Froststrup’s Fake Critical Thinking prog on R4 this morning featured editor of FirstNews, which is a kids’ newspaper which seems to brainwash kids to the normal LibSupremacist dogma.
She mentioned that for critical thinking we have a kid’s survey project
“FirstNews Children’s Charter for Brexit”
Yes it’s full of leading questions I expect
So CREATES rather than ELICITS opinion.
see the leading language they use eg keeping EU enviro laws ..
“Keep the European student exchange prog” (actually it’s just an EU prog other countries participate)
And someone, I think from Buzz Feed, says it encourages young people to check facts with reliable sources like the BBC. I would have suggested this site would be more reliable.
” I would have suggested this site would be more reliable.”
It is more reliable, I check this site for News, its not fake, its unbiased and its not ‘metrocentric’.
Our local Schools seem to have exchange arrangements with Japanese and French Schools. If leaving the EU means loosing exchange agreements with French Schools. Maybe they could maintain links with French culture by an exchange agreement with a Commonwealth School such as a French Canadian School in Quebec.
I happen to think that the Nazis sifted us by race, the Communists did the same by class-and the New Nazis of the Left, their counterparts in the pink communist bullies and blowhards that WE now have to deal with?
They do segregation by education, a liberal apartheid based on your use of their big words and their chosen sentiments.
It`s the last taboo-soon we`ll hang them high for it.
The REAL thick vote Remain and work in the public sector as agents of the left.
Their extra layer of self righteous condescension only makes me rage, and we`ll have our revenge.
As long as our tax funded phonies are able to make their own news without blowback-as long as they REALLY think that Vince Cables opinions are “newsworthy”?…then we are a disgrace to our kids, we really are!
Either we WANT a free country where a Cologne or a Malmo are not possible…or we can scratch our bollocks outside Jon Snows gated community entrance and bare our arses for Islam.
And it would only be our own faults.
I got up this morning to find myself summoned for Jury Duty ……. Does this mean that my opinion on legal matters is validated? No matter what the BBC implies regarding my thoughts on legal matters in reference to my vote to leave in the Referendum???
I got a jury duty request to which I replied:
‘Thank you for your invitation for Jury Duty. I am afraid that you would not want me on your Jury. I have such low opinion of the judicial system and law enforcement that my belief is that anyone who has made it as far as court is guilty, and will find whoever is put in front of me as guilty. ‘
Justin, if you do sit on a jury, then it will be interesting to note how many of your fellow jurors speak fluent English. I only say this as when I was called, many years ago, amongst the corresponding instruction literature was an A4 sheet with more than 20 different languages explaining what to do. It struck a chord, that if this sheet was necessary, then many jurors could be sat in judgement being barely able to follow the proceedings due to their lack of spoken English, and hardly a fair trial of one’s peers.
“Trials would be presided over by judges alone, and then we can kiss justice goodbye.” – preferably sharia judges methinks………….
The lefties would really get a shock if a real sharia court became involved working on practices advocated by their Saudi masters.
Yes, I too noticed the A4 sheet covering many non indigeonous languages…. However i live in N.E.Lincolnshire, near Grimsby a place which is so deprived there isn`t much of a problem with migrants…. However, once the case i am involved in has ended and reporting restrictions are no longer in place I shall post on the site details of what went on, especially the circumstances of the case, a brief paragraph about the other jurors giving an idea of thier ethnicity, political leanings and especially thier hypocritical views…. Myself i am a realist, I have always said what i think, I don`t like being lectured or talked down to, also i am not the type to be spoonfed s**t and would definitely not hold my nose and reach for the fabreze if I smelt it…
Also a very long time ago in my youth I was not the same person and I spent quite a lot of time in the `Big House`.. It wasn`t until i lost the respect of my family that I realised what a poor excuse for a human being I was, (my family disowned me as I was the only person in my family who had broken the lawetc. It was compounded by the fact most of my family were and mostly still are employed within the Public Service Sector or Probation and the Police both in the London Met (PaDP) and PSNI..
However, for nearly twenty five years now I have done my best to put it behind me and i have used my past experiences on the other side of the law to bring up my children to be honest, hard working and good and non of them have been in bother and never did they ever bring the Police to my door.. When i meet the other Jurors i shall give them the benefit of my opinion should any of them ask it of me, I will not no matter how persuasive thier arguement be swayed into the whole `mitigating circumstances` scenario…. Most criminals these days are real scumbags, smackrats or bullies who get off on beating up weaker victims, or sex offenders… you can almost gaurantee that whatever crimes they`re charged with in Court accounts for less than ten percent of thier actual crimes….. If the person in the dock is guilty then I will not hesitate in saying so…. Also prisons these days are like holiday camps….. What taught me was being ostracised by my family and friends and having to live amongst the worst nieghbours you could possibly imagine… I will feel no remorse in giving a guilty vote if that person is guilty… Also I shall be paying attention to thier legal representatives as certain firms are known to be the preferred choice of habitual criminals, I shall also be watching the accused carefully as I have learnt pretty much how to read a persons reactions, you had to when you were in Jail….. I really do hope the case isn`t anything to do with anything sexual or children though as i don`t think I could stomach that I would probably end up walking out and being charged with contempt….
I still can`t get over the fact that they chose me though…….. I`m going to phone my cousin tomorrow to tell him, last month he was promoted to Inspector in the PSNI …. heh…
I did jury service in Hull not that long ago. To be fair, most of the jurors were born locally and all spoke English. Before the trials several said they were the ‘hang ’em high’ brigade but once in the jury room they did consider the facts of the case and take their duty very seriously. However in an area of low for the UK migrant numbers, the majority of the cases were of foreign born people requiring expensive interpreters.
I suspect the only reason why migrants actually turn up for thier trail date is becouse they know that once within the proper prison system they can use thier time in there to access all the various `do-gooder` initiatives as well as use the free legal aid they get whilst a prisoner to ensure they have a legal status to stay in the UK once released… Sometimes by getting married to a British national whilst serving time, upon release they simply use the Human Rights laws to prevent deportation and if married whilst in jail it throws up a whole gray area relating to thier immigrant statuses and also prevents the checking and verification of whether thier marraige is bogus or legit….. They can simply refuse to be interviewed whilst a prisoner by anyone and there`s little point interviewing the spouse on her own…… Also they enjoy far more `perks` in jail than in a detention centre for unwanted migrants….. or even thier countries of origin….
I quote KattyKay there
“WE are not impervious to fact, they just don’t alter OUR opinions.”
note the pronouns she chose to use ‘we’ ‘our’
..she’s speaking about her self and tribe.
and apparently the saying goes quite a way back with its` origin being from the Abe Lincoln Repulican Party campaign…
Before anyone claims offence i have to point out the following clip is from a show written by a Black American who is allowed to comentate on issues such as this…. Just to lighten the mood….
The Radio Times has as its lead story this week an article about….Identity politics: Nadiya Hussain feared being labelled “the token Muslim” during Great British Bake Off appearance Nadiya Hussain admits she struggled with being labelled the “token Muslim” when she appeared on The Great British Bake Off, adding that she was “shocked” by the reaction her appearance on the show first generated. The Bake Off 2015 winner is now gearing up for her second solo series on the BBC, Nadiya’s British Food Adventure, but says looking back she was surprised how quickly she was pigeonholed on the BBC1 baking show. “I certainly didn’t enter a baking show in the hope of representing anyone,” she tells broadcaster Emma Freud in the new issue of Radio Times magazine. “Being a Muslim for me was incidental, but from the day the show was launched, I was ‘the 30-year-old Muslim’ and that became my identity.”
And if she had turned up ‘every week’, (I bet they film multiple episodes per week), in a Liverpool FC shirt would she have been ‘shocked’to have been described as a football fan?
Oh “she s shocked”, Oh she s surprised “how quickly she was pigeonholed on the BBC”.
Poor thing eh … any idea how much, she has profited from food adventures series?, how about her travelogue series?, how about her Hajj Ramabomb show?, how about that one co hosting the “bake off” adversary show? or that one judging the junior bake off show, or her Radio Christmas Show? and of course future appearances generated by such a staggering, unwarranted amount of media airtime.
The brilliant bakers , and lovely natured previous winners, have just been forgotten … due to the BBCs shameful bias, and sickening agenda
and all the previous bakers and winners – who knows or cares what religion, if any, they followed. Only muslims make a big deal out of that, like the emir of Londonistan.
So much ‘news these days’ is just PR. This is just an advert for her show which has clearly been written by a BBC staffer.
Look how well-integrated and Westernised she is. She is absolute proof that multiculturalism works and is entirely representative of the Muslim community as a whole. This reckless experiment is clearly working wonderfully.
I wonder if she could present a show on hash tags so we will have something ready for after the next atrocity.
Of course she was the token muslim, and we were all supposed to be thrilled that a hijabi could win. If she wanted to avoid accusations of tokenism she should have dressed like normal folks.
I would not have let anyone on a cooking programme who isn’t prepared to dress appropriately for a kitchen – she had unhygenic long sleeves and grim looking head gear.
