Sorry for the delay, but here you go. If you think Jon Snow “F**k the Tories” was bad, the BBC do it 24/7, but just that bit more subtly! Detail the bias here!
They are now going into victim mode, just like Muslims do.
Jihadi Jack is “just another strong headed young man” from the Dad. Jihadi Jack’s Dad also quoted his son as willing to die for allah. Then expanded that many Christians do so as well.
Well Christians are prepared to die for Jesus Christ, but they don’t go killing people for Christ, as Muslims do for allah.
This is the kind of equivalence that is tolerated by the BBC.
Surprised his defence / mum didn’t use the mental health defence to be extradited – you know – those f ups who spend their time in their bedfooms spanking the monkey and trying to hack the NSA and when justice catches up they do a McKinnon
As a fan of big infrastructure projects, I was quite disappointed that DUP bribe was a blanket grant rather than the long talked about rail link to Ireland. But it doesn’t matter, it’s Theresa handing it over so it’s the ‘wrong type’ of government spending anyway…
In the mean time my cartoon roundup on the last week
I think its only right that they should explain whether the money is to be spent on Protestant broadband or catholic broadband – or indeed broadband related to some other deity . What a bleedin laugh.
This seems to have disappeared from BBC politics page?
QS Amendment? … To Firefighters, Policemen, nursing staff, all the praise, warm words and
… the Tory soft soap of the last few weeks as usual were all false?
So the “heroes” and “angels”, from the last weeks, now get the Tory middle finger,
and those self serving sh-tbags , cheer the result
Have to say it as lying, devious, beneath contempt snakes go … right up there
The lesson never trust a Tory,
Everything that is wrong with politics … the reason nobody in their right minds trusts politicians
Is on display here, Tory liars before during and after the election
once again … political establishment business as usual
Drain the swamp.
I’m sure we can all appreciate the work of firefighters, policemen and nursing staff, all potentially on above average wages and some able to retire early.
The fact that we appreciate them doesn’t have anything to do with whether they deserve even higher pay, nor does it have anything to do with BBC Bias.
I think this is the website that you are looking for.
There is an aspect of “You can’t put a price on the bravery of the firefighters who tackled the blaze in the Grenfell Tower block. Unless it’s a 1% increase. That’s too expensive.”
On the other hand, the number of fires has gone down every year to the extent that most fire stations are massively underworked. There’s chip pan fires on a Friday night and honestly very little compared to 20+ years ago when badly made electronic appliances regularly caught fire, most people smoked and furniture was very flammable.
This is a good thing mind but it does make firefighting an increasingly redundant service but one which is under resourced on that blue moon occasion. Personally, I would merge it into the police service and make better use of shared resources.
You’ve touched a sore point.
First, we talk of the emergency services. There is a clue in the title. What do we exoect them to do for their pay? Sit around playing cards and drinking cups of tea? For retirement at 50 and a fabulous pension, underwritten by us of course? They signed up, I expect them to do the job.
Second, a long time ago, in the BMJ I think, there was a statistical survey of the most dangerous occupations. The top one, by far, was fishing.
But lower down, it turns out that pro rata, window cleaning is more dangerous than fire fighting.
So, when was the last time you heard anything about “our brave window cleaners”?
I’m not taking anything away from what they do, I’m just saying that, as with the NHS, we have to be purely logical and decide how much money spent for how many lives saved. If we doubled the health budget it would save thousands of lives, but we don’t because – as a nation – we agree that after a while it’s not worth the additional tax/cost. That’s what politics is, a discussion of where the goalposts lie.
As for the fire brigade, you can actually see that even in a huge city like London (a sixth of the population) there are often days when there’s only one (or no) fires in the whole city:
Again, this is a good thing! And I pray that I never have to rely on them, as do we all.
A lot of the job these days seems to be fitting smoke alarms. They train hard for their job, and I expect most of them would have taken a pride in their work at the Grenfell Tower, as a chance to do some proper fire fighting.
I’m not taking anything away from what they do, I’m just saying that, as with the NHS, we have to be purely logical and decide how much money spent for how many lives saved. If we doubled the health budget it would save thousands of lives, but we don’t because – as a nation – we agree that after a while it’s not worth the additional tax/cost. That’s what politics is, a discussion of where the goalposts lie.
As for the fire brigade, you can actually see that even in a huge city like London (a sixth of the population) there are often days when there’s only one (or no) fires in the whole city:
Again, this is a good thing! And I pray that I never have to rely on them, as do we all.
It’s a bit of a distance away from biased al beeb but the cost / actions of a fire person in one day of their service could justify a life time of pay and pension .
It’s Similar to the very brace transport policeman at London Bridge faced with three Islamic terrorist c…ts thankfully now dead who did more in 5?minutes that many do in a lifetime .
In short it’s hard to quantify and I come down on both fire bods and the blue. Use the overseas aid budget to fund it
If it makes you feel better – I think there’s an argument for dumping all that heroic helicopter med stuff and putting the money into basic health care….
SC, firemen and firewomen are not stupid. They long ago realised that prevention was a good idea all round and are happy to try to do themselves out of a job. There are other reasons, not least that they cannot – with their expected duties – go on as long as others in other public services. The ageing process just doesn’t allow it.
“They’ve been hobbled by a raft of union inspired H&S directives to the point that they just tie off the hoses and retreat to a safe distance.”
I am still amazed at how the entry standards were lowered in which to admit women. I’m not saying women aren’t up to the task, but I’m pretty sure, I would rather be carried down a ladder by a 6 foot+ weakling than a 5 foot five amazon. Fire brigade relaxes strength and fitness test to make entry easier for women
We saw the same in the army where standards were lowered for women. I’m all for equality, yet the fact remains yet there are some jobs women are not physically capable of doing. (Yes there will be the odd one of two, but not across the board and I’m a 5 foot 7 shortarse who had a penchant for tabbing with a full bergan on his back 25 miles at a time. saying that)
Pounce, quite right. Especially when the fireMEN were asked to extend their working age and said they couldn’t do it because of the physical requirements of the job.
There must be scope for teamwork in the Fire Brigade though: women drivers, fire cause inspectors, safety advisors, tactitions, etc., and they probably come into their own for working in small spaces on some rescues.
I remember a few years ago the Fire Brigades Union campaigning for better pay. As a result of their campaign once people realised how good their pay, terms and condition were then public support for extra pay evaporated. Second jobs are common, good pension, heck some London firemen commute for shifts from their homes abroad. I don’t know what it’s like now, but there used to be a waiting list to join.
It is hard setting a market rate for some public sector jobs, but is anyone saying the Fire Service has a recruitment or retention problem?
There is a strange double standard in evaluating those in receipt of the taxpayers’ largesse.
We are expected to believe that doctors are “gods in white coats”, nurses “angels”, policemen and firemen “heros”. Soldiers take more risks in time of war and so are also “heros” but I cannot remember anyone saying that soldiers’ pay should go up 5% or 10% during any recent war. If you are a true demigod, angel or hero you do not do what you do for monetary rewards. If the emergency services want a pay rise they should justify it on overall professional competence, not individual acts of courage, or compassion. The amount of money the NHS pays out in compensation every year strongly suggests some employees are neither demi-gods nor angels. Maybe the moral titans in the NHS should content themselves with medals and commendations like the military.
It’s all part of the narrative that public sector employees are all saints, those in the private sector all sinners. It’s the same moral smugness you get from leftists who see those on the right as inherently evil, while they see themselves as living saints.
In many countries due to the massive reduction in fires, fireman are now learning to be paramedics so as to assist the ambulance services which are seriously overworked. Secondly, a neighbour of mine and his son are both fireman both are currently spending 2-3 weeks fitting another neighbour’s kitchen. A fireman’s job is dangerous but they sometimes sit around all day playing cards (their words not mine).
Nothing to do with BBC bias?
“This seems to have disappeared from BBC politics page QS Amendment” it is a topic being discussed quite widely and yet gone from BBC news page.
Look, the No 10 we have is an utter disgrace, they deserve every bit of scrutiny, they are shamefully playing politics, and that same politic is playing many of their supporter s here.
So … suck it up
Toady watch
1. Al beeb delighted in the fact that the 3rd in line of the RC church is to return to Australia to answer charges . A nice bit of prejudice on their part . I thought about all those Muslim taxi drivers up north who had been grooming 13 year old white Caffer girls who didn’t merit much of a mention.
Al beeb doesnt want to offend does it?
2. And then the hump – the poor mans ‘ answer to Jon snow laid into the Chinese ambo. I was trying to work out what gain China had turning up on the toady programme – answer – none . The Ambo didnt walk after having Humphreys did his histrionics . But I’m sure there won’t be anyone else from that embassy on any time soon.
Theyd do much better devoting their 3 hours to that shite naughtie interviewing a gay lefty and humphreys doing his father Thames routine ( or father jack?) talking about plastic bags bottles or left handed snails or red squirrels – you know the tedious routine .
I’ve got my exposure down to 39 mins so I think I’ll be ok .
I wonder if the toady mob and c4 noos shared a yurt at Glasto – with the kids yar?
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum is actually more interested in his race horses than with Islam. When the BBC tried to contact him he was “unavailable for comment”. Of course the reason why he was unavailable for comment is because he will be heavily criticised for this in the Islamic community.
Yes, I saw that. The £30k he’s donated is not even the smallest of small change for him.
But the newsreader (Chakrabutti) was oozing with glee at this example of Muslim charity that obviously dwarfed all terrorism attacks here and in fact made up for it, so it seemed.
Small change indeed DS……if you happen to have a mare and want her put in foal to New Approach, the covering fee is £30k. This stallion is one of the ‘cheaper’ ones – and given that they cover upwards of 80 plus mares in a season, well “you do the maths”.
Having said that, Darley are renowned to be very good employers and Sheikh Mo does an awful lot under the radar ( and I mean that in a positive sense).
For anyone interested in stallion fees, they’re all there on the Darley website.
I was talking with an Estate Agent recently about house prices and he mentioned that they are getting a lot of enquiries from Londoners wanting to move out to the shires due to increasing ‘racial tensions’.
This will of course suit Mayor Khan in his quest for the London Caliphate.
This has been going on for years. it cannot be stopped short of state intervention. The more London prices rise the easier it is for families to move to the shires.
it will only end when the last English family leaves. Note families. London still attracts the single but not the familes.
A friend of mine moved out of London quite a few years ago because one of his kids – who was about 6- came home singing a song he didn’t recognise and when he listened it was in a language he didn’t recognise – he found out it was Gujarati . That was enough . As I white Anglo he ran up the m11 and never looked back .
That is a true story. Al beeb would celebrate a nice little white girl singing in a foreign language – which is why I d never pay their TVs tax.,
It is very worrying though even to me me living in Cumbria, that our capital city is being taken over by a foreign religion, not to mention Birmingham etc.
Typical 50% of our news comes via the Guardian, whose readership is 5% of the rightwing readership of the Sun and Mail, , 1.6 million against 33 million it is just so utterly frustrating how the left have monopolised our media.
THE BBC’S dominant share of news coverage in Britain is to come under
Government spotlight, it emerged yesterday.
The Corporation is to feature in a probe into consumer choice after
researchers found it accounts for almost half.
Apparently the Tory government Culture Secretary has referred the bid by Fox /Murdoch for the remaining shares in Sky to Competition and Markets authority. Her Reason for the referral was a concern over , wait for it, lack of plurality! Well we all agree that plurality of news is critical in a democracy. But how does that concern sit alongside the BBC near monopoly of news in the UK?
In my view this proves that the Tories are content with the output of the BBC, despite the institutional left wing bias of the corporation which does them so much harm. I think the reason that they are content is that they , along with all other UK political parties, agree that the BBC plays a vital role in keeping the lid on the public
concerns and anger over mass immigration and fear about Islam. Introducing a new source of news, with perhaps a higher level of commitment to the truth and a different perspective, may loosen the screws on the lid and so is not welcome.
This is also the reason why all the political parties want to gain control over the internet. They dress it up in sorts of fancy words but they just want to censor it to stop us knowing the truth. Freedom of speech has been terminally ill in this country for many years , what we are now seeing is the last rights.
Its an SOS johnny, a very direct and obvious pimp us some info baby, we’ll make you famous.
He states every allegation as fact, indisputable, when the reality is this……….”.not a single case has yet been proven”.
The regulator also said the Murdochs were indeed fit and proper holders of a broadcasting licence. The grounds on which Ofcom came to this view were that senior executives at Fox were unaware of the alleged rampant sexual and racial harassment by their biggest on-screen star (Bill O’Reilly) and Fox News’ omnipotent late CEO, Roger Ailes, until 2016.
Given the alleged rampant harassment has been taking place since the early 2000s – though not a single case has yet been proven – this assertion by Ofcom opens up a very juicy possibility: if anyone can produce evidence that the Murdochs were informed about such behaviour before 2016, then Ofcom will have to review their thinking on the fit and proper tests
“Asked to list their single most important source for news, the BBC again dominates. It is listed by 50 per cent of respondents, with ITN next on 12 per cent and Sky in third place on six per cent.”
A nice example of the increasing desperation behind Guardian sales is the networking of articles to august outfits like Yahoo news, no less. Currently enjoying the benefits of a wider readership for example, Giles Fraser and John Crace pen riveting pro-Corbyn reads but they, and the Guardian board itself, might be best advised not to check the readers’ comments…..
Made me think, the Left are constantly moaning about the press being mainly Right wing, if that is true, why are they all not trying to rescue the Guardin with donations?
