“We have to remember that our defense is not just a commitment of money, it is a commitment of will.”
Quite extraordinary how the BBC treats Trump and anything he says or does. No matter what he says, however sensible, measured or insightful his statements, Trump never gets the benefit of the doubt, he is immediately mocked, demonised or dismissed as ‘deranged’ as Justin Webb has, once again, been calling him.
We’ve seen the sensationalist headline the BBC produced for what seems an almost completely fabricated story about one of Trump’s sons and of course followed the BBC’s less than convincing reporting of Trump’s alleged Russian connections but the BBC loses no chance to slip the knife in…never mind that once again the BBC interpretation is at odds with the facts.
When Trump met Putin at G20 the Today show told us that Putin dominated Trump and that the handshake was a win for Putin…but that is complete tosh. Putin supposedly held back from shaking hands and looked on disdainfully as Trump offered his…just not true…Putin looked down because he had to see where Trump’s hand was…and the handshake was immediate…no hesitation…the Guardian time-line photos of the shake were very, deliberately, misleading…
Not as of Putin was keen to shake Obama’s hand…did the BBC sneer at Obama or were they outraged on his behalf?
Even the BBC itself said Trump won the encounter…in fact he one both handshakes with Putin…so the Today show is peddling the usual crap…so much for the BBC’s flagship news programme providing us with the ‘gold standard’ in journalism….
Then we had Trump’s speech in Poland in which he said we must defend Western borders and Western values and asks if we have the will to do so…not something the BBC will get too excited about…and true to form their first response was, on the Today show, to scorn and mock Trump bringing on two people who were clearly not Trump fans and who had absolutely no idea what he was talking about…..one even denying there was such a thing as ‘The West’ and ‘Western values’…any wonder Trump asks if we have the ‘will’ to defend ourselves…clearly not in many quarters….. Melanie Phillips goes into the interview in depth...
In his magnificentspeech in Poland, President Trump asked whether the west “still has the will to survive”.
If he’d listened to BBC Radio’s Today programmethis morning (approx 0840), he might have lost his own.
The issue that seemed to have startled the BBC was the suggestion that there were now threats to western bonds of culture, faith and tradition. (The fact that some of us have been writing about this for years has of course totally passed the BBC by). Two guests were invited to discuss this question: Margaret MacMillan, professor of international history at Oxford university where she is also Warden of St Anthony’s college, and Lord Dannatt, former Chief of the General Staff.
The interviewer’s loaded question about Trump’s speech, “Is he in any sense right?” invited them to agree that no, there could be no sense in which he was. Both duly agreed. Three against Trump, then. But if anything illustrated precisely what he was talking about, this conversation could scarcely have been bettered.
Opined Professor MacMillan: “There are bonds that hold us together and there are often bonds of history, but the idea there is something called ‘the west’ seems to me very dubious indeed. There are many wests, there are many different ways of looking at who we are, and I’m worried by the whole tenor of his speech. The talk of the ‘will’, the family, traditional values, what does that all mean?….. if you talk about defending the power of the west and the dominance of the west that’s very different and I’m not sure that does make the world more stable… What worries me is that part of the enemy is seen as those who live among us… Islam, or Islamic fundamentalism, is [as presented by Trump] in some way a threat, and that means not just from outside but inside and that to me is really troubling.”
Lord Dannatt was equally perplexed. “What threat does he have in mind? From Russia? Islamic State? From climate change? Well he ruled that one out by pulling out of the Paris agreement. Or is it the nuclear threat from North Korea?” [if Dannatt had read the speech he’d have known exactly what Trump was warning against]
The millions who voted for Trump did so because of the promise he made them that he would defend America and the western values of life and liberty that it embodies. They understand very well that America and the west are not just being threatened from outside but are being undermined from within by the kind of people who are engaged in a fight to the death to destroy him – and by the kind of people who took part in that discussion on Today.
Be careful, NCBBC, be very, very careful or you will be howled down for being a disgusting Racist.
In his Trump spoke of Western Culture having, amongst many other things, of having given the world orchestral Music. In yet another pathetic attempt to denigrate Trump by indicating he was just parroting from a speech written for him by racist and is so stupid he just repeats the words without having a clue about what he is actually saying.
