Sorry for the delay, but here you go. If you think Jon Snow “F**k the Tories” was bad, the BBC do it 24/7, but just that bit more subtly! Detail the bias here!
I use local politic’s groups, they are ruthless, we are ruthlessly bluntly honest as people under British seige, and now your leftie’s besties m8s are at it, they wont fair any better either against the local vocal maltia.
Isle of Man: Muslims set up Facebook group for mosque campaign
AN internet group set up by the Island’s Muslim community has sparked fiercely anti-Islamic opposition. The group on social networking site Facebook, outlining their campaign for a new mosque to replace the converted garage used at present, has attracted almost 100 members.
But 360 people have joined an opposition group claiming to be non-racist but carrying comments such as: ‘Thay (sic) can **** right off!!!!!! thay come over and don’t respect are (sic) way of life.
‘Thay belive (sic) if you are not a muslam (sic) you should die wots (sic) all that about!!! thay have one (a mosque) as it is so why do thay need a new one **** off i say !!!’
Thay sic can @@@@ right off, is generally reserved for the minor attracted types, the brits dont get tha abuse, they just get helpful advice on ferry time tables in the morning, when they suggest we upgrade from our current status of, step of the plane and step back 30 years in time, the isle of man where you can.
“IOM Muslim community?” COMMUNITY? Fer fecks sake! Why is there even one? let alone enough to be a community? Is there nowhere in Britain they haven’t invaded?
IOM now stands for International Organization For Migration. Based in Islamabad Pakistan.
It will be a tax scam Lucy, if their are 100 Muslims on the Island it would surprise me, brown ones i mean, i dont see them, theres a few black guys, but only 2 or 3 none financial centre, i.e. none suit and tie, my friend of 30 yrs is full jamacan London born, ”yeah mon” aircraft engine engineer funny guy very popular with the ladies, we used to knock about together for 5/6 years after i divorced, better than walking a chocolate lab in the park as conversation starter with the ladies, and saved me £600, on a lab.
Anyway, nearly all of them who are here will be working in our new £450 million hospital, it’s like the canteen at the UN up there.
They’ve had our money for 40 years (they get given as much as we pay in), the EU has used our money to build up their infrastructure and offered grants to build factories to which some of our industry has re-located, their low-paid workers have come here, shifting the burden of their health, housing and childrens’ education on us, they want us to pay them ten years’ ‘contributions’ just to leave, and now they tell us they don’t need us.
Well we certainly don’t need them so rather than tell them to f off, we should f off – right now!
It seems James Chapman was a ‘special advisor’ to George Osborne and ‘project fear’ so can we really take this story seriously? Admittedly it does mention his links with GO further in the article but we all know how it works, some never get past the headline whilst others don’t read it all.
WHY did the BBC give a platform to a woman who peddles lunatic conspiracy theories and blatant lies on her website?
Kerry-Anne Mendoza, of the “Canary”, spreads pro-Corbyn, anti-Tory propaganda — often via 100 per cent fake news she is too idle or unwilling to check. Yet there she was, on Question Time, given a credibility her “work” does not merit.
Perhaps her fictions are so routinely swallowed by credulous Beeb Corbynistas that to them she seems legitimate.
Sad passing of Barry Norman. A real old school journalist who knew his stuff, and always a pleasure to watch his wry humour on Film Night. He lived in the next village, and our paths occasionally crossed – usually passing the time of day in our shared doctors surgery waiting room ! Always pleasant, a real gentle man and he and his family were highly thought of in the community.
I’m sorry to hear that, Brissles. I still remember a joke he made decades ago about a clip from a corny new horror film. It showed a vampire drinking cups of blood with other vampires, then collapsing.
‘He always does that when it’s his turn to buy the next round!’ quipped Barry.
We rarely get TV presenters like that any more. I can remember the days of Frank Muir, Dennis Norden and their like – well spoken, smartly dressed and never foul-mouthed. Many TV personalities now are stubble-chinned scruffs who seem to have spent the night out on the embankment after sinking sixteen pints (and that’s just the women).
That’s the thing now Helena – ‘smartly dressed’. Being the other side of the world you may not have seen the recent images of an MP in the House turning up without a tie, and it being ok to do so ‘apparently’. Yep, I’m old fashioned, but then I do feel ‘assured’ when having to deal with a medical Consultant, Solicitor, even insurance men and MP’s when they can bothered to be decently attired.
R4 Syrian Family integrating in Germany
ep25 couple separated ..father revisits family flat, they all hate him
He’s always fighting and drinking, dreams of going to live in Arabic country.
Son explains “You see ewhere we come from people are still living in the Middle Ages”
Having been in central London today during a Corbin hate fest it was a reminder of what all the al beeb anti Tory propaganda works up to .
Teenage girls infected by some kind of hysteria which i last experienced in the 1970s. Poor kids don’t know any better and see his version of politics as the remedy to everything . Ain’t gonna end well.
Whilst I say props to Corbyn for booting out these arrogant individuals who seem incapable of remembering the instruction, not the suggestion, from the British people to leave the EU.
My concern is the biased reporting from the BBC. If this was Theresa doing this the headlines would be screaming about turmoil, revolt, rebellion, disarray etc yet with Corbyn he is portrayed as bold and brave.
Corbyn is apparently fixing his party constitution so that he will be in control in a kind of 1930s German reich kind of way. Meaning come the October conference he can get the vote on abolition of nuclear weapons and exit from NATO when he gets power. Bet you won’t hear too much of that from Comrade Snow, Humpreys, et al…
Has he changed his role from ‘Leader of the Labour Party’ to just ‘The Leader’? Clips from today’s march reminded me of the films from the Nuremberg rallies. He’s got that way of haranguing crowds that, for some reason, seem popular despite being completely bonkers. He’s adored by all low-i.q. types and his followers are people who care more for their party than their country or for democracy and freedom.
His antifa thugs should also be called blackshirts like Mosley’s mob.
Naaah, its a lift from Kinnock’s hilarious suicidal rant in Sheffield.
Don’t worry Demon, it’ll all come good in the end, Clown Corbyn won’t get anywhere near the levers of power. He may pretend to, but it’s all in the mind, not actual fact.
Folks in all honesty I think the best thing can happen to this Country now is for a GE to be called and for Corbyn to win. This will speed up the return to sensibility that is needed and I think 4 years of Corbyn will finally do it. The Country will cross the line into Banana Republic and Lefties and Freeloaders will get the shock of their little Snowflake lives. This will turn the Country around and we will either get a proper Conservative Govt or hopefully a new party that represents all us normal,hardworking,tax-paying PATRIOTS who just want to be left alone to enjoy our lives.
It would certainly bring things to a head a lot quicker, as Corbs doesn’t believe in borders and is a dyed in the wool multiculturalist; he would “do a Merkel” and let in anyone who wanted to come here which would put the survival of the British on this island at clear jeopardy for all to see.
It would certainly bring things to a head a lot quicker, as Corbs doesn’t believe in borders and is a dyed in the wool multiculturalist; he would “do a Merkel” and let in anyone who wanted to come here which would put the survival of the British on this island at clear jeopardy for all to see.
I have no clue as to why that happened; anyway for those who are heading to Italy for their summer hols this looks like a particularly “vibrant” part to visit.
I can’t help noticing that women are ‘significantly under-represented’ in this clip.
Surely the German version of the sisterhood and the equalities people should be heard loud and clear to ‘ reclaim the streets’.
I have absolutely no idea why they are not doing this.
I have thought this and not said it out loud. I fear that once in power the likes of Corbyn or the even more sinister McDonald will fix the voting system. Votes for immigrants and under 18s people who don’t give a damn about Blighty.
Al beeb will become an over lefty broadcaster as opposed to denying their poisonous bias now
big question is when jezbolla gets in would we get another vote?? or if we do will so many effiniks have arrived and postal votes been rigged that its irrelevant if we vote or not
or will there just be so many receiving free stuff that a vote is just for more/continuation of free stuff
im really not sure we can actually survive jezbolla
Well, you say that. But if it wasn’t for the Conservatives we would have things like: mass immigration; multiculturalism; islamification; same-sex marriage; massive foreign aid – all those sort of nasty things that Marxists like Corbyn want.
