A little insight as to why today we have the rise of the Fascist Left, Political Correctness, and all the nonsense about so called equality.
Often behind the scenes there are people normally in academia whose work influences others to behave in certain ways, or to shape society based on that influence.
Once such is Stuart Hall with his misguided and thoroughly wrong theory of multiculturalism, but a man far more influential behind the scenes who you have probably never even heard of is John Rawls, and it is his theories of social justice which have brought the West to its knees.
Looking at Rawls theories from the conclusions he reached it is easy to realise that he was bat shit crazy and the theories are just plain wrong, but taken through them as a logical progression as many on the left do then it can be understood which they hold this insanity as inalienable truth.
According to Rawls we should all be paid equally because it is only down to sheer luck that we find ourselves in the position we are in. Three men are asked to move waste into a skip, the first moves 1 Tonne, the second 500Kg and the third goes to the pub and gets drunk. According to Rawls they are all equally deserving of the same pay because it is only down to the accident of birth that the first is strong enough and has the work ethic to move so much. The second tries his best with what he has, and the third cannot help his feckless nature inherited from his parents.
“Rawls argues that people do not deserve to reap the rewards of these talents. Tiger Woods earns millions of dollars because he is superlatively good at golf. Yet his abilities do not stem from any special virtue on his part. He was just lucky that, by some combination of heredity and environment, he ended up with superior skills. He is lucky in another respect: market demand for golf enables his talent to achieve vast returns. Because market demand for checkers players is much less, the late Marion Tinsley, whose skill at checkers was comparable to that of Woods in golf, did not earn comparable returns on his talent.
One might object that luck is not the full story. However talented he may be, Woods had to practice countless hours from his early youth to get where he is today. Does he not deserve to benefit from his hard work? Rawls has an answer that I suspect readers will find surprising. He thinks that if you have the personality trait of working hard, this too is a matter of luck. Even though Woods practiced strenuously, he does not deserve to benefit from this trait.”
Once you begin to see life through this lens its inevitable consequence is a reducto ad absurdum of left wing values resulting in the craziest of beliefs and theories. Rawls is a favourite of left wing academics, followed at universities with an almost God like reverence, this is where the BBC gets many of its strange ideas from.
There is a lot of work out there on John Rawls, especially critical pieces which I shall leave those amongst us with that kind of motivation to read for themselves, but make no mistake of this mans importance to modern Left wing political ‘thinking’.
Interesting. I’m sure many Lefties seriously think this way. I’m also sure that many are simply motivated by crude envy and will use any argument they can find to belittle success.
“Three men are asked to move waste into a skip, the first moves 1 Tonne, the second 500Kg and the third goes to the pub and gets drunk.”
Another explanation that the Left will not countenance is that the third knows that the first will move 1 Tonne regardless, and also knows, therefore, that he does not need to bother.
TBH, I think that, ideally, the differential between the highest paid and the lowest is too high. I don’t understand why people need so much money just to get out of bed in the morning. However, I also think that it’s probably something we just have to live with because life isn’t fair and, IMO, the alternatives are unacceptable.
Alas the public dearly love directors receiving high salaries. Recently I received one of the building societies notice of AGM in which there was a vote on the directors salaries, the highest of which was £3.5 million pa. Every year I vote against such outrageous amounts, especially as they are clearly incapable of handling the position because of the number of non executive advisors they seem to need.
Despite my voting against this clearly iniquitous rape of savers money others appear to find it perfectly reasonable and vote FOR this kind of salary, and every year it is passed. If they didn’t want this then they could vote against it but they don’t.
I think it’s part of a more widespread distortion caused by prize money, lotteries, celebrity, and inflated salaries for people whose only real claim to fame is that they do what they do in front of a camera.
I don’t lose sleep over it because I think that there’s little that can be done. Much of it is due to a strange addiction to celebrity. The exception, however, is large sums paid to 10th rate entertainers out of the BBC licence fee. But everybody here knows that already.
Tony Hall, BBC Director General – Salary: £450,000 – If you are paid a lot of money, then you don’t need to accept gifts to go to the Opera – surely you should support it by spending you hard earned wages or BBC TV License prised out of the hands of working population, and pay yourself (using the money that is collected by money collectors)?
Royal Opera House – Tony Hall’s Gifts and Hospitality Register Q4 2013-14
Hansel and Gretel 2 x tickets as ex Chief Executive
Don Giovanni 2 x tickets as ex chief Executive
Die frau ohne schatten 2 x tickets as ex Chief Executive
Very interesting post and comments here, I’ve experienced first hand the credence these kinds of theories can achieve with certain kinds of academics, but this is the first I’ve heads of this Rawls. Having worked in academe for a number of years, albeit in a practical scientific discipline (Materials Science and Chemical Engineering), we were often asked to work with our counterparts from other departments on various projects, some of the Social ‘Scientists’ frankly seemed on another planet to me, was always glad of working in an ‘applied science’ where people had their feet firmly on the ground.
There is something very fatalistic (almost ‘religious’) about the argument that you have ‘no control’ over who you are, and what you do. If you carry on down this train of logic where does it eventually lead? Would it suggest that murderers should be forgiven because all they’re doing is what was ‘preordained’ for them?
What worries me is not so much just how crazy some (supposedly intelligent) people really are, but how much influence some of them have been given over our lives (especially over children and impressionable young people). Working in science one thing you really appreciate is that the public (at large) are far too trusting of ‘Scientists’ and ‘Scientific Reports’, if you knew some of these people personally (and the weird crap they believe) you wouldn’t listen to a word they said, honestly you wouldn’t.
I must ask my accountant if she thinks it worth applying Rawlsian theory to my tax return. If I should earn taxable income in excess of my allowances, could this be merely accidental and not incur a penalty due to my lack diligence in not attending university and consequent wasted life?
Let us know how you get on and, depending on the result, let us have the name and address of your accountant.
You might also try writing to Oxbridge, claiming that your lack of a degree is only down to some unfortunate combination of heredity and environment, and demanding that one be issued to you forthwith. Ensure that the degree is in something completely useless and nobody will notice.
However, the main problem with this approach is that I believe a certain shadow minister has beaten you to it. Still, it might be worth a try.
She contacted HMRC and they told her this ploy, apparently termed a stop-gap, is well known to them. Labelled within the Revenue as the ‘Rawlsplug’ it was first used, unsuccessfully, by B&Q when querying VAT returns on DIY materials.
I wondered why those in the BBC hierarchy identified as morons by Mensa members, have Philosophy degrees.
I presumed they were chosen and promoted because they studied Marxism as a Philosophy. Also it seems they were taught about the Frankfurt School ideas of Philosophy. Which would explain why the BBC Trust seemed to obtain its Climate Science from the Psychiatry Departments of Bristol and Cambridge Universities, were the Professors of Psychiatry insist that anyone with a PHD in Atmospheric Physics who disagrees with a Professor of Psychiatry on the issue of the science of Atmospheric Physics, should be locked away in a loony bin.
Tried to read Rawls once “theory of justice” but his prose is so thick that I gave up.
Any way Toady watch
0730 our fav beeboid Justin – having a chat with some grey man from the EU – vanhoften or something – head she’d negotiator in the commission and published a threatening article in papers today effectively saying if EU citizens don’t get the protection of the EU court re rights in Blighty then there is no deal.
I reckon is Jakob RM was listening to this chat he’d have choked on his cornflakes. The whole idea of Brexit is to escape the ecj and hopefully the echr . Being answerable to the former would mean no real Brexit on citizenship at all.
Build a navy. Protect our coast line and walk away. Pay what we legally owe and have bilaterals with those who want them. Little Englander ? Yes I’ll plead to that but we must control our borders and who is in Blighty even if the damage is already done.
As for our Justin on toady – he’ll get a well done from the al Beeb high command for that chat.
I know -charm- it’s habit. I grew up with Toady. The decent version . I’m down to a 30 minute ration now so was exposed to the poison for a short time only.
I think it’s funny when msm run stories about surveys where they find joe public don’t believe them any more and wonder why…. beeboids don’t care as long as they get taxpayers licence cash.
Thanks Lobby, Mr D and I listened to this clip of JRM over breakfast this morning and were glued to it. Much better than the Today programme. The more I see of the man the more impressed i am by him. He speaks authoritatively without notes, a master of his subject, doesn’t speak down to people etc. Well worth a watch.
Nice. Just took a look at the BBC homepage and I see that we have two anti Brexit headlines to view. Good that they are using the classic quote marks trick to ramp up the negativity but blame it on someone else.
I have to admit I’m a news junkie but I very rarely watch or listen to BBC news programmes because of the bias and cultural marxmism they contain. I started listening to Today in the early seventies when I had a paper round and got hooked and over the years I became a loyal listener but BBC news is no longer objective or impartial, so I don’t bother much. The bias has even crept into radio shows like The News Quiz which really ought to be now named The News Quisling and dare I say it, I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue.
Even Private Eye, a magazine that I started buying in the early seventies, has lost it’s edge and objectivity. It attacked anyone and any institution satirically and was quite fearless in it’s time, taking on the likes of Goldsmith and Maxwell. I still buy it, but mainly for the cartoons. Of course the link between Private Eye and the BBC is Ian Hislop, who has now truly gone over to the dark side, you only have to have seen his recent BBC propaganda programme on how immigration has benefited the United Kingdom to realise that, Goebbels would have been really proud of it. For some reason, the magazine doesn’t really attack the BBC any more, can’t think why, and I can’t recall it commenting much in the last few years on BBC bias and impartiality, Savile, Harris, Hall, Denning, Travis and more recently, the local BBC radio DJ’s Tony Wadsworth and his wife Julie Mayer.
Change is desperately needed and it is long over due.
Cassandra, in terms of satire I believe we are now in a rather similar situation to the late 1950s. Back then there was a strong culture of deference and strict controls over what was acceptable and what was not in comedy, but a small group of rebels (Peter Cook etc) were starting to question it but did not have a voice in mainstream media.
By the 1980s however the ‘rebels’ had become the ‘establishment’. Nowadays we have a similar deferential, tired comedy establishment with a whole raft of sacred cows which one is forbidden to mock, and an even smaller group of rebels (people like Andrew Lawrence and websites like Patri-Archie Comics) just starting to question it but denied a mainstream voice.
Alternative Comedy was middle class left-wing comedians putting right-wing working class comedians out of a job. That’s it really.
Conservative and Leftist comedy derive from two different views of life. Conservatives think that life will ALWAYS be imperfect so you might as well enjoy it’s absurdities. Leftism works on the assumption that a perfect life is possible, and so their imperfect life is a source of intense bitterness to them. I think it reduces to narcissism. A conservatives is interested in other people and empathize with them, with all their flaws, whereas Leftists aren’t, and don’t. When a Leftist expresses concern, all they are really talking about, all they are really concerned about, is themselves.
Cassandra ,
I’m sorry if I upset anyone by admitting a listen to 30minutes of the Toady prog. I ll try to cut down !
I, like you, grew up with it and a sad thing it is now . It’s not even clever propaganda – it’s just remorseless smug tosh with no room for dissenters . Anyway I agree that watching 12 mins of Jacob rm
Above is much better time spent . Shame the kids in the audience behind him have no idea what he is talking about .
As an example, “I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue” this evening (July 10th, from 18:30) was much more political than it used to be in the old days, under then chairman ‘Humph’ Lyttleton. Host Jack Dee may have something to do with this but it all fits in with the wider BBC agenda. Also, the presence of Susan ‘My Wife’ Calman ensures the show stays onside as regards homosexuals. This show is a parody of other Radio quizzes and, at its best, can be silly harmless fun. It was – and should be – intrinsically much less political than, say, “The Now Show” and have less current politics than the more topical “Dead Ringers”. But the Left-wing BBC seems to have decided that the progressive agenda needs to be drummed in at every opportunity.
This evening there were (not very funny) attacks on Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage and The Daily Mail. There were, predictably, no comparable attacks on Diane Abbott, Barack Obama, Caroline Lucas or The Guardian, or on Macron, Merkel or Juncker.
The news broadcasts on either side greatly exaggerated the importance of the Tory MP’s “ni**er in the woodpile” remark caught on an audio recording. Then we had “The Archers”, with former GM-crop-trasher Kirsty Miller getting political about the closure of a pop-up restaurant and the increasingly tiresome Jill Archer giving good old Brian Aldridge a lecture about some expensive restaurant replacing this temporary cheap place for the needy and hungry. Finally, the Leftist “Front Row” began with more references to transgenderism, the BBC flavour of the month right now, and that, at a little after 19:15, was when I hit the off switch.
Ever since the Finsbury Mosque Attack of 19th June “which injured ten and possibly killed one” the BBC has continuously run a “What Is Islamophobia” piece of propaganda on their CBBC channel (for 6 to 12 year olds). Four weeks later there is still a link to It on their CBBC Newsround News homepage: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/40324678
Worrying isn’t it Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate,
Can anyone deny that Islam has a political agenda?
I would like to know what percentage of employees working in the BBC are Muslim. Given it is a public body, opining its personal views on political programmes via the mouths of its presenters, under the Freedom of Information shouldn’t this information be available?
I would also be interested to know how many Muslims are in influential positions within the BBC.
A lot – it’s part of Wahhabism to undermine non believers by any means available and subvert institutions to further the aim of the caliphate .
They’re doing it in the media, politics and courts .
I truly believe that – it’s not McCarthyism or communism . It’s just as it is and whitee must bite his tongue or be called a “witch” or in modern parlance “racist”.
And as for some politician using the word “nigger”- so what ? If it was intended to cause offence in the circumstances it might be a slight issue – but otherwise it’s nothing – except for the race relations industry – right Shabi?
The kids can stay up late tonight.
So they can watch BBC4 repeat on the Science of Islam
Indoctrination continues
8:30pm The BBC’s top doom-monger Tom Heap will be investigating Brexit/egriculture for Panorama
11:15pm BBC2 there is a drama sneering at May and Boris
R4 8:30pm strangely Paul Johnson of IFS was scheduled in Radio Times but has been dropped.
Paul Johnson was the BBC’s best friend when he kept criticising the Tories, but then he came out and said Labour’s spending wasn’t costed.
“The negative perception of Muslims. An underlying, unfounded mistrust. A misinformed suspicion of people who follow Islam.
Now it’s our duty to counteract this perception of Muslims. (a perception problem is different to facing the truth) To those who say that there is a conflict of being loyal to Britain and a Muslim, you have to look no further than Mohamed Farah. Our national hero is a practising Muslim. The double gold medallist saw no conflict between crossing the finish line in the Union Flag and dropping to the ground in prayer.(was the flag submitting to Allah in this display of Patriotism?) In fact, he showed how seamlessly religion and patriotism can go together.
As one survey revealed (no reference given), 83% of Muslims said they were proud to be British, compared to 79% of Britons overall.”
But we have conflicting data …83% Muslims proud to be British verses 1% Muslims want Freedom of Speech/Press
“…BBC poll in 2015 found that 27% of British Muslims had quote ‘Some sympathy’ (27% or a third) for the people who went into the offices of Charlie Hebdo and killed the cartoonists, editors and journalists there. Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.”
