On the subject of “Niggas”, I have just been giving the gist of the discussion here to a black Jamaican friend of mine who lives in Gambia. Her comment was ” I need me a Nigga in a wheelchair . Niggas with legs doing too much “. LOL ! Don’t suppose that comment would make it onto the BBC. And , of course, with Beeboids’ ignorance of black people, they would not even understand what she means. Beeboids are idiots.
Great Repeal Bill,
Faisal Islam is a senior political reporter at the BBC, yet he doesn’t seem to understand the purpose of the statutory instruments needed to convert the thousands of EU laws into UK and Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Ireland law.
They have a presentational problem: Brexit is supposed to be about the Parliament “taking back control” and deciding on laws, not the EU … not for a lying, incompetent zombie prime minister, with no majority to circumvent that very Parliament for her utterly rancid and rotten parties own ends.
Lord Whitty …. I remember hearing him after Brexit, thinking that the House of Lords was out of touch, he said he did not know anyone who advocated Brexit … I did some fishing and found it …
Outcome of the European Union Referendum – Motion to Take Note 05Jul2016
“I was devastated but not shocked; I was hardly even surprised. I do not think that any of them are in the Chamber now but there were Members of this House who, two or three weeks before the referendum, told me they had not met a single person advocating Brexit. That applied to others in the London-based elite outside this Parliament and it indicates, perhaps at the extreme end, the difficulties of us in Westminster relating to what was going on in the country. ”
{theyworkforyou.com // Lord Whitty Chair // EU Internal Market Sub-Committee }
Whitty?…whatty more like…where did HE come from?
“They wank for you” more like.
TUC doily and jammy dodger snaffler.No more than that.
How did the old liberal lefty nomenklatura get these gigs in the Lords?
Non-achieving pea shooer carriers for the likes of Kinnock or Straw, Steel or Gummer.
The Lords is full of these living dead-didn`t vote for any of them,don`t see how the Libscum claim to be democrats when such a surfeit of limdick get perpetual privilege and voting rights when they represent nothing but a zombie party nobody votes for.
See they`re recycling Clegg at the BBC again, Leon Brittans dynorod in pipecleaner fluff.
Ah it’s CutNpaste job from a Green NGO again Record number of environmental activists killed around the world
“Global Witness. ..The green group’s report details at least 200* murders across 24 countries, up significantly from 2015.”
So the BBCEnviro Matt McGrath is doing a CutNpaste job from a Green NGO again !
(Half that 200 total is in 3 countries : Brazil, Philippines and Columbia)
“Some 60% of the killings last year took place in Latin America, with a significant number of victims from indigenous communities. ”
(Yes violence has always happened between locals and new comers but previously it wasn’t called an Enviro-death..)
“Colombia : communities are going back to try and reclaim their lands in the context of the peace process and in doing so are coming into conflict with paramilitaries/organised crime”
(well that doesn’t sound like an environmental activist issue to me)
“India : Almost half of those killed died in public protests or demonstrations.”
(Yes it’s always been very normal to have people die on Indian demonstrations, peaceful demos are rare.)
Image1: “David Davis defends ‘repeal bill’ plans” – Serious Comment
Image2: “Jeremy Corbyn presented Michel Barnier with an Arsenal shirt”
– Oh look, Corbyn is nice and gets on with everyone with cheap bribes, but this has nothing to do with the repeal bill?
Was there any need for this comment on Arsenal shirt, it’s not mentioned again in the article?
We need only get the duvet out and enjoy the next two years.
Only hope we still have a few MPs who enjoy the howling and tears of the elite as we scoot out of the burning towers of Euroland.
Let the media blowflies tell us all how difficult it will be…43 years of red tape and antifreeze that we`re told is Blue Nun will take some untangling, but we`ll be free and able to prevent a Cologne or Malmo if we can still remember that we used to be quite an independent and well-connected country. Time to teach our kids some history once more.
Grenfell at least givens them another long term project to moan over instead of giving us the real news…the internet does than these days.
Here we go again on The World Tonight: they report on Syrian school children being taught by a Lebanese woman who is also an artist. It is incredible these middle Eastern countries have any militaries as if you listened to the Beeb you would think there were only women and children living there. It’s odd because on my lunch break down Birmingham New Street today I saw many Muslim women shopping; you would think they would be too busy teaching sculpture to orphans. No doubt all their money came from selling original art work.
Sit down before reading this.
On the bBBC 10 pm news, in a feature on mass migration, the bBBC reporter asserted that the mass of boat people from Libya are young male economic migrants from Sub Saharan Africa.
I know, I did’t beleive it either.
But fear not. The bBBC snowflake machine was quickly switched back on. The said chancers cannot apparently be sent back to Africa because many had no passports (quel surprise) and Libya was too dangerous a place for them to be returned to.
So, business as usual, after a welcome hiatus
I’ve also heard this ridiculous argument used by NGO types. One even conceded that subsaharan Africans may spend months or even years in Libya waiting to be transferred to Italy. Strangely enough nothing ever seems to happen to them during this time. Libya only becomes a dangerous hell-hole when there are discussions about returning “refugees” to Libya where they came from. If ending up in Libya was so dangerous, the UN and the other relevant NGOs would be pushing for border controls or closing the borders between Libya and other African countries to stem the flow.
Many Gambians “immigrants ” in Libya have actually been flown back to Gambia, so it proves it can be done. I am not sure how it was organised , but certainly not by the Gambian government.
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
So, Nadya Hussein, in her new recipe show/book whatever, apparently includes turning a Yorkshire Pudding into a dessert by adding jam. Words fail me.
This is what happens when a second generation migrant hasn’t a bloody clue about the country they were born in. For a start no-one can cook Yorkshire puddings like a native of Yorkshire , and they were created as a ‘filler-up’ to eat with lots of gravy before the main meal when food was scarce. Nadya might also like to know that turning Yorkshire’s into puddings is hardly ground breaking, they were often served cold and covered in sugar as a cheap dessert or treat.
The woman made a dogs dinner of a cake for the Queen, and now she’s instructing us on how to prepare one of our national dishes. Hasn’t her 15 minutes of fame ended yet ?
Excellent Yorkshire Pudding contribution, Brissles. My nan used to make Yorkshires as a main course in the school holidays. My mum used to make large Yorkshires which we ate as a starter. Our southern friends look aghast when we still do this if we have people round.
But I think we should distinguish between Nadiya the individual, who personally I think comes across as a nice person, irrespective of religion or talent, and Nadiya the bBBC poster girl for a certain peaceful religion, who has been wantonly selected by the bBBC to be put on a pedestal for the sake of their multiculti indoctrination agenda.
In other contexts we should call it exploitation or pimping.
Nadiya was lucky to be in the right place at thecright time. If she is riding the serendipitous wave, who among us can really blame her?
…Nadiya the bBBC poster girl for a certain peaceful religion, who has been wantonly selected by the bBBC to be put on a pedestal for the sake of their multiculti indoctrination agenda…..
This is the whole crux of the matter. I’ve mentioned it countless times on here, but the BBC’s other winner of the show Masterchef during the same year – Jane Devonshire, has never been heard of again, and has had nothing like the publicity Ms Hussain has received. Its been reported recently that Ms Hussein was worried that she won because she was the ‘token Muslim’ – has the penny just dropped ? because it sure as hell wasn’t down to her cooking skills.
Seem to recall from the past that the BBC have a way of ‘fixing’ things in entertainment commerce and competitions. Mind you, in the current fad for ‘talent shows’ they may not be alone juding by a newspaper front page today, for example.
So the beeb think it terrible that someone would investigate a claim that the russians had some dirt on your presidential rival but think it harmless for the leader of the UK opposition to meet with the EU negotiator?
Why would Corbyn and Sturgeon need to meet with Barnier? What could they offer, what could they have been promised or told? Is this not open for an accusation of interfering with British politics?
And why if they think it dreadful that Putin wanted to interfere with a US election, did they think it okay for Obama to explicitly interfere with a UK referendum?
Surely it is obvious why Corbyn and Sturgeon met with Barnier, to promise him that if the EU negotiators create enough havoc, Corbyn and Sturgeon will work together to force another general election before 2019, in which they can run on the platform of abandoning Brexit.
Remember, Corbyn said he was for Brexit during the recent election, but it was a Pretend-brexit in which the UK continued its membership of the Single Market and the Customs Union (‘for the sake of jobs’; ‘no-one who voted for Brexit voted to be poorer [in the short term]’), both of which demand surrender of national sovereignty and abject subjection to the European Parliament.
“force an election”, Tories eh! (shakes head)
… There bloody well SHOULD be an election, as soon as possible.
Instead of a zombie PM, who lies and hides from scrutiny, a sly, contemptible self serving bunch of snakes in No 10, who only cling to power through buying it.
political establishment business as usual, its essential, imperative it goes
They are a affront, everything that is wrong with politics sooner they re gone the better.
… Drain The Swamp
Apologies chaps I ve only just got back. and “anger laced rhetoric” … ROFL! not at all, calm as ever
Look … you are not going to change politics, unless you act on it.
We ve had rampant neo liberals f-cking over the nation and the vast majority of its people
for decades, selling us out, selling out our infastructure especially Tories, but Red Tories too started with Thatcher, Blair, Camoron, Brown, Liar May not a bloody fag paper between them, its got to end
… and it will.
When I say clear out I mean it, there are decades of this vile crap to roll back, till politics genuinely
works for the people, and is not ruling, lording over them.
The biggest con the Tories have pulled Brexit, supposed to be about the Parliament “taking back control” and deciding on laws, not the EU … not for a lying, Tories to circumvent said Parliament for its parties own ends … totally corrupt
For all of this Tory lie of take back control, and yet no intention to attempt to control global capitalism
If it wasn t so dangerous it would be laughable
How about the General Election, as soon as you heard there will be no debates come out of a Tories lying mouth, you know its nothing but a self serving power grab, all about a tiny elite consolidating control, nothing about the good of our people, nothing about their choice
… and … it will start with Corbyn, but that is the start.
The best comedy … power obsessed, greedy and arrogant Tories have done it to themselves, Corbyn simply exposed them, and showed up their utter, abject failures.
… just a pity the election campaign wasn t a full, and not a snap.
Foreign policy isn’t a ‘devolved’ power so what is Sturgeon doing in Brussels and where does the money come from that takes and pays for her stay there?
I wish someone in Scotland would ask that question of the audit authorities. Or maybe she is using her own money?
Well said. Who is she representing when she visits? Scotland isn’t an independent country so what can she input to the negotiations apart from TonyR’s probably correct assumption that she’s offering assurances (or seeking guidance) on doing whatever she can to work against the will of the British people.
It’s those, “men” again! – Today BBC Radio 4 about 0722. A feature on “three men” armed with guns and a knife attack three Israeli policemen in Jerusalem, killing one. Further into the report we hear that the three “men” were, “assailants”. Were the “men” or “attackers” Budhists? Were they Christians? Were they Hindus? Don’t think so. If the listener did not believe the BBC’s own claim to be the ‘most trusted broadcaster’, and looked elsewhere to confirm that news feature they would find on the BBC’s actual website – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-40604452
Indeed all other news outlets state that the ‘assailants’ were Palestinians i.e. muslims. There, BBC, surely that’s not too difficult to state that the “men” were muslim terrorists? Or perhaps, for British public consumption, you are trying to play down the atrocities carried out on a daily basis worldwide by your preferred cult and its followers of the so-called, ‘religion of peace’?
The problem for the BBC is, it is an increasing number of listeners/viewers who, actually understand how and why broadcasting direct connections between, islam, muslims, murder, attrocities is haram. The public are not pliable and stupid all the time.
Manxman it’s what I would have expected, and was surprised when I saw their headline stating clearly that it was Israeli police that had been killed.
However to be fair, News Sniffer which keeps a log of changes to various articles by BBC and others, in this instance shows the original headlines and changes as
v6: Israeli police killed in attack near Jerusalem holy site
v5: Israeli police killed in attack near Jerusalem holy site
v4: Israeli police killed in attack near Jerusalem holy site
v3: Israelis injured in gun attack near Jerusalem holy site
v2: Israelis injured in gun attack near Jerusalem holy site
v1: Israelis injured in gun attack near Jerusalem holy site
Now I understand the confusion.
The article you are referring to is not the one that happened today but one from a month ago. They did indeed make the headline then as you indicated and there was a furore as a result. I presume they did not want to get into another one, which is why on today’s attack they made sure to indicate it was the Israeli soldiers that were attacked.
The BBC referred to the policemen “getting hurt” by the “attackers”.
They also said that these shootings, stabbings and car ramming attacks have been a common and long-established practice…but “predominantly” by Palestinians/Israeli Arabs.
So-getting hurt by predominantly-Muslim types seems to be all we need to know.
The BBC are not going to tell us any more are they?
A prime example of the ‘something must be done’ syndrome so beloved of the BBC and ineffectual maternalistic politicians with whom the corporation happily colludes…
‘Acid attacks have more than doubled…’ ‘four similiar attacks in a small area of London within 90 minutes last night, police believe they are linked’ [No shit Sherlock]
‘A teenager has been arrested’ In other words our secrative legal system will withhold all information about the supposed perpetrator because presumably he is unfer 18. How did this little restriction become commonplace? Who voted for complete anonymity for young crims setting out on their careers?