I think the public is waking up to the BBC’s bias. Have a look at any HYS and you will see an increasing number of comments ridiculing the subject article and, in particular, drawing attention to the agenda being pushed. The highest rated comments are usually not what the BBC would like to see. Gladly, more and more people seem to be calling for the BBC to be scrapped.
Any of you holidaying on the Southern Costas this year ? you might want to take care when swimming in the Med or you might get caught up with migrants wading ashore from their rubber lilos. Its reported there are thousands lining the coastline of Tangier and pitching up on beaches from Cadiz to Malaga. I think the British ex-pats living out there have more to worry about than their status under Brexit. I would be hightailing it home on the first available flight !
This is quite revealing: a Polish journalist on a German politics show, discussing how the Poles view Ma Merkel’s Refugee dilemma. The faces of her fellow (German) panelists is exquisite Schadenfreude.
Excellent analysis from the Polish Journalist. It is a shame that this type of discussion is not allowed on the BBC – because it doesn’t fit in with the BBC’s agenda.
I wish Theresa May spoke like this Polish Journalist. Whereas this polish journalist brings clarity to the situation Theresa May is either silent, or too political correct to come up with a clear vision. Theresa May’s pandering to the Muslim community, her claims that Islam is peace, her wearing of the hijab in mosques on British soil makes her look weak and foolish. Theresa May will lose the next election – she needs to step down as leader before the next general election.
To be replaced by whom? Years ago there was a plethora of ‘big beasts’ to choose from to take over, but now they are just a bunch of chinless wonders with not an ounce of gravitas among them; and to be honest its the same with the Labour party. The only person with any balls and gumption about him is no longer leader of a party. So, we’re really stuffed all around !
Eastern and central Europeans know what it means to be overrun by agents of a hostile power and were vassal states of the USSR until less than 30 years ago. They were ruled by Islamic despots for centuries. We should listen to them. Yet the smug globalists of western Europe view them as backward rednecks getting in the way of their glorious multicultural open-borders vision of the future.
This is why it’s important that the government carry out my proposal to allow the Eastern Europeans to stay in Britain, but deport Remain voters to Belgium, or Holland, or some other nondescript shit-hole on the continent, so they can live happily under Merkel’s coercive bureaucracy.
Interesting that stat: they took in 400 Christian Syrian refugees. They were housed – fed?, too, I assume – by Christian families and were ‘given’ 80 Euros per month ‘pocket money’, not far short of £3 per day.
Probably not allowed to work until their migration status was established and some basic language tuition was under way.
Not good enough as far as they were concerned so they did a runner to Germany where the ‘benefits’ were better.
If I had escaped a war zone and made it to safety AND hospitality with some cash on top, I think I’d be feeling grateful. Seems like it is not just in Britain that a massive entitlement culture has built up.
She stood for Poland well. One of the German panelists said that Merkel should be congratulated for ignoring the views of the German public and going ahead with her policy of open doors. I have heard that sentiment before, from Liz Kendal on This Week, she claimed extraordinarily that by ignoring the views of the public politicians were showing leadership. Isn’t this the antithesis of democracy, isn’t this the perfect demonstration of how oligarchies operate? Come on people if you don’t agree with what your leaders are doing vote for someone else. Except people don’t do they, they will still elect Merkel and Macron etc , despite feeling these fools are leading them deeper and deeper into a crisis. What form of madness is this?
Double, trouble is, there may be no viable alternative to vote for. Conservatives, Labour, SNP and LibDems all want massive migration to continue. They think it an automatic given, bring in more people and you will automatically get growth. It doesn’t work that way in economics, though.
I am not sure that the current crop of politicians do believe that immigration automatically begets growth but I am sure that none of them wants to risk the accusations of racism, hardheartedness, islamophobia etc and the general condemnation that they will get endlessly on the MSM and elsewhere if they seek to impose genuine restrictions on immigration. They’re frit and we’re f*cked.
Yes, it’s true. The BBC hates the Sun. That’s because it is read and enjoyed by the downtrodden masses who, the BBC thinks, should really be tugging their forelocks in gratitude for the BBC representing what they really should be thinking.
Al beeb not wanting the masses to see tits and bums, hear the grunts, watch the bonking?
Sorry, but I missed all that, but the crowd of failures in W1AA just turn me off – saves me having to press the ‘no’ button. I don’t really get much fun watching their sweating progs, not very well produced.
Much more fun to listen and watch elsewhere, the bbbc are just an irrelevance. No stature, no belief, just soundbites from daft lefties.
10:00 O’clock news on BBC….no news in headlines about Corbyn sackings and the deep division they have over EU position. No doubt if it was the Conservatives tearing each other apart it would have been headline news and LK giving her usual doom laden predictions about TM. So obvious how biased they have become
“”Trump mocks TV host Mika Brzezinski’s ‘bleeding facelift'””
“”The pair have stepped up their attacks since Mr Trump’s inauguration, deriding him as a “fake president”.””
“”In recent weeks, Scarborough has called Mr Trump a “bumbling dope”, resembling “a kid who pooped in his pants”, while Brzezinksi has mocked members of the administration as “lobotomised”.””
Its only June but this surely must be a prime candidate for the biased BBC irony/hypocrisy of the year award.
On the bBBC news we hear that the Murdoch Sky Fox News merger is to be referred to the Monopolies people because of the risk of (wait for it) undue influence on the media and political agenda.
I wonder if readers can think of another institution with massively more market share of the UK news and political agenda than Murdoch, which is uniquely funded and does not have to compete to raise its own income, yet one which seema strangely not to require Monoplies investigation?
Managed to get through 4 minutes of QT tonight before the off button.
First left wing question berating the Tory DUP deal.
Two government supporters on the panel against three left wingers including one pleased-with-herself extreme Left gobshite.
Plus wild cheering for every left wing view, modest applause and equal booing for centre right views.
Just another ‘impartial’ night at the bBBC
BREXIT actually seems quite popular even with the left wing crowd
the bitch from the economist just needs a quick wiki to see where she is coming from
he Economist takes an editorial stance of classical and economic liberalism that supports free trade, globalisation, free immigration, and cultural liberalism (such as supporting legal recognition for same-sex marriage or drug liberalization).[2] The publication has described itself as “…a product of the Caledonian liberalism of Adam Smith and David Hume”.[15] It targets highly educated readers and claims an audience containing many influential executives and policy-makers.[16] The publication’s CEO described this recent global change, which was first noticed in the 1990s and accelerated in the beginning of the 21st century, as a “new age of Mass Intelligence
Predictably the BBC have moved this story straight to their homepage. Expect the BBC to maximise the exposure of this story. Even when it was a Muslim woman doing the ramming at the end of Ramadan they headlined the story – not mentioning it was a Muslim woman, nor that it was a driving accident. Meanwhile Muslims are killing and murdering all over Africa and Asia and the Middle-East – and the BBC are silent.
I’m a bit confused by that article – in the text the police refer to the suspects 4×4, but the video shows a bashed Renault Clio, clearly meant to look like the offending vehicle. The video is pretty pointless too, serving no purpose other than to show the mosque (hallelujah) and its reinforcements.
Would like to draw attention to the final paragraph of this article:
Trump travel ban comes into effect
Entitled ‘How did we get here?’
Demonstrates the arrogance of the bBBC, treating the matter as their own, instead of reporting on it in a purely factual manner. Reading the details, the ban doesn’t amount to that much, other than possibly the lack of refugees….and it’s only for 120 days (so far..I hope it gets extended)
‘How did we get here?’ Well dear BBC, quite a lot of the ‘travel ban’ was started by Barack Ah’llbombya, just like Clinton started ‘the wall’ in the 90s. But because those two are beyond criticism, I suppose you wouldn’t know that.
I always remember in the 80s that if you had to travel to Israel for work then it was recommended that you did not get it stamped in your passport because no Arab country would let you in if they saw the entry stamp of Israel.
A couple of key sentences jump out in light of the BBC’s self-serving and somewhat pro-Islamist office culture:
“Back in the days of the ineffectual Arab Spring, Al Jazeera’s coverage played an important part in the overthrow of Colonel Gaddafi in Libya and President Mubarak in Egypt”
“It [Al Jazeera] may have been accused of being slanted in favour of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt and elsewhere…”
“…it employs talented ex-colleagues of mine from the BBC…”
John Simpson is the BBC’s world affairs editor.
And this brings a smile:
“Imagine the rage if the EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, demanded that Theresa May should close down the BBC as part of the Brexit deal”
As the teenagers tend to phase it… ‘Meh’
Funny how the EU and the BBC are so closely linked in our Jon’s now rather elderly mind.
Anyone hereabouts keen to join Jon in starting a campaign to save AJ ?
‘Culture minister Matt Hancock says the BBC’s coverage of Jeremy Corbyn’s appearance at Glastonbury missed a key moment — when the Labour leader was booed’
‘According to Matt there was no coverage by the BBC because “it didn’t fit their narrative”.’
Bullseye! Looking forward to hearing more from Mr Hancock
There is growing evidence, that a systemic failure is the cause of Grenfell. (How can it be that it is showing up all over the country, there must be a common factor) The BBC R4 is saying on it’s programme, that the cladding changed from a zinc version to an aluminium one that £300,000 cheaper. And that this new version was not fire proof. (Then of course get the Labour council opposition to say they would have done it different) I have no idea whether the original selection would have been any better. However, that is NOT the impression the BBC is giving.
In three highly informative and meticulously researched articles on the regulations on cladding and insulation , Richard A.E.North has pointed out the many errors in BBC and newspaper reporting of the issue. Interestingly, and not surprisingly, there is an EU dimension that restricts the UK applying adequate protection measures. It is also pointed out that it is not the cladding (that the BBC and media keep telling us is the problem), but the materials used for the insulation. As usual, I turn first to RAEN for accurate information, and treat BBC reporting with a high degree of suspicion.
I love listening to ‘Prayer for the Day’ in the morning before I go to work. Every single day this week it has been given by an imam – obviously the lovely, cuddly type who is entirely representative of the community as a whole.
What happened to balance? Every single day! I couldn’t help reading about the Manchester victims last night and to hear this first thing every morning send a shiver down my spine.
Have the BBC not heard to Taqiyya? Why don’t they just call it Taqiyya for the day instead?
Maybe this one imam is ok as many individual Muslims can be, but I would prefer him to sort out the massive issues in his own community rather than navel gaze about peace and love.
Surely if he really believed in that he would team up with all of his colleagues and come down like a tonne of bricks on all the vipers in his midst? Zero tolerance. The slightest hint of violence and someone should be shunned and thrown out of the mosque; millions marching on London against terror; imams patrolling areas where white girls are vulnerable to grooming; absolute and unequivocal condemnation of attacks, rather than this shameless compulsion to play the victim in the wake of attacks before the bodies are even cold.
As the facts increasingly do not fit the Beeb’s worldview, they have to ramp up the narrative to invert reality. Maybe if we just get as many articulate and slick spokesmen to defend Islam everything will be ok? No – it will not. It is disgraceful.
“Maybe if we just get as many articulate and slick spokesmen to defend Islam everything will be ok?” – They don’t and cannot exist only because their instruction manual condemns everybody else apart from the cult followers of course.
Well, I never.
Toady this morning had a migrants across the Med session. We heard first from an Irish navy captain bringing in 700 migrants a day, telling us how vulnerable everybody in the boats was.
But then (did the editors expect this), Humphries interviewed an Italian senator who opened up with all guns. Quite gently he explained that many leaving Libya had been given money by foreign investors in their villages. They had decided to spend it on being trafficked. The traffickers get about Eu 9000 per head. The boats go just a few miles off the Libyan coast and then they are picked up and not taken to the nearest place (Tunisia, Malta, even Greece) but to Italy. So what the EU is providing is in effect a public transportation system. Now we sort of know this but to get it so succinctly straight from the horses mouth on the bBBC is a real rarity.
Humphries could’t brand him a racist on the way the left like to chastise anyone who utters workd like that here in the UK, so what we heard was a simple, cogent explanation of the reality the snowflakes want us to pretend does not exist.
Worth a listen at around the 0735 mark on iplayer.
Just listened to a report on the Today Programme (R4) about the on-going ‘migrant crisis’ (it is nothing of the sort) in the Mediterranean. This was Through The Looking Glass stuff.
First John Humphrys ‘interviewed’ (basically just listened to and agreed with) some guy who works with a Republic of Ireland rescue ship in the Med (yeah, I know, you gotta wonder what the hell the Republic of Ireland is doing there, but I think we all know the answer to that) who ‘explained’ that everyone needs ‘rescuing’ and taking immediately to Italy. Humphrys didn’t care to ask why, or where they were doing the ‘rescuing’. He also didn’t ask whether those being rescued were actually ‘refugees’ (and if so, refugees from what?). It’s just a given – if there are people in boats some few miles off the coast of Libya they of course – OF COURSE – need to be taken immediately to Italy. No questions asked.
Then Humphrys spoke to an Italian Senator who was, understandably, unhappy with the current situation – and unhappy with Humphrys p*sspoor interview technique, immediately castigating the BBC man for failing to ask the Irish rescuer where they are picking up all these ‘refugees’ (answer: 20 miles off the coast of Libya).
Humphrys dodged and weaved, attempting time and again to try and force the Italian politician to admit that all these ‘refugees’ just need ‘rescuing’, regardless. The Italian would have none of it, insisting that what is happening in the Mediterranean is nothing less than a criminally-organised one-way taxi service and reminding Humphrys that these so-called refugees pay up to 9000 Euros a head to get themselves delivered into the EU. The Irish guy had mentioned that ‘an average day’ for them (and just them) sees them ‘rescuing’ up to 700 ‘refugees’ and transporting them onto Italian shores.
