Fox deal has been strengthened. This could be great news. -I think! News regulation will be key in Karen Bradley’s decision. I hope OFCOM do not obstruct on Thursday. If she has any sense she will allow it not to be outsourced as before. A British USA style Fox news channel would suit me and annoy the BBC.
Expect rent-a-mob demos against a UK Fox News, aided and abetted by beebistan who know it’s the thin end of the wedge and once people get a real choice the game is up for their obscene ‘liberal’ hegemony of the airwaves.
Oh wow, how refreshing would it be to actually have a news channel that offered a counter opinion and narrative to the endless left wing, government criticising, country bashing BBC and other channels. ITV had a clear opportunity to be the counter foil to the Beeb but seemingly refuse to take it.
just switched my television on..a little faggot called Norton was on..obnoxious little turd….gone in 30 seconds for me..where do they find these talentless little tarts?
Message to Al Beeb’s researchers and ‘so called’ Trustees ……………….
Britain is a great country, its not called Great Britain for nothing.
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
2.17am and I should have known better. WS for a few seconds and what a fucking disgrace. Teresa’s plans for EU citizens giving them access to all the rights we have. They then put on some German singer with choir voices in the background telling us she feels like a second class citizen. Then of course it’s mentioned that Brussels negotiator Barnier wasn’t happy with Teresa’s offer. These bastards are never going to be happy that’s why I wanted a hard Brexit. Why bother with these morons in Brussels. It’s not worth it. Then we hear from an English guy living in Germany and all he could say was this has given us 70 years of peace and I hope they reflect on that. Two stooges picked and groomed, told what to say by the CBB. Their arrogance continues to grow minute by minute, surely something has to bring them down. As for the German bitch who feels like a second class citizen get the fuck back to Germany and you’ll really know what feeling second class is all about. I’m angry, very very angry! It seems two Italian banks have been bailed out. Who knows what else is about to topple. We should wake up, walk away and let them realise that the EU is finished. Power arrogance and corruption no wonder their such happy partners with the CBB
Laura brags It’s the BBC that done it
..”After Grenfell survivor told would take week for new UK passport,
BBC contacted Home Office & Sabah got it tonight & can go to wifes funeral”
So the guy can go to his wife’s funeral in Morocco.
.. or just go to the Passport office in person for same day service as millions of other do each year. Usually issued 4 hours after the appointment. The same day service is there for anyone who needs to travel very soon and have lost or forgotten to renew a passport.
Always amazes me with immigrants who “love the UK” and are “here to enrich us” but when they die they want to be buried back in their own country.
What is it with the UK that is only attractive to them whilst they are alive? Free housing and benefits springs to my mind but that’s just me.
I actually saw that video – I had a strong feeling the guy did not want to go to his wife’s funeral – he was very accepting of the situation and seemed very resigned to the situation and played the victim card to the end.
I see the bBC is reporting the Queen is getting a pay rise due to the Crown estate making a profit. Funny how the BBC leaves out that the £328 million the Queen earns from managing the CE and which she gives to the treasury . For running the CE she gets back £82 million from she has to run the Palaces for the country. Pay her staffs wages and entertain visitors (foreign and domestic) funny how the champagne swilling drug snorting, child buggering terrorist defending bBC also leave out that fact.
Far better to paint a picture of inaquality in which to continue to rile up akmed Mohammed and Delroy so that they are all riled up for the 1st of May. You know the so called people’s protest.
So, Archbishop Welby is wading into Brexit debate.
Call me old fashioned, but I believe the Church should stick to what it does best: rogering choirboys, then covering up.
I have said this for a long time under the “leadership” of Welby and similair. The C of E long ago surrendered to the Religion of Peace – being more concerned about “refugees” welfare than the safety and rights of his own flock both in this country and elsewhere.
I suspect he sees Christianity merely as some sort of “intellectual excercise” where his job is to lead the “self deluded” rather than to believe in anything personally. He is a bit like like Gerald Ratner – I would not be surprised if privately he thought he sells shit but ultimately it pays the bills so why worry the little people.
He forgets the Church of England is just that (the word England is a clue) And was never intended to be The Church of Ramadan, The Church of the Politically Correct or the Church of Brussels. No wonder people have lost interest in it. In times like this when we look for spiritual and moral leadership we just end up with some “wet fish intellectual frightened of his own reflection and unwilling to upset anyone even if it means selling out to some of the moral principles upon which church is based upon.
Having lost interest in his own episcopal ring and starting himself to kiss the ring of the “religion of peace” He probably realises that it is time to move on to new pastures. As he knows that the MSM also favour remain then what harm can it do to his personal reputation if he pokes his soiled miter into something that does not concern him.
We all know what a cross party commission will end up concluding when “drawing the poison” – ultimately it means another vehicle to advocate a “soft brexit” which as we all know means no brexit and this is not what we democratically voted for.
The press will just agree with him and quickly pan to Saint Jeremy. Yet again Welby has proved himself a coward and irrelevance. He is now just another – once influential establishment cog, which long ago sold out to political correctness and is now desperately trying to keep a high profile. But ultimately he will be consumed by the same fog of irrelevance which he has helped to create.
Oaknash, there are some dissenting (no pun intended) voices in the CofE. The other day I visited a village church about 15 miles from my village, because unlike most churches they still use the Book of Common Prayer and have a traditional service with sung psalms and responses. I nearly fell off my pew when the vicar in his sermon criticised, quite humorously, the European Union, and (though he did not say it explicitly, his meaning was clear) warned of the possibility of Islamic takeover of our country. Similarly, the vicar in a neighbouring parish is openly pro-UKIP, Trump and Brexit. Welby is, at least, an improvement on Williams, who openly supported Sharia law (though to be fair he was so wooley about it it was impossible to fathom what his views actually were, other than not being against it).
Douglas Murray’s book has set me thinking again how people of Christian heritage should fight back against fools who seem to think that Islam, with its religious/political answers to everything, can fill some sort of perceived hole in their shallow lives.
The problem, as usual, is the generally wet C of E in particular, and Christian churches generally IMO. Like many people these days, I am an atheist, but also regard myself as what is usually referred to as a Cultural Christian. Unfortunately, there does not appear to be a symbol, a central organisation, or relatively clear set of values or principles that we can rally around. Just saying that one is a Cultural Christian sounds very weak to me, like sitting on the fence. It lacks a solid sense of identity and stands a snowball’s chance in hell of winning people over.
There is no possibility whatsoever of the C of E, or probably any of the established churches, filling what I regard as this void. Arguably it isn’t the proper role of a church anyway, although it seems to be well known that a significant number of Anglicans don’t believe in God, although they seem to derive some comfort from a loose association with a god.
I would like to see sensible, realistic “Christians” of any denomination get together and accept that belief in the mythical side of Christianity, in England at least, is moribund but, at the same time, understand the importance of preserving our Judeo-Christian tradition. It could be open to Jews as well but I don’t think they have the same need. Start by creating a symbol, involving a modified cross (forget St George’s Cross – too much baggage – it needs to be something new) and a set of principles. I’d be happy to join.
I don’t think for one minute that this could happen. It would be stopped dead in its tracks by the MSM and probably the government of the day as well. The spell word “racist” would be used from the outset. Celebrities would mock it relentlessly. Only the internet could provide any hope of success. Maybe it could gain some traction in the US, that would help.
I’m not an expert on Christianity and certainly no theologian. If anybody has attempted anything like this already, I’d be interested to know.
Jo, something along the lines of what you mention was attempted in the 1980s with the Sea of Faith network. They are still going and have a website, but it never really caught the public imagination. Christianity with the supernatural elements played down or removed entirely has been tried in various ways over the last 150 years or so. The most successful version has probably been the Unitarian Universalists in America (though they are a bit too SJW for my liking), their English counterparts the Unitarians are very small.
The good thing about the CofE (and most mainstream Protestant churches, particularly the United Reformed Church) is that in my experience they will still welcome you if you are a ‘cultural Christian’ only. Some of the very evangelical ones don’t like it, but most are fine with it.
The problem with the C of E is that Justin Welby comes with it. Large parts of it seem to believe in everything and nothing and are PC to a fault. It isn’t necessary to ask what their views are – you just know. I’ve certainly never heard it come close to actually promoting Cultural Christianity (or, in some instances, even Christianity with any conviction). I don’t think that mere acceptance of Cultural Christians is enough.
I’m happy to accept that many individual churches are doing a fine job, but still feel that there’s a huge void that Islam is starting to fill. Baffles me, TBH.
I don’t believe Islam is really filling any kind of void. Only a tiny, tiny minority of non-Muslims convert to Islam in the UK, and that’s usually troubled young men in prison or somewhat bovine women who’ve fallen in love with Turkish waiters on holiday. The rest of the population continue to be supremely indifferent or actively hostile to religion, just as they have been for at least two centuries or more.
However…I do agree Islam fills a sort of religious hole in the leftist/Beeboid mindset which has a soft spot for totalitarianism in all its forms.But that role can’t be taken by Christianity, which is forever tainted as the religion of colonialism, patriarchy and white privilege (or something).
Yes, “huge void” was obviously a silly exaggeration.
What I meant to say is that Islam’s attraction seems higher than common sense suggests it should be – both among silly middle-class whites, where it appears to be a form of protest for some, and Muslims from families which, traditionally, have been moderate. The Christian way of life appears to have little to offer, rightly or wrongly.
Cranmer/Jo – My problem with the C of E is with the leadership not the “footsoldier” Vicars and Vicarettes. However if the leadership at the top of the church is very PC surely ( just like the BBC) this will eventually affect the type of Ministers they will recruit in the future.
In these troubled times I have been looking for “something else” rather than just my normal weekend of getting mildly pissed and ranting. Mrs Oak and I have started to occasionally attend a evening compline service which is basically a very stripped down service – no communion, no “creeping death” hand shaking and no sermon.
What I have found is that it gave me a feeling of continuity, connection and maybe even a little understanding with those in the past and today ( such as the Copts in Egypt) who really do face threats and have worries more than just the wifi not working.
