BBC news says refugees in Greece are setting up a dairy farm! Isn’t that fantastic! Clearly if they came here they would spend all their time farming, writing symphonies and curating museums. This segues to a local report about how A and E locally is busier than ever. Obviously this has no link whatsoever with open borders, as all immigrants are superhuman from all that milk they farm – and they are probably mostly doctors anyway and we could do with more of those.
If anyone points out that the facts do not fit their narrative, they can just inform your employer and ruin your life for being ‘objectionable.’ Not all ‘refugees’ are going to become milk farmers? How hateful! Facts over narrative? Hate speech!
In the real world, it takes a serious amount of investment to set up a dairy farm. The cost of the land, premises, cows, machinery to milk the cows efficiently, fodder to ensure animal health in high temperatures and other resource that all needs to be paid, or paid for. That is before compliance with regulation is taken into account.
Most people, if they want to proceed with this endeavour, need to raise the capital, and in part must convince funders that they have the will and ability to see the operation into a success, as well as have the ability to articulate where revenues will come from and outline potential profitability sustainability etc.
I haven’t seen the BBC News article referred to, but I wonder if they indicate how these refugees overcome the barriers to entry in this market, which one might think are quite high given that Greece is not short of farmers already?
Probably not, but then there’s probably not much truth in the underlying story at all.
Like so much political correctness, it has all the intellectual rigour of a nursery rhyme. Milk farmers already have a terrible time I can’t imagine they would want more competition.
Who cares about bigoted reality when it just sounds so lovely? Refugees putting milk on your cereal! Throw in some honey paid for by licence fee payers and we will have heaven on Earth.
Pull the udder one it sounds abit cheesy to me, the cream of BBC journalism, gets on my tits, buttering us up with this sour pint of piss,.. Lord Haw-l haw-l should be put out to pasture for that Greek tragedy..
BB – Obviously the “refugees” are turning Greece into the land of milk and honey. I wonder whether the “delightfully posh” sounding Emma Jane Kirby will rush to Greece and write another great book. – maybe something like the “The Goat Nipple squeezers of Lesbos ” – might be another great seller in Islington truly a book of passion and hope.
I suspect the GBC (The Grenfell Broadcasting Corporation ) probably covered this particular “story” to give us sheep a little bit of variety away from our current diet which seems to consist of trying to drag down the Government and get Comrade Jezza installed, lubricated to power via all the carbonized bodies of Grenfell Towers.
Grenfell is all we ever bloody hear about these days . Yes its sad but Im sorry life goes on and people need to grieve in peace – or at least used to. All this constant phony emoting is becoming quite nauseating but it seems to be a bandwagon which pretty much every politician is forced to jump onto or risk being pilloried by the GBC as uncaring. Do you know what – I dont care anymore but neither do I give a flying F### about the GBC and what it thinks. This organisation has reduced our nation to collection of willful bedwetting infants and crybabies who always demand and expect and want mummy to tell the nasty man off! – but are incapable of just accepting life as it is – sometimes good/ sometimes bad
Yesterday on Toady I even heard a reporter asking a Grenfel “fireperson” – “Do you ever think about the life of the person whos body you are extracting” – Of course he said the right answer which was to distance himself a bit from it. Christ what did they hope he was going to say – something like “Yeah we all sit down and have a group cry and think about this poor man/woman/non binary person who was killed by the callous Tories – then we all get up and have a group hug and sing the Internationale and carry on then hug and cry some more.
What utter shite reporting!
And what an absolute shower of shite the BBC is these days!
Oak you are spot on . The truth is that after decades of a diet of BBC liberal left propaganda many people in this country find this emoting to be the norm and what is expected of them. This allows the BBC to play them like a violin. The BBC is the puppet master and the snowflakes , and often their parents , are the puppets. If you don’t obey the BBC command to emote then you must be a callous, far right racist, or at least a hateful Tory. Social media has exacerbated this trendy emoting as unless you as a minimum ‘ like’ an emoting message you become a social media outcast. Once the liberal left elite gain censorship powers over the net, which looks ever more likely, there will no possibility of preventing the likes of the BBC from further moulding the opinions of our country to ones more suited to their liberal left Utopia.
They do not ‘report’ – they emote, propaghandise and virtue signal. ‘Objectivity’ probably counts as hate speech these days, though without the capacity to be objective we are blind and lame, groping in the darkness towards oblivion.
Why not crunch some data? How many refugees are employed? In surveys, do they share our key values about women, the rule of law et cetera? What substantive steps can we take to help people integrate and adjust to such a different culture?
Nah – that sounds too much like hard work. Let’s just fly a load of us out to a pretty part of Greece and have a free holiday paid for us by the mugs who will bear the brunt of mass immigration. Let’s find a pretty girl to talk to us about something warm and fluffy like milk farming and the job’s a good’un! Superb work. Nothing could possibly goes wrong. If anyone points out any obvious problems, just get them arrested for thought crime! Everyone is a winner!
On pmq’s and shows like qt we keep hearing politicians coming out with the “our thoughts and prayers are with…..(insert latest tragedy)” and like on pmq’s, if one of them misses some tragedy but another gets it in then the others have to repeat their thoughts and prayers bit.
I don’t believe any of them really care but they have to say it to appease the permanently outraged at everything mob who will accuse them of ‘not caring’
They should be able to do their debating without all of this righteousness.
I’d love a politician to stand up and say something along the lines of ” I agree with all the other virtue signallers and my thoughts and prayers etc……”
Still, it gets them a cheap round of applause by the lefty attention seekers in the biased audiences.
Maybe we have some ‘bone fide’ journalists here who can confirm; but I assumed being a ‘journalist/reporter’ was just one job whether for tv or the press. Only in the last few days I’ve read on a couple of occasions that so and so has done a “tv journalism course” at Yuni/College, so clearly there appears to be a distinction between the two mediums.
I believe for press reporting there are 4 points of reference – What, Where, Why, Who; so is there a different mindset for tv ?
The tv journalism may explain why the opening gambit with many reporters is “how do you feel ?”. Last night on Sky, there was live reporting from Lesbos at the latest ‘Egyptian’ migrants arriving from Turkey. Immediately the reporter thrust a mic under the traveller’s nose and said “How do you feel ? you’ve arrived in Europe “. At sporting events when athletes are on the point of collapse at the finish line, its always ‘how do you feel ? ‘. So emoting is the number one priority on the tele.
Indeed. Prior to the World Cup in Brazil there was a minor accident while building the football stadium in far off Manaus. One man was killed, but the BBC newsreader ended the piece by saying “our thoughts and prayers are with the construction worker’s friends and family”. As if.
Yes Emmanuel ,
Grates on me too . The only thing a politicians thoughts and prayers are with is their career and bank balance.
I once tried to explain that they are politicians first ,humans 2nd, male female or whatever else next and then prefer one sort of sex or another.
And they are all on the greasy Eastern European immigrant (pole)
‘Objectivity’ probably counts as hate speech these days.
Not probably, definitely.
University professor John Caputo said publicly in 2015 that “reason is a white male Euro-Christian construction”, along with more vacuous self-hating delusions. Any rational thought is an act of bigotry, according to the Left, as it is tainted by your background and ethnicity.
Without reason and objectivity we are indeed lost, which is how the Left wants us to be.
Isn’t it great when MPs tweet an image of Grenfell Tower with the words JUSTICE written above it? Excellent problem solving skills there. All we need to do is point a few more fingers, say how nasty the Tories are and have a big cuddle and nothing bad will ever happen again.
An old rhetorical trick was reductio ad absurdam; if you can show that the results of a premise lead to absurdity then that premise is absurd and thus refuted. A typical example is that the Earth cannot be flat or people could fall off the edge.
Now when we see absurdity abounding due to the patently absurd premise that ‘all cultures are equal’, we are told we must ‘celebrate’ this absurdity; ‘absurdity’ almost sounds like one of the cool buzz words we have shoved down our throats like ‘vibrancy’ and ‘celebrate difference.’ We are told that absurdity is an aspiration, when in fact no civilisation can survive long if they have no sense of tradition and shared values.
Isn’t it great when MPs tweet an image of Grenfell Tower with the words JUSTICE written above it? Excellent problem solving skills there. All we need to do is point a few more fingers, say how nasty the Tories are and have a big cuddle and nothing bad will ever happen again.
Also like yesterday’s article describing in detail the cyanide poisoning of some who got out. Very bad, sad etc…but I felt like it was just paving the way for us to expect compensation claims. None of this would be reported or considered important in a fire of a private residence.
Fire-related carbon monoxide is more frequently a killer than cyanide poisoning from polyurethane; and, if it doesn’t kill you, short-term cyanide poisoning just leads to a temporary headache. Two paracetamol tablets is the only compensation needed.
It is time the media focussed on the quiet survivors, who just want to get on with their lives, and the families mourning quietly for the missing; not the attention-seekers more interested in their £2000 for a 30-second TV interview.
Yes they’ve turned it into a model version of the Lawrence murder . Kid gets stabbed to death by another kid in sarrf London . Happens about once a month. But al beeb and the race grievance industry turn it into an anti whitee gravy train.
Same is happening with the tower block . Some dodery old retired judge will call into ‘ institutional something or other’ and we ll be hearing al beeb doing anniversaries from now until the North Koreans or Muslims nuke us.
When a reporter is talking to a male player, then the context is clearly that he is talking about male players. There may have been American women, doubles or mixed doubles or indeed disabled players who had got to the semi-final as well, but the reporter was talking to a male player about men’s tennis.
Andy Murray is the living proof that it is never hard to tell the difference between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine.
Amazing how despite being married and kidded ? He still seems like a spoilt brat . Maybe it’s common with sports types – the Hamilton racing driver is similarly in absence of grace. Al beeb love them though – like Mohammed Farrah .
Hey, Rob. Steady on. I can assure you that not all of we Scots are fans of Murray. He lives quite near my village here in Scotland. Well, sometimes. He is not very popular with the locals. But his mother is even more disliked !
The American reporter was talking about men’s tennis miserable Murray was talking about tennis . It was not a female gender issue or anything else unless you were looking to beat men over the head with feminism again. I am a chap who doesn’t play tennis by the way.
Please someone correct me
During the Brexit campaign the promise of £350 million a week being back to Britain was just that. It wasn’t claimed to all go to the NHS but was availed for Britain to spend how it chooses.
I ask this cos listening to al Beeb – beeboids repeat the £350 million to the NHS again and again. The falsehood has become true by repetition. Am I wrong.
They were all, on the Remain side, taken in by that £350 million for the NHS claim. Even though they voted Remain they believe that all the Leave voters also believed it to be a Governmental promise for £350 million per week for the NHS and voted accordingly.
However, we Leave voters are not that stupid despite being portrayed as such by Remain voters.
We had noticed that David Cameron, the Prime Minister, and his Chancellor, George Osborne, were both campaigning for a Remain vote. We therefore knew that if the Remain side won, we would not get £350m p/w for the NHS and if we won & left the EU, we would still not get £350m p/w for the NHS because the PM & Chancellor were the ones responsible for the Budget and they were both ‘Bremainers’.
I do tire so much when the BBC and people on QT keep going on about the Brexit bus.
It wasn’t a lie. It was just an example that you could spend money on A, if you weren’t spending it on B.
No different from saying to a gambler or an alcoholic ‘if you didn’t waste all that cash on the dogs or the bottle, you could take your kids on holiday or buy that car’. The thing that upset the Remainers is that the emotive ‘thing’ that was suggested you COULD spend the money on was the NHS, the ultimate emotional trump card.
If my memory serves me the message on the bus was ‘LETS spend £350 million on the NHS’. The implication being that we would be spending that money on health, it would have been better if they’d put ‘Lets spend £350 million on the Police’ on the other side of the bus, thus showing that the message was all about having the extra money to spend as we see fit, not how the EU tells us.
Of course the Remoaners know exactly what was meant by that message, but are still trying to persuade themselves that leave voters misunderstood the message, thus somehow making their vote null and void.
They of course never mention the out and out lies, told by Osbourne et al. Third World war, thousands of extra pounds cost to each family, total collapse of the economy, etc.
And could you imagine if after every election the posters and battle buses were found to have a slightly misleading message (if you are a total thicko and don’t under stand the difference between lets and we will). Would they have to be rerun because shock horror, MP’s and their spin Drs are not always transparently straightforward.
Just seen that Payne made the same point only more succinctly before me…
It’s interesting isn’t it how Remainers as well as being tolerant and fair and well educated are also capable of understanding the motivations and reasons for how someone with an opinion diametrically opposed to them would have voted.
Thank you Marky – so as I thought it’s not a direct promise to pump the money into the NHS . Personally I’d put into identity cards or border controls and defence .
If I understand it correctly, the remainers thought we didn’t know what we were voting for.
If a percentage of us 52% were muddled or too thick to know what we were doing, doesn’t it follow that a similar percentage of the 48% would be the same.
The two idiot groups would cancel each other out.
Do the remainers think only us brexiteers are stupid and remainers are clever.
I really think that they have fooled themselves into believing their own propaganda even though it’s been shown to be complete rubbish.
Such a pity that so many of this lot are in positions to damage Brexit (prime minister, chancellor, Morgan, all the other parties and most of the politicians)
Do you think those who didn’t vote, but could have, should be included in the final EU Referendum Result?
If so does this apply: “Leave the EU” + “Happy Either Way” @65%
“Remain in the EU” @35%
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
Question … why does it matter? If the teacher is good, is that enough? Does this apply to religious beliefs? If race doesn’t matter aren’t they making difference in teachers a race issue? Do schools with more BME (term which creates division) have better results?
Yep : todays BBC/Labour PR team Keep Up the Pressure propaganda event
“Schools need 68,000 extra BME teachers to reflect population”
Pupil Black Johnny – “I think there are too many WHITE teachers in my school”
…. Media “Very GOOD , you are on BBC at 8:30, Sky at 8:50 then on the Victoria special at 10”
Pupil White Johnny – “I think there are too many BAME teachers in my school”
…. Media “Very BAD , we have phoned The Prevent prog to tell them about this Far Right Extremism”
“27% of pupils are BAME (don’t believe that)
… 13% of teachers are ”
Bottomline 1 demographics of older people like teachers, don’t match that of younger people
that’s why there are less BAME top judges etc,
Bottomline 2 demographics PARTICULAR JOBS don’t match demographic of general population.
eg1 Much more NHS staff/doctors are BAME than general population
eg2 Much more primary school teachers are female than general population
eg3 Much more nurses are female than general population
eg4 Much more dangerous jobs are MALE than general population
eg5 A bit more farmers are WHITE than general population
Royal Family is over representative of white people … too many dogs in the canine family, not sure how the BBC will sort that one out?
I’ll create a new pro-noun ‘Cog’ – a cat that wants to be a dog. Sorted …. language manipulation is the cure to actually doing anything in reality!
27% of pupils are BAME.
It could be true. Just look at London, 27%? 72% may be nearer the mark.
I recently visited a local secondary school (white british under 7%) student art exhibition.
There was no picture at all of a white british person but plenty of Asians and Muslims.
The battle for a predominant British culture is lost in many areas. In those that remain we just have to hope that some level of cultural integration will still be possible. Many third generation Afro caribbean and asia Indians show signs of being willing to play the game. We have to hope that will continue at a faster rate than the incoming immigrants who refuse to do so.
The whole argument that professionals must have the same skin colour as those they serve is preposterous. I taught at a school that was 99% Asian and to be honest I thought most of the staff being white might be a problem. Not once was it an issue. How fantastic is that? Why can’t the Beeb report on something positive like that? The only problem was pupils of a certain religion often not respecting female teachers, but obviously dealing with actual facts rather than wholly imagined racial issues is anathema to Al Beeb.
The truth is the truth regardless of who says it. My contract law lecturer was black. Does that mean what he taught me about misrepresention is not true because we have different skin colour? The whole premise is so moronic and anti-intellectual. No kid I successfully taught French would care that we have different skin colour. It is a French lesson for f**k’s sake, not a bloody civil rights march.
Why are they so obsessed with skin colour? I thought they were against racism.
They had the same argument about the Police: if we had more BAME officers, ‘communities’ would respect them more. Surely if you are intent on criminality the skin colour of whoever might arrest you does not enter into your considerations?