As it quickly became apparent the Italian Senator was not singing from the ‘correct’ song sheet, Humphrys soon realised he’d have to terminate the (non) interview and so bundled him off air before he could tell any more uncomfortable truths about the BBC’s favourite non-‘humanitarian crisis’.
What is happening in the Mediterranean is a scandal – but don’t expect any of our msm to get anywhere close – ever – to revealing the truth about what our governments and NGOs are up to there. The BBC certainly are not interested in the facts.
I listened to this myself and would like to raise the issue of SOLAS (Saving of life at sea) Regs. and the International Law of the Sea.
Both state that the Captain, i.e. any person in command of a vessel, has a legal obligation to attempt to save the life of a person at risk. The obligation is then to take said person to THE NEAREST CONVENIENT PORT not to taxi them over 300 miles to the port of the Captain’s choice.
I would have thought that Humphrys, with the extensive resource of the BBC at his disposal, would have knowledge of this.
I’ve long suspected the Italians are just running an unofficial immigration service to Germany, the UK and Sweden via the mediterranean. It will only slow down if/when the corridor starts to get blocked up through sheer weight of numbers, making Italy start to look like the Greek islands and causing popular protest.
Another possibility is that so many criminals get involved in trafficking that the market is flooded (no pun intended) and the amount the gangsters can charge the migrants is so small that it won’t even cover the petrol money.
Friday, 8am news; a quarter of women do not know about the smear service for women….says a report. The greatest number who are not aware speak English (long pause by the newsreader) as a second language. I can only presume the long pause was not by chance. I also wonder the extra cost to the UK taxpayer? I understand in Spain if you need a translator you must pay for it yourself. I guess this would be used as justification for us paying for them here.
It’s the BBC, it’s Today, and here’s what John Humphries said at 7:09 …
“It cost 10 million pounds to refurbish Grenfell Tower. It would have cost three hundred thousand more if they had used fire-resistant cladding, but they didn’t.”
Am I being overly sensitive to find the way that was phrased despicable?
You are right quisquose. bBC have already made their judgement and continue to rabble-rouse.
The aluminium cladding was slightly less fire resistant but fell into the same overall category as the zinc version. The use of environmentally ‘green’ insulation (flammable) over the less environmentally acceptable
(non-flammable) variety seems to be getting ignored – wonder why……..
“”Where is the Mayor? Assembly puts Sadiq Khan on notice””
28 June 2017
“”The London Assembly has unanimously chastised the Mayor of London today, during a Plenary meeting with Transport of London.””
“”The Mayor was asked to attend the meeting to discuss his draft transport strategy but sent Deputy Mayor for Transport, Val Shawcross CBE in his place.””
“”A unanimous motion agreed today by all four parties on the London Assembly requested that in future, Sadiq Khan attend all Assembly meetings to which he is invited.””
Coming to a country near you soon. Doubtless Calais will get their share.
I wonder why the BBC has stopped reporting this now regular massive flow of alien invaders into Europe for some while now. Could it be that they don’t want to, ‘scare the natives’?
Warning R4 2:15pm play is written by Josie Long expect left wing drivel
It’s co written by and Liam Williams and they are the two main actors
And the 2 main characters are ? …”siblings Josie and Liam ”
“In the not-so-distant future, siblings Josie and Liam live in a city divided by a giant, electrified fence.
The haves live on one side, the have-nots on the other.”
Is the Wall (Perimeter) surrounding a bridge, but the Bridge has open borders?
Is there a ladder leaning against the Wall (Perimeter) where the more effort you put into climbing the ladder the further you get in life, and head towards the affluent side?
Do you think the comedians could do a Reversal on President Trump’s Wall where they ask:
“Why are Mexican’s leaving their own country and heading somewhere else? Shouldn’t the current Mexican President (Enrique Peña Nieto) build a wall to stop his citizens from leaving his country?”
Which side of the bridge do ‘Josie’ and ‘Liam’ find themselves on?
I would presume that lib. lefty publicly funded BBC comedians – and I use the term advisedly – would be on the rich side.
I have just finished reading Douglas Murray’s brilliant book , The Strange Death of Europe. It is a depressing and scary read but articulates what so many of us feel and believe about the situation into which , against our wishes, we have been put by our political leaders over the past forty years or more. Mr Murray explains many facets of the politics in Europe that has led us to this existentialist crisis but one thing he doesn’t have an explanation for is why when given the opportunity the people of Europe don’t vote for leaders who are willing to confront the issue of mass migration and Islam. It is true that the % share of votes for such parties is increasing but now where yet in Western Europe have they achieved power. Each year of delay in addressing the problem deepens the crisis, particularly as the political class seem unable to summon up the will to even control mass migration from the third world. Indeed most of the political class refuse to even recognise that there is a problem to be faced.
Where exactly do the politicians think we will end up ? Do they have any notion of the likely state of Europe opposite non European cultures in say twenty or thirty years time? If they do then they should share it openly and honestly with us and submit themselves to the ballot box. If they don’t then they should resign because it seems to me very likely that they are leading us a cliff with a very very long drop .
The book is thoughtful, measured and factual. Mr Murray has done the job that broadcasters such as the BBC and their like across the continent ought to have been doing for at least the past thirty years. But far from searching for and displaying the truth they have conspired to bury it.
In Britain you either vote for the tories or labour. If you vote for a smaller party the tories or labour still get in. Those of us who are described as right wing realise that if we voted for an anti immigrant (non racist) party then it would split the tory vote and under the FPTP election rules labour would get into power. The only time that this FPTP didn’t apply was in the EU referendum and we got our wish. To put it succinctly the tories and labour are just different cheeks on the same ars*.
11am R4 The Born in Bradford health study project (they do a radio prog every year).
How can you report on Bradford and not mention that is seems to be a hotbed of child abuse ?
Why do base general research in a town, so untypical of the rest of the country ?
\\Inbreeding is rife! Research “born in Bradford” for a starting point//
Bradford has one of the highest birth rates in Britain but of the 6,000 babies born every year at least half are of South East Asian origin
.. and face rates of diabetes and heart disease of four times the national average.
.. Of the 14,000 babies recruited into the study, the parents were found to come from 46 different countries
and to speak 52 different languages.
Just take the above lot out of the financial needs of the NHS , and there’s a fair few bob saved already !!!! The NHS would be fine and healthy , we wouldn’t need medics from overseas, if yesterdays migrants/todays migrants/ and their many offspring were taken out of the equation.
Not the bbbc but last night on sky I saw the pledge.
It seems to be copying the bbbc format because the panel were 4 left wing remoaners (Sarpong, Hirsch, Dyke and LeSaux)
The token right winger was Nick Ferrari who was a bit lacklustre and was often just sitting there having to listen to the other four in their leftie fairyland where everything labour is simply wonderful.
Their politics reminded me of a Monty Python Blue Peter sketch.
“I’m going to be a doctor and invent a cure for every disease so that nobody will be sick anymore” type of thing.
They were amazed that May found £1 billion for NI yet accepted without question that Corbyn could find about £50 billion (plus the hundreds of billions for his privatisations)
Nick tried to point this out but the others wouldn’t have it yet these are supposed to be intelligent people. How can they not understand. They actually believed the labour costing and wouldn’t accept any challenge to it.
They all condemned Leadsom for mentioning that reporters could be a little bit more patriotic and said everyone else condemned her. I don’t think so. None of the 5 could see that she was hinting at the bias present against Brexit (and the other things we all know about such as Trump and mass immigration)
The panel is usually 3 lefty remoaners and 2 others (very representative of the way the public voted….not) and both Carole Malone and Michelle Dewbury have valiant attempts at bringing realism into the debates when they appear as one of the right wing minority on the show.
Many of you will remember when ‘Wronged’ kept a weekly tally of the guests on Question Time leading up to the referendum. It was shown that twice as many guests were for remaining against those supporting leave.
Why doesn’t anyone bring this up on a bbbc show?
I really hope Fox gets a news channel for us in the UK. At least we would then have an impartial news source instead of non stop far left propaganda.
Nick Ferrari was rather weak. I also noticed he defended the BBC against the accusation of ‘not being patriotic’ . I wonder if that is because he is on their payroll. He stood in for Andrew Neill last week.
The loaded bias in favour of Left wing panellists on political debating programmes is stark. The BBC don’t think so as I have complained to them on many occasions.
Unfortunately, onthe subject of my assessment of Question Time. Nigel Farage often mentions that the broadcaster were very fair in their leading up to the referendum.
Sorry to this Nigel as I am a supporter of yours, but you are wrong, they most definitely were not.
It amazes me still how Brexit won the day. The greatest political day of my life.
Dyke is a joke. He’s slimed his way into the top jobs in TV and football, and gladhanded his way around the rubber chicken circuit. Typical champagne socialist – oh yes and according to Wilki his wife is a probation officer, so that’s alright then.
I read about that Hungarian hit and run driver last night. He served 5 years in Hungary for robbery and assault. In the UK after killing 2 young girls in a hit and run he gets…4 years (Out in 2) Yup the law is a f-ing ass in the UK.
“..banned from driving for five years” – but Mr. Hededus was caught without a license so does not care and has previous convictions so does not care.
“…but Judge John Potter said that he did not know whether (unsure or unwilling) he could order deportation.” – why not try to report anyway so Hungary can pay for his prison expenses? Or make the parents of the lost two girls pay for his upkeep via UK taxes – a continued injustice.
“..jailed for four years.” – two lives taken. Two years for each life. If they stopped they might have saved them?
If we don’t uphold the law to keep criminals off the streets, then why do we need courts and judges (Judge John Potter – unsure or unwilling) – let us just throw a dice to determine prison sentences.
Question: if the World woke up one morning to find that we had been invaded from outer space by 2/3 million members of a hostile alien race that had been studying us for centuries and had concluded that we were a ‘push-over’ and easily conquered, I wonder what the reaction would be?
“”Faced with a looming gap in the EU’s post-2020 budget caused by Brexit and higher security spending, the Commission is considering cutting funding for farmers, conditioning disbursements on the rule of law in member states and removing rebates once the UK leaves.””
Britain has been bled white by the EU since the day we joined in 1973. For most of that time, the only net contributors were Britain and West Germany (as was). The Germans saw it as a sort of reparation for the war, I wonder what our excuse was?
In return for paying so much, Germany has become de facto leader of Europe, at less cost than the Kaiser or Hitler. All we got was spite for being “Little Englanders”. The last straw was the contempt with which Cameron was treated when he asked for modest reforms, but he still trotted home like a good little European and tried to sell the British public a shit sandwich. It was the first time since 1975 we had been allowed to vote on membership, and we voted to leave. Now all we ask is for our government to obey our instruction and make it happen.
Islamic Hate Preacher in Birmingham. Fighting deportation on Legal Aid.
Farage “slammed” Treezer by sending a Tweet. It appears that the ‘slamming’ was absolutely shocking in its toughness and definately sent those shock waves through Treezer. He said:
“We are seeing this too often. What are you going to do about it Theresa May?”
Even more symptoms (if any were needed) of the sickness that is now all-pervading.
Tthe BBC quoting the due impartiality rule for broadcasters must take first prize in the irony awards 2017. The problem is that they know they are untouchable. Only a License Fee payers strike by hundreds of thousands will force the issue. No politicians will tackle the BBC , it is time for direct action.
Paris gets “No-Go Zone” warning app.
Enlightened Leftists know that only greasy Islamophobes think that “No-Go Zones” even exist. Parisians, however, do not have this luxury, and are using this app to help them avoid being attacked and brutalized by Sharia supremacists. Left unanswered, however, is what Parisians will do when their whole country becomes a Sharia-compliant No-Go Zone.
Across the pond, President Trump is stunningly singlehandedly turning CNN into the Crybaby News Network!
Now, if only he could be given free rein with the BBC, we may yet see it mutate from the Bigly Biased Company into the Blubbing Broadcasting Corporation …
Yes. And it looks as though the anti-Trump propaganda media are beginning to realise they are on a loser. I think we shall see a softening of tone (i.e. a partial retreat) from CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, NYT et al., but Trump must continue to call them out collectively and individually at every opportunity. You are right – there is lesson here for the BBC. If every Conservative called them “the propaganda left-wing media” at every chance (especially on live broadcasts), then the BBC would start to change.
Any news on who at the Wall Street Times leaked those pictures of the carnage after the Manchester bombing?
Come on Trump and Rudd-these leakers at the Time and the BBC need a good rooting out.
The problem with the BBC is not an isolated incident but a long campaign of entitlement to get the Left and the Liberal enablers a job in government (of which they are unelectable at best without a smoke screen of Blairite proportions). The BBC are part of the ‘liberal conspiracy’ but realising that they are largely and historically ‘unelectable’ rely on old school Marxists and Trotskyists to make up the numbers. Both feed on the Public purse and both orchestrate ‘strike’ action’ day of rage’ antics that left this country and begging for money from the IMF and a free ticket to join the EEC (free trade area) as it was then. Free trade and not ‘restrictive trade’ as it is now. Heath surrendered all our fisheries as an act of subservience to get us into the EU. Labour (under Wilson and Co) were dead against it. So what has changed?
