Shocked by your comments
Are you all on something!,,
Sorry Dave and Alan it’s goodbye from me
Thought I was contributing something to the cause
Whoever that cause was for!
Not biased BBC
I think you might be hitting the nail on the head Roland. Judging by haley’s reaction regarding comments here on the new Dr. Who, perhaps she has transgender issues and feels she/he has to stand up for the Beeb on this one.
Factually incorrect teddy bearI am a man
In that case you are a liar – then or now.
Here’s your post from July 7th Comment on Running Scared by haleys comet
updated on Fri Jul 07, 2017 19:16 by haleys comet via Biased BBC Comments
The trouble with the BBC has gone on for decades…
I remember listening to Nick Ross in the 1980 ‘s…?
He had a phone in programme ..think it was on Tuesdays? I was a stay at home mum in those days!
If anyone mentioned immigration on the phone-in on the programme the plug was pulled instantly..
Any debate was silenced …
Our Nick was outraged that the subject was mentioned!
Say no more!
If you’re going to lie – make sure you have a good memory – truth will out.
Now I don’t care who you are – you can go fuck yourself!
Teddy Bear… just had a weird deja vu reading your post. The comment you quoted was virtually the same as one that I posted quite a while back. The only difference is slight re-wording. There was someone at the time posting as ‘Pat’ which is why I put ‘original’ after mine. Perhaps I have a follower!
Pat – I just scanned your comments back a couple of years. I see first there was a Pat (the Original) ” April 2015 then later Pat..original from July 2015.
I couldn’t find a similar comment of these to that of haley. Do you remember which name were you using when you wrote it?
It would have been one of the two mentioned. I did not post this recently, sorry cannot remember when. As I read it it came back – in the same sequence as well. Even the Tuesday – question mark bit. I cannot think of any other site I would post a comment on this topic. Will give it some thought.
I just tried a search with the various Pats together with Nick Ross and also with Tuesday but nothing came up. If it comes to you just let me know and I’ll check 🙂
We are interested in Dr Who here because it is a BBC programme that has a become a British institution. Because of the nature of the story (the doctor’s ability to “regenerate” and his swiftly acquired and discarded assortment of companions) we are clearly able to see the broadcaster’s preoccupations and politically correct policies made manifest in the new characters as they appear. That is why we find it a kind of bellwether programme and well worth commenting on.
What a wonderful opportunity for the BBC to push transgender propaganda to kids with the new FEMALE Dr. Who. I can see it now – storylines with the Doctor having a male brain and thought processes trapped inside a female body. Think of the script possibilities where the Doctor, still having male responses fancies a female character. It’s just the sort of sexual confusion that’s being pushed on kids too young to understand but made easy to digest by using well loved characters to push the agenda. Juvenile Sci-Fi as AgitProp. Watch the ratings plummet . The BBC just can’t help themselves.
What I need to know is this – When having a jimmy (or is that now a jenny) will the new Doctor be standing up or sitting down or half way in between or will this vary depending on how the Dr “feels” that day. I assume the Tardis little boys room will now have a suitable gender neutral toilet sign – But wait! what happens if the Dr is feeling strongly in favour of one particular gender on one particular day. Will the now incorrect gender neutral sign now offend, will he/she/cis now have to hang on until the next day or will he/she/cis have three different toilets installed in the tardis all with different signs.
Andrew Marr show with Hammond. OBR says no gain or loss on leaving EU. Hammond ‘ Boris talking about fanciful 100 billion that’s been battered about in Brussels”, then Marr says ” A lot say 40 billion” … Hammond should have said “Why not a 1000 billion? Or £1 every month? Fanciful figures. “
Why is teddy bear being so defensive?
That swear word really let’s you down
Who are you teddy bear?
Are you trying to
destroy this site ?
Like most contributors to the site we post in good faith.
I like the running scared billing ..not me I,m afraid
The other things you said about my postings were not correct
A bit of truth there are few untruths along the way
Suggesting that I was having a bad day and too much to drink…well don.t we all
Who are you Teddy Bear.?
Ps I said I was man to bring you out of your hiding place
It worked
Buyer beware
Haleys ,
If you did lie about your gender perhaps you will explain why – I’ve tried to explain in an earlier post why the gender of a fictional character like doctor who is more important than it seems because it is clear evidence of al beeb s desperate aim of achieving some sort of all embracing inclusivity distorting what were good programmes with the like if terry nation or Douglas Adams working the script . If you don’t get that suggest you go where comment is free.
Haleys ,
If you did lie about your gender perhaps you will explain why – I’ve tried to explain in an earlier post why the gender of a fictional character like doctor who is more important than it seems because it is clear evidence of al beeb s desperate aim of achieving some sort of all embracing inclusivity distorting what were good programmes with the like if terry nation or Douglas Adams working the script . If you don’t get that suggest you go where comment is free.
So I thought it was safe to tune into BBC Four for a live Prom featuring Elgars Second Symphony .All good until the interval discussion with Barenboim who stated that Elgars music is ANTI BREXIT.!
I nearly fell off my chair.
Elgars music is not English ,oh no Barenboim states it is European .He then went on to wax lyrical about the formation of the EU for which I turned the sound off until the music started. I admired Barenboim but no more.
Am I fuming .Blooming right I am ,I watch little BBC as it is.What can be done about this gross bias.I only want the music not political statements.
As I watch ,there is now a break in transmission that appears to be ongoing ,so we got the lecture but no music. Grrr.
Elgar’s music is archetypal English in sound, however, I hate to say this but Elgar did have a close association with Germany just prior to WW1. Indeed i believe that Nimrod was named after his great friend Augustus J. Jaeger.(The hunter)
Elgar was a failed composer scraping a meagre living as a private music teacher until he made his name, moving to Germany producing marching music. Once famous he then returned to England, who then acclaimed him.
He was reportedly distraught when war was waged against his friends in Germany.
I’m afraid Barenboim may have been right, but like yourself I would like to be wrong.
No need to say it was Anti Brexit in the programme though. Just a silly and nonsensical statement. .
You are right and I’m not one of those who steadfastly claims Elgar as English,I love that he is listened to world wide and each composer influences others. they all had their dodgy connections in those days the same as now.
I only wanted to enjoy the music without such propaganda .I have been avoiding most BBC for months .But it is everywhere. The interview was recorded so the BEEB could have cut out that part but no they didnt of course.
Spose Barenboim is s johnney foreigner who has sold himself the reicheuro – would make sense . Wonder if they’ll put a bit of Wagner into the mix to honour the SS old boys who reinvented themselves or designed rockets for the yanks when they should have hanged for war crimes ( I know – long time ago – all friends now – forget it . NO)!
Same old BBC Deborah, same old shit.
Apparently Churchill would have voted remain as well !
and Land of Hope and Glory was about the EU
I have some friends who are Dutch – I t still didnt mean that I voted remain.
I am sure lots of people were distraught about WW2 – but they still did their duty.
Never let it be said that the BBC would miss any opportunity however unlikely and pathetic to push their very own agenda.
From my previous post – previous page re Jones etc ………
“He is the head of what many Welsh people consider to be a parish council namely that ‘white elephant of an assembly’ that many of us want to see the back of.”
On Twitter @bbcnickrobinson spends far to much time on Twitter trying to defend his positions
He claims the BBC had an independent report into its Climate reporting
Em it was by Steve Jones
.. whose wife has a job making alarmist films for BBC Horizon.
So the report is external to BBC but NOT independent
There was an independent report into this. Worth a read
“Win” at “BBC Switch On Bingo”
8:30 pm Climate Alarmism
.. whilst retuning I spot R3 are telling up “temperature rise could be * something to 7.5C * I think in next 100 years.”
seems that was Iain Stewart in a Proms Extra segment which fill sin the gap in the Proms
followed by questions like
.. How long have we get ?
…. 200 years due to sea level rise London will no longer be the capital
Twitter says it was Rana Mittal interviewing Nicholas Crane and Iain Stewart
In middle of this prog
Re the new DR WHO
Are you a dalek or are you just pleased to see me. Will that be the new catch phrase or don’t bother me its the time of the month, come on Master all you need is a bit of lippy. Top Gear now DR WHO,nothing left to watch on BBC.Get rid,subscription only its the only way.
Watching BBC 1 news this evening the Asian presenter hands over to the Asian regional presenter who introduces the first item which is about an Asian family complaining about new houses being built on the English green belt.
I think this is the sort of thing that the BBC could make ‘cutting edge’ humour and satire shows about.
But then ‘Shit, Fuck, Trump, Farage and Brexit’ are guaranteed to get the socialist seals a-clapping so why bother?
caught some of womans hour jee z what an hour of depression are all women really this fucked up
on come some gonk to simply spout completely unchallenged shit and lies and promote her new book
its the infamous Laurie Penny , are radio 4 listeners told she’s a (self described) radical 3rd wave feminist anarchist who hate men but especially white men ??????
the presenter fawns to her in what can only be described as at best a love in …. it really is pathetic
but then her ideas and herself have been ripped apart by starkey and sargon and others, so perhaps any questioning voice would probably only have been a one sided embarrassment to the thick self promoting rug muncher
really come on ladies is this what represents you?
It shows another key difference between him (Donald Trump) and his predecessor Barack Obama, who promised such action, but didn’t deliver.
… I think the BBC couldn’t even say Trump delivered out right, just my thoughts on the article.
“Take for example the State of Kentucky, almost one third of people in that State are covered by MediCare(cate?). So they’re talking about eliminating, well, 700 hundred billion (Earth population 7.5 billion in 2017) in TrumpCare bill.”
– Maxine Waters on MSNBC (Democrat representing 465,000 people in California)
Ah bless her . She should do one of those “points of view”. The frightening thing is that people voted for her but I suppose she bought them using the money tree.
Just finishing watching The Loch (on ITV and rubbish), but I’m still laughing, aside from the black criminal psychologist featured throughout – and who had a relationship with the white detective, the closing images were of a pleasure boat on the loch, and the only passengers were 3 black men with their partners which were 2 white and 1 Asian woman !!! and this is in the Scottish Highlands !!! Doesn’t matter which channel you watch, they just have to push the mixed relationship agenda.
Where is your Telly Tax spent ?……………..
“The Sunday Times thinks TV viewers may be shocked when the BBC reveals how much its better paid presenters earn.
The former newsreader Peter Sissons tells the newspaper things might get ugly when “some of the biggest egos” find out what their colleagues are getting.
The Sunday Telegraph says the corporation is also “braced” for embarrassment and rows on the grounds that “women are not being paid as much as men in the same jobs”.
But the paper also notes that the salaries of “many stars” won’t be revealed because they are paid through production companies or through the BBC’s commercial arm.”
Channel hopping last night I had the misfortune to pass through Radio 5, the station that gives hospital radio a good name, and The Ranting Bishop, Spluttering Stephen and Capitalist-running-dog Charlie show.
The bishop was bleating about the hard-done by nurses etc. and the need to raise taxes, which everyone was keen to pay. The chancellor of the exchequer thinks that the public sector is 10% better off than the private sector, when pensions are taken into account. The bishop thought that this might have been true many years ago but not now as ‘inflation’ had reduced the value of the public sector’s wages. My thoughts were:
1. The chancellor does have a pack of civil servants working for him that actually pay out the wages and who monitor what is going on.
2. Don’t the private sector wages get hit by inflation too?
3. The 1% cap doesn’t apply to the lowest paid and it doesn’t apply to any annual increments so the average ‘public’ worker is doing better than 1%.
4. Except for those private sector workers on minimum wage there is no guarantee that they got any rise at all, indeed they might have taken a pay cut – ‘close the plant or cut the wages’ deals.
But, like the BBC, the bishop is always right, Nolan is in the end on his side and Charlie has passed caring. My next thought was that good organisations thrive on criticism, it tells them how to do better. Even if the customer is wrong they know that it is better to give them the benefit of the doubt as a happy customer speads the word and an unhappy customer spreads the word with a vengeance.
However, as any listener to Feedback or viewer of Newswatch will know, the BBC is always right and the customer is always wrong. The same is true of the NHS and ‘the nurses’, or at least in the opinion of those using them for political benefit. Let’s just say that you don’t see Aldi staff dawdling about the shop or gawping at computer screens.
Just this minute been on the BBC website re pay. It lists the effect of inflation on pay for some public sector workers with public prosecutor at the top and NHS ancillary workers (hardly affected at all) at the bottom of the selected occupations. Funnily enough nurses are not mentioned. Ah, that’s why the BBC didn’t give it more prominence, a favoured group not that much “persecuted by the evil Tories” after all
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Shocked by your comments
Are you all on something!,,
Sorry Dave and Alan it’s goodbye from me
Thought I was contributing something to the cause
Whoever that cause was for!
Not biased BBC
I have not read all of your post but I do not understand what the problem is ? Please explain .
bye then
See you again in 76 years.
I would advise anyone not to contribute to this site
Especially when teddy bear gives you a call
Factually incorrect teddy bearI am a man
Yes, but were you self-identifying as a woman before?
I think you might be hitting the nail on the head Roland. Judging by haley’s reaction regarding comments here on the new Dr. Who, perhaps she has transgender issues and feels she/he has to stand up for the Beeb on this one.
Factually incorrect teddy bearI am a man
In that case you are a liar – then or now.
Here’s your post from July 7th
Comment on Running Scared by haleys comet
updated on Fri Jul 07, 2017 19:16 by haleys comet via Biased BBC Comments
The trouble with the BBC has gone on for decades…
I remember listening to Nick Ross in the 1980 ‘s…?
He had a phone in programme ..think it was on Tuesdays?
I was a stay at home mum in those days!
If anyone mentioned immigration on the phone-in on the programme the plug was pulled instantly..
Any debate was silenced …
Our Nick was outraged that the subject was mentioned!
Say no more!
If you’re going to lie – make sure you have a good memory – truth will out.
Now I don’t care who you are – you can go fuck yourself!
It is called gender fluidity, really, they are what they feel when they wake up, and its all legit, they have the science.
they have 26 genders to ”feel like”, or ”identify with” how can you go wrong, he literally could fuck himself in the morning, if he was of 2 minds.
he literally could fuck himself in the morning, if he was of 2 minds.
Haley Cometh?
recent transgender-style decision?
We want a doctor with a sonic screw-driver in his pocket, not a vibrator, nothing is safe from them anymore.
Lol@ Teddy Bear..
Classic closing comment!
Teddy Bear… just had a weird deja vu reading your post. The comment you quoted was virtually the same as one that I posted quite a while back. The only difference is slight re-wording. There was someone at the time posting as ‘Pat’ which is why I put ‘original’ after mine. Perhaps I have a follower!
Pat – I just scanned your comments back a couple of years. I see first there was a Pat (the Original) ” April 2015 then later Pat..original from July 2015.
I couldn’t find a similar comment of these to that of haley. Do you remember which name were you using when you wrote it?
It would have been one of the two mentioned. I did not post this recently, sorry cannot remember when. As I read it it came back – in the same sequence as well. Even the Tuesday – question mark bit. I cannot think of any other site I would post a comment on this topic. Will give it some thought.
I just tried a search with the various Pats together with Nick Ross and also with Tuesday but nothing came up. If it comes to you just let me know and I’ll check 🙂
Fine, but why do you waste time on this site if you do not like It ?
Betty duly advised.
We are interested in Dr Who here because it is a BBC programme that has a become a British institution. Because of the nature of the story (the doctor’s ability to “regenerate” and his swiftly acquired and discarded assortment of companions) we are clearly able to see the broadcaster’s preoccupations and politically correct policies made manifest in the new characters as they appear. That is why we find it a kind of bellwether programme and well worth commenting on.
What a wonderful opportunity for the BBC to push transgender propaganda to kids with the new FEMALE Dr. Who. I can see it now – storylines with the Doctor having a male brain and thought processes trapped inside a female body. Think of the script possibilities where the Doctor, still having male responses fancies a female character. It’s just the sort of sexual confusion that’s being pushed on kids too young to understand but made easy to digest by using well loved characters to push the agenda. Juvenile Sci-Fi as AgitProp. Watch the ratings plummet . The BBC just can’t help themselves.
What I need to know is this – When having a jimmy (or is that now a jenny) will the new Doctor be standing up or sitting down or half way in between or will this vary depending on how the Dr “feels” that day. I assume the Tardis little boys room will now have a suitable gender neutral toilet sign – But wait! what happens if the Dr is feeling strongly in favour of one particular gender on one particular day. Will the now incorrect gender neutral sign now offend, will he/she/cis now have to hang on until the next day or will he/she/cis have three different toilets installed in the tardis all with different signs.
These things I must know!
Sorry I think I am becoming confused.
Andrew Marr show with Hammond. OBR says no gain or loss on leaving EU. Hammond ‘ Boris talking about fanciful 100 billion that’s been battered about in Brussels”, then Marr says ” A lot say 40 billion” … Hammond should have said “Why not a 1000 billion? Or £1 every month? Fanciful figures. “
Why is teddy bear being so defensive?
That swear word really let’s you down
Who are you teddy bear?
Are you trying to
destroy this site ?
Like most contributors to the site we post in good faith.
I like the running scared billing ..not me I,m afraid
The other things you said about my postings were not correct
A bit of truth there are few untruths along the way
Suggesting that I was having a bad day and too much to drink…well don.t we all
Who are you Teddy Bear.?
Ps I said I was man to bring you out of your hiding place
It worked
Buyer beware
buyer beware..?
Beware teddy beat
Beware teddy bear
Haleys ,
If you did lie about your gender perhaps you will explain why – I’ve tried to explain in an earlier post why the gender of a fictional character like doctor who is more important than it seems because it is clear evidence of al beeb s desperate aim of achieving some sort of all embracing inclusivity distorting what were good programmes with the like if terry nation or Douglas Adams working the script . If you don’t get that suggest you go where comment is free.
Haleys ,
If you did lie about your gender perhaps you will explain why – I’ve tried to explain in an earlier post why the gender of a fictional character like doctor who is more important than it seems because it is clear evidence of al beeb s desperate aim of achieving some sort of all embracing inclusivity distorting what were good programmes with the like if terry nation or Douglas Adams working the script . If you don’t get that suggest you go where comment is free.
Yet here you are at 8:40. Shocked, I tell you. Shocked.
Sorely missed.
And, sorely missed again.
Appears we have a re-invented persona from the beeb again folks.
So I thought it was safe to tune into BBC Four for a live Prom featuring Elgars Second Symphony .All good until the interval discussion with Barenboim who stated that Elgars music is ANTI BREXIT.!
I nearly fell off my chair.
Elgars music is not English ,oh no Barenboim states it is European .He then went on to wax lyrical about the formation of the EU for which I turned the sound off until the music started. I admired Barenboim but no more.
Am I fuming .Blooming right I am ,I watch little BBC as it is.What can be done about this gross bias.I only want the music not political statements.
As I watch ,there is now a break in transmission that appears to be ongoing ,so we got the lecture but no music. Grrr.
Elgar’s music is archetypal English in sound, however, I hate to say this but Elgar did have a close association with Germany just prior to WW1. Indeed i believe that Nimrod was named after his great friend Augustus J. Jaeger.(The hunter)
Elgar was a failed composer scraping a meagre living as a private music teacher until he made his name, moving to Germany producing marching music. Once famous he then returned to England, who then acclaimed him.
He was reportedly distraught when war was waged against his friends in Germany.
I’m afraid Barenboim may have been right, but like yourself I would like to be wrong.
No need to say it was Anti Brexit in the programme though. Just a silly and nonsensical statement. .
Agree Wronged.
You are right and I’m not one of those who steadfastly claims Elgar as English,I love that he is listened to world wide and each composer influences others. they all had their dodgy connections in those days the same as now.
I only wanted to enjoy the music without such propaganda .I have been avoiding most BBC for months .But it is everywhere. The interview was recorded so the BEEB could have cut out that part but no they didnt of course.
Spose Barenboim is s johnney foreigner who has sold himself the reicheuro – would make sense . Wonder if they’ll put a bit of Wagner into the mix to honour the SS old boys who reinvented themselves or designed rockets for the yanks when they should have hanged for war crimes ( I know – long time ago – all friends now – forget it . NO)!
Same old BBC Deborah, same old shit.
Apparently Churchill would have voted remain as well !
and Land of Hope and Glory was about the EU
I have some friends who are Dutch – I t still didnt mean that I voted remain.
I am sure lots of people were distraught about WW2 – but they still did their duty.
Never let it be said that the BBC would miss any opportunity however unlikely and pathetic to push their very own agenda.
Is there a reason why the BBC don’t report the abuse of Welsh taxpayers money on their ‘Leaders’ to watch football matches.
I’d be interested to hear what Taffman and other dragons think of this?
Maybe a letter or two to the local Welsh press.
From my previous post – previous page re Jones etc ………
“He is the head of what many Welsh people consider to be a parish council namely that ‘white elephant of an assembly’ that many of us want to see the back of.”
They have to take planes to watch good football, its always played miles away from wales, ask taff.
Lol I’m sticking up for the great Craig Bellamy and John toshack. Go bluebirds.
On Twitter @bbcnickrobinson spends far to much time on Twitter trying to defend his positions
He claims the BBC had an independent report into its Climate reporting
Em it was by Steve Jones
.. whose wife has a job making alarmist films for BBC Horizon.
So the report is external to BBC but NOT independent
“Win” at “BBC Switch On Bingo”
8:30 pm Climate Alarmism
.. whilst retuning I spot R3 are telling up “temperature rise could be * something to 7.5C * I think in next 100 years.”
seems that was Iain Stewart in a Proms Extra segment which fill sin the gap in the Proms
followed by questions like
.. How long have we get ?
…. 200 years due to sea level rise London will no longer be the capital
Twitter says it was Rana Mittal interviewing Nicholas Crane and Iain Stewart
In middle of this prog
cool so long as all the new londers dont come north we are cool with london being under water
Re the new DR WHO
Are you a dalek or are you just pleased to see me. Will that be the new catch phrase or don’t bother me its the time of the month, come on Master all you need is a bit of lippy. Top Gear now DR WHO,nothing left to watch on BBC.Get rid,subscription only its the only way.
Watching BBC 1 news this evening the Asian presenter hands over to the Asian regional presenter who introduces the first item which is about an Asian family complaining about new houses being built on the English green belt.
I think this is the sort of thing that the BBC could make ‘cutting edge’ humour and satire shows about.
But then ‘Shit, Fuck, Trump, Farage and Brexit’ are guaranteed to get the socialist seals a-clapping so why bother?
the other half has radio 4 on all day
caught some of womans hour jee z what an hour of depression are all women really this fucked up
on come some gonk to simply spout completely unchallenged shit and lies and promote her new book
its the infamous Laurie Penny , are radio 4 listeners told she’s a (self described) radical 3rd wave feminist anarchist who hate men but especially white men ??????
the presenter fawns to her in what can only be described as at best a love in …. it really is pathetic
but then her ideas and herself have been ripped apart by starkey and sargon and others, so perhaps any questioning voice would probably only have been a one sided embarrassment to the thick self promoting rug muncher
really come on ladies is this what represents you?
BBC Online News:
“”Judge me on four things, said Trump. So we did””
Yes, the BBC judged him as a complete failure. Any of us amazed?
He said he’d approve the Pipeline and he did
It shows another key difference between him (Donald Trump) and his predecessor Barack Obama, who promised such action, but didn’t deliver.
… I think the BBC couldn’t even say Trump delivered out right, just my thoughts on the article.
Diane Abbott has some serious USA competition …
Is this really the state of politics, now, today?
Yes, it really is, she is the ‘norm’ in the Dim’s, the fact she is party leader tell’s you ALL you need know about those other Dimocrats.
50 sec’s on,,,,,,,,, she spurts out her marxine waters, They marxists thru and thru, like blackpool rock has blackpool running thru it.
“..we’ve (Shell Oil Company) seen this Movie before (the Nationalising Oil Production), it’s called Hugo Chavez and Venezuela (Venezuela 2016 – inflation@800%, GDP shrinks -19%).”
– Fox News Presenter on Maxine Waters Speech (Manxman video reference)
“Take for example the State of Kentucky, almost one third of people in that State are covered by MediCare(cate?). So they’re talking about eliminating, well, 700 hundred billion (Earth population 7.5 billion in 2017) in TrumpCare bill.”
– Maxine Waters on MSNBC (Democrat representing 465,000 people in California)
Ah bless her . She should do one of those “points of view”. The frightening thing is that people voted for her but I suppose she bought them using the money tree.
Same old same old .
Just finishing watching The Loch (on ITV and rubbish), but I’m still laughing, aside from the black criminal psychologist featured throughout – and who had a relationship with the white detective, the closing images were of a pleasure boat on the loch, and the only passengers were 3 black men with their partners which were 2 white and 1 Asian woman !!! and this is in the Scottish Highlands !!! Doesn’t matter which channel you watch, they just have to push the mixed relationship agenda.
“the black criminal psychologist featured throughout”
There’s a name for it:
Would the BBC continue to fight Brexit after we had left the EU?
I suggest that they would. The BBC are hard line anti-BREXIT.
The BBC continue to fight their enemy Trump despite his democratic win back in November last year.
Of course, Trump is pro-Brexit. In the eyes of the BBC, he is the anti-Christ. But the BBC are not pro-religion unless Islam is involved.
Where is your Telly Tax spent ?……………..
“The Sunday Times thinks TV viewers may be shocked when the BBC reveals how much its better paid presenters earn.
The former newsreader Peter Sissons tells the newspaper things might get ugly when “some of the biggest egos” find out what their colleagues are getting.
The Sunday Telegraph says the corporation is also “braced” for embarrassment and rows on the grounds that “women are not being paid as much as men in the same jobs”.
But the paper also notes that the salaries of “many stars” won’t be revealed because they are paid through production companies or through the BBC’s commercial arm.”
Does anyone have some evidence of Al Beeb broadcasting positive news about Brexit?
Maxincony, how about you?
‘Trump is deporting our parents’
See any bias here….?
Enjoy the Panorama.
Channel hopping last night I had the misfortune to pass through Radio 5, the station that gives hospital radio a good name, and The Ranting Bishop, Spluttering Stephen and Capitalist-running-dog Charlie show.
The bishop was bleating about the hard-done by nurses etc. and the need to raise taxes, which everyone was keen to pay. The chancellor of the exchequer thinks that the public sector is 10% better off than the private sector, when pensions are taken into account. The bishop thought that this might have been true many years ago but not now as ‘inflation’ had reduced the value of the public sector’s wages. My thoughts were:
1. The chancellor does have a pack of civil servants working for him that actually pay out the wages and who monitor what is going on.
2. Don’t the private sector wages get hit by inflation too?
3. The 1% cap doesn’t apply to the lowest paid and it doesn’t apply to any annual increments so the average ‘public’ worker is doing better than 1%.
4. Except for those private sector workers on minimum wage there is no guarantee that they got any rise at all, indeed they might have taken a pay cut – ‘close the plant or cut the wages’ deals.
But, like the BBC, the bishop is always right, Nolan is in the end on his side and Charlie has passed caring. My next thought was that good organisations thrive on criticism, it tells them how to do better. Even if the customer is wrong they know that it is better to give them the benefit of the doubt as a happy customer speads the word and an unhappy customer spreads the word with a vengeance.
However, as any listener to Feedback or viewer of Newswatch will know, the BBC is always right and the customer is always wrong. The same is true of the NHS and ‘the nurses’, or at least in the opinion of those using them for political benefit. Let’s just say that you don’t see Aldi staff dawdling about the shop or gawping at computer screens.
Just this minute been on the BBC website re pay. It lists the effect of inflation on pay for some public sector workers with public prosecutor at the top and NHS ancillary workers (hardly affected at all) at the bottom of the selected occupations. Funnily enough nurses are not mentioned. Ah, that’s why the BBC didn’t give it more prominence, a favoured group not that much “persecuted by the evil Tories” after all