I suppose it just cuts through the bull of modern living and fashionable opinions. To leave you pondering the fundamentals of life and your beliefs rather than drowning everything out by dwelling on the white noise of mullty kulty/gay marriage/political correctness with which much of the modern church seems obsessed. But in the end the church loses sight of what it stands for. And so do we.
It is interesting that Islam does not seem quite so obsessed with inclusion and appears to only do “just enough” to get the news “pop shot” if there is a attack on us, but little else.
On this subject PM today was covering a big “Gay Iftar” meal (ramadan fast breaking meal) And irony of ironies it had to be held in a C of E church because of threats. So not only was the C of E hosting an islamic religious meal – the gay muslims could not do it in a normal mosque because of threats from members of the “religion of peace”
Yet the irony of this seemed completely lost on the BBC. It only seemed concerned about the death threats and abuse the gay moslems got, not the fact that the CofE gave support to these individuals .
Whilst I have nothing against gays (muslim or otherwise) The C of E must be quite relaxed about an opposing religion holding a type of service in a C of E church. I wonder how many C of E Eucharists have been held at the Finsbury Park Mosque – not many I bet.
The way the C of E is going I am not surprised it is losing members as it tries to be everything to everybody except those who still care for it. Still this seems to be the modern way. Common sense is becoming an increasingly rare currency – mores the pity.
Perhaps churches without clerics are the answer – a sort of democratic network of meeting houses.
I get the impression that Quakers are a little like this – little top-heavy “management”, but I might be wrong. I know very little about them, apart from chocolate, and they still “do” God.
Any hint of a right-on agenda imposed by the church hierarchy would be out of the question for me. Get plenty of that stuff already.
Oaknash, I had to laugh at your description of ‘creeping death’ – I loath the ‘sign of peace’ which turns the most sacred part of a church service into something resembling a cocktail party instead of a profound symbolic union with a higher power. Richard Stilgoe recorded a very funny song about this – called ‘Mrs Beamish’ it can be found on Youtube.
I myself although brought up to attend church regularly gave it up in my teens but as an undergraduate started to attend choral evensong. Evensong is known to be a bit of an attraction for ‘Cultural Christians’ and other semi-believers who don’t feel at home in a happy clappy parish morning service.
Choral Evensong, or the non-musical version, Evening Prayer, is quite rare now, but if you have a cathedral near you there will always be one. Otherwise you can create a ‘rota’ of churches in your diocese that have it, from the very good website run by the Prayer Book Society here: Failing that it can be listened to on BBC Radio 3 on Sunday afternoons or Iplayer. To be fair to the BBC, that is one English tradition that they have not buggered about with.
The BBC’s anti-Theresa May snark is palpable this morning. The favoured line that the deal with the DUP is ‘buying votes’ is almost the definition of hypocrisy. In a short time the BBC will be running with the trope that Corbyn has become an effective opposition leader – when the truth is that the left-leaning media are doing all his heavy lifting for him. Meanwhile the dip drip of delegitimising the government and fostering of misplaced grievance and anger will cause problems for us all.
It’s the dilemma isn’t it?
You know what the content of an al beeb programme about brexit or Islam is going to be. So why watch it?
But then- being interested in al beeb propaganda – there is a primitive urge to watch it .
Personally, since I don’t pay tv tax I don’t bother with al beeb political programmes any more – except for Brillo. There is no religion on apart from Islam. History programmes generally dumbed down and more about the presenter . No comedy – except repeats from the 1980s and third rate sport with a bloke who sells crisps.
One might draw attention to the highly biased report from Sopel (Today programme, 27 June) on the US governments’s warning to Syria concerning what seems to be some aggressive moves by the Assad government. Sopel’s tone was incredulous throughout, clearly inviting us, the common herd, to conclude that these developments show Trump government to be unprecedentedly inept, stupid and reckless in turn. For me, it was Sopel’s extreme tone that was the most notable thing, and even Justin Webb seemed uncomfortable with it, and felt compelled to point out that when Obama was president, he said things, but failed to act. That also was surprising coming from a former US correspondent notable for avoiding any criticism of the Obama regime. I await Sopel’s reporting on the Loretta Lynch enquiry, followed by one on Hillary Clinton’s emails. Perhaps he will objectively report on Robert Mueller’s enquiry into Trump (and anybody and anything that he fancies looking into) which, as an article in ‘American Thinker’ says “he has picked staff and prosecutors as if he were stocking Hillary Clinton’s Department of Justice. He has picked a bevy of Clinton donors, an attorney who worked for the Clinton Foundation, a former Watergate assistant prosecutor, and even a senior adviser to Eric Holder.” I won’t hold my breath!
For anyone other than her immediate family, it isn’t – it’s a sad personal event.
But, for those living in the BBC goldfish bowl:
She’s very rich (tick)
She’s opposed to Donald Trump (tick)
She has supported Germy Corbyn (tick)
She has declared her support for Plaid Cymru (tick)
She supports the Hacked Off campaign to silence a free press (tick)
Her former partner was rugby player Gavin Henson, who was a contestant on BBC1’s Strictly Come Dancing (tick)
At ‘Glasto’ (sic/sick) in 2015 she interviewed Pussy Riot (Russian, feminist anti-Putin, punk band) (tick)
Ian – I think you made a few spelling mistakes in your post. I’ve corrected them for you below ?
For anyone other than her immediate family, it isn’t – it’s a sad personal event.
But, for those living in the BBC goldfish bowl:
She’s very rich (thick)
She’s opposed to Donald Trump (thick)
She has supported Germy Corbyn (thick)
She has declared her support for Plaid Cymru (thick)
She supports the Hacked Off campaign to silence a free press (thick)
Her former partner was rugby player Gavin Henson, who was a contestant on BBC1’s Strictly Come Dancing (thick)
At ‘Glasto’ (sic/sick) in 2015 she interviewed Pussy Riot (Russian, feminist anti-Putin, punk band) (thick)
Possibly along the lines of:
“‘Despite the loss of my baby, I have decided to speak out in Hello! magazine and on the Victoria Derbyshire show about the cuts… Also, did I mention I’ve got a new album coming out soon and I’m going back on tour in the autumn?”
It’s BBc Breakfast and the sofa sloths have their serious faces on, yet again. The DUP deal seems to have made them very sad as they churn out the Wales & Scotland should get more money. Hang on a second are they not missing a country out? Nu of course the English don’t count. This one will run and run I think.
Just ponder for one moment on how easy it is to give away over a Billion £’s of taxpayers money just to prop up the Conservative Party and their leader’s inability to run a unnecessary election campaign. Though I concede that the option to this Government could result in the total destruction of this country.
I hope it does because I hope the English will finally wake up and realise how they have been screwed for years.
Must go now and get my wheel tracking checked after yet another massive pot hole bump.
Laugh out loud on Toady this morning.
Still going on and on and on and on about the Grenfell tower.
They interviewed a resident who was appalled by the bias in the media reports of the fire.
Said interviewee was given much free unchallenged air time ranting about the tabloid newspapers !! With no sense of irony she then stated that they were biased and she could only trust the BBC and the Guardian !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How convenient is that?
There was then a mournful comment that there were no local newspapers anymore to provide local coverage of events.
Errr, that’s in part because the bBBC has used its £4bn subsidiy to compete in that space and put those very same papers out of business, you dozy sods.
I am afraid that this websites name has become redundant . For many years the BBC tried with a degree of
success to mask its inherent extreme left wing bias. But over the years it has become more and more brazen.
To the point now that it is the converse of FOX News in the USA. The BBC is an out and out supporter of the
left wing of the Labour party.
In my opinion what we should do now is to get a strong campaign going to stop it being financed by us !!
In cases where a jury were 100% convinced by the irrefutable evidence that the defendant was guilty, this is the case.
Not only that, if the death penalty was applied it would immediately have three advantages:
1. The subject would welcome dying as it would place him alongside his god (not to mention the virgins he would have access to);
2. Save the taxpayer about £35K a year to keep him alive;
3. Help to prevent others following him.
Agree G
But in Adebolajo’s case make the death a slow a painful one, smear him in boiling pig fat and force feed him bacon. No religious burial. Put his rotting head on a pykestaff in a Muslim area to put others off.
Not biased at all (or as Even Davis tells us, not bothered even if they are) Radio 4 schedule this morning is about as Labour cheerleading as it’s possible to get.
06:00 – 09:00 the Today program (nuff said)
09:00 – 09:45 The Reith Lectures with committed Socialist and Tory hater Hilary Mantel who is asked a question about Brexit, and in her arrogance tells listeners and audience to great cheers that the there was a failure of democracy and the electorate ‘got it wrong’ and made a terrible mistake ! No need to refer to the plebs you HATE so much Hilary – we’ll just ask the Hampstead / Islington elites in future !
09:45 – 10:00 Book of the Week, and it’s Eddie Izzard, ex public school educated, life long Labour supporter, anti monarchist, and one of the largest private donators to the Labour party.
10:00 – 10:45 Wimmins hour Perennially biased to the liberal Left
10:45 – 11:00 15 minute drama “Karen and gay husband Jack are called to account by their surprisingly grown-up teenagers.”
11:00 – 12:00 Natural Histories.
Mantel is a classic example of a well below average writer who has used a grammatical gimmick – third person singular rather than first in conversation – to make a ‘name’ for herself. That’s it. In effect it means reading and re-reading paragraphs to find out who is actually speaking, a style that has been deemed innovative and skilled by the truly illiterate.
There are many writers of accurate and enthralling historical fiction, many of them gifted and many of them female. Mantel’s pieces should not feature among them and, were it not for her political bias, they would never have done so.
I ought to add that since this cleverness could not come across in live speech, the BBC production of Wolf Hall which was undeniably excellent, simply perpetuated the fallacy of Ms Mantel’s ‘skills’.
Today, in a statement that is coming mainly from the point of view of the eu, the BBC is proposing a joint UK-EU arbitration panel on citizen’s rights.
Here is today’s political statement by the BBC:
“The British side insists that the ECJ will have no jurisdiction in the UK after Brexit. The EU insists that the ECJ must continue to offer legal protection for their citizens in the UK, just as it does now.
The obvious answer to this conundrum is to create a joint UK-EU arbitration panel that will ensure that the terms of an agreement are respected under international law. But this will require both sides to alter fairly entrenched positions.”
