Sorry for the delay, but here you go. If you think Jon Snow “F**k the Tories” was bad, the BBC do it 24/7, but just that bit more subtly! Detail the bias here!
Grenfell Tower story BBC On-line and 1:00 O’clock news
Just heard the news and headline (also used on-line) is “Grenfell Tower: Cladding ‘changed to cheaper version’
This is the BBC clearly trying to facilitate the idea that the rich Council (Conservatives) were cheap-skating the poorer residents by using materials that were less fire resistant and saving £300,00 into the bargain. However it is only when you get towards the bottom of the story that you see:
“Despite their differences, both types of cladding have the same official fire rating.”
If they had the same fire rating who could blame the Council from not pursuing the cheaper option.
Once again this is BBC using dramatic headlines that do NOT portray the true picture and is blantant Politicisation on their part.
The BBC have had a problem – they clearly want to validate Corbyn’s claim that Grenfell is due to austerity, but with a £10 million refurbishment budget that was hard to do. Up to now, the story is that a few thousand ( as low as £5k) would have secured better cladding.However they never give up and clearly think they have hit pay dirt with the £300k story. If zinc and aluminium cladding are in the same fire resistant category the BBC may be frustrated yet.
The immediate causes will be a mixture of technical and human failings. But the strategic lesson is that without mass immigration , London’s population would not have risen by 2 million and local authorities would have had scope to knock remaining dated tower blocks down.
That’s the big stopping point for al Beeb s version of events.. the 10 million spent on refurb.
Somewhere along the line someone either ignored the fire issue, was incompetent or corrupt.
In any event it will be used to beat HMG up. The truth will be secondary and the initial report of the public inquiry will be messy and public attention may well be elsewhere. The press likes events , uses them and moves on. Manchester, London Bridge, issues about Islamic extremism – filed until the next time the blame game is played.
Your point about uncontrolled or supported population is, of course, true but the strain on public services must be laid at the door of the tories and not the msm s friends – the socialists- though all politicians are responsible to some degree. The British people never asked for this population rise but have suffered the consequences.
‘Some say’ that the ‘cheaper’ option had a better thermal rating, which was no doubt the main reason that these blocks were cladded, (the ‘green’, climate change thing, remember that?).
If two material have the same fire rating and one is cheaper and better thermally then going for the more expensive one is ‘wasting public money’.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there is no material that would survive the real test of a Gresham Tower and the political demands for better insulation.
Politicians love to set targets as in, “So you can achieve 50 mpg on the Urban Cycle, well we demand 100 mpg in 2020!”. Pretty easy to say if one studied Politics and Economics under some Marxist nutter at Oxbridge, not anywhere as easy to achieve if one actually has to do it.
…..and the photograph the BBC’s Katty Kay chooses to illustrate this tweet with is of Mika Brzezinski, co-host with Joe Scarborough, both of them rabidly anti-Trump ‘Fake News’ promoters, on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ Programme, one of whose semi-permanent ‘guests’ is…. you got it, the equally rabid anti-Trump BBC presenter, Katty Kay.
Now, if she’s talking about people attacking attributes of people they don’t like, this pair of harridans (Brzezinski and Kay) really need look no further than themselves.
Yo never get the history to any of these spats do you?
The BBC never tell me WHY Trump would retaliate.
He`d not give such nobodies any publicity unless they sought it out. But the BBC and the usual suspects won`t tell us THAT.
Funny when women challenge Trump ”politically” they mean air-headed Barbie snowflake, like presenter’s whose only talent is looking ”pretty” or even worse an alleged feminist comedienne, whose right it is to pour scorn on their president aswell as their purpetual lies, or lib-facts, from a privileged position, Trump takes the piss back like most men his age who flirt by nature have done all their lives, and he is the devil incarnated.
That’s how insane our media consumers are, this is what they want, mainstream twitting, the headline the tweet and the only thing read by its confirmation seeking consumers.
I Wouldnt hesitate in pointing out their words about my ”orange hair”come out from under a rather large nose.
Donald Trump. One of the very few people in a position of leadership to challenge Islam. By rights he should be considered a champion of women’s rights. Instead he gets labelled the opposite. Viciously & continuously.
‘Too many wrongly defined as destitute’
Congratulations Frank Field Labour MP
For saying counting poverty as ‘less than 60% of MEDIAN icome’ is a BS measure.
Jeremy “For the Many(> 60% Median Income above Poverty Level), Not the Few (< 60% Median Income below Poverty Level)” Corbyn
“From the late 1990s onwards, however, poverty began to fall steadily, helped by policies such as big increases in national insurance benefits (people were given money to remove them from poverty group) and the introduction of the national minimum wage (just these two things decreased poverty?). Using the 60% of median income after housing costs (so removed housing costs to move more people into poverty group?) poverty line, the percentage of the British population living in poverty rose to 25.3% in 1996/97, compared with 13.7% in 1979.” – Wiki – Poverty in the United Kingdom
If you increase Income Tax on workers and pensioners with high incomes, if nothing else changes, you get more tax in to spend on whatever the Government deems worthy.
If you increase tax levels too far, then those who are mobile and not dependent on a UK job for their income may leave. Others may seek to avoid tax (legal – but aggressive avoidance is becoming socially unacceptable) or evade tax (which is illegal) altogether.
If you increase Income Tax too far on the non-mobile middle earner, you may disincentivise them to work and/or may make them make an extreme decision to emigrate.
There are many other taxes apart from Income Tax on individuals and businesses (Corp Tax) and it is really important to keep the overall tax burden in mind. In the last forty-five years, the tax burden has increasingly switched to indirect and stealth and hidden taxes and been moved down the income & wealth ladder.
Up2snuff, I hesitate to defend what JimS and I said, but other things come into play.
If you raise income tax, you dis-incentivise so-called ‘rich’ people to earn taxable income, so they avoid that either by creating wealth for themselves in some non-taxable fashion (whether that be legal tax avoidance, or income avoidance – i.e. why bother making more than I need to ?…., decreasing investments taxable in the UK, etc.)….or, as you indicate, by leaving the tax jurisdictiction of the UK.
Then, as you point out, that same dis-incentivisation starts to work on the not-so-rich…
But the end result, as Arthur Laffer (and his distinguished associates at the time) pointed out, is a decrease in tax intake… and if we want to continue to expand our population, and/or continually increase public sector spending, the someone has to pay for it – either now, or, as Jeremy Corbyn’s fanatics seem incapable of understanding, in the future, i.e. the youth of today will pay – big time !.
If you boys need a tax ”stratigist”, we have street upon street full of em, and a full harbour of their yachts.
Income Tax is capped here at 20% upto 120k, any other earning are tax free i think, they can earn 10 million, and only pay tax on the first 120k,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but i could be wrong i dont take that much interest now..
richard, you are quite right. Yet is it not strange that we in the UK have one of the biggest and most complex tax codes in the world but we have not bothered to write in any fully-effective anti-avoidance measures?
Beware of the Laffer Curve. The story of its invention I posted on this w/s a while ago. It was taken up enthusiastically by Laffer because it met with Presidential approval and – here’s a strange thing – it advantaged the one (together with the associates) who named it. It is fake economics.
We live with the daily proof: the only tax really subjected to this tends to be the top rate of Income Tax together with, occasionally, Capital Gains Tax.
It has never been applied to a certain broadcasting tax, for example.
Stew – I thought the victims were a young woman and her male cousin? Correct me if I’m wrong. She wasn’t a tourist, but a student at Manchester Metropolitan, doing business studies – a friend is in the same dept. When I first heard of this, I imagined it was a punishment – these acts are on the increase, so the media tell us. I also seem to remember reading about one acid attack where the victim opened the door and the perpetrator apologised before doing it – and that makes me wonder whether it is a hit man/contract. Or am I just reading too much into it – just a simple accident where a man carrying a cup of sulphuric acid tripped and threw it through an open car window all over them?
R4 Feedback now
– Jeremy Bowen
– Only Artists
– Iain Duncan Smith ‘not as good as Milliband’
– BBC definition of Terrorist
– R4 distopian drama season.. Is it warranted ?
No its propaganda
Islamophile Al BBC News – Muslim girls complain of Polish racism on Holocaust study trip
“The Holocaust is a sensitive topic for many Muslims because Jewish survivors settled in Palestine, on land which later became the state of Israel”
It would have been interesting to listen to the Muslim school class after the visit
Israel, its eternal capital of the Jewish people Jerusalem, or its later interloper Islam, that appropriated Jewish holy sites
etc, etc … or maybe something different
I don’t have a problem with anyone’s race, N and know very few people who do, maybe the Poles were a bit p***ed over the imaginary sky fairy they choose to belive in?
Thats dry and funny, the poles have it sussed just pay the mother-fuckers only £80 a month in benefits, and they have it on their toes to Germany immigration problem solved.
I think – why the hell did they go then? And my answer is…they are not stupid, and increasingly present themselves as victims, so that more and more laws/policies are favourable towards them.
“His (President Obama) power didn’t change. The law didn’t change. The politics is all that changed, and we should’ve seen this coming … he warned us. Tomorrow is coming. Tomorrow you will want others to follow the law.”
– Trey Gowdy: “Tomorrow Is Coming” (Message to Democrats About Illegal Immigration / DREAMERS)
I have just been told that on Sunday, BBC Four is repeating “Climate Change By Numbers”
I believe there is one religion were the believers must be inferior to those who believe in Islam. The belief in “Man-made Climate Change“, or the “Climate non-denier religion”
James Delingpole has been one of the few journalists to mention the basics of the science, such as the role of Solar Astronomy in causing the Global Warming scare and the two theories/formulas for Atmospheric warming. (1) The Arrhenius formula that does not work, but produces the “Climate non-denier religion“. (2) The Nikolov-Zeller formula that works for all planetary atmospheres.