– Douglas Murray (2016?)
To repeat again … 83% UK Muslims proud to be British (Warsi reports 2013) verses 1% UK Muslims want Freedom of Speech/Press (Murray reports 2015).
Who can reconcile that?
What were Warsi’s thoughts on Hebdo and kiddy cartoons?
Listening yesterday evening to some Radio 4 I was saddened to hear the Absolutely Radio team resort, (yet again), to a series of ‘anti-Trump’ gags, which is a pity in that their comedy has been quite original in the past, indeed one of their running jokes has been the Scottish council that the modern world has passed by, but clearly not ‘the Donald’.
Then on to Feedback and its insights into the new BBC plan for ‘audio’. It all sounds like to much control from the BBC; ‘we will create a personalised indoctrination plan for you, be you a white or black belt Marxist’ etc. There was an item about the new batch of ‘dystophian’ dramas that all the left-sounding listeners unanimously liked. One included the take over of France by the FN. Roger Bolton gave us his take that this was something that ‘we’ all knew what to expect and it wouldn’t be good. The producer then claimed that it was all nothing of the sort and it had all been triggered by the thought that ‘The Arab Spring’ had all gone wrong, (and there was everyone else thinking it was Brexit and Trump, you biased bigots you!). He assured us that ‘any’ party could have been used in the French drama and that the one about health had ‘nothing to do with the NHS’. “It wasn’t me guv, honest!”
‘Unfortunately’ his listeners, including Bolton, aren’t that sophisticated and they all picked up on the ‘wrong’ message, (job done).
[Idea for a drama set in, say, 2050. A crazy woman politician, only in power because she swamped the old people’s homes with postal voting forms, has set her back on the world, destroying all the political alliances that were beneficial to the country. Land has become so expensive that only the rich can afford it, the poor are forced to live in ever smaller places that, by their sheer numbers rise in towers, like termites. Realising that these people too have got their hands on the postal vote she authorises the torching of these towers, beacons of ‘hope’ for the future. Purely fiction of course.]
Thought Dead Ringers was better than it used to be though. Way too much anti-Brexit stuff that wasn not funny…but Ive got to say that the Corbyn/Abbott phone chat was good and clever-and there were other points that needed saying too, and they tried.
Good on Digby and to other numpty on the tape. It’s not a mistake because that was the choice of the British people. The beeb should be offering facts not slanted opinion.
The last thing we need to pay to hear is a waiter constantly telling us how much of a mistake we made by ordering the expensive new steak. We should have stuck with the same shit from the same menu that we’ve had for years and been grateful for it.
Get over yourself Beeb. We made our decision and it wasn’t the one that you were subvertingly instructing us to do.
R4 8pm BBC staffer Anita Anand has done a doco about HERSELF and the tribalist black feminists who criticise her
\\They were accusing white middle-class women of “whitewashing” the feminist movement, insisting they have no right to comment on issues affecting poor black women.// http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08x90v1
Anita just retweeted this sychophancy .. London transport sign honouring the Pride March
..Hmm no we are not “free to love”
: We should not be free to be sexual with animals, children, nor when people exploit huge power differences (eg against mentally ill)
That sign is public money being spent to push a POLITICAL agenda.
You can be whatever you like … just don’t force it onto other people (Ironman flying lessons for all kids) and demand that they change or have to pay to accommodate it (NHS operation to add Iron to your chest) and realise that there will be unintended consequences for your choices (technology to fly off roofs not available yet – stop at the edge).
I have to disagree, as you see the bBC informed me that Islamic countries (where the vast majority of the residents of TH come from) are a great place for Male Gay sex: Gay Pakistan: Where sex is available and relationships are difficult
Pakistan is not the kind of place that most people would associate with gay liberation. But some say the country is a great place to be gay – even describing the port city of Karachi as “a gay man’s paradise”.Underground parties, group sex at shrines and “marriages of convenience” to members of the opposite sex are just some of the surprises that gay Pakistan has to offer. Under its veneer of strict social conformity, the country is bustling with same-sex activity.
Pounce this is a good point and not one I’ve really thought about before. I am aware that in Muslim countries – particularly arab countries – closet homosexuality is widespread. This may be why there is not as much opposition to islamification in the UK as one might think there would be from some of us who ‘bat for the other side.’
I heard Kieth Vaz is the new `face of Vaz autocratic` and has been filmed knocking on doors asking men to show him thier underpants to test his new improved `whitener`..
* House in Leicester
* Two flats in London
* I own two season tickets for Leicester City Football Club. However, I am invited from time to time into the directors’ box to watch matches. The annual value of this benefit is below registrable value.
* Visit Sultanate of Oman at the invitation of the Majlis A’Shura. (24-28 May 2008) All costs Majlis A’Shura.
* I receive rental income from a flat in London (until 7 May 2008)
There may be all sorts of gay fun going on in Pakistan, but they have to keep it on the lowdown, or else it’s flying off a tall building time.
I don’t deny that muslims are hypocrites over this, you just have to look at the prediliction for paedophilia with boys in Afghanistan. But the fact remains, if two men try and have an open gay relationship in a muslim country (and for this example I will include Tower Hamlets) they will end up getting bashed at best, killed at worst.
Obviously, the Emir of London turning up at Pride was a piece of taqiyya. There is no way he can be a muslim and approve of open gay lifestyles, as the gays will find out when the caliphate comes to al-Britannia.
Good point. Britain used to have a pretty busy underground gay scene before 1967 (without the threat of death), and the BBC thinks that that was the bad old days, but apparently it is a good thing that gays are willing to risk death to have sex in Pakistan. Are they meant to be grateful?
Course it does Anita!
Why not try and visit the Church Of England place at the top end of Brick Lane early in the evening-and then get a late night bagel on Brick Lane before heading over to Regents Park before they all head home after Friday prayers at dusk?
It’s chunder inducing for it’s desperate virtue signalling. Be who you want to be on the underground as long as you aren’t a size 8 model promoting beach ready fitness…
The one thing Ive noticed about the bBC is how its reporters are taught to write a story which blurs the facts and presents an image they wish to promote. (usually of a political agenda) Here is one such story from the bBC. Child almost falls through floor of moving train in Devon
Funny is it not? The bbc etc., is perfectly aware that a majority support Brexit and there is no going back. They are also perfectly aware that a majority support Trump and there is no going back. Ah but ………………………………………
Notice how Al Beeb’s reporters and presenters pronounce the word “Brexit!” with vitriol and venom. They really are against our democratic vote for freedom and independence.
What kind of guest did they have on womanshour ?
Ah Laurie Penny plugging her book
\\ Why would you buy @PennyRed ‘s book of essays when they will all be the same?
– white males are to blame for everything. Always. //
Just heard the opening of this on David Thompson’s blog, the fawning welcome for Penny, (following some denigration for the Tories over mental health – one of the hardest areas to address). That was all I could stand.
Disagree – he could have truly slaughtered her but dropped to her level with the finger pointing .
But at least she didn’t get the slap she deserved – in a non mysoginist kind of way – is she a beeboid?
She obviously wants a career being a left wing gobshite but there’s a lot of competition .
He could have “slaughtered her” but the EU Court of Human Rights would have been called in.
IMHO, I think she wants a career with Al Beeb along with Owen Jones when he gets old enough.
Taffman- I suppose there was violence in my comment and I obviously wouldn’t want any harm to occur to that little girl.
Definitely a mistake on her part asking a question to which she didn’t know the answer – namely Domicile – but I reckon she did a google and made a dumb and offensive conclusion . She must be looking for a safe Corbin seat.
A short video advising holiday makers to run in flip flops when if an “attack” occurs. No mention of who would be doing the attacking as we expect from the BBC.
I can’t keep up with what the correct advice is. I thought “Love not Hate” would stop terrorism now we are being told to run and hide.
I quite like Roy Larner’s example … “They were saying, ‘Islam, Islam!’. I said again, ‘F*** you, I’m Millwall!’, and then got his fists out rather than UK Gov “Run,Hide,Tell”.
Independent Webpage about Roy: “Islam” text x 4 BBC Webpage about Roy: “Islam” text x 0
Mirror Webpage about Roy: “Islam” text x 0
The Sun Webpage about Roy: “Islam” text x 0
First Entry in Google Search for “Roy Larner” is Independent.co.uk [search@08.06.2017]
“I got stabbed and sliced eight times. They got me in my head, chest and both hands. There was blood everywhere.
“They were saying, ‘Islam, Islam!’. I said again, ‘F*** you, I’m Millwall!’
I’d waive my refund of the licence tax cos I won’t pay it and listen to the wireless .
I was trying to image a 1939 public information film of run hide tell when the threat was similar nazism/Islam where they wanted us slaves speaking German. Wonder how thT would have gone down ?
Or ask the terrorist to help you light a candle so that you could win the virtue signalling challenge for being the first one to acknowledge the tragedy that has ultimately killed/wounded you.
No injury is too bad that being the bestest, most emotionally contrived, most openly virtuous of all of your friends wouldn’t heal.
“No mention of who would be doing the attacking as we expect from the BBC.” – We have to assume it is again, those frustrated transgender types since they get all the mentions and promotions on the BBC………
Just apply the, Sale of Goods Act 1979 and Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 to the bbc license.
For starters Goods/Services must be:-
1) As described
2) Of merchantable quality
3) Fit for their intended purpose.
The Sale of Goods Act has been replaced with the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
The Consumer Rights Act 2015 covers you when you purchase Digital Content which is what we do when we buy a TV license so if we were entitled to our money back before 2015 we are even more entitled to a refund these days.
Somebody should start by asking questions about protectionism and the EU, such as which food products are not open to being freely traded into the EU because some EU industries are protected against true free market trading. Example – sugar beet producers in the EU, not necessarily the most cost-effective way of producing sugar, are protected by trade barriers and tariffs which prevent cheaper cane sugar being imported. This is true of a range of food products.
Some of these protectionist tariffs and trade barriers are set to be eliminated over the next few years, but then there are the decisions to support inefficient farming with the Common Agricultural Policy, by which taxpayers effectively pay a subsidy to inefficient food producers in the EU so that their prices can actually compete in the world marketplace.
I.e. we’re paying tariffs and taxes for inefficient production in the EU. Prices are cheaper on the world market.
To paraphrase Mr Orwell…..some are more equal than others.
Since very few of us can predict the future – all too often what is offered as factual is just someone’s opinion.
The bbc likes to offer selected opinion and describe it as facts and news.
It’s because all of the expensive wines in the supermarket seem to come from Europe where as the cheaper ones come from outside of the EU. Which of course is strange given how we are told that once outside the EU everything will be more expensive.
“The BBC’s Geeta Pandey in Delhi says such violence is not unique to India – it occurs around the world (that’s OK then?) – but what sets it apart in India from many other countries is the culture of silence and approval that often surrounds it. (it’s accepted because of religion or old traditions or education?) According to a family survey carried out by the government, more than 54% of men and 51% of women said it was ok for a man to beat his wife if she disrespected her in-laws, neglected her home or children, or even over something as trivial as putting less – or more – salt in the food.(so no reason at all then)”
“Domestic violence has been the most reported violent crime against women in the country every year for more than a decade now (over 10 years in modern times – feminist energy and outcry?)”
Ms Joshi says though the findings came nearly 10 years ago, attitudes remain largely unchanged.
“Most people say: ‘Your husband beats you, but he also loves you.’ Or: ‘Oh, you made a mistake, so he is justified in hitting you.’ Even the court-appointed mediators often tell women that a little compromise is good. You should learn a little adjustment, they say, you should learn to ignore. How come a man is never given such advice?”
That, she says, is because the scales are tilted so heavily against women and unless there is “total equality” between the genders, home will remain “the most dangerous place” for many Indian women.
“Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. ……………… Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier
From a different age, but could be easily adapted today to cover certain self-inflicted problems.
As it happens, Napier occupies one of the four plinths in Trafalgar Square. Lefties and trendies like to sneer at it, arguing that nobody knows who he was, and that he is no longer relevant.
Let me have a go – “Be it so. The wearing of pink hats and dressing up as a Vagina is your custom. But my nation has also a custom. When our women and men wear attire, other than prescribed, we throw them in jail, beat them up or just kill them. Let us all act according to national customs.”
Not a bad idea, would ensure the other half would want you to live as long as possible, which is nice after you have been raping them for 30 yrs of an arranged marriage.
Quite right Marky. Interfering to rid a nation of suttee and thugee are typical examples of an oppressive, despised and heartless regime whose sole aim was to extort maximum revenue for minimum benefit.
What element of the 1.3 million is self-serving i.e. dealing with their own nationalities requirements such as food etc and managing remittances back to their country of origin?
Yep, Australia has free-trade deals with loads of countries. Better ask how they did it.
We may struggle to get a free-trade deal with the EU because they hate us, that’s fine, we can hate them back and in so doing not keep buying their shit because they certainly don’t buy ours.
Poland, Hungary, Czecho’ might relish a trade deal with us but if the Franco-Prussian Empire says no, it’s screwed.
Gaxvil, I remember as a young man reading a journalist (can’t remember who) who wrote that the EU hated Britain because they were jealous of the relationship it had with its former colonies.
With the possible exception of the French and the Quebecois, all the European powers screwed up their colonies and left largely a legacy of decrepit corrupt tin-pot republics behind them.
Britain by contrast was able, by and large, to successfully transform its colonies into dominions and maintain a healthy administrative and commercial relationship with them.
It was a while back but just what did happen to our car industry. Come to think of it, what happened to our industry?
Greedy Tory industrialists or petulant Lefty strikers?
I always thought a “engineer” was one of those bearded “children” who turn up in a rubber dinghy.
Or are they the Brain Surgeons, …I can never remember.
Frostrup R4 this morning – Teaching children critical thinking like, how to spot fake and agenda driven news.
Webb R4 Today – It was so subtle as to be nigh on invisible.
The question Webb was desperate to ask Charlie Gard’s Mom:-
“Are you afraid that your case will be used by people wishing to promote the right to life and restrict abortions because the bbc would certainly not approve.”
People like Webb would benefit from a very late abortion.
The best way to spot fake news is to abolish tax funded news outlets like the BBC and replace it with plurality of sources so that people can make up their own minds.
Abolishing the BBC would be the greatest single step towards a free society since the invention of the Internet.
When Leftists talk about “critical thinking” what they mean, without exception, is “correct thinking”, and what they mean by “correct thinking”,is, without exception, Leftist dogma.
@Wild To Lefties “critical thinking” = “correct thinking” = “Leftist dogma”
Yes maybe
I don’t have Froststrup down as a Lefty but she moves in the same circles
I spotted
#1 guests sighing about Brexit
#2 guests sighing about Trump
#3 prog brought on Buzzfeed to talk about Critical Thinking …FFS Buzzfeed is hyperbolic fakenews
#4 prog brought on FirstNews editor, FFS the kids newspaper is a brainwashing operation ..featuring polar bear stories etc.
