Just listening to that ineffective wimp Marr interviewing some thick plank of wood Liebour woman speaking about the usual cuts bullshit. Anyone who votes for Corbyn’s Labour needs to be labotomized. Her lies and verbal excreta given the usual free ride by Marr. I could destroy this dunderhead with an equation or a sentence. Why doesn’t Marr discuss the anti-semitic epidemic in Liebour? Or Corbyn’s extremist far-Left thugs? Because the BBC whole-heartedly support him and his foul agenda.
Whatever, (including Lidington the Justice Minister talking about the ‘main’ issues) no mention whatever of islam and the rapidly increasing public dissatisfaction. I’ll bet the Government (and BBC) are frightened to death of what is likely to ensue when the public decide to act on the principle of, ‘No More’.
“why doesn t Marr discuss the anti-semitic epidemic in Liebour”?
Easy, because there isn t one, you perhaps mean the manufactured smear to achieve buy in from Murdoch press.
(yawn! and yep! that s not difficult)
Last year it was alleged anti-Semitism too, which was laughably treated as a fact even when a Tory-dominated parliamentary committee was forced to conclude, yep! … that there was no evidence for it.
By all means dispute the claim that there is an “antisemitic epidemic” on the Left, but to claim that antisemitism is not a growing problem within the Labour Party contradicts what many of its supporters have reported, and to claim that their claims are “manufactured smear” by “Tories” and the “Murdoch” press is contemptible.
Antisemitism is a problem growing in Britain, and you know why as much as me, same as it is all over Europe, one word beginning with I. In the Labour party, as in ANY party it may grow with demographics
… Soon enough you will see an Islamic party that will hold a small number of seats, then you can stop playing stupid politic points, and face the REAL issue.
Nobody is denying that Islam is antisemitic, but to claim that Islam is the only reason for the growth of antisemitism in the Labour Party is incorrect. There is a long history of antisemitism on the Left, which has nothing to do with Islam.
The above article is wrong to imply that antisemitism is only a Leftist phenomena, there is a Christian as well as Muslim antisemitism for a start, but modern antisemitism finds its natural home on the Left rather than among advocates of classical liberalism, which is what most Conservatives in the UK advocate these days.
Why doesn’t someone important collect some of the many examples of BBC bias such as wronged did last year when he kept tally of the number of remainers and leavers on qt.
If they were presented with the evidence in black and white and with no possibility of worming their way out it would be interesting to see how they try to respond.
Wronged detailed weekly the panels on qt and their in or out positions. He was scrupulously fair and awarded a few undecideds as well as the something like two to one bias in favour of the remainers.
How could the BBC respond to honest facts like that.
There are so many examples such as the bias regarding Trump, immigration, Muslims, agw, antisemitism, qt panels still left wing biased, multicultural and the LGBT plus whatever initials are now added on.
ALL of these will show the BBC bias to the left and if someone with a bit of clout were to present it or a newspaper were to publish the facts they must surely respond and a reply that they think they get it about right would be nonsense if the FACTS were presented truthfully.
I doubt any politician would do this as they all are scared of the BBC, all the slebs are far left and to be fair, all the other tv stations are almost as bad with their own bias.
Maybe someone like Tim Weatherspoon or a retired politician like Norman Tebbit.
Ideally we should have a tv station which gives the truth and without the BBC type of far left bias.
A Breitbart or Fox UK channel would be a start.
I’m not holding my breath.
Anyone who thinks the BBC can be harmed by not paying their licence are wrong because if they started to run out of money the politicians would find a way of giving them some funding or maybe incorporating the licence tax with the income tax and the BBC would be paid directly from the treasury.
Emmanuel Goldstein
I have great satisfaction in not paying the Telly Tax .
If more people did this it would give the Tory party more weight to privatize Al Beeb.
Let those who hold the broadcaster in high esteem pay for it.
I treat the biased and bloated broadcaster with contempt. Come join us in the telly tax strike
Trans Alert : BBC1 bbcSML now “Is there enough understanding of transgender issues?”
Features : panel of 4 : Juno Dawson, Mike from church, Jo Will (Spiked), + Telegraph woman’s writer, + tina_beardsley
er, Trans Christian Activist, Author
A bit of Googling for Juno Dawson (a Trans gender author) says she is a mutil-award winning author of 6 novels for adults. Some of her books:
1. Spot The Difference – a book about bullying
2. Margot and Me – a book about bullying and gay relationships
3. This Book is Gay – no explanation needed!
4. Mind Your Head – a book about mental health
and many more with equally wrist slitting titles.
Watching her on BBC1 Sunday Morning Live she mentioned some made up statistic how almost all transgender people try to commit suicide as if it due to the treatment of trans people by others. Of course a comment like that on BBC will always go unchallenged.
Is it still ok to say …. “I don’t know whether I’m Arthur or Martha ” ? ….. a decades old saying meaning I’m in a tizz and don’t know what ‘m doing or where I’m going .
The version I recall is “Glen or Glenda”, but only because it was directed by Ed Wood and thoroughly hilarious (for all the wrong reasons), oh and because I worked with a Glen who was a little on the camp side, earning himself the nickname of Glenda and a pair of pearl earrings from secret Santa one year.
Apparently Wood directed G or G in 1953, he was so ahead of his time, actually I think there’s nothing new in life, it’s all been done before, and transgenderism might be the BBC obsession of the year, but they were doing it in: Indonesia, Thailand, India, North America, West Africa…. millennia ago.
No problem with it personally, just wish they’d shut up and mince off in their high heels where I don’t need to hear their attention seeking “it’s not fair” whinging all the time. Fact is most of them really DO want to be noticed (even if that notice is being laughed at and ridiculed) that’s what it’s really all about, isn’t it? A certain BBC ‘transgender’ comes to mind there, you know the one who runs marathons in a dress? Couldn’t keep us amused as a ‘comedian’, so now a drag queen, yeah that one. Don’t mention his name, that’s what he wants, so better not to fed the croc (of shite).
Bit like a certain kind of gay person, I know gays who quietly get on with it, fair enough, no one else’s business, but then you get the ones who demand your attention all the time, you know the type, a lot of them seem to be employed (with extremely lucrative contracts) by the Boob. They make a living out of being ‘outrageously’ gay, and then complain that people are ‘victimising’ them for it… say no more.
Ed Wood was a transvestite – a description little used nowadays thanks to all the “transgender” shit. I once read a biography of Wood which said he wore an angora sweater of the type seen in “Glen Or Glenda” under his Marine uniform when he took part in the amphibious invasion of one of the Japanese held Pacific islands.
Juno is not a bad person
Of all the trans she’s the most reasonable
“I don’t want to be a trans rent-a-gob I’m just a normal writer”
(Last Thursday she did R4 4Thought and chose to focus on Dr Who than the trans the BBC wanted.
And she had a point about being ambushed by having the de-gaying supporter Mike Davidson on.
He’s labelled as a Gay Conversion Therapist so trans-activists say he should be banned
… He maintains that labelling is false.
Saying he had gay tendencies he felt were wrong, so talked them over and came to be 100% heterosexual. And says all he does is help people who come to him in a similar situation.. no brainwashing, electric shocks etc.
Background : http://www.christianconcern.com/our-concerns/freedom-of-speech/mike-davidson-whatever-gay-conversion-therapy-is-banning-it-wont-chan
So there’s the hypocrisy from trans.
They say there should be no prejudice against them.
But they prejudice anyone who feels they can talk out their gay feelings.
Knowing someone in the process of transgendering, may I suggest that the suicide attempts are partly because their head is in a really difficult place and partly that the transgendering is partly attention seeking and nothing to do with bullying by other people.
I’ve always thought there must be underlying mental health issues when I hear about the suicide attempts of so-called transgender people which have nothing to do with bullying and verbal abuse. I’ve seen interviews with people who have been surgically altered to appear like the opposite sex who are still unhappy with life. Some even go back to living in their original gender( obviously without functional genitalia) . In fact one of them has created an online site to help the many people with such problems. Strangely enough, this chap appeared on a documentary about body dysmorphia and plastic surgery on one of the Freeview channels. Such a programme going against the Utopian transgender narrative would NEVER be seen on the BBC.