Praising Western Orchestral Music, is seems, should be considered an act of Racism, presumably because it was mainly created by the most hated group of all, White, Male Europeans. Disgusting, disgraceful, shocking, vile creatures, they should be excluded from decent society and their achievements must never be mentioned, let alone praised.
Boy, aren’t the Leftists and their media propagandists really scraping the bottom of the barrel with rubbish.
“What worries me is that part of the enemy is seen as those who live among us… Islam, or Islamic fundamentalism, is [as presented by Trump] in some way a threat”
Professor of Stupidity more like. Anybody who pays to be taught by her is a fool. No wonder the Labour Party want to force the tax payer to fund them.
Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Italy, through negligence or stupidity, have imported an “enemy within”. America ( Pres Trump) has made it clear to them, that it will defend only those countries that have the desire to be free. West EU countries now have to have an EU army, for they might not meet the the Trump Test.
The Visigrad nations don’t have an “enemy within”, and no intentions to have one any time soon. They face Russia, and only America has the capability to checkmate that threat. They give two fingers to the EU, as they have no desire to have an “enemy within”. They desire to be free from the Russian and the RoP threat. They pass the Trump Test.
The EU dare not go too far opposing Trump, in the hope that the American MSM will come to their rescue. The MSM is all sound and fury while Pres Trump is the CinC of all US forces. The Battle Hymn of the Republic above.
In order to slander and damage the President, they are even prepared to turn into a third rate gossip tabloid-like shite. They are now openly the opposition to Trump, Brexit, anyone who is not a Soros puppet or simply anyone who does not follow the obama/eu/no borders/common purpose agenda aimed at turning the west into a bad copy of the ancient egypt regime
Our Justin managed to demean trump with regard to birth control/ killing babies through abortion this morning whilst chatting to lady Gates of Microsoft. What our Justin didn’t mention was that Trunp was elected because of his beliefs about killing babies via abortion and birth control. So much democracy eh Justin. Has to be your version of democracy doesn’t it Mr beeboid ?
BBC is running an Islam and Science program. Its full of made up nonsense. Even the slightest bit of use of Greek mathematics by Muslims is taken as Islam being the originator of mathematics.
Mathematics has a long history of development in Greece, China, India and Mesopotamia.
To be fair, the Arabs did introduce the decimal number system and the concept of zero to Europe. But both these inventions were the product of Hindu mathematicians. The Arabs were the messengers rather then the originators of the message.
The one mathematician that the Arabs claim as their own is Al-Khwarizmi. But even in the field of Algebra, the Greeks and Hindus, several centuries prior to Al-Khwarizmi, were more advanced then he. For instance Al-Khwarizmi solved quadratics but these were developed by the Hindu mathematicians who gave general solutions rather then particular ones. Given the trade routes of the time, it is conceivable that Al-Khwarizmi got most of what he wrote from India. It is also conjectured that Al-Khwarizmi travelled to India to study Maths. Quite possible.
Given the primitive times, it is unlikely we will ever know the exact truth, but I find the Arab /muslim mentality of stealing other people’s ideas and claiming it as their own, very distasteful, though it seems to go with the general nature of Arab tribal society, where brigandage is considered a honourable profession. It is unfortunate that such a trait persists even to the modern era. The BBC encourages false claims, and fake science viz AGW..
It is very diffucult to really secure a factual history of ancient Mathematics. So much of it was tied to philosophy, music or even meditation. But if one had to mark one event, then it has to be Pythagoras’s theorem. In this one theorem, one moves from rhetoric to proof. As G.H.Hardy, one of 20th centuries greatest mathematicians put it, “All mathematics is but a footnote to Pythagoras”.
But sticking to what is germane, it is a fact that invention, and particularly invention in abstract thought, arises only in settled societies. This is plainly obvious, as a nomadic herder society, just does not have the resource or the time to sustain an individual’s indulgence in abstract thought. OTH, a settled society does and encourages individuals in this mode of activity. Thus all the great inventions of mankind arise only from settled societies and none from the nomadic tribal ones. Arabs who were the first muslims, until the nineteenth century, essentially tribal nomadic societies. One sees this even now in wealthy Saudi Arabia, as rich Saudis play/pretend being nomads. Have Saudis, given all the wealth and as a consequence, the free time they have, invented anything of significance in the last few decades?