But unlike James Delingpole, it’s my main interest, but agree with his analysis that a few green cultists have somehow come to dominate our entire culture, corrupting the intellectual current, suborning institutions, crushing dissent, as did Marxist, Fascist and Nazi ideologies did in the 20th century, only with rather more widespread success. Its been more successful because Marxist, Fascist and Nazi ideologies were limited to Russia, Italy and Germany. So people like Einstein were able to escape to America before the swamp took control. But with Trumps America promising to put Atmospheric Physicists & Solar Astronomers back in control of their own science by putting them on “Red Teams“ to challenge the low IQ Environmental Activists and left-wing Political and Media activists of the Swamp, a Swamp that controls the administration of scientific bodies.
Also, apparently the Grenfell disaster was caused by a “Climate Non-denier” called Professor Julia King, a member of the committee on climate change. She wanted action on energy-efficiency measures, such as cladding for insulating council tower blocks.
That reminds me that the only Professor of Atmospheric Physicist I know of, who is a “Climate Non-denier” and therefore the only Atmospheric Physicist who seems to appear on the BBC, is also a woman.
The paper came out in 2011. I believe it was a discovery inspired by the finding that the temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature, with the radiating temperature of Venus also 1.176 times that of the Earth.
Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller, presented their theory at the London Climate Change Conference last year.
Take note that this Climate Change Conference was a Conference presented by and attended by Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists talking about science.
Nothing like the Climate Change Conferences covered by the BBC and the left-wing Media. Which are presented by and attended by Environmental Activists, left-wing Politicians and Journalists telling each other what scientists think.
I see they use ”greeh-house effect only because their mechanism replaces the hypothesis.
He calls it ”the so called GHE.
You wouldnt believe how hard it is to get these GHE belief victims to see that the 600 year old technology of the ”cold-frame” in their garden is a convective greenhouse, and not a back-radiation greenhouse.
You can go to any of 1000s of horticultural sites or glass house producers websites that demonstrate the physic’s of their cold-frames, they will come back at you with Wiki and its back-radiative garden greenhouse effect to maintain their logical disconnect, it doesnt matter how many examples of the simple way a real greenhouse works that you show them, they will mock you for being brainwashed by the oil companies and their stooges.
Not that I know of. All attempts are to ignore, censor and keep it out of the media.
But this paper debunks the Arrhenius method of calculating the Greenhouse effect, Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009
Also, I heard that someone got a relative who was a market gardener of tomatoes, to do an experiment in his large Greenhouses. Temperature being equal in two identical Greenhouses, both closed and with fresh air. In the morning they then pumped the maximum advised level of Carbon Dioxide into one of the Greenhouses, but the temperature for both Greenhouses stayed the same all day. But then I never could find any scientific paper that gave specific instructions on how to repeat glass jar experiments. If there was, the BBC would have been drumming it into the heads of the British viewer for the last ten years. I suppose its because they cannot be repeatable due too differences such as electric bulb, lends, glass barriers and the glass of the jar, in composition and thickness.
The BBC already seems to be back peddling on its ‘story of the day’ about Grenfell, namely the £300k saving by using aluminium content not zinc cladding. Since these both have the same fire resistance category rating the BBC is now expressing anonymous concerns that the council was even looking to make cost savings i.e. It’s no longer tenable to link austerity and the fire and desperation is creeping in to the story . Perhaps someone can explain why cost control shouldn’t feature in a £10 m construction project. What planet do the BBC live on ? Oh I know, it’s planet Corbyn.
How to bury bad news.
Kensington Council leader has resigned over the Grenfell tower aftermath.
Biased BBC creaming their pants.
Meanwhile……….turns out up in Camden they knowingly saved £1 million on fire doors in their tower blocks. And then signed off thatbthey were happy with the contractor’s work.
I wonder if Corbyn, Mcdonnell, and the bBBC will be hounding trendy Labour council leader Ms. Gould?
What do you think?
I thought the council was Labour run? How come this guy that has resigned is being loudly proclaimed as conservative? Sorry for my ignorance and laziness – I suppose I could Google it all…
And what or Emma Dent Coad?
Up to her neck in it, and another double-barrel name.
Maybe if we tell the BBC that the two names makes her a Tory toff, we might get some interest.
Need I ask how a Georgia Gould gets to head up Camden Council when she`s straight out of Oxbridge?
Over to the Dimblebys to look into this nepotism maybe?
That`s the Left for you.
Anyone like to guess?!! You don’t have to read far into the story to find that it’s the drip drip drip of getting accustomed to Islamic life. I would like to ask the BBC where all the articles on Buddhism, Seikhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnessism, Judaism etc, are.
So, under-dressing is okay when Victoria Beckham (Victoria Caroline Adams) needs the money early on in her career? Why not show a lady who has always dressed appropriately – like the Queen?
ahhh well at least when we have a british ayatollah supreme leader i wont have to hear about transgenderism and listen to mad screaming lesbo harpies complaining about the patriarchy or black on black knife crime or listen to mad marxist comics on the bbc or be assaulted by women’s sport(sic)
cos all these things will simply cease to exist
might have to build an elicit still in my basement mind, but you cant have everything
Lovely line in The Evening Standard tonight . Apparently President Trump saying you have a lovely smile was and I quote ‘ a sexist remark’ what a bunch of no-mark turds write for that paper. There was an editorial piece about as lefty boring crap as you can get by Osborne probably that pointed to a piece on the opposite page by Gina Miller – needless to say I skipped to my stars and folded the paper up – it too has become unreadable- back in the 80’s early nineties it was quite good.
On the 18th October the BBC is 95 years old.
I would like everyone who is fed up with their bias to join me in boycotting them for a day.
It’s a Day of Inaction for the silent majority to show their disapproval
Please start spreading the word.
If you are a teenager and you use social meejah you could maybe tweet it
Absolutely, Lucy.
The BBC couldn’t give a damn who watch what. The only time they will sit up and take notice is when the licence fee is not rolling in. That is their only Achilles Heel.
That’s not difficult I now manage to subject myself to less than 10 minutes a week and that is not a guess at my usage. Everything is lefty crap – no comedians , no real news , no real anything anymore it is an empty virtue signalling pit that takes our license fee and pays all of it’s staff – a few of them millions like Gary shortarse big eared Lineker and quite frankly I do not want to pay for it or them anymore.
Monday Morning Action Memo
Switch off.
Unplug TV.
Move TV to loft/garage/eBay/Freecycle/Charity Shop.
Cancel TV Licence Direct Debit.
Use money saved for larger screen for PC (or as laptop extension)
Hunt for boxed sets & other programmes in aforementioned eBay/Freecycle/Charity Shop.
When time permits – enjoy your personal programme choice.
If only mate – I can avoid it and really don’t watch or listen if I can help it – but the family watch the soaps. Eastenders makes me chuckle there are no East end areas like that anymore – I lived in Stepney and think I was the last Englishmen to leave it resembled downtown Baghdad.Now it is just a sea of women dressed in pillar boxes and the call to prayer from the East London Mosque tower. Still BBC scriptwriters don’t tend to get down that way do they – fakes news and fake soaps from the BBC
Note that the Oxford Mail has a story about Corbyns students being able-even encouraged-to vote twice-in the recent election.
Once in their hometown, once in their student area.
Very Tower Hamlets, very Blair and his postal votes fix ups.
Farage mentioned it, Express has noted it and I heard it even on RT.
As for Channel 4 and the BBC though?
No word as yet.
Imagine Trumps tweets trump silly things like voter fraud.
Until the South Thanet Tory case crops up again I s`pose.
News selection eh?…got to be a research grant in this.
If the Tories do not sort out student double voting, postal voting fraud and bring in the new fairer electoral boundaries before the next general election, then they really deserve to be beaten by the Trotskyists and the BBC.
Wow – are the bBBC thinking along the same lines as us….is Western civilisation under threat from an evil source? Not really, according to this article, which is yet another vehicle to carry its propaganda on inequality, Brexit, Trump, Syria…da de da. Over population is mentioned – no solutions or details given. Immigration is hinted at – not discussed. I still get an inkling the author is worried, but a la Mayor Khan, it’s something we’ll just have to get used to.
Currently the likes of the bBC are painting a picture of a huge rise in racist attacks against Muslims (2 killed since 2005) We’ve had 30 killed by Muslims this year alone. Anyway I came across a report on the rise of Anti-Semitism from the University of Oslo. For some strange reason I don’t think the bBC will be reporting its findings: Europe: Muslims responsible for disproportionate amount of Anti-Semitic attacks across Europe.
Where the attacker wasn’t Islamic, it was found that they tended to be from the left of the political spectrum than the right. (Other than in Germany) Thus disabling the widespread view amongst the political elites that only the far right target jews.
Not looked at data but interesting leading paragraph …
Antisemitic Violence in Europe, 2005-2015
Exposure and Perpetrators in France, UK, Germany,
Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Russia
I had the misfortune to be subjected to part of Frankie Boyle’s New World Order tonight.
Juvenile rubbish about Mrs May’s appearance and at least three attempts to make some ‘satire’ out of the extra funding for Northern Ireland which developed into Jesus mockery. Perhaps someone could tell Mr. Boyle that the brown-eyed boys regard Jesus as one of theirs. Better still, perhaps the brown-eyed boys could do the reminding.
After the rubbish about the ‘cover-up’ of the Gresham Tower death toll I managed to persuade my host to change channels. I find it hard to believe that the rest of the programme would provide ‘political balance’ so when does the BBC put out the programme for ‘the other side’, 0400 hrs 29th February?
