Ooh ah Missus : Archaic expression used on J Vine R2 Show
..world did not fall apart
“At Eton I would ‘kick against the PRICKS'” said Charles Moore conservative journalist speaking in a JRM voice
and adding that he was quoting the bible
…” It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks” (Acts 26:14 KJV). https://www.gotquestions.org/kick-against-the-pricks.html
SJW & Pet Issue watch for R4
– 10am Lesbian MP Angela Eagle and Pride etc. (what party she from ? her twin sister is also MP)
-11:30am They had a stripper telling how she pulls “from within myself” a photo of Donald Trump and rips it up to cheers
-3pm celebrity “non-binary” Jack Munroe, somehow an expert on wartime rationing
– 3:30pm Celebrity eco-nut Gaia Vince laughingly calling herself “a science specialist”
– 6:30pm Celebrity gay storyteller David Sedaris
-7:15pm Alan Hollinghurst’s Queer Icon
– 8pm doco Car Emissions scandal beyond VW : caused by EU regulations being close to impossible so motivating chearing
11pm Brian Cox is doing space, but will no doubt stick in a Climate Change bit
Anita Anand’s prog yesterday was basically Radio LEFTY Feminist agoising about black/white
“We should NEVER accept all white feminist panels” (last 2 min of prog)
…Doh the country is 85% white
..if you deliberately insert a non-white into a 4 person panel ..you are being disproportionately racist.
Sorry I lack the skill to link, but Paul Joseph Watson’s Twitter shows that the BBC’s biggest bully, John Sweeney, has re-Tweeted a photoshopped picture of Trump &co paying homage to Putin at the G20. In the original photo Putin is absent, the chair into which he was put was the vacant UK seat. BBC ever keen to fall for fake news that feeds their prejudices.
Not two weeks since AmolRajan tweeted that he was holding back cos BBC requires 2 sources
Yet his colleagues on the same day did a similar retweet of a FakeNews story
Yep the mislead by leaving out the important context
… that BBC staff retweeted the fake news
Apparently the BBC Trending story was up last night cos I can see a Russian Tweeter informing them that one of their graphics has Russian swearing on
..they should have picked that up earlier.
A black woman in this coffee shop on campus has been really friendly today and has made me some lovely coffees. How am I oppressing her exactly? Should she have seen the colour of my skin and warned me of my ‘privilege’ or accuse me of cultural appropriation for enjoying rap music? What sort of sane, decent person thinks like that?
My doctor is from Pakistan and is a bit camp. As a straight white man how am I oppressing him? He has a much better job than me. I don’t resent it. Should I complain that I need my psychiatrist to be white so he can understand me better, as I can only relate to white people? Should I hold placards saying ‘medicine so brown’ and post it on Twitter? Of course not, but this is the lunatic world the Beeb inhabits.
You cannot apply the rules of oppressor and oppressed to cultures like the Frankfurt School did; it clearly applies to money but not to culture. Cultures are shaped by all sorts of things, including the geography of where they originate from. The Australians I have known have all been so fun-loving and outgoing and that must be something to do with their homeland being a tropical paradise. I’m sure part of the dry British sense of humour derives from how annoyingly rubbish our weather is.
Some cultures do worse than others not because they are ‘oppressed’ but because they are not as good. I remember all the Indian kids in my school working their socks of so they could become doctors, whilst so many white British kids could not be bothered. I can’t claim I was ‘oppressed’ by Indian kids in my school and that is why they have a better job than me. I should have worked harder – it is entirely my fault. Equally, certain communities have problems not due to racism but because of their values. A slovenliness Churchill rightly noted as an issue amongst followers of a certain ideology will lead to problems – have 20% never had a job? You can’t feel overly good about yourself or take control of your life if you have never had a job.
Cultural Marxism is all a house built on sand so no wonder it is all falling apart. That sand was preposterous idea that one could apply Marxist economic theory to culture. Culture is a different beast entirely. It is like having Wayne Rooney lead your church choir because he is good at football.
Identity politics is so popular as it legitimises people not taking responsibility for their actions and instead blaming it on ‘oppression.’ It is nonsense.
“It matters not how strait the gate
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul.”
I think the identity politics hustlers are overplaying their cards and normally tolerant people are starting to tire of it. That’s the impression I get – I’m hearing it more and more from people who don’t generally show much awareness of such things.
Browse through the latest National Trust brochure. The number of ethnics in the photographs is more than excessive, it’s outrageous. But, in a way, this is a good thing. It accelerates the “pissing off” process and maybe we’ll get back to something approaching sanity eventually. Worse is better.
In any case, it doesn’t work. The ethnicities featured in most of the photographs are the ones you never see. I suppose that is what the NT sees as its duty to correct. I wish them good luck.
As someone predicted in a seminal speech, the Race Relations Act created a privileged class of citizens with special protections which undermined the principle that we should all be equal before the law. He also correctly predicted that it would spawn countless ‘provocateurs’. Most of the race relations industry is glorified shit stirring.
I think Rotherham was when the house of cards really fell apart. That we could have been told about the horrors of ‘micro aggressions’ and similar nonsense whilst ignoring the terrible crimes perpetrated because the victims were white.
Powell spoke of the problem being that many communities did not want to integrate. He was vilified for this. Well, gang raping children on an industrial scale is taking refusal to integrate to pretty extreme levels.
Yet still the Beeb bang on about this same old PC shite as they want an easy life. They claim to speak truth to power. They have all the power and use it to spread falsehoods to the weak.
“I think Rotherham was when the house of cards really fell apart.”
On a wide scale, yes. In places like Bradford it had been falling apart for years – Ray Honeyford etc.
Douglas Murray has said that one of the consequences of immigration and multiculturalism is that we are going to be spending the rest of our lives talking about race.
Kim Jong Un’s rockets are getting an important boost — from China {washingtonpost – apr2017}
“Entire sections of booster rocket were snagged by South Korea’s navy and then scrutinized by international weapons experts for clues about the state of North Korea’s missile program. Along with motor parts and wiring, investigators discerned a pattern. Many key components were foreign-made, acquired from businesses based in China. … In public comments after the Ma arrest, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said his country would be “relentless” in enforcing sanctions aimed at ridding the Korean Peninsula of nuclear weapons.”
If only we could see what there real intentions are? If only North Korea could give us a hint of the future they seek, what message they tell their people day in and day out …. if only …
North Korean TV broadcasts music and missiles attacking US in video mock-up {2016?}
If Trump had asked me, I could have told him – China never had the slightest intention of doing anything about NK.
They are not threatened, neither is Russia and they can do the old bbc denial line, ‘Nothin; to do with me gov’ while enjoying the West’s discomfort.
When I was a small child, I was given a metal piggy bank- no offence to pigs.
Its in the form of a happy smiling person and made me very happy.
I still have it. You put a coin in the hand and press the lever and the hand is raised and the coin is deposited in the mouth of the person’s face.
The name of the toy is imprinted on the back. It is called the Jolly Nigger Bank.
That is the name visible for all to see. Fact.
That happy smiling face always gave me a positive feeling.
You see, you can choose to give offence but you can choose to take offence.
The hounding of the MP eho used the N word in a phrase many have used for decades tells you all you need to know about the Fascist Left.
What a shame the Fascist left do not have the same outrage over the bullying of various Labour MPs such as Yvette Cooper and Luciana Berger. But then, it is they who are orchestrating it.
And to think swathes of young voters vociferously support those who think the latter behaviour is not only acceptable but to be encouraged. What disgusting hypocrites.
I still have a box of “Darkie” toothpaste which I bought in very un-PC Thailand. Even they succumbed however. Now it’s called “Darlie”.
There’s a zoo at Si Racha. Last time I was there, several years ago, they had a young black boy dressed in a leopardskin in one of the enclosures. I’m sure David Attenborough would have been impressed.
i have to ask …. Does it bite the hand that feeds it ??? If it does not then it cannot be racist as it bears no resemblance to a real Sub Saharan gimmigrant … ahem, I mean `Syrian` rapefugee fleeing the four camels of the apocalypse…. i expect there`s a German version where it`s a Jew with a hooked nose and clawlike grasping hands which if they scratch you are as fatal as having your head bitten off by a Komodo Dragon or falling face first into a a pool of bile dripping from one side of Knuessbergs never fully closing black hole of BBC journalistic integrety…. Anyways I`m still pissed about the removal of the golliwog off the jam and marmalade it helped keep the wasps away from my sammiches as a child….
Soros posters Hungary and Israel
#1 Hungary gov uses “Don’t let Soros have the last laugh” posters
#2 Activists get Israeli ambassador to say posters are antisemitic.
#3 Next day Israel PM overrules ambassador. https://www.twitter.com/ThotlineMiami/status/884737151379931136
FGM does not exist. It’s actually called Child Genital Mutilation. FGM hides MGM. MGM hides FGM.
“Christopher I’ve gotta call you down on referring to circumcision as genital mutilation. My son cried more at his first haircut than he did at his Bris (Circumcision is an initiation rite for Jewish newborn babies) (Crowd laughs.)” – Rabbi
“They weren’t doing it right then (Crowd laughs).” – Christopher Hitchens
“Statistically the only long term effect, that it seems to have on people (no longer using baby as term) it increases their chances of winning a Nobel Prize. (Crowd laughs/claps)” – Rabbi
“I can’t find the compulsory mutilation of the genitals of children as a subject in humour that way. … ”
Three arrested over boy’s circumcision in Nottingham {jun 2017}
A 61-year-old man, believed to be the doctor who carried out the procedure, has been arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm with intent. The boy’s mother complained to police, saying her son was circumcised without her consent while staying with his paternal grandparents in July 2013.
– article does not ask why parents did it? Or what traditions were being followed.
Here are some more practices associated with CGM …
BBCTrending excited about a report about a klansman with dreadlocks
ooh that’s cultural appropriation etc.