“All that easy money and status would be great, and my poverty and nepotism precludes me from joining top professions like the media, but – look! More black officers! That has destroyed all the known motivations to commit crime. Now I am going to stay in, read the entire Western canon and become an academic because I just saw a black Police officer!”
Lo and behold, there is a more diverse Police force than ever yet knife and gang crime are worse than they have ever been.
They forever moan about there not being enough funding for things and the need to end austerity, but how many billions are wasted on pointless SJW crusades like this which help nobody? Why create a problem where there is not one? I do not care that every psychiatrist I have seen has been Asian because they have all been good at their jobs. We should be judged by the content of our characters, not the colour of our f**king skin!
Well said, Beeb Brother. Reports such as this expose the BBC for what it really is: an ideologically motivated political machine whose aim is to indoctrinate and influence cultural, social and political worldviews rather than report facts.
The BBC don’t apply the same argument the other way around.
The UK has a lot of BME doctors and nurses but the BBC will never run an article saying “Hospitals need ??,000 extra WHITE doctors and nurses to reflect population”
Had one ear on the radio this morning, they were talking about schools, standards and failing schools etc…and i thought?…no…can’t be….it is…Bloody Nick Clegg substituting an absent guest it seems…Clegg! ?….why?…he’s obviously still a darling as far as the BBC are concerned it seems….usual rubbish coming out of his mouth…dire.
If a psychotherapist cannot empathise with a patient and establish a rapport, the process does not work. If you talk about your problems with alcohol or homosexuality and wanting to write plays with someone for whom all those things are forbidden by their culture how can he empathise with your position?
Thus many times I have had people spouting text book learned phrases like ‘maladaptive coping strategy’ from someone who clearly had no idea whatsoever what I was dealing with as it was so alien to him. With so many therapists I did not bother as it was a complete waste of time. The breakthrough came when I saw someone who shared a similar upbringing and outlook to me.
The over-representation of certain minorities in psychiatry is a very real problem, but to discuss such matters is thought crime. Who cares if so many white men are killing themselves? They do not matter.
Nor does the al beeb wonder what’s happening to medical services where these people are coming from or whether their education is always up to a professional standard.
Note: I am not intending to denigrate any fully qualified medic who chooses a career in Blighty .
Fact is that there aren’t enough BAME individuals applying for roles such as the services, teaching, police. The question is, ‘why is that?’ My opinion, for what its worth, is that those kind of roles are associated correctly with the State and, to pinch a word, thats, ‘haram’. But if conscription needed to be introduced immediately, all and every flight would be booked completely out of Heathrow.
Let them be bloody teachers if they want – it is f**king hard work! Then maybe I could land a cushy job as a footballer, diversity officer or BBC presenter. With any profession you have a massive competitive advantage if you are BAME.
The Beeb want to imagine a world where many minorities want to teach but are prevented by ‘structural racism.’ In reality they probably just want to avoid all the abuse and stress you get as a teacher – a stress that is magnified by having to cater for so many different cultures in modern comps. It’s incredible that no matter how hard you work the Beeb still stick it to whitie!
Beeb brother
I sometimes try to step out of the time we are in and wonder what those is – say – 100 plus years will think of us. Shallow ideas about colour needing to reflect this or that – you know -that kind of thing – meaningless expressions of sympathy “our thoughts are with” and many others which I hope our betters in the future will laugh about.
The bBC spends an inordinate amount of time and effort telling me that Islamic females in the West must cover up as mandated by Allah yet an article on female cricket in Pakistan shows not one women in the national team covering up: Sana Mir, Pakistan’s female cricket star
and here is the entire team:
As Pakistan is an Islamic country with a population that is 95-97% Islamic, does this mean that the Muslims in the West have been lying to us all?
Notice something else that separates them from their western cousins , not one fugly one amongst them
That’s a fit team, Pounce, in all senses of the word.
Makes the England men’s team of a few years ago look positively obese. Which they probably were and was why they were getting beat in three days of a five day Test.
I am really trying to limit exposure to all al beeb but apparently they are having a gay week ? Celebrating some anniversary .
I recall that 10%? Of the population is homosexual – if that is the case is al beeb having weeks celebrating other groups of 10% ? Such as me as I’m over 6 foot – tall week – a celebration of height ?
I obviously can’t shout about it too loudly as I don’t pay a licence tax . Perhaps they could have a non tv payers week?
“I recall that 10%? ”
nope proper stats from ONS say 1.7%
Of course they seem to go in for certain professions and locations
..that’s why many gays think the number is much highers that 1.7 %
Hell Stew;
Just goes to show – I thought I was pretty resistant to the homo propaganda but had convinced myself wrongly about the 10 per cent. The official figures make al Beebs support the perversion even more biased.
Suppose it because the “arts” tend to attract a disproportionate number of homosexual people. I will not use their nomenclature on principal.
The part-time M/s Kuenssberg turns up for a bit of high speed work on the TOADY Programme (R4 post-8am News after Nick’s interview with Stephen Baker MP) rubbishing Brexit and creating mountains out of molehills for Theresa May to climb.
She gabbles away about how democracy inside Westminster may just provide an upset for democracy outside Westminster, perhaps so she can disappear as quickly as possible back to her seat at Wimbledon or garden in Scotland.
N. Robinson was monstrously antagonistic to Steve Baker this morning, his behaviour straying far beyond acceptability in interviewing. He clearly set out to damage Steve Baker by sneering and smearing, and even wheeled out a 7-year-old remark by Baker about the EU. Happily, Baker well coped with the Robinson onslaught, and remained polite, articulate and forthright. Regarding the withdrawal from Euratom, one only has to turn to RAEN to discover that Steve Baker was absolutely correct in his assertion that a withdrawal from Euratom will not prevent the UK obtaining radioactive isotopes for medical treatments, and Robinson’s sneering at Steve Baker’s statement was complete unjustified.
The first link interviewee says “ have to ask yourself… is there anything worse than being burned to death… yes having no remains”. WTF? That’s the problem with society today. Whenever someone dies or suffers you can guarantee someone who didn’t die or suffer will attempt to get all the sympathy for themselves.
This started with “mourning sickness” for Lady Diana’s funeral when total idiots traveled to London to be filmed crying on live TV trying to prove their loss was greater than Diana’s.
All those BBC interviews are heavily edited so the interviewee is saying “you killed” with no explanation of who “you” is. The BBC have been building the narrative that the fire was caused by Theressa May alone and this interviews just reinforce that narrative.
Ms Morris’s ‘As well hidden as a black person in a woodpile’ quote.
Ms Morris was suspended the Tory whip, not for what she said, but because a battered and bloodied party leader was punching wildly, in the face of a partial and bullying national media, whose behaviour is increasingly harming this nation’s democracy. In short, Ms Morris was sentenced by the BBC and the rest of the lets-beef-up-the-news brigade.
It is TRIAL BY A PARTIAL MEDIA, and that is the crime against which we should rage.
In England, young black men and women are rightly proud of their genetic heritage, are proud to be called black, are proud to be called n****r; are proud to call their black friends black; and proud to call them n****r. It is not a crime for a black youth to call their black friend n****r, for words in themselves are not inherently racially abusive.
The tests for verbal racism are either: Is the word used in a racially abusive context? or Is the word likely to offend any fair-minded person?
In Ms Morris’s case, she used the N-word in a long-established colloquial phrase that was simply comparing two opposites, a black face and pile of white wood. Although the phrase, like another offensive phrase ‘touched with the tar-brush’, may stem from Britain’s colonial past (with its some ‘good influences’ and many buts), Ms Morris did not have in her mind any black person when she used the fatal word. She did not use the word in a racially abusive context.
But a single word can hurt. My mother had uncertain paternity, and was farmed out from one-month’s age. She spent her childhood having the word bastard spat at her. In her later years, in the 1960s the word bastard was widely used in daily speech as a careless adjunct; if someone tripped over, they were a ‘careless bastard’. No-one was offended, except my mother, who alternately wept and raged when she heard the word.
The reason that I am using asterisks to spell n****r, is not only that I fear an electronic big brother might censor this post, but because I recognize that many older fair-minded black people are offended by THAT WORD OF ITSELF, in whatever context, perhaps because of the way we have heard the word spat out by southern-state-accented white men and women in American films. Ms Morris fails on this count alone, as must every black youth who uses that word when an older black person might hear.
However, Ms Morris’s offence is a single instance of verbal negligence. I believe a fair judgement for this first offence should have been a verbal or written warning.
Last night on C4 there was another back racist saying “of course she should resign”
Right imagine you are teaching a mixed class
#1 Pupil Marie accidentally says a TABOO word
#2 Pupil Diane says openly racist things a few times
#3 The Rashid Gang have been abusing girls for years
#4 The Plod boys keep their mouths shut about for years about that abuse, and have only just started to speak up.
As a teacher what should be the proportionality of your responses ?
BBC/Labour are cynical and relentless with their “keep up the pressure” PR tricks
Disingenuous … is the word of the decade.
Agreed TonyR.
The other important aspect of British life is the Rule of Law, defined loosely as, ‘the restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and established laws’. It requires that all act within and apply the law the hallmark of a settled mature society. Wherever you look, the RoL is imperceptibly disappearing day-by-day. Whether it be a organ of the State blatantly ignoring serious crime (Rochdale) or on a lesser scale, Department of Work and Pensions again blatantly ignoring EU nationals illegally milking the benefit system, it is all falling apart. Mob rule, fanned on by the BBC, is on the increase. When the Rule of Law disappears completely we will not risk venturing out on the street (as in Sweden/Germany) for fear of being attacked/raped with no help or justice and in the unlikely event that the perpetrators will be caught much less prosecuted and even then? – Receiving a mere reprimand.
On the present course, the developed nations in the West are all heading toward a complete breakdown of societal cohesion which will end in………..
I don’t know if the rule of law is disappearing G.
Just drop a bacon rind somewhere in the region of a mosk and you’re good for 15 months in prison.
Maybe a life sentence if you end up in the wrong prison area.
A man with cancer has just been jailed for 15 months (or it might be longer) for pulling the veil down from a muzzy woman exposing some face.
It seems some laws are being ignored and other laws being over zealously applied.
All the laws that are being ignored do seem to favour certain groups if you know what I mean.
The laws being vigorously applied appear to target good old whitey.
Bacon rind outside a mosque would certainly be prosecuted, but not outside a synagogue! Oswald Mosley has been reborn as a Muslim. If anyone is more persecuted than a white Christian, in this country, it is a white Jew.
Somebody a few years ago wrapped some bacon round our synagogue gates. We did what any sane person would do. We removed it and laughed. It didn’t hurt. Shame others couldn’t do the same. It would stop happening.
Well done. It is good not to take it to heart, but we must always condemn, for, none of us should forget that hate begins with such minor acts and often progresses to much worse.
Well, he didn’t just rip the veil off her – an abusive tirade and that was probably pretty scary. Not sure I agree with the length of the sentence, but then I can’t remember the details and I’m not a member of the legal profession. And yes, there is certainly a discrepancy between the sentences given for types of crimes – like rapes/sexual assaults committed by ethnic minorities, which are certainly under sentences IMO. Doesn’t bode well.
MadMax shows people fighting for stuff … I think you will find it’s more like this, with people giving up, without realising, without resistance ….
“The film tells the story of two ordinary people who are taken into a top-secret military hibernation experiment that goes awry, and awaken 500 years in the future. They discover that the world has degenerated into a dystopia where advertising, commercialism, and cultural anti-intellectualism run rampant and dysgenic pressure has resulted in a uniformly stupid human society devoid of individual responsibility or consequences.”
But surely the point being widely made is that black people want exclusive ownership of the N word, using it whenever they please. I don’t accept that the word can be so offensive that it puts the user beyond the pale, when they are prepared to use it themselves. I don’t think a white person would get away with an argument like that.
I suspect that your mother didn’t say “bastard” very often – that’s the difference IMO.
I think that being offended, even highly offended, is just something we have to live with. The alternative is to live under constant supervision, which is where we are heading now. N-word this week, next week it will be another.
Victoria Darbyshire and the Grenfell saga rumbles on, unlike it would appear Westminster, Manchester and London Bridge. This time it’s the Gomes family who have suffered cyanide poisoning and they are angry. My mind wandered and I wondered what building regulations were like in other countries.
It also appears I am persona non grata on MSN apparently I have been suspended from making comments. “MSN has temporarily removed commenting on our websites while we explore better ways for you to engage in discussion on the issues you care about.”Which I assume involves me not commenting at all. No loss there, it’s a daily drip of toxic stories gathered from certain media outlets about BREXIT & the Tories. Plus it slows my PC to a grinding crawl whilst it’s loading
During the Blitz London was almost flattened, and we’ve all seen the grainy black and white film of families pushing rickety prams containing what was left of their belongings to safety and literally getting on with it, despite losing their homes and family. They would have considered it a luxury to have been rehomed within a month. This was less than 80 years ago, and yet those people behaved with more dignity than anything I’ve seen by those angry distorted and yes, foreign faces who have screamed obscenities at every turn. Perhaps they should be sat down and made to watch those images from the war years and realise that things could be a lot bloody worse. Yes, its the 21st Century, but a fire is a fire whether its the 5th century or now, human rights and demands don’t come into it.
The British people who fought World War II and suffered the Blitz do not exist any more. Their country has gone, and their sacrifice has been utterly wasted.
This is where migration has gone tits up. We may have second generation migrants born here, have British passports etc etc, BUT its in their DNA to kick up a stink at the smallest ‘slight’, and regardless of stature, religion or race, nothing will stop them having a chip on their shoulder and go on the attack. I’ve seen it in all walks of life, from those in academia (who should know better) to similar folk as in the Grenfell Tower. At least we know where we are with the good old British ‘stiff upper lip’.
Yes my parents lived in a prefab in London during the 50s and 60s because of the damage the Germans caused ( in al beeb world that never happened) . I can’t understand why the Germans are not still paying reparations for what they did.
We got them going after 1945 and then seemed to let them get power again. At least we know WW 3 will be different
On Germany’s rebuilding after the war, it was the USA who provided aid for the reconstruction. Britain, of course had start paying for the armaments supplies of Lend-lease, which we had carelessly lost and damaged during the war. These repayments to the USA were not fully paid until 2005 or thereabouts. The Yanks forgot that we gave them all our scientific knowhow in 1940 (worth a trillion dollars in today’s money), in order to trigger Lend-lease; they never paid us back for those!
They refused to share the benefits of their nuclear research in spite of the fact that, as you say, we handed over ours. I believe they used Klaus Fuchs as an excuse in spite of the fact that they had their own high profile spies.
Special relationship, when it suits.
I believe we did provide some assistance to the German motor industry immediately after WWII, strange as it seems now.
Yes I think it was the Royal Engineers which set up the Beatle production for them.
Agree about the special relationship. The deal with Roosevelt to share nuclear details was breached by Truman – as you say because of Fuchs. But they had their traitors too.
I just find it hard to accept tha because Britain had to put so much more national resources into developing our own bomb without American help citizens were still subject to rationing into the 1950s – just a few years before I came about.
Yeah we also supplied the russians with our weaponry supplied by the yanks………..worth billions at todays money.
In the early 2000’s i was heavily into time-line building, on historical sites like history commons, A.Q. Khan network and nuclear proliferation is THE rabbit hole of rabbit-holes, everything today and every major event/scandal over the last 60 yrs has its roots in nuclear proliferation.
Example Enron, and the Indian dams, the BCCI banking scandal, and many many more C.I.A. black op’s, at the public’s expense.
I see the Grenfell protesters have the articulate support of the tattooed Sociology Lecturer from the LSE.
I love to see academics putting forward a well constructed argument
Tom – do you get a badge or something when you get banned ?
I’ve got a taste for taking on teenage Corbynites at the moment but I notice some comments being ignored and not published at all.
I am trying to counter the left rants in the style of J Rees -Mogg but a struggle to achieve his clarity .
Be so simple to do, as the Tories are such an incompetent, lying, royal f-ck up, and she s
been in hiding and deserves it … but a little bird tells me, its not going to be the case,
Yep! … Political establishment business as usual
Apparently “she shed a little tear “over the GE?
