Being overseas at the moment I get the BBC world news default which includes something called ‘The BBC Shop’. If you get a chance have a look – it instantly reminded of that nice British National Trust type stuff – you know – nice marmalade , book marks . It is devoid of the multicultural feed British people get at home . Couldn’t quite believe what I saw.
And if you want to be cheered up see the front page of The Independent on Isis terrorists being thrown off buildings in Mosul . If true sometimes things do go well
Just been reading the reviews on Christopher Nolans Dunkirk. It would appear that a cinematic masterpiece is upon us review after review praising it’s cinematography. A true tale of Britian at it’s best. But hey ho guess who mentions in the review “Brexit” non other than our friends at the Guardian. They still like the film though, despite a) no women b) no BME and 3) no latent repressed WW2 homosexual. So let’s wait to see what those pricks say about it on Friday no doubt the “rescue” will include references to the current migrant sitaution….im going seeing it on Friday, it’s day of release…hope I’m not disappointed….chin up chappys WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS TOGETHER .
I would be grateful for a review after you see it – particularly if worth the big screen money – please include and spoiler alerts! I m still fond of the Black & white version which I think was an Ealing job in the late 1950s.
I will certainly post a review, not sure what a spoiler would constitute though..then again a spoiler could be
…… the end they
look back after 70 years and ask- was it worth the sacrifice?……would that spoil the film for you ?
Interestingly, Mark Rylance made the point that those involved in bringing over their Little Ships for the rescue operation, would never happen today. Because when Dunkirk happened nobody thought of themselves first, they did what they could without thought. Today, the attitude would be how much will I get, and whether my insurance would cover it. Yet strangely 70 odd years later the ‘rescue boats’ in the Med are doing exactly the same thing, but in the wrong direction !
Halifax Apologies – was being inappropriately flippant over something so serious.
I just get fed up with films made by Americans which distort the truth and rewrite events so that they become fact .i am not referring to the director of this particular film here. Further – don’t bother with a review on my account. Have read a lot about Dynamo and will go see the film .
Evacuating a third of a million men under fire had to be worth it – however much Britain has been suffering since America won the war.
The kind of spoiler I was thinking of was where an American actor pretends to be a Canadian in order to get into a film script for box office reasons. I don’t forget that America was willing to sit on its isolationalist hands whilst Britain was thrashed and many killed by German bombs with Ed Murrow doing a running bloody commentary. ( realise this isn’t directly about al Beeb bias sorry ).
Fed Up
No offence taken. My point is that in this day and age of PC madness it is possible to portray an event in history accurately without trying to pin a message to it. Many BME soldiers fought and died bravely for King and Country in both world wars I just don’t think there would be many at Dunkirk albeit French empire soldiers from Morocco etc. I’m so looking forward to it I do hope it is accurate in the name of all those who gave their lives due to Britain’s pre-war ineptitude and if a message does come out of it I hope it is “don’t forget our failings of the past, lest their lives be in vain”*.
Shot on location in ‘The Strand’, Rye, Camber Sands, Romney marsh and also Tibbs Farm in Udimore, where they hid between the two oast kilns, before getting out into the orchards behind and having to leave one of their mates… (saw them filming this bit from the school bus)!
Saw much of it going on in Rye and even stood a few feet from John Mills at one stage, but I was only about ten back then and very much in awe of proper actors!
Funny how it impacts when , as a kid , you see something like that. I remember being about 8 or 9 when there was a huge sound in the sky and caught a glimpse of what looked like a squadron of spitfires with a liberator in front – the filming for the Battle of Britain.
Fed Up
Please forgive me being a geek but the chase plane used in the Battle of Britian was a B-25 a twin engine bomber known as a Mitchell……..I was biting my tongue it was a in taxi moment “have you been busy tonight”? You know you shouldnt ask / say but you just cant help yourself… i forgiven ?
Ha ha yes a Mitchell of course . Halifax – maybe it was good that I wasn’t a fighter pilot or on the anti aircraft guns if I’d been around then as there might have been a few “oops” moments .
If I remember – referring to my previous post – the filming plane was bright red!
Halifax – I can’t say I’m particularly looking forward to Nolan’s film, even though I will probably make the effort to see it. It’s not because of any in-your-face politics but I think his work is much too tricksy and pointlessly confusing. His Batman films I found mostly too long and boring, although I’d give Batman Begins 6/10. The other two were massively overhyped imo.
The Prestige wasn’t too bad admittedly – but got bad reviews, but otherwise he is too in thrall with special effects and he makes his leading actors seem wooden and uninterested and that they’re just there as part of the scenery.
I don’t think we’ll be treated to the next Saving Private Ryan to be honest.
Noted that the EU have now decided to “stop exporting dinghies to Libya”.
Saw it on the Red Button yesterday. Who knew they were stupid enough to STILL be doing it? But the EU are not stupid at all, just rubbing our faces in their diversity. Seems they`ve got a Belgian boat in the Med as well to encourage the Libyans to get out and jojn their mates in Germany etc.
Not many Libyans, plenty Somalis and Malians from the Muslim end of their countries. Thank God we`re going.
An EU Army, fiscal locking and Turkey coming in?
Is there ANYBODY in this world who`d invest in the EU as this crock piles up in Frankfurt? No wonder David Davis doesn`t give a stuff-and he`s right. March 29th 2019-plug pulled, no blood transfusions and absolutely NO order to resuscitate the zombie EU.
Thought a lot about the saving Ryan film – it gave too insular account of D Day as an American event and cut the British and Canadian effort out completely. It avoided the near failure on Omaha being caused by American failure to get their tanks on the beach and give proper naval support to the beach. I Apologise for going off message re al Beeb am a bit of an amateur historian.
On a more contemporary issue
I wonder how al Beeb is going to news manage the announcement of pay and annual report tomorrow. They must be looking for a bigger story to take attention away.
Yes, unbelievable bias. Off course many will sympathise, but at the end of the day, questions need to be asked – why have you been unable to legally immigrate? Why don’t you live in Mexico?
I would also like to add – what the heck is a Mexican township? Is that supposed to make it sound like South Africa = we are on their side? (of course, goes without saying)
Strange how the BBC sides with customers as in the incident of the guy getting dragged off the plane, the lady who cried with two toddlers etc. But not in this case!! Wow, she’s a controversial conservative (coherent) speaker, and a Trump supporter = very bad. Therefore the bBBC must side with the airline and take the opportunity to smear her.
BBC Story …Forgot to add the … { dec2016}
1 – Delta Doesn’t Believe Black Woman Is A Doctor
2 – Muslim Family Forced To Move Seats After Being Verbally Attacked
3 – Delta Believes Sikh Woman’s Breast Pump Is A Bomb
4 – Muslim Couple Removed On Anniversary Trip
… if above true, then Delta has history of this behaviour. But would be interesting to see how she behaved on the plane…
As with all these things, I suspect there is more to this story. She has a fairly recognisable face and name and therefore it’s important to her to have the seat she’s booked. I am sure the staff and others would recognise her and that could cause scenes which might get blown out of hand.
Was on a United flight recently and a rather ‘forceful’ steward interacted with me about where to put my bag…I felt that it was quite ok under the seat in front, he had other ideas. It was quite clear that he didn’t like my attitude, but he couldn’t tell me I was wrong. It was uncomfortable, and I caught someone else raising an eyebrow, as if to say….you know what might be coming! Can’t understand why they are so impolite. Air mixture?
If this is true then someone inside albeeb must know that the huge amount of taxpayers money paid to these people is not justifiable. They always true justify it by saying that it is the commercial rate. Unfortunately al Beeb is meant to be an objective public service.
The last three words of my last are a contradiction is terms.
Why all media needs to be challenged?
“In 2013 when two British converts to Islam, two very radical young men, beheaded, ran over in broad daylight in South London, in this City. Ran over a solider on leave from Afghanistan, Drummer Lee Rigby {wiki}. Hacked at his body in the middle of the road, tried to get his head off with machetes. Simon described that as a mundane act of violence. I don’t think that is (Simon mumble’s it’s not) … it’s in your Guardian column. ” – Douglas Murray
“It was a mundane act of violence..(soft ha ha ha – crowd laugh with him)” – Simon Jenkins
“…but you see for most of us, the general public,we don’t think the reporting of a soldier being decapitated by two such men is a mundane thing.” – Douglas Murray
I don’t think any killing should be described as “mundane”, but one high profile killing that could arguably fit the description is the murder of Stephen Lawrence. Ironically, the last murder likely to be described in this way. What happened? An argument of some description between unsophisticated teenagers on the street resulted in one being stabbed and killed. No evidence of premeditation.
Sadly, this is relatively common and becoming more so, so it could, at a stretch, be described as “mundane”. However, different races were involved so all sensible analysis flies out of the window.
The establishment’s treatment of the Stephen Lawrence case has always struck me as deeply sinister, particularly because they used it as a reason to abolish, quietly, the age-old common law right of double indemnity (the right not to be tried for the same crime twice). There’s also the very odd fact of Lawrence’s mother Doreen being given a peerage – how many other mothers of murder victims got this treatment? In my opinion the case was politicised by the Blair administration as part of their campaign to ‘rub our faces in diversity.’
Apologies for it not being the Beeb; but if anyone else saw the last episode of ‘Fearless’ on ITV, can they tell me what happened to the bomb under the car, because I clearly missed someone disarming it !
Woke up to this unbelievable statement on Radio 4 !!! just before 6.30 am Radio 4 financial reporting about Goldman Sachs bank in the USA – The announcer said before the report that “It’s worth repeating the quote that Goldman is ” a vampire quid ……….relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money” ( looked it up was quoted on a site called The Rolling Stone in 2010 ) All I can say is that the BBC cannot be allowed to get away with such statements and I hope that there will be a flood of complaints to the BBC from the readers here to this outrage!
Asad Ahmed on BBC London News this morning becomes mouthpiece for the thoughts of Mayor Little Man Khan. We are told that the ineloquent present incumbent of City Hall thinks US President Donald Trump ought not to have a State Visit to Britain. I wonder, could we have a list of other world leaders the Khan has a beef with? Afterall the justification given by our Asad for this little bit of extra-curricular pontification, this bit of remit stretching on the part of the metropolitan chief town clerk is that “many people do not agree with his policies”. Well, do a survey and you might well find ditto Turkey’s Erdogan together with a host of Middle Eastern sheiks. The North Korean manboy? Who runs Pakistan these days – tell us all about their policies – call it Isamabad 1000 days and do it in depth and then see how we feel about it. How about public opinion on the EU leadership – oh my bad, we had a sort of a survey on the EU – I’d almost forgotten since the BBC ain’t so keen to refer to the result. I digress. Back to the apparently crucial issue of the day. Perhaps the BBC could have a quiet word with their mate the mayor and obtain a full list of those heads of state given the black spot and put it up on cefax – or is it the internet these days? Best not to clutter the news bulletins.
It’s not as though this choice gobbit of info about Khan’s liking or not of the Donald needs to be the number one headline in the capital today, does it?
Let’s not invite the most powerful democratically elected official. #LondonIsOpen {link to campaign} – to everyone except USA President.
#LondonIsOpen (except USA) is a major campaign – launched by the Mayor, Sadiq Khan – to show that London is united and open for business (except to largest economy in the World – GDP$19,417 billions), and to the world (except USA), following the EU referendum.
It shows the world that London remains entrepreneurial, international (except USA) and full of creativity and possibility (except USA). It reassures the more than one million foreign nationals who live in London that they will always be welcome (except for the President of the USA), and that any form of discrimination will not be tolerated (discriminated for being democratically elected?) .
“We don’t simply tolerate each other’s differences, we celebrate them. Many people from all over the globe live and work here, contributing to every aspect of life in our city. We now need to make sure that people across London, and the globe (except USA), hear that #LondonIsOpen. I urge everyone to get involved with this simple but powerful campaign to send a positive message to the world.(except USA)” – Sadiq Khan
“We don’t simply tolerate each other’s differences, we celebrate them.” I know, to celebrate even further lets have more stabbings and gun crime Emir Khan after all, it has been a couple of months since the last public atrocity carried out by YOUR so-called ‘religion’. Why are your public waiting?