#5 Participants seemed unaware of the Source Fallacy
The truth is evidence is INDEPENDENT of source
So it is very wrong to divide the world up as Good and Bad sources
(ie wrong to assume that Guardian is Truth and Daily Mail False)
Oh, she`ll be a Lefty alright.
Heard her last year with this programme of hers. Apparently the State need to pay for “the vulnerable” to go on holiday for nothing, so they`ve got something to talk about when the kids go back to school in September. Not a husband in sight, just a load of foreign women with their broods requiring time on Camber Sands at Butlins…and they themselves might want a fortnight in Gran Canaria when the key workers pick them up from school, as they flop around in their onesies at the Boozeshack.
Froststrup has described herself as on the Left. People on the Left often view themselves as “Critical Thinkers”, by which they mean they have arrived at their Leftist views as a consequence of their superior thoughtfulness. Superior that is to uneducated people who use their common sense, or reactionaries who (inconveniently) point out that the Left have been disastrously wrong about pretty much everything in the last 100 years.
Yep a prime example of GuardianThick
Thinking they know better than the oiks, not realising that the oiks don’t just hoover up everything from the Guardian and are therefore better informed that the GuardianThick
All this concern about “fake news” is reminiscent of the USSR’s criminalisation of the spreading of “fabrications”. Any criticism of the Soviet order was considered to be a sign of mental illness and dissidents often ended up in psych wards. The coining of words like “islamophobia” is just another ploy to paint political opponents as unhinged or irrational. Your mentioning teaching “critical thinking” to children reminded me of a quote by the dissident Natan Scharanski “the state is only interested in rationality as long as it is conducive to obedience” I shudder to think what mind-bending psych-babble they would use to lobotomise children.
Webb clearly wanted the mum to NOT be impressed, grateful to Trump and Popey for the publicity, offers of help.
Wrong sort of support I guess. Webb would prefer such kids to die howling in a kidney dish before Trump got to wade in and get any credit.
Webb of course hasn`t got the balls to impugn the mum of a terminally ill child, but surely we could put her in a cell at Great Ormond St until she says what she`s supposed to.
NOBODY takes on the NHS remember? Remember Julie Bailey, plebs!
I suppose the difference between the spread of the islamic cult in France by these means is different in the UK. Here they already have their advocates speaking/acting on their behalf i.e. the Goverment and the BBC. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10606/france-courts-jihad
From the article…
In her Facebook Live post, she said: “The kid came over and he stopped in front of the bike and I was giving it big smiles and went over and put my hand on the bike and I said ‘Thanks so much for coming out to meet us on such a miserable day as well, we would have came to your house’.
“And I looked underneath the frame and I checked the serial number, then I just said ‘This is my bike’. And the kid just burst into tears.”
She went on: “So this kid is just like crying in front of me, saying ‘Is it really your bike?’ And I said ‘Yeah, it’s really my bike – it’s not your bike, is it?’
“And then he’s like ‘It’s my first time, it’s my first time’ and I was like ‘I think we both know that’s not true, pal.
“And then somehow I ended up like pure giving him a life lecture on how this is a turning point in his life and it could have been so much worse if it had been somebody else who had came and just like battered him to get the bike back off him.
“And what he needed to be doing was thinking of his future and he said, ‘I’m only 15’.
“And I said, you know what, if school’s not working out for you, you need to start thinking about college or like go and do an apprenticeship or something. Stop stealing because you’re terrible at it and you’re going to end up in Barlinnie.”
How could anyone at the BBC allow utter shite journalism like this to go out? Can the BBC dumb down anymore?!?
Most in this country are not living in high rises, are not Muslims, do not think Corbyn is the Messiah, are not transvestites or even a bit gay and most are happy to leave the EU. Shame the bbc doesn’t know that.
Back in the 70s / 80s we dealt with a number of cases where white folks and immigrants died in fires or thru’ suffocation from paraffin or calor gas heaters. Austerity hadn’t been invented back then.
The fire was apparently caused by a halogen heater. Odd, as the temperature has been over 70 degrees for a week. Still, the main thing is that the father survived, he can always sort out a new wife and kids later.
Times pg 12 “UK urged to copy German crackdown on Social media”
Times pg 13 “British Council officer sues for wrongful dismissal, after she posted hate comments against 3 yr old Prince George, on her private Facebook group”
Bosses argue its her responsibility for reputation.
O dear, smack me with a feather duster !
Someone used the ‘N’ word in ‘the wood pile’ – the politically correct police of Al Beeb are highly ‘offended’. Highly, highly, offended! 😀
Didn’t Al Beeb sack their disc jockey for playing a song on the radio using the ‘N word ‘? – Childish.
Police left a note saying “sorry we missed each other” after digging up a cannabis plantation.
Thames Valley Police received a tip off about drugs in woodland near Oxford last week. They left a note-
“Ooops! Sorry we missed each other, but feel free to call me on 101 so we can discuss a deal. Lots of love, TVP xx.”
They posted a picture of the note on Twitter and added a hashtag, “We’veGotManners”.
p.s. I was just searching for Turnbull on the bbc.co.uk website, but Islamophobia turned up – sigh.
p.s. See video “Is Islamophobia on the rise?” – but all this says is that reporting is increasing, it’s been made easier to report. Does not break down to violent and just verbal abuse.
Times Ofcom TV viewing report
Kids going off normal TV, as ditch to online specialists
2010 watched 151 mins/day
Now 101 mins
Cbeebies most a selected channel
Over 55s watching slightly more TV these days. 295mins
Claim over 65s watch 344 mins
Shocking language used by a Conservative politician Anne Marie Morris. Can’t remember if the BBC reported this incident from lovely multicultural Sweden…
BBC using funerial tones to report this on PM. Anyone would think this was comparable to ‘9/11’ or the dropping of the first atomic bomb rather than a common turn of phrase with no literal meaning at all, similar to ‘pig in a poke’. What next, the World Wildlife Fund getting upset about all those pachyderms occupying human living accomodations?
Took me a while to find out what all the fuss was about on Twitter as just about every ‘news’ moppet was RT’ing the ever outraged Owen’s latest demands.
Trouble is, outside his circle of jerks, he has blocked anyone not sharing his world view, so the wisdom was lost.
Bet he is on the BBC soon, though.
Hope they can’t resist the irony of getting Di back in her comfort zone.
Paul Ross has it as his main topic today banging on about the “disgraceful ” lack of a reaction to the ‘N’ word.
His question today should the N word be banned?
Yet another example of how only whitey can be “waycist” when most hip hop ‘artists’ are free to shout it out and typically use it to rhyme with ‘trigger’ as in “got my finger on the..”
#BBCtrending: Five facts about #BringBackOurGirls {bbc.co.uk may2014} The top BBC journalists have reviewed the hashtag and the findings are in …
1. When did it start? – 23rd April, 2014
2. How many times has it been used on Twitter? – 3.3million
3. Where is it being used? – Top Countries Nigeria 27%, UK, USA
4. Who is using it? – 56% Women, 44% Men
5. Most shared tweet? – 57,000 Retweets
Oh, and the missing, most important one for the actual 276 girls … not asked by the BBC … 6. Did #bringbackourgirls actually bring back the 276 girls? (the most important question)
“When they go low, we go high” – Michelle Obama – 2016
“#bringbackourgirls” – Michelle Obama – April 2014
Nigeria rejected British offer to rescue seized Chibok schoolgirls {theguardian.com – mar2017}
In a mission named Operation Turus, the RAF (UK Airforce) conducted air reconnaissance over northern Nigeria for several months, following the kidnapping of 276 girls from the town of Chibok in April 2014 (by Islamist militant group Boko Haram). “The girls were located in the first few weeks of the RAF mission,” a source involved in Operation Turus told the Observer. “We offered to rescue them, but the Nigerian government declined.”
– Guardian UK Online Website / 4 March 2017
#bringbackourgirls – makes you wonder who Michelle Obama was asking to do this? The wife of the most powerful man in the World, with a special relationship with the Country who could have taken action, reduced to holding a piece of card for the World to read a #hashtag that did NOT bring the girls back.
The bbc don’t have many decent sporting events left in their portfolio. Wimbledon is one of the last remaining bastions. You would think, therefore, that they would adopt a ‘let’s not fuck it up’ attitude. Wrong. As usual it’s ‘this game is moving to that channel’ and ‘that that game is moving to this channel’ What a cluster fuck. All so as the biased news at 6 can go out untainted by the rigors of (badly) covering a major sporting event.
Theresa May said this
Donald Trump said that
Brexit will never happen (Vince Cable said so)
LGBT this
Muslim that
And we pay for it.
“…when he came to write his memoirs he called it N-er, it upset a lot of people, including his old Mum. Who called him and said why are you doing this? And he said “Momma, every time you hear that word again, they’re selling my book.”
– Christopher Hitchens – Don’t waste my time with Islam – 2010
with AnneMarieMorris using an archaic expression as ever CONTEXT, PERSPECTIVE and INTENTION are everything
Is it worse than lefties calling for Trump’s death ?
#1 It is not RACIST to use an old fashioned idiom in a sentence about economic policy
…. it’s just naive
#2 If it was a big big deal then the crowd would have made a fuss right at the time
..Seems no one even noticed until Huffington Post published a recording (so It’s like the hounding of Sir Tim Hunt thing)
(Other Panelists MP’s Bill Cash & John Redwood did not speak up. Nor anyone from organisers)
#3 The perspective is it’s not even like losing your temper and hitting someone
… like she wasn’t even breaking the law.
Yet the BBC use the word “racist” BBC News – MP Anne Marie Morris suspended for racist remark
Yes an MP should dress smartly and guard their language,
… but what should be the punishment when they slip ?
Surely rather that stick to a script they should be able to speak freely and then apologise when they slip.
Meanwhile the latest advertising by Macdonalds looks like it was made for Birmingham, Alabama and DFS adverts have ‘white workers’, a black customer and an asian manager.
BBC defending poor Mr Soros, the wonderfull philanthropist who only does good with his billions by funding social projects. They appear to have forgotten that he made it by screwing us over, and his social engineering projects aim to ethnically cleanse Europe of its inhabitants.
‘Open Society’?
To Soros, that really means ‘open’ for exploitation and ‘open’ for destruction.
Without doubt, the most evil man on the planet.
And the BBC does his bidding.
Yeah but Soros will be taking the elevator to his maker soon.
Pretty hot where he is going, only thing that could make his departure to hell better, is Anthony Blair arriving before him, ofcourse its a long shot praying for a Blair and Mandleson straight forecast.
Iraq declares victory over ISIS. What I find astounding is through all the horror stories coming out – not one protest march over all the years apart from outrage that we weren’t doing enough for the displaced – which I guess put it all on us.
Same sort of silence we get from news of horrors in Syria, India, Pakistan, Saudi etc., etc.. Deafening silence but then, I mean it’s not like serious, like gay wedding cake serious is it?
An interesting piece on Conservative woman about the way the BBC reported on Trumps magnificent speech in Poland.
“The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilisation in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?”
The Left’s reaction was immediate. According to The Guardian, “Donald Trump’s warning about ‘western civilisation’ evokes holy war”. The Today programme questioned the existence of a coherent Western civilisation.
So now we have the BBC denying that the West even has a civilisation, and does it matter whether it is coherent or not when all aspects of its very existence are threatened? I seem to recall a similarly blinkered and crassly stupid statement from a inmate of a mental asylum once known as the Swedish parliament.
A brilliant speech from Trump.
If people can`t be bothered to check it, as opposed to letting Kuennsberg spit on it and serve it chewed up for our ease-then they don`t really deserve to be called anything other than haram sheep like the Swedes. Trump DID say this-that Islam is the enemy without, but we shav our enemy within-those who would pervert, destroy and subvert our freedoms. CNN and the BBC are obviously what he has in mind. And he is right.
“Those who give up their long held freedoms , in return for transient short term security are not entitled to either freedom or security-and they`ll not get them either”
Looking at the posts here this evening, Al Beeb is fast becoming a broadcasting joke. It will soon be discredited as a national broadcaster because its Anti-Brexit propaganda is becoming transparent to more and more of the British people.
I have frequently noticed this scepticism in the Welsh people I meet day in and day out. I am sure that other posters here will notice the same in the other parts of Great Britain.
“Theresa May urges rival parties to ‘contribute and not just criticise”
She is surrendering. She surrounded herself with remainers.
Its time for Jacob Rees-Mogg to step up to the post of Prime Minister. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40549253
Its time for Jacob Rees-Mogg to step up to the post of Prime Minister.
Yes if you want the Tories to be totally annihilated and a Labour government for years to come!
Mogg is just another idle toff, just like all the other Tories useless Prime Ministers particularly the Old Etonian set who have a particular predilection for idleness and left wing liberalism.
His old fashion dress mannerisms and speech would be a never ending source of material for the BBCs left wing so called comedians and it would strike a chord with the public.
I never mentioned a class divide, I merely need to look at history to see the issue with old Etonians running anything.
Cameron is a good example of the people they are turning out now. Lazy, without any real ideas save for a sense of entitlement to be in high office because of their schooling, liberal left wing, and always willing to help old school mates out with a job offer. Just look at how many of them Cameron stuffed into his cabinet.
But the history doesn’t end there I’m afraid. There is a continuing pattern of these prime ministers which is not seen in other prominent public schools.
David Davies is looking more favourable than Rees Mogg.
Its getting to be the case that any chap who takes a pride in his appearance and wears a tie as opposed to a Lenin cap, will get my vote ! I also think calling R-M lazy is a bit harsh, as he is considered a ‘genius’ in banking circles and set up his own fund management company a few years ago. At least having 6 children he isn’t relying on the state to feed and house them, which in this day and age is nothing short of a miracle !!!
Read an article about him the other day. He made and makes a lot of money from investing, rising early to do his research before his parliamentary duties.
I tend to agree. I like him but I don’t think he’s a leader and he’s a bit of a niche personality.Mind you if Corbyn can gain traction anybody can ,so what do I know.
Got some sympathy for Mrs May. Unless examples are made of the likes of Soubry, Heseltine and the like, she`ll be got at by her so-called Party.
Either the Tories want to govern us and put into effect what we the people voted for-or else they`ve decided to be BBC loving, Marxist friendly EU craving puppets.If the latter-then they`ll be out of power for a generation because Corbyns Open Secret Army won`t be allowing any more votes until we kill a few of them by way of fighting their bullying nasties with ours…and May really needs to get some steel into her policies and party management before she becomes a Chamberlain and not a Churchill.
Alicia – Theresa missed her opportunity to sort out the likes of Vinegar Soudbry . Just before the election she should have de-selected the likes of these Junker licking europhiles. Instead she chose to just ignore them and carry on regardless and now faces opposition to brexit from both within her own and opposition parties.
She has shown that she never had any clear view or vision on how brexit could be achieved. Perhaps because she personally never believed in it herself. I suspect as a leader she was just a chancer that got lucky.