What is so disheartening is that by constant repetition of a lie (AGW is another example), even Westerners have been duped into thinking of Arabs/muslims being the progenitors of a civilisation. The Arab muslims were conquerors of civilisations because they had islam as a politico-religious ideology, which was ideally suited for warfare i.e. unity of an idea that they were destined to win, clear lines of command from allah down and a divinely ordained distribution of booty coming to you, in case you fell in combat, even in paradise. Having conquered though, it was not long before the civilisation that they conquered, died from atrophy, neglect and the inability to think freely in an Islamic society.
Now I wonder of th BBC will have Horizin programns on
1. Christianity/Catholocism and Science & Mathematics
2. Hinduism and Science & Mathematics
3. Confucious/Taoism and Science & Mathematics
4. Shintoism and Science & Mathematics
If not, why not, as the above philosophies have far greater claim on invention then Islam.
It’s only the wahabi head bangers in al beeb doing their propaganda bit for the evil mo. Wonder if al beeb will do a doc on the development of the suicide vest or ” watchdog” on the cost of single flights to Turkey ?
This is the standard BBC approach to dealing with political trend they don’t approve of. The more vicious and sustained the attack the greater the threat to their liberal Utopia that they perceive. Attack the leader 24/7 in every so called news and current affairs format, mock them in every so called comedy show , lie about them personally and their political aims and views, treat these smears as fact etc. Then start on their family life and key supporters. You need to be made of strong stuff to be able to put up with this for months on end and of course many of the public will take the view that there is no smoke without fire , and mud sticks. All of this paid for by the LF payer and allowed to run year after year by the timid Tories who are so often the victim of this treatment.
President Trump is of course treated to the same liberal left media play book in the USA but at least there the would be assassins are not paid by the tax payer to indulge in their travesty of fair and accurate journalism.
Many of us who post here, myself included, were impressed with The President’s speech in Polska. Inspiring stuff. If your ears remained unmolested by leftist-media slime for a few hours it gave you something to think about. In a good way. Of course it didn’t take long for Beeby & friends to spin the words of the Prez out of all recognition. Liberals really do behave like lunatics. How do they function going about with that lefty-filter constantly turned on? Everything they hear seems to become to them twisted beyond reality, sanity or normality. As if they are suffering a mass-psychosis.
‘We write symphonies. We pursue innovation. We celebrate our ancient heroes, embrace our timeless traditions and customs, and always seek to explore and discover brand-new frontiers.
Mathematics, literature, art, sculpture, philosophy, mathematics, science, engineering, architecture – all of these in harmony, each supporting and inspiring the other, is a Symphony. Western civilisation is a symphony even without reference to music.
But lets consider symphony- music. Before the construction of cathedrals, single tone music was sufficient. But the understanding of stress, and fields of force, was the first leap in understanding a scientific concept. The understanding these invisible fields, and could collapse a large structure, was trhe first step in the much maligned Dark age. From this, the concept that scaling was not enough to create large buildings, with open spaces within. Once that was understood, the great Gothic cathedrals in France came about. The first great step in the creation of Western civilisation was made -in the construction of the Church.
Single tone music was no longer enough to fill such large cathedrals. Large structures with open spaces within, are averse to single tones. They create standing waves, which are a nuisance, and a pain in the ear. So a large array of pipes, each a tone, the organ, was created. From which followed the harmony of all these tones – a symphony.
Now listen to Arabic music. Its still in the medieval era. If Muslims created the symphony, they have forgotten it. But of course they didn’t create or sustain it, as music, art, literature, are Haraam in Islam. How much literature is created in the Muslim world? Or art?
Islam is a discordant tone in this symphony, and will lead to increasing discomfort as we try to harmonize a discordant and chaotic tone.
I read a long article on the BBC last night, about Poland mainly, it steadily but surely started to smear the polish, it made me laugh it honestly did, they are just so blatantly obvious.
Sense we`ve won whenever grown media slurpers go into Cosmopolitan territory such as “body language” or “whose hand dominates” “whose tie is bigger” etc. This is Cosmo 1969 crap-yet the idiot left regard it as somehow indicative of something they`re too chicken to yell out from under the gravestone where real news went to die.