“We don’t simply tolerate each other’s differences, we celebrate them.”
I’ve always had this weird practice. Whenever I’ve felt the urge to celebrate how different people are in France, Germany, the US, Thailand or Turkey, I get on a f***ing plane and go there.
This has the advantage of preserving the “differences” for future generations to “celebrate” and it doesn’t increase the risk of decapitation back home.
…. compare Mr. Khan with a man speaking from 3000 years ago, in the desert ….
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination…” – Qur’an 5v90
– Mayor in charge of 7000+ pubs of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor in charge of betting shops of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor promises fewer chicken shops (2017) but was promoting more Halal chicken production (2012)!
– Mayor promotes Halal food process – which is positive discrimination for Muslims! {}
I just noticed yesterday the front pages of the papers the BBC decides to display to the public, yesterday the main headlines were all negative towards Brexit, and critical of the Tories. Today we have:
May urged to sack her ‘donkey ministers’
MPs demand answers over hidden costs of warplane (ordered by Gordon Clown)
Middle class dementia cases halt the growth of longer life
Watchdog to ban ads which pander to gender stereotypes
Schools given £1.3 Billion to stave off Tory revolt
Brexit chief leaves talks after less than an hour.
Banner headline – the doctor we’ve been waiting for!
This is what they could have used if they weren’t so biased:
Aid cash wasted in rush to hit targets
Calls for inquiry into claims students voted twice for Corbyn
BBC stars forced offscreen as pay is revealed
Austerity may be starting to affect life expectancy in England, according to a leading health expert.
He explained social factors such as education, employment and working conditions and poverty all affected life expectancy by influencing lifestyles.
In a nutshell all the things that can be blamed on the Tories. Absolutely nothing to do with mass immigration of unhealthy people straining the NHS or certain cultures mass inbreeding resulting in genetically deficient children.
Hmm. Bit of a moral dilemma for the BBC, here. Old people dying – especially old White people – good (as long as they are not BBC managers, natch). But, one of the reasons We Need More Immigrants Is To Look After Us In Our Old Age (c) T.Blair Enterprises & BBC Worldwide Ltd. So, less old people to be looked after, less immigrants needed? Bleep. Buzz. Does not compute…
1 million immigrants … near future … 1 million old people. 1 million immigrants with 4 children each … 4 million old people. 4 million immigrants have 4 children … 16 million old people. Housed in housing estates or refugee camps?
The long expected start in the decline in the British population’s health as a result of the services being stretched further to accommodate millions of extra illnesses? After all if you take the population of the UK in 2015 to be, 65.14 million, increasing that figure by over half a million (538,000 – 2015/16 net migration ALONE) it will inevitably have an effect on already stretched health resources. No end to massive migration in sight so, the decline will continue so, in dedicated liberal fashion, I suggest the expression should be: ‘shove over and make room for more onboard’
The dramatic rise in diseases we had more or less got rid of in the UK some decades ago , e.g. TB , is a problem which is causing enormous concern in the medical profession. But of course the issue is being suppressed by the government and the MSM because it would be yet another good reason to stop migration. If those who oversaw the cladding at Grenfell are guilty of social murder , whatever that exactly is, then those who are bringing in massive number of migrants are even more guilty and the death toll of Brits will be much higher and continue for decades to come.
Levelling off eh?
Are we sure that we`re discussing raw years extra-or percentage increases in age expectancy? The BBC often select the one that they want to trash the Tories…and being mathematically illiterate, many won`t know or care.
The longer the life expectancy, the lower the percentage for very extra year lived. And given that there are biological limits that are still the norm, then the percentage extra time alive will always be decreasing at this stage. Add assisted dying, crime and youngsters killing each other as migrants too?…and you`d believe the BBC as much as you`d throw them.
I always felt the BBC’s commitment to impartiality was rock solid. Raving Isrealophobe as Middle East editor, not enough dead Jews lady as Today interviewer, lunatic activist trot as Newsnight economics editor, Jasmine Lawrence promoted after her twitter rant, James Purnell staying in touch with Ben Bradshaw….
Another one of the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation's finest . MUCH change needed,news and current affairs reporting is NOT reliable
BBC “Today” getting excited about the release later today of the inflation data. The annual increase in CPI is expected to be 2.9%, against a Bank of England target of 2%(+/- 1%). Humphrys harks back to the 1990s. It appears to have been wiped from the collective memory that inflation was running at about 3.5% when the Coalition government took over in 2010 and got over 5% in 2011.
BBC ‘Today’ programme 18.07.17 – The BBC report that President Trump has “FAILED” in his endeavours to dismantle Obamacare. I submit that, “DELAYED” would be the correct description but, in keeping with all and every continuing derogatory reference the BBC makes to Pres. Trump and his endeavours, ‘failed’ fits their narrative.
One thing the BBC cannot fail to acknowledge if they were honest with themselves (impossible though this is) is, it may take a little longer but Pres. Trump will dismantle the rapidly failing Obamacare and replace it with better. He is a man of his word.
The facts (free of BBC distortions and bias):
Trump allowed Ryan and McConnell and the GOP in Congress the chance to bin Obamacare, since they’ve been bleating about it since Obummer brought it into existence; they’ve now f****d it up twice. They’ve had their shot, in fact they’ve had two and made a mess of both.
Trump now needs to pivot to immigration, the issue which got him elected and start building that goddamn wall and begin deporting serious numbers of beaners; just like presidents Hoover and Eisenhower have done before him.
Exactly so. The piece on the Today programme was dishonest. As you say, Obamacare (also known as ‘Affordable Health’, a deeply ironical title) is seriously flawed and rapidly failing on many levels, and has been doing so for some years. But having never mentioned Obamacare’s many failings up to now, the BBC aren’t going to start explaining exactly why it must be repealed and replaced. Oh no. Much better to find a line to criticise Trump.
BBC’s Gary O’Donoghue – just – World at One: Trump’s failed again. But now, the uninformed listener would, in response to O’Donoghue’s statement that the, “maths don’t add up” conclude that P.Trumps plan to replace Obamacare is flawed rather than, the Republican voting numbers “maths don’t add up” – every little bit of condemnation no matter how twisted it is, all helps!
The Government has decided to introduce a law requiring anyone who wants to view porn to have to prove that they are 18 years old or over. It is described as being necessary in order to protect children.
Seems a strange considering it was recently deemed to be unacceptable and racist to expect grown Syrian men masquerading as children to have to prove their age when they were claiming asylum.
No-one seemed to give a toss about protecting our children then.
When Sadiq Khan speaks the response should always be, in no particular order …
– Halal … positive discrimination for Muslims?
– Chicken Cottage … more for the Islamic Companies or less for citizens of London?
– #LondonIsOpen … you mean open to everyone, except the President of the largest economy in the World
– Funds … London had £37 million in reserves to spend on protecting the citizens of London
– Religious dilemma …. gambling and drink under Islam verses looking after a modern city
“Think I’d put money (UK’s future) on the team on the left (EU Team)” (not the UK team on the right)
– Piers Scholfield (@ingelsi) // BBC News Europe Producer / 18jul2017 twitter
In particular, they should not write a regular column which deals with: news, current affairs, politics or current world affairs economics, business or finance matters of public policy, political or industrial controversy media issues moral or ethical issues or religion. One-off articles (every twitter response?) on any of these areas must be referred to a senior level in the relevant division (does this mean the BBC condones this response and supports the EU over the UK?).”
Programme makers, editorial staff, reporters and presenters in non-news areas may all wish to undertake journalistic work, write articles or write books. Such activity should not bring the BBC into disrepute.”
NOT reported by the world’s most trusted broadcaster:
“Probe is launched into ‘students who voted TWICE for Jeremy Corbyn’: Election watchdog investigates 1,000 complaints after surges in registrations in University towns”
This is a very serious issue that the government should get on top of immediately (fat chance).
It has been ‘reported’ by the Beeb but of course from the perspective that we musn’t put the little darlings off registering (and voting twice).
The ONS keeps stats on marriages so we know that 2-3% of them are same sex, which presumably is closely related to the proportion of gay people in society.
Contrast this with the fact that the Radio Times next week has the first 26 pages almost exclusively on gay topics.
Clearly, absolutely no agenda whatever.
Are straight people now banned from working at the bBBC?
Don’t worry, the Gays are being set up. It works on a very simple principle if you accept essential facts.
Fact one: by 2040 or so, the UK will be predominantly muslim. Muslims will not, inter alia, tolerate gays. Fact.
Fact two: Apart from the EU influx of migrants, the rest of the arrivals simply hate us. Hate ‘whitey’. That hate is historic and in the case of the UK, more so than any other post-colonial country in history. With exuberant megalomania Britain has meddled with and in most countries in the World. Our legacy is not good and hence the hate. The proverbial ‘boomerang’ will come back to haunt the Brits.
Fact three: when the balance of power in this country tips over into muzzie territory they will treat us in a similar manner to the way many westerners are treated in Arab States. Like sh*t. Physically slapped around, spat on and kicked like some dog. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. They will take it out on ol’ whitey with a vengeance. They won’t care if whitey is Polish, Romanian, simply non-muslim ‘whitey’. By then, so-called ‘hate crimes’ will vanish. Saudi’s don’t accept ‘hate crimes’ and them is what’s paying for our transformation into a caliphate.
I’m in my seventies, not of good health and have no children. Thankfully. Cause’ I can see what’s coming. Fortunately the Government (with the assistance of the BBC) are acting in anticipation of the future. They’re setting the gays and kids up to take the venom that’s the reason they’re dumbing them down so they won’t feel the pain, hopefully.
As expected, much has been made on the BBC and elsewhere of the embarrassing disparity between the EU Barnier side of the negotiating table, with piled and bulging folders before them, and the UK Davis and co with nothing. Surely a clear and painful indication of our total lack of preparation and naivety?
Yes, of course, if you assume Barnier and co representing the EU would never be so childish as to pull a spiteful, petty bit of point-scoring, in the comfortable knowledge that any photos could only be seen as clear evidence.
What if the briefing had been ‘No notes, just a preliminary discussion, sort out some of the background. That OK with you? Right, see you later.’
Odd that nobody seems to have seen through it – but maybe they wouldn’t want to. Can’t think why.
Barnier, Juncker, et al know exactly the entire British media is going to push their agenda, hence invitations instantly accepted by Sturgeon, Jones etc, knowing full well these traitors would be all over the media shaking hands with our opposition.
– Why aren’t the two people at then end of the table looking at the camera?
– Where are the drinks – not very sociable?
– Where are the biscuits? The hospitality?
– Why is everyone wearing jackets?
– Why?
Sometimes , especially if you are in the right , you don’t need papers .
Sometimes , if you are on dodgy ground , you need to baffle your opponent with statistics , quotes , expert opinions and unrelated matters . Ask a defendant lawyer .
I’ve been to many meetings without any papers. It’s quite easy if you know your subject and are clear about the objectives.
When someone has to be supported by lots of papers they waste time trying to find the relevant item, lose their thread and when they pick it up again their ‘opponent’ already has the response ready for their ‘killer’ argument. Game, Set and Match!
Same here. Anyone who has to consult paperwork in a high level meeting is not in charge of their brief. In any case the detail should be carried out by back room boys. I was chairing a meeting once and adjourned it because some of the people were wasting our time shuffling through papers !
All valid points above – but it’s safe to assume you’re all above average intelligence, many with direct knowledge of meetings and negotiaton. The ‘man in the street’ simply sees ‘them’ with massive preparation and ‘us’ with none. Tories inept. Job done
Terrible lefty propaganda from Labour’s political media machine – BBC. Austerity to blame? More like unfettered immigration from countries whose life expectancy rates are significantly lower. Appalling to try and blame austerity.