As I said in one of my posts just after she got elected – Even if brexit fails In some ways her personal reputation will remain intact because she will look like a victim of disloyalty rather than someone who was afraid or unwilling to make the bold political decisions in her own party needed to ensure the success of brexit.
At best she is no more than an uninspiring machine minder. At worst she has betrayed the democratic will of the people.
Johanna Konta (lovely olde English name) born in Australia to Hungarian parents now she is miraculously Britain’s top tennis player – reminds me of little Mohammed from Mogadishu running his little heart out for Britain .
Johanna Konta does at least live in the UK and pays taxes here, also I`ve noticed she does have the ability to speak with a remarkable English accent …. I would much rather invite such a person to settle here than a Somalian Carpetbagger who doesn`t pay taxes, avoids drugs tests, remains a non professional athlete to ensure his training costs in the USA are paid for by UK athletics including the costs incurred by resettling his family overseas with him as well!! In fact the only thing he doesn`t seem to avoid is the f**king Mosque and promotional adverts for Quorn Mince!!!!
Also her family doesn`t include two siblings who are convicted criminals either….. Plus she has actually taken British Nationality and no longer holds an Aussie passport…
I myself had an Australian Grandparents born in Fremantle on my fathers side and both my maternal Grandparents were born in what is now N.Ireland…. This makes me actually not that British either using your premise…. However my family fought in both World Wars and they fought in British Army uniforms and their contributions along with millions of others protected what we now refer to as British Values…. I am proud of being British myself, I may be a bit of a Heinz 57 by heritage but I would never consider applying for any other passport but a British one….
Also Johanna Konta is quite `fit` unlike that skinny Somali pirate who has lived in the USA for the last six years….
Last weekend we attended the NE1 car show in Newcastle on Tyne.
A very large gathering of some of the finest cars in the N. East.
This show took over a large part of Newcastle city centre. Mainly White middle class participation.
Was this reported by the BBC north east?
No. You can bet your last dollar (euro) that had it been a left wing protest, anti Trump protest, pro Muslim protest or gay pride, it would have been given wall to wall coverage.
Anyway, we were exhibiting two classic cars which were behind barriers.
Three (ethnics) came under the barriers for a closer look. ( the only people to do this all day. ) I pointed this out to my son… that’s what borders and barriers mean to these people…..
The Mayor of London has pledged to stop the use of the term ‘ladies and gentlemen’ on the capital’s public transport because the idea that people are either male or female is offensive.
Sadiq Khan says that he has banned staff from using any gendered language when addressing the public after a transsexual was told “[you] didn’t sound like a ‘miss’” by a telephone operator at Transport for London. http://anglicanmainstream.org/mind-the-sanity-gap-as-tfl-abolishes-gender/
Is Khan going to do away with the term Mr or Mrs then ? I would take deep offence at not being called Mrs ? – I married for love and to attain the status of ‘married lady’ , so ‘Mrs’ should never be belittled, otherwise what’s the point ? In a very short space of time society has reached the state of ridiculousness, with an overriding factor of never offending anyone. Well tough shit, there are only two sexes, male and female, end of story. If one wants to dress up as the other, that’s up to them, as long as it doesn’t frighten the horses !
“If one wants to dress up as the other, that’s up to them, as long as it doesn’t frighten the horses !”
Under islam, cross dressing is haram, and is punishable by death (of course). I wonder why no-one is asking the Emir to denounce this cruel practice, since he is apparently such a snowflake that the term “ladies and gentlemen” offends him?
But no, islam, as ever, gets a free pass. Meanwhile, a Conservative politician accidently uses the “N” word in an old fashioned saying, with no intention to cause offence. Cue the fake outrage police!
So one person complains. What if the whole population of London (8M?) complained about something unimportant but topical? Any so-called, “administration” acting to satisfy the complainant would be pushed and pulled in so many directions that it would cease to administer.
BBC news show Guardian website for no apparent reason. Say EU has contacted lots of newspapers …. but they choose to show only one. With appeal for donations taking up quarter of screen. Why?
Just caught a few minutes of Jim Al Khalilis “Science and Islam”.
I used to think that the BBC scorned religiious influence in anything “scientific”. But that was before the Bataclan I guess.
Clearly the Chinese, Persians, Greeks and Romans knew nothing much until the Muslims came through to pilfer the libraries, force the captive slaves to do their wqrk and let Allah get the credit.
And apparently Mendeleev only filled in the trivia that some Muslim had obviously already done in regard of the Periodic Table.
Must have nicked it all from a passing Chechen eh Jim?
As for the “Science and Christianity”…Faraday, Watt, Newton, Mendel to name just a few?…well, science and religion don`t mix now do they?
Well done Beeb-well done Islamic Jim…
Anyone who links a particular religion with science must surely show that the religion was critical to making the scientific discovery.
I have read claims that Islam encourages the search for knowledge, (a bit like the EU, as long as you get the ‘right’ answer!), but man, the species, is a curious animal so there is nothing special there.
Some claim that Arabs made discoveries in the field of astronomy and mathematics when Europeans were still ‘in the dark’. My feeling is that it must be a lot easier watching the stars from the desert than from the depths of a forest in Europe during a rain storm and having a sand sketchpad at your feet surely makes ‘doing sums’ a lot easier too. I’m sure these factors are more important than which religion was dominating your life.
The attempt to link religion, (and only one religion), is as daft as saying Marie Curie discovered radioactivity because she was a woman, (or French, or Catholic).
I feel a new programme coming on, Nadiya’s Islamic Science Masterclass.
Clearly you didn’t watch Professor Jim Al-Khalili’s programme on BBC4 yesterday evening: “Science And Islam”. The programme was, as expected, a tale to convince the intellectually deficient in this country that islam has it all including a scientific pedigree of innovation. In fact, I, fascinated, watched the BBC’s attempt to give academic credit where very little was warranted. Any objective viewer from here would have immediately seen the BBC signposts: islam, basically, took the essential ‘technology’ from elsewhere and improved it. I’ll give credit for improvements. But it seemed to me that, apart from some pretty minimal stuff, islam didn’t have the initial creativity to start a scientific line of reasoning, ‘from scratch’. Anyway, watch out as the sequel to this first programme (don’t know when) will set out why the islamic “achievements” set out in the first programme, came to an abrupt halt. I suspect that, in advance of that revelatory programme, we can assume that beforehand, so-called islamic religion took a hand in their “achievements”.
When did “Islamic scientific enquiry” end then?
Did science even enter the second millenium or were those brave enough to tack Godless guff on Allahs perfect revelation just killed for trying. All I know is that Islam has done NOTHING of note in recent modern history…and even JIm can`t give Muslims the credit for the Enlightenment can he?
I jest-that`ll be next series.
Jews and Science?…Freud?…Einstein?…
Hardly grease proof falafel wrappings is it?
Almost nervous about spending last Friday evening at London’s comedy store deep in the Caliphate. 5 comedians and a compere. Trendy looking audience probably average age around 30. Would this just be a live version of something like the R4 Now Show? Surely, it would. Well things didn’t go quite as expected – although it was certainly an enjoyable and very funny evening.
There were the expected jokes about the safety of the world now being in the hands of a 5 year old (yes you guessed), and about Brexit (which surprise, surprise were not exactly for it). But. . . A young female American comic who started on Trump early in her routine got no traction from the audience at all – so much so that she said with a mixture of irony and a reprimand “Oh – lots of Trumps supporters in here tonight then.” And quickly changed the subject to do a really good routine.
So sure, Trump and Brexit got it, so did May somewhat, but so did everything and everything else – especially and quite significantly both Muslims and the Koran – both specifically ridiculed (along with Jews and the Welsh for instance, by both an Englishman and – a Welshman). There was a leaning towards ridiculing the establishment and authority (which is natural in my view) so you would expect someone like Theresa May to be targeted. Corbyn was completely absent – but I couldn’t help feeling that this was more because – well – there just isn’t anything remotely funny about Corbyn or his world.
The whole experience significantly restored my confidence – completely conditioned by the BBC’s near monopoly of ‘comedy’ – in comedy where in the real world, politicians in power are a natural target, but comedy is done for laughs, and if you are lucky, insights into the human condition, not for ideological purposes.
They want to raise £28,000 for lunch once a week FOR ARABIC SPEAKING GRENFELL WOMAN and that includes £2000 – To support those needing to go to hospital to visit their families, see their lawyers and commute at times with buggies.
£15k will pay for a volunteer coordinator to manage a team of volunteers. How many Arabic speaking buggy pushing woman are there in Grenfell and how many volunteers does each woman need?
It wasn’t that long ago when we could see corruption hidden everywhere but nowadays noone even bothers to hide it anymore. I thought we were told all immigrants are hard working and net contributers to the UK economy?!?
People don’t bother to report such things .They don’t want to be accused of racism or Islamaphobia.Much easier to keep quiet. . This country no longer runs on equal under the law.
As for the just giving ,let the lefty virtue signallers do it ,I can think of many less publicised causes where my money would go.
“….once a week FOR ARABIC SPEAKING GRENFELL WOMAN ….”. That’s discriminatory period.
” I thought we were told all immigrants are hard working and net contributors to the UK economy”
Migration Watch has already proven that to be an illusion.
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn9vx01evp9o Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnOO-PJkWBA ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
A little insight as to why today we have the rise of the Fascist Left, Political Correctness, and all the nonsense about so called equality.
Often behind the scenes there are people normally in academia whose work influences others to behave in certain ways, or to shape society based on that influence.
Once such is Stuart Hall with his misguided and thoroughly wrong theory of multiculturalism, but a man far more influential behind the scenes who you have probably never even heard of is John Rawls, and it is his theories of social justice which have brought the West to its knees.
Looking at Rawls theories from the conclusions he reached it is easy to realise that he was bat shit crazy and the theories are just plain wrong, but taken through them as a logical progression as many on the left do then it can be understood which they hold this insanity as inalienable truth.
According to Rawls we should all be paid equally because it is only down to sheer luck that we find ourselves in the position we are in. Three men are asked to move waste into a skip, the first moves 1 Tonne, the second 500Kg and the third goes to the pub and gets drunk. According to Rawls they are all equally deserving of the same pay because it is only down to the accident of birth that the first is strong enough and has the work ethic to move so much. The second tries his best with what he has, and the third cannot help his feckless nature inherited from his parents.
“Rawls argues that people do not deserve to reap the rewards of these talents. Tiger Woods earns millions of dollars because he is superlatively good at golf. Yet his abilities do not stem from any special virtue on his part. He was just lucky that, by some combination of heredity and environment, he ended up with superior skills. He is lucky in another respect: market demand for golf enables his talent to achieve vast returns. Because market demand for checkers players is much less, the late Marion Tinsley, whose skill at checkers was comparable to that of Woods in golf, did not earn comparable returns on his talent.
One might object that luck is not the full story. However talented he may be, Woods had to practice countless hours from his early youth to get where he is today. Does he not deserve to benefit from his hard work? Rawls has an answer that I suspect readers will find surprising. He thinks that if you have the personality trait of working hard, this too is a matter of luck. Even though Woods practiced strenuously, he does not deserve to benefit from this trait.”
Once you begin to see life through this lens its inevitable consequence is a reducto ad absurdum of left wing values resulting in the craziest of beliefs and theories. Rawls is a favourite of left wing academics, followed at universities with an almost God like reverence, this is where the BBC gets many of its strange ideas from.
There is a lot of work out there on John Rawls, especially critical pieces which I shall leave those amongst us with that kind of motivation to read for themselves, but make no mistake of this mans importance to modern Left wing political ‘thinking’.
Interesting. I’m sure many Lefties seriously think this way. I’m also sure that many are simply motivated by crude envy and will use any argument they can find to belittle success.
“Three men are asked to move waste into a skip, the first moves 1 Tonne, the second 500Kg and the third goes to the pub and gets drunk.”
Another explanation that the Left will not countenance is that the third knows that the first will move 1 Tonne regardless, and also knows, therefore, that he does not need to bother.
TBH, I think that, ideally, the differential between the highest paid and the lowest is too high. I don’t understand why people need so much money just to get out of bed in the morning. However, I also think that it’s probably something we just have to live with because life isn’t fair and, IMO, the alternatives are unacceptable.
Alas the public dearly love directors receiving high salaries. Recently I received one of the building societies notice of AGM in which there was a vote on the directors salaries, the highest of which was £3.5 million pa. Every year I vote against such outrageous amounts, especially as they are clearly incapable of handling the position because of the number of non executive advisors they seem to need.
Despite my voting against this clearly iniquitous rape of savers money others appear to find it perfectly reasonable and vote FOR this kind of salary, and every year it is passed. If they didn’t want this then they could vote against it but they don’t.
I think it’s part of a more widespread distortion caused by prize money, lotteries, celebrity, and inflated salaries for people whose only real claim to fame is that they do what they do in front of a camera.
I don’t lose sleep over it because I think that there’s little that can be done. Much of it is due to a strange addiction to celebrity. The exception, however, is large sums paid to 10th rate entertainers out of the BBC licence fee. But everybody here knows that already.
Tony Hall, BBC Director General – Salary: £450,000 – If you are paid a lot of money, then you don’t need to accept gifts to go to the Opera – surely you should support it by spending you hard earned wages or BBC TV License prised out of the hands of working population, and pay yourself (using the money that is collected by money collectors)?
Royal Opera House – Tony Hall’s Gifts and Hospitality Register Q4 2013-14
Hansel and Gretel 2 x tickets as ex Chief Executive
Don Giovanni 2 x tickets as ex chief Executive
Die frau ohne schatten 2 x tickets as ex Chief Executive
Has voted in 5.32% of votes in this House (House of Lords) with this affiliation up to the 2015 general election — well below {theyworkforyou.com link}
Hall was created a Life Peer on 22 March 2010 and took his seat in the House of Lords as a crossbench member.
A disgusting individual with no morals.
“Alas the public dearly love directors receiving high salaries.”
The ‘public’ also approve of footballers etc. receiving high salaries. No doubt the self-same public complain of high ticket prices too!
Very interesting post and comments here, I’ve experienced first hand the credence these kinds of theories can achieve with certain kinds of academics, but this is the first I’ve heads of this Rawls. Having worked in academe for a number of years, albeit in a practical scientific discipline (Materials Science and Chemical Engineering), we were often asked to work with our counterparts from other departments on various projects, some of the Social ‘Scientists’ frankly seemed on another planet to me, was always glad of working in an ‘applied science’ where people had their feet firmly on the ground.
There is something very fatalistic (almost ‘religious’) about the argument that you have ‘no control’ over who you are, and what you do. If you carry on down this train of logic where does it eventually lead? Would it suggest that murderers should be forgiven because all they’re doing is what was ‘preordained’ for them?
What worries me is not so much just how crazy some (supposedly intelligent) people really are, but how much influence some of them have been given over our lives (especially over children and impressionable young people). Working in science one thing you really appreciate is that the public (at large) are far too trusting of ‘Scientists’ and ‘Scientific Reports’, if you knew some of these people personally (and the weird crap they believe) you wouldn’t listen to a word they said, honestly you wouldn’t.