I won’t watch anything she’s in or read anything she involved with. She has even fetched up in the latest edition of Gardeners World magazine. I buy that occasionally but not any more. What I don’t get is who is driving this popularity? Is the general populace thrilled to watch her on TV? Does she increase viewing figures? Do newspapers have increased sales when she has articles in them?
Saw this article this morning, but when I went to copy it just now, it wasn’t there and didn’t come up with a search (are BBC searches just rubbish?) Google is much more reliable for searching stuff with a few disjointed words.
Anyway, this geezer has lost his ‘fight’ to stay in Britain and not be extradited to the US where he is accused of shooting someone during a robbery. Probably not a popular story with the media cos he is black and ‘has always denied any involvement in the robbery’. My point though, is the language used to describe the death of a woman involved in a car crash with him, for which he was jailed for dangerous driving. The reporter says he was involved in a car crash ‘which claimed the life of 62-year-old Jean O’Neill’. Not that she died from her injuries, or was killed. Am I the only one to think this language is attempting to minimise the crime?
There are 2 websites worth familiarising yourself with when you suspect there has been a re-write of an article. News Sniffer is one, and the other Wayback Machine.
The article you refer to was indeed edited, and News Sniffer shows the original that has the part you referred to, and the subsequent edit with it cut out. Mr Harkins returned to Scotland after being released on bail in 2002 and was involved in a car crash in his native Greenock, which claimed the life of 62-year-old Jean O’Neill.
News Sniffer doesn’t examine all the articles put out by the BBC, but a fair few, as in this case.
Reading the article does anybody else get the impression from that bBC report that hardline Hindu carried out the attack . Funny enough the attack was carried out on the first day of one of the holiest Hindu holidays.
Sorry if this has been mentioned on other threads ,but I’ve all but given up on telly this last few weeks while the Gay Britannia meme takes over .It seems the programmes are themed to celebrate 50 years since homosexuality became legal.
As ever the BBC has gone over the top and even when channel hopping its hard to miss. Its not that I care I think gays should have equal rights ,I just see the proportion of gay storylines out of proportion to the general population,while heterosexual charactors especially females- are portrayed as sluts or harridans.Males as thugs and gangsters.
Coronation Street a long term favourite must have the highest number of gays and lesbians in any one short street.
I long gave up on Eastenders.
I’m trying to imagine, were the Labour Party to broadcast a news channel – perhaps funded by the US Democrats, how the resulting output might in any way deviate from what the BBC already churns out.
Here’s one for the BBC ‘science’ team:
A widely reported study – widely reported except on the BBC, that is – suggests that drinking coffee in moderation may reduce mortality in men by 18% and by 8% in women (I think mortality is always 100% in men and women but we’ll let that pass). Question for the ‘science’ team: Does this affect coffee-drinking transexuals? For instance, if a man has his bits chopped off and takes hormones to become (sic) a woman, does his mortality rate reduce from 18% to 8%? Or, if a woman becomes (sic) a man, does he/she improve their life expectancy? And if not, why not?
Unfortunately, the study does not discuss different styles of coffee. However, once the BBC have investigated the efficacy of skinny lattés made with organic soya, then presumably they will comment.
Ian, I’ve heard that women live about 8 years longer than men.
If I decided to declare that I am now a woman (you can do that now apparently) does that mean I live 8 years longer?
Maybe all us men should do that to get an extra 8 years.
Perhaps we should have done it to get the women’s pension when you could get it at 60.
It couldn’t have been refused could it? That would be some kind of ‘ist or ‘ism.
BBC political correspondent – well one of them – the gurning nerdy Chris Mason, presenting more incidental body language than a fortnight-long psychology conference in Llandudno with, naturally, few extraneous distractions, could properly classify – is anxious to couple in the minds of the viewers the minor story of the supposedly racially offensive ad-lib old-fashioned proverb (far more scary in the vague circumspect broadcast retelling than when you know the actual words and context) Tory story together with the Prime Minister’s upcoming speech today. Now why would he do that?
I see Al Beeb are in a state of perpetual orgasm over an MP using racist language. I note how with any mass murder spree we are told to not look back in anger and all hold hands, yet when someone uses a naughty word they bang on about it relentlessly and demand their heads, as we saw with Tim Hunt and many others. Of course this is perhaps the most offensive racial epithet there is, but is is still only a word. I would rather be called names a billion times than suffer a single knife attack.
The ‘fake news’ narrative was a real own goal. It is the left which relies on narrative over facts as the facts just are not on their side most of the time: in many ways men have it harder than women; the content of your character rather than the colour of your skin determines whether you are an oppressor; straight white men are not the great oppressors and the facts show they have probably done more than any other group to better our lot.
Then Sopel frothing about Trump/Russia again – more whining, whinging innuendo. “He might have actually met someone when he said he had not, which could be seen as maybe being naughty.” Zzzzzzzzzzz. It is all so boring. Why not discuss his policies or his recent speech about how the West has to battle to survive? Of course the BBC could not discuss the very survival of Western civilisation – that would be racist. I am much more concerned about a politician using an offensive word. So let’s hear about some meeting between Trump’s son and a woman where they discussed childcare or something banal like that. That’s real news, isn’t it?
They just cannot let it go and keep digging deeper and deeper; they are like a spoiled brat who wants a present then keeps stomping his feet and screaming when he cannot have it. They are like dirty footballers with no skill who can’t beat a player like Messi fairly so just foul him, always taking the man and not the ball. This is what you have done for so long: confect some outrage against anyone who dares challenge their totalitarian lunacy; force him onto the back foot and force an apology. And when you have a braying and powerful mob like these all against you it is so hard to stand your ground. Trump is fighting back against the bullies and they cannot stand it. As for this woman Trump’s son supposedly met, I would bet she is a Democrat operative in some way.
‘Starting as he clearly means to go on, Stormzy dives in deep…. Standout lyric:
“Drugs kill but my n*****s make a killing offa drugs/Rapping like I’m Jigga but I’m Puff/West End wanna show a n****a love/But if it weren’t me you would never let my n****as in the club.”
Disturbing new evidence has emerged of Labour MP David Lammy (45) from Tottenham publicly endorsing the 24-year-old musician famed for his blatant racial-epithets.
Attention will be focused on party leader Jeremy Corbyn whose authority over errant Labour MPs has been questioned. Following his general election defeat will the damaged dead-man-walking zombie opposition leader Corbyn – who relies on a rag-tag coaltion of Greens, Lib Dems, Scots and Welsh Nats for support in Parliament – be strong enough to take any decisive action and withdraw the Labour whip?
I saw Stormzy sent a Tweet encouraging this boy not to let bullies win. It’s a bit rich from someone whose most famous song is called ‘Shut Up’, a somewhat bullying thing to say. The knife crime epidemic has a lot to do with his type of music which glorifies gang culture. Of course, Al Beeb give him a free pass as he is black. It is almost as if the ‘white privilege’ they prattle on about is diametrically wrong.
The liberal media are bringing Project Fear back. I am sick to death of the blatant anti-Brexit bias carried out by the BBC.
TalkRadio just now presenter @paulross saying “of course she should resign”
and then playing a clip of vox pop saying “WHITE people should be allowed to say that word”
..Mental note never to listen to Paul Ross ever again.
What kind of idiot thinks a politician should resign just cos she accidentally said a word ?
Switch on RussiaToday and MaxKaiser is telling us that “Grenfell was caused by oppression of poor”.
Jesus another Yank thinking he knows everything about Britain.
..Then I check his Twitter and he’s just posted
“In summary: Brits are c***s. The End.” (about us daring to vote for Brexit)
Three terror attacks recently. Knife crime epidemic. So many cannot afford a place to live. Kids leave school barely literate. Yet still our national broadcaster bangs on about being ‘offended’ by language – generally offended on someone’s behalf like ther relentless race baiters they are.
Racism was a big problem 40 years ago. It is not anymore. I am sick and tired of constantly hearing about race from Al Beeb.
I`ve been told that it`s okay to use the `N` word as long as you accompany it with a gang sign… It shows contrition much in the same way as hitting the rosary beads after a confession to a priest or if you rape an underage girl from Rotherham and are of a Pakistani Muslim heritage….
Some of his views about the corruption of central banks and the financial system strike me as sensible, but then he has a bee in his bonnet that Britain is somehow stupid to leave the EU, which is a vast, corrupt and unaccountable superstate.
His long suffering wife Stacey is much more sensible, however, and he does have some good guests, who have helped me understand the financial world a bit better.
Why on Earth do these do gooders take it upon themselves to complain on behalf of others who might not have even complained themselves! I’m sick to death of this “ooh you can’t say that” attitude. If anyone who relates to the “N” word wishes to complain that is up to them not the ones who jump up and down on their behalf.
If we have to have this nonsense, suffer this crap about banning words, then be done with it.
But any black guy shouting it, or some rap combo,(oops am I showing my age?) need to be pulled up
and vilified in the media too., if its erm “banned” it is for all.
Reminds me of a conversation I had with the Al BBC morning inquisition, actually over Prince Harry s use of that abbreviation of Pakistani … Paki some snotty Beebot told me, its racist, I disagreed.