Just laugh at them-these are quack soft sciences, might as well gossip over the washing line for all the purpose they bring to their secret gardens where no one wants to go any more.
The BBC are finished as long as they`re reduced to THIS kind of tittle tattle, c/o Laurie Taylors sock ironing service.
Guess that Mark Thompson is involved in this transatlantic mock up…but let`s hear no more talk of fake news as long as THIS gets released by way of “news content”.
The magic 8 ball with a social studies certificate and a days experience of doling out the Metro at Cannon St seems to be better than what CNN , the BBC and the Guardian tell me.
Trump was talking big adult stuff-we listened.
The media talk stuff to get the kids into their beds by way of contrast.
No coincidence that the latest smear campaign against the President comes after the Polish speech. The counter attack of the spoilt brats of the progressive middle class probably dimly realising it was a call to arms for the Westerners.
That will never do it might upset us proles and cut off the useless job flow and the magic money tree will end up cut down by an enraged citizenry.
The President showed real courage in making that speech and surely knew that it would arouse the ire of the entrenched useless cowards in our public life. So it has proved and our very own BBC has eagerly joined in.
I hope the President keeps his nerve and faces down the destroyers of civilisation. They are cowards at heart so he has a chance.
Toady watch
The minority work experience girl had a nice one sided chat with a democrat about his ( and her) enemy – Donald Trump.
I suppose the left is still going through the stages of grief with regard to the americans failure to elect a proper lefty career politician .
I stuck with the chat to the end to see if the republicans would be able to give their view but you can guess the silence .
The body language expert is just an insult to one’s intelligence, but Professor Margaret MacMillan is quite sound usually – her book The Peacemakers about the negotiations after the First World War is very good. The strange thing is that again and again Trump is proved right.
Trump is doing well.
He is causing convusions at Islsamic AlBeeb. Fatal convulsions, I hope.
Cast your minds back a few decades, we had another “amateur” POTUS, also despised by AlBeeb.
Well they would despise him, an anti Marxist, determined to lower taxes. An actor!
Well that actor, with a little help from saint Margaret, God Bless her, brought down the Iron Curtain.
I do not regard Putin as an enemy, but view Holy Mother Russia as an ally in the war against the real enemy without, the unspeakable Muzzies. Together with the unspeakable enemy within, AlBeeb and co.
Trump for re-election! Followed by two terms of Mrs Trump, followed by two terms of Master Trump, please.
That should be enough time to put Islam back in the Paleolithic and the Lefties in their graves.
One Presidential visit to the UK every month please, until Broadcasting House, with its bright red, poisonous, sub-human interior cladding, does a Grenfell. A proper Grenfell, no survivors.
I do not regard Putin as an enemy, but view Holy Mother Russia as an ally in the war against the real enemy without, the unspeakable Muzzies. Together with the unspeakable enemy within, AlBeeb and co.
I agree. Russia has been the defender of Christian faith. Pres Putin has it clear that he rgards Islam as a threwat to European/Western civilisation.
My conjecture is that the Lefty totalitarians see a possible alliance of Russia and Trump’s America as an existential threat to their Islamic allies. Hence this “Russian” supposed meddling in elections in America. And now in Germany, France, and possibly Brexit.
Search Biased BBC
Recent Comments
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Lefty WrightFeb 23, 21:45 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Mark The lady is absolutely correct but her message has fallen on deaf ears in the U.K.
BRISSLESFeb 23, 21:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Good interview on GBN with Lord Toby Young ( free speech union) on this case.
“Putin held back ”
In other words Trump was first .
When I’m despondent at the spectacle of those elected and appointed to defend and protect us, have betrayed us, I view this
Thank you.
I don’t think it could mean anything to those Trots and Jihadists in the BBC
That is wonderful and truly uplifting. A Christian vision of hope and expectation. Thank you for posting it.
Be careful, NCBBC, be very, very careful or you will be howled down for being a disgusting Racist.
In his Trump spoke of Western Culture having, amongst many other things, of having given the world orchestral Music. In yet another pathetic attempt to denigrate Trump by indicating he was just parroting from a speech written for him by racist and is so stupid he just repeats the words without having a clue about what he is actually saying.