… for herself of course … how very Tory
Because “all the people she spoke to” ya da ya da
… says everything
… Start with a No10 clear out
University leaders said a number of factors could be fuelling the fall in applicants, including Brexit, higher fees and funding changes for trainee nurses and midwives.
Come on BBC, you slipped up as you forgot to include Trump as a reason.
In my opinion, the real reason is more likely due to the growing support for Corbyn and Socialism. They promise loads of free money to those who don’t work so what’s the point of even getting a Degree.
They also crow about the big drop in recruiting foreign nurses.
This drop happened at the same time as a language test was brought in for foreign nurses to pass which would prove they were capable of working in a UK hospital.
Funnily enough, they never mention this.
Every time they cut to Nikki Fox (a wheelchair user who was nominated for Best On Screen talent at the Cultural Diversity Network Awards in 2010) TICK!, behind her was a black young girl on a laptop TICK and another not so black girl on a laptop TICK!
When the camera showed a full studio shot there were others working on laptops but all the others were white and they never appeared in any close up camera shots.
I’m sure it was just coincidence and not a BBC box ticking exercise.
I reported my exact same thoughts a week or so ago. Glad you’ve confirmed that it is really BBC standard procedure to display all the black and asian’s present at the forefront in front of the white contingent. I thought is was me.
Stop complaining about the BBC use BAME faces as a universal back-drop. BAMEs are a novelty, a curiosity for BBC producers who, in their South Bucks homelands, never see such exotic folk.
Even without the anti white al beeb bias I think there is a lefty so called charidee which spends its time counting the amount of time people of any colour – including I suppose the likes of Ronald McDonald – get on screen.
Al beeb execs would be frightened to death of criticism and would not get their next pay increment, bigger car, pension and stuff .
I know I shouldn’t watch TV ‘news’, but when I do, I currently amuse myself by counting the number of times ‘reporters’ and those being interviewed say the word ‘community’ (singular and plural). There’s hardly room for any other words, apart from ‘despite Brexit’, ‘Tory austerity’ and ‘Trump’s a bastard’ (inferred). When did this sort of repetition start? I’m old enough to remember ‘escalate’. Anyone got anything earlier than ‘escalate’?
Spiderman, same is true with the word “Solidarity”.
This word crops up all the time now, and if a “reporter” can’t slide it into their piece, then they find someone else who can… awful word, indicating in advance to the listener that the talker is about to enter into a serious bit of virtue signalling..
“”You MUST pay!’ Brexit negotiator Verhofstadt says Britain has to accept EU divorce bill””
“”His comments were later echoed by the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier, underlying a growing concern in Brussels that the UK is trying to circumvent the controversial Brexit bill issue by arguing enough progress has been made in other areas to trigger the second phase of the talks””
EU divorce bill
It is true that the UK pledged to support a large number of development and infrastructure projects in Europe; and we are an honourable nation. These pledges were made when the UK was benefitting as a trading partner with the EU. If we can get a good free-trade deal with the EU27, then it is not unreasonable that we should honour many of these pledges; but not unless we get that good trade deal. This is why the trade deal must be negotiated before the so-called divorce bill.
If the EU tell us to go whistle, as far as trade is concerned, then we can no longer be bound on pre-Brexit trade-based pledges.
We hold ALL the trump cards.
We pay loads in.
We have a trade deficit in their favour.
We house and look after 3 times the number of our lot living abroad (who are mainly richer self sufficient types anyway)
We have loads of other Countries chomping at the bit to trade with us.
We are behaving as if we are grovelling to them for scraps and as the great JRM says, something like just happy to get our tummy tickled.
Why are we so subservient and meek.
We are in a fantastically strong negotiating position.
We should walk away NOW, just get out, and then say to them that we will discuss a trade deal from new.
We should never lose sight that we are in a far far stronger position than them.
Yes just walk and listen to the krauts scream about losing sales of dodgy vws, beemers and audis. No deal is definitely better .
Maybe uk really does need a celebrity fool like boris in charge to counter Corbyn the rock star. Maybe risk another election for a working majority – this time lots of empty promises from the money tree like labour . Punters love that
I’m sure we can rely on the Beeb to put up a stoic and patriotic defense of our position on this.
The divorce bill is ridiculous. If you cancel a phone or gym contract, you expect that you might still have to pay in for the remainder of your contract. That’s fine and the UK has no problem paying our subs during this two year article 50 notice period.
However, if the gym or phone company was to say ‘we invested in some other shit which you won’t get the benefit of and hence will need to cough up a golden goodbye payment’ we’d rightfully tell them to do one.
It’s staggering how one minute the left and the Beeb will be bleating about austerity and how there isn’t enough money for the NHS and the next glibly defending an EU ransom for extra cash. Where exactly do they think the money will come from to pay this totally fabricated demand?
On days when the lying beebistan has no reports of islamic terror and madness, it’s worth remembering that muslim mayhem continues unabated, worldwide, on a daily basis, below.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Omar Khadr can’t believe his good fortune. Neither can we.
He kills an American medic, blinds another, serves a few years at
Guantanamo… and gets paid $10.5 million by Canadian taxpayers.
Where is Trudeau’s apology to the real victims?
Treezer shed a tear when she heard of the exit polls after the election.
Just like the tears she shed over the victims of the child grooming gangs whom she fail to protect when Home Secretary.
The BBC don’t want her now. Time she buggered off anyway.
How can she get on with the job when she is totally incapable and useless. She proved that as Home Secretary and is proving it as PM. The Tories are proving themselves the same by not getting rid of her.
I am offering a 25-year old bottle of “Grant’s Sporran ” Single Malt Scotch Whisky to the first person who can name a more repulsive Beeboid than O’ Brien. He is total slime. He even makes wee Evan look good. The rules of the competition are simple. My decision is final.
Grant’s Sporran has a distinctive aroma but, it must be said, is an acquired taste. A little salty for some.
As for O’Brien he behaves like a sixth-former trying to look old beyond his years.
Grant, Can’t think of anyone who comes remotely near him. He reminds me of Davros in Dr Who: Evil, repulsive looking and sociopathic.
The list of sociopathic traits seems to be almost him to a tee.
Sociopath traits that match( in my opinion):
Superficial charm and good “intelligence”
Absence of “nervousness” or psychoneurotic manifestations
Untruthfulness and insincerity
Lack of remorse or shame
Inadequately motivated antisocial behaviour
Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love
General poverty in major affective reactions
Specific loss of insight
Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations
I think you are very close to the truth. There is something very abnormal about him. I mean more so than most Beeboids. I wonder if he has any friends ? Something tells that my whisky is safe, unless someone can come up with a real blinder.
Mice ,
Thank you for the effort to post .
It’s sad for me that as a once regular watcher of newsnight for a bit of calm end of day sanity I no longer ever bother with it and depend on posts like yours to get a view about its content.
It’s hard to work out just how unprofessional and biased al beeb will get. Is this the bottom before dissolution or reform ?
Erdogan’s only responsible for 78 million people (does he speak for all Muslims?) and is helping Europe with the it’s (self imposed) immigration crisis.
” ‘We will multiply our descendants,’ said Mr Erdogan, who became president in August 2014 after serving as prime minister for 12 years….He has also urged women to have at least three children, and has said women cannot be treated as equal to men.”
Interestingly, beneath a headline encouraging people to have fewer children: is a photograph of three White babies; why not black or brown ones? Since it is generally the Third World where the unsustainable population explosion is happening. I suppose they mean: have fewer WHITE children.
This must be one of the incredibly rare occasions when The Guardian has a photograph of children, with a complete lack of either “vibrancy” or “diversity” within it.
If Diane Abbott does not like the word ‘Nigger*’, why does she use it so much? If she wants to be a shining example then stop using it or replace it when speaking, by Diane Abbott using the n-word and saying, or implying, no-one else can she is invoking special privilege.
Diane Abbott reads out some of the "vile abuse" she has received. The PM has launched an investigation into the abuse suffered by candidates
Diane Abbott says N-word 3 times – when she could have replaced it rather than use the inflamed/emotive word!
Just an idea to improve the situation, rather than inflame it.
* I write the n-word out in full because it does not bother me. I would rather see the n-word have no special place, and just for it to be a word with a history that shows bravery and misery. It’s not the word’s fault!
As I mentioned last night, I have no time for any form of racist abuse. However Mizz Abbot really hasn’t a leg to stand on when it comes to racism:
These politicians need to be corralled in truth and laughed at.
I found this video and couldn’t believe it – look at everyone else’s faces.
“… this liberal (Maxine Waters) will be all about socialising, urm, um, errm, (edited video where she looks down at book Communist Manifesto for Dummies) , urm, um, errm, would be about basically taking over and the Government running all your companies.”
A bit of background before you start watching Diane Abbott in action. The Lord Harris Review (oct2016) on terror attacks said we should put up barriers (recommendation 31) on the Bridges in London to protect pedestrians, Diane had not read or forgotten the report – who if elected would be in charge of our homeland security.
I am really thankful I am not in the position of the parents, but the bBC has promoted this story as a fight for justice. Really: This poor child has severe brain damage. He cannot open his eyes or move his arms or legs. His condition also means he is unable to breathe unaided, which is why he needs to be on a ventilator. Charlie’s heart, liver and kidneys are also affected, and his doctors say it is not clear if he feels pain.
Should we allow this poor child to suffer, I’ve put pets down for less.
As for an analytical view, I was puzzled by why this disaster unlike all other disasters, does not report any missing presumed dead.
So investigating the known facts, I found that there are at least 80 to 87 people found dead, but only 32 have been identified.
The reason why there are no reports of any missing presumed dead for this disaster, as for instance, the Aberfan disaster. Is because there are no consistent records of who and who was entitled to live in the flats.
Police say that housing records, the electoral roll and interviews with the 255 survivors bear scant relation to each other when trying to identify who lived in which flat. Some flats seem to have been illegally sub-let, others were occupied by guests of the official resident. Of the 158 homeless families, many seem to have been residents living in nearby buildings.
The missing presumed dead issue does not arise because although a total of 73 people have been reported missing. Of those, 32 have been positively identified among the dead, leaving 41 who can not so far be identified among the remaining 48 to 55 people. The police are not sure if they are among the dead or on the run from the police. Some are said to have left the country. So we have a maximum of 41 missing presumed dead or on the run?
The bBC is simply acting as the propganda arm for the left in which to cause a vote of no confidence in which to get Labour in. The day that happens, you will get to see my name in the headlines.
Bercow has always been a wanker of the first order. The French are more practical. Naturally the countries who welcome Trump will get priority over the UK. Still we can always blame Brexit.
Yesterday on Today some nameless twats, “……….. even a restricted visit by Trump to the UK would spark massive protests ……..”. Didn’t catch why that would be? Is it because we have a staunchly, Leftist, Socialist, Green, ex Islamic failed state, Government?
Corbyn meeting Michel Barnier
Corbyn will tell M Barnier that were it in his power he would unilaterally declare full rights for EU citizens in the UK, with those rights protected not by Her Majesty’s Courts in the UK, but by what will be, after March 2019, foreign courts. Isn’t this treason? Also, wouldn’t it result in two classes of citizens, those subject to British law, and those subject to EU law?
I would have thought that Mrs May’s proposals for giving EU citizens in the UK, far greater rights than British Commonwealth citizens enjoy, went more than far enough.
Almost like people becoming their own Vatican City or like having to build walls on bridges to defend the people from an unknown enemy that cannot be named.
I suggest, give them a dual passport (or cost of repatriation) and be done with it. They can then choose – an individuals choice not a bureaucratic one.
Theresa May just needs to use the coded words – “We want to treat everyone equally, just as the EU would want it’s citizens to be treated, but they must follow the laws of the Country they are in or else they are gaining special privilege above the Country’s normal citizens. ‘Equality for All!’. ‘For The Many (Everyone), Not the (Privileged) Few!’. By giving them dual passports we are saying ‘Welcome, you are free to stay or leave – the individuals choice!’.”
Does it mean that eu citizens in England can drive on the right as they do under their law or can they pick and choose which laws they want to obey.
In Germany you can drive with NO upper speed limit on most of the Autobahns.
Handy if you’re an eu citizen in England, late for work and you come under eu law.
The EU citizens who want to remain in the UK, are happy to be subject to British law – that is why the want to stay. Its the British politicians who ‘want Brexit’, but want to keep all the legislative and federal ties to Europe, who try every trick to derail Brexit. At least the Libe Dems are honest about it.
BBC WS – ” Today Britain begins the process of adopting EU laws into our legal system. Later in the programme we shall be flagging up the pitfalls.”
But of course – we would expect nothing else from enemies of the state. Russia must be saving a fortune on subversion – they have the bbc to do their work.
One of the many things I hate about the BBC is that they treat us like little children who have to be educated by them. Given that most Beeboids are quite dim themselves, it is a real insult . They are the ones who need to be educated.
I see that the top two stories on the BBC’s Video Top stories are “You just killed my son” Grenfell survivor and “They let my mother and aunt burn”.
Whilst I understand that these people are grieving, I assume that the usage of ‘you’ and ‘they’ is referring to the authorities and the government and Theresa who all have blood on their hands?
I wonder if the Beeb would have allowed the same emotive finger pointing after the Westminster Bridge, Manchester and London Bridge attacks.
Thinking al Beeb just ramping it up to get a summer riot worse than the al tottenhamstan a few years ago. Then blame cuts – police – anyone – and give corbyn another opportunity to cuddle a protester for votes.
Yes Emmanuel but my needs are not being addressed by al Beeb – some days I feel like a chap – other days like a lady and other days I’m just confused or too lazy to self identify myself in a meaningful way. What does the gblt thing do about that? When do I get my week of programmes ?
Pounce – its strangely prophetic and certainly much closer to the truth than any of us would have believed was possible back in the 1970s and 80s.
The BBC I am sure would see this as an instructional video rather than a comedy sketch.
They seem to revel in anything which hints at confused sexuality and in particular seem to get very excited with any mention of homosexuality. In that particular vein on R4 today they were plugging a programme or a series of programmes dedicated to “queer art” – I am not quite sure whether we will be treated to descriptions of selected images of BBC approved buggery or whether it will just consist of descriptions of pictures painted by “queers” but in their normal tiresome bbc way I bet listeners will have to listen to how the artist was bullied and tortured himself over his sexuality before coming out.
Personally I dont give a monkeys whether any artist is gay or not (and I bet the majority of us boring straight population also feel the same way about homosexuality). So why do the BBC have to push it so much – after all you never hear straight artists described by their sexuality. Its irrelevant.
I suspect the real reason is
1 They enjoy any “shock value” they get from this
2 It is yet another way of devaluing society where everything revolves around sex and gratification, rather than who the person is.
3 Yet again it creates another favoured “victim group” and provides another stick to beat normal society with and make us feel guilty and not value our own conventional culture and traditions.
4 It is a demonstration of how decadence in the eyes of the BBC has become a positive thing and how these days self discipline and conventional morality means nothing. HIV I believe really got going in the US bathhouses where contraception and restraint amongst the gay population was not practiced. Yet whilst the poor bloody hemophiliacs were pretty much got forgotten any celebrity who got HIV almost appeared to have his lifestyle celebrated. And if lucky probably got a card from Princess Di.
Sex (gay or straight) whilst a good thing is a bit like eating chocolate probably a little of what you fancy does you good – but too much and you may get ill. Unfortunately self restraint these days does not figure in the BBC book of life. And I suppose in their own hedonistic decadent fashion these overpayed spolit bastards can never envisage life without limits. Unfortunately in real life everything has its limits.
What is for certain is that the BBC will continue with their headlong dash into immorality until our nation has lost all its morals and all its self respect.
news24: 1.23pm bBC paris correspondent. States that Macron and Trump have NOTHING in common, but seem to be getting on. Awkward for the bBC, hate Trump, love Macron. Failed to mention that they probably get on, because they both want to energise their economies.
Do they still do announcements in English at tube stations?
Sort of. A West Indian patois of the sort you might have heard 60 years ago. Or on a Tesco radio ad this morning.
“Your Magnificence”,
My new gender pronoun is “You are wrong, no matter what you use. Why don’t you ever get it right?”.
Many Thanks,
“You are wrong, no matter what you use. Why don’t you ever get it right?”