Said Beebot then asked if I would ever use the word n-gger?, I said no
… then increasingly irritated Beebot proceeded to inform me that’s the same thing, I said no, things got a little heated … and said Beebot spouted “it is its an abbreviation of the word negro”.
I succinctly reminded them that was impossible, as n-gger has more letters.
… suffice to say, the phone got cut off
Anne Marie Morris should not apologise, instead she should self-identify as a ‘black slave’ and say her comments were to highlight the indignation that she feels whilst self-identifying with her fellow slaves and people of black origin. Once the crisis is over she can switch back as before.
No harm done.
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” –George Orwell, 1984
I know it doesn’t suit the agenda but surely it’s time somebody with a bit of moral fortitude – perhaps not a politician – had the common-sense to check out and make known the semantics of the word? When Americans, using the accents of the deep south uttered the word ‘negro’ the resulting sounds created the word ‘nigra’. Migrate that word north and add a Yankee twang and it becomes ‘nigger’. No insult, no derision, no more hurtful or biased than Brit, Yank, Limey, Jerry, Itie, Gyppo or a host of similar slang, simply a common, casual, human semantic habit.
Unless, of course, there’s an element of martyrdom to be exploited.
After the Conservative MP’s faux pas and loss of the whip. I cannot see the BBC showing the Dambusters film with Richard Todd and his Labrador in the near future. Please don’t look at YOU TUBE if you don’t know what I am talking about.
Context is everything. I see the racist comment by the MP was not actual racist abuse directed at someone but instead a use of a generic phrase with the ‘n’ word in it. That makes the ‘crime’ far less serious. Yet there is such a lack of actual racism and hate crime that the Left has to create issues where none exist. The issue for me is one of intention. If someone intends to be racist and offensive that is different from mere flippancy and indelicate use of language. We have far, far more important things to worry about. That the Beeb could cover it with such relish is a disgrace.
There is a great section in Milo’s book about ‘cultural appropriation’ and how perfectly it illustrates how bonkers the Left is. Without cultural appropriation, culture would not exist. Shakespeare borrowed the plots for nearly all of his plays – was he thus an ‘oppressor’ or the world’s greatest writer? What lunatic would have a go at someone black for eating spaghetti? We are often told that the benefit of mass immigration is cultural enrichment. How can we thrive in a beautiful melting pot if borrowing ideas and outlooks from other cultures is ‘oppressive’?
He hilariously tells of when an art gallery held a wear a kimono day to help appreciate Japanese culture. The SJWs turned out in protest at how racist and oppressive this was. But the counter protestors were actually Japanese! They felt flattered that people were taking an interest in their culture. Who wouldn’t? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
As a Scot I feel rather flattered by people making fun of the kilt. In Africa, I occasionally wear African dress and Africans take it as a form of flattery.
so long as we take “cultural appropriation” to its logical conclusion and blacks and brown are denied anything developed by the yellow and whites, i will happily forgo foreign food
So everyone is ‘shocked and horrified’ by Morris’s nigger in woodpile gaffe.
Really? Actually nobody gives a toss. The enemies of the Conservatives will blow it up and drag it out; blacks will milk it for sympathy and to prove racism is alive and well, and even the Tories will feel obliged to pretend shock/horror to distance themselves from her and show how non-racist they are.
The beebistan will keep it front page of course (using that trick of reviewing the press:
But really, no one gives a toss.
Fake news.
(However, pretty stupid of Morris to make such a gaffe and invite the inevitable hysterical maelstrom that followed.)
You could make a good comedy sketch where the black character can say the word, and the white person can’t.
You can’t go around banning words … No other word has been banned so it’s favouritism.
Do you want the meaningless smear word “climate denier” banned ?
You could make a good comedy sketch where the black character can say the word, and the white person can’t.
The black ear/nose/throat doctor.
”now repeat after me Mr Smith” ”nigger in the wood-pile.’
Where does Mr Smith work Mrs Smith ”the BBC doctor”
”How long has his hearing been this bad Mrs Smith” .. ”oh ever since he started working there doctor”.
I See Mrs Smith.
”mr smith repeat after me ”the so-called nigger in the the wood-pile.”
”the so-called nigger in the the wood-pile.”
Theres nothing more i can do Mrs Smith he has worked there to long.
More good news.
Having written favourably about Alison Graham in the Radio Times calling the biased BBC news people to account, I happily report that in next week’s edition, both she and a letter writer get in on the act.
Alison berates reporter Lucy Manning. The latter refers to an apology by the new Kensington Council leader as “perhaps three weeks too late”. Alison points out this is not her call to make, and says “stop editorialising. This is comment , not news”.
Meanwhile on the letters page, Anne Mills writes “Reporters seem to be under instructions to provoke as much anguish as possible……The supposedly reputable BBC news is one of the worst offenders”
It is most heartening so find that more and more people are noticing the abject failings of the biased BBC’s news ‘journalism’
I recall the furore when Pres. Trump referred to Sweden a few months ago in the context of problems with migrants and islam. He was ridiculed and condemned for having the temerity to mention what was claimed to be the fictitious problems Sweden was experiencing with their islamic ‘newcomers’. Pres. Trump was absolutely right and all, but all, including the BBC were wrong but they knew it at the time and preferred to lie to the public. Sweden is tearing itself apart. There is no question whatever about this. Another symptom (if another one was required) –
What I am utterly puzzled about is, what has the media to gain from not explaining to the public what’s going on and displaying as much concern? Western media employees would have a shock if they were subject to the sorts of control imposed by islamic Governments. Many of the so-called, ‘journalists’ would probably be locked up immediately if they even considered reporting about their islamic Government in a similar style to their reporting of current leaders in the West. Beats me. But, perhaps in my remaining few years, I will have the pleasure in watching the western media being brought down by islamic control. Ah! fond memories from living and working in the Middle East.
Having a couple of teenage bioys and open house ,I have heard the N word spoken pretty much most days in my house by their black teenage friends.
The more you listen the more you get used to the street slang and believe me some of it is not pretty.Especially when it comes to denigration of women. Gangster rap and hip hop have a lot to answer for.
when will we hear Dianne Abbott complaining about that on the BBC?
I blame all of this on speaker John Bercow.
I knew from the very minute that he said MP’s can disrespect the House of Commons and take their ties off if they so wished that standards would decline.
It was the thin end of the wedge.
The use of the word ‘nigga’ was surely inevitable.
I found showing disrespect to the mother of Parliaments much more offensive than I did, the use of a word with historical connotations.
Bercow, get those ties back on you irritating little white ‘nigga in the woodpile’
Um, its ok then for black men to refer to women as ‘bitch’ regardless of colour ? TBH young black men do themselves no favours, when they strut around with handkerchiefs tied around their heads, or baseball caps not worn properly (don’t they realise they look proper turnips ); and why is it that having been born here, likewise those from Indian/Pakistani parentage, and going to school, their master and accent of the English language is still rubbish ? and why stick to the patois of the W.Indies when born and brought up in this country, its hardly conducive to being accepted on an equal playing field surely.
Always the cat follows the laser pointer while the mouse skips about untroubled.
Amnesty reports that the Coalition did not correctly plan and execute their action in Mosul. Surely they should have consulted Amnesty regarding military action? Apparently the US has accounted for the civilians they killed, though the US has a no fault clause when it comes to collateral damage. But that leaves around 90 deaths unaccounted for so Amnesty reports that other the four dozen Coalition partners must be responsible but they’re not owning up so prosecution would be tricky. How many has Assad killed? How many has IS killed? I await unlawful killing prosecutions of Russians, Iranians and Syrians but hey, that’s too hard. There must be some UK squaddies they could seek and destroy?
“Grey squirrel exterminator branded ‘racist’ by wildlife activists”
“We’ll get called racist, xenophobic, all sorts of things like that, crazy things.
“They say that we’re racist because we shoot the greys because they’re grey, not red.
There is no such thing as ‘racism’ and anyone using that word needs to be challenged to provide a definition as to what the words mean – you as the challenger can easily disprove ever definition they come up with, using examples like this.
“There is no such thing as ‘racism’ and anyone using that word needs to be challenged to provide a definition as to what the words mean – you as the challenger can easily disprove ever definition they come up with, using examples like this.”
Ok, go right ahead and disprove this definition of racism…
1) Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
1.1) The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.”
I think racism is a useful word. The problem is – is that it is being misused, and in its misuse “weaponised”. As a result of this the term racism becomes a less useful word.
Language evolves – and sometimes words that were useful become “corrupted” and “weaponised” and no longer useful for careful rational thinking.
Hi Maxi, if you find the truth racist – you just need to get over it, and yourself too judging by all the time you evidently spend cataloging the posts of contributors to this site: what a very strange dweeb you must be, creeping around the backstairs of BBBC in the wee small hours like you do.
Switch on Bingo
Just retuned to R4 only to find striptease performer telling the story that as part if her act whilst almost naked she holds a piece of paper with something written about Trump written on .. And then rips it up
R4 your station of hate.