I must ask my accountant if she thinks it worth applying Rawlsian theory to my tax return. If I should earn taxable income in excess of my allowances, could this be merely accidental and not incur a penalty due to my lack diligence in not attending university and consequent wasted life?
Let us know how you get on and, depending on the result, let us have the name and address of your accountant.
You might also try writing to Oxbridge, claiming that your lack of a degree is only down to some unfortunate combination of heredity and environment, and demanding that one be issued to you forthwith. Ensure that the degree is in something completely useless and nobody will notice.
However, the main problem with this approach is that I believe a certain shadow minister has beaten you to it. Still, it might be worth a try.
Got to go – I have a rocket to design.
She contacted HMRC and they told her this ploy, apparently termed a stop-gap, is well known to them. Labelled within the Revenue as the ‘Rawlsplug’ it was first used, unsuccessfully, by B&Q when querying VAT returns on DIY materials.
I wondered why those in the BBC hierarchy identified as morons by Mensa members, have Philosophy degrees.
I presumed they were chosen and promoted because they studied Marxism as a Philosophy. Also it seems they were taught about the Frankfurt School ideas of Philosophy. Which would explain why the BBC Trust seemed to obtain its Climate Science from the Psychiatry Departments of Bristol and Cambridge Universities, were the Professors of Psychiatry insist that anyone with a PHD in Atmospheric Physics who disagrees with a Professor of Psychiatry on the issue of the science of Atmospheric Physics, should be locked away in a loony bin.
Tried to read Rawls once “theory of justice” but his prose is so thick that I gave up.
Any way Toady watch
0730 our fav beeboid Justin – having a chat with some grey man from the EU – vanhoften or something – head she’d negotiator in the commission and published a threatening article in papers today effectively saying if EU citizens don’t get the protection of the EU court re rights in Blighty then there is no deal.
I reckon is Jakob RM was listening to this chat he’d have choked on his cornflakes. The whole idea of Brexit is to escape the ecj and hopefully the echr . Being answerable to the former would mean no real Brexit on citizenship at all.
Build a navy. Protect our coast line and walk away. Pay what we legally owe and have bilaterals with those who want them. Little Englander ? Yes I’ll plead to that but we must control our borders and who is in Blighty even if the damage is already done.
As for our Justin on toady – he’ll get a well done from the al Beeb high command for that chat.
Fedup, I do wonder why you listen so assiduously to such rubbish. Don’t you know what to expect, or are you looking for these traitors to change?
If I ever hear of real news being broadcast on Toady, instead of the Party line I will LA and cheer.
I know -charm- it’s habit. I grew up with Toady. The decent version . I’m down to a 30 minute ration now so was exposed to the poison for a short time only.
I think it’s funny when msm run stories about surveys where they find joe public don’t believe them any more and wonder why…. beeboids don’t care as long as they get taxpayers licence cash.
I posted this on the tail-end of the previous thread, but I thought I would put it here again in case anyone missed it.
The Moggster in full flow!
Thanks Lobby, Mr D and I listened to this clip of JRM over breakfast this morning and were glued to it. Much better than the Today programme. The more I see of the man the more impressed i am by him. He speaks authoritatively without notes, a master of his subject, doesn’t speak down to people etc. Well worth a watch.
Nice. Just took a look at the BBC homepage and I see that we have two anti Brexit headlines to view. Good that they are using the classic quote marks trick to ramp up the negativity but blame it on someone else.
Al Beeb , The EU’s best ally .
At £22 million in grants from the EU to the BBC since 2007 gets the EU a lot of propaganda on the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation.
I have to admit I’m a news junkie but I very rarely watch or listen to BBC news programmes because of the bias and cultural marxmism they contain. I started listening to Today in the early seventies when I had a paper round and got hooked and over the years I became a loyal listener but BBC news is no longer objective or impartial, so I don’t bother much. The bias has even crept into radio shows like The News Quiz which really ought to be now named The News Quisling and dare I say it, I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue.
Even Private Eye, a magazine that I started buying in the early seventies, has lost it’s edge and objectivity. It attacked anyone and any institution satirically and was quite fearless in it’s time, taking on the likes of Goldsmith and Maxwell. I still buy it, but mainly for the cartoons. Of course the link between Private Eye and the BBC is Ian Hislop, who has now truly gone over to the dark side, you only have to have seen his recent BBC propaganda programme on how immigration has benefited the United Kingdom to realise that, Goebbels would have been really proud of it. For some reason, the magazine doesn’t really attack the BBC any more, can’t think why, and I can’t recall it commenting much in the last few years on BBC bias and impartiality, Savile, Harris, Hall, Denning, Travis and more recently, the local BBC radio DJ’s Tony Wadsworth and his wife Julie Mayer.
Change is desperately needed and it is long over due.
Cassandra, in terms of satire I believe we are now in a rather similar situation to the late 1950s. Back then there was a strong culture of deference and strict controls over what was acceptable and what was not in comedy, but a small group of rebels (Peter Cook etc) were starting to question it but did not have a voice in mainstream media.
By the 1980s however the ‘rebels’ had become the ‘establishment’. Nowadays we have a similar deferential, tired comedy establishment with a whole raft of sacred cows which one is forbidden to mock, and an even smaller group of rebels (people like Andrew Lawrence and websites like Patri-Archie Comics) just starting to question it but denied a mainstream voice.
Alternative Comedy was middle class left-wing comedians putting right-wing working class comedians out of a job. That’s it really.
Conservative and Leftist comedy derive from two different views of life. Conservatives think that life will ALWAYS be imperfect so you might as well enjoy it’s absurdities. Leftism works on the assumption that a perfect life is possible, and so their imperfect life is a source of intense bitterness to them. I think it reduces to narcissism. A conservatives is interested in other people and empathize with them, with all their flaws, whereas Leftists aren’t, and don’t. When a Leftist expresses concern, all they are really talking about, all they are really concerned about, is themselves.
Cassandra ,
I’m sorry if I upset anyone by admitting a listen to 30minutes of the Toady prog. I ll try to cut down !
I, like you, grew up with it and a sad thing it is now . It’s not even clever propaganda – it’s just remorseless smug tosh with no room for dissenters . Anyway I agree that watching 12 mins of Jacob rm
Above is much better time spent . Shame the kids in the audience behind him have no idea what he is talking about .
I agree Cassandra.
As an example, “I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue” this evening (July 10th, from 18:30) was much more political than it used to be in the old days, under then chairman ‘Humph’ Lyttleton. Host Jack Dee may have something to do with this but it all fits in with the wider BBC agenda. Also, the presence of Susan ‘My Wife’ Calman ensures the show stays onside as regards homosexuals. This show is a parody of other Radio quizzes and, at its best, can be silly harmless fun. It was – and should be – intrinsically much less political than, say, “The Now Show” and have less current politics than the more topical “Dead Ringers”. But the Left-wing BBC seems to have decided that the progressive agenda needs to be drummed in at every opportunity.
This evening there were (not very funny) attacks on Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage and The Daily Mail. There were, predictably, no comparable attacks on Diane Abbott, Barack Obama, Caroline Lucas or The Guardian, or on Macron, Merkel or Juncker.
The news broadcasts on either side greatly exaggerated the importance of the Tory MP’s “ni**er in the woodpile” remark caught on an audio recording. Then we had “The Archers”, with former GM-crop-trasher Kirsty Miller getting political about the closure of a pop-up restaurant and the increasingly tiresome Jill Archer giving good old Brian Aldridge a lecture about some expensive restaurant replacing this temporary cheap place for the needy and hungry. Finally, the Leftist “Front Row” began with more references to transgenderism, the BBC flavour of the month right now, and that, at a little after 19:15, was when I hit the off switch.
Ever since the Finsbury Mosque Attack of 19th June “which injured ten and possibly killed one” the BBC has continuously run a “What Is Islamophobia” piece of propaganda on their CBBC channel (for 6 to 12 year olds). Four weeks later there is still a link to It on their CBBC Newsround News homepage:
Worrying isn’t it Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate,
Can anyone deny that Islam has a political agenda?
I would like to know what percentage of employees working in the BBC are Muslim. Given it is a public body, opining its personal views on political programmes via the mouths of its presenters, under the Freedom of Information shouldn’t this information be available?
I would also be interested to know how many Muslims are in influential positions within the BBC.
A lot – it’s part of Wahhabism to undermine non believers by any means available and subvert institutions to further the aim of the caliphate .
They’re doing it in the media, politics and courts .
I truly believe that – it’s not McCarthyism or communism . It’s just as it is and whitee must bite his tongue or be called a “witch” or in modern parlance “racist”.
And as for some politician using the word “nigger”- so what ? If it was intended to cause offence in the circumstances it might be a slight issue – but otherwise it’s nothing – except for the race relations industry – right Shabi?
The kids can stay up late tonight.
So they can watch BBC4 repeat on the Science of Islam
Indoctrination continues
8:30pm The BBC’s top doom-monger Tom Heap will be investigating Brexit/egriculture for Panorama
11:15pm BBC2 there is a drama sneering at May and Boris
R4 8:30pm strangely Paul Johnson of IFS was scheduled in Radio Times but has been dropped.
Paul Johnson was the BBC’s best friend when he kept criticising the Tories, but then he came out and said Labour’s spending wasn’t costed.
Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks) speech {by Baroness Warsi – jan2013 }
“The negative perception of Muslims. An underlying, unfounded mistrust. A misinformed suspicion of people who follow Islam.
Now it’s our duty to counteract this perception of Muslims. (a perception problem is different to facing the truth) To those who say that there is a conflict of being loyal to Britain and a Muslim, you have to look no further than Mohamed Farah. Our national hero is a practising Muslim. The double gold medallist saw no conflict between crossing the finish line in the Union Flag and dropping to the ground in prayer.(was the flag submitting to Allah in this display of Patriotism?) In fact, he showed how seamlessly religion and patriotism can go together.
As one survey revealed (no reference given), 83% of Muslims said they were proud to be British, compared to 79% of Britons overall.”
But we have conflicting data …83% Muslims proud to be British verses 1% Muslims want Freedom of Speech/Press
“…BBC poll in 2015 found that 27% of British Muslims had quote ‘Some sympathy’ (27% or a third) for the people who went into the offices of Charlie Hebdo and killed the cartoonists, editors and journalists there. Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.”
– Douglas Murray (2016?)
And in your opinion, should any publication have the right to publish pictures which make fun of the Prophet? Yes 1% // No 87%
To repeat again … 83% UK Muslims proud to be British (Warsi reports 2013) verses 1% UK Muslims want Freedom of Speech/Press (Murray reports 2015).
Who can reconcile that?
What were Warsi’s thoughts on Hebdo and kiddy cartoons?
Only 2 people tweeted about it, one hour prog on June 26 they said
Listening yesterday evening to some Radio 4 I was saddened to hear the Absolutely Radio team resort, (yet again), to a series of ‘anti-Trump’ gags, which is a pity in that their comedy has been quite original in the past, indeed one of their running jokes has been the Scottish council that the modern world has passed by, but clearly not ‘the Donald’.
Then on to Feedback and its insights into the new BBC plan for ‘audio’. It all sounds like to much control from the BBC; ‘we will create a personalised indoctrination plan for you, be you a white or black belt Marxist’ etc. There was an item about the new batch of ‘dystophian’ dramas that all the left-sounding listeners unanimously liked. One included the take over of France by the FN. Roger Bolton gave us his take that this was something that ‘we’ all knew what to expect and it wouldn’t be good. The producer then claimed that it was all nothing of the sort and it had all been triggered by the thought that ‘The Arab Spring’ had all gone wrong, (and there was everyone else thinking it was Brexit and Trump, you biased bigots you!). He assured us that ‘any’ party could have been used in the French drama and that the one about health had ‘nothing to do with the NHS’. “It wasn’t me guv, honest!”
‘Unfortunately’ his listeners, including Bolton, aren’t that sophisticated and they all picked up on the ‘wrong’ message, (job done).
[Idea for a drama set in, say, 2050. A crazy woman politician, only in power because she swamped the old people’s homes with postal voting forms, has set her back on the world, destroying all the political alliances that were beneficial to the country. Land has become so expensive that only the rich can afford it, the poor are forced to live in ever smaller places that, by their sheer numbers rise in towers, like termites. Realising that these people too have got their hands on the postal vote she authorises the torching of these towers, beacons of ‘hope’ for the future. Purely fiction of course.]
Thought Dead Ringers was better than it used to be though. Way too much anti-Brexit stuff that wasn not funny…but Ive got to say that the Corbyn/Abbott phone chat was good and clever-and there were other points that needed saying too, and they tried.
A brief quickie from Jonesey….
Good on Digby and to other numpty on the tape. It’s not a mistake because that was the choice of the British people. The beeb should be offering facts not slanted opinion.
The last thing we need to pay to hear is a waiter constantly telling us how much of a mistake we made by ordering the expensive new steak. We should have stuck with the same shit from the same menu that we’ve had for years and been grateful for it.
Get over yourself Beeb. We made our decision and it wasn’t the one that you were subvertingly instructing us to do.
What were the chances? The 48% Remainers just all happen to work in the media – FT, bbc, you name it.
Come on, it’s just uncanny.
R4 8pm BBC staffer Anita Anand has done a doco about HERSELF and the tribalist black feminists who criticise her
\\They were accusing white middle-class women of “whitewashing” the feminist movement, insisting they have no right to comment on issues affecting poor black women.//
Anita just retweeted this sychophancy .. London transport sign honouring the Pride March
..Hmm no we are not “free to love”
: We should not be free to be sexual with animals, children, nor when people exploit huge power differences (eg against mentally ill)
That sign is public money being spent to push a POLITICAL agenda.
Mayor Sadiq’s original tweet
– The Allah is Gay signs including something about Kafir
(pic was deleted off Reddit ..Their FB page carries more photos about their protest against Islam punishing gays .. (2))
– Someone points out how ridiculous it is to say “be who you want to be” : terrorist, stabber etc.
Heck – I want to be Ironman.
You can be whatever you like … just don’t force it onto other people (Ironman flying lessons for all kids) and demand that they change or have to pay to accommodate it (NHS operation to add Iron to your chest) and realise that there will be unintended consequences for your choices (technology to fly off roofs not available yet – stop at the edge).
gaxvil, here is your Ironman primer ….

Any gays stupid enough to walk hand in hand in Tower Hamlets are free to tell us what happens next, assuming they survive.
I have to disagree, as you see the bBC informed me that Islamic countries (where the vast majority of the residents of TH come from) are a great place for Male Gay sex:
Gay Pakistan: Where sex is available and relationships are difficult
Pakistan is not the kind of place that most people would associate with gay liberation. But some say the country is a great place to be gay – even describing the port city of Karachi as “a gay man’s paradise”.Underground parties, group sex at shrines and “marriages of convenience” to members of the opposite sex are just some of the surprises that gay Pakistan has to offer. Under its veneer of strict social conformity, the country is bustling with same-sex activity.