“Members were protesting against the city’s plan to remove the statue of a Confederate general from a local park” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-40559913
(such hairstyles have existed across most cultures archaeology shows)
“US President Donald Trump’s son has released an email chain showing he was offered “sensitive” information on Hillary Clinton by a Russian national.”
Well, time will tell but already I catch a whiff of bullshit.
The article goes on to say
The email to Mr Trump Jr says “the Crown prosecutor of Russia” had “offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father”.
Don’t know about anyone else, but if someone offered me something from the Russian “crown prosecutor” I’d say, “aye, right”. I think most of us know what happened to the Russian crown and would treat it as a hoax. I’d imagine young Trump would too. The article acknowledges that there’s no such thing but doesn’t seem to connect any dots. Well, why would it when there’s a Trump to bash?
It’s so hard to admit defeat when they have put so many eggs in this basket. They are like a losing gambler who keeps losing on red then doubles his stake only to lose again. Sometimes it is best to accept defeat and walk away as chasing losses is when it can get really bad. With every spurious Trump/Russia ‘story’ they lose more and more credibility, and more and more viewers as people are so sick and tired of hearing all this whiny innuendo. Someone might have met someone Russian? It’s not exactly Monica Lewinsky level scandal. It’s just so boring.
The best lies have to be believable. They are pulling all their dirty tricks to kick up a stench but there has to be a ring of truth to the story to start with. Can you really see that Alpha male patriot Trump sucking up to Putin? I can’t imagine him sucking up to anyone.
and yet there are some/lots who still think impeachment is just hours away, Ive taken to just laughing at them and then sending them pictures of citizen smith
perhaps its some 120 year old bolshi who actually prosecuted the sentence upon the russian royal family, their doing really well to use email at that age imho
The BBCs loathing of the gig economy was well and truly exposed by Guido today. All the interviewees who castigated Uber, Deliveroo and the Taylor Report were hard left union activists posing as non political individuals who hated working in the gig economy and wanted paid sick leave, holiday pay, employer pensions etc. If anyone genuinely dislikes this way of earning a living they should just get an unskilled job at the minimum wage on conventional terms. See how they like that! And of course they face more tax and NI.
The BBC hates the new flexible labour market because it has created so many jobs under under the conservatives.
Not bbbc but sky.
Anyone seen Burley hectoring Bill Cash.
The smug Burley was in full attention seeking virtue signalling mode when she was constantly interrupting Bill Cash when he told her three times that he didn’t quite hear the woodpile comment.
She wouldn’t have it and went on at him as if he had just slaughtered dozens of puppies, talking down at him and making sure everyone was in no doubt that she was a fully righteous person.
I don’t know if she’s married or has a boyfriend (or maybe LGBT etc.) but I feel sorry for anyone having to live with it.
What an unpleasant woman.
Bill Cash missed a fantastic golden opportunity; when Burley repeatedly said it was an unacceptable comment to make and why didn’t Cash make his feelings known at the time as he was in the same room; he should have retaliated with saying that we all say and do things that are regretful – even you Ms Burley when caught on camera pinning a woman up against a wall with your hand around her throat, were you interviewed and told it was an unacceptable thing to do ?? Oh, I’d love to hear her response on THAT one !
Context ?
2008 Outside court media scrum, where she got a black eye
In a 2008 interview with the wife of serial killer Steve Wright (the “Suffolk Strangler”), Burley has been widely criticised for asking his wife “Do you think if you’d had a better sex life he wouldn’t have done this?”[14]
Images from 2008 show Burley appearing to strangle reporter Kirsty Wigglesworth outside the Naomi Campbell hearing, which a Sky News spokesperson explained by saying “Kay Burley was provoked by a hard hit to the face with a camera.”
Crikey ! was it really 9 years ago !!!!! but still, her line of questioning and the tone, is tantamount to bullying. “Just doing my job” doesn’t wash anymore.
Burley is a car crash waiting to happen…but not just thick like Flab-bot!..she is imo a thoroughly nasty piece of work. A massively over-rated and talentless individual.
She is my own personal emetic. Should I ever feel the need to barf I just select Sky News when she’s on…a bulimic’s dream team all on her own.
I believe in karma..and look forward greatly to the day it starts to work on her! At her age it must be due to kick in soon?
” OK Positive Discrimination and Diversity Department. Here at the BBC we pride ourselves on ALL of out presenters
and reporters knowing exactly what their purpose is. Seamus I want you to inform Sue Barker and all the crew at
Wimbledon to have the greatest respect for the principles in our dept. In NO way must they show any support for
Johanna Konta when she plays Venus Williams.. I mean for a start she really is Hungarian and WE all know what a
racist that Viktor Orban is! I know than maybe only one per cent of the events junkie crowd on the Centre Court will be
ethnic, but the cameramen must know that they must give prominent exposure to these folk.To be honest I don’t know
why we cover this 95% Caucasion sports event.”
‘Left Wing – Goooooooodddd, Right Wing Baaaaaaaaahhhhddddd – YOUR BBC’
Anyhow, not sure if they know this, they seem very slow on the uptake, but President Donald Trump is not the President of Britain and he doesn’t give a flying fuck what the bbc thinks.
Note that young Choudhury had his mum and siblings at the wedding.
But no photos-wonder why?
Oh-and no dad mentioned-that would be because Anjem is a Full Sutton nonce I`d guess.
BBC top viewed story “TV presenter criticised for washing machine comment”
that Kirsty Alsop story looks very Tabloid
yet the BBC sneers at tabloids
(she said uh washing machines in kitchens ..yuck)
Aristocrat guilty over ‘menacing’ Gina Miller Facebook post
two counts of making malicious communications and acquitted of a third
One counted as racially aggravated
Judge said private 150 person group, counted as public.
(IMHO 150 accounts could mean 600 people , but mostly likely half accounts were dormant) https://www.newssniffer.co.uk/articles/1416320/diff/1/2
It`s really about time that we learned stuff from the BBC re Brexit. As opposed to their ceaseless bellyaching and treacherous crap thaat is all we`ve got since Cameron called his Gloriuous Referendum.
I`d like to know these things.
1. Why are we not offering everybody good deals NOW-why the hell wait until the EU tell us we can? We`ve left.
2. Any chance of the BBC telling me how Australia gets its deals with ASEAN, GCC and those other big trade blocs we need to get in with now-stuff the EU it`s about to collapse under its own contradictions?
3. The media terll us how difficult trade deals are-well with the sclerotic Walloons of the EU this is so, but the Japanese and the Swiss must have a five page template we could use to shaft the bloody EU NOW!,,,,,not when Cable says so.
4. Why are we not poaching Hong Kong interns now to replace the BBC shit staffers. The BBC are Eurovision flouncers who need packing off along with Lily, Gary, Graham and Anna etc to be dumb waiters for Drunker, David Mellor and Barney the Dinosaur.
5. Why isn`t Nigel our LOrd High Trade Commissioner, paid in duty free and a guaranteed statue on Islington High Street once he`s risen to save the nation as he does?
Come on you shit Tories-get some brains, have a laugh at the scum that face you-and FIGHT you spineless jellies…jellyfish with no stings who aren`t even blancmanges yet?
Did Nicholas Ridley leave a sperm donation?
We haven’t left the EU, we have just served notice of the intent to leave.
Until we do leave we are still bound by EU treaty which means that things like trade deals are still an EU ‘competence’ and beyond the control of national governments.
We still aren’t free to be able to reduce VAT rates below those of our ‘partners’ or nationalise the railways, (Corbyn please note), if we were daft enough to want to do it. On the subject of Corbyn’s bribe to give students free tuition, EU law would require us to offer that to the other 27 member states’ students too. Money tree? More like money forest.
Bound by EU Treaty?
The likes of Juncker want us dead in the water, and play fast and loose with their OWN obligations?
Letting Greece into the Eurozone, bringing the Turks in against their will over Cyprus? Lack of accounts signed over in over 30 years, as well as horsemeat they`ve failed to locate.
BY what “legal obligations” were they able to remove the Greek and Italian Prime Ministers that had been democratically elected?
Sorry Jim-this is war, we`ve spent way too long trying to be good cucks in the EU showers in Brussels. Time to get out and give them a bit of cold steel as of old.
Of couirse we`ll do trade with the great countriesw but they`ll have to smash their own cartel if they want preferential treaties…the EU will stranle them, we`re doing them a favour.
No wonder Brussels wants smoking banned-if you lit up by Juncker he`d catch fire,the pisspot.
Needs cladding that lad.
All the signs are there. Living in the UK is rapidly becoming a free-for-all with the muslims and (conflictingly) homosexuals and their nine-bob-note fellow travellers at the top of the pecking order just above Europeans. Certainly for law and justice which is rapidly breaking down wherever you enquire. Except, that is, unless an indigenous white British person breaks the law of course. That will soon be an immediate hanging offence and, guess what, the muzzies are in full agreement with that. They couldn’t wish for better.
As I spit and fume at the needless BBC moaners and the useless political elite we`re saddled with today, at least it gives us all time to see how rotten, stupid, lazy, venal and incompetent that whole EU Love Club has been allowed to become. Not a Drake or a Farage among them-but plenty Seiss -Inquarts and Quislings.
This feather bedded dim elite have never had to write a law, teach anything that Brussels didn`t prepap for them; let alone create an original thought or learn a jot from Moscow or Lahore, Caracas or anything that Reagan and Thatcher had to contend with.
These are entitled thick lotus eaters and parasitic sloths who want to stay in bed and feed us all to Islam or to Merkels mincers.
At least the endless parade of grubs and creeps we`ve let become our knotweeed, bindweed and gangaweed all have faces now…Big Brother Ted Heath and Geoffrey Rippon thankfully are now at the lowest gates of hell, but we need not go there.
Worthless toerags like Vince Cable and Anna Soubry are only Brussels cladding as far as I can see…and Anna always seems to be more flammable than most, poor thing.