Ah worse than that ..she takes all over her clothes off
but adopts a pose of a sick person
then from “within myself I pull out a picture of Donald Trump ..and hold it up horror I scream .. show the audience ..they scream rip it up
I then rip up that paper ..and that is my cleansing process and everything is great again”
Fear in the EU – They can’t see how they can make the exit bill stick and although they want to destroy the UK they know it would hurt them – a lot.
Meantime – Brown and May – spot the difference?
BBC Comedy is a bit of an oxymoron,but there was one radio programme, been around for ages, which was funny, and that was I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue. It was also non political. Obviously the BBC could not let that pass. 30 minutes a week of non brain washing time? Unthinkable! So we have had Jo Brand and Andy Hamilton for the first two weeks of the new series and now Susan Calman and some other wanker with lots of “jokes” about Brexit, in reality displays of their ignorance and narrow mindedness, and of course digs at the Daily Mail. Strange really because the programme travels the country and doesn’t only come from London. Anyway, that’s that for me. No more ISIHAC.
I wonder how many people know the origin of the phrase ‘Nigger in the Woodpile’? No wonder it is todays Fascist left crying because it was their forebears who coined it in the first place!
It dates back to the days when slavery was being abolished and the Republican party was anti Slavery
“A Democratic Party parody, titled “The Nigger in the Woodpile”, lampooned what they claimed were Republican efforts to play down the antislavery plank in their 1860 platform. Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln, who had worked as a labourer splitting wooden rails as a young man, is sitting on top of the pile”
A bit rich now for them to object to what was their own invention at the time !
I wonder if London stabbings aren’t more offensive to Black/MixedRace people ?
I bet almost each of them knows some one who was stabbed.
.. Whilst one MP in a meeting they never heard said the word by mistake.
Should police spend their time policing language or policing knifemen ?
Oh “she s shocked”, Oh she s surprised “how quickly she was pigeonholed on the BBC”.
“Token Muslim”, I d replace that with the much more factual, and reality based overly lauded Muslim
Still, poor thing eh … any idea how much, she has profited from food adventures series?, how about her travelogue series?, how about her Hajj Ramabomb show?, how about that one co hosting the “bake off” adversary show? or that one judging the junior bake off show, or her Radio Christmas Show? and of course future appearances generated by such a staggering, unwarranted amount of media airtime.
The brilliant bakers , and lovely natured previous winners, have just been forgotten … due to the BBCs shameful bias, and sickening agenda.
I m actually glad she bought up the question of Al BBC/Islam, as the BBC is “hideously” Islamophile
Nadiya seems to be a nice, modern, moderate, celebrated UK Muslim … could she possibly reconcile this contradiction … 83% UK Muslims proud to be British (Warsi 2013) verses 1% of UK Muslims want Freedom of Speech/Press to be able to print cartoons of religious Prophets (Channel 4 Survey // Murray 2015).
I admit to being a dinosaur and stuck in the past, but being ‘British’ to me does not conjure up someone wearing a headscarf. Likewise I doubt if you ask someone from another country to describe some who is British born, they would come up with a hijab wearing person. Do Muslims around the world refer themselves as ‘Australian Muslim’, or ‘American Muslim’ I wonder ? ok perhaps they do.
Another one for Nadiya – if she could clarify that would be great … “Linda SarSour calling for Jihad but NOT the bad one, the GOOD Jihad. You know, it’s like nigga vs. nigger.”
Perspective whilst LibMob have faux outrage about one word one time.
Major part of population lack basic math skills.
23% of 2000 people failed this question
‘If a person on £9/hr gets a 5% rise, what’s their new pay ?
The 21st Century so far seems to exclusively consist of people being outraged and offended but seldom about the outrageous and offensive. Bit shit really.
R4 phone in on holidaypay/pension for independent contractors
“People don’t realise how many illegal migrants there are in this country working for less than minimum wage.
So as an employer who pays properly I can’t compete”
pres “but how do they get away with that’
It appears that we have this to look forward to.
I’m practically wetting myself with anticipation …..
What’s the betting that the first two items to feature on it will be Brexit and Donald Trump?
There really can’t be anyone who has not got the message, ‘Trump is evil and Brexit is bad’.
Do you think Theresa puts far too much store in what the bbc says? BTW she is still PM isn’t she? I recall something about, enough being enough and Brexit meaning Brexit.
I woke up to Radio 4 yesterday and they were interviewing Connie Yates, mother of Charlie Gard, about their High Court battle to take Charlie abroad for treatment.
John Humpries said something like “…you have support from people all around the world now – some of those are controversial figures…”. He of course meant Donald Trump. Connie Yates answered the question without taking the bait.
John Humpries then said “….how do you feel having support from such a controversial figure?”
Again, Connie Yates refused to take the bait and instead spoke about the High Court.
I seem to recall it was Justin Webb who uttered that phrase “some controversial people”. But whoever it was, I was pretty startled by it, and then outraged by the intolerable abuse of his privileged position. It was monstrous. However, neither May or Rudd will hold the BBC to account on this or indeed on anything else.
You know how the BBC now requires you to sign into to use i-player…
Well, keep this under your hat… I’m now registered as 105-years-old, with a birthday of 1st April 1912 (the BBC keeps saying the elderly are uneducated and dragged those poor idealistic millennials out of the EU, so I thought I’d go full on foolish wrinkly) I’m of no specific gender (the BBC tells me it’s my right to choose and/or change my mind) and my postcode is W1A 1AA – just in case they want to send someone round to check my Licence. My password is pretty pithy too – but that would be telling.
Why could the Beeb not run a positive story on race relations? What it was like being a black footballer in the 70s and immeasurably better it is now – your chances of landing every boy’s dream job better than any other ethnic group? Why not show some footage of racial problems in 60s Birmingham compared to now – where there is no racial tension whatsoever? What about boys coming from abject poverty and the cruel caste system in India to become doctors, such a high status job which pays six figures?
Of course that would never happen. We get farcical ‘news’ about a posh woman from Devon – that hotbed of Neo Nazism – using a clumsy phrase about a legal process. Why do they want us to think we are living in a hotbed of oppression and racial hatred? And they accuse the right of peddling fake news!
‘peddling fake news’ is being rather charitable.
The bbc pedals, despair, despondency, division, subversion, apathy, sedition, child abuse, fear, hatred and that’s not the full list.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Froststrup’s Fake Critical Thinking prog on R4 this morning featured editor of FirstNews, which is a kids’ newspaper which seems to brainwash kids to the normal LibSupremacist dogma.
She mentioned that for critical thinking we have a kid’s survey project
“FirstNews Children’s Charter for Brexit”
Yes it’s full of leading questions I expect
So CREATES rather than ELICITS opinion.
see the leading language they use eg keeping EU enviro laws ..
“Keep the European student exchange prog” (actually it’s just an EU prog other countries participate)
And someone, I think from Buzz Feed, says it encourages young people to check facts with reliable sources like the BBC. I would have suggested this site would be more reliable.
” I would have suggested this site would be more reliable.”
It is more reliable, I check this site for News, its not fake, its unbiased and its not ‘metrocentric’.
When ever have kids checked facts before they spout rubbish?
I used to, and got stood on pretty seriously, but today’s kids know everything don’t they, why, Trump,Brexit, Corbyn, an’ stuff…
Our local Schools seem to have exchange arrangements with Japanese and French Schools. If leaving the EU means loosing exchange agreements with French Schools. Maybe they could maintain links with French culture by an exchange agreement with a Commonwealth School such as a French Canadian School in Quebec.
Channel 4 propaganda
I happen to think that the Nazis sifted us by race, the Communists did the same by class-and the New Nazis of the Left, their counterparts in the pink communist bullies and blowhards that WE now have to deal with?
They do segregation by education, a liberal apartheid based on your use of their big words and their chosen sentiments.
It`s the last taboo-soon we`ll hang them high for it.
The REAL thick vote Remain and work in the public sector as agents of the left.
Their extra layer of self righteous condescension only makes me rage, and we`ll have our revenge.
As long as our tax funded phonies are able to make their own news without blowback-as long as they REALLY think that Vince Cables opinions are “newsworthy”?…then we are a disgrace to our kids, we really are!
Either we WANT a free country where a Cologne or a Malmo are not possible…or we can scratch our bollocks outside Jon Snows gated community entrance and bare our arses for Islam.
And it would only be our own faults.
I got up this morning to find myself summoned for Jury Duty ……. Does this mean that my opinion on legal matters is validated? No matter what the BBC implies regarding my thoughts on legal matters in reference to my vote to leave in the Referendum???
I got a jury duty request to which I replied:
‘Thank you for your invitation for Jury Duty. I am afraid that you would not want me on your Jury. I have such low opinion of the judicial system and law enforcement that my belief is that anyone who has made it as far as court is guilty, and will find whoever is put in front of me as guilty. ‘
Justin, if you do sit on a jury, then it will be interesting to note how many of your fellow jurors speak fluent English. I only say this as when I was called, many years ago, amongst the corresponding instruction literature was an A4 sheet with more than 20 different languages explaining what to do. It struck a chord, that if this sheet was necessary, then many jurors could be sat in judgement being barely able to follow the proceedings due to their lack of spoken English, and hardly a fair trial of one’s peers.