It is strange given how badly old people in the UK are treated generally. In my experience, in poor countries , old people are venerated and treated with dignity and there are no care homes !
“One of the places with the biggest gap in life expectancy – as has been widely reported following the Grenfell Tower fire (BBC should tag this article as Political) – is Kensington and Chelsea in London. … This is because of so-called social determinants. These cover factors such as housing, education, working conditions and poverty. … Experts such as Sir Michael believe these are just as important, if not more (which is it expert Sir Michael? As important or more so? Suggest your data is incomplete), as anything else. (what about being born in field in Africa? i.e. where you are born.)… And what determines these? Wealth. The richest people in Kensington and Chelsea live 16 years longer than the poorest. (Compare poorest in UK with tribal Africa please or North Korean)”
Expert Sir Michael, may I introduce you to Thomas Sowell. Please meet up and have a chat whilst Mr.Sowell is still around (Sowell is 86 I believe), that would be interesting …
Marky ,Thomas Sowell doesn’t think much about public services broadcasting . Or intellectuals , university lecturers and the self anointed visionaries . Why do I like him ?
A great man, whose stuff I’ve been reading for years. Naturally, he is a non-person so far as the BBC is concerned. A black(ish) man and a Conservative – an inconceivable combination in their eyes.
I’m trying to add these great people to the posts so that they are not forgotten, plus it shows that there are great people out there. If we keep mentioning Abbott, Waters, Corbyn, Jones then it will seem we are lost if these people are our torchbearers for future generations.
Quoting Orwell will make you seem old and living in the past, sort of goes for Hitchens as well. Quote Sowell, Milo, Coulter, Steyn, Murray, Mogg and Gowdy because they are in the now, in the very thick of our current history!
Is “Radio Times” still a BBC mouthpiece or does it just speak with the same voice? It says this about a Channel 4 (your achingly PC sports channel) programme tonight recounting how women footballers have been cheated for 100 years. As much as women’s football is thriving – this week sees England’s Euro 2017 matches shown live on Channel 4 – this remains a pervasive opinion. Girls are still being told their sport is less interesting, somehow feebler, than the men’s game, and that’s why there’s no money for them – that’s why they play in empty stadiums.
Typical BBC grasp of business. Apparently nobody watches women’s football because it lacks sponsors. Not that it lacks sponsors because their is no public appetite for the product.
Switched on Radio 4 in the car and people were singing the National Anthem. I could not believe it. Turns out that it was the start of the women’s cricket. A female (naturally ) commentator then said ” Following the traditional singing of the ENGLISH National Anthem….. ” Oh dear !!!
Confirmed by Poliwoops
see JeremyCorbyns deletions
“A diverse Grenfell Tower Inquiry team would help ensure residents are represented and feel confident in the process ”
(what ? cos they are so racist they won’t accept being represented by people of a different skin colour ?)
The poor souls should have been housed in Islington and Hampstead . I’m sure many of the overpaid BBC executives and so called BBC talent wouldn’t mind a few shacks in their expensive streets. When those who want more and more migration to our country actually live up to their word and have the migrants live amongst them permanently, I will listen to their emoting, until then it’s just virtue signalling. By the way it will take a miracle to convince me that the country will be better off with more migrants or that we have a duty to take any at all.
Why don`t we shut down BBC24 at Ten O Clock sharp in the evenings, only putting the telly on again at 8am nextr morning? By doing this, thousands of Grenfells and austerity victims could surely get a good nights kip without having to get into Saviles van in the car park?
Darkened studios, loads of camp beds and lashings of that free BBC coffee that they used to joke about(bet it`s really good these days though)
Not only that-but the wind turbines would thank us.
AND-we could simulate the brown outs we`ll be getting should Corbyns mates get to run the National Grid for a laugh.
Works for me.
I see the bBC is playing blame the tories yet again: Life expectancy rises ‘grinding to halt’ Rising rates of life expectancy are grinding to a halt after more than 100 years of continuous progress, according to a leading health expert. University College London expert Sir Michael Marmot said he was “deeply concerned” by the situation, calling it “historically highly unusual”. He said it was “entirely possible” austerity was to blame and said the issue needed looking at urgently.
Yup according to the bBC expert people will die sooner due to benefit cuts, 1% wage increases and living in poorer areas. Why they even knock out a chart in which to substantiate their findings:
Pretty depressing what? Now have another look at the scale on the left. The largest drop is….035% That’s 1/3 of 1 %. Hardly the front page stroy the bbC promotes. of course as this is the bBC they ask questions why people in rich areas don’t suffer as much: And what determines these? Wealth. The richest people in Kensington and Chelsea live 16 years longer than the poorest.
The bBC doesn’t mention this in the above article. Oh they have no problem bringing out another expert who complains about dirty sheets and people eating out of date food. Yet nothing about how the current Iphone generation are the fattest on record.
And the biggest irony. The generation from the war who actually lived under real austerity are the ones living the longest.
Pounce , the problem is – and part of the levelling off of life expectancy is – that the NHS likes to kill off the inconvenient old because they take up too much labour and too much time. Liverpool pathway, quiet overdose of morphine and its good night. I have seen it with a close relative.
It’s all about priorities and resources. NHS chooses not to resource elderly care . So people die before their time.
“And it’s due to austerity”
..Dingaling ! a “too wow to be true claim”
The point being that lifespan is so multifactoral, you’d need a hell of a complex set of studies to be able to filter out that effect.
#1 There is NO universal austerity.. cos the gov is spending more than ever, thou some fields might have lower resources others will have higher.
#2 Yep, the effect of a now richer population over indulging in food drugs is difficult to filter out.
#3 Most people dying now lived through the war and rationing so that will have some kind of effect.
There’s the phone around the experts trick that the BBC uses.
The beeboid keeps phoning scientists until he can get one of them to say something the narrative.
He then cherrypicks that report and ditches the rest.
Why hasn’t the BBC reported this I wonder. From todays Times newspaper:
“London’s fire authority, which wants £6 million from the government for specialist equipment after the Grenfell Tower disaster, underspent its budget by £9.9 million last year,
The figure was published yesterday as councils were warned against increasing the fire risk to buildings by hastily removing tower block cladding.
Despite concerns about a shortage of firefighters in the capital almost half the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) underspending was due to a failure to recruit personnel, leaving it with a wage bill surplus of £4.2 million in 2016-17.
Documents for the authority’s resources committee said recruitment policies aimed at increasing the diversity of fire service personnel had caused the number of applicants to fall.
The papers also revealed that the authority, appointed by Sadiq Khan, the Labour mayor of London, had £37 million in reserves, more than double the £14 million it is required to hold.
The scale of the underspending and financial reserves are embarrassing for Mr Khan who told Amber Rudd, the home secretary, last week that the Grenfell tragedy exposed London Fire Brigade’s need for “a new range of specialist equipment at an estimated cost of £6 million”.
Mr Khan’s letter to Ms Rudd warned that the fire service in London faced “financial pressures” that could create a budget gap of £25.5 million by 2021-22. Budget reports for the LFEPA resources committee, however, paint a picture of a body struggling to spend the money it already has. Spending on firefighter salaries was £3.4 million below the expected level while the amount spent on trainee firefighters was down £786,000 on projections.
The documents say the brigade faced “recruitment challenges” with one report highlighting the impact of a requirement that applicants must be resident in London. The policy, aimed at recruiting more minority candidates, had led to an “overall reduction in total applicants” while failing to hit diversity targets. Lucy Masoud, of the Fire Brigades Union, said that policies aimed at creating a more diverse service had helped create one short of manpower.”
The only report on the BBC is more propaganda about how little cash has been paid to the Grenfell Survivors.
Once again blatant filtering out of stories by the BBC of stories they don’t want mainstream to consume.
Toady – John welchman humphreys is getting a main stream kicking at the moment because he interviewed a tennis player this morning and asked her what is her nationality because she wasn’t born in Blighty, grew up somewhere else and her parents are from another country.
I just hope he does that to every one coming onto al Beeb . Soon it be another vacancy for a woman minority on the Toady programme. Such nationalism is counter to the multicultural code al Beeb holds so high.Knowing al. Beeb and its track record the next recruit will be an ex labour MP.
Check out the names, all scottish, the title on the web page drops that point. Plus a lot are SNP and Lib Dums; what elese would you expect them to sign.
Story : Scotland Letter “Sixty leading figures call for Brexit to be halted”
Comment are open but there is a hell of unusual pattern
The top comment is pro-Brexit.
…the next ones are Remain, but each one has more down votes that it has upvotes.
BTW sixty people isn’t a lot considering the amount of people who have the nose in the trough like one of the signatories “Friends of the Earth”
“We recognise that a narrow majority (52%) voted to leave the European Union, but the disastrous consequences are now becoming ever clearer – every day. (examples please)
“Even before the UK has left the EU, we face falling living standards, rising inflation, slowing growth and lower productivity. (is this UK or Greece? What if we stay?)”
21 out of 60 people in list provided – 7 former people and 1 ex-Nato.
i.e. 38% are NOT really leading figures of 21 provided!
One might ask the BBC what in the Editorial Guidelines propels someone in their eyes to the status of ‘leading figure’, with impartiality of course taken as a given.
Analysis: Simon Jack, BBC business editor
Inflation could still go up again this year (I’ve no idea really, I just make stuff up and get paid for it) – and many (how many say up and how many say down? 1%? 20%? 80%?) economists forecast it will – but it seems likely that we have been at least close to the peak. (what does this mean? Worry? Don’t worry?)
UK inflation unexpectedly slows to 2.6% in June (2017) UK inflation mysteriously slows to 2.6% in June UK inflation joyfully slows to 2.6% in June UK inflation defies BREXIT and slows to 2.6% in June UK inflation well below Venezuela’s 800% mark and slows to 2.6% in June (2017)
I see that John Whittingdale (the former Conservative culture secretary who renewed the BBC Charter but failed completely to control its bias) has said in respect of the disparity in male and female salaries that “… if there is a massive gap in pay between Sarah Montague and John Humphreys, then Sarah Montague is perfectly entitled to ask for more..”. I say, no, no, no! If SM is indeed paid much less than Humphreys, then it is Humphreys’ salary that must be reduced by an appropriate amount, not hers raised to match his.
What`s the betting that the BBCs news and current affairs monkeys tomorrow will all be the drones , drudges and dupes who normally do the weekend shifts?
If the BBC were REALLY proud of what great value they provide….and the likes of Kirsty, Fiona and Jim were equally sure that we REALLY think they`re worth every penny/euro?
I`d have thought they`d NOT be taking sickies, altering rosters or heading for that dentist appointment at Harley st that they`ve been putting off for a slow news day?
Me and the girls at work have a little bet-I think that Andrew Marr will earn more than John Humphrys but less that Chris Evans…we`ve got a league table and sweepstake into the top ten money grubbers at the BBC.
I reckon Jonathan Ross will do OK if we still include historic wallet abuse, via his grotesque pension.
Wonder who`ll be seen to pay the least tax and be more tax efficient?-I`ve drawn Alan Yentob for that one, so I`m in with a shout.
Second string BBC weather guy Chris Fawkes inadvertently echoes my own impression of the content of most weather forecasts these days as he ad libs just before 2pm on the News Channel. We now have to endure a tedious survey of potential max temps before the BBC will let on whether they think it will rain or not in the next fews days. And then comes the junk statistic – “9 days so far this summer when the temperature was over the 30 mark” Really? Are the BBC more interested in weather forecasting or trying to hammer home global warming? Why do I bother to ask?
Absolutely outrageous – would the @BBC have stood by if he'd used Proms broadcast to demand a ban on unwanted economic migration into EU?
The bBC and one of its Grenfell story of the day : Electricity problems at Grenfell Tower ‘never resolved’ Dozens of residents of Grenfell Tower suffered electricity power surges so strong their appliances malfunctioned, overheated and emitted smoke a few years before the fire, it has emerged. Documents seen by the BBC reveal how 25 residents claimed compensation from the council following the surges in 2013.