Regarding the ‘death toll’, what are ‘they’ after, a sort of Dutch auction – “We think it is less than a million – make that less than a thousand – less than 100”. I don’t believe there is any reason to doubt that extreme care is being taken to count actual bodies, not a pleasant task and not worthy of cheap ‘satire’. Boyles poet pal wants us to take ‘direct action’. How about taking responsibility for oneself and not living in a flat if unhappy about it? A lot better than ‘we demand to be looked after’.
So says BBC Newsnight head honcho Ian Katz about the two recent Emily Maitless clashes with Andrea Leadsome (re Brexit negotiations) and with Theresa May (re Grenfell Tower).
Viewers (those presumably of a more conservative standpoint) at best found Maitless “interupty” (Katz word) and at worst, of course, biased.
For anyone not recalling these two rather fiesty bouts – they were sources for the ‘unpatriotic’ and the ‘you could have’ sound bites.
So Katz goes onto an edition of the hidden away in the schedules show BBC Newswatch, aired this morning, and toughs it out – which gives us proof, if any were needed, that the BBC will not give an inch. One might say that this was an ‘exemplary’ interview with a BBC news editor – we got it about right yada yada yada….
But wait, there are two meanings of the word exemplary.
One is to serve as a good, desirable model; an expression of something viewed as fine and good of its type.
Another is used when we talk of judgement or of the law – punishment can be exemplary serving as a warning or deterrent.
So has Ian Katz the ex-Guardian journo with his word choice unconsciously let a cat out of the bag?
It sounds as though he has told us that this hectoring accusatory Maitless-style is exactly the harsh treatment that any politician who dares to cleave toward the right is going to have meted out to them care of the liberal media.
Few conservative souls will be bright enough or rather brave enough to endure such treatment. Far easier to take the liberal media approved progressive road. No wonder most MPs support the EU, mass immigration, Panto Marriage.. the whole leftist litany. You only have to think of the ton of hot bricks piled regularly onto the heads of the likes of Farrage or Trump to understand this point. Or of course think of the alternative – the clear path the media provides for no brain chancers like Corbyn or Sturgeon.
While the audience selection process remains ‘as is’ in supporting the inbuilt bias of the programme, I do not watch BBC Question Time. For the programme 29.06.17 I found the following ‘Factchecking’ –
Up a bit late this morning, just before 8am and brain definitely still sleepy. Did spot Mishal’s leading question to Tom Stoppard, though.
However, the bit that had me look at the radio with puzzlement – I still cannot believe it – but did I hear a note of sorrow, of regret, in Orla Guerin’s voice when reporting the imminent defeat of ISIS/ISIL in Mosul?
The same ISIS that has caused havoc and murdered hundreds of thousands? The same ISIS that has radicalised young & middle-aged people in Europe to join their cause. The same ISIS that has pushed millions of refugees from their homes in the Middle East. The same ISIS that is trying to destroy Syria and is helping cause misery there? The ISIS that has exported or seeks to export terrorism to Europe? The ISIS who will leave, where it has been, its mark of devastation for decades.
It’s normal for the bbbc. Did not a female reporter cry on air whilst reporting when that old terrorist Arafart went in a helicopter to hospital to croak ?
R P McMurphy, yes that was Barbara Plett. The BBC eventually responded to complaints by making a feeble admission of Plett’s bias and filing it under ‘Entertainment’ on its website:
Up2snuff – The dreary Orla Guerin with her monotone? The woman has a voice that could rust metal.
Of course, she’s also the 350 000th BBC ‘reporter’ who is implacably pro-Palestinian, so I would not be surprised if she supports ISIS.
In the past, it was Orla’s tone of voice when she was BBC Correspondent in Israel that identified her true hatred of Israel and Jews . When she reported in ” From our own correspondent” about the Jewish women having their hair done in a Jerusalem hair salon, contrasting their wealth with the poor conditions of the Palestinians living not far away from them, her voice clearly showed how she felt about Jews. Also her emotional report about a deaf and dumb Palestinian child who was killed by the Israeli’s “just for looking “. The story ( for that is what it was ) was also enhanced by the tone in her voice.
The BBC were very aware that if something is to be believed it requires a strong and convincing voice to show it is true. When the BBC Governors (at the time) responded (eventually) to a complaint about Jeremy Bowen reading out a long passage from an anti Semitic newspaper in ” What the papers say ” on Radio 4 they sent a re- recording of the programme where his voice had a much milder tone.
When the BBC Governors (at the time) responded (eventually) to a complaint about Jeremy Bowen reading out a long passage from an anti Semitic newspaper in ” What the papers say ” on Radio 4 they sent a re- recording of the programme where his voice had a much milder tone.
That’s interesting. I was in total ignorance of that. But yes, I know about his deep loathing for Israel, most likely a logical progression of loathing for Jews.
Hurrah hurrah
Biased BBC in heaven after the departure if the Kensington council leaders. Yet another ‘resident’ (LeftMob?) is wheeled on with grievances. Someone has had a rent payment taken from their bank accout. OMG. Business as usual. But wait.
Then then interview another Kensington councillor, Katherine Foulkes (or similar).
She calls it differently. Yes maybe a payment has been taken ( i.e someone has not cancelled a direct debit) but on the other hand the council did relocate 2 schools at 48 hours notice and found accommodation for 400 people.
None of which reported by the LeftMob media. The council was given an outstanding rating only last year.
Oh, and as for the baying mob in the council meeting, how many were actual residents?
Well done Katherine. A rare example of a Tory taking the fight to the Trots. More, please.
Adele has cancelled two concerts and according to the BBC she has apologised for the memories that may have been made (nope me neither) – I am not sure I can go on I am distraught
Yes I watched that last night it was disgusting mob rule . I think they made the right decision they don’t need that kind of treatment – let the lefties run the council good luck to them – anyone remember the GLC? there’s an idea parachute Ken Livingstone in or get little Sadiq ‘ my dad was a bus driver’ to take control he knows his way round a selfie stick
Oh dear, how sad, never mind. Sorry but I’m not one who worships at the altar of Adele like most of the ‘young’ news presenters. I apologise to those on here that do, but when I’ve had my ears assaulted by public tannoys in shops playing her music, my first thought is that she’s a bit ‘waily’ and depressing, so one song would be enough for me.
I know the music industry has changed beyond all recognition in the past couple of decades, with the likes of Cowell et al dictating tastes for the buying public. In the early millennium years we had the era of Kylie and Robbie – whatever happened to them ? again they were single artists with no competition, you loved or hated them – mostly loved because there was no-one else in the market place. I’m glad that I was an age where we enjoyed the variety of singers and musicians, … Dusty, Cilla, Lulu, Sandie etc; groups like Georgie Fame, Alan Price, Kinks, and all those from Liverpool and Manchester; then there were all the Americans, Neil Sedaka, Bobby Rydell, Bobby Vee, Simon & Garfunkel, Beachboys and the Motown groups – all who are still remembered today. Even today the Americans aren’t producing the talent of those bygone days. Never mind, I expect the teenyboppers will look on One Direction with fondness in 40 years time and wonder if they are still doing the rounds.
I saw this picture of Adele and i thought she is ‘big’ and that dress just doesnt look good on at all, but she must be hard to dress.
And after due consideration i believe she would be best suited by a saddle.
I’ve already said I’m no fan of Adele, but to be fair, a lot of the best singers are ‘big’. I’m thinking Montserrat Caballe (with Freddie Mercury), Ella Fitzgerald, Alison Moyet (before she slimmed), Aretha Franklin, most good jazz singers of the past, and the majority of the world’s opera singers aren’t exactly Twiggy.
Not sure that Adele needs to be “big” though. I don’t think Whitney Houston was. Her power is an illusion – by virtue of the National Grid. She doesn’t need to be able to fill a hall unaided. In spite of that, she’s probably never learned how to conserve her voice, uses brute force from her vocal chords, and now she’s paying the price. It’s not the first time she’s had problems and I’m not sure how long her career is going to last at this rate.
Plenty of slimmish opera singers around these days but they certainly need strength around the diaphragm and chest. They fill out later in life, like everyone else and, I suspect, spend too many evenings in restaurants after performances away from home.
I’ve heard a little extra neck fat improves a singer’s voice – but perhaps this was just Pavarotti’s excuse for downing three buckets of ravioli a day?
Today’s songs sound like strident, tuneless dirges to my ears. Is this just the prejudice of old age? Possibly, but I’ve noticed lately that when I hear music played in shopping malls and used in TV commercials it’s far more often 60s/70s/80s classics than recent material. Mind you, I live in Australia! Britain may be different.
I suppose it depends whether you like the American style power ballads or not. I don’t follow the scene closely but I think they’ve always been quite popular here. I suppose Shirley Bassey was an early example. She also avoided destroying her voice.
It’s a matter of taste but I find they become very tiring very quickly. OK in very small doses but too shouty.
I think Pavarotti would find it harder to find roles these days, in spite of the voice. We have Jonas Kaufmann:
Wonderful piece of irony found on the BBC web-site. I was looking for news of the migrant crisis this summer – couldn’t easily find any at all. Apparently, the BBC are more worried that WE are pronouncing names incorrectly!
This from a well-resourced, much respected national broadcaster who only this week on Radio 4 had immense difficulty in saying correctly, let alone pronouncing, the name of the Judge who will Chair the Grenfell Tower Fire Inquiry.
I read that just for the gut-twist i get when their articles turn” islamic”, i was sure it would turn into a Mo-ham-id article.
But no islamic conditioning at all, what a disapointment, i’m gonna have to self harm now.