… enabling the Leftists to step in and say “The jury system isn’t working, therefore it should be abolished.”
Trials would be presided over by judges alone, and then we can kiss justice goodbye.
“Trials would be presided over by judges alone, and then we can kiss justice goodbye.” – preferably sharia judges methinks………….
The lefties would really get a shock if a real sharia court became involved working on practices advocated by their Saudi masters.
Yes, I too noticed the A4 sheet covering many non indigeonous languages…. However i live in N.E.Lincolnshire, near Grimsby a place which is so deprived there isn`t much of a problem with migrants…. However, once the case i am involved in has ended and reporting restrictions are no longer in place I shall post on the site details of what went on, especially the circumstances of the case, a brief paragraph about the other jurors giving an idea of thier ethnicity, political leanings and especially thier hypocritical views…. Myself i am a realist, I have always said what i think, I don`t like being lectured or talked down to, also i am not the type to be spoonfed s**t and would definitely not hold my nose and reach for the fabreze if I smelt it…
Also a very long time ago in my youth I was not the same person and I spent quite a lot of time in the `Big House`.. It wasn`t until i lost the respect of my family that I realised what a poor excuse for a human being I was, (my family disowned me as I was the only person in my family who had broken the lawetc. It was compounded by the fact most of my family were and mostly still are employed within the Public Service Sector or Probation and the Police both in the London Met (PaDP) and PSNI..
However, for nearly twenty five years now I have done my best to put it behind me and i have used my past experiences on the other side of the law to bring up my children to be honest, hard working and good and non of them have been in bother and never did they ever bring the Police to my door.. When i meet the other Jurors i shall give them the benefit of my opinion should any of them ask it of me, I will not no matter how persuasive thier arguement be swayed into the whole `mitigating circumstances` scenario…. Most criminals these days are real scumbags, smackrats or bullies who get off on beating up weaker victims, or sex offenders… you can almost gaurantee that whatever crimes they`re charged with in Court accounts for less than ten percent of thier actual crimes….. If the person in the dock is guilty then I will not hesitate in saying so…. Also prisons these days are like holiday camps….. What taught me was being ostracised by my family and friends and having to live amongst the worst nieghbours you could possibly imagine… I will feel no remorse in giving a guilty vote if that person is guilty… Also I shall be paying attention to thier legal representatives as certain firms are known to be the preferred choice of habitual criminals, I shall also be watching the accused carefully as I have learnt pretty much how to read a persons reactions, you had to when you were in Jail….. I really do hope the case isn`t anything to do with anything sexual or children though as i don`t think I could stomach that I would probably end up walking out and being charged with contempt….
I still can`t get over the fact that they chose me though…….. I`m going to phone my cousin tomorrow to tell him, last month he was promoted to Inspector in the PSNI …. heh…
I did jury service in Hull not that long ago. To be fair, most of the jurors were born locally and all spoke English. Before the trials several said they were the ‘hang ’em high’ brigade but once in the jury room they did consider the facts of the case and take their duty very seriously. However in an area of low for the UK migrant numbers, the majority of the cases were of foreign born people requiring expensive interpreters.
I suspect the only reason why migrants actually turn up for thier trail date is becouse they know that once within the proper prison system they can use thier time in there to access all the various `do-gooder` initiatives as well as use the free legal aid they get whilst a prisoner to ensure they have a legal status to stay in the UK once released… Sometimes by getting married to a British national whilst serving time, upon release they simply use the Human Rights laws to prevent deportation and if married whilst in jail it throws up a whole gray area relating to thier immigrant statuses and also prevents the checking and verification of whether thier marraige is bogus or legit….. They can simply refuse to be interviewed whilst a prisoner by anyone and there`s little point interviewing the spouse on her own…… Also they enjoy far more `perks` in jail than in a detention centre for unwanted migrants….. or even thier countries of origin….
Bristles – that is a truly shocking observation and proves that the multiculturalist cult can obstruct justice . Personally I would dump jury trials .
At one stage the tories were going to ban these multi lingual notes on government paid forms . Went away when the tories went pink
Trouble in Greece
The EU can’t handle it.
It cannot control its borders. The EU is coming to its end.
Nothing on Al Beeb about it yet.
Perhaps their researchers will pick it up from here and put their own spin on it?
By their tweets ye shall know how impartial they are:
By amazing coincidence, James is also soon back on Newsnight:
Katty will be jelly.
Speaking of the Ian Katz show, here is the ex Anger and Protests Editor doing his bit again to calm community relations:
I quote KattyKay there
“WE are not impervious to fact, they just don’t alter OUR opinions.”
note the pronouns she chose to use ‘we’ ‘our’
..she’s speaking about her self and tribe.
That is a truly shocking quote especially for someone in that position.
A concealed motive or obscure factor.
Contrary to appearances in a situation.
Sheesh 2 niggers in a wood pile, looksey.
There`s a film!!!!!!
and apparently the saying goes quite a way back with its` origin being from the Abe Lincoln Repulican Party campaign…
Before anyone claims offence i have to point out the following clip is from a show written by a Black American who is allowed to comentate on issues such as this…. Just to lighten the mood….
The Radio Times has as its lead story this week an article about….Identity politics:
Nadiya Hussain feared being labelled “the token Muslim” during Great British Bake Off appearance
Nadiya Hussain admits she struggled with being labelled the “token Muslim” when she appeared on The Great British Bake Off, adding that she was “shocked” by the reaction her appearance on the show first generated. The Bake Off 2015 winner is now gearing up for her second solo series on the BBC, Nadiya’s British Food Adventure, but says looking back she was surprised how quickly she was pigeonholed on the BBC1 baking show. “I certainly didn’t enter a baking show in the hope of representing anyone,” she tells broadcaster Emma Freud in the new issue of Radio Times magazine. “Being a Muslim for me was incidental, but from the day the show was launched, I was ‘the 30-year-old Muslim’ and that became my identity.”
Why am I not surprised.
And if she had turned up ‘every week’, (I bet they film multiple episodes per week), in a Liverpool FC shirt would she have been ‘shocked’to have been described as a football fan?
Nadiya Hussain is a muslim?!?!
Goodness, they kept that quiet, didn’t they?
Oh “she s shocked”, Oh she s surprised “how quickly she was pigeonholed on the BBC”.
Poor thing eh … any idea how much, she has profited from food adventures series?, how about her travelogue series?, how about her Hajj Ramabomb show?, how about that one co hosting the “bake off” adversary show? or that one judging the junior bake off show, or her Radio Christmas Show? and of course future appearances generated by such a staggering, unwarranted amount of media airtime.
The brilliant bakers , and lovely natured previous winners, have just been forgotten … due to the BBCs shameful bias, and sickening agenda
and all the previous bakers and winners – who knows or cares what religion, if any, they followed. Only muslims make a big deal out of that, like the emir of Londonistan.
The other BakeOff winners were pigeonholed as boring normal whitey’s so not seen again
So much ‘news these days’ is just PR. This is just an advert for her show which has clearly been written by a BBC staffer.
Look how well-integrated and Westernised she is. She is absolute proof that multiculturalism works and is entirely representative of the Muslim community as a whole. This reckless experiment is clearly working wonderfully.
I wonder if she could present a show on hash tags so we will have something ready for after the next atrocity.
Of course she was the token muslim, and we were all supposed to be thrilled that a hijabi could win. If she wanted to avoid accusations of tokenism she should have dressed like normal folks.
I would not have let anyone on a cooking programme who isn’t prepared to dress appropriately for a kitchen – she had unhygenic long sleeves and grim looking head gear.
I won’t watch anything she’s in or read anything she involved with. She has even fetched up in the latest edition of Gardeners World magazine. I buy that occasionally but not any more. What I don’t get is who is driving this popularity? Is the general populace thrilled to watch her on TV? Does she increase viewing figures? Do newspapers have increased sales when she has articles in them?
Gardeners World magazine what was that related to, how to create a desert landscape with your goats
Saw this article this morning, but when I went to copy it just now, it wasn’t there and didn’t come up with a search (are BBC searches just rubbish?) Google is much more reliable for searching stuff with a few disjointed words.
Anyway, this geezer has lost his ‘fight’ to stay in Britain and not be extradited to the US where he is accused of shooting someone during a robbery. Probably not a popular story with the media cos he is black and ‘has always denied any involvement in the robbery’. My point though, is the language used to describe the death of a woman involved in a car crash with him, for which he was jailed for dangerous driving. The reporter says he was involved in a car crash ‘which claimed the life of 62-year-old Jean O’Neill’. Not that she died from her injuries, or was killed. Am I the only one to think this language is attempting to minimise the crime?
There are 2 websites worth familiarising yourself with when you suspect there has been a re-write of an article. News Sniffer is one, and the other Wayback Machine.
The article you refer to was indeed edited, and News Sniffer shows the original that has the part you referred to, and the subsequent edit with it cut out.
Mr Harkins returned to Scotland after being released on bail in 2002 and was involved in a car crash in his native Greenock, which claimed the life of 62-year-old Jean O’Neill.
News Sniffer doesn’t examine all the articles put out by the BBC, but a fair few, as in this case.