Last weeks BBC Trending prog was a huge Dig and Britain First including at Jayda Fransen
“The anti-immigration party trying to recruit immigrants”
“Britain First, a far-right British political party known for their extreme anti-immigration policies, ”
.. Hm I know nothing about them apart from that they are anti-Muslim religion
So those quoted words look like BBCTr trying to build a narrative rather that the truth.
Their narrative being ‘Look this is bizarre BF are an extreme anti-immigration party yet they are recruiting British Resident Polish people’
Well, BCTr are LibMob so seem to very easily mix up anti-free-immigration and anti-free-immigrant.
And for a start “Jayda Fransen” isn’t the typical English name
..it sounds Flemish or something
So I wouldn’t expect BF to be anti-foreigner.
BBC Trending do seem a bit cultish each one of their progs features disproportionate focus and positivity on Ethnic-muslims, whilst at the same time they have an obsession with labelling anyone not conforming to LibMob as “far right” “extreme right”
So after building up their narrative about BF being “a far-rightextreme anti-immigration party” I’m thinking why don’t you just ask them ?
And blow me yes they did interview Jayda
BBC “So what would happen to all the Polish people in Britain”
Jayda : “Er nothing, cos we are not an anti-immigrant party”
BBC “Yeh, but yeh, but”
Then BBC says something like “but what about violence ?”
Jayda “We don’t do violence, you can’t run a political party with violence, we only do direct action”
Next thing you hear is BBC saying “despite her saying that she has a conviction for harassment for shouting at a woman outside a mosque”
Well I dunno .. I do know that they didn’t give her right of reply to that.
(BCCTr full blogpost they only put up today
The previous prog was about India and people demonstaring to stop violence against Muslims http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p056p7wc
(The prog strangely didn;t bother to blog about the issue)
Their posts about the Trump CNN video
were titled – “Trump gif maker apologises for racist posts”
and – ‘CNN wrestling’ tweet came from extreme Reddit user”
“.. Hm I know nothing about them apart from that they are anti-Muslim religion
So those quoted words look like BBCTr trying to build a narrative rather that the truth.”
I agree Stew, you know nothing about them.
“And blow me yes they did interview Jayda
BBC: ‘So what would happen to all the Polish people in Britain’
Jayda: ‘Er nothing, cos we are not an anti-immigrant party’
BBC: ‘Yeh, but yeh, but’…”
You account of the interview is complete fiction.
Jayda did not at any point say; “we are not an anti-immigrant party”
Jayda did say; “we would halt all immigration absolutely”
Go listen to the prog, my account is clear.
you tried a quote ..but it is preceded by “IN THE INTERIM ”
You are doing the normal thing of misrepresentation.
She did say they were about stopping unrestricted immigration due to resources, but made it clear she was not anti-immigrant.
As I said above “LibMob so seem to very easily mix up anti-free-immigration and anti-free-immigrant.”
They are not the same thing.
You are a LibSupremacist aren’t you Maxicony ?
..and believe everyone should bow down to your “superior” views ?
Now she did say that they would ban Islam … but the interviewer seemed unwilling to go into detail about why someone would think that.
maxi and his marxist buddies seem to be getting a little upset that not all people of non-british extraction are open borders fanatics, and many many amongst them are against importing problems that will affect them as much as us.
That wasn’t really part of the plan en route to the great socialist republic
StewGreen and Maxicony – you might both be right and just be picking bits out as required from the audio – can you add to the list the quotes with times for clarity, thanks. e.g. ‘Yeh, but yeh, but’@1:20
Immigration { britainfirst.tv }
* Deport all illegal immigrants;
* Deport all foreign criminals;
* Offer generous grants to those of foreign descent resident here who wish to leave permanently;
* Completely halt any further immigration except in special cases such as genuine marriages where strict citizenship criteria has been met;
(would they stop all immigration? Even self supporting immigrants?)
* Reject and deport all “asylum seekers” who do not originate from countries bordering Britain ;
* Make it an act of treason to implement any policy or measure, or sign any agreement, that facilitates and / or results in significant numbers (lacking in details. Is 1 significant? 10? 100 million? 1 billion? ) of foreigners entering the sovereign territory of the United Kingdom with the aim of settling.
* Introduce a comprehensive ban on the religion of “Islam” within the United Kingdom. This ban will include the prohibition of halal slaughter, sharia courts, religious publications (such as the Koran, Hadiths), the operation of mosques, madrasas and “cultural centres” and the public preaching and / or teaching of Islamic scriptures and doctrines.
* Introduce a prohibition on the use of Islamic face coverings in public, such as the Burka.
* Anyone found to be promoting the ideology of Islam will be subject to deportation or imprisonment.
“Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive/Dangerous Diversity ala Merkel”
In that episode about opposing attacks on Muslims they had item on plastic rice
In it they fessedup that their BBC Nigeria correspondent had broadcast a FakeNews
They played the clip of him saying that plastic rice had been sold at the markets
..Then he came on admitting that testing showed that rice was almost all OK just a few grains of packing plastic had got in.
And that such scares seemed to be an anti foreign rise thing.
“Health chiefs call for easier English tests for foreign medics after hospital recruits 118 Filipino nurses but only THREE pass language exam
Officials twice flew to the Philippines in a bid to plug a shortage of nurses
But all 118 of those they recruited were unable to work at Walsall
Just three passed a language test – but none of them had successfully completed a mandatory practical examination”
Well it is obvious, if the exams are to hard, make them easier, thats what Blair did to education and see how that worked out, experts and professors everywhere.
What can go wrong.
Niggergate? Maybe Jacob Rees-Mogg could filibuster using the lyrics from Jeezy & Rich
I said that I’mma ride for my motherfuckin’ nigga
Most likely I’mma die with my finger on the trigger
I’ve been grindin outside all day with my niggas
And I ain’t goin’ in unless I’m with my niggas
My nigga, my nigga (my nigga, my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga (my motherfuckin’ niggas)
My nigga, my nigga (my nigga, my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga
First thing’s first I love all my niggas
This rap shit cracked and I involve my niggas
You lookin’ for some lean, lemme call my nigga
He sell it for the high, I need all mines nigga
Some niggas smoke smoke, some niggas drink drank
Got niggas on the block with the glock that don’t think
That’s a nigga back up, they in a bucket lapped up
I got to act right if you niggas wanna act up
He talkin’ like a snitch no, that ain’t my nigga
He trippin’ off a bitch no, that ain’t my nigga
Take a nigga case, yeah that’s my nigga
Know him since I was eight, yeah that’s my nigga
Fucked my first bitch, passed her to my nigga
Hit my first lick, passed with my nigga
Fuck them other niggas ’cause I’m down for my niggas
I ride for my niggas, fuck them other niggas (snitch)
I said that I’mma ride for my motherfuckin’ nigga
Most likely I’mma die with my finger on the trigger
I’ve been grindin’ outside all day with my niggas
And I ain’t goin’ in unless I’m with my niggas
My nigga, my nigga (Dope boys my niggas)
My nigga, my nigga (YG my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga (Rich Homie my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga (it’s the motherfuckin’ world)
Just know I’m down with the niggas down for me
I got 2 words for you, love and loyalty
It was me and my nigga, trippin’ on a half a B
When we used to hit a mall and buy everything we see
Me and my down ass nigga gettin’ twisted
Nigga get to trippin’, knock the gravy out your biscuit
Just know I fucked with you the long way, my nigga
So when I see you out I’m like, “Hey, my nigga!”
Drink that act right by the case, my niggas
Drink that act right and get straight with my niggas
Me and my nigga ridin’ dirty trynna chase them figures
Who got the yopper, who got the yola? Don’t matter, go figure
I said that I’mma ride for my motherfuckin’ nigga
Most likely I’mma die with my finger on the trigger
I’ve been grindin outside all day with my niggas
And I ain’t goin’ in unless I’m with my niggas
My nigga, my nigga (my motherfukin world)
My nigga, my nigga (YG my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga (Rich Homie my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga (My nigga, my)
My nigga’s got K, money got weight
My nigga fronted me, he the reason I’m straight
My nigga got a house, my nigga got a lake
My nigga we eatin’, my nigga get a plate
And we’re still hittin’ licks, my nigga, my nigga
Runnin’ off a nigga shit, my nigga, my nigga
I fucked a nigga bitch with my nigga, my nigga
If a nigga talkin’ shit then he ain’t my nigga
My nigga, my nigga (My nigga, my nigga)
YG my nigga and I ain’t goin’ in, ain’t trynna leave my niggas
Shawty seein’ me and want to leave with a nigga
But it wasn’t enough room ’cause I came with my niggas
My niggas, my niggas
I need a set of wings ’cause I’m too fly, nigga
And I’m all about my business like a suit and tie nigga
I ride for my niggas (Believe that)
I said that I’mma ride for my motherfuckin’ nigga
Most likely I’mma die with my finger on the trigger
I’ve been grindin outside all day with my niggas
And I ain’t goin’ in unless I’m with my niggas
My nigga, my nigga
My nigga, my nigga (my motherfuckin niggas)
My nigga, my nigga (my nigga, my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga
My nigga, my nigga
My nigga, my nigga
My nigga, my nigga
Anti-Brexit project fear is in full swing on BBC London News again this morning.
The BBC give a platform to North American-accented bankster boss of JP Morgan who says his staff ‘might’ all be relocated from London.
Now this rankles because the BBC were far from shy about taxing the banker bonuses and regulating their business more harshly – and when the banks threatened to leave London the BBC joined with the left to say let them go if they want.
BBC Breakfast reporters adopt an air of being frustrated yet chummy supply teachers – perhaps they missed their vocation?
Franckie McCamley brings us a host of carefully selected numbers on the Grenfell Tower fire this morning. I say carefully selected because although she implicitly chides the authorities by telling us the death toll is around 80 and there were 255 survivors she neglects to repeat the figure of about 10 residents who are believed to have – for whatever reason – not come forward. This figure was previously presented in the print press alongside McCamley’s other figures. Why neglect to mention that missing 10 ? They might help speed the identifications and ease the pain and frustration of the survivors – assuming that’s your main concern and not BBC reluctance to highlight the extent of illegal immigration and illegal sub-letting of public housing.
