John Simpson, the Liberator of Kabul, has had a bad year, the worst of his life he tells us. Not sure why after all terrorism has been worse under the IRA, the economy is purring along nicely whatever the BBC tells us, industrial strife is limited despite Corbyn and Co’s attempts to bring the country to a grinding halt and their ‘day of rage’ turned out to be a couple of hundred useful idiots rather than the million the shadow chancellor wanted to storm Downing Street with. Trump’s in the White House but that could hardly impinge upon Simpson’s world to any great extent. Maybe it’s that mortally wounded Prime Minister…is she? That’s the BBC narrative as they want to see her deposed in order to trigger another election but she seemed pretty much in control during PMQs and who is there to replace her? She may well survive however many times the BBC brings on Ken Clarke, Phillip Hammond or Michael Heseltine to undermine her…If I was May I’d sack Remainer Hammond and show who is boss and put the frighteners on the rest…he has consistently tried to stitch her up…maybe even his budget cock-up was deliberate and meant to embarrass her…how could he not know that the Tories had promised not to raise taxes?
Back to Simpson….so that leaves what? Brexit? If that is why he has had a bad year, the worst of his life, then we can safely assume he is a Remainer whatever he tries to spin. Typically he portrays Brexit as a disaster, a leap in the dark…and yet he has no idea what tying ourselves to the EU would bring…it is as much a leap in the dark as Brexit as the EU economy and structure remain unstable, mass migration brings political and eventually military conflict, and internal differences within the EU cause potentially huge ruptures.
Simpson is disingenuous when he says…
I was taken completely by surprise at the end of last week when a comment I jotted down received thousands of Likes and retweets. “It’s a year since Jo Cox was murdered,” I wrote: “the worst year for Britain in my lifetime. We badly need a return to Jo’s concept of moderation now.” Fairly anodyne, you would have thought, but it seems to have touched a nerve.
Simpson must know that ‘Jo Cox’ plus some worthy if pretty meaningless sentiments will grab attention and result in a flood of ‘Princess Di’ emoting.
He goes on…
If any further evidence of neuroticism is needed, there is the longing that people have to be enfolded in the arms of a comforting authority figure.
Only to say….
It’s a bad sign when countries feel that they need an individual to sort them out. It’s because of its system, based on openness, inclusiveness and the rule of law, that Britain has grown strong and wealthy. Jo Cox said in her maiden speech in June 2015: “While we celebrate our diversity, what surprises me time and time again as I travel around the constituency is that we are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us.”
For someone who despises ‘cult figures’ rising up to save the nation he seems more than ready to hold up Jo Cox as the ‘mother of the nation’ whose every word, value and belief we must live by. Let’s be honest, however nice she was, she was a left-wing MP whose politicial philosophy was made up of easy to say, emotive, lazy, liberal-crowd pleasing sentiments about immigrants, asylum seekers and war. Hardly the stuff of legend….it’s the same stuff Corbyn has been peddling for decades and the BBC has filled the airwaves with.
Simpson tells us of his other worry…
There’s a newly hysterical tone in British society, which had always seemed so reassuringly reliable and sensible. The crowd that stormed Kensington Town Hall as though it were the Bastille or the Winter Palace mistook a man in a suit for a Tory councillor and beat him up. It transpired that he was an outside contractor who had spent much of the week helping the Grenfell Tower victims.
Above all, what was until recently the world’s fifth-largest economy has suddenly found itself on the edge of a trapdoor in the dark. “Back to the Thirties”, some people are saying.
Who has whipped up that ‘hysterical tone’? The BBC has done all it can to portray Britain as broken and divided after Brexit, a nation that has become ‘nastier and more racist’ #duetobrexit, as well as promoting the splitting up of the UK with uncritical platforms given to Strugeon to spout her spiel about democracy and the will of the Scottish people…despite the SNP riding roughshod over democracy and the Brexit referendum not being regional but a British vote…and the Scots voted to stay in Britain.
Who else has helped to whip up that ‘hysterical tone’? Corbyn and his stormtroopers…when the BBC talks about a return to the thirties it means the rise of the Far-Right but it is in fact the rise of Corbyn and his street thugs who most resemble a return to the thirties with both online abuse and intimidation and actual street violence and threats to Corbyn’s opponents…never mind the leader, the shadow Chancellor and the shadow Home Secretary all have records that would suggest they are unfit for Office in light of their willingness to cheerlead for murder and terrorism. And we won’t mention the anti-Semitism.
Simpson ends with this..
We’ve never had more need of calmness than now.
I suggest he calm down and then have a word with his colleagues who seem to be doing all they can to destabilise and undermine May, cause another election and to thwart Brexit….the result of which might be far worse than whatever Simpson thinks Brexit might bring. And another election with Corbyn possibly slipping into No10 would be something that Putin could only dream of. No need to hack an election when you have the BBC doing the work for you.
All John needs is another advert by the BBC on the BBC telling us how good they are , with John on the end explaining how to pay .
Just John being John. And then, there’s Jon being Jon…
Get the impression they feel they, and they alone should control the airwaves.
At least there is no longer a problem with old white men.
The ‘unavailable for comment’ is a nicely ironic touch; as deployed by BBC editors via anonymous spokesweasels when the holding of power to account takes an awkward turn.
‘We’ve never had more need of calmness than now’… like the calmness when we voted in the millions for Brexit at the ballot box… in the booth, X in the box out again, I felt very calm when I did that and I was on the winning side! Like the GE when millions went into a booth and put an X in the box against the party of their choice.. the one that won!
Yes calmness is needed.. by the fanatical unhinged extreme mob on the left.
His real name is “Fidler-Simpson”. I can’t think why he changed it.