In word Marxism has been embedded into EU and US legislation as a long list of human ‘right’ of public entitlement(s). So confident are they in this huge public subsidy that the BBC can legimately claim that it’s ‘…like a Church’ (a secular Church perhaps) when an (ex BBC) of staff questioned it’s (so called) BBC ‘ethics’ it preaches (to us plebs). He lost and was ex BBC. The UK employment Courts agreed that the BBC is very much ‘like a Church” – for employment purposes. If you also ask the BBC what it’s (so called) ‘BBC ethics’ are (under FOI statute) they will refuse to answer as (they will say) this is covered by the BBC Charter – stating that the BBC is (by paliamentary statute) editorially independent, – even though we all know this is a complet lie, its repeated enough to be ‘true’ to those that shoukd know better, – it is repeated by left wing MP’s as a BBC endorsement of PROOF of content. And then the internet age has made Marxism a much more potent ‘attractive’ force across the World to the World’s poor, particularly the UN activists are strident and persistant. Cuba and Venezuela are always held in high regard by the BBC, and being part of the EU is the easiest way to get us towards full state socialism is use the UN to endorse EU aspirations.
How they will accomplish this is by ignoring all the failed socialist states and implementing media suggestions that the (UK) STATE is dead, (UK) DEMOCRACY is dead and the (UK) FAMILY is dead and offering their own simplistic suggestions that everything can be free. Including children. No money, no state and mass migration by BBC elite’s to the top jobs of the civil service (by default). In this world there would be no need of independent newspapers, journalists or TV stations as all news would be filtered through the BBC distortion prism.
Nothing would exist unless the BBC suggested it was so. No evidence therfore needed. Just a suggestion. Critical Science and (particularly) Biology would be banned. Paedophila would be normalised. Marriage abolished (in all but name), parents ridiculed in public for opposing buggery or question transgenderisms or the standard of state school ‘edukashun’ taught by the left phonetically as a ‘right’ (despite most Teachers opposition) we are silenced. . The very nature of FAMILY is now a form of abuse as being a (small c) conservative. Even the Conservatives party (the right wing extremists of the left) would prefer to hide true conservative and family values to not upset the new world view of the UN or the EU sponsors.
‘Despite coming under heavy attack at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), this year’s resolution on the protection of the family passed by a wide margin. The count was 30 States voting in favor, 12 against, and five abstentions. There are 47 Member States on the Council’.
Western countries were angry that the resolution didn’t promote the LGBT agenda. It is now commonplace at almost every UN negotiation, regardless of the topic, for the discussion to devolve into debates over the LGBT agenda and abortion.
Long before nations started legalizing same-sex marriage, we warned that wherever same-sex unions or same-sex marriage gain legal recognition, it would be considered bigoted or discriminatory to promote the family. We warned back then that it would soon be highly controversial and possibly illegal to promote the traditional family at all.
And now, here we are.
The left is behind the proposals already endorsed by the EU elite. What’s next?
Examples: Forthcoming EU legislation legsilation:
After “marriage for all”(1), “MAP for all”, and then…The CCNE hence steps forward towards the admission of surrogacy, even though it declares in the same opinion being in favour of its prohibition. Indeed, if MAP is the only way for single women and lesbians to realise their wish to “have” a child partly from their blood, single men and homosexuals can only resort to surrogacy to fulfil the same wish. Now if MAP is accepted for women, how is it possible to refuse surrogacy to men, that is to say “a right to a child without a mother”? (extract from here)
(Original text is in French here):
Thus it would be outright discrimination to have a family! (EU Proposed legislation is due 2018). You will at some point thereafter need an EU license to have children but an automatic right to acquire other peoples children for your pleasure and be state subsidised for doing it!
BBC utopia and EU elite bonus for pedophiles is thus assured and all critics would be committing heresy as a state ‘hate crime’ which can be used against ‘conservative values’ of the family. The family will be no more. That is the plan for Europe. Even when we are OUT, the BBC will still be with us, defining what the EU can do for us, how socialism is the ‘true’ believers paradise. Marx as God.
“Chivers was given a 26-week jail term for the assault, and 12 weeks’ imprisonment for a public order offence, to run concurrently……He was also ordered to pay a £115 victim surcharge and will complete a 12-month supervision order when he is released from jail.”
Gabor Hegedus, 38, was sentenced to four years in jail yesterday after pleading guilty to causing the deaths by careless driving of Helena Kotlarova, 12, and Zaneta Krokovaje, 11, as they walked hand-in-hand.
Three accomplices who tried to help Hegedus escape justice were also Hungarians who all had previous convictions at home, the court heard…..One was a convicted rapist and killer who had been to prison twice while another had served more than four years in jail for fraud and forgery.
Janos Kalanyos, 49, David Orsos, 18, and Zoltan Peto, 48, admitted perverting justice.
Orsos got 20 months, Peto 25 months and Kalanyos 21 months.
The court was told that all the men may still be able to stay in the UK after having served their sentences.
No mention again in the 1:00 pm BBC News about the sackings and deep divisions within Labour. Just how biased is the BBC. Shocking when it is the Opposition and no mention of it!
Weren`t the Tories always put in the dock for being divided over Europe? That trope gave the BBC at least 20 years of cliched analysis every time the Tories and the EU got mentioned in the same article.
But now Corbyn has to sack a handful of Labour nonentities for supporting an amendment put down by one of his own MPs?
Well-we`ll not be doing too much work on THAT one.
Labour forever favoured, no matter HOW shit, screwy and divided they are. Bet Paul Mason and Seamus Milne have all their addresses and know where they go for drugs and dogging at the weekend-so it`d be a pity if Momentum got to know eh Evan?
BBC says Holocaust is “sensitive topic” for Muslims
Jun 28, 2017 | News |
A BBC report has said the Holocaust is a “sensitive topic” for Muslims because Jewish survivors “settled” in “Palestine”.
The remark appeared in an article about abuse being directed at a group of Muslim schoolgirls from Berlin during a Holocaust education trip in Poland. One girl said a man spat at her in the street, while another said she was thrown out of a shop for speaking Persian.
But when the BBC first reported, the original version of the story included a line which stated: “The Holocaust is a sensitive topic for many Muslims because Jewish survivors settled in British-mandate Palestine, on land which later became the state of Israel.”
Not only was the statement irrelevant to the incident, but it implies that the Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of six million Jews, was somehow potentially an offensive topic to Muslims due to Jewish survivors later returning to their homeland. Specifically mentioning the “land” also incorrectly portrays “many” Muslims as victims in the creation of the State of Israel and furthermore undermines the biblical and legal right that the Jewish people had to return. The atrocities of the Holocaust are also wrongfully diminished by diverting sensitivities away from the real victims of the Holocaust.
The line was removed after the complaint was sent to the BBC.
The Board of Deputies of British Jews and a Muslim anti-racism charity Tell MAMA UK criticised the broadcaster for the “gratuitous line – offensive to both Muslims and Jews” and called for an apology to be issued by the BBC.
Foxcote, I would hazard a guess that if the complaint had only come from the Board of Deputies that they would have let it stand, but as it also came from one of their client organisations, Tell MAMA, they immediately removed it.
And does one fully believe the story about the abuse suffered in Poland? Possible I suppose but so much of Tell MAMA is more accurately “Tell LIES” that there is doubt for me.
Thought I’d post the response I’ve received from the BBC after complaining about Emily Maitlis’ treatment of Andrea Leadsom ( the “patriotic” interview that was met with derision by the BBC.) The BBC won’t ever be patriotic, it’s the fact that Maitlis et al can’t even show a bit of basic courtesy to Conservative politicians that riles me.
Thank you for getting in touch regarding our interview with Andrea Leadsom on Friday June 23rd We understand you had concerns about the approach taken and felt that the interview was biased and aggressive as it developed. (Translation “We don’t know why you bothered to write to us because we don’t give a toss what you think.”)
We raised this issue with the Newsnight team involved, speaking to senior staff about the objections raised. They’ve replied as follows: (Translation: “Our most junior member of staff opened our template for standard responses to criticism of Newsnight, cut and pasted much of it, tweaked it a little bit more then sent it off to you.”)
“We believe that Emily conducted the interview with Mrs Leadsom in a fair, impartial, balanced way. She gave Mrs Leadsom time to develop her points. However at times there were interruptions. We hope you understand the need to clarify or to question a point during a live television programme, and time constraints sometimes lead to interruptions and overlaps between contributors and presenters. We always try to keep those to a minimum. In this case Mrs Leadsom was also in a separate studio which can sometimes cause time delays and might affect the flow of the interview.
Newsnight’s interviews are robust and challenging, allowing guests time to respond in detail to specific questions. The same level of scrutiny and rigour is applied to all interviews. In terms of tone and content, Emily Maitlis’ treatment of Mrs Leadsom was firm but fair, as with her approach to all party representatives.” (Translation: “We can do as we please, and if you believe this tosh you’re an even lower form of Tory scum than we thought.”)
Please be assured your complaint has been made available through our daily reports to News staff and senior colleagues. This ensures the right people receive feedback promptly. We appreciate the time you’ve taken to raise this with us. (Translation “We make a note of complaints because we know someone senior might occasionally ask for the number we’ve received on a topic, but they don’t give a stuff about the content. Hopefully, you’ll not bother us again because people like you are a waste of space on this planet and nobody from the Conservative party has the balls to take us on. Cameron proved it.”)
A beaming Jenny Hill gushes with approval at the news that her heroine Angela Merkel has allowed Pantomime Marriage onto German statute books.
In rather skittish mood posh gal Jenny explains that Merkel herself (supposedly a conservative) voted against the law but allowed her party a free vote knowing full well that enough would vote with the leftists. In Jenny’s opinion this is a clever move to head off problems her hero – whom she dubs “the last western defender of liberal values” – might have post-elections when she has to form a coalition with varoius leftist parties who would no doubt demand Panto Marriage as a precondition.
Our Jenny sees no problem with this unprincipled contrivance. Why put a major item of social change in your election manifesto and let the people decide when you can slip it past the electorate by slight of hand without their say so. Merkel taking a leaf out of David Cameron’s book? And I guess that’s the sort of politics BBC journos think we should all aspire toward.
Given her Prussian Protestantism and personal opposition to gay marriage, maybe Angela Merkel should join the DUP. That would put Jenny’s brain into a total tailspin.
I too saw Jenny Hill square her own mad circle.
Could almost see the wheels whirring in the quicksand, the brain cogs sparking and the poor girls microchip fizzing and in need of a factory reset . Yes, Merkel voted against gay marriage-but did this to head off future election rival parties with her brilliant unifying tactics.
Er-yes, that`s it.
Poor Jenny and gal back in London who created this cognitive dissonance to suit their editors.
Merkel hates gays but loves refugees…but what then of gay refugees then?(questions for later)
The BBC have given up making sense of anything these days. As long as Trump is killed, we stay in the EU, and Corbyns putsch is managed? Then reason and whatever fills up the news screens will pass.
Truly barking.
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I see the bBc is promoting the story that Jihad jack currently locked up by the Kurds is a victim, and that we should bring him home to the UK
The BBC hates poor British people, because they want to import killers to live next door to them. For their own good.
They are now going into victim mode, just like Muslims do.
Jihadi Jack is “just another strong headed young man” from the Dad. Jihadi Jack’s Dad also quoted his son as willing to die for allah. Then expanded that many Christians do so as well.
Well Christians are prepared to die for Jesus Christ, but they don’t go killing people for Christ, as Muslims do for allah.
This is the kind of equivalence that is tolerated by the BBC.
Surprised his defence / mum didn’t use the mental health defence to be extradited – you know – those f ups who spend their time in their bedfooms spanking the monkey and trying to hack the NSA and when justice catches up they do a McKinnon
They’ve been running that on and off for a couple of weeks pounce. Best if he got droned….
….because it really is a war and he is the enemy and treaties do not apply.
As a fan of big infrastructure projects, I was quite disappointed that DUP bribe was a blanket grant rather than the long talked about rail link to Ireland. But it doesn’t matter, it’s Theresa handing it over so it’s the ‘wrong type’ of government spending anyway…
In the mean time my cartoon roundup on the last week
I think its only right that they should explain whether the money is to be spent on Protestant broadband or catholic broadband – or indeed broadband related to some other deity . What a bleedin laugh.
This seems to have disappeared from BBC politics page?
QS Amendment? … To Firefighters, Policemen, nursing staff, all the praise, warm words and
… the Tory soft soap of the last few weeks as usual were all false?
So the “heroes” and “angels”, from the last weeks, now get the Tory middle finger,
and those self serving sh-tbags , cheer the result
Have to say it as lying, devious, beneath contempt snakes go … right up there
The lesson never trust a Tory,
Everything that is wrong with politics … the reason nobody in their right minds trusts politicians
Is on display here, Tory liars before during and after the election
once again … political establishment business as usual
Drain the swamp.
I’m sure we can all appreciate the work of firefighters, policemen and nursing staff, all potentially on above average wages and some able to retire early.
The fact that we appreciate them doesn’t have anything to do with whether they deserve even higher pay, nor does it have anything to do with BBC Bias.
I think this is the website that you are looking for.
Most nurses will get a 3-4% pay rise in addition to the 1% cap. This is never mentioned in the reports from the BBC.
There is an aspect of “You can’t put a price on the bravery of the firefighters who tackled the blaze in the Grenfell Tower block. Unless it’s a 1% increase. That’s too expensive.”
On the other hand, the number of fires has gone down every year to the extent that most fire stations are massively underworked. There’s chip pan fires on a Friday night and honestly very little compared to 20+ years ago when badly made electronic appliances regularly caught fire, most people smoked and furniture was very flammable.
This is a good thing mind but it does make firefighting an increasingly redundant service but one which is under resourced on that blue moon occasion. Personally, I would merge it into the police service and make better use of shared resources.