“A Congolese immigrant escaped prosecution on six domestic-violence crimes when his lawyer convinced a city prosecutor that he lacked the cultural competency to participate in the American justice system, according to court and public records reviewed by the New Hampshire Union Leader”.
“Cultural incompetence” is a convenient get out of jail/gaol free card.
Expect it in this country soon? Or is it already here? I seem to recall similar legal defences in Europe.
“According to court paperwork, he (Bahati, a Congolese immigrant) was accused of striking, pushing, grabbing, kicking and pulling out the hair of a woman who was 27 weeks pregnant at the time.”
“Not competent. Not restorable (can not be restored to competence even with treatment). Not dangerous.” – participate: this word makes it sound like you can optionally follow the laws. – but his actions say he is dangerous, even though he does not ‘understand’ the laws.
Hannity described the mainstream media as ‘overpaid and lazy.’ He is spot on.
Five Live news bulletin at 5am is about ten minutes of banging on about Trump’s son, the scoop of the century that he spoke to someone Russian for 20 minutes. I bet she was a Democrat stooge. Senior politicians say it is ‘distressing’ etc. Of course senior Democrats are going to say this is a big deal. It’s like saying ‘Arsenal fans say Tottenham are rubbish.’ Of course they do! We should expect news bulletins to tell us of all the salient events that have taken place which might affect their customers, not have them seethe their furious agenda.
This is not even ‘journalism.’ There is not even any semblance of balance. Just like going on about someone saying the ‘n’ word is not journalism. Journalists should inform and investigate, not lecture as about their pet agendas and tell us what to think. What about all these ‘marches’ they go on? I wouldn’t pay a journalist if he just went on marches with people. That is not in the job description, though it must beat working for a living.
When I worked as a French teacher, I could not stand in front of the class and get them all to hold hands and say how bad Darth Vader is. I would get the sack and rightly so as it is part of my contract to teach French. The BBC’s charter/contract says they must be unbiased. They could at least try to disguise it – we all have biases – but to be so flagrantly and shamelessly one-sided shows utter contempt for their audience.
R4 Today – Oh dear, oh dear, still trying to push, ‘Muslims are the real victims’ – how stupid do they think we are? Pretty stupid it would appear.
” …….. the events at Finsbury Park have left me terrified……” Says a Muslim woman who’s ‘living in fear’. One incident, one death (maybe?) but it’s Muslims who are living in fear.
“They need to ask themselves whether recent terrorist attacks have increased Islamophobia?” Good point there! A statement of stunning perception and understanding!
Since 9/11 people have lost loved ones at the hands of err ……. Muslims. That’s not one possible death at the hands of one disturbed man, it’s thousands of men women and children.
I re-read 1984 recently – anyone who contributes to this site should do. The one line that sticks in my mind is:
‘The heresy of heresies was common sense.’
Isn’t it so true of the Ministry of Truth/BBC, with its PC newspeak? All cultures are not equal. Men and women are different. ‘Islamophobia’ is not a bigger problem than actual terrorism.
I think I get it?
People on benefits should have spacious, luxury houses in leafy suburbs – they deserve them!
People who work for a pittance at two or three jobs with kids sharing bedrooms deserve whatever they get.
Important BBC Note
Only if they re illegal immigrants, that have been living in sublet houses, that have deprived those genuinely on the waiting list though
BBC News – “The only sound is babies crying” … Well it isn t going to be the sound of their young or 30 something fighting age men that normally spend their afternoons lounging around is it, BBC?
They ve just left those “crying babies” to get on with it, in their rush to flood europe
“Hundreds of civilians – many of them children – may still be trapped in the Iraqi city of Mosul”, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-middle-east-40577265/the-civilians-fleeing-mosul
Unemployment fell the BBC informs us
But wait for the Despite.
This time it is not despite Brexit but another moan
‘”Despite the strong jobs picture… there has been another real-terms fall in total earnings, with the growth in weekly wages low and inflation still rising,” said Matt Hughes, senior statistician at the Office for National Statistics.’
The BBC hates the ever declining unemployment total. After all it shows capitalism works and justifies conservative policies. Just how successful since 2008 has job creation been in left inclined countries in the BBCs beloved EU, all with much less flexible labour markets? Ask the Greeks, Spanish, Portuguese, Italians and French.
Grenfell attack resumption by BBC Today. The Corbyn line is being fully supported. Why don’t the Council apologise for any unspecified mistakes PRIOR to the fire – examples : they are a bunch of rich Tories who don’t understand the poor,no apology they make can be believed, the new Council Leader has never been inside the two tower blocks on the estate, the Council have already said they will use their reserves to buy or build new housing but why not give an exact figure? The House Muslim was in her hectoring best form. Good work on Labour’s behalf.
You would not think RBKC had just spent £9 million refurbishing Grenfell Tower. It’s hardly as if they wanted the tenants to live in a 1974 tower block that had never been updated, nor did they want the block to burn down. They spent the money to give the tenants decent modernised homes.
As the old saying goes, “no good turn goes unpunished”.
I do not watch live television, however, I do listen to Radio 4 as company whilst in the kitchen. There’s a game that I play to see how long before race or gender/sexuality is discussed, mentioned or alluded to. So yes, I too am so sick of the identity division. Radio particularly need not mention the colour of a person’s skin or sexual preferences.
“This keeps happening. Either the Beeb is getting taken in by these hard-left agitators – which is incompetence – or they are complicit, which is worse…”
Watching bbc breakfast this morning, I heard the words ‘the government’s chaotic response to Grenfell’
Correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t the media meant to present facts and not opinions?
I’d say the UK Government response to Grenfell Tragedy has been a lot fairer than some other Countries to fires in the past …
“Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday .
About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.
The religious police are widely feared in Saudi Arabia. They roam the streets enforcing dress codes and sex segregation, and ensuring prayers are performed on time.
Those who refuse to obey their orders are often beaten and sometimes put in jail.”
Notice that even in 2002 the BBC can’t say ‘Religious Police in the title’, which leads you to believe it was the normal, everyday Police. Nothing to do with a certain religion – humble beginnings in misleading news..
Is this a snapshot of a future, where enforcing dress codes or practices stops the mind and normal morals from working. But this was only 15 years ago!
“The religious police are widely feared in Saudi Arabia. They roam the streets enforcing dress codes and sex segregation, and ensuring prayers are performed on time.” They also smash shops up if the owner does not close in a timely fashion for prayer times. I’ve been caught in a store closing and told to remain there on any number of occasions until that particular prayer time has ended. They pray five times a day.
“But this was only 15 years ago!” – nothings changed I can assure you………..
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn9vx01evp9o Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnOO-PJkWBA ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
Ooh ah Missus : Archaic expression used on J Vine R2 Show
..world did not fall apart
“At Eton I would ‘kick against the PRICKS'” said Charles Moore conservative journalist speaking in a JRM voice
and adding that he was quoting the bible
…” It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks” (Acts 26:14 KJV).
Compare that to the Maria pantomime
SJW & Pet Issue watch for R4
– 10am Lesbian MP Angela Eagle and Pride etc. (what party she from ? her twin sister is also MP)
-11:30am They had a stripper telling how she pulls “from within myself” a photo of Donald Trump and rips it up to cheers
-3pm celebrity “non-binary” Jack Munroe, somehow an expert on wartime rationing
– 3:30pm Celebrity eco-nut Gaia Vince laughingly calling herself “a science specialist”
– 6:30pm Celebrity gay storyteller David Sedaris
-7:15pm Alan Hollinghurst’s Queer Icon
– 8pm doco Car Emissions scandal beyond VW : caused by EU regulations being close to impossible so motivating chearing
11pm Brian Cox is doing space, but will no doubt stick in a Climate Change bit
A month of islamic ‘behaviour’ in Germany, chronicled – June 2017 –
I reckon its a toss-up between Sweden or Germany as the first to fall.
Radiotimes tries to spoil release of BBC high salary details by turning it into “May reveal that females get paid less than men”
Anita Anand’s prog yesterday was basically Radio LEFTY Feminist agoising about black/white
“We should NEVER accept all white feminist panels” (last 2 min of prog)
…Doh the country is 85% white
..if you deliberately insert a non-white into a 4 person panel ..you are being disproportionately racist.
Sorry I lack the skill to link, but Paul Joseph Watson’s Twitter shows that the BBC’s biggest bully, John Sweeney, has re-Tweeted a photoshopped picture of Trump &co paying homage to Putin at the G20. In the original photo Putin is absent, the chair into which he was put was the vacant UK seat. BBC ever keen to fall for fake news that feeds their prejudices.
Think it’s this one
Thank you.
In fairness, Nick Robinson has retweeted a post pointing this out.
Not two weeks since AmolRajan tweeted that he was holding back cos BBC requires 2 sources
Yet his colleagues on the same day did a similar retweet of a FakeNews story
maybe I was thinking of them retweeting the fakenews about Trump rudely not bothering to insert the earpiece in Italy
I thought Trump was talking to Richard Gere at first glance !
and now its a so called bbc story , minus their part in ts rise
Yep the mislead by leaving out the important context
… that BBC staff retweeted the fake news
Apparently the BBC Trending story was up last night cos I can see a Russian Tweeter informing them that one of their graphics has Russian swearing on
..they should have picked that up earlier.
Sweeney retweeted the photoshopped pic on Saturday evening
And misinfo spread cos there were 26K likes.
even though it looks photoshopped at first glance of Putin’s head.
A black woman in this coffee shop on campus has been really friendly today and has made me some lovely coffees. How am I oppressing her exactly? Should she have seen the colour of my skin and warned me of my ‘privilege’ or accuse me of cultural appropriation for enjoying rap music? What sort of sane, decent person thinks like that?
My doctor is from Pakistan and is a bit camp. As a straight white man how am I oppressing him? He has a much better job than me. I don’t resent it. Should I complain that I need my psychiatrist to be white so he can understand me better, as I can only relate to white people? Should I hold placards saying ‘medicine so brown’ and post it on Twitter? Of course not, but this is the lunatic world the Beeb inhabits.