Praising Western Orchestral Music, is seems, should be considered an act of Racism, presumably because it was mainly created by the most hated group of all, White, Male Europeans. Disgusting, disgraceful, shocking, vile creatures, they should be excluded from decent society and their achievements must never be mentioned, let alone praised.
Boy, aren’t the Leftists and their media propagandists really scraping the bottom of the barrel with rubbish.
“What worries me is that part of the enemy is seen as those who live among us… Islam, or Islamic fundamentalism, is [as presented by Trump] in some way a threat”
Professor of Stupidity more like. Anybody who pays to be taught by her is a fool. No wonder the Labour Party want to force the tax payer to fund them.
GWF, Wild
Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Italy, through negligence or stupidity, have imported an “enemy within”. America ( Pres Trump) has made it clear to them, that it will defend only those countries that have the desire to be free. West EU countries now have to have an EU army, for they might not meet the the Trump Test.
Scroll down to the bottom.
The Visigrad nations don’t have an “enemy within”, and no intentions to have one any time soon. They face Russia, and only America has the capability to checkmate that threat. They give two fingers to the EU, as they have no desire to have an “enemy within”. They desire to be free from the Russian and the RoP threat. They pass the Trump Test.
The EU dare not go too far opposing Trump, in the hope that the American MSM will come to their rescue. The MSM is all sound and fury while Pres Trump is the CinC of all US forces. The Battle Hymn of the Republic above.
In order to slander and damage the President, they are even prepared to turn into a third rate gossip tabloid-like shite. They are now openly the opposition to Trump, Brexit, anyone who is not a Soros puppet or simply anyone who does not follow the obama/eu/no borders/common purpose agenda aimed at turning the west into a bad copy of the ancient egypt regime
Our Justin managed to demean trump with regard to birth control/ killing babies through abortion this morning whilst chatting to lady Gates of Microsoft. What our Justin didn’t mention was that Trunp was elected because of his beliefs about killing babies via abortion and birth control. So much democracy eh Justin. Has to be your version of democracy doesn’t it Mr beeboid ?
Dannatt is either an idiot or a liar. Is he really so ignorant about the real world ?
BBC is running an Islam and Science program. Its full of made up nonsense. Even the slightest bit of use of Greek mathematics by Muslims is taken as Islam being the originator of mathematics.
Mathematics has a long history of development in Greece, China, India and Mesopotamia.
To be fair, the Arabs did introduce the decimal number system and the concept of zero to Europe. But both these inventions were the product of Hindu mathematicians. The Arabs were the messengers rather then the originators of the message.
The one mathematician that the Arabs claim as their own is Al-Khwarizmi. But even in the field of Algebra, the Greeks and Hindus, several centuries prior to Al-Khwarizmi, were more advanced then he. For instance Al-Khwarizmi solved quadratics but these were developed by the Hindu mathematicians who gave general solutions rather then particular ones. Given the trade routes of the time, it is conceivable that Al-Khwarizmi got most of what he wrote from India. It is also conjectured that Al-Khwarizmi travelled to India to study Maths. Quite possible.
Given the primitive times, it is unlikely we will ever know the exact truth, but I find the Arab /muslim mentality of stealing other people’s ideas and claiming it as their own, very distasteful, though it seems to go with the general nature of Arab tribal society, where brigandage is considered a honourable profession. It is unfortunate that such a trait persists even to the modern era. The BBC encourages false claims, and fake science viz AGW..
It is very diffucult to really secure a factual history of ancient Mathematics. So much of it was tied to philosophy, music or even meditation. But if one had to mark one event, then it has to be Pythagoras’s theorem. In this one theorem, one moves from rhetoric to proof. As G.H.Hardy, one of 20th centuries greatest mathematicians put it, “All mathematics is but a footnote to Pythagoras”.
But sticking to what is germane, it is a fact that invention, and particularly invention in abstract thought, arises only in settled societies. This is plainly obvious, as a nomadic herder society, just does not have the resource or the time to sustain an individual’s indulgence in abstract thought. OTH, a settled society does and encourages individuals in this mode of activity. Thus all the great inventions of mankind arise only from settled societies and none from the nomadic tribal ones. Arabs who were the first muslims, until the nineteenth century, essentially tribal nomadic societies. One sees this even now in wealthy Saudi Arabia, as rich Saudis play/pretend being nomads. Have Saudis, given all the wealth and as a consequence, the free time they have, invented anything of significance in the last few decades?
