I very nearly presented the following piece on Biased BBC on or about 30 June 2016. Apparently, it still wants to escape from its digital drawer. Should I let it go? Oh, too late.
I think we are now engaged in a Biblical of Epic proportions.
Yes, you did read that right. I deliberately switched Epic and Biblical. I posted the following in a response to a post by Cranmer on a Thread here as long ago as 24 June (2016). Well they do say a week in politics is a long time.
“There will be many temptations offered and excuses made to ‘return to Egypt’.”
As I have thought about this over the last thirty-six hours or more, I think the present situation of the United Kingdom is all there, in the Bible, in the Book of Exodus.
We voted to Leave last Thursday. On Friday the moaning and the complaining started. By Saturday some were really getting things underway to agitate for a return to the EU.
The Children of Israel had seen God work mightily in their situation as slaves in Egypt. At last, with the Passover complete, their moment of liberation had come. They were heading out of Egypt, into the desert. Getting through the desert was not going to be easy. Suddenly, things had changed in Egypt, too. Pharaoh wanted the Israelites back. He set out after them with an army.
With desert all around, a sea in front of them and the sound of Pharoah’s chariots & horses in their ears, some of the Children of Israel found it all too much. “Why have you brought us to die out here, Moses? We want to go back, it was much better being slaves in Egypt than being free.”
Every time difficulties or obstacles or troubles arose, that last call became a reoccurring, wailing refrain in the ears of the leaders of the Children of Israel for the next forty years: ” Waaa-ah! I wanna go back to Egypt!”
You can read for yourselves all about it from Exodus chapter 9 through to Joshua chapter 11 in the Bible.
It may not take forty years to untangle the UK from the EU but there may still be hardships and deliverances – and miraculous provisions – along the way. There is much to be learnt from those 43 chapters of the Bible, many of them very hard lessons with much hardship and heartache along the way. If you are tempted to skip to the end, (Spoiler Alert!) yes, it all turned out well.
James Taylor sang: “I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain. I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end. I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, but I always thought that I’d see you again.”
We in the UK will need to look to our Pillar of Fire and Pillar of Cloud to lead us. We will also need friends on the journey. There may not be many good or reliable ones in our society, in business, the media, even in our Parliament and Europe. Hopefully, some will be found, here and there. With their help and our faith, the journey will be completed.
Good discernment will be vital. We must not be diverted by any false signposts on our way to the destination, when we will finally see that we are in a much better place than either traversing the desert or being in a form of slavery in the EU.
We need to hold to this as a motto ‘I won’t go back to Egypt.’
Up2 – I reread the 4 gospels of the New Testament recently ( never thought I’d write that ) . Now I am starting on the Moslem book again. Tried it a coukd of time but got fed up with a lot of cracks about killing infidels and spilling seed. Is definitely needs a rewrite .
After that I might go back to the Old Testament but that’s for later.
During my rationed exposure to Toady I learnt that there are strong parallels between Harry Potter and our Lord Jesus Christ . Oh how al beeb!
Fed up,
The Koran is not in chronological order, one of the things which makes it an awkward read. You have the Suras arranged only from longest to shortest. (I guess they couldn’t be bothered) If you can read it in order you see how it gets progressively more violent over time. It’s diabolical from the time The False Prophet “migrated” to Medina.
Lucy ,
Thanks very much . Maybe I will wait until al beeb makes it book of the week or it’s in the Wimmins hour spot. Or when comrade naughtie puts it on socialist book club.
Fedup, bad news, I am afraid. There is a colouring in book but sadly all the crayons have been used up doing Charlton Moses’, or is it Moses Heston’s?, robes plus a retro-fit of Joseph’s coat of many colours.
We’re waiting for the next Cowling & Wilcox sale, which should start about a day after the previous one ends, for something from Daler Rowney which is almost certain to suit, even if the Prophet did insist on wearing a lot of black.
The thing that struck me from the koran is that it is aimed entirely at men. Heaven is talked about a hundred times but only houris and little boys that can be banged is mentioned. Women never get to read what allah has in store for them in heaven.
Maybe one of the BBC’s feminists could take this up?
There has been a significant step change in the levels of bias across all broadcast media and more and more people are starting to notice, especially in the context of the BBC, it seems.
Sky used to be reasonably sensible until the Referendum outcome but has become significantly anti-Government since then. Currently their news output is close to unwatchable. Fortunately they don’t seem to have started indoctrinating their drama as the BBC have but I guess that is because they are more commercial and they need to try harder to find external markets for it. I’m unsure why they’ve moved in the way they have so quickly, maybe their editorial teams have changed too.
The BBC have no such qualms. They don’t even try to hide their impartiality anymore. All their political programmes (with the possible exception of Andrew Neil’s) are heavily slanted and unwatchable.
I agree with you, there does seem to have been quite a violent lurch to the Left in broadcasting over the past year or so. Sky is now as bad as the BBC (worse in some respects!) and even the incidental news broadcasters such as Classic FM broadcast ‘news’ that is so heavily slanted it might as well come from the BBC.
Maybe we should cast an eye on the political authorities and their control over the media- the elite, not necessarily the Tory MP dimwits
There is so much evidence of widespread cover ups, not just the BBC
BBC Red-io4 Now STW is about the Canary (Momentum news-site ) *
Up next Eddie Izzard is Book of The Week
* Also has Red Tory Lord Patten sneering at Breitbart and saying how amazing BBC is http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08vwmx1
8:30pm Who Speaks for the Workers?
“Union membership is in decline whilst structural changes in the economy”
” putting downward pressure on wages, and creating fertile conditions for exploitation by unscrupulous employers.”
By “Sonia Sodha, chief leader writer for the Observer” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08vxv34
R5 Phone In now – ..just a shout-a-thon where people are complaining the media is biased to the right and that Corbyn has never attacked May.
Eddie must be worried about that other arty fella dressing up as a girly as part of his personal expression . Even more so if he starts doing marathons .
On the subject of the Grenfell Tower tragedy and its aftermath, some thoughts arise:
1. The evacuation of the Camden Towers blocks seems to have been completely mismanaged and probably unnecessary. Probably done for political reasons. On Friday night, the cladding was at fault and the reason behind the evacuation. By Saturday morning the reasons had expanded to include inappropriately completely gas piping, something wrong with security doors and inadequate sprinklers. Does anyone believe this? The residents don’t seem to judging by their reluctance to leave.
2. It seems unlikely that the residents were asked to leave when the blocks were refurbished in 2006, why are they being asked to do so now?
3. Surely now would be an appropriate moment to undertake an audit to sift out the illegal sub-letting of properties, identify illegals and take action against them, and generally ensure that all tenancy arrangements are as they should be. This doesn’t seem to be on the agenda but could be carried out now with the additional benefit that cash payouts are made to the most deserving.
What seems to be being highlighted by these dreadful events is the complete incompetence that exists within the public sector, but you won’t see any comment on any of these issues from the BBC or broadcast media.
Watching sky news on friday night and for 3 hours on saturday morning they reported on those blocks in camden but not one mention of the party in charge and no mention as to when that cladding was installed which is around 10 years ago. The council leader was being well protected by sky with softball questions and she knew it as she was smiling away. The shit hit the fan when sky were talking to an old lady who is living in those blocks who told the media that they were putting people up in hotels who didnt live in the blocks. The council leaders minions in the background were in panic mode as they were discussing how to stop her talking. Their faces were a picture. And to top it off the sky bod went nowhere near the subject after like it never happened. Just went back to distracting the blame onto the government.. The fire doors and gas stuff is a distraction away from the cladding which is the same stuff at grenfell. Also no mention of the area surrounding those towers having some of the most exspensive real estate in the country, primrose hill and belsize park. Its monday morning now and still no mention of the party running camden council or when the cladding was fitted
It’s not just “incompetence” by council officials. Many of them are from the same ethnic backgrounds as the tenants, and know how to game the system for their own benefit. Let’s just say who the official tenant is, and who is actually living in the property are not necessarily the same. That is why the authorities have no chance finding out who many of the dead are. The lease might say that Mr and Mrs X live in a flat, but they are not to be found, and instead there are the charred remains of eight men. Who are they? No-one will ever know.
“Many of them are from the same ethnic backgrounds as the tenants, and know how to game the system for their own benefit.”
And, tying in with Lucy’s excellent post (below), there are too many alien-thinking ‘foreigners’, or indeed people who WISH they were foreigners, in our HoC, HoL, public services, MEDIA etc. etc.
In that there london if you go into a housing department it’s a matter of ” spot the whitey”- google a bit on housing officials caught on corruption in public office jobs .
Will be interesting if the final body count for the tower block has a true reflection on the tenants details .
You rarely if ever got BBC presenters making sarcastic remarks about Obama, but Anthony Zurcher’s Twitter feed contains almost nothing but digs at Trump: https://twitter.com/awzurcher
The BBC’s own guidelines on social media usage by staff state that:
‘You shouldn’t state your political preferences or say anything that compromises your
impartiality. Don’t sound off about things in an openly partisan way.’
But given who Vine had a dig at, he’ll get away with it…
‘Don’t sound off about things in an openly partisan way’ ..and how does that sentence end –
‘Please make at least a token effort to avoid shouting your Labour/Green/SWP affiliation from the rooftops’
JeffW Do those rules apply to Vine ?
The Social Media Editor wrote about those guidelines in 2015 “A near-identical version of the same guidance is being distributed for staff in BBC Radio.”
There are 3 categories 1. Personal, 2. Official staff, 3. Accounts belonging to the Prog
Is a high profile presenters account just personal ?
He doesn’t put a BBC logo on it , so I guess so.
Now for the Trump one Vine can hide behind “I’m just retweeting another account”
– The Chuckle brother one , he’ll pass off as humour
BUT his account “about” has a sneer at Trump
I do the election graphics with a certain amount of covfefe”
Is that impartial ?
Strikes me that us all carte blanch to compare Jeremy Vine on his Twitter feed to all sorts of culinary delights. Since he couldn’t block anyone for it, lest he appear a hypocrite.
BBC adopts the progressive attitude to gender – where you get to choose your own gender. One example is “gender fluid” where one day you may self define yourself as a female, the next day a male, the next day neuter, the next day transgender, and so on. If you are confused – you need to go to university where they teach this sort of thing for example: http://www.gender.cam.ac.uk/ http://cgis.history.ox.ac.uk/
I haven’t registered and can get by without it. If there were a half decent programme that caught my attention I’d make the effort to watch it first time round but there rarely is.
I cannot remember, seriously, the last time anyone recommended a decent programme that I missed and should have watched on the BBC.
How did the polling companies get off so lightly after their shocking performance during the election period?
On average, they were found to be 8-10% out on voting day, and yet we see the BBC (all media in fact) issuing new polling information on pretty much a daily basis ever since.
Maybe there has been such a move towards using polling information to influence voting support for separate agendas that the BBC and others simply don’t care, they just want whatever data they can find to leverage their own agendas?
All the meeja is guilty of ‘banging on’ & has been for years. Always the same 3 or 4 subjects which they recycle, filling up hour after hour of air time.
Beeby is now engaged in banging on about the rights of “EU Citizens” after breakfast. I mean “brexit” Has it occurred to anyone living in The People’s Republic of Propaganda that Britons might not give a flying fig about the rights of foreigners? Yes, I said FOREIGNERS. I would rather see some investigative reporting exposing the masses of illegal aliens currently claiming to be “EU Citizens” & challenging our government on what they intend to do about them. Our government’s responsibility is to us, to our welfare. Not to the “rights of EU Citizens” .
Why don’t they put the welfare of EU citizens in the other 28 members court . They impoverish us with a punishing Brexit. And those Poles etc can go back to their own countries . They give us a fair deal and those EU citizens won’t go back to add to the unemployment figures of their own countries ?
Yes G, they all come across as thick as planks (and most probably are), but when it comes to knowing every loophole in the system they could get degrees in it. (innit !)
My brother rented his house (in Sheffield) to a seemingly wealthy black African couple – he a doctor and she a social worker with children at private school. When no rent appeared from month 2 he went through all the processes to recover it – finally turning off the water outside. Turned out she was a prostitute and they were living off her earnings and various benefits. Took my brother nigh on 6 months to rid himself of them.
Near me: People from the Former Soviet Union cohabiting. For four years or so together, two top of the range cars – BMW + VW. Renting and claiming Housing Benefit and no doubt all the other lovelies the taxpayer provides. When the landlord is told, by me assuming they are joint tenants, the reply is the female only is the tenant and that, they are “told” her “boyfriend” simply stops over, “occasionally”. It is that blatant. Let’s see what the Department of Work and Pensions make of it. They were advised back in March. Question is, can they be bothered to investigate?
French guy on phone-in yesterday said he supports Brexit
… And that most French he knows working in London are actually double dipping by still claiming unemployment benefits in France.
Has he just ! His one and only foray into the world of renting ended in disaster, and his language for what he called them is too colourful for me to repeat on here. But the first word was black.
Lucy, we don’t have a real ‘Government’. Just a body of people purporting to manage. The body works on the simple principle that what ever we wake up in the morning thinking about, will be good to apply to the masses managed. Flowerpot management.
A major reason that this country is going down the cr@pper, is that our society; our government; our legal system and just generally our way of conducting business and running ourselves, was developed over centuries by the English; Scots; Welsh and then later as Britons.
These systems and structures were created to govern and manage other Britons, when you import large numbers of Third World people those same structures and systems begin to erode and malfunction. They were never meant to involve managing such people and certainly not to have them involved in the running of them.
That is why the legal systems which were copied in the colonies only continue to function properly in majority white countries like Canada and Australia but not (now) in South Africa or Zimbabwe.
PM R4 was also obsessing about the “rights of EU nationals” or is it the “rights of EU citizens”? I have listened to the German BBCs since the start of the referendum campaign and the “rights of EU citizens” – never mind the rights of British citizens in Germany – have never been mentioned. Nor has there been a neverending series of items on the German media bewailing the loss of British citizens indispensable to the economy and societal diversity. Nor has there been a long succession of British immigrants declaring that they only do jobs that Germans are too ignorant or lazy to do and so are not forcing down wages. That would go down well, but seems par for the course for the Today programme. If the SNP had won independence for Scotland, I’m sure they would be thrilled at the British Supreme Court putting themseves forward as the defender of the rights of British citizens living in Scotland. EU meglomania knows no bounds. European army Sort out Trump, sort out Putin, punish the British renegades.
@Grant New info on Nicky Campbell challenging Islamic dogma and Muslims
We all know that BBC LibMob will always avoid the issue and try to divert the issue to “Islamophobia ”
But it turns out NC does have a passion against for Anti-creationism, so much so that it could lead to him challenging a Muslim although I was only able to find ONE example and that was back in 2012 in a discussion with the Quilliiam guy he does use the phrase “fraudulant clowns” in describing “Islamic creationists, such as Harun Yahya”
with ref to a Qulilliam vonference
Despite Campbell insisting he challenges Muslims all the time I was only able to find his prog mentioning it twice
and in 2016 he said the matter is settled and the BBC does never need to address the issue again.
(That the wrong thing to do, cos no matter how wrong the public can be, it’s them that pay the tax so you can’t just sneer at them)
#1 March 27, 2011 Nicky Campbell’s Big Question prog
“Should creationism ever be taught in schools” with a Muslim who home-schools to be able to teach creationism,
There is a webpage, but it contains no info about the prog http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0101rt8
So just line Vine above .. Campbell broke the anti-political rule when he tweeted the other day that creationist SNPs are “numpties”
Then he had a tantrum against me and said he criticises Muslims the same “all the time”
Well no he doesn’t cos he would be breaking political rules
..which is why I only found the ONE other time he had crossed that line.