AS someone said on this site.
Are they XX or XY…that will clearly separate the 98% from the 2% with extra chromosomes or suchlike.
Too simple eh?…deterministicand allows for no fantasy imaginings.
Have every respect and sympathy for all who feel confused…but Tom Robinson showed us all how to get paid twice over as gay and straight…and HE`S never got at for his “self administered conversion therapy” is he? But he`s not Christian…maybe working for the BBC lets you off.
Anybody asked the Muslims yet?…be Islamophobic not to I`d have thought.
Is it just me or are we all witnessing the breakdown of Law and Order in the West? Increasingly, the police are unable to deal with it and the time will come shortly, when the mobs sense that and will triumph over the stretched, disheartened police. It seems that ‘Mob Rule’ is the power of today whether it is the far Left (as in Hamburg just) or islamic groups bent on their path to World domination. Whichever, (and they are the two principal factions), it will mean the law of the jungle is about to become a reality as we watch any so-called justice evaporating before our very eyes. I say again, only a military coup can arrest this rapidly deteriorating situation. It would be far better right now than wait to see such places as Bradford, Birmingham, Bristol et al. turned into a UK epitome of Mosul.
Foo Haloo the under-ground [i.e. young farmers] FSFO…..[Financial centre fcuk off} the motto.
5/6 went to jail for burning down 30/40 kit houses, as soon as the roof went on, they burnt down.
CB radio our clarion.
They got ‘political” sentences, and not arson sentences, slaps on the wrist, 2 went on to be ministers in our government.
An example.
The Foo Haloo freesheet which was cranked out on a Gestener duplicator machine in a barn and ditributed around the Islands pubs
One snippet which sticks in my mind was a report concerning the late John J Bell, MHK for South Douglas and Chairman of the Airports Board.
It stated that his library had burnt down causing him great distress as both books were destroyed and compounding the misery was the fact that he had not finished colouring in one of them
” Increasingly, the police are unable to deal with it……” Shouldn’t that be ‘increasingly, the police are UNWILLING to deal with it…’. See police behaviour in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford etc. Also the police in Sweden are pressured by their left wing, Islam appeasing government to ignore such complaints, or to minimse the seriousness of the crimes committed against children by Muslims. Should the offenders somehow appear in court, they are given the lightest sentences, if not allowed to go free, for “cultural” reasons. We are not far behind the Swedes in this matter where the law is ignored by the authorities in the case of criminality among Muslims ( see the amnesty for sub-letting, benefit fraud and harbouring illegal immigrants in the Grenfell Tower fire as an example).
glastonbury and corbyn the garden gnome now you know why I gave on the overpriced joke that is glastonbury for the infinately better Download at Donnington and at Download you dont has your intelligence insulted by the garden gnome corbyn
I wonder if one third of the Inside Science programme will be dedicated to this story, as they did when Mann was given a platform to whinge about Trump.
That piece is a bit premature, we need to wait to see if the actual judge says that Mann is in contempt of court.
Paul Homewoid covered the story.
Antony Watts didn’t cos he doesn’t take Principia-Scientific seriously.
Fat Anthony is nothing more than a gate-keeper for the GHE.
As long as they can claim theres an effect, they can maintain a site disputing the amount of effect.
This what fat anthony does whilst he sells his eco-vehicles, and prospers nicely from his site and notoriety
Same with spencer Monkton et al.
Daily mail is the same, in the right/left way, gate-keepers, controlled opposition.
Weatheaction and Mensa are on the ball. But I don’t think the others are “with it” on effect, or what it means.
I once simultaneously held thermodynamics and the Arrhenius method in my head, despite an IQ of 164. So it must be much more difficult for the rest of humanity.
In fact there were very brainy attempts to fit the silly carbon dioxide theory of Arrhenius to fit the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Mars and Venus. Mars being easier because Venus has a quarter of a million times more CO2 than Earth, while Mars has only 16 times more, which is almost exactly 4 times doubling. I remember that the difference between the black body temperature and the average surface temperature was between zero and 12 Kelvin, with an eventual result of 3 Kelvin. That produced an insanely bonkers and weak result for Venus, adjusting for distance from the Sun. That’s what ended the madness for me, and then the brother of the Labour leader seemed to now make sense.
The GWPF is dominated by people who think the Arrhenius method with its black body temperature is still the answer, even though nobody serious in science has brought it up with the Astronomers that I was in contact with, since feedback was found to be negative.
Now I find Astronomers and Mensa members have found an alternative to the failed Arrhenius method with the Unified Theory of Climate, by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller. I think they did once have a mention in a GWPF article.
Take silver spanner and a black hammer, put them out in the sun, which gets the hottest, ?.
The spanner, as it is a better absorber than emitter, even tho it is a poor absorber.
It has to get warmer than the hammer to emit the same or more energy than it receives.
The black hammer will absorb and emit at the same rate, trapping little energy and will always be cooler than the chrome spanner after an hour in the sun.
Neither a chrome spanner or hammer can become hotter than the blackbody temperature of the sun’s energy impinging on them.
Or as JP puts it.
Joseph E Postma says:
2017/07/06 at 9:20 AM
For a given energy F that must be emitted, you would look at the equation F = e*sigma*T^4, where e is the emissivity between 0 and 1. So for a fixed F, then
T^4 = F/e/sigma.
So if e is maximum at 1.0, this gives the lowest T. If e reduces then F is being divided by a number smaller than 1, hence T increases.
“the most efficient absorbers and emitters achieve the highest temperatures (asphalt, black sand, etc)”
Actually, that statement is incorrect as you can see that it contradicts what was explained mathematically, above. In fact, the most efficient emitters achieve the lowest temperatures for a given absorptivity. If you have a chrome or some form of shiny wrench, leave it out in the sun and it will become much, much warmer than a black surface right beside it. This is because even though it has poor absorptivity, it has even poorer emissivity and the poor emissivity makes it have to become much hotter to emit the energy that it absorbs.
All 400ppm of co2 in the atmosphere would have to be radiating at 2,499 kelvin each ppm to warm the surrounding 999,600ppm of atmosphere by 1 kelvin……………..i.e. nearly half as hot as the sun.
My point was the sophistry of describing CO2 as a heat trapping gas, when infact it is most efficient at passing off that energy it absorbs, and that makes co2 a coolant, which is the only industrial use i am aware of that CO2 is used for as a very efficient refrigerant .
A CO2 molecule would have to get hotter than the sun to raise the 2499 molecules temperatures surrounding it by more than 2 kelvin, co2 is the black hammer, and the 2499 ppm Nitrogen/mix is the chrome spanner.
re-above, when you put the black hammer and chrome spanner in thermal contact with each other, the black hammer becomes a conduit of energy release for the chrome spanner, until equilibrium is achieved, if you put 980,000 parts per million none radiative gases together with 20,000 ppm of radiative gases, the radiative gases emit all energy from the 1 million parts to space, thus they are coolants, and very very efficient at keeping a stable system temperature.
Radiative is my way of terming infra-red absorbing emitting gases
“Is there enough understanding of transgender issues?”
Trying to be fair and honest here, I don’t think there is. My gut reaction to the issue is that transgenders are deluded people with psychological disorders. But I might be wrong. I don’t think there has been enough research in this area. Maybe there is but I haven’t seen it. Perhaps it has been suppressed. The question the programme is really trying to ask is, “Is there enough public acceptance of transgender issues as transgenders themselves understand them?” The answer to that question is No and rightly No.
This is, of course, against any number of BBC guidelines on controversial topics. I submitted a complaint. Don’t have much hope of a quick or satisfactory reply.
There will inevitably be some downside to Brexit. It is a big adjustment but IMO the benefits of leaving far outweigh the negatives. They always have done.
I do, however, agree with Vince Cable in that there are many influential establishment figures/multinationals/CBI who will do their damndest to ensure Brexit won’t happen.
It must one of the few occasions I have agreed wth Vince Cable albeit for different reasons.
Nice to see elderly white men being given an outing by al beeb. Remaining is so popular in the country that the only party supporting it – liberals – got how many seats and votes? Yet how much air does it allow Cable and his losers?
