the BBC they might spend their money elsewhere. Indeed they may see intellectual plurality as a virtue.
The BBC (and the British establishment generally) is as greedy, corrupt, and intolerant, as the late medieval church. Its priests earn their living off the backs of the poor, and not satisfied with telling them what to think, they also seek to persecute any critics who draw attention to their hypocrisies. Adhere to its pieties, and after a small fee, it will give you its blessing.
No tv taxation without representation.
Al Beeb does not represent me so I don’t pay its tv tax.
I do not subscribe to the need for uncontrolled immigration . This , in the albeeb Corbin version of the world ,makes me right wing and lacking in compassion. Corbin and the albbc unltimately wants an international socialist state. – and in the case of corbyn probably without any Jews.
I want a country that looks after its own. No overseas aid from the state. EU citizen residence on agreed conditions. Deportation of foreign law breakers as a positive presumption.
So don’t pay the to tax and limit exposure to albeeb s multicultural poison.
As for Hislop, he is damned and should know far better- but if he chooses to sell his soul to albeeb may he get what he deserves.
Hislop has form at towing the establishment line. About 5 years ago, when the Mail started to discuss Leveson and the influence of Common Purpose, (about time!) he made light of the situation on HIGNFU, effectively killing off further examination:
Ian Hislop: The Daily Mail decided, for reasons I think entirely known to them, to spend about 12 pages of their morning paper explaining this sinister group called Common Purpose, who train people in the public sector. And they managed to prove that nearly everybody who’s ever had a job was trained by Common Purpose. It was just cobblers.
Marcus Brigstocke: What in the Mail?
IH: Yeah
Rachel Johnson (sister of Boris): I’m gonna go and work for the Mail so you may say that but I couldn’t possibly comment.
MB: Don’t work for the Mail.
RJ: Shhh. Let’s not go there.
MB: No it’s awful.
Excellent analysis of BBC intolerance, Wild!
It’s what the BBC omits that’s the problem as much as anything.
Always remember the (very un-Reithian) trilogy of BBC bias:
(1) Omission: leaving out, as far as possible anyway, facts and arguments not fitting the Left/BBC narrative.
(2) Distortion (or Misdirection): if #1 is not possible, emphasize any aspects of the story echoing this narrative.
(3) Falsification: If #1 & #2 fail, put out a false story, which can be retracted quietly once the damage is done.
Ian Hislop is a BBC whore, bought and paid for. It is amazing what a seven figure retainer can do to a “satirist” isn’t it? I wonder what Peter Cook thought of the ponce? He was never a man to mince his words when faced with blatant hypocrisy.
Or perhaps Hislopcrisy?
I remember that Peter Cook bitterly opposed Hislop as Richard Ingram’s replacement, but Ingrams insisted.
Either Hislop is an gullible idiot who believes mass immigration is a good thing , or he is a hypocrite of the first order. Either way he and those like him are going to be responsible for a disaster the likes of which we have not seen since World War Two.
‘Either Hislop is an gullible idiot who believes mass immigration is a good thing , or he is a hypocrite of the first order’
Definitely the latter.
Gullibillity denotes a sense of naive innocence. He is an immoral, opportunistic hypocrite.
Hislop truly is a smug and patronising little SH1T of the highest order. In fact he has become a personification all of the things he used to give the impression he stood against. He has changed from being mildly amusing in the early days of HIGNFY to leaving me with a feeling (whenever I listen to him) that I need to wipe my shoe on the nearest piece of grass in case I have trodden in something distinctly unwholesome.
I heard in the week on Toady this programme being discussed and the little twerp was trying to suggest that there was little difference between the low level of Victorian immigration to the eye watering figures we get today. Its the old BBC trick that we are all immigrants (which is true in low volumes) But the disingenuous bastards always seem to forget the fact that if you import huge numbers of people of a similar religion they have no need to assimilate. And particularly true if they subscribe to a religion which is innately hostile to all others.
This sneering little twerp will tell us nothing new just the old BBC “keep calm and carry on” Whilst the ship slips sedately underneath the waves. I am sure the likes of him and his Hampstead friends with their stellar salaries will have little to worry about – just a pity that we do.
Looking forward to BBC publishing the salaries paid to these “talent” who lecture us poor souls. People like Hislop will shown as the bought and paid for hypocrits they really are.
I know they will hope to wiggle out of this. When will it happen?
A Continent in Existential Crisis
The Mark Steyn Show
June 23, 2017
Mr Hislop, have you heard of the word patriotism? Or is that just an outdated concept that we ignorant plebs cling to, in your flawed mind?
It may perhaps come as a surprise to you that the majority of the indigenous population of my country England, are patriots and we object to the likes of you and the collective hive of which you are clearly part, destroying our country with your socialist experiments. Personally, I think you and your collectivist cohorts should leave and find a country more conducive to your beliefs and desires because they are not wanted here.
Patriotism to the beeboids is a grubby concept, akin to waycism and xenophobia. It is not required or wanted. Until of course the establishment needs some mugs to go and charge against the machine guns of those who may encroach on their easy lives.
I watched and loved HIGNFY from the start and watched it for a long time, but just before the EU referendum I realised how appalling and biased it had become, it was an anti- Farage fest every time, so haven;t watched it since.
The viewing figures MUST have gone down, I am not alone?
How did it take you so long? I fled several years ago.
It went down hill when the slimeball Merton forced out Angus Deyton.
Since then it has decended into the shite that it is today.
I read that book Bloody Foreigners a few years ago and it’s not convincing unless you start from the open borders/ control is racist/they’re all nice point of view .