As far as I know we don’t give any other foreign power such a say in our governance so this appears to be quite an extreme political position. Mind you, the BBC does appear to hold some quite extreme political views.
If the BBC gets a campaign going around this idea – and the BBC has proven to be a powerful political force – it will set a dangerous precedent allowing foreign powers to override our democracy.
It is such a pity these people have been given powerful transmitters and a lot of our money to promote their own agenda completely outside of – and with contempt for – our democratic system.
This is how Brexit will be fudged – with countless little compromises that are so small and complex that we won’t notice them individually, but collectively they will add up to a betrayal of Brexit.
News of technically bankrupt, Spain, Italy, Portugal and of course Greece together with news of the formers high levels of corruption seems particularly sparse on the ‘Worlds Most Trusted’?
All your lefty nutters who tweet about the BBC having a blatant right-wing bias are looking pretty bleedin' stupid at this point.
It would have been better if Glastonbury had been spelt correctly in the headline. Surely it wasn’t one of the illiterate protesters last week that put this together ???
A week ago, a ’16 year old boy’ was arrested in Manchester for raping an 8-year-old girl in a public park. Yesterday ‘a man’ was arrested in connection with rape of a 4-year-old girl in Salford. I guess the BBC won’t cover this because it is not ‘news’. That fits the agenda.
R4 12:15pm Phone-in , being used to stoke up NHS anxiety ?
“How satisfied are you with the modern NHS? Would you pay a bit more tax to improve it?”
and don’t forget to leave a phone number, so we can call you back.
From 11 am on Tuesday 27th June, call us on 03700 100444.6
Or, alternatively:
“Would you prefer the existing money to be spent on things such as, say, cancer treatment or childhood leukemia, or on operations for middle-aged men who want to have their willies chopped off so they can pretend to be women?”
lt presupposes that you are a taxpayer. Really the question should be,”pay higher taxes or receive lower benefits OR stop, spending billions on foreign ‘aid’, the EU and financing mass immigration?”
Hear the laughter from Black Lives Matter supporters. . London cops chased back to their lap tops where they can safely search for thought crimes on Twitter. Not reported by our media.
The Reith Lecture, from Antwerp – old duffer and supposed expert, Hilary Mantel just had to be anti Brexit didn’t she: “British voters got it wrong, making the mistake of wanting to hark back to a supposed golden age”.
Her area of expertise is Henry VIII and his break with Rome.
It really is beyond coincidence and the sort of thing than only occurs in monocracies like China where State control is all encompassing.
BTW and envisioning our Islamo-Labour coalition of the near future – Are there any examples of Marxism co-existing with Islam?
gaxvil, it is a symptom of Leftmob’s illness that they immediately ascribe failings to opponents that are fully and, usually, exclusively their own. The EU and its Bremoaner advocates constantly cite 1914-1919 and 1939-1945 and the avoidance of future war as the reasons for the continuance of the EU with ever closer integration attached to its membership.
It is they who live in the past.
The Brexiteer, in my experience, wants to get out into and enjoy the 21st century before it is too late.
As for your last question, my answer would be ‘Beslan’.
If anyone is ‘wanting to hark back to a supposed golden age’ it is leftists who are stuck in the mind set of undergraduates in 1968, thinking that the public purse is bottomless and that open door immigration means nothing more than cheap hash and reggae on the radio.
I think we are beyond Marxism now, we are into post-modernism.
This is:
1. Irrational – anti-science
2. International
3. Collectivist – anti-individual
Muslims believe that their prophet flew on a winged horse, that the sun rises and sets in a swamp, diseases from flies can be prevented by dipping both wings in one’s drink (one carries the antidote) and that the purpose of mountains is to hold the earth down against earthquakes! They also believe in total world domination and that one is a Muslim first and of ‘the nation’ second. Their individual will must also be set aside as they submit to Allah. All in all an excellent fit with post-modernists who have invented more ‘genders’ than there are people and deny the science of biology. No doubt they expect that when western civilisation is ‘smashed’ by their Muslim brothers that Corbyn and his like will take over. Once the lion has chased the cat out of the house the mouse thinks the lion will quietly leave?
Jim, long beyond postmodernism, I would have thought.
Modernism was the maybe early noughties, definitely late teens/twenties to late-thirties of 20th century was it not? Postmodernism was the 1950s/1960s recovery from the mid-century World War. Post-postmodernism, it could be argued, is either now or the period of new technology and economic liberalism and political liberation of the 1980s and 1990s.
After 11 September 2001, it could be argued that we have entered a post-post-postmodernist era of the Terror Wars.
Can’t see that era going well or ending any time soon.
Accidentally saw a few minutes of News-shite. The increasingly deranged looking Emily had the demented glint in her eye of the SJW who thinks they’re on the scent of a scandal. In this case there’s a huge cover-up by the government according to shit-stirrer Lammy about the numbers of dead at Grenfell, and the ‘dozens’ jumping out of windows. When pressed (very mildly) whether he believed that, he resorted to the old beebistan ploy of ‘I don’t know, I wasn’t there, but that’s what people are saying’.
Ah, ‘people’ – then it must be true. Seemed to satisfy our Emily. Anyway he’s black and Labour, good enough for Em.
If there’s really been a ‘cover up’ by HMG about the number of deaths in the Grenfell fire, it would force the media to reveal that many people living there were doing so illegally. Surely it cannot be difficult to cross-reference the list of official residents with the list of those dead. Any unidentified corpses found in a flat should be referred to the official keyholder. If he or she is unable to state who was in the flat on the night of the fire, it shows that dodgy things like illegal subletting were going on. So people like Lammy may regret stirring up such a ‘scandal’.
Cranmer, I suspect that is why some Council-run blocks elsewhere have also been evacuated. It identifies those without proper tenancy agreements.
A question appears to have arisen over Grenfell as to whether some apartments were subdivided. I heard a reference to 151 households being re-housed on BBC Radio 4. THAT MAY HAVE BEEN A BBC ERROR so please do not take it as fact.
Irrespective of that, illegal overcrowding of apartments by permanent residents (not by temporary visitors) as part of the black economy would deprive Government, both local and national, of revenues and appropriate taxation as well as breaching housing legislation. I would have thought that it would void any insurance policies that were in place as well.
Agree, Cranmer. But Lammy can carry on asking whatever he likes, safe in the knowledge that the BBC and its allies in the MSM will not ask embarrassing or awkward questions about who died in the fire or why.
I had to laugh at this bit, Charlie: ‘…the demented glint in her eye of the SJW who thinks they’re on the scent of a scandal.’ I know that look well – I first noticed it when working on a student newspaper in the early 90s, with someone who reckoned he’d unearthed evidence of maltreatment of IRA prisoners. It involves a slight, knowing smile and a sort of smacking of the chops, like an elderly roué contemplating the seduction of his next victim.
Indeed. Sadly I suspect any revelations of overcrowding, subletting etc would just be hurled back as further evidence of Tory cuts, maltreatment of the most vulnerable in society, decades of underfunding, social cleansing bla bla bla.
Ive been alittle heavy-handed in my language just lately, its for impact, but i know it is very male blunt humour, and there are ladies who use this site, i dont ofcourse talk like this infront of woman, until after ive slept with them, i’m not as daft as i come over, anyway dont take it serious.
I know this isn’t related to the Beeb and I’m a little late to the party but I eventually saw the Piers Morgan Tommy Robinson clash on Good Morning Britain.
Whilst I thought Piers had Tommy in the middle of the lecture, Tommy’s final exchanges were very good.
a. For pushing back on how dirty Piers’ past was with regards to his disgusting, treasonous actions in trying to discredit the British Army (Tommy described it as one of the biggest media scandals)
b. When Tommy held aloft the Quoran and used the words of Gladstone to discredit it. You could see Piers go into meltdown as his director was clearly screaming at him to get Tommy to put the book down. It was hilarious as the female presenter had earlier accused Tommy of Islamaphobia. As he retorted, a phobia is an irrational fear and clearly the two presenters had an irrational fear that someone openly criticising the Quoran could lead to a lunatic follower of Islam targeting them for their involvement in this heresy.
Would they have had the same fear of someone criticising the Bible or of Scientology? Of course not. Their fear was that despite the rhetoric of Islam being a religion of peace, they were terrified of the actions of the zealots who follow that particular book. Surely their cowardice in the face of witnessing this criticism was all the proof they need that Islam is a dangerous powder keg and not the faith that deserves our unquestioning reverence and ‘respect’.
Payne by name,
Again I ask, who is asking for people to examine The Koran? (Alleged Islamophobes )
And who is flying into a panicked rage at the very suggestion?
Which one of the two groups of people are telling the truth?
And which ones are exhibiting the phobic [irrational] behaviour?
The ones who want to openly examine the evidence. Or the ones who want to hide it?
They are crazy. And they have the front to keep calling Tommy Robinson “islamophobic” because their deeply ingrained belief system tells them so.
The MSM usually delight in reporting bad behaviour by British tourists abroad. I was wondering, therefore, why the recent riot in Albufeira seems to have gone virtually unnoticed.
It’s telling isn’t it that my Virgin box had recorded three episodes of Mock the Week – a comedy show that I really used to enjoy. But I deleted all three because I couldn’t stomach 20 minutes of endless bias replete with ‘right on’ audience laughing at every lefty political point made with no retort in the hope of 5 minutes of possible genuine humour.
Watching, ‘ Monty Python Personal Best ‘ on Sky Arts.
What we found just as funny was, if they ran it past a PC panel and then removed the things we are supposed to ‘celebrate’ these days, like men in frocks, there would be nothing left.
The bBC and reporting from Syria: Syria war: Air strike on IS prison in Mayadin ‘kills dozens’ Almost 60 people have been killed in a suspected US-led coalition air strike on a prison run by so-called Islamic State in eastern Syria, activists say. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 42 prisoners and 15 militants died when the facility in the Mayadin area was hit early on Monday. The activist-run Deirezzor24 website said the prisoners included civilians and Syrian rebels opposed to IS.