The moment Corbyn got in, or even looked like getting in, capital would flee the country. No one in their right mind would lend to the UK. So things would come to a head pretty quickly, in my opinion. The question would be how much irreparable damage was caused before Corbyn could be kicked out.
I can imagine how the BBC would be supporting parents who went to court to get permission to end the life of their child.
This baby’s life is bad. But I am often puzzled when the courts state that someone would be ‘better off dead’. Being dead is a state beyond being better or worse off, which can only describe conditions within life.
That aside, we do have a conflict between parents and the state, with the state in the ascendancy.
On this case Daniel Greenfield’s article is relevant.
‘Taking Charlie to America would have been a bad example. It would send the message that socialized medicine is flawed. That, like Soviets sneaking over to get Western goodies, Brits have to come to America to get the health care they can’t get at home. There’s truth to that, in the UK and Canada, just as Americans go to Mexico to dodge certain restrictions in America, but it can’t be discussed.
And worse still, it deprives the system of power. It says that some ordinary couple who put things on the internet have the right to override the judgment of the professionals.’
“Being dead is a state beyond being better or worse off, which can only describe conditions within life.”
Very well put. Cf. the abortionists’ slogan “every child a wanted child”, suggesting that it is out of kindness to the child that should be put down at the beginning of its existence.
Pity they didn’t have the same expertise when they told me their experts couldn’t see fakery in a famous Rachel Corrie photograph. Hany Farid would have told them what they missed.
1990 exhibit explained ALL press photos are faked.
National Media Museum in Bradford.
Reality doesn’t give the right narrative so it is built.
Remember how BBC rigged all its competitions for similar reasons.
Doesn’t happen now tho
..does it Nadiya ?
“Italy needs more support as it deals with large numbers of migrants crossing the Mediterranean from Africa, the UN’s refugee agency has said.”
Something the EU has failed to do anything about. How many are actual refugees?
The EU has failed abysmally to secure its borders. The EU is fast becoming a failed state as the rest of Africa invades Europe.
I really laughed at the article on the BBC website about ‘why facelift gate matters.’
It is so po-faced and serious, preaching about ‘sexism’ and how bad it is to focus on someone’s looks. Do they not see that he is trolling them? He knows they will all over-react and make fools of themselves yet they always take the bait. He is deliberately winding them up and it is hilarious. Plus how many times have they mocked Trump over his appearance? To quote an old joke, if it weren’t for double standards the left would not have any.
Do they still not get it? We do not give a toss about ‘sexism’ or hurt feelings. We want to feel safe and to be able to say what we want, maybe even have a joke at someone else’s expense from time to time. He was joking. What is the harm? Nobody died. Yet this atmosphere where nobody can say anything in case of offending someone is actually lethal, as we have seen in Rotherham and countless other instances. I would rather someone’s feelings are supposedly hurt – when in reality nobody cares – than let our enemies run amok because we are too worried about offending them to say anything.
Apparently the tweet shows he is easily provoked and America’s enemies are taking note! Ha ha ha ha ha. He was taking the piss you idiot! Yeah, I am sure this tweet will be analysed by military leaders all over the world as it is of such strategic importance.
At the same time he has rolled out that travel ban, which would have saved many lives had it been in place here, the left still whines about offence taking. They just don’t get it.
I see that Veterans organisations are talking about forming militias for the purposes of protecting the country against terrorism and extremism. They have offered their services to the PM! Huhh? Might as well offer them to the local mosque!
Theresa May is part of the problem. I think a more encouraging sign if patriotic volunteer organisations were formed on their own authority around the country. Every town should have one. You can tweet and write letters to BBC or your local MP, but there is nothing more calculated to prod the authorities more than to show them there are organised parallel authorities ready to take over functions and duties that a failing state can no longer perform. Initially it would be decried as a “Dad’s Army” but that is easily shrugged off. Once the traitor class see some real opposition and realise that they are no longer needed they won’t be laughing.
Such groups need not be armed with anything more than a stout baton to begin with. Calls to arm the citizenry with firearms are extreme and counterproductive. Most people do not want a US style gun law situation and I don’t blame them.( I say this as a licensed gun owner and hunter.) If you really want to send a shudder up the spine of the establishment it will have to be through active motivated and disciplined citizenry.
I see too much waiting around for some leader to suddenly appear and lead the leaderless people.’ Cometh the hour, Cometh the man” gets quoted here quite often, but it is used as a comforting saying. Whereas It should only be used as a historical comment. Why should any person with leadership step forward now? What’s in it for him/her? And equally importantly is the question” who are the people he should be leading?’. Come on show yourselves.
Had I leadership qualities required in today’s situation I would be wary of doing any sort of ‘cometh’ until I knew the quality and the numbers of the people I would be staking my future on.
You might be lucky Nigel Farage will make some appearance at some unspecified date in the future. Maybe Drake will quit the port of heaven or Arthur Pendragon will re emerge from the mists of Avalon. But I don’t think that’s imminent to be honest.
It would be nice though, if within in a year, we were to see the likes of The Hampshire Militia or the Northumberland Guard or Yorkshire Yeomanry appearing on the scene and the stage would be set for great things after much neglect
The authorities and the media would first destroy the leaders and their family life, just like they did to Mr Robinson who was leading a much less threatening movement than the one you outline. Then they would turn on the followers. They would regard this as a rebellion and use whatever tactics , legal or illegal, to put it down. They would also use the rebellion as an excuse to implement ever more repressive measures against white Brits and to increase their control of newspapers and the internet. They already have the total unwavering support of the BBC of course. So in my view it would be counter productive.
In any case the public is along along way from supporting this type of action. Of course on the continent voters can vote for parties which are committed to action. But they have yet to vote them into power. In the uk we do not have this option open to us. I’m afraid that we can only wait for Politics on the continent , particularly in the east of the EU, to make opposition to migration and Islamification ‘ respectable’ and so provide political cover for the creation of such UK parties. Waiting whilst you see the fire growing is frustrating but there is no viable alternative.
Totally agree Yasser – The current collection of self serving cowards we currently have, who portray themselves as Government (with a few notable exceptions) either through self delusion or arrogance think they can control the direction of travel of our society in the same old fashion, ie stamp on those who object to the way we are going but are generally law abiding whilst at the same time appeasing those who probably dislike us and want to change our culture.
The short term line of least resistance is the most painful in the long term.
I am afraid that we can only wait until things do start to breakdown and hope that there are still enough of us who want to retain our freedoms and lifestyle and are willing to fight for it.
I guess it is all a matter of time before the liberal, multikulti World is brought to a shuddering halt by reality. That same reality that tells us that the individual cannot do, ‘whatever turns him/her on’ and that’s OK because everyone else will have to live with the consequences.
“I see that Veterans organisations are talking about forming militias for the purposes of protecting the country against terrorism and extremism. ” If General Sir Mike Jackson et al will be running the organisation, I’d fall in line immediately.
If that happens, we will be one step closer to a military coup.
This is nothing more than an advert to boost box office numbers and plug the books of the article’s author.
Actually it is a bit more than an advert, it cannot resist blaming Islamic countries chaos on the USA: Today six Muslim countries (Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Afghanistan) are in a state of meltdown – partly as a result of US policies.
Nothing to do with Islam whatsoever, nah, just the evil white man in the West again!?!
A week ago in Newcastle, a Muslim woman accidentally drove her car into some other Muslims coming out of a mosk injuring about 7 or 8 of them.
BBC radio Newcastle this morning is still reporting this although in a different way.
They say,
A car hit a crowd of Muslims coming out of the mosk after celebrating eid.
No mention that the driver was also one of them and that it was an accident.
It’s left to the listener to guess the motive.
Then, the next item in England’s Christian BBC religious based radio show was about how a Muslim helped those poor people in the Grenfell fire.
I’ve also noticed that they mostly have Muslim guests on more than any other religion (and when a Christian gets on they usually talk about how wonderful Muslims are and that we’re all the same etc)
I’m an atheist but I think the Christian values are good ones to live by.
2. Invade Europe, or if you can’t be bothered, get their navies to ferry you over.
3. Trash Europe.
Addenda for advanced students of history:
4. Get the treacherous lying beebistan to cover up what’s really happening, call it enrichment, refugees or whatever, and scream Racism and islamophobia at anyone who objects to the invasion.