So the ‘Peoples Farmer’ and Amish lookalike Michael Eavis lets us into the secret that Jeremy will be PM within 6 months and plans to scrap Trident almost immediately. Oh dear Michael, I’d stick to the day job of annoying your neighbours – who really do work at farming – or you’ll have Momentum making rural troubles for you.
Meanwhile that nice Mr.McDonnell tells his captive proletarian audience – £238 per head plus travel, veggie-burgers and substances – that Grenfellahs were ‘murdered’. Naturally, he doesn’t go on to add that successive and progressively absurd ‘green’ policies, instigated primarily by Labour governments, are as much to blame as overcrowding and self-imposed third-world living conditions but there’s no point in clouding the issue when there’s rabble to be roused.
Looking to the future, at least the next Turner Prize winner will have ready-made artworks to hand with mounds of unwanted panels available for a song – possibly by Billy Bragg?
Beltane ,
In a normally governed country the checking of flats for dodgy cladding would be an excellent method of checking for criminal subletting , illegals and wrongfully captive live goats.
I wonder if any arrests will be made. Tower hamlets could be emptied out!
No-one will dare. The whole issue is a can of worms. Illegal subletting is an industry which makes many people, including corrupt council officials, a lot of money.
The “official” population of the UK is 65 million, but the actual population, worked out by supermarkets based on real sales, is 77 million. Those missing 12 million people have to live somewhere, and three or four to a room in illegally sublet council properties is one way in which they are accomodated, as well as the famous garden sheds of course.
The only sensible emotion when contemplating what has been done to our country is utter despair.
If the overcrowding and subletting results in too many people using a flat then that is an obvious Fire risk.
All the clutter stacked about, the overuse of ovens and hobs, the chances of accidents from those not used to living in a civilised environment such as misuse of gas and electric. Even evacuation would be slowed down or maybe a stampede would occur.
Who gains from all this?
Start looking there to apportion blame.
No fan ,
Sorry I’ve been having a media black out so no idea what the bus drivers son has been saying . I might guess though – more pulling together and it’s all about nasty Tory cuts . His big problem is to time his run to be Labour Party leader but can’t see it . I think it’s a girl next – or Diane
Britgirl, I had to laugh at this example of leftie brainlessness: ‘ If the true numbers were revealed, the Little Englanders and xenophobes would come out in force about the evils of immigration. But that’s what made America great in the 19th century, and it’s a driving force of our economy right now. It’s also anti-inflationary.’
America had billions of acres of unsettled land, and didn’t have crippling national debts or an out of control social welfare bill, and had an armed populace not known for tolerating madmen running around killing people in the name of their religion.
Start the Week on radio4 was a disgrace . Four or five talking heads , all from the left , saying how clever they were and how stupid the population is .
I’m really surprised my Lord Patten doesn’t duck his nut and just take the expenses / company board non exec fees rather than pretend to have any democratic mandate to be heard by we non tv tax paying proles .
I’ll never forget his expression the night he lost his seat in the Commons . A true Portillo moment . Or salmon .
Al beeb reporting that President Trump has dumped some ‘ traditional ‘ dinner for some Islamic festival or other . Hell yeah! How could he not do it?? He got elected rightly on an anti Islamic terrorist policy .
Turns out this “tradition ” was started by Hilary 20 years ago whilst her busy husband was exchanging fluids in the Oval . It carried on by the osama bin obarma -as part of his religion a suppose .
Couldn’t see any uk politician having the strength to not run off to some nice mosque ( Mo – quick hide the ieds) could you. ??
Donald boom boom Trump, the boom boom is the effect he is having on the progressive political funding mechanisms, the free flow of public funds out of the frontdoor to the UN NGO Charitable status ”think tanks” … shark tanks more like, and the backdoor funding, billion dollar out-reach programmes, Climate change funding funnel through the progressive mechanism, feeding all the activist gang masters and full-time 100k a year agitators etc.
Thats trumps gift to Europe, un-plugging them from the American tax-payer and their Liberal traitors.
Britain, the 51st State. It might be our best option. The only problem being that US presidential terms are too short.
We need much more than 4 years of The Donald to bring the balance back.
Good suggestion, but after Donald’s spat with the tiny Emir of Londonistan I understand that Treezer has banned him from darkening our doors so there won’t be any negotiations on that. We are stuck with Merkel’s vision of Eurabia
The oval orifice more apt, reminds me of the election campaign banners, ”Hillary sucks” … ”not as good as Monika tho”.
Why hasnt this Mc Donald fella had a coppers hand on his shoulder, what does he have to say to get arrested for incitement, how much more blatant does he have to get spreading what is essentially hate speech.
Not a single story on the BBC main UK website about the ongoing war on Islamists. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk That is if you consider our spate of acid attacks to be just a crime story. They always manage to move on so quickly from Muslim terror attacks. Always avoid re-examining these atrocities with a view to finding answers about how to deal with the problem.
Contrast that with how Stephen Lawrence and Jo Cox get endless re-runs as they play to the narrative of the evil white male.
But somehow I don’t think that the security services will be able to keep the Islamists to ‘an acceptable level of violence’: http://bit.ly/2sSMfXV
Fedup, I think you are correct – no description seems to be code for same or similar ethnic group. In the Finsbury Park mosque attack, the Beeb described the perpetrator as ‘white’ in the first paragraph.
In the report in the Daily Mirror: ‘Relatives said last night they fear the attack was motivated by Islamophobia in the wake of recent terror attacks.’ But no description of the attacker has been issued, so how can they know this for sure? Either they are just speculating, or we are not being told the full story.
In the article about the acid attack, we learn that the victim was a ‘model’, uses social media and publishes pictures of herself in highly provocative (by Muslim standards) clothing. She was attacked in a car alone with a 37 year old male cousin. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think any of those things would bother a non-Muslim, but would be highly offensive to some of the more touchy members of the faith.
Wiltshire History festival dares to invite only invite 1% non white historians allegedly.
LibMobsters have a tantrum
Rebecca Rideal withdraws and others pressured to boycott.
Chalke valley have NEVER invited me to speak. Now there's no BBC tent at the festival the levels of diversity and inclusion have crashed.
The number of women is one thing
but the 1% BME number can be deconstructed
..and has been previously on BBC Making History
BMe are highly skewed towards school age , so when you look at “expert age” the percentage is much smaller
but even much of those BME got tempted into other careers by positive discrimination in other fields etc Or tempted by job offers in Africa/America
so the number of BME history lecturers left for the UK is about 1%.
So you can’t just magic up a speaker list of 10% BME.
My concern is why did Rideal wait until 4 days before the festival to withdraw
..shouldn’t she have stayed in for the benefit of customers who’d already paid ?
Surely she must have been aware of the other speakers months ago .
She’d be better of f helping more women join next year rather than just throwing a tantrum.
The government has signed up with the DUP.
A possibility of some semblance of stable government (does anyone really fancy the alternative ?) is possible.
Not great. Not ideal. But in the circumstances OK.
But on the biased BBC news this is immediately portrayed as gloom and doom. A narrow majority at best, quibbles from other parts of the UK, problems for the NI peace agreement and devolved government. Problems, problems. Doom. Gloom. Much mournful shaking of heads.
You can always rely on the biased BBC to see problems on every right-of-centre opportunity.
Seditious and traiterous as ever, and seemingly untouchable.
Strange to relate but people listened to Haw Haw with a grim and perverse fascination. Like beeb he predicted our demise with lots of exaggeration and fake news. He was hung as a traitor.
Thats me, i dont have the telly on anymore, except sometimes at night, i use my data allowance excess, of about 15gb at the end of each month to download complete tv series and watch the whole series at once.
I am sadistically drawn to the ticker tape news from from mohameds post Christianity prophets, its like starting to scratch at athletes foot itch between 2 toes, the only way to stop the itch is to draw blood and make it hurt more than it itches,…..watching the bbc is why i use wired mice, the bbc is worse than poker for provoking momentary ”oh fuck off” moments, and another wireless mouse bounces of the far frontroom wall.
Thanks for the link, comments were a heartening read. Wish Corbers would stay away from the young folk, socialism combined with youth movements have a poor track record and don’t end well.
A 22-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of starting a small fire at a Des Moines mosque Thursday morning, police said.
At about 10 a.m., Des Moines firefighters and police were called to the Islamic Center of Des Moines, 6201 Franklin Ave., where there had been a small fire on the carpet, according to a Des Moines police report.
The fire was extinguished by the mosque’s staff by the time firefighters arrived, police said.
Security cameras in the mosque showed a woman, later identified as Aisha Ismail, 22, pouring lighter fluid on the carpet and then starting the fire, said Des Moines police spokesman Sgt. Paul Parizek. Ismail was not on scene when police and firefighters arrived, according to the report.
Police arrested Ismail at a West Des Moines apartment that evening. She was booked into the Polk County Jail on a first-degree arson charge.
There are no indications that this fire was a hate crime, Parizek said. Ismail attended the mosque, he said, adding that her motive for the fire was unclear.
“It doesn’t appear that she was trying to burn the place down,” Parizek said. “It seems like she was trying to make a statement.”
Damage from the fire was minimal, and no one was hurt, Parizek said.
Ismail’s jail bond was set at $25,000. She remained in custody Friday morning.
Am i reading this right guys, the oxford dictionary, Islamophobia.
Dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.
So that essentially means if you do not like a Muslims political view, you are a Islamophobe.
it then gives these examples of mass noun Islamophobia.
Have i got it wrong ?. these example sentences below that they give mean it is Islamophobic to talk about Islamophobia.
‘For those not aware of the background, last week a Muslim group published a report identifying widespread Islamophobia within Britain.’
‘Or is there a new toxic brand of respectable liberal Islamophobia looming on the horizon of the Muslim schools debate?’
‘British Muslims can peg their alienation solely on Islamophobia and intolerance for only so long.’
‘Seeing a political opportunity, the right has fused the less popular xenophobia with the more popular Islamophobia.’
‘Even in this predominantly Christian school, there is fear of being associated with Islamophobia and racism.’
Has ‘Naziphobia’ become a word in the dictionary then as well? Oxford? Oxford dictionary? This isn’t right. Oxford dictionary trying to give legitimacy to a fake word! The meaning is subjective. It cannot be defined. Who do I write to? This has to be stopped. I am 100% against islamophobia [it’s usage as a word]. Oxford? What? So much for a prestigious university education. They are idiots now.
I have now had enough of Jo Coburn, and wont be watching any more. She said the other day, that she knew the only people watching were “Political Junkies”, so why does she need to tell us who John McDonnell and Jeremy Corbyn are. DUH! Her questions are always very long and convoluted and she interrupts the answers, usually just as the main point is being made.
I hope it isn’t just you and me that find her so obnoxious. She gets very shirty if anyone dares to come back at her if she got something wrong. I think she is so far up herself that she hasn’t a clue how she comes over.
I have had enough, so peace in our household, no more shouting at the television for a while
Threats and warnings a plenty from our ‘oppressed’ Muslims because we are white, English, occupied this land far before they did and dare voice our concerns and wholly justifiable fears- that seems to be the gist of it.
UK Muslims seem to have a free and easy time in this country but it’s no Caliphate and we don’t openly allow Sharia, we have Jews, music, dancing, no modesty and women run amok. And that is the definition of ‘Islamophobia’.
They and the leftfataly under-estimate British patriotism, they seek to blow our schools up, so far they have been prevented, they will learn how to avoid prevention, one day they will slaughter 10s to 100s of our children in one place at one time, and that will change Britain forever, murdering our liberals wont change anything the idiots are ”normalising” it, and frankly they deserve that which they foster, i fear the tragedy will have to be so grotesque as cause the spontaneous anger and national civil unrest on all fronts, the enclaves to start burning and the mass ejection of the demographic nightmare.
All true. I imagine a questionnaire, like a census with boxes to tick, to get a clue as to what level of horror might be required. We’re not there yet, mainly thanks to our security service but as often quoted, ‘We have to be lucky 100% of the time, they, just occasionally.’
I love to watch the comedy show that is The Pledge on Sky. A right little gem came out of the mouth of the Guardian reader and ex footballer called Graeme Le Saux (who?). He said that, wait for it …………… 99.8% of the population want to live in a multicultural society !!!! , and when he was challenged by one Afua Hirsch (and who, I discovered is a writer, broadcaster, barrister and human rights development worker of Ghanaian, English and Jewish heritage ) about this figure, he said he would be totally SHOCKED if it was more than .2% who did not want to live this way. What drivel, and what an utter prat. Accordingly he was born in Jersey, and could possibly still live there. Perhaps he ought to get off his island idyll and find out what the UK is really all about.
Le Saux must be watching too much bbc. Footballers, Pop, Movie and Comedy ‘stars’ along with all media ‘experts’ should really be running this country – a coalition perhaps?
It would be so nice, just for a change, to hear on MSM the occasional person who has an IQ above their shoe size. They do exist, although one would hardly know it.
We dont dont like them jersey @@@@’@s, they keep stealing all our ”tax minimisation’ clients, we have whole streets dedicated to tax ”strategists” we have the largest and most honest financial corporations here, all dedicated to tax ”management, ofcourse that requires lawyers and we have streets dedicated to tax specialist lawyers some of the largest in the world, we have industrial estates of moth-balled money-laundering factories waiting for Brexit and a new boom., we are gonna have to pitch at 8% CT, you buggers are going in at 10% as londonistan becomes the worlds tax ”reduction” centre.
It lectures talks about right wing hate and mentions numerous events like the Finsbury “Terror” attack, Tommy “Hitler” Robinson and other nasty attacks.
But just like the BBC it fails to mention any Islamic attacks. Anyone know who is funding this organisation as 1 minute adverts on YouTube videos cannot be cheap?
“Willing to be a bit patriotic” is hardly a call to always follow the government line is it?
Perhaps Mark Damazer could share his thoughts as to why the BBC failed and continues to fail to report anything that happens within the EU unless it can be read as the ‘UK on the naughty step’?
This is the broadcaster that could always find time to tell us that Obama tied hie shoelaces himself that morning, (as if anyone cared), yet completly fails to hold what is, in reality, our top level of government to account. (Of course that is exactly what the EU wants, the national governments get the blame while the EU continues ‘the project’ behind the scenes, making the BBC an EU stooge).
Glastonbury is over and there are reports that tidying the site is going to cost close to £800 000 loads of comments on the Mail supporting my own.
It’s just a metaphor for larger life, with loads of rich kids (some who are aged but have never grown up) making a complete trash tip out of what they’ve been given, and then expecting someone else to tidy up the mess they’ve made while running away back to mummy & daddy.
Tickets for the weekend cost from(!) £240 !!!! An extra £100 for a camper van & £200 for a larger one. £45 to park your car , to hire a Teepee will cost £995 !
There were an estimated 300000 attendees this weekend bringing in an estimated £72 Million for the entry fee alone. The whole thing must have grossed around £150 Million.
Given that the majority of those people gushing about attending the festival are greenie, lefties it is such a hypocritical scene when there is so much rubbish that the grass can hardly been seen, and the waste, of perfectly good camping equipment the intolerant over wealth snowflakes have left behind, because they simply couldn’t be bothered to take it home is a disgrace.
This is the Fascist Left at play – and leaving the clear up to the poor working class who they haven’t given a moments thought to over their hedonistic pleasure weekend.
Radio3 had a whole hour on terrorism
We learnt a few things
– Ghandi was not really a pacifist, he had engaged in inciting people to violence for political aims
– “There are 2 clear groups of people: those who use words and those who use violence .. but people try to trick you saying if voice increases this will lead to more violence.