Ah I see the US led coalition has killed more people, well according to the bBC and so called Syrian human rights lot based in England. Anyway as I was compiling a death toll over the Islamic holy month, I took to reading the SOHRs on a daily basis and one thing that hit me in the face was the bias in their reporting. For example they have no problem attributing air attacks to the coalition , yet when its the Syrians or Russians, why its under-reported. or they just say people were killed by unknown aircraft. Hey don’t take my word for it, check out their posts: 65 were killed yesterday including 14 members of the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them and 24 other persons “At least 5 citizens were killed in bombing by warplanes of the International Coalition yesterday on the banks of the Euphrates River and on other places in Al-Raqqah city.”
and “In Daraa province 3 citizens were killed, including a fighter of the factions, they were killed in shelling and clashes against the regime forces in the countryside of Quneitra, and a citizen and woman were killed in bombardment by warplanes on the area of Naseeb border crossing with Jordan.” 66 killed yesterday, including 11 members of the regime forces and their allied militiamen and 39 civilians who were killed in International Coalition – led airstrikes and other incidents
In Deir El-Zour Province, 12 civilians were killed, including 8 who lost their lives in an airstrike by the warplanes on areas in Muhemeida town in the western countryside of Deir El-Zour, a child and a man who were killed by a missile, believed to be ground-to-ground, that was fired by the regime forces on an area in Al-‘Aradi neighborhood in Deir El-Zour city, and a man and female child who were killed in the airstrikes carried out by warplanes yesterday on various places in Shawakh area in Deir El-Zour city.
In Daraa Province, 6 civilians, including one of the fighters of the factions, were killed by airstrikes and in clashes with the regimes forces in the countryside of Daraa in addition to 3 more who were killed by airstrikes of the warplanes on Nasib Border Crossing between Syria and Jordan and a female citizen and a senior citizen who lost their lives as a result of the shelling on areas under the control of the regime forces in Daraa city by the factions.
In Rif Dimashq Province, 5 civilians, including two children, two female citizens and a media activist, died in an airstrike by the warplanes on areas in Hazet Al-Wake’ah town in the eastern Ghouta.
and In addition, 8 citizens, including at least two children, were killed yesterday as a result of the airstrikes carried out by the International Coalition warplanes on the banks of the Euphrates and other areas in Al-Raqqah city.
That is just 2 reports from the past 3 days, yet in both of them whilst the US led coalition is named, the Syrians/Russians aren’t.
Strange how the bBC with hundreds of dedicated reporters and researchers hasn’t picked up that yet?
Orla noticed but having used her standard technique of slow and doom-laden speech to give her reports their valued significance, she’d already used up the available tape. Fergal wanted to comment too, but he’d run out of Kleenex and was too overcome to continue.
The start with the black reporter (box ticked) going to Rotherham and saying that Rotherham was famous for steel works must have had almost the whole of the population puzzled because Rotherham is famous for something completely different, tens of thousands of them.
Then, a table with some old people and a couple of poor and lower education types were asked if they had changed their minds about voting to leave. They still wanted to leave.
Next, back on the train to down south where a similar table of upper class, well spoken academics were asked why they voted to remain.
The first answer was by a senior consultant doctor who then mentioned most of his colleagues were European, had me reaching for the remote.
The BBC cannot help itself in the way it presents these type of shows.
Leaver’s are knuckle dragging cavemen who didn’t have a clue what they were voting for and wouldn’t understand it anyway.
Remainers are the elite, cream of the crop, marvellous people who we should all be in awe of.
Oh for a neutral tv station never mind a station such as Fox News.
If you asked everybody on here, even maxicony, you would get the same answers.
Is the BBC for or against Brexit.
Is the BBC for or against Trump.
Is the BBC for or against mass immigration.
Is the BBC for or against the EU.
Is the BBC for or against Farage and UKIP.
We all know the answers.
How do they get away with it.
BBC removes women from picture to tell a story. BBC Title is story in Saudi Arabia “Saudi Arabia launches girls’ council – without any girls” and then compares it to Donald Trump signing an executive order on healthcare abroad and no women in the picture shown.
Do a google search and you can find a women in the picture, not necessarily a member of the presidency but there nonetheless.
I’m sure we’re all in deep shock at the EU’s obstructive attitude – not.
They continue to deliver veiled threats to stop selling us their stuff – how would we cope?
R4 Play now on a play about the French National Front in 2020 local election in Grenoble (ep 1 of 3)
“Muslim complains about 3 pigs being released into the Mosque..the next character says compare that to : and then reels off Islamic terrorist stats”
“In 2020, Charismatic National Front candidate, Vincent Ferré, stirs up dangerous social divisions as he campaigns to become the next Mayor of traditionally left-wing Grenoble. Can the city survive if he is elected?”
Other Muslim woman character worrying about her son being suspicious by always being on the computer ..She thinks he’s being radicalised ..he’s probably looking at porn.
There’s a quiz
“Am I Living in a Post-Apocalyptic Dystopian Hinterland? “
It seems that CNN is almost as bad as the BBC, but unlike the BBC you are not imprisoned (as several people are each year) if you don’t want to fund its Leftist bullshit, and its 24/7 Party Political Broadcasts on behalf of the Labour Party.
Kate Bolduan is quite good on CNN.
Sky are trying to copy her act with Sophie Ridge but she does not have Bolduan`s personality.One can tell that Ridge is a middle class home counties girl.Like Theresa May she has that patronising coldness .
Leftwing Sky are getting around supposedly being balanced by having lots of American Leftish political shows on Sky Atlantic.Have to admit Bill Maher does make me laugh.John Oliver does not.
Wish someone would ask
Another one of those strange Twitter conversations with Beeboids N Campbell/Rutherford
When I pointed out that they should challenge Islamic dogma just the same as creationist dogma, they replied
..\\ We don’t debate creationism, flat earth,alien abductions etc on mainstream. We’d be a laughing stock. .
NOR debate phlogiston, spiritualism, alternatives to natural selection, ‘black people have different knee bones’ //
That shows that they are not aware that they are already a laughing stock ?
Stuck in their own metrobubble they are not aware that a lot of the stuff they spout on air looks like dogma to outsiders
eg The way Rutherford runs back from his holiday to do a special report about a solar farm (GreenDream is his own religion)
Over the years I have heard on their shows things they stated as fact later come out as untrue.
eg2 the 40K Air quality Theoretical Equivalent death stat.. is always misused on the BBC, Last December’s DailyPolitics being the only show to properly explain it.
And they are snarky as hell, whereas you can’t just sneer at the public who pay your wages.
They label them “green inks”..whereas from the outside it looks like the BBC transmitters emit “Green rays”
Hmm is Liberals childishness why people get move to right/libertarian ?
The conversation was the usual plod. (got to plant a seed)
As they ignore main points and try to score points on minor distractions.
It’s a while since I’ve been on pure liberal messageboards but they have the characteristics : tribalism, extreme sneering, belittling people, namecalling instead of proper debate , logical fallacies like Argument of authority etc Jeez “97 % “, “97%” ..for god’s sake
In this conversation they both ignored Islam question ..and Campbell had a weird sarcastic tangent about anyone who challenges them must be going for a Nobel Prize.
Lucy PevenseyFeb 26, 20:34 Midweek 26th February 2025
Fedup2Feb 26, 20:34 Midweek 26th February 2025 Prior to TTK visiting president trumo – Tommy Robinson has been allowed a visit – how very soviet -they’ll probably…
ZephirFeb 26, 20:30 Midweek 26th February 2025 Not much chance of that in the new North Korean republic of Britain. At least starmer’s mentor has a sense…
ZephirFeb 26, 20:09 Midweek 26th February 2025 A suggestion: OFCOM No one should be employed by them who is or was employed by the bbc. No one…
taffmanFeb 26, 20:09 Midweek 26th February 2025 How is his “Stop the Boats and smash the gangs” scheme going ? Anyone ?
DeborahFeb 26, 19:58 Midweek 26th February 2025 My father, being well ahead of the curve, installed solar panels in the 1970s. They did nothing for our electricity…
Philip_2Feb 26, 19:54 Midweek 26th February 2025 Hotting up for the BBC; Israel’s deputy foreign minister: Police should investigate if BBC found to have ‘funded Hamas’ ?…
taffmanFeb 26, 19:53 Midweek 26th February 2025 Why the rush to get rid of the Chagos Islands ? Another nail in the coffin for Labour.
Oh dear, further proof if needed, that Andi Oliver is a contentious choice for the Gt British Menu. Wouldn’t see Pru Leith behaving without dignity.
Brissles – I fear that Pru Leith is too “hideously white”
Hot off the press
Fox deal has been strengthened. This could be great news. -I think! News regulation will be key in Karen Bradley’s decision. I hope OFCOM do not obstruct on Thursday. If she has any sense she will allow it not to be outsourced as before. A British USA style Fox news channel would suit me and annoy the BBC.
We only asking for one pesky channel – not much to ask for pity’s sake!
Expect rent-a-mob demos against a UK Fox News, aided and abetted by beebistan who know it’s the thin end of the wedge and once people get a real choice the game is up for their obscene ‘liberal’ hegemony of the airwaves.
Oh wow, how refreshing would it be to actually have a news channel that offered a counter opinion and narrative to the endless left wing, government criticising, country bashing BBC and other channels. ITV had a clear opportunity to be the counter foil to the Beeb but seemingly refuse to take it.
just switched my television on..a little faggot called Norton was on..obnoxious little turd….gone in 30 seconds for me..where do they find these talentless little tarts?
oh..a little “research” (lol) & he IS a faggot!..I just guessed initially:
& if I wasn’t a good deal more tolerant to benders than the average mohammedan i’d be thinking “gulag” tbh.
“Trump breaks White House Eid dinner tradition”
Big deal !
“Trump travel ban injunction partly lifted by top US court”
I don’t think Al Beeb like Trump ?
Ying and yang, trump doesnt much care for them either, who will win, slugs and salt come to mind.
Message to Al Beeb’s researchers and ‘so called’ Trustees ……………….
Britain is a great country, its not called Great Britain for nothing.