What is so disheartening is that by constant repetition of a lie (AGW is another example), even Westerners have been duped into thinking of Arabs/muslims being the progenitors of a civilisation. The Arab muslims were conquerors of civilisations because they had islam as a politico-religious ideology, which was ideally suited for warfare i.e. unity of an idea that they were destined to win, clear lines of command from allah down and a divinely ordained distribution of booty coming to you, in case you fell in combat, even in paradise. Having conquered though, it was not long before the civilisation that they conquered, died from atrophy, neglect and the inability to think freely in an Islamic society.
Now I wonder of th BBC will have Horizin programns on
1. Christianity/Catholocism and Science & Mathematics
2. Hinduism and Science & Mathematics
3. Confucious/Taoism and Science & Mathematics
4. Shintoism and Science & Mathematics
If not, why not, as the above philosophies have far greater claim on invention then Islam.
NCBBC, thank you for one of the most salient comments posted here.
It’s only the wahabi head bangers in al beeb doing their propaganda bit for the evil mo. Wonder if al beeb will do a doc on the development of the suicide vest or ” watchdog” on the cost of single flights to Turkey ?
This is the standard BBC approach to dealing with political trend they don’t approve of. The more vicious and sustained the attack the greater the threat to their liberal Utopia that they perceive. Attack the leader 24/7 in every so called news and current affairs format, mock them in every so called comedy show , lie about them personally and their political aims and views, treat these smears as fact etc. Then start on their family life and key supporters. You need to be made of strong stuff to be able to put up with this for months on end and of course many of the public will take the view that there is no smoke without fire , and mud sticks. All of this paid for by the LF payer and allowed to run year after year by the timid Tories who are so often the victim of this treatment.
President Trump is of course treated to the same liberal left media play book in the USA but at least there the would be assassins are not paid by the tax payer to indulge in their travesty of fair and accurate journalism.
Many of us who post here, myself included, were impressed with The President’s speech in Polska. Inspiring stuff. If your ears remained unmolested by leftist-media slime for a few hours it gave you something to think about. In a good way. Of course it didn’t take long for Beeby & friends to spin the words of the Prez out of all recognition. Liberals really do behave like lunatics. How do they function going about with that lefty-filter constantly turned on? Everything they hear seems to become to them twisted beyond reality, sanity or normality. As if they are suffering a mass-psychosis.
Someone may have posted this elsewhere, Mark Steyn commented on the President’s speech & the reaction of the loony liberal meeja. https://www.steynonline.com/7971/lutey-tunes
He links this article which is also a good read: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2017/07/its-true-liberals-hate-western-civilization.php
‘We write symphonies. We pursue innovation. We celebrate our ancient heroes, embrace our timeless traditions and customs, and always seek to explore and discover brand-new frontiers.
Mathematics, literature, art, sculpture, philosophy, mathematics, science, engineering, architecture – all of these in harmony, each supporting and inspiring the other, is a Symphony. Western civilisation is a symphony even without reference to music.
But lets consider symphony- music. Before the construction of cathedrals, single tone music was sufficient. But the understanding of stress, and fields of force, was the first leap in understanding a scientific concept. The understanding these invisible fields, and could collapse a large structure, was trhe first step in the much maligned Dark age. From this, the concept that scaling was not enough to create large buildings, with open spaces within. Once that was understood, the great Gothic cathedrals in France came about. The first great step in the creation of Western civilisation was made -in the construction of the Church.
Single tone music was no longer enough to fill such large cathedrals. Large structures with open spaces within, are averse to single tones. They create standing waves, which are a nuisance, and a pain in the ear. So a large array of pipes, each a tone, the organ, was created. From which followed the harmony of all these tones – a symphony.
Now listen to Arabic music. Its still in the medieval era. If Muslims created the symphony, they have forgotten it. But of course they didn’t create or sustain it, as music, art, literature, are Haraam in Islam. How much literature is created in the Muslim world? Or art?
Islam is a discordant tone in this symphony, and will lead to increasing discomfort as we try to harmonize a discordant and chaotic tone.