John Mcenroe gains my respect after calling out one Rishi Persad, a bBBC reporter getting ticks in the boxes for being Asian. Persad asks Rafa Nadal if he wiill return to Wimbledon – just moments after losing in a knackering 5 hour marathon five set match, 15-13 in the final set. Absolutely moronic yet the bBBC talking heads back up their reporter over Mcenroe. Right up there with the ‘how do you feel’ quality reporting of Grenfell tower.
Keep that 5 hour marathon in mind mentioned above. A day or two later, the feminists were up in arms after the men apparently took show court precedence in the quarter finals. Equality you see. One of the bBBC ‘s prime considerations. Let’s see equality in practice in the men v womens tennis, shall we?
Andy Murray loses the last 2 sets of a 5 set quarter final match. He is clearly playing while injured, and can bately move or serve. He loses the last 2 sets 6-1 6-1. The match takes over 3 hours. Meanwhile……
In the womens semi final, two women with unpronounceable names play. It is a 2 set match and the score is ….wait for it……6-1 6-1, all over in 1 hour 4 minutes. They both win a whole lot more prize money than Murray, because of the equal pay rules, yet clearly the level of competition is a fraction of that in the men’s match, and the demand for tickets for the mens matches clearly outstrip the womens.
Funny how ‘equality’ only ever seems to run in one ditrection.
Also will a transgender have their own standards?
Thats a question that hasn’t been raised with my lot. Whilst a man to female shouldn’t have a problem, a female to male may . I’ll ask the Gym queens and get back to you.
You may laugh but trangender issues are now with schools who have to ‘develop policies’.
I remember when schools had a role to teach stuff to kids.
Nowadays they are becoming more and more a subset of the social services department.
And to be fair, I’m not sure very many teachers actually entered the profession with that role in mind. Rather it has all been dumped on them, especially after Soham.
New ones have sluff. No teacher these days could survive if they confined themselves to telling truth, knowing things and passing them on.
They`re all for the free long holidays, the charity runs and the wannabe Magpie gig…light sabres where a pointer used to do.
Thankfully they know nothing-which is why they`re the ultimate Guardian fodder …groomers of the mind, don`t even need a child cathcer van, we send our kids to THEM…by force.
Been going on since the 70s, but at least THEY could at least spell their own signs…no wonder words like imperialist and bourgeois no longer make the pictionary…Toriscum out nowSave R NHS gets you an A Level these days I`d bet.
Pounce – it would be interesting to know, out of interest, that if the different rules were applied to the different groups what would the reduction or increase be in the pass levels?
The army actually applied the same rules to both genders a few years back. However so many females failed, became injured and dropped out, that separate standards were soon reapplied. Not only that, but I have personally received troops from training who haven’t passed their basic fitness standards and so I have had to implement a training package for them in which to bring them up to scratch.
You see this at PT when the sick,lame and lazy drop out and go into the fitness suite. The amount of people who are overweight is a bloody disgrace. But then I suppose that is a Corp issue and not a teeth arm one.
Now that IS have departed Mosul-all the Human Rights scum like Channel 4 and Amnesty International can now go in and lecture the Free Syrian Army on how to treat Jihaid John with some humanity. Typical privileged lefty scum-no balls, no chance of them ever having had a peek at what IS were doing in Mosul…but all too quickly they follow the brave liberators of Mosul…only to try and get them back to Britain, ensure they`re preserved for the next wipeout of Yazidis, Kurds, Christians and Shia, let alone Sunni who won`t set fire to kids in cages.
The media are craven soft liars,only in Mosul because Trump did everything that Obama refused to do..but yet he gets no credit from the IS-sucking liberal camp followers of niceness.
Hope they`ve got enough tealights and a miniature piano…twatz!
I had no idea that was the case Pounce, take the carrying a bag for 15 min exercise, surely the standard of competency should be set by the job not the gender of the applicant. It’s either 15kg for all or 20kg for all. If a woman only has to carry 15kg and be capable of doing the job why the hell does the bloke have to carry more to do the same job at the same standard? Unless…
An acquaintance of mine in the job, told me that the battering rams the police (on his force) wield to smash doors in on raids; were made lighter so that female officers could also use them.
The unfortunate consequence of this was that even when used by a man, it took several attempts to force entry with the lighter version whereas before it required one or two.
Another example of lowering standards in the name of diversity and inclusiveness, which actually puts lives at risk.
Problem is if you stick an enemy like him in a suit he becomes a bit more persuasive to gullible non Muslims. Dumbly wants to keep his senior elder stateman beeboid status maintained so shut down mr starkey to dumb the argument down. Glad didn’t see the whole thing – particularly with that deranged fool soubry on – I can hear the production staff ” we have to get a Tory for appearances so get a usual buffoon – soubry will do” .
I see the Beeb are running a feature on mental health and how someone took a sickie citing the following on their out of office “I’m taking today and tomorrow to focus on my mental health. Hopefully I’ll be back next week refreshed and 100% again”. The CEO of her company responded with a virtue signalling piece about how important mental health is blah, blah.
Obviously the Beeb are besides themselves with how this is the perfect utopia. Call me a cynic but give me a break. Calling in sick because of mental health is just a joke. So it has no outward signs, you can’t get a doctors note for it, no one is allowed to challenge you on it and if you are seen gadding around the shops or posting pics from the beach it’s because you are ‘refreshing your mental health’.
Has everyone lost all sense or practical thought? Does nobody else think that this vague, nebulous, utterly non specific label is just ripe for exploitation? Does the beeb really think that a condition that can be self diagnosed (just like hate crimes can be self judged) without any prior medical knowledge, wouldn’t attract the attention of those less scrupulous, less honest individuals?
I wonder if this individual would be as understanding if her salary was late because the payroll people suddenly needed to ‘rebalance’ or the pilot of her plane when taking a flight immediately needed some ‘down time’?
You need only see and hear the BBCs coverage of business to know that it`s all commented on by thick kids who could never run a business, only ask snarky questions of corporate groupthink saps who left Oxbridge only five years earlier that their questioners did.
They like flashing lights though so as long as they run on their own self regard, then that`s cool.
Their language is Common Purpose sustainabilty crap, transparency and stakeholder bollocks that make a virtue out of the cartels they`re part of. The REAL business folk have no time to buff up the CBI or be concerend over shareholder values-they`re getting ready to leave the EU and don`t need the BBC crap idiocies.
The only business people worth a listen went with Jeff Randall. Thanfully there are some big beasts in the Telegraph and in Wetherspoons brilliant magazine
Hardly ever on the BBC though-wonder why?
The BBC know nothing about business, economics, finance, taxation, science ……. The list is endless. Agree with you about Jeff Randall. Bill Jamieson is a Scot’s equivalent. Tim Martin on the BBC ? Don’t make me laugh !
So Trump gets full military honours in Paris while London gets zilch. Well done Bercow, Khan and co, you little runts (typo deliberate on this family blog).
And little Rugrat on Channel 4 managed to imply that May was too busy in her self-inflicted hell hole to think of inviting the Leader Of The Free World.
Because of Brexit blinding her to the potential of a trade deal with Trump-oh , if ONLY she`d had the vision to invite him to visit. Macron did-what a statesman eh?
And Ruggles says this with no irony, as if it`s true.
This is the Left…they can`t even remember their old lies, they just pile them up. Hope to God that May sees that it`s all too possible to get him to come, as long as we create the same safe space for him as the French did. Their police are shit too (Nice, Bataclan etc)…but even THEY can ensure the US Presidents safety. If we need to lock up a few hacks so they don`t disclose his route to IS…so be it.
Bloody hypocritical liars…fuck off Rugman.
Treezer is so fucking stupid that I bet she does not even go to Bastille Day tomorrow. What a waster . Maybe she was not invited. Stateswoman, she ain’t.
As for liars, their problem is that they cannot remember which lies they told to which people. Tends to get their knickers in a twist.
I would not worry about Trump’s security. US Presidents take their own guys with them .
The BBC seem not to have said too much about Sturgeon, Corbyn and the fat Welsh Labour leader chiselling away at our Brexit tyre lever in Brussels…Barnier the Dinosaur.
Went in mob-handed to suck up the last of the EU pissoirs I expect.
Imagine if Chamberlain, Steptoe Snr, Brtyn Terfel and the female Bisto kid in Grampian had all gone over to snout around Berchtesgarden just before the hun invaded Czechoslovakia? It`s as traitorous as that-yet the BBC say nowt.
Even with the clear evidence of that video, there will still be accusations of police brutality. The man was behaving like a rabid dog – and who would chance getting near a rabid dog?
I would sign the petition with alacrity, but I cannot see (on the GWPF web page pointed to by Paul Homewood) how to do it. We are invited, in large bold font to “Sign the Petition”, but there is nowt else apart from an invitation to post to Facebook, to which I do not subscribe. Can someone please give me a clue.
Thanks StewGreen. But the problem is that having arrived at the petition (i.e. the one you have provided a link for), as yesterday, I can see no means on the web page by which the petition can be signed! There is simply no indication on my screen.
non-licence payerFeb 23, 20:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Fed that was a sneaky early bird new thread. Five weeks now before phase two of Storm Rachel (Brian Monteith…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:28 Start the Week 24th February 2025 wwfc – Your claim has upset me so that means I can get you arrested and then I can be…
Fedup2Feb 23, 20:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Time for the new thread – bit early as i am going bye byes …zzz Btw it seems the Israeli…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:19 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is great” “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is great” ………………………………………………………………………. One person has been killed and five…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 20:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 BBC ignoring this very sinister development as a woman is harassed by police for daring to criticise a Labour…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 19:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Afghan wants to box for ‘his country’….apparently that’s Ireland…according to the BBC… ‘Young asylum seeker’s dream to box for Ireland’…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 19:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Migrants aren’t the problem…they are the victims of racist Irish people….says BBC. ‘Ireland’s view of immigration one year since Dublin…
Fedup2Feb 23, 19:27 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s really hard to see anything ‘good ‘ ( for TTK ) coming out of meetings with 47 and JD…
Up2snuffFeb 23, 19:17 Weekend 22nd February 2025 MM, what? Industrialised tech you mean our steel industry, car industry and oil & gas industry?
BBC news says refugees in Greece are setting up a dairy farm! Isn’t that fantastic! Clearly if they came here they would spend all their time farming, writing symphonies and curating museums. This segues to a local report about how A and E locally is busier than ever. Obviously this has no link whatsoever with open borders, as all immigrants are superhuman from all that milk they farm – and they are probably mostly doctors anyway and we could do with more of those.
If anyone points out that the facts do not fit their narrative, they can just inform your employer and ruin your life for being ‘objectionable.’ Not all ‘refugees’ are going to become milk farmers? How hateful! Facts over narrative? Hate speech!
I hear the BBC tell me Greeks are finding new ways to welcome refugees – that will be on the island of “Mythos”?
Pull the Udder.
The Beeb will be milking that story for all it’s worth. (Sorry).
Did you heifer? Well I never did!
In the real world, it takes a serious amount of investment to set up a dairy farm. The cost of the land, premises, cows, machinery to milk the cows efficiently, fodder to ensure animal health in high temperatures and other resource that all needs to be paid, or paid for. That is before compliance with regulation is taken into account.
Most people, if they want to proceed with this endeavour, need to raise the capital, and in part must convince funders that they have the will and ability to see the operation into a success, as well as have the ability to articulate where revenues will come from and outline potential profitability sustainability etc.
I haven’t seen the BBC News article referred to, but I wonder if they indicate how these refugees overcome the barriers to entry in this market, which one might think are quite high given that Greece is not short of farmers already?
Probably not, but then there’s probably not much truth in the underlying story at all.
Like so much political correctness, it has all the intellectual rigour of a nursery rhyme. Milk farmers already have a terrible time I can’t imagine they would want more competition.
Who cares about bigoted reality when it just sounds so lovely? Refugees putting milk on your cereal! Throw in some honey paid for by licence fee payers and we will have heaven on Earth.
I am not sure if it is on their website. It was a report on BBC breakfast around 6 this morning.
Or it could be a load of bull
Yeah i had second post here, wasted it,
Pull the udder one it sounds abit cheesy to me, the cream of BBC journalism, gets on my tits, buttering us up with this sour pint of piss,.. Lord Haw-l haw-l should be put out to pasture for that Greek tragedy..
A lil ditty.
Mohamed had a little heifer.
Its milk was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mohamed went
Death was sure to follow.
BB – Obviously the “refugees” are turning Greece into the land of milk and honey. I wonder whether the “delightfully posh” sounding Emma Jane Kirby will rush to Greece and write another great book. – maybe something like the “The Goat Nipple squeezers of Lesbos ” – might be another great seller in Islington truly a book of passion and hope.
I suspect the GBC (The Grenfell Broadcasting Corporation ) probably covered this particular “story” to give us sheep a little bit of variety away from our current diet which seems to consist of trying to drag down the Government and get Comrade Jezza installed, lubricated to power via all the carbonized bodies of Grenfell Towers.
Grenfell is all we ever bloody hear about these days . Yes its sad but Im sorry life goes on and people need to grieve in peace – or at least used to. All this constant phony emoting is becoming quite nauseating but it seems to be a bandwagon which pretty much every politician is forced to jump onto or risk being pilloried by the GBC as uncaring. Do you know what – I dont care anymore but neither do I give a flying F### about the GBC and what it thinks. This organisation has reduced our nation to collection of willful bedwetting infants and crybabies who always demand and expect and want mummy to tell the nasty man off! – but are incapable of just accepting life as it is – sometimes good/ sometimes bad
Yesterday on Toady I even heard a reporter asking a Grenfel “fireperson” – “Do you ever think about the life of the person whos body you are extracting” – Of course he said the right answer which was to distance himself a bit from it. Christ what did they hope he was going to say – something like “Yeah we all sit down and have a group cry and think about this poor man/woman/non binary person who was killed by the callous Tories – then we all get up and have a group hug and sing the Internationale and carry on then hug and cry some more.
What utter shite reporting!
And what an absolute shower of shite the BBC is these days!
Oak you are spot on . The truth is that after decades of a diet of BBC liberal left propaganda many people in this country find this emoting to be the norm and what is expected of them. This allows the BBC to play them like a violin. The BBC is the puppet master and the snowflakes , and often their parents , are the puppets. If you don’t obey the BBC command to emote then you must be a callous, far right racist, or at least a hateful Tory. Social media has exacerbated this trendy emoting as unless you as a minimum ‘ like’ an emoting message you become a social media outcast. Once the liberal left elite gain censorship powers over the net, which looks ever more likely, there will no possibility of preventing the likes of the BBC from further moulding the opinions of our country to ones more suited to their liberal left Utopia.
They do not ‘report’ – they emote, propaghandise and virtue signal. ‘Objectivity’ probably counts as hate speech these days, though without the capacity to be objective we are blind and lame, groping in the darkness towards oblivion.
Why not crunch some data? How many refugees are employed? In surveys, do they share our key values about women, the rule of law et cetera? What substantive steps can we take to help people integrate and adjust to such a different culture?
Nah – that sounds too much like hard work. Let’s just fly a load of us out to a pretty part of Greece and have a free holiday paid for us by the mugs who will bear the brunt of mass immigration. Let’s find a pretty girl to talk to us about something warm and fluffy like milk farming and the job’s a good’un! Superb work. Nothing could possibly goes wrong. If anyone points out any obvious problems, just get them arrested for thought crime! Everyone is a winner!
On pmq’s and shows like qt we keep hearing politicians coming out with the “our thoughts and prayers are with…..(insert latest tragedy)” and like on pmq’s, if one of them misses some tragedy but another gets it in then the others have to repeat their thoughts and prayers bit.
I don’t believe any of them really care but they have to say it to appease the permanently outraged at everything mob who will accuse them of ‘not caring’
They should be able to do their debating without all of this righteousness.
I’d love a politician to stand up and say something along the lines of ” I agree with all the other virtue signallers and my thoughts and prayers etc……”
Still, it gets them a cheap round of applause by the lefty attention seekers in the biased audiences.
All that “Our thoughts and prayers” b*****ks is an annoying import from the U.S
And don’t forget ‘loved ones’. Once upon a time, before the advent of force-fed saccharine, they were simply relatives.
Maybe we have some ‘bone fide’ journalists here who can confirm; but I assumed being a ‘journalist/reporter’ was just one job whether for tv or the press. Only in the last few days I’ve read on a couple of occasions that so and so has done a “tv journalism course” at Yuni/College, so clearly there appears to be a distinction between the two mediums.
I believe for press reporting there are 4 points of reference – What, Where, Why, Who; so is there a different mindset for tv ?
The tv journalism may explain why the opening gambit with many reporters is “how do you feel ?”. Last night on Sky, there was live reporting from Lesbos at the latest ‘Egyptian’ migrants arriving from Turkey. Immediately the reporter thrust a mic under the traveller’s nose and said “How do you feel ? you’ve arrived in Europe “. At sporting events when athletes are on the point of collapse at the finish line, its always ‘how do you feel ? ‘. So emoting is the number one priority on the tele.
Indeed. Prior to the World Cup in Brazil there was a minor accident while building the football stadium in far off Manaus. One man was killed, but the BBC newsreader ended the piece by saying “our thoughts and prayers are with the construction worker’s friends and family”. As if.
Yes Emmanuel ,
Grates on me too . The only thing a politicians thoughts and prayers are with is their career and bank balance.
I once tried to explain that they are politicians first ,humans 2nd, male female or whatever else next and then prefer one sort of sex or another.
And they are all on the greasy Eastern European immigrant (pole)
‘Objectivity’ probably counts as hate speech these days.
Not probably, definitely.
University professor John Caputo said publicly in 2015 that “reason is a white male Euro-Christian construction”, along with more vacuous self-hating delusions. Any rational thought is an act of bigotry, according to the Left, as it is tainted by your background and ethnicity.
Without reason and objectivity we are indeed lost, which is how the Left wants us to be.
Isn’t it great when MPs tweet an image of Grenfell Tower with the words JUSTICE written above it? Excellent problem solving skills there. All we need to do is point a few more fingers, say how nasty the Tories are and have a big cuddle and nothing bad will ever happen again.
An old rhetorical trick was reductio ad absurdam; if you can show that the results of a premise lead to absurdity then that premise is absurd and thus refuted. A typical example is that the Earth cannot be flat or people could fall off the edge.
Now when we see absurdity abounding due to the patently absurd premise that ‘all cultures are equal’, we are told we must ‘celebrate’ this absurdity; ‘absurdity’ almost sounds like one of the cool buzz words we have shoved down our throats like ‘vibrancy’ and ‘celebrate difference.’ We are told that absurdity is an aspiration, when in fact no civilisation can survive long if they have no sense of tradition and shared values.
“poor man/woman/non binary person who was killed by the callous Tories, AND DESPITE BREXIT……” Just a very slight but necessary addition.
Isn’t it great when MPs tweet an image of Grenfell Tower with the words JUSTICE written above it? Excellent problem solving skills there. All we need to do is point a few more fingers, say how nasty the Tories are and have a big cuddle and nothing bad will ever happen again.
Also like yesterday’s article describing in detail the cyanide poisoning of some who got out. Very bad, sad etc…but I felt like it was just paving the way for us to expect compensation claims. None of this would be reported or considered important in a fire of a private residence.
Fire-related carbon monoxide is more frequently a killer than cyanide poisoning from polyurethane; and, if it doesn’t kill you, short-term cyanide poisoning just leads to a temporary headache. Two paracetamol tablets is the only compensation needed.
It is time the media focussed on the quiet survivors, who just want to get on with their lives, and the families mourning quietly for the missing; not the attention-seekers more interested in their £2000 for a 30-second TV interview.
Yes they’ve turned it into a model version of the Lawrence murder . Kid gets stabbed to death by another kid in sarrf London . Happens about once a month. But al beeb and the race grievance industry turn it into an anti whitee gravy train.
Same is happening with the tower block . Some dodery old retired judge will call into ‘ institutional something or other’ and we ll be hearing al beeb doing anniversaries from now until the North Koreans or Muslims nuke us.
Murray Love
“I love the way he corrected that American reporter”
Come on BBC, come off the fence. Andy Murray is reliably on-message in terms of women’s tennis and the BBC are absolutely in awe.
Frankly, I think Murray was being brattish.
When a reporter is talking to a male player, then the context is clearly that he is talking about male players. There may have been American women, doubles or mixed doubles or indeed disabled players who had got to the semi-final as well, but the reporter was talking to a male player about men’s tennis.
Andy Murray is the living proof that it is never hard to tell the difference between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine.
Amazing how despite being married and kidded ? He still seems like a spoilt brat . Maybe it’s common with sports types – the Hamilton racing driver is similarly in absence of grace. Al beeb love them though – like Mohammed Farrah .
Hey, Rob. Steady on. I can assure you that not all of we Scots are fans of Murray. He lives quite near my village here in Scotland. Well, sometimes. He is not very popular with the locals. But his mother is even more disliked !
The American reporter was talking about men’s tennis miserable Murray was talking about tennis . It was not a female gender issue or anything else unless you were looking to beat men over the head with feminism again. I am a chap who doesn’t play tennis by the way.
If ever I wish to listen to a groaning old diesel lorry engine waiting at traffic lights, I turn to a recording of a bbbc interview with Murray.
Scroblene… outstanding.
LOL ! Forget about the tennis. He is just such a boring person. Can you imagine being trapped in a lift with him ?
Please someone correct me
During the Brexit campaign the promise of £350 million a week being back to Britain was just that. It wasn’t claimed to all go to the NHS but was availed for Britain to spend how it chooses.
I ask this cos listening to al Beeb – beeboids repeat the £350 million to the NHS again and again. The falsehood has become true by repetition. Am I wrong.
” The falsehood has become true by repetition.”
I wonder where they got their inspiration?
“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth” –
Joseph Goebbels
They were all, on the Remain side, taken in by that £350 million for the NHS claim. Even though they voted Remain they believe that all the Leave voters also believed it to be a Governmental promise for £350 million per week for the NHS and voted accordingly.
However, we Leave voters are not that stupid despite being portrayed as such by Remain voters.
We had noticed that David Cameron, the Prime Minister, and his Chancellor, George Osborne, were both campaigning for a Remain vote. We therefore knew that if the Remain side won, we would not get £350m p/w for the NHS and if we won & left the EU, we would still not get £350m p/w for the NHS because the PM & Chancellor were the ones responsible for the Budget and they were both ‘Bremainers’.
So, who is the real stupid here?
It has got to be the Nobrains Bremainers.
I do tire so much when the BBC and people on QT keep going on about the Brexit bus.
It wasn’t a lie. It was just an example that you could spend money on A, if you weren’t spending it on B.
No different from saying to a gambler or an alcoholic ‘if you didn’t waste all that cash on the dogs or the bottle, you could take your kids on holiday or buy that car’. The thing that upset the Remainers is that the emotive ‘thing’ that was suggested you COULD spend the money on was the NHS, the ultimate emotional trump card.
If my memory serves me the message on the bus was ‘LETS spend £350 million on the NHS’. The implication being that we would be spending that money on health, it would have been better if they’d put ‘Lets spend £350 million on the Police’ on the other side of the bus, thus showing that the message was all about having the extra money to spend as we see fit, not how the EU tells us.
Of course the Remoaners know exactly what was meant by that message, but are still trying to persuade themselves that leave voters misunderstood the message, thus somehow making their vote null and void.
They of course never mention the out and out lies, told by Osbourne et al. Third World war, thousands of extra pounds cost to each family, total collapse of the economy, etc.
And could you imagine if after every election the posters and battle buses were found to have a slightly misleading message (if you are a total thicko and don’t under stand the difference between lets and we will). Would they have to be rerun because shock horror, MP’s and their spin Drs are not always transparently straightforward.
Just seen that Payne made the same point only more succinctly before me…
It’s interesting isn’t it how Remainers as well as being tolerant and fair and well educated are also capable of understanding the motivations and reasons for how someone with an opinion diametrically opposed to them would have voted.
“We send the EU £350 million a week”
“let’s fund our NHS instead. Vote Leave”
“Let’s take back control”
‘LETS spend £350 million on the NHS’. – from shelly’s memory.
Leaving the EU (House of Commons Library 2013) top level page
Leaving the EU – 2013 – (PDF Download) Page 7 – Contains Eight Different Cost/Benefit Analysis (with range -5% to +6%)
Thank you Marky – so as I thought it’s not a direct promise to pump the money into the NHS . Personally I’d put into identity cards or border controls and defence .
Not forgetting deportation police
Hear hear
If I understand it correctly, the remainers thought we didn’t know what we were voting for.
If a percentage of us 52% were muddled or too thick to know what we were doing, doesn’t it follow that a similar percentage of the 48% would be the same.
The two idiot groups would cancel each other out.
Do the remainers think only us brexiteers are stupid and remainers are clever.
I really think that they have fooled themselves into believing their own propaganda even though it’s been shown to be complete rubbish.
Such a pity that so many of this lot are in positions to damage Brexit (prime minister, chancellor, Morgan, all the other parties and most of the politicians)
Just take us out of this damn money pit.
Do you think those who didn’t vote, but could have, should be included in the final EU Referendum Result?
If so does this apply:
“Leave the EU” + “Happy Either Way” @65%
“Remain in the EU” @35%
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
Yawn. More SJW propaganda from the BBC –
Question … why does it matter? If the teacher is good, is that enough? Does this apply to religious beliefs? If race doesn’t matter aren’t they making difference in teachers a race issue? Do schools with more BME (term which creates division) have better results?
Yep : todays BBC/Labour PR team Keep Up the Pressure propaganda event
“Schools need 68,000 extra BME teachers to reflect population”
Pupil Black Johnny – “I think there are too many WHITE teachers in my school”
…. Media “Very GOOD , you are on BBC at 8:30, Sky at 8:50 then on the Victoria special at 10”
Pupil White Johnny – “I think there are too many BAME teachers in my school”
…. Media “Very BAD , we have phoned The Prevent prog to tell them about this Far Right Extremism”
“27% of pupils are BAME (don’t believe that)
… 13% of teachers are ”
Bottomline 1 demographics of older people like teachers, don’t match that of younger people
that’s why there are less BAME top judges etc,
Bottomline 2 demographics PARTICULAR JOBS don’t match demographic of general population.
eg1 Much more NHS staff/doctors are BAME than general population
eg2 Much more primary school teachers are female than general population
eg3 Much more nurses are female than general population
eg4 Much more dangerous jobs are MALE than general population
eg5 A bit more farmers are WHITE than general population
66% of criminals are BAME. We therefore need 3,300 new BAME judges.
The graphic at the end of the BBC page lists about 5 London areas where the pupils are claimed to be 80-90% BME
…How can that be true ?
Royal Family is over representative of white people … too many dogs in the canine family, not sure how the BBC will sort that one out?
I’ll create a new pro-noun ‘Cog’ – a cat that wants to be a dog. Sorted …. language manipulation is the cure to actually doing anything in reality!
27% of pupils are BAME.
It could be true. Just look at London, 27%? 72% may be nearer the mark.
I recently visited a local secondary school (white british under 7%) student art exhibition.
There was no picture at all of a white british person but plenty of Asians and Muslims.
The battle for a predominant British culture is lost in many areas. In those that remain we just have to hope that some level of cultural integration will still be possible. Many third generation Afro caribbean and asia Indians show signs of being willing to play the game. We have to hope that will continue at a faster rate than the incoming immigrants who refuse to do so.
The whole argument that professionals must have the same skin colour as those they serve is preposterous. I taught at a school that was 99% Asian and to be honest I thought most of the staff being white might be a problem. Not once was it an issue. How fantastic is that? Why can’t the Beeb report on something positive like that? The only problem was pupils of a certain religion often not respecting female teachers, but obviously dealing with actual facts rather than wholly imagined racial issues is anathema to Al Beeb.
The truth is the truth regardless of who says it. My contract law lecturer was black. Does that mean what he taught me about misrepresention is not true because we have different skin colour? The whole premise is so moronic and anti-intellectual. No kid I successfully taught French would care that we have different skin colour. It is a French lesson for f**k’s sake, not a bloody civil rights march.
Why are they so obsessed with skin colour? I thought they were against racism.
They had the same argument about the Police: if we had more BAME officers, ‘communities’ would respect them more. Surely if you are intent on criminality the skin colour of whoever might arrest you does not enter into your considerations?
“All that easy money and status would be great, and my poverty and nepotism precludes me from joining top professions like the media, but – look! More black officers! That has destroyed all the known motivations to commit crime. Now I am going to stay in, read the entire Western canon and become an academic because I just saw a black Police officer!”
Lo and behold, there is a more diverse Police force than ever yet knife and gang crime are worse than they have ever been.
They forever moan about there not being enough funding for things and the need to end austerity, but how many billions are wasted on pointless SJW crusades like this which help nobody? Why create a problem where there is not one? I do not care that every psychiatrist I have seen has been Asian because they have all been good at their jobs. We should be judged by the content of our characters, not the colour of our f**king skin!
Well said, Beeb Brother. Reports such as this expose the BBC for what it really is: an ideologically motivated political machine whose aim is to indoctrinate and influence cultural, social and political worldviews rather than report facts.
The BBC don’t apply the same argument the other way around.
The UK has a lot of BME doctors and nurses but the BBC will never run an article saying “Hospitals need ??,000 extra WHITE doctors and nurses to reflect population”
Had one ear on the radio this morning, they were talking about schools, standards and failing schools etc…and i thought?…no…can’t be….it is…Bloody Nick Clegg substituting an absent guest it seems…Clegg! ?….why?…he’s obviously still a darling as far as the BBC are concerned it seems….usual rubbish coming out of his mouth…dire.
If a psychotherapist cannot empathise with a patient and establish a rapport, the process does not work. If you talk about your problems with alcohol or homosexuality and wanting to write plays with someone for whom all those things are forbidden by their culture how can he empathise with your position?
Thus many times I have had people spouting text book learned phrases like ‘maladaptive coping strategy’ from someone who clearly had no idea whatsoever what I was dealing with as it was so alien to him. With so many therapists I did not bother as it was a complete waste of time. The breakthrough came when I saw someone who shared a similar upbringing and outlook to me.
The over-representation of certain minorities in psychiatry is a very real problem, but to discuss such matters is thought crime. Who cares if so many white men are killing themselves? They do not matter.
Nor does the al beeb wonder what’s happening to medical services where these people are coming from or whether their education is always up to a professional standard.
Note: I am not intending to denigrate any fully qualified medic who chooses a career in Blighty .
Fact is that there aren’t enough BAME individuals applying for roles such as the services, teaching, police. The question is, ‘why is that?’ My opinion, for what its worth, is that those kind of roles are associated correctly with the State and, to pinch a word, thats, ‘haram’. But if conscription needed to be introduced immediately, all and every flight would be booked completely out of Heathrow.
Let them be bloody teachers if they want – it is f**king hard work! Then maybe I could land a cushy job as a footballer, diversity officer or BBC presenter. With any profession you have a massive competitive advantage if you are BAME.
The Beeb want to imagine a world where many minorities want to teach but are prevented by ‘structural racism.’ In reality they probably just want to avoid all the abuse and stress you get as a teacher – a stress that is magnified by having to cater for so many different cultures in modern comps. It’s incredible that no matter how hard you work the Beeb still stick it to whitie!
Perhaps the BBC could run an article on the need for less BAME terrorists.
Beeb brother
I sometimes try to step out of the time we are in and wonder what those is – say – 100 plus years will think of us. Shallow ideas about colour needing to reflect this or that – you know -that kind of thing – meaningless expressions of sympathy “our thoughts are with” and many others which I hope our betters in the future will laugh about.
Must try optimism for a change eh?
The bBC spends an inordinate amount of time and effort telling me that Islamic females in the West must cover up as mandated by Allah yet an article on female cricket in Pakistan shows not one women in the national team covering up:

Sana Mir, Pakistan’s female cricket star
and here is the entire team:
As Pakistan is an Islamic country with a population that is 95-97% Islamic, does this mean that the Muslims in the West have been lying to us all?
Notice something else that separates them from their western cousins , not one fugly one amongst them
Pounce: The BBC – We’ll get Nadia on to that straight away to insist they cover up………….
That’s a fit team, Pounce, in all senses of the word.
Makes the England men’s team of a few years ago look positively obese. Which they probably were and was why they were getting beat in three days of a five day Test.
So that’s what they look like.
In Australia, that’s the ”paki” womans cricket team, i moderated the WBX betting exchange forum, mainly Aussie’s.
The Pakistani’s take no offence to commentry at all that i am aware of, and never have.
paki bowler
paki wicket keeper
paki fielder.
Oz or Aussie bowler
Oz or Aussie wicket keeper
Oz or Aussie fielder.
I wonder how many are openly gay? The Beeb will be working on that story at this moment.
I am really trying to limit exposure to all al beeb but apparently they are having a gay week ? Celebrating some anniversary .
I recall that 10%? Of the population is homosexual – if that is the case is al beeb having weeks celebrating other groups of 10% ? Such as me as I’m over 6 foot – tall week – a celebration of height ?
I obviously can’t shout about it too loudly as I don’t pay a licence tax . Perhaps they could have a non tv payers week?
“I recall that 10%? ”
nope proper stats from ONS say 1.7%
Of course they seem to go in for certain professions and locations
..that’s why many gays think the number is much highers that 1.7 %
Hell Stew;
Just goes to show – I thought I was pretty resistant to the homo propaganda but had convinced myself wrongly about the 10 per cent. The official figures make al Beebs support the perversion even more biased.
Suppose it because the “arts” tend to attract a disproportionate number of homosexual people. I will not use their nomenclature on principal.
The part-time M/s Kuenssberg turns up for a bit of high speed work on the TOADY Programme (R4 post-8am News after Nick’s interview with Stephen Baker MP) rubbishing Brexit and creating mountains out of molehills for Theresa May to climb.
She gabbles away about how democracy inside Westminster may just provide an upset for democracy outside Westminster, perhaps so she can disappear as quickly as possible back to her seat at Wimbledon or garden in Scotland.
N. Robinson was monstrously antagonistic to Steve Baker this morning, his behaviour straying far beyond acceptability in interviewing. He clearly set out to damage Steve Baker by sneering and smearing, and even wheeled out a 7-year-old remark by Baker about the EU. Happily, Baker well coped with the Robinson onslaught, and remained polite, articulate and forthright. Regarding the withdrawal from Euratom, one only has to turn to RAEN to discover that Steve Baker was absolutely correct in his assertion that a withdrawal from Euratom will not prevent the UK obtaining radioactive isotopes for medical treatments, and Robinson’s sneering at Steve Baker’s statement was complete unjustified.
Anybody else notice how the bBCs coverage of the Grenfell fire has now taken an ugly turn with them promoting a campaign designed to ignite passions in people known for rioting at the drop of a rumour:
Grenfell tower: ‘Authorities let my mother and aunt burn’
‘You just killed my son’ – Grenfell survivor
Grenfell survivor ‘poisoned by cyanide’
Funny enough the last two articles are all from the same family and they also have another article , all out within the past 9 hours. Its as the bBC are milking this tragedy for all it can.
Yes they are, I just turn off now as soon as it’s mentioned.
The first link interviewee says “ have to ask yourself… is there anything worse than being burned to death… yes having no remains”. WTF? That’s the problem with society today. Whenever someone dies or suffers you can guarantee someone who didn’t die or suffer will attempt to get all the sympathy for themselves.
This started with “mourning sickness” for Lady Diana’s funeral when total idiots traveled to London to be filmed crying on live TV trying to prove their loss was greater than Diana’s.
All those BBC interviews are heavily edited so the interviewee is saying “you killed” with no explanation of who “you” is. The BBC have been building the narrative that the fire was caused by Theressa May alone and this interviews just reinforce that narrative.
Seems Mishal may yet get enough on the balancing side of her sick tallies soon enough.
As I said further up the thread, the compensation claims are being prepared.
@Pounce BBC website stories are often very tabloid
If ever there was a reason for the State to no longer build dwellings. Leave it to the private sector to sort out.
Ms Morris’s ‘As well hidden as a black person in a woodpile’ quote.
Ms Morris was suspended the Tory whip, not for what she said, but because a battered and bloodied party leader was punching wildly, in the face of a partial and bullying national media, whose behaviour is increasingly harming this nation’s democracy. In short, Ms Morris was sentenced by the BBC and the rest of the lets-beef-up-the-news brigade.
It is TRIAL BY A PARTIAL MEDIA, and that is the crime against which we should rage.
In England, young black men and women are rightly proud of their genetic heritage, are proud to be called black, are proud to be called n****r; are proud to call their black friends black; and proud to call them n****r. It is not a crime for a black youth to call their black friend n****r, for words in themselves are not inherently racially abusive.
The tests for verbal racism are either: Is the word used in a racially abusive context? or Is the word likely to offend any fair-minded person?
In Ms Morris’s case, she used the N-word in a long-established colloquial phrase that was simply comparing two opposites, a black face and pile of white wood. Although the phrase, like another offensive phrase ‘touched with the tar-brush’, may stem from Britain’s colonial past (with its some ‘good influences’ and many buts), Ms Morris did not have in her mind any black person when she used the fatal word. She did not use the word in a racially abusive context.
But a single word can hurt. My mother had uncertain paternity, and was farmed out from one-month’s age. She spent her childhood having the word bastard spat at her. In her later years, in the 1960s the word bastard was widely used in daily speech as a careless adjunct; if someone tripped over, they were a ‘careless bastard’. No-one was offended, except my mother, who alternately wept and raged when she heard the word.
The reason that I am using asterisks to spell n****r, is not only that I fear an electronic big brother might censor this post, but because I recognize that many older fair-minded black people are offended by THAT WORD OF ITSELF, in whatever context, perhaps because of the way we have heard the word spat out by southern-state-accented white men and women in American films. Ms Morris fails on this count alone, as must every black youth who uses that word when an older black person might hear.
However, Ms Morris’s offence is a single instance of verbal negligence. I believe a fair judgement for this first offence should have been a verbal or written warning.
Last night on C4 there was another back racist saying “of course she should resign”
Right imagine you are teaching a mixed class
#1 Pupil Marie accidentally says a TABOO word
#2 Pupil Diane says openly racist things a few times
#3 The Rashid Gang have been abusing girls for years
#4 The Plod boys keep their mouths shut about for years about that abuse, and have only just started to speak up.
As a teacher what should be the proportionality of your responses ?
BBC/Labour are cynical and relentless with their “keep up the pressure” PR tricks
Disingenuous … is the word of the decade.
Agreed TonyR.
The other important aspect of British life is the Rule of Law, defined loosely as, ‘the restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and established laws’. It requires that all act within and apply the law the hallmark of a settled mature society. Wherever you look, the RoL is imperceptibly disappearing day-by-day. Whether it be a organ of the State blatantly ignoring serious crime (Rochdale) or on a lesser scale, Department of Work and Pensions again blatantly ignoring EU nationals illegally milking the benefit system, it is all falling apart. Mob rule, fanned on by the BBC, is on the increase. When the Rule of Law disappears completely we will not risk venturing out on the street (as in Sweden/Germany) for fear of being attacked/raped with no help or justice and in the unlikely event that the perpetrators will be caught much less prosecuted and even then? – Receiving a mere reprimand.
On the present course, the developed nations in the West are all heading toward a complete breakdown of societal cohesion which will end in………..
I don’t know if the rule of law is disappearing G.
Just drop a bacon rind somewhere in the region of a mosk and you’re good for 15 months in prison.
Maybe a life sentence if you end up in the wrong prison area.
A man with cancer has just been jailed for 15 months (or it might be longer) for pulling the veil down from a muzzy woman exposing some face.
It seems some laws are being ignored and other laws being over zealously applied.
All the laws that are being ignored do seem to favour certain groups if you know what I mean.
The laws being vigorously applied appear to target good old whitey.
Bacon rind outside a mosque would certainly be prosecuted, but not outside a synagogue! Oswald Mosley has been reborn as a Muslim. If anyone is more persecuted than a white Christian, in this country, it is a white Jew.
Somebody a few years ago wrapped some bacon round our synagogue gates. We did what any sane person would do. We removed it and laughed. It didn’t hurt. Shame others couldn’t do the same. It would stop happening.
Well done. It is good not to take it to heart, but we must always condemn, for, none of us should forget that hate begins with such minor acts and often progresses to much worse.
Deborah -Laughing off and ignoring acts that are inspired by hatred is not good . Clearly you have not learnt your Jewish history lessons !
Well, he didn’t just rip the veil off her – an abusive tirade and that was probably pretty scary. Not sure I agree with the length of the sentence, but then I can’t remember the details and I’m not a member of the legal profession. And yes, there is certainly a discrepancy between the sentences given for types of crimes – like rapes/sexual assaults committed by ethnic minorities, which are certainly under sentences IMO. Doesn’t bode well.
MadMax shows people fighting for stuff … I think you will find it’s more like this, with people giving up, without realising, without resistance ….
“The film tells the story of two ordinary people who are taken into a top-secret military hibernation experiment that goes awry, and awaken 500 years in the future. They discover that the world has degenerated into a dystopia where advertising, commercialism, and cultural anti-intellectualism run rampant and dysgenic pressure has resulted in a uniformly stupid human society devoid of individual responsibility or consequences.”
Yeah an Aussie’s best m8’s are all bastards,……”good-day how are ya, ya bastard”.
But surely the point being widely made is that black people want exclusive ownership of the N word, using it whenever they please. I don’t accept that the word can be so offensive that it puts the user beyond the pale, when they are prepared to use it themselves. I don’t think a white person would get away with an argument like that.
I suspect that your mother didn’t say “bastard” very often – that’s the difference IMO.
I think that being offended, even highly offended, is just something we have to live with. The alternative is to live under constant supervision, which is where we are heading now. N-word this week, next week it will be another.
Victoria Darbyshire and the Grenfell saga rumbles on, unlike it would appear Westminster, Manchester and London Bridge. This time it’s the Gomes family who have suffered cyanide poisoning and they are angry. My mind wandered and I wondered what building regulations were like in other countries.
It also appears I am persona non grata on MSN apparently I have been suspended from making comments. “MSN has temporarily removed commenting on our websites while we explore better ways for you to engage in discussion on the issues you care about.”Which I assume involves me not commenting at all. No loss there, it’s a daily drip of toxic stories gathered from certain media outlets about BREXIT & the Tories. Plus it slows my PC to a grinding crawl whilst it’s loading
During the Blitz London was almost flattened, and we’ve all seen the grainy black and white film of families pushing rickety prams containing what was left of their belongings to safety and literally getting on with it, despite losing their homes and family. They would have considered it a luxury to have been rehomed within a month. This was less than 80 years ago, and yet those people behaved with more dignity than anything I’ve seen by those angry distorted and yes, foreign faces who have screamed obscenities at every turn. Perhaps they should be sat down and made to watch those images from the war years and realise that things could be a lot bloody worse. Yes, its the 21st Century, but a fire is a fire whether its the 5th century or now, human rights and demands don’t come into it.
The British people who fought World War II and suffered the Blitz do not exist any more. Their country has gone, and their sacrifice has been utterly wasted.
Yes, complete waste. Maybe it would have been better if the Nazis had won.
This is where migration has gone tits up. We may have second generation migrants born here, have British passports etc etc, BUT its in their DNA to kick up a stink at the smallest ‘slight’, and regardless of stature, religion or race, nothing will stop them having a chip on their shoulder and go on the attack. I’ve seen it in all walks of life, from those in academia (who should know better) to similar folk as in the Grenfell Tower. At least we know where we are with the good old British ‘stiff upper lip’.
Yes my parents lived in a prefab in London during the 50s and 60s because of the damage the Germans caused ( in al beeb world that never happened) . I can’t understand why the Germans are not still paying reparations for what they did.
We got them going after 1945 and then seemed to let them get power again. At least we know WW 3 will be different
On Germany’s rebuilding after the war, it was the USA who provided aid for the reconstruction. Britain, of course had start paying for the armaments supplies of Lend-lease, which we had carelessly lost and damaged during the war. These repayments to the USA were not fully paid until 2005 or thereabouts. The Yanks forgot that we gave them all our scientific knowhow in 1940 (worth a trillion dollars in today’s money), in order to trigger Lend-lease; they never paid us back for those!
Excellent point.
They refused to share the benefits of their nuclear research in spite of the fact that, as you say, we handed over ours. I believe they used Klaus Fuchs as an excuse in spite of the fact that they had their own high profile spies.
Special relationship, when it suits.
I believe we did provide some assistance to the German motor industry immediately after WWII, strange as it seems now.
Yes I think it was the Royal Engineers which set up the Beatle production for them.
Agree about the special relationship. The deal with Roosevelt to share nuclear details was breached by Truman – as you say because of Fuchs. But they had their traitors too.
I just find it hard to accept tha because Britain had to put so much more national resources into developing our own bomb without American help citizens were still subject to rationing into the 1950s – just a few years before I came about.
History is important isn’t it?
Yeah we also supplied the russians with our weaponry supplied by the yanks………..worth billions at todays money.
In the early 2000’s i was heavily into time-line building, on historical sites like history commons, A.Q. Khan network and nuclear proliferation is THE rabbit hole of rabbit-holes, everything today and every major event/scandal over the last 60 yrs has its roots in nuclear proliferation.
Example Enron, and the Indian dams, the BCCI banking scandal, and many many more C.I.A. black op’s, at the public’s expense.
I see the Grenfell protesters have the articulate support of the tattooed Sociology Lecturer from the LSE.
I love to see academics putting forward a well constructed argument
I got similar on MSN – but assumed it was a blanket ban rather than personal to me!
Does anyone know different? I tend not to bother with MSN anyway. Too much clickbait.
Tom – do you get a badge or something when you get banned ?
I’ve got a taste for taking on teenage Corbynites at the moment but I notice some comments being ignored and not published at all.
I am trying to counter the left rants in the style of J Rees -Mogg but a struggle to achieve his clarity .
LibMob are screaming for Emma Barnett to draw blood against May at 10am
Be so simple to do, as the Tories are such an incompetent, lying, royal f-ck up, and she s
been in hiding and deserves it … but a little bird tells me, its not going to be the case,
Yep! … Political establishment business as usual
Apparently “she shed a little tear “over the GE?
… for herself of course … how very Tory
Because “all the people she spoke to” ya da ya da
… says everything
… Start with a No10 clear out
Told you so, turned into Woman s Hour
BBC Bias … no greater example
I thought they only talked about that Muslim dishonour crime, fmg ( whatever that is ) benefits and all men are cads.
Oh yes – and Hilary
UK university applications fall by 4%, Ucas figures show
University leaders said a number of factors could be fuelling the fall in applicants, including Brexit, higher fees and funding changes for trainee nurses and midwives.
Come on BBC, you slipped up as you forgot to include Trump as a reason.
In my opinion, the real reason is more likely due to the growing support for Corbyn and Socialism. They promise loads of free money to those who don’t work so what’s the point of even getting a Degree.
They also crow about the big drop in recruiting foreign nurses.
This drop happened at the same time as a language test was brought in for foreign nurses to pass which would prove they were capable of working in a UK hospital.
Funnily enough, they never mention this.
And I think they all went ‘ agency’ – more money – less work – even less care – by our angels
I always thought it funny when I went hospital visiting and woke them up as all 3 slept at their table .
Yes but did you notice applications from outside the EU are up! Hurrah! Or maybe they’re the ones getting it paid for …asylum seekers, refugees etc..
Now 5 Live phone is on Everyday sexism honour of Saint Any Murray
Anyone watch BBC1 Watchdog last night?
Every time they cut to Nikki Fox (a wheelchair user who was nominated for Best On Screen talent at the Cultural Diversity Network Awards in 2010) TICK!, behind her was a black young girl on a laptop TICK and another not so black girl on a laptop TICK!
When the camera showed a full studio shot there were others working on laptops but all the others were white and they never appeared in any close up camera shots.
I’m sure it was just coincidence and not a BBC box ticking exercise.
I reported my exact same thoughts a week or so ago. Glad you’ve confirmed that it is really BBC standard procedure to display all the black and asian’s present at the forefront in front of the white contingent. I thought is was me.
G – beeb’s institutional racism. (anti-white)
Last night’s episode isn’t available on iPlayer yet. Probably not enough BBC staff to edit the iPlayer website!