I recollect the author slams people who complain about crime that is perpetuated by some immigrants , such as primping , claiming that these criminals couldn’t make they way in the world here without those who use their “services” .
So the millions of innocent people here are condemned as connivers in a sex trade because a few take up the services .
While I read the book I thought the author was BBC material .
Must See:Nigel Farage & Mark Steyn’s Comments To The Weak Submissive UK Reply To The Latest Carnage
Anything that Al-Beeb engross themselves in these days, is just blatant left wing hypocrisy…let’s be honest, it just is….They’re a menace to our nation and need to be dismantled with immediate effect.
Thank you for the posting of Fox. I ve never seen it and am glad there is somewhere which reflects my views. It was talking About Manchester. Al Beeb has moved on. It never happened . Nothing done. They’ve blown out the candles and thrown away the flowers. The injured and grieving are still injured and grieving though. And the dead are still dead RIP
I wonder why Fox cannot broadcast in the UK?
Fed up agree , just like poor Lee Rigby , London Bridge etc etc . One thing we can certain of though is that the BBC will not allow anyone to forget Jo Cox and the Finsbury Park Mosque. Oh no , they will join Stephen Lawrence in Pantheon of martyrs of racism in Britain.
Two points about Victorian England: 1. Easyjet etc. weren’t around in the era of Gladstone and Disraeli. Travel to Britain would have been ruinously expensive – especially from Pakistan and Somalia; 2. We didn’t have a welfare state or NHS to attract needy foreigners. Any migrant or refugee would have had to be self-supporting, either through skills or affluence (or charitable sponsorship).
Therefore numbers able and willing to move to Britain would have been very limited, and probably confined largely to skilled Europeans. So politicians would have seen little reason to worry about immigration.
As for Hislop, I used to watch HIGNFY about fifteen years ago, but even then the team came across as smug. I remember commenting to my father: ‘They’re funny – but not as funny as they think they are.’ He agreed with me.
If you want to hear REAL Victorian opinions of foreigners and the joys of ‘multi-culturalism’ read real life accounts of the Indian Mutiny (sorry, now called the ‘First Indian War of Independence’ apparently) and the aftermath, not a lot of foreigner loving going on there. Or, if you prefer you could read about the Zulu Wars, the settlement of BEA (which became Kenya after 1920), the treatment of the Aborigines (sorry ‘First Peoples’… even though that is what ‘Aborigine’ means) in Australia.
Not saying all colonialism was bad for the ‘natives’, it clearly wasn’t, but it wasn’t all good either, and it’s one thing to say that European Jews, French, Italians etc… were welcomed to this country in the late 19th Century in significant enough numbers to be noticed (in London anyway), but they were hardly ‘multi-cultural’ in the modern sense, were they? Seeing as they shared a largely common European: culture, diet, traditions, dress, and appearance.
Hislop is talking shite, don’t know what happened to the man, he used to have some degree of sense, but (as others have pointed out) a six figure salary from the Beeb seems to have turned him into a snivelling, shifty eyed, little sycophant.
Ok so the luvvies have had their say, now in the interest of providing a balanced service the BBC should recognise that alternative views regarding immigration are available and commission a programme to inform the licence paying public about those views, Sir Andrew Green to host maybe. About as much chance as a Panorama special fully exposing the BBCs grubby relationship with Capita and how it’s bully boys and girls help fill the BBC coffers to line the pockets of Hislop and his like. I have no doubt that the BBC appeals to some, I just wonder how many of those on board with it’s propaganda would pay a voluntary subscription for it, or indeed how many of them actually pay the licence fee now.
Alternatives are available,
Ramadan Death count 2017.
Happy Eid. Next year the RoP should break its 2017 record no doubt.
There are many people in the media like Hislop who are verbally skilled and have a talent for humour – but they have a complete lack of reasoning skills. His thinking is so superficial on this as on so many other topics. Welcoming strangers is a virtue – but there is always a vice hidden inside every virtue. When no limit is put on the numbers, the virtue becomes, from a civilisational point of view, a suicidal vice. What Hislop can’t see is that our culture (which is, presumably, the culture he loves and values) will not be perpetuated by the millions of Muslim immigrants coming here from the Middle East and Africa. Our culture can only be maintained by our physical heirs, not by aliens. Our culture will die and Hislop will have played his part in bringing about its destruction.
We do seem to be suffering a collective, (should that be collectivist?), madness in the West. Earlier this evening I watched a video of a discussion involving Jordan Peterson and some female Canadian ‘economist’. She claimed that Canada needed immigration because the population was aging.
Now that might make some sort of sense if they imported orphaned kids, at least they could be brought up as Canadians, but in reality they are importing adults who will no doubt then make a case for importing their aged parents!
The simple answer of course is to make more babies, but that is verboten. Women must have careers, preferably shouldn’t get married and, if they are unfortunate to get pregnant, abort. The Toynbee doctrine.
What is even more crazy is that the ‘much needed’ immigrants are invariably socially conservative, they believe in families, breeding and religion. In the short term they can no doubt be persuaded to vote socialist but once they have got the hang of the system Corbyn and his mates will swinging from the lamp posts and we will be into full-on God-dominated, male controlled, women-in-the-kitchen mode. Well done Polly – you will be.
The fact that we even are discussing such a topic tells me that we are dead already.
So. The solution I have is to implement full Sharia right now, while we still have the chance to reverse it, and remove this existential threat.
Well actually Jim Toynbee is a Liberal and woman that would benefit from an enforced full face uniform.