Vince ran a clothes shop in Carnaby Street, long before the Beatles had ever heard of the place. It catered for gentlemen of a certain degree of delicacy.
As seemed inevitable, there is now increased speculation that Sinn Fein/IRA might be persuaded to take their seats in the HoC, doubtless following considerable (and very quiet) contacts behind the scenes with members of Corbyn’s inner circle. The BBC would, of course, be delighted if that happened, and which would boost their campaign to put Corbyn into no 10. I think their vote added to the motley crew of Lab, LD, SNP, Green and Plaid would leave the anti-Conservatives 14 short and, happily, I rather think SF/IRA would decide against taking their seats.
Just imagine, the DUP got a great deal for their ten votes.
In a few years time when the Muslims are a lot stronger and have many MPs in parliament, just what would they get in return for doing a deal with a labour government that needed their votes to form a governing majority.
That is, until they take over completely (about 2050)
I just hope they are as tolerant to us as we were to them when we had power.
There is no need for muslims to form their own party, the Labour Party will be their reliable route into power. Many dhimmis will vote Labour without realising what they are doing, and one day a “nice” muslim such as the Emir of London will become Prime Minister. I can see it happening.
You mean things like the de facto blasphemy law, Islamic finance, sharia courts, Don’t Go To Jail Card if Drunk, ‘Three Monkey’ justice system, State Sponsored Conversion Schemes (Prisons)etc. etc.?
Our only hope is that the current political mantra of putting minorities first will still apply when it is our turn.
“”A FIERCE Brexit-backing peer from the House of Lords has lashed out at the BBC for “willing Brexit to fail” and urged the press to stop taking a side.””
“”Lord Digby Jones has ripped into the anti-Brexit press for “gloating whenever something related to Brexit goes wrong”.
“”The scathing on-air attack from the life peer targeted the BBC during an interview with Radio 4 this morning.””
“”This comes after Liam Fox, the International Trade Secretary, said the BBC “would rather see Britain fail than Brexit succeed””
I have just heard a most extraordinary lead story on Weekend World at One. I was a few seconds switching on and from what I heard, and how it was delivered, I could only think one of the Dimbelebys had died. Googled to see which one – and it was neither. Apparently the most important thing that has happened in the world is that Robbie Gibb (no, bot the Beegees man) has defected from the BBC to the Tories. Sorry, I hadn’t heard of him either. But the way that the BBC reprised his life, you would really have thought someone had died. Wasn’t quite the same when James Parnell came over to the BBC, Ben Bradshaw went to Labour or Paul Mason for that matter. Extraordinary.
Sounds like mr gibb is deluded as Mays number 10 staff who lost her a stone bonker majority by not being conservative . Should have just promised to earth like Corbyn as it’s about buying votes more than ever now .
The Tories are a Left of centre party anyway now, so it’s not a surprise to find a BBC type being attracted to a party which has taken the place of nu Liebour.
Hmm! An interesting news item in The Express on one of the ultra-green BBC’s favourite technologies http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/826553/Solar-panel-fire-fears-BRE-flats-east-London-Bethnal-Green
I don’t recall ever hearing BBC reporting previous solar panel fires in 2013, 2014 and 2015, which is surely something that would be of key interest to householders – perhaps because it’s contrary to their agenda.
So a listen the Radio 4 this am cut short following some Gina Murray bloke suing the Government under the Bribery and Corruption laws re. the DUP deal and then surprise surprise – a transgender story.
I wonder at the country they envisage for when they get their own way?
A little light relief.
The extract below is taken from a brilliantly witty book by Guy Browning – Never Hit a Jellyfish with a Spade. Each page is an irreverent take on life, with some laugh out loud moments.
How to be Political
Budding politicians start at the local level, which gives rise to odd things like parish council expenditure on a park bench being debated on party lines with great passion, heat and venom. This is one of the main reasons why we don’t have park benches. At election time political people put signs outside their houses. The intended effect is to instantly change the political persuasions of anyone walking past in the street. What really happens is that you suddenly get crossed off the dinner-party lists of people walking past in the street,
To be political you need to be able to talk with great passion, conviction and sincerity about everything except the answer to the question. You also need to show complete and unswerving loyalty to the party leader, whoever it happens to be that week. Finally, you need to have the common touch with people (this doesn’t mean sleeping with as many as possible).
There are only three kinds of people who knock on British doors; plumbers, religious nutters and politicians – and they all promise to fix one thing or another. Unless you’re very, very lonely, or have a problem with your washing machine, don’t let any of them in. Remember, if politicians were really that useful, they’d be in Yellow Pages.
Cheers friend, always nice to get feedback that isn’t a troll calling me a facist or a c***ing communist or krypto communist Tory scum or the like. Ain’t internet anonymity great?
I was actually tempted to start a website where people can post displays of the more colourful language they’ve encountered on their travels. Most bizarrely there’s someone (blocked) who posts anti Semitic comments within minutes of posting to YouTube, in spite of me clearly not even being Jewish, I mean the guy must be a subscriber too to be so fast, my wife and I find it almost funny.
I suppose in the same way we had all the revelatory documentaries regarding great women, blacks, gays, Muslims in history.
We’ll get the same treatment only for trans. I won’t be at all surprised to hear what Churchill (‘the bbc has learned’) wore under his siren-suit or that Nelson loved skipping round in Lady Hamilton’s frocks.
I become increasingly dismayed by the utter disregard the bbc has for any observance or warnings at times they know full well children may be listening. They may bang on about children’s sexualisation but we know with the bbc, agenda is all.
Countryfile “What did Heap have the Hump about this week Mum ?”
Rural homelessness : new report coming soon from @CSnelling_UK
eg Ex Falklands squaddie camping in the woods
… (Well MetroBubble UK has different priorities
Like they spent £80K each Grenfell flat so undocumented migrants can live in posh West London
And now the priority is to find them some proper luxury place in posh London to live in.
Hence no money to help native born ex forces etc.)
BTW the “sciencey” person behind the report yesterday tweeted
“@CSnelling_UK : I don’t think a single Olympian introduced in today’s royal box at Wimbledon was non-white.”
(Well when I checked newspaper report they said NIchola Adams was there…there’s also a black guy on the right of the C4 photos ..looks like a footballer, maybe a husband)
..With that kind of priorities …. and accuracy I don’t expect much from her report.
Personally I’m heartily sick of the daily photos showing the ‘privileged’ in the Royal Box at Wimbledon. If anything smacks of ‘them and us’ then this is up there with the best. D listers like Tess Daly & husband Vernon (cant keep his zipper up) Kay , Beckham despite his language on not getting a knighthood is another grinning regular. Further to StewGreen’s comment above, are there any members of our Forces ever invited to sit there ? and I’m not talking about the brocaded officers.
Lets be cheered with some good news.
For the second time in a month, Alison Graham, in no less a publication than the Radio Times, has the biased BBC news banged to rights. Here are some of her quotes.
“This is the news….it shouldn’t be a tear stained reality show”
“”How do you feel”…. the most redundant thoroughly vacuous piece of tasteless blancmange in the journalist’s emotional armoury”
“I really don’t want or need to watch people sobbing in acute distress”
“Not only did the camera hang about, it also zoomed right in for a proper close up shot of her tears”
“I cant make any apology for duffing up BBC news again”
Alison, I salute you! What a pity you are in such a tiny minority among your fellow propagandists, or in your case, journalists.
Daily Express: London Borough wants to leave Mayor Khan.
“”London’s Brexit capital to vote to take back control from Sadiq Khan’s ‘mini EU’ City Hall””
“”RESIDENTS in the London borough of Havering have voiced their support for a council motion that would take back control of local decision-making and break away from Sadiq Khan’s City Hall.””
“”Jon Cruddas, Labour MP for Dagenham and Rainham, was shocked at the motion, which he said would be bad for locals””
Yes, when it comes down to it this country’s decision makers seem so constrained by what the bbc will think and might say.
What the arrogant little bbc shits might say and questions they might ask? Ooh! too scary!
I guess for kids who live on credit and have no conception of ‘future’, Corbyn’s spend, borrow, bankrupt economy would seem like a sound plan.