5. Bring your never-ending extended families over, bleed your new land dry with welfare claims, and keep playing the victim card and moaning about racism, or if you can’t be bothered, let al-bibeera do it for you. They’ll be happy to oblige.
Building a case for a reluctant BBC subscription service is getting easier by the hour. I’ve just been onto WIKI to read about licensing of the BBC and it says the Government (which means the UK tax payer and workers) makes up £621million of the BBC license payments for people aged over 75.
“Income from the licence is primarily used to fund the television, radio and online services of the BBC. The total income from licence fees was £3.7428 billion in 2015–16[2] of which £621.7 million or 16.6% was provided by the Government (or in other words the tax from people working) through concessions for those over the age of 75. Thus, the licence fee made up the bulk (77.5%) of the BBC’s total income of £4.827 billion in 2015–2016.”
If this is correct (needs verifying) then ….
a) the BBC should not be enforcing this, they complain about pensions and helping the elderly and the workers. So they should stop charging over 75s completely? Have some heart! Think of the Grandchildren!
b) this is a hidden tax on the tax paying workers – so someone who works pays the tv license, and then pays extra for the over 75s. So that means the cost of £145 is not a true reflection of the cost at all – it has been hidden by deceit.
c) this adds to the case for a Crowd Funded project where people pool at first (£10) to create a pot of money to handle solicitor fees for when the BBC attack non-license payers. This pot gets bigger once people stop paying the BBC TV license and instead just put £20 into the project verses £145. At then end the pot is returned to everyone if monies are left after fighting the BBC legally – note that each court case is exactly the same. Plus the project will reveal the terrible and biased reporting – need some solid examples to push this view forward (i.e. best on this site)
Would be an interesting request for BBC to reveal if 16% (£621 million of budget) for over 75s is from tax payer. Also are 16% of programmes aimed at over 75s? I wonder …
MM, That wiki is, I think, now out of date. As from this year, the BBC has had to give up the £621m it received from Government for over 75s free Licences and will have to ‘fund’ this themselves.
I was talking to a Beeboid earlier this year – who was about to become an ex-Beeboid (worked for the Trust) – and they said that the hierarchy in the main part of the BBC were very unhappy about the change. The BBC, apparently, looks on this as ‘cuts’ in its services. Now, where else have I heard that word used a lot recently?
Unfortunately there was no opportunity to pursue some more difficult questions such as: “Why does the pay of the top Executives keep increasing?” and “Why not sack all those who try to engage in aggressive tax avoidance?” and “Do you really need all those TV and national radio channels full of repeats?” and so on.
Thanks for update (not had time to double check these facts)…this still stands as an example of a hidden tax or cost. So we all get a rebate because it was wrong to be applied?
Interesting point you make… compare private sector, public sector, BBC and politicians wage increases.
It might show that some of us are even more equal than others.
The other point about this stealth tax (saying UK Gov pay BBC 16% but really it’s the taxpayer) is that if they did it before so will probably do it again – hide the cost somehow. Like give them more benefits (3 x gyms in London @ £20pm membership, could have been used for Grenfell Tower Victims – think of the children and not your squash game).
So a good example of how to hide the cost and pass onto someone else, like the taxpayer at £621million per year for how many years?!
I watched the BBC clip of the disrupted council meeting and was at first given the impression she was an angry resident – further reseach and a BBC interview today reveals she is a Labour Party councillor.
And here is Cllr Lasharie after Grenfell action Group stormed RBKC council meeting. She obviously really cares about her constituents
9:15 R4 prog Broadcasting House
Made a passing reference to “climate change conspiracy theory, those people that believe scientists made it all up for the money”
The speaker was a prof of Conspiracy Theories.
He was actually talking about conspiracy theories from Grenwell Tower residents , they played a clip saying there were 123 deaths not the 80 police say.
Next up was top rationalist Dianne Abbott, who asked about her health said “The people of Hackney”
She’s not the local MP and said the residents had a point .. illegals afraid to come forward etc.
\\On Monday a report “The Missing Muslims; Unlocking British Muslim Potential for the Benefit for All” is being published by Citizens UK. It’s the result of an 18th month commission chaired by Dominic Grieve MP. He tells Edward what they discovered and their recommendations.//
For those who have the misfortune not to read Conservative Woman here is a piece about a school that achieved “outstanding” from Offsted.
Based in Hackney the Offsted inspectors noted “the poor quality of teaching, poor subject knowledge, and poor facilities”
Only 3 pupils achieved an A in Maths and 2 an A in English.
So how did it win its “outstanding” award? Because, according to Offsted, the school possessed ““All the protected characteristics, particularly those relating to gender re-assignment and sexual orientation”.
There is more nonsense in the article, all of it will make you shudder at the direction of UK’s educational system.
BBC, pneumatic advertising … Nadiya s English food adventures ???
After Junior Bake off, Chronicles of Nadiya, that Christmas special
With all the top chefs, brilliant cooks they have on the books
Oh … Where s that puff piece on the deeply spiritual Ramabomb pilgrimage thing?
… been shelved?
… I know, WHY?, an average cake maker?? … sorry Al BBC, i ve got one in my kitchen right now
The only minimal interest that I have
… Has the headscarf gone?
ie … is she still wrapping her head in Sharia?
… yes or no?
Doublethinker- You were quick to try and shoot my ideas down! I seem to have alarmed you. But it is a well constructed argument though I do have to respond to such a mood of pessimism that you convey.
Firstly you say the authorities would simply get the leaders like they did Tommy Robinson and the EDL. I must clarify I am not talking about street protesting soccer hooligans which is how the EDL came across. I am talking about parallel authorities formed being formed and visible. And I was talking about a movement in a pre-leadership phase. Of course there would have to be administrators and people with some authority around the place,but not the sort of hero worshipped leader, blindly followed who by being locked away brings the movement to a halt.
If the police think they can ‘cut off the head off the snake’ and stop the show they will. Any attempt of doing that against a nation wide peaceful movement of respectable people based in the shires will find it is more like cutting a head off the Hydra, as two more would grow in it’s place.
Now as regards to your comment = They would use the rebellion as an excuse to implement ever more repressive measures against white Brits and to increase their control of newspapers and the internet”
Well, look mate, they are doing it already. Theresa has her plans and they are coming out soon. And my “rebellion” as you term it is nowhere in existence yet.
Some thing has to be done is my point of view. Yours as stated is waiting for something. Waiting for something to hopefully happen in Eastern Europe?! Now I do agree with you about the desirability of other European countries legitimising our protests by similar political activity. That is a good point. To which I say, hear, hear, it would be nice if it does happen, but since the end of last year all the like minded political groups in the more relevant Western Europe have seen dramatic declines in the populist surge starting with Austria and then Germany , The Netherlands, France, Italy. I’m sorry but it looks the Brits are going to have to go it alone again. But hey! We’ve done it before.
Finally your comment that the British are a long way from supporting that sort of action. All I can say is that the Veterans groups that are waiting to be formed mentioned in the news today are not so distant from what I was proposing. And don’t get me wrong I am not proposing armed rebellion. I’m not that stupid. What I do propose is a solid show of defiance. Then we can expect the powers that be to take notice. At the moment Doublethinker you are suggesting waiting. “There is no viable alternative” you say . That don’t look good for the future, mate! To me that is like surrendering.
Actually there is a religious term for surrender, which for the moment escapes me, but I think it begins with an ‘I’
I have posted twice, I think, on this site the story of Nick Clarke – surprisingly (he was the most mild & balanced of presenters) – ‘going ballistic’ on WatO because Tony Blair in 1997/98 had had the idea of going round the country to talk to and LISTEN TO the public. The media, especially the BBC part of it, do not like people other than themselves taking responsibility and authority.
I think you might be on to something, though. Take those last two words in the above paragraph.
What if, around the UK, relatively well-off citizens got together and negotiated a deal with local D-I-Y stores and bought up supplies of smoke alarms, fire blankets and small extinguishers? Add a simple sheet of what to do ‘If concerned about fire risk or in the event of fire’ to a pack containing a smoke alarm, fire blanket & extinguisher.
These could then be taken to the local social housing and given to residents with the offer of help to fit the smoke alarm & to check if the information sheet needed to be available in another language.
