Odd how the BBC drools over Macron who roars out ‘Vive La Republique…Vive La France!!’ and yet scoff at and scorn Trump and his ‘Make America great again!’ Indeed odd that Macron himself had a dig at Trump’s call to arms.
I guess others aren’t so sanguine about Macron in France….
We were told on World At One on R4 today that “even the weather’s improved since Macron took power”
This was followed by their ongoing drama about how awful it’d be in a town with a Front National Mayor.
The Mohammedans were behaving like savages; rioting and setting cars on fire because they didn’t like the result.
Where do the producers get their ideas from?
Speaking of Mohamedans. On BBC this morning, I was informed that Mohamedan taxi drivers of Manchester were on the cat walk for offering free taxi rides to Kuffar girls after the recent Manchester massacre. The BBC were delighted to report on another positive Mohamedan story .
I wonder why it raised some uncharitable thoughts.
I could tell by her voice that lovely posh sounding Emma Jane Kirby (the author of the world famous The Optician of Lampedusa ) was in her liberal element when reporting on Macron.
I am afraid as far as the BBC is concerned Macron represents the great liberal fight back after brexit and Trump. The MSMs own little piece of franco sunshine. He was the liberal elite/globalist choice similair to lustrous Justin across the pond.
Just like our own little snowflakes many of the French are in denial and are weary of negative politics and would just rather vote for someone who will tell them its all going to be ok even if it aint.
Dont want nasty Nigel or Monstrous Marine telling the kids the truth – it might spoil their smoothy
This pampered individual has little understanding of the real problems affecting Europe and was picked merely because he was a new shiny vessel who in truth is full of the same old liberal/globalist shit just packaged a little differently.
Will people wake up to him before its too late? – Unlikely, he represents “hope” which in reality means denial and self delusion. I am afraid the the snowflakes have told us loud and clear – they want to stay in their “comfort bubble ” until the very end.
Its the same here – Even knowing the evident truth about Corbyn and his relaxed views on terrorism and migration. People here still voted for him. They just merely chose just to ignore the evidence it and focus on the Corbyn socialist soft soap. Free lunches for all.
It seems the worse things get the more people seem to exhibit incredible naivety and self delusion. The left knowing this have focused on giving positive messages rather than telling the truth -after all the truth often hurts. At some point however these problems will come back and explode in our face ten times worse because nothing was done about them.
And when it all goes “tits up” I am sure it will be the fault of all of us old bastards because we didnt tell them hard enough.
Im sorry kids, honest – its all my fault!
Oaknash I am afraid the the snowflakes have told us loud and clear – they want to stay in their “comfort bubble ” until the very end.
Yes, until the blade flashes across their necks. The French never get it even as a Catholic priest is decapitated on an altar in his church, or as the German tanks rolled across the border.
My fear is that America will not come to our help this time.
And thats the thing NCBBC – We have allowed our “press” to whine, bitch and moan like spoiled six year olds, all at the behest of the progressive left – and all in order to try and humiliate and stop a democratically elected president coming to this country, a man who likes us and wanted to do business with us.
At the same time we have been wining and dining a selection of “Abu bin liners” who have a far more dubious human rights record, export terrorism to us – but whom we want to buy oil and sell weapons to.
All Trump wanted to do was help protect America from those who mean it harm and yet we treated him like Hitlers re-incarnation. I reckon Trump must view us a bit like a father views a drug addict/alcoholic child. You see them grow up and then suddenly fall into the “bad company” of all these new exciting people. You try and help your child , but when he finally turns his back on you, because you have other kids – you know you finally have to walk away leaving him with his new ” friends” who spend their sorry lives ripping each other off and complaining about a lack of support and how the world owes them a living.
I suppose Sharia May in indulging the likes of Kuenssberg insulting questions to Trump just thought Kuennsberg is like some teenager finding her confidence. But when you allow our state broadcaster to insult what is potentially our most useful political and economic ally in the world – it sends a far different message about the direction this country is taking.
Who can blame Trump for walking away from those who want to insult him or allow it to happen?
Its a bit like spitting into someones face and then asking them to lend you a tenner!
England used to be well regarded for its manners – How things have changed!
Trumps relationship with Macron should be viewed as a purely pragmatic decision. The UK has let him down (thanks to the left), and so he will move on. Macrons usefulness to the USA will only last until it clashes with the desires of Merkel and Trump will move on again.
What a pity our gutless politicians have allowed us to become increasingly isolated from those who wanted to do business with us. Still at the end of the day maybe that was always the intention. Brexit means brexit – just as stitch up – means stitch up.
They say God helps those who help themselves – and this statement can be interpreted in many ways (especially relevant to our porous borders). I think in the next few years God might be pretty busy.
Not bias but I had to share this
Maybe because Mummy (wifey) and Daddy ( Hollande) wouldn’t be there to give him answers
“Odd how the BBC drools over Macron who roars out ‘Vive La Republique…Vive La France!!’ and yet scoff at and scorn Trump and his ‘Make America great again!’ ”
Not really! Most BBC Elites most likely hate Great Britain that’s why when retirement comes around they intend to have happy neighbours in France, or Spain or Italy – this is why they keep ranting on about how clean and polite our local France, Italian neighbours really are this is why we at the BBC can’t understand why the eck those northern scum bags voted to leave our wonderful continent – were everyone loves each other – except when the unwashed brits come on holiday!
Now you know why you northern pit workers will have no chance of retiring in said countries because you wouldn’t fit-in with our local community of ex-BBC executives, editors, producers and the names go on and on as there are heaps of ex-BBC employees over here in clean france, Italy!!
Besides! None of my BBC co-workers would ever think of retiring in England!
Scum-bag BBC elites touring Europe on our licence fee!
Oops! My last post was confusing! (It was one of those days guys/gals!) My apologies if it came over as wonky?!
The last line of my previous piece expressed my sentiments precisely!