You’ve touched a sore point.
First, we talk of the emergency services. There is a clue in the title. What do we exoect them to do for their pay? Sit around playing cards and drinking cups of tea? For retirement at 50 and a fabulous pension, underwritten by us of course? They signed up, I expect them to do the job.
Second, a long time ago, in the BMJ I think, there was a statistical survey of the most dangerous occupations. The top one, by far, was fishing.
But lower down, it turns out that pro rata, window cleaning is more dangerous than fire fighting.
So, when was the last time you heard anything about “our brave window cleaners”?
I’m not taking anything away from what they do, I’m just saying that, as with the NHS, we have to be purely logical and decide how much money spent for how many lives saved. If we doubled the health budget it would save thousands of lives, but we don’t because – as a nation – we agree that after a while it’s not worth the additional tax/cost. That’s what politics is, a discussion of where the goalposts lie.
As for the fire brigade, you can actually see that even in a huge city like London (a sixth of the population) there are often days when there’s only one (or no) fires in the whole city:
Again, this is a good thing! And I pray that I never have to rely on them, as do we all.
Don’t forget all the cats they have to get out of trees.
A lot of the job these days seems to be fitting smoke alarms. They train hard for their job, and I expect most of them would have taken a pride in their work at the Grenfell Tower, as a chance to do some proper fire fighting.
I’m not taking anything away from what they do, I’m just saying that, as with the NHS, we have to be purely logical and decide how much money spent for how many lives saved. If we doubled the health budget it would save thousands of lives, but we don’t because – as a nation – we agree that after a while it’s not worth the additional tax/cost. That’s what politics is, a discussion of where the goalposts lie.
As for the fire brigade, you can actually see that even in a huge city like London (a sixth of the population) there are often days when there’s only one (or no) fires in the whole city:
Again, this is a good thing! And I pray that I never have to rely on them, as do we all.
It’s a bit of a distance away from biased al beeb but the cost / actions of a fire person in one day of their service could justify a life time of pay and pension .
It’s Similar to the very brace transport policeman at London Bridge faced with three Islamic terrorist c…ts thankfully now dead who did more in 5?minutes that many do in a lifetime .
In short it’s hard to quantify and I come down on both fire bods and the blue. Use the overseas aid budget to fund it
If it makes you feel better – I think there’s an argument for dumping all that heroic helicopter med stuff and putting the money into basic health care….
SC, firemen and firewomen are not stupid. They long ago realised that prevention was a good idea all round and are happy to try to do themselves out of a job. There are other reasons, not least that they cannot – with their expected duties – go on as long as others in other public services. The ageing process just doesn’t allow it.
My bug bear is that they call themselves firefighters, which sounds all very heroic, but the reality is that there is no ‘fighting’ at all.
They’ve been hobbled by a raft of union inspired H&S directives to the point that they just tie off the hoses and retreat to a safe distance.
“They’ve been hobbled by a raft of union inspired H&S directives to the point that they just tie off the hoses and retreat to a safe distance.”
I am still amazed at how the entry standards were lowered in which to admit women. I’m not saying women aren’t up to the task, but I’m pretty sure, I would rather be carried down a ladder by a 6 foot+ weakling than a 5 foot five amazon.
Fire brigade relaxes strength and fitness test to make entry easier for women
We saw the same in the army where standards were lowered for women. I’m all for equality, yet the fact remains yet there are some jobs women are not physically capable of doing. (Yes there will be the odd one of two, but not across the board and I’m a 5 foot 7 shortarse who had a penchant for tabbing with a full bergan on his back 25 miles at a time. saying that)
Pounce, quite right. Especially when the fireMEN were asked to extend their working age and said they couldn’t do it because of the physical requirements of the job.
There must be scope for teamwork in the Fire Brigade though: women drivers, fire cause inspectors, safety advisors, tactitions, etc., and they probably come into their own for working in small spaces on some rescues.
I remember a few years ago the Fire Brigades Union campaigning for better pay. As a result of their campaign once people realised how good their pay, terms and condition were then public support for extra pay evaporated. Second jobs are common, good pension, heck some London firemen commute for shifts from their homes abroad. I don’t know what it’s like now, but there used to be a waiting list to join.
It is hard setting a market rate for some public sector jobs, but is anyone saying the Fire Service has a recruitment or retention problem?
There is a strange double standard in evaluating those in receipt of the taxpayers’ largesse.
We are expected to believe that doctors are “gods in white coats”, nurses “angels”, policemen and firemen “heros”. Soldiers take more risks in time of war and so are also “heros” but I cannot remember anyone saying that soldiers’ pay should go up 5% or 10% during any recent war. If you are a true demigod, angel or hero you do not do what you do for monetary rewards. If the emergency services want a pay rise they should justify it on overall professional competence, not individual acts of courage, or compassion. The amount of money the NHS pays out in compensation every year strongly suggests some employees are neither demi-gods nor angels. Maybe the moral titans in the NHS should content themselves with medals and commendations like the military.
It’s all part of the narrative that public sector employees are all saints, those in the private sector all sinners. It’s the same moral smugness you get from leftists who see those on the right as inherently evil, while they see themselves as living saints.
In many countries due to the massive reduction in fires, fireman are now learning to be paramedics so as to assist the ambulance services which are seriously overworked. Secondly, a neighbour of mine and his son are both fireman both are currently spending 2-3 weeks fitting another neighbour’s kitchen. A fireman’s job is dangerous but they sometimes sit around all day playing cards (their words not mine).
Nothing to do with BBC bias?
“This seems to have disappeared from BBC politics page QS Amendment” it is a topic being discussed quite widely and yet gone from BBC news page.
Look, the No 10 we have is an utter disgrace, they deserve every bit of scrutiny, they are shamefully playing politics, and that same politic is playing many of their supporter s here.
So … suck it up
Toady watch
1. Al beeb delighted in the fact that the 3rd in line of the RC church is to return to Australia to answer charges . A nice bit of prejudice on their part . I thought about all those Muslim taxi drivers up north who had been grooming 13 year old white Caffer girls who didn’t merit much of a mention.
Al beeb doesnt want to offend does it?
2. And then the hump – the poor mans ‘ answer to Jon snow laid into the Chinese ambo. I was trying to work out what gain China had turning up on the toady programme – answer – none . The Ambo didnt walk after having Humphreys did his histrionics . But I’m sure there won’t be anyone else from that embassy on any time soon.
Theyd do much better devoting their 3 hours to that shite naughtie interviewing a gay lefty and humphreys doing his father Thames routine ( or father jack?) talking about plastic bags bottles or left handed snails or red squirrels – you know the tedious routine .
I’ve got my exposure down to 39 mins so I think I’ll be ok .
I wonder if the toady mob and c4 noos shared a yurt at Glasto – with the kids yar?
Has anyone noticed how the BBC has been headlining for at least a day or so the story “Sheikh helps villagers buy chapel after coincidence”
It is currently the top story on the BBC “3 Things We Love Today” section on the BBC homepage (you need to scroll down):
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum is actually more interested in his race horses than with Islam. When the BBC tried to contact him he was “unavailable for comment”. Of course the reason why he was unavailable for comment is because he will be heavily criticised for this in the Islamic community.
Yes, I saw that. The £30k he’s donated is not even the smallest of small change for him.
But the newsreader (Chakrabutti) was oozing with glee at this example of Muslim charity that obviously dwarfed all terrorism attacks here and in fact made up for it, so it seemed.
Small change indeed DS……if you happen to have a mare and want her put in foal to New Approach, the covering fee is £30k. This stallion is one of the ‘cheaper’ ones – and given that they cover upwards of 80 plus mares in a season, well “you do the maths”.
Having said that, Darley are renowned to be very good employers and Sheikh Mo does an awful lot under the radar ( and I mean that in a positive sense).
For anyone interested in stallion fees, they’re all there on the Darley website.
I was talking with an Estate Agent recently about house prices and he mentioned that they are getting a lot of enquiries from Londoners wanting to move out to the shires due to increasing ‘racial tensions’.
This will of course suit Mayor Khan in his quest for the London Caliphate.
This has been going on for years. it cannot be stopped short of state intervention. The more London prices rise the easier it is for families to move to the shires.
it will only end when the last English family leaves. Note families. London still attracts the single but not the familes.
A friend of mine moved out of London quite a few years ago because one of his kids – who was about 6- came home singing a song he didn’t recognise and when he listened it was in a language he didn’t recognise – he found out it was Gujarati . That was enough . As I white Anglo he ran up the m11 and never looked back .
That is a true story. Al beeb would celebrate a nice little white girl singing in a foreign language – which is why I d never pay their TVs tax.,
It is very worrying though even to me me living in Cumbria, that our capital city is being taken over by a foreign religion, not to mention Birmingham etc.
Amol on safe ground round the office, but rather forgetting that social
media is less of an echo chamber:
He is fast becoming the BBC Diane Abbott.
Amol Rajan – is he a satirist or just devoid of self-awareness?
Typical 50% of our news comes via the Guardian, whose readership is 5% of the rightwing readership of the Sun and Mail, , 1.6 million against 33 million it is just so utterly frustrating how the left have monopolised our media.
THE BBC’S dominant share of news coverage in Britain is to come under
Government spotlight, it emerged yesterday.
The Corporation is to feature in a probe into consumer choice after
researchers found it accounts for almost half.
Apparently the Tory government Culture Secretary has referred the bid by Fox /Murdoch for the remaining shares in Sky to Competition and Markets authority. Her Reason for the referral was a concern over , wait for it, lack of plurality! Well we all agree that plurality of news is critical in a democracy. But how does that concern sit alongside the BBC near monopoly of news in the UK?
In my view this proves that the Tories are content with the output of the BBC, despite the institutional left wing bias of the corporation which does them so much harm. I think the reason that they are content is that they , along with all other UK political parties, agree that the BBC plays a vital role in keeping the lid on the public
concerns and anger over mass immigration and fear about Islam. Introducing a new source of news, with perhaps a higher level of commitment to the truth and a different perspective, may loosen the screws on the lid and so is not welcome.
This is also the reason why all the political parties want to gain control over the internet. They dress it up in sorts of fancy words but they just want to censor it to stop us knowing the truth. Freedom of speech has been terminally ill in this country for many years , what we are now seeing is the last rights.
This Government are so stupid they will probably have panel headed up by Chris Patten or Greg Dyke.
Its an SOS johnny, a very direct and obvious pimp us some info baby, we’ll make you famous.
He states every allegation as fact, indisputable, when the reality is this……….”.not a single case has yet been proven”.
The regulator also said the Murdochs were indeed fit and proper holders of a broadcasting licence. The grounds on which Ofcom came to this view were that senior executives at Fox were unaware of the alleged rampant sexual and racial harassment by their biggest on-screen star (Bill O’Reilly) and Fox News’ omnipotent late CEO, Roger Ailes, until 2016.
Given the alleged rampant harassment has been taking place since the early 2000s – though not a single case has yet been proven – this assertion by Ofcom opens up a very juicy possibility: if anyone can produce evidence that the Murdochs were informed about such behaviour before 2016, then Ofcom will have to review their thinking on the fit and proper tests
Are the Murdochs too powerful?!?
IS THE BBC TOO POWERFUL? is the real question.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, is the answer.
Are the Murdochs too powerful, or the BBC?
“Asked to list their single most important source for news, the BBC again dominates. It is listed by 50 per cent of respondents, with ITN next on 12 per cent and Sky in third place on six per cent.”
A nice example of the increasing desperation behind Guardian sales is the networking of articles to august outfits like Yahoo news, no less. Currently enjoying the benefits of a wider readership for example, Giles Fraser and John Crace pen riveting pro-Corbyn reads but they, and the Guardian board itself, might be best advised not to check the readers’ comments…..
Will be a great day when that evil Guardian rag goes the way of the Indy and is on line only so that no one bothers with it.
I’m waiting for the 6 part serial of what to do with a yurt after Glastonbury ? Or does my yurt need a TVs licence ?
Made me think, the Left are constantly moaning about the press being mainly Right wing, if that is true, why are they all not trying to rescue the Guardin with donations?
I think the public is waking up to the BBC’s bias. Have a look at any HYS and you will see an increasing number of comments ridiculing the subject article and, in particular, drawing attention to the agenda being pushed. The highest rated comments are usually not what the BBC would like to see. Gladly, more and more people seem to be calling for the BBC to be scrapped.
SJ – I agree; a lot of people whom I talk to give a roll of the eyes or shake their heads, when the subject of al Beebus and its…er…”output” comes up.
Any of you holidaying on the Southern Costas this year ? you might want to take care when swimming in the Med or you might get caught up with migrants wading ashore from their rubber lilos. Its reported there are thousands lining the coastline of Tangier and pitching up on beaches from Cadiz to Malaga. I think the British ex-pats living out there have more to worry about than their status under Brexit. I would be hightailing it home on the first available flight !
This is quite revealing: a Polish journalist on a German politics show, discussing how the Poles view Ma Merkel’s Refugee dilemma. The faces of her fellow (German) panelists is exquisite Schadenfreude.
Excellent analysis from the Polish Journalist. It is a shame that this type of discussion is not allowed on the BBC – because it doesn’t fit in with the BBC’s agenda.
I wish Theresa May spoke like this Polish Journalist. Whereas this polish journalist brings clarity to the situation Theresa May is either silent, or too political correct to come up with a clear vision. Theresa May’s pandering to the Muslim community, her claims that Islam is peace, her wearing of the hijab in mosques on British soil makes her look weak and foolish. Theresa May will lose the next election – she needs to step down as leader before the next general election.
