Seems like the BBC isn’t the only media organisation that has decided it should be the organisation that polices the internet and decides what is ‘appropriate’ for you to post on it….curiously it’s that other fake news outlet, CNN, who also thinks it can bully and intimidate people into thinking and speaking only approved thoughts…or else…..
Free speech campaigner Tom Slater, the deputy editor of Spiked magazine, told MailOnline: ‘The idea that the BBC reserves the power to shop you to your boss for saying something ‘objectionable’ should concern anyone who believes in free speech.
‘The definitions are so broad. ‘Objectionable’ according to whom? Who decides? That anyone could draft this without getting flashes of Nineteen Eighty-Four is beyond me. ‘
This is of course the same BBC that has ‘trolled’ Nigel Farage, Thatcher, Tommy Robinson and anyone who wants to control immigration or voted to Leave the EU….apparently anyone who did is racist and bigoted and just a little bit thick…according to so many BBC journalists who repeatedly make such claims. The BBC is the biggest peddler of hate crime and lies in the country….the BBC that labelled Britain a ‘nastier and more racist place’ after Brexit….just the white people of course.
I fail to see why anyone who voted for Brexit should pay the licence when they are treated with contempt, vilified and demonised and their democratic rights trampled on as the BBC works to undermine and stop Brexit.
Al beeb buys 69212 copies of The Guardian each year despite it being free online according to an FOI reported in The Mail.
What left wing bias??
So the BBC are playing right into the hands of good people like President Trump, and most posters here?
Seems a bit thick doesn’t it?
Mrs O’Blene and I turn on the news for a shuftie at around 6:00pm, then turn it off as soon as their ‘headlines’ are announced, then turn it on for the weather later on (we’re normally preparing supper with a tincture or three, so it’s not a chore really). It really gets worse when the ‘local’ news comes on, with all the benefits claimants and fat idiots complaining about their ‘rights’ so that all gets short shrift as well!
And that’s all we get for our TV Tax!
Being pensioners we have fewer skills nowadays in active fight against the thugs who love to bully non-tv taxpayers, especially the elderly and more British, because they’re easiest and the bullies get their bonuses, and maybe a day in court (hopefully incognito) explaining how brave they all are. The sort of trash plugged out by the BBC in the news and also other stuff mentioned elsewhere here, (although never watched, I have a good book to start, so the Doctor Fme bollocks and hospital die-here-please-we-need-poor-people-dying soaps are totally ignored), is a reminder of how bad the BBC really is these days, and what a shadow of the former stentorian uplifter of morals and decency it was all those years ago.
What a crap organisation, and now, unfortunately, let out in the wild by a pathetic government.
Back to the good book, I have the latest copy (the first copy ordered from my village library, only published a few hours ago, and the latest one by David Hewson – ‘Sleep baby sleep’)! So much better to look forward to than third-rate ‘acting’ and BBC soaps and tosh for day-time viewing morons.
I’ll let you know how I get on, but it being a Hewson story, it’ll be absolutely electric, so I may be some time…
Can’t wait to get started!
I understand that the Moscow offices of CNN have been raided by the Russian secret service, the FSB. I don’t know why but it might be linked to CNN posting fake news. If this is true, I wonder how long it will be before the far-left bbc offices are also raided?
I love the idea of Russian heavies ‘leaning on’ BBC staff 😉
in the news today,
Good its about time the Brexiteers and the right started fighting back.
I detect a realisation and exasperation that the BBC is undermining the Tories and government at every turn and I hope a strategy is developed .They have free rein at the moment .
Cuts are to blame for everything and everything should be free., seems to be their mantra . .Not unexpected when they can splurge their own free money on their pet projects.They have never had to live within their means or be truly accountable for anything.
Brussel broadcasting,………….its official we are absurd and have lost the arguement/
We lost because we are absurd, thats the evidence for the defence,…….the whole evidence supplied.
We “have simply lost the argument”………….. see simples, we lose the argument because we make an argument..
The Conservative former minister Ed Vaizey said: “Those people who question the BBC’s patriotism or declare that the BBC is somehow biased in this debate are absurd.” He added those who level claims of bias against the BBC “have simply lost the argument”.
Read more at:
“Theresa May’s official spokesman said: “Ministers and MPs and others will all have their views. It’s a matter for newspapers, broadcasters and others to determine the tone and content of their own coverage.” He added: “The Prime Minister has always been clear on the need to have a free press and free media in this country.” The Conservative former minister Ed Vaizey said: “Those people who question the BBC’s patriotism or declare that the BBC is somehow biased in this debate are absurd.” He added those who level claims of bias against the BBC “have simply lost the argument”.