You cannot apply the rules of oppressor and oppressed to cultures like the Frankfurt School did; it clearly applies to money but not to culture. Cultures are shaped by all sorts of things, including the geography of where they originate from. The Australians I have known have all been so fun-loving and outgoing and that must be something to do with their homeland being a tropical paradise. I’m sure part of the dry British sense of humour derives from how annoyingly rubbish our weather is.
Some cultures do worse than others not because they are ‘oppressed’ but because they are not as good. I remember all the Indian kids in my school working their socks of so they could become doctors, whilst so many white British kids could not be bothered. I can’t claim I was ‘oppressed’ by Indian kids in my school and that is why they have a better job than me. I should have worked harder – it is entirely my fault. Equally, certain communities have problems not due to racism but because of their values. A slovenliness Churchill rightly noted as an issue amongst followers of a certain ideology will lead to problems – have 20% never had a job? You can’t feel overly good about yourself or take control of your life if you have never had a job.
Cultural Marxism is all a house built on sand so no wonder it is all falling apart. That sand was preposterous idea that one could apply Marxist economic theory to culture. Culture is a different beast entirely. It is like having Wayne Rooney lead your church choir because he is good at football.
Identity politics is so popular as it legitimises people not taking responsibility for their actions and instead blaming it on ‘oppression.’ It is nonsense.
“It matters not how strait the gate
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul.”
Sorry rant over. Back to work.
A perfectly reasonable rant.
I think the identity politics hustlers are overplaying their cards and normally tolerant people are starting to tire of it. That’s the impression I get – I’m hearing it more and more from people who don’t generally show much awareness of such things.
Browse through the latest National Trust brochure. The number of ethnics in the photographs is more than excessive, it’s outrageous. But, in a way, this is a good thing. It accelerates the “pissing off” process and maybe we’ll get back to something approaching sanity eventually. Worse is better.
In any case, it doesn’t work. The ethnicities featured in most of the photographs are the ones you never see. I suppose that is what the NT sees as its duty to correct. I wish them good luck.
As someone predicted in a seminal speech, the Race Relations Act created a privileged class of citizens with special protections which undermined the principle that we should all be equal before the law. He also correctly predicted that it would spawn countless ‘provocateurs’. Most of the race relations industry is glorified shit stirring.
I think Rotherham was when the house of cards really fell apart. That we could have been told about the horrors of ‘micro aggressions’ and similar nonsense whilst ignoring the terrible crimes perpetrated because the victims were white.
Powell spoke of the problem being that many communities did not want to integrate. He was vilified for this. Well, gang raping children on an industrial scale is taking refusal to integrate to pretty extreme levels.
Yet still the Beeb bang on about this same old PC shite as they want an easy life. They claim to speak truth to power. They have all the power and use it to spread falsehoods to the weak.
“I think Rotherham was when the house of cards really fell apart.”
On a wide scale, yes. In places like Bradford it had been falling apart for years – Ray Honeyford etc.
Douglas Murray has said that one of the consequences of immigration and multiculturalism is that we are going to be spending the rest of our lives talking about race.
Thanks a lot Heath, Blair, May etc !
There was a time when a load of Jamaicans visited a country house in Surrey
That’s when Ricardo was shot
Media hardly mentioned ethnicity of visitors
China says it is not responsible for North Korea nuclear crisis {theguardian 2017}
China has rejected Donald Trump’s repeated calls for it to do more to rein in North Korea’s nuclear programme, saying the “China responsibility theory” must stop.
Does China have power over North Korea?
Where does North Korea export Coal Briquettes to? (2015)
China 98%
Where does North Korea import Refined Petroleum from? (2015)
China 63% Mexico 24% Russia 9.9%
Where does North Korea import Computers from? (2015)
China 92%
Where does North Korea import Packaged Medicaments from? (2015)
China 79%
Kim Jong Un’s rockets are getting an important boost — from China {washingtonpost – apr2017}
“Entire sections of booster rocket were snagged by South Korea’s navy and then scrutinized by international weapons experts for clues about the state of North Korea’s missile program. Along with motor parts and wiring, investigators discerned a pattern. Many key components were foreign-made, acquired from businesses based in China. … In public comments after the Ma arrest, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said his country would be “relentless” in enforcing sanctions aimed at ridding the Korean Peninsula of nuclear weapons.”
If only we could see what there real intentions are? If only North Korea could give us a hint of the future they seek, what message they tell their people day in and day out …. if only …
North Korean TV broadcasts music and missiles attacking US in video mock-up {2016?}
Looks like cultural appropriation to me.
If Trump had asked me, I could have told him – China never had the slightest intention of doing anything about NK.
They are not threatened, neither is Russia and they can do the old bbc denial line, ‘Nothin; to do with me gov’ while enjoying the West’s discomfort.
When I was a small child, I was given a metal piggy bank- no offence to pigs.
Its in the form of a happy smiling person and made me very happy.
I still have it. You put a coin in the hand and press the lever and the hand is raised and the coin is deposited in the mouth of the person’s face.
The name of the toy is imprinted on the back. It is called the Jolly Nigger Bank.
That is the name visible for all to see. Fact.
That happy smiling face always gave me a positive feeling.
You see, you can choose to give offence but you can choose to take offence.
The hounding of the MP eho used the N word in a phrase many have used for decades tells you all you need to know about the Fascist Left.
What a shame the Fascist left do not have the same outrage over the bullying of various Labour MPs such as Yvette Cooper and Luciana Berger. But then, it is they who are orchestrating it.
And to think swathes of young voters vociferously support those who think the latter behaviour is not only acceptable but to be encouraged. What disgusting hypocrites.
I still have a box of “Darkie” toothpaste which I bought in very un-PC Thailand. Even they succumbed however. Now it’s called “Darlie”.
There’s a zoo at Si Racha. Last time I was there, several years ago, they had a young black boy dressed in a leopardskin in one of the enclosures. I’m sure David Attenborough would have been impressed.
You can buy them on ebay
i have to ask …. Does it bite the hand that feeds it ??? If it does not then it cannot be racist as it bears no resemblance to a real Sub Saharan gimmigrant … ahem, I mean `Syrian` rapefugee fleeing the four camels of the apocalypse…. i expect there`s a German version where it`s a Jew with a hooked nose and clawlike grasping hands which if they scratch you are as fatal as having your head bitten off by a Komodo Dragon or falling face first into a a pool of bile dripping from one side of Knuessbergs never fully closing black hole of BBC journalistic integrety…. Anyways I`m still pissed about the removal of the golliwog off the jam and marmalade it helped keep the wasps away from my sammiches as a child….
You rich boys with yer jam sarnies,, potted beef and Beef & Onion crisps was where it was at.
Encouraged by Corbyn – the POPULIST (isn’t populism BAD?) These are the kind of people who beat to death someone who looks at a cow India.
Consensus politic’s = is populist politic’s.
general agreement.
“a consensus of opinion among supporters”
a member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people.
Soros posters Hungary and Israel
#1 Hungary gov uses “Don’t let Soros have the last laugh” posters
#2 Activists get Israeli ambassador to say posters are antisemitic.
#3 Next day Israel PM overrules ambassador.
FGM does not exist. It’s actually called Child Genital Mutilation. FGM hides MGM. MGM hides FGM.
“Christopher I’ve gotta call you down on referring to circumcision as genital mutilation. My son cried more at his first haircut than he did at his Bris (Circumcision is an initiation rite for Jewish newborn babies) (Crowd laughs.)” – Rabbi
“They weren’t doing it right then (Crowd laughs).” – Christopher Hitchens
“Statistically the only long term effect, that it seems to have on people (no longer using baby as term) it increases their chances of winning a Nobel Prize. (Crowd laughs/claps)” – Rabbi
“I can’t find the compulsory mutilation of the genitals of children as a subject in humour that way. … ”
Three arrested over boy’s circumcision in Nottingham {jun 2017}
A 61-year-old man, believed to be the doctor who carried out the procedure, has been arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm with intent. The boy’s mother complained to police, saying her son was circumcised without her consent while staying with his paternal grandparents in July 2013.
– article does not ask why parents did it? Or what traditions were being followed.
Here are some more practices associated with CGM …
Health officials have reached a tentative agreement with New York City’s ultra-Orthodox community over regulating the controversial practice known as metzitzah b’peh, or “oral suction circumcisions,” (Rabbi sucks childs penis after circumcision) the Associated Press reported Tuesday. … The tradition of metzitzah b’peh goes back to biblical times but has created a modern-day dilemma for religiously observant mankind. New York City officials linked the practice to 17 cases of infant herpes since 2000, of whom two died.
i will give you a clue, it wasnt jews
i’d rather my enemies were in plain sight personally
Who will bring the BBC to book?
Who will rid us of this turbulent organisation?
Privatise…..and let them be damned!
BBCTrending excited about a report about a klansman with dreadlocks
ooh that’s cultural appropriation etc.
“Members were protesting against the city’s plan to remove the statue of a Confederate general from a local park”
(such hairstyles have existed across most cultures archaeology shows)
BBC seems to think it has found collusion between Russia and Donald Trump Jr.
“US President Donald Trump’s son has released an email chain showing he was offered “sensitive” information on Hillary Clinton by a Russian national.”
Well, time will tell but already I catch a whiff of bullshit.
The article goes on to say
Don’t know about anyone else, but if someone offered me something from the Russian “crown prosecutor” I’d say, “aye, right”. I think most of us know what happened to the Russian crown and would treat it as a hoax. I’d imagine young Trump would too. The article acknowledges that there’s no such thing but doesn’t seem to connect any dots. Well, why would it when there’s a Trump to bash?