Come to think of it, whenever the BBC now reports on this issue of corrosive attacks they only ever focus on one recent case – and bang up a picture of some rough-looking whitey who stands accused. Do we reckon that case is properly representative?
I’m sure bureaucrats will be drawing up their new job-creating corrosive sales red tape as we speak. Think Dangerous Dogs Act. Have to wonder how effective it will be?
No one interested in how this nasty little habit became popular in London?
The MSM is becoming amateurish and unfit for purpose, IMO.
Two recent examples:
My wife watching report from Hampton Court Flower Show. Uncontroversial, you’d think. Apart from box ticking in choice of presenters, I was mainly irritated by the programme’s emphasis on the “right-on” displays – melting ice caps, some scruffy example with graffiti. Why does everything have to look increasingly like Tate Modern (nice view from the roof, good food, well behaved visitors, but nothing else)?
Documentary on India presented by “National Treasure” Joanna Lumley. Now I know that some people worship this woman, but I don’t. She’s just another actress IMO and allowing her to present this tosh was a huge mistake. She gushed about absolutely everything, much of it extremely trivial, and naturally had to point out how friendly and civilised “multi-faith” Bombay was. Well it might be now, but partition was a painful process if my understanding of India’s recent history is accurate.
Her qualification for doing this, apparently, was that she was born there. I think she left when she was 11 months old.
I didn’t watch all of it, I found it too irritating, so perhaps it improved. If it had been presented by someone who knew what he or she was talking about, without the sugar, it could have been very interesting indeed.
Anothing result of shoe-horning celebrities into everything.
How is it that all these enrichers who are born in England (to Pakistani, Indian, whatever) parents are English yet Joanna Lumley, who was born in India, is not Indian.
A legacy of Empire I think. My maternal grandfather was born in Chile but when his father died there the children were soon sent back to England although his mother was Chilean. . There was never any question in those days of the children being Chilean.
EG… Same for Cliff Richard, who I think was born in Lucknow.
But we’ve gone up a level from that, with the likes of tennis players and athletes who are born in another country yet compete under our flag. I can never be a ‘flag waver’ for these people who have ‘adopted’ us for a passport, because for me, they are not home grown talent.
I approve of Brissles comment. That’s why, being a Cornish immigrant to England [Kernow bys vyken], I have never waved a flag for Andrew Murray, not that he has ever claimed any Englishness.
I recall when Murray first won a match at Wimbledon, the next day the Daily Mirror headlined that Murray was English really, for he had a twice-great grandparent who was born south of the border. The day after this, Murray lost, and the Mirror printed a front-page retraction of its claim.
One of the beauties of a site like this is that it brings together all sorts of knowledge and expertise.
A bit like the BBC in many ways.
Which makes it all the more surprising – shocking really – that today the BBC on Radio 4 appear to have been disseminating ignorance and even fake or false news.
Am I right in thinking that the drones that Dorset & Devon Police forces are proposing deploying for various purposes are only capable of flying – assuming batteries in good condition – for about half an hour? Justin Webb on TODAY seemed to think they could fly for a very long time. No research done by Justin, the programme Editors, the Production Assistants or the Researchers to check this before asking a Chief Constable a leading question?
Am I also right in thinking that you cannot buy Sulphuric Acid, in any significant concentration to do harm, in a DIY superstore? Not that I have been looking for it but as far as I am aware it has to be bought from small retail Chemists and requires ID, a prior order plus a name, address and a signature in the Poisons Register. Yet it was suggested by BBC News and a Government Minister (interviewed by Sarah?) that these acids were easily obtained and lived under everyone’s kitchen sink. I don’t think so.
My knowledge (from, for example, now long dead retail chemist ancestors) may be way out of date on all of this. Can any B-BBC contributor confirm or deny from personal knowledge please?
I don’t have the journalistic resources of the BBC to research this.
Interestingly, apart from detonators for killing moles, in France, one can also buy over the counter in hardware shops, bottle of concentrated Sulphuric, Nitric and Hydrochloric acid.
Sluff, Thanks for that info. Why couldn’t the BBC check that?
Am struggling to remember my school chemistry but seem to recall that concentrations of over 90% (or was it 95%?) made an acid concentrated. However, if 91% Sulphuric Acid was added to other liquid components in that drain cleaner product then obviously its concentration would be reduced further by them.
Thing is that highly concentrated acids are unlikely, I would have thought, to be available for drain cleaning due to the damage they would do to the drain & sewer infrastructure after the obstruction is cleared.
Don’t think I have any drain cleaner or, more likely, if I do it is alkaline. Washing soda crystals, for example.
(Sorry, something has gone wrong & this should be under Sluff’s 9.38 post.)
Alicia, we used to be able to buy acid for a battery top up many years ago in the UK but I think car batteries have been ‘sealed’ and not owner serviceable for a couple of decades or more.
snuff, “I don’t have the journalistic resources of the BBC to research this.”
But you do pay for the resources via the Telly tax so you are entitled to ask for the research. If only Beeby was truly accountable to those who pay for them!
I bought a product from B and Q in 2013, in a ( successful) attempt to clear a blocked loo. It was marketed as One Shot Instant Drain Cleaner. On the warning label it is revealed as 91% Sulphuric. I assume that is concentrated enough to cause severe burns.
You can buy sulphuric acid based drain cleaner quite easily. It must be quite concentrated because you have to be extremely careful mixing it with water.
Unfortunately, both sulphuric acid, and what used to be called “fuming sulphuric acid” or “oleum”, which is far worse, are relatively easy to make. It would be a simple if tedious task for a “crack cooker” with some knowledge of chemistry.
Re 30 min flight time for drones, since the operator has to have line of sight with the drone at all time that’s not a big problem.
After 30 mins he’d bring the drone back in, quickly swap the battery and then put it back in the air.
It’s not like it’s going to be involved in a high speed chase or anything and run out of time.
Stew, Justin appeared concerned that the police might be flying these things constantly. He asked several times about it. I think some of the latest drones can actually switch their own batteries for longer flight duration but the things sold by camera shops, which the police will be using, have limited durations and control ranges.
What I find strange is suddenly the BBC are concerned about the possibility of 24/7 police surveillance having been quite concerned that the public were going out to buy all sorts of dangerous chemicals to misuse and wanting restrictive legislation on them.
I suspect the substances being used are drain cleaners, which are, ironically, extremely alkaline. As you say, the MSM is giving the impression that anyone can roll up to B&Q and leave with a carboy of sulphuric acid. I’d like to see them try.
Of course, the MSM don’t like to say that acid throwing is common in India and Pakistan as a way of punishing disobedient women. It seems that this is another habit which has been brought over to enrich our dull, boringly lawful society. Isn’t diversity wonderful?
Interesting example of the bBBC news’s capacity for being useless on Toady this morning.
They ran a story about the exorbitant salaries University vice chancellors are paying themselves. Cue a discussion between Lord Adonis, at let us call the sensible end of the Labour Party, and Bill Rammell, ex Labour MP and now – guess what – a vice chancellor, struggling by on a virtuously frozen salary of ‘only’ £230k – apparently below the national VC average.
This led to a potentially very interesting discussion of university finances, rather relevant you might think in the context of Corbyn’s ‘free’ education policy and gerrymandered youth vote. But proper discussion was limited by the interviewer’s desire to butt in regularly for the sake of getting a cheap headline, and the link with Corbyn’s policy, which was the obvious elephant in the room, was never made. How very convenient.
Universities struggling? Don’t worry the Middle East to the rescue …. {Foreign_funding pdf} Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies
// £20 million // King Fahd of Saudi Arabia for Construction of new buildings 1997 City University London // £1million // The MBI Al Jaber Foundation and an anonymous donor To fund a scholarship intended to ‘bring together Israeli and Palestinian students in a course of study’ 2003
And of course Adonis is a Remoaner-so I bet any conversation would be curtailed on the universities, to get yet ANOTHER dig in at Brexit.
How many times have we heard that Columbo “just one more thing” add on at the end of an interview-inevitably aimed at a Tory or some cause the BBC wants to spear or prick into action.
Is Anonis like Cathy Ashton-a Blair butterkin who`s never actually BEEN elected to anything?
The BBC likes them…
Victoria-look-at-my-shoes- Derbyshire this morning displaying a “BAFTA award winner” tag onscreen. Award? For what? Best extended false-narrative chat show?
Is there any luvvie, author artist or muso who has yet to win some kind of award?
How many ceremonies and events do these preening pampered luvvies need?
Aren`t they paid enough-don`t they get enough hugs, enough publicity already?
Bottomless pit for their endless esteem festivals.
Does anybody in the Care and Community Family microwave a Vesta like me, before serving into a pensioners mouth as I do?
Surely there`s an award I`m due….
That’s odd. Everyone’s favourite Sir David Attenborough was on Breakfast this morning, telling us of the pressure butterflies are under. Apparently thanks to our current warm weather things are looking quite promising – but that’s good because they need time to recover from ‘several years of cold weather’. But I thought…..
Beltane – No doubt it was the wrong kind of cold weather, you know the sort that’s caused by Global Warming ……
You do realise, of course, that all the butterflies will migrate to Continental Europe after Brexit.
Years ago I always watched BBC news in the mornings, mainly because I enjoyed the banter and watching Simon McCoy and Carrie Gracie (who then disappeared from our screens for cancer treatment and has been the Editor in China ever since). Shortly afterwards came the big reshuffle and in came the VD (?) show, which was a godsend for depressives ! If you weren’t taking Valium beforehand, then you sure as hell would want it after a few weeks of watching ! Since then I’ve turned to Sky, but they are becoming as bad with their bias; Fatty Bolton can barely move his lips, and Burley is just too scary to watch.
Gracie-like Brigit Kendall-is one of the few decent journalists employed by the BBC.
Trust them, far more than nearly anybody else who does foreign reports.
it’s Bridget…”Kendall married freelance television journalist Nick Worrall in the early 1990s; they have since divorced.[9] She is the partner of BBC editor Amanda Farnsworth.[10]”
DM: “Laura Kuenssberg was ‘given a bodyguard’ after threats by online hate mob during the election”
Well, we knew Corbyn’s mob were thugs, but here’s the interesting bit:
“However, the bit the Tories haven’t said in public but keep complaining about in private is that the BBC never reported that Kuenssberg was so badly threatened online by Corbyn supporters that she was given personal protection.
They feel that this subdued her capacity to cover the contest clearly.
He added that Tories suspected if Theresa May had possessed such thuggish fans, ‘the BBC would have made a meal of it’.”
Too right they would have.
You see, it’s only the Far Right who are violent thugs in beeb-land, never the Left.
From the DM
“The journalist, who holds one of the most recognisable jobs in broadcast media, was frequently subjected to accusations of bias AGAINST Jeremy Corbyn by the Labour leader’s supporters.”
Say what?
This is a good example of just how unyielding & psychotically unreasonable the left are. If even one word from thousands can be found to indicate that Corbyn does NOT shit ice cream 24/7, that word must be stamped out. Along with the person who uttered it.
Laura K, against Corbyn? Huh?
The BBC are without doubt biased to the left, however there are many shades of Left and they certainly are not fans of Corbyns brand which would see their tax bills rise substantially. The like the soft liberal Nu Labour type of leftism but not the identical but differently branded version the Tories offer.
Corbyns supporters have moved back to Fascism, and we have only our parents generations to blame for failing to teach children in schools what Fascism actually is . Ernst Rohm started his campaign with the Sturmabteilung which is basically what Momentum actually is, a bunch of thugs which ironically and disgracefully are funded at least in part by the Tory party.
I disagree with Thoughtful’s assessment of the Beeb. Their left-wing bias went out of the window when a date was set for the Brexit Referendum. Their only agenda now is to try to force a reversal of the referendum vote.
Yes, the liberal left and their BBC are obsessed in seeing if they can actually overturn the democratic will of those they seem to presume to speak for and come from.
That our like vote to leave the EU and vote for Trump is a grievous offence, turns out that they never knew us at all. And now they know of us, they hate us all the more.
They need to know that we will turn very ugly if 650 nomarks and a cultural elite dare to mess with what we asked for last year.
Sense there`s quite a few years of getting mocked and taunted to get out of our systems…and Farage is way too conciliatory, compared to what we`ll be wanting next.
You put the tin lid on the elected will of the British people?…then democracy will find a violent expression and they`ll deserve all they`ll get if we are not out with the hardest of Brexits on March 29 2019.
None of us voted for party bolster cushions-we voted to leave the EU-how simple is THAT?
I briefly listened to the Today when Lord Adonis was waffling on about how proceeding with Brexit was the biggest mistake since pre war appeasement (apart from that the pre war appeasement wasn’t initiated because of a country referendum of it’s people but just the actions of a few individuals). He went on to claim that the country was behind a soft Brexit that involved remaining in the single market and customs union.
Unsurprisingly he was not challenged on this particular point or asked to explain from which orifice he had just pulled this made up soundbite. No bias at the bbc though…
No broadcaster in the UK will come and admit that ‘Soft Brexit’ is a lie, a hoax.