– Baroness Varsi was at first OK explaining
Labour believe that we can all be raised up to a common low level.
Conservatives believe there isn’t a limit
– We shouldn’t be hard on others cos they are on a journey eg Muslims will come around to not being antigay.
– But then she finished by banging on about Islamophobia
I see after the bBCs continues to promote the view that non-whites walk around with bulls eye on their backs in the Uk with its coverage of the rioting by non-whites in London over the death of Edir Frederico Da Costa after a Police search. Edir Frederico Da Costa death: PCs injured in London protest Six police officers have been injured and four people were arrested in a protest over the death of a young father following a traffic stop. Bricks were thrown and fires were lit outside Stratford bus station and Forest Gate police station in London.
Protesters allege Edir Frederico Da Costa, 25, was “brutally beaten” by Met Police officers earlier this month.
Whilst the bBC has no problem relating to the world how the protesters feel this young father man died. They don’t report how he actually died:
(From the Guardian) Da Costa was in a car with two other people when it was stopped by police in the Newham area of east London on Thursday 15 June. The Met police initially said only that he “became unwell” and that he had “swallowed a large quantity of drugs”.
I wonder why the bBC left out that snippet of information.
Because it doesn’t fit in with the permanent al Beebus narrative, that ethnic minorities are innocent and ALWAYS the victims of unfair; heavy handed policing and racism.
Having ended my self enforced blackout of all news – and al beeb – for the last few days / there was a snippet on the PM programme with a smug lefty presenter mentioning Andrea ledson and then saying there would be something on the program that was patriotic . That turned out to be a 30 second bit of ” land of hope and glory ” . Al beeb ? Anti British ? Smug ? Apparently the presenter is some one called Mayer .. the word c::t came to mind . Sorry about my lack of humour. There was none by al beeb in that piece.
I’m not the only one then! Since the election the BBC appears to have been in continuous ‘bring the government down’ and ‘stop Brexit’ mode. At least ‘impeach The Donald’ has had a bit of a break!
Currently listening to the news from France, (other services are available – yes really BBC!). Later will turn to stored gigbytes of music.
Al beeb conditions blacks in uk into thinking a lot get killed by the police by covering deaths in America . A lot are too thick to know the difference .
They’ll get chabi or that barrister who enjoys defending IRA terrorist to take the tax payers shilling to be their mouth piece and demand a very profitable public £££ inquiry….
The tower inferno has taught them that the Socialist agitation strategy is effective. Keep throwing tantrums. Create chaos. Claim to be victims of anything & everything. Demand handouts. Repeat until the country is on it’s knees.
Muslims have been agitators since Mohammed. Feign ill treatment to justify robbery of your neighbour’s belongings, property & women. Wreck your stolen surroundings. Repeat. Move on tho the next area. Repeat.
Socialism & Islam. A marriage made in hell.
“Social media posts claimed Londoner Edson Da Costa died from a broken neck sustained in police custody following his arrest by Metropolitan Police officers.
But an initial post mortem found no signs of neck or spinal injuries at all and it is believed Mr Da Costa had ingested large quantities of drugs.”
The IPCC said speculation around the case of his death was “unhelpful”, and confirmed the post-mortem showed no neck, spinal, shoulder injuries or bleeding on the brain caused by police, and urged people to stop spreading ‘false’ and ‘inflammatory information.
“Today we have contacted Mr Da Costa’s family to share with them the findings from the pathologist and we are now able to correct some misinformation that is being widely shared on social media.
The preliminary post mortem found that Mr Da Costa did not suffer a broken neck, or any other spinal injury during his interaction with the police.”
So-called BBC News at 6′. – Treezer: provided the EU nationals have lived in the UK for 5 years or more, they can stay!!!!
Spot the glaring error of judgement? My humble suggestion as the correct alternative: ‘Provided EU nationals have lived and worked in the UK for 5 years or more, they can stay. This applies to direct dependants of working EU Nationals resident in the UK’. There, corrected it. After all, they come here to work don’t they?
Imagine: tap on the front door. Open to find Treezer there and stating that, as an experiment, she will make decisions for me and manage my household budget for a year. Think about it……………… Actually, it doesn’t take much thinking about.
absolutely!…get rid of this scum of the earth who infest our once proud land like cockroaches! I know what I’d do with them..but I really cannot express that here..reminds of the lyrics of the Stones hit ” Jumping Jack Flash”!
Just done something I normally studiously avoid. I watched part of the BBC news programme. (Shame!) The bit I watched was a report on the Government’s proposals on the future status of EU immigrants living in the UK. After giving us some facts, the presenter announced that the programme was going to find out about what EU immigrants in the UK and British nationals in Europe thought about the proposals. So we were treated to a thoroughly ‘representative’ (ha, ha) cross section of both groups. Well actually we heard from two Germans and a couple of Brits. Guess what? None of them approved of Brexit. Now there’s a surprise.
It has been one of the most disappointing things (IMHO) since the Brexit result, both to learn that HM Government want to allow ALL the EU migrants who have come here to stay: effectively treating them the same as British subjects; and the revelation that UKIP and Nigel Farage share this view.
I think that many people who voted to Leave the EU, did so believing that ex-cons who came here from the EU and EU folk who had committed crimes here but were still entitled to stay after they’d served their prison sentences; would all be expelled.
That those who were here and had never worked would be sent packing and those who are net recipients of benefits and support (regardless of whether they are in work) would also be kicked out.
The idea that both the UK and the EU can enter into this negotiation and treat it as a prolonged mutual masturbation session, where they both come out smiling is absolute cr@p.
One side will come out smiling and the other side will come out cleaning themselves off. The tw@ts at al Beebus and the rest of the “Progressive” scum, all want it to be the British, in two years time, who are doing the wiping.
This “negotiation” should be named and dealt with for what it really is: a confrontation.
If that were done, it may be a lot less friendly but it would result in a much more straightforward outcome, for both sides.
Over the years I’ve known quite a few Spanish, Italian, French people who have made this place their home, sometimes for study, other times for a coffee shop or restaurant job. Some end up doing part time language teaching at colleges.
Mostly they were pleasant enough to converse with, were university educated and spoke English reasonably well.
But almost every single one I met was a leftist/socialist who at the drop of a hat would be off to the nearest anarchist march demanding an end to this or that, Tories out, more windmills etc. Some of them still back come here for the dole when they’ve finished their summer tour of going back home,lounging about in ‘festivals’, topped up with money from their well-to-do parents.
I also noticed that while they raged against all the trendy ‘ism’s, none of them knew a damn thing about their own countries dark histories of colonialism and oppression. In other words they are a typical modern product of education – either clueless or hypocritical.
Admittedly they cause hugely less hassle than large numbers of 3rd world migrants, but I’d certainly be happy to see the back of them. If we had a choice I’d much rather Eastern europeans, who at least aren’t automatically communist – having had their parents experience that totalitarian nightmare.
The downside to that though, is that we had no filter for the vicious criminals from Bulgaria, Romania, Albanians pretending to be Bosnians etc and fallout from the whole bloody Balkans mess. There are probably thousands of these types in our jails at our expense. And those countries were doubtless thanking their lucky stars for our naivete in keeping them off their streets.
BBC News Wales. Announcing that they will be employing 40 new staff! To do what? Well, a range of things: new programmes we are told and finally, to increase the broadcasting of Brexit news…………… Well, blow me down. Is this happening in the rest of the UK? We don’t know but what we do know is that of the 22 constituencies in Wales, 18 supported Brexit. Call me cynical but it would be quite an achievement for the BBC, (‘World Most Trusted’) to intensify their anti-Brexit efforts and convince people in Wales that they got it wrong. Is this increase in, “Brexit reporting” unique to Wales?
Just more and more propaganda from Al Beeb and the Welsh Assembly …………………..
Carwyn Jones does not speak for the people of Wales. We will begetting rid of the EU – let the next move be to get rid of the White Elephant Assembly. Why is Al Beeb rabidly supporting the EU?
Well , Al Beeb taking a hammering on HYS ………………… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-40406396
“Camber Sands beach deaths: Friends were ‘competent swimmers’ ” “Earlier, a lawyer said the beach, which can attract 30,000 people a day at peak times, had “hidden dangers””
“Hidden dangers” of all sorts and all types in Britain these days it seems! …
but at least with the likes of Camber Sands it’s now a “known known”..it’s the other two types of “Rumsfeldia” I worry about!
A weekend trip to London, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Cardiff, Oxford, Luton, Reading, Southampton etc etc ..anyone?.. where will the next of the current hidden dangers manifest itself?.. Weston Super Mare maybe?..it’s a long walk to the sea when the tides out mind!
Jezza is the man for the yang people. Mardello for the BBC, writing of Corbyn’s Glastonbury effect, knows that Corbyn is on a roll and we can predict there will soon be an election which the Tories will lose.
And then, they will get rid of Treezer.
But it will be too late
And when the poor white realise they are getting less cossetted than the ethnics?
And the working white are paying higher and higher taxes for less and less?
And the rich white are not getting what they’re accustomed to?
Jeremy “For the Many 65 Million in the UK, Not the Few 175000 attending Glastonbury” Corbyn – I missed the speech by Jeremy Corbyn[1] at Glastonbury 2017 – I assume it went like this:
“Comrades, let us forget entertainment, joy and capitalism and let me give your money to the NHS and the people instead. I’ve done the maths!
175000 party goers,who want to improve the world * £500 (£243 ticket + £57 travel + £100 food + £100 beer [2]) = £87,500,000.
£87 Million is 4166 nurses (£21K pa) for a year! Think of the nurses! Think of the children being treated by the nurses! How can you say no?”
If it didn’t go like this then I am wondering why he presents some people with their failings and for others he only uses happy talk? This is not treating people equally.
[1] Did Jeremy have to pay or get in free?
[2] My own estimated figures, assume details available from promoters, so this is probably an underestimate.
Further up this thread someone has calculated that the overall income from the Glastonbury shebang could come to about £82m. Some of that income will have gone to pay the performers for their efforts, one assumes.
Consequently s not beyond the bounds of possibility that Jezza may have been paid to be there? Time will tell.
Jeremy Corbyn got free tickets! “For the Many who had to Pay, Not the Few who got into Glastonbury Free”
theyworkforyou.com JC
Name of donor: Glastonbury Festivals Events Ltd
Address of donor: Worthy farm, Pilton, Shepton Mallet BA4 4BY
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to Glastonbury, total value £456, given to a member of my family.
p.s. nofanofpoliticians – I did see the previous post on costings after I did mine, but thought I’d add a bit for the Many/Few and some equivalence to show what it could pay for, plus I used a basic calculation which could not be refuted. But as you say it will be a lot higher in value than that shown. Guess I can reduce the figure of 175000 by 2 tickets which were free!
good point!..SO we should celebrate our Polish contingent inter alia. Back home they appear to have the right idea! So..gonna re-locate soonest!.. Poland or Hungary it’s a difficult choice?.mmm?….cos on demographics alone now the UK is f*cked in less than 20 years. With no poltician worth anything in terms of protecting Britishness the muslims will “take over” ..by the power of numbers alone ( they DO seem to be able to breed let’s face it!!..and we pay child benefit lol!!!!!!.. it’s not their intelligence we’re worried about lol (not)…it’d just be the numbers).
The likelihood of any UK politicians doing anything meaningful about this travesty is zilch..as we have seen very recently..appeasement just like to the Nazis in the 1930s..pathetic we are. So we’re already f*cked.
Treezer the Appeaser..worst days work that was ever done!
The BBC are truly at war with the Tory Party. Andrea Leadsom suggested that the MSM could be a little more patriotic in reporting the Brecit negotiations. Cue Eddie Mair who sneeringly loathes patriotism and the Tories . He plays Pomp and Curcumstance without comment .So the anti British propaganda emits not only from the EU but our apology for a national broadcaster.
Islamic related attacks:
1980, 30 April: Iranian Embassy siege: Six Iranian Arab gunmen stormed the Iranian Embassy in London and took hostages. The siege lasted for six days, until the hostages were rescued in a raid by the SAS which was broadcast live on TV. Two of the hostages were killed, while the hostage-takers were all either killed or captured.
1982, June: Abu Nidal killed the Israeli ambassador in London.[32]
1989, 3 August: A man using the alias Mustafa Mahmoud Mazeh accidentally blew himself up along with two floors of a central London hotel while preparing a bomb intended to kill Salman Rushdie.[33]
2005, 7 July: 7/7 central London bombings conducted by four separate Islamist extremist suicide bombers, which targeted civilians using the public transport system during the morning rush hour. Three bombs were detonated on three separate trains on the London Underground and one on a double-decker bus. 56 people were killed and 700 were injured. It was the UK’s worst terrorist incident since the 1988 Lockerbie bombing and the first Islamist suicide attack in the country.
2007, 30 June: Glasgow International Airport attack perpetrated by Islamist extremists. Five people were injured and the only death was of one of the perpetrators.
2008, 22 May: Exeter attempted bombing in a café toilet by an Islamist extremist, injuring only the perpetrator.
2013, 22 May: A British soldier, Lee Rigby, was murdered and decapitated in an attack in Woolwich by Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, two Islamist extremists armed with a handgun and a number of bladed implements including a cleaver. Both men were sentenced to life imprisonment, with Adebolajo given a whole life order and Adebowale ordered to serve at least 45 years.[50]
2015, 5 December: A man with a knife attacked three people at Leytonstone Tube Station in East London. The attacker was 29-year old Muhaydin Mire who was shouting “this is for Syria”. The attacker was found guilty of attempted murder in June 2016. Three people were injured in the attack and one was seriously injured.[51]
2017, 22 March: 2017 Westminster attack – Khalid Masood, a 52-year-old British man, born in Kent as Adrian Elms, drove a car into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, before crashing the vehicle into the Palace of Westminster’s perimeter. He then entered the grounds of the Palace of Westminster, the meeting place of the Houses of Parliament, before being confronted by a police officer, whom he fatally stabbed before being shot himself. Six, including the perpetrator and the officer, were killed in the incident, and 49 people were injured. The attack is being treated as an act of terrorism motivated by Islamic extremism.[57][58][59][60]
2017, 22 May: 2017 Manchester Arena bombing – A large explosion caused by a British suicide attacker with a bomb at the Manchester Arena, Manchester, killing 22 individuals and injuring 120. The attack occurred shortly after an Ariana Grande concert had concluded, and is the most deadly terror related incident in the United Kingdom since the 7/7 London bombings in 2005.[61][62]
2017, 3 June: June 2017 London attack. 8 people were confirmed dead and at least 48 injured, some critically. A white van drove at high speed across London Bridge, running into groups of people, then crashed. The occupants then ran to nearby Borough Market, where they stabbed many people.[63][64][65] All three of the terrorists involved were shot dead by police eight minutes after the incident was reported. All three were wearing imitation suicide bomb vests.
Prevented, failed or aborted attacks[edit]
2005, 21 July: The 21 July 2005 London bombings, also conducted by four would-be suicide bombers on the public transport, whose bombs failed to detonate.
2007, 1 February: Plot to behead a British Muslim soldier.
2007, 29 June: London car bombs.
2009, 3 September : Manchester Piccadilly multiple suicide bomber plot.[70] In 2009 Pakistani national Abid Naseer, was one of 12 suspects arrested on suspicion of being part of a Manchester Terror cell, after arriving in the UK a year before. All were released on insufficient evidence, but ordered to be deported from the UK. Naseer’s deportation to Pakistan was prevented on human rights grounds, as he was ruled ‘likely to be mistreated’. In 2013, on further evidence from Al-Queda sources, including documents from the bin Laden Raid, he was extradited to the US, and on 4 March 2015 was found guilty of masterminding an Al-Queda directed plot to synchronize multiple suicide bombings around Manchesters Arndale Centre and Piccadilly Shopping centre in a coordinated attack involving other locations including the New York Subway with other cells.