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
2.17am and I should have known better. WS for a few seconds and what a fucking disgrace. Teresa’s plans for EU citizens giving them access to all the rights we have. They then put on some German singer with choir voices in the background telling us she feels like a second class citizen. Then of course it’s mentioned that Brussels negotiator Barnier wasn’t happy with Teresa’s offer. These bastards are never going to be happy that’s why I wanted a hard Brexit. Why bother with these morons in Brussels. It’s not worth it. Then we hear from an English guy living in Germany and all he could say was this has given us 70 years of peace and I hope they reflect on that. Two stooges picked and groomed, told what to say by the CBB. Their arrogance continues to grow minute by minute, surely something has to bring them down. As for the German bitch who feels like a second class citizen get the fuck back to Germany and you’ll really know what feeling second class is all about. I’m angry, very very angry! It seems two Italian banks have been bailed out. Who knows what else is about to topple. We should wake up, walk away and let them realise that the EU is finished. Power arrogance and corruption no wonder their such happy partners with the CBB
Another of the BBC now daily ‘sorry we misled you’ off peak apologies being worked up in the template factory?
One of the tweets below that shows Anti-Fractivists
have time to put into dramaqueening graphics
….but no time for things like correct spelling.
Laura brags It’s the BBC that done it
..”After Grenfell survivor told would take week for new UK passport,
BBC contacted Home Office & Sabah got it tonight & can go to wifes funeral”
So the guy can go to his wife’s funeral in Morocco.
.. or just go to the Passport office in person for same day service as millions of other do each year. Usually issued 4 hours after the appointment. The same day service is there for anyone who needs to travel very soon and have lost or forgotten to renew a passport.
Always amazes me with immigrants who “love the UK” and are “here to enrich us” but when they die they want to be buried back in their own country.
What is it with the UK that is only attractive to them whilst they are alive? Free housing and benefits springs to my mind but that’s just me.
I actually saw that video – I had a strong feeling the guy did not want to go to his wife’s funeral – he was very accepting of the situation and seemed very resigned to the situation and played the victim card to the end.
I see the bBC is reporting the Queen is getting a pay rise due to the Crown estate making a profit. Funny how the BBC leaves out that the £328 million the Queen earns from managing the CE and which she gives to the treasury . For running the CE she gets back £82 million from she has to run the Palaces for the country. Pay her staffs wages and entertain visitors (foreign and domestic) funny how the champagne swilling drug snorting, child buggering terrorist defending bBC also leave out that fact.
Far better to paint a picture of inaquality in which to continue to rile up akmed Mohammed and Delroy so that they are all riled up for the 1st of May. You know the so called people’s protest.
The BBC commit treason on a daily basis.
So, Archbishop Welby is wading into Brexit debate.
Call me old fashioned, but I believe the Church should stick to what it does best: rogering choirboys, then covering up.
I have said this for a long time under the “leadership” of Welby and similair. The C of E long ago surrendered to the Religion of Peace – being more concerned about “refugees” welfare than the safety and rights of his own flock both in this country and elsewhere.
I suspect he sees Christianity merely as some sort of “intellectual excercise” where his job is to lead the “self deluded” rather than to believe in anything personally. He is a bit like like Gerald Ratner – I would not be surprised if privately he thought he sells shit but ultimately it pays the bills so why worry the little people.
He forgets the Church of England is just that (the word England is a clue) And was never intended to be The Church of Ramadan, The Church of the Politically Correct or the Church of Brussels. No wonder people have lost interest in it. In times like this when we look for spiritual and moral leadership we just end up with some “wet fish intellectual frightened of his own reflection and unwilling to upset anyone even if it means selling out to some of the moral principles upon which church is based upon.
Having lost interest in his own episcopal ring and starting himself to kiss the ring of the “religion of peace” He probably realises that it is time to move on to new pastures. As he knows that the MSM also favour remain then what harm can it do to his personal reputation if he pokes his soiled miter into something that does not concern him.
We all know what a cross party commission will end up concluding when “drawing the poison” – ultimately it means another vehicle to advocate a “soft brexit” which as we all know means no brexit and this is not what we democratically voted for.
The press will just agree with him and quickly pan to Saint Jeremy. Yet again Welby has proved himself a coward and irrelevance. He is now just another – once influential establishment cog, which long ago sold out to political correctness and is now desperately trying to keep a high profile. But ultimately he will be consumed by the same fog of irrelevance which he has helped to create.
Oaknash, there are some dissenting (no pun intended) voices in the CofE. The other day I visited a village church about 15 miles from my village, because unlike most churches they still use the Book of Common Prayer and have a traditional service with sung psalms and responses. I nearly fell off my pew when the vicar in his sermon criticised, quite humorously, the European Union, and (though he did not say it explicitly, his meaning was clear) warned of the possibility of Islamic takeover of our country. Similarly, the vicar in a neighbouring parish is openly pro-UKIP, Trump and Brexit. Welby is, at least, an improvement on Williams, who openly supported Sharia law (though to be fair he was so wooley about it it was impossible to fathom what his views actually were, other than not being against it).
Douglas Murray’s book has set me thinking again how people of Christian heritage should fight back against fools who seem to think that Islam, with its religious/political answers to everything, can fill some sort of perceived hole in their shallow lives.
The problem, as usual, is the generally wet C of E in particular, and Christian churches generally IMO. Like many people these days, I am an atheist, but also regard myself as what is usually referred to as a Cultural Christian. Unfortunately, there does not appear to be a symbol, a central organisation, or relatively clear set of values or principles that we can rally around. Just saying that one is a Cultural Christian sounds very weak to me, like sitting on the fence. It lacks a solid sense of identity and stands a snowball’s chance in hell of winning people over.
There is no possibility whatsoever of the C of E, or probably any of the established churches, filling what I regard as this void. Arguably it isn’t the proper role of a church anyway, although it seems to be well known that a significant number of Anglicans don’t believe in God, although they seem to derive some comfort from a loose association with a god.
I would like to see sensible, realistic “Christians” of any denomination get together and accept that belief in the mythical side of Christianity, in England at least, is moribund but, at the same time, understand the importance of preserving our Judeo-Christian tradition. It could be open to Jews as well but I don’t think they have the same need. Start by creating a symbol, involving a modified cross (forget St George’s Cross – too much baggage – it needs to be something new) and a set of principles. I’d be happy to join.
I don’t think for one minute that this could happen. It would be stopped dead in its tracks by the MSM and probably the government of the day as well. The spell word “racist” would be used from the outset. Celebrities would mock it relentlessly. Only the internet could provide any hope of success. Maybe it could gain some traction in the US, that would help.
I’m not an expert on Christianity and certainly no theologian. If anybody has attempted anything like this already, I’d be interested to know.
Jo, something along the lines of what you mention was attempted in the 1980s with the Sea of Faith network. They are still going and have a website, but it never really caught the public imagination. Christianity with the supernatural elements played down or removed entirely has been tried in various ways over the last 150 years or so. The most successful version has probably been the Unitarian Universalists in America (though they are a bit too SJW for my liking), their English counterparts the Unitarians are very small.
The good thing about the CofE (and most mainstream Protestant churches, particularly the United Reformed Church) is that in my experience they will still welcome you if you are a ‘cultural Christian’ only. Some of the very evangelical ones don’t like it, but most are fine with it.
Thanks – that’s interesting.
The problem with the C of E is that Justin Welby comes with it. Large parts of it seem to believe in everything and nothing and are PC to a fault. It isn’t necessary to ask what their views are – you just know. I’ve certainly never heard it come close to actually promoting Cultural Christianity (or, in some instances, even Christianity with any conviction). I don’t think that mere acceptance of Cultural Christians is enough.
I’m happy to accept that many individual churches are doing a fine job, but still feel that there’s a huge void that Islam is starting to fill. Baffles me, TBH.
I don’t believe Islam is really filling any kind of void. Only a tiny, tiny minority of non-Muslims convert to Islam in the UK, and that’s usually troubled young men in prison or somewhat bovine women who’ve fallen in love with Turkish waiters on holiday. The rest of the population continue to be supremely indifferent or actively hostile to religion, just as they have been for at least two centuries or more.
However…I do agree Islam fills a sort of religious hole in the leftist/Beeboid mindset which has a soft spot for totalitarianism in all its forms.But that role can’t be taken by Christianity, which is forever tainted as the religion of colonialism, patriarchy and white privilege (or something).
Yes, “huge void” was obviously a silly exaggeration.
What I meant to say is that Islam’s attraction seems higher than common sense suggests it should be – both among silly middle-class whites, where it appears to be a form of protest for some, and Muslims from families which, traditionally, have been moderate. The Christian way of life appears to have little to offer, rightly or wrongly.
Cranmer/Jo – My problem with the C of E is with the leadership not the “footsoldier” Vicars and Vicarettes. However if the leadership at the top of the church is very PC surely ( just like the BBC) this will eventually affect the type of Ministers they will recruit in the future.
In these troubled times I have been looking for “something else” rather than just my normal weekend of getting mildly pissed and ranting. Mrs Oak and I have started to occasionally attend a evening compline service which is basically a very stripped down service – no communion, no “creeping death” hand shaking and no sermon.
What I have found is that it gave me a feeling of continuity, connection and maybe even a little understanding with those in the past and today ( such as the Copts in Egypt) who really do face threats and have worries more than just the wifi not working.
I suppose it just cuts through the bull of modern living and fashionable opinions. To leave you pondering the fundamentals of life and your beliefs rather than drowning everything out by dwelling on the white noise of mullty kulty/gay marriage/political correctness with which much of the modern church seems obsessed. But in the end the church loses sight of what it stands for. And so do we.
It is interesting that Islam does not seem quite so obsessed with inclusion and appears to only do “just enough” to get the news “pop shot” if there is a attack on us, but little else.
On this subject PM today was covering a big “Gay Iftar” meal (ramadan fast breaking meal) And irony of ironies it had to be held in a C of E church because of threats. So not only was the C of E hosting an islamic religious meal – the gay muslims could not do it in a normal mosque because of threats from members of the “religion of peace”
Yet the irony of this seemed completely lost on the BBC. It only seemed concerned about the death threats and abuse the gay moslems got, not the fact that the CofE gave support to these individuals .
Whilst I have nothing against gays (muslim or otherwise) The C of E must be quite relaxed about an opposing religion holding a type of service in a C of E church. I wonder how many C of E Eucharists have been held at the Finsbury Park Mosque – not many I bet.