How the bBC reports on a terrorist attack in India by Pakistani funded terrorists
Hindu pilgrims killed in militant attack in Kashmir
Reading the article does anybody else get the impression from that bBC report that hardline Hindu carried out the attack . Funny enough the attack was carried out on the first day of one of the holiest Hindu holidays.
Sorry if this has been mentioned on other threads ,but I’ve all but given up on telly this last few weeks while the Gay Britannia meme takes over .It seems the programmes are themed to celebrate 50 years since homosexuality became legal.
As ever the BBC has gone over the top and even when channel hopping its hard to miss. Its not that I care I think gays should have equal rights ,I just see the proportion of gay storylines out of proportion to the general population,while heterosexual charactors especially females- are portrayed as sluts or harridans.Males as thugs and gangsters.
Coronation Street a long term favourite must have the highest number of gays and lesbians in any one short street.
I long gave up on Eastenders.
I’m trying to imagine, were the Labour Party to broadcast a news channel – perhaps funded by the US Democrats, how the resulting output might in any way deviate from what the BBC already churns out.
Here’s one for the BBC ‘science’ team:
A widely reported study – widely reported except on the BBC, that is – suggests that drinking coffee in moderation may reduce mortality in men by 18% and by 8% in women (I think mortality is always 100% in men and women but we’ll let that pass). Question for the ‘science’ team: Does this affect coffee-drinking transexuals? For instance, if a man has his bits chopped off and takes hormones to become (sic) a woman, does his mortality rate reduce from 18% to 8%? Or, if a woman becomes (sic) a man, does he/she improve their life expectancy? And if not, why not?
Unfortunately, the study does not discuss different styles of coffee. However, once the BBC have investigated the efficacy of skinny lattés made with organic soya, then presumably they will comment.
Ian, I’ve heard that women live about 8 years longer than men.
If I decided to declare that I am now a woman (you can do that now apparently) does that mean I live 8 years longer?
Maybe all us men should do that to get an extra 8 years.
Perhaps we should have done it to get the women’s pension when you could get it at 60.
It couldn’t have been refused could it? That would be some kind of ‘ist or ‘ism.
BBC political correspondent – well one of them – the gurning nerdy Chris Mason, presenting more incidental body language than a fortnight-long psychology conference in Llandudno with, naturally, few extraneous distractions, could properly classify – is anxious to couple in the minds of the viewers the minor story of the supposedly racially offensive ad-lib old-fashioned proverb (far more scary in the vague circumspect broadcast retelling than when you know the actual words and context) Tory story together with the Prime Minister’s upcoming speech today. Now why would he do that?
I see Al Beeb are in a state of perpetual orgasm over an MP using racist language. I note how with any mass murder spree we are told to not look back in anger and all hold hands, yet when someone uses a naughty word they bang on about it relentlessly and demand their heads, as we saw with Tim Hunt and many others. Of course this is perhaps the most offensive racial epithet there is, but is is still only a word. I would rather be called names a billion times than suffer a single knife attack.
The ‘fake news’ narrative was a real own goal. It is the left which relies on narrative over facts as the facts just are not on their side most of the time: in many ways men have it harder than women; the content of your character rather than the colour of your skin determines whether you are an oppressor; straight white men are not the great oppressors and the facts show they have probably done more than any other group to better our lot.
Then Sopel frothing about Trump/Russia again – more whining, whinging innuendo. “He might have actually met someone when he said he had not, which could be seen as maybe being naughty.” Zzzzzzzzzzz. It is all so boring. Why not discuss his policies or his recent speech about how the West has to battle to survive? Of course the BBC could not discuss the very survival of Western civilisation – that would be racist. I am much more concerned about a politician using an offensive word. So let’s hear about some meeting between Trump’s son and a woman where they discussed childcare or something banal like that. That’s real news, isn’t it?
They just cannot let it go and keep digging deeper and deeper; they are like a spoiled brat who wants a present then keeps stomping his feet and screaming when he cannot have it. They are like dirty footballers with no skill who can’t beat a player like Messi fairly so just foul him, always taking the man and not the ball. This is what you have done for so long: confect some outrage against anyone who dares challenge their totalitarian lunacy; force him onto the back foot and force an apology. And when you have a braying and powerful mob like these all against you it is so hard to stand your ground. Trump is fighting back against the bullies and they cannot stand it. As for this woman Trump’s son supposedly met, I would bet she is a Democrat operative in some way.
Liked ur footballer analogy mate…… how`s this…..
the BBC AKA `The Baresi of Bullshit`
Labour MP quotes song writer well-known for using the ‘n’ word !!!!!
‘Labour MP David Lammy quoted Stormzy’
‘Starting as he clearly means to go on, Stormzy dives in deep…. Standout lyric:
“Drugs kill but my n*****s make a killing offa drugs/Rapping like I’m Jigga but I’m Puff/West End wanna show a n****a love/But if it weren’t me you would never let my n****as in the club.”
Disturbing new evidence has emerged of Labour MP David Lammy (45) from Tottenham publicly endorsing the 24-year-old musician famed for his blatant racial-epithets.
Attention will be focused on party leader Jeremy Corbyn whose authority over errant Labour MPs has been questioned. Following his general election defeat will the damaged dead-man-walking zombie opposition leader Corbyn – who relies on a rag-tag coaltion of Greens, Lib Dems, Scots and Welsh Nats for support in Parliament – be strong enough to take any decisive action and withdraw the Labour whip?
I saw Stormzy sent a Tweet encouraging this boy not to let bullies win. It’s a bit rich from someone whose most famous song is called ‘Shut Up’, a somewhat bullying thing to say. The knife crime epidemic has a lot to do with his type of music which glorifies gang culture. Of course, Al Beeb give him a free pass as he is black. It is almost as if the ‘white privilege’ they prattle on about is diametrically wrong.
Looking forward to the BBC reporting this story in depth –
If this were a Christian school it would be shut down amidst media and political uproar. Corbyn would be calling for an uprising etc.
Surely any ‘faith’ schools that do not comply with OUR laws and mores should be shut down.
That would be Islamic schools then.
Similarly, any residents or ‘citizens’ that do not comply with OUR laws should be imprisoned or deported.
TalkRadio just now presenter @paulross saying “of course she should resign”
and then playing a clip of vox pop saying “WHITE people should be allowed to say that word”
..Mental note never to listen to Paul Ross ever again.
What kind of idiot thinks a politician should resign just cos she accidentally said a word ?
Switch on RussiaToday and MaxKaiser is telling us that “Grenfell was caused by oppression of poor”.
Jesus another Yank thinking he knows everything about Britain.
..Then I check his Twitter and he’s just posted
“In summary: Brits are c***s. The End.” (about us daring to vote for Brexit) people are nuts.
Three terror attacks recently. Knife crime epidemic. So many cannot afford a place to live. Kids leave school barely literate. Yet still our national broadcaster bangs on about being ‘offended’ by language – generally offended on someone’s behalf like ther relentless race baiters they are.
Racism was a big problem 40 years ago. It is not anymore. I am sick and tired of constantly hearing about race from Al Beeb.
I`ve been told that it`s okay to use the `N` word as long as you accompany it with a gang sign… It shows contrition much in the same way as hitting the rosary beads after a confession to a priest or if you rape an underage girl from Rotherham and are of a Pakistani Muslim heritage….
Max Keiser is an oddball.
Some of his views about the corruption of central banks and the financial system strike me as sensible, but then he has a bee in his bonnet that Britain is somehow stupid to leave the EU, which is a vast, corrupt and unaccountable superstate.
His long suffering wife Stacey is much more sensible, however, and he does have some good guests, who have helped me understand the financial world a bit better.
David is on Talk Radio now 9:21am
Why on Earth do these do gooders take it upon themselves to complain on behalf of others who might not have even complained themselves! I’m sick to death of this “ooh you can’t say that” attitude. If anyone who relates to the “N” word wishes to complain that is up to them not the ones who jump up and down on their behalf.
Exactly – just get a life. Stop policing language. We are sick to death of all this nannying, finger wagging and fun policing from the Left.
If we have to have this nonsense, suffer this crap about banning words, then be done with it.
But any black guy shouting it, or some rap combo,(oops am I showing my age?) need to be pulled up
and vilified in the media too., if its erm “banned” it is for all.
Reminds me of a conversation I had with the Al BBC morning inquisition, actually over Prince Harry s use of that abbreviation of Pakistani … Paki some snotty Beebot told me, its racist, I disagreed.
Said Beebot then asked if I would ever use the word n-gger?, I said no
… then increasingly irritated Beebot proceeded to inform me that’s the same thing, I said no, things got a little heated … and said Beebot spouted “it is its an abbreviation of the word negro”.
I succinctly reminded them that was impossible, as n-gger has more letters.
… suffice to say, the phone got cut off
jeez where do we start
Anne Marie Morris should not apologise, instead she should self-identify as a ‘black slave’ and say her comments were to highlight the indignation that she feels whilst self-identifying with her fellow slaves and people of black origin. Once the crisis is over she can switch back as before.
No harm done.