It is like the married couple who had a Soft Divorce: there was no settling of assets, no changing bank accounts. They simply slept in different bedrooms, but otherwise continued to cohabit; leaving just a single door to pass through in order to regain full married status. Soft Brexit is the same.
Staying in the Single Market necessitates remaining subjects of the EU Parliament and EU Courts; staying in the Customs Union, necessitates continuing EU vetoes on trade links betwixt Britain and the British Commonwealth of Nations. It is Brexit in name only. The BBC and other Remainers like it, because it would require nothing more than a signature of consent, for Britain to rejoin the EU train that is travelling inexorably towards the terminus of a United States of Europe.
11am R4 Prog on Lateral Thinking
Let’s see if they screw this one up like they screwed up the prog on Critical Thinking on Monday
mainly by having an all LibMob panel http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08xcvq9
R4 WH has found an excuse to to air a top Labour MP and bang on about women’s rights
“Today Parliament launches Vote100, a series of events to be held in next year marking 100 years since women got the vote and the first female MP was elected. More than 200 women now sit in the commons, but how easy is the job today? An inquiry’s just been launched into the abuse MP’s experienced during the General Election and many women spoke about the attacks they received on and offline. Yvette Cooper, chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, talks about the vitriol she and her colleagues are exposed to on a daily basis. ”
Yvette Cooper ? Like was she one of the ones, who’s posters posters were torn down within in 10 mins or daubed with swastikas ?
No that’s what happened to Conservative MPs
Another great example this morning of BBC Bias. Just before the 8.00am news they talk to the presenter of this evenings Any Questions who comments that Brexit will feature large what with all the current negotiations. He then says “and we’ve got the best panel for this”:
Nicky Morgan – remainer
Shami Chakrabarti – remainer
Stephen Gethins – remainer
Simon Heffer – leaver
That doesn’t seem to me to be a panel that represents how the UK voted in the referendum.
Earlier I said “R4 Any Questions haven’t decided who the third Remainer will be on their panel”
..Now I see they’ve got Nicky Morgan on
(she just beat JRM to become head of chair of Treasury Select committee )
Also on the panel is unelected politician Shadow Attorney General Shami Chakrabarti,
the SNP’s Europe Spokesman at Westminster Stephen Gethins MP,
the Sunday Telegraph columnist Simon Heffer (recent column “These attempts to subvert Brexit will harm the economy and threaten social discord.” ) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08xcw6k
(typed at same time as Payne)
It’s amazing that the Beeb and other lefties aren’t showering Macron with slurs and insults at him for cosying up to this monster. Poor old Theresa had to contend with endlessly waffling about how she should remonstrate this democratically elected politician on the choices he has made on behalf of the country that elected him.
All I hear is that he’s doing it to increase France’s presence on the world stage – funny how I never heard that sensible response when we were talking about Trump coming here. Oh and that also he might be softening on the Paris Climate agreement. You could hear the Beeb and LBC literally fizzing that he might change his mind from a rather innocuous statement.
France is doing what it always does. Stuffing us British. Laying on a bash for President Trump makes a real point in Europe and the USA. We are yesterday’s nation and better get used to it.
I hope the BBC and the Guardian are satisfied.
And their grasping at any shred of hope he [Trump] will start funding their climate change machine again, as the Chinese millions/billions in funding the environMENTAL wrecking ball of ”activism” dry up, because they know the game is up.
So it’s a crime, there are criminals – so who are the criminals? What is a ‘kinda’ crime, surely it breaks the law or it does not. Is this a crime of the heart? Why are the BBC stating she says it’s a crime, when it’s really her definition of a crime (kinda) which she does not tell us about – a difference in security arrangements is not a crime. Is the lack of security in the Manchester Arena a crime?
British novelist Zadie Smith has spoken out about the Grenfell Tower fire, saying she considers it to be a crime.
“She says there was an ‘extraordinary private security system around the rich’ in the area and then the poor were left ‘completely without protection’.”
Hold on a minute – police force, fire brigade, fire extinguishes, escape routes, fire notices, hospitals, Councils to report to, newspapers to tell their stories, Grenfell Action Group.
Completely without protection? Kinda Crime? Zadie?
What I found interesting was that the Muslim who married his non-Muslim same sex partner (whom it seems he met after a suicide attempt) said that Islam will NEVER tolerate homosexuality, and then in the next sentence he said “God willing” he would ALWAYS be a Muslim.
Magnificent entertainment on This Week last night.
Some arsehole ‘comedian’ called Richard Herring (me neither) started by describing previous guest Nigel Farage as a ‘horrible person’ then went into a diatribe about how most politicians nowadays are shit.
You need to watch this to see the look on Ed Balls and Michael Portillo’s faces at this point. Brillo just looked down at his notes. Awkward silence.
He then tore in with ‘May & Trump terrible people’ when Portillo took him to task.
Watch on the tinternet or Iplayer or wherever, but I suspect this fat shit won’t be on that programme again.
A clear out of the odious Portillo and indeed neo liberal sh-ts like A Johnson, or Liz Kendall too, would be chipper
the garbage they regurgitate with A Neils blessing,(not surprising eh ) is just rank.
Would that be the Portillo who ceased being an MP in 2005 and who has left the Conservative party?
Would that be the A Johnson who didn’t stand for election this year?
Would that be the Liz Kendall that resigned fom Corbyn’s cotterie?
I thought that you wanted politicians to leave the swamp?
Herring is a full on remainer and an arrogant piece of work. Another labour loving bbc regular who will always be given airtime. The superiority drips off of him
I had to Google Richard Herring. He said he would boycott the Edinburgh festival because it was too expensive. That was in 2015. He was on This Week last night to promote his new Edinburgh Show. He seemed to think that saying that right wing politicians are terrible will lead to guffaws of laughter. That was the entire substance of his piece. Fat lazy slob.
ED Balls is not liked is he – Neil twice told him to just “shut up”.
The tragedy is that we (the TV License payer/£145per year/ £3.5billion total) are paying for these useless views and opinions, such as those of Ed Balls … can they fly Thomas Sowell in please?
I think Richard Herring is too stupid to realise how much he got eviscerated. He seems to believe that it is virtue signalling rather than attempting to make the right decisions which counts, which says everything you need to know about the Left.
He was the only one who thought he was funny, his own laugh at each so-called ”funny bit” was the Q, most would smile out of politeness, probably why he has mistaken himself as funny, box office reciepts should tell him how funny he really is.
Herring used to be quite a good, knockabout student comedian about twenty years ago. Yes of course he had the identikit leftie opinions but it didn’t matter so much because his act wasn’t really political. As he has gradually got more serious and into all that rubbish about ‘comedy as art form’ etc he has at the same time become much less funny. I note in his twitter feed he also makes a ‘joke’ about committing violence on Nigel Farage, which of course would be sufficient to kill off the career of anyone on the right who said something similar about a left wing politician.
MSM EveryDay Sexism
TalkRadio now same JHB has same leftwing author @PennyRed (Laurie Penny) who was on Woman’s Hour earlier
making outrageous generalisations about way ppl treat men/women
“You see women are always attacked for their appearance”
..em “Orange hair Trump” ?
Penny just said that “the right people attack online far worse than the left”
… em Nigel Farage has needed 24 hr protection for 10 years
similar people have had to move house a few times ..doesn’t happen to Lefties
At same time R5 is lreporting from Grenfell Tower …A-Fing-gain
..operation emotional blackmail
Penny is plugging her book : Bitch Doctrine
Again rubbing in people’s faces that there are word’s privileged groups can use, whereas the rest of us would get sanctions if we used same word.
So no sympathetic interviews with Milo Yiannopoulos about his anti-Leftist book “Dangerous” published this week then? Strange. It is almost as if the BBC only arse licks authors who produce Leftist crap, but that can’t be the case.
‘3 Girls from the 276 Kidnapped and Raped by Islamist Group called Boko Haram (Western Education Forbidden)’ or shortened to ‘Girls‘?
Sounds similar to ‘3 Girls’, rather than unpalatable titles like “3 of 47 Innocent Rochdale Girls Raped (2008-2010)” and definitely not “1400 Innocent Rotherham Girls Raped (1997-2013)”.
Let’s use the word ‘Girls’ and let the public fill in the blanks with their own number. 2? 3? 100? 10million? Who knows?
Girls {bbc.co.uk R4 jul2017}*
Theresa Ikoko’s award-winning play is the story of three teenage girls who are kidnapped from their school in Nigeria. (kidnapped by whom? An Islamist militant group Boko Haram? A Muslim terror group?)
* I am assuming it is the same set of Girls taken April 2014 by Boko Haram from school in Nigeria.
“The story is set in a part of Africa which remained anonymous; the girls sharing an example of what many young women experience. The unfairness of kidnapping, sexism, arranged marriage and forced religion. “
Racism in schools: Channel 5, not BBC
Matthew Wright’s programme this morning was complaining that as many as 36% of white teenagers only had sex with other white teenagers. This is not because of instinctive tribalism, but because of ‘centuries of indoctrination’. He believes that schools should be teaching their students not be racist in their sexual partners.
It is bad enough telling schoolchildren that they should explore homosexual relationships before deciding if they’re heterosexual or not.
Fortunately, my-grin-is-larger-than-yours Wright ran out of time, and didn’t get as far as saying that the National Curriculum should include a section demanding that pupils are taught that if they have sex with a white partner, they must then have sex with an Asian partner, and a black partner, before having sex again with a white partner.
I want out of this madness. Is Australia still accepting refugees from England?
No Joseph it isn’t, far off, it really isn’t, confronting muslims over child rape has been considered islamophobic for over a decade, so no, it is ‘progress’ progressive style.
A wonderful lengthy, honest and full report in lunchtime news, praising and celebrating Amber Rudd’s ground-breaking Drugs Policy, which will focus on recovery, but not diminish the police’s determination to crack down on drug dealers, not will it go soft on drug possession. A masterpiece of reporting. It closed with a clip of Amber Rudd walking into Number 10.
Has the BBC got a hidden agenda?
It reported the Trump Bastille Day visit, too, in the bottom-of-screen tickertape
The BBC always has an agenda, but it is rarely hidden. As Peter Sissons told us, in his day they just reported whatever The (low circulation middle class Labour Party supporting public sector leftist newspaper) Guardian was saying that week.
Comment after the event, I know, but what a revealing moment when Theresa was asked if she’d ‘shed a tear’ on hearing the exit poll figures. The way her mouth contorted as her brain desperately tried to find a gear was such a clear and painful indication of the woman’s total lack of ability to think on her feet. Not very positive in a politician, let alone our PM.
Can I interpret that above highlighted statement as “Don’t listen to grievances of the citizens of the UK @ 42%, but get them to change their minds to what the Government thinks, but we have not done a poll of the Government, so it’s what I think personally – Baroness Warsi – I am the opinion of the Government.“?
Nope (on shedding a tear)! Did you? Why would you? Aren’t you a grown up … I took a calculated risk … but we are still in Government and Labour lost. Next ….
As a shy person myself, I can sympathize with Mrs May. Whether a Prime Minister should have balls, is a different matter. She is certainly too honest to be a politician – not a single false promise in the Tory manifesto.
Mrs May’s proposed Green discussion paper that was intended to establish a plan for Social Care that would last for fifty years, lacked detail – it didn’t even say if there would be a cap on rich-patient’s contributions, so Theresa was forced to say it might, which, as we know, is a 180 degree turn in policy on Social Care, which is the worst crime a politician can make, worse even than the N-word. [I’m surprized the BBC doesn’t run with ‘we want no-U-turn Thatcher back, she had balls, and didn’t shed a tear,’ on its screen-bum tickertape.]
However, the truth is, that any challenge for the party leadership would threaten an as-voted-for Brexit, which is why the BBC has been so hostile to Mrs May. For God’s sake let her continue till after March 2019.
I shed a little tear when I read your post!
The 2017 Tory Manifesto made no promise on numbers, only a promise on objective. the importance of managed immigration was discussed in several places, and summarized as:
‘The nature of the immigration we have – more skilled workers and university students, less abuse and fewer unskilled migrants – better suits the national interest. But with annual net migration standing at 273,000, immigration to Britain is still too high. It is our objective to reduce immigration to sustainable levels, by which we mean annual net migration in the tens of thousands, rather than the hundreds of thousands we have seen over the last two decades.’ Conservative Party Manifesto, 2017.
The Tory Manifesto was largely scrapped, so that means most of the promises were actually lies. If a government stands for election on its manifesto, then it should be compelled to implement it.
our objective? And you don’t think that’s weasel words intended to deceive?
I think the problem is that the political class appears to be either populated by
1 political “revolutionary” types such as Corbyn and Fatbot who play fast and loose with the truth and hope to lie their way to power. They know that once they have got it – they can enable irreversible changes to our nation such as allowing huge numbers of migrant access and citizenship so that there is little we can do about it.
2 Or they appear to be unimaginative political machine minders such as Theresa May – who do not appear to have any strong beliefs other than doing what is necessary to get re- elected.
Anyone (such as Farage ) who dares to speak the truth is castigated and crucified under the cross of political correctness.