The way the C of E is going I am not surprised it is losing members as it tries to be everything to everybody except those who still care for it. Still this seems to be the modern way. Common sense is becoming an increasingly rare currency – mores the pity.
Perhaps churches without clerics are the answer – a sort of democratic network of meeting houses.
I get the impression that Quakers are a little like this – little top-heavy “management”, but I might be wrong. I know very little about them, apart from chocolate, and they still “do” God.
Any hint of a right-on agenda imposed by the church hierarchy would be out of the question for me. Get plenty of that stuff already.
Oaknash, I had to laugh at your description of ‘creeping death’ – I loath the ‘sign of peace’ which turns the most sacred part of a church service into something resembling a cocktail party instead of a profound symbolic union with a higher power. Richard Stilgoe recorded a very funny song about this – called ‘Mrs Beamish’ it can be found on Youtube.
I myself although brought up to attend church regularly gave it up in my teens but as an undergraduate started to attend choral evensong. Evensong is known to be a bit of an attraction for ‘Cultural Christians’ and other semi-believers who don’t feel at home in a happy clappy parish morning service.
Choral Evensong, or the non-musical version, Evening Prayer, is quite rare now, but if you have a cathedral near you there will always be one. Otherwise you can create a ‘rota’ of churches in your diocese that have it, from the very good website run by the Prayer Book Society here: Failing that it can be listened to on BBC Radio 3 on Sunday afternoons or Iplayer. To be fair to the BBC, that is one English tradition that they have not buggered about with.
The BBC’s anti-Theresa May snark is palpable this morning. The favoured line that the deal with the DUP is ‘buying votes’ is almost the definition of hypocrisy. In a short time the BBC will be running with the trope that Corbyn has become an effective opposition leader – when the truth is that the left-leaning media are doing all his heavy lifting for him. Meanwhile the dip drip of delegitimising the government and fostering of misplaced grievance and anger will cause problems for us all.
It’s the dilemma isn’t it?
You know what the content of an al beeb programme about brexit or Islam is going to be. So why watch it?
But then- being interested in al beeb propaganda – there is a primitive urge to watch it .
Personally, since I don’t pay tv tax I don’t bother with al beeb political programmes any more – except for Brillo. There is no religion on apart from Islam. History programmes generally dumbed down and more about the presenter . No comedy – except repeats from the 1980s and third rate sport with a bloke who sells crisps.
So there we have it – a failed state TV system
One might draw attention to the highly biased report from Sopel (Today programme, 27 June) on the US governments’s warning to Syria concerning what seems to be some aggressive moves by the Assad government. Sopel’s tone was incredulous throughout, clearly inviting us, the common herd, to conclude that these developments show Trump government to be unprecedentedly inept, stupid and reckless in turn. For me, it was Sopel’s extreme tone that was the most notable thing, and even Justin Webb seemed uncomfortable with it, and felt compelled to point out that when Obama was president, he said things, but failed to act. That also was surprising coming from a former US correspondent notable for avoiding any criticism of the Obama regime. I await Sopel’s reporting on the Loretta Lynch enquiry, followed by one on Hillary Clinton’s emails. Perhaps he will objectively report on Robert Mueller’s enquiry into Trump (and anybody and anything that he fancies looking into) which, as an article in ‘American Thinker’ says “he has picked staff and prosecutors as if he were stocking Hillary Clinton’s Department of Justice. He has picked a bevy of Clinton donors, an attorney who worked for the Clinton Foundation, a former Watergate assistant prosecutor, and even a senior adviser to Eric Holder.” I won’t hold my breath!
Are webb and sopel twins? Same private school ? Same PPE degree? Same al beeb indoctrination class!
Charlotte Church loses a baby!!
How is this news!
For anyone other than her immediate family, it isn’t – it’s a sad personal event.
But, for those living in the BBC goldfish bowl:
She’s very rich (tick)
She’s opposed to Donald Trump (tick)
She has supported Germy Corbyn (tick)
She has declared her support for Plaid Cymru (tick)
She supports the Hacked Off campaign to silence a free press (tick)
Her former partner was rugby player Gavin Henson, who was a contestant on BBC1’s Strictly Come Dancing (tick)
At ‘Glasto’ (sic/sick) in 2015 she interviewed Pussy Riot (Russian, feminist anti-Putin, punk band) (tick)
Ian – I think you made a few spelling mistakes in your post. I’ve corrected them for you below ?
For anyone other than her immediate family, it isn’t – it’s a sad personal event.
But, for those living in the BBC goldfish bowl:
She’s very rich (thick)
She’s opposed to Donald Trump (thick)
She has supported Germy Corbyn (thick)
She has declared her support for Plaid Cymru (thick)
She supports the Hacked Off campaign to silence a free press (thick)
Her former partner was rugby player Gavin Henson, who was a contestant on BBC1’s Strictly Come Dancing (thick)
At ‘Glasto’ (sic/sick) in 2015 she interviewed Pussy Riot (Russian, feminist anti-Putin, punk band) (thick)
“The 31-year-old had publicly revealed she was expecting her third child during a concert in May”
Most of us prefer to give birth to our children in hospital or at home.
Still, I suppose celebs need maximum coverage of everything.
But give it a few days and I’m sure we will hear something along the lines of ‘evil Tories kill babies by cutting back on pre-natal care’.
Possibly along the lines of:
“‘Despite the loss of my baby, I have decided to speak out in Hello! magazine and on the Victoria Derbyshire show about the cuts… Also, did I mention I’ve got a new album coming out soon and I’m going back on tour in the autumn?”
It’s BBc Breakfast and the sofa sloths have their serious faces on, yet again. The DUP deal seems to have made them very sad as they churn out the Wales & Scotland should get more money. Hang on a second are they not missing a country out? Nu of course the English don’t count. This one will run and run I think.
Just ponder for one moment on how easy it is to give away over a Billion £’s of taxpayers money just to prop up the Conservative Party and their leader’s inability to run a unnecessary election campaign. Though I concede that the option to this Government could result in the total destruction of this country.
In the absence of any alternative I guess we have to take Nigel’s view, albeit with reservations
I hope it does because I hope the English will finally wake up and realise how they have been screwed for years.
Must go now and get my wheel tracking checked after yet another massive pot hole bump.
You can take comfort – the British Army through the Aid Program build some very nice roads in jungles and deserts.
Donald Trump’s travel ban on Muslims – US Supreme Court reinstates.
Not heard on the BBC (and not expected to)
Laugh out loud on Toady this morning.
Still going on and on and on and on about the Grenfell tower.
They interviewed a resident who was appalled by the bias in the media reports of the fire.
Said interviewee was given much free unchallenged air time ranting about the tabloid newspapers !! With no sense of irony she then stated that they were biased and she could only trust the BBC and the Guardian !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How convenient is that?
There was then a mournful comment that there were no local newspapers anymore to provide local coverage of events.
Errr, that’s in part because the bBBC has used its £4bn subsidiy to compete in that space and put those very same papers out of business, you dozy sods.
One firmly for the ‘you can’t make it up’ file.
Well fancy that, a resident who reads the Guardian! I didn’t know they published the Guardian in Arabic, Urdu and Swahili.
I am afraid that this websites name has become redundant . For many years the BBC tried with a degree of
success to mask its inherent extreme left wing bias. But over the years it has become more and more brazen.
To the point now that it is the converse of FOX News in the USA. The BBC is an out and out supporter of the
left wing of the Labour party.
In my opinion what we should do now is to get a strong campaign going to stop it being financed by us !!
If ever a case should be made for bringing back the death penalty, the murderer of Lee Rigby should be the prime candidate –
In cases where a jury were 100% convinced by the irrefutable evidence that the defendant was guilty, this is the case.
Not only that, if the death penalty was applied it would immediately have three advantages:
1. The subject would welcome dying as it would place him alongside his god (not to mention the virgins he would have access to);
2. Save the taxpayer about £35K a year to keep him alive;
3. Help to prevent others following him.
Agree G
But in Adebolajo’s case make the death a slow a painful one, smear him in boiling pig fat and force feed him bacon. No religious burial. Put his rotting head on a pykestaff in a Muslim area to put others off.
Not biased at all (or as Even Davis tells us, not bothered even if they are) Radio 4 schedule this morning is about as Labour cheerleading as it’s possible to get.
06:00 – 09:00 the Today program (nuff said)
09:00 – 09:45 The Reith Lectures with committed Socialist and Tory hater Hilary Mantel who is asked a question about Brexit, and in her arrogance tells listeners and audience to great cheers that the there was a failure of democracy and the electorate ‘got it wrong’ and made a terrible mistake ! No need to refer to the plebs you HATE so much Hilary – we’ll just ask the Hampstead / Islington elites in future !
09:45 – 10:00 Book of the Week, and it’s Eddie Izzard, ex public school educated, life long Labour supporter, anti monarchist, and one of the largest private donators to the Labour party.
10:00 – 10:45 Wimmins hour Perennially biased to the liberal Left
10:45 – 11:00 15 minute drama “Karen and gay husband Jack are called to account by their surprisingly grown-up teenagers.”
11:00 – 12:00 Natural Histories.
And that’s just the mornings bias at Radio 4 !
Mantel is a classic example of a well below average writer who has used a grammatical gimmick – third person singular rather than first in conversation – to make a ‘name’ for herself. That’s it. In effect it means reading and re-reading paragraphs to find out who is actually speaking, a style that has been deemed innovative and skilled by the truly illiterate.
There are many writers of accurate and enthralling historical fiction, many of them gifted and many of them female. Mantel’s pieces should not feature among them and, were it not for her political bias, they would never have done so.
I ought to add that since this cleverness could not come across in live speech, the BBC production of Wolf Hall which was undeniably excellent, simply perpetuated the fallacy of Ms Mantel’s ‘skills’.
Today, in a statement that is coming mainly from the point of view of the eu, the BBC is proposing a joint UK-EU arbitration panel on citizen’s rights.
Here is today’s political statement by the BBC:
“The British side insists that the ECJ will have no jurisdiction in the UK after Brexit. The EU insists that the ECJ must continue to offer legal protection for their citizens in the UK, just as it does now.