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” –George Orwell, 1984
Gerry Adams tweeted it casually and INTENTIONALLY just year ago
As not reported by the BBC niggers, I bet !
PS. I did not intend to insult black people by comparing them to beeboids !
@PaulRoss replied to DavidVance
That yes Abbott and Lammy said something racist ..but they didn’t use a bad word so that is OK then.
Paul Ross seems to me be more and more biased towards the left of late.
He seems like cynical media person ..milking it
Faux outrage generates listening ?
Take all of these sentences, remove who said them and then ask some people if they are racist comments. You can also try swapping Nigger for Whitey.
Words, words , words.
Without meaning and emotion they are nothing to nobody.
I know it doesn’t suit the agenda but surely it’s time somebody with a bit of moral fortitude – perhaps not a politician – had the common-sense to check out and make known the semantics of the word? When Americans, using the accents of the deep south uttered the word ‘negro’ the resulting sounds created the word ‘nigra’. Migrate that word north and add a Yankee twang and it becomes ‘nigger’. No insult, no derision, no more hurtful or biased than Brit, Yank, Limey, Jerry, Itie, Gyppo or a host of similar slang, simply a common, casual, human semantic habit.
Unless, of course, there’s an element of martyrdom to be exploited.
‘moral fortitude’ ? That’s as hard to come by as an engineer, doctor or scientist in a bunch of ‘refugees’.
You should see what the Roumanians and Bulgarians call the Black Sea
BTW setting the date on Google you can see BBC have the word on their website many many times
After the Conservative MP’s faux pas and loss of the whip. I cannot see the BBC showing the Dambusters film with Richard Todd and his Labrador in the near future. Please don’t look at YOU TUBE if you don’t know what I am talking about.
They could overdub it. Grenfell, Sadiq, Jeremy – all good dog names.
Context is everything. I see the racist comment by the MP was not actual racist abuse directed at someone but instead a use of a generic phrase with the ‘n’ word in it. That makes the ‘crime’ far less serious. Yet there is such a lack of actual racism and hate crime that the Left has to create issues where none exist. The issue for me is one of intention. If someone intends to be racist and offensive that is different from mere flippancy and indelicate use of language. We have far, far more important things to worry about. That the Beeb could cover it with such relish is a disgrace.
There is a great section in Milo’s book about ‘cultural appropriation’ and how perfectly it illustrates how bonkers the Left is. Without cultural appropriation, culture would not exist. Shakespeare borrowed the plots for nearly all of his plays – was he thus an ‘oppressor’ or the world’s greatest writer? What lunatic would have a go at someone black for eating spaghetti? We are often told that the benefit of mass immigration is cultural enrichment. How can we thrive in a beautiful melting pot if borrowing ideas and outlooks from other cultures is ‘oppressive’?
He hilariously tells of when an art gallery held a wear a kimono day to help appreciate Japanese culture. The SJWs turned out in protest at how racist and oppressive this was. But the counter protestors were actually Japanese! They felt flattered that people were taking an interest in their culture. Who wouldn’t? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
As a Scot I feel rather flattered by people making fun of the kilt. In Africa, I occasionally wear African dress and Africans take it as a form of flattery.
so long as we take “cultural appropriation” to its logical conclusion and blacks and brown are denied anything developed by the yellow and whites, i will happily forgo foreign food
So everyone is ‘shocked and horrified’ by Morris’s nigger in woodpile gaffe.
Really? Actually nobody gives a toss. The enemies of the Conservatives will blow it up and drag it out; blacks will milk it for sympathy and to prove racism is alive and well, and even the Tories will feel obliged to pretend shock/horror to distance themselves from her and show how non-racist they are.
The beebistan will keep it front page of course (using that trick of reviewing the press:
But really, no one gives a toss.
Fake news.
(However, pretty stupid of Morris to make such a gaffe and invite the inevitable hysterical maelstrom that followed.)
You could make a good comedy sketch where the black character can say the word, and the white person can’t.
You can’t go around banning words … No other word has been banned so it’s favouritism.
Do you want the meaningless smear word “climate denier” banned ?
Perhaps we all ought to start a petition to have the word removed from the Oxford English Dictionary?
Black Americans call each other “nigga” all the time.
You could make a good comedy sketch where the black character can say the word, and the white person can’t.
The black ear/nose/throat doctor.
”now repeat after me Mr Smith” ”nigger in the wood-pile.’
Where does Mr Smith work Mrs Smith ”the BBC doctor”
”How long has his hearing been this bad Mrs Smith” .. ”oh ever since he started working there doctor”.
I See Mrs Smith.
”mr smith repeat after me ”the so-called nigger in the the wood-pile.”
”the so-called nigger in the the wood-pile.”
Theres nothing more i can do Mrs Smith he has worked there to long.
More good news.
Having written favourably about Alison Graham in the Radio Times calling the biased BBC news people to account, I happily report that in next week’s edition, both she and a letter writer get in on the act.
Alison berates reporter Lucy Manning. The latter refers to an apology by the new Kensington Council leader as “perhaps three weeks too late”. Alison points out this is not her call to make, and says “stop editorialising. This is comment , not news”.
Meanwhile on the letters page, Anne Mills writes “Reporters seem to be under instructions to provoke as much anguish as possible……The supposedly reputable BBC news is one of the worst offenders”
It is most heartening so find that more and more people are noticing the abject failings of the biased BBC’s news ‘journalism’
I recall the furore when Pres. Trump referred to Sweden a few months ago in the context of problems with migrants and islam. He was ridiculed and condemned for having the temerity to mention what was claimed to be the fictitious problems Sweden was experiencing with their islamic ‘newcomers’. Pres. Trump was absolutely right and all, but all, including the BBC were wrong but they knew it at the time and preferred to lie to the public. Sweden is tearing itself apart. There is no question whatever about this. Another symptom (if another one was required) –
What I am utterly puzzled about is, what has the media to gain from not explaining to the public what’s going on and displaying as much concern? Western media employees would have a shock if they were subject to the sorts of control imposed by islamic Governments. Many of the so-called, ‘journalists’ would probably be locked up immediately if they even considered reporting about their islamic Government in a similar style to their reporting of current leaders in the West. Beats me. But, perhaps in my remaining few years, I will have the pleasure in watching the western media being brought down by islamic control. Ah! fond memories from living and working in the Middle East.
All eyes on Turkey for an insight into how to behave properly under Islam. There is no moderate Islam, these terms are offensive.
Having a couple of teenage bioys and open house ,I have heard the N word spoken pretty much most days in my house by their black teenage friends.
The more you listen the more you get used to the street slang and believe me some of it is not pretty.Especially when it comes to denigration of women. Gangster rap and hip hop have a lot to answer for.
when will we hear Dianne Abbott complaining about that on the BBC?
Oh I see it’s cultural so that’s alright.
I blame all of this on speaker John Bercow.
I knew from the very minute that he said MP’s can disrespect the House of Commons and take their ties off if they so wished that standards would decline.
It was the thin end of the wedge.
The use of the word ‘nigga’ was surely inevitable.
I found showing disrespect to the mother of Parliaments much more offensive than I did, the use of a word with historical connotations.
Bercow, get those ties back on you irritating little white ‘nigga in the woodpile’
Old comedy on R4 Xtra set in the distant? future – “Visit the Parliament Living Museum and experience the dark days of Britain under democracy”.
Um, its ok then for black men to refer to women as ‘bitch’ regardless of colour ? TBH young black men do themselves no favours, when they strut around with handkerchiefs tied around their heads, or baseball caps not worn properly (don’t they realise they look proper turnips ); and why is it that having been born here, likewise those from Indian/Pakistani parentage, and going to school, their master and accent of the English language is still rubbish ? and why stick to the patois of the W.Indies when born and brought up in this country, its hardly conducive to being accepted on an equal playing field surely.
Bercow is filth, full stop.
He most certainly is.
God works in mysterious ways and provided him with a wife of which he deserved.
Well done God
Always the cat follows the laser pointer while the mouse skips about untroubled.
Amnesty reports that the Coalition did not correctly plan and execute their action in Mosul. Surely they should have consulted Amnesty regarding military action? Apparently the US has accounted for the civilians they killed, though the US has a no fault clause when it comes to collateral damage. But that leaves around 90 deaths unaccounted for so Amnesty reports that other the four dozen Coalition partners must be responsible but they’re not owning up so prosecution would be tricky. How many has Assad killed? How many has IS killed? I await unlawful killing prosecutions of Russians, Iranians and Syrians but hey, that’s too hard. There must be some UK squaddies they could seek and destroy?
Not BBC but Talksport Radio hourly news headlines: “The TUC say Theresa May’s workplace reforms do not go far enough”
Which tends to confirm the reason why conservatives ought not bother to attempt to woo the left.
OK it’s not BBC bias, but it is more proof that there is no such thing as ‘racism’.
“Grey squirrel exterminator branded ‘racist’ by wildlife activists”
“We’ll get called racist, xenophobic, all sorts of things like that, crazy things.
“They say that we’re racist because we shoot the greys because they’re grey, not red.