To be replaced by whom? Years ago there was a plethora of ‘big beasts’ to choose from to take over, but now they are just a bunch of chinless wonders with not an ounce of gravitas among them; and to be honest its the same with the Labour party. The only person with any balls and gumption about him is no longer leader of a party. So, we’re really stuffed all around !
I’m a little bit in love with this Polish journalist.
Eastern and central Europeans know what it means to be overrun by agents of a hostile power and were vassal states of the USSR until less than 30 years ago. They were ruled by Islamic despots for centuries. We should listen to them. Yet the smug globalists of western Europe view them as backward rednecks getting in the way of their glorious multicultural open-borders vision of the future.
This is why it’s important that the government carry out my proposal to allow the Eastern Europeans to stay in Britain, but deport Remain voters to Belgium, or Holland, or some other nondescript shit-hole on the continent, so they can live happily under Merkel’s coercive bureaucracy.
Interesting that stat: they took in 400 Christian Syrian refugees. They were housed – fed?, too, I assume – by Christian families and were ‘given’ 80 Euros per month ‘pocket money’, not far short of £3 per day.
Probably not allowed to work until their migration status was established and some basic language tuition was under way.
Not good enough as far as they were concerned so they did a runner to Germany where the ‘benefits’ were better.
If I had escaped a war zone and made it to safety AND hospitality with some cash on top, I think I’d be feeling grateful. Seems like it is not just in Britain that a massive entitlement culture has built up.
She was excellent, and spoke such good German too.
You will never see anyone like her expressing such thoughtcrime on British TV.
She stood for Poland well. One of the German panelists said that Merkel should be congratulated for ignoring the views of the German public and going ahead with her policy of open doors. I have heard that sentiment before, from Liz Kendal on This Week, she claimed extraordinarily that by ignoring the views of the public politicians were showing leadership. Isn’t this the antithesis of democracy, isn’t this the perfect demonstration of how oligarchies operate? Come on people if you don’t agree with what your leaders are doing vote for someone else. Except people don’t do they, they will still elect Merkel and Macron etc , despite feeling these fools are leading them deeper and deeper into a crisis. What form of madness is this?
Double, trouble is, there may be no viable alternative to vote for. Conservatives, Labour, SNP and LibDems all want massive migration to continue. They think it an automatic given, bring in more people and you will automatically get growth. It doesn’t work that way in economics, though.
It’s true we have no alternatives but they do in France, Holland, Sweden and Germany.
Join a party, work to change those policies. I am.
Maybe Arlene and the 2 Nigels, with new UKIP/DUP.
I am not sure that the current crop of politicians do believe that immigration automatically begets growth but I am sure that none of them wants to risk the accusations of racism, hardheartedness, islamophobia etc and the general condemnation that they will get endlessly on the MSM and elsewhere if they seek to impose genuine restrictions on immigration. They’re frit and we’re f*cked.
Good article by Damian Thompson about the BBC’s Glasto/Corbyn coverage and how they’ve never really recovered from 23rd June 2016.
Thanks Mice Height for posting.
Good to see that the most widely read national newspaper by far has detected the blatant left wing bias of the BBC.
But then of course, the BBC hates the Sun and never quotes from it except from a position of derision.
Yes, it’s true. The BBC hates the Sun. That’s because it is read and enjoyed by the downtrodden masses who, the BBC thinks, should really be tugging their forelocks in gratitude for the BBC representing what they really should be thinking.
Al beeb not wanting the masses to see tits and bums, hear the grunts, watch the bonking?
Sorry, but I missed all that, but the crowd of failures in W1AA just turn me off – saves me having to press the ‘no’ button. I don’t really get much fun watching their sweating progs, not very well produced.
Much more fun to listen and watch elsewhere, the bbbc are just an irrelevance. No stature, no belief, just soundbites from daft lefties.
Pathetic really.
10:00 O’clock news on BBC….no news in headlines about Corbyn sackings and the deep division they have over EU position. No doubt if it was the Conservatives tearing each other apart it would have been headline news and LK giving her usual doom laden predictions about TM. So obvious how biased they have become
BBC Online News:
“”Trump mocks TV host Mika Brzezinski’s ‘bleeding facelift'””
“”The pair have stepped up their attacks since Mr Trump’s inauguration, deriding him as a “fake president”.””
“”In recent weeks, Scarborough has called Mr Trump a “bumbling dope”, resembling “a kid who pooped in his pants”, while Brzezinksi has mocked members of the administration as “lobotomised”.””
The BBC openly display their continuing anti-Trump and pro-Clinton bias.
The feature is about 1,000 words long and of course supports Trump’s critics.
The BBC are desperate to derail Trump. News for the BBC. You aren’t going to.
Its only June but this surely must be a prime candidate for the biased BBC irony/hypocrisy of the year award.
On the bBBC news we hear that the Murdoch Sky Fox News merger is to be referred to the Monopolies people because of the risk of (wait for it) undue influence on the media and political agenda.
I wonder if readers can think of another institution with massively more market share of the UK news and political agenda than Murdoch, which is uniquely funded and does not have to compete to raise its own income, yet one which seema strangely not to require Monoplies investigation?
QT very rowdy tonight
wow thats canary coloured lesbos ugly
Managed to get through 4 minutes of QT tonight before the off button.
First left wing question berating the Tory DUP deal.
Two government supporters on the panel against three left wingers including one pleased-with-herself extreme Left gobshite.
Plus wild cheering for every left wing view, modest applause and equal booing for centre right views.
Just another ‘impartial’ night at the bBBC
BREXIT actually seems quite popular even with the left wing crowd
the bitch from the economist just needs a quick wiki to see where she is coming from
he Economist takes an editorial stance of classical and economic liberalism that supports free trade, globalisation, free immigration, and cultural liberalism (such as supporting legal recognition for same-sex marriage or drug liberalization).[2] The publication has described itself as “…a product of the Caledonian liberalism of Adam Smith and David Hume”.[15] It targets highly educated readers and claims an audience containing many influential executives and policy-makers.[16] The publication’s CEO described this recent global change, which was first noticed in the 1990s and accelerated in the beginning of the 21st century, as a “new age of Mass Intelligence
She looks like the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, in drag.
Fortunately the Economist woman had a horrible screechy voice which weakened her arguments.
Complete with transcript. Lucky all of ofcom are on the beaches of Lesbos:
Paris mosque: Man held after ‘trying to ram crowd with vehicle’
Predictably the BBC have moved this story straight to their homepage. Expect the BBC to maximise the exposure of this story. Even when it was a Muslim woman doing the ramming at the end of Ramadan they headlined the story – not mentioning it was a Muslim woman, nor that it was a driving accident. Meanwhile Muslims are killing and murdering all over Africa and Asia and the Middle-East – and the BBC are silent.
I’m a bit confused by that article – in the text the police refer to the suspects 4×4, but the video shows a bashed Renault Clio, clearly meant to look like the offending vehicle. The video is pretty pointless too, serving no purpose other than to show the mosque (hallelujah) and its reinforcements.
Would like to draw attention to the final paragraph of this article:
Trump travel ban comes into effect
Entitled ‘How did we get here?’
Demonstrates the arrogance of the bBBC, treating the matter as their own, instead of reporting on it in a purely factual manner. Reading the details, the ban doesn’t amount to that much, other than possibly the lack of refugees….and it’s only for 120 days (so far..I hope it gets extended)
‘How did we get here?’ Well dear BBC, quite a lot of the ‘travel ban’ was started by Barack Ah’llbombya, just like Clinton started ‘the wall’ in the 90s. But because those two are beyond criticism, I suppose you wouldn’t know that.
Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders – guess what they have in common?
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
BBC doesn’t seem intersted,
I always remember in the 80s that if you had to travel to Israel for work then it was recommended that you did not get it stamped in your passport because no Arab country would let you in if they saw the entry stamp of Israel.
Read BBC stalwart Jon Simpson’s heartfelt plea on behalf of Al Jazeera
A couple of key sentences jump out in light of the BBC’s self-serving and somewhat pro-Islamist office culture:
“Back in the days of the ineffectual Arab Spring, Al Jazeera’s coverage played an important part in the overthrow of Colonel Gaddafi in Libya and President Mubarak in Egypt”
“It [Al Jazeera] may have been accused of being slanted in favour of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt and elsewhere…”
“…it employs talented ex-colleagues of mine from the BBC…”
John Simpson is the BBC’s world affairs editor.
And this brings a smile:
“Imagine the rage if the EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, demanded that Theresa May should close down the BBC as part of the Brexit deal”
As the teenagers tend to phase it… ‘Meh’
Funny how the EU and the BBC are so closely linked in our Jon’s now rather elderly mind.
Anyone hereabouts keen to join Jon in starting a campaign to save AJ ?
Loathe as I am to link to George Osborne’s EU-phile anti-Brexit sour grapes metropolitan freebie…
Is there a pro-EU newpaper or magazine which anyone in any significant numbers actually pays for ?
But I must share this alternative view not available on the BBC:
‘Culture minister Matt Hancock says the BBC’s coverage of Jeremy Corbyn’s appearance at Glastonbury missed a key moment — when the Labour leader was booed’
‘According to Matt there was no coverage by the BBC because “it didn’t fit their narrative”.’
Bullseye! Looking forward to hearing more from Mr Hancock
There is growing evidence, that a systemic failure is the cause of Grenfell. (How can it be that it is showing up all over the country, there must be a common factor) The BBC R4 is saying on it’s programme, that the cladding changed from a zinc version to an aluminium one that £300,000 cheaper. And that this new version was not fire proof. (Then of course get the Labour council opposition to say they would have done it different) I have no idea whether the original selection would have been any better. However, that is NOT the impression the BBC is giving.
In three highly informative and meticulously researched articles on the regulations on cladding and insulation , Richard A.E.North has pointed out the many errors in BBC and newspaper reporting of the issue. Interestingly, and not surprisingly, there is an EU dimension that restricts the UK applying adequate protection measures. It is also pointed out that it is not the cladding (that the BBC and media keep telling us is the problem), but the materials used for the insulation. As usual, I turn first to RAEN for accurate information, and treat BBC reporting with a high degree of suspicion.
I usually find he’s right. And that anyone who asks for further information is a fool and an idiot who didn’t read his article properly.
I love listening to ‘Prayer for the Day’ in the morning before I go to work. Every single day this week it has been given by an imam – obviously the lovely, cuddly type who is entirely representative of the community as a whole.
What happened to balance? Every single day! I couldn’t help reading about the Manchester victims last night and to hear this first thing every morning send a shiver down my spine.
Have the BBC not heard to Taqiyya? Why don’t they just call it Taqiyya for the day instead?
Maybe this one imam is ok as many individual Muslims can be, but I would prefer him to sort out the massive issues in his own community rather than navel gaze about peace and love.
Surely if he really believed in that he would team up with all of his colleagues and come down like a tonne of bricks on all the vipers in his midst? Zero tolerance. The slightest hint of violence and someone should be shunned and thrown out of the mosque; millions marching on London against terror; imams patrolling areas where white girls are vulnerable to grooming; absolute and unequivocal condemnation of attacks, rather than this shameless compulsion to play the victim in the wake of attacks before the bodies are even cold.
As the facts increasingly do not fit the Beeb’s worldview, they have to ramp up the narrative to invert reality. Maybe if we just get as many articulate and slick spokesmen to defend Islam everything will be ok? No – it will not. It is disgraceful.
“Maybe if we just get as many articulate and slick spokesmen to defend Islam everything will be ok?” – They don’t and cannot exist only because their instruction manual condemns everybody else apart from the cult followers of course.
Good point about the early morning imam.
Imagine 1940 and we are going live to Germany to hear words of wisdom from nice Konrad Adenauer.
Well, I never.
Toady this morning had a migrants across the Med session. We heard first from an Irish navy captain bringing in 700 migrants a day, telling us how vulnerable everybody in the boats was.
But then (did the editors expect this), Humphries interviewed an Italian senator who opened up with all guns. Quite gently he explained that many leaving Libya had been given money by foreign investors in their villages. They had decided to spend it on being trafficked. The traffickers get about Eu 9000 per head. The boats go just a few miles off the Libyan coast and then they are picked up and not taken to the nearest place (Tunisia, Malta, even Greece) but to Italy. So what the EU is providing is in effect a public transportation system. Now we sort of know this but to get it so succinctly straight from the horses mouth on the bBBC is a real rarity.
Humphries could’t brand him a racist on the way the left like to chastise anyone who utters workd like that here in the UK, so what we heard was a simple, cogent explanation of the reality the snowflakes want us to pretend does not exist.
Worth a listen at around the 0735 mark on iplayer.
Just listened to a report on the Today Programme (R4) about the on-going ‘migrant crisis’ (it is nothing of the sort) in the Mediterranean. This was Through The Looking Glass stuff.
First John Humphrys ‘interviewed’ (basically just listened to and agreed with) some guy who works with a Republic of Ireland rescue ship in the Med (yeah, I know, you gotta wonder what the hell the Republic of Ireland is doing there, but I think we all know the answer to that) who ‘explained’ that everyone needs ‘rescuing’ and taking immediately to Italy. Humphrys didn’t care to ask why, or where they were doing the ‘rescuing’. He also didn’t ask whether those being rescued were actually ‘refugees’ (and if so, refugees from what?). It’s just a given – if there are people in boats some few miles off the coast of Libya they of course – OF COURSE – need to be taken immediately to Italy. No questions asked.