Hooligan jailed for bacon slap attack
… Is not news
What is news is that Enfield man’s jailing is been vastly disprortionately reported
eg on US media, where they never report events of Muslims being not jailed for sex offences.
Spiegelhalter lecture has helped publicise June7 campaign by @LoganCorin
” I launched Bullied into Bad Science campaign for #ECRs to speak out.” petition
Was discussing the BBC a couple of days ago and trying to remember a BBC Radio (4, presumably) survey or something of that kind several years ago where the result was ignored or overruled because it did not meet with BBC approval.
It might have been something along the lines of “The most influential/important British person” – that type of thing.
Googled without success but stumbled upon this page, which I didn’t know existed:
StarmEUr – part of the remain ‘establishment’ (and now a Privy Councillor) is quietly continuing his EU masters’ work.
In a olive branch to the rebels, Mr Starmer gave his strongest endorsement to date for the UK to stay in the Customs Union but made clear the UK was likely to have to strike a new deal on the single market… Mr Starmer said there are “huge protections” that came with the customs union and it should “certainly” be on the table in the negotiations. In regard to the single market he wanted the best possible access but warned this would see taxpayers have to pay a substantial sum to Brussels in return for access to the single market… “It is inevitable we will have to pay in something and any country negotiating, and that would include the UK, will want to keep that to a minimum but there is a balance to be struck between the level of access and the amount we might have to pay in,” he said.”
@Grant next item is Gambia
“In the Gambia, Shaimaa Khalil makes the long and arduous commute across the River Gambia. The ferries – which are often over-crowed and much delayed – are the only way for many people to reach the capital Banjul.”
Countries shouldn’t be so centralized around the capital.
Actually, Gambia is not centralised around Banjul. Very few people actually go to Banjul. The main town is Serrekunda which is much bigger. The commute across the River is not arduous . In any case very few people commute on a daily basis from the North Bank to Banjul. At its best it is about 40 minutes. Much quicker than some people commuting to London. There is a new ferry boat, but I have not seen it yet. As usual with the BBC, do not believe a word they say about anything !!
The President’s Palace, National Assembly, Courts , and much of the Civil Service are there but not really much else, although it is a pleasant city . Delighted to learn that President Barrow has bought a house near mine in Wulling Kama. As a friend here said to me ” He wants to be near the centre of power ” !
Roy Larner deserves a Knighthood (use Geldof’s old one) – for protecting Britain with his fists with no training.
The Queen could quote what he said in the papers as she gives him the Knighthood …
“I got stabbed and sliced eight times. They got me in my head, chest and both hands. There was blood everywhere.
‘They were saying, ‘Islam, Islam!’. I said again, ‘F*** you, I’m Millwall!’”
– Roy Larner
“Bob Geldof will be returning his Knighthood in protest as a result of the #Brexit referendum”
Cants say I’m bothered ! he only received it for mouthing a few expletives at a pop concert. Why doesn’t he (along with a lorry load of others) bugger off and live in Europe then, and open a doss house for all the refugees he bangs on about.
Abuse of Human Rights Act again : Lawyers for Heathrow protesters tried to argue that their right to a home outweighed the landowners right to use his own land.
Judge disagreed.
Who cares about the petulant Bob Geldorf and his knighthood!
More publicity!
Thought he was Irish!
He thinks he’s a legend in his own lunchtime!
Monday’s child falls flat on his face.
With two fingers in the air!
Arise Sir Bob!!
“”The March of Comrade Corbyn: Labour leader to lead huge protest to DEMAND he is made PM””
“”Tomorrow he will be the lead speaker at the massive NotOneDayMore/ ToriesOut march by hard line socialists demanding Theresa May steps down despite the Tories easily beating Labour in the election.””
“Aah, but he IS the People’s PM and I can remember that I was the future once. But hey, I didn’t have to lead any marches to get there, either, y’know, it was an actual vote … I was elected … a downslide, er, I mean landslide. Same on Clause 4, I got it through. Reform. Modernisation of the Labour Party. Modernisation of BritPop. Modernising the Royalty. Ending boom and bust. Oh, well, that was Gordon but y’know what I mean. Education, education, education. Can’t understand why everyone doesn’t love me anymore.” Sad sniff.
Treesa’s right-hand man Damien Green warns that the Conservatives need to change to attract the younger vote. Well, they’ve made a start by relaxing the tie rule but I fear a spate of ‘Hey man, how’s it going dude?’ and high-fives in the House in a sad attempt to make up lost ground will characterise a charade in the making. The truth is that the situation we live with has been building for decades, you could even say it started back in the 1950s when school leavers were able to go into teaching in order to avoid National Service, a sea change that meant teaching became an excuse rather than a vocation which has had massive social ramifications ever since.
It’s common knowledge that successive Blair governments deliberately allowed uncontrolled immigration in order the ‘rub the Establishment’s nose in diversity’ but the equally absurd and manipulative creed of ‘A university education for all’ is also bearing fruit. Now that what was once, quite properly, an elitist system – designed for the benefit of the nation as a whole every bit as much for the personal success of graduates – has been prostituted and demeaned simply to create a vast semi-educated and easily manipulated herd of sheep, we need more than simply a new approach to attract the young.
I expect that the day will come when Geert Wilders is assassinated by a gentleman screaming
“ALLAHU AKBAR”.” We will then see on the BBC the double Dutch Prime MInister and all
the other liberal fascists telling us that it has NOTHING to do with Islam.
Hey there, Groovy Hipsters! Feeling a bit low, now that university has finished and Glasto is over? Check out our new ad for holidays in Canada on our website at
It’s a wonderful place: a Prime Minister who is EVEN YOUNGER than Jeremy Corbyn; a FEMINIST foreign aid policy; lots of SYRIAN REFUGEES; lots of stuff about LGBTQWERTY; something about Indians Indigenous people. Yo, Daddy-oh! Facetwitter your buddies right now! PS, if you’re short of money for the airfare I’m sure Mummy and Daddy can pay – it’s less than a box of decent champers.
And for the rest of you: be sure to have a sick-bag ready before you read the article.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of…
non-licence payerFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 bBC still chosing to ignore the visit you get from the Greater Manchester Police if you choae to criticise your…
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non-licence payerFeb 23, 20:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Fed that was a sneaky early bird new thread. Five weeks now before phase two of Storm Rachel (Brian Monteith…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:28 Start the Week 24th February 2025 wwfc – Your claim has upset me so that means I can get you arrested and then I can be…
Grenfell Tower story BBC On-line and 1:00 O’clock news
Just heard the news and headline (also used on-line) is “Grenfell Tower: Cladding ‘changed to cheaper version’
This is the BBC clearly trying to facilitate the idea that the rich Council (Conservatives) were cheap-skating the poorer residents by using materials that were less fire resistant and saving £300,00 into the bargain. However it is only when you get towards the bottom of the story that you see:
“Despite their differences, both types of cladding have the same official fire rating.”
If they had the same fire rating who could blame the Council from not pursuing the cheaper option.
Once again this is BBC using dramatic headlines that do NOT portray the true picture and is blantant Politicisation on their part.
I never trust any of their headlines any more.
The BBC have had a problem – they clearly want to validate Corbyn’s claim that Grenfell is due to austerity, but with a £10 million refurbishment budget that was hard to do. Up to now, the story is that a few thousand ( as low as £5k) would have secured better cladding.However they never give up and clearly think they have hit pay dirt with the £300k story. If zinc and aluminium cladding are in the same fire resistant category the BBC may be frustrated yet.
The immediate causes will be a mixture of technical and human failings. But the strategic lesson is that without mass immigration , London’s population would not have risen by 2 million and local authorities would have had scope to knock remaining dated tower blocks down.
That’s the big stopping point for al Beeb s version of events.. the 10 million spent on refurb.
Somewhere along the line someone either ignored the fire issue, was incompetent or corrupt.
In any event it will be used to beat HMG up. The truth will be secondary and the initial report of the public inquiry will be messy and public attention may well be elsewhere. The press likes events , uses them and moves on. Manchester, London Bridge, issues about Islamic extremism – filed until the next time the blame game is played.
Your point about uncontrolled or supported population is, of course, true but the strain on public services must be laid at the door of the tories and not the msm s friends – the socialists- though all politicians are responsible to some degree. The British people never asked for this population rise but have suffered the consequences.
‘Some say’ that the ‘cheaper’ option had a better thermal rating, which was no doubt the main reason that these blocks were cladded, (the ‘green’, climate change thing, remember that?).
If two material have the same fire rating and one is cheaper and better thermally then going for the more expensive one is ‘wasting public money’.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there is no material that would survive the real test of a Gresham Tower and the political demands for better insulation.
Politicians love to set targets as in, “So you can achieve 50 mpg on the Urban Cycle, well we demand 100 mpg in 2020!”. Pretty easy to say if one studied Politics and Economics under some Marxist nutter at Oxbridge, not anywhere as easy to achieve if one actually has to do it.
She never fails to deliver:
The US presenter first insulted Trump
“Out of his mind”
His comments seem like retaliation.
…..and the photograph the BBC’s Katty Kay chooses to illustrate this tweet with is of Mika Brzezinski, co-host with Joe Scarborough, both of them rabidly anti-Trump ‘Fake News’ promoters, on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ Programme, one of whose semi-permanent ‘guests’ is…. you got it, the equally rabid anti-Trump BBC presenter, Katty Kay.
Now, if she’s talking about people attacking attributes of people they don’t like, this pair of harridans (Brzezinski and Kay) really need look no further than themselves.
Yo never get the history to any of these spats do you?
The BBC never tell me WHY Trump would retaliate.
He`d not give such nobodies any publicity unless they sought it out. But the BBC and the usual suspects won`t tell us THAT.