There is no such thing as ‘racism’ and anyone using that word needs to be challenged to provide a definition as to what the words mean – you as the challenger can easily disprove ever definition they come up with, using examples like this.
“There is no such thing as ‘racism’ and anyone using that word needs to be challenged to provide a definition as to what the words mean – you as the challenger can easily disprove ever definition they come up with, using examples like this.”
Ok, go right ahead and disprove this definition of racism…
1) Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
1.1) The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.”
There is no such thing as ‘racism’…

I think racism is a useful word. The problem is – is that it is being misused, and in its misuse “weaponised”. As a result of this the term racism becomes a less useful word.
Language evolves – and sometimes words that were useful become “corrupted” and “weaponised” and no longer useful for careful rational thinking.
There is no such thing as ‘racism’…
Al Shubtill,
“[Africans] – Low IQ, poor impulse control and lack of future time orientation, oppositional personality disorder and retarded brain growth”
Hi Maxi, if you find the truth racist – you just need to get over it, and yourself too judging by all the time you evidently spend cataloging the posts of contributors to this site: what a very strange dweeb you must be, creeping around the backstairs of BBBC in the wee small hours like you do.
Switch on Bingo
Just retuned to R4 only to find striptease performer telling the story that as part if her act whilst almost naked she holds a piece of paper with something written about Trump written on .. And then rips it up
R4 your station of hate.
Ah worse than that ..she takes all over her clothes off
but adopts a pose of a sick person
then from “within myself I pull out a picture of Donald Trump ..and hold it up horror I scream .. show the audience ..they scream rip it up
I then rip up that paper ..and that is my cleansing process and everything is great again”
Fear in the EU – They can’t see how they can make the exit bill stick and although they want to destroy the UK they know it would hurt them – a lot.
Meantime – Brown and May – spot the difference?
Bbc biased to right says this weird Twitter thread
Their proof is that Nick Robinson once sent a tweet critical of Corbyn’s social media skills.
BBC Comedy is a bit of an oxymoron,but there was one radio programme, been around for ages, which was funny, and that was I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue. It was also non political. Obviously the BBC could not let that pass. 30 minutes a week of non brain washing time? Unthinkable! So we have had Jo Brand and Andy Hamilton for the first two weeks of the new series and now Susan Calman and some other wanker with lots of “jokes” about Brexit, in reality displays of their ignorance and narrow mindedness, and of course digs at the Daily Mail. Strange really because the programme travels the country and doesn’t only come from London. Anyway, that’s that for me. No more ISIHAC.
I wonder how many people know the origin of the phrase ‘Nigger in the Woodpile’? No wonder it is todays Fascist left crying because it was their forebears who coined it in the first place!
It dates back to the days when slavery was being abolished and the Republican party was anti Slavery
“A Democratic Party parody, titled “The Nigger in the Woodpile”, lampooned what they claimed were Republican efforts to play down the antislavery plank in their 1860 platform. Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln, who had worked as a labourer splitting wooden rails as a young man, is sitting on top of the pile”
A bit rich now for them to object to what was their own invention at the time !
Norm knows what works, does Norm.
Plus of course there is the ever reliable ‘analysis’:
I wonder if London stabbings aren’t more offensive to Black/MixedRace people ?
I bet almost each of them knows some one who was stabbed.
.. Whilst one MP in a meeting they never heard said the word by mistake.
Should police spend their time policing language or policing knifemen ?
Admirable if only for that credulous use of the past tense.
How odd. I always thought she was a nun.
Beltane – “How odd. I always thought she was a nun.”
Perhaps she has some strange habits ……
Oh “she s shocked”, Oh she s surprised “how quickly she was pigeonholed on the BBC”.
“Token Muslim”, I d replace that with the much more factual, and reality based overly lauded Muslim
Still, poor thing eh … any idea how much, she has profited from food adventures series?, how about her travelogue series?, how about her Hajj Ramabomb show?, how about that one co hosting the “bake off” adversary show? or that one judging the junior bake off show, or her Radio Christmas Show? and of course future appearances generated by such a staggering, unwarranted amount of media airtime.
The brilliant bakers , and lovely natured previous winners, have just been forgotten … due to the BBCs shameful bias, and sickening agenda.
I m actually glad she bought up the question of Al BBC/Islam, as the BBC is “hideously” Islamophile
Nadiya seems to be a nice, modern, moderate, celebrated UK Muslim … could she possibly reconcile this contradiction … 83% UK Muslims proud to be British (Warsi 2013) verses 1% of UK Muslims want Freedom of Speech/Press to be able to print cartoons of religious Prophets (Channel 4 Survey // Murray 2015).
Would be a valued input into the debate, especially as she is about to travel to Mecca (travelling with a diverse crew?) on the UK BBC’s TV License payers’ money.
I admit to being a dinosaur and stuck in the past, but being ‘British’ to me does not conjure up someone wearing a headscarf. Likewise I doubt if you ask someone from another country to describe some who is British born, they would come up with a hijab wearing person. Do Muslims around the world refer themselves as ‘Australian Muslim’, or ‘American Muslim’ I wonder ? ok perhaps they do.
When I think of “British” I conjure up images of British schools like this one:
If that’s the future, I think we might as well just put up the shutters and call it a day.
I had better choose which building I would like to be thrown off.
I’d like to hear someone scratch the surface a little. Ask a few questions about Jews, Israel, lack of integration – that sort of thing.
She’s had a very easy ride IMO.
Another one for Nadiya – if she could clarify that would be great … “Linda SarSour calling for Jihad but NOT the bad one, the GOOD Jihad. You know, it’s like nigga vs. nigger.”
Our task, therefore, is to reclaim our language and reclaim our liberties. If we hope to remain free, we must cut through the fog and attach concrete meanings to the words politicians (religious leaders and movement leaders) use to deceive us.{thedailybell – aug2012}
I would add that we need to demand that people explain what they mean – what is the definition.
Perspective whilst LibMob have faux outrage about one word one time.
Major part of population lack basic math skills.
23% of 2000 people failed this question
‘If a person on £9/hr gets a 5% rise, what’s their new pay ?
The 21st Century so far seems to exclusively consist of people being outraged and offended but seldom about the outrageous and offensive. Bit shit really.
R4 phone in on holidaypay/pension for independent contractors
“People don’t realise how many illegal migrants there are in this country working for less than minimum wage.
So as an employer who pays properly I can’t compete”
pres “but how do they get away with that’
” Well, there aren’t any real checks ”
The presenter quickly moved on.
In 60s TV, like the, ‘Avengers’, the way to blow the circuits on an evil computer was to ask it, ‘why?’.
It appears that we have this to look forward to.
I’m practically wetting myself with anticipation …..
What’s the betting that the first two items to feature on it will be Brexit and Donald Trump?
There really can’t be anyone who has not got the message, ‘Trump is evil and Brexit is bad’.
Do you think Theresa puts far too much store in what the bbc says? BTW she is still PM isn’t she? I recall something about, enough being enough and Brexit meaning Brexit.
I woke up to Radio 4 yesterday and they were interviewing Connie Yates, mother of Charlie Gard, about their High Court battle to take Charlie abroad for treatment.
John Humpries said something like “…you have support from people all around the world now – some of those are controversial figures…”. He of course meant Donald Trump. Connie Yates answered the question without taking the bait.
John Humpries then said “….how do you feel having support from such a controversial figure?”
Again, Connie Yates refused to take the bait and instead spoke about the High Court.
The BBC are utter vermin.
I seem to recall it was Justin Webb who uttered that phrase “some controversial people”. But whoever it was, I was pretty startled by it, and then outraged by the intolerable abuse of his privileged position. It was monstrous. However, neither May or Rudd will hold the BBC to account on this or indeed on anything else.
You know how the BBC now requires you to sign into to use i-player…
Well, keep this under your hat… I’m now registered as 105-years-old, with a birthday of 1st April 1912 (the BBC keeps saying the elderly are uneducated and dragged those poor idealistic millennials out of the EU, so I thought I’d go full on foolish wrinkly) I’m of no specific gender (the BBC tells me it’s my right to choose and/or change my mind) and my postcode is W1A 1AA – just in case they want to send someone round to check my Licence. My password is pretty pithy too – but that would be telling.
Why could the Beeb not run a positive story on race relations? What it was like being a black footballer in the 70s and immeasurably better it is now – your chances of landing every boy’s dream job better than any other ethnic group? Why not show some footage of racial problems in 60s Birmingham compared to now – where there is no racial tension whatsoever? What about boys coming from abject poverty and the cruel caste system in India to become doctors, such a high status job which pays six figures?
Of course that would never happen. We get farcical ‘news’ about a posh woman from Devon – that hotbed of Neo Nazism – using a clumsy phrase about a legal process. Why do they want us to think we are living in a hotbed of oppression and racial hatred? And they accuse the right of peddling fake news!
‘peddling fake news’ is being rather charitable.
The bbc pedals, despair, despondency, division, subversion, apathy, sedition, child abuse, fear, hatred and that’s not the full list.
I’d just like to make it clear that the nigger in the woodpile does not represent me because he doesn’t look like me.
ssh Roland man,,,, they will scream you are in ”denial”………………………