Then Humphrys spoke to an Italian Senator who was, understandably, unhappy with the current situation – and unhappy with Humphrys p*sspoor interview technique, immediately castigating the BBC man for failing to ask the Irish rescuer where they are picking up all these ‘refugees’ (answer: 20 miles off the coast of Libya).
Humphrys dodged and weaved, attempting time and again to try and force the Italian politician to admit that all these ‘refugees’ just need ‘rescuing’, regardless. The Italian would have none of it, insisting that what is happening in the Mediterranean is nothing less than a criminally-organised one-way taxi service and reminding Humphrys that these so-called refugees pay up to 9000 Euros a head to get themselves delivered into the EU. The Irish guy had mentioned that ‘an average day’ for them (and just them) sees them ‘rescuing’ up to 700 ‘refugees’ and transporting them onto Italian shores.
As it quickly became apparent the Italian Senator was not singing from the ‘correct’ song sheet, Humphrys soon realised he’d have to terminate the (non) interview and so bundled him off air before he could tell any more uncomfortable truths about the BBC’s favourite non-‘humanitarian crisis’.
What is happening in the Mediterranean is a scandal – but don’t expect any of our msm to get anywhere close – ever – to revealing the truth about what our governments and NGOs are up to there. The BBC certainly are not interested in the facts.
Hi ObiWan.
I listened to this myself and would like to raise the issue of SOLAS (Saving of life at sea) Regs. and the International Law of the Sea.
Both state that the Captain, i.e. any person in command of a vessel, has a legal obligation to attempt to save the life of a person at risk. The obligation is then to take said person to THE NEAREST CONVENIENT PORT not to taxi them over 300 miles to the port of the Captain’s choice.
I would have thought that Humphrys, with the extensive resource of the BBC at his disposal, would have knowledge of this.
I’ve long suspected the Italians are just running an unofficial immigration service to Germany, the UK and Sweden via the mediterranean. It will only slow down if/when the corridor starts to get blocked up through sheer weight of numbers, making Italy start to look like the Greek islands and causing popular protest.
Another possibility is that so many criminals get involved in trafficking that the market is flooded (no pun intended) and the amount the gangsters can charge the migrants is so small that it won’t even cover the petrol money.
Friday, 8am news; a quarter of women do not know about the smear service for women….says a report. The greatest number who are not aware speak English (long pause by the newsreader) as a second language. I can only presume the long pause was not by chance. I also wonder the extra cost to the UK taxpayer? I understand in Spain if you need a translator you must pay for it yourself. I guess this would be used as justification for us paying for them here.
It’s the BBC, it’s Today, and here’s what John Humphries said at 7:09 …
“It cost 10 million pounds to refurbish Grenfell Tower. It would have cost three hundred thousand more if they had used fire-resistant cladding, but they didn’t.”
Am I being overly sensitive to find the way that was phrased despicable?
You are right quisquose. bBC have already made their judgement and continue to rabble-rouse.
The aluminium cladding was slightly less fire resistant but fell into the same overall category as the zinc version. The use of environmentally ‘green’ insulation (flammable) over the less environmentally acceptable
(non-flammable) variety seems to be getting ignored – wonder why……..
Greater London Assembly:
“”Where is the Mayor? Assembly puts Sadiq Khan on notice””
28 June 2017
“”The London Assembly has unanimously chastised the Mayor of London today, during a Plenary meeting with Transport of London.””
“”The Mayor was asked to attend the meeting to discuss his draft transport strategy but sent Deputy Mayor for Transport, Val Shawcross CBE in his place.””
“”A unanimous motion agreed today by all four parties on the London Assembly requested that in future, Sadiq Khan attend all Assembly meetings to which he is invited.””
hey that press release in on a GOVERNMENT website.
Coming to a country near you soon. Doubtless Calais will get their share.
I wonder why the BBC has stopped reporting this now regular massive flow of alien invaders into Europe for some while now. Could it be that they don’t want to, ‘scare the natives’?
I wonder why the bBC doesn’t mention this statistic:
How 500,000 immigrants have been given social housing in last decade as number of families on waiting list hits record high
Warning R4 2:15pm play is written by Josie Long expect left wing drivel
It’s co written by and Liam Williams and they are the two main actors
And the 2 main characters are ? …”siblings Josie and Liam ”
“In the not-so-distant future, siblings Josie and Liam live in a city divided by a giant, electrified fence.
The haves live on one side, the have-nots on the other.”
Stew, thanks for the warning. One to miss. Oh, good I’m too late anyway!
Is the Wall (Perimeter) surrounding a bridge, but the Bridge has open borders?
Is there a ladder leaning against the Wall (Perimeter) where the more effort you put into climbing the ladder the further you get in life, and head towards the affluent side?
Do you think the comedians could do a Reversal on President Trump’s Wall where they ask:
“Why are Mexican’s leaving their own country and heading somewhere else? Shouldn’t the current Mexican President (Enrique Peña Nieto) build a wall to stop his citizens from leaving his country?”
Which side of the bridge do ‘Josie’ and ‘Liam’ find themselves on?
I would presume that lib. lefty publicly funded BBC comedians – and I use the term advisedly – would be on the rich side.
I have just finished reading Douglas Murray’s brilliant book , The Strange Death of Europe. It is a depressing and scary read but articulates what so many of us feel and believe about the situation into which , against our wishes, we have been put by our political leaders over the past forty years or more. Mr Murray explains many facets of the politics in Europe that has led us to this existentialist crisis but one thing he doesn’t have an explanation for is why when given the opportunity the people of Europe don’t vote for leaders who are willing to confront the issue of mass migration and Islam. It is true that the % share of votes for such parties is increasing but now where yet in Western Europe have they achieved power. Each year of delay in addressing the problem deepens the crisis, particularly as the political class seem unable to summon up the will to even control mass migration from the third world. Indeed most of the political class refuse to even recognise that there is a problem to be faced.
Where exactly do the politicians think we will end up ? Do they have any notion of the likely state of Europe opposite non European cultures in say twenty or thirty years time? If they do then they should share it openly and honestly with us and submit themselves to the ballot box. If they don’t then they should resign because it seems to me very likely that they are leading us a cliff with a very very long drop .
The book is thoughtful, measured and factual. Mr Murray has done the job that broadcasters such as the BBC and their like across the continent ought to have been doing for at least the past thirty years. But far from searching for and displaying the truth they have conspired to bury it.
I agree Doublethinker. Just working my way through it, – a real page turner, and gives the facts without any bu….it.
In Britain you either vote for the tories or labour. If you vote for a smaller party the tories or labour still get in. Those of us who are described as right wing realise that if we voted for an anti immigrant (non racist) party then it would split the tory vote and under the FPTP election rules labour would get into power. The only time that this FPTP didn’t apply was in the EU referendum and we got our wish. To put it succinctly the tories and labour are just different cheeks on the same ars*.
11am R4 The Born in Bradford health study project (they do a radio prog every year).
How can you report on Bradford and not mention that is seems to be a hotbed of child abuse ?
Why do base general research in a town, so untypical of the rest of the country ?
\\Inbreeding is rife! Research “born in Bradford” for a starting point//
Link to CSE Inquiry petition
south east asia huh indonesia japan ?? whats wrong with the words indian sub continent
they are not fooling anyone if the title includes the word bradford we all know they really mean pakistan
Just take the above lot out of the financial needs of the NHS , and there’s a fair few bob saved already !!!! The NHS would be fine and healthy , we wouldn’t need medics from overseas, if yesterdays migrants/todays migrants/ and their many offspring were taken out of the equation.
Not the bbbc but last night on sky I saw the pledge.
It seems to be copying the bbbc format because the panel were 4 left wing remoaners (Sarpong, Hirsch, Dyke and LeSaux)
The token right winger was Nick Ferrari who was a bit lacklustre and was often just sitting there having to listen to the other four in their leftie fairyland where everything labour is simply wonderful.
Their politics reminded me of a Monty Python Blue Peter sketch.
“I’m going to be a doctor and invent a cure for every disease so that nobody will be sick anymore” type of thing.
They were amazed that May found £1 billion for NI yet accepted without question that Corbyn could find about £50 billion (plus the hundreds of billions for his privatisations)
Nick tried to point this out but the others wouldn’t have it yet these are supposed to be intelligent people. How can they not understand. They actually believed the labour costing and wouldn’t accept any challenge to it.
They all condemned Leadsom for mentioning that reporters could be a little bit more patriotic and said everyone else condemned her. I don’t think so. None of the 5 could see that she was hinting at the bias present against Brexit (and the other things we all know about such as Trump and mass immigration)
The panel is usually 3 lefty remoaners and 2 others (very representative of the way the public voted….not) and both Carole Malone and Michelle Dewbury have valiant attempts at bringing realism into the debates when they appear as one of the right wing minority on the show.
Many of you will remember when ‘Wronged’ kept a weekly tally of the guests on Question Time leading up to the referendum. It was shown that twice as many guests were for remaining against those supporting leave.
Why doesn’t anyone bring this up on a bbbc show?
I really hope Fox gets a news channel for us in the UK. At least we would then have an impartial news source instead of non stop far left propaganda.
Yes I too watched The Pledge.
Nick Ferrari was rather weak. I also noticed he defended the BBC against the accusation of ‘not being patriotic’ . I wonder if that is because he is on their payroll. He stood in for Andrew Neill last week.
The loaded bias in favour of Left wing panellists on political debating programmes is stark. The BBC don’t think so as I have complained to them on many occasions.
Unfortunately, onthe subject of my assessment of Question Time. Nigel Farage often mentions that the broadcaster were very fair in their leading up to the referendum.
Sorry to this Nigel as I am a supporter of yours, but you are wrong, they most definitely were not.
It amazes me still how Brexit won the day. The greatest political day of my life.
Dyke is a joke. He’s slimed his way into the top jobs in TV and football, and gladhanded his way around the rubber chicken circuit. Typical champagne socialist – oh yes and according to Wilki his wife is a probation officer, so that’s alright then.
He said on The Pledge last night that if Corbyn wins an election there will be a ‘democratic revolution.’
He should then have continued the sentence and said ‘evolving into a Communist/Fascist State.’
Times story about immigrant crime
(Reposting does not imply Endorsement yadda yadda)
I read about that Hungarian hit and run driver last night. He served 5 years in Hungary for robbery and assault. In the UK after killing 2 young girls in a hit and run he gets…4 years (Out in 2) Yup the law is a f-ing ass in the UK.
“..banned from driving for five years” – but Mr. Hededus was caught without a license so does not care and has previous convictions so does not care.
“…but Judge John Potter said that he did not know whether (unsure or unwilling) he could order deportation.” – why not try to report anyway so Hungary can pay for his prison expenses? Or make the parents of the lost two girls pay for his upkeep via UK taxes – a continued injustice.
“..jailed for four years.” – two lives taken. Two years for each life. If they stopped they might have saved them?
If we don’t uphold the law to keep criminals off the streets, then why do we need courts and judges (Judge John Potter – unsure or unwilling) – let us just throw a dice to determine prison sentences.
Junker on Italy and Greece’s “heroic battle” in the asylum seeker, “crisis” –
Question: if the World woke up one morning to find that we had been invaded from outer space by 2/3 million members of a hostile alien race that had been studying us for centuries and had concluded that we were a ‘push-over’ and easily conquered, I wonder what the reaction would be?
Not Reported by Anti-Brexit BBC:
“”Faced with a looming gap in the EU’s post-2020 budget caused by Brexit and higher security spending, the Commission is considering cutting funding for farmers, conditioning disbursements on the rule of law in member states and removing rebates once the UK leaves.””
The UK obviously pays in to the EU far more than it receives. More evidence (as if it’s needed).
Go on BBC…put it in your yet to be made pro-Brexit feature.
Britain has been bled white by the EU since the day we joined in 1973. For most of that time, the only net contributors were Britain and West Germany (as was). The Germans saw it as a sort of reparation for the war, I wonder what our excuse was?
In return for paying so much, Germany has become de facto leader of Europe, at less cost than the Kaiser or Hitler. All we got was spite for being “Little Englanders”. The last straw was the contempt with which Cameron was treated when he asked for modest reforms, but he still trotted home like a good little European and tried to sell the British public a shit sandwich. It was the first time since 1975 we had been allowed to vote on membership, and we voted to leave. Now all we ask is for our government to obey our instruction and make it happen.
Islamic Hate Preacher in Birmingham. Fighting deportation on Legal Aid.
Farage “slammed” Treezer by sending a Tweet. It appears that the ‘slamming’ was absolutely shocking in its toughness and definately sent those shock waves through Treezer. He said:
“We are seeing this too often. What are you going to do about it Theresa May?”
Even more symptoms (if any were needed) of the sickness that is now all-pervading.
We need a UK Fox News ASAP. Then we’ll see how people vote with their remote when given a real choice.
Tthe BBC quoting the due impartiality rule for broadcasters must take first prize in the irony awards 2017. The problem is that they know they are untouchable. Only a License Fee payers strike by hundreds of thousands will force the issue. No politicians will tackle the BBC , it is time for direct action.
Charlie Martel / Doublethinker
In the BBC article it also states OFCOMS reasons against Fox
‘Fox has also been hit by sexual harassment scandals at its flagship Fox News channel in the US. Some of the victims have given evidence to Ofcom.’
I wonder if OFCOM (whose panel is dominated by ex BBC employees) has ever heard of the name, Jimmy Saville. An ex employee of the BBC.
Paris gets “No-Go Zone” warning app.