Pounce this is a good point and not one I’ve really thought about before. I am aware that in Muslim countries – particularly arab countries – closet homosexuality is widespread. This may be why there is not as much opposition to islamification in the UK as one might think there would be from some of us who ‘bat for the other side.’
Just ask that stalwart MP Keith Vaz (naturally, when he’s not chairing a Parliamentary Select Committee).
…or, posing as “Jim”, fixing someone’s washing machine…
Does he claim for washing powder? I assume that would be “OMO”.
Lobster does make a rather `Hotpoint` ….
I heard Kieth Vaz is the new `face of Vaz autocratic` and has been filmed knocking on doors asking men to show him thier underpants to test his new improved `whitener`..
That puts a different spin on things ….
MP Keith “For the Many Perks, Not the Few Perks” Vaz register of interests … some highlights ….
* House in Leicester
* Two flats in London
* I own two season tickets for Leicester City Football Club. However, I am invited from time to time into the directors’ box to watch matches. The annual value of this benefit is below registrable value.
* Visit Sultanate of Oman at the invitation of the Majlis A’Shura. (24-28 May 2008) All costs Majlis A’Shura.
* I receive rental income from a flat in London (until 7 May 2008)
Note that Keith’s office is his home, so the tax payer pays for his house! – theipsa.org.uk – you have to find the MP
Keith is the keynote speaker at the Annual Romanian Symposium for students at the Romanian Embassy on Saturday. {oct2011}
Remind me, Mark, wasn’t there some story about Vaz and some Romanian male prostitutes? Or did I imagine the whole thing?
Wasn`t he doing some freelancing for Zanussi (The appliance of Silence) hehe
There may be all sorts of gay fun going on in Pakistan, but they have to keep it on the lowdown, or else it’s flying off a tall building time.
I don’t deny that muslims are hypocrites over this, you just have to look at the prediliction for paedophilia with boys in Afghanistan. But the fact remains, if two men try and have an open gay relationship in a muslim country (and for this example I will include Tower Hamlets) they will end up getting bashed at best, killed at worst.
Obviously, the Emir of London turning up at Pride was a piece of taqiyya. There is no way he can be a muslim and approve of open gay lifestyles, as the gays will find out when the caliphate comes to al-Britannia.
I was taking the piss at the hypocrisy of the bBC when it comes to taking it like a man in Islamic areas
Good point. Britain used to have a pretty busy underground gay scene before 1967 (without the threat of death), and the BBC thinks that that was the bad old days, but apparently it is a good thing that gays are willing to risk death to have sex in Pakistan. Are they meant to be grateful?
Course it does Anita!
Why not try and visit the Church Of England place at the top end of Brick Lane early in the evening-and then get a late night bagel on Brick Lane before heading over to Regents Park before they all head home after Friday prayers at dusk?
It’s chunder inducing for it’s desperate virtue signalling. Be who you want to be on the underground as long as you aren’t a size 8 model promoting beach ready fitness…
The one thing Ive noticed about the bBC is how its reporters are taught to write a story which blurs the facts and presents an image they wish to promote. (usually of a political agenda) Here is one such story from the bBC.
Child almost falls through floor of moving train in Devon
Funny is it not? The bbc etc., is perfectly aware that a majority support Brexit and there is no going back. They are also perfectly aware that a majority support Trump and there is no going back. Ah but ………………………………………
Notice how Al Beeb’s reporters and presenters pronounce the word “Brexit!” with vitriol and venom. They really are against our democratic vote for freedom and independence.
What kind of guest did they have on womanshour ?
Ah Laurie Penny plugging her book
\\ Why would you buy @PennyRed ‘s book of essays when they will all be the same?
– white males are to blame for everything. Always. //
Just heard the opening of this on David Thompson’s blog, the fawning welcome for Penny, (following some denigration for the Tories over mental health – one of the hardest areas to address). That was all I could stand.
Laurie Penny and her self indulgent red pen of social injustice… GTFO!!!!
Justin Casey
Superb, absolutely superb.
Well done professor David Starkey!
Disagree – he could have truly slaughtered her but dropped to her level with the finger pointing .
But at least she didn’t get the slap she deserved – in a non mysoginist kind of way – is she a beeboid?
She obviously wants a career being a left wing gobshite but there’s a lot of competition .
He could have “slaughtered her” but the EU Court of Human Rights would have been called in.
IMHO, I think she wants a career with Al Beeb along with Owen Jones when he gets old enough.
Taffman- I suppose there was violence in my comment and I obviously wouldn’t want any harm to occur to that little girl.
Definitely a mistake on her part asking a question to which she didn’t know the answer – namely Domicile – but I reckon she did a google and made a dumb and offensive conclusion . She must be looking for a safe Corbin seat.
Imagine an al beeb question time with
Douglas Murray
David Starkey
Jacob Rees Mogg
Leftie commediene ( pref Scottish or other minority
Lefty MP – soubry – Abbot
Put a decent adjudicator such as Brillo in place of HRH dumbly
That is one I would watch .
Forgive the musing – I’m in a sunny place
She is a victim .
Yes, a victim of modern education.
Terror advice video for holidaymakers shows hotel attack
A short video advising holiday makers to run in flip flops
whenif an “attack” occurs. No mention of who would be doing the attacking as we expect from the BBC.I can’t keep up with what the correct advice is. I thought “Love not Hate” would stop terrorism now we are being told to run and hide.
Yes and in the event of a terror attack – dress as the opposite sex! That’ll fix ’em.
I quite like Roy Larner’s example … “They were saying, ‘Islam, Islam!’. I said again, ‘F*** you, I’m Millwall!’, and then got his fists out rather than UK Gov “Run,Hide,Tell”.
Independent Webpage about Roy: “Islam” text x 4
BBC Webpage about Roy: “Islam” text x 0
Mirror Webpage about Roy: “Islam” text x 0
The Sun Webpage about Roy: “Islam” text x 0
First Entry in Google Search for “Roy Larner” is Independent.co.uk [search@08.06.2017]
“I got stabbed and sliced eight times. They got me in my head, chest and both hands. There was blood everywhere.
“They were saying, ‘Islam, Islam!’. I said again, ‘F*** you, I’m Millwall!’
Maybe we should start to record these, ready for the BBC, to demand (as they demand the TV License) that for every piece of inadequate reporting that we supply with proof, they can give us £1 back from the TV license! {previous post}
The BBC improves or has a financial loss if they don’t.
I’d waive my refund of the licence tax cos I won’t pay it and listen to the wireless .
I was trying to image a 1939 public information film of run hide tell when the threat was similar nazism/Islam where they wanted us slaves speaking German. Wonder how thT would have gone down ?
Surely the correct advice is to head for the hotel lobby where there’s a piano and play “Imagine”?
Or ask the terrorist to help you light a candle so that you could win the virtue signalling challenge for being the first one to acknowledge the tragedy that has ultimately killed/wounded you.
No injury is too bad that being the bestest, most emotionally contrived, most openly virtuous of all of your friends wouldn’t heal.
“No mention of who would be doing the attacking as we expect from the BBC.” – We have to assume it is again, those frustrated transgender types since they get all the mentions and promotions on the BBC………
Radicalised Trans-genderist Extremist Terrorists? The bbc is on the case!
Wearing hijabs no doubt.
No it will be white hands in handcuffs ya know white supremacist’s yelling millwall.
I know that I am probably a bit dim, but can someone explain to me how being able to deal with the whole of the world rather than just the EU will result in higher prices and less choice of goods?
The BBC have reported it, so it must be true ……..
Just apply the, Sale of Goods Act 1979 and Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 to the bbc license.
For starters Goods/Services must be:-
1) As described
2) Of merchantable quality
3) Fit for their intended purpose.
The Sale of Goods Act has been replaced with the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
The Consumer Rights Act 2015 covers you when you purchase Digital Content which is what we do when we buy a TV license so if we were entitled to our money back before 2015 we are even more entitled to a refund these days.
Somebody should start by asking questions about protectionism and the EU, such as which food products are not open to being freely traded into the EU because some EU industries are protected against true free market trading. Example – sugar beet producers in the EU, not necessarily the most cost-effective way of producing sugar, are protected by trade barriers and tariffs which prevent cheaper cane sugar being imported. This is true of a range of food products.
Some of these protectionist tariffs and trade barriers are set to be eliminated over the next few years, but then there are the decisions to support inefficient farming with the Common Agricultural Policy, by which taxpayers effectively pay a subsidy to inefficient food producers in the EU so that their prices can actually compete in the world marketplace.
I.e. we’re paying tariffs and taxes for inefficient production in the EU. Prices are cheaper on the world market.
To paraphrase Mr Orwell…..some are more equal than others.
Since very few of us can predict the future – all too often what is offered as factual is just someone’s opinion.
The bbc likes to offer selected opinion and describe it as facts and news.
It’s because all of the expensive wines in the supermarket seem to come from Europe where as the cheaper ones come from outside of the EU. Which of course is strange given how we are told that once outside the EU everything will be more expensive.
“For the Few (who didn’t win the election), Not the Many (who won the election)” – Theresa May urges rival parties to ‘contribute and not just criticise’
Indian man kills wife over dinner delay {bbc.co.uk-jul2017}
“He got frustrated with the delay and shot her,”
“The BBC’s Geeta Pandey in Delhi says such violence is not unique to India – it occurs around the world (that’s OK then?) – but what sets it apart in India from many other countries is the culture of silence and approval that often surrounds it. (it’s accepted because of religion or old traditions or education?) According to a family survey carried out by the government, more than 54% of men and 51% of women said it was ok for a man to beat his wife if she disrespected her in-laws, neglected her home or children, or even over something as trivial as putting less – or more – salt in the food.(so no reason at all then)”
“Domestic violence has been the most reported violent crime against women in the country every year for more than a decade now (over 10 years in modern times – feminist energy and outcry?)”
Maybe BBC should link to their own reports in 2014 (things have not changed).
“100 Women 2014: Violence at home is India’s ‘failing {bbc.co.uk 2014}‘”
309,546 crimes against women reported in 2013
118,866 Domestic violence
70,739 Molestation
51,881 Kidnapping
33,707 Rape
Ms Joshi says though the findings came nearly 10 years ago, attitudes remain largely unchanged.
“Most people say: ‘Your husband beats you, but he also loves you.’ Or: ‘Oh, you made a mistake, so he is justified in hitting you.’ Even the court-appointed mediators often tell women that a little compromise is good. You should learn a little adjustment, they say, you should learn to ignore. How come a man is never given such advice?”
That, she says, is because the scales are tilted so heavily against women and unless there is “total equality” between the genders, home will remain “the most dangerous place” for many Indian women.
– if feminists need a new project, seems men and women need help in India?
– a solution in India is “Indian brides given bats (urged to use them as weapons if their husbands turn abusive) to keep abusive husbands in check {bbc.co.uk apr2017}”
– have strong moral laws?
– this is India 2017, today, now!
“Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier
“Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. ……………… Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier
From a different age, but could be easily adapted today to cover certain self-inflicted problems.
As it happens, Napier occupies one of the four plinths in Trafalgar Square. Lefties and trendies like to sneer at it, arguing that nobody knows who he was, and that he is no longer relevant.
That word “relevant” !
Let me have a go – “Be it so. The wearing of pink hats and dressing up as a Vagina is your custom. But my nation has also a custom. When our women and men wear attire, other than prescribed, we throw them in jail, beat them up or just kill them. Let us all act according to national customs.”
When a Saudi woman daring not to wear a hijab leads to calls for her beheading, maybe it’s time the UK paid attention {guardian dec2016}
Iranian morality police beat and detain 14-year-old girl ‘for wearing ripped jeans’ {independent feb2017}
Could not find above stories, but found these on BBC.co.uk site – “Headscarf emoji proposed by 15-year-old Saudi girl {bbc.co.uk – sep2016}” and this “Saudi Arabia judoka Wojdan Shaherkani will compete at the Olympics after a dispute over a hijab was resolved (spoiler alert –
she gets to wear the hijab!).{bbc.co.uk jul2012}”
Didn’t know he was in Trafalgar Square – will keep eyes out next time. Thanks.
“Didn’t know he was in Trafalgar Square – will keep eyes out next time. Thanks.”
The other plinth that attracts scorn is Major General Sir Henry Havelock.
I always try to remember “Havelock and Napier” in case some smug lefty smartarse tries to catch me out.
Not a bad idea, would ensure the other half would want you to live as long as possible, which is nice after you have been raping them for 30 yrs of an arranged marriage.
“He got frustrated with the delay and shot her”
I assume he’s cooking his own dinner tonight then.
He didn’t think that through, did he?
Quite right Marky. Interfering to rid a nation of suttee and thugee are typical examples of an oppressive, despised and heartless regime whose sole aim was to extort maximum revenue for minimum benefit.
The imbalance between EU from selected countries citizens’ living here and Brits living in those countries: 1.3 million v 14,000. Guess which is which.
ONS – https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/internationalmigration/articles/livingabroad/migrationbetweenbritainandtheeu8
What element of the 1.3 million is self-serving i.e. dealing with their own nationalities requirements such as food etc and managing remittances back to their country of origin?
Yep, Australia has free-trade deals with loads of countries. Better ask how they did it.
We may struggle to get a free-trade deal with the EU because they hate us, that’s fine, we can hate them back and in so doing not keep buying their shit because they certainly don’t buy ours.
Poland, Hungary, Czecho’ might relish a trade deal with us but if the Franco-Prussian Empire says no, it’s screwed.
Gaxvil, I remember as a young man reading a journalist (can’t remember who) who wrote that the EU hated Britain because they were jealous of the relationship it had with its former colonies.
With the possible exception of the French and the Quebecois, all the European powers screwed up their colonies and left largely a legacy of decrepit corrupt tin-pot republics behind them.
Britain by contrast was able, by and large, to successfully transform its colonies into dominions and maintain a healthy administrative and commercial relationship with them.
Nice point.
Just think – no more BMW’s, Audi’s or Mercs. What will all the dickheads who live in the outside lane or six inches off your back bumper do now?
It was a while back but just what did happen to our car industry. Come to think of it, what happened to our industry?
Greedy Tory industrialists or petulant Lefty strikers?
Bit of both perhaps. I think a lot of bosses gave up in the 1970s and 80s.
My obsession is the education system, and a widespread belief that an “engineer” is the bloke who needs three visits to repair your dishwasher.
I always thought a “engineer” was one of those bearded “children” who turn up in a rubber dinghy.
Or are they the Brain Surgeons, …I can never remember.
Ha !
Always amuses me that, where we now have four lanes instead of three, we have two more-or-less empty lanes on the left instead of one.
I think I like Mr Turnbull.
We don’t ..he’s a GoldMann Sachs merchant bankers
..pushes Climate lunacy
Tony Abbott was better leader
Tony Abbott was all right. Turnbull stabbed him in the back to get his job. Nasty piece of work.
Don’t know much about him. He simply struck me as a reasonable bloke on TV.
Perhaps a reflection on many of ours.
Frostrup R4 this morning – Teaching children critical thinking like, how to spot fake and agenda driven news.