Beyond a free skive at University, bigger benefits and free stuff for dole scum, I can’t see what, if anything Labour has to offer to the bulk of working people. Clearly I’m missing something?
Why don’t the BBC produce a Panorama programme on the corruption contained in the EU, or the lack of national identity in country’s like Sweden have undergone, or how bankrupt the EU is,or the lack of auditing, or the abuse of expenses, or the lack of democracy in the EU, or how ineffective the voice of our MEP’s are in that only the 12 or so Commissioners can decide anything, or the exceptionally high levels of unemployment,or how the Islam faith is spreading across the EU in a negative way due to freedom of movement, or how countries like Spain are going into recession, or how the EU army is fast emerging, or
Indeed wronged, and what a coincidence that the BBC should choose virulently anti-Brexit Sainsburys for their in-depth appraisal. The report added that ‘other supermarkets declined to contribute to the Panorama investigation…’
That, of course, would depend on the suitability of their replies, or even whether they were actually asked.
Never mind shoppers in the dark, I think we’re all being kept in the dark when journalists fail to report … Farming subsidies: this is the most blatant transfer of cash to the rich {theguardian.com jul2013}
“It’s the silence that puzzles me. Last week the chancellor (George Osborne) stood up in parliament to announce that benefits for the very poor would be cut yet again. On the same day, in Luxembourg, the British government battled to maintain benefits for the very rich. It won. As a result, some of the richest people in the country will each continue to receive millions of pounds in income support from taxpayers.
There has been not a whimper of protest. The Guardian hasn’t mentioned it. UK Uncut is silent. So, at the other end of the spectrum, is the UK Independence party. (did BBC report it?)
… capitalism for the poor and socialism for the rich.”
– Combination of greedy UK MPs using a bureaucratic EU policy?
– two governments in particular resisted Germany and the UK, but which others (see the word particular), and which countries would benefit the most (sloppy on facts)?
– Iain Duncan Smith, lives on an estate owned by his wife’s family. During the last 10 years it has received €1.5m in income support from taxpayers. (EU Rebates)
The article falls short of listing all the MP’s (mentions a Conservative) and celebrities (does Gary Lineker benefit?) who would benefit from such policies.
Thanks for the article Markymark, I have to admit i rarely read The Guardian newspaper and George Monbiot is someone whose views I often disagree with. However, he has raised some very interesting points, I was unaware of the following
‘Farmers are exempted from inheritance tax and capital gains tax. They can build, without planning permission, structures which lesser mortals would be forbidden to erect, boosting both their capital and income. And they have a guaranteed income from the state. ‘
David Cameron’s father in law Lord Astor has a huge income from windmills on his land. People like David Cameron think of making money first and then create the argument to support its financing (Climate change)
You could always make each farmer apply for planning permission forvesch new outbuilding, and make him comply with eco surveys, bat surveys, and all the green eco shit the hippies belive in.
They’d take months/ yrs and lots of money to make their livestock safe, but hey who cares eh?
So, what do you think would happen to A The suplly of food and B the resultant price?
Its market driven. The soviets forbad the price of essential foodstuffs from going over the maximum..the result? Sweet FA in the shops and they all starve. Great eh?
The politics of envy will only lead to starvation.
You may well have a point about wind turbines, but the answer is never going to be yours.
You could always make each farmer apply for planning permission for each new outbuilding, and make him comply with eco surveys, bat surveys, and all the green eco shit the hippies believe in.
They’d take months/ yrs and lots of money to make their livestock safe, but hey who cares eh?
So, what do you think would happen to A The suplly of food and B the resultant price?
Its market driven. The soviets forbad the price of essential foodstuffs from going over the maximum..the result? Sweet FA in the shops and they all starve. Great eh?
The politics of envy will only lead to starvation.
You may well have a point about wind turbines, but the answer is never going to be yours.
For me the article was interesting because it highlighted the lack of journalist investigation across the board. Even mentions the Guardian failing to report on it – and it would be interesting to know how the “Impartial” BBC reported on it a the time.
“There has been not a whimper of protest. The Guardian hasn’t mentioned it. UK Uncut is silent. So, at the other end of the spectrum, is the UK Independence party. (how did the BBC report on it?)”
– how did George “For the May Jobs, Not the Few Jobs” Osborne and family profit from this policy?
– is it right to have land and get paid for not being productive? Show the worst offenders!
– I do understand that there is a case for just owning land to protect it or keep it in the family.
– at least show how other countries voted? The article just mentions UK,Germany.
– I could not find voting for the policy – but someone else might get lucky – Vote Watch European Union – votewatch.eu *
We learn from Today that Australia has free-trade agreements with many, many countries. How about that?
And when it comes to citizens living abroad – how come Aussies here and Brit’s over there seem to get on ok but when it comes to the arrangements with the EU it’s insurmountable?
Funny how while telling us what we can’t have because we won’t be in the EU – the EU is demanding rights for their citizens although Britain, as they bang on, will no longer be in the EU. Foreigners huh.
I am just assuming the guy is a Bliar chum with a vested interest in staying in the EU.
Also he says “the intention of supermarkets is to drive price down, quality up, and therefore improve value for money …” Methinks their intention is rather to make a profit for the company.
Presumably leaving the EU will mean some original thought is required from management.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Just listening to that ineffective wimp Marr interviewing some thick plank of wood Liebour woman speaking about the usual cuts bullshit. Anyone who votes for Corbyn’s Labour needs to be labotomized. Her lies and verbal excreta given the usual free ride by Marr. I could destroy this dunderhead with an equation or a sentence. Why doesn’t Marr discuss the anti-semitic epidemic in Liebour? Or Corbyn’s extremist far-Left thugs? Because the BBC whole-heartedly support him and his foul agenda.
Whatever, (including Lidington the Justice Minister talking about the ‘main’ issues) no mention whatever of islam and the rapidly increasing public dissatisfaction. I’ll bet the Government (and BBC) are frightened to death of what is likely to ensue when the public decide to act on the principle of, ‘No More’.
“why doesn t Marr discuss the anti-semitic epidemic in Liebour”?
Easy, because there isn t one, you perhaps mean the manufactured smear to achieve buy in from Murdoch press.
(yawn! and yep! that s not difficult)
Last year it was alleged anti-Semitism too, which was laughably treated as a fact even when a Tory-dominated parliamentary committee was forced to conclude, yep! … that there was no evidence for it.
“no evidence for it”
“manufactured smear…from Murdoch press”
By all means dispute the claim that there is an “antisemitic epidemic” on the Left, but to claim that antisemitism is not a growing problem within the Labour Party contradicts what many of its supporters have reported, and to claim that their claims are “manufactured smear” by “Tories” and the “Murdoch” press is contemptible.
Antisemitism is a problem growing in Britain, and you know why as much as me, same as it is all over Europe, one word beginning with I. In the Labour party, as in ANY party it may grow with demographics
… Soon enough you will see an Islamic party that will hold a small number of seats, then you can stop playing stupid politic points, and face the REAL issue.
…”contemptible”, FFS wake up.
Nobody is denying that Islam is antisemitic, but to claim that Islam is the only reason for the growth of antisemitism in the Labour Party is incorrect. There is a long history of antisemitism on the Left, which has nothing to do with Islam.
The above article is wrong to imply that antisemitism is only a Leftist phenomena, there is a Christian as well as Muslim antisemitism for a start, but modern antisemitism finds its natural home on the Left rather than among advocates of classical liberalism, which is what most Conservatives in the UK advocate these days.
Why doesn’t someone important collect some of the many examples of BBC bias such as wronged did last year when he kept tally of the number of remainers and leavers on qt.
If they were presented with the evidence in black and white and with no possibility of worming their way out it would be interesting to see how they try to respond.
Wronged detailed weekly the panels on qt and their in or out positions. He was scrupulously fair and awarded a few undecideds as well as the something like two to one bias in favour of the remainers.
How could the BBC respond to honest facts like that.
There are so many examples such as the bias regarding Trump, immigration, Muslims, agw, antisemitism, qt panels still left wing biased, multicultural and the LGBT plus whatever initials are now added on.