2012, June: Five extremists plotted to bomb an English Defence League rally in Dewsbury but arrived late and were arrested when returning to Birmingham. A sixth was also convicted.[71]
2013, April: As part of Operation Pitsford 11 Muslim extremists are jailed for a plotting terror attack involving suicide Bombers.[72]
2015, 12 Feb : Liverpool Ricin Plot:[73] Mohammed Ammar Ali, an IT worker who rented a flat in Liverpool as a base of operations, attempted to buy 500 mg of ricin, which could kill as many as 1,400 people, using the darkweb. He was instead delivered a white powder by the FBI. Evidence was also found of attempts to purchase rabbits or chinchillas to test the poison out on.
2015, 7 July : Attempted anniversary London 7/7 bomb plot.[74] Mohammed Rehman and Sana Ahmed Khan were sentenced to life imprisonment for preparing an act of terrorism.[75] They had 10 kg of urea nitrate. Rehman called himself the ‘silent bomber’ and asked his Twitter followers to choose between the Westfield Shopping Centre or the London Underground for the planned suicide bomb.
Arrests, detentions, and other incidents related to the Terrorism Acts[edit]
These are cases where either the Terrorism Acts were invoked, or which the authorities alleged were terrorist in nature at the time. This list includes both plots that were foiled at an early stage before any materials were actually assembled, and totally innocent suspects.
2003, 5 January: Wood Green ricin plot, where police arrested six Algerian men accused of manufacturing ricin to use for a poison attack on the London underground. No poison was found,[78][79] and all men were acquitted of all terror charges, except for Kamel Bourgass who stabbed four police officers during his arrest in Manchester several days later. He was convicted of the murder of the officer he killed (the others he stabbed survived). He was also convicted of plotting to poison members of the public with ricin and other poisons. Two of the suspects in the plot were subsequently convicted of possessing false passports.[80]
2004, 30 March: Seven men arrested in West Sussex in possession of 600 kg of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, as part of Operation Crevice.
2004, 3 August: Fourteen men arrested, but only eight charged in relation to the 2004 Financial buildings plot following the leak of the identity of an Al-Qaeda double-agent. The men possessed detailed plans for attacking financial buildings in the US, but no actual bomb-making equipment. Their leader, Dhiren Barot, pleaded guilty at his trial on 12 October 2006, and was imprisoned for life.
2005, 22 December: Abu Bakr Mansha, described by his barrister as an “utter incompetent”, was accused of planning to murder a British soldier who had served in the Iraq War, and convicted under the Terrorism Act for possessing a document that was “likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism”. He was sentenced to 6 years’ imprisonment.
2006, 2 June: The 2 June 2006 Forest Gate raid (on a house in Forest Gate) saw the arrest of two suspects, one who was shot in the shoulder, on charges of conspiring to release a chemical weapon in the form of a suicide vest. The suspects were cleared of suspicion and released days later.
2006, 10 August: The 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot to blow up 10 planes flying from Heathrow saw the arrest of 24 people from their homes in Britain, chaos at airports as security measures were put in place, and numerous high-level statements from US and UK officials. 8 people were put on trial, and 3 found guilty of conspiracy to murder. It was shown at their trial how bottles of liquid could be made into effective bombs. Following this incident, carriage of liquids in hand luggage on aircraft was restricted internationally to very small amounts. Rashid Rauf, suspected to have been the link between the UK plotters and Pakistan, escaped to Pakistan, where he was arrested, but escaped again on his way to an extradition hearing. It was reported that he was killed in a US airstrike in North Waziristan in November 2008.[89]
2006, 23 August: The 2006 Cheetham Hill terrorism arrests, where four men were arrested in the Manchester vicinity over the course of a month, and charged with financing terrorism.
2006, 1 September: The Jameah Islameah School in Sussex was cordoned off for over three weeks and searched by a hundred police officers. Twelve men were arrested as part of the operation as they ate in a Chinese restaurant in London.
2008, 14 May: The Nottingham Two were arrested and detained for six days under the Terrorism Act 2000. A postgraduate student had downloaded a 140-page English translation of an Al-Qaeda document from the United States Department of Justice website for his PhD research on militant Islam. He sent it to a friend in the Modern Language department, for printing. Both were cleared of terrorism-related offences, but the friend was immediately re-arrested on immigration grounds.[94][95][96][97]
2011, 19 September: West Midlands Police arrested a woman who lived in the Alum Rock area of Birmingham. Salma Kabal, 22, appeared in court on 16 November 2011 accused of failing to inform police that her husband, Ashik Ali, planned to kill himself. The official charge was that she “knew or believed might be of material assistance in securing the apprehension, prosecution or conviction of another person for an offence involving the commission, preparation or instigation of an act of terrorism”.[99]
2011, 15 November: West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit arrested four people at their homes who were from Sparkhill Birmingham, on suspicion of conducting terrorist offences. The four men appeared in court in Westminster on 19 November 2011 charged with terrorism offences. They were named as Khobaib Hussain, Ishaaq Hussain and Shahid Kasam Khan, all 19, and Naweed Mahmood Ali, 24. They were charged with fundraising for terrorist purposes and for travelling to Pakistan for terrorist training.[100]
2012, 28 June: The two men, aged 18 and 32, were arrested at separate residential addresses in east London by officers from the Metropolitan Police Counter-Terrorism Command, at 7am on Thursday. It was believed the men were involved in a bomb plot concerning the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games. A Scotland Yard spokesman said: “At approximately 07:00 hrs today, Thursday June 28, officers from the counter-terrorism command arrested two men under the Terrorism Act 2000 on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism. The men were arrested at separate residential addresses in east London. Both addresses are currently being searched under the Terrorism Act 2000″.[101]
In the spirit of Glasto (PUKE) & courtesy of a great Welsh band:
“The future teaches you to be alone. The present to be afraid and cold
So if I can shoot rabbits then I can shoot fascists.”
Bullets for your brain today
But we’ll forget it all again
Monuments put from pen to paper
Turns me into a gutless wonder.
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
Will be next, Will be next, Will be next.
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
And if…”
BBc showed another scaremongering Brexit programme tonight. It was appalling. I am getting heartily sick of this BBC propaganda. All the usual suspects engaged in spouting their usual pro EU claptrap.
This is propaganda at its worse. Presenters doing their utmost to encourage a soft Brexit. Doing their utmost to try and make people change their minds. Why worry people needlessly.
No mention of the monies saved in terms of membership. No mention of the probability of a free trade deal. No mention of EU corruption, unaudited accounts,etc. No mention of of our fishing grounds being retrieved, no mention of the new EU Army which Clegg said was fantasy, no mention of the lack of democracy, no mention of how Germany and France have carved up the best exploitative preferential deals-Common Agricultural Policy/Currency markets. No mention of Germany controlling and manipulating the EU behemoth.No mention of EU bankruptcy. No mention of the BBC losing their EU funds. No mention of the fact that those Remainers interviewed are on the EU pension payroll which is forfeited if they say anything negative about the EU.
Just another example of the blatant hypocrisy of the left wing mindset as personified by our BBC.
On their highlights of Glastonbury I knew there would be reference to Corbyn’s visit. Sure enough – check out number 9. No doubt his arm will be angled more and more in front of him as time goes by in the manner of Adolf.
I knew also I wouldn’t find reference to any other other BBC Glastonbury story to show just how the ‘adoring Corbyn fans’, who no doubt must also be greenies and ‘caring for the environment’, among other pretensions, left the Glastonbury site.
what a money grabbing capitalist pig that tosser Eavis turned out to be..just like the scavenging seagulls..picking the pockets of the leftie dumbfucks who paid through the nose..lol!
As a country, we should all be absolutely appalled by that photo of the mess left at Glastonbury. What message is that sending out to the world? It’s just disgraceful that people can treat our countryside so casually and with such disregard. It’s become the norm that “someone else will clear up”. And when one considers that the festival goers, as understand it, were mainly white and some even older than 18…well, they should be ashamed of themselves.
What has happened to our manners, our politeness, our thoughtfulness? Why are people so selfish? And yet the opposite occurs sometimes such as the kindness of strangers after the bomb in Manchester et al. No wonder folk are confused.
Ok, so Corbyn promises students – cash, benefit claimers – cash, immigrants – cash and maybe a 2% rise for Nurses.
On the face of it hardly a good basis for running a country? Maybe I’ve missed something?
Guess who the hard hard left cretin in the upcoming video, Josie Long exclusively works for….Shock, shock, horror, shock, shock horror….She’s a beeboid “comedian” of the proletariat…http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01mk3f8/episodes/downloads
I feel slightly ill after watching that. You just know exactly what her views will be on everything; a cardboard cut out leftist without a single original thought in her brain!
I’m sick to the teeth of talking heads claiming that those who voted for Brexit didn’t really know what they were voting for, and given the opportunity for a second referendum would probably vote to stay in. The results of ‘poll’s taken here there and everywhere are constantly published and discussed, BUT I’ve never been asked to take part in a questionnaire for any poll, and neither has anyone I know, so who ARE these people who know me so personally that they know why I voted the way I did and how I would vote again. I honestly wish I could be questioned because they’d run out of ink before I finished. Its an insult to my intelligence when I hear and see someone in their 40’s being interviewed and voicing assumptions in my name. One word sunshine ‘b…….cks’ !!!
Brissles, my dear old thing, (sorry, came over all a bit Blowers there), these dodgy Polls are apparently done with a carefully selected group. Carefully selected to exclude thee and me and our friends and relatives.
Just over a year ago, when it seemed certain that Remain would win fairly comfortably, I noticed a definite change in the comments and ‘likes’ on any EU-Ref related HYSs on the BBC web-site. I think I mentioned it on here that it was the only thing that gave me real heart prior to the day of the vote.
If it is any encouragement, some of the recent HYSs have displayed a pro-Brexit inclination running at 2:1.
I won’t go back to Egypt!
And it appears that from the Comments and the ‘upvotes’ that we may have to form an orderly & lengthy queue to go anywhere when we are eventually OUT.
Biased bbc going on about a bloke from Grenfell tower whose wife died in the blaze.
He is complaining that he cannot travel to see her being buried………..in Morocco !!!!!!
Useless bBBC are asking him how he feels.
It obviously did not occur to the bBBC to ask him what is wrong with her being buried in the country providing his subsidised housing.
You really cannot make it up.
Does ‘cannot travel’ mean that he cannot afford it? Unlikely since it’s not that expensive.
More likely the Moroccans want him for something back there (conscription perhaps) or won’t let him leave the country once he’s back. He may also think the Brits won’t let him back in (which of course is nonsense as all he’d have to do would be give his address as Grenfell Towers to get whisked through immigration).
Is it possible for al Beebus to find anybody with a “non-vibrant” accent to interview ref. the Grenfell Tower or other council high rise blocks in Londinium?
You’d probably get some hippy ‘OK Yaaah’ accent’ from returnees from Ghastlyberry, Al!
‘On my way for a spritzer and saw this chap with a microphone, so dawdled over… Quintin was EVER so brave, especially as his real name is Mo’!
Vibrant often means shaking like a leaf, because nobody knows you’re not supposed to be on bennies in UK Inc! Your ‘landlord’ may, but he’s a loser now, as he’s probably burned his books too.
Perhaps all these Labour councils will tell the bbc that they can supply them with anything they need to support the anti-immigrant non-bias, but I don’t suppose they will, after all, they’re the problem as well.
Same sort of incoherent bollocks on R5Live all last night, Dover.
You’d think that the Yank MSM would be delighted to talk with citizens who want their country back and secure – the non-whingeing ones that is… Mind you, with Rhod Sharp asking the questions, you know what the answer will be a few seconds after he’s droned to a halt.
(Can’t get Fox on a small inefficient DAB radio sadly, otherwise I’d have checked).
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MarkyMarkFeb 26, 15:20 Midweek 26th February 2025 “Media reports say Washington has dropped initial demands for a right to $500bn (£395bn) in potential revenue from the natural…
I very nearly presented the following piece on Biased BBC on or about 30 June 2016. Apparently, it still wants to escape from its digital drawer. Should I let it go? Oh, too late.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
I think we are now engaged in a Biblical of Epic proportions.
Yes, you did read that right. I deliberately switched Epic and Biblical. I posted the following in a response to a post by Cranmer on a Thread here as long ago as 24 June (2016). Well they do say a week in politics is a long time.
“There will be many temptations offered and excuses made to ‘return to Egypt’.”
As I have thought about this over the last thirty-six hours or more, I think the present situation of the United Kingdom is all there, in the Bible, in the Book of Exodus.
We voted to Leave last Thursday. On Friday the moaning and the complaining started. By Saturday some were really getting things underway to agitate for a return to the EU.
The Children of Israel had seen God work mightily in their situation as slaves in Egypt. At last, with the Passover complete, their moment of liberation had come. They were heading out of Egypt, into the desert. Getting through the desert was not going to be easy. Suddenly, things had changed in Egypt, too. Pharaoh wanted the Israelites back. He set out after them with an army.
With desert all around, a sea in front of them and the sound of Pharoah’s chariots & horses in their ears, some of the Children of Israel found it all too much. “Why have you brought us to die out here, Moses? We want to go back, it was much better being slaves in Egypt than being free.”
Every time difficulties or obstacles or troubles arose, that last call became a reoccurring, wailing refrain in the ears of the leaders of the Children of Israel for the next forty years: ” Waaa-ah! I wanna go back to Egypt!”
You can read for yourselves all about it from Exodus chapter 9 through to Joshua chapter 11 in the Bible.
It may not take forty years to untangle the UK from the EU but there may still be hardships and deliverances – and miraculous provisions – along the way. There is much to be learnt from those 43 chapters of the Bible, many of them very hard lessons with much hardship and heartache along the way. If you are tempted to skip to the end, (Spoiler Alert!) yes, it all turned out well.
James Taylor sang: “I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain. I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end. I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, but I always thought that I’d see you again.”
We in the UK will need to look to our Pillar of Fire and Pillar of Cloud to lead us. We will also need friends on the journey. There may not be many good or reliable ones in our society, in business, the media, even in our Parliament and Europe. Hopefully, some will be found, here and there. With their help and our faith, the journey will be completed.
Good discernment will be vital. We must not be diverted by any false signposts on our way to the destination, when we will finally see that we are in a much better place than either traversing the desert or being in a form of slavery in the EU.
We need to hold to this as a motto ‘I won’t go back to Egypt.’
Up2 – I reread the 4 gospels of the New Testament recently ( never thought I’d write that ) . Now I am starting on the Moslem book again. Tried it a coukd of time but got fed up with a lot of cracks about killing infidels and spilling seed. Is definitely needs a rewrite .
After that I might go back to the Old Testament but that’s for later.
During my rationed exposure to Toady I learnt that there are strong parallels between Harry Potter and our Lord Jesus Christ . Oh how al beeb!
Fed up,
The Koran is not in chronological order, one of the things which makes it an awkward read. You have the Suras arranged only from longest to shortest. (I guess they couldn’t be bothered) If you can read it in order you see how it gets progressively more violent over time. It’s diabolical from the time The False Prophet “migrated” to Medina.
Lucy ,
Thanks very much . Maybe I will wait until al beeb makes it book of the week or it’s in the Wimmins hour spot. Or when comrade naughtie puts it on socialist book club.
Is there a colouring in version?
Fedup, bad news, I am afraid. There is a colouring in book but sadly all the crayons have been used up doing Charlton Moses’, or is it Moses Heston’s?, robes plus a retro-fit of Joseph’s coat of many colours.