Unfortunately because we have a heavily left leaning media- any obvious contradictions by the “progressive” press will be conveniently ignored whilst conversely even the slightest inconsistency on the right will be examined under the progressive microscope and ripped apart.
Tony, the Conservative manifesto may well have been completely honest but it was a) late, b) compiled outside Cabinet and apparently more or less unknown to the Ministers who would be responsible for campaigning for its proposals, c) failed to address one or two immediate & embarrassing problems (ie. 2017 Budget fiasco), and d) overlooked important existing economic conditions or fiscal provisions relating to its key proposals.
We do not know for certain who was responsible for that manifesto disaster but unfortunately it has now split the Cabinet and key Ministers away from the Prime Ministe and also away from their jobs. There are some loyal lieutenants who are bravely backing the PM but it is obvious that Theresa May’s political career now lies in ruins.
That is not good for the country.
We also have an ineffective Foreign Secretary who appears to be hiding away in his room at the F&CO and a Chancellor who either behaves similarly at No.11 or the Treasury, or when he does appear, it is to say something, merely to give the BBC the idea that he is hard at work sabotaging Brexit.
Remember that SJW orgasm the Beeb had over that woman having to wear high heels at work? O the horror!
Well I have been working with photographers at graduation ceremonies the past two weeks. There is a massive stage contraption we have to build from scratch for group photos, sometimes for as many as 400 students. It is hard work lugging al that stuff off vans and fitting it all together.
So, it comes to Thursday lunch time and all the photography is finished. The one killer job left is having to break down the epic staging and put it on the vans. Although women vastly outnumber men on the staff, the blokes got lumbered with the job! Three bloody hours while the women got to go to the pub! A big plank got dropped on my leg and I have a massive bruise. And the girls were sending us pictures of their bottles of wine to rub it in!
Where are the equality officers when you need them? The Beeb was all over the story of the golf club who voted to not allow female members, as if women were so eager to spend time in a stuffy golf club anyway. What about all the dirty, dangerous, crappy jobs men do without complaining because women would prefer not to do them? Where are the feminists complaining that there are not enough women collecting bin bags?
I would rather be in the pub early wearing potentially uncomfortable shoes than getting covered in rusty water and having to lug crap around in the rain. If I called the BBC to complain about my terrible sexist ordeal I wonder if they would write an article about it?
G, I seem to recall several happening when I was a child in the 1960s. Then they became either a considerable rarity or the news media, ie BBC Radio & TV were not interested & newspapers that I came across, considered them non-newsworthy and no longer reported them.
It IS POSSIBLE that I no longer noticed any reports IF THEY DID REPORT because I had been conditioned into subconsciously thinking they were commonplace & skipping over them or not remembering. However, I do not think that was the case.
What HAS changed significantly is the way in which the media, now for me in present conditions consumed almost exclusively from the BBC and its Radio 4 News & Current Affairs programmes, deal with such incidents. As with misuse of replica guns and knives, or more recently obesity and laser pointers and rifle sights and drones (flown either irresponsibly or escaping the proper control of their users for other reasons), these incidents and attacks appear to lead to a period of BBC Radio 4 obsession.
The newscasts appear to concentrate on them. There are immediate and constant analysis contributions and also calls for authorities or politicians to be seen as ‘doing something’ and either ‘amending legislation’ or ‘creating legislation’.
We are getting into dangerous situations where a particular national broadcaster who carries a certain amount of heft starts to direct our country.
Perhaps there should be some news reporting on that danger or crime?
Anybody thought of a Eurodildo that Snow could put in his mouth as he waits for a tampon to swell up to a suitable size for afterwards?
Tim Martins Wetherspoons articles are just what the Dead Tree Press ought to be doing-but don`t.
And always a fine rose wine too…
Tim Martin has provided a lot of employment, restored a lot of valuable old buildings and given people an affordable place in which to socialise. How many Remoaners can say the same thing? All they do is carp on. I would much rather trust someone who has set up his own business empire and is able to see the positives in any given situation.
I cant seem to open a ‘supplement’ without seeing the promotion of Brendan Cox’s book ‘More in Common’ about his wife. This is all very well, but I can see him becoming a ‘professional widower’ in the next few years. There have been a number of these in the past, who have published books and continually refer to their loved ones in every article and printed column when given the chance; e.g. Esther Rantzen on her husband Des / Gloria Hunniford on her daughter Karen / Sheila Hancock on husband John Thaw, and that’s without thinking about it ! Every family in the country has a loved one who has died, and have to deal with grief on a daily basis, so I do wish these professional grievers would put a sock in it. Anyone who actually enjoys reading a depressive book about the life and death of someone in the public eye, must surely be a suitable candidate for the sofa of Victoria Derbyshire !!
Brenden has already worn out many tv sofa’s promoting himself politically, because that’s what joe would have wanted, promoting his book about joe, is also what she would have wanted,……but what joe wanted the most was for Brenden to stand for election and carry on ”her” great works, she always said so in private, it was her greatest wish. ………………….that and a faithful husband.
On the subject of Diane Abbott … 16 officers needed hospital treatment because they were spat at. TB?
“No evidence that spit hoods are necessary or useful” – Diane Abbott 9Feb2017
“always open to ideas – would you be willing to meet one of my colleagues infected with Hep C after being spat at 2 discuss?” – Supt Roy Smith 9Feb2017
Police delegates jeer Diane Abbott over comments on spit hoods {theguardian may2017}
She said: “I am aware, if I wasn’t aware [before] , I have got that sense from the audience today, that spit hoods is a complex subject; there’s health and safety, there’s health, there is a whole range of issues.”
Abbott continued: “If the government, or the Metropolitan police, because they are actually probably the first major police force that will allow spit hoods …”
At that the audience broke out into jeers.
Ken Marsh of the Metropolitan Police Federation said that at the Notting Hill carnival last year 16 officers needed hospital treatment because they were spat at. He told Abbott: “I am finding some of the things you are saying amazing.”
… then Diane Abbott walks off stage the wrong way, I remember this because on the BBC News that evening (bbc evening news – around 17may2017 – couldn’t find recording) the BBC showed her walking off the stage, but cut it short of showing Diane Abbott going the wrong way and embarrassingly walking back. Then, if memory serves me, it went to a clip of Theresa May being mocked in an animation. Like my brain was being reprogrammed, forget the embarrassment of Abbott, here is May looking stupid.
Why is the BBC happy to use whatever pronoun the sexually confused come up with but balks at calling ISIL by its preferred name, using instead the pathetic ‘so called’ tag?
This selective nomophobia even extends to reputably organisations, such as the US’s space agency. It calls itself ‘NASA’ but to the BBC it is ‘Nasa’.
Wonder how long it will take them to connect the dots as to motive,….
wo Ukrainian tourists have been killed in mass stabbings at a hotel in the Red Sea resort of Hurghada, Egyptian medical officials say.
At least four other people were injured and a man has been arrested.
The suspect is being questioned by police to determine his motives, the interior ministry said.
Some irretrievable moron at Radio 4’s execrable PM show decided today that, in the light of Donald Trump’s comments to Mme. Macron, it would be a good idea to have other non-PC things Trump has said in the past about women recited (without context) every ten minutes – by Lionel fucking Blair. The bizarre thing is, that they seem to believe that all of their listeners are going to chuckle along with their witless juvenile cuntery. No doubt some do. Others just switch off, forever.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
On the subject of “Niggas”, I have just been giving the gist of the discussion here to a black Jamaican friend of mine who lives in Gambia. Her comment was ” I need me a Nigga in a wheelchair . Niggas with legs doing too much “. LOL ! Don’t suppose that comment would make it onto the BBC. And , of course, with Beeboids’ ignorance of black people, they would not even understand what she means. Beeboids are idiots.
Great Repeal Bill,
Faisal Islam is a senior political reporter at the BBC, yet he doesn’t seem to understand the purpose of the statutory instruments needed to convert the thousands of EU laws into UK and Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Ireland law.
They have a presentational problem: Brexit is supposed to be about the Parliament “taking back control” and deciding on laws, not the EU … not for a lying, incompetent zombie prime minister, with no majority to circumvent that very Parliament for her utterly rancid and rotten parties own ends.
TR – I think you mean F Islam is at Sky.
House of Lords. Lord Whitty…Labour, blamed Deregulation, lack of nanny state and Austerity for Grenfell. Without full report yet.
Lord Whitty …. I remember hearing him after Brexit, thinking that the House of Lords was out of touch, he said he did not know anyone who advocated Brexit … I did some fishing and found it …
Outcome of the European Union Referendum – Motion to Take Note 05Jul2016
“I was devastated but not shocked; I was hardly even surprised. I do not think that any of them are in the Chamber now but there were Members of this House who, two or three weeks before the referendum, told me they had not met a single person advocating Brexit. That applied to others in the London-based elite outside this Parliament and it indicates, perhaps at the extreme end, the difficulties of us in Westminster relating to what was going on in the country. ”
{theyworkforyou.com // Lord Whitty Chair // EU Internal Market Sub-Committee }
Whitty?…whatty more like…where did HE come from?
“They wank for you” more like.
TUC doily and jammy dodger snaffler.No more than that.
How did the old liberal lefty nomenklatura get these gigs in the Lords?
Non-achieving pea shooer carriers for the likes of Kinnock or Straw, Steel or Gummer.
The Lords is full of these living dead-didn`t vote for any of them,don`t see how the Libscum claim to be democrats when such a surfeit of limdick get perpetual privilege and voting rights when they represent nothing but a zombie party nobody votes for.
See they`re recycling Clegg at the BBC again, Leon Brittans dynorod in pipecleaner fluff.
The point is that we, the public, should watch these things to see who is representing the Country … but the other end is that the Lords should represent the Country . Or it will come to this …
Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe since 1987) farts at summit (has also been found sleeping in Parliament, he was 89 years at the time, still holding onto power at 93)
Labour peer lives in London , yep he could live in a Remainer bubbleworld.
He spends his life on EU and clean air committees.
Ah it’s CutNpaste job from a Green NGO again Record number of environmental activists killed around the world
“Global Witness. ..The green group’s report details at least 200* murders across 24 countries, up significantly from 2015.”
So the BBCEnviro Matt McGrath is doing a CutNpaste job from a Green NGO again !
(Half that 200 total is in 3 countries : Brazil, Philippines and Columbia)
“Some 60% of the killings last year took place in Latin America, with a significant number of victims from indigenous communities. ”
(Yes violence has always happened between locals and new comers but previously it wasn’t called an Enviro-death..)
“Colombia : communities are going back to try and reclaim their lands in the context of the peace process and in doing so are coming into conflict with paramilitaries/organised crime”
(well that doesn’t sound like an environmental activist issue to me)
“India : Almost half of those killed died in public protests or demonstrations.”
(Yes it’s always been very normal to have people die on Indian demonstrations, peaceful demos are rare.)
The MSM and especially the BBC never mention all these failed predictions of amagedon.
Brexit: The UK’s key repeal bill facing challenges {bbc.co.uk Jul2017}
“The Scottish and Welsh governments have threatened to block the key Brexit bill which will convert all existing EU laws into UK law.”
Image1: “David Davis defends ‘repeal bill’ plans” – Serious Comment
Image2: “Jeremy Corbyn presented Michel Barnier with an Arsenal shirt”
– Oh look, Corbyn is nice and gets on with everyone with cheap bribes, but this has nothing to do with the repeal bill?
Was there any need for this comment on Arsenal shirt, it’s not mentioned again in the article?
“The Scottish and Welsh governments have threatened to block the key Brexit bill which will convert all existing EU laws into UK law.”
so all the laws they have already submitted to willingly they now want to disagree with
meanwhile jezzbolla is passing the message to the EU “delay till im in power and i will give you everything you want”
or have i misunderstood something
We need only get the duvet out and enjoy the next two years.
Only hope we still have a few MPs who enjoy the howling and tears of the elite as we scoot out of the burning towers of Euroland.
Let the media blowflies tell us all how difficult it will be…43 years of red tape and antifreeze that we`re told is Blue Nun will take some untangling, but we`ll be free and able to prevent a Cologne or Malmo if we can still remember that we used to be quite an independent and well-connected country. Time to teach our kids some history once more.
Grenfell at least givens them another long term project to moan over instead of giving us the real news…the internet does than these days.
Here we go again on The World Tonight: they report on Syrian school children being taught by a Lebanese woman who is also an artist. It is incredible these middle Eastern countries have any militaries as if you listened to the Beeb you would think there were only women and children living there. It’s odd because on my lunch break down Birmingham New Street today I saw many Muslim women shopping; you would think they would be too busy teaching sculpture to orphans. No doubt all their money came from selling original art work.
Corbyn on Euro news with Diane Abbott handing Barnier Arsenal shirt…his negotiating would be different to May. But who is in power?
Sit down before reading this.
On the bBBC 10 pm news, in a feature on mass migration, the bBBC reporter asserted that the mass of boat people from Libya are young male economic migrants from Sub Saharan Africa.
I know, I did’t beleive it either.
But fear not. The bBBC snowflake machine was quickly switched back on. The said chancers cannot apparently be sent back to Africa because many had no passports (quel surprise) and Libya was too dangerous a place for them to be returned to.