The obvious answer to this conundrum is to create a joint UK-EU arbitration panel that will ensure that the terms of an agreement are respected under international law. But this will require both sides to alter fairly entrenched positions.”
As far as I know we don’t give any other foreign power such a say in our governance so this appears to be quite an extreme political position. Mind you, the BBC does appear to hold some quite extreme political views.
If the BBC gets a campaign going around this idea – and the BBC has proven to be a powerful political force – it will set a dangerous precedent allowing foreign powers to override our democracy.
It is such a pity these people have been given powerful transmitters and a lot of our money to promote their own agenda completely outside of – and with contempt for – our democratic system.
“it will set a dangerous precedent allowing foreign powers to override our democracy.” – The EU has possessed those powers for decades.
This is how Brexit will be fudged – with countless little compromises that are so small and complex that we won’t notice them individually, but collectively they will add up to a betrayal of Brexit.
“Soft Brexit” = Remain
News of technically bankrupt, Spain, Italy, Portugal and of course Greece together with news of the formers high levels of corruption seems particularly sparse on the ‘Worlds Most Trusted’?
It would have been better if Glastonbury had been spelt correctly in the headline. Surely it wasn’t one of the illiterate protesters last week that put this together ???
This is one poll which I would want to believe in and trust the BBC do not get their wicked way –
I think the same poll shows Labour support at 46%, which utterly beggars belief. Suddenly Ms Krankie doesn’t seem such a bad prospect!
A week ago, a ’16 year old boy’ was arrested in Manchester for raping an 8-year-old girl in a public park. Yesterday ‘a man’ was arrested in connection with rape of a 4-year-old girl in Salford. I guess the BBC won’t cover this because it is not ‘news’. That fits the agenda.
8 year old girl raped? Bit old for a Religionist of Paedophilia I’d have thought.
4 year old in Salford? That’s getting closer to the legal age as per the koran.
Good Twitter thread : Khan being challenged about the AlQuds march
I would alter one word in this –
“…we are now “reaping the horrors” of failing to deal with ISLAM.”
R4 12:15pm Phone-in , being used to stoke up NHS anxiety ?
“How satisfied are you with the modern NHS? Would you pay a bit more tax to improve it?”
and don’t forget to leave a phone number, so we can call you back.
From 11 am on Tuesday 27th June, call us on 03700 100444.6
That question always means “Would you like others to pay a bit more tax to improve it?”
Or, alternatively:
“Would you prefer the existing money to be spent on things such as, say, cancer treatment or childhood leukemia, or on operations for middle-aged men who want to have their willies chopped off so they can pretend to be women?”
lt presupposes that you are a taxpayer. Really the question should be,”pay higher taxes or receive lower benefits OR stop, spending billions on foreign ‘aid’, the EU and financing mass immigration?”
Hear the laughter from Black Lives Matter supporters. . London cops chased back to their lap tops where they can safely search for thought crimes on Twitter. Not reported by our media.
The Reith Lecture, from Antwerp – old duffer and supposed expert, Hilary Mantel just had to be anti Brexit didn’t she: “British voters got it wrong, making the mistake of wanting to hark back to a supposed golden age”.
Her area of expertise is Henry VIII and his break with Rome.
It really is beyond coincidence and the sort of thing than only occurs in monocracies like China where State control is all encompassing.
BTW and envisioning our Islamo-Labour coalition of the near future – Are there any examples of Marxism co-existing with Islam?
gaxvil, it is a symptom of Leftmob’s illness that they immediately ascribe failings to opponents that are fully and, usually, exclusively their own. The EU and its Bremoaner advocates constantly cite 1914-1919 and 1939-1945 and the avoidance of future war as the reasons for the continuance of the EU with ever closer integration attached to its membership.
It is they who live in the past.
The Brexiteer, in my experience, wants to get out into and enjoy the 21st century before it is too late.
As for your last question, my answer would be ‘Beslan’.
If anyone is ‘wanting to hark back to a supposed golden age’ it is leftists who are stuck in the mind set of undergraduates in 1968, thinking that the public purse is bottomless and that open door immigration means nothing more than cheap hash and reggae on the radio.
Cranmer, exactly so in this rather good, warm summer – tragedies excepted.
I think we are beyond Marxism now, we are into post-modernism.
This is:
1. Irrational – anti-science
2. International
3. Collectivist – anti-individual
Muslims believe that their prophet flew on a winged horse, that the sun rises and sets in a swamp, diseases from flies can be prevented by dipping both wings in one’s drink (one carries the antidote) and that the purpose of mountains is to hold the earth down against earthquakes! They also believe in total world domination and that one is a Muslim first and of ‘the nation’ second. Their individual will must also be set aside as they submit to Allah. All in all an excellent fit with post-modernists who have invented more ‘genders’ than there are people and deny the science of biology. No doubt they expect that when western civilisation is ‘smashed’ by their Muslim brothers that Corbyn and his like will take over. Once the lion has chased the cat out of the house the mouse thinks the lion will quietly leave?
Jim, long beyond postmodernism, I would have thought.
Modernism was the maybe early noughties, definitely late teens/twenties to late-thirties of 20th century was it not? Postmodernism was the 1950s/1960s recovery from the mid-century World War. Post-postmodernism, it could be argued, is either now or the period of new technology and economic liberalism and political liberation of the 1980s and 1990s.
After 11 September 2001, it could be argued that we have entered a post-post-postmodernist era of the Terror Wars.
Can’t see that era going well or ending any time soon.
Henry VIII had the right idea about Europe.
Banania, October 2017 – excuse for big party – bring a bottle & some food, round at Cranmer’s place.
Accidentally saw a few minutes of News-shite. The increasingly deranged looking Emily had the demented glint in her eye of the SJW who thinks they’re on the scent of a scandal. In this case there’s a huge cover-up by the government according to shit-stirrer Lammy about the numbers of dead at Grenfell, and the ‘dozens’ jumping out of windows. When pressed (very mildly) whether he believed that, he resorted to the old beebistan ploy of ‘I don’t know, I wasn’t there, but that’s what people are saying’.
Ah, ‘people’ – then it must be true. Seemed to satisfy our Emily. Anyway he’s black and Labour, good enough for Em.
If there’s really been a ‘cover up’ by HMG about the number of deaths in the Grenfell fire, it would force the media to reveal that many people living there were doing so illegally. Surely it cannot be difficult to cross-reference the list of official residents with the list of those dead. Any unidentified corpses found in a flat should be referred to the official keyholder. If he or she is unable to state who was in the flat on the night of the fire, it shows that dodgy things like illegal subletting were going on. So people like Lammy may regret stirring up such a ‘scandal’.
Cranmer, I suspect that is why some Council-run blocks elsewhere have also been evacuated. It identifies those without proper tenancy agreements.
A question appears to have arisen over Grenfell as to whether some apartments were subdivided. I heard a reference to 151 households being re-housed on BBC Radio 4. THAT MAY HAVE BEEN A BBC ERROR so please do not take it as fact.
Irrespective of that, illegal overcrowding of apartments by permanent residents (not by temporary visitors) as part of the black economy would deprive Government, both local and national, of revenues and appropriate taxation as well as breaching housing legislation. I would have thought that it would void any insurance policies that were in place as well.
Agree, Cranmer. But Lammy can carry on asking whatever he likes, safe in the knowledge that the BBC and its allies in the MSM will not ask embarrassing or awkward questions about who died in the fire or why.
I had to laugh at this bit, Charlie: ‘…the demented glint in her eye of the SJW who thinks they’re on the scent of a scandal.’ I know that look well – I first noticed it when working on a student newspaper in the early 90s, with someone who reckoned he’d unearthed evidence of maltreatment of IRA prisoners. It involves a slight, knowing smile and a sort of smacking of the chops, like an elderly roué contemplating the seduction of his next victim.
Come now Cranmer, you can’t expect the media to break ranks and infuriate HMG by asking sensible, logical questions like that surely?
Indeed. Sadly I suspect any revelations of overcrowding, subletting etc would just be hurled back as further evidence of Tory cuts, maltreatment of the most vulnerable in society, decades of underfunding, social cleansing bla bla bla.
As a citizen of the EU, which organisation has done more for the European public’s good?
a) The EU
b) Google
Clearly it’s NATO for guaranteeing their safety.
Heard some, “Dead Ringers” – shockingly subversive for BBC and still funny.
Jailed Drugdealers 28th child was put into care at birth as his girlfriend is in jail.
East Yorkshire case.
Ive been alittle heavy-handed in my language just lately, its for impact, but i know it is very male blunt humour, and there are ladies who use this site, i dont ofcourse talk like this infront of woman, until after ive slept with them, i’m not as daft as i come over, anyway dont take it serious.
Take it as serious as this..
I think it’s about time Jeremy Corbyn bought a new tie.
A rope one would be nice.
I know this isn’t related to the Beeb and I’m a little late to the party but I eventually saw the Piers Morgan Tommy Robinson clash on Good Morning Britain.
Whilst I thought Piers had Tommy in the middle of the lecture, Tommy’s final exchanges were very good.
a. For pushing back on how dirty Piers’ past was with regards to his disgusting, treasonous actions in trying to discredit the British Army (Tommy described it as one of the biggest media scandals)
b. When Tommy held aloft the Quoran and used the words of Gladstone to discredit it. You could see Piers go into meltdown as his director was clearly screaming at him to get Tommy to put the book down. It was hilarious as the female presenter had earlier accused Tommy of Islamaphobia. As he retorted, a phobia is an irrational fear and clearly the two presenters had an irrational fear that someone openly criticising the Quoran could lead to a lunatic follower of Islam targeting them for their involvement in this heresy.
Would they have had the same fear of someone criticising the Bible or of Scientology? Of course not. Their fear was that despite the rhetoric of Islam being a religion of peace, they were terrified of the actions of the zealots who follow that particular book. Surely their cowardice in the face of witnessing this criticism was all the proof they need that Islam is a dangerous powder keg and not the faith that deserves our unquestioning reverence and ‘respect’.
Payne by name,
Again I ask, who is asking for people to examine The Koran? (Alleged Islamophobes )
And who is flying into a panicked rage at the very suggestion?