We’re waiting for the next Cowling & Wilcox sale, which should start about a day after the previous one ends, for something from Daler Rowney which is almost certain to suit, even if the Prophet did insist on wearing a lot of black.
The thing that struck me from the koran is that it is aimed entirely at men. Heaven is talked about a hundred times but only houris and little boys that can be banged is mentioned. Women never get to read what allah has in store for them in heaven.
Maybe one of the BBC’s feminists could take this up?
There has been a significant step change in the levels of bias across all broadcast media and more and more people are starting to notice, especially in the context of the BBC, it seems.
Sky used to be reasonably sensible until the Referendum outcome but has become significantly anti-Government since then. Currently their news output is close to unwatchable. Fortunately they don’t seem to have started indoctrinating their drama as the BBC have but I guess that is because they are more commercial and they need to try harder to find external markets for it. I’m unsure why they’ve moved in the way they have so quickly, maybe their editorial teams have changed too.
The BBC have no such qualms. They don’t even try to hide their impartiality anymore. All their political programmes (with the possible exception of Andrew Neil’s) are heavily slanted and unwatchable.
I agree with you, there does seem to have been quite a violent lurch to the Left in broadcasting over the past year or so. Sky is now as bad as the BBC (worse in some respects!) and even the incidental news broadcasters such as Classic FM broadcast ‘news’ that is so heavily slanted it might as well come from the BBC.
Maybe we should cast an eye on the political authorities and their control over the media- the elite, not necessarily the Tory MP dimwits
There is so much evidence of widespread cover ups, not just the BBC
BBC Red-io4 Now STW is about the Canary (Momentum news-site ) *
Up next Eddie Izzard is Book of The Week
* Also has Red Tory Lord Patten sneering at Breitbart and saying how amazing BBC is
BBC Red-io4 All Labour All The Time
8:30pm Who Speaks for the Workers?
“Union membership is in decline whilst structural changes in the economy”
” putting downward pressure on wages, and creating fertile conditions for exploitation by unscrupulous employers.”
By “Sonia Sodha, chief leader writer for the Observer”
R5 Phone In now – ..just a shout-a-thon where people are complaining the media is biased to the right and that Corbyn has never attacked May.
Eddie must be worried about that other arty fella dressing up as a girly as part of his personal expression . Even more so if he starts doing marathons .
On the subject of the Grenfell Tower tragedy and its aftermath, some thoughts arise:
1. The evacuation of the Camden Towers blocks seems to have been completely mismanaged and probably unnecessary. Probably done for political reasons. On Friday night, the cladding was at fault and the reason behind the evacuation. By Saturday morning the reasons had expanded to include inappropriately completely gas piping, something wrong with security doors and inadequate sprinklers. Does anyone believe this? The residents don’t seem to judging by their reluctance to leave.
2. It seems unlikely that the residents were asked to leave when the blocks were refurbished in 2006, why are they being asked to do so now?
3. Surely now would be an appropriate moment to undertake an audit to sift out the illegal sub-letting of properties, identify illegals and take action against them, and generally ensure that all tenancy arrangements are as they should be. This doesn’t seem to be on the agenda but could be carried out now with the additional benefit that cash payouts are made to the most deserving.
What seems to be being highlighted by these dreadful events is the complete incompetence that exists within the public sector, but you won’t see any comment on any of these issues from the BBC or broadcast media.
Watching sky news on friday night and for 3 hours on saturday morning they reported on those blocks in camden but not one mention of the party in charge and no mention as to when that cladding was installed which is around 10 years ago. The council leader was being well protected by sky with softball questions and she knew it as she was smiling away. The shit hit the fan when sky were talking to an old lady who is living in those blocks who told the media that they were putting people up in hotels who didnt live in the blocks. The council leaders minions in the background were in panic mode as they were discussing how to stop her talking. Their faces were a picture. And to top it off the sky bod went nowhere near the subject after like it never happened. Just went back to distracting the blame onto the government.. The fire doors and gas stuff is a distraction away from the cladding which is the same stuff at grenfell. Also no mention of the area surrounding those towers having some of the most exspensive real estate in the country, primrose hill and belsize park. Its monday morning now and still no mention of the party running camden council or when the cladding was fitted
The labour council leader is connected
It’s not just “incompetence” by council officials. Many of them are from the same ethnic backgrounds as the tenants, and know how to game the system for their own benefit. Let’s just say who the official tenant is, and who is actually living in the property are not necessarily the same. That is why the authorities have no chance finding out who many of the dead are. The lease might say that Mr and Mrs X live in a flat, but they are not to be found, and instead there are the charred remains of eight men. Who are they? No-one will ever know.
“Many of them are from the same ethnic backgrounds as the tenants, and know how to game the system for their own benefit.”
And, tying in with Lucy’s excellent post (below), there are too many alien-thinking ‘foreigners’, or indeed people who WISH they were foreigners, in our HoC, HoL, public services, MEDIA etc. etc.
In that there london if you go into a housing department it’s a matter of ” spot the whitey”- google a bit on housing officials caught on corruption in public office jobs .
Will be interesting if the final body count for the tower block has a true reflection on the tenants details .
Good to know what Jeremy Vine thinks of our Prime Minister and the leader of the DUP:
Aren’t BBC political presenters supposed to refrain from expressing their personal political views?
It seems that – shock, horror – he’s not much of a fan of Trump either:
You rarely if ever got BBC presenters making sarcastic remarks about Obama, but Anthony Zurcher’s Twitter feed contains almost nothing but digs at Trump: https://twitter.com/awzurcher
The BBC’s own guidelines on social media usage by staff state that:
‘You shouldn’t state your political preferences or say anything that compromises your
impartiality. Don’t sound off about things in an openly partisan way.’
But given who Vine had a dig at, he’ll get away with it…
From http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/bsp/hi/pdfs/26_03_15_bbc_news_group_social_media_guidance.pdf
‘Don’t sound off about things in an openly partisan way’ ..and how does that sentence end –
‘Please make at least a token effort to avoid shouting your Labour/Green/SWP affiliation from the rooftops’
JeffW Do those rules apply to Vine ?
The Social Media Editor wrote about those guidelines in 2015 “A near-identical version of the same guidance is being distributed for staff in BBC Radio.”
There are 3 categories 1. Personal, 2. Official staff, 3. Accounts belonging to the Prog
Is a high profile presenters account just personal ?
He doesn’t put a BBC logo on it , so I guess so.
and there are also “Editorial Guidelines”
“editorial staff should not indicate their political allegiance.”
Now for the Trump one Vine can hide behind “I’m just retweeting another account”
– The Chuckle brother one , he’ll pass off as humour
BUT his account “about” has a sneer at Trump
I do the election graphics with a certain amount of covfefe”
Is that impartial ?
Strikes me that us all carte blanch to compare Jeremy Vine on his Twitter feed to all sorts of culinary delights. Since he couldn’t block anyone for it, lest he appear a hypocrite.
Oh. I see the flaw in my argument.
The BBC is pushing Eid Al Fitr to our 0-6 year olds on their cbeebies channel – It is headlined all over it.
CBeebies: My CBeebies Special Day – Eid al-Fitr
Eid al-Fitr: At the end of Ramadan, Abdul and his family have lots to celebrate!
Rebecca shows us how to make some tasty moon and star toast for Eid al-Fitr.
Eid al-Fitr – Onion Pakoras
They tweeted this one 3 times
I just had to register for the BBC iPlayer.
Gender options:
1. Male
2. Female
3. Other
4. Prefer not to say
Surely providing your name in the registration process sort of gives the game away, so Option 4 is irrelevant?
BBC adopts the progressive attitude to gender – where you get to choose your own gender. One example is “gender fluid” where one day you may self define yourself as a female, the next day a male, the next day neuter, the next day transgender, and so on. If you are confused – you need to go to university where they teach this sort of thing for example:
I’ve just dropped a cup of boiling hot coffee in my lap, so from now on I’m going to classify myself as gender neutral ……….
I lied and created a hooky e mail address just for al beeb. Naughty eh?
Made sure the IP couldn’t be tracked either.
Don’t pay their licence tax ( unless perhaps they represent Britain again)
“Surely providing your name in the registration process sort of gives the game away, so Option 4 is irrelevant?”
Only if you give your real name. Surely you don’t do that?
I haven’t registered and can get by without it. If there were a half decent programme that caught my attention I’d make the effort to watch it first time round but there rarely is.
I cannot remember, seriously, the last time anyone recommended a decent programme that I missed and should have watched on the BBC.
How did the polling companies get off so lightly after their shocking performance during the election period?
On average, they were found to be 8-10% out on voting day, and yet we see the BBC (all media in fact) issuing new polling information on pretty much a daily basis ever since.
Maybe there has been such a move towards using polling information to influence voting support for separate agendas that the BBC and others simply don’t care, they just want whatever data they can find to leverage their own agendas?
All the meeja is guilty of ‘banging on’ & has been for years. Always the same 3 or 4 subjects which they recycle, filling up hour after hour of air time.
Beeby is now engaged in banging on about the rights of “EU Citizens” after breakfast. I mean “brexit” Has it occurred to anyone living in The People’s Republic of Propaganda that Britons might not give a flying fig about the rights of foreigners? Yes, I said FOREIGNERS. I would rather see some investigative reporting exposing the masses of illegal aliens currently claiming to be “EU Citizens” & challenging our government on what they intend to do about them. Our government’s responsibility is to us, to our welfare. Not to the “rights of EU Citizens” .
Why don’t they put the welfare of EU citizens in the other 28 members court . They impoverish us with a punishing Brexit. And those Poles etc can go back to their own countries . They give us a fair deal and those EU citizens won’t go back to add to the unemployment figures of their own countries ?
And many swindling the benefit system.
Yes G, they all come across as thick as planks (and most probably are), but when it comes to knowing every loophole in the system they could get degrees in it. (innit !)
My brother rented his house (in Sheffield) to a seemingly wealthy black African couple – he a doctor and she a social worker with children at private school. When no rent appeared from month 2 he went through all the processes to recover it – finally turning off the water outside. Turned out she was a prostitute and they were living off her earnings and various benefits. Took my brother nigh on 6 months to rid himself of them.
Near me: People from the Former Soviet Union cohabiting. For four years or so together, two top of the range cars – BMW + VW. Renting and claiming Housing Benefit and no doubt all the other lovelies the taxpayer provides. When the landlord is told, by me assuming they are joint tenants, the reply is the female only is the tenant and that, they are “told” her “boyfriend” simply stops over, “occasionally”. It is that blatant. Let’s see what the Department of Work and Pensions make of it. They were advised back in March. Question is, can they be bothered to investigate?
French guy on phone-in yesterday said he supports Brexit
… And that most French he knows working in London are actually double dipping by still claiming unemployment benefits in France.
Brissles – I think there was lesson in that experience your brother had: hopefully he’s learned it.
Has he just ! His one and only foray into the world of renting ended in disaster, and his language for what he called them is too colourful for me to repeat on here. But the first word was black.
Lucy, we don’t have a real ‘Government’. Just a body of people purporting to manage. The body works on the simple principle that what ever we wake up in the morning thinking about, will be good to apply to the masses managed. Flowerpot management.
A major reason that this country is going down the cr@pper, is that our society; our government; our legal system and just generally our way of conducting business and running ourselves, was developed over centuries by the English; Scots; Welsh and then later as Britons.
These systems and structures were created to govern and manage other Britons, when you import large numbers of Third World people those same structures and systems begin to erode and malfunction. They were never meant to involve managing such people and certainly not to have them involved in the running of them.
That is why the legal systems which were copied in the colonies only continue to function properly in majority white countries like Canada and Australia but not (now) in South Africa or Zimbabwe.
PM R4 was also obsessing about the “rights of EU nationals” or is it the “rights of EU citizens”? I have listened to the German BBCs since the start of the referendum campaign and the “rights of EU citizens” – never mind the rights of British citizens in Germany – have never been mentioned. Nor has there been a neverending series of items on the German media bewailing the loss of British citizens indispensable to the economy and societal diversity. Nor has there been a long succession of British immigrants declaring that they only do jobs that Germans are too ignorant or lazy to do and so are not forcing down wages. That would go down well, but seems par for the course for the Today programme. If the SNP had won independence for Scotland, I’m sure they would be thrilled at the British Supreme Court putting themseves forward as the defender of the rights of British citizens living in Scotland. EU meglomania knows no bounds. European army Sort out Trump, sort out Putin, punish the British renegades.
@Grant New info on Nicky Campbell challenging Islamic dogma and Muslims

We all know that BBC LibMob will always avoid the issue and try to divert the issue to “Islamophobia ”
But it turns out NC does have a passion against for Anti-creationism, so much so that it could lead to him challenging a Muslim although I was only able to find ONE example and that was back in 2012 in a discussion with the Quilliiam guy he does use the phrase “fraudulant clowns” in describing “Islamic creationists, such as Harun Yahya”
with ref to a Qulilliam vonference
Despite Campbell insisting he challenges Muslims all the time I was only able to find his prog mentioning it twice

and in 2016 he said the matter is settled and the BBC does never need to address the issue again.
(That the wrong thing to do, cos no matter how wrong the public can be, it’s them that pay the tax so you can’t just sneer at them)
#1 March 27, 2011 Nicky Campbell’s Big Question prog
“Should creationism ever be taught in schools” with a Muslim who home-schools to be able to teach creationism,
There is a webpage, but it contains no info about the prog
#2 BbcBQ mentioned it 13 Jan 2013 Is it time for all religions to accept evolution?
On YouTube
So just line Vine above .. Campbell broke the anti-political rule when he tweeted the other day that creationist SNPs are “numpties”

Then he had a tantrum against me and said he criticises Muslims the same “all the time”
Well no he doesn’t cos he would be breaking political rules
..which is why I only found the ONE other time he had crossed that line.
So the ‘Peoples Farmer’ and Amish lookalike Michael Eavis lets us into the secret that Jeremy will be PM within 6 months and plans to scrap Trident almost immediately. Oh dear Michael, I’d stick to the day job of annoying your neighbours – who really do work at farming – or you’ll have Momentum making rural troubles for you.
Meanwhile that nice Mr.McDonnell tells his captive proletarian audience – £238 per head plus travel, veggie-burgers and substances – that Grenfellahs were ‘murdered’. Naturally, he doesn’t go on to add that successive and progressively absurd ‘green’ policies, instigated primarily by Labour governments, are as much to blame as overcrowding and self-imposed third-world living conditions but there’s no point in clouding the issue when there’s rabble to be roused.
Looking to the future, at least the next Turner Prize winner will have ready-made artworks to hand with mounds of unwanted panels available for a song – possibly by Billy Bragg?
Beltane ,
In a normally governed country the checking of flats for dodgy cladding would be an excellent method of checking for criminal subletting , illegals and wrongfully captive live goats.
I wonder if any arrests will be made. Tower hamlets could be emptied out!
No-one will dare. The whole issue is a can of worms. Illegal subletting is an industry which makes many people, including corrupt council officials, a lot of money.
The “official” population of the UK is 65 million, but the actual population, worked out by supermarkets based on real sales, is 77 million. Those missing 12 million people have to live somewhere, and three or four to a room in illegally sublet council properties is one way in which they are accomodated, as well as the famous garden sheds of course.
The only sensible emotion when contemplating what has been done to our country is utter despair.
If the overcrowding and subletting results in too many people using a flat then that is an obvious Fire risk.
All the clutter stacked about, the overuse of ovens and hobs, the chances of accidents from those not used to living in a civilised environment such as misuse of gas and electric. Even evacuation would be slowed down or maybe a stampede would occur.