ALL of these will show the BBC bias to the left and if someone with a bit of clout were to present it or a newspaper were to publish the facts they must surely respond and a reply that they think they get it about right would be nonsense if the FACTS were presented truthfully.
I doubt any politician would do this as they all are scared of the BBC, all the slebs are far left and to be fair, all the other tv stations are almost as bad with their own bias.
Maybe someone like Tim Weatherspoon or a retired politician like Norman Tebbit.
Ideally we should have a tv station which gives the truth and without the BBC type of far left bias.
A Breitbart or Fox UK channel would be a start.
I’m not holding my breath.
Anyone who thinks the BBC can be harmed by not paying their licence are wrong because if they started to run out of money the politicians would find a way of giving them some funding or maybe incorporating the licence tax with the income tax and the BBC would be paid directly from the treasury.
Emmanuel Goldstein
I have great satisfaction in not paying the Telly Tax .
If more people did this it would give the Tory party more weight to privatize Al Beeb.
Let those who hold the broadcaster in high esteem pay for it.
I treat the biased and bloated broadcaster with contempt. Come join us in the telly tax strike
Like that word labotomised?
Labour meets Dianne Abbott meets FGM meets lobotomy.
Alex I only tell you this because of what your Left wing opponents would make of a rather unfortunate gaffe.
labotomized ?
Corbyn would have his America Laboratory removed?
Lobotomy , or lobotomised would have been better.
Trans Alert : now on R4, couple Tina & Mark talking as bout his transition to Madison
#bbcbh radio 4 with @bbcpaddy
Yesterday I listed yesterday
Quick link to last page of posts
Trans Alert : BBC1 bbcSML now “Is there enough understanding of transgender issues?”
Features : panel of 4 : Juno Dawson, Mike from church, Jo Will (Spiked), + Telegraph woman’s writer, + tina_beardsley
er, Trans Christian Activist, Author
A bit of Googling for Juno Dawson (a Trans gender author) says she is a mutil-award winning author of 6 novels for adults. Some of her books:
1. Spot The Difference – a book about bullying
2. Margot and Me – a book about bullying and gay relationships
3. This Book is Gay – no explanation needed!
4. Mind Your Head – a book about mental health
and many more with equally wrist slitting titles.
Watching her on BBC1 Sunday Morning Live she mentioned some made up statistic how almost all transgender people try to commit suicide as if it due to the treatment of trans people by others. Of course a comment like that on BBC will always go unchallenged.
Is it still ok to say …. “I don’t know whether I’m Arthur or Martha ” ? ….. a decades old saying meaning I’m in a tizz and don’t know what ‘m doing or where I’m going .
Arthur who ? Martha who ?
The version I recall is “Glen or Glenda”, but only because it was directed by Ed Wood and thoroughly hilarious (for all the wrong reasons), oh and because I worked with a Glen who was a little on the camp side, earning himself the nickname of Glenda and a pair of pearl earrings from secret Santa one year.
Apparently Wood directed G or G in 1953, he was so ahead of his time, actually I think there’s nothing new in life, it’s all been done before, and transgenderism might be the BBC obsession of the year, but they were doing it in: Indonesia, Thailand, India, North America, West Africa…. millennia ago.
No problem with it personally, just wish they’d shut up and mince off in their high heels where I don’t need to hear their attention seeking “it’s not fair” whinging all the time. Fact is most of them really DO want to be noticed (even if that notice is being laughed at and ridiculed) that’s what it’s really all about, isn’t it? A certain BBC ‘transgender’ comes to mind there, you know the one who runs marathons in a dress? Couldn’t keep us amused as a ‘comedian’, so now a drag queen, yeah that one. Don’t mention his name, that’s what he wants, so better not to fed the croc (of shite).
Bit like a certain kind of gay person, I know gays who quietly get on with it, fair enough, no one else’s business, but then you get the ones who demand your attention all the time, you know the type, a lot of them seem to be employed (with extremely lucrative contracts) by the Boob. They make a living out of being ‘outrageously’ gay, and then complain that people are ‘victimising’ them for it… say no more.
see my comment below Big Brother in response to TABS – without reading comment, it says exactly the same.
Ed Wood was a transvestite – a description little used nowadays thanks to all the “transgender” shit. I once read a biography of Wood which said he wore an angora sweater of the type seen in “Glen Or Glenda” under his Marine uniform when he took part in the amphibious invasion of one of the Japanese held Pacific islands.
Juno is not a bad person
Of all the trans she’s the most reasonable
“I don’t want to be a trans rent-a-gob I’m just a normal writer”
(Last Thursday she did R4 4Thought and chose to focus on Dr Who than the trans the BBC wanted.
And she had a point about being ambushed by having the de-gaying supporter Mike Davidson on.
He’s labelled as a Gay Conversion Therapist so trans-activists say he should be banned
… He maintains that labelling is false.
Saying he had gay tendencies he felt were wrong, so talked them over and came to be 100% heterosexual. And says all he does is help people who come to him in a similar situation.. no brainwashing, electric shocks etc.
Background :
So there’s the hypocrisy from trans.
They say there should be no prejudice against them.
But they prejudice anyone who feels they can talk out their gay feelings.
Knowing someone in the process of transgendering, may I suggest that the suicide attempts are partly because their head is in a really difficult place and partly that the transgendering is partly attention seeking and nothing to do with bullying by other people.
I’ve always thought there must be underlying mental health issues when I hear about the suicide attempts of so-called transgender people which have nothing to do with bullying and verbal abuse. I’ve seen interviews with people who have been surgically altered to appear like the opposite sex who are still unhappy with life. Some even go back to living in their original gender( obviously without functional genitalia) . In fact one of them has created an online site to help the many people with such problems. Strangely enough, this chap appeared on a documentary about body dysmorphia and plastic surgery on one of the Freeview channels. Such a programme going against the Utopian transgender narrative would NEVER be seen on the BBC.
Spose after trannies it will be a campaign for people to marry their animals .al beeb can call the campaign -.”Animal Magic”.
Suppose Islam will object to people marrying their pigs and dogs ( sorry if offend any pigs or dogs).,
It won’t be a first .
Some say that there a few lads over this way that are not averse to a sheep or two.
AS someone said on this site.
Are they XX or XY…that will clearly separate the 98% from the 2% with extra chromosomes or suchlike.
Too simple eh?…deterministicand allows for no fantasy imaginings.
Have every respect and sympathy for all who feel confused…but Tom Robinson showed us all how to get paid twice over as gay and straight…and HE`S never got at for his “self administered conversion therapy” is he? But he`s not Christian…maybe working for the BBC lets you off.
Anybody asked the Muslims yet?…be Islamophobic not to I`d have thought.
High proportion of rapes carried out in Sweden by, principally muslims is to children –
Is it just me or are we all witnessing the breakdown of Law and Order in the West? Increasingly, the police are unable to deal with it and the time will come shortly, when the mobs sense that and will triumph over the stretched, disheartened police. It seems that ‘Mob Rule’ is the power of today whether it is the far Left (as in Hamburg just) or islamic groups bent on their path to World domination. Whichever, (and they are the two principal factions), it will mean the law of the jungle is about to become a reality as we watch any so-called justice evaporating before our very eyes. I say again, only a military coup can arrest this rapidly deteriorating situation. It would be far better right now than wait to see such places as Bradford, Birmingham, Bristol et al. turned into a UK epitome of Mosul.
Thats why the UK needs Trump, and 100,000 of his heavily armed negotiators on the streets, when it does kick off and enclaves start to burn.
My case rests…………..
What next , exploding ‘Oggies’ ?
Hey Taff you guys have quite along tradition of burning out the english aswell, ours stopped with the jailings.
Ivor Novello wrote a song about it “Keep the home fires burning ”
Been there, got the t-shirt back in the 70s G.
Foo Haloo the under-ground [i.e. young farmers] FSFO…..[Financial centre fcuk off} the motto.
5/6 went to jail for burning down 30/40 kit houses, as soon as the roof went on, they burnt down.
CB radio our clarion.
They got ‘political” sentences, and not arson sentences, slaps on the wrist, 2 went on to be ministers in our government.