Great dragging up a story from 4 years ago, but as this is the bBC they just have to let you know who’s to blame: The documents show that 45 of the tower’s 129 flats were affected by a particularly powerful electricity surge on 29 May 2013.Eventually, 25 of those residents claimed compensation and received £200 each from the Conservative-controlled Kensington and Chelsea Council, a sum that many of them considered derisory.
Had to laugh at these puerile attempts at which to paint any resident of Granfell as only a victim: Sajad Jamalvatan, who moved into Grenfell Tower only in August last year, says he was concerned about the safety of electricity…Mr Jamalvatan said the newly installed electrical meter often made a strange buzzing sound at night and constantly had to be topped up with money. He was also concerned about the state of the wiring at the bottom of the tower, adding: “I went to the basement once and I saw a huge mess in the basement. So much wiring.”
Funny enough I was bored the other day and did a search on the bBC website on the number of articles they had knocked out on Grenfell. I stopped counting at 350
If I was having problems with the stability of my electricity I would complain to the people that I bought it from, I wouldn’t expect a landord, even a ‘wicked Conservative-controlled council’ to pay up.
A resident said: “”Even the dogs in the street knew by this time that the Grenfell Tower power supply was in a highly volatile and dangerous state.””
Is he getting confused with Corgis? They’re the ones that used to do the gas!
The BBC has in the past made comparisons between the (non-EU) US fridge standards and the (obviously Brexit) ‘British’ fridge standards. Of course the odds are that any ‘British’ fridge is really manufactured on the continent, (or further afield), to EU-standards, including 230 volt working. By a bit of sleight of hand the UK voltage of 240 volts is now 230 volts too, except it isn’t, being 10% higher, (those politicians can fix any technical problem by law!), or back where we started, but with inferior appliances. The EU ensuring our safety again, not.
“Dozens of residents of Grenfell Tower suffered electricity power surges ……. caused by other residents trying to by-pass the meters to defraud the supplier”?
I looked under the bonnet of my car once – so much engine I couldn’t believe it! I also had to constantly keep filling it with petrol every time I used it.
“Sir, when you say ‘So much wiring’ is it just more wires that you have ever seen before? Are the wires in an orderly fashion – trunked around the basement as you would expect to see. Sir, please come with me to this other building to see if the wiring is the same as you experienced in Grenfell. Sir, are you telling me you had access to the maintenance rooms which normally have a lock and say ‘No Unauthorised Access’ written on the door. When you say ‘huge mess’ can you provide a drawing? Sir why didn’t you report your findings to the landlord or Grenfell action group? Sir, in your apartment how many appliances did you have plugged into walls plus did you find that when you used more appliances that you had to put more money into the meter? Sir, instead of asking any journalistic questions I will just write what you say down and enter it onto the website on my way to the coffee shop. Many Thanks.“
Regards the issue of acid attacks (Which came over to these shores with our new peaceful Islamic neighbours. ) Anybody know why the bBC isn’t reporting this court case: Mustafa Ahmed, sprayed a heavily pregnant woman’s baby bump and her boyfriend with acid after they argued with a ‘group of Somali men'” A college student sprayed a heavily pregnant woman and her partner with acid hours after they ‘argued with a group of Somali men’, a court has heard. The woman was left with burns to her ‘baby bump’ while her partner was hit in the face by the corrosive spray. Both were hospitalised after the assault with a corrosive substance in Mile End, east London, in the early hours of Tuesday, July 4. Mustafa Ahmed, 19, of Stepney, east London, appeared at Thames Magistrates Court on Tuesday charged with one count of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm and one count of attempted wounding with intent to do GBH.
Anybody else wondering how the bBC still haven’t managed to put 1+1 together on the rise of Acid attacks in the UK. Funny enough I did a search on the bBC on the name of Mustafa Ahmed and whilst this wanker wasn’t down on the bBCs books, his name sake was: Oxford pregnant girl sex attack: Mustafa Ahmed pleads guilty A man has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a pregnant teenager in Oxford. The girl, who was 17 at the time and cannot be identified, was attacked after waking up in a house in the city in December 2011, the trail has heard. Mustafa Ahmed, 26, of Harrow Road, London, changed his plea to guilty at Oxford Crown Court earlier.
Two blokes with the same name and both in the dock for attack pregnant women. Who would have guessed?
Regards the issue of acid attacks (Which came over to these shores with our new peaceful Islamic neighbours. ) Anybody know why the bBC isn’t reporting this court case: Mustafa Ahmed, sprayed a heavily pregnant woman’s baby bump and her boyfriend with acid after they argued with a ‘group of Somali men'” A college student sprayed a heavily pregnant woman and her partner with acid hours after they ‘argued with a group of Somali men’, a court has heard. The woman was left with burns to her ‘baby bump’ while her partner was hit in the face by the corrosive spray. Both were hospitalised after the assault with a corrosive substance in Mile End, east London, in the early hours of Tuesday, July 4. Mustafa Ahmed, 19, of Stepney, east London, appeared at Thames Magistrates Court on Tuesday charged with one count of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm and one count of attempted wounding with intent to do GBH.
Anybody else wondering how the bBC still haven’t managed to put 1+1 together on the rise of Acid attacks in the UK. Funny enough I did a search on the bBC on the name of Mustafa Ahmed and whilst this wanker wasn’t down on the bBCs books, his name sake was: Oxford pregnant girl sex attack: Mustafa Ahmed pleads guilty A man has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a pregnant teenager in Oxford. The girl, who was 17 at the time and cannot be identified, was attacked after waking up in a house in the city in December 2011, the trail has heard. Mustafa Ahmed, 26, of Harrow Road, London, changed his plea to guilty at Oxford Crown Court earlier.
Two blokes with the same name and both in the dock for attack pregnant women. Who would have guessed?
When did supposedly serious journalists start using terms like ‘baby bump’? Will we now hear about tummies, peepers, front bottoms and tootsies? Idiots.
Regards the issue of acid attacks (Which came over to these shores with our new peaceful Islamic neighbours. ) Anybody know why the bBC isn’t reporting this court case: Mustafa Ahmed, sprayed a heavily pregnant woman’s baby bump and her boyfriend with acid after they argued with a ‘group of Somali men'” A college student sprayed a heavily pregnant woman and her partner with acid hours after they ‘argued with a group of Somali men’, a court has heard. The woman was left with burns to her ‘baby bump’ while her partner was hit in the face by the corrosive spray. Both were hospitalised after the assault with a corrosive substance in Mile End, east London, in the early hours of Tuesday, July 4. Mustafa Ahmed, 19, of Stepney, east London, appeared at Thames Magistrates Court on Tuesday charged with one count of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm and one count of attempted wounding with intent to do GBH.
Anybody else wondering how the bBC still haven’t managed to put 1+1 together on the rise of Acid attacks in the UK. Funny enough I did a search on the bBC on the name of Mustafa Ahmed and whilst this wanker wasn’t down on the bBCs books, his name sake was: Oxford pregnant girl sex attack: Mustafa Ahmed pleads guilty A man has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a pregnant teenager in Oxford. The girl, who was 17 at the time and cannot be identified, was attacked after waking up in a house in the city in December 2011, the trail has heard. Mustafa Ahmed, 26, of Harrow Road, London, changed his plea to guilty at Oxford Crown Court earlier.
Two blokes with the same name and both in the dock for attack pregnant women. Who would have guessed?
No, no, no, no – you have it all wrong. Every acid attack on the BBC has been a spurned white man on his ex lover/partner. Names have been listed. Photos shown. No non-whites.
Tonight’s R4 Documentary is about young boys being abused
and focueses on one boy abused by many men
The prog is organised by Shami Charkribarti’s charity Libery
..where were they when the on street grooming gangs were unreported ?
Tuesday's @BBCfileon4 tells our client's story – abused by 23 men from age 13 and let down by police at every turn
Liberty’s past tweets contain noting about paedoophile abuse of boys
They have never mentioned keywords like groomed, grooming before today
Wonder if the skin colour of tonight’s victim has something to do with their interest ?
Tonight's @BBCfileon4 tells the story of our client "Ben", completely let down by the authorities while being groomed and abused from age 13
‘About a Boy‘ … language hides the number of victims. How many will be found?
“3 Girls” vs “47 Innocent Rochdale Girls Raped over 2 years (2008-2010)”
“1400 Innocent Rotherham Girls Raped over 16 years (1997-2013)”
Read how the bBC politicises a down to earth job application Theatre company advert asks if millennials understand ‘real world’ A theatre company has questioned if millennials “are taught anything about… the real world” after being unimpressed by applicants for a job. The Tea House Theatre, in Vauxhall, south London, posted an advert for the £15,000-£20,000 administration role on Arts Council England’s ArtsJobs site. In it, the advert read that “it shouldn’t be this hard” to find “a grafter, who can commit”.
So a company sick of time wasters asks for a hard worker: “It saddens me to be putting this advert up for the third time in as many months,” the ad goes on. Are you just not taught anything about existing in the real world, where every penny counts. Did no one teach you that the end of your studies is the beginning of your education?”Brushing up your CV? There’s more. “We need a grafter, who can commit. The absolute dogs in office skills, the ability to run a paper filing system as well as a computerised one … we have not been impressed so far.”
and here is what the bBC thinks is the reason why: Tea House Theatre wonders why “millennials” – the generation born between 1980 and 1999 and the largest age group since the baby boomers – are so turned off a job that “shouldn’t be this hard” to fill, but perhaps the answer lies in the pay. It wants to offer someone between £15,000 and £20,000 a year for an administrative job in London. This works out at between £288 and £384 a week. That’s less than the UK median wage for a full-time administration worker (excluding secretaries).
That figure of £288 is gained by dividing 15,000 by 52 (the nbr of weeks in a year) Hands up who works 52 weeks a year.
“Which adverts drew complaints over sexism?”
More PC rubbish per year for your “telly tax “.
Al Beeb doesn’t rely on revenue from adverts – it mugs you lot every year !
Well that just goes t show how much i care about racially motivated agendas… I`ve never up until now considered that side of anyones life and thier racial or ethnicity… I don`t do identity politics I would rather listen to what a person has to say than make an assumption based on colour… Apart from that how could I possibly know or care about that on a forum full of people whose viewpoints are the reason for my being here and the site covers all types of BBC bias… That is the way I like it, so people can debate the issues not attack the person who posted it…. So anyway… that kind of stuff isn`t a bad thing it goes to show that people from all parts of the country are here and they can post an opinion on a topic without it descending into an immature schoolyard type debate… I get mistaken for a BNP or EDL little Englander often in the same way and yet my origins are N.Irish/Australian and Catholic, I will admit to being born in N.E.Lincolnshire and being white but it doesn`t affect my opinions or viewpoints on the BBC bias we discuss here either…Thats the best thing about this forum, we are able to say what we think as long as it isn`t breaking the websites rules and we remain civil we can post counter opinions without it bewing destructive… Constructive and informed debate when needed is possible here mainly due to the members knowing thier subject matter… I honestly had no idea and still don`t know anything about who you really are and tbh it doesn`t matter I am more interested in what you have to say.. The same goes for all of the people who post here… That`s a good thing and a forum like that is hard to find these days…
Justin Casey – your post sums up why I post here. Thanks for that. I remember listening to Ann Coulter and thinking I didn’t like here voice and switched off. For some reason I went back and actually listened to what she was saying which was amazing, clear and on point.
This was an important lesson for me that I will never forget – it was also Christopher Hitchens who said it’s language which is our most amazing gift. Just our ability to communicate is amazing – a gift we should not overlook and one that we need to appreciate and look after.
“Free Education” – Free? Do you mean available to everyone rather than without cost or payment. Because someone will have to pay by taxes or effort.
“For the Many, Not the Few” – who are the few you’re excluding in this statement, who are the Many and who are the Few? Please give some examples from all the political parties and ordinary people.