Who gains from all this?
Start looking there to apportion blame.
Yes and they’d probably run into a few Islamic terrorist safe houses as well. Enough is enough right?
It’s funny how tess May comes out with a meaningless line like that but somehow Mrs T. Would have donesomething about it?
If you’re looking for meaningless lines, just listen to the current London Mayor and what he has been saying these last few days.
In total they all add up to the square root of diddly squat.
No fan ,
Sorry I’ve been having a media black out so no idea what the bus drivers son has been saying . I might guess though – more pulling together and it’s all about nasty Tory cuts . His big problem is to time his run to be Labour Party leader but can’t see it . I think it’s a girl next – or Diane
Where did the extra 538,000 arrivals go during 2015/2016?
Sharing beds in various tower blocks around the country ?????
Well, certainly doubling (or could it be quadrupling) up somewhere, that’s for sure.
It’s going to be a lot higher than 77 million now. I’ve just found this – published ten years ago in The Independent, of all ‘newspapers’! http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/comment/city-eye-facts-on-a-plate-our-population-is-at-least-77-million-5328454.html
Britgirl, I had to laugh at this example of leftie brainlessness: ‘ If the true numbers were revealed, the Little Englanders and xenophobes would come out in force about the evils of immigration. But that’s what made America great in the 19th century, and it’s a driving force of our economy right now. It’s also anti-inflationary.’
America had billions of acres of unsettled land, and didn’t have crippling national debts or an out of control social welfare bill, and had an armed populace not known for tolerating madmen running around killing people in the name of their religion.
My wife has a PC-to-a-fault aunt in Saskatoon who enjoys lecturing her on immigration.
Saskatoon – middle of nowhere.
Exactly right, Cranmer.
Start the Week on radio4 was a disgrace . Four or five talking heads , all from the left , saying how clever they were and how stupid the population is .
Start the Week is usually a disgrace, it’s marred by Marr.
@Nibor see my 9:40am comment above
One of the Lefties was Red Tory Lord Patten sneering at Breitbart and saying how amazing BBC is
Follow the dots. Ex-EU commissioner in protection of his pension shocker.
I’m really surprised my Lord Patten doesn’t duck his nut and just take the expenses / company board non exec fees rather than pretend to have any democratic mandate to be heard by we non tv tax paying proles .
I’ll never forget his expression the night he lost his seat in the Commons . A true Portillo moment . Or salmon .
Al beeb reporting that President Trump has dumped some ‘ traditional ‘ dinner for some Islamic festival or other . Hell yeah! How could he not do it?? He got elected rightly on an anti Islamic terrorist policy .
Turns out this “tradition ” was started by Hilary 20 years ago whilst her busy husband was exchanging fluids in the Oval . It carried on by the osama bin obarma -as part of his religion a suppose .
Couldn’t see any uk politician having the strength to not run off to some nice mosque ( Mo – quick hide the ieds) could you. ??
One more reason, of many, to love The Donald!
Donald boom boom Trump, the boom boom is the effect he is having on the progressive political funding mechanisms, the free flow of public funds out of the frontdoor to the UN NGO Charitable status ”think tanks” … shark tanks more like, and the backdoor funding, billion dollar out-reach programmes, Climate change funding funnel through the progressive mechanism, feeding all the activist gang masters and full-time 100k a year agitators etc.
Thats trumps gift to Europe, un-plugging them from the American tax-payer and their Liberal traitors.
What if he pulled the US out of the UN? Or at least stopped payrolling the monster.
Britain, the 51st State. It might be our best option. The only problem being that US presidential terms are too short.
We need much more than 4 years of The Donald to bring the balance back.
Lucy Pevensey
Good suggestion, but after Donald’s spat with the tiny Emir of Londonistan I understand that Treezer has banned him from darkening our doors so there won’t be any negotiations on that. We are stuck with Merkel’s vision of Eurabia
The oval orifice more apt, reminds me of the election campaign banners, ”Hillary sucks” … ”not as good as Monika tho”.
Why hasnt this Mc Donald fella had a coppers hand on his shoulder, what does he have to say to get arrested for incitement, how much more blatant does he have to get spreading what is essentially hate speech.
Not a single story on the BBC main UK website about the ongoing war on Islamists. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk That is if you consider our spate of acid attacks to be just a crime story. They always manage to move on so quickly from Muslim terror attacks. Always avoid re-examining these atrocities with a view to finding answers about how to deal with the problem.
Contrast that with how Stephen Lawrence and Jo Cox get endless re-runs as they play to the narrative of the evil white male.
But somehow I don’t think that the security services will be able to keep the Islamists to ‘an acceptable level of violence’: http://bit.ly/2sSMfXV
Yep Times today pg 4 has ‘2 Muslim girl cousins suffer acid attack in Beckton’
BBC have picked up the story now
Saw that stew – perp wasn’t described so guessing more to it than meets the eye or relative or tribe
Fedup, I think you are correct – no description seems to be code for same or similar ethnic group. In the Finsbury Park mosque attack, the Beeb described the perpetrator as ‘white’ in the first paragraph.
In the report in the Daily Mirror: ‘Relatives said last night they fear the attack was motivated by Islamophobia in the wake of recent terror attacks.’ But no description of the attacker has been issued, so how can they know this for sure? Either they are just speculating, or we are not being told the full story.
In the article about the acid attack, we learn that the victim was a ‘model’, uses social media and publishes pictures of herself in highly provocative (by Muslim standards) clothing. She was attacked in a car alone with a 37 year old male cousin. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think any of those things would bother a non-Muslim, but would be highly offensive to some of the more touchy members of the faith.
Wiltshire History festival dares to invite only invite 1% non white historians allegedly.
LibMobsters have a tantrum
Rebecca Rideal withdraws and others pressured to boycott.
When organiser said Olusoga has in fact spoken at the festival many times, Olusoga pulled that line ah but it was the BBC that made the invitation.
The number of women is one thing
but the 1% BME number can be deconstructed
..and has been previously on BBC Making History
BMe are highly skewed towards school age , so when you look at “expert age” the percentage is much smaller
but even much of those BME got tempted into other careers by positive discrimination in other fields etc Or tempted by job offers in Africa/America
so the number of BME history lecturers left for the UK is about 1%.
So you can’t just magic up a speaker list of 10% BME.
My concern is why did Rideal wait until 4 days before the festival to withdraw
..shouldn’t she have stayed in for the benefit of customers who’d already paid ?
Surely she must have been aware of the other speakers months ago .
She’d be better of f helping more women join next year rather than just throwing a tantrum.
The government has signed up with the DUP.
A possibility of some semblance of stable government (does anyone really fancy the alternative ?) is possible.
Not great. Not ideal. But in the circumstances OK.
But on the biased BBC news this is immediately portrayed as gloom and doom. A narrow majority at best, quibbles from other parts of the UK, problems for the NI peace agreement and devolved government. Problems, problems. Doom. Gloom. Much mournful shaking of heads.
You can always rely on the biased BBC to see problems on every right-of-centre opportunity.
Seditious and traiterous as ever, and seemingly untouchable.
Strange to relate but people listened to Haw Haw with a grim and perverse fascination. Like beeb he predicted our demise with lots of exaggeration and fake news. He was hung as a traitor.
Thats me, i dont have the telly on anymore, except sometimes at night, i use my data allowance excess, of about 15gb at the end of each month to download complete tv series and watch the whole series at once.
I am sadistically drawn to the ticker tape news from from mohameds post Christianity prophets, its like starting to scratch at athletes foot itch between 2 toes, the only way to stop the itch is to draw blood and make it hurt more than it itches,…..watching the bbc is why i use wired mice, the bbc is worse than poker for provoking momentary ”oh fuck off” moments, and another wireless mouse bounces of the far frontroom wall.
Thanks to the BBC, loads of people fancy the alterantive! That’s the basic problem with the BBC
Glastonbury 2017: 12 things we learned
Oh dear. Judging by the top-rated comments, it’s not looking too good for the BBC.
Word of advice, Auntie. Your increasing bias is getting noticed more and more, and there WILL be a reckoning.
Thanks for the link, comments were a heartening read. Wish Corbers would stay away from the young folk, socialism combined with youth movements have a poor track record and don’t end well.
my doctors never invited me to speak, its always the receptionist tent that invites me.
Of course it would be racist to suggest a Muslim might set fire to his/her own surroundings as an excuse to incite violence.
Iowa: Woman who set Des Moines mosque on fire is…Muslim
JUNE 24, 2017
A 22-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of starting a small fire at a Des Moines mosque Thursday morning, police said.
At about 10 a.m., Des Moines firefighters and police were called to the Islamic Center of Des Moines, 6201 Franklin Ave., where there had been a small fire on the carpet, according to a Des Moines police report.
The fire was extinguished by the mosque’s staff by the time firefighters arrived, police said.
Security cameras in the mosque showed a woman, later identified as Aisha Ismail, 22, pouring lighter fluid on the carpet and then starting the fire, said Des Moines police spokesman Sgt. Paul Parizek. Ismail was not on scene when police and firefighters arrived, according to the report.
Police arrested Ismail at a West Des Moines apartment that evening. She was booked into the Polk County Jail on a first-degree arson charge.
There are no indications that this fire was a hate crime, Parizek said. Ismail attended the mosque, he said, adding that her motive for the fire was unclear.
“It doesn’t appear that she was trying to burn the place down,” Parizek said. “It seems like she was trying to make a statement.”
Damage from the fire was minimal, and no one was hurt, Parizek said.
Ismail’s jail bond was set at $25,000. She remained in custody Friday morning.
Am i reading this right guys, the oxford dictionary, Islamophobia.
Dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.
So that essentially means if you do not like a Muslims political view, you are a Islamophobe.
it then gives these examples of mass noun Islamophobia.
Have i got it wrong ?. these example sentences below that they give mean it is Islamophobic to talk about Islamophobia.
‘For those not aware of the background, last week a Muslim group published a report identifying widespread Islamophobia within Britain.’
‘Or is there a new toxic brand of respectable liberal Islamophobia looming on the horizon of the Muslim schools debate?’
‘British Muslims can peg their alienation solely on Islamophobia and intolerance for only so long.’
‘Seeing a political opportunity, the right has fused the less popular xenophobia with the more popular Islamophobia.’
‘Even in this predominantly Christian school, there is fear of being associated with Islamophobia and racism.’
Has ‘Naziphobia’ become a word in the dictionary then as well? Oxford? Oxford dictionary? This isn’t right. Oxford dictionary trying to give legitimacy to a fake word! The meaning is subjective. It cannot be defined. Who do I write to? This has to be stopped. I am 100% against islamophobia [it’s usage as a word]. Oxford? What? So much for a prestigious university education. They are idiots now.
I have now had enough of Jo Coburn, and wont be watching any more. She said the other day, that she knew the only people watching were “Political Junkies”, so why does she need to tell us who John McDonnell and Jeremy Corbyn are. DUH! Her questions are always very long and convoluted and she interrupts the answers, usually just as the main point is being made.
Andrew Neil come back, all is forgiven.
Not watching until you do.
Jo is a joke. When Andrew Neil is there she behaves. But when the cat is away…. She seems a deeply unhappy woman. And it can’t be the menopause !
I hope it isn’t just you and me that find her so obnoxious. She gets very shirty if anyone dares to come back at her if she got something wrong. I think she is so far up herself that she hasn’t a clue how she comes over.
I have had enough, so peace in our household, no more shouting at the television for a while
Threats and warnings a plenty from our ‘oppressed’ Muslims because we are white, English, occupied this land far before they did and dare voice our concerns and wholly justifiable fears- that seems to be the gist of it.
UK Muslims seem to have a free and easy time in this country but it’s no Caliphate and we don’t openly allow Sharia, we have Jews, music, dancing, no modesty and women run amok. And that is the definition of ‘Islamophobia’.
They and the leftfataly under-estimate British patriotism, they seek to blow our schools up, so far they have been prevented, they will learn how to avoid prevention, one day they will slaughter 10s to 100s of our children in one place at one time, and that will change Britain forever, murdering our liberals wont change anything the idiots are ”normalising” it, and frankly they deserve that which they foster, i fear the tragedy will have to be so grotesque as cause the spontaneous anger and national civil unrest on all fronts, the enclaves to start burning and the mass ejection of the demographic nightmare.
All true. I imagine a questionnaire, like a census with boxes to tick, to get a clue as to what level of horror might be required. We’re not there yet, mainly thanks to our security service but as often quoted, ‘We have to be lucky 100% of the time, they, just occasionally.’
Hmmm Gax, the blue touche paper gets ever closer, not if it gets lit, but when, how can those intelligenzia not see the blindingly obvious, Darwinism.
I love to watch the comedy show that is The Pledge on Sky. A right little gem came out of the mouth of the Guardian reader and ex footballer called Graeme Le Saux (who?). He said that, wait for it …………… 99.8% of the population want to live in a multicultural society !!!! , and when he was challenged by one Afua Hirsch (and who, I discovered is a writer, broadcaster, barrister and human rights development worker of Ghanaian, English and Jewish heritage ) about this figure, he said he would be totally SHOCKED if it was more than .2% who did not want to live this way. What drivel, and what an utter prat. Accordingly he was born in Jersey, and could possibly still live there. Perhaps he ought to get off his island idyll and find out what the UK is really all about.
Le Saux must be watching too much bbc. Footballers, Pop, Movie and Comedy ‘stars’ along with all media ‘experts’ should really be running this country – a coalition perhaps?
It would be so nice, just for a change, to hear on MSM the occasional person who has an IQ above their shoe size. They do exist, although one would hardly know it.
I believe that statistic was calculated by Diane Abbot.
If Diane Abbott had an IQ above her arse size, she would make Einstein look like a half-wit.
We dont dont like them jersey @@@@’@s, they keep stealing all our ”tax minimisation’ clients, we have whole streets dedicated to tax ”strategists” we have the largest and most honest financial corporations here, all dedicated to tax ”management, ofcourse that requires lawyers and we have streets dedicated to tax specialist lawyers some of the largest in the world, we have industrial estates of moth-balled money-laundering factories waiting for Brexit and a new boom., we are gonna have to pitch at 8% CT, you buggers are going in at 10% as londonistan becomes the worlds tax ”reduction” centre.
There are always kippers to fall back on.
Nothing to do with the BBC (or is it?) but I’ve seen adverts on YouTube videos for this website/organisation:
lecturestalks about right wing hate and mentions numerous events like the Finsbury “Terror” attack, Tommy “Hitler” Robinson and other nasty attacks.But just like the BBC it fails to mention any Islamic attacks. Anyone know who is funding this organisation as 1 minute adverts on YouTube videos cannot be cheap?
It’s OK for BBC to be anti-Patriotic says Mark Damazer.
Really ? Then why did R5 move to making its Olympic/Sports coverage very patriotic ?
With exception of English football
The BBC will become “patriotic” as soon as Britain is a soviet socialist republic.
It’s OK to be unpatriotic. Not to be anti-patriotic. That’s just a sign of an unhealthy conscience .
“Willing to be a bit patriotic” is hardly a call to always follow the government line is it?
Perhaps Mark Damazer could share his thoughts as to why the BBC failed and continues to fail to report anything that happens within the EU unless it can be read as the ‘UK on the naughty step’?
This is the broadcaster that could always find time to tell us that Obama tied hie shoelaces himself that morning, (as if anyone cared), yet completly fails to hold what is, in reality, our top level of government to account. (Of course that is exactly what the EU wants, the national governments get the blame while the EU continues ‘the project’ behind the scenes, making the BBC an EU stooge).