Lot of anti-Brexit sentiment in the comments here:
Funny when women challenge Trump ”politically” they mean air-headed Barbie snowflake, like presenter’s whose only talent is looking ”pretty” or even worse an alleged feminist comedienne, whose right it is to pour scorn on their president aswell as their purpetual lies, or lib-facts, from a privileged position, Trump takes the piss back like most men his age who flirt by nature have done all their lives, and he is the devil incarnated.
That’s how insane our media consumers are, this is what they want, mainstream twitting, the headline the tweet and the only thing read by its confirmation seeking consumers.
I Wouldnt hesitate in pointing out their words about my ”orange hair”come out from under a rather large nose.
Beeboids please read Spiegelhalter “Most scientific papers contain inflated claims”
Pre His Royal Statically Society Lecture
Wow some sense in the dogmafilled Guardian
Interesting example used in how to spot a fake statistic, as well. I would have led with one of the many on bloody climate change!
Donald Trump. One of the very few people in a position of leadership to challenge Islam. By rights he should be considered a champion of women’s rights. Instead he gets labelled the opposite. Viciously & continuously.
Back to front world.
Libmob have the balls to challenge the kid with the funny hair.
.. But not to challenge the real big bully.
‘Too many wrongly defined as destitute’
Congratulations Frank Field Labour MP
For saying counting poverty as ‘less than 60% of MEDIAN icome’ is a BS measure.
Jeremy “For the Many(> 60% Median Income above Poverty Level), Not the Few (< 60% Median Income below Poverty Level)” Corbyn
“From the late 1990s onwards, however, poverty began to fall steadily, helped by policies such as big increases in national insurance benefits (people were given money to remove them from poverty group) and the introduction of the national minimum wage (just these two things decreased poverty?). Using the 60% of median income after housing costs (so removed housing costs to move more people into poverty group?) poverty line, the percentage of the British population living in poverty rose to 25.3% in 1996/97, compared with 13.7% in 1979.” – Wiki – Poverty in the United Kingdom
Jeremy Corby has the answer!
Raise taxes on the rich. The mobile rich leave the country, the smart rich get their income paid in different forms, i.e. free shares, houses or cars.
The income of the rich decreases, the median income decreases. The poor are now raised out of poverty.
Well done Jeremy!
I think you forgot one vital step in your otherwise eloquent argument, JimS.
‘The income of the rich decreases, the median income decreases, and the country loses out on tax income . The poor are now raised out of poverty.’
But, of course, somebody has to make up the deficit……..
Think you both got that wrong.
If you increase Income Tax on workers and pensioners with high incomes, if nothing else changes, you get more tax in to spend on whatever the Government deems worthy.
If you increase tax levels too far, then those who are mobile and not dependent on a UK job for their income may leave. Others may seek to avoid tax (legal – but aggressive avoidance is becoming socially unacceptable) or evade tax (which is illegal) altogether.
If you increase Income Tax too far on the non-mobile middle earner, you may disincentivise them to work and/or may make them make an extreme decision to emigrate.
There are many other taxes apart from Income Tax on individuals and businesses (Corp Tax) and it is really important to keep the overall tax burden in mind. In the last forty-five years, the tax burden has increasingly switched to indirect and stealth and hidden taxes and been moved down the income & wealth ladder.
Up2snuff, I hesitate to defend what JimS and I said, but other things come into play.
If you raise income tax, you dis-incentivise so-called ‘rich’ people to earn taxable income, so they avoid that either by creating wealth for themselves in some non-taxable fashion (whether that be legal tax avoidance, or income avoidance – i.e. why bother making more than I need to ?…., decreasing investments taxable in the UK, etc.)….or, as you indicate, by leaving the tax jurisdictiction of the UK.
Then, as you point out, that same dis-incentivisation starts to work on the not-so-rich…
But the end result, as Arthur Laffer (and his distinguished associates at the time) pointed out, is a decrease in tax intake… and if we want to continue to expand our population, and/or continually increase public sector spending, the someone has to pay for it – either now, or, as Jeremy Corbyn’s fanatics seem incapable of understanding, in the future, i.e. the youth of today will pay – big time !.
If you boys need a tax ”stratigist”, we have street upon street full of em, and a full harbour of their yachts.
Income Tax is capped here at 20% upto 120k, any other earning are tax free i think, they can earn 10 million, and only pay tax on the first 120k,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but i could be wrong i dont take that much interest now..
Manxie, we have become very good at off-shoring in the UK!
Too good.
Cui bono?
richard, you are quite right. Yet is it not strange that we in the UK have one of the biggest and most complex tax codes in the world but we have not bothered to write in any fully-effective anti-avoidance measures?
Beware of the Laffer Curve. The story of its invention I posted on this w/s a while ago. It was taken up enthusiastically by Laffer because it met with Presidential approval and – here’s a strange thing – it advantaged the one (together with the associates) who named it. It is fake economics.
We live with the daily proof: the only tax really subjected to this tends to be the top rate of Income Tax together with, occasionally, Capital Gains Tax.
It has never been applied to a certain broadcasting tax, for example.
I wonder why?
British nutter did acid attack on Muslim girl tourists
Stew – I thought the victims were a young woman and her male cousin? Correct me if I’m wrong. She wasn’t a tourist, but a student at Manchester Metropolitan, doing business studies – a friend is in the same dept. When I first heard of this, I imagined it was a punishment – these acts are on the increase, so the media tell us. I also seem to remember reading about one acid attack where the victim opened the door and the perpetrator apologised before doing it – and that makes me wonder whether it is a hit man/contract. Or am I just reading too much into it – just a simple accident where a man carrying a cup of sulphuric acid tripped and threw it through an open car window all over them?
R4 Feedback now
– Jeremy Bowen
– Only Artists
– Iain Duncan Smith ‘not as good as Milliband’
– BBC definition of Terrorist
– R4 distopian drama season.. Is it warranted ?
No its propaganda
Surprised after cultivating a Labour Echo chamber listeners hip the Vine show listeners complained about IDS
Islamophile Al BBC News – Muslim girls complain of Polish racism on Holocaust study trip
“The Holocaust is a sensitive topic for many Muslims because Jewish survivors settled in Palestine, on land which later became the state of Israel”
It would have been interesting to listen to the Muslim school class after the visit
Israel, its eternal capital of the Jewish people Jerusalem, or its later interloper Islam, that appropriated Jewish holy sites
etc, etc … or maybe something different
I don’t have a problem with anyone’s race, N and know very few people who do, maybe the Poles were a bit p***ed over the imaginary sky fairy they choose to belive in?
the poles were probably worried they might claim refugee status
Thats dry and funny, the poles have it sussed just pay the mother-fuckers only £80 a month in benefits, and they have it on their toes to Germany immigration problem solved.
I think – why the hell did they go then? And my answer is…they are not stupid, and increasingly present themselves as victims, so that more and more laws/policies are favourable towards them.
“His (President Obama) power didn’t change. The law didn’t change. The politics is all that changed, and we should’ve seen this coming … he warned us. Tomorrow is coming. Tomorrow you will want others to follow the law.”
– Trey Gowdy: “Tomorrow Is Coming” (Message to Democrats About Illegal Immigration / DREAMERS)
Trey Gowdy uses clear and powerful words to explain how politics can be used for bad, rather than for good. “Once you decide some laws are worth enforcing and some are not (sound familiar?)…”
You forgot to mention that some of them (including BBC members) got free entry!
Just like Ben Cooper, Controller, Radio 1 and 1Xtra (Salary £194,145) – 2 Hospitality Tickets to See Coldplay at the Emirates Stadium
See more of what Ben gets up to whilst on £194,145 a year – BBC Salaries and Expenses
Jeremy Corbyn – Register of Interests – Two tickets to Glastonbury, total value £456, given to a member of my family They work for you!
I have just been told that on Sunday, BBC Four is repeating “Climate Change By Numbers”
I believe there is one religion were the believers must be inferior to those who believe in Islam. The belief in “Man-made Climate Change“, or the “Climate non-denier religion”
James Delingpole has been one of the few journalists to mention the basics of the science, such as the role of Solar Astronomy in causing the Global Warming scare and the two theories/formulas for Atmospheric warming. (1) The Arrhenius formula that does not work, but produces the “Climate non-denier religion“. (2) The Nikolov-Zeller formula that works for all planetary atmospheres.
But unlike James Delingpole, it’s my main interest, but agree with his analysis that a few green cultists have somehow come to dominate our entire culture, corrupting the intellectual current, suborning institutions, crushing dissent, as did Marxist, Fascist and Nazi ideologies did in the 20th century, only with rather more widespread success. Its been more successful because Marxist, Fascist and Nazi ideologies were limited to Russia, Italy and Germany. So people like Einstein were able to escape to America before the swamp took control. But with Trumps America promising to put Atmospheric Physicists & Solar Astronomers back in control of their own science by putting them on “Red Teams“ to challenge the low IQ Environmental Activists and left-wing Political and Media activists of the Swamp, a Swamp that controls the administration of scientific bodies.
Also, apparently the Grenfell disaster was caused by a “Climate Non-denier” called Professor Julia King, a member of the committee on climate change. She wanted action on energy-efficiency measures, such as cladding for insulating council tower blocks.
That reminds me that the only Professor of Atmospheric Physicist I know of, who is a “Climate Non-denier” and therefore the only Atmospheric Physicist who seems to appear on the BBC, is also a woman.
Heres the pdf Richard.
Click to access New-Insights-on-the-Physical-Nature-of-the-Atmospheric-Greenhouse-Effect-Deduced-from-an-Empirical-Planetary-Temperature-Model.pdf
Astro-Physicist Joe Postma discussing it on his blog.