Then there’s the litter clear up. In the community where I live, a group of folk organise litter clear ups. Anyone else is invited to join in and the gloves, litter picker-uppers and sacks are all provided for them.
Another area where a ‘Community Friends’ militia could operate is in the area of care for the elderly living alone. A ‘Flower Sunday’, perhaps, where bunches of flowers were delivered to them. Substitute cake for flowers – again get a bulk purchase deal with perhaps the seller (major supermarket?) chipping in some sponsorship. It struck me this weekend that we have reached the point nearly of total State dependency and this has been highlighted by the tragedy of Grenfell Tower. Maybe if we did something to help ourselves it might reduce this passive state of ‘State provision and entitlement’ from cradle to grave and build some social cohesion instead.
DT is, I think, right to be aware of the likely media response. They would be quick to disparage, even attack, such an organisation of people power. It would of course, smack of ‘populism’. By the way, I wonder where Populism as ‘threat’ suddenly disappeared to on the BBC?
Is it because Jeremy Corbyn is now very popular through preaching a populist message?
BBC Sunday Morning Dead, the racist Al BBC eh!, can t they just do away with anyone white and be done with the pretence
It irks them if any story does not enrich its crappy quota
can t even be bothered to type more on it … very sad
Whens Victoria and erm Abdul on?, (shakes head)
We were at RHS Wisley a couple of weeks ago. Plenty of people but the only adult “ethnic” was one Hindu woman who appeared to be with a white family, or perhaps the rest of her family was white.
Two or three groups of schoolchildren, some of which were ethnic. The children didn’t seem particularly interested in the gardens. It was probably chosen for the teachers’ benefit.
Further to my above comment, am just watching a Jurassic edition of Escape to the Country, and I think in all the years its been broadcast, I cannot remember a black couple being featured ! so I bet the Beeb have struggled to find applicants to fit their diversity bill. One or two e/m couples have appeared, but clearly Escape to the Country just means ‘white flight’ !!!!!
Nice moment on Sunday politics when a labour minister said there were 150,000 at corbyns march yesterday.
Brillo pulled him up and told him he was wrong and there were 15,000 there.
Once 150,000 is said it can be used from now on. The key is to remind this MP of the Many (150,000 you over stated ) not the Few (15,000 that actually turned up).
And very intersting it is too. Not that the bBBC will be reporting on it.
It shows that median private sector earnings are only 85% of public sector earnings. This is essentially the same under-pay as going back to 2009. In other words, the public sector pay cap has had no material impact on their pay relative to the private sector. There were way ahead. They are still way ahead. And that excludes the fantastic public sector pension deals.
So, in the interests of a ‘fair society for the many not the few’, perhaps we should be looking at substantial pay cuts for the public sector, not scrapping the pay freeze. Logical, yes?
Don’t expect the biased BBC to point out these inconvenient truths as to how private sector workers are already being fleeced and yet it is they that will have to fund the snowflake largesse in the public sector.
Getting a bit tired of the BBC and Channel 4 replaying their Labour crowds chants of “Jeremy Corbyn” as sung to the tune of the White Stripes.
Any chance of Jack White getting the copyright feees due with every play?
I mean-surely the workers deserve their pay for their labours-why should the media rentier class pimp off poor musicians like Jack and Meg?
Once I`ve seen some progress on this, I`ll get down to the local mosque and tell them that the Lefties all see Islam as the Opium Of the People.
They`ll not like that. Be fun to see the Commies tell them why Marx didn`t mean Muslims.
Item 1 on the agenda. When we institute the caliphate and Sharia Law, should kaffirs be beheaded, stoned, or merely pay the Jizya tax for dhimmis?
Item 2. Should rape victims be beheaded, stoned, or merely made to marry the rapist?
Item 3. Should gays be beheaded, stoned, or merely thrown off tall buildings?
Item 4. Should Jews be beheaded, stoned, or beheaded?
Item 5. Should adulterers be beheaded, stoned, or whipped to death?
All bacon bullets & any other form of pork projectile is only an understandable reaction to years of Islamic foreign policy.
We must guard against Anglophobia and remember we cannot tar all Brits with the same brush.
Not all Brits fry their chips in lard & drink alcohol.
BBC going crazy headlining all over their website an anti-trump story about something he tweeted – you will find headlined links to this story on the BBC homepage, the BBC news homepage, the BBC world news homepage and their us&canada news section:
The BBC have just created another hysterical anti-Trump story: “Trump Stance Could Damage The Earth”
Trump is but one man. The third world due to over population counts for millions, who all require space, food, and power, add their offspring (all coming our way) and that is much bigger threat than Trump and yet the left remain silent on the much larger threat:
????‼️???????? CREEP CATCHERS UK: This guy at central forest park in Stoke-on-Trent wanted meeting a 13 year old for sex. Caution! Adult language!
????‼️???????? #France: Migrants (so-called refugees) attack local homeowners in #Calais, and during the night a mass brawl took place.
Re “Trump damaging the earth” nonsense from the BBC. It`s Sunday and the kids are practicing to impress Quention and Jason as they head back from the Cotswolds I expect.
But this is one of those “degrees of separation” stories…how many stepping stones does it take from Trump to some global evil.
Currently working on how Trump caused Fukishima in 2011…should be able to get it onto the BBC via Buzzfeed sometime soon.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:54 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “… but can be influenced (NOT THEIR CHOICE) by “choice architecture” (WHO CHOOSES THE CHOICE) into making better choices (BETTER…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:53 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Miliband’s net zero promises are false, Tony Blair’s think tank warns Investing in green technology unlikely to reverse long-term decline…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:49 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The Health Pooled Fund (HPF3) will reduce maternal and under-five mortality rates in South Sudan, through (i) the delivery of…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bradford city of culture…. “For 30 years Muhammed Saeed was a well-respected GP with one of the largest patient lists…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:33 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Moments later – BBC change hat on grandad on first photo from Afghan hat to baseball cap – HA HA…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:28 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Merkel throws away flag…. is that Ursula von der Leyen in the background? Angela Merkel zanika Nemško zastavo
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:25 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Remove encryption from Apple. Point AI at comments. Empty the prisons of rapists. Fil the prisons with naughty tweets
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:25 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ANyone using Industrialised tech needs to pay into the British Wealth Fund – 800 trillion – then we can afford…
Lefty WrightFeb 23, 18:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Mark Were Britain daft enough to agree to slavery reparations who exactly would the get money? After all anyone who…
Canada has always been to thermally challenged for me.
Just tripped over this news article,.
I use local politic’s groups, they are ruthless, we are ruthlessly bluntly honest as people under British seige, and now your leftie’s besties m8s are at it, they wont fair any better either against the local vocal maltia.
Isle of Man: Muslims set up Facebook group for mosque campaign
AN internet group set up by the Island’s Muslim community has sparked fiercely anti-Islamic opposition. The group on social networking site Facebook, outlining their campaign for a new mosque to replace the converted garage used at present, has attracted almost 100 members.
But 360 people have joined an opposition group claiming to be non-racist but carrying comments such as: ‘Thay (sic) can **** right off!!!!!! thay come over and don’t respect are (sic) way of life.
‘Thay belive (sic) if you are not a muslam (sic) you should die wots (sic) all that about!!! thay have one (a mosque) as it is so why do thay need a new one **** off i say !!!’
Thay sic can @@@@ right off, is generally reserved for the minor attracted types, the brits dont get tha abuse, they just get helpful advice on ferry time tables in the morning, when they suggest we upgrade from our current status of, step of the plane and step back 30 years in time, the isle of man where you can.
“IOM Muslim community?” COMMUNITY? Fer fecks sake! Why is there even one? let alone enough to be a community? Is there nowhere in Britain they haven’t invaded?
IOM now stands for International Organization For Migration. Based in Islamabad Pakistan.
Isle of Muslims. I’m having a waking nightmare.
It will be a tax scam Lucy, if their are 100 Muslims on the Island it would surprise me, brown ones i mean, i dont see them, theres a few black guys, but only 2 or 3 none financial centre, i.e. none suit and tie, my friend of 30 yrs is full jamacan London born, ”yeah mon” aircraft engine engineer funny guy very popular with the ladies, we used to knock about together for 5/6 years after i divorced, better than walking a chocolate lab in the park as conversation starter with the ladies, and saved me £600, on a lab.