Glastonbury is over and there are reports that tidying the site is going to cost close to £800 000 loads of comments on the Mail supporting my own.
It’s just a metaphor for larger life, with loads of rich kids (some who are aged but have never grown up) making a complete trash tip out of what they’ve been given, and then expecting someone else to tidy up the mess they’ve made while running away back to mummy & daddy.
Tickets for the weekend cost from(!) £240 !!!! An extra £100 for a camper van & £200 for a larger one. £45 to park your car , to hire a Teepee will cost £995 !
There were an estimated 300000 attendees this weekend bringing in an estimated £72 Million for the entry fee alone. The whole thing must have grossed around £150 Million.
Given that the majority of those people gushing about attending the festival are greenie, lefties it is such a hypocritical scene when there is so much rubbish that the grass can hardly been seen, and the waste, of perfectly good camping equipment the intolerant over wealth snowflakes have left behind, because they simply couldn’t be bothered to take it home is a disgrace.
This is the Fascist Left at play – and leaving the clear up to the poor working class who they haven’t given a moments thought to over their hedonistic pleasure weekend.
Radio3 had a whole hour on terrorism
We learnt a few things
– Ghandi was not really a pacifist, he had engaged in inciting people to violence for political aims
– “There are 2 clear groups of people: those who use words and those who use violence .. but people try to trick you saying if voice increases this will lead to more violence.
– Baroness Varsi was at first OK explaining
Labour believe that we can all be raised up to a common low level.
Conservatives believe there isn’t a limit
– We shouldn’t be hard on others cos they are on a journey eg Muslims will come around to not being antigay.
– But then she finished by banging on about Islamophobia
I see after the bBCs continues to promote the view that non-whites walk around with bulls eye on their backs in the Uk with its coverage of the rioting by non-whites in London over the death of Edir Frederico Da Costa after a Police search.
Edir Frederico Da Costa death: PCs injured in London protest
Six police officers have been injured and four people were arrested in a protest over the death of a young father following a traffic stop. Bricks were thrown and fires were lit outside Stratford bus station and Forest Gate police station in London.
Protesters allege Edir Frederico Da Costa, 25, was “brutally beaten” by Met Police officers earlier this month.
Whilst the bBC has no problem relating to the world how the protesters feel this young
fatherman died. They don’t report how he actually died:(From the Guardian)
Da Costa was in a car with two other people when it was stopped by police in the Newham area of east London on Thursday 15 June. The Met police initially said only that he “became unwell” and that he had “swallowed a large quantity of drugs”.
I wonder why the bBC left out that snippet of information.
Because it doesn’t fit in with the permanent al Beebus narrative, that ethnic minorities are innocent and ALWAYS the victims of unfair; heavy handed policing and racism.
Having ended my self enforced blackout of all news – and al beeb – for the last few days / there was a snippet on the PM programme with a smug lefty presenter mentioning Andrea ledson and then saying there would be something on the program that was patriotic . That turned out to be a 30 second bit of ” land of hope and glory ” . Al beeb ? Anti British ? Smug ? Apparently the presenter is some one called Mayer .. the word c::t came to mind . Sorry about my lack of humour. There was none by al beeb in that piece.
I’m not the only one then! Since the election the BBC appears to have been in continuous ‘bring the government down’ and ‘stop Brexit’ mode. At least ‘impeach The Donald’ has had a bit of a break!
Currently listening to the news from France, (other services are available – yes really BBC!). Later will turn to stored gigbytes of music.
Al beeb conditions blacks in uk into thinking a lot get killed by the police by covering deaths in America . A lot are too thick to know the difference .
They’ll get chabi or that barrister who enjoys defending IRA terrorist to take the tax payers shilling to be their mouth piece and demand a very profitable public £££ inquiry….
The tower inferno has taught them that the Socialist agitation strategy is effective. Keep throwing tantrums. Create chaos. Claim to be victims of anything & everything. Demand handouts. Repeat until the country is on it’s knees.
Muslims have been agitators since Mohammed. Feign ill treatment to justify robbery of your neighbour’s belongings, property & women. Wreck your stolen surroundings. Repeat. Move on tho the next area. Repeat.
Socialism & Islam. A marriage made in hell.
“Social media posts claimed Londoner Edson Da Costa died from a broken neck sustained in police custody following his arrest by Metropolitan Police officers.
But an initial post mortem found no signs of neck or spinal injuries at all and it is believed Mr Da Costa had ingested large quantities of drugs.”
The IPCC said speculation around the case of his death was “unhelpful”, and confirmed the post-mortem showed no neck, spinal, shoulder injuries or bleeding on the brain caused by police, and urged people to stop spreading ‘false’ and ‘inflammatory information.
“Today we have contacted Mr Da Costa’s family to share with them the findings from the pathologist and we are now able to correct some misinformation that is being widely shared on social media.
The preliminary post mortem found that Mr Da Costa did not suffer a broken neck, or any other spinal injury during his interaction with the police.”
Murdered, they say, murdered.
From the BBC photo heading the article it looks as if St Edison had his neck wrung by the plod.
Time for another MacPherson type Report, but a riot or two will go own well with the BBC
So-called BBC News at 6′. – Treezer: provided the EU nationals have lived in the UK for 5 years or more, they can stay!!!!
Spot the glaring error of judgement? My humble suggestion as the correct alternative: ‘Provided EU nationals have lived and worked in the UK for 5 years or more, they can stay. This applies to direct dependants of working EU Nationals resident in the UK’. There, corrected it. After all, they come here to work don’t they?
Imagine: tap on the front door. Open to find Treezer there and stating that, as an experiment, she will make decisions for me and manage my household budget for a year. Think about it……………… Actually, it doesn’t take much thinking about.
What a pity we cannot deport non-eu nationals who have not been working.
absolutely!…get rid of this scum of the earth who infest our once proud land like cockroaches! I know what I’d do with them..but I really cannot express that here..reminds of the lyrics of the Stones hit ” Jumping Jack Flash”!
May spent most of her career getting rid of just one.
Just done something I normally studiously avoid. I watched part of the BBC news programme. (Shame!) The bit I watched was a report on the Government’s proposals on the future status of EU immigrants living in the UK. After giving us some facts, the presenter announced that the programme was going to find out about what EU immigrants in the UK and British nationals in Europe thought about the proposals. So we were treated to a thoroughly ‘representative’ (ha, ha) cross section of both groups. Well actually we heard from two Germans and a couple of Brits. Guess what? None of them approved of Brexit. Now there’s a surprise.
It has been one of the most disappointing things (IMHO) since the Brexit result, both to learn that HM Government want to allow ALL the EU migrants who have come here to stay: effectively treating them the same as British subjects; and the revelation that UKIP and Nigel Farage share this view.
I think that many people who voted to Leave the EU, did so believing that ex-cons who came here from the EU and EU folk who had committed crimes here but were still entitled to stay after they’d served their prison sentences; would all be expelled.
That those who were here and had never worked would be sent packing and those who are net recipients of benefits and support (regardless of whether they are in work) would also be kicked out.
The idea that both the UK and the EU can enter into this negotiation and treat it as a prolonged mutual masturbation session, where they both come out smiling is absolute cr@p.
One side will come out smiling and the other side will come out cleaning themselves off. The tw@ts at al Beebus and the rest of the “Progressive” scum, all want it to be the British, in two years time, who are doing the wiping.
This “negotiation” should be named and dealt with for what it really is: a confrontation.
If that were done, it may be a lot less friendly but it would result in a much more straightforward outcome, for both sides.
Over the years I’ve known quite a few Spanish, Italian, French people who have made this place their home, sometimes for study, other times for a coffee shop or restaurant job. Some end up doing part time language teaching at colleges.
Mostly they were pleasant enough to converse with, were university educated and spoke English reasonably well.
But almost every single one I met was a leftist/socialist who at the drop of a hat would be off to the nearest anarchist march demanding an end to this or that, Tories out, more windmills etc. Some of them still back come here for the dole when they’ve finished their summer tour of going back home,lounging about in ‘festivals’, topped up with money from their well-to-do parents.
I also noticed that while they raged against all the trendy ‘ism’s, none of them knew a damn thing about their own countries dark histories of colonialism and oppression. In other words they are a typical modern product of education – either clueless or hypocritical.
Admittedly they cause hugely less hassle than large numbers of 3rd world migrants, but I’d certainly be happy to see the back of them. If we had a choice I’d much rather Eastern europeans, who at least aren’t automatically communist – having had their parents experience that totalitarian nightmare.
The downside to that though, is that we had no filter for the vicious criminals from Bulgaria, Romania, Albanians pretending to be Bosnians etc and fallout from the whole bloody Balkans mess. There are probably thousands of these types in our jails at our expense. And those countries were doubtless thanking their lucky stars for our naivete in keeping them off their streets.
BBC News Wales. Announcing that they will be employing 40 new staff! To do what? Well, a range of things: new programmes we are told and finally, to increase the broadcasting of Brexit news…………… Well, blow me down. Is this happening in the rest of the UK? We don’t know but what we do know is that of the 22 constituencies in Wales, 18 supported Brexit. Call me cynical but it would be quite an achievement for the BBC, (‘World Most Trusted’) to intensify their anti-Brexit efforts and convince people in Wales that they got it wrong. Is this increase in, “Brexit reporting” unique to Wales?
Just more and more propaganda from Al Beeb and the Welsh Assembly …………………..
Carwyn Jones does not speak for the people of Wales. We will begetting rid of the EU – let the next move be to get rid of the White Elephant Assembly. Why is Al Beeb rabidly supporting the EU?
Well , Al Beeb taking a hammering on HYS …………………
So, the first of our shiny new aircraft carriers is now ready for some testing. There’s a comment posted on Breitbart :
“Finally, a Mediterranean taxi service we can all be proud of!”
Wry humour indeed, but is it really that far off the truth?
“Camber Sands beach deaths: Friends were ‘competent swimmers’ ” “Earlier, a lawyer said the beach, which can attract 30,000 people a day at peak times, had “hidden dangers””
“Hidden dangers” of all sorts and all types in Britain these days it seems! …
but at least with the likes of Camber Sands it’s now a “known known”..it’s the other two types of “Rumsfeldia” I worry about!
A weekend trip to London, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Cardiff, Oxford, Luton, Reading, Southampton etc etc ..anyone?.. where will the next of the current hidden dangers manifest itself?.. Weston Super Mare maybe?..it’s a long walk to the sea when the tides out mind!
Jezza is the man for the yang people. Mardello for the BBC, writing of Corbyn’s Glastonbury effect, knows that Corbyn is on a roll and we can predict there will soon be an election which the Tories will lose.
And then, they will get rid of Treezer.
But it will be too late
And when the poor white realise they are getting less cossetted than the ethnics?
And the working white are paying higher and higher taxes for less and less?
And the rich white are not getting what they’re accustomed to?
People on the left of the room go Boom
People on the right of the room go Boom
RIP Nazia Hassan (1965-2000)
Jeremy “For the Many 65 Million in the UK, Not the Few 175000 attending Glastonbury” Corbyn – I missed the speech by Jeremy Corbyn[1] at Glastonbury 2017 – I assume it went like this:
“Comrades, let us forget entertainment, joy and capitalism and let me give your money to the NHS and the people instead. I’ve done the maths!
175000 party goers,who want to improve the world * £500 (£243 ticket + £57 travel + £100 food + £100 beer [2]) = £87,500,000.
£87 Million is 4166 nurses (£21K pa) for a year! Think of the nurses! Think of the children being treated by the nurses! How can you say no?”
If it didn’t go like this then I am wondering why he presents some people with their failings and for others he only uses happy talk? This is not treating people equally.
[1] Did Jeremy have to pay or get in free?
[2] My own estimated figures, assume details available from promoters, so this is probably an underestimate.
>Did Jeremy pay or did he get in free?<
Further up this thread someone has calculated that the overall income from the Glastonbury shebang could come to about £82m. Some of that income will have gone to pay the performers for their efforts, one assumes.
Consequently s not beyond the bounds of possibility that Jezza may have been paid to be there? Time will tell.
Jeremy Corbyn got free tickets! “For the Many who had to Pay, Not the Few who got into Glastonbury Free”
theyworkforyou.com JC
Name of donor: Glastonbury Festivals Events Ltd
Address of donor: Worthy farm, Pilton, Shepton Mallet BA4 4BY
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to Glastonbury, total value £456, given to a member of my family.
p.s. nofanofpoliticians – I did see the previous post on costings after I did mine, but thought I’d add a bit for the Many/Few and some equivalence to show what it could pay for, plus I used a basic calculation which could not be refuted. But as you say it will be a lot higher in value than that shown. Guess I can reduce the figure of 175000 by 2 tickets which were free!
At least the 3 million EU members that May has allowed to stay are Christian and unlikely to self-detonate in public areas.
good point!..SO we should celebrate our Polish contingent inter alia. Back home they appear to have the right idea! So..gonna re-locate soonest!.. Poland or Hungary it’s a difficult choice?.mmm?….cos on demographics alone now the UK is f*cked in less than 20 years. With no poltician worth anything in terms of protecting Britishness the muslims will “take over” ..by the power of numbers alone ( they DO seem to be able to breed let’s face it!!..and we pay child benefit lol!!!!!!.. it’s not their intelligence we’re worried about lol (not)…it’d just be the numbers).
The likelihood of any UK politicians doing anything meaningful about this travesty is zilch..as we have seen very recently..appeasement just like to the Nazis in the 1930s..pathetic we are. So we’re already f*cked.
Treezer the Appeaser..worst days work that was ever done!
The BBC are truly at war with the Tory Party. Andrea Leadsom suggested that the MSM could be a little more patriotic in reporting the Brecit negotiations. Cue Eddie Mair who sneeringly loathes patriotism and the Tories . He plays Pomp and Curcumstance without comment .So the anti British propaganda emits not only from the EU but our apology for a national broadcaster.
Islamic related attacks:
1980, 30 April: Iranian Embassy siege: Six Iranian Arab gunmen stormed the Iranian Embassy in London and took hostages. The siege lasted for six days, until the hostages were rescued in a raid by the SAS which was broadcast live on TV. Two of the hostages were killed, while the hostage-takers were all either killed or captured.
1982, June: Abu Nidal killed the Israeli ambassador in London.[32]
1989, 3 August: A man using the alias Mustafa Mahmoud Mazeh accidentally blew himself up along with two floors of a central London hotel while preparing a bomb intended to kill Salman Rushdie.[33]
2005, 7 July: 7/7 central London bombings conducted by four separate Islamist extremist suicide bombers, which targeted civilians using the public transport system during the morning rush hour. Three bombs were detonated on three separate trains on the London Underground and one on a double-decker bus. 56 people were killed and 700 were injured. It was the UK’s worst terrorist incident since the 1988 Lockerbie bombing and the first Islamist suicide attack in the country.
2007, 30 June: Glasgow International Airport attack perpetrated by Islamist extremists. Five people were injured and the only death was of one of the perpetrators.
2008, 22 May: Exeter attempted bombing in a café toilet by an Islamist extremist, injuring only the perpetrator.