“Enough is Enough” – what is enough and if it happens again will it be “More than Enough”? Has there been enough freedom of expression on the internet.
“Stop the War” – do you mean all wars including those by other Nations, how can you get them to stop ‘wanting’ war? Here I am thinking of North Korea who train their children to hate all except North Korea to the point where the state controls all TV and rewrite maps of the world.
“Do you think those who didn’t vote should be included in the final EU Referendum Result?” – if so does this apply – “Leave the EU” + “Happy Either Way” @65% “Remain in the EU” @35%
“Strong and Stable” – weak and unstable is the alternative, by strong do you mean a majority and stable means inflexible?
“More Diversity” – when is enough? Is more 50% or 99%? Which of these sounds better? “Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive Diversity ala Merkel”
Yep, the cop has been named as …….. Mohammed ! but because the body and car cameras were for some reason switched off, nobody can ‘understand’ why or how it happened. Different tactics employed by Islam now ? I’m going to be extra wary next time I see a medic if he’s not white and Protestant.
Tony Blair courted Chinese leaders for Saudi prince’s oil firm
* Former PM helped PetroSaudi (totalitarian regime) break into Chinese market (totalitarian regime)
* His firm was paid £41,000 a month plus 2% commission (does not say how long contract was or money made on commissions)
* Blair held role as Middle East peace (and making deals at the same time? Legal? Moral? Ethical?) envoy at the time
I know it`s `O/T but it came from a Newsthump related article in the DM relating to Coventry being labelled a sh*thole along with four other places which are entrants for next years City Of Culture Award…. This years winner is Hull and the BBC can`t stop harping on about it… I live not far from Hull and that is a sh*thole trust me don`t bother going there!!!
Anyways here`s a link to one of the websites other pages that came up after I had read the Article…. It is very relevent to the BBC as it is about diversity and racial bias etc…. I hope you all like it, I know it`s old but still it is relevent…
Its official! We are dying younger because of Mrs May’s austerity, the BBC says tis true; and we’ll die younger still if Brexit goes ahead: we must stop Brexit NOW!
If people are dying younger, then it`s because the BBCs endless bellyaching over Brexit and Trump is driving the snowflakes to self harm or the loony bins. About time the media and schools were put in the dock over THEIR clear link to mental illness and suicide rates.
Thankfully, our generation have learned not to believe a word of the liberals media and curriculum-but our kids still believe what ObamaBlair tells them. Thick, poor sods.
Good points Alicia. I cannot remember a time when so many schoolchildren are committing suicide – its unprecedented since the 1870 Education Act, and particularly since the advent of social media. We’ve all faced ‘pressure’ as children to do well at school, but we live in different times now, and sadly a lot of things aren’t for the better in other aspects of school ‘life’. Small children are sent to school still wearing nappies, don’t know how to use a knife and fork, and don’t get any breakfast before they set off. Yet we see parents demanding this and that, are the first to lay into the teachers if their kids are disciplined but cant even potty train them. This state of affairs is even worse than in Victorian times, – even 60 years ago our Mum’s cobbled together some Ready Brek or toast before we left the house. Now the indoctrination of left wing ideals is rampant, just read the following in todays D/Mail, its spot on reading …………….
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
No sign of this on the BBC website.
No surprise there then.
Being overseas at the moment I get the BBC world news default which includes something called ‘The BBC Shop’. If you get a chance have a look – it instantly reminded of that nice British National Trust type stuff – you know – nice marmalade , book marks . It is devoid of the multicultural feed British people get at home . Couldn’t quite believe what I saw.
And if you want to be cheered up see the front page of The Independent on Isis terrorists being thrown off buildings in Mosul . If true sometimes things do go well
Just been reading the reviews on Christopher Nolans Dunkirk. It would appear that a cinematic masterpiece is upon us review after review praising it’s cinematography. A true tale of Britian at it’s best. But hey ho guess who mentions in the review “Brexit” non other than our friends at the Guardian. They still like the film though, despite a) no women b) no BME and 3) no latent repressed WW2 homosexual. So let’s wait to see what those pricks say about it on Friday no doubt the “rescue” will include references to the current migrant sitaution….im going seeing it on Friday, it’s day of release…hope I’m not disappointed….chin up chappys WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS TOGETHER .
I would be grateful for a review after you see it – particularly if worth the big screen money – please include and spoiler alerts! I m still fond of the Black & white version which I think was an Ealing job in the late 1950s.
I will certainly post a review, not sure what a spoiler would constitute though..then again a spoiler could be
…… the end they
look back after 70 years and ask- was it worth the sacrifice?……would that spoil the film for you ?
Interestingly, Mark Rylance made the point that those involved in bringing over their Little Ships for the rescue operation, would never happen today. Because when Dunkirk happened nobody thought of themselves first, they did what they could without thought. Today, the attitude would be how much will I get, and whether my insurance would cover it. Yet strangely 70 odd years later the ‘rescue boats’ in the Med are doing exactly the same thing, but in the wrong direction !
They would probably blame Dunkirk council.
Only if it was Tory controlled.
Halifax Apologies – was being inappropriately flippant over something so serious.
I just get fed up with films made by Americans which distort the truth and rewrite events so that they become fact .i am not referring to the director of this particular film here. Further – don’t bother with a review on my account. Have read a lot about Dynamo and will go see the film .
Evacuating a third of a million men under fire had to be worth it – however much Britain has been suffering since America won the war.
The kind of spoiler I was thinking of was where an American actor pretends to be a Canadian in order to get into a film script for box office reasons. I don’t forget that America was willing to sit on its isolationalist hands whilst Britain was thrashed and many killed by German bombs with Ed Murrow doing a running bloody commentary. ( realise this isn’t directly about al Beeb bias sorry ).
Fed Up
No offence taken. My point is that in this day and age of PC madness it is possible to portray an event in history accurately without trying to pin a message to it. Many BME soldiers fought and died bravely for King and Country in both world wars I just don’t think there would be many at Dunkirk albeit French empire soldiers from Morocco etc. I’m so looking forward to it I do hope it is accurate in the name of all those who gave their lives due to Britain’s pre-war ineptitude and if a message does come out of it I hope it is “don’t forget our failings of the past, lest their lives be in vain”*.
*That’s quiet poetic for a Tuesday lunch.
Certainly was a late fifties film, Fed.
Shot on location in ‘The Strand’, Rye, Camber Sands, Romney marsh and also Tibbs Farm in Udimore, where they hid between the two oast kilns, before getting out into the orchards behind and having to leave one of their mates… (saw them filming this bit from the school bus)!
Saw much of it going on in Rye and even stood a few feet from John Mills at one stage, but I was only about ten back then and very much in awe of proper actors!
Funny how it impacts when , as a kid , you see something like that. I remember being about 8 or 9 when there was a huge sound in the sky and caught a glimpse of what looked like a squadron of spitfires with a liberator in front – the filming for the Battle of Britain.
Fed Up
Please forgive me being a geek but the chase plane used in the Battle of Britian was a B-25 a twin engine bomber known as a Mitchell……..I was biting my tongue it was a in taxi moment “have you been busy tonight”? You know you shouldnt ask / say but you just cant help yourself… i forgiven ?
Ha ha yes a Mitchell of course . Halifax – maybe it was good that I wasn’t a fighter pilot or on the anti aircraft guns if I’d been around then as there might have been a few “oops” moments .
If I remember – referring to my previous post – the filming plane was bright red!
And a favourite line from my favourite actor, Michael Caine, when he asks control for instructions otherwise ‘they’ll all blow up’…
Halifax – I can’t say I’m particularly looking forward to Nolan’s film, even though I will probably make the effort to see it. It’s not because of any in-your-face politics but I think his work is much too tricksy and pointlessly confusing. His Batman films I found mostly too long and boring, although I’d give Batman Begins 6/10. The other two were massively overhyped imo.
The Prestige wasn’t too bad admittedly – but got bad reviews, but otherwise he is too in thrall with special effects and he makes his leading actors seem wooden and uninterested and that they’re just there as part of the scenery.
I don’t think we’ll be treated to the next Saving Private Ryan to be honest.
Noted that the EU have now decided to “stop exporting dinghies to Libya”.
Saw it on the Red Button yesterday. Who knew they were stupid enough to STILL be doing it? But the EU are not stupid at all, just rubbing our faces in their diversity. Seems they`ve got a Belgian boat in the Med as well to encourage the Libyans to get out and jojn their mates in Germany etc.
Not many Libyans, plenty Somalis and Malians from the Muslim end of their countries. Thank God we`re going.
An EU Army, fiscal locking and Turkey coming in?
Is there ANYBODY in this world who`d invest in the EU as this crock piles up in Frankfurt? No wonder David Davis doesn`t give a stuff-and he`s right. March 29th 2019-plug pulled, no blood transfusions and absolutely NO order to resuscitate the zombie EU.
Thought a lot about the saving Ryan film – it gave too insular account of D Day as an American event and cut the British and Canadian effort out completely. It avoided the near failure on Omaha being caused by American failure to get their tanks on the beach and give proper naval support to the beach. I Apologise for going off message re al Beeb am a bit of an amateur historian.
On a more contemporary issue
I wonder how al Beeb is going to news manage the announcement of pay and annual report tomorrow. They must be looking for a bigger story to take attention away.
A little FB before zzzz, and what greets me?
“”Donald Trump is deporting our parents.”
The reality behind President Trump’s promise to deport millions already in the US:
(via BBC Stories)”
Don personally kicking them out the helo, the bastid.
Yes, unbelievable bias. Off course many will sympathise, but at the end of the day, questions need to be asked – why have you been unable to legally immigrate? Why don’t you live in Mexico?
I would also like to add – what the heck is a Mexican township? Is that supposed to make it sound like South Africa = we are on their side? (of course, goes without saying)
Don’t usually post this much, but the bBBC is excelling itself. Enthusiastic for the chance to denigrate a conservative speaker:
Strange how the BBC sides with customers as in the incident of the guy getting dragged off the plane, the lady who cried with two toddlers etc. But not in this case!! Wow, she’s a controversial conservative (coherent) speaker, and a Trump supporter = very bad. Therefore the bBBC must side with the airline and take the opportunity to smear her.
BBC I hope you are extinct very soon.
BBC Story …Forgot to add the … { dec2016}
1 – Delta Doesn’t Believe Black Woman Is A Doctor
2 – Muslim Family Forced To Move Seats After Being Verbally Attacked
3 – Delta Believes Sikh Woman’s Breast Pump Is A Bomb
4 – Muslim Couple Removed On Anniversary Trip
… if above true, then Delta has history of this behaviour. But would be interesting to see how she behaved on the plane…
As with all these things, I suspect there is more to this story. She has a fairly recognisable face and name and therefore it’s important to her to have the seat she’s booked. I am sure the staff and others would recognise her and that could cause scenes which might get blown out of hand.
Was on a United flight recently and a rather ‘forceful’ steward interacted with me about where to put my bag…I felt that it was quite ok under the seat in front, he had other ideas. It was quite clear that he didn’t like my attitude, but he couldn’t tell me I was wrong. It was uncomfortable, and I caught someone else raising an eyebrow, as if to say….you know what might be coming! Can’t understand why they are so impolite. Air mixture?
According to the BBC , Anne Coulter ” rants” .
I bet they didn’t say that about Emily Thornbury .
One feels their angst. Serious.
If this is true then someone inside albeeb must know that the huge amount of taxpayers money paid to these people is not justifiable. They always true justify it by saying that it is the commercial rate. Unfortunately al Beeb is meant to be an objective public service.
The last three words of my last are a contradiction is terms.
Why all media needs to be challenged?