Anyway, nearly all of them who are here will be working in our new £450 million hospital, it’s like the canteen at the UN up there.
Can anyone tell me if this is being reported on Al Beeb?
They’ve had our money for 40 years (they get given as much as we pay in), the EU has used our money to build up their infrastructure and offered grants to build factories to which some of our industry has re-located, their low-paid workers have come here, shifting the burden of their health, housing and childrens’ education on us, they want us to pay them ten years’ ‘contributions’ just to leave, and now they tell us they don’t need us.
Well we certainly don’t need them so rather than tell them to f off, we should f off – right now!
Another example of possible BBC mischief making.
It seems James Chapman was a ‘special advisor’ to George Osborne and ‘project fear’ so can we really take this story seriously? Admittedly it does mention his links with GO further in the article but we all know how it works, some never get past the headline whilst others don’t read it all.
”the Department for Exiting the EU”
Sheesh thats thats just so sir Humphry
Sun Editorial
The Sun spoils it’s own credibility today by giving over front-page and 2 others to help Uri Geller psychically heal Andy Murray
Daily Express yesterday:
“‘Brussels Broadcast Corporation’ Peter Bone delivers stunning BBC ‘bias’ Commons rant””
“”The Conservative MP warned the chamber “media bias” was a hot topic when he was canvassing before the snap election””
“”Mr Bone, MP for Wellingborough, claimed it was the BBC who emerged as the most contentious broadcaster during his doorstep discussions””
“”Speaking in the House of Commons, on Thursday, Mr Bone said: “On the doorstep, media bias came up a lot.””
“”But I’m afraid, it was media bias by the BBC, and they suggested to me that it should be called the ‘Brussels Broadcasting Corporation’.””
The B Ark team.
And the jerk circle…
Sad passing of Barry Norman. A real old school journalist who knew his stuff, and always a pleasure to watch his wry humour on Film Night. He lived in the next village, and our paths occasionally crossed – usually passing the time of day in our shared doctors surgery waiting room ! Always pleasant, a real gentle man and he and his family were highly thought of in the community.
Same neck of the woods B
Small world !
I’m sorry to hear that, Brissles. I still remember a joke he made decades ago about a clip from a corny new horror film. It showed a vampire drinking cups of blood with other vampires, then collapsing.
‘He always does that when it’s his turn to buy the next round!’ quipped Barry.
We rarely get TV presenters like that any more. I can remember the days of Frank Muir, Dennis Norden and their like – well spoken, smartly dressed and never foul-mouthed. Many TV personalities now are stubble-chinned scruffs who seem to have spent the night out on the embankment after sinking sixteen pints (and that’s just the women).
That’s the thing now Helena – ‘smartly dressed’. Being the other side of the world you may not have seen the recent images of an MP in the House turning up without a tie, and it being ok to do so ‘apparently’. Yep, I’m old fashioned, but then I do feel ‘assured’ when having to deal with a medical Consultant, Solicitor, even insurance men and MP’s when they can bothered to be decently attired.
R4 6:18pm renowned climate expert Eddie Izzard
Spouting all kinds of RiGHT wing views and his 2020 MP bid.
Oh did I say rightwing ?
…. Might have got that wrong
R4 Syrian Family integrating in Germany
ep25 couple separated ..father revisits family flat, they all hate him
He’s always fighting and drinking, dreams of going to live in Arabic country.
Son explains “You see ewhere we come from people are still living in the Middle Ages”
Interview with a relative of a Grenfell victim on PM.
“Some people are saying their response has been inadequate, would you agree?”
She asked three such ‘questions’ where he could either agree or disagree with what ‘some people have been saying’.
If that is impartial I am a banana.
The BBC referee lines up the free kick for the player.
As used by R5 presenters like Nicky Campbell.
LeftMob respond to legitimate criticism of BBC will full on black propaganda

Having been in central London today during a Corbin hate fest it was a reminder of what all the al beeb anti Tory propaganda works up to .
Teenage girls infected by some kind of hysteria which i last experienced in the 1970s. Poor kids don’t know any better and see his version of politics as the remedy to everything . Ain’t gonna end well.
Whilst I say props to Corbyn for booting out these arrogant individuals who seem incapable of remembering the instruction, not the suggestion, from the British people to leave the EU.
My concern is the biased reporting from the BBC. If this was Theresa doing this the headlines would be screaming about turmoil, revolt, rebellion, disarray etc yet with Corbyn he is portrayed as bold and brave.
Corbyn is apparently fixing his party constitution so that he will be in control in a kind of 1930s German reich kind of way. Meaning come the October conference he can get the vote on abolition of nuclear weapons and exit from NATO when he gets power. Bet you won’t hear too much of that from Comrade Snow, Humpreys, et al…
Has he changed his role from ‘Leader of the Labour Party’ to just ‘The Leader’? Clips from today’s march reminded me of the films from the Nuremberg rallies. He’s got that way of haranguing crowds that, for some reason, seem popular despite being completely bonkers. He’s adored by all low-i.q. types and his followers are people who care more for their party than their country or for democracy and freedom.
His antifa thugs should also be called blackshirts like Mosley’s mob.
Naaah, its a lift from Kinnock’s hilarious suicidal rant in Sheffield.
Don’t worry Demon, it’ll all come good in the end, Clown Corbyn won’t get anywhere near the levers of power. He may pretend to, but it’s all in the mind, not actual fact.
Demon, I thought it was us who are all the low in types.
That’s what I keep getting from the talking heads on the bbbc.
Auto correct!
Should read ‘low IQ types’
Folks in all honesty I think the best thing can happen to this Country now is for a GE to be called and for Corbyn to win. This will speed up the return to sensibility that is needed and I think 4 years of Corbyn will finally do it. The Country will cross the line into Banana Republic and Lefties and Freeloaders will get the shock of their little Snowflake lives. This will turn the Country around and we will either get a proper Conservative Govt or hopefully a new party that represents all us normal,hardworking,tax-paying PATRIOTS who just want to be left alone to enjoy our lives.
It would certainly bring things to a head a lot quicker, as Corbs doesn’t believe in borders and is a dyed in the wool multiculturalist; he would “do a Merkel” and let in anyone who wanted to come here which would put the survival of the British on this island at clear jeopardy for all to see.
It would certainly bring things to a head a lot quicker, as Corbs doesn’t believe in borders and is a dyed in the wool multiculturalist; he would “do a Merkel” and let in anyone who wanted to come here which would put the survival of the British on this island at clear jeopardy for all to see.
I liked both of those posts 🙂
I have no clue as to why that happened; anyway for those who are heading to Italy for their summer hols this looks like a particularly “vibrant” part to visit.
Italians , French , Swedes , Germans are all voting for more – I did see Berlusconi was active again -so who knows
I can’t help noticing that women are ‘significantly under-represented’ in this clip.
Surely the German version of the sisterhood and the equalities people should be heard loud and clear to ‘ reclaim the streets’.
I have absolutely no idea why they are not doing this.
I have thought this and not said it out loud. I fear that once in power the likes of Corbyn or the even more sinister McDonald will fix the voting system. Votes for immigrants and under 18s people who don’t give a damn about Blighty.
Al beeb will become an over lefty broadcaster as opposed to denying their poisonous bias now
big question is when jezbolla gets in would we get another vote?? or if we do will so many effiniks have arrived and postal votes been rigged that its irrelevant if we vote or not
or will there just be so many receiving free stuff that a vote is just for more/continuation of free stuff
im really not sure we can actually survive jezbolla
Well, you say that. But if it wasn’t for the Conservatives we would have things like: mass immigration; multiculturalism; islamification; same-sex marriage; massive foreign aid – all those sort of nasty things that Marxists like Corbyn want.
Er, hang on a sec…
The moment Corbyn got in, or even looked like getting in, capital would flee the country. No one in their right mind would lend to the UK. So things would come to a head pretty quickly, in my opinion. The question would be how much irreparable damage was caused before Corbyn could be kicked out.
A fairly neutral story from the BBC on the European Court’s support for the termination of Charlie Gard’s life support.
I can imagine how the BBC would be supporting parents who went to court to get permission to end the life of their child.
This baby’s life is bad. But I am often puzzled when the courts state that someone would be ‘better off dead’. Being dead is a state beyond being better or worse off, which can only describe conditions within life.