He is very approachable joe. i have been discussing thermodynamics and light spectra for 3 yrs atleast with him and his NASA engineering colleges.
The paper came out in 2011. I believe it was a discovery inspired by the finding that the temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature, with the radiating temperature of Venus also 1.176 times that of the Earth.
Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller, presented their theory at the London Climate Change Conference last year.
Take note that this Climate Change Conference was a Conference presented by and attended by Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists talking about science.
Nothing like the Climate Change Conferences covered by the BBC and the left-wing Media. Which are presented by and attended by Environmental Activists, left-wing Politicians and Journalists telling each other what scientists think.
Are there any attempted debunks Richard please.
I see they use ”greeh-house effect only because their mechanism replaces the hypothesis.
He calls it ”the so called GHE.
You wouldnt believe how hard it is to get these GHE belief victims to see that the 600 year old technology of the ”cold-frame” in their garden is a convective greenhouse, and not a back-radiation greenhouse.
You can go to any of 1000s of horticultural sites or glass house producers websites that demonstrate the physic’s of their cold-frames, they will come back at you with Wiki and its back-radiative garden greenhouse effect to maintain their logical disconnect, it doesnt matter how many examples of the simple way a real greenhouse works that you show them, they will mock you for being brainwashed by the oil companies and their stooges.
“Are there any attempted debunks Richard please”
Not that I know of. All attempts are to ignore, censor and keep it out of the media.
But this paper debunks the Arrhenius method of calculating the Greenhouse effect, Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009
Click to access 0707.1161.pdf
Also, I heard that someone got a relative who was a market gardener of tomatoes, to do an experiment in his large Greenhouses. Temperature being equal in two identical Greenhouses, both closed and with fresh air. In the morning they then pumped the maximum advised level of Carbon Dioxide into one of the Greenhouses, but the temperature for both Greenhouses stayed the same all day. But then I never could find any scientific paper that gave specific instructions on how to repeat glass jar experiments. If there was, the BBC would have been drumming it into the heads of the British viewer for the last ten years. I suppose its because they cannot be repeatable due too differences such as electric bulb, lends, glass barriers and the glass of the jar, in composition and thickness.
The BBC already seems to be back peddling on its ‘story of the day’ about Grenfell, namely the £300k saving by using aluminium content not zinc cladding. Since these both have the same fire resistance category rating the BBC is now expressing anonymous concerns that the council was even looking to make cost savings i.e. It’s no longer tenable to link austerity and the fire and desperation is creeping in to the story . Perhaps someone can explain why cost control shouldn’t feature in a £10 m construction project. What planet do the BBC live on ? Oh I know, it’s planet Corbyn.
How to bury bad news.
Kensington Council leader has resigned over the Grenfell tower aftermath.
Biased BBC creaming their pants.
Meanwhile……….turns out up in Camden they knowingly saved £1 million on fire doors in their tower blocks. And then signed off thatbthey were happy with the contractor’s work.
I wonder if Corbyn, Mcdonnell, and the bBBC will be hounding trendy Labour council leader Ms. Gould?
What do you think?
I thought the council was Labour run? How come this guy that has resigned is being loudly proclaimed as conservative? Sorry for my ignorance and laziness – I suppose I could Google it all…
And what or Emma Dent Coad?
Up to her neck in it, and another double-barrel name.
Maybe if we tell the BBC that the two names makes her a Tory toff, we might get some interest.
Need I ask how a Georgia Gould gets to head up Camden Council when she`s straight out of Oxbridge?
Over to the Dimblebys to look into this nepotism maybe?
That`s the Left for you.
Apologies if already discussed but:
Modest dressing: Why the cover-up?
Anyone like to guess?!! You don’t have to read far into the story to find that it’s the drip drip drip of getting accustomed to Islamic life. I would like to ask the BBC where all the articles on Buddhism, Seikhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnessism, Judaism etc, are.
So, under-dressing is okay when Victoria Beckham (Victoria Caroline Adams) needs the money early on in her career? Why not show a lady who has always dressed appropriately – like the Queen?
Safe for Work Victoria Beckham Underwear Pics
they have all the subtlety of a sledge hammer
ahhh well at least when we have a british ayatollah supreme leader i wont have to hear about transgenderism and listen to mad screaming lesbo harpies complaining about the patriarchy or black on black knife crime or listen to mad marxist comics on the bbc or be assaulted by women’s sport(sic)
cos all these things will simply cease to exist
might have to build an elicit still in my basement mind, but you cant have everything
Lovely line in The Evening Standard tonight . Apparently President Trump saying you have a lovely smile was and I quote ‘ a sexist remark’ what a bunch of no-mark turds write for that paper. There was an editorial piece about as lefty boring crap as you can get by Osborne probably that pointed to a piece on the opposite page by Gina Miller – needless to say I skipped to my stars and folded the paper up – it too has become unreadable- back in the 80’s early nineties it was quite good.
Like most freebies, Lock, the standard of writing – not even ‘journalism’- is going to be pretty dire, and akin to some third-form uni rag.
The only boxes I ever had to tick in The Standard were the Sudokus.
But with a prat like Osborne somewhere in the headlights, it’s obviously going to fail at some stage.
From Conservative Woman:
On the 18th October the BBC is 95 years old.
I would like everyone who is fed up with their bias to join me in boycotting them for a day.
It’s a Day of Inaction for the silent majority to show their disapproval
Please start spreading the word.
If you are a teenager and you use social meejah you could maybe tweet it
How do we boycott them exactly?
I’ve spent weeks NOT watching BBC. As long as we keep paying I’m not sure if they care whether we watch them or not.
Absolutely, Lucy.
The BBC couldn’t give a damn who watch what. The only time they will sit up and take notice is when the licence fee is not rolling in. That is their only Achilles Heel.
That’s not difficult I now manage to subject myself to less than 10 minutes a week and that is not a guess at my usage. Everything is lefty crap – no comedians , no real news , no real anything anymore it is an empty virtue signalling pit that takes our license fee and pays all of it’s staff – a few of them millions like Gary shortarse big eared Lineker and quite frankly I do not want to pay for it or them anymore.
Lock 13,
Monday Morning Action Memo
Switch off.
Unplug TV.
Move TV to loft/garage/eBay/Freecycle/Charity Shop.
Cancel TV Licence Direct Debit.
Use money saved for larger screen for PC (or as laptop extension)
Hunt for boxed sets & other programmes in aforementioned eBay/Freecycle/Charity Shop.
When time permits – enjoy your personal programme choice.
😉 🙂
If only mate – I can avoid it and really don’t watch or listen if I can help it – but the family watch the soaps. Eastenders makes me chuckle there are no East end areas like that anymore – I lived in Stepney and think I was the last Englishmen to leave it resembled downtown Baghdad.Now it is just a sea of women dressed in pillar boxes and the call to prayer from the East London Mosque tower. Still BBC scriptwriters don’t tend to get down that way do they – fakes news and fake soaps from the BBC
Note that the Oxford Mail has a story about Corbyns students being able-even encouraged-to vote twice-in the recent election.
Once in their hometown, once in their student area.
Very Tower Hamlets, very Blair and his postal votes fix ups.
Farage mentioned it, Express has noted it and I heard it even on RT.
As for Channel 4 and the BBC though?
No word as yet.
Imagine Trumps tweets trump silly things like voter fraud.
Until the South Thanet Tory case crops up again I s`pose.
News selection eh?…got to be a research grant in this.
If the Tories do not sort out student double voting, postal voting fraud and bring in the new fairer electoral boundaries before the next general election, then they really deserve to be beaten by the Trotskyists and the BBC.
that appears to be the current plan
dont forget to include the bbc and channel 4 to that plan
they’ve even kicked the fox/sky tin down the road when it could only been an improvement for them
Wow – are the bBBC thinking along the same lines as us….is Western civilisation under threat from an evil source? Not really, according to this article, which is yet another vehicle to carry its propaganda on inequality, Brexit, Trump, Syria…da de da. Over population is mentioned – no solutions or details given. Immigration is hinted at – not discussed. I still get an inkling the author is worried, but a la Mayor Khan, it’s something we’ll just have to get used to.
Currently the likes of the bBC are painting a picture of a huge rise in racist attacks against Muslims (2 killed since 2005) We’ve had 30 killed by Muslims this year alone. Anyway I came across a report on the rise of Anti-Semitism from the University of Oslo. For some strange reason I don’t think the bBC will be reporting its findings:
Europe: Muslims responsible for disproportionate amount of Anti-Semitic attacks across Europe.
Where the attacker wasn’t Islamic, it was found that they tended to be from the left of the political spectrum than the right. (Other than in Germany) Thus disabling the widespread view amongst the political elites that only the far right target jews.
Not looked at data but interesting leading paragraph …
Antisemitic Violence in Europe, 2005-2015
Exposure and Perpetrators in France, UK, Germany,
Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Russia
I had the misfortune to be subjected to part of Frankie Boyle’s New World Order tonight.
Juvenile rubbish about Mrs May’s appearance and at least three attempts to make some ‘satire’ out of the extra funding for Northern Ireland which developed into Jesus mockery. Perhaps someone could tell Mr. Boyle that the brown-eyed boys regard Jesus as one of theirs. Better still, perhaps the brown-eyed boys could do the reminding.
After the rubbish about the ‘cover-up’ of the Gresham Tower death toll I managed to persuade my host to change channels. I find it hard to believe that the rest of the programme would provide ‘political balance’ so when does the BBC put out the programme for ‘the other side’, 0400 hrs 29th February?