2013, 22 May: A British soldier, Lee Rigby, was murdered and decapitated in an attack in Woolwich by Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, two Islamist extremists armed with a handgun and a number of bladed implements including a cleaver. Both men were sentenced to life imprisonment, with Adebolajo given a whole life order and Adebowale ordered to serve at least 45 years.[50]
2015, 5 December: A man with a knife attacked three people at Leytonstone Tube Station in East London. The attacker was 29-year old Muhaydin Mire who was shouting “this is for Syria”. The attacker was found guilty of attempted murder in June 2016. Three people were injured in the attack and one was seriously injured.[51]
2017, 22 March: 2017 Westminster attack – Khalid Masood, a 52-year-old British man, born in Kent as Adrian Elms, drove a car into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, before crashing the vehicle into the Palace of Westminster’s perimeter. He then entered the grounds of the Palace of Westminster, the meeting place of the Houses of Parliament, before being confronted by a police officer, whom he fatally stabbed before being shot himself. Six, including the perpetrator and the officer, were killed in the incident, and 49 people were injured. The attack is being treated as an act of terrorism motivated by Islamic extremism.[57][58][59][60]
2017, 22 May: 2017 Manchester Arena bombing – A large explosion caused by a British suicide attacker with a bomb at the Manchester Arena, Manchester, killing 22 individuals and injuring 120. The attack occurred shortly after an Ariana Grande concert had concluded, and is the most deadly terror related incident in the United Kingdom since the 7/7 London bombings in 2005.[61][62]
2017, 3 June: June 2017 London attack. 8 people were confirmed dead and at least 48 injured, some critically. A white van drove at high speed across London Bridge, running into groups of people, then crashed. The occupants then ran to nearby Borough Market, where they stabbed many people.[63][64][65] All three of the terrorists involved were shot dead by police eight minutes after the incident was reported. All three were wearing imitation suicide bomb vests.
Prevented, failed or aborted attacks[edit]
2005, 21 July: The 21 July 2005 London bombings, also conducted by four would-be suicide bombers on the public transport, whose bombs failed to detonate.
2007, 1 February: Plot to behead a British Muslim soldier.
2007, 29 June: London car bombs.
2009, 3 September : Manchester Piccadilly multiple suicide bomber plot.[70] In 2009 Pakistani national Abid Naseer, was one of 12 suspects arrested on suspicion of being part of a Manchester Terror cell, after arriving in the UK a year before. All were released on insufficient evidence, but ordered to be deported from the UK. Naseer’s deportation to Pakistan was prevented on human rights grounds, as he was ruled ‘likely to be mistreated’. In 2013, on further evidence from Al-Queda sources, including documents from the bin Laden Raid, he was extradited to the US, and on 4 March 2015 was found guilty of masterminding an Al-Queda directed plot to synchronize multiple suicide bombings around Manchesters Arndale Centre and Piccadilly Shopping centre in a coordinated attack involving other locations including the New York Subway with other cells.
2012, June: Five extremists plotted to bomb an English Defence League rally in Dewsbury but arrived late and were arrested when returning to Birmingham. A sixth was also convicted.[71]
2013, April: As part of Operation Pitsford 11 Muslim extremists are jailed for a plotting terror attack involving suicide Bombers.[72]
2015, 12 Feb : Liverpool Ricin Plot:[73] Mohammed Ammar Ali, an IT worker who rented a flat in Liverpool as a base of operations, attempted to buy 500 mg of ricin, which could kill as many as 1,400 people, using the darkweb. He was instead delivered a white powder by the FBI. Evidence was also found of attempts to purchase rabbits or chinchillas to test the poison out on.
2015, 7 July : Attempted anniversary London 7/7 bomb plot.[74] Mohammed Rehman and Sana Ahmed Khan were sentenced to life imprisonment for preparing an act of terrorism.[75] They had 10 kg of urea nitrate. Rehman called himself the ‘silent bomber’ and asked his Twitter followers to choose between the Westfield Shopping Centre or the London Underground for the planned suicide bomb.
Arrests, detentions, and other incidents related to the Terrorism Acts[edit]
These are cases where either the Terrorism Acts were invoked, or which the authorities alleged were terrorist in nature at the time. This list includes both plots that were foiled at an early stage before any materials were actually assembled, and totally innocent suspects.
2003, 5 January: Wood Green ricin plot, where police arrested six Algerian men accused of manufacturing ricin to use for a poison attack on the London underground. No poison was found,[78][79] and all men were acquitted of all terror charges, except for Kamel Bourgass who stabbed four police officers during his arrest in Manchester several days later. He was convicted of the murder of the officer he killed (the others he stabbed survived). He was also convicted of plotting to poison members of the public with ricin and other poisons. Two of the suspects in the plot were subsequently convicted of possessing false passports.[80]
2004, 30 March: Seven men arrested in West Sussex in possession of 600 kg of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, as part of Operation Crevice.
2004, 3 August: Fourteen men arrested, but only eight charged in relation to the 2004 Financial buildings plot following the leak of the identity of an Al-Qaeda double-agent. The men possessed detailed plans for attacking financial buildings in the US, but no actual bomb-making equipment. Their leader, Dhiren Barot, pleaded guilty at his trial on 12 October 2006, and was imprisoned for life.
2005, 22 December: Abu Bakr Mansha, described by his barrister as an “utter incompetent”, was accused of planning to murder a British soldier who had served in the Iraq War, and convicted under the Terrorism Act for possessing a document that was “likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism”. He was sentenced to 6 years’ imprisonment.
2006, 2 June: The 2 June 2006 Forest Gate raid (on a house in Forest Gate) saw the arrest of two suspects, one who was shot in the shoulder, on charges of conspiring to release a chemical weapon in the form of a suicide vest. The suspects were cleared of suspicion and released days later.
2006, 10 August: The 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot to blow up 10 planes flying from Heathrow saw the arrest of 24 people from their homes in Britain, chaos at airports as security measures were put in place, and numerous high-level statements from US and UK officials. 8 people were put on trial, and 3 found guilty of conspiracy to murder. It was shown at their trial how bottles of liquid could be made into effective bombs. Following this incident, carriage of liquids in hand luggage on aircraft was restricted internationally to very small amounts. Rashid Rauf, suspected to have been the link between the UK plotters and Pakistan, escaped to Pakistan, where he was arrested, but escaped again on his way to an extradition hearing. It was reported that he was killed in a US airstrike in North Waziristan in November 2008.[89]
2006, 23 August: The 2006 Cheetham Hill terrorism arrests, where four men were arrested in the Manchester vicinity over the course of a month, and charged with financing terrorism.
2006, 1 September: The Jameah Islameah School in Sussex was cordoned off for over three weeks and searched by a hundred police officers. Twelve men were arrested as part of the operation as they ate in a Chinese restaurant in London.
2008, 14 May: The Nottingham Two were arrested and detained for six days under the Terrorism Act 2000. A postgraduate student had downloaded a 140-page English translation of an Al-Qaeda document from the United States Department of Justice website for his PhD research on militant Islam. He sent it to a friend in the Modern Language department, for printing. Both were cleared of terrorism-related offences, but the friend was immediately re-arrested on immigration grounds.[94][95][96][97]
2011, 19 September: West Midlands Police arrested a woman who lived in the Alum Rock area of Birmingham. Salma Kabal, 22, appeared in court on 16 November 2011 accused of failing to inform police that her husband, Ashik Ali, planned to kill himself. The official charge was that she “knew or believed might be of material assistance in securing the apprehension, prosecution or conviction of another person for an offence involving the commission, preparation or instigation of an act of terrorism”.[99]
2011, 15 November: West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit arrested four people at their homes who were from Sparkhill Birmingham, on suspicion of conducting terrorist offences. The four men appeared in court in Westminster on 19 November 2011 charged with terrorism offences. They were named as Khobaib Hussain, Ishaaq Hussain and Shahid Kasam Khan, all 19, and Naweed Mahmood Ali, 24. They were charged with fundraising for terrorist purposes and for travelling to Pakistan for terrorist training.[100]
2012, 28 June: The two men, aged 18 and 32, were arrested at separate residential addresses in east London by officers from the Metropolitan Police Counter-Terrorism Command, at 7am on Thursday. It was believed the men were involved in a bomb plot concerning the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games. A Scotland Yard spokesman said: “At approximately 07:00 hrs today, Thursday June 28, officers from the counter-terrorism command arrested two men under the Terrorism Act 2000 on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism. The men were arrested at separate residential addresses in east London. Both addresses are currently being searched under the Terrorism Act 2000″.[101]
In the spirit of Glasto (PUKE) & courtesy of a great Welsh band:
“The future teaches you to be alone. The present to be afraid and cold
So if I can shoot rabbits then I can shoot fascists.”
Bullets for your brain today
But we’ll forget it all again
Monuments put from pen to paper
Turns me into a gutless wonder.
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
Will be next, Will be next, Will be next.
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
And if…”
Excellent post, much appreciated
BBc showed another scaremongering Brexit programme tonight. It was appalling. I am getting heartily sick of this BBC propaganda. All the usual suspects engaged in spouting their usual pro EU claptrap.
This is propaganda at its worse. Presenters doing their utmost to encourage a soft Brexit. Doing their utmost to try and make people change their minds. Why worry people needlessly.
No mention of the monies saved in terms of membership. No mention of the probability of a free trade deal. No mention of EU corruption, unaudited accounts,etc. No mention of of our fishing grounds being retrieved, no mention of the new EU Army which Clegg said was fantasy, no mention of the lack of democracy, no mention of how Germany and France have carved up the best exploitative preferential deals-Common Agricultural Policy/Currency markets. No mention of Germany controlling and manipulating the EU behemoth.No mention of EU bankruptcy. No mention of the BBC losing their EU funds. No mention of the fact that those Remainers interviewed are on the EU pension payroll which is forfeited if they say anything negative about the EU.
Shame on you BBC. Shame on you.
Quite disgusting. Completely revolting.
Wronged – The problem is that they have no shame. They have no concept of it.
Just another example of the blatant hypocrisy of the left wing mindset as personified by our BBC.
On their highlights of Glastonbury I knew there would be reference to Corbyn’s visit. Sure enough – check out number 9. No doubt his arm will be angled more and more in front of him as time goes by in the manner of Adolf.
I knew also I wouldn’t find reference to any other other BBC Glastonbury story to show just how the ‘adoring Corbyn fans’, who no doubt must also be greenies and ‘caring for the environment’, among other pretensions, left the Glastonbury site.
From the Mail:

Who knew A Flock Of Seagulls were on the line-up? Hundreds of birds move into the litter-covered Glastonbury site as festival-goers stagger home and the great £785,000 clean-up gets underway
what a money grabbing capitalist pig that tosser Eavis turned out to be..just like the scavenging seagulls..picking the pockets of the leftie dumbfucks who paid through the nose..lol!
Shit tip – very liberal, very Green to be sure.
As a country, we should all be absolutely appalled by that photo of the mess left at Glastonbury. What message is that sending out to the world? It’s just disgraceful that people can treat our countryside so casually and with such disregard. It’s become the norm that “someone else will clear up”. And when one considers that the festival goers, as understand it, were mainly white and some even older than 18…well, they should be ashamed of themselves.
What has happened to our manners, our politeness, our thoughtfulness? Why are people so selfish? And yet the opposite occurs sometimes such as the kindness of strangers after the bomb in Manchester et al. No wonder folk are confused.
Ok, so Corbyn promises students – cash, benefit claimers – cash, immigrants – cash and maybe a 2% rise for Nurses.
On the face of it hardly a good basis for running a country? Maybe I’ve missed something?
Guess who the hard hard left cretin in the upcoming video, Josie Long exclusively works for….Shock, shock, horror, shock, shock horror….She’s a beeboid “comedian” of the proletariat…http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01mk3f8/episodes/downloads
must have missed this!..”minger” is the only word that comes to mind..and a dumb-fuck to boot!
Not face for TV or a voice for radio – sounds like an unsecured pool tarp in a high wind.
I feel slightly ill after watching that. You just know exactly what her views will be on everything; a cardboard cut out leftist without a single original thought in her brain!
I’m sick to the teeth of talking heads claiming that those who voted for Brexit didn’t really know what they were voting for, and given the opportunity for a second referendum would probably vote to stay in. The results of ‘poll’s taken here there and everywhere are constantly published and discussed, BUT I’ve never been asked to take part in a questionnaire for any poll, and neither has anyone I know, so who ARE these people who know me so personally that they know why I voted the way I did and how I would vote again. I honestly wish I could be questioned because they’d run out of ink before I finished. Its an insult to my intelligence when I hear and see someone in their 40’s being interviewed and voicing assumptions in my name. One word sunshine ‘b…….cks’ !!!
Brissles, my dear old thing, (sorry, came over all a bit Blowers there), these dodgy Polls are apparently done with a carefully selected group. Carefully selected to exclude thee and me and our friends and relatives.
Just over a year ago, when it seemed certain that Remain would win fairly comfortably, I noticed a definite change in the comments and ‘likes’ on any EU-Ref related HYSs on the BBC web-site. I think I mentioned it on here that it was the only thing that gave me real heart prior to the day of the vote.
If it is any encouragement, some of the recent HYSs have displayed a pro-Brexit inclination running at 2:1.
I won’t go back to Egypt!
And it appears that from the Comments and the ‘upvotes’ that we may have to form an orderly & lengthy queue to go anywhere when we are eventually OUT.
Biased bbc going on about a bloke from Grenfell tower whose wife died in the blaze.
He is complaining that he cannot travel to see her being buried………..in Morocco !!!!!!
Useless bBBC are asking him how he feels.
It obviously did not occur to the bBBC to ask him what is wrong with her being buried in the country providing his subsidised housing.
You really cannot make it up.
…He is complaining that he cannot travel to see her being buried………..in Morocco !!!!!!….
So who paid for the body to be airlifted back there then ? (or was she returned courtesy of the taxi ferry service across the Med)
I don’t think I would be employed for very long as a journalist by the Beeb, because that’s the sort of question I’d be asking.
Moroccan gov paid for bodies to be repatriated.
I can’t find this BBC story.
But surely a flight costs £100
“So like Webster’s Dictionary she’s Morocco bound”
Does ‘cannot travel’ mean that he cannot afford it? Unlikely since it’s not that expensive.
More likely the Moroccans want him for something back there (conscription perhaps) or won’t let him leave the country once he’s back. He may also think the Brits won’t let him back in (which of course is nonsense as all he’d have to do would be give his address as Grenfell Towers to get whisked through immigration).
“he cannot travel”
No passport? Maybe not actually supposed to be ehere?
Criminal record? Any other excuse for the taxpayer to cough up?
Corbyn has a shedload of money, ask him to pay, I’m sure he would want to help.
Is it possible for al Beebus to find anybody with a “non-vibrant” accent to interview ref. the Grenfell Tower or other council high rise blocks in Londinium?
You’d probably get some hippy ‘OK Yaaah’ accent’ from returnees from Ghastlyberry, Al!
‘On my way for a spritzer and saw this chap with a microphone, so dawdled over… Quintin was EVER so brave, especially as his real name is Mo’!
Vibrant often means shaking like a leaf, because nobody knows you’re not supposed to be on bennies in UK Inc! Your ‘landlord’ may, but he’s a loser now, as he’s probably burned his books too.
Perhaps all these Labour councils will tell the bbc that they can supply them with anything they need to support the anti-immigrant non-bias, but I don’t suppose they will, after all, they’re the problem as well.
Newsnight flyer looks interesting 23000 jihadists tip of the iceberg ??
lets see what they do
arsehole lammy still stirring trouble mind
BBC Online News:
“”Trump travel ban injunction partly lifted by top US court””
“”… the gates to America just got a bit smaller””
All the photos are there to elicit sympathy for muslims. No context at all.
But what else would you expect from the anti-Trump BBC?
Same sort of incoherent bollocks on R5Live all last night, Dover.
You’d think that the Yank MSM would be delighted to talk with citizens who want their country back and secure – the non-whingeing ones that is… Mind you, with Rhod Sharp asking the questions, you know what the answer will be a few seconds after he’s droned to a halt.
(Can’t get Fox on a small inefficient DAB radio sadly, otherwise I’d have checked).