Here are a couple of screenshots from last weeks episode showing the same BAME person placement in the close up camera shots:
Close up shot:
Full studio shot:
Even the iPlayer BBC ident at the start has it’s quote of BAME persons:
Stop complaining about the BBC use BAME faces as a universal back-drop. BAMEs are a novelty, a curiosity for BBC producers who, in their South Bucks homelands, never see such exotic folk.
Jesus wept, the first pic, the two white birds, it’s like a scene from Jurassic Park!
Close up shot:
They do that with the news readers as well, I can’t remember the last white one Tabs.
Even without the anti white al beeb bias I think there is a lefty so called charidee which spends its time counting the amount of time people of any colour – including I suppose the likes of Ronald McDonald – get on screen.
Al beeb execs would be frightened to death of criticism and would not get their next pay increment, bigger car, pension and stuff .
I may be spreading false news but fear I’m right.
I know I shouldn’t watch TV ‘news’, but when I do, I currently amuse myself by counting the number of times ‘reporters’ and those being interviewed say the word ‘community’ (singular and plural). There’s hardly room for any other words, apart from ‘despite Brexit’, ‘Tory austerity’ and ‘Trump’s a bastard’ (inferred). When did this sort of repetition start? I’m old enough to remember ‘escalate’. Anyone got anything earlier than ‘escalate’?
Spiderman, same is true with the word “Solidarity”.
This word crops up all the time now, and if a “reporter” can’t slide it into their piece, then they find someone else who can… awful word, indicating in advance to the listener that the talker is about to enter into a serious bit of virtue signalling..
Daily Express today:
“”You MUST pay!’ Brexit negotiator Verhofstadt says Britain has to accept EU divorce bill””
“”His comments were later echoed by the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier, underlying a growing concern in Brussels that the UK is trying to circumvent the controversial Brexit bill issue by arguing enough progress has been made in other areas to trigger the second phase of the talks””
Will the BBC argue against the EU on this topic. Or any other??
EU divorce bill
It is true that the UK pledged to support a large number of development and infrastructure projects in Europe; and we are an honourable nation. These pledges were made when the UK was benefitting as a trading partner with the EU. If we can get a good free-trade deal with the EU27, then it is not unreasonable that we should honour many of these pledges; but not unless we get that good trade deal. This is why the trade deal must be negotiated before the so-called divorce bill.
If the EU tell us to go whistle, as far as trade is concerned, then we can no longer be bound on pre-Brexit trade-based pledges.
Gay Verhofstadt is just blathering on.
We hold ALL the trump cards.
We pay loads in.
We have a trade deficit in their favour.
We house and look after 3 times the number of our lot living abroad (who are mainly richer self sufficient types anyway)
We have loads of other Countries chomping at the bit to trade with us.
We are behaving as if we are grovelling to them for scraps and as the great JRM says, something like just happy to get our tummy tickled.
Why are we so subservient and meek.
We are in a fantastically strong negotiating position.
We should walk away NOW, just get out, and then say to them that we will discuss a trade deal from new.
We should never lose sight that we are in a far far stronger position than them.
Yes just walk and listen to the krauts scream about losing sales of dodgy vws, beemers and audis. No deal is definitely better .
Maybe uk really does need a celebrity fool like boris in charge to counter Corbyn the rock star. Maybe risk another election for a working majority – this time lots of empty promises from the money tree like labour . Punters love that
I’m sure we can rely on the Beeb to put up a stoic and patriotic defense of our position on this.
The divorce bill is ridiculous. If you cancel a phone or gym contract, you expect that you might still have to pay in for the remainder of your contract. That’s fine and the UK has no problem paying our subs during this two year article 50 notice period.
However, if the gym or phone company was to say ‘we invested in some other shit which you won’t get the benefit of and hence will need to cough up a golden goodbye payment’ we’d rightfully tell them to do one.
It’s staggering how one minute the left and the Beeb will be bleating about austerity and how there isn’t enough money for the NHS and the next glibly defending an EU ransom for extra cash. Where exactly do they think the money will come from to pay this totally fabricated demand?
On days when the lying beebistan has no reports of islamic terror and madness, it’s worth remembering that muslim mayhem continues unabated, worldwide, on a daily basis, below.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Omar Khadr can’t believe his good fortune. Neither can we.
He kills an American medic, blinds another, serves a few years at
Guantanamo… and gets paid $10.5 million by Canadian taxpayers.
Where is Trudeau’s apology to the real victims?
Bangladesh man ‘admits’ cutting off wife’s fingers { dec2011} is the BBC headline I would suggest “Mr. Islam chopped of wife’s hand because she pursued higher education without his permission.”
See the BBC title’s wording – ‘cutting’ … here is an alternative report, with some hard reaching conclusions …
Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she had an accident. …. Close your eyes while hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants show up in America and Europe. Keep your eyes closed and Mr. Islam will give you a great big surprise.
Follow up 6 months later – Mr Islam is in custody, not in prison after 6 months. Guess losing a hand is not hard evidence.
How come Joe Pasquale got to be chair of the Treasury Committee?
George Osborne in a wig.
Treezer shed a tear when she heard of the exit polls after the election.
Just like the tears she shed over the victims of the child grooming gangs whom she fail to protect when Home Secretary.
The BBC don’t want her now. Time she buggered off anyway.
I wish Treezer would a) shed less tears, b) apologise less, c) get on with the f’ing job.
How can she get on with the job when she is totally incapable and useless. She proved that as Home Secretary and is proving it as PM. The Tories are proving themselves the same by not getting rid of her.
FakeNewsNight with James O’Brien, exposed by Douglas Murray –
I am offering a 25-year old bottle of “Grant’s Sporran ” Single Malt Scotch Whisky to the first person who can name a more repulsive Beeboid than O’ Brien. He is total slime. He even makes wee Evan look good. The rules of the competition are simple. My decision is final.
Grant’s Sporran has a distinctive aroma but, it must be said, is an acquired taste. A little salty for some.
As for O’Brien he behaves like a sixth-former trying to look old beyond his years.
Beltane ,
I am delighted that you have, at least, tasted it !
Grant, Can’t think of anyone who comes remotely near him. He reminds me of Davros in Dr Who: Evil, repulsive looking and sociopathic.
The list of sociopathic traits seems to be almost him to a tee.
Sociopath traits that match( in my opinion):
Superficial charm and good “intelligence”
Absence of “nervousness” or psychoneurotic manifestations
Untruthfulness and insincerity
Lack of remorse or shame
Inadequately motivated antisocial behaviour
Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love
General poverty in major affective reactions
Specific loss of insight
Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations
gb 123,
I think you are very close to the truth. There is something very abnormal about him. I mean more so than most Beeboids. I wonder if he has any friends ? Something tells that my whisky is safe, unless someone can come up with a real blinder.
He’s the most slimy, sanctimonious cunt in broadcasting.
You are too polite. He is even worse than that !
@MH That article about O’Brien dates from February
and shows exactly what he is.
Mice ,
Thank you for the effort to post .
It’s sad for me that as a once regular watcher of newsnight for a bit of calm end of day sanity I no longer ever bother with it and depend on posts like yours to get a view about its content.
It’s hard to work out just how unprofessional and biased al beeb will get. Is this the bottom before dissolution or reform ?
Wonder how many Muslim refugees listen to speeches such as Turkey’s Erdogan warns Muslims against birth control { may2016}?
Erdogan’s only responsible for 78 million people (does he speak for all Muslims?) and is helping Europe with the it’s (self imposed) immigration crisis.
” ‘We will multiply our descendants,’ said Mr Erdogan, who became president in August 2014 after serving as prime minister for 12 years….He has also urged women to have at least three children, and has said women cannot be treated as equal to men.”
“‘You cannot put women and men on an equal footing,’ he (Erdogan) told a meeting in Istanbul. ‘It is against nature’. { nov2014}‘”
… in other news Amnesty International says bills to reverse progressive family planning laws would reduce Iranian (with a population of 79million) women to ‘baby-making machines’ {theguardian mar2015}
That’s two very large countries making similar statements … with very large consequences in the future, did Turkey and Iran consider climate change?
Interestingly, beneath a headline encouraging people to have fewer children: is a photograph of three White babies; why not black or brown ones? Since it is generally the Third World where the unsustainable population explosion is happening. I suppose they mean: have fewer WHITE children.
This must be one of the incredibly rare occasions when The Guardian has a photograph of children, with a complete lack of either “vibrancy” or “diversity” within it.
If Diane Abbott does not like the word ‘Nigger*’, why does she use it so much? If she wants to be a shining example then stop using it or replace it when speaking, by Diane Abbott using the n-word and saying, or implying, no-one else can she is invoking special privilege.
Diane Abbott – Nigger appears 4 times in speeches {}
Theresa May – Nigger appears 0 times in speeches {}
Jeremy Corbyn – Nigger appears 0 times in speeches {}
Anne Marie Morris – Nigger appears 0 times in speeches {}
David Cameron – Nigger appears 0 times in speeches {}
All Speeches – Nigger appears 265 times in speeches {}
All ‘in the woodpile’ Appears 100 times in speeches {}
Diane Abbott says N-word 3 times – when she could have replaced it rather than use the inflamed/emotive word!
Just an idea to improve the situation, rather than inflame it.
* I write the n-word out in full because it does not bother me. I would rather see the n-word have no special place, and just for it to be a word with a history that shows bravery and misery. It’s not the word’s fault!



As I mentioned last night, I have no time for any form of racist abuse. However Mizz Abbot really hasn’t a leg to stand on when it comes to racism:
These politicians need to be corralled in truth and laughed at.
I found this video and couldn’t believe it – look at everyone else’s faces.
“… this liberal (Maxine Waters) will be all about socialising, urm, um, errm, (edited video where she looks down at book Communist Manifesto for Dummies) , urm, um, errm, would be about basically taking over and the Government running all your companies.”
A bit of background before you start watching Diane Abbott in action. The Lord Harris Review (oct2016) on terror attacks said we should put up barriers (recommendation 31) on the Bridges in London to protect pedestrians, Diane had not read or forgotten the report – who if elected would be in charge of our homeland security.
Another Diane Abbott car crash 3 days before the election (youtube 05Jun2017)
GE#17 // Labour(Hackney) // Diane Abbott // Votes 42,265 // share 75.1% // change+12.2 // The People Love Her!
Diane Abbott is not only a racist, she is thick as two short planks. No wonder the BBC love her.
We can do without the photo’s.
Some may be eating and come across these pictures.
Children might see them.
God help us if Labour get anywhere near power ever again.
I see the bBC has the latest Charlie Gard story up:
Charlie Gard is ‘still fighting’, says family spokesman
I am really thankful I am not in the position of the parents, but the bBC has promoted this story as a fight for justice. Really:
This poor child has severe brain damage. He cannot open his eyes or move his arms or legs. His condition also means he is unable to breathe unaided, which is why he needs to be on a ventilator. Charlie’s heart, liver and kidneys are also affected, and his doctors say it is not clear if he feels pain.
Should we allow this poor child to suffer, I’ve put pets down for less.
As for an analytical view, I was puzzled by why this disaster unlike all other disasters, does not report any missing presumed dead.
So investigating the known facts, I found that there are at least 80 to 87 people found dead, but only 32 have been identified.
The reason why there are no reports of any missing presumed dead for this disaster, as for instance, the Aberfan disaster. Is because there are no consistent records of who and who was entitled to live in the flats.
Police say that housing records, the electoral roll and interviews with the 255 survivors bear scant relation to each other when trying to identify who lived in which flat. Some flats seem to have been illegally sub-let, others were occupied by guests of the official resident. Of the 158 homeless families, many seem to have been residents living in nearby buildings.
The missing presumed dead issue does not arise because although a total of 73 people have been reported missing. Of those, 32 have been positively identified among the dead, leaving 41 who can not so far be identified among the remaining 48 to 55 people. The police are not sure if they are among the dead or on the run from the police. Some are said to have left the country. So we have a maximum of 41 missing presumed dead or on the run?
BBC Website headline ” Theresa May “shed a tear ” at exit poll ” . Bless !
The bBC is simply acting as the propganda arm for the left in which to cause a vote of no confidence in which to get Labour in. The day that happens, you will get to see my name in the headlines.
Well, Trump is in Paris – Lots of Muslims, Lefties, Greens, Feminists and BAMEs but as yet no riots?
And they didn’t have to debate his visit in their Parliament.
So, Bercow and your Momentum pals – good plan to alienate a massive, Western trading nation and our greatest ally?
Bercow has always been a wanker of the first order. The French are more practical. Naturally the countries who welcome Trump will get priority over the UK. Still we can always blame Brexit.
Yesterday on Today some nameless twats, “……….. even a restricted visit by Trump to the UK would spark massive protests ……..”. Didn’t catch why that would be? Is it because we have a staunchly, Leftist, Socialist, Green, ex Islamic failed state, Government?
Corbyn meeting Michel Barnier
Corbyn will tell M Barnier that were it in his power he would unilaterally declare full rights for EU citizens in the UK, with those rights protected not by Her Majesty’s Courts in the UK, but by what will be, after March 2019, foreign courts. Isn’t this treason? Also, wouldn’t it result in two classes of citizens, those subject to British law, and those subject to EU law?
I would have thought that Mrs May’s proposals for giving EU citizens in the UK, far greater rights than British Commonwealth citizens enjoy, went more than far enough.
Amnesty for everyone – criminals, rapists, murderers. The prisons are empty! No undocumented people! No Problems!
“For the Many (Amnesty for everyone, forever), Not the Few (nobody is illegal)”
Funny that, name me any country in the world where foreign citizens come under the law of their own countries.
Almost like people becoming their own Vatican City or like having to build walls on bridges to defend the people from an unknown enemy that cannot be named.
I suggest, give them a dual passport (or cost of repatriation) and be done with it. They can then choose – an individuals choice not a bureaucratic one.
Theresa May just needs to use the coded words – “We want to treat everyone equally, just as the EU would want it’s citizens to be treated, but they must follow the laws of the Country they are in or else they are gaining special privilege above the Country’s normal citizens. ‘Equality for All!’. ‘For The Many (Everyone), Not the (Privileged) Few!’. By giving them dual passports we are saying ‘Welcome, you are free to stay or leave – the individuals choice!’.”
If they prefer living under EU rules , there would appear to be 27 countries they are free to move to and still have the right to move too
So they already have enhanced rights
I doubt if many of them are actually worried, we dont have much of a reputation for ejecting people now do we!
I think this is all a load of nonsense blown up by remoaners
Does it mean that eu citizens in England can drive on the right as they do under their law or can they pick and choose which laws they want to obey.
In Germany you can drive with NO upper speed limit on most of the Autobahns.
Handy if you’re an eu citizen in England, late for work and you come under eu law.
The EU citizens who want to remain in the UK, are happy to be subject to British law – that is why the want to stay. Its the British politicians who ‘want Brexit’, but want to keep all the legislative and federal ties to Europe, who try every trick to derail Brexit. At least the Libe Dems are honest about it.
BBC WS – ” Today Britain begins the process of adopting EU laws into our legal system. Later in the programme we shall be flagging up the pitfalls.”
But of course – we would expect nothing else from enemies of the state. Russia must be saving a fortune on subversion – they have the bbc to do their work.
One of the many things I hate about the BBC is that they treat us like little children who have to be educated by them. Given that most Beeboids are quite dim themselves, it is a real insult . They are the ones who need to be educated.
I see that the top two stories on the BBC’s Video Top stories are “You just killed my son” Grenfell survivor and “They let my mother and aunt burn”.
Whilst I understand that these people are grieving, I assume that the usage of ‘you’ and ‘they’ is referring to the authorities and the government and Theresa who all have blood on their hands?
I wonder if the Beeb would have allowed the same emotive finger pointing after the Westminster Bridge, Manchester and London Bridge attacks.
It is incitement, pure and simple. Playing to a very dodgy crowd.
Thinking al Beeb just ramping it up to get a summer riot worse than the al tottenhamstan a few years ago. Then blame cuts – police – anyone – and give corbyn another opportunity to cuddle a protester for votes.
I posted this late last night and stated oh and how we all laughed:
Why was I not surprised to see the bBC screaming out from the top of the LGBT minaret this news-story:
Tube to change ‘ladies and gentlemen’ announcements
I wonder how long it is before the ethical latte crowd start locking up all straight people because they are not gay?