Webb R4 Today – It was so subtle as to be nigh on invisible.
The question Webb was desperate to ask Charlie Gard’s Mom:-
“Are you afraid that your case will be used by people wishing to promote the right to life and restrict abortions because the bbc would certainly not approve.”
People like Webb would benefit from a very late abortion.
The best way to spot fake news is to abolish tax funded news outlets like the BBC and replace it with plurality of sources so that people can make up their own minds.
Abolishing the BBC would be the greatest single step towards a free society since the invention of the Internet.
When Leftists talk about “critical thinking” what they mean, without exception, is “correct thinking”, and what they mean by “correct thinking”,is, without exception, Leftist dogma.
@Wild To Lefties “critical thinking” = “correct thinking” = “Leftist dogma”
Yes maybe
I don’t have Froststrup down as a Lefty but she moves in the same circles
I spotted
#1 guests sighing about Brexit
#2 guests sighing about Trump
#3 prog brought on Buzzfeed to talk about Critical Thinking …FFS Buzzfeed is hyperbolic fakenews
#4 prog brought on FirstNews editor, FFS the kids newspaper is a brainwashing operation ..featuring polar bear stories etc.
#5 Participants seemed unaware of the Source Fallacy
The truth is evidence is INDEPENDENT of source
So it is very wrong to divide the world up as Good and Bad sources
(ie wrong to assume that Guardian is Truth and Daily Mail False)
Oh, she`ll be a Lefty alright.
Heard her last year with this programme of hers. Apparently the State need to pay for “the vulnerable” to go on holiday for nothing, so they`ve got something to talk about when the kids go back to school in September. Not a husband in sight, just a load of foreign women with their broods requiring time on Camber Sands at Butlins…and they themselves might want a fortnight in Gran Canaria when the key workers pick them up from school, as they flop around in their onesies at the Boozeshack.
Froststrup has described herself as on the Left. People on the Left often view themselves as “Critical Thinkers”, by which they mean they have arrived at their Leftist views as a consequence of their superior thoughtfulness. Superior that is to uneducated people who use their common sense, or reactionaries who (inconveniently) point out that the Left have been disastrously wrong about pretty much everything in the last 100 years.
Yep a prime example of GuardianThick
Thinking they know better than the oiks, not realising that the oiks don’t just hoover up everything from the Guardian and are therefore better informed that the GuardianThick
All this concern about “fake news” is reminiscent of the USSR’s criminalisation of the spreading of “fabrications”. Any criticism of the Soviet order was considered to be a sign of mental illness and dissidents often ended up in psych wards. The coining of words like “islamophobia” is just another ploy to paint political opponents as unhinged or irrational. Your mentioning teaching “critical thinking” to children reminded me of a quote by the dissident Natan Scharanski “the state is only interested in rationality as long as it is conducive to obedience” I shudder to think what mind-bending psych-babble they would use to lobotomise children.
Webb clearly wanted the mum to NOT be impressed, grateful to Trump and Popey for the publicity, offers of help.
Wrong sort of support I guess. Webb would prefer such kids to die howling in a kidney dish before Trump got to wade in and get any credit.
Webb of course hasn`t got the balls to impugn the mum of a terminally ill child, but surely we could put her in a cell at Great Ormond St until she says what she`s supposed to.
NOBODY takes on the NHS remember? Remember Julie Bailey, plebs!
I suppose the difference between the spread of the islamic cult in France by these means is different in the UK. Here they already have their advocates speaking/acting on their behalf i.e. the Goverment and the BBC.
Anyone who thinks the quality of output from the BBC is in decline should read this article. It’s not in decline – it’s up to it’s neck in excreta!
Glasgow woman hands out ‘life lecture’ to bike thief
From the article…
In her Facebook Live post, she said: “The kid came over and he stopped in front of the bike and I was giving it big smiles and went over and put my hand on the bike and I said ‘Thanks so much for coming out to meet us on such a miserable day as well, we would have came to your house’.
“And I looked underneath the frame and I checked the serial number, then I just said ‘This is my bike’. And the kid just burst into tears.”
She went on: “So this kid is just like crying in front of me, saying ‘Is it really your bike?’ And I said ‘Yeah, it’s really my bike – it’s not your bike, is it?’
“And then he’s like ‘It’s my first time, it’s my first time’ and I was like ‘I think we both know that’s not true, pal.
“And then somehow I ended up like pure giving him a life lecture on how this is a turning point in his life and it could have been so much worse if it had been somebody else who had came and just like battered him to get the bike back off him.
“And what he needed to be doing was thinking of his future and he said, ‘I’m only 15’.
“And I said, you know what, if school’s not working out for you, you need to start thinking about college or like go and do an apprenticeship or something. Stop stealing because you’re terrible at it and you’re going to end up in Barlinnie.”
How could anyone at the BBC allow utter shite journalism like this to go out? Can the BBC dumb down anymore?!?
“Can the BBC dumb down anymore?!?”
Oh, I’m sure they can! Know worra mean,like?
Are they putting on that show called “Love Ireland” ?
Most in this country are not living in high rises, are not Muslims, do not think Corbyn is the Messiah, are not transvestites or even a bit gay and most are happy to leave the EU. Shame the bbc doesn’t know that.
Bolton: 4 from Muslim family die in house fire.
Was that the fault of Theresa May’s austerity ?
Umerji Family, distraught father survived.
Back in the 70s / 80s we dealt with a number of cases where white folks and immigrants died in fires or thru’ suffocation from paraffin or calor gas heaters. Austerity hadn’t been invented back then.
‘…..distraught father survived’. With priorities evidently intact.
The fire was apparently caused by a halogen heater. Odd, as the temperature has been over 70 degrees for a week. Still, the main thing is that the father survived, he can always sort out a new wife and kids later.
Times pg 12 “UK urged to copy German crackdown on Social media”
Times pg 13 “British Council officer sues for wrongful dismissal, after she posted hate comments against 3 yr old Prince George, on her private Facebook group”
Bosses argue its her responsibility for reputation.
Times pg 17 Social media injunction served against anonymous troll account …that targeted anonymous businessman with false/doctored stories.
No names can be mentioned due to injunction.
O dear, smack me with a feather duster !
Someone used the ‘N’ word in ‘the wood pile’ – the politically correct police of Al Beeb are highly ‘offended’. Highly, highly, offended! 😀
Didn’t Al Beeb sack their disc jockey for playing a song on the radio using the ‘N word ‘? – Childish.
Police left a note saying “sorry we missed each other” after digging up a cannabis plantation.
Thames Valley Police received a tip off about drugs in woodland near Oxford last week. They left a note-
“Ooops! Sorry we missed each other, but feel free to call me on 101 so we can discuss a deal. Lots of love, TVP xx.”
They posted a picture of the note on Twitter and added a hashtag, “We’veGotManners”.
TVP = Thames Valley Police
TVP = Thanks for Vietnamese Pot?
Another of those diversity benefits, presumably: https://asiancorrespondent.com/2017/03/vietnamese-gangs-using-teenagers-slaves-uk-cannabis-farms/
Tory Sloane attacks universities
By donating £19m to Bristol University
Isn’t that where mad pseudo Lew teach’s.
Women endure most Islamophobia in Australia, study finds (of 243 incidents between 2014/2015 – is that all the hate crimes? Seems a bit low to draw conclusions?) {bbc.co.uk 10Jul2017} … this article title is misleading, as the study (no link provided) does not say it is comparing it with the World, which is what I initially thought, anyone else fall for it?
Maybe the BBC should include this link as well Information on more than 170,000 Terrorist Attacks …

Most Terrorism Victims Are in Muslim Majority Countries
p.s. I was just searching for Turnbull on the bbc.co.uk website, but Islamophobia turned up – sigh.
p.s. See video “Is Islamophobia on the rise?” – but all this says is that reporting is increasing, it’s been made easier to report. Does not break down to violent and just verbal abuse.
Times Ofcom TV viewing report
Kids going off normal TV, as ditch to online specialists
2010 watched 151 mins/day
Now 101 mins
Cbeebies most a selected channel
Over 55s watching slightly more TV these days. 295mins
Claim over 65s watch 344 mins
60% of main TV watching is by over 55s
Name a MALE that heads a major London government body in London
Apart from Sadiq they are all women
Queen, PM, Fire, Police etc.
Shocking language used by a Conservative politician Anne Marie Morris. Can’t remember if the BBC reported this incident from lovely multicultural Sweden…
BBC using funerial tones to report this on PM. Anyone would think this was comparable to ‘9/11’ or the dropping of the first atomic bomb rather than a common turn of phrase with no literal meaning at all, similar to ‘pig in a poke’. What next, the World Wildlife Fund getting upset about all those pachyderms occupying human living accomodations?
Took me a while to find out what all the fuss was about on Twitter as just about every ‘news’ moppet was RT’ing the ever outraged Owen’s latest demands.
Trouble is, outside his circle of jerks, he has blocked anyone not sharing his world view, so the wisdom was lost.
Bet he is on the BBC soon, though.
Hope they can’t resist the irony of getting Di back in her comfort zone.
Welcome to multiculturalism sweetie. Feeling enriched?
You voted to let them in to your once peaceful country, you morons.
What’s that expression: a liberal is a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet. I guess she won’t be voting multi-culti socialism next election.
Paul Ross has it as his main topic today banging on about the “disgraceful ” lack of a reaction to the ‘N’ word.
His question today should the N word be banned?
Yet another example of how only whitey can be “waycist” when most hip hop ‘artists’ are free to shout it out and typically use it to rhyme with ‘trigger’ as in “got my finger on the..”
#BBCtrending: Five facts about #BringBackOurGirls {bbc.co.uk may2014} The top BBC journalists have reviewed the hashtag and the findings are in …
1. When did it start? – 23rd April, 2014
2. How many times has it been used on Twitter? – 3.3million
3. Where is it being used? – Top Countries Nigeria 27%, UK, USA
4. Who is using it? – 56% Women, 44% Men
5. Most shared tweet? – 57,000 Retweets
Oh, and the missing, most important one for the actual 276 girls … not asked by the BBC …
6. Did #bringbackourgirls actually bring back the 276 girls? (the most important question)
“When they go low, we go high” – Michelle Obama – 2016
“#bringbackourgirls” – Michelle Obama – April 2014
Nigeria rejected British offer to rescue seized Chibok schoolgirls {theguardian.com – mar2017}
In a mission named Operation Turus, the RAF (UK Airforce) conducted air reconnaissance over northern Nigeria for several months, following the kidnapping of 276 girls from the town of Chibok in April 2014 (by Islamist militant group Boko Haram). “The girls were located in the first few weeks of the RAF mission,” a source involved in Operation Turus told the Observer. “We offered to rescue them, but the Nigerian government declined.”
– Guardian UK Online Website / 4 March 2017
#bringbackourgirls – makes you wonder who Michelle Obama was asking to do this? The wife of the most powerful man in the World, with a special relationship with the Country who could have taken action, reduced to holding a piece of card for the World to read a #hashtag that did NOT bring the girls back.
But it surely must be conceded that, when mighty MO does her #sadface it does look extremely sad.
Like a deflating wet mud encrusted leather football……with glass’s.
The bbc don’t have many decent sporting events left in their portfolio. Wimbledon is one of the last remaining bastions. You would think, therefore, that they would adopt a ‘let’s not fuck it up’ attitude. Wrong. As usual it’s ‘this game is moving to that channel’ and ‘that that game is moving to this channel’ What a cluster fuck. All so as the biased news at 6 can go out untainted by the rigors of (badly) covering a major sporting event.
Theresa May said this
Donald Trump said that
Brexit will never happen (Vince Cable said so)
LGBT this
Muslim that
And we pay for it.
Seismic – But don’t forget we can look forward to lots of coverage of women’s football, women’s rugby, women’s cricket, women’s tiddlywinks ……….
Anne Marie Morris: “The comment was totally unintentional. I apologise unreservedly for any offence caused.”.
She should have just kept on using the N- word in her apology, and then given a replacement as not to cause misunderstanding in the future … language is such a fragile thing …
In 2012, the MP (Diane Abbott) tweeted: “White people love playing ‘divide & rule’ We should not play their game.”
“…when he came to write his memoirs he called it N-er, it upset a lot of people, including his old Mum. Who called him and said why are you doing this? And he said “Momma, every time you hear that word again, they’re selling my book.”
– Christopher Hitchens – Don’t waste my time with Islam – 2010
Birmingham pub bombings: IRA suspect Hayes issues apology
Come on Corbyn let us hear you apologise and then condemn the IRA as a disgusting terrorist gang of thugs.
Are there any BBC presenters with the cahoneys to insist on you saying it?? Be specific. Not all terrorists .Only the murdering despicable IRA.
We are waiting Mr Corbyn….Still waiting Mr Corbyn.
wronged – I think you’ll have a bloody long wait.
Jeremy Corbyn asked five times to condemn IRA violence:
with AnneMarieMorris using an archaic expression as ever CONTEXT, PERSPECTIVE and INTENTION are everything
Is it worse than lefties calling for Trump’s death ?
#1 It is not RACIST to use an old fashioned idiom in a sentence about economic policy
…. it’s just naive
#2 If it was a big big deal then the crowd would have made a fuss right at the time
..Seems no one even noticed until Huffington Post published a recording (so It’s like the hounding of Sir Tim Hunt thing)
(Other Panelists MP’s Bill Cash & John Redwood did not speak up. Nor anyone from organisers)
#3 The perspective is it’s not even like losing your temper and hitting someone
… like she wasn’t even breaking the law.
Yet the BBC use the word “racist”
BBC News – MP Anne Marie Morris suspended for racist remark
Yes an MP should dress smartly and guard their language,
… but what should be the punishment when they slip ?
Surely rather that stick to a script they should be able to speak freely and then apologise when they slip.
The BBC has another story of a peer on actual trial for what he posted about Gina Miller
“£5,000 for the first person to ‘accidentally’ run over this bloody troublesome first generation immigrant.”
(They bury in the middle him saying the post was not publicly visible)
In my book those who ‘undermine the democratic referendum’ are more offensive than someone accidentally using an archaic term.
the meeting was today lunctime was it ?
2014 A Bath Councillor also accidentally used the expression on radio.
No one is really offended
It seems like faux outrage exploited for political purposes.
In 2003 a Liberal Scottish MSP used the expression about himself in a MSP committee
David Steel sent him a written reprimand,
Last year The Guardian chastised an education director for using the expression in a meeting
Meanwhile the latest advertising by Macdonalds looks like it was made for Birmingham, Alabama and DFS adverts have ‘white workers’, a black customer and an asian manager.
Racist? Surely not!
BBC defending poor Mr Soros, the wonderfull philanthropist who only does good with his billions by funding social projects. They appear to have forgotten that he made it by screwing us over, and his social engineering projects aim to ethnically cleanse Europe of its inhabitants.
‘Open Society’?
To Soros, that really means ‘open’ for exploitation and ‘open’ for destruction.
Without doubt, the most evil man on the planet.