“In 2013 when two British converts to Islam, two very radical young men, beheaded, ran over in broad daylight in South London, in this City. Ran over a solider on leave from Afghanistan, Drummer Lee Rigby {wiki}. Hacked at his body in the middle of the road, tried to get his head off with machetes. Simon described that as a mundane act of violence. I don’t think that is (Simon mumble’s it’s not) … it’s in your Guardian column. ” – Douglas Murray
“It was a mundane act of violence..(soft ha ha ha – crowd laugh with him)” – Simon Jenkins
“…but you see for most of us, the general public,we don’t think the reporting of a soldier being decapitated by two such men is a mundane thing.” – Douglas Murray
“In taking mundane acts of violence and setting them on a global stage, we not only politicise them, we risk validating the furies that drive them.{guardian 23may2013}”
Denial & obfuscation about islam fuels growing distrust – Douglas Murray {youtube@3:52}
Intelligence Squared event: “Don’t give them what they want: Terrorists should be starved of the oxygen of publicity” 22Feb2017
“If your entire media says Islamic Extremism has nothing to do with Islam, you will create a movement that will say it’s ALL to do with Islam. {youtube@9:55}“
I don’t think any killing should be described as “mundane”, but one high profile killing that could arguably fit the description is the murder of Stephen Lawrence. Ironically, the last murder likely to be described in this way. What happened? An argument of some description between unsophisticated teenagers on the street resulted in one being stabbed and killed. No evidence of premeditation.
Sadly, this is relatively common and becoming more so, so it could, at a stretch, be described as “mundane”. However, different races were involved so all sensible analysis flies out of the window.
Lee Rigby was entirely different.
The establishment’s treatment of the Stephen Lawrence case has always struck me as deeply sinister, particularly because they used it as a reason to abolish, quietly, the age-old common law right of double indemnity (the right not to be tried for the same crime twice). There’s also the very odd fact of Lawrence’s mother Doreen being given a peerage – how many other mothers of murder victims got this treatment? In my opinion the case was politicised by the Blair administration as part of their campaign to ‘rub our faces in diversity.’
Apologies for it not being the Beeb; but if anyone else saw the last episode of ‘Fearless’ on ITV, can they tell me what happened to the bomb under the car, because I clearly missed someone disarming it !
Woke up to this unbelievable statement on Radio 4 !!! just before 6.30 am Radio 4 financial reporting about Goldman Sachs bank in the USA – The announcer said before the report that “It’s worth repeating the quote that Goldman is ” a vampire quid ……….relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money” ( looked it up was quoted on a site called The Rolling Stone in 2010 ) All I can say is that the BBC cannot be allowed to get away with such statements and I hope that there will be a flood of complaints to the BBC from the readers here to this outrage!
I thought the Beeb liked Goldman Sachs because they are anti Brexit ?
Yes, poor Goldman Sachs – quite appalling; an absolute outrage in fact.
No balance, no alternative view
Asad Ahmed on BBC London News this morning becomes mouthpiece for the thoughts of Mayor Little Man Khan. We are told that the ineloquent present incumbent of City Hall thinks US President Donald Trump ought not to have a State Visit to Britain. I wonder, could we have a list of other world leaders the Khan has a beef with? Afterall the justification given by our Asad for this little bit of extra-curricular pontification, this bit of remit stretching on the part of the metropolitan chief town clerk is that “many people do not agree with his policies”. Well, do a survey and you might well find ditto Turkey’s Erdogan together with a host of Middle Eastern sheiks. The North Korean manboy? Who runs Pakistan these days – tell us all about their policies – call it Isamabad 1000 days and do it in depth and then see how we feel about it. How about public opinion on the EU leadership – oh my bad, we had a sort of a survey on the EU – I’d almost forgotten since the BBC ain’t so keen to refer to the result. I digress. Back to the apparently crucial issue of the day. Perhaps the BBC could have a quiet word with their mate the mayor and obtain a full list of those heads of state given the black spot and put it up on cefax – or is it the internet these days? Best not to clutter the news bulletins.
It’s not as though this choice gobbit of info about Khan’s liking or not of the Donald needs to be the number one headline in the capital today, does it?
Let’s not invite the most powerful democratically elected official. #LondonIsOpen {link to campaign} – to everyone except USA President.
#LondonIsOpen (except USA) is a major campaign – launched by the Mayor, Sadiq Khan – to show that London is united and open for business (except to largest economy in the World – GDP$19,417 billions), and to the world (except USA), following the EU referendum.
It shows the world that London remains entrepreneurial, international (except USA) and full of creativity and possibility (except USA). It reassures the more than one million foreign nationals who live in London that they will always be welcome (except for the President of the USA), and that any form of discrimination will not be tolerated (discriminated for being democratically elected?) .
“We don’t simply tolerate each other’s differences, we celebrate them. Many people from all over the globe live and work here, contributing to every aspect of life in our city. We now need to make sure that people across London, and the globe (except USA), hear that #LondonIsOpen. I urge everyone to get involved with this simple but powerful campaign to send a positive message to the world.(except USA)” – Sadiq Khan
Americans – the acceptable xenophobia for the Left and for the BBC
“We don’t simply tolerate each other’s differences, we celebrate them.” I know, to celebrate even further lets have more stabbings and gun crime Emir Khan after all, it has been a couple of months since the last public atrocity carried out by YOUR so-called ‘religion’. Why are your public waiting?
“We don’t simply tolerate each other’s differences, we celebrate them.”
I’ve always had this weird practice. Whenever I’ve felt the urge to celebrate how different people are in France, Germany, the US, Thailand or Turkey, I get on a f***ing plane and go there.
This has the advantage of preserving the “differences” for future generations to “celebrate” and it doesn’t increase the risk of decapitation back home.
Highly recommended.
“We’ve got too many chicken shops in our town centres (London), … We’ve got too many pawn brokers in our town centres (London 2015). We’ve got too many gambling shops in our town centres (London 2015). Elect me (Sadiq Khan) to be the London Mayor and we’ll sort all those three things out. { aug2015}”
…. compare Mr. Khan with a man speaking from 3000 years ago, in the desert ….
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination…” – Qur’an 5v90
Who is in charge of 7000+ pubs in London in 2017?
… wait, Sadiq Khan spoke at the Chicken Cottage Awards in 2012 …
“Here’s the beautiful thing … these are British products, selling Islamic Products, selling Halal Products (Halal – throat cut whilst conscious, slaughtered by Muslim only employee, incantation to animal from a Koran by Muslim only). That is niche and general, but it’s gone main stream. {youtube Chicken Cottage Award Ceremony 2012}”
– Mayor in charge of 7000+ pubs of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor in charge of betting shops of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor promises fewer chicken shops (2017) but was promoting more Halal chicken production (2012)!
– Mayor promotes Halal food process – which is positive discrimination for Muslims! {}
… my head is spinning … previous story on Hala@biasedbbc (Religious Slaughter – jobs for Muslims only)
“compare Mr. Khan with a man speaking from 3000 years ago, in the desert”
Good comparison but it was only 1400 years or so.
Diane Abbott is also his Diary Secretary. Allegedly.
Diane Abbott is also his Diary Secretary. Allegedly.
Guest I have to get revenge for your link yesterday

Dairy Secretary eh???
Good correction Despairada! Thanks – will double my efforts to stop looking stupid in the future – always think less like Diane Abbott and Maxine Waters “700 billion (people, currently 7.5 billion on Earth) in Trumpcare bill” when checking your numbers.
Be more Jacob Rees Mogg “I hope they (EU) are whistling busily and making a jolly and joyful tune. We need more optimism in this debate…” or Thomas Sowell.
Friends Reunited
You can take the man out of the BBC, but….
I just noticed yesterday the front pages of the papers the BBC decides to display to the public, yesterday the main headlines were all negative towards Brexit, and critical of the Tories. Today we have:
May urged to sack her ‘donkey ministers’
MPs demand answers over hidden costs of warplane (ordered by Gordon Clown)
Middle class dementia cases halt the growth of longer life
Watchdog to ban ads which pander to gender stereotypes
Schools given £1.3 Billion to stave off Tory revolt
Brexit chief leaves talks after less than an hour.
Banner headline – the doctor we’ve been waiting for!
This is what they could have used if they weren’t so biased:
Aid cash wasted in rush to hit targets
Calls for inquiry into claims students voted twice for Corbyn
BBC stars forced offscreen as pay is revealed
Just more bias even in the less important areas
BBC editorial integrity.
Propaganda backed by censorship.
Rises in life expectancy ‘levelling off’
Austerity may be starting to affect life expectancy in England, according to a leading health expert.
He explained social factors such as education, employment and working conditions and poverty all affected life expectancy by influencing lifestyles.
In a nutshell all the things that can be blamed on the Tories. Absolutely nothing to do with mass immigration of unhealthy people straining the NHS or certain cultures mass inbreeding resulting in genetically deficient children.
‘May’ has launched many a BBC ‘expert ‘ punt.
No bad thing really. Beyond the factors you mention, medical science pushing physical survival beyond mental capacity is filling up dementia homes.
And BBC editorial offices.
Hmm. Bit of a moral dilemma for the BBC, here. Old people dying – especially old White people – good (as long as they are not BBC managers, natch). But, one of the reasons We Need More Immigrants Is To Look After Us In Our Old Age (c) T.Blair Enterprises & BBC Worldwide Ltd. So, less old people to be looked after, less immigrants needed? Bleep. Buzz. Does not compute…
1 million immigrants … near future … 1 million old people. 1 million immigrants with 4 children each … 4 million old people. 4 million immigrants have 4 children … 16 million old people. Housed in housing estates or refugee camps?
* I know this is oversimplification
The long expected start in the decline in the British population’s health as a result of the services being stretched further to accommodate millions of extra illnesses? After all if you take the population of the UK in 2015 to be, 65.14 million, increasing that figure by over half a million (538,000 – 2015/16 net migration ALONE) it will inevitably have an effect on already stretched health resources. No end to massive migration in sight so, the decline will continue so, in dedicated liberal fashion, I suggest the expression should be: ‘shove over and make room for more onboard’
The dramatic rise in diseases we had more or less got rid of in the UK some decades ago , e.g. TB , is a problem which is causing enormous concern in the medical profession. But of course the issue is being suppressed by the government and the MSM because it would be yet another good reason to stop migration. If those who oversaw the cladding at Grenfell are guilty of social murder , whatever that exactly is, then those who are bringing in massive number of migrants are even more guilty and the death toll of Brits will be much higher and continue for decades to come.
Levelling off eh?
Are we sure that we`re discussing raw years extra-or percentage increases in age expectancy? The BBC often select the one that they want to trash the Tories…and being mathematically illiterate, many won`t know or care.
The longer the life expectancy, the lower the percentage for very extra year lived. And given that there are biological limits that are still the norm, then the percentage extra time alive will always be decreasing at this stage. Add assisted dying, crime and youngsters killing each other as migrants too?…and you`d believe the BBC as much as you`d throw them.
And so the frenzy begins…
I always felt the BBC’s commitment to impartiality was rock solid. Raving Isrealophobe as Middle East editor, not enough dead Jews lady as Today interviewer, lunatic activist trot as Newsnight economics editor, Jasmine Lawrence promoted after her twitter rant, James Purnell staying in touch with Ben Bradshaw….
End of the Piers show?
Or another new director non job created on £350,000 to promote him sideways into?
BBC “Today” getting excited about the release later today of the inflation data. The annual increase in CPI is expected to be 2.9%, against a Bank of England target of 2%(+/- 1%). Humphrys harks back to the 1990s. It appears to have been wiped from the collective memory that inflation was running at about 3.5% when the Coalition government took over in 2010 and got over 5% in 2011.
Lies, damn lies, and BBC ‘analysis’
BBC ‘Today’ programme 18.07.17 – The BBC report that President Trump has “FAILED” in his endeavours to dismantle Obamacare. I submit that, “DELAYED” would be the correct description but, in keeping with all and every continuing derogatory reference the BBC makes to Pres. Trump and his endeavours, ‘failed’ fits their narrative.
One thing the BBC cannot fail to acknowledge if they were honest with themselves (impossible though this is) is, it may take a little longer but Pres. Trump will dismantle the rapidly failing Obamacare and replace it with better. He is a man of his word.
The facts (free of BBC distortions and bias):
Trump allowed Ryan and McConnell and the GOP in Congress the chance to bin Obamacare, since they’ve been bleating about it since Obummer brought it into existence; they’ve now f****d it up twice. They’ve had their shot, in fact they’ve had two and made a mess of both.
Trump now needs to pivot to immigration, the issue which got him elected and start building that goddamn wall and begin deporting serious numbers of beaners; just like presidents Hoover and Eisenhower have done before him.
Exactly so. The piece on the Today programme was dishonest. As you say, Obamacare (also known as ‘Affordable Health’, a deeply ironical title) is seriously flawed and rapidly failing on many levels, and has been doing so for some years. But having never mentioned Obamacare’s many failings up to now, the BBC aren’t going to start explaining exactly why it must be repealed and replaced. Oh no. Much better to find a line to criticise Trump.
BBC’s Gary O’Donoghue – just – World at One: Trump’s failed again. But now, the uninformed listener would, in response to O’Donoghue’s statement that the, “maths don’t add up” conclude that P.Trumps plan to replace Obamacare is flawed rather than, the Republican voting numbers “maths don’t add up” – every little bit of condemnation no matter how twisted it is, all helps!
The Government has decided to introduce a law requiring anyone who wants to view porn to have to prove that they are 18 years old or over. It is described as being necessary in order to protect children.
Seems a strange considering it was recently deemed to be unacceptable and racist to expect grown Syrian men masquerading as children to have to prove their age when they were claiming asylum.
No-one seemed to give a toss about protecting our children then.
Our loathsome little mayor Khan continues his petty vendetta against Trump.
Petty, but also deeply damaging to London and the UK.
Ghastly little creep.
DM: “London WON’T roll out the red carpet for Donald Trump and he should not get a full state visit to the UK, capital’s mayor Sadiq Khan says”.
Fortunately, it’s not in his remit. In any case, he is instructable by the national government, and can be told what will or will not happen.
When Sadiq Khan speaks the response should always be, in no particular order …
– Halal … positive discrimination for Muslims?
– Chicken Cottage … more for the Islamic Companies or less for citizens of London?
– #LondonIsOpen … you mean open to everyone, except the President of the largest economy in the World
– Funds … London had £37 million in reserves to spend on protecting the citizens of London
– Religious dilemma …. gambling and drink under Islam verses looking after a modern city
More to come I imagine …. Sadiq Khan broken promise counter { jan2017}.
Jim Cognito seems nice, if with an oddly familiar style.
I wonder if he is related to or a colleague of Jasmine Lawrence too?
“Think I’d put money (UK’s future) on the team on the left (EU Team)” (not the UK team on the right)
– Piers Scholfield (@ingelsi) // BBC News Europe Producer / 18jul2017 twitter
News and Current Affairs, Global News, News Staff in the Nations 15.4.9 {bbc editorialguidelines jul2017}
“BBC News and Current Affairs staff, and correspondents and freelances primarily known as BBC news presenters or reporters should not normally write regular columns for non-BBC websites or external publications which are not published by or for the BBC.(does this include Twitter?)
In particular, they should not write a regular column which deals with:
news, current affairs, politics or current world affairs economics, business or finance matters of public policy, political or industrial controversy media issues moral or ethical issues or religion.
One-off articles (every twitter response?) on any of these areas must be referred to a senior level in the relevant division (does this mean the BBC condones this response and supports the EU over the UK?).”
Programme makers, editorial staff, reporters and presenters in non-news areas may all wish to undertake journalistic work, write articles or write books. Such activity should not bring the BBC into disrepute.”
– BBC News and Current Affairs staff – should not write a regular column on politics
– One-off articles (every twitter response?) on any of these areas must be referred to a senior level
– I could not find the salary of Piers Scholfield (@ingelsi) // BBC News Europe Producer {bbc salaries page}!
– Does this mean the BBC supports this view – BBC would bet on EU and not the UK?
Interesting …
They obviously deserve lots of public tax money not to write what they think
They obviously deserve lots of public tax money not to write what they think
“Opinions are mine”
I beg to differ
BBC ‘unique’ exemptions apply. Apparently.
NOT reported by the world’s most trusted broadcaster:
“Probe is launched into ‘students who voted TWICE for Jeremy Corbyn’: Election watchdog investigates 1,000 complaints after surges in registrations in University towns”
Be a shame if all the money Jez promised but now has reneged upon cannot be used to dig out career trashing fraud trials.
Still, there is always the BBC and itv BAME programme.
This is a very serious issue that the government should get on top of immediately (fat chance).
It has been ‘reported’ by the Beeb but of course from the perspective that we musn’t put the little darlings off registering (and voting twice).
The ONS keeps stats on marriages so we know that 2-3% of them are same sex, which presumably is closely related to the proportion of gay people in society.
Contrast this with the fact that the Radio Times next week has the first 26 pages almost exclusively on gay topics.
Clearly, absolutely no agenda whatever.
Are straight people now banned from working at the bBBC?
Don’t worry, the Gays are being set up. It works on a very simple principle if you accept essential facts.
Fact one: by 2040 or so, the UK will be predominantly muslim. Muslims will not, inter alia, tolerate gays. Fact.
Fact two: Apart from the EU influx of migrants, the rest of the arrivals simply hate us. Hate ‘whitey’. That hate is historic and in the case of the UK, more so than any other post-colonial country in history. With exuberant megalomania Britain has meddled with and in most countries in the World. Our legacy is not good and hence the hate. The proverbial ‘boomerang’ will come back to haunt the Brits.
Fact three: when the balance of power in this country tips over into muzzie territory they will treat us in a similar manner to the way many westerners are treated in Arab States. Like sh*t. Physically slapped around, spat on and kicked like some dog. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. They will take it out on ol’ whitey with a vengeance. They won’t care if whitey is Polish, Romanian, simply non-muslim ‘whitey’. By then, so-called ‘hate crimes’ will vanish. Saudi’s don’t accept ‘hate crimes’ and them is what’s paying for our transformation into a caliphate.
I’m in my seventies, not of good health and have no children. Thankfully. Cause’ I can see what’s coming. Fortunately the Government (with the assistance of the BBC) are acting in anticipation of the future. They’re setting the gays and kids up to take the venom that’s the reason they’re dumbing them down so they won’t feel the pain, hopefully.
As expected, much has been made on the BBC and elsewhere of the embarrassing disparity between the EU Barnier side of the negotiating table, with piled and bulging folders before them, and the UK Davis and co with nothing. Surely a clear and painful indication of our total lack of preparation and naivety?
Yes, of course, if you assume Barnier and co representing the EU would never be so childish as to pull a spiteful, petty bit of point-scoring, in the comfortable knowledge that any photos could only be seen as clear evidence.
What if the briefing had been ‘No notes, just a preliminary discussion, sort out some of the background. That OK with you? Right, see you later.’
Odd that nobody seems to have seen through it – but maybe they wouldn’t want to. Can’t think why.
Barnier, Juncker, et al know exactly the entire British media is going to push their agenda, hence invitations instantly accepted by Sturgeon, Jones etc, knowing full well these traitors would be all over the media shaking hands with our opposition.
Davis will have all his info on his laptop, who would take piles of bulging folders to a meeting these days?
Good point WB – but it makes the spite behind the piles all the more transparent.
Maybe the UK Government has finally learnt not to show sensitive papers whilst at a photo opportunity or whilst walking into Number 10 Downing Street?
– Why aren’t the two people at then end of the table looking at the camera?
– Where are the drinks – not very sociable?
– Where are the biscuits? The hospitality?
– Why is everyone wearing jackets?
– Why?
Sometimes , especially if you are in the right , you don’t need papers .
Sometimes , if you are on dodgy ground , you need to baffle your opponent with statistics , quotes , expert opinions and unrelated matters . Ask a defendant lawyer .
I’ve been to many meetings without any papers. It’s quite easy if you know your subject and are clear about the objectives.
When someone has to be supported by lots of papers they waste time trying to find the relevant item, lose their thread and when they pick it up again their ‘opponent’ already has the response ready for their ‘killer’ argument. Game, Set and Match!
Same here. Anyone who has to consult paperwork in a high level meeting is not in charge of their brief. In any case the detail should be carried out by back room boys. I was chairing a meeting once and adjourned it because some of the people were wasting our time shuffling through papers !
All valid points above – but it’s safe to assume you’re all above average intelligence, many with direct knowledge of meetings and negotiaton. The ‘man in the street’ simply sees ‘them’ with massive preparation and ‘us’ with none. Tories inept. Job done
Good point. It was a set-up which does not fool anyone with any perception but , as you say………
Terrible lefty propaganda from Labour’s political media machine – BBC. Austerity to blame? More like unfettered immigration from countries whose life expectancy rates are significantly lower. Appalling to try and blame austerity.
But why do they want life expectancy to continue to rise when we can’t afford to keep everyone in care homes?
It is strange given how badly old people in the UK are treated generally. In my experience, in poor countries , old people are venerated and treated with dignity and there are no care homes !
“But why do they want life expectancy to continue to rise when we can’t afford to keep everyone in care homes?”
Probably because their pensions will last a heck of a lot longer than anyone else’s.
BBC reports that man is mortal and the real world has limits – “Life expectancy rises ‘grinding to halt’ { jul2017}”
“One of the places with the biggest gap in life expectancy – as has been widely reported following the Grenfell Tower fire (BBC should tag this article as Political) – is Kensington and Chelsea in London. … This is because of so-called social determinants. These cover factors such as housing, education, working conditions and poverty. … Experts such as Sir Michael believe these are just as important, if not more (which is it expert Sir Michael? As important or more so? Suggest your data is incomplete), as anything else. (what about being born in field in Africa? i.e. where you are born.)… And what determines these? Wealth. The richest people in Kensington and Chelsea live 16 years longer than the poorest. (Compare poorest in UK with tribal Africa please or North Korean)”
Expert Sir Michael, may I introduce you to Thomas Sowell. Please meet up and have a chat whilst Mr.Sowell is still around (Sowell is 86 I believe), that would be interesting …
“It’s not the origins of poverty which need to be explained. What requires explaining are the things that created and sustained higher standards of living. … the entire species began in poverty … ” – Thomas Sowell
Marky ,Thomas Sowell doesn’t think much about public services broadcasting . Or intellectuals , university lecturers and the self anointed visionaries . Why do I like him ?
A great man, whose stuff I’ve been reading for years. Naturally, he is a non-person so far as the BBC is concerned. A black(ish) man and a Conservative – an inconceivable combination in their eyes.
I’m trying to add these great people to the posts so that they are not forgotten, plus it shows that there are great people out there. If we keep mentioning Abbott, Waters, Corbyn, Jones then it will seem we are lost if these people are our torchbearers for future generations.
Quoting Orwell will make you seem old and living in the past, sort of goes for Hitchens as well.
Quote Sowell, Milo, Coulter, Steyn, Murray, Mogg and Gowdy because they are in the now, in the very thick of our current history!
Wonder if they took into account the life expectancy of LGBT communities under sharia law?
Is “Radio Times” still a BBC mouthpiece or does it just speak with the same voice? It says this about a Channel 4 (your achingly PC sports channel) programme tonight recounting how women footballers have been cheated for 100 years.
As much as women’s football is thriving – this week sees England’s Euro 2017 matches shown live on Channel 4 – this remains a pervasive opinion. Girls are still being told their sport is less interesting, somehow feebler, than the men’s game, and that’s why there’s no money for them – that’s why they play in empty stadiums.
Typical BBC grasp of business. Apparently nobody watches women’s football because it lacks sponsors. Not that it lacks sponsors because their is no public appetite for the product.
all sports should be mixed, men women transvestites, who cares,
then the best are selected/win regardless of (chosen) gender pronoun simples!
not many women sports people making any money, dearie dearie me what a shame
but that’s equality for you
Good Kaiser, that’ll sort out the pecking order – naturally!