This completely disregards the fact that BBC funding is forced on us. We are told again by another arrogant bastard that we are absurd & we should shut up while they degrade us. It loops us right back to the same basic & SIMPLE point. They can broadcast whatever lies they want and insult us everyday as long as we don’t have to pay for it! Axe the licence fee now.
free – able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another; not or no longer confined or imprisoned, without cost or payment; release from confinement or slavery.
Why do I need a TV Licence?
Section 363 of the Communications Act 2003 makes it an offence to install or use a television receiver to watch or record any television programmes as they’re being shown on television without a TV Licence.
Section 365 of that Act requires that a person to whom a TV Licence is issued must pay a fee to the BBC. The nature and amount of this fee is set out in the Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations 2004 (as amended).
Since 1991, the BBC, in its role as the relevant licensing authority, has been responsible for collecting and enforcing the TV Licence fee. The BBC contracts companies to do this work under the BBC trade mark ‘TV Licensing’. The BBC (and contractors acting on its behalf) must comply with the law in collecting and enforcing the licence fee. The BBC Charter further requires that these arrangements be appropriate, proportionate and efficient.
A possible solution … CrowdFund a campaign, everyone drops in £1 to £10 at the start to cover legal cost if a person who has not paid is legally attacked. Everyone who signs up to the Campaign agrees that in one years time (giving BBC notice) they will stop paying the TV license and rather than pay £145 give £10 to the campaign. All monies left after successful campaign goes to UK Army Veterans (50%) and UK homeless (50%).
No Scots jailed for dodging licence fee as calls for scrapping criminal penalties grow louder { Aug2015}
“Welcome To Hell” – Hamburg G20/2017 – Anti-Capitalism Jul2017
– nice smiling faces, behind the menacing hoods
– “anti” a person who is opposed to a particular practice, party, policy, action
– what is the alternative they would suggest?
– do these people all agree on an alternative?
– is it just the ‘disagreement of Capitalism’ that forms their agreement?
– would they rather have a North Korean economy? Venezuela economy (Inflation 800% 2016)? USA economy? Iranian economy?
In other News at the BBC … looks like some countries are more worthy than others …
“EU and Japan reach free trade deal { 06Jul2017}”
The European Union and Japan have formally agreed an outline free-trade deal.
The agreement paves the way for trading in goods without tariff barriers between two of the world’s biggest economic areas.
However, few specific details are known and a full, workable agreement may take some time.
Two of the most important sectors are Japanese cars and, for Europe, EU farming goods into Japan.
… …
The EU’s dairy farmers are struggling with falling demand (not competitive enough? too many farms? subsidies?) in its home nations and an ultra-competitive buying climate, which farmers say means they are paid less than the cost of production.
Even once the agreement is fully signed, the deal is likely to have in place long transition clauses of up to 15 years (the UK has all trading agreements in place,now, today) so to allow sectors in both countries time to adjust to the new outside competition.
– the UK has all trading agreements in place,now, today with the EU – so let’s pave the way for trading in goods without tariff barriers between the UK and EU!
Those of us of a sporting mind, as well as an overview on just how things are going in Medialand can only enjoy the utter bankruptcy, off the shelf takeaway idiocy of the lazy lotus-eating liberal lefty.
“Welcome to Hell” huh?
It`s as if none of us ever went to Istanbul to watch the football way back.
Let alone watching it all on the telly when both Fenerbache or Galatasaray were our opponents.
Both Istanbul clubs always tried to scare us off when we played out there.
This was their banner, think the clubs even had it on their tunnels as they were bribing the referee or taking bets on when our best player would get sent off.
Take courage-all this probably started with the death of Mrs Thatcher in 2013.
Between them , they couldn`t even do a Woody and write a shit song about it.
Had to buy a bit of an old Wizard Of Oz clip online-because the left has no humour, no creativity and no purpose whatsoever. Except to keep Jeremy Hardy and Frankie Boyle in their Kindertransport carriages at the front.
Welcome to Hell eh?…have they been to Lampadusa, Raqqa or Karachi then?
Ann Coulter: Destroys CNN over Threatening Reddit User Behind The Trump Wrestling GIF (7-5-17)
In which the BBC again decide to foment unrest. Uniquely.
Worth the duplicate, for any ‘normies’: