Way off topic but for anyone with an interest in brain washing and the mental damage that can be inflicted by progressive and out of control tertiary education this is fascinating. You can almost see the mental reset and go button being activated when the subject is presented with facts that do not compute.
It is a good point. They all go on and get Tuckered and they do not seem aware of it. Well , no publicity is bad publicity and I guess they get paid anyway. Personally , I would find it humiliating .
So where are we? The BBC still continues to report the polar opposite of the truth. Trump is doing real well. The Paris Climate change bollocks is bollocks (can’t think of anymore ways to get bollocks into a sentence) Macron and Merkel are dead in the water- as is Theresa (more of that later). Italy is ripe for revolution. Theresa give it up – Let Rees-Mogg have a go flanked by Boris and Gove . Nigel you can choose what you want to do.
The al beeb website as an article “judge me on 4 things says Trump. So we did”. In summary it shows that Trump is delivering on what he promises during the election campaign – whether you agree or disagree with his politics .
I don’t think that article will be up for too long as it goes so far against the ritual Trump bashing . Strange that al beeb has got such a fixation about a foreign leader . Domestic issues should have primacy .
I was listening to Farage the other night. He was rightly outraged, and rightly in my view that Krankie from Scotland, and Jones from Wales had independent meetings with Barnier. Barnier had earlier stated that he would not negotiate with parts of the EU only the UK as a whole. He has gone against his word.
I would agree with Farage and suggest that David Davis should now go behind the back of the EU and privately negotiate with countries like Hungary and Poland. Two can play dirty.
What disgusted me more was the fact that Corbyn also had a private meeting with Barnier. What a traitor. The BBC passed this off by stating through their political correspondent that he was there as there could be another election and he could be the leader. Firstly he has no mandate to negotiate, secondly, there is no forthcoming election.
This is all about the EU policy of divide and rule. Sadly the Labour party would rather the country Brexit deal if a Brexit deal at all in seeking power.
May has to be stronger in admonishing the leaders of Wales (who voted for Brexit) and Scotland. How about misbehave just one more time and the Bennett money will be taken from you. Treat them like the children they are.For what it is worth I noticed that the Leader of Hungary has said that Britain is in a stronger position in its negotiating strength than the EU.
There is hope but I see the Remainers who are the real enemy of Britain, we need to fight from a collective strength if we are to be successful. I fear another referendum which I sense would promulgate a violent reaction, and in my opinion, with just cause.
I notice that a film about Dunkirk has hit the cinema’s. How quickly Europe have forgotten our sacrifice. The EU have abused our support enough. Cameron’s pleadings for a better deal was a complete humiliation, but he was too stupid to know it.
Wronged – the Corbynites are probably the same left wingers who back in the 1980s spouted “Better Red than Dead ” badges. These bastards have no belief or love for their country and culture only a passion for their poisonous, self deluding doctrine. They have no appreciation of the sacrifices that those who went before us made only a belief that the end always justifies the means.
Of course Barnier would talk to these swiss bankers – He is just doing what the EU has always done – Divide and rule.
The continentals have always ignored the rules when it suited them whilst as a nation we always observed them. This is why as a nation we would never prosper within the EU.
I think our position could have been very strong if we had voted in a large Tory majority on a Brexit mandate but the British people didn’t do that at the GE and so totally undermined the powerful ‘will of the people argument’ which was forcing a lot of MPs to adopt a Leave stance against their real wishes. The GE result has given the Remainers all the ammunition they need to defeat Brexit in the H of P and given Brussels every incentive to give us a rotten deal which they know will be voted down in Parliament. If Labour get in they will want the softest of soft Brexits and that won’t be worth having. I’m afraid that the GE result has torpedoed Brexit. We had our chance thanks to the splendid efforts of Mr Farage and the arrogance of Cameron , we blew it and we won’t get another one, we have only ourselves to blame.
I think they will get rid of her Grant, I wonder if she is just being played like a puppet. The big worry is the new positions in the Chairing of the select committees. For example, the new chair of the Treasury Select committee is Nicky Morgan.
Too many Reamainers have got elected into important positions.
I fear the worst.
Grant/Wronged I think the problem is that the tories are more concerned (and maybe even more so after the election) with being liked and not being seen as the nasty party. They are pursuing the snowflakes for their votes and probably at any price. Yet again it is the pursuit of raw power at the expense of true belief that is doing our country such great disservice.
The days of conviction politicians seem to be long gone.
Hopefully a Churchill figure will come – but I doubt it will be from the Conservative party.
And it was that idiot Treezer who did so much damage with her ” nasty party ” jibe. The stupidity of the Tories is that they can never get the votes of snowflakes. Meanwhile , they lose the votes of genuine Conservatives. Suicidal .
Grant – as I have said in previous posts – Theresa May is nothing but a grey “machine minder” addicted to power but little belief in much else. With her in charge brexit will undoubtedly fail – Unfortunately because of the people she has maintained within influential cabinet positions there are few with a high profile enough and committed to brexit, who could seamlessly take over.
To be perfectly honest I think the way things are going at the end of the day brexit is as doomed with the Tories as it is with Labour. I consider myself too old to go on the streets and start throwing stones – but it may well come to that.
Still got the domain name “The Nasty Party”. Should be doing more with it, but at least it screwed a BBC bigwig or two when I cited breach of copyright when their medai monkeys used the phrase. In truth we NEED a Nasty Party, so scum like Bercow, Cox, Geldof and Soubry get a whiff of cold steel…er, that`ll do!
Em few I hope
cos Macron hijacked the event for his coronation.
Embassy only mentions Gen Sir Nick Carter,
and PhilipHammond popping around to London French Embassy
A pleasure to welcome Chief of the General Staff, Gen Sir Nick Carter, to 14 July parade pic.twitter.com/GYlCLBsNUm
Wrong. Oh so wrong. Opinionated US TV news networks lead to viewers having their prejudices replayed to them rather than challenged https://t.co/WoA47qiHcH
Robinson is talking to the New European Newspaper
And what’s the New European about ?
For REMAINIACS “having their prejudices replayed to them rather than challenged”
duh !
I will be furious if Treezer the Appeaser gives teachers a pay rise. Long holidays, short working hours/ although Primary teachers do more hours of preparation than Secondary. Cossetted middle classes dominated in numbers by females, many of whom leave through pregnancy, they play the maternity package to the day, making it difficult to appoint someone in their place even though they know they have no intention of returning to their job. Above average wage, incrementally rising according to each year served (not performance). Unions who constantly whine and encourage dissent amongst the workforce. A job for life. When taken as a whole they tend to be a lazy bunch of people, don’t let them tell you otherwise.
I`m a teacher wronged, and confirm all that you say.
Most of them only went in for the do-gooding, the long holidays and a job for life.
Refugees from the real world, happy to stay “forever young” and never leave a classroom from primary to pension.
Their plinth would have Sting on it miming “Another Brick In the Wall”…they hate this country and let the state tell them how to look, what to think and how to deliver the states big hates by deciet and without thinking.
Probably the biggest public sector union when you tot up all the lefty lotus eaters in them all.
Goodbye Mr Chips…hail to Professors Plod, Nod and a big high six for Charity lardy arses Msx Doughnut and Cakewalk-genders unknown as we speak.
Schools are failed, fucked and finishing…
Not just the BBC : Everday-Anti-Man-Sexism is on Talk Radio aswell
8-11am This morning Penny Smith was with some woman author KathyLette ..just waffling on how about the sisterhood
.. blindly stating how women have superior characteristics like intuition
(and very laddy rather than very lady.
.. talking about hiring male strippers , toy boys etc, the idea of hiring a Kings Cross prostitute for her autistic son)
Then at 20:00 There was another Fem-supremacist prog
…”The Badass Women’s Hour Presented by Harriet Minter, co-hosted by Natalie Campbell and Emma Sexton”
(BTW : prog title Bad-Ass …It’s unusual for women to to be so frank about having a large backside)
Wednesday to Friday the BBC has 3 Fem Supremacist shows simultaneously with WomansHour, EmmaBarnett, and Victoria being on at the same time.
Are women taking over radio? in the same way that most magazines are targetted at women
and that it’s pretty unusual to ever see a white man on a magazine over at the COOP magazine counter.
Unfortunate that BBC TV (and SKY) only seemed to start taking notice in a serious way after the attack on an “asian” couple by a white man in June.
Tucked away on the BBC website in 2011:
“UK police recorded at least 2,823 so-called honour attacks last year, figures from 39 out of 52 forces show.
……….Such attacks can include acid attacks, abduction, mutilations, beatings and in some cases, murder.
……….The Metropolitan Police had the most at 495, followed by West Midlands (378), West Yorkshire (350), Lancashire (227), Greater Manchester (189), Cleveland (153), Suffolk (118) and Bedfordshire (117).
……….A quarter of police forces in the UK were unable or unwilling to provide data and communities have often been reluctant to talk about the crime, Ikwro said.
……….With honour-based violence, the threat may be a lifetime threat for them.”
Guess what, when you ignore a problem it gets worse.
The Beeb are saying there is an investigation into why there is an increase in acid attacks. Gosh, I wonder. It is probably all those people from Chichester popping to the West End for theatre outings who get uppity when their tea has not been brewed for long enough.
That’s ‘diversity’ for you. Obviously if you invite the world into your country you invite the world’s problems, as Douglas Murray put it.
Not really BBC as such but Hitchens highlights the suppressed Government report on Saudi funding of much of the Mosques/speakers involved/encouraging terrorism and real hate (ie not the BBC confected version) within the UK. Theresa does this yet she wants us to trust her on dealing with terrorism. She said -Enough is enough, but these days I am not sure whether she is referring to “enough terrorism” or enough truth!
He also highlights the hypocrisy of our position when critiscising Russia helping Syria during the Aleppo siege yet not being so interested in civilian casualties caused by allied bombing in Mosul. I suppose it must be far worse being blown apart by a “barrel bomb” (maybe cos its a barrel) or a Russian munition (maybe cos its Russian) Whereas being vaporised or entombed by a Western alliance made munition is obviously a far better way to go.
does the suppression of this report tells us its even worse than we thought, or just as bad as we thought but they dont want to tell the sheeple and why are the bbc not pushing this like a trumpian conspiracy with all sorts of wild theories being postulated aka golden shower gate
Awkward juxtaposition on the BBC News Channel this morning at about 7.30 as our ultra-lightweight sofa team simper and coo and coddle over social media abuse received by a female Labour candidate and not so much for a Conservative who has experienced some actual real life nasty encounters – and then up pops Andy Marr puffing his show with talk of the most vitriolic cabinet level fall out he has ever – that’s ever – known!!!
The point being we get one of those moments where the BBC like to pretend they don’t actually exist. You know, like when the BBC refers to ‘the media’ – as if they weren’t 80% of it.
Where could this heightened sense of a crisis in politics be coming from? Not us guv, says the BBC.
Surely this intensity of feeling is the result of the recent emphasis placed on identity politics? The aim of that is to personalise issues.
BBC to blame for that? Don’t go there…. BBC chap Lizo Mzimba just told us ‘some people’ are going to be upset if they don’t get a black female Doctor Who.
I trust that everyone here will be setting time aside to watch “Science and Islam” on BBC4 at 9pm on Monday, 17th.
“……..He shows how Islamic scientific ideas permeated into the west in the 16th and 17th centuries.”
So if science under Islam is “Islamic Science”, how does it compare with “Christian Science” and “Jewish Science”? Where did it go? Where are the Nobel Prizes? Don’t tell me, imperialists stole it.
(Apparently, this is number 3, so I’ve missed 2. Will there be an episode covering the 21st century?)
Former Sir Humphrey Appleby figure, Gus O’Donnell, is sounding off about Brexit in one of the broadsheets and so the BBC can’t resist drawing our attention to it.
I’m trying a little thought experiment – imagine you just landed from the planet Mars and have no idea what this Brexit thing is all about.
Listen to BBC news and you’ll come away with the idea Brexit is some awful catastrophic plague. I think the BBC gave AIDS a better press than Brexit.
A UFO has just landed in Hyde Park. The door to the saucer opens and a strange being emerges.
“Take me to your leaders – we have been monitoring your transmissions for 12 of your earth months – we have come to save you from this thing you call Brexit – we must lend you our super technology to destroy it before it engulfs the entire galaxy”
Our Leader, according to BBC Reporting, being Jeremy “For the Many useless gifts like football tops, Not the Few gifts like the book The Strange Death of Europe” CORBYN …
Watched Emir Khan answering questions on Mayor’s Question Time on bbc Parliament. Or rather, NOT answering questions.
What a slippery, mendacious, evasive, repugnant creature he is. Clearly his training as a yooman rights liar is being put to good use. As are centuries of Taqiyya, or lying as it’s sometimes called. I guess it runs in the blood.
My goodness, we voted for that? But did we in fact vote for that? Given the propensity of his 3rd world co-religionists to fix votes, one wonders. And make no mistake, they will have voted for him to a man (and woman, and non-existent cousin).
You see, if whitie votes along ethnic lines he’s a horrible racist, but muslims or ethnics – just a poor oppressed group looking after their own. (Same applies to blacks overwhelmingly voting for the useless Kenyan muslim Hussein in US.)
So the Labour plan is working: they let in half the third world, who vote Labour forever after.
We really are stuffed.
P.s. Thanks Emir for scrapping the garden bridge out of spite towards Boris. It would have been a thing of lasting beauty for the capital. But you’d rather spend the money on your chums right?
Wise after the event, apparently there is a ‘high level of concern’ at the amount of threats and abuse directed towards politicians, with hard left and hard right blamed. The implication is that the EDL and other ‘Nazi-style’ organisations are busy undermining democracy, whereas the reality is that the overwhelming right-wing nationalism stems from SNP thugs who are the real ‘niggers in the logpile’ – to coin a phrase.
On the left, as we all know, Momentum’s whole raison d’etre is to undermine, threaten and subvert those whose views do not coincide with theirs but, risibly, the BBC single out Diane Abbott as an example of abuse.
No, she’s not abused because of her politics, she’s abused because she is transparently racist, unbelievably stupid and, above all, because she is Diane Abbott, not because she’s a Labour MP of sorts.
Apparently the BBC thinks there aren’t enough BME teachers in UK schools. Apparently there’s a shortage of teachers from BME backgrounds – Can’t imagine why that would be…
There is a comment on that article that I agree with. Basically there is more chance of a BME teacher not being left-wing, or is likelier to believe in more traditional methods of education. Would you rather yet more middle-class white female graduates – virtually guaranteed to be good little brainwashed feminist Marxists, to teach your kids?
Adele Armstrong has unleashed Adam Gopnik yet again on ‘Personal View’ on Radio 4. Following his frequent and unhinged personal tirades against Donald Trump prior to the Presidential election (undoubtedly as part of the universal BBC attempt to persuade as many US voters residing in this country not to vote for him), Gopnik’s effusions this morning were even more outrageous and monstrous than his previous displays of bile. I repeat what I said in November “I listened to Adam Gopnik’s diatribe against Donald Trump with increasing incredulity, not only because of his vitriol, but that it was full of downright and shameless lies. At the end of his spewings, I was left metaphorically breathless by the sheer dishonesty of it.” Today, he was even more outrageous, the smears, exaggerations, personal libel, lies and in many instances comparing Trump unfavourably to drug overlords, crime bosses, unhinged monarchs, four-year-old babies, assorted crazies, and so on – all too numerous to remember. I shall have to listen again to document the full an vile content of Gopnik’s tirade. One must actually wonder whether Gopnik is psychologically unhinged, clearly, like others in the ‘swamp’, unable to bring himself to accept the will of the US voters who rejected the Dem-Media-Deep State establishment. I suppose the only silver lining is that Gopnik will have damaged himself by this latest essay.
As I have said on a past occasion, there should be an enquiry into political balance guests chosen by Adele Armstrong for ‘Point of View’. It seems clear that over the many years, it has been predominantly left-leaning, and if one excludes early long series by Clive James in 2007-2009, overwhelmingly so. Whether Armstrong was the producer at that time seems impossible to discover
Yes, this needs an enquiry. Only heard two minutes this morning. Who the hell is Gopnik to smear Americas elected President as a bipolar four year old and the rest?
One for Feedback and more-especially when we see their salaries on Wednesday. Bastards.
Chris, I recommend Gopnik’s piece is listened to the whole way through, if you can bear it. For myself, on a second listening, I kept my cool much better so as to savour the unhinged content in its entirety. I remind myself that this is what CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT, Dems, RINOS, the BBC, Guardian, and other members of the Swamp think is correct and good journalism. Ye Gods, how far have they fallen!
Here’s my attempt to win today’s ‘you can’t make it up’ prize.
A report is imminent into the intimidation of candidates at the election.
Now we all know that the chief culprits are the hateful and violent and vicious LeftMob.
But guess what? The MPs photograped are both Labour! Two of the three examples in the bBBC story about it are attacks on Labour MPs !!!! One of whom is ……Dianne Abbott !!!!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40610171
Clearly the bBBC are pedalling hard with the ‘both sides are equal’ narrative.
Funny how they can be ‘impartial’ when it suits them.
When PM Theresa May’s severed head appeared on a demo placard – now that needs investigating.
Blatant hate incident (please use the word incident, as hate is not a crime). Also, Farron attacked for views on homosexuals.
Let me guess … a wide-ranging report, excluding the morally superior Labour members and some exempt religions who have special words to protect them. Wide-ranging indeed.
@Marky I can’t find any evidence of such a placard either on Google/Twitter
but remember there is the float used in Germanny, and brought over for the UK Remain demo, which was then not used but used the next day in a Momentun demo
perhaps if the fragrant Ms Flabbott could find a way to hide her hatred and disdain for tens of millions of british people then the less eloquent spectrum of social media users might stop telling her to F**k off and die
personally its the slow forest gumpesque delivery and refusal to answer a question that make me think she is totally out of her depth and has obviously been promoted way past her ability, for some reason i cant quite put my finger on
Considering Diane Abbott gets paid for TV appearances… it would be interesting to know how many words per interview she delivers with her unique and at times frustrating delivery techniques. Errmm would not be classed as a word in this review.
I do not think politicians should be paid at all for TV and Radio appearances. They are already well paid as politicians. The appearances should simply be part of their job.
Agreed that her favourite word – Errmm – should not count, thereby removing 95% of her utterances. However, opinion is divided on whether the following words should command a higher price:
“Though I was born here in London, I couldn’t identify as British and anyway most British people don’t accept us as British. God! British people can be so racist.”
“The British invented racism”
“White people love playing ‘divide and rule’ We should not play their game”
“blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls” were unsuitable as nurses because they had “never met a black person before”
“The earliest blacks in Britain were probably black Roman centurions that came over hundreds of years before Christ.”
Then there is the question of her being paid got words she did not say:
In 2004, following a complaint made by Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell, Abbott was investigated by the Committee on Standards and Privileges regarding payments she had received from the BBC. The committee found that she had failed to declare earnings of £17,300 in the Register of Members’ Interests she had received for appearances on the television programme This Week. The Committee upheld the complaint and required Abbott to apologise to the House (see https://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200304/cmselect/cmstnprv/285/285.pdf).
Race hustlers will claim anyone as black, including Emperor Severus ! But, since they also claim that we are all descended from black Africans, surely that makes us all black ?
Be worth checking on that one.
Maila Bouattia -well known Jew baiting NUS President of late is exactly the kind of privileged lefty that would be happy for Miss Doyenne to show up and wave her incipient dyscalculia in faces for money.
Baroness Valerie Amos also has a nice suite of rooms, corridors and pictures up to her greatness in some capacity…since when did Birmingham Students Guild become the contemporary Watts for fat black privilege?
The Vice Chancellors salary seems pretty good too…
“More money for the public sector” huh?
It`s a diagnosed “fear of numbers”…the sums equivalent of dyslexia as I recall in a worthless Baker Day. Paid teacher day, but no kids-loads of handouts…nearly said handjobs which might be more like the States relationship with compulsory schooling of their ciphers…our so called “educational professionals”…imagine a parrot that thinks its a prostitute?
“Diagnosed”?…Blue Badge grab bag more like.
Now then-“scrumpy”?
Sorry, keeping my head clear and the pipes drained with that Godawful fizzy Paddy Magners crap…stick to Guinness Mick, know your limits!!!
About the only think I took home from Tolpuddle-we do a great cider, and Magners is bobbins!
Diane Abbott was the cheap option at £1750 for 50 minutes speaking … “Other speakers who were suggested charged more, Jon Snow charged £7000, Karen Brady charged £12,000, so when they contacted Diane Abbott she looked cheap by comparison.” {Birmingham post aug2013}
The BBC have yet to tell me that most abuse aimed at MPs is from the Left and aimed at their own “moderate” Labour MPs.
It started with the cybernats and the SNP Referendum, aimed at Bowie, JK Rowling etc…and Farage couldn`t even walk down the Royal Mile without trouble…but the BBC were intensely relaxed about all this.
Since then, the nasty left have had carte blanche to terorise the fainthearts, splitters and non-true believers in their own party…Red on Pink attacks will comprise 70% of these attacks I`m sure.
The Tories ARE ritually abused of course-but that is more a case of blooding the nasties into hunt sabs, trashing Corbyns clowns who don`t back their boy as they`d like.
To wheel out Abbott is a disgrace-why not Ellmann, Smeet, Eagle etc and other women trashed by the misogynist and anti Jewish bullies of the Left?
Typical BBC smokescreens-as ever, it`s what the BBC do when the truth dares to come close.
What sort of person goes scuttling off to see Barnier on a ‘tell-on-another pupil’ visit to the perceived, ‘teacher’?
Answer: the First Minister of the Welsh Assembly. An Assembly which knows that the overwhelming majority of Welsh voters in the Referendum voted, ‘OUT’. This begs the further question:
Did Carwyn Jones explain to Barnier that his meeting was merely to explain his (Jones’) personal position on Brexit rather than the voters of Wales? If it was not explained to Barnier that the purpose of the visit was Jones’ anti-democracy personal crusade, why not? The corollary of this is, who paid Jones’ fare for the return trip and did he have his pay, ‘docked’ for his day out on personal business?
No disrespect to the Welsh for whom I have great affection but they clearly do not want independence from the UK and want out of the EU, so why should Barnier listen to Jones who is fairly isolated and First Minister of a very small country in Europe. It is just grandstanding for personal gain.
I would say the same about the odious Krankie in Scotland. Wales and Scotland are both small but great countries who deserve better than two jumped up , third rate First Ministers like these two. As for England and Treezer , don’t get me started !!!!
The people of Wales voted out, out, out!
What part of ‘out’ doesn’t Jones understand?
He does not represent all the people of Wales. He is the head of what many Welsh people consider to be a parish council namely that ‘white elephant of an assembly’ that many of us want to see the back of.
As to the ‘Welsh Nats’.? Just like the SNP, they are loosing ground in their shout for ‘so-called’ independence.
Impartial BBC can find some ‘Soft core Brexiters’ to address the balance … it’s getting to sound like pornography phrases are slipping into the discourse.
The phrase "hard core Brexiteers" should not be used by BBC presenters in my view @AndrewMarr9 It is disparaging.
I stopped watching Dr Who as well. The plots were getting to indoctrinating.
No doubt he/she/whatever will be fending off the evil villains with hashtags, flowers, candlelit vigils and telling them that we are standing firm shoulder to shoulder etc. etc. etc. …….
Of all Thatchers supposed sins-imagine THIS one is least forgiven by the Left. And its useless women who have only got up the greasy pole by being women-as opposed to having any talent or purpose.
AS I mused at Tolpuddle yesterday, can only think of Barbara Castel who was a lefty lady who would merit any credit as a role model.
Shirley Williams seems a giant in comparison to the useless lefties on offer today…how desperate is THAT?
Tabs –
I might start watching it again, just so that I can stop!
I wouldn’t be remotely surprised if we get Davros wearing a “Vote UKIP” rosette in the next series.
Lobby – They wouldnt demonised Davros, he may not be black or transgender but isnt he in some sort of electric wheelchair thingy?
No my money will be on Nadia, right colour, right religion, Londoncentric and we all love her – right?
Just needs to sit in a wheelchair and come out and she would be perfect.
Farage’s opinion is wrong.
Interviewed for the Sunday Politics in relation to the future of UKIP and the question of whether UKIP should adopt the anti-muslim position, he replied ‘no’. He went on to say if it did, it would be the very end of UKIP. Farage referred to there being only a “TINY MINORITY” of the British public that would support any party who held anti-muslim views. “A tiny minority” is one term I know only too well. In fact, out of all the expressions used by Ministers and politicians in my presence, I hold it most dearly as being representative of ‘No Action’. I have been directly involved with Government over the years in considering changes to outdated legislation where their position was, it is not worth it because, “it is only a tiny minority” breaking the law. In every instance the utterance was proven to be completely contrary to the truth of the matter.
Never thought I’d say it but, Nigel, ‘You are totally out of touch with the anti-muslim feeling that exists in reality.’ He’s gone down in my esteem.
Nigel is of his time.
Great though he is, he`s no theologian unless Bacchus is your god.
Anne Marie Watters and Tommy Robinson DO know-and I hope UKIP choose her to lead them, with Tommy as a SPAD.
Perhaps Mr Farage is just sick of being hounded by the BBC et al. He had years of this re Brexit . If he tried to make an anti Muslim stand the attacks would be even worse than they were for Brexit. In the list of BBC crimes even the merest hint of anti Islamification is much worse than being a Leaver. After all not welcoming the rapid demise of your culture and values is now deemed to be racist and there is no worse crime in the eyes of the liberal left .
I agree DT, I fear its a case of what you say in private is never what you reveal in a tv interview, and its not only public figures. You’ve only to see Joe Public in the street when they are faced with a mic – and say clearly not what they think behind closed doors.
We are now dictated to hugely by the Twatteraties; so if there is a career on the line, and you make what most Twats consider an ‘unacceptable’ remark, then its curtains ! that’s where we’ve got to in the 21st Century. Before computers and social media, you would have to write a letter, buy a stamp and post it, to register a complaint – which was far too much trouble for the trolls (if they could write).
I haven’t seen that yet G but will look it up, the question sounds more like a snare than a genuine enquiry and Nigel is after all a politician. To answer such a question in the affirmative, well, game over in the current climate where free speech is limited and expressing ones conscience can have serious ramifications, the shadow of Enoch still looms large.
He had options: Reply – ‘Well there is a growing anti-muslim element of concern running through country when people are increasingly learning what the religion is all about, I’m sure it is only a matter of time before someone and/or some party will tap into that unrest, so, it’s not for me to predict where UKIP will find a cause’
If you are looking for light entertainment can I point you to Guido’ which carrying an extract of an interview by Brillo of one ” Rebecca long bailey”who apparently is the current shadow business secretary . She was a lawyer then mp . To summarise she either didn’t read or understand her brief about brexit and does a classic “want it both ways exit” . Labour says they are ready to take over negotiation but if she was involved god help us. Fun interview though- bit of yesbut nobut .
Also frightening that she is a lawyer and can’t make words into coherent sentences – which I thought they did in lawyer boot camp! She was and is sponsored by “unite” though which means she’s probably related to their command
I would imagine that Nigel Farage has had many death threats from the Remain Cabal.
Why should he court death with the ISIL death threat..?
We live in dangerous times
Play your cards close to your chest ..as my grandfather said !
Know your enemy..
But..who is the enemy within..?
Your country needs you Nigel…
Yep, Farage is a lightning rod for the lefts evil, the “moderate Torys” snobbery and condescension.
Was at Tolpuddle undercover as usual yesterday.
There is no Lexit there-just the RMT with a picture of Tony Benn and Bob Crow-which is code for those who DO see that Socialism DOES tally with Brexit.
We need these people -sod the socialism, but we want out as do they.
I even found a couple of patriots brave enough to know where Islam leads. But the Left are thick cult members who like their unions, their Guardian reading superiors to do their thinking for them.
Had Corbyn only said he`d back Brexit, he`d now be PM in the light of how shit the Tories are.
My point?…the Left are far behind the curve-but at least they DO have convictions, history and a sense of purpose when they`re away from the beehive…and we need to get organised to get Blair in the Hague, the likes of Nugee up for a show trial.
Why are UKIP and the Tories so thick-even Powell said he`d rather have a Socialist Government that being run by the E.U.
Sovereignty is ALL we need to focus on…fuck the economy, `cos it`s fucked already. the Euro is doomed and we need to tell the media scum that we know where they live!
Works for Momentum-who(funnily enough) had no stall at Tolpuddle…must be the Lefts masons eh?…..
evens black female lesbian. [50%]
2/1 Brown female first-time headgear. [33%]
3/1 Eddie Izzard ”other” carrying 10 kilo over-weight. [25%]
10/1 Blackman Gay, in rainbow silks. [9%]
999/1 White male straight [0.01%]
A Cabal is a group of people united in some close design together
Usually to promote their private views or interests in an ideology ,state,or other community
Often by intrigue usually unbeknown to persons outside the group.
The use of this term carries strong shadowy corners ,back rooms and insidious influence.
O happy, happy day! It is all my birthdays come a ay once. A female Dr Who! What great ‘news’: a woman is portraying someone in a drama! We might as well not go into work, worry about the future or indeed do anything because we officially have heaven o on earth now.
I am dreading the wall to wall coverage of the Beeb circle jerking about how fantastic they are. Never mind the acid attacks, FGM, gang culture etc. An actress has a part that has previously been played by a man! This is complete and total vindication of cultural Marxism. I am crying tears of joy.
Beeb, I too, am overcome with emotion at this ‘news’.
However my cucumber sandwich is making a return journey as I am nauseous at the thought of a straight hideously white actor taking over a national treasure role on Al Beeb.
Why oh why are they going on with this turgid tripe anyway…do children actuallly still watch this force feeding of progressive politics?
Did however enjoy The Art of Japan..catch it on iplayer before it makes way for highlights of
The 2017 Wimmins mud wrestling Championships, I can only dream..
Well, that was worth their while interrupting the coverage of Wimbledon with the non-news about Dr Who, yet another example of the beeboids living in the bubble that they created.
Jenny Trout is delighted, or ”tickled” if you like.
Have no idea who she is, but she just going to make a cup of tea out of male tear’s.
So proud is ms Trout she has a vid up of her obese daughter watching the announcement.
Judging by the flag next to her name, I assume she is a Rainbow Trout?
There’s something fishy about all this, especially as the daughter looks a bit of a Bloater …..
Yeah nice one lobby, a tickled rainbow Trout, she has a right ”potty mouth” have you read her striving to beta-male status, sheesh twitter is the post modern twilight zone.
A female Dr Who .Does anyone still watch this PC rubbish .I gave up several years ago .Its no longer science fiction or remotely Interesting .Having a female Who will not make me any more likely to watch it.
The ratings were diving anyway and this will only hasten it.I never watched Broadchurch either so haven’t a clue who the woman is .
Of course it doesn’t matter who plays the doctor. Most of the public stopped watching it ages ago because it’s crap. The point is that the BBC think it does matter. In fact, they couldn’t be more delighted with themselves for taking the momentous step of giving the role to a woman. They think they’ve changed the world. You seem to have missed the point.
Plus it’s a bit of light-hearted banter in between the serious stuff.
I think it’s because the lefty multicultural doctrine albeeb follows infests every aspect of its output. When someone doesn’t comply – such as Top Gear then it gets “the treatment”.
Many here may have grown up with Dr Who and are sad to see it turned into an al beeb propaganda vehicle. That’s why. You might need to work harder to discern the ethos of this site.
Whenever I see a woman wearing a watch it puzzles me, because they cannot tell the time. I mean, why is the bride always late ? Then I realise that , for women, a watch is merely a fashion accessory.
BBC ‘news’ drools over the new doctor, reporting on previous roles she has had and the fact that she has previously worked alongside David Tennant. What fearless journalism! Speaking truth to power!
This is followed by a report on Jane Austen. They are obsessed with gender. How is this news? It is just propaghanda.
So as already noted the new Doctor Who is a woman. Why? They just couldn’t leave it could they. Mind you I haven’t watched Dr Who for several years now on the basis it was crap and CGI over storyline. So well done BBc the PC minority got their way but I won’t be watching.
Read my posts
Not a new poster…
You let the side down…
Lobster..Manx Man
Guest Who..do you read the posts..?
As I said I thought this site was a serious site
Biased BBC not an ego trip for you..How can anyone take this site seriously with comments like yours?
Grow up…
I thought we were trying to bring the BBC to heel
With comments like yours nothing will change.
So grow some!!
Haley – I see you have occasionally posted here since Feb of this year, and appear to be a genuine anti-BBC poster, and also a woman.
I, like others, find your criticisms now about the other contributors here very strange. Here’s a comment of yours from March this year: We are all treated as CBeebies by the BBC
regardless of age.
Treated like naive children..
(Don,t mention the indoctrination of my grand children….blood pressure might go off the scale..)
The Archers …!?
More like “Neighbours”…..
The BBC treat us as fools…
But perhaps we are…
We fund this megolthic edifice
Turn off the BBC
This indoctrination must end
Point is, the reaction to some over the BBC promotion of a woman as Dr. Who is similar to what you appear to have felt on other programmes. I can only think you must be having a bad day, or a few too many to drink, to have caused the reaction it has today. Hope you get over it soon and no hard feelings 🙂
I use Inoreader to view new postings. It’s really a great tool, especially with a site like this where new postings can appear on any of the various current topics, and you’d otherwise have to keep scrolling through them to find them. They also have a great search engine where you can just enter any particular name and see all the posts where that name or subject has appeared.
dr who has traditionally been a man all be it an alien one
weve had a bazillion side kicks of one shape or another
then last series we had a not just black but lesbian one, and and episode with black victorian waifs
and a black guardsman’s that even had the writers pausing until they retrospectively found 1 historical example
in truth my completely non-judgemental autistic teenager has completely lost interest despite his previous fascination he doesnt know quite what it is thats missing,
i do having sat through it with him …. its just completely PC crapppppp
dr who has just gone the way of action man into PC oblivion
MarkyMarkJan 22, 15:43 Midweek 22nd January 2025 FGM FLAG? https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/female-genital-mutilation-fgm/national-fgm-support-clinics/ 15mm Rainbow NHS Lanyards with Metal Lobster Clip & Double Breakaway https://www.thelanyardshop.co.uk/product/15mm-rainbow-nhs-lanyards/
tomoJan 22, 15:39 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Perhaps Reform might have an NHS policy that only official “NHS” flags can be flown on NHS premises? The veritable…
wwfcJan 22, 15:36 Midweek 22nd January 2025 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aXLOodN4K4&ab_channel=TheUnitedSpot
tomoJan 22, 15:24 Midweek 22nd January 2025 That is pretty accurate… But let’s not forget that beyond being a Democrat campaign contrivance BLM is also a proven…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 15:21 Midweek 22nd January 2025 British Residence flies the iconic rainbow flag to celebrate Pride Month EnglishEspañol de América Latina The rainbow flag will fly…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 15:19 Midweek 22nd January 2025 andyjsnape – F1 to be replaced with walking? [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR3hpncbN2JlfrjJM6XjisRXHDU-AUFfDc88w&s[/img]
andyjsnapeJan 22, 15:16 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Hello MarkyMark Doesn’t sound very green does it bbc! They preach that us plebs should walk or take the bike,…
Lucy PevenseyJan 22, 15:16 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Trump State Department enacts “One Flag Policy” – every U.S. outpost in the world must fly the USA flag, NO…
tomoJan 22, 15:09 Midweek 22nd January 2025 erm… we have to purge the parasites – stop the haemorrhagic drain of public funds to an absolute shower of…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 15:01 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “Hamilton has first test in Ferrari F1 car at Fiorano” https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/articles/cj482551gl9o Driving round in a circle to end climate change…
Way off topic but for anyone with an interest in brain washing and the mental damage that can be inflicted by progressive and out of control tertiary education this is fascinating. You can almost see the mental reset and go button being activated when the subject is presented with facts that do not compute.
Thanks for that. This stupid woman is well and truly Tuckered !
Why do brain donors like her walk in that guy’s studio?
Salon could hire two short planks with more sophisticated thought processes.
It is a good point. They all go on and get Tuckered and they do not seem aware of it. Well , no publicity is bad publicity and I guess they get paid anyway. Personally , I would find it humiliating .
He seems like a US media version of JRM.
Quiet, polite, well informed and relentless.
And no mercy.
Tucker is superb. The difference is that no-one like him would ever be allowed on UK MSM TV. The USA still has freedom of speech. The UK does not.
Thanks Old, keep posting, the liberal lies must be countered again and again.
“…in my piece (salon article) I never actually say police are racist.” … “America is suffering from a plague of deadly, unaccountable and racist police violence. {Salon jul2017}” … sigh …
We need a Tucker show in UK. We need Fox in UK. NOW!
It’s on Channel 509 if you have Sky
Not news BBC. Even the concerned persons state that.
Get rid of it!
Hey, it’s one thing to tick a box that you’re bumping uglies on Facebook, but to snag a BBC web post is hitting the big time.
So where are we? The BBC still continues to report the polar opposite of the truth. Trump is doing real well. The Paris Climate change bollocks is bollocks (can’t think of anymore ways to get bollocks into a sentence) Macron and Merkel are dead in the water- as is Theresa (more of that later). Italy is ripe for revolution. Theresa give it up – Let Rees-Mogg have a go flanked by Boris and Gove . Nigel you can choose what you want to do.
The al beeb website as an article “judge me on 4 things says Trump. So we did”. In summary it shows that Trump is delivering on what he promises during the election campaign – whether you agree or disagree with his politics .
I don’t think that article will be up for too long as it goes so far against the ritual Trump bashing . Strange that al beeb has got such a fixation about a foreign leader . Domestic issues should have primacy .
I was listening to Farage the other night. He was rightly outraged, and rightly in my view that Krankie from Scotland, and Jones from Wales had independent meetings with Barnier. Barnier had earlier stated that he would not negotiate with parts of the EU only the UK as a whole. He has gone against his word.
I would agree with Farage and suggest that David Davis should now go behind the back of the EU and privately negotiate with countries like Hungary and Poland. Two can play dirty.
What disgusted me more was the fact that Corbyn also had a private meeting with Barnier. What a traitor. The BBC passed this off by stating through their political correspondent that he was there as there could be another election and he could be the leader. Firstly he has no mandate to negotiate, secondly, there is no forthcoming election.
This is all about the EU policy of divide and rule. Sadly the Labour party would rather the country Brexit deal if a Brexit deal at all in seeking power.
May has to be stronger in admonishing the leaders of Wales (who voted for Brexit) and Scotland. How about misbehave just one more time and the Bennett money will be taken from you. Treat them like the children they are.For what it is worth I noticed that the Leader of Hungary has said that Britain is in a stronger position in its negotiating strength than the EU.
There is hope but I see the Remainers who are the real enemy of Britain, we need to fight from a collective strength if we are to be successful. I fear another referendum which I sense would promulgate a violent reaction, and in my opinion, with just cause.
I notice that a film about Dunkirk has hit the cinema’s. How quickly Europe have forgotten our sacrifice. The EU have abused our support enough. Cameron’s pleadings for a better deal was a complete humiliation, but he was too stupid to know it.
Wronged – the Corbynites are probably the same left wingers who back in the 1980s spouted “Better Red than Dead ” badges. These bastards have no belief or love for their country and culture only a passion for their poisonous, self deluding doctrine. They have no appreciation of the sacrifices that those who went before us made only a belief that the end always justifies the means.
Of course Barnier would talk to these swiss bankers – He is just doing what the EU has always done – Divide and rule.
The continentals have always ignored the rules when it suited them whilst as a nation we always observed them. This is why as a nation we would never prosper within the EU.
Oaknash, exactly right.
If ever we needed a Churchill figure, now is the time.
We need a Powell / Farage hybrid at the head of a party with a thumping majority.
The UK is in a very strong position, but Treezer is very stupid and very weak. A total failure. Why do the Tories not get rid of her ?
Because they also are very stupid and very weak.
They’re already plotting and it looks like Dave Davis is their choice. He would be my choice too…
I think our position could have been very strong if we had voted in a large Tory majority on a Brexit mandate but the British people didn’t do that at the GE and so totally undermined the powerful ‘will of the people argument’ which was forcing a lot of MPs to adopt a Leave stance against their real wishes. The GE result has given the Remainers all the ammunition they need to defeat Brexit in the H of P and given Brussels every incentive to give us a rotten deal which they know will be voted down in Parliament. If Labour get in they will want the softest of soft Brexits and that won’t be worth having. I’m afraid that the GE result has torpedoed Brexit. We had our chance thanks to the splendid efforts of Mr Farage and the arrogance of Cameron , we blew it and we won’t get another one, we have only ourselves to blame.
I think they will get rid of her Grant, I wonder if she is just being played like a puppet. The big worry is the new positions in the Chairing of the select committees. For example, the new chair of the Treasury Select committee is Nicky Morgan.
Too many Reamainers have got elected into important positions.
I fear the worst.
wronged ,
So do I !
Grant/Wronged I think the problem is that the tories are more concerned (and maybe even more so after the election) with being liked and not being seen as the nasty party. They are pursuing the snowflakes for their votes and probably at any price. Yet again it is the pursuit of raw power at the expense of true belief that is doing our country such great disservice.
The days of conviction politicians seem to be long gone.
Hopefully a Churchill figure will come – but I doubt it will be from the Conservative party.
And it was that idiot Treezer who did so much damage with her ” nasty party ” jibe. The stupidity of the Tories is that they can never get the votes of snowflakes. Meanwhile , they lose the votes of genuine Conservatives. Suicidal .
Grant – as I have said in previous posts – Theresa May is nothing but a grey “machine minder” addicted to power but little belief in much else. With her in charge brexit will undoubtedly fail – Unfortunately because of the people she has maintained within influential cabinet positions there are few with a high profile enough and committed to brexit, who could seamlessly take over.
To be perfectly honest I think the way things are going at the end of the day brexit is as doomed with the Tories as it is with Labour. I consider myself too old to go on the streets and start throwing stones – but it may well come to that.
Still got the domain name “The Nasty Party”. Should be doing more with it, but at least it screwed a BBC bigwig or two when I cited breach of copyright when their medai monkeys used the phrase. In truth we NEED a Nasty Party, so scum like Bercow, Cox, Geldof and Soubry get a whiff of cold steel…er, that`ll do!
Yesterday was Bastille Day. Does anyone know which senior UK politicians attended in France or which members of the Royal Family ?
Em few I hope
cos Macron hijacked the event for his coronation.
Embassy only mentions Gen Sir Nick Carter,
and PhilipHammond popping around to London French Embassy
What an insult to the French !
He says it. So it must be true.
Prick Robinson is so stupid that he does not realise the same could be said of the BBC. Total idiot.
Robinson is talking to the New European Newspaper
And what’s the New European about ?
For REMAINIACS “having their prejudices replayed to them rather than challenged”
duh !
The above is true.
I will be furious if Treezer the Appeaser gives teachers a pay rise. Long holidays, short working hours/ although Primary teachers do more hours of preparation than Secondary. Cossetted middle classes dominated in numbers by females, many of whom leave through pregnancy, they play the maternity package to the day, making it difficult to appoint someone in their place even though they know they have no intention of returning to their job. Above average wage, incrementally rising according to each year served (not performance). Unions who constantly whine and encourage dissent amongst the workforce. A job for life. When taken as a whole they tend to be a lazy bunch of people, don’t let them tell you otherwise.
I`m a teacher wronged, and confirm all that you say.
Most of them only went in for the do-gooding, the long holidays and a job for life.
Refugees from the real world, happy to stay “forever young” and never leave a classroom from primary to pension.
Their plinth would have Sting on it miming “Another Brick In the Wall”…they hate this country and let the state tell them how to look, what to think and how to deliver the states big hates by deciet and without thinking.
Probably the biggest public sector union when you tot up all the lefty lotus eaters in them all.
Goodbye Mr Chips…hail to Professors Plod, Nod and a big high six for Charity lardy arses Msx Doughnut and Cakewalk-genders unknown as we speak.
Schools are failed, fucked and finishing…
BBC Radio Essex show BBC agenda on Brexit
Seemingly : 3 to 1 and Negative
‘Always show 3 Remainers to each 1 Brexiteer
…. and hype up the negatives ”
“Soft/more EU Brexit” or “Hard/ambitious, no EU Brexit”.
“For the Many (52% leave the EU), Not the Few (48% remain in the EU)”
Words, words and words.
Not just the BBC : Everday-Anti-Man-Sexism is on Talk Radio aswell
8-11am This morning Penny Smith was with some woman author KathyLette ..just waffling on how about the sisterhood
.. blindly stating how women have superior characteristics like intuition
(and very laddy rather than very lady.
.. talking about hiring male strippers , toy boys etc, the idea of hiring a Kings Cross prostitute for her autistic son)
Then at 20:00 There was another Fem-supremacist prog
…”The Badass Women’s Hour Presented by Harriet Minter, co-hosted by Natalie Campbell and Emma Sexton”
(BTW : prog title Bad-Ass …It’s unusual for women to to be so frank about having a large backside)
Wednesday to Friday the BBC has 3 Fem Supremacist shows simultaneously with WomansHour, EmmaBarnett, and Victoria being on at the same time.
Are women taking over radio? in the same way that most magazines are targetted at women
and that it’s pretty unusual to ever see a white man on a magazine over at the COOP magazine counter.
Multiculti London.
Stabbings , acid attacks and gangs – London has the monopoly of incidents .
Unfortunate that BBC TV (and SKY) only seemed to start taking notice in a serious way after the attack on an “asian” couple by a white man in June.
Tucked away on the BBC website in 2011:
“UK police recorded at least 2,823 so-called honour attacks last year, figures from 39 out of 52 forces show.
……….Such attacks can include acid attacks, abduction, mutilations, beatings and in some cases, murder.
……….The Metropolitan Police had the most at 495, followed by West Midlands (378), West Yorkshire (350), Lancashire (227), Greater Manchester (189), Cleveland (153), Suffolk (118) and Bedfordshire (117).
……….A quarter of police forces in the UK were unable or unwilling to provide data and communities have often been reluctant to talk about the crime, Ikwro said.
……….With honour-based violence, the threat may be a lifetime threat for them.”
Guess what, when you ignore a problem it gets worse.
Maybe Sharia councils could help us with more detailed and complete on “honour/coward attacks” statistics from the Muslim population?
But wait, don’t they have a protected privilege … a word that stops awkward questions and possibly harmful thoughts.
The Beeb are saying there is an investigation into why there is an increase in acid attacks. Gosh, I wonder. It is probably all those people from Chichester popping to the West End for theatre outings who get uppity when their tea has not been brewed for long enough.
That’s ‘diversity’ for you. Obviously if you invite the world into your country you invite the world’s problems, as Douglas Murray put it.
Top trolling.
Not really BBC as such but Hitchens highlights the suppressed Government report on Saudi funding of much of the Mosques/speakers involved/encouraging terrorism and real hate (ie not the BBC confected version) within the UK. Theresa does this yet she wants us to trust her on dealing with terrorism. She said -Enough is enough, but these days I am not sure whether she is referring to “enough terrorism” or enough truth!
He also highlights the hypocrisy of our position when critiscising Russia helping Syria during the Aleppo siege yet not being so interested in civilian casualties caused by allied bombing in Mosul. I suppose it must be far worse being blown apart by a “barrel bomb” (maybe cos its a barrel) or a Russian munition (maybe cos its Russian) Whereas being vaporised or entombed by a Western alliance made munition is obviously a far better way to go.
does the suppression of this report tells us its even worse than we thought, or just as bad as we thought but they dont want to tell the sheeple and why are the bbc not pushing this like a trumpian conspiracy with all sorts of wild theories being postulated aka golden shower gate
Awkward juxtaposition on the BBC News Channel this morning at about 7.30 as our ultra-lightweight sofa team simper and coo and coddle over social media abuse received by a female Labour candidate and not so much for a Conservative who has experienced some actual real life nasty encounters – and then up pops Andy Marr puffing his show with talk of the most vitriolic cabinet level fall out he has ever – that’s ever – known!!!
The point being we get one of those moments where the BBC like to pretend they don’t actually exist. You know, like when the BBC refers to ‘the media’ – as if they weren’t 80% of it.
Where could this heightened sense of a crisis in politics be coming from? Not us guv, says the BBC.
Surely this intensity of feeling is the result of the recent emphasis placed on identity politics? The aim of that is to personalise issues.
BBC to blame for that? Don’t go there…. BBC chap Lizo Mzimba just told us ‘some people’ are going to be upset if they don’t get a black female Doctor Who.
I trust that everyone here will be setting time aside to watch “Science and Islam” on BBC4 at 9pm on Monday, 17th.
“……..He shows how Islamic scientific ideas permeated into the west in the 16th and 17th centuries.”
So if science under Islam is “Islamic Science”, how does it compare with “Christian Science” and “Jewish Science”? Where did it go? Where are the Nobel Prizes? Don’t tell me, imperialists stole it.
(Apparently, this is number 3, so I’ve missed 2. Will there be an episode covering the 21st century?)
The ‘Golden Age of Islam’ is a myth, the concept arising in the West during the 19th Century as part of the obsession with Orientalism (and read Edward Said for an explanation of what this fetish is). They know this in Pakistan, even if they don’t in London or Riyadh:
That’s useful.
This must really grate in the Middle East:
List of Jewish Nobel laureates
Most of these are in science, not the dubious “Peace” award.
Oi… Dubious???!
Barry reset the bar already placed at a new level by Yasser.
Former Sir Humphrey Appleby figure, Gus O’Donnell, is sounding off about Brexit in one of the broadsheets and so the BBC can’t resist drawing our attention to it.
I’m trying a little thought experiment – imagine you just landed from the planet Mars and have no idea what this Brexit thing is all about.
Listen to BBC news and you’ll come away with the idea Brexit is some awful catastrophic plague. I think the BBC gave AIDS a better press than Brexit.
A UFO has just landed in Hyde Park. The door to the saucer opens and a strange being emerges.
“Take me to your leaders – we have been monitoring your transmissions for 12 of your earth months – we have come to save you from this thing you call Brexit – we must lend you our super technology to destroy it before it engulfs the entire galaxy”
Well done! You’ve just provided the BBC with its next Dr Who plot.
Our Leader, according to BBC Reporting, being Jeremy “For the Many useless gifts like football tops, Not the Few gifts like the book The Strange Death of Europe” CORBYN …
Watched Emir Khan answering questions on Mayor’s Question Time on bbc Parliament. Or rather, NOT answering questions.
What a slippery, mendacious, evasive, repugnant creature he is. Clearly his training as a yooman rights liar is being put to good use. As are centuries of Taqiyya, or lying as it’s sometimes called. I guess it runs in the blood.
My goodness, we voted for that? But did we in fact vote for that? Given the propensity of his 3rd world co-religionists to fix votes, one wonders. And make no mistake, they will have voted for him to a man (and woman, and non-existent cousin).
You see, if whitie votes along ethnic lines he’s a horrible racist, but muslims or ethnics – just a poor oppressed group looking after their own. (Same applies to blacks overwhelmingly voting for the useless Kenyan muslim Hussein in US.)
So the Labour plan is working: they let in half the third world, who vote Labour forever after.
We really are stuffed.
P.s. Thanks Emir for scrapping the garden bridge out of spite towards Boris. It would have been a thing of lasting beauty for the capital. But you’d rather spend the money on your chums right?
Wise after the event, apparently there is a ‘high level of concern’ at the amount of threats and abuse directed towards politicians, with hard left and hard right blamed. The implication is that the EDL and other ‘Nazi-style’ organisations are busy undermining democracy, whereas the reality is that the overwhelming right-wing nationalism stems from SNP thugs who are the real ‘niggers in the logpile’ – to coin a phrase.
On the left, as we all know, Momentum’s whole raison d’etre is to undermine, threaten and subvert those whose views do not coincide with theirs but, risibly, the BBC single out Diane Abbott as an example of abuse.
No, she’s not abused because of her politics, she’s abused because she is transparently racist, unbelievably stupid and, above all, because she is Diane Abbott, not because she’s a Labour MP of sorts.
Apparently the BBC thinks there aren’t enough BME teachers in UK schools. Apparently there’s a shortage of teachers from BME backgrounds – Can’t imagine why that would be…
There is a comment on that article that I agree with. Basically there is more chance of a BME teacher not being left-wing, or is likelier to believe in more traditional methods of education. Would you rather yet more middle-class white female graduates – virtually guaranteed to be good little brainwashed feminist Marxists, to teach your kids?
An update on the fighting in Syria. This refresing news doesn’t seem to be in the MSM, for some reason: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-15/photos-aleppo-rising-swimsuits-concerts-and-rebuilding-first-jihadi-free-summer
Adele Armstrong has unleashed Adam Gopnik yet again on ‘Personal View’ on Radio 4. Following his frequent and unhinged personal tirades against Donald Trump prior to the Presidential election (undoubtedly as part of the universal BBC attempt to persuade as many US voters residing in this country not to vote for him), Gopnik’s effusions this morning were even more outrageous and monstrous than his previous displays of bile. I repeat what I said in November “I listened to Adam Gopnik’s diatribe against Donald Trump with increasing incredulity, not only because of his vitriol, but that it was full of downright and shameless lies. At the end of his spewings, I was left metaphorically breathless by the sheer dishonesty of it.” Today, he was even more outrageous, the smears, exaggerations, personal libel, lies and in many instances comparing Trump unfavourably to drug overlords, crime bosses, unhinged monarchs, four-year-old babies, assorted crazies, and so on – all too numerous to remember. I shall have to listen again to document the full an vile content of Gopnik’s tirade. One must actually wonder whether Gopnik is psychologically unhinged, clearly, like others in the ‘swamp’, unable to bring himself to accept the will of the US voters who rejected the Dem-Media-Deep State establishment. I suppose the only silver lining is that Gopnik will have damaged himself by this latest essay.
As I have said on a past occasion, there should be an enquiry into political balance guests chosen by Adele Armstrong for ‘Point of View’. It seems clear that over the many years, it has been predominantly left-leaning, and if one excludes early long series by Clive James in 2007-2009, overwhelmingly so. Whether Armstrong was the producer at that time seems impossible to discover
Yes, this needs an enquiry. Only heard two minutes this morning. Who the hell is Gopnik to smear Americas elected President as a bipolar four year old and the rest?
One for Feedback and more-especially when we see their salaries on Wednesday. Bastards.
Chris, I recommend Gopnik’s piece is listened to the whole way through, if you can bear it. For myself, on a second listening, I kept my cool much better so as to savour the unhinged content in its entirety. I remind myself that this is what CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT, Dems, RINOS, the BBC, Guardian, and other members of the Swamp think is correct and good journalism. Ye Gods, how far have they fallen!
Projection Rule applies to LibMob : whatever they accuse other people of, actually applies to them themselves.
Here’s my attempt to win today’s ‘you can’t make it up’ prize.
A report is imminent into the intimidation of candidates at the election.
Now we all know that the chief culprits are the hateful and violent and vicious LeftMob.
But guess what? The MPs photograped are both Labour! Two of the three examples in the bBBC story about it are attacks on Labour MPs !!!! One of whom is ……Dianne Abbott !!!!!
Clearly the bBBC are pedalling hard with the ‘both sides are equal’ narrative.
Funny how they can be ‘impartial’ when it suits them.
When PM Theresa May’s severed head appeared on a demo placard – now that needs investigating.
Blatant hate incident (please use the word incident, as hate is not a crime). Also, Farron attacked for views on homosexuals.
Let me guess … a wide-ranging report, excluding the morally superior Labour members and some exempt religions who have special words to protect them. Wide-ranging indeed.
@Marky I can’t find any evidence of such a placard either on Google/Twitter
but remember there is the float used in Germanny, and brought over for the UK Remain demo, which was then not used but used the next day in a Momentun demo
Here is the head you requested … very bad taste … on order-order.com site jul2017 ….
With regards to the Political satire Düsseldorf parade 2017 – where were the hate incident officers that day?
Labour MP Diane Abbott said this week she had endured a torrent (define torrent – 3? 10? 10 million?) of “mindless” racist and sexist abuse. (How much was constructive criticism? 80%? Is Diane mixing criticism with abuse? Can we see all the comments please.)
MPs have blamed hard-left and far-right groups and the rise of social media. {BBC jul2017} … what is the difference between ‘hard’ and ‘far’? What is ‘hard-left’ and ‘far-left’? Would be nice for Diane Abbott to explain.
Has she been subjected to more abuse than Nigel Farage? I doubt it.
“Hard Brexit” or “Far Brexit” … Maybe Nigel and Diane can compare abusive comments on a Radio show?
perhaps if the fragrant Ms Flabbott could find a way to hide her hatred and disdain for tens of millions of british people then the less eloquent spectrum of social media users might stop telling her to F**k off and die
personally its the slow forest gumpesque delivery and refusal to answer a question that make me think she is totally out of her depth and has obviously been promoted way past her ability, for some reason i cant quite put my finger on
Considering Diane Abbott gets paid for TV appearances… it would be interesting to know how many words per interview she delivers with her unique and at times frustrating delivery techniques. Errmm would not be classed as a word in this review.
I do not think politicians should be paid at all for TV and Radio appearances. They are already well paid as politicians. The appearances should simply be part of their job.
Ms Abbott charged Birmingham University £1,750 for a 50 minute speech (http://www.birminghampost.co.uk/news/local-news/diane-abbott-charges-1750-speaking-5774227). But in fairness, the private school fees for her son were reported at £10,000 per annum.
Agreed that her favourite word – Errmm – should not count, thereby removing 95% of her utterances. However, opinion is divided on whether the following words should command a higher price:
“Though I was born here in London, I couldn’t identify as British and anyway most British people don’t accept us as British. God! British people can be so racist.”
“The British invented racism”
“White people love playing ‘divide and rule’ We should not play their game”
“blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls” were unsuitable as nurses because they had “never met a black person before”
“The earliest blacks in Britain were probably black Roman centurions that came over hundreds of years before Christ.”
Then there is the question of her being paid got words she did not say:
In 2004, following a complaint made by Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell, Abbott was investigated by the Committee on Standards and Privileges regarding payments she had received from the BBC. The committee found that she had failed to declare earnings of £17,300 in the Register of Members’ Interests she had received for appearances on the television programme This Week. The Committee upheld the complaint and required Abbott to apologise to the House (see https://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200304/cmselect/cmstnprv/285/285.pdf).
“The earliest blacks in Britain were probably black Roman centurions that came over hundreds of years before Christ.”
Race hustlers will claim anyone as black, including Emperor Severus ! But, since they also claim that we are all descended from black Africans, surely that makes us all black ?
Be worth checking on that one.
Maila Bouattia -well known Jew baiting NUS President of late is exactly the kind of privileged lefty that would be happy for Miss Doyenne to show up and wave her incipient dyscalculia in faces for money.
Baroness Valerie Amos also has a nice suite of rooms, corridors and pictures up to her greatness in some capacity…since when did Birmingham Students Guild become the contemporary Watts for fat black privilege?
The Vice Chancellors salary seems pretty good too…
“More money for the public sector” huh?
“Dyscalculia ” ? Have you been on the scrumpy again ?
It`s a diagnosed “fear of numbers”…the sums equivalent of dyslexia as I recall in a worthless Baker Day. Paid teacher day, but no kids-loads of handouts…nearly said handjobs which might be more like the States relationship with compulsory schooling of their ciphers…our so called “educational professionals”…imagine a parrot that thinks its a prostitute?
“Diagnosed”?…Blue Badge grab bag more like.
Now then-“scrumpy”?
Sorry, keeping my head clear and the pipes drained with that Godawful fizzy Paddy Magners crap…stick to Guinness Mick, know your limits!!!
About the only think I took home from Tolpuddle-we do a great cider, and Magners is bobbins!
She is one nasty, stupid bitch from hell.
Diane Abbott was the cheap option at £1750 for 50 minutes speaking … “Other speakers who were suggested charged more, Jon Snow charged £7000, Karen Brady charged £12,000, so when they contacted Diane Abbott she looked cheap by comparison.” {Birmingham post aug2013}
If you do manage to “put your finger on it” don’t forget to wash your hands.
Does Abbott have bodyguards like Farage has ?
..It’s not obvious.
I’m sure she will and unlike The Farage, they will be police officers and paid for by the British taxpayer.
The BBC have yet to tell me that most abuse aimed at MPs is from the Left and aimed at their own “moderate” Labour MPs.
It started with the cybernats and the SNP Referendum, aimed at Bowie, JK Rowling etc…and Farage couldn`t even walk down the Royal Mile without trouble…but the BBC were intensely relaxed about all this.
Since then, the nasty left have had carte blanche to terorise the fainthearts, splitters and non-true believers in their own party…Red on Pink attacks will comprise 70% of these attacks I`m sure.
The Tories ARE ritually abused of course-but that is more a case of blooding the nasties into hunt sabs, trashing Corbyns clowns who don`t back their boy as they`d like.
To wheel out Abbott is a disgrace-why not Ellmann, Smeet, Eagle etc and other women trashed by the misogynist and anti Jewish bullies of the Left?
Typical BBC smokescreens-as ever, it`s what the BBC do when the truth dares to come close.
What sort of person goes scuttling off to see Barnier on a ‘tell-on-another pupil’ visit to the perceived, ‘teacher’?
Answer: the First Minister of the Welsh Assembly. An Assembly which knows that the overwhelming majority of Welsh voters in the Referendum voted, ‘OUT’. This begs the further question:
Did Carwyn Jones explain to Barnier that his meeting was merely to explain his (Jones’) personal position on Brexit rather than the voters of Wales? If it was not explained to Barnier that the purpose of the visit was Jones’ anti-democracy personal crusade, why not? The corollary of this is, who paid Jones’ fare for the return trip and did he have his pay, ‘docked’ for his day out on personal business?
All valid questions to which we shall not receive answers.
We are not worthy.
No disrespect to the Welsh for whom I have great affection but they clearly do not want independence from the UK and want out of the EU, so why should Barnier listen to Jones who is fairly isolated and First Minister of a very small country in Europe. It is just grandstanding for personal gain.
I would say the same about the odious Krankie in Scotland. Wales and Scotland are both small but great countries who deserve better than two jumped up , third rate First Ministers like these two. As for England and Treezer , don’t get me started !!!!
The people of Wales voted out, out, out!
What part of ‘out’ doesn’t Jones understand?
He does not represent all the people of Wales. He is the head of what many Welsh people consider to be a parish council namely that ‘white elephant of an assembly’ that many of us want to see the back of.
As to the ‘Welsh Nats’.? Just like the SNP, they are loosing ground in their shout for ‘so-called’ independence.
Impartial BBC can find some ‘Soft core Brexiters’ to address the balance … it’s getting to sound like pornography phrases are slipping into the discourse.
BBC are milking this announcement…
Doctor Who: New actor to be revealed after Wimbledon.
The identity of Doctor Who’s 13th Time Lord will be revealed later, with speculation that it could – for the first time – be a woman.
Decoded that means it will be a woman. I’m so annoyed I would stop watching it except for the fact I stopped watching it years ago.
I stopped watching Dr Who as well. The plots were getting to indoctrinating.
No doubt he/she/whatever will be fending off the evil villains with hashtags, flowers, candlelit vigils and telling them that we are standing firm shoulder to shoulder etc. etc. etc. …….
Hillary as Dr. Who? I believe she’s after that glass ceiling (ceiling that can’t be seen or defined but needs to be smashed anyway).
Marky – Would that be the same glass ceiling that didn’t seem to stop Margaret Thatcher?
Of all Thatchers supposed sins-imagine THIS one is least forgiven by the Left. And its useless women who have only got up the greasy pole by being women-as opposed to having any talent or purpose.
AS I mused at Tolpuddle yesterday, can only think of Barbara Castel who was a lefty lady who would merit any credit as a role model.
Shirley Williams seems a giant in comparison to the useless lefties on offer today…how desperate is THAT?
A black, disabled, transgendered, lesbian woman by any chance? In a headscarf? Oh, silly me – that’s next year’s Dr Who.
Dr Who.
Doctorette Who gives a s***.
Nurse Who.
Tabs –
I might start watching it again, just so that I can stop!
I wouldn’t be remotely surprised if we get Davros wearing a “Vote UKIP” rosette in the next series.
Lobby – They wouldnt demonised Davros, he may not be black or transgender but isnt he in some sort of electric wheelchair thingy?
No my money will be on Nadia, right colour, right religion, Londoncentric and we all love her – right?
Just needs to sit in a wheelchair and come out and she would be perfect.
Oak – Good call! I suppose she could bake one her famous lop-sided cakes for the Cybermen.
Sorry Lobster old chap – but you are out of order – I think you mean Cyber persons!
Farage’s opinion is wrong.
Interviewed for the Sunday Politics in relation to the future of UKIP and the question of whether UKIP should adopt the anti-muslim position, he replied ‘no’. He went on to say if it did, it would be the very end of UKIP. Farage referred to there being only a “TINY MINORITY” of the British public that would support any party who held anti-muslim views. “A tiny minority” is one term I know only too well. In fact, out of all the expressions used by Ministers and politicians in my presence, I hold it most dearly as being representative of ‘No Action’. I have been directly involved with Government over the years in considering changes to outdated legislation where their position was, it is not worth it because, “it is only a tiny minority” breaking the law. In every instance the utterance was proven to be completely contrary to the truth of the matter.
Never thought I’d say it but, Nigel, ‘You are totally out of touch with the anti-muslim feeling that exists in reality.’ He’s gone down in my esteem.
Nigel is of his time.
Great though he is, he`s no theologian unless Bacchus is your god.
Anne Marie Watters and Tommy Robinson DO know-and I hope UKIP choose her to lead them, with Tommy as a SPAD.
Perhaps Mr Farage is just sick of being hounded by the BBC et al. He had years of this re Brexit . If he tried to make an anti Muslim stand the attacks would be even worse than they were for Brexit. In the list of BBC crimes even the merest hint of anti Islamification is much worse than being a Leaver. After all not welcoming the rapid demise of your culture and values is now deemed to be racist and there is no worse crime in the eyes of the liberal left .
I agree DT, I fear its a case of what you say in private is never what you reveal in a tv interview, and its not only public figures. You’ve only to see Joe Public in the street when they are faced with a mic – and say clearly not what they think behind closed doors.
We are now dictated to hugely by the Twatteraties; so if there is a career on the line, and you make what most Twats consider an ‘unacceptable’ remark, then its curtains ! that’s where we’ve got to in the 21st Century. Before computers and social media, you would have to write a letter, buy a stamp and post it, to register a complaint – which was far too much trouble for the trolls (if they could write).
I haven’t seen that yet G but will look it up, the question sounds more like a snare than a genuine enquiry and Nigel is after all a politician. To answer such a question in the affirmative, well, game over in the current climate where free speech is limited and expressing ones conscience can have serious ramifications, the shadow of Enoch still looms large.
He had options: Reply – ‘Well there is a growing anti-muslim element of concern running through country when people are increasingly learning what the religion is all about, I’m sure it is only a matter of time before someone and/or some party will tap into that unrest, so, it’s not for me to predict where UKIP will find a cause’
If you are looking for light entertainment can I point you to Guido’ which carrying an extract of an interview by Brillo of one ” Rebecca long bailey”who apparently is the current shadow business secretary . She was a lawyer then mp . To summarise she either didn’t read or understand her brief about brexit and does a classic “want it both ways exit” . Labour says they are ready to take over negotiation but if she was involved god help us. Fun interview though- bit of yesbut nobut .
How can such a stupid person get to be a Shadow Minister ? It beggars belief .
I was mesmerised by not what she said, but how long she could keep going without drawing breath !!
Perhaps she breathes through her arse. She certainly talks through it.
Also frightening that she is a lawyer and can’t make words into coherent sentences – which I thought they did in lawyer boot camp! She was and is sponsored by “unite” though which means she’s probably related to their command
I would imagine that Nigel Farage has had many death threats from the Remain Cabal.
Why should he court death with the ISIL death threat..?
We live in dangerous times
Play your cards close to your chest ..as my grandfather said !
Know your enemy..
But..who is the enemy within..?
Your country needs you Nigel…
Yep, Farage is a lightning rod for the lefts evil, the “moderate Torys” snobbery and condescension.
Was at Tolpuddle undercover as usual yesterday.
There is no Lexit there-just the RMT with a picture of Tony Benn and Bob Crow-which is code for those who DO see that Socialism DOES tally with Brexit.
We need these people -sod the socialism, but we want out as do they.
I even found a couple of patriots brave enough to know where Islam leads. But the Left are thick cult members who like their unions, their Guardian reading superiors to do their thinking for them.
Had Corbyn only said he`d back Brexit, he`d now be PM in the light of how shit the Tories are.
My point?…the Left are far behind the curve-but at least they DO have convictions, history and a sense of purpose when they`re away from the beehive…and we need to get organised to get Blair in the Hague, the likes of Nugee up for a show trial.
Why are UKIP and the Tories so thick-even Powell said he`d rather have a Socialist Government that being run by the E.U.
Sovereignty is ALL we need to focus on…fuck the economy, `cos it`s fucked already. the Euro is doomed and we need to tell the media scum that we know where they live!
Works for Momentum-who(funnily enough) had no stall at Tolpuddle…must be the Lefts masons eh?…..
D Abbott one of those wimmin i would love to kiss gently on the forehead.
Just before the undertaker screws the lid down.
In the meantime, a “Glasgow Kiss ” would be more appropriate .
My doctor Who book.
The runners
evens black female lesbian. [50%]
2/1 Brown female first-time headgear. [33%]
3/1 Eddie Izzard ”other” carrying 10 kilo over-weight. [25%]
10/1 Blackman Gay, in rainbow silks. [9%]
999/1 White male straight [0.01%]
book 117%
Roll up roll up.
Money back any other result.
What odds are you giving on Nadia ?
with headgear 2/1 Brown female first-time headgear. [33%]
without headgear ”any other result” money back all bets.
I’ll try a fiver on an each way result.
You can add Donald Trump supporter to any runner for treble the advertised odds, Beltane.
Wikipedia definition of Cabal
A Cabal is a group of people united in some close design together
Usually to promote their private views or interests in an ideology ,state,or other community
Often by intrigue usually unbeknown to persons outside the group.
The use of this term carries strong shadowy corners ,back rooms and insidious influence.
Ring any bells!!
Who heads the list?
Why is this posted as ‘breaking news’ on BBC’s webs (h)ite?
Quelle sodding surprise!
Just you wait until Joanna Lumley plays Hercule Poirot and Mel and Sue do Sherlock and Watson.
O happy, happy day! It is all my birthdays come a ay once. A female Dr Who! What great ‘news’: a woman is portraying someone in a drama! We might as well not go into work, worry about the future or indeed do anything because we officially have heaven o on earth now.
I am dreading the wall to wall coverage of the Beeb circle jerking about how fantastic they are. Never mind the acid attacks, FGM, gang culture etc. An actress has a part that has previously been played by a man! This is complete and total vindication of cultural Marxism. I am crying tears of joy.
Beeb, I too, am overcome with emotion at this ‘news’.
However my cucumber sandwich is making a return journey as I am nauseous at the thought of a straight hideously white actor taking over a national treasure role on Al Beeb.
Why oh why are they going on with this turgid tripe anyway…do children actuallly still watch this force feeding of progressive politics?
Did however enjoy The Art of Japan..catch it on iplayer before it makes way for highlights of
The 2017 Wimmins mud wrestling Championships, I can only dream..
We could learn so many lessons from the Japanese way of life. I could happily live there – and that’s saying something !
Well, that was worth their while interrupting the coverage of Wimbledon with the non-news about Dr Who, yet another example of the beeboids living in the bubble that they created.
I have posted this before and I post it again, the whole shebang is being run by Blue Peter, hence the drop in viewers.
Does that include Wimbledon as well Taffy ? It all boils down to the age group running the Beeb.
Jenny Trout is delighted, or ”tickled” if you like.
Have no idea who she is, but she just going to make a cup of tea out of male tear’s.
So proud is ms Trout she has a vid up of her obese daughter watching the announcement.
Google think ms Trout is so important they have her tweet as headline search for http://www.google.com/search?q=Jodie+Whittaker&rlz=1C1GNAM_en-GBIM687IM689&oq=Jodie+Whittaker&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.13440j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Judging by the flag next to her name, I assume she is a Rainbow Trout?
There’s something fishy about all this, especially as the daughter looks a bit of a Bloater …..
You are a crustacean, so we have to expect fishism from you. Call the Hate Police !
Hake Police ! [fixed]
LOL !!!
Grant –
I am immune from prosecution for Fishism – it’s in my contract. It’s called the Lobster’s Clause …..
(I’ll get me coat …..)
I am afraid you are all carping on far too much.
For God’s sake, get a grip.
Yeah nice one lobby, a tickled rainbow Trout, she has a right ”potty mouth” have you read her striving to beta-male status, sheesh twitter is the post modern twilight zone.
A female Dr Who .Does anyone still watch this PC rubbish .I gave up several years ago .Its no longer science fiction or remotely Interesting .Having a female Who will not make me any more likely to watch it.
The ratings were diving anyway and this will only hasten it.I never watched Broadchurch either so haven’t a clue who the woman is .
Thought this site was a serious site
Not a site for silly old men going OTT about a female Dr Who!
Dr Who is a crap programme anyway
So why worry!!!
Please indulge us – we like to take the piss from time to time!
If I am not mistaken, welcome is due to a new poster.
And what a debut. Silly old men? Never heard that before. And the young ladies may be affronted.
It is to be hoped not another 3/4 of a century will pass before the next share.
Of course it doesn’t matter who plays the doctor. Most of the public stopped watching it ages ago because it’s crap. The point is that the BBC think it does matter. In fact, they couldn’t be more delighted with themselves for taking the momentous step of giving the role to a woman. They think they’ve changed the world. You seem to have missed the point.
Plus it’s a bit of light-hearted banter in between the serious stuff.
Haleys ,
I think it’s because the lefty multicultural doctrine albeeb follows infests every aspect of its output. When someone doesn’t comply – such as Top Gear then it gets “the treatment”.
Many here may have grown up with Dr Who and are sad to see it turned into an al beeb propaganda vehicle. That’s why. You might need to work harder to discern the ethos of this site.
Cos he is a time-lord not a time-baroness innit.
hope Hayley isn’t a wimmins lipper and has a sense of humour.
Well, most women I know are rubbish at time keeping – me included, so ‘time whatever’ might need to wear a watch !
Whenever I see a woman wearing a watch it puzzles me, because they cannot tell the time. I mean, why is the bride always late ? Then I realise that , for women, a watch is merely a fashion accessory.
Number of hoots given about anyone on private payrolls: 0
Trying to grasp what it is in skills and responsibility that sees the public sector types on the wedge they are versus, say, a prime minister.
What do Tone and Sharon actually do?
BBC ‘news’ drools over the new doctor, reporting on previous roles she has had and the fact that she has previously worked alongside David Tennant. What fearless journalism! Speaking truth to power!
This is followed by a report on Jane Austen. They are obsessed with gender. How is this news? It is just propaghanda.
Resistance is futile, exfoliate, exfoliate!
Top trolling
Cass, love it ! perhaps the Daleks will be swinging bras from the end of their toilet plungers !
So as already noted the new Doctor Who is a woman. Why? They just couldn’t leave it could they. Mind you I haven’t watched Dr Who for several years now on the basis it was crap and CGI over storyline. So well done BBc the PC minority got their way but I won’t be watching.
Read my posts
Not a new poster…
You let the side down…
Lobster..Manx Man
Guest Who..do you read the posts..?
As I said I thought this site was a serious site
Biased BBC not an ego trip for you..How can anyone take this site seriously with comments like yours?
Grow up…
I thought we were trying to bring the BBC to heel
With comments like yours nothing will change.
So grow some!!
Here’s an idea – why don’t you piss off?
haleys comet
OK haley, let’s see some posts about Al Beeb’s bias from you.
Go for it …………..
Thanks for the compliments. But what are you on ?
He’s on the BBC at the moment .
Haley – I see you have occasionally posted here since Feb of this year, and appear to be a genuine anti-BBC poster, and also a woman.
I, like others, find your criticisms now about the other contributors here very strange. Here’s a comment of yours from March this year:
We are all treated as CBeebies by the BBC
regardless of age.
Treated like naive children..
(Don,t mention the indoctrination of my grand children….blood pressure might go off the scale..)
The Archers …!?
More like “Neighbours”…..
The BBC treat us as fools…
But perhaps we are…
We fund this megolthic edifice
Turn off the BBC
This indoctrination must end
Point is, the reaction to some over the BBC promotion of a woman as Dr. Who is similar to what you appear to have felt on other programmes. I can only think you must be having a bad day, or a few too many to drink, to have caused the reaction it has today. Hope you get over it soon and no hard feelings 🙂
How do you search postings teddy please ?.
I Mean my own.
I use Inoreader to view new postings. It’s really a great tool, especially with a site like this where new postings can appear on any of the various current topics, and you’d otherwise have to keep scrolling through them to find them. They also have a great search engine where you can just enter any particular name and see all the posts where that name or subject has appeared.
If you need help setting it up just let me know 🙂
are we missing the point??
dr who has traditionally been a man all be it an alien one
weve had a bazillion side kicks of one shape or another
then last series we had a not just black but lesbian one, and and episode with black victorian waifs
and a black guardsman’s that even had the writers pausing until they retrospectively found 1 historical example
in truth my completely non-judgemental autistic teenager has completely lost interest despite his previous fascination he doesnt know quite what it is thats missing,
i do having sat through it with him …. its just completely PC crapppppp
dr who has just gone the way of action man into PC oblivion