An example.
The Foo Haloo freesheet which was cranked out on a Gestener duplicator machine in a barn and ditributed around the Islands pubs
One snippet which sticks in my mind was a report concerning the late John J Bell, MHK for South Douglas and Chairman of the Airports Board.
It stated that his library had burnt down causing him great distress as both books were destroyed and compounding the misery was the fact that he had not finished colouring in one of them
” Increasingly, the police are unable to deal with it……” Shouldn’t that be ‘increasingly, the police are UNWILLING to deal with it…’. See police behaviour in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford etc. Also the police in Sweden are pressured by their left wing, Islam appeasing government to ignore such complaints, or to minimse the seriousness of the crimes committed against children by Muslims. Should the offenders somehow appear in court, they are given the lightest sentences, if not allowed to go free, for “cultural” reasons. We are not far behind the Swedes in this matter where the law is ignored by the authorities in the case of criminality among Muslims ( see the amnesty for sub-letting, benefit fraud and harbouring illegal immigrants in the Grenfell Tower fire as an example).
Agreed totally. This is the process of evaporating ‘justice’.
Rejoice everybody!
Malala has joined Twitter!
Pure left-wing propaganda on SML right now. Terrible programme.
glastonbury and corbyn the garden gnome now you know why I gave on the overpriced joke that is glastonbury for the infinately better Download at Donnington and at Download you dont has your intelligence insulted by the garden gnome corbyn
I wonder if one third of the Inside Science programme will be dedicated to this story, as they did when Mann was given a platform to whinge about Trump.
Fatal Courtroom Act Ruins Michael ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann –
That piece is a bit premature, we need to wait to see if the actual judge says that Mann is in contempt of court.
Paul Homewoid covered the story.
Antony Watts didn’t cos he doesn’t take Principia-Scientific seriously.
Fat Anthony is nothing more than a gate-keeper for the GHE.
As long as they can claim theres an effect, they can maintain a site disputing the amount of effect.
This what fat anthony does whilst he sells his eco-vehicles, and prospers nicely from his site and notoriety
Same with spencer Monkton et al.
Daily mail is the same, in the right/left way, gate-keepers, controlled opposition.
Weatheaction and Mensa are on the ball. But I don’t think the others are “with it” on effect, or what it means.
I once simultaneously held thermodynamics and the Arrhenius method in my head, despite an IQ of 164. So it must be much more difficult for the rest of humanity.
In fact there were very brainy attempts to fit the silly carbon dioxide theory of Arrhenius to fit the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Mars and Venus. Mars being easier because Venus has a quarter of a million times more CO2 than Earth, while Mars has only 16 times more, which is almost exactly 4 times doubling. I remember that the difference between the black body temperature and the average surface temperature was between zero and 12 Kelvin, with an eventual result of 3 Kelvin. That produced an insanely bonkers and weak result for Venus, adjusting for distance from the Sun. That’s what ended the madness for me, and then the brother of the Labour leader seemed to now make sense.
The GWPF is dominated by people who think the Arrhenius method with its black body temperature is still the answer, even though nobody serious in science has brought it up with the Astronomers that I was in contact with, since feedback was found to be negative.
Now I find Astronomers and Mensa members have found an alternative to the failed Arrhenius method with the Unified Theory of Climate, by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller. I think they did once have a mention in a GWPF article.
Exactly Richard.
Take silver spanner and a black hammer, put them out in the sun, which gets the hottest, ?.
The spanner, as it is a better absorber than emitter, even tho it is a poor absorber.
It has to get warmer than the hammer to emit the same or more energy than it receives.
The black hammer will absorb and emit at the same rate, trapping little energy and will always be cooler than the chrome spanner after an hour in the sun.
Neither a chrome spanner or hammer can become hotter than the blackbody temperature of the sun’s energy impinging on them.
Or as JP puts it.
Joseph E Postma says:
2017/07/06 at 9:20 AM
For a given energy F that must be emitted, you would look at the equation F = e*sigma*T^4, where e is the emissivity between 0 and 1. So for a fixed F, then
T^4 = F/e/sigma.
So if e is maximum at 1.0, this gives the lowest T. If e reduces then F is being divided by a number smaller than 1, hence T increases.
“the most efficient absorbers and emitters achieve the highest temperatures (asphalt, black sand, etc)”
Actually, that statement is incorrect as you can see that it contradicts what was explained mathematically, above. In fact, the most efficient emitters achieve the lowest temperatures for a given absorptivity. If you have a chrome or some form of shiny wrench, leave it out in the sun and it will become much, much warmer than a black surface right beside it. This is because even though it has poor absorptivity, it has even poorer emissivity and the poor emissivity makes it have to become much hotter to emit the energy that it absorbs.
All 400ppm of co2 in the atmosphere would have to be radiating at 2,499 kelvin each ppm to warm the surrounding 999,600ppm of atmosphere by 1 kelvin……………..i.e. nearly half as hot as the sun.
My point was the sophistry of describing CO2 as a heat trapping gas, when infact it is most efficient at passing off that energy it absorbs, and that makes co2 a coolant, which is the only industrial use i am aware of that CO2 is used for as a very efficient refrigerant .
A CO2 molecule would have to get hotter than the sun to raise the 2499 molecules temperatures surrounding it by more than 2 kelvin, co2 is the black hammer, and the 2499 ppm Nitrogen/mix is the chrome spanner.
Christ on a pogo-stick.
re-above, when you put the black hammer and chrome spanner in thermal contact with each other, the black hammer becomes a conduit of energy release for the chrome spanner, until equilibrium is achieved, if you put 980,000 parts per million none radiative gases together with 20,000 ppm of radiative gases, the radiative gases emit all energy from the 1 million parts to space, thus they are coolants, and very very efficient at keeping a stable system temperature.
Radiative is my way of terming infra-red absorbing emitting gases
“Is there enough understanding of transgender issues?”
Trying to be fair and honest here, I don’t think there is. My gut reaction to the issue is that transgenders are deluded people with psychological disorders. But I might be wrong. I don’t think there has been enough research in this area. Maybe there is but I haven’t seen it. Perhaps it has been suppressed. The question the programme is really trying to ask is, “Is there enough public acceptance of transgender issues as transgenders themselves understand them?” The answer to that question is No and rightly No.
just how many of these people actually exist ?? It gets mentioned so much now there must be millions of the buggers
in my town of 20k people Ive actually seen 1
at work i think theres 2 out o f 12k + staff though it is a very liberal lefty right on kind of place
A couple of things that received little or no coverage in the past week..
BBC Persian ‘personality’–‘analyst’–‘expert’–‘WTF’ Ali Alizadeh openly supports Hezbullah.
This is, of course, against any number of BBC guidelines on controversial topics. I submitted a complaint. Don’t have much hope of a quick or satisfactory reply.
Former BBC Chairman Michael Grade now Tory Lord blasts BBC bias on Israel
Better late than never? Perhaps he believes the bias suddenly appeared in 2007?
BBC thrilled one of their favourites Cable (on Marr) says he thinks Brexit may never happen
There will inevitably be some downside to Brexit. It is a big adjustment but IMO the benefits of leaving far outweigh the negatives. They always have done.
I do, however, agree with Vince Cable in that there are many influential establishment figures/multinationals/CBI who will do their damndest to ensure Brexit won’t happen.
It must one of the few occasions I have agreed wth Vince Cable albeit for different reasons.
Nice to see elderly white men being given an outing by al beeb. Remaining is so popular in the country that the only party supporting it – liberals – got how many seats and votes? Yet how much air does it allow Cable and his losers?
Vince who ?.
Vince ran a clothes shop in Carnaby Street, long before the Beatles had ever heard of the place. It catered for gentlemen of a certain degree of delicacy.
I appreciate your subtlety. There is too much bludgeon these days, and not enough finesse!
Beltane – Your comment made me chuckle – it was positively Mogg-esque!
Muslims living in the UK don’t like the British way of life. What’s new? Unfortunately they came to the UK – no one forced them to come. –
And as for the Genesis of the Report –
Frankly, I would suggest that if the Muzzies don’t like it here they should simply, p**s off back to where they came from.