I’m considering declaring myself as a woman so that I can live 8 years longer than as a man.
It’s my human right after all.
I’m starting to think the whole state pension equalisation project was embarked upon just to avoid that particularly large can of worms EG.
Yes Emmanuel but my needs are not being addressed by al Beeb – some days I feel like a chap – other days like a lady and other days I’m just confused or too lazy to self identify myself in a meaningful way. What does the gblt thing do about that? When do I get my week of programmes ?
I posted this late last night and stated oh and how we all laughed:
Why was I not surprised to see the bBC screaming out from the top of the LGBT minaret this news-story:
Tube to change ‘ladies and gentlemen’ announcements
I wonder how long it is before the ethical latte crowd start demanding that we start locking up all straight people because they are not gay?
Pounce – its strangely prophetic and certainly much closer to the truth than any of us would have believed was possible back in the 1970s and 80s.
The BBC I am sure would see this as an instructional video rather than a comedy sketch.
They seem to revel in anything which hints at confused sexuality and in particular seem to get very excited with any mention of homosexuality. In that particular vein on R4 today they were plugging a programme or a series of programmes dedicated to “queer art” – I am not quite sure whether we will be treated to descriptions of selected images of BBC approved buggery or whether it will just consist of descriptions of pictures painted by “queers” but in their normal tiresome bbc way I bet listeners will have to listen to how the artist was bullied and tortured himself over his sexuality before coming out.
Personally I dont give a monkeys whether any artist is gay or not (and I bet the majority of us boring straight population also feel the same way about homosexuality). So why do the BBC have to push it so much – after all you never hear straight artists described by their sexuality. Its irrelevant.
I suspect the real reason is
1 They enjoy any “shock value” they get from this
2 It is yet another way of devaluing society where everything revolves around sex and gratification, rather than who the person is.
3 Yet again it creates another favoured “victim group” and provides another stick to beat normal society with and make us feel guilty and not value our own conventional culture and traditions.
4 It is a demonstration of how decadence in the eyes of the BBC has become a positive thing and how these days self discipline and conventional morality means nothing. HIV I believe really got going in the US bathhouses where contraception and restraint amongst the gay population was not practiced. Yet whilst the poor bloody hemophiliacs were pretty much got forgotten any celebrity who got HIV almost appeared to have his lifestyle celebrated. And if lucky probably got a card from Princess Di.
Sex (gay or straight) whilst a good thing is a bit like eating chocolate probably a little of what you fancy does you good – but too much and you may get ill. Unfortunately self restraint these days does not figure in the BBC book of life. And I suppose in their own hedonistic decadent fashion these overpayed spolit bastards can never envisage life without limits. Unfortunately in real life everything has its limits.
What is for certain is that the BBC will continue with their headlong dash into immorality until our nation has lost all its morals and all its self respect.
news24: 1.23pm bBC paris correspondent. States that Macron and Trump have NOTHING in common, but seem to be getting on. Awkward for the bBC, hate Trump, love Macron. Failed to mention that they probably get on, because they both want to energise their economies.
And both come from privileged backgrounds.
Amazing attitude al Beeb has sometime . The last president – the Kenyan one – couldn’t do anything wrong and the current one can’t do anything right.
Here is todays transgender news…
Tube to change ‘ladies and gentlemen’ announcements
Surely the BBC should also change its name to remove the “British” bit so more people in the UK “feel accounted for”.
Do they still do announcements in English at tube stations?
They can probably discontinue that and only use the language the locals (Londoners) speak.
Do they still do announcements in English at tube stations?
Sort of. A West Indian patois of the sort you might have heard 60 years ago. Or on a Tesco radio ad this morning.
Stonewall said: “Language is extremely important to the lesbian, gay, bi and trans community, and the way we use it can help ensure all people feel included. { jul2017}
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”
But it’s a measure of how far it has to go that much of the mainstream press, myself included, is still grappling with the terminology. Transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, gender fluid, pansexual, non-binary… Even after we meet, I find myself repeat-emailing Monroe to check that I’m not making some terrible blunder.
Is it correct to say you are transitioning, I ask. “In transition,” is better, she says. And is it OK to use “she”? (Some trans people prefer “they”.) {theguardian jul2016}
Ive decided my gender pronoun is going to be “Your Magnificence”
please refer to me in future as “Your Magnificence” or you will hurt my feelings and i will report you to the hate police
“Your Magnificence”,
My new gender pronoun is “You are wrong, no matter what you use. Why don’t you ever get it right?”.
Many Thanks,
“You are wrong, no matter what you use. Why don’t you ever get it right?”
It’s Wimbledon news time.
John Mcenroe gains my respect after calling out one Rishi Persad, a bBBC reporter getting ticks in the boxes for being Asian. Persad asks Rafa Nadal if he wiill return to Wimbledon – just moments after losing in a knackering 5 hour marathon five set match, 15-13 in the final set. Absolutely moronic yet the bBBC talking heads back up their reporter over Mcenroe. Right up there with the ‘how do you feel’ quality reporting of Grenfell tower.
Keep that 5 hour marathon in mind mentioned above. A day or two later, the feminists were up in arms after the men apparently took show court precedence in the quarter finals. Equality you see. One of the bBBC ‘s prime considerations. Let’s see equality in practice in the men v womens tennis, shall we?
Andy Murray loses the last 2 sets of a 5 set quarter final match. He is clearly playing while injured, and can bately move or serve. He loses the last 2 sets 6-1 6-1. The match takes over 3 hours. Meanwhile……
In the womens semi final, two women with unpronounceable names play. It is a 2 set match and the score is ….wait for it……6-1 6-1, all over in 1 hour 4 minutes. They both win a whole lot more prize money than Murray, because of the equal pay rules, yet clearly the level of competition is a fraction of that in the men’s match, and the demand for tickets for the mens matches clearly outstrip the womens.
Funny how ‘equality’ only ever seems to run in one ditrection.
Its the same in the Army.

Thanks for posting this. I’m all for equal opportunities in the army but the entry standards should be exactly the same, regardless of gender.
Also will a transgender have their own standards?
Also will a transgender have their own standards?
Thats a question that hasn’t been raised with my lot. Whilst a man to female shouldn’t have a problem, a female to male may . I’ll ask the Gym queens and get back to you.
You may laugh but trangender issues are now with schools who have to ‘develop policies’.
I remember when schools had a role to teach stuff to kids.
Nowadays they are becoming more and more a subset of the social services department.
And to be fair, I’m not sure very many teachers actually entered the profession with that role in mind. Rather it has all been dumped on them, especially after Soham.
New ones have sluff. No teacher these days could survive if they confined themselves to telling truth, knowing things and passing them on.
They`re all for the free long holidays, the charity runs and the wannabe Magpie gig…light sabres where a pointer used to do.
Thankfully they know nothing-which is why they`re the ultimate Guardian fodder …groomers of the mind, don`t even need a child cathcer van, we send our kids to THEM…by force.
Been going on since the 70s, but at least THEY could at least spell their own signs…no wonder words like imperialist and bourgeois no longer make the pictionary…Toriscum out nowSave R NHS gets you an A Level these days I`d bet.
Pounce – it would be interesting to know, out of interest, that if the different rules were applied to the different groups what would the reduction or increase be in the pass levels?
The army actually applied the same rules to both genders a few years back. However so many females failed, became injured and dropped out, that separate standards were soon reapplied. Not only that, but I have personally received troops from training who haven’t passed their basic fitness standards and so I have had to implement a training package for them in which to bring them up to scratch.
You see this at PT when the sick,lame and lazy drop out and go into the fitness suite. The amount of people who are overweight is a bloody disgrace. But then I suppose that is a Corp issue and not a teeth arm one.
And ISIS have agreed not to be so rough when fighting women soldiers. This politically correct madness is going to get a lot of people killed.{dailymail / comments / apr2016}
Now that IS have departed Mosul-all the Human Rights scum like Channel 4 and Amnesty International can now go in and lecture the Free Syrian Army on how to treat Jihaid John with some humanity. Typical privileged lefty scum-no balls, no chance of them ever having had a peek at what IS were doing in Mosul…but all too quickly they follow the brave liberators of Mosul…only to try and get them back to Britain, ensure they`re preserved for the next wipeout of Yazidis, Kurds, Christians and Shia, let alone Sunni who won`t set fire to kids in cages.
The media are craven soft liars,only in Mosul because Trump did everything that Obama refused to do..but yet he gets no credit from the IS-sucking liberal camp followers of niceness.
Hope they`ve got enough tealights and a miniature piano…twatz!
I had no idea that was the case Pounce, take the carrying a bag for 15 min exercise, surely the standard of competency should be set by the job not the gender of the applicant. It’s either 15kg for all or 20kg for all. If a woman only has to carry 15kg and be capable of doing the job why the hell does the bloke have to carry more to do the same job at the same standard? Unless…
An acquaintance of mine in the job, told me that the battering rams the police (on his force) wield to smash doors in on raids; were made lighter so that female officers could also use them.
The unfortunate consequence of this was that even when used by a man, it took several attempts to force entry with the lighter version whereas before it required one or two.
Another example of lowering standards in the name of diversity and inclusiveness, which actually puts lives at risk.
We all need to take refugees right?
unequal treatment of migrants around 10:30
which would you rather take??
“Free speech, and freedom of thought, is the foundation of what we are.”
– David Starkey
David Starkey exposes Extremist Hasan (calls Hasan a liar, Anna Soubry tries her best to talk some nonsense)
Problem is if you stick an enemy like him in a suit he becomes a bit more persuasive to gullible non Muslims. Dumbly wants to keep his senior elder stateman beeboid status maintained so shut down mr starkey to dumb the argument down. Glad didn’t see the whole thing – particularly with that deranged fool soubry on – I can hear the production staff ” we have to get a Tory for appearances so get a usual buffoon – soubry will do” .
I see the Beeb are running a feature on mental health and how someone took a sickie citing the following on their out of office “I’m taking today and tomorrow to focus on my mental health. Hopefully I’ll be back next week refreshed and 100% again”. The CEO of her company responded with a virtue signalling piece about how important mental health is blah, blah.
Obviously the Beeb are besides themselves with how this is the perfect utopia. Call me a cynic but give me a break. Calling in sick because of mental health is just a joke. So it has no outward signs, you can’t get a doctors note for it, no one is allowed to challenge you on it and if you are seen gadding around the shops or posting pics from the beach it’s because you are ‘refreshing your mental health’.
Has everyone lost all sense or practical thought? Does nobody else think that this vague, nebulous, utterly non specific label is just ripe for exploitation? Does the beeb really think that a condition that can be self diagnosed (just like hate crimes can be self judged) without any prior medical knowledge, wouldn’t attract the attention of those less scrupulous, less honest individuals?
I wonder if this individual would be as understanding if her salary was late because the payroll people suddenly needed to ‘rebalance’ or the pilot of her plane when taking a flight immediately needed some ‘down time’?
To be fair, the absence of skivers like that probably increases the productivity of an organisation.
Not if that one person is then having to cover their own job plus the individual who just decided to take a long weekend for ‘mental health reasons’.
You need only see and hear the BBCs coverage of business to know that it`s all commented on by thick kids who could never run a business, only ask snarky questions of corporate groupthink saps who left Oxbridge only five years earlier that their questioners did.
They like flashing lights though so as long as they run on their own self regard, then that`s cool.
Their language is Common Purpose sustainabilty crap, transparency and stakeholder bollocks that make a virtue out of the cartels they`re part of. The REAL business folk have no time to buff up the CBI or be concerend over shareholder values-they`re getting ready to leave the EU and don`t need the BBC crap idiocies.
The only business people worth a listen went with Jeff Randall. Thanfully there are some big beasts in the Telegraph and in Wetherspoons brilliant magazine
Hardly ever on the BBC though-wonder why?
The BBC know nothing about business, economics, finance, taxation, science ……. The list is endless. Agree with you about Jeff Randall. Bill Jamieson is a Scot’s equivalent. Tim Martin on the BBC ? Don’t make me laugh !
Indeed, “Welcome to the madhouse” –
Our high speed over-ground rail system, and my villages metro station.
And this is when we race them.
No back-packs
Only to be expected: MP’s working with the EU to undermine Brexit –
Arafa Nassih helps we enrich UK by -£136K
Only Climate Scientists are immune from grant bias
Are you accusing me of being biased ?
Hero Lord Hall just picked up his honorary degree from Hull University.
He think his command to put Hull on the weather map is an achievement.
6 charges of Rape for man who was aide to Tory MP for Reading at the time.
Juncker has dedicated his career to ensuring that society becomes less fair; that wealthy institutions and individuals can avoid the taxes little people and small businesses must pay. {theguardian jul2014}
No mention in twitter of Imports, value of exports is €58billion ($66billion) … so we are trading with Japan, but we need another trade deal to really trade with Japan?
What does Japan import from Germany? (2015) TOTAL: $19.3B
What does Japan export to Germany? (2015) TOTAL: $21.1B
What does Japan import from the United Kingdom? (2015) TOTAL: $6.29B
What does Japan export to the United Kingdom? (2015) TOTAL: $10.5B
Where does Japan export Cars to? (2015) TOTAL: $93.6B – USA 39% China 5.5%
UK Export Destinations {OEC}
Major UK companies cut secret tax deals in Luxembourg {bbc may2012}
So Trump gets full military honours in Paris while London gets zilch. Well done Bercow, Khan and co, you little runts (typo deliberate on this family blog).
I’ll go with the typo here, quite apt. The other at least has a use.
And little Rugrat on Channel 4 managed to imply that May was too busy in her self-inflicted hell hole to think of inviting the Leader Of The Free World.
Because of Brexit blinding her to the potential of a trade deal with Trump-oh , if ONLY she`d had the vision to invite him to visit. Macron did-what a statesman eh?
And Ruggles says this with no irony, as if it`s true.
This is the Left…they can`t even remember their old lies, they just pile them up. Hope to God that May sees that it`s all too possible to get him to come, as long as we create the same safe space for him as the French did. Their police are shit too (Nice, Bataclan etc)…but even THEY can ensure the US Presidents safety. If we need to lock up a few hacks so they don`t disclose his route to IS…so be it.
Bloody hypocritical liars…fuck off Rugman.
Treezer is so fucking stupid that I bet she does not even go to Bastille Day tomorrow. What a waster . Maybe she was not invited. Stateswoman, she ain’t.
As for liars, their problem is that they cannot remember which lies they told to which people. Tends to get their knickers in a twist.
I would not worry about Trump’s security. US Presidents take their own guys with them .
Chris – their police may be shit but they’re quite happy to beat the crap out of violent demonstrators, unlike our pc PCs.
Flabbott moaning she got rape threats. Sweetie they were just being polite, really, you have nothing to fear on that score.
The BBC seem not to have said too much about Sturgeon, Corbyn and the fat Welsh Labour leader chiselling away at our Brexit tyre lever in Brussels…Barnier the Dinosaur.
Went in mob-handed to suck up the last of the EU pissoirs I expect.
Imagine if Chamberlain, Steptoe Snr, Brtyn Terfel and the female Bisto kid in Grampian had all gone over to snout around Berchtesgarden just before the hun invaded Czechoslovakia? It`s as traitorous as that-yet the BBC say nowt.
Apparently Black bites matter
Even with the clear evidence of that video, there will still be accusations of police brutality. The man was behaving like a rabid dog – and who would chance getting near a rabid dog?
Just shoot his legs, give him something else to concentrate on.
Just shoot him in the head, do the American public a favour.
Shoulda shot him.
Please sign the petition and help stop the climate alarmism madness….
(Apologies if already posted elsewhere.)
And for anybody who hasn’t woken up to the massive con that is ‘man-made climate change’, here’s a starter for ten:
I would sign the petition with alacrity, but I cannot see (on the GWPF web page pointed to by Paul Homewood) how to do it. We are invited, in large bold font to “Sign the Petition”, but there is nowt else apart from an invitation to post to Facebook, to which I do not subscribe. Can someone please give me a clue.
The article is 2 months old but the GWPF article contains a link direct to the petition.
Thanks StewGreen. But the problem is that having arrived at the petition (i.e. the one you have provided a link for), as yesterday, I can see no means on the web page by which the petition can be signed! There is simply no indication on my screen.