That aside, we do have a conflict between parents and the state, with the state in the ascendancy.
On this case Daniel Greenfield’s article is relevant.
‘Taking Charlie to America would have been a bad example. It would send the message that socialized medicine is flawed. That, like Soviets sneaking over to get Western goodies, Brits have to come to America to get the health care they can’t get at home. There’s truth to that, in the UK and Canada, just as Americans go to Mexico to dodge certain restrictions in America, but it can’t be discussed.
And worse still, it deprives the system of power. It says that some ordinary couple who put things on the internet have the right to override the judgment of the professionals.’
“Being dead is a state beyond being better or worse off, which can only describe conditions within life.”
Very well put. Cf. the abortionists’ slogan “every child a wanted child”, suggesting that it is out of kindness to the child that should be put down at the beginning of its existence.
Interesting BBC article on detecting faked photographs: The hidden signs that reveal a fake photo
Pity they didn’t have the same expertise when they told me their experts couldn’t see fakery in a famous Rachel Corrie photograph. Hany Farid would have told them what they missed.

1990 exhibit explained ALL press photos are faked.
National Media Museum in Bradford.
Reality doesn’t give the right narrative so it is built.
Remember how BBC rigged all its competitions for similar reasons.
Doesn’t happen now tho
..does it Nadiya ?
“Italy needs more support as it deals with large numbers of migrants crossing the Mediterranean from Africa, the UN’s refugee agency has said.”
Something the EU has failed to do anything about. How many are actual refugees?
The EU has failed abysmally to secure its borders. The EU is fast becoming a failed state as the rest of Africa invades Europe.
The EU has no control of its borders !
Why ?
Because it could not ‘organize a P..s up in a brewery’
I really laughed at the article on the BBC website about ‘why facelift gate matters.’
It is so po-faced and serious, preaching about ‘sexism’ and how bad it is to focus on someone’s looks. Do they not see that he is trolling them? He knows they will all over-react and make fools of themselves yet they always take the bait. He is deliberately winding them up and it is hilarious. Plus how many times have they mocked Trump over his appearance? To quote an old joke, if it weren’t for double standards the left would not have any.
Do they still not get it? We do not give a toss about ‘sexism’ or hurt feelings. We want to feel safe and to be able to say what we want, maybe even have a joke at someone else’s expense from time to time. He was joking. What is the harm? Nobody died. Yet this atmosphere where nobody can say anything in case of offending someone is actually lethal, as we have seen in Rotherham and countless other instances. I would rather someone’s feelings are supposedly hurt – when in reality nobody cares – than let our enemies run amok because we are too worried about offending them to say anything.
Apparently the tweet shows he is easily provoked and America’s enemies are taking note! Ha ha ha ha ha. He was taking the piss you idiot! Yeah, I am sure this tweet will be analysed by military leaders all over the world as it is of such strategic importance.
At the same time he has rolled out that travel ban, which would have saved many lives had it been in place here, the left still whines about offence taking. They just don’t get it.
Beeb Brother …if it weren’t for double standards the left would not have any.
I like that one.
I see that Veterans organisations are talking about forming militias for the purposes of protecting the country against terrorism and extremism. They have offered their services to the PM! Huhh? Might as well offer them to the local mosque!
Theresa May is part of the problem. I think a more encouraging sign if patriotic volunteer organisations were formed on their own authority around the country. Every town should have one. You can tweet and write letters to BBC or your local MP, but there is nothing more calculated to prod the authorities more than to show them there are organised parallel authorities ready to take over functions and duties that a failing state can no longer perform. Initially it would be decried as a “Dad’s Army” but that is easily shrugged off. Once the traitor class see some real opposition and realise that they are no longer needed they won’t be laughing.
Such groups need not be armed with anything more than a stout baton to begin with. Calls to arm the citizenry with firearms are extreme and counterproductive. Most people do not want a US style gun law situation and I don’t blame them.( I say this as a licensed gun owner and hunter.) If you really want to send a shudder up the spine of the establishment it will have to be through active motivated and disciplined citizenry.
I see too much waiting around for some leader to suddenly appear and lead the leaderless people.’ Cometh the hour, Cometh the man” gets quoted here quite often, but it is used as a comforting saying. Whereas It should only be used as a historical comment. Why should any person with leadership step forward now? What’s in it for him/her? And equally importantly is the question” who are the people he should be leading?’. Come on show yourselves.
Had I leadership qualities required in today’s situation I would be wary of doing any sort of ‘cometh’ until I knew the quality and the numbers of the people I would be staking my future on.
You might be lucky Nigel Farage will make some appearance at some unspecified date in the future. Maybe Drake will quit the port of heaven or Arthur Pendragon will re emerge from the mists of Avalon. But I don’t think that’s imminent to be honest.
It would be nice though, if within in a year, we were to see the likes of The Hampshire Militia or the Northumberland Guard or Yorkshire Yeomanry appearing on the scene and the stage would be set for great things after much neglect
The authorities and the media would first destroy the leaders and their family life, just like they did to Mr Robinson who was leading a much less threatening movement than the one you outline. Then they would turn on the followers. They would regard this as a rebellion and use whatever tactics , legal or illegal, to put it down. They would also use the rebellion as an excuse to implement ever more repressive measures against white Brits and to increase their control of newspapers and the internet. They already have the total unwavering support of the BBC of course. So in my view it would be counter productive.
In any case the public is along along way from supporting this type of action. Of course on the continent voters can vote for parties which are committed to action. But they have yet to vote them into power. In the uk we do not have this option open to us. I’m afraid that we can only wait for Politics on the continent , particularly in the east of the EU, to make opposition to migration and Islamification ‘ respectable’ and so provide political cover for the creation of such UK parties. Waiting whilst you see the fire growing is frustrating but there is no viable alternative.
Totally agree Yasser – The current collection of self serving cowards we currently have, who portray themselves as Government (with a few notable exceptions) either through self delusion or arrogance think they can control the direction of travel of our society in the same old fashion, ie stamp on those who object to the way we are going but are generally law abiding whilst at the same time appeasing those who probably dislike us and want to change our culture.
The short term line of least resistance is the most painful in the long term.
I am afraid that we can only wait until things do start to breakdown and hope that there are still enough of us who want to retain our freedoms and lifestyle and are willing to fight for it.
I guess it is all a matter of time before the liberal, multikulti World is brought to a shuddering halt by reality. That same reality that tells us that the individual cannot do, ‘whatever turns him/her on’ and that’s OK because everyone else will have to live with the consequences.
“I see that Veterans organisations are talking about forming militias for the purposes of protecting the country against terrorism and extremism. ” If General Sir Mike Jackson et al will be running the organisation, I’d fall in line immediately.
If that happens, we will be one step closer to a military coup.
Viewpoint: Why we all need to watch Brad Pitt’s film War Machine
This is nothing more than an advert to boost box office numbers and plug the books of the article’s author.
Actually it is a bit more than an advert, it cannot resist blaming Islamic countries chaos on the USA:
Today six Muslim countries (Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Afghanistan) are in a state of meltdown – partly as a result of US policies.
Nothing to do with Islam whatsoever, nah, just the evil white man in the West again!?!
A week ago in Newcastle, a Muslim woman accidentally drove her car into some other Muslims coming out of a mosk injuring about 7 or 8 of them.
BBC radio Newcastle this morning is still reporting this although in a different way.
They say,
A car hit a crowd of Muslims coming out of the mosk after celebrating eid.
No mention that the driver was also one of them and that it was an accident.
It’s left to the listener to guess the motive.
Then, the next item in England’s Christian BBC religious based radio show was about how a Muslim helped those poor people in the Grenfell fire.
I’ve also noticed that they mostly have Muslim guests on more than any other religion (and when a Christian gets on they usually talk about how wonderful Muslims are and that we’re all the same etc)
I’m an atheist but I think the Christian values are good ones to live by.
How history works.
1. Trash your own continent.
2. Invade Europe, or if you can’t be bothered, get their navies to ferry you over.
3. Trash Europe.
Addenda for advanced students of history:
4. Get the treacherous lying beebistan to cover up what’s really happening, call it enrichment, refugees or whatever, and scream Racism and islamophobia at anyone who objects to the invasion.