And the BBC does his bidding.
Yeah but Soros will be taking the elevator to his maker soon.
Pretty hot where he is going, only thing that could make his departure to hell better, is Anthony Blair arriving before him, ofcourse its a long shot praying for a Blair and Mandleson straight forecast.
He’s the new Rothschilds.
Iraq declares victory over ISIS. What I find astounding is through all the horror stories coming out – not one protest march over all the years apart from outrage that we weren’t doing enough for the displaced – which I guess put it all on us.
Same sort of silence we get from news of horrors in Syria, India, Pakistan, Saudi etc., etc.. Deafening silence but then, I mean it’s not like serious, like gay wedding cake serious is it?
An interesting piece on Conservative woman about the way the BBC reported on Trumps magnificent speech in Poland.
“The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilisation in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?”
The Left’s reaction was immediate. According to The Guardian, “Donald Trump’s warning about ‘western civilisation’ evokes holy war”. The Today programme questioned the existence of a coherent Western civilisation.
So now we have the BBC denying that the West even has a civilisation, and does it matter whether it is coherent or not when all aspects of its very existence are threatened? I seem to recall a similarly blinkered and crassly stupid statement from a inmate of a mental asylum once known as the Swedish parliament.
A brilliant speech from Trump.
If people can`t be bothered to check it, as opposed to letting Kuennsberg spit on it and serve it chewed up for our ease-then they don`t really deserve to be called anything other than haram sheep like the Swedes. Trump DID say this-that Islam is the enemy without, but we shav our enemy within-those who would pervert, destroy and subvert our freedoms. CNN and the BBC are obviously what he has in mind. And he is right.
“Those who give up their long held freedoms , in return for transient short term security are not entitled to either freedom or security-and they`ll not get them either”
Looking at the posts here this evening, Al Beeb is fast becoming a broadcasting joke. It will soon be discredited as a national broadcaster because its Anti-Brexit propaganda is becoming transparent to more and more of the British people.
I have frequently noticed this scepticism in the Welsh people I meet day in and day out. I am sure that other posters here will notice the same in the other parts of Great Britain.
“Theresa May urges rival parties to ‘contribute and not just criticise”
She is surrendering. She surrounded herself with remainers.
Its time for Jacob Rees-Mogg to step up to the post of Prime Minister.
Its time for Jacob Rees-Mogg to step up to the post of Prime Minister.
Yes if you want the Tories to be totally annihilated and a Labour government for years to come!
Mogg is just another idle toff, just like all the other Tories useless Prime Ministers particularly the Old Etonian set who have a particular predilection for idleness and left wing liberalism.
His old fashion dress mannerisms and speech would be a never ending source of material for the BBCs left wing so called comedians and it would strike a chord with the public.
I disagree – I know many working class people who think he should be PM. You have an old fashion view of class divide .
He wants out of the EU and so do many working class people ………………
So, who do you suggest ?
I never mentioned a class divide, I merely need to look at history to see the issue with old Etonians running anything.
Cameron is a good example of the people they are turning out now. Lazy, without any real ideas save for a sense of entitlement to be in high office because of their schooling, liberal left wing, and always willing to help old school mates out with a job offer. Just look at how many of them Cameron stuffed into his cabinet.
But the history doesn’t end there I’m afraid. There is a continuing pattern of these prime ministers which is not seen in other prominent public schools.
David Davies is looking more favourable than Rees Mogg.
Its getting to be the case that any chap who takes a pride in his appearance and wears a tie as opposed to a Lenin cap, will get my vote ! I also think calling R-M lazy is a bit harsh, as he is considered a ‘genius’ in banking circles and set up his own fund management company a few years ago. At least having 6 children he isn’t relying on the state to feed and house them, which in this day and age is nothing short of a miracle !!!
Agree entirely.
I’m not aware of any evidence whatsoever that JRM is lazy and I’ve never heard him resort to sweeping generalisations either.
Read an article about him the other day. He made and makes a lot of money from investing, rising early to do his research before his parliamentary duties.
I tend to agree. I like him but I don’t think he’s a leader and he’s a bit of a niche personality.Mind you if Corbyn can gain traction anybody can ,so what do I know.
Got some sympathy for Mrs May. Unless examples are made of the likes of Soubry, Heseltine and the like, she`ll be got at by her so-called Party.
Either the Tories want to govern us and put into effect what we the people voted for-or else they`ve decided to be BBC loving, Marxist friendly EU craving puppets.If the latter-then they`ll be out of power for a generation because Corbyns Open Secret Army won`t be allowing any more votes until we kill a few of them by way of fighting their bullying nasties with ours…and May really needs to get some steel into her policies and party management before she becomes a Chamberlain and not a Churchill.
Like Cameron with his ‘Big EU deal’ , she is a Chamberlain.
Alicia – Theresa missed her opportunity to sort out the likes of Vinegar Soudbry . Just before the election she should have de-selected the likes of these Junker licking europhiles. Instead she chose to just ignore them and carry on regardless and now faces opposition to brexit from both within her own and opposition parties.
She has shown that she never had any clear view or vision on how brexit could be achieved. Perhaps because she personally never believed in it herself. I suspect as a leader she was just a chancer that got lucky.
As I said in one of my posts just after she got elected – Even if brexit fails In some ways her personal reputation will remain intact because she will look like a victim of disloyalty rather than someone who was afraid or unwilling to make the bold political decisions in her own party needed to ensure the success of brexit.
At best she is no more than an uninspiring machine minder. At worst she has betrayed the democratic will of the people.
You choose!
Johanna Konta (lovely olde English name) born in Australia to Hungarian parents now she is miraculously Britain’s top tennis player – reminds me of little Mohammed from Mogadishu running his little heart out for Britain .
Johanna Konta does at least live in the UK and pays taxes here, also I`ve noticed she does have the ability to speak with a remarkable English accent …. I would much rather invite such a person to settle here than a Somalian Carpetbagger who doesn`t pay taxes, avoids drugs tests, remains a non professional athlete to ensure his training costs in the USA are paid for by UK athletics including the costs incurred by resettling his family overseas with him as well!! In fact the only thing he doesn`t seem to avoid is the f**king Mosque and promotional adverts for Quorn Mince!!!!
Also her family doesn`t include two siblings who are convicted criminals either….. Plus she has actually taken British Nationality and no longer holds an Aussie passport…
I myself had an Australian Grandparents born in Fremantle on my fathers side and both my maternal Grandparents were born in what is now N.Ireland…. This makes me actually not that British either using your premise…. However my family fought in both World Wars and they fought in British Army uniforms and their contributions along with millions of others protected what we now refer to as British Values…. I am proud of being British myself, I may be a bit of a Heinz 57 by heritage but I would never consider applying for any other passport but a British one….
Also Johanna Konta is quite `fit` unlike that skinny Somali pirate who has lived in the USA for the last six years….
In the interest of impartiality is there anyone out there with some evidence of Al Beeb right wing bias?
How about you maxincony ?
Taff, please don’t post his name. You might conjure him up 😉
Last weekend we attended the NE1 car show in Newcastle on Tyne.
A very large gathering of some of the finest cars in the N. East.
This show took over a large part of Newcastle city centre. Mainly White middle class participation.
Was this reported by the BBC north east?
No. You can bet your last dollar (euro) that had it been a left wing protest, anti Trump protest, pro Muslim protest or gay pride, it would have been given wall to wall coverage.
Anyway, we were exhibiting two classic cars which were behind barriers.
Three (ethnics) came under the barriers for a closer look. ( the only people to do this all day. ) I pointed this out to my son… that’s what borders and barriers mean to these people…..
The Mayor of London has pledged to stop the use of the term ‘ladies and gentlemen’ on the capital’s public transport because the idea that people are either male or female is offensive.
Sadiq Khan says that he has banned staff from using any gendered language when addressing the public after a transsexual was told “[you] didn’t sound like a ‘miss’” by a telephone operator at Transport for London.
Those whom the gods wish to destroy ………
If not ladies and gentlemen then what? Things and other things?
Is Khan going to do away with the term Mr or Mrs then ? I would take deep offence at not being called Mrs ? – I married for love and to attain the status of ‘married lady’ , so ‘Mrs’ should never be belittled, otherwise what’s the point ? In a very short space of time society has reached the state of ridiculousness, with an overriding factor of never offending anyone. Well tough shit, there are only two sexes, male and female, end of story. If one wants to dress up as the other, that’s up to them, as long as it doesn’t frighten the horses !
“If one wants to dress up as the other, that’s up to them, as long as it doesn’t frighten the horses !”
Under islam, cross dressing is haram, and is punishable by death (of course). I wonder why no-one is asking the Emir to denounce this cruel practice, since he is apparently such a snowflake that the term “ladies and gentlemen” offends him?
But no, islam, as ever, gets a free pass. Meanwhile, a Conservative politician accidently uses the “N” word in an old fashioned saying, with no intention to cause offence. Cue the fake outrage police!
So one person complains. What if the whole population of London (8M?) complained about something unimportant but topical? Any so-called, “administration” acting to satisfy the complainant would be pushed and pulled in so many directions that it would cease to administer.
BBC news show Guardian website for no apparent reason. Say EU has contacted lots of newspapers …. but they choose to show only one. With appeal for donations taking up quarter of screen. Why?
Always think camera
..and whip out your phone and grab a shot for evidence
Just caught a few minutes of Jim Al Khalilis “Science and Islam”.
I used to think that the BBC scorned religiious influence in anything “scientific”. But that was before the Bataclan I guess.
Clearly the Chinese, Persians, Greeks and Romans knew nothing much until the Muslims came through to pilfer the libraries, force the captive slaves to do their wqrk and let Allah get the credit.
And apparently Mendeleev only filled in the trivia that some Muslim had obviously already done in regard of the Periodic Table.
Must have nicked it all from a passing Chechen eh Jim?
As for the “Science and Christianity”…Faraday, Watt, Newton, Mendel to name just a few?…well, science and religion don`t mix now do they?
Well done Beeb-well done Islamic Jim…
Anyone who links a particular religion with science must surely show that the religion was critical to making the scientific discovery.
I have read claims that Islam encourages the search for knowledge, (a bit like the EU, as long as you get the ‘right’ answer!), but man, the species, is a curious animal so there is nothing special there.
Some claim that Arabs made discoveries in the field of astronomy and mathematics when Europeans were still ‘in the dark’. My feeling is that it must be a lot easier watching the stars from the desert than from the depths of a forest in Europe during a rain storm and having a sand sketchpad at your feet surely makes ‘doing sums’ a lot easier too. I’m sure these factors are more important than which religion was dominating your life.
The attempt to link religion, (and only one religion), is as daft as saying Marie Curie discovered radioactivity because she was a woman, (or French, or Catholic).
I feel a new programme coming on, Nadiya’s Islamic Science Masterclass.
Clearly you didn’t watch Professor Jim Al-Khalili’s programme on BBC4 yesterday evening: “Science And Islam”. The programme was, as expected, a tale to convince the intellectually deficient in this country that islam has it all including a scientific pedigree of innovation. In fact, I, fascinated, watched the BBC’s attempt to give academic credit where very little was warranted. Any objective viewer from here would have immediately seen the BBC signposts: islam, basically, took the essential ‘technology’ from elsewhere and improved it. I’ll give credit for improvements. But it seemed to me that, apart from some pretty minimal stuff, islam didn’t have the initial creativity to start a scientific line of reasoning, ‘from scratch’. Anyway, watch out as the sequel to this first programme (don’t know when) will set out why the islamic “achievements” set out in the first programme, came to an abrupt halt. I suspect that, in advance of that revelatory programme, we can assume that beforehand, so-called islamic religion took a hand in their “achievements”.
When did “Islamic scientific enquiry” end then?
Did science even enter the second millenium or were those brave enough to tack Godless guff on Allahs perfect revelation just killed for trying. All I know is that Islam has done NOTHING of note in recent modern history…and even JIm can`t give Muslims the credit for the Enlightenment can he?
I jest-that`ll be next series.
Jews and Science?…Freud?…Einstein?…
Hardly grease proof falafel wrappings is it?
Almost nervous about spending last Friday evening at London’s comedy store deep in the Caliphate. 5 comedians and a compere. Trendy looking audience probably average age around 30. Would this just be a live version of something like the R4 Now Show? Surely, it would. Well things didn’t go quite as expected – although it was certainly an enjoyable and very funny evening.
There were the expected jokes about the safety of the world now being in the hands of a 5 year old (yes you guessed), and about Brexit (which surprise, surprise were not exactly for it). But. . . A young female American comic who started on Trump early in her routine got no traction from the audience at all – so much so that she said with a mixture of irony and a reprimand “Oh – lots of Trumps supporters in here tonight then.” And quickly changed the subject to do a really good routine.
So sure, Trump and Brexit got it, so did May somewhat, but so did everything and everything else – especially and quite significantly both Muslims and the Koran – both specifically ridiculed (along with Jews and the Welsh for instance, by both an Englishman and – a Welshman). There was a leaning towards ridiculing the establishment and authority (which is natural in my view) so you would expect someone like Theresa May to be targeted. Corbyn was completely absent – but I couldn’t help feeling that this was more because – well – there just isn’t anything remotely funny about Corbyn or his world.
The whole experience significantly restored my confidence – completely conditioned by the BBC’s near monopoly of ‘comedy’ – in comedy where in the real world, politicians in power are a natural target, but comedy is done for laughs, and if you are lucky, insights into the human condition, not for ideological purposes.
I found this JustGiving link on BBC’s-favorite-Labour-member-immigrant-loving-Lilly Allen’s Twitter page…
Grenfell Arabic Speaking Women Appeal
They want to raise £28,000 for lunch once a week FOR ARABIC SPEAKING GRENFELL WOMAN and that includes £2000 – To support those needing to go to hospital to visit their families, see their lawyers and commute at times with buggies.
£15k will pay for a volunteer coordinator to manage a team of volunteers. How many Arabic speaking buggy pushing woman are there in Grenfell and how many volunteers does each woman need?
It wasn’t that long ago when we could see corruption hidden everywhere but nowadays noone even bothers to hide it anymore. I thought we were told all immigrants are hard working and net contributers to the UK economy?!?
Well they are certainly net contributors to the pushchair manufacturers profit margins. Or should I say we are ….
People don’t bother to report such things .They don’t want to be accused of racism or Islamaphobia.Much easier to keep quiet. . This country no longer runs on equal under the law.
As for the just giving ,let the lefty virtue signallers do it ,I can think of many less publicised causes where my money would go.
“….once a week FOR ARABIC SPEAKING GRENFELL WOMAN ….”. That’s discriminatory period.
” I thought we were told all immigrants are hard working and net contributors to the UK economy”
Migration Watch has already proven that to be an illusion.
proposed changes to BBC employees Terms & Conditions being pushed by HR.
They’ve had it good for ever – the ‘gravy train’, perhaps this is the start of reality clicking in?
It’s nice to see the bBC indirectly approving the government’s philosophy that cuts have to be made, that money is not a neverending supply.