Which one of the two groups of people are telling the truth?
And which ones are exhibiting the phobic [irrational] behaviour?
The ones who want to openly examine the evidence. Or the ones who want to hide it?
They are crazy. And they have the front to keep calling Tommy Robinson “islamophobic” because their deeply ingrained belief system tells them so.
The MSM usually delight in reporting bad behaviour by British tourists abroad. I was wondering, therefore, why the recent riot in Albufeira seems to have gone virtually unnoticed.
Problem solved.
Black people all dressed in white?
How frightfully racist!
It’s telling isn’t it that my Virgin box had recorded three episodes of Mock the Week – a comedy show that I really used to enjoy. But I deleted all three because I couldn’t stomach 20 minutes of endless bias replete with ‘right on’ audience laughing at every lefty political point made with no retort in the hope of 5 minutes of possible genuine humour.
Watching, ‘ Monty Python Personal Best ‘ on Sky Arts.
What we found just as funny was, if they ran it past a PC panel and then removed the things we are supposed to ‘celebrate’ these days, like men in frocks, there would be nothing left.
The bBC and reporting from Syria:
Syria war: Air strike on IS prison in Mayadin ‘kills dozens’
Almost 60 people have been killed in a suspected US-led coalition air strike on a prison run by so-called Islamic State in eastern Syria, activists say. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 42 prisoners and 15 militants died when the facility in the Mayadin area was hit early on Monday. The activist-run Deirezzor24 website said the prisoners included civilians and Syrian rebels opposed to IS.
Ah I see the US led coalition has killed more people, well according to the bBC and so called Syrian human rights lot based in England. Anyway as I was compiling a death toll over the Islamic holy month, I took to reading the SOHRs on a daily basis and one thing that hit me in the face was the bias in their reporting. For example they have no problem attributing air attacks to the coalition , yet when its the Syrians or Russians, why its under-reported. or they just say people were killed by unknown aircraft. Hey don’t take my word for it, check out their posts:
65 were killed yesterday including 14 members of the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them and 24 other persons
“At least 5 citizens were killed in bombing by warplanes of the International Coalition yesterday on the banks of the Euphrates River and on other places in Al-Raqqah city.”
“In Daraa province 3 citizens were killed, including a fighter of the factions, they were killed in shelling and clashes against the regime forces in the countryside of Quneitra, and a citizen and woman were killed in bombardment by warplanes on the area of Naseeb border crossing with Jordan.”
66 killed yesterday, including 11 members of the regime forces and their allied militiamen and 39 civilians who were killed in International Coalition – led airstrikes and other incidents
In Deir El-Zour Province, 12 civilians were killed, including 8 who lost their lives in an airstrike by the warplanes on areas in Muhemeida town in the western countryside of Deir El-Zour, a child and a man who were killed by a missile, believed to be ground-to-ground, that was fired by the regime forces on an area in Al-‘Aradi neighborhood in Deir El-Zour city, and a man and female child who were killed in the airstrikes carried out by warplanes yesterday on various places in Shawakh area in Deir El-Zour city.
In Daraa Province, 6 civilians, including one of the fighters of the factions, were killed by airstrikes and in clashes with the regimes forces in the countryside of Daraa in addition to 3 more who were killed by airstrikes of the warplanes on Nasib Border Crossing between Syria and Jordan and a female citizen and a senior citizen who lost their lives as a result of the shelling on areas under the control of the regime forces in Daraa city by the factions.
In Rif Dimashq Province, 5 civilians, including two children, two female citizens and a media activist, died in an airstrike by the warplanes on areas in Hazet Al-Wake’ah town in the eastern Ghouta.
In addition, 8 citizens, including at least two children, were killed yesterday as a result of the airstrikes carried out by the International Coalition warplanes on the banks of the Euphrates and other areas in Al-Raqqah city.
That is just 2 reports from the past 3 days, yet in both of them whilst the US led coalition is named, the Syrians/Russians aren’t.
Strange how the bBC with hundreds of dedicated reporters and researchers hasn’t picked up that yet?
Orla noticed but having used her standard technique of slow and doom-laden speech to give her reports their valued significance, she’d already used up the available tape. Fergal wanted to comment too, but he’d run out of Kleenex and was too overcome to continue.
BBC take note… using a single source for reporting.
Don’t see any resignations from them…
I knew it. It happens every time. A rare outing for the “taxpayers’ money” phrase on the BBC today.
The BBC never refer to “taxpayers’ money” when talking about public spending but they always make an exception when the Royals get public funds.
Anyone catch the BBC show Brexit, what next?
I lasted about 5 minutes.
The start with the black reporter (box ticked) going to Rotherham and saying that Rotherham was famous for steel works must have had almost the whole of the population puzzled because Rotherham is famous for something completely different, tens of thousands of them.
Then, a table with some old people and a couple of poor and lower education types were asked if they had changed their minds about voting to leave. They still wanted to leave.
Next, back on the train to down south where a similar table of upper class, well spoken academics were asked why they voted to remain.
The first answer was by a senior consultant doctor who then mentioned most of his colleagues were European, had me reaching for the remote.
The BBC cannot help itself in the way it presents these type of shows.
Leaver’s are knuckle dragging cavemen who didn’t have a clue what they were voting for and wouldn’t understand it anyway.
Remainers are the elite, cream of the crop, marvellous people who we should all be in awe of.
Oh for a neutral tv station never mind a station such as Fox News.
If you asked everybody on here, even maxicony, you would get the same answers.
Is the BBC for or against Brexit.
Is the BBC for or against Trump.
Is the BBC for or against mass immigration.
Is the BBC for or against the EU.
Is the BBC for or against Farage and UKIP.
We all know the answers.
How do they get away with it.
Sure is crying out for a Panorama Special from the free, fair and impartial media giant.
Has OFCOM found the ‘on’ switch yet?
So it appears you have to receive an unsatisfactory reply to your bbc complaint before referring it to OFCOM.
BBC removes women from picture to tell a story. BBC Title is story in Saudi Arabia “Saudi Arabia launches girls’ council – without any girls” and then compares it to Donald Trump signing an executive order on healthcare abroad and no women in the picture shown.
Do a google search and you can find a women in the picture, not necessarily a member of the presidency but there nonetheless. [14 March 2017]
“It has been compared to another viral hit – an image of US President Donald Trump, surrounded by men, signing an abortion policy in January.”
But there is a women in this picture:
Is this news by omission?
Not NEWS but NEWZ – not quite the same. Like a Jaguar car and a Jaguar animal.
Wanted to record it somewhere – as this practice has to be stopped and revealed when found, regardless of the news organisation.
EU finding new means of funding.
2.4 billion euros should help
Google hit with record EU fine over Shopping service
No doubt the EU will demand the EU courts to rule on this.
I’m sure we’re all in deep shock at the EU’s obstructive attitude – not.
They continue to deliver veiled threats to stop selling us their stuff – how would we cope?
A Labour supporter:
R4 Play now on a play about the French National Front in 2020 local election in Grenoble (ep 1 of 3)
“Muslim complains about 3 pigs being released into the Mosque..the next character says compare that to : and then reels off Islamic terrorist stats”
“In 2020, Charismatic National Front candidate, Vincent Ferré, stirs up dangerous social divisions as he campaigns to become the next Mayor of traditionally left-wing Grenoble. Can the city survive if he is elected?”
Other Muslim woman character worrying about her son being suspicious by always being on the computer ..She thinks he’s being radicalised ..he’s probably looking at porn.
There’s a quiz
“Am I Living in a Post-Apocalyptic Dystopian Hinterland? “
Not the Beeb but here is one of their comrades in arms, CNN, busted on their war on Trump..
Oooerrr Missus!
It seems that CNN is almost as bad as the BBC, but unlike the BBC you are not imprisoned (as several people are each year) if you don’t want to fund its Leftist bullshit, and its 24/7 Party Political Broadcasts on behalf of the Labour Party.
Kate Bolduan is quite good on CNN.
Sky are trying to copy her act with Sophie Ridge but she does not have Bolduan`s personality.One can tell that Ridge is a middle class home counties girl.Like Theresa May she has that patronising coldness .
Leftwing Sky are getting around supposedly being balanced by having lots of American Leftish political shows on Sky Atlantic.Have to admit Bill Maher does make me laugh.John Oliver does not.
Wish someone would ask
Re CNN story.
No mention I can see on the Beeb website.
Wonder why.
It was there when you posted
Maybe hidden a bit
Stew – Thanks for link.
Undercover video of CNN producer from O’Keefe
Trump has not added BBC to his list …yet
but did retweet this
Another one of those strange Twitter conversations with Beeboids N Campbell/Rutherford
When I pointed out that they should challenge Islamic dogma just the same as creationist dogma, they replied
..\\ We don’t debate creationism, flat earth,alien abductions etc on mainstream. We’d be a laughing stock. .
NOR debate phlogiston, spiritualism, alternatives to natural selection, ‘black people have different knee bones’ //
That shows that they are not aware that they are already a laughing stock ?
Stuck in their own metrobubble they are not aware that a lot of the stuff they spout on air looks like dogma to outsiders
eg The way Rutherford runs back from his holiday to do a special report about a solar farm (GreenDream is his own religion)
Over the years I have heard on their shows things they stated as fact later come out as untrue.
eg2 the 40K Air quality Theoretical Equivalent death stat.. is always misused on the BBC, Last December’s DailyPolitics being the only show to properly explain it.
And they are snarky as hell, whereas you can’t just sneer at the public who pay your wages.
They label them “green inks”..whereas from the outside it looks like the BBC transmitters emit “Green rays”
Hmm is Liberals childishness why people get move to right/libertarian ?
The conversation was the usual plod. (got to plant a seed)
As they ignore main points and try to score points on minor distractions.
It’s a while since I’ve been on pure liberal messageboards but they have the characteristics : tribalism, extreme sneering, belittling people, namecalling instead of proper debate , logical fallacies like Argument of authority etc Jeez “97 % “, “97%” ..for god’s sake
In this conversation they both ignored Islam question ..and Campbell had a weird sarcastic tangent about anyone who challenges them must be going for a Nobel Prize.