Enlightened Leftists know that only greasy Islamophobes think that “No-Go Zones” even exist. Parisians, however, do not have this luxury, and are using this app to help them avoid being attacked and brutalized by Sharia supremacists. Left unanswered, however, is what Parisians will do when their whole country becomes a Sharia-compliant No-Go Zone.
Across the pond, President Trump is stunningly singlehandedly turning CNN into the Crybaby News Network!
Now, if only he could be given free rein with the BBC, we may yet see it mutate from the Bigly Biased Company into the Blubbing Broadcasting Corporation …
Yes. And it looks as though the anti-Trump propaganda media are beginning to realise they are on a loser. I think we shall see a softening of tone (i.e. a partial retreat) from CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, NYT et al., but Trump must continue to call them out collectively and individually at every opportunity. You are right – there is lesson here for the BBC. If every Conservative called them “the propaganda left-wing media” at every chance (especially on live broadcasts), then the BBC would start to change.
Any news on who at the Wall Street Times leaked those pictures of the carnage after the Manchester bombing?
Come on Trump and Rudd-these leakers at the Time and the BBC need a good rooting out.
The problem with the BBC is not an isolated incident but a long campaign of entitlement to get the Left and the Liberal enablers a job in government (of which they are unelectable at best without a smoke screen of Blairite proportions). The BBC are part of the ‘liberal conspiracy’ but realising that they are largely and historically ‘unelectable’ rely on old school Marxists and Trotskyists to make up the numbers. Both feed on the Public purse and both orchestrate ‘strike’ action’ day of rage’ antics that left this country and begging for money from the IMF and a free ticket to join the EEC (free trade area) as it was then. Free trade and not ‘restrictive trade’ as it is now. Heath surrendered all our fisheries as an act of subservience to get us into the EU. Labour (under Wilson and Co) were dead against it. So what has changed?
In word Marxism has been embedded into EU and US legislation as a long list of human ‘right’ of public entitlement(s). So confident are they in this huge public subsidy that the BBC can legimately claim that it’s ‘…like a Church’ (a secular Church perhaps) when an (ex BBC) of staff questioned it’s (so called) BBC ‘ethics’ it preaches (to us plebs). He lost and was ex BBC. The UK employment Courts agreed that the BBC is very much ‘like a Church” – for employment purposes. If you also ask the BBC what it’s (so called) ‘BBC ethics’ are (under FOI statute) they will refuse to answer as (they will say) this is covered by the BBC Charter – stating that the BBC is (by paliamentary statute) editorially independent, – even though we all know this is a complet lie, its repeated enough to be ‘true’ to those that shoukd know better, – it is repeated by left wing MP’s as a BBC endorsement of PROOF of content. And then the internet age has made Marxism a much more potent ‘attractive’ force across the World to the World’s poor, particularly the UN activists are strident and persistant. Cuba and Venezuela are always held in high regard by the BBC, and being part of the EU is the easiest way to get us towards full state socialism is use the UN to endorse EU aspirations.
How they will accomplish this is by ignoring all the failed socialist states and implementing media suggestions that the (UK) STATE is dead, (UK) DEMOCRACY is dead and the (UK) FAMILY is dead and offering their own simplistic suggestions that everything can be free. Including children. No money, no state and mass migration by BBC elite’s to the top jobs of the civil service (by default). In this world there would be no need of independent newspapers, journalists or TV stations as all news would be filtered through the BBC distortion prism.
Nothing would exist unless the BBC suggested it was so. No evidence therfore needed. Just a suggestion. Critical Science and (particularly) Biology would be banned. Paedophila would be normalised. Marriage abolished (in all but name), parents ridiculed in public for opposing buggery or question transgenderisms or the standard of state school ‘edukashun’ taught by the left phonetically as a ‘right’ (despite most Teachers opposition) we are silenced. . The very nature of FAMILY is now a form of abuse as being a (small c) conservative. Even the Conservatives party (the right wing extremists of the left) would prefer to hide true conservative and family values to not upset the new world view of the UN or the EU sponsors.
Narrowly defeated once again the UN resolution you will not hear about as the BBC don’t report world failure only ‘successes’ of the left world domination of socialism. And the BBC share in this world vision. See link below if you doubt this.
‘Despite coming under heavy attack at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), this year’s resolution on the protection of the family passed by a wide margin. The count was 30 States voting in favor, 12 against, and five abstentions. There are 47 Member States on the Council’.
Western countries were angry that the resolution didn’t promote the LGBT agenda. It is now commonplace at almost every UN negotiation, regardless of the topic, for the discussion to devolve into debates over the LGBT agenda and abortion.
Long before nations started legalizing same-sex marriage, we warned that wherever same-sex unions or same-sex marriage gain legal recognition, it would be considered bigoted or discriminatory to promote the family. We warned back then that it would soon be highly controversial and possibly illegal to promote the traditional family at all.
And now, here we are.
The left is behind the proposals already endorsed by the EU elite. What’s next?
Examples: Forthcoming EU legislation legsilation:
After “marriage for all”(1), “MAP for all”, and then… The CCNE hence steps forward towards the admission of surrogacy, even though it declares in the same opinion being in favour of its prohibition. Indeed, if MAP is the only way for single women and lesbians to realise their wish to “have” a child partly from their blood, single men and homosexuals can only resort to surrogacy to fulfil the same wish. Now if MAP is accepted for women, how is it possible to refuse surrogacy to men, that is to say “a right to a child without a mother”? (extract from here)
(Original text is in French here):
Thus it would be outright discrimination to have a family! (EU Proposed legislation is due 2018). You will at some point thereafter need an EU license to have children but an automatic right to acquire other peoples children for your pleasure and be state subsidised for doing it!
BBC utopia and EU elite bonus for pedophiles is thus assured and all critics would be committing heresy as a state ‘hate crime’ which can be used against ‘conservative values’ of the family. The family will be no more. That is the plan for Europe. Even when we are OUT, the BBC will still be with us, defining what the EU can do for us, how socialism is the ‘true’ believers paradise. Marx as God.
Compare and contrast:
Man filmed slapping Muslim teenager with bacon in street as he shouts ‘Isil scum’
“Chivers was given a 26-week jail term for the assault, and 12 weeks’ imprisonment for a public order offence, to run concurrently……He was also ordered to pay a £115 victim surcharge and will complete a 12-month supervision order when he is released from jail.”
Hit-and-run killer who killed two girls on New Year’s Eve had life of crime
Gabor Hegedus, 38, was sentenced to four years in jail yesterday after pleading guilty to causing the deaths by careless driving of Helena Kotlarova, 12, and Zaneta Krokovaje, 11, as they walked hand-in-hand.
Three accomplices who tried to help Hegedus escape justice were also Hungarians who all had previous convictions at home, the court heard…..One was a convicted rapist and killer who had been to prison twice while another had served more than four years in jail for fraud and forgery.
Janos Kalanyos, 49, David Orsos, 18, and Zoltan Peto, 48, admitted perverting justice.
Orsos got 20 months, Peto 25 months and Kalanyos 21 months.
The court was told that all the men may still be able to stay in the UK after having served their sentences.
The bacon slapper got a shorter sentence, but …….
Surely the Labour Party now has more divisions on Europe than the Tories. It would be good to see reference to this on BBC
No mention again in the 1:00 pm BBC News about the sackings and deep divisions within Labour. Just how biased is the BBC. Shocking when it is the Opposition and no mention of it!
Weren`t the Tories always put in the dock for being divided over Europe? That trope gave the BBC at least 20 years of cliched analysis every time the Tories and the EU got mentioned in the same article.
But now Corbyn has to sack a handful of Labour nonentities for supporting an amendment put down by one of his own MPs?
Well-we`ll not be doing too much work on THAT one.
Labour forever favoured, no matter HOW shit, screwy and divided they are. Bet Paul Mason and Seamus Milne have all their addresses and know where they go for drugs and dogging at the weekend-so it`d be a pity if Momentum got to know eh Evan?
BBC says Holocaust is “sensitive topic” for Muslims
Jun 28, 2017 | News |
I saw this too. Darnedest thing.
Outrageous and intolerable.
A BBC report has said the Holocaust is a “sensitive topic” for Muslims because Jewish survivors “settled” in “Palestine”.
The remark appeared in an article about abuse being directed at a group of Muslim schoolgirls from Berlin during a Holocaust education trip in Poland. One girl said a man spat at her in the street, while another said she was thrown out of a shop for speaking Persian.
But when the BBC first reported, the original version of the story included a line which stated: “The Holocaust is a sensitive topic for many Muslims because Jewish survivors settled in British-mandate Palestine, on land which later became the state of Israel.”
Not only was the statement irrelevant to the incident, but it implies that the Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of six million Jews, was somehow potentially an offensive topic to Muslims due to Jewish survivors later returning to their homeland. Specifically mentioning the “land” also incorrectly portrays “many” Muslims as victims in the creation of the State of Israel and furthermore undermines the biblical and legal right that the Jewish people had to return. The atrocities of the Holocaust are also wrongfully diminished by diverting sensitivities away from the real victims of the Holocaust.
The line was removed after the complaint was sent to the BBC.
The Board of Deputies of British Jews and a Muslim anti-racism charity Tell MAMA UK criticised the broadcaster for the “gratuitous line – offensive to both Muslims and Jews” and called for an apology to be issued by the BBC.
Foxcote, I would hazard a guess that if the complaint had only come from the Board of Deputies that they would have let it stand, but as it also came from one of their client organisations, Tell MAMA, they immediately removed it.
And does one fully believe the story about the abuse suffered in Poland? Possible I suppose but so much of Tell MAMA is more accurately “Tell LIES” that there is doubt for me.
Thought I’d post the response I’ve received from the BBC after complaining about Emily Maitlis’ treatment of Andrea Leadsom ( the “patriotic” interview that was met with derision by the BBC.) The BBC won’t ever be patriotic, it’s the fact that Maitlis et al can’t even show a bit of basic courtesy to Conservative politicians that riles me.
Thank you for getting in touch regarding our interview with Andrea Leadsom on Friday June 23rd We understand you had concerns about the approach taken and felt that the interview was biased and aggressive as it developed. (Translation “We don’t know why you bothered to write to us because we don’t give a toss what you think.”)
We raised this issue with the Newsnight team involved, speaking to senior staff about the objections raised. They’ve replied as follows: (Translation: “Our most junior member of staff opened our template for standard responses to criticism of Newsnight, cut and pasted much of it, tweaked it a little bit more then sent it off to you.”)
“We believe that Emily conducted the interview with Mrs Leadsom in a fair, impartial, balanced way. She gave Mrs Leadsom time to develop her points. However at times there were interruptions. We hope you understand the need to clarify or to question a point during a live television programme, and time constraints sometimes lead to interruptions and overlaps between contributors and presenters. We always try to keep those to a minimum. In this case Mrs Leadsom was also in a separate studio which can sometimes cause time delays and might affect the flow of the interview.
Newsnight’s interviews are robust and challenging, allowing guests time to respond in detail to specific questions. The same level of scrutiny and rigour is applied to all interviews. In terms of tone and content, Emily Maitlis’ treatment of Mrs Leadsom was firm but fair, as with her approach to all party representatives.” (Translation: “We can do as we please, and if you believe this tosh you’re an even lower form of Tory scum than we thought.”)
Please be assured your complaint has been made available through our daily reports to News staff and senior colleagues. This ensures the right people receive feedback promptly. We appreciate the time you’ve taken to raise this with us. (Translation “We make a note of complaints because we know someone senior might occasionally ask for the number we’ve received on a topic, but they don’t give a stuff about the content. Hopefully, you’ll not bother us again because people like you are a waste of space on this planet and nobody from the Conservative party has the balls to take us on. Cameron proved it.”)
Kind Regards
BBC Complaints Team
…….. in a fair, impartial, balanced way…….
Fair, Impartial Balanced otherwise known as FIB !!!! must be placed as the second most phrase to the number one, being ‘lessons must be learned “.
Over to Berlin for some good news….
A beaming Jenny Hill gushes with approval at the news that her heroine Angela Merkel has allowed Pantomime Marriage onto German statute books.
In rather skittish mood posh gal Jenny explains that Merkel herself (supposedly a conservative) voted against the law but allowed her party a free vote knowing full well that enough would vote with the leftists. In Jenny’s opinion this is a clever move to head off problems her hero – whom she dubs “the last western defender of liberal values” – might have post-elections when she has to form a coalition with varoius leftist parties who would no doubt demand Panto Marriage as a precondition.
Our Jenny sees no problem with this unprincipled contrivance. Why put a major item of social change in your election manifesto and let the people decide when you can slip it past the electorate by slight of hand without their say so. Merkel taking a leaf out of David Cameron’s book? And I guess that’s the sort of politics BBC journos think we should all aspire toward.
By any mean’s………………the Progressive motto mucker.
Given her Prussian Protestantism and personal opposition to gay marriage, maybe Angela Merkel should join the DUP. That would put Jenny’s brain into a total tailspin.
I too saw Jenny Hill square her own mad circle.
Could almost see the wheels whirring in the quicksand, the brain cogs sparking and the poor girls microchip fizzing and in need of a factory reset . Yes, Merkel voted against gay marriage-but did this to head off future election rival parties with her brilliant unifying tactics.
Er-yes, that`s it.
Poor Jenny and gal back in London who created this cognitive dissonance to suit their editors.
Merkel hates gays but loves refugees…but what then of gay refugees then?(questions for later)
The BBC have given up making sense of anything these days. As long as Trump is killed, we stay in the EU, and Corbyns putsch is managed? Then reason and whatever fills up the news screens will pass.
Truly barking.