So, business as usual, after a welcome hiatus
I’ve also heard this ridiculous argument used by NGO types. One even conceded that subsaharan Africans may spend months or even years in Libya waiting to be transferred to Italy. Strangely enough nothing ever seems to happen to them during this time. Libya only becomes a dangerous hell-hole when there are discussions about returning “refugees” to Libya where they came from. If ending up in Libya was so dangerous, the UN and the other relevant NGOs would be pushing for border controls or closing the borders between Libya and other African countries to stem the flow.
Many Gambians “immigrants ” in Libya have actually been flown back to Gambia, so it proves it can be done. I am not sure how it was organised , but certainly not by the Gambian government.
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants {bbc.co.uk aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Aug 2010 … fast forward … Nov 2016
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) {bbc.co.uk nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
Sluff – why did they (NGOs?) burn the rubber boats (environmentally a bad idea) when they could just rip a hole in the middle to sink it?
So, Nadya Hussein, in her new recipe show/book whatever, apparently includes turning a Yorkshire Pudding into a dessert by adding jam. Words fail me.
This is what happens when a second generation migrant hasn’t a bloody clue about the country they were born in. For a start no-one can cook Yorkshire puddings like a native of Yorkshire , and they were created as a ‘filler-up’ to eat with lots of gravy before the main meal when food was scarce. Nadya might also like to know that turning Yorkshire’s into puddings is hardly ground breaking, they were often served cold and covered in sugar as a cheap dessert or treat.
The woman made a dogs dinner of a cake for the Queen, and now she’s instructing us on how to prepare one of our national dishes. Hasn’t her 15 minutes of fame ended yet ?
Perhaps Bradford has developed its own version?
Her face was the first thing I saw when I switched on for the news this morning.
Turned over to SKY – two black women presenters – the MSM’s idea of diversity?
I’ve had it with the MSM.
Excellent Yorkshire Pudding contribution, Brissles. My nan used to make Yorkshires as a main course in the school holidays. My mum used to make large Yorkshires which we ate as a starter. Our southern friends look aghast when we still do this if we have people round.
But I think we should distinguish between Nadiya the individual, who personally I think comes across as a nice person, irrespective of religion or talent, and Nadiya the bBBC poster girl for a certain peaceful religion, who has been wantonly selected by the bBBC to be put on a pedestal for the sake of their multiculti indoctrination agenda.
In other contexts we should call it exploitation or pimping.
Nadiya was lucky to be in the right place at thecright time. If she is riding the serendipitous wave, who among us can really blame her?
Sluff. Thank you.
…Nadiya the bBBC poster girl for a certain peaceful religion, who has been wantonly selected by the bBBC to be put on a pedestal for the sake of their multiculti indoctrination agenda…..
This is the whole crux of the matter. I’ve mentioned it countless times on here, but the BBC’s other winner of the show Masterchef during the same year – Jane Devonshire, has never been heard of again, and has had nothing like the publicity Ms Hussain has received. Its been reported recently that Ms Hussein was worried that she won because she was the ‘token Muslim’ – has the penny just dropped ? because it sure as hell wasn’t down to her cooking skills.
Sluff, good post.
Seem to recall from the past that the BBC have a way of ‘fixing’ things in entertainment commerce and competitions. Mind you, in the current fad for ‘talent shows’ they may not be alone juding by a newspaper front page today, for example.
Would offering a toad in the hole to Muslims be classed as a hate crime?
No, but kedgeree would if it contained kippahs.
Is she allowed to cook a hot dog?
So the beeb think it terrible that someone would investigate a claim that the russians had some dirt on your presidential rival but think it harmless for the leader of the UK opposition to meet with the EU negotiator?
Why would Corbyn and Sturgeon need to meet with Barnier? What could they offer, what could they have been promised or told? Is this not open for an accusation of interfering with British politics?
And why if they think it dreadful that Putin wanted to interfere with a US election, did they think it okay for Obama to explicitly interfere with a UK referendum?
Surely it is obvious why Corbyn and Sturgeon met with Barnier, to promise him that if the EU negotiators create enough havoc, Corbyn and Sturgeon will work together to force another general election before 2019, in which they can run on the platform of abandoning Brexit.
Remember, Corbyn said he was for Brexit during the recent election, but it was a Pretend-brexit in which the UK continued its membership of the Single Market and the Customs Union (‘for the sake of jobs’; ‘no-one who voted for Brexit voted to be poorer [in the short term]’), both of which demand surrender of national sovereignty and abject subjection to the European Parliament.
“force an election”, Tories eh! (shakes head)
… There bloody well SHOULD be an election, as soon as possible.
Instead of a zombie PM, who lies and hides from scrutiny, a sly, contemptible self serving bunch of snakes in No 10, who only cling to power through buying it.
political establishment business as usual, its essential, imperative it goes
They are a affront, everything that is wrong with politics sooner they re gone the better.
… Drain The Swamp
And who exactly is it that you want to replace the existing crop with?
Who are these virtuous individuals that could fill the parliament and end your tiresome anger laced rhetoric of zombies, snakes and swamp dwellers?
You dont half post some tribal shite Nog.
Replace the Tories with whom ?.
Apologies chaps I ve only just got back. and “anger laced rhetoric” … ROFL! not at all, calm as ever
Look … you are not going to change politics, unless you act on it.
We ve had rampant neo liberals f-cking over the nation and the vast majority of its people
for decades, selling us out, selling out our infastructure especially Tories, but Red Tories too started with Thatcher, Blair, Camoron, Brown, Liar May not a bloody fag paper between them, its got to end
… and it will.
When I say clear out I mean it, there are decades of this vile crap to roll back, till politics genuinely
works for the people, and is not ruling, lording over them.
The biggest con the Tories have pulled Brexit, supposed to be about the Parliament “taking back control” and deciding on laws, not the EU … not for a lying, Tories to circumvent said Parliament for its parties own ends … totally corrupt
For all of this Tory lie of take back control, and yet no intention to attempt to control global capitalism
If it wasn t so dangerous it would be laughable
How about the General Election, as soon as you heard there will be no debates come out of a Tories lying mouth, you know its nothing but a self serving power grab, all about a tiny elite consolidating control, nothing about the good of our people, nothing about their choice
… and … it will start with Corbyn, but that is the start.
The best comedy … power obsessed, greedy and arrogant Tories have done it to themselves, Corbyn simply exposed them, and showed up their utter, abject failures.
… just a pity the election campaign wasn t a full, and not a snap.
Foreign policy isn’t a ‘devolved’ power so what is Sturgeon doing in Brussels and where does the money come from that takes and pays for her stay there?
I wish someone in Scotland would ask that question of the audit authorities. Or maybe she is using her own money?
Well said. Who is she representing when she visits? Scotland isn’t an independent country so what can she input to the negotiations apart from TonyR’s probably correct assumption that she’s offering assurances (or seeking guidance) on doing whatever she can to work against the will of the British people.
No doubt her constituents would like to know why she is there.
It’s those, “men” again! – Today BBC Radio 4 about 0722. A feature on “three men” armed with guns and a knife attack three Israeli policemen in Jerusalem, killing one. Further into the report we hear that the three “men” were, “assailants”. Were the “men” or “attackers” Budhists? Were they Christians? Were they Hindus? Don’t think so. If the listener did not believe the BBC’s own claim to be the ‘most trusted broadcaster’, and looked elsewhere to confirm that news feature they would find on the BBC’s actual website – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-40604452
Indeed all other news outlets state that the ‘assailants’ were Palestinians i.e. muslims. There, BBC, surely that’s not too difficult to state that the “men” were muslim terrorists? Or perhaps, for British public consumption, you are trying to play down the atrocities carried out on a daily basis worldwide by your preferred cult and its followers of the so-called, ‘religion of peace’?
The problem for the BBC is, it is an increasing number of listeners/viewers who, actually understand how and why broadcasting direct connections between, islam, muslims, murder, attrocities is haram. The public are not pliable and stupid all the time.
They first headlined it as………………3 Palestinians killed in Israel. …………
Manxman it’s what I would have expected, and was surprised when I saw their headline stating clearly that it was Israeli police that had been killed.
However to be fair, News Sniffer which keeps a log of changes to various articles by BBC and others, in this instance shows the original headlines and changes as
v6: Israeli police killed in attack near Jerusalem holy site
v5: Israeli police killed in attack near Jerusalem holy site
v4: Israeli police killed in attack near Jerusalem holy site
v3: Israelis injured in gun attack near Jerusalem holy site
v2: Israelis injured in gun attack near Jerusalem holy site
v1: Israelis injured in gun attack near Jerusalem holy site
They first headlined it as i say.
“Three Palestinians killed after deadly stabbing in Jerusalem”.
Now I understand the confusion.
The article you are referring to is not the one that happened today but one from a month ago. They did indeed make the headline then as you indicated and there was a furore as a result. I presume they did not want to get into another one, which is why on today’s attack they made sure to indicate it was the Israeli soldiers that were attacked.
My bad, yes indeed i was referring to what is now the one before last.
No probs Manx – easily done 😉
Think the BBC clarified it all on WatO but its quite complicated religio-ethnicity and nationality-wise.
IIRC, the attackers were Arab Israelis and the police were also Israelis but of Druze origin and/or faith.
The BBC referred to the policemen “getting hurt” by the “attackers”.
They also said that these shootings, stabbings and car ramming attacks have been a common and long-established practice…but “predominantly” by Palestinians/Israeli Arabs.
So-getting hurt by predominantly-Muslim types seems to be all we need to know.
The BBC are not going to tell us any more are they?
A prime example of the ‘something must be done’ syndrome so beloved of the BBC and ineffectual maternalistic politicians with whom the corporation happily colludes…
‘Acid attacks have more than doubled…’ ‘four similiar attacks in a small area of London within 90 minutes last night, police believe they are linked’ [No shit Sherlock]
‘A teenager has been arrested’ In other words our secrative legal system will withhold all information about the supposed perpetrator because presumably he is unfer 18. How did this little restriction become commonplace? Who voted for complete anonymity for young crims setting out on their careers?
Come to think of it, whenever the BBC now reports on this issue of corrosive attacks they only ever focus on one recent case – and bang up a picture of some rough-looking whitey who stands accused. Do we reckon that case is properly representative?
I’m sure bureaucrats will be drawing up their new job-creating corrosive sales red tape as we speak. Think Dangerous Dogs Act. Have to wonder how effective it will be?
No one interested in how this nasty little habit became popular in London?
The MSM is becoming amateurish and unfit for purpose, IMO.
Two recent examples:
My wife watching report from Hampton Court Flower Show. Uncontroversial, you’d think. Apart from box ticking in choice of presenters, I was mainly irritated by the programme’s emphasis on the “right-on” displays – melting ice caps, some scruffy example with graffiti. Why does everything have to look increasingly like Tate Modern (nice view from the roof, good food, well behaved visitors, but nothing else)?
Documentary on India presented by “National Treasure” Joanna Lumley. Now I know that some people worship this woman, but I don’t. She’s just another actress IMO and allowing her to present this tosh was a huge mistake. She gushed about absolutely everything, much of it extremely trivial, and naturally had to point out how friendly and civilised “multi-faith” Bombay was. Well it might be now, but partition was a painful process if my understanding of India’s recent history is accurate.
Her qualification for doing this, apparently, was that she was born there. I think she left when she was 11 months old.
I didn’t watch all of it, I found it too irritating, so perhaps it improved. If it had been presented by someone who knew what he or she was talking about, without the sugar, it could have been very interesting indeed.
Anothing result of shoe-horning celebrities into everything.
How is it that all these enrichers who are born in England (to Pakistani, Indian, whatever) parents are English yet Joanna Lumley, who was born in India, is not Indian.
Because we’ve become afraid of asking difficult questions and pointing out hypocrisy.
Use of the N word is another example. Black people tell us that they can use it but we can’t. And we just go along with it, uncritically.
A legacy of Empire I think. My maternal grandfather was born in Chile but when his father died there the children were soon sent back to England although his mother was Chilean. . There was never any question in those days of the children being Chilean.
EG… Same for Cliff Richard, who I think was born in Lucknow.
But we’ve gone up a level from that, with the likes of tennis players and athletes who are born in another country yet compete under our flag. I can never be a ‘flag waver’ for these people who have ‘adopted’ us for a passport, because for me, they are not home grown talent.
I approve of Brissles comment. That’s why, being a Cornish immigrant to England [Kernow bys vyken], I have never waved a flag for Andrew Murray, not that he has ever claimed any Englishness.
I recall when Murray first won a match at Wimbledon, the next day the Daily Mirror headlined that Murray was English really, for he had a twice-great grandparent who was born south of the border. The day after this, Murray lost, and the Mirror printed a front-page retraction of its claim.
Murray sounds a Scottish surname to me. Whatever nationality he is, he is a miserable surly runt, and I am grateful I am English.
One of the beauties of a site like this is that it brings together all sorts of knowledge and expertise.
A bit like the BBC in many ways.
Which makes it all the more surprising – shocking really – that today the BBC on Radio 4 appear to have been disseminating ignorance and even fake or false news.
Am I right in thinking that the drones that Dorset & Devon Police forces are proposing deploying for various purposes are only capable of flying – assuming batteries in good condition – for about half an hour? Justin Webb on TODAY seemed to think they could fly for a very long time. No research done by Justin, the programme Editors, the Production Assistants or the Researchers to check this before asking a Chief Constable a leading question?
Am I also right in thinking that you cannot buy Sulphuric Acid, in any significant concentration to do harm, in a DIY superstore? Not that I have been looking for it but as far as I am aware it has to be bought from small retail Chemists and requires ID, a prior order plus a name, address and a signature in the Poisons Register. Yet it was suggested by BBC News and a Government Minister (interviewed by Sarah?) that these acids were easily obtained and lived under everyone’s kitchen sink. I don’t think so.
My knowledge (from, for example, now long dead retail chemist ancestors) may be way out of date on all of this. Can any B-BBC contributor confirm or deny from personal knowledge please?
I don’t have the journalistic resources of the BBC to research this.
Interestingly, apart from detonators for killing moles, in France, one can also buy over the counter in hardware shops, bottle of concentrated Sulphuric, Nitric and Hydrochloric acid.
Don`t Muslims usually use car battery acid when doing their acid attacks on women who fail to marry as they ought to?
Sluff, Thanks for that info. Why couldn’t the BBC check that?
Am struggling to remember my school chemistry but seem to recall that concentrations of over 90% (or was it 95%?) made an acid concentrated. However, if 91% Sulphuric Acid was added to other liquid components in that drain cleaner product then obviously its concentration would be reduced further by them.
Thing is that highly concentrated acids are unlikely, I would have thought, to be available for drain cleaning due to the damage they would do to the drain & sewer infrastructure after the obstruction is cleared.
Don’t think I have any drain cleaner or, more likely, if I do it is alkaline. Washing soda crystals, for example.
(Sorry, something has gone wrong & this should be under Sluff’s 9.38 post.)
Alicia, we used to be able to buy acid for a battery top up many years ago in the UK but I think car batteries have been ‘sealed’ and not owner serviceable for a couple of decades or more.
snuff, “I don’t have the journalistic resources of the BBC to research this.”
But you do pay for the resources via the Telly tax so you are entitled to ask for the research. If only Beeby was truly accountable to those who pay for them!
I bought a product from B and Q in 2013, in a ( successful) attempt to clear a blocked loo. It was marketed as One Shot Instant Drain Cleaner. On the warning label it is revealed as 91% Sulphuric. I assume that is concentrated enough to cause severe burns.
You can buy sulphuric acid based drain cleaner quite easily. It must be quite concentrated because you have to be extremely careful mixing it with water.
Unfortunately, both sulphuric acid, and what used to be called “fuming sulphuric acid” or “oleum”, which is far worse, are relatively easy to make. It would be a simple if tedious task for a “crack cooker” with some knowledge of chemistry.
Re 30 min flight time for drones, since the operator has to have line of sight with the drone at all time that’s not a big problem.
After 30 mins he’d bring the drone back in, quickly swap the battery and then put it back in the air.
It’s not like it’s going to be involved in a high speed chase or anything and run out of time.
Stew, Justin appeared concerned that the police might be flying these things constantly. He asked several times about it. I think some of the latest drones can actually switch their own batteries for longer flight duration but the things sold by camera shops, which the police will be using, have limited durations and control ranges.
What I find strange is suddenly the BBC are concerned about the possibility of 24/7 police surveillance having been quite concerned that the public were going out to buy all sorts of dangerous chemicals to misuse and wanting restrictive legislation on them.
A curious disconnect.
I suspect the substances being used are drain cleaners, which are, ironically, extremely alkaline. As you say, the MSM is giving the impression that anyone can roll up to B&Q and leave with a carboy of sulphuric acid. I’d like to see them try.
Of course, the MSM don’t like to say that acid throwing is common in India and Pakistan as a way of punishing disobedient women. It seems that this is another habit which has been brought over to enrich our dull, boringly lawful society. Isn’t diversity wonderful?
Interesting example of the bBBC news’s capacity for being useless on Toady this morning.
They ran a story about the exorbitant salaries University vice chancellors are paying themselves. Cue a discussion between Lord Adonis, at let us call the sensible end of the Labour Party, and Bill Rammell, ex Labour MP and now – guess what – a vice chancellor, struggling by on a virtuously frozen salary of ‘only’ £230k – apparently below the national VC average.
This led to a potentially very interesting discussion of university finances, rather relevant you might think in the context of Corbyn’s ‘free’ education policy and gerrymandered youth vote. But proper discussion was limited by the interviewer’s desire to butt in regularly for the sake of getting a cheap headline, and the link with Corbyn’s policy, which was the obvious elephant in the room, was never made. How very convenient.
They are just totally useless.
Universities struggling? Don’t worry the Middle East to the rescue …. {Foreign_funding pdf}
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies
// £20 million // King Fahd of Saudi Arabia for Construction of new buildings 1997
City University London // £1million // The MBI Al Jaber Foundation and an anonymous donor To fund a scholarship intended to ‘bring together Israeli and Palestinian students in a course of study’ 2003
Tony Hall, Director-General {bbc expenses site}
Salary: £450,000
A salary comparison story for the BBC.
“Mr. Hall, Directory of a National TV Station paid £450K per year but claims expenses for a External hospitality (massage? drink? meal?) at £34.76 {2014} using money that is demanded from the public, the public cannot say how the money it pays is spent, sometimes the money for the Director’s salary is extracted from the public using enforcement officers. {guardian feb2017}”
I never understood ‘External hospitality’ – is this having fun at somebody else’s expense? Whose expense?
15 years ago VC’s got around £120k somehow, whilst staff have received at best inflation rises, they now are banging on for £300k
Often its held around that point so they virtuously don’t earn more than 20 times the lowest salary
obviously the cleaners had to be outsourced to achieve that virtueosity
Sluff –
“They are just totally useless.”
Personally, I think they are rather more devious than useless.
And of course Adonis is a Remoaner-so I bet any conversation would be curtailed on the universities, to get yet ANOTHER dig in at Brexit.
How many times have we heard that Columbo “just one more thing” add on at the end of an interview-inevitably aimed at a Tory or some cause the BBC wants to spear or prick into action.
Is Anonis like Cathy Ashton-a Blair butterkin who`s never actually BEEN elected to anything?
The BBC likes them…
Victoria-look-at-my-shoes- Derbyshire this morning displaying a “BAFTA award winner” tag onscreen. Award? For what? Best extended false-narrative chat show?
Fake news in new shoes.
Is there any luvvie, author artist or muso who has yet to win some kind of award?
How many ceremonies and events do these preening pampered luvvies need?
Aren`t they paid enough-don`t they get enough hugs, enough publicity already?
Bottomless pit for their endless esteem festivals.
Does anybody in the Care and Community Family microwave a Vesta like me, before serving into a pensioners mouth as I do?
Surely there`s an award I`m due….
That’s odd. Everyone’s favourite Sir David Attenborough was on Breakfast this morning, telling us of the pressure butterflies are under. Apparently thanks to our current warm weather things are looking quite promising – but that’s good because they need time to recover from ‘several years of cold weather’. But I thought…..
Beltane – No doubt it was the wrong kind of cold weather, you know the sort that’s caused by Global Warming ……
You do realise, of course, that all the butterflies will migrate to Continental Europe after Brexit.
They’re already here, and having fun in the sun. Some of them are waiting to see if Brexit actually happens, but most of them don’t give two fucks.
I’ve also heard Lobs that a high proportion are planning to stay, despite Brexit.
Hallmarked by, ‘leaves on the line’ no doubt.
Years ago I always watched BBC news in the mornings, mainly because I enjoyed the banter and watching Simon McCoy and Carrie Gracie (who then disappeared from our screens for cancer treatment and has been the Editor in China ever since). Shortly afterwards came the big reshuffle and in came the VD (?) show, which was a godsend for depressives ! If you weren’t taking Valium beforehand, then you sure as hell would want it after a few weeks of watching ! Since then I’ve turned to Sky, but they are becoming as bad with their bias; Fatty Bolton can barely move his lips, and Burley is just too scary to watch.
Gracie-like Brigit Kendall-is one of the few decent journalists employed by the BBC.
Trust them, far more than nearly anybody else who does foreign reports.
it’s Bridget…”Kendall married freelance television journalist Nick Worrall in the early 1990s; they have since divorced.[9] She is the partner of BBC editor Amanda Farnsworth.[10]”
DM: “Laura Kuenssberg was ‘given a bodyguard’ after threats by online hate mob during the election”
Well, we knew Corbyn’s mob were thugs, but here’s the interesting bit:
“However, the bit the Tories haven’t said in public but keep complaining about in private is that the BBC never reported that Kuenssberg was so badly threatened online by Corbyn supporters that she was given personal protection.
They feel that this subdued her capacity to cover the contest clearly.
He added that Tories suspected if Theresa May had possessed such thuggish fans, ‘the BBC would have made a meal of it’.”
Too right they would have.
You see, it’s only the Far Right who are violent thugs in beeb-land, never the Left.
From the DM
“The journalist, who holds one of the most recognisable jobs in broadcast media, was frequently subjected to accusations of bias AGAINST Jeremy Corbyn by the Labour leader’s supporters.”
Say what?
This is a good example of just how unyielding & psychotically unreasonable the left are. If even one word from thousands can be found to indicate that Corbyn does NOT shit ice cream 24/7, that word must be stamped out. Along with the person who uttered it.
Laura K, against Corbyn? Huh?
The BBC are without doubt biased to the left, however there are many shades of Left and they certainly are not fans of Corbyns brand which would see their tax bills rise substantially. The like the soft liberal Nu Labour type of leftism but not the identical but differently branded version the Tories offer.
Corbyns supporters have moved back to Fascism, and we have only our parents generations to blame for failing to teach children in schools what Fascism actually is . Ernst Rohm started his campaign with the Sturmabteilung which is basically what Momentum actually is, a bunch of thugs which ironically and disgracefully are funded at least in part by the Tory party.
I disagree with Thoughtful’s assessment of the Beeb. Their left-wing bias went out of the window when a date was set for the Brexit Referendum. Their only agenda now is to try to force a reversal of the referendum vote.
The BBC contains all shades of Left. Just don’t expect to find many who believe in free markets and a reduced public sector.
Yes, the liberal left and their BBC are obsessed in seeing if they can actually overturn the democratic will of those they seem to presume to speak for and come from.
That our like vote to leave the EU and vote for Trump is a grievous offence, turns out that they never knew us at all. And now they know of us, they hate us all the more.
They need to know that we will turn very ugly if 650 nomarks and a cultural elite dare to mess with what we asked for last year.
Sense there`s quite a few years of getting mocked and taunted to get out of our systems…and Farage is way too conciliatory, compared to what we`ll be wanting next.
You put the tin lid on the elected will of the British people?…then democracy will find a violent expression and they`ll deserve all they`ll get if we are not out with the hardest of Brexits on March 29 2019.
None of us voted for party bolster cushions-we voted to leave the EU-how simple is THAT?
I briefly listened to the Today when Lord Adonis was waffling on about how proceeding with Brexit was the biggest mistake since pre war appeasement (apart from that the pre war appeasement wasn’t initiated because of a country referendum of it’s people but just the actions of a few individuals). He went on to claim that the country was behind a soft Brexit that involved remaining in the single market and customs union.
Unsurprisingly he was not challenged on this particular point or asked to explain from which orifice he had just pulled this made up soundbite. No bias at the bbc though…
No broadcaster in the UK will come and admit that ‘Soft Brexit’ is a lie, a hoax.
It is like the married couple who had a Soft Divorce: there was no settling of assets, no changing bank accounts. They simply slept in different bedrooms, but otherwise continued to cohabit; leaving just a single door to pass through in order to regain full married status. Soft Brexit is the same.
Staying in the Single Market necessitates remaining subjects of the EU Parliament and EU Courts; staying in the Customs Union, necessitates continuing EU vetoes on trade links betwixt Britain and the British Commonwealth of Nations. It is Brexit in name only. The BBC and other Remainers like it, because it would require nothing more than a signature of consent, for Britain to rejoin the EU train that is travelling inexorably towards the terminus of a United States of Europe.
Adonis is a typical so called reasonable man. There is no useful comparison to be made with the 1930s and to do so is idiotic. Ignore them all.
11am R4 Prog on Lateral Thinking
Let’s see if they screw this one up like they screwed up the prog on Critical Thinking on Monday
mainly by having an all LibMob panel
I think you already know the answer to that question Stew.
R4 WH has found an excuse to to air a top Labour MP and bang on about women’s rights
“Today Parliament launches Vote100, a series of events to be held in next year marking 100 years since women got the vote and the first female MP was elected. More than 200 women now sit in the commons, but how easy is the job today? An inquiry’s just been launched into the abuse MP’s experienced during the General Election and many women spoke about the attacks they received on and offline. Yvette Cooper, chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, talks about the vitriol she and her colleagues are exposed to on a daily basis. ”
Yvette Cooper ? Like was she one of the ones, who’s posters posters were torn down within in 10 mins or daubed with swastikas ?
No that’s what happened to Conservative MPs
Another great example this morning of BBC Bias. Just before the 8.00am news they talk to the presenter of this evenings Any Questions who comments that Brexit will feature large what with all the current negotiations. He then says “and we’ve got the best panel for this”:
Nicky Morgan – remainer
Shami Chakrabarti – remainer
Stephen Gethins – remainer
Simon Heffer – leaver
That doesn’t seem to me to be a panel that represents how the UK voted in the referendum.
Earlier I said “R4 Any Questions haven’t decided who the third Remainer will be on their panel”
..Now I see they’ve got Nicky Morgan on
(she just beat JRM to become head of chair of Treasury Select committee )
Also on the panel is unelected politician Shadow Attorney General Shami Chakrabarti,
the SNP’s Europe Spokesman at Westminster Stephen Gethins MP,
the Sunday Telegraph columnist Simon Heffer (recent column “These attempts to subvert Brexit will harm the economy and threaten social discord.” )
(typed at same time as Payne)
I couldn’t help but audibly call this out as driving in the car this morning. Remainer, remainer, remainer, token leaver.
Pbn, the BBC get very upset over division.* We leavers are lucky we get one panellist who might represent that side of the argument!
(* Unless it is Corbyn division or French Macron division, of course.)
R4 2:15 Drama about the Girls kidnapped by Boko Haram
Best friends Macron and Trump.
Eat your heart out Treezer, and F you Bercow, Khan, beebistan and rent-a-mob lefties.
A huge opportunity missed just when Britain needs it most. Traitors. Hang ’em.
I’m sure that the Donald is well aware that monsieur Micron is a Mutti stooge, and behaves accordingly. Personally, I wouldn’t trust him an inch.
It’s amazing that the Beeb and other lefties aren’t showering Macron with slurs and insults at him for cosying up to this monster. Poor old Theresa had to contend with endlessly waffling about how she should remonstrate this democratically elected politician on the choices he has made on behalf of the country that elected him.
All I hear is that he’s doing it to increase France’s presence on the world stage – funny how I never heard that sensible response when we were talking about Trump coming here. Oh and that also he might be softening on the Paris Climate agreement. You could hear the Beeb and LBC literally fizzing that he might change his mind from a rather innocuous statement.
France is doing what it always does. Stuffing us British. Laying on a bash for President Trump makes a real point in Europe and the USA. We are yesterday’s nation and better get used to it.
I hope the BBC and the Guardian are satisfied.
I knew Macron was into older men.
And their grasping at any shred of hope he [Trump] will start funding their climate change machine again, as the Chinese millions/billions in funding the environMENTAL wrecking ball of ”activism” dry up, because they know the game is up.
Zadie Smith – Grenfell Tower fire, saying she considers it (Grenfell Disaster) to be a crime on BBC R4
… now listen and you hear her say “I do consider it kind of, errm, a crime. …” @0:00
Zadie Smith speaks out on Grenfell Tower fire {bbc.co.uk radio4 jul2017}
So it’s a crime, there are criminals – so who are the criminals? What is a ‘kinda’ crime, surely it breaks the law or it does not. Is this a crime of the heart? Why are the BBC stating she says it’s a crime, when it’s really her definition of a crime (kinda) which she does not tell us about – a difference in security arrangements is not a crime. Is the lack of security in the Manchester Arena a crime?
British novelist Zadie Smith has spoken out about the Grenfell Tower fire, saying she considers it to be a crime.
“She says there was an ‘extraordinary private security system around the rich’ in the area and then the poor were left ‘completely without protection’.”
Hold on a minute – police force, fire brigade, fire extinguishes, escape routes, fire notices, hospitals, Councils to report to, newspapers to tell their stories, Grenfell Action Group.
Completely without protection? Kinda Crime? Zadie?
really im shocked “who” would do such a thing?? pray tell
What I found interesting was that the Muslim who married his non-Muslim same sex partner (whom it seems he met after a suicide attempt) said that Islam will NEVER tolerate homosexuality, and then in the next sentence he said “God willing” he would ALWAYS be a Muslim.
Magnificent entertainment on This Week last night.
Some arsehole ‘comedian’ called Richard Herring (me neither) started by describing previous guest Nigel Farage as a ‘horrible person’ then went into a diatribe about how most politicians nowadays are shit.
You need to watch this to see the look on Ed Balls and Michael Portillo’s faces at this point. Brillo just looked down at his notes. Awkward silence.
He then tore in with ‘May & Trump terrible people’ when Portillo took him to task.
Watch on the tinternet or Iplayer or wherever, but I suspect this fat shit won’t be on that programme again.
A clear out of the odious Portillo and indeed neo liberal sh-ts like A Johnson, or Liz Kendall too, would be chipper
the garbage they regurgitate with A Neils blessing,(not surprising eh ) is just rank.
Would that be the Portillo who ceased being an MP in 2005 and who has left the Conservative party?
Would that be the A Johnson who didn’t stand for election this year?
Would that be the Liz Kendall that resigned fom Corbyn’s cotterie?
I thought that you wanted politicians to leave the swamp?
But why do the BBC invite some third rate “comedian” like Herring on in the first place ? His opinions are of no more value than anyone elses.
Herring is a full on remainer and an arrogant piece of work. Another labour loving bbc regular who will always be given airtime. The superiority drips off of him
He is so smug he does not even realise how stupid he is. Portillo put him down totally and he was not aware of it !! Moron !
I had to Google Richard Herring. He said he would boycott the Edinburgh festival because it was too expensive. That was in 2015. He was on This Week last night to promote his new Edinburgh Show. He seemed to think that saying that right wing politicians are terrible will lead to guffaws of laughter. That was the entire substance of his piece. Fat lazy slob.
ED Balls is not liked is he – Neil twice told him to just “shut up”.
Yes I saw that. Good on Nigel for pushing back on Richard for the utter nonsense that he was spouting.
He was talking such shit I thought it might be Nog.
Farage vs ed Balls
“Who said it?”
‘I,I,I believe…”
“…I, I, I don’t think that is what the public heard”
With such abilities he will surely be a BBC Newsnight guest editor by next week? Or Diane Abbott in drag.
Just… be quiet, Ed.
No no no, just be quiet Ed.
Ed climate change is more of a threat than isaim Ball’s at your command.
The tragedy is that we (the TV License payer/£145per year/ £3.5billion total) are paying for these useless views and opinions, such as those of Ed Balls … can they fly Thomas Sowell in please?
BBC pay cut for MPs … Johnson was paid £700 for appearances on politics show This Week … As of next series, every political guest will receive a flat fee of £350…(plus) disturbance fee (what is this? is there a cap? sounds like a hidden untracked cost) {telegraph dec2016}
– note that the article shows that women and men paid differently by BBC for same work! Oh, dear!
Sorry, just re-read and I should have said good on Michael for pushing back.
You might have guessed it was a RED Herring
..boom boom
video Herring vs Portillo
I guess this youtube is the same
Herrings statement after being pilloried on Twitter
I think Richard Herring is too stupid to realise how much he got eviscerated. He seems to believe that it is virtue signalling rather than attempting to make the right decisions which counts, which says everything you need to know about the Left.
Wasn’t he the one who sported a moustache designed to inspire attention?
This appears to have gone, along with his career.
He was the only one who thought he was funny, his own laugh at each so-called ”funny bit” was the Q, most would smile out of politeness, probably why he has mistaken himself as funny, box office reciepts should tell him how funny he really is.
Herring is a total idiot. I am not a great fan of Portillo but he certainly shafted Herring there !
Herring used to be quite a good, knockabout student comedian about twenty years ago. Yes of course he had the identikit leftie opinions but it didn’t matter so much because his act wasn’t really political. As he has gradually got more serious and into all that rubbish about ‘comedy as art form’ etc he has at the same time become much less funny. I note in his twitter feed he also makes a ‘joke’ about committing violence on Nigel Farage, which of course would be sufficient to kill off the career of anyone on the right who said something similar about a left wing politician.
MSM EveryDay Sexism
TalkRadio now same JHB has same leftwing author @PennyRed (Laurie Penny) who was on Woman’s Hour earlier
making outrageous generalisations about way ppl treat men/women
“You see women are always attacked for their appearance”
..em “Orange hair Trump” ?
Penny just said that “the right people attack online far worse than the left”
… em Nigel Farage has needed 24 hr protection for 10 years
similar people have had to move house a few times ..doesn’t happen to Lefties
At same time R5 is lreporting from Grenfell Tower …A-Fing-gain
..operation emotional blackmail
Penny is plugging her book : Bitch Doctrine
Again rubbing in people’s faces that there are word’s privileged groups can use, whereas the rest of us would get sanctions if we used same word.
So no sympathetic interviews with Milo Yiannopoulos about his anti-Leftist book “Dangerous” published this week then? Strange. It is almost as if the BBC only arse licks authors who produce Leftist crap, but that can’t be the case.
‘3 Girls from the 276 Kidnapped and Raped by Islamist Group called Boko Haram (Western Education Forbidden)’ or shortened to ‘Girls‘?
Sounds similar to ‘3 Girls’, rather than unpalatable titles like “3 of 47 Innocent Rochdale Girls Raped (2008-2010)” and definitely not “1400 Innocent Rotherham Girls Raped (1997-2013)”.
Let’s use the word ‘Girls’ and let the public fill in the blanks with their own number. 2? 3? 100? 10million? Who knows?
Girls {bbc.co.uk R4 jul2017}*
Theresa Ikoko’s award-winning play is the story of three teenage girls who are kidnapped from their school in Nigeria. (kidnapped by whom? An Islamist militant group Boko Haram? A Muslim terror group?)
– Did Michelle Obama’s #bringbackourgirls hastag work? The BBC reveal it’s effectiveness …
– Do the girls know that the Nigerian Government were given a chance at an attempt to save them by the UK Army, but the Nigerian Government turned it down?
* I am assuming it is the same set of Girls taken April 2014 by Boko Haram from school in Nigeria.
“The story is set in a part of Africa which remained anonymous; the girls sharing an example of what many young women experience. The unfairness of kidnapping, sexism, arranged marriage and forced religion. “
@Marky well spotted
Those language tricks I suspect are the mark of “dark PR” people.
I have sympathy for any Nigerian treated badly
but the media would give more time to a Nigerian caught up in the Grenfell fire.
Racism in schools: Channel 5, not BBC
Matthew Wright’s programme this morning was complaining that as many as 36% of white teenagers only had sex with other white teenagers. This is not because of instinctive tribalism, but because of ‘centuries of indoctrination’. He believes that schools should be teaching their students not be racist in their sexual partners.
It is bad enough telling schoolchildren that they should explore homosexual relationships before deciding if they’re heterosexual or not.
Fortunately, my-grin-is-larger-than-yours Wright ran out of time, and didn’t get as far as saying that the National Curriculum should include a section demanding that pupils are taught that if they have sex with a white partner, they must then have sex with an Asian partner, and a black partner, before having sex again with a white partner.
I want out of this madness. Is Australia still accepting refugees from England?
Mad they sound but it is part of the agenda. That maybe teenagers should not be having sex at all does not seem to occur to them.
Years ago someone joked that, in time, a white girl turning down a black man would become racist.
Not a joke for much longer? These days anything is possible.
No Joseph it isn’t, far off, it really isn’t, confronting muslims over child rape has been considered islamophobic for over a decade, so no, it is ‘progress’ progressive style.
New Drugs Policy
The BBC CAN do good reporting!
A wonderful lengthy, honest and full report in lunchtime news, praising and celebrating Amber Rudd’s ground-breaking Drugs Policy, which will focus on recovery, but not diminish the police’s determination to crack down on drug dealers, not will it go soft on drug possession. A masterpiece of reporting. It closed with a clip of Amber Rudd walking into Number 10.
Has the BBC got a hidden agenda?
It reported the Trump Bastille Day visit, too, in the bottom-of-screen tickertape
The BBC always has an agenda, but it is rarely hidden. As Peter Sissons told us, in his day they just reported whatever The (low circulation middle class Labour Party supporting public sector leftist newspaper) Guardian was saying that week.
Comment after the event, I know, but what a revealing moment when Theresa was asked if she’d ‘shed a tear’ on hearing the exit poll figures. The way her mouth contorted as her brain desperately tried to find a gear was such a clear and painful indication of the woman’s total lack of ability to think on her feet. Not very positive in a politician, let alone our PM.
“The Minister may be aware of a YouGov poll that was done immediately after this ruling which showed that 42% of Brits would support such a ban (Burka) in the workplace {yougov.co.uk aug2016}, or at least employers having the ability to impose such a ban in the workplace. Will my noble friend take back to her colleagues the possibility of further work under the integration strategy (morality police?) to ensure that these kinds of opinion held in country are pushed back by views within government?”
– Baroness Warsi Conservative {theyworkforyou.com mar2017}
Can I interpret that above highlighted statement as “Don’t listen to grievances of the citizens of the UK @ 42%, but get them to change their minds to what the Government thinks, but we have not done a poll of the Government, so it’s what I think personally – Baroness Warsi – I am the opinion of the Government.“?