5. Bring your never-ending extended families over, bleed your new land dry with welfare claims, and keep playing the victim card and moaning about racism, or if you can’t be bothered, let al-bibeera do it for you. They’ll be happy to oblige.
Building a case for a reluctant BBC subscription service is getting easier by the hour. I’ve just been onto WIKI to read about licensing of the BBC and it says the Government (which means the UK tax payer and workers) makes up £621million of the BBC license payments for people aged over 75.
“Income from the licence is primarily used to fund the television, radio and online services of the BBC. The total income from licence fees was £3.7428 billion in 2015–16[2] of which £621.7 million or 16.6% was provided by the Government (or in other words the tax from people working) through concessions for those over the age of 75. Thus, the licence fee made up the bulk (77.5%) of the BBC’s total income of £4.827 billion in 2015–2016.”
If this is correct (needs verifying) then ….
a) the BBC should not be enforcing this, they complain about pensions and helping the elderly and the workers. So they should stop charging over 75s completely? Have some heart! Think of the Grandchildren!
b) this is a hidden tax on the tax paying workers – so someone who works pays the tv license, and then pays extra for the over 75s. So that means the cost of £145 is not a true reflection of the cost at all – it has been hidden by deceit.
c) this adds to the case for a Crowd Funded project where people pool at first (£10) to create a pot of money to handle solicitor fees for when the BBC attack non-license payers. This pot gets bigger once people stop paying the BBC TV license and instead just put £20 into the project verses £145. At then end the pot is returned to everyone if monies are left after fighting the BBC legally – note that each court case is exactly the same. Plus the project will reveal the terrible and biased reporting – need some solid examples to push this view forward (i.e. best on this site)
“If this is correct (needs verifying) then ….” Could this be a job for the BBC’s so-called, ‘Fact-checking’ service?
Would be an interesting request for BBC to reveal if 16% (£621 million of budget) for over 75s is from tax payer. Also are 16% of programmes aimed at over 75s? I wonder …
MM, That wiki is, I think, now out of date. As from this year, the BBC has had to give up the £621m it received from Government for over 75s free Licences and will have to ‘fund’ this themselves.
I was talking to a Beeboid earlier this year – who was about to become an ex-Beeboid (worked for the Trust) – and they said that the hierarchy in the main part of the BBC were very unhappy about the change. The BBC, apparently, looks on this as ‘cuts’ in its services. Now, where else have I heard that word used a lot recently?
Unfortunately there was no opportunity to pursue some more difficult questions such as: “Why does the pay of the top Executives keep increasing?” and “Why not sack all those who try to engage in aggressive tax avoidance?” and “Do you really need all those TV and national radio channels full of repeats?” and so on.
Thanks for update (not had time to double check these facts)…this still stands as an example of a hidden tax or cost. So we all get a rebate because it was wrong to be applied?
Interesting point you make… compare private sector, public sector, BBC and politicians wage increases.
It might show that some of us are even more equal than others.
The other point about this stealth tax (saying UK Gov pay BBC 16% but really it’s the taxpayer) is that if they did it before so will probably do it again – hide the cost somehow. Like give them more benefits (3 x gyms in London @ £20pm membership, could have been used for Grenfell Tower Victims – think of the children and not your squash game).
So a good example of how to hide the cost and pass onto someone else, like the taxpayer at £621million per year for how many years?!
Can’t help but notice the BBC are rather keen on a particular Kensington & Chelsea Labour councillor
She’s gobby, angry and dresses like a cut price Amy Winehouse tribute act
Take a bow Cllr Beinazir Lasharie
I watched the BBC clip of the disrupted council meeting and was at first given the impression she was an angry resident – further reseach and a BBC interview today reveals she is a Labour Party councillor.
And ex Big Brother contestant
Twitter search shows all media trying to hook up with her.
9:15 R4 prog Broadcasting House
Made a passing reference to “climate change conspiracy theory, those people that believe scientists made it all up for the money”
The speaker was a prof of Conspiracy Theories.
He was actually talking about conspiracy theories from Grenwell Tower residents , they played a clip saying there were 123 deaths not the 80 police say.
Next up was top rationalist Dianne Abbott, who asked about her health said “The people of Hackney”
She’s not the local MP and said the residents had a point .. illegals afraid to come forward etc.
\\On Monday a report “The Missing Muslims; Unlocking British Muslim Potential for the Benefit for All” is being published by Citizens UK. It’s the result of an 18th month commission chaired by Dominic Grieve MP. He tells Edward what they discovered and their recommendations.//
For those who have the misfortune not to read Conservative Woman here is a piece about a school that achieved “outstanding” from Offsted.
Based in Hackney the Offsted inspectors noted “the poor quality of teaching, poor subject knowledge, and poor facilities”
Only 3 pupils achieved an A in Maths and 2 an A in English.
So how did it win its “outstanding” award? Because, according to Offsted, the school possessed ““All the protected characteristics, particularly those relating to gender re-assignment and sexual orientation”.
There is more nonsense in the article, all of it will make you shudder at the direction of UK’s educational system.
It is a fact of life that when you hit the flush you cannot reverse the process.
BBC sml fantasyverse
She looks like the baking star, so insignificant that I cannot recall her name right now –
BBC, pneumatic advertising … Nadiya s English food adventures ???
After Junior Bake off, Chronicles of Nadiya, that Christmas special
With all the top chefs, brilliant cooks they have on the books
Oh … Where s that puff piece on the deeply spiritual Ramabomb pilgrimage thing?
… been shelved?
… I know, WHY?, an average cake maker?? … sorry Al BBC, i ve got one in my kitchen right now
The only minimal interest that I have
… Has the headscarf gone?
ie … is she still wrapping her head in Sharia?
… yes or no?
Sorry Al BBC that’s it
Doublethinker- You were quick to try and shoot my ideas down! I seem to have alarmed you. But it is a well constructed argument though I do have to respond to such a mood of pessimism that you convey.
Firstly you say the authorities would simply get the leaders like they did Tommy Robinson and the EDL. I must clarify I am not talking about street protesting soccer hooligans which is how the EDL came across. I am talking about parallel authorities formed being formed and visible. And I was talking about a movement in a pre-leadership phase. Of course there would have to be administrators and people with some authority around the place,but not the sort of hero worshipped leader, blindly followed who by being locked away brings the movement to a halt.
If the police think they can ‘cut off the head off the snake’ and stop the show they will. Any attempt of doing that against a nation wide peaceful movement of respectable people based in the shires will find it is more like cutting a head off the Hydra, as two more would grow in it’s place.
Now as regards to your comment = They would use the rebellion as an excuse to implement ever more repressive measures against white Brits and to increase their control of newspapers and the internet”
Well, look mate, they are doing it already. Theresa has her plans and they are coming out soon. And my “rebellion” as you term it is nowhere in existence yet.
Some thing has to be done is my point of view. Yours as stated is waiting for something. Waiting for something to hopefully happen in Eastern Europe?! Now I do agree with you about the desirability of other European countries legitimising our protests by similar political activity. That is a good point. To which I say, hear, hear, it would be nice if it does happen, but since the end of last year all the like minded political groups in the more relevant Western Europe have seen dramatic declines in the populist surge starting with Austria and then Germany , The Netherlands, France, Italy. I’m sorry but it looks the Brits are going to have to go it alone again. But hey! We’ve done it before.
Finally your comment that the British are a long way from supporting that sort of action. All I can say is that the Veterans groups that are waiting to be formed mentioned in the news today are not so distant from what I was proposing. And don’t get me wrong I am not proposing armed rebellion. I’m not that stupid. What I do propose is a solid show of defiance. Then we can expect the powers that be to take notice. At the moment Doublethinker you are suggesting waiting. “There is no viable alternative” you say . That don’t look good for the future, mate! To me that is like surrendering.
Actually there is a religious term for surrender, which for the moment escapes me, but I think it begins with an ‘I’
Yasser, DT has a point.
I have posted twice, I think, on this site the story of Nick Clarke – surprisingly (he was the most mild & balanced of presenters) – ‘going ballistic’ on WatO because Tony Blair in 1997/98 had had the idea of going round the country to talk to and LISTEN TO the public. The media, especially the BBC part of it, do not like people other than themselves taking responsibility and authority.
I think you might be on to something, though. Take those last two words in the above paragraph.