Ditto to my above comment, NCBBC, you’ve done it again.
Thanks for the link
This had me rolling
Then Mohammed showed up and that was the day the music died: Drove my camel to the wadi, but the wadi was dry.
Too bloody brilliant.
And in the streets, the children screamed
The lovers cried and the poets dreamed
But not a word was spoken
The church bells all were broken
And the three men I admire most
The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died
They were singing bye, bye, Miss American Pie…
Bitter sweet lyrics.
Thanks for that NCBBC … weren’t we all beautiful when we were young ?
I read a long article on the BBC last night, about Poland mainly, it steadily but surely started to smear the polish, it made me laugh it honestly did, they are just so blatantly obvious.
Sense we`ve won whenever grown media slurpers go into Cosmopolitan territory such as “body language” or “whose hand dominates” “whose tie is bigger” etc. This is Cosmo 1969 crap-yet the idiot left regard it as somehow indicative of something they`re too chicken to yell out from under the gravestone where real news went to die.
Just laugh at them-these are quack soft sciences, might as well gossip over the washing line for all the purpose they bring to their secret gardens where no one wants to go any more.
The BBC are finished as long as they`re reduced to THIS kind of tittle tattle, c/o Laurie Taylors sock ironing service.
Guess that Mark Thompson is involved in this transatlantic mock up…but let`s hear no more talk of fake news as long as THIS gets released by way of “news content”.
The magic 8 ball with a social studies certificate and a days experience of doling out the Metro at Cannon St seems to be better than what CNN , the BBC and the Guardian tell me.
Trump was talking big adult stuff-we listened.
The media talk stuff to get the kids into their beds by way of contrast.
No coincidence that the latest smear campaign against the President comes after the Polish speech. The counter attack of the spoilt brats of the progressive middle class probably dimly realising it was a call to arms for the Westerners.
That will never do it might upset us proles and cut off the useless job flow and the magic money tree will end up cut down by an enraged citizenry.
The President showed real courage in making that speech and surely knew that it would arouse the ire of the entrenched useless cowards in our public life. So it has proved and our very own BBC has eagerly joined in.
I hope the President keeps his nerve and faces down the destroyers of civilisation. They are cowards at heart so he has a chance.
Toady watch
The minority work experience girl had a nice one sided chat with a democrat about his ( and her) enemy – Donald Trump.
I suppose the left is still going through the stages of grief with regard to the americans failure to elect a proper lefty career politician .
I stuck with the chat to the end to see if the republicans would be able to give their view but you can guess the silence .
GWF, Expat John
Thank you too.
The body language expert is just an insult to one’s intelligence, but Professor Margaret MacMillan is quite sound usually – her book The Peacemakers about the negotiations after the First World War is very good. The strange thing is that again and again Trump is proved right.
Trump is doing well.
He is causing convusions at Islsamic AlBeeb. Fatal convulsions, I hope.
Cast your minds back a few decades, we had another “amateur” POTUS, also despised by AlBeeb.
Well they would despise him, an anti Marxist, determined to lower taxes. An actor!
Well that actor, with a little help from saint Margaret, God Bless her, brought down the Iron Curtain.
I do not regard Putin as an enemy, but view Holy Mother Russia as an ally in the war against the real enemy without, the unspeakable Muzzies. Together with the unspeakable enemy within, AlBeeb and co.
Trump for re-election! Followed by two terms of Mrs Trump, followed by two terms of Master Trump, please.
That should be enough time to put Islam back in the Paleolithic and the Lefties in their graves.
One Presidential visit to the UK every month please, until Broadcasting House, with its bright red, poisonous, sub-human interior cladding, does a Grenfell. A proper Grenfell, no survivors.
I do not regard Putin as an enemy, but view Holy Mother Russia as an ally in the war against the real enemy without, the unspeakable Muzzies. Together with the unspeakable enemy within, AlBeeb and co.
I agree. Russia has been the defender of Christian faith. Pres Putin has it clear that he rgards Islam as a threwat to European/Western civilisation.
My conjecture is that the Lefty totalitarians see a possible alliance of Russia and Trump’s America as an existential threat to their Islamic allies. Hence this “Russian” supposed meddling in elections in America. And now in Germany, France, and possibly Brexit.