It’s so hard to admit defeat when they have put so many eggs in this basket. They are like a losing gambler who keeps losing on red then doubles his stake only to lose again. Sometimes it is best to accept defeat and walk away as chasing losses is when it can get really bad. With every spurious Trump/Russia ‘story’ they lose more and more credibility, and more and more viewers as people are so sick and tired of hearing all this whiny innuendo. Someone might have met someone Russian? It’s not exactly Monica Lewinsky level scandal. It’s just so boring.
The best lies have to be believable. They are pulling all their dirty tricks to kick up a stench but there has to be a ring of truth to the story to start with. Can you really see that Alpha male patriot Trump sucking up to Putin? I can’t imagine him sucking up to anyone.
and yet there are some/lots who still think impeachment is just hours away, Ive taken to just laughing at them and then sending them pictures of citizen smith
perhaps its some 120 year old bolshi who actually prosecuted the sentence upon the russian royal family, their doing really well to use email at that age imho
The BBCs loathing of the gig economy was well and truly exposed by Guido today. All the interviewees who castigated Uber, Deliveroo and the Taylor Report were hard left union activists posing as non political individuals who hated working in the gig economy and wanted paid sick leave, holiday pay, employer pensions etc. If anyone genuinely dislikes this way of earning a living they should just get an unskilled job at the minimum wage on conventional terms. See how they like that! And of course they face more tax and NI.
The BBC hates the new flexible labour market because it has created so many jobs under under the conservatives.
Not bbbc but sky.
Anyone seen Burley hectoring Bill Cash.
The smug Burley was in full attention seeking virtue signalling mode when she was constantly interrupting Bill Cash when he told her three times that he didn’t quite hear the woodpile comment.
She wouldn’t have it and went on at him as if he had just slaughtered dozens of puppies, talking down at him and making sure everyone was in no doubt that she was a fully righteous person.
I don’t know if she’s married or has a boyfriend (or maybe LGBT etc.) but I feel sorry for anyone having to live with it.
What an unpleasant woman.
Thick to boot.
Bill Cash missed a fantastic golden opportunity; when Burley repeatedly said it was an unacceptable comment to make and why didn’t Cash make his feelings known at the time as he was in the same room; he should have retaliated with saying that we all say and do things that are regretful – even you Ms Burley when caught on camera pinning a woman up against a wall with your hand around her throat, were you interviewed and told it was an unacceptable thing to do ?? Oh, I’d love to hear her response on THAT one !
Context ?
2008 Outside court media scrum, where she got a black eye
Who hit who first we don’t know.
Crikey ! was it really 9 years ago !!!!! but still, her line of questioning and the tone, is tantamount to bullying. “Just doing my job” doesn’t wash anymore.
Burley is a car crash waiting to happen…but not just thick like Flab-bot!..she is imo a thoroughly nasty piece of work. A massively over-rated and talentless individual.
Some of her worst:
She is my own personal emetic. Should I ever feel the need to barf I just select Sky News when she’s on…a bulimic’s dream team all on her own.
I believe in karma..and look forward greatly to the day it starts to work on her! At her age it must be due to kick in soon?
” OK Positive Discrimination and Diversity Department. Here at the BBC we pride ourselves on ALL of out presenters
and reporters knowing exactly what their purpose is. Seamus I want you to inform Sue Barker and all the crew at
Wimbledon to have the greatest respect for the principles in our dept. In NO way must they show any support for
Johanna Konta when she plays Venus Williams.. I mean for a start she really is Hungarian and WE all know what a
racist that Viktor Orban is! I know than maybe only one per cent of the events junkie crowd on the Centre Court will be
ethnic, but the cameramen must know that they must give prominent exposure to these folk.To be honest I don’t know
why we cover this 95% Caucasion sports event.”
‘Left Wing – Goooooooodddd, Right Wing Baaaaaaaaahhhhddddd – YOUR BBC’
Anyhow, not sure if they know this, they seem very slow on the uptake, but President Donald Trump is not the President of Britain and he doesn’t give a flying fuck what the bbc thinks.
Media not hyping UK’s first gay Muslim marriage
Note that young Choudhury had his mum and siblings at the wedding.
But no photos-wonder why?
Oh-and no dad mentioned-that would be because Anjem is a Full Sutton nonce I`d guess.
BBC have the Muslim gay marriage story
BBC top viewed story “TV presenter criticised for washing machine comment”
that Kirsty Alsop story looks very Tabloid
yet the BBC sneers at tabloids
(she said uh washing machines in kitchens ..yuck)
Aristocrat guilty over ‘menacing’ Gina Miller Facebook post
two counts of making malicious communications and acquitted of a third
One counted as racially aggravated
Judge said private 150 person group, counted as public.
(IMHO 150 accounts could mean 600 people , but mostly likely half accounts were dormant)
It`s really about time that we learned stuff from the BBC re Brexit. As opposed to their ceaseless bellyaching and treacherous crap thaat is all we`ve got since Cameron called his Gloriuous Referendum.
I`d like to know these things.
1. Why are we not offering everybody good deals NOW-why the hell wait until the EU tell us we can? We`ve left.
2. Any chance of the BBC telling me how Australia gets its deals with ASEAN, GCC and those other big trade blocs we need to get in with now-stuff the EU it`s about to collapse under its own contradictions?
3. The media terll us how difficult trade deals are-well with the sclerotic Walloons of the EU this is so, but the Japanese and the Swiss must have a five page template we could use to shaft the bloody EU NOW!,,,,,not when Cable says so.
4. Why are we not poaching Hong Kong interns now to replace the BBC shit staffers. The BBC are Eurovision flouncers who need packing off along with Lily, Gary, Graham and Anna etc to be dumb waiters for Drunker, David Mellor and Barney the Dinosaur.
5. Why isn`t Nigel our LOrd High Trade Commissioner, paid in duty free and a guaranteed statue on Islington High Street once he`s risen to save the nation as he does?
Come on you shit Tories-get some brains, have a laugh at the scum that face you-and FIGHT you spineless jellies…jellyfish with no stings who aren`t even blancmanges yet?
Did Nicholas Ridley leave a sperm donation?
We haven’t left the EU, we have just served notice of the intent to leave.
Until we do leave we are still bound by EU treaty which means that things like trade deals are still an EU ‘competence’ and beyond the control of national governments.
We still aren’t free to be able to reduce VAT rates below those of our ‘partners’ or nationalise the railways, (Corbyn please note), if we were daft enough to want to do it. On the subject of Corbyn’s bribe to give students free tuition, EU law would require us to offer that to the other 27 member states’ students too. Money tree? More like money forest.
Bound by EU Treaty?
The likes of Juncker want us dead in the water, and play fast and loose with their OWN obligations?
Letting Greece into the Eurozone, bringing the Turks in against their will over Cyprus? Lack of accounts signed over in over 30 years, as well as horsemeat they`ve failed to locate.
BY what “legal obligations” were they able to remove the Greek and Italian Prime Ministers that had been democratically elected?
Sorry Jim-this is war, we`ve spent way too long trying to be good cucks in the EU showers in Brussels. Time to get out and give them a bit of cold steel as of old.
Of couirse we`ll do trade with the great countriesw but they`ll have to smash their own cartel if they want preferential treaties…the EU will stranle them, we`re doing them a favour.
No wonder Brussels wants smoking banned-if you lit up by Juncker he`d catch fire,the pisspot.
Needs cladding that lad.
All the signs are there. Living in the UK is rapidly becoming a free-for-all with the muslims and (conflictingly) homosexuals and their nine-bob-note fellow travellers at the top of the pecking order just above Europeans. Certainly for law and justice which is rapidly breaking down wherever you enquire. Except, that is, unless an indigenous white British person breaks the law of course. That will soon be an immediate hanging offence and, guess what, the muzzies are in full agreement with that. They couldn’t wish for better.
G – As a nine-bob-note, I don’t consider myself to be at the top of the pecking order.
Mate are you not availing yourself of all the special BBC and Channel4 shows specially made for you ?
Errrr – no.
But then again, I’m not a lefty.
I hear on the news there is to be an enquiry into the approx 2500 deaths caused by contaminated blood products in the 1970s.
Surely our sainted, saintly, envy- of- the- world fine NHS cannot be responsible?
Oh, wait……..
And Maggie didn’t come into office until May 1979 – oh,dear ……….
A parliamentary report had found around 7,500 patients were infected by imported blood products – contracting hepatitis C and HIV – the virus that can develop into Aids. {bbc jul2017}
More than 2,000 UK patients have since died as a result.
(Guardian say 2,400 deaths believed to be involved)
This is the website for the Scottish Public Inquiry into Hepatitis C/HIV acquired infection from NHS treatment in Scotland with blood and blood products. It was set up by Scottish Ministers under the Inquiries Act 2005. It was announced by Nicola Sturgeon MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing on 23 April 2008. The Rt Hon Lord Penrose is the Chairman of the Inquiry {penroseinquiry.org.uk}.
In an interview with the Guardian eight years ago following an earlier inquiry into the scandal, Lewis recalled getting access to his medical notes, which revealed that although he had tested positive for HIV in 1984, he was not informed until February 1985 – during which time, he believes, his wife was also infected with the virus {theguardian jul2017}.
As I spit and fume at the needless BBC moaners and the useless political elite we`re saddled with today, at least it gives us all time to see how rotten, stupid, lazy, venal and incompetent that whole EU Love Club has been allowed to become. Not a Drake or a Farage among them-but plenty Seiss -Inquarts and Quislings.
This feather bedded dim elite have never had to write a law, teach anything that Brussels didn`t prepap for them; let alone create an original thought or learn a jot from Moscow or Lahore, Caracas or anything that Reagan and Thatcher had to contend with.
These are entitled thick lotus eaters and parasitic sloths who want to stay in bed and feed us all to Islam or to Merkels mincers.
At least the endless parade of grubs and creeps we`ve let become our knotweeed, bindweed and gangaweed all have faces now…Big Brother Ted Heath and Geoffrey Rippon thankfully are now at the lowest gates of hell, but we need not go there.
Worthless toerags like Vince Cable and Anna Soubry are only Brussels cladding as far as I can see…and Anna always seems to be more flammable than most, poor thing.