Regarding the ‘death toll’, what are ‘they’ after, a sort of Dutch auction – “We think it is less than a million – make that less than a thousand – less than 100”. I don’t believe there is any reason to doubt that extreme care is being taken to count actual bodies, not a pleasant task and not worthy of cheap ‘satire’. Boyles poet pal wants us to take ‘direct action’. How about taking responsibility for oneself and not living in a flat if unhappy about it? A lot better than ‘we demand to be looked after’.
Looking forward to the BBC’s weekend skeleton crew appearing with their gobs gaffa’d shut again. In ‘unity’.
Meanwhile every BBC Facebook post seems to involve some US trivia about a dumb blonde. And the woman Katy Kay looks up to journalistically.
Letting the Katz out of the bag
“Two exemplary interviews”
So says BBC Newsnight head honcho Ian Katz about the two recent Emily Maitless clashes with Andrea Leadsome (re Brexit negotiations) and with Theresa May (re Grenfell Tower).
Viewers (those presumably of a more conservative standpoint) at best found Maitless “interupty” (Katz word) and at worst, of course, biased.
For anyone not recalling these two rather fiesty bouts – they were sources for the ‘unpatriotic’ and the ‘you could have’ sound bites.
So Katz goes onto an edition of the hidden away in the schedules show BBC Newswatch, aired this morning, and toughs it out – which gives us proof, if any were needed, that the BBC will not give an inch. One might say that this was an ‘exemplary’ interview with a BBC news editor – we got it about right yada yada yada….
But wait, there are two meanings of the word exemplary.
One is to serve as a good, desirable model; an expression of something viewed as fine and good of its type.
Another is used when we talk of judgement or of the law – punishment can be exemplary serving as a warning or deterrent.
So has Ian Katz the ex-Guardian journo with his word choice unconsciously let a cat out of the bag?
It sounds as though he has told us that this hectoring accusatory Maitless-style is exactly the harsh treatment that any politician who dares to cleave toward the right is going to have meted out to them care of the liberal media.
Few conservative souls will be bright enough or rather brave enough to endure such treatment. Far easier to take the liberal media approved progressive road. No wonder most MPs support the EU, mass immigration, Panto Marriage.. the whole leftist litany. You only have to think of the ton of hot bricks piled regularly onto the heads of the likes of Farrage or Trump to understand this point. Or of course think of the alternative – the clear path the media provides for no brain chancers like Corbyn or Sturgeon.
Great post, AISI. The ‘hive mind’ does not like independent thinkers.
While the audience selection process remains ‘as is’ in supporting the inbuilt bias of the programme, I do not watch BBC Question Time. For the programme 29.06.17 I found the following ‘Factchecking’ –
That fact check was not bad considering FF is owned by LeftMob.
Yeah that’s why it didnt have an environment section, stew.
Up a bit late this morning, just before 8am and brain definitely still sleepy. Did spot Mishal’s leading question to Tom Stoppard, though.
However, the bit that had me look at the radio with puzzlement – I still cannot believe it – but did I hear a note of sorrow, of regret, in Orla Guerin’s voice when reporting the imminent defeat of ISIS/ISIL in Mosul?
The same ISIS that has caused havoc and murdered hundreds of thousands? The same ISIS that has radicalised young & middle-aged people in Europe to join their cause. The same ISIS that has pushed millions of refugees from their homes in the Middle East. The same ISIS that is trying to destroy Syria and is helping cause misery there? The ISIS that has exported or seeks to export terrorism to Europe? The ISIS who will leave, where it has been, its mark of devastation for decades.
She really seemed sad about their defeat.
It’s normal for the bbbc. Did not a female reporter cry on air whilst reporting when that old terrorist Arafart went in a helicopter to hospital to croak ?
R P McMurphy, yes that was Barbara Plett. The BBC eventually responded to complaints by making a feeble admission of Plett’s bias and filing it under ‘Entertainment’ on its website:
Helen Boaden defended Plett with this extraordinary statement, claiming that Plett
“unintentionally gave the impression of over-identifying with Yasser Arafat and his cause”.
I guess that means it’s ok to identify with the rabid old terrorist as long as one doesn’t over-identify with him.
Up2snuff – The dreary Orla Guerin with her monotone? The woman has a voice that could rust metal.
Of course, she’s also the 350 000th BBC ‘reporter’ who is implacably pro-Palestinian, so I would not be surprised if she supports ISIS.
In the past, it was Orla’s tone of voice when she was BBC Correspondent in Israel that identified her true hatred of Israel and Jews . When she reported in ” From our own correspondent” about the Jewish women having their hair done in a Jerusalem hair salon, contrasting their wealth with the poor conditions of the Palestinians living not far away from them, her voice clearly showed how she felt about Jews. Also her emotional report about a deaf and dumb Palestinian child who was killed by the Israeli’s “just for looking “. The story ( for that is what it was ) was also enhanced by the tone in her voice.
The BBC were very aware that if something is to be believed it requires a strong and convincing voice to show it is true. When the BBC Governors (at the time) responded (eventually) to a complaint about Jeremy Bowen reading out a long passage from an anti Semitic newspaper in ” What the papers say ” on Radio 4 they sent a re- recording of the programme where his voice had a much milder tone.
When the BBC Governors (at the time) responded (eventually) to a complaint about Jeremy Bowen reading out a long passage from an anti Semitic newspaper in ” What the papers say ” on Radio 4 they sent a re- recording of the programme where his voice had a much milder tone.
That’s interesting. I was in total ignorance of that. But yes, I know about his deep loathing for Israel, most likely a logical progression of loathing for Jews.
Hurrah hurrah
Biased BBC in heaven after the departure if the Kensington council leaders. Yet another ‘resident’ (LeftMob?) is wheeled on with grievances. Someone has had a rent payment taken from their bank accout. OMG. Business as usual. But wait.
Then then interview another Kensington councillor, Katherine Foulkes (or similar).
She calls it differently. Yes maybe a payment has been taken ( i.e someone has not cancelled a direct debit) but on the other hand the council did relocate 2 schools at 48 hours notice and found accommodation for 400 people.
None of which reported by the LeftMob media. The council was given an outstanding rating only last year.
Oh, and as for the baying mob in the council meeting, how many were actual residents?
Well done Katherine. A rare example of a Tory taking the fight to the Trots. More, please.
Adele has cancelled two concerts and according to the BBC she has apologised for the memories that may have been made (nope me neither) – I am not sure I can go on I am distraught
On the advice of her doctor, apparently. Reports say she has damaged her vocal chords.
Very sorry but that’s what happens when you don’t have a technique and rely on what is, in effect, a controlled shout.
Adel….when I hear her ‘singing’ I always recall a superb Basil Fawlty line “Always reminds me of somebody machine-gunning a seal.”
Wouldn’t get away with that comment in 2017!
Feel sorry of Kensington and Chelsea council, especially the guys who were forced out by a mob never elected to nothing.
Maybe we could storm the BBC and force them out though
Yes I watched that last night it was disgusting mob rule . I think they made the right decision they don’t need that kind of treatment – let the lefties run the council good luck to them – anyone remember the GLC? there’s an idea parachute Ken Livingstone in or get little Sadiq ‘ my dad was a bus driver’ to take control he knows his way round a selfie stick
From that wonderful man who brought you ‘Operation Clarke County’, now from his bunker via the actually wonderful ITTB:
The unique way the BBC holds its own abuses of power to little account always a joy to behold.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind. Sorry but I’m not one who worships at the altar of Adele like most of the ‘young’ news presenters. I apologise to those on here that do, but when I’ve had my ears assaulted by public tannoys in shops playing her music, my first thought is that she’s a bit ‘waily’ and depressing, so one song would be enough for me.
I know the music industry has changed beyond all recognition in the past couple of decades, with the likes of Cowell et al dictating tastes for the buying public. In the early millennium years we had the era of Kylie and Robbie – whatever happened to them ? again they were single artists with no competition, you loved or hated them – mostly loved because there was no-one else in the market place. I’m glad that I was an age where we enjoyed the variety of singers and musicians, … Dusty, Cilla, Lulu, Sandie etc; groups like Georgie Fame, Alan Price, Kinks, and all those from Liverpool and Manchester; then there were all the Americans, Neil Sedaka, Bobby Rydell, Bobby Vee, Simon & Garfunkel, Beachboys and the Motown groups – all who are still remembered today. Even today the Americans aren’t producing the talent of those bygone days. Never mind, I expect the teenyboppers will look on One Direction with fondness in 40 years time and wonder if they are still doing the rounds.
Adele is music to slit your wrists by.
I saw this picture of Adele and i thought she is ‘big’ and that dress just doesnt look good on at all, but she must be hard to dress.
And after due consideration i believe she would be best suited by a saddle.
I’ve already said I’m no fan of Adele, but to be fair, a lot of the best singers are ‘big’. I’m thinking Montserrat Caballe (with Freddie Mercury), Ella Fitzgerald, Alison Moyet (before she slimmed), Aretha Franklin, most good jazz singers of the past, and the majority of the world’s opera singers aren’t exactly Twiggy.
Not sure that Adele needs to be “big” though. I don’t think Whitney Houston was. Her power is an illusion – by virtue of the National Grid. She doesn’t need to be able to fill a hall unaided. In spite of that, she’s probably never learned how to conserve her voice, uses brute force from her vocal chords, and now she’s paying the price. It’s not the first time she’s had problems and I’m not sure how long her career is going to last at this rate.
Plenty of slimmish opera singers around these days but they certainly need strength around the diaphragm and chest. They fill out later in life, like everyone else and, I suspect, spend too many evenings in restaurants after performances away from home.
I’ve heard a little extra neck fat improves a singer’s voice – but perhaps this was just Pavarotti’s excuse for downing three buckets of ravioli a day?