What if, around the UK, relatively well-off citizens got together and negotiated a deal with local D-I-Y stores and bought up supplies of smoke alarms, fire blankets and small extinguishers? Add a simple sheet of what to do ‘If concerned about fire risk or in the event of fire’ to a pack containing a smoke alarm, fire blanket & extinguisher.
These could then be taken to the local social housing and given to residents with the offer of help to fit the smoke alarm & to check if the information sheet needed to be available in another language.
Then there’s the litter clear up. In the community where I live, a group of folk organise litter clear ups. Anyone else is invited to join in and the gloves, litter picker-uppers and sacks are all provided for them.
Another area where a ‘Community Friends’ militia could operate is in the area of care for the elderly living alone. A ‘Flower Sunday’, perhaps, where bunches of flowers were delivered to them. Substitute cake for flowers – again get a bulk purchase deal with perhaps the seller (major supermarket?) chipping in some sponsorship. It struck me this weekend that we have reached the point nearly of total State dependency and this has been highlighted by the tragedy of Grenfell Tower. Maybe if we did something to help ourselves it might reduce this passive state of ‘State provision and entitlement’ from cradle to grave and build some social cohesion instead.
DT is, I think, right to be aware of the likely media response. They would be quick to disparage, even attack, such an organisation of people power. It would of course, smack of ‘populism’. By the way, I wonder where Populism as ‘threat’ suddenly disappeared to on the BBC?
Is it because Jeremy Corbyn is now very popular through preaching a populist message?
Andrew Marr says Jon didn’t say it. Well, probably.
Not sure he really engaged brain before opening mouth. Again
“The Truth is out there ……. and it hurts” –
Google increasingly restricts news of islam – all part and parcel of the media in general attempts to close down any discussion on islam or divert attention from the cult –
BBC Sunday Morning Dead, the racist Al BBC eh!, can t they just do away with anyone white and be done with the pretence
It irks them if any story does not enrich its crappy quota
can t even be bothered to type more on it … very sad
Whens Victoria and erm Abdul on?, (shakes head)
The only time we see any ethnics in the remote countryside or on isolated islands is when they are waving their arms around as tv presenters.
Or kids shipped in as part of a school party.
We were at RHS Wisley a couple of weeks ago. Plenty of people but the only adult “ethnic” was one Hindu woman who appeared to be with a white family, or perhaps the rest of her family was white.
Two or three groups of schoolchildren, some of which were ethnic. The children didn’t seem particularly interested in the gardens. It was probably chosen for the teachers’ benefit.
Clare, I’m amazed that children are taken out of school by TEACHERS!
Don’t you remember all that fuss about parents taking children on holiday in term time and completely ruining their education and future prospects?
When was it on the BBC?
About four months ago?
Further to my above comment, am just watching a Jurassic edition of Escape to the Country, and I think in all the years its been broadcast, I cannot remember a black couple being featured ! so I bet the Beeb have struggled to find applicants to fit their diversity bill. One or two e/m couples have appeared, but clearly Escape to the Country just means ‘white flight’ !!!!!
Still top value.
Great to see that bitch, Katty Kay, backing Britain !!
BBC News Press Team Retweeted
DailySunday Politics
Serving up ace political news & analysis of the days top spin, forced errors & winners,
umpired by @afneil @Jo_Coburn
– advantage viewers
Really? they must be bloody watching a different game
Nice moment on Sunday politics when a labour minister said there were 150,000 at corbyns march yesterday.
Brillo pulled him up and told him he was wrong and there were 15,000 there.
Once 150,000 is said it can be used from now on. The key is to remind this MP of the Many (150,000 you over stated ) not the Few (15,000 that actually turned up).
MM, LOL! Very sharp.
Anyone heard of ASHE?
It’s the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, published by the ONS.
And very intersting it is too. Not that the bBBC will be reporting on it.
It shows that median private sector earnings are only 85% of public sector earnings. This is essentially the same under-pay as going back to 2009. In other words, the public sector pay cap has had no material impact on their pay relative to the private sector. There were way ahead. They are still way ahead. And that excludes the fantastic public sector pension deals.
So, in the interests of a ‘fair society for the many not the few’, perhaps we should be looking at substantial pay cuts for the public sector, not scrapping the pay freeze. Logical, yes?
Don’t expect the biased BBC to point out these inconvenient truths as to how private sector workers are already being fleeced and yet it is they that will have to fund the snowflake largesse in the public sector.
Indeed Sluff, and the report goes onto say this has been true since 1997. Sorry, why does the UK have a deficit?
Getting a bit tired of the BBC and Channel 4 replaying their Labour crowds chants of “Jeremy Corbyn” as sung to the tune of the White Stripes.
Any chance of Jack White getting the copyright feees due with every play?
I mean-surely the workers deserve their pay for their labours-why should the media rentier class pimp off poor musicians like Jack and Meg?
Once I`ve seen some progress on this, I`ll get down to the local mosque and tell them that the Lefties all see Islam as the Opium Of the People.
They`ll not like that. Be fun to see the Commies tell them why Marx didn`t mean Muslims.
Or perhaps this is The Red Menace ?
Why is it that the Visegrad Four are the only four members of the EU that live in the real World?
Here’s another name to toy with: The Islamic Fiqh Council –
Needless to say, it has a Birmingham (UK) group.
The UK in 2017 or somewhere in the backward Middle East, circa 1500 or perhaps earlier?
Item 1 on the agenda. When we institute the caliphate and Sharia Law, should kaffirs be beheaded, stoned, or merely pay the Jizya tax for dhimmis?
Item 2. Should rape victims be beheaded, stoned, or merely made to marry the rapist?
Item 3. Should gays be beheaded, stoned, or merely thrown off tall buildings?
Item 4. Should Jews be beheaded, stoned, or beheaded?
Item 5. Should adulterers be beheaded, stoned, or whipped to death?
All bacon bullets & any other form of pork projectile is only an understandable reaction to years of Islamic foreign policy.
We must guard against Anglophobia and remember we cannot tar all Brits with the same brush.
Not all Brits fry their chips in lard & drink alcohol.
Not really BBC bias, and yet we all know, I think, that is has everything to do with it.
I find it unbelievable, yet all too believable.
I now suspect events are moving much more quickly than any of us realise.
Trying to decide if Paul Mason or Katty edges it on this one. I am going with the peroxide sink:
Meanwhile, John goes full Simpson. Never go full Simpson:
It is the definition of a left wing echo chamber.
Not a bBBC story, but, I believe that this needs to be kept alive as much as possible:
Funny how a lot of Far Left marches (Not One Day More etc) start at Broadcasting House.
Just saying.
Charlie Martel
They start there cos they get cuddles and hugs from the boys in the BBC.
BBC going crazy headlining all over their website an anti-trump story about something he tweeted – you will find headlined links to this story on the BBC homepage, the BBC news homepage, the BBC world news homepage and their us&canada news section:
Also on their Newsbeat homepage for 13 to 24 years – they are headlining a compilation of all their anti-trump fake and misleading news stories on “trump the woman hater”. This anti-trump sheet has been headlined for two days now and will probably stay there for another few days:
BBC feckers – time to end the license fee as they continue to work towards damaging Britain.
The BBC have just created another hysterical anti-Trump story: “Trump Stance Could Damage The Earth” – Says Stephen Hawking. This is currently being headlined on the BBC news homepage and the BBC Science news section.
The BBC have just created another hysterical anti-Trump story: “Trump Stance Could Damage The Earth”
Trump is but one man. The third world due to over population counts for millions, who all require space, food, and power, add their offspring (all coming our way) and that is much bigger threat than Trump and yet the left remain silent on the much larger threat:
Re “Trump damaging the earth” nonsense from the BBC. It`s Sunday and the kids are practicing to impress Quention and Jason as they head back from the Cotswolds I expect.
But this is one of those “degrees of separation” stories…how many stepping stones does it take from Trump to some global evil.
Currently working on how Trump caused Fukishima in 2011…should be able to get it onto the BBC via Buzzfeed sometime soon.
I started reading KT’s tweets there after seeing above, she made a complant to the chief constanble about officer khan.
She calls him another khan’t.
i prefer Sad Iq Khunt myself
but if you try Khant with a cockney or south african accent you get the same result