… in other news from a Muslim Majority Country of 80million {worldometers.com} people …
“Iranian women spark debate by defying (to wear) hijab (not even full face covering) rule in cars (enforced by Iran’s morality police) {guardian.com jul2017}”
.. confused? Which one is the real Muslim view?
did you shed a tear = ”how do/did you feel”
The NU Left ‘how do you feel” politic’s, unless ofcourse you feel the left are complete wankers, you never seem to hear those replies.
sorry for the ”estate” lingo.
Nope (on shedding a tear)! Did you? Why would you? Aren’t you a grown up … I took a calculated risk … but we are still in Government and Labour lost. Next ….
As a shy person myself, I can sympathize with Mrs May. Whether a Prime Minister should have balls, is a different matter. She is certainly too honest to be a politician – not a single false promise in the Tory manifesto.
Mrs May’s proposed Green discussion paper that was intended to establish a plan for Social Care that would last for fifty years, lacked detail – it didn’t even say if there would be a cap on rich-patient’s contributions, so Theresa was forced to say it might, which, as we know, is a 180 degree turn in policy on Social Care, which is the worst crime a politician can make, worse even than the N-word. [I’m surprized the BBC doesn’t run with ‘we want no-U-turn Thatcher back, she had balls, and didn’t shed a tear,’ on its screen-bum tickertape.]
However, the truth is, that any challenge for the party leadership would threaten an as-voted-for Brexit, which is why the BBC has been so hostile to Mrs May. For God’s sake let her continue till after March 2019.
“not a single false promise in the Tory manifesto”
Wow you’re credulous! what about the continual promises to reduce immigration “to the tens of thousands”?
I shed a little tear when I read your post!
The 2017 Tory Manifesto made no promise on numbers, only a promise on objective. the importance of managed immigration was discussed in several places, and summarized as:
‘The nature of the immigration we have – more skilled workers and university students, less abuse and fewer unskilled migrants – better suits the national interest. But with annual net migration standing at 273,000, immigration to Britain is still too high. It is our objective to reduce immigration to sustainable levels, by which we mean annual net migration in the tens of thousands, rather than the hundreds of thousands we have seen over the last two decades.’ Conservative Party Manifesto, 2017.
How convenient that the ‘Wish List’ was compiled before the net migration figures were published for 2015/16 – 538,000.
The Tory Manifesto was largely scrapped, so that means most of the promises were actually lies. If a government stands for election on its manifesto, then it should be compelled to implement it.
our objective? And you don’t think that’s weasel words intended to deceive?
I think the problem is that the political class appears to be either populated by
1 political “revolutionary” types such as Corbyn and Fatbot who play fast and loose with the truth and hope to lie their way to power. They know that once they have got it – they can enable irreversible changes to our nation such as allowing huge numbers of migrant access and citizenship so that there is little we can do about it.
2 Or they appear to be unimaginative political machine minders such as Theresa May – who do not appear to have any strong beliefs other than doing what is necessary to get re- elected.
Anyone (such as Farage ) who dares to speak the truth is castigated and crucified under the cross of political correctness.
Unfortunately because we have a heavily left leaning media- any obvious contradictions by the “progressive” press will be conveniently ignored whilst conversely even the slightest inconsistency on the right will be examined under the progressive microscope and ripped apart.
Tony, the Conservative manifesto may well have been completely honest but it was a) late, b) compiled outside Cabinet and apparently more or less unknown to the Ministers who would be responsible for campaigning for its proposals, c) failed to address one or two immediate & embarrassing problems (ie. 2017 Budget fiasco), and d) overlooked important existing economic conditions or fiscal provisions relating to its key proposals.
We do not know for certain who was responsible for that manifesto disaster but unfortunately it has now split the Cabinet and key Ministers away from the Prime Ministe and also away from their jobs. There are some loyal lieutenants who are bravely backing the PM but it is obvious that Theresa May’s political career now lies in ruins.
That is not good for the country.
We also have an ineffective Foreign Secretary who appears to be hiding away in his room at the F&CO and a Chancellor who either behaves similarly at No.11 or the Treasury, or when he does appear, it is to say something, merely to give the BBC the idea that he is hard at work sabotaging Brexit.
That is not good for the country either.
RE: Women’s rights.
Remember that SJW orgasm the Beeb had over that woman having to wear high heels at work? O the horror!
Well I have been working with photographers at graduation ceremonies the past two weeks. There is a massive stage contraption we have to build from scratch for group photos, sometimes for as many as 400 students. It is hard work lugging al that stuff off vans and fitting it all together.
So, it comes to Thursday lunch time and all the photography is finished. The one killer job left is having to break down the epic staging and put it on the vans. Although women vastly outnumber men on the staff, the blokes got lumbered with the job! Three bloody hours while the women got to go to the pub! A big plank got dropped on my leg and I have a massive bruise. And the girls were sending us pictures of their bottles of wine to rub it in!
Where are the equality officers when you need them? The Beeb was all over the story of the golf club who voted to not allow female members, as if women were so eager to spend time in a stuffy golf club anyway. What about all the dirty, dangerous, crappy jobs men do without complaining because women would prefer not to do them? Where are the feminists complaining that there are not enough women collecting bin bags?
I would rather be in the pub early wearing potentially uncomfortable shoes than getting covered in rusty water and having to lug crap around in the rain. If I called the BBC to complain about my terrible sexist ordeal I wonder if they would write an article about it?
I read a headline last night on al beeb, ”Is love racist”.
Never read the article, who would ?.
Cos love is ”racist”……………….a love of your country cannot be anything else technically can it ?.
Interesting. Acid attacks in Pakistan significantly decreasing –
Meanwhile, acid attacks in the capital of multiculti Britain are significantly increasing –
Just thinking: can there be any correlation?
Anyway, all said and done, I look forward to the Emir of the London Caliphate referring to London’s problem as, “part and parcel” of living in a major city –
G, I seem to recall several happening when I was a child in the 1960s. Then they became either a considerable rarity or the news media, ie BBC Radio & TV were not interested & newspapers that I came across, considered them non-newsworthy and no longer reported them.
It IS POSSIBLE that I no longer noticed any reports IF THEY DID REPORT because I had been conditioned into subconsciously thinking they were commonplace & skipping over them or not remembering. However, I do not think that was the case.
What HAS changed significantly is the way in which the media, now for me in present conditions consumed almost exclusively from the BBC and its Radio 4 News & Current Affairs programmes, deal with such incidents. As with misuse of replica guns and knives, or more recently obesity and laser pointers and rifle sights and drones (flown either irresponsibly or escaping the proper control of their users for other reasons), these incidents and attacks appear to lead to a period of BBC Radio 4 obsession.
The newscasts appear to concentrate on them. There are immediate and constant analysis contributions and also calls for authorities or politicians to be seen as ‘doing something’ and either ‘amending legislation’ or ‘creating legislation’.
We are getting into dangerous situations where a particular national broadcaster who carries a certain amount of heft starts to direct our country.
Perhaps there should be some news reporting on that danger or crime?
Tim Martin says EU Remainiac Gloomsters should put a sock in it
Anybody thought of a Eurodildo that Snow could put in his mouth as he waits for a tampon to swell up to a suitable size for afterwards?
Tim Martins Wetherspoons articles are just what the Dead Tree Press ought to be doing-but don`t.
And always a fine rose wine too…
Tim Martin has provided a lot of employment, restored a lot of valuable old buildings and given people an affordable place in which to socialise. How many Remoaners can say the same thing? All they do is carp on. I would much rather trust someone who has set up his own business empire and is able to see the positives in any given situation.
I cant seem to open a ‘supplement’ without seeing the promotion of Brendan Cox’s book ‘More in Common’ about his wife. This is all very well, but I can see him becoming a ‘professional widower’ in the next few years. There have been a number of these in the past, who have published books and continually refer to their loved ones in every article and printed column when given the chance; e.g. Esther Rantzen on her husband Des / Gloria Hunniford on her daughter Karen / Sheila Hancock on husband John Thaw, and that’s without thinking about it ! Every family in the country has a loved one who has died, and have to deal with grief on a daily basis, so I do wish these professional grievers would put a sock in it. Anyone who actually enjoys reading a depressive book about the life and death of someone in the public eye, must surely be a suitable candidate for the sofa of Victoria Derbyshire !!
Well, well, well, you would never have believed it would you!!! –
Hang on though, what’s happening in, our multiculti “part and parcel” of living in a major city, capital?
No, no, TB and Aids I want to know about –
Perhaps London could become, “Twinned” with the city in Germany ‘hosting’ the greatest number of infected?
Any, “part and parcel” type comment from the Emir?
Another imposition on the NHS that seems less cuts-related than the BBC is likely to go near.
City TB rates above average in region: Coventry has one of the worst rates for tuberculosis cases in the West Midlands, according to the latest figures. {bbc.co.uk jun2017}
West Midlands {fingertips tuberculosis}
London {fingertips tuberculosis}
Yorkshire and Humber {fingertips tuberculosis}
Brenden has already worn out many tv sofa’s promoting himself politically, because that’s what joe would have wanted, promoting his book about joe, is also what she would have wanted,……but what joe wanted the most was for Brenden to stand for election and carry on ”her” great works, she always said so in private, it was her greatest wish. ………………….that and a faithful husband.
On the subject of Diane Abbott … 16 officers needed hospital treatment because they were spat at. TB?
“No evidence that spit hoods are necessary or useful” – Diane Abbott 9Feb2017
“always open to ideas – would you be willing to meet one of my colleagues infected with Hep C after being spat at 2 discuss?” – Supt Roy Smith 9Feb2017
Police delegates jeer Diane Abbott over comments on spit hoods {theguardian may2017}
She said: “I am aware, if I wasn’t aware [before] , I have got that sense from the audience today, that spit hoods is a complex subject; there’s health and safety, there’s health, there is a whole range of issues.”
Abbott continued: “If the government, or the Metropolitan police, because they are actually probably the first major police force that will allow spit hoods …”
At that the audience broke out into jeers.
Ken Marsh of the Metropolitan Police Federation said that at the Notting Hill carnival last year 16 officers needed hospital treatment because they were spat at. He told Abbott: “I am finding some of the things you are saying amazing.”
… then Diane Abbott walks off stage the wrong way, I remember this because on the BBC News that evening (bbc evening news – around 17may2017 – couldn’t find recording) the BBC showed her walking off the stage, but cut it short of showing Diane Abbott going the wrong way and embarrassingly walking back. Then, if memory serves me, it went to a clip of Theresa May being mocked in an animation. Like my brain was being reprogrammed, forget the embarrassment of Abbott, here is May looking stupid.
Why is the BBC happy to use whatever pronoun the sexually confused come up with but balks at calling ISIL by its preferred name, using instead the pathetic ‘so called’ tag?
This selective nomophobia even extends to reputably organisations, such as the US’s space agency. It calls itself ‘NASA’ but to the BBC it is ‘Nasa’.
NHS ranked ‘number one’ health system {bbc.co.uk jul2017}, but we are 30th in a different report …
1 UK
2 Australia
3 Netherlands
4 = New Zealand
4 = Norway
6 = Sweden
6 = Switzerland
8 Germany
9 Canada
10 France
11 US
NHS is ‘worse than healthcare in Ireland, Spain and Slovenia’ in new global ranking {independent may2017}
UK scores total of 84.6 out of 100, placing it on an equal footing with Cyprus, Qatar, Malta, Portugal and the Czech Republic – HAQ Index
Ranking Country HAQI
1 Andorra 95
2 Iceland 94
3 Switzerland 92
4 Sweden 90
5 Norway 90
6 Australia 90
7 Finland 90
8 Spain 90
9 Netherlands 90
10 Luxembourg 89
11 Japan 89
12 Italy 89
13 Ireland 88
14 Austria 88
15 France 88
16 Belgium 88
17 Canada 88
18 Slovenia 87
19 Greece 87
20 Germany 86
21 Singapore 86
22 New Zealand 86
23 South Korea 86
24 Denmark 86
25 Israel 86
26 Cyprus 85
27 Qatar 85
28 Malta 85
29 Czech Republic 85
30 UK 85
31 Portugal 85
32 Kuwait 82
33 Croatia 82
34 Estonia 81
35 USA 81
36 Montenegro 81
37 Lebanon 80
38 Hungary 80
39 Poland 80
40 Saudi Arabia 79
UK health system is top on ‘efficiency’, says report {bbc.co.uk jun2010 OLD NEWS}
1. The Netherlands
2. United Kingdom
3. Australia
4. Germany
5. New Zealand
6. Canada
7. United States
Wonder how long it will take them to connect the dots as to motive,….
wo Ukrainian tourists have been killed in mass stabbings at a hotel in the Red Sea resort of Hurghada, Egyptian medical officials say.
At least four other people were injured and a man has been arrested.
The suspect is being questioned by police to determine his motives, the interior ministry said.
Some irretrievable moron at Radio 4’s execrable PM show decided today that, in the light of Donald Trump’s comments to Mme. Macron, it would be a good idea to have other non-PC things Trump has said in the past about women recited (without context) every ten minutes – by Lionel fucking Blair. The bizarre thing is, that they seem to believe that all of their listeners are going to chuckle along with their witless juvenile cuntery. No doubt some do. Others just switch off, forever.