As seemed inevitable, there is now increased speculation that Sinn Fein/IRA might be persuaded to take their seats in the HoC, doubtless following considerable (and very quiet) contacts behind the scenes with members of Corbyn’s inner circle. The BBC would, of course, be delighted if that happened, and which would boost their campaign to put Corbyn into no 10. I think their vote added to the motley crew of Lab, LD, SNP, Green and Plaid would leave the anti-Conservatives 14 short and, happily, I rather think SF/IRA would decide against taking their seats.
To stock up with food and essentials is important right now, before it all kicks off.
Just imagine, the DUP got a great deal for their ten votes.
In a few years time when the Muslims are a lot stronger and have many MPs in parliament, just what would they get in return for doing a deal with a labour government that needed their votes to form a governing majority.
That is, until they take over completely (about 2050)
I just hope they are as tolerant to us as we were to them when we had power.
There is no need for muslims to form their own party, the Labour Party will be their reliable route into power. Many dhimmis will vote Labour without realising what they are doing, and one day a “nice” muslim such as the Emir of London will become Prime Minister. I can see it happening.
No. Please No-oooooooh!
You mean things like the de facto blasphemy law, Islamic finance, sharia courts, Don’t Go To Jail Card if Drunk, ‘Three Monkey’ justice system, State Sponsored Conversion Schemes (Prisons)etc. etc.?
Our only hope is that the current political mantra of putting minorities first will still apply when it is our turn.
Daily Express:
“”‘Stop gloating whenever Brexit gets tough’ Business peer savages ‘BBC propaganda machine'””
“”A FIERCE Brexit-backing peer from the House of Lords has lashed out at the BBC for “willing Brexit to fail” and urged the press to stop taking a side.””
“”Lord Digby Jones has ripped into the anti-Brexit press for “gloating whenever something related to Brexit goes wrong”.
“”The scathing on-air attack from the life peer targeted the BBC during an interview with Radio 4 this morning.””
“”This comes after Liam Fox, the International Trade Secretary, said the BBC “would rather see Britain fail than Brexit succeed””
I have just heard a most extraordinary lead story on Weekend World at One. I was a few seconds switching on and from what I heard, and how it was delivered, I could only think one of the Dimbelebys had died. Googled to see which one – and it was neither. Apparently the most important thing that has happened in the world is that Robbie Gibb (no, bot the Beegees man) has defected from the BBC to the Tories. Sorry, I hadn’t heard of him either. But the way that the BBC reprised his life, you would really have thought someone had died. Wasn’t quite the same when James Parnell came over to the BBC, Ben Bradshaw went to Labour or Paul Mason for that matter. Extraordinary.
He must be straight, thats why we have never heard of him, bastards probably white as well just judging by the name.
I think he is either deluded or taking the piss. Not sure which ……
Either way, it doesn’t exactly inspire confidence, does it?
Poacher turned gamekeeper ?
Just think of all the ‘inside’ information he has .
Hence the glum faces.
Like a spy ‘flipped’ by the other side – could prove entertaining!
Sounds like mr gibb is deluded as Mays number 10 staff who lost her a stone bonker majority by not being conservative . Should have just promised to earth like Corbyn as it’s about buying votes more than ever now .
The Tories are a Left of centre party anyway now, so it’s not a surprise to find a BBC type being attracted to a party which has taken the place of nu Liebour.
Or the reverse scenario, with the BBC being around once the sojourn with May is over, once a lefty always a lefty,……………”by any means necessary”.
Maybe the spy is taking over the Tories
– “Right Mrs May we have this info, so unless you put our man in your team, we’ll release it.
Hmm! An interesting news item in The Express on one of the ultra-green BBC’s favourite technologies http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/826553/Solar-panel-fire-fears-BRE-flats-east-London-Bethnal-Green
I don’t recall ever hearing BBC reporting previous solar panel fires in 2013, 2014 and 2015, which is surely something that would be of key interest to householders – perhaps because it’s contrary to their agenda.
So a listen the Radio 4 this am cut short following some Gina Murray bloke suing the Government under the Bribery and Corruption laws re. the DUP deal and then surprise surprise – a transgender story.
I wonder at the country they envisage for when they get their own way?
A little light relief.
The extract below is taken from a brilliantly witty book by Guy Browning – Never Hit a Jellyfish with a Spade. Each page is an irreverent take on life, with some laugh out loud moments.
How to be Political
Budding politicians start at the local level, which gives rise to odd things like parish council expenditure on a park bench being debated on party lines with great passion, heat and venom. This is one of the main reasons why we don’t have park benches. At election time political people put signs outside their houses. The intended effect is to instantly change the political persuasions of anyone walking past in the street. What really happens is that you suddenly get crossed off the dinner-party lists of people walking past in the street,
To be political you need to be able to talk with great passion, conviction and sincerity about everything except the answer to the question. You also need to show complete and unswerving loyalty to the party leader, whoever it happens to be that week. Finally, you need to have the common touch with people (this doesn’t mean sleeping with as many as possible).
There are only three kinds of people who knock on British doors; plumbers, religious nutters and politicians – and they all promise to fix one thing or another. Unless you’re very, very lonely, or have a problem with your washing machine, don’t let any of them in. Remember, if politicians were really that useful, they’d be in Yellow Pages.
CNN Ratings no so good it seems……
My cartoon for the week:
Always a joy ScottishCalvin. Best news review of the week that I know of, so keep them coming please!
Cheers friend, always nice to get feedback that isn’t a troll calling me a facist or a c***ing communist or krypto communist Tory scum or the like. Ain’t internet anonymity great?
I was actually tempted to start a website where people can post displays of the more colourful language they’ve encountered on their travels. Most bizarrely there’s someone (blocked) who posts anti Semitic comments within minutes of posting to YouTube, in spite of me clearly not even being Jewish, I mean the guy must be a subscriber too to be so fast, my wife and I find it almost funny.
Toady Watch Monday 10 July
Should head of London fire be fired cos of not getting enough kit to the tower in time ?
Do wimin leaders have it harder than chaps?
Are whitees institutionally racist because they think all illegals are involved in sub letting
How will Corbyn find £100 billion to dump tuition fees as promised. Diane Abbot does the number s
We ll see ?!
Thanks Scott
Glutin free bread and animal free circuses indeed
Troll alert – Scot !
Oops, wrong Scot.
I suppose in the same way we had all the revelatory documentaries regarding great women, blacks, gays, Muslims in history.
We’ll get the same treatment only for trans. I won’t be at all surprised to hear what Churchill (‘the bbc has learned’) wore under his siren-suit or that Nelson loved skipping round in Lady Hamilton’s frocks.
I become increasingly dismayed by the utter disregard the bbc has for any observance or warnings at times they know full well children may be listening. They may bang on about children’s sexualisation but we know with the bbc, agenda is all.
Countryfile “What did Heap have the Hump about this week Mum ?”
Rural homelessness : new report coming soon from @CSnelling_UK
eg Ex Falklands squaddie camping in the woods
… (Well MetroBubble UK has different priorities
Like they spent £80K each Grenfell flat so undocumented migrants can live in posh West London
And now the priority is to find them some proper luxury place in posh London to live in.
Hence no money to help native born ex forces etc.)
BTW the “sciencey” person behind the report yesterday tweeted
“@CSnelling_UK : I don’t think a single Olympian introduced in today’s royal box at Wimbledon was non-white.”
(Well when I checked newspaper report they said NIchola Adams was there…there’s also a black guy on the right of the C4 photos ..looks like a footballer, maybe a husband)
..With that kind of priorities …. and accuracy I don’t expect much from her report.
Personally I’m heartily sick of the daily photos showing the ‘privileged’ in the Royal Box at Wimbledon. If anything smacks of ‘them and us’ then this is up there with the best. D listers like Tess Daly & husband Vernon (cant keep his zipper up) Kay , Beckham despite his language on not getting a knighthood is another grinning regular. Further to StewGreen’s comment above, are there any members of our Forces ever invited to sit there ? and I’m not talking about the brocaded officers.