Today’s songs sound like strident, tuneless dirges to my ears. Is this just the prejudice of old age? Possibly, but I’ve noticed lately that when I hear music played in shopping malls and used in TV commercials it’s far more often 60s/70s/80s classics than recent material. Mind you, I live in Australia! Britain may be different.
I suppose it depends whether you like the American style power ballads or not. I don’t follow the scene closely but I think they’ve always been quite popular here. I suppose Shirley Bassey was an early example. She also avoided destroying her voice.
It’s a matter of taste but I find they become very tiring very quickly. OK in very small doses but too shouty.
I think Pavarotti would find it harder to find roles these days, in spite of the voice. We have Jonas Kaufmann:
Wonderful piece of irony found on the BBC web-site. I was looking for news of the migrant crisis this summer – couldn’t easily find any at all. Apparently, the BBC are more worried that WE are pronouncing names incorrectly!
This from a well-resourced, much respected national broadcaster who only this week on Radio 4 had immense difficulty in saying correctly, let alone pronouncing, the name of the Judge who will Chair the Grenfell Tower Fire Inquiry.
You couldn’t make it up!
I read that just for the gut-twist i get when their articles turn” islamic”, i was sure it would turn into a Mo-ham-id article.
But no islamic conditioning at all, what a disapointment, i’m gonna have to self harm now.
Hooligan jailed for bacon slap attack
… Is not news
What is news is that Enfield man’s jailing is been vastly disprortionately reported
eg on US media, where they never report events of Muslims being not jailed for sex offences.
Bacon straight out of the freezer could be quite painful. Otherwise, not a great choice of weapon.
A cured Serrano ham leg – now that would be a different matter, albeit a bit of a waste of good food.
Spiegelhalter lecture has helped publicise June7 campaign by @LoganCorin
” I launched Bullied into Bad Science campaign for #ECRs to speak out.” petition
Anyone with a good memory out there?
Was discussing the BBC a couple of days ago and trying to remember a BBC Radio (4, presumably) survey or something of that kind several years ago where the result was ignored or overruled because it did not meet with BBC approval.
It might have been something along the lines of “The most influential/important British person” – that type of thing.
Googled without success but stumbled upon this page, which I didn’t know existed:
BBC controversies
If anyone can fill in the details we’d be grateful.
It wasn’t several years ago Joseph, it was last year and the overruled subject was the EU Referendum.
Try the Balen Report. Got the results, spent £100k’s keeping it under wraps.
StarmEUr – part of the remain ‘establishment’ (and now a Privy Councillor) is quietly continuing his EU masters’ work.
In a olive branch to the rebels, Mr Starmer gave his strongest endorsement to date for the UK to stay in the Customs Union but made clear the UK was likely to have to strike a new deal on the single market… Mr Starmer said there are “huge protections” that came with the customs union and it should “certainly” be on the table in the negotiations. In regard to the single market he wanted the best possible access but warned this would see taxpayers have to pay a substantial sum to Brussels in return for access to the single market… “It is inevitable we will have to pay in something and any country negotiating, and that would include the UK, will want to keep that to a minimum but there is a balance to be struck between the level of access and the amount we might have to pay in,” he said.”
FooC now : item about 50 University staff/students for killing fellow student accused of blasphemy. They are regarded as local heroes.
“Mashal Khan, who was accused of blasphemy, ended up beaten to death by an angry mob on campus”
@Grant next item is Gambia
“In the Gambia, Shaimaa Khalil makes the long and arduous commute across the River Gambia. The ferries – which are often over-crowed and much delayed – are the only way for many people to reach the capital Banjul.”
Countries shouldn’t be so centralized around the capital.
Actually, Gambia is not centralised around Banjul. Very few people actually go to Banjul. The main town is Serrekunda which is much bigger. The commute across the River is not arduous . In any case very few people commute on a daily basis from the North Bank to Banjul. At its best it is about 40 minutes. Much quicker than some people commuting to London. There is a new ferry boat, but I have not seen it yet. As usual with the BBC, do not believe a word they say about anything !!
The President’s Palace, National Assembly, Courts , and much of the Civil Service are there but not really much else, although it is a pleasant city . Delighted to learn that President Barrow has bought a house near mine in Wulling Kama. As a friend here said to me ” He wants to be near the centre of power ” !
Roy Larner deserves a Knighthood (use Geldof’s old one) – for protecting Britain with his fists with no training.
The Queen could quote what he said in the papers as she gives him the Knighthood …
“I got stabbed and sliced eight times. They got me in my head, chest and both hands. There was blood everywhere.
‘They were saying, ‘Islam, Islam!’. I said again, ‘F*** you, I’m Millwall!’”
– Roy Larner
“Bob Geldof will be returning his Knighthood in protest as a result of the #Brexit referendum”
Wrong kind of hero. The papers and the TV channels seem to be more interested in the British Transport Police officer who was also involved.
Can’t think why this might be.
Cants say I’m bothered ! he only received it for mouthing a few expletives at a pop concert. Why doesn’t he (along with a lorry load of others) bugger off and live in Europe then, and open a doss house for all the refugees he bangs on about.
JAY-zuz Croist.
Message to “Sir” Bob: Literally no-one in the world gives a shit, you pretentious old tosser.
Abuse of Human Rights Act again : Lawyers for Heathrow protesters tried to argue that their right to a home outweighed the landowners right to use his own land.
Judge disagreed.
Who cares about the petulant Bob Geldorf and his knighthood!
More publicity!
Thought he was Irish!
He thinks he’s a legend in his own lunchtime!
Monday’s child falls flat on his face.
With two fingers in the air!
Arise Sir Bob!!
A roomful of BBC Editors just froze…
And they wonder why the Irish are the butt of so many jokes !!
Daily Express:
“”The March of Comrade Corbyn: Labour leader to lead huge protest to DEMAND he is made PM””
“”Tomorrow he will be the lead speaker at the massive NotOneDayMore/ ToriesOut march by hard line socialists demanding Theresa May steps down despite the Tories easily beating Labour in the election.””
The BBC’s hero doesn’t care for democracy.
Then neither does the BBC. Brexit, anyone?
(Tony Bliar voice)
“Aah, but he IS the People’s PM and I can remember that I was the future once. But hey, I didn’t have to lead any marches to get there, either, y’know, it was an actual vote … I was elected … a downslide, er, I mean landslide. Same on Clause 4, I got it through. Reform. Modernisation of the Labour Party. Modernisation of BritPop. Modernising the Royalty. Ending boom and bust. Oh, well, that was Gordon but y’know what I mean. Education, education, education. Can’t understand why everyone doesn’t love me anymore.” Sad sniff.
Turns slowly.
Leaves room.
I have a different ending, ………..Turns slowly ………..and face’s firing squad.
Kerry-Ann Mendoza thinks it’s sexist stereotyping and offensive to label someone a fat, ugly, left-wing lesbian.
Why then does she persist in looking and acting like a fat, ugly, left-wing lesbian?
with glasses
Guess what, I know exactly how she feels.
RMerkel voted against Gay Marriage yesterday, but the Bill Passed anyway.
How come she’s not been given a hard time about it ?
Treesa’s right-hand man Damien Green warns that the Conservatives need to change to attract the younger vote. Well, they’ve made a start by relaxing the tie rule but I fear a spate of ‘Hey man, how’s it going dude?’ and high-fives in the House in a sad attempt to make up lost ground will characterise a charade in the making. The truth is that the situation we live with has been building for decades, you could even say it started back in the 1950s when school leavers were able to go into teaching in order to avoid National Service, a sea change that meant teaching became an excuse rather than a vocation which has had massive social ramifications ever since.
It’s common knowledge that successive Blair governments deliberately allowed uncontrolled immigration in order the ‘rub the Establishment’s nose in diversity’ but the equally absurd and manipulative creed of ‘A university education for all’ is also bearing fruit. Now that what was once, quite properly, an elitist system – designed for the benefit of the nation as a whole every bit as much for the personal success of graduates – has been prostituted and demeaned simply to create a vast semi-educated and easily manipulated herd of sheep, we need more than simply a new approach to attract the young.
Geert Wilders explaining a little islamic reality to his Prime Minister –
I expect that the day will come when Geert Wilders is assassinated by a gentleman screaming
“ALLAHU AKBAR”.” We will then see on the BBC the double Dutch Prime MInister and all
the other liberal fascists telling us that it has NOTHING to do with Islam.
I am impressed that at least in the Dutch parliament it is possible to have a debate without the boos and shouts we have to endure in ours.
Here, here!
I just watched the clip and felt exactly the same.
As Lord Tebbit discovered, in our parliament one cannot even use the “F” word. Foreigners.
Hey there, Groovy Hipsters! Feeling a bit low, now that university has finished and Glasto is over? Check out our new ad for holidays in Canada on our website at
It’s a wonderful place: a Prime Minister who is EVEN YOUNGER than Jeremy Corbyn; a FEMINIST foreign aid policy; lots of SYRIAN REFUGEES; lots of stuff about LGBTQWERTY; something about
IndiansIndigenous people. Yo, Daddy-oh! Facetwitter your buddies right now! PS, if you’re short of money for the airfare I’m sure Mummy and Daddy can pay – it’s less than a box of decent champers.And for the rest of you: be sure to have a sick-bag ready before you read the article.
Saw who had written it so clicked away asap (think douche)
LOL ! Sorry but I can’t face reading it !
Jesus wept how can that drivel ever be called news?
Canada under Truedoh! is a wonderful place, lots of innovations such as this new toy for pre-school children.
FFS . They are all fiddling while Rome burns. Total idiots .