Last weeks BBC Trending prog was a huge Dig and Britain First including at Jayda Fransen
“The anti-immigration party trying to recruit immigrants”
“Britain First, a far-right British political party known for their extreme anti-immigration policies, ”
.. Hm I know nothing about them apart from that they are anti-Muslim religion
So those quoted words look like BBCTr trying to build a narrative rather that the truth.
Their narrative being ‘Look this is bizarre BF are an extreme anti-immigration party yet they are recruiting British Resident Polish people’
Well, BCTr are LibMob so seem to very easily mix up anti-free-immigration and anti-free-immigrant.
And for a start “Jayda Fransen” isn’t the typical English name
..it sounds Flemish or something
So I wouldn’t expect BF to be anti-foreigner.
BBC Trending do seem a bit cultish each one of their progs features disproportionate focus and positivity on Ethnic-muslims, whilst at the same time they have an obsession with labelling anyone not conforming to LibMob as “far right” “extreme right”
So after building up their narrative about BF being “a far-rightextreme anti-immigration party” I’m thinking why don’t you just ask them ?
And blow me yes they did interview Jayda
BBC “So what would happen to all the Polish people in Britain”
Jayda : “Er nothing, cos we are not an anti-immigrant party”
BBC “Yeh, but yeh, but”
Then BBC says something like “but what about violence ?”
Jayda “We don’t do violence, you can’t run a political party with violence, we only do direct action”
Next thing you hear is BBC saying “despite her saying that she has a conviction for harassment for shouting at a woman outside a mosque”
Well I dunno .. I do know that they didn’t give her right of reply to that.
(BCCTr full blogpost they only put up today
The previous prog was about India and people demonstaring to stop violence against Muslims
(The prog strangely didn;t bother to blog about the issue)
The one before that was mainly about Muslim masturbation abstinence internet groups
..though also spread onto similar for Christians blogpost
Their posts about the Trump CNN video
were titled – “Trump gif maker apologises for racist posts”
and – ‘CNN wrestling’ tweet came from extreme Reddit user”
They also had a big long post sneering at Jacob Rees Mogg
“.. Hm I know nothing about them apart from that they are anti-Muslim religion
So those quoted words look like BBCTr trying to build a narrative rather that the truth.”
I agree Stew, you know nothing about them.
“And blow me yes they did interview Jayda
BBC: ‘So what would happen to all the Polish people in Britain’
Jayda: ‘Er nothing, cos we are not an anti-immigrant party’
BBC: ‘Yeh, but yeh, but’…”
You account of the interview is complete fiction.
Jayda did not at any point say; “we are not an anti-immigrant party”
Jayda did say; “we would halt all immigration absolutely”
You are a liar, Stew.
End of.
Go listen to the prog, my account is clear.
you tried a quote ..but it is preceded by “IN THE INTERIM ”
You are doing the normal thing of misrepresentation.
She did say they were about stopping unrestricted immigration due to resources, but made it clear she was not anti-immigrant.
As I said above “LibMob so seem to very easily mix up anti-free-immigration and anti-free-immigrant.”
They are not the same thing.
You are a LibSupremacist aren’t you Maxicony ?
..and believe everyone should bow down to your “superior” views ?
Now she did say that they would ban Islam … but the interviewer seemed unwilling to go into detail about why someone would think that.
maxi and his marxist buddies seem to be getting a little upset that not all people of non-british extraction are open borders fanatics, and many many amongst them are against importing problems that will affect them as much as us.
That wasn’t really part of the plan en route to the great socialist republic
StewGreen and Maxicony – you might both be right and just be picking bits out as required from the audio – can you add to the list the quotes with times for clarity, thanks. e.g. ‘Yeh, but yeh, but’@1:20
Fake Football News Trending: Britain First, a far-right British political party known for their extreme anti-immigration policies
Check out BritainFirst policies …
Immigration { britainfirst.tv }
* Deport all illegal immigrants;
* Deport all foreign criminals;
* Offer generous grants to those of foreign descent resident here who wish to leave permanently;
* Completely halt any further immigration except in special cases such as genuine marriages where strict citizenship criteria has been met;
(would they stop all immigration? Even self supporting immigrants?)
* Reject and deport all “asylum seekers” who do not originate from countries bordering Britain ;
* Make it an act of treason to implement any policy or measure, or sign any agreement, that facilitates and / or results in significant numbers (lacking in details. Is 1 significant? 10? 100 million? 1 billion? ) of foreigners entering the sovereign territory of the United Kingdom with the aim of settling.
* Introduce a comprehensive ban on the religion of “Islam” within the United Kingdom. This ban will include the prohibition of halal slaughter, sharia courts, religious publications (such as the Koran, Hadiths), the operation of mosques, madrasas and “cultural centres” and the public preaching and / or teaching of Islamic scriptures and doctrines.
* Introduce a prohibition on the use of Islamic face coverings in public, such as the Burka.
* Anyone found to be promoting the ideology of Islam will be subject to deportation or imprisonment.
“Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive/Dangerous Diversity ala Merkel”
@Marky I paraphrased of course, but kept close to what they meant.
Anyone can check the quotes which are just before the middle of the prog.
BTW Banning Islam seems ridiculous to me.
But so is virtually banning open debate of its dogma.
Agreed! As soon as you ban an idea/religion, it gets a special status – ‘victimhood‘.
In that episode about opposing attacks on Muslims they had item on plastic rice
In it they fessedup that their BBC Nigeria correspondent had broadcast a FakeNews
They played the clip of him saying that plastic rice had been sold at the markets
..Then he came on admitting that testing showed that rice was almost all OK just a few grains of packing plastic had got in.
And that such scares seemed to be an anti foreign rise thing.
Not often i laugh at the BBC for the right reason, but thats a funny line ”known in the house as the Honourable Minister for the 20th century”.
Oops it must have been another article, or its been edited.
“Health chiefs call for easier English tests for foreign medics after hospital recruits 118 Filipino nurses but only THREE pass language exam
Officials twice flew to the Philippines in a bid to plug a shortage of nurses
But all 118 of those they recruited were unable to work at Walsall
Just three passed a language test – but none of them had successfully completed a mandatory practical examination”
In a word – PATHETIC.
Would be interesting to see if politicians like Anna Soubry and Diane Abbott could past the same Nursing IELTS exams? Just for fun!
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) measures the language proficiency of people who want to study or work where English is used as a language of communication. It uses a nine-band scale to clearly identify levels of proficiency, from non-user (band score 1) through to expert (band score 9). ” {ielts.org}
{Dailymail article link}
Well it is obvious, if the exams are to hard, make them easier, thats what Blair did to education and see how that worked out, experts and professors everywhere.
What can go wrong.
Niggergate? Maybe Jacob Rees-Mogg could filibuster using the lyrics from Jeezy & Rich
I said that I’mma ride for my motherfuckin’ nigga
Most likely I’mma die with my finger on the trigger
I’ve been grindin outside all day with my niggas
And I ain’t goin’ in unless I’m with my niggas
My nigga, my nigga (my nigga, my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga (my motherfuckin’ niggas)
My nigga, my nigga (my nigga, my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga
First thing’s first I love all my niggas
This rap shit cracked and I involve my niggas
You lookin’ for some lean, lemme call my nigga
He sell it for the high, I need all mines nigga
Some niggas smoke smoke, some niggas drink drank
Got niggas on the block with the glock that don’t think
That’s a nigga back up, they in a bucket lapped up
I got to act right if you niggas wanna act up
He talkin’ like a snitch no, that ain’t my nigga
He trippin’ off a bitch no, that ain’t my nigga
Take a nigga case, yeah that’s my nigga
Know him since I was eight, yeah that’s my nigga
Fucked my first bitch, passed her to my nigga
Hit my first lick, passed with my nigga
Fuck them other niggas ’cause I’m down for my niggas
I ride for my niggas, fuck them other niggas (snitch)
I said that I’mma ride for my motherfuckin’ nigga
Most likely I’mma die with my finger on the trigger
I’ve been grindin’ outside all day with my niggas
And I ain’t goin’ in unless I’m with my niggas
My nigga, my nigga (Dope boys my niggas)
My nigga, my nigga (YG my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga (Rich Homie my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga (it’s the motherfuckin’ world)
Just know I’m down with the niggas down for me
I got 2 words for you, love and loyalty
It was me and my nigga, trippin’ on a half a B
When we used to hit a mall and buy everything we see
Me and my down ass nigga gettin’ twisted
Nigga get to trippin’, knock the gravy out your biscuit
Just know I fucked with you the long way, my nigga
So when I see you out I’m like, “Hey, my nigga!”
Drink that act right by the case, my niggas
Drink that act right and get straight with my niggas
Me and my nigga ridin’ dirty trynna chase them figures
Who got the yopper, who got the yola? Don’t matter, go figure
I said that I’mma ride for my motherfuckin’ nigga
Most likely I’mma die with my finger on the trigger
I’ve been grindin outside all day with my niggas
And I ain’t goin’ in unless I’m with my niggas
My nigga, my nigga (my motherfukin world)
My nigga, my nigga (YG my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga (Rich Homie my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga (My nigga, my)
My nigga’s got K, money got weight
My nigga fronted me, he the reason I’m straight
My nigga got a house, my nigga got a lake
My nigga we eatin’, my nigga get a plate
And we’re still hittin’ licks, my nigga, my nigga
Runnin’ off a nigga shit, my nigga, my nigga
I fucked a nigga bitch with my nigga, my nigga
If a nigga talkin’ shit then he ain’t my nigga
My nigga, my nigga (My nigga, my nigga)
YG my nigga and I ain’t goin’ in, ain’t trynna leave my niggas
Shawty seein’ me and want to leave with a nigga
But it wasn’t enough room ’cause I came with my niggas
My niggas, my niggas
I need a set of wings ’cause I’m too fly, nigga
And I’m all about my business like a suit and tie nigga
I ride for my niggas (Believe that)
I said that I’mma ride for my motherfuckin’ nigga
Most likely I’mma die with my finger on the trigger
I’ve been grindin outside all day with my niggas
And I ain’t goin’ in unless I’m with my niggas
My nigga, my nigga
My nigga, my nigga (my motherfuckin niggas)
My nigga, my nigga (my nigga, my nigga)
My nigga, my nigga
My nigga, my nigga
My nigga, my nigga
My nigga, my nigga
At least there’s no mention of a woodpile.