Doom-monger Tom Heap is back tmw in Panorama on Farming/Brexit
Breaking news!
Blind kitten finds a home. Brexit and/or Trump caused its blindness of course.
Thank goodness for the BBC!
Lets be cheered with some good news.
For the second time in a month, Alison Graham, in no less a publication than the Radio Times, has the biased BBC news banged to rights. Here are some of her quotes.
“This is the news….it shouldn’t be a tear stained reality show”
“”How do you feel”…. the most redundant thoroughly vacuous piece of tasteless blancmange in the journalist’s emotional armoury”
“I really don’t want or need to watch people sobbing in acute distress”
“Not only did the camera hang about, it also zoomed right in for a proper close up shot of her tears”
“I cant make any apology for duffing up BBC news again”
Alison, I salute you! What a pity you are in such a tiny minority among your fellow propagandists, or in your case, journalists.
Daily Express: London Borough wants to leave Mayor Khan.
“”London’s Brexit capital to vote to take back control from Sadiq Khan’s ‘mini EU’ City Hall””
“”RESIDENTS in the London borough of Havering have voiced their support for a council motion that would take back control of local decision-making and break away from Sadiq Khan’s City Hall.””
“”Jon Cruddas, Labour MP for Dagenham and Rainham, was shocked at the motion, which he said would be bad for locals””
Cracks are appearing…
What – they want to leave the Caliphate of ISIS – Islamic State In the Smoke?
Is this a trend?
Rees-Mogg seems to be rather popular on social media. He’s the top vote for PM:
If anyone is in any doubt that Jacob Rees-Mogg should be the next leader of the Conservatives, just watch this.
Yes, when it comes down to it this country’s decision makers seem so constrained by what the bbc will think and might say.
What the arrogant little bbc shits might say and questions they might ask? Ooh! too scary!
Yeah good speech, seen it before, well worth another watch, be a travesty if he doesnt lead the conservative’s back from left of centre to the right.
I guess for kids who live on credit and have no conception of ‘future’, Corbyn’s spend, borrow, bankrupt economy would seem like a sound plan.
Beyond a free skive at University, bigger benefits and free stuff for dole scum, I can’t see what, if anything Labour has to offer to the bulk of working people. Clearly I’m missing something?
‘Shoppers ‘in the dark’ about Brexit effect’
BBC scaremongering at its best.
Why don’t the BBC produce a Panorama programme on the corruption contained in the EU, or the lack of national identity in country’s like Sweden have undergone, or how bankrupt the EU is,or the lack of auditing, or the abuse of expenses, or the lack of democracy in the EU, or how ineffective the voice of our MEP’s are in that only the 12 or so Commissioners can decide anything, or the exceptionally high levels of unemployment,or how the Islam faith is spreading across the EU in a negative way due to freedom of movement, or how countries like Spain are going into recession, or how the EU army is fast emerging, or
how about the benefits of Britain leaving the EU.
Indeed wronged, and what a coincidence that the BBC should choose virulently anti-Brexit Sainsburys for their in-depth appraisal. The report added that ‘other supermarkets declined to contribute to the Panorama investigation…’
That, of course, would depend on the suitability of their replies, or even whether they were actually asked.
Never mind shoppers in the dark, I think we’re all being kept in the dark when journalists fail to report …
Farming subsidies: this is the most blatant transfer of cash to the rich {theguardian.com jul2013}
“It’s the silence that puzzles me. Last week the chancellor (George Osborne) stood up in parliament to announce that benefits for the very poor would be cut yet again. On the same day, in Luxembourg, the British government battled to maintain benefits for the very rich. It won. As a result, some of the richest people in the country will each continue to receive millions of pounds in income support from taxpayers.
There has been not a whimper of protest. The Guardian hasn’t mentioned it. UK Uncut is silent. So, at the other end of the spectrum, is the UK Independence party. (did BBC report it?)
capitalism for the poor and socialism for the rich.”
– Combination of greedy UK MPs using a bureaucratic EU policy?
– two governments in particular resisted Germany and the UK, but which others (see the word particular), and which countries would benefit the most (sloppy on facts)?
– Iain Duncan Smith, lives on an estate owned by his wife’s family. During the last 10 years it has received €1.5m in income support from taxpayers. (EU Rebates)
The article falls short of listing all the MP’s (mentions a Conservative) and celebrities (does Gary Lineker benefit?) who would benefit from such policies.
Thanks for the article Markymark, I have to admit i rarely read The Guardian newspaper and George Monbiot is someone whose views I often disagree with. However, he has raised some very interesting points, I was unaware of the following
‘Farmers are exempted from inheritance tax and capital gains tax. They can build, without planning permission, structures which lesser mortals would be forbidden to erect, boosting both their capital and income. And they have a guaranteed income from the state. ‘
David Cameron’s father in law Lord Astor has a huge income from windmills on his land. People like David Cameron think of making money first and then create the argument to support its financing (Climate change)
You could always make each farmer apply for planning permission forvesch new outbuilding, and make him comply with eco surveys, bat surveys, and all the green eco shit the hippies belive in.
They’d take months/ yrs and lots of money to make their livestock safe, but hey who cares eh?
So, what do you think would happen to A The suplly of food and B the resultant price?
Its market driven. The soviets forbad the price of essential foodstuffs from going over the maximum..the result? Sweet FA in the shops and they all starve. Great eh?
The politics of envy will only lead to starvation.
You may well have a point about wind turbines, but the answer is never going to be yours.
You could always make each farmer apply for planning permission for each new outbuilding, and make him comply with eco surveys, bat surveys, and all the green eco shit the hippies believe in.
They’d take months/ yrs and lots of money to make their livestock safe, but hey who cares eh?
So, what do you think would happen to A The suplly of food and B the resultant price?
Its market driven. The soviets forbad the price of essential foodstuffs from going over the maximum..the result? Sweet FA in the shops and they all starve. Great eh?
The politics of envy will only lead to starvation.
You may well have a point about wind turbines, but the answer is never going to be yours.
And I’m sure the Guardian reading metropolitan bubble think all the food grows inside waitrose? But trust me…it dont.
For me the article was interesting because it highlighted the lack of journalist investigation across the board. Even mentions the Guardian failing to report on it – and it would be interesting to know how the “Impartial” BBC reported on it a the time.
“There has been not a whimper of protest. The Guardian hasn’t mentioned it. UK Uncut is silent. So, at the other end of the spectrum, is the UK Independence party. (how did the BBC report on it?)”
– how did George “For the May Jobs, Not the Few Jobs” Osborne and family profit from this policy?
– is it right to have land and get paid for not being productive? Show the worst offenders!
– I do understand that there is a case for just owning land to protect it or keep it in the family.
– at least show how other countries voted? The article just mentions UK,Germany.
– I could not find voting for the policy – but someone else might get lucky – Vote Watch European Union – votewatch.eu *
* interesting you can see who voted against things like “Rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code) {votewatch.eu Feb2016}” – Poland and UK MEP’s all voted NO! – interesting to look at.
Farming subsidies: this is the most blatant transfer of cash to the rich {theguardian.com jul2013}
We learn from Today that Australia has free-trade agreements with many, many countries. How about that?
And when it comes to citizens living abroad – how come Aussies here and Brit’s over there seem to get on ok but when it comes to the arrangements with the EU it’s insurmountable?
Funny how while telling us what we can’t have because we won’t be in the EU – the EU is demanding rights for their citizens although Britain, as they bang on, will no longer be in the EU. Foreigners huh.
I am probably a bit thick, but this puzzles me – perhaps someone could explain it to me.
How does having a whole world to trade with, result in higher prices and less choice? I would have thought that the opposite would be the case. The BBC have reported it so it must be true …….
Lazy Sainsburys buyers perhaps, not bothering to find the best suppliers?
No, I don’t think it should be a problem.
I don’t understand either.
I am just assuming the guy is a Bliar chum with a vested interest in staying in the EU.
Also he says “the intention of supermarkets is to drive price down, quality up, and therefore improve value for money …” Methinks their intention is rather to make a profit for the company.
Presumably leaving the EU will mean some original thought is required from management.
Its happening – common sense is appearing – but too small and too late in my view –