Things have come a long way from Tamla Motown haven’t they?
Anti-Brexit project fear is in full swing on BBC London News again this morning.
The BBC give a platform to North American-accented bankster boss of JP Morgan who says his staff ‘might’ all be relocated from London.
Now this rankles because the BBC were far from shy about taxing the banker bonuses and regulating their business more harshly – and when the banks threatened to leave London the BBC joined with the left to say let them go if they want.
Don’t expect intellectual consistency from the Left.
Hey, please Miss… I have a question…!
BBC Breakfast reporters adopt an air of being frustrated yet chummy supply teachers – perhaps they missed their vocation?
Franckie McCamley brings us a host of carefully selected numbers on the Grenfell Tower fire this morning. I say carefully selected because although she implicitly chides the authorities by telling us the death toll is around 80 and there were 255 survivors she neglects to repeat the figure of about 10 residents who are believed to have – for whatever reason – not come forward. This figure was previously presented in the print press alongside McCamley’s other figures. Why neglect to mention that missing 10 ? They might help speed the identifications and ease the pain and frustration of the survivors – assuming that’s your main concern and not BBC reluctance to highlight the extent of illegal immigration and illegal sub-letting of public housing.
I suspect being found to be illegal immigrants or illegally sub-letting is the last thing worrying these 10
ie they are wanted or escaped criminals etc.
This US case was reported on RT this morning.
“A Congolese immigrant escaped prosecution on six domestic-violence crimes when his lawyer convinced a city prosecutor that he lacked the cultural competency to participate in the American justice system, according to court and public records reviewed by the New Hampshire Union Leader”.
“Cultural incompetence” is a convenient get out of jail/gaol free card.
Expect it in this country soon? Or is it already here? I seem to recall similar legal defences in Europe.
Jeez thats a very slippery slope
When the laws don’t apply to everyone, then they apply to no one. “… lacked the cultural competency to participate in the American justice system (six domestic violence crimes)“.
“According to court paperwork, he (Bahati, a Congolese immigrant) was accused of striking, pushing, grabbing, kicking and pulling out the hair of a woman who was 27 weeks pregnant at the time.”
“Not competent. Not restorable (can not be restored to competence even with treatment). Not dangerous.”
– participate: this word makes it sound like you can optionally follow the laws.
– but his actions say he is dangerous, even though he does not ‘understand’ the laws.
“. … once you weaken the law, good luck in putting it back … ”
– Trey Gowdy: “Tomorrow Is Coming”
bbc this morning just the 30 mins ive been watching
Grenfall 4 weeks on
multiple victims/survivors/advisors/agitators angry unsatisfied what are the government doing???
Funny I didnt see manchester bombing 4 weeks on, i didnt see angry unsatisfied family members and what exactly are the government doing ……………
He’s a good egg. The world needs more like him.
Hannity described the mainstream media as ‘overpaid and lazy.’ He is spot on.
Five Live news bulletin at 5am is about ten minutes of banging on about Trump’s son, the scoop of the century that he spoke to someone Russian for 20 minutes. I bet she was a Democrat stooge. Senior politicians say it is ‘distressing’ etc. Of course senior Democrats are going to say this is a big deal. It’s like saying ‘Arsenal fans say Tottenham are rubbish.’ Of course they do! We should expect news bulletins to tell us of all the salient events that have taken place which might affect their customers, not have them seethe their furious agenda.
This is not even ‘journalism.’ There is not even any semblance of balance. Just like going on about someone saying the ‘n’ word is not journalism. Journalists should inform and investigate, not lecture as about their pet agendas and tell us what to think. What about all these ‘marches’ they go on? I wouldn’t pay a journalist if he just went on marches with people. That is not in the job description, though it must beat working for a living.
When I worked as a French teacher, I could not stand in front of the class and get them all to hold hands and say how bad Darth Vader is. I would get the sack and rightly so as it is part of my contract to teach French. The BBC’s charter/contract says they must be unbiased. They could at least try to disguise it – we all have biases – but to be so flagrantly and shamelessly one-sided shows utter contempt for their audience.
Where is this, ‘plurality’ that allowing Murdoch to buy Sky would endanger?
The only plurality in our media is their two faced approach.
R4 Today – Oh dear, oh dear, still trying to push, ‘Muslims are the real victims’ – how stupid do they think we are? Pretty stupid it would appear.
” …….. the events at Finsbury Park have left me terrified……” Says a Muslim woman who’s ‘living in fear’. One incident, one death (maybe?) but it’s Muslims who are living in fear.
“They need to ask themselves whether recent terrorist attacks have increased Islamophobia?” Good point there! A statement of stunning perception and understanding!
Since 9/11 people have lost loved ones at the hands of err ……. Muslims. That’s not one possible death at the hands of one disturbed man, it’s thousands of men women and children.
I re-read 1984 recently – anyone who contributes to this site should do. The one line that sticks in my mind is:
‘The heresy of heresies was common sense.’
Isn’t it so true of the Ministry of Truth/BBC, with its PC newspeak? All cultures are not equal. Men and women are different. ‘Islamophobia’ is not a bigger problem than actual terrorism.
And ‘Animal Farm’ for the young ones.
I think I get it?
People on benefits should have spacious, luxury houses in leafy suburbs – they deserve them!
People who work for a pittance at two or three jobs with kids sharing bedrooms deserve whatever they get.
Important BBC Note
Only if they re illegal immigrants, that have been living in sublet houses, that have deprived those genuinely on the waiting list though
BBC News – “The only sound is babies crying” … Well it isn t going to be the sound of their young or 30 something fighting age men that normally spend their afternoons lounging around is it, BBC?
They ve just left those “crying babies” to get on with it, in their rush to flood europe
“Hundreds of civilians – many of them children – may still be trapped in the Iraqi city of Mosul”,
Despite, despite, despite.
Unemployment fell the BBC informs us
But wait for the Despite.
This time it is not despite Brexit but another moan
‘”Despite the strong jobs picture… there has been another real-terms fall in total earnings, with the growth in weekly wages low and inflation still rising,” said Matt Hughes, senior statistician at the Office for National Statistics.’
The BBC hates the ever declining unemployment total. After all it shows capitalism works and justifies conservative policies. Just how successful since 2008 has job creation been in left inclined countries in the BBCs beloved EU, all with much less flexible labour markets? Ask the Greeks, Spanish, Portuguese, Italians and French.
and what keeps “wage growth low”???
Grenfell attack resumption by BBC Today. The Corbyn line is being fully supported. Why don’t the Council apologise for any unspecified mistakes PRIOR to the fire – examples : they are a bunch of rich Tories who don’t understand the poor,no apology they make can be believed, the new Council Leader has never been inside the two tower blocks on the estate, the Council have already said they will use their reserves to buy or build new housing but why not give an exact figure? The House Muslim was in her hectoring best form. Good work on Labour’s behalf.
You would not think RBKC had just spent £9 million refurbishing Grenfell Tower. It’s hardly as if they wanted the tenants to live in a 1974 tower block that had never been updated, nor did they want the block to burn down. They spent the money to give the tenants decent modernised homes.
As the old saying goes, “no good turn goes unpunished”.
More news on the nature of our enemy within –
I do not watch live television, however, I do listen to Radio 4 as company whilst in the kitchen. There’s a game that I play to see how long before race or gender/sexuality is discussed, mentioned or alluded to. So yes, I too am so sick of the identity division. Radio particularly need not mention the colour of a person’s skin or sexual preferences.
“This keeps happening. Either the Beeb is getting taken in by these hard-left agitators – which is incompetence – or they are complicit, which is worse…”
Has Al-Beeb joined momentum??
Any journalist would spend 30 sec googling the background of his source. So the BBC are complicit. Will Ofcom do anything? No.
Watching bbc breakfast this morning, I heard the words ‘the government’s chaotic response to Grenfell’
Correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t the media meant to present facts and not opinions?
Saudi police ‘stopped’ fire rescue (stopped 15 schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress) {bbc.co.uk mar 2002}
I’d say the UK Government response to Grenfell Tragedy has been a lot fairer than some other Countries to fires in the past …
“Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday .
About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.
The religious police are widely feared in Saudi Arabia. They roam the streets enforcing dress codes and sex segregation, and ensuring prayers are performed on time.
Those who refuse to obey their orders are often beaten and sometimes put in jail.”
Notice that even in 2002 the BBC can’t say ‘Religious Police in the title’, which leads you to believe it was the normal, everyday Police. Nothing to do with a certain religion – humble beginnings in misleading news..
Is this a snapshot of a future, where enforcing dress codes or practices stops the mind and normal morals from working. But this was only 15 years ago!
“The religious police are widely feared in Saudi Arabia. They roam the streets enforcing dress codes and sex segregation, and ensuring prayers are performed on time.” They also smash shops up if the owner does not close in a timely fashion for prayer times. I’ve been caught in a store closing and told to remain there on any number of occasions until that particular prayer time has ended. They pray five times a day.
“But this was only 15 years ago!” – nothings changed I can assure you………..
“No one, as so far has accused anybody of being racist. But the things you said are exactly what were said to my Grandparents, when they came over to the Jewish East End in the early 1900s …(does not say who said these things)” @3:58
– so the panel member is calling the man in the audience a racist? But…
– why bring up the word ‘racist’ at all?
“…the Government (David Cameron) need to walk through our town (Barking), and see how we now live (without announcing a visit).” @0:21
Just listened to bBBC radio news – lead article: Donald Trump jnr. At least 30 secs of it!