I think the pathetic attempt by the BBC and the Left to pretend that men and women are the same is doomed to failure.
“I think the pathetic attempt by the BBC and the Left to pretend that men and women are the same is doomed to failure.”
Diane Abbot seems to have managed to fool many for so long-allegedly!
Switched on Radio 4 in the car and people were singing the National Anthem. I could not believe it. Turns out that it was the start of the women’s cricket. A female (naturally ) commentator then said ” Following the traditional singing of the ENGLISH National Anthem….. ” Oh dear !!!
That’s to pick at that SNP festering sore.
Labour’s Baroness Smith: EU citizens not bargaining chips { mar2017} … but immigrants are? …
Libya 2010
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants (entering Europe) { aug2010}
Italy 2011
France and Italy push for reform of Schengen treaty { 2011}
“Italy has angered France by granting visas to thousands of migrants (25,000) , allowing them to travel across Europe’s border-free Schengen zone.”
Turkey 2016
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
Italy 2017
Italy may grant temporary EU visas to 200,000 migrants {metro jul2017}
“…enabling them to travel anywhere in Europe. … The move, which has been described as a ‘nuclear option’”
Here is the reform from the EU ….
The European Commission has proposed reforms to EU asylum rules that would see stiff financial penalties (€250,000 per person) imposed on countries refusing to take their share of asylum seekers. {bbc may2016}
All 20,000 of the BBc will be hitting twitter and Facebook with this, surely?
Confirmed by Poliwoops
see JeremyCorbyns deletions
“A diverse Grenfell Tower Inquiry team would help ensure residents are represented and feel confident in the process ”
(what ? cos they are so racist they won’t accept being represented by people of a different skin colour ?)
“It’s no surprise that Grenfell Tower is located in the poorer part of the borough”, so says our ‘life expectancy’ expert on Jeremy Vine.
Could that be why it is the poorer part? Correlation and Causation, the evil twins.
The poor souls should have been housed in Islington and Hampstead . I’m sure many of the overpaid BBC executives and so called BBC talent wouldn’t mind a few shacks in their expensive streets. When those who want more and more migration to our country actually live up to their word and have the migrants live amongst them permanently, I will listen to their emoting, until then it’s just virtue signalling. By the way it will take a miracle to convince me that the country will be better off with more migrants or that we have a duty to take any at all.
Why don`t we shut down BBC24 at Ten O Clock sharp in the evenings, only putting the telly on again at 8am nextr morning? By doing this, thousands of Grenfells and austerity victims could surely get a good nights kip without having to get into Saviles van in the car park?
Darkened studios, loads of camp beds and lashings of that free BBC coffee that they used to joke about(bet it`s really good these days though)
Not only that-but the wind turbines would thank us.
AND-we could simulate the brown outs we`ll be getting should Corbyns mates get to run the National Grid for a laugh.
Works for me.
I see JimS – it’s funny that the sky is where the sky should be!
I see the bBC is playing blame the tories yet again:
Life expectancy rises ‘grinding to halt’
Rising rates of life expectancy are grinding to a halt after more than 100 years of continuous progress, according to a leading health expert. University College London expert Sir Michael Marmot said he was “deeply concerned” by the situation, calling it “historically highly unusual”. He said it was “entirely possible” austerity was to blame and said the issue needed looking at urgently.
Yup according to the bBC expert people will die sooner due to benefit cuts, 1% wage increases and living in poorer areas. Why they even knock out a chart in which to substantiate their findings:

Pretty depressing what? Now have another look at the scale on the left. The largest drop is….035% That’s 1/3 of 1 %. Hardly the front page stroy the bbC promotes. of course as this is the bBC they ask questions why people in rich areas don’t suffer as much:
And what determines these? Wealth. The richest people in Kensington and Chelsea live 16 years longer than the poorest.
Funny enough whilst everybody including the bBC have in the past mentioned that this generation will not outlive their parents due to obesity
Obesity ‘puts men at greater risk of early death’
Obesity ‘linked to cancer rise’
Obesity rise prompts health warning
The bBC doesn’t mention this in the above article. Oh they have no problem bringing out another expert who complains about dirty sheets and people eating out of date food. Yet nothing about how the current Iphone generation are the fattest on record.
And the biggest irony. The generation from the war who actually lived under real austerity are the ones living the longest.
Funny that?
All well within the margins of statistical error.
The war generation are longer living…..and they all smoked.
Pounce , the problem is – and part of the levelling off of life expectancy is – that the NHS likes to kill off the inconvenient old because they take up too much labour and too much time. Liverpool pathway, quiet overdose of morphine and its good night. I have seen it with a close relative.
It’s all about priorities and resources. NHS chooses not to resource elderly care . So people die before their time.
Pounce, I hear that this is the new target:
“And it’s due to austerity”
..Dingaling ! a “too wow to be true claim”
The point being that lifespan is so multifactoral, you’d need a hell of a complex set of studies to be able to filter out that effect.
#1 There is NO universal austerity.. cos the gov is spending more than ever, thou some fields might have lower resources others will have higher.
#2 Yep, the effect of a now richer population over indulging in food drugs is difficult to filter out.
#3 Most people dying now lived through the war and rationing so that will have some kind of effect.
There’s the phone around the experts trick that the BBC uses.
The beeboid keeps phoning scientists until he can get one of them to say something the narrative.
He then cherrypicks that report and ditches the rest.
Why hasn’t the BBC reported this I wonder. From todays Times newspaper:
“London’s fire authority, which wants £6 million from the government for specialist equipment after the Grenfell Tower disaster, underspent its budget by £9.9 million last year,
The figure was published yesterday as councils were warned against increasing the fire risk to buildings by hastily removing tower block cladding.
Despite concerns about a shortage of firefighters in the capital almost half the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) underspending was due to a failure to recruit personnel, leaving it with a wage bill surplus of £4.2 million in 2016-17.
Documents for the authority’s resources committee said recruitment policies aimed at increasing the diversity of fire service personnel had caused the number of applicants to fall.
The papers also revealed that the authority, appointed by Sadiq Khan, the Labour mayor of London, had £37 million in reserves, more than double the £14 million it is required to hold.
The scale of the underspending and financial reserves are embarrassing for Mr Khan who told Amber Rudd, the home secretary, last week that the Grenfell tragedy exposed London Fire Brigade’s need for “a new range of specialist equipment at an estimated cost of £6 million”.
Mr Khan’s letter to Ms Rudd warned that the fire service in London faced “financial pressures” that could create a budget gap of £25.5 million by 2021-22. Budget reports for the LFEPA resources committee, however, paint a picture of a body struggling to spend the money it already has. Spending on firefighter salaries was £3.4 million below the expected level while the amount spent on trainee firefighters was down £786,000 on projections.
The documents say the brigade faced “recruitment challenges” with one report highlighting the impact of a requirement that applicants must be resident in London. The policy, aimed at recruiting more minority candidates, had led to an “overall reduction in total applicants” while failing to hit diversity targets. Lucy Masoud, of the Fire Brigades Union, said that policies aimed at creating a more diverse service had helped create one short of manpower.”
The only report on the BBC is more propaganda about how little cash has been paid to the Grenfell Survivors.
Once again blatant filtering out of stories by the BBC of stories they don’t want mainstream to consume.
Disgusting and blatant political actions.
Here is the article regarding … “The scale of the underspending and financial reserves are embarrassing for Sadiq Khan, the Labour mayor of London”
Fire chiefs seek extra funding after £10m budget underspend { 18jul2017}
Toady – John welchman humphreys is getting a main stream kicking at the moment because he interviewed a tennis player this morning and asked her what is her nationality because she wasn’t born in Blighty, grew up somewhere else and her parents are from another country.
I just hope he does that to every one coming onto al Beeb . Soon it be another vacancy for a woman minority on the Toady programme. Such nationalism is counter to the multicultural code al Beeb holds so high.Knowing al. Beeb and its track record the next recruit will be an ex labour MP.
More false news from the bBC:
Check out the names, all scottish, the title on the web page drops that point. Plus a lot are SNP and Lib Dums; what elese would you expect them to sign.
Story : Scotland Letter “Sixty leading figures call for Brexit to be halted”
Comment are open but there is a hell of unusual pattern
The top comment is pro-Brexit.
…the next ones are Remain, but each one has more down votes that it has upvotes.
BTW sixty people isn’t a lot considering the amount of people who have the nose in the trough like one of the signatories “Friends of the Earth”
Sixty leading figures call for Brexit to be halted { jul2017}
65% Leave EU + Happy Either Way With Result So Didn’t Bother Voting
35% Remain in EU
“We recognise that a narrow majority (52%) voted to leave the European Union, but the disastrous consequences are now becoming ever clearer – every day. (examples please)
“Even before the UK has left the EU, we face falling living standards, rising inflation, slowing growth and lower productivity. (is this UK or Greece? What if we stay?)”
21 out of 60 people in list provided – 7 former people and 1 ex-Nato.
i.e. 38% are NOT really leading figures of 21 provided!
Forget 52%. The rise of the “Re-Leavers” mean the pro-Brexit electorate is 68% { may2017}
One might ask the BBC what in the Editorial Guidelines propels someone in their eyes to the status of ‘leading figure’, with impartiality of course taken as a given.
But I bet they are self-exempted from clarifying.
Sixty leading figures call for Brexit to be halted due to one reason being ‘rising inflation’, 3 hours later BBC report UK inflation unexpectedly slows to 2.6% in June?
Analysis: Simon Jack, BBC business editor
Inflation could still go up again this year (I’ve no idea really, I just make stuff up and get paid for it) – and many (how many say up and how many say down? 1%? 20%? 80%?) economists forecast it will – but it seems likely that we have been at least close to the peak. (what does this mean? Worry? Don’t worry?)
UK inflation unexpectedly slows to 2.6% in June (2017)
UK inflation mysteriously slows to 2.6% in June
UK inflation joyfully slows to 2.6% in June
UK inflation defies BREXIT and slows to 2.6% in June
UK inflation well below Venezuela’s 800% mark and slows to 2.6% in June (2017)
I see that John Whittingdale (the former Conservative culture secretary who renewed the BBC Charter but failed completely to control its bias) has said in respect of the disparity in male and female salaries that “… if there is a massive gap in pay between Sarah Montague and John Humphreys, then Sarah Montague is perfectly entitled to ask for more..”. I say, no, no, no! If SM is indeed paid much less than Humphreys, then it is Humphreys’ salary that must be reduced by an appropriate amount, not hers raised to match his.
Maybe John Humphreys is better than Sarah Montague, after all she isn’t Asian and he isn’t English!
What`s the betting that the BBCs news and current affairs monkeys tomorrow will all be the drones , drudges and dupes who normally do the weekend shifts?
If the BBC were REALLY proud of what great value they provide….and the likes of Kirsty, Fiona and Jim were equally sure that we REALLY think they`re worth every penny/euro?
I`d have thought they`d NOT be taking sickies, altering rosters or heading for that dentist appointment at Harley st that they`ve been putting off for a slow news day?
Me and the girls at work have a little bet-I think that Andrew Marr will earn more than John Humphrys but less that Chris Evans…we`ve got a league table and sweepstake into the top ten money grubbers at the BBC.
I reckon Jonathan Ross will do OK if we still include historic wallet abuse, via his grotesque pension.
Wonder who`ll be seen to pay the least tax and be more tax efficient?-I`ve drawn Alan Yentob for that one, so I`m in with a shout.
“That’s the temperatures, how about the weather…”
Second string BBC weather guy Chris Fawkes inadvertently echoes my own impression of the content of most weather forecasts these days as he ad libs just before 2pm on the News Channel. We now have to endure a tedious survey of potential max temps before the BBC will let on whether they think it will rain or not in the next fews days. And then comes the junk statistic – “9 days so far this summer when the temperature was over the 30 mark” Really? Are the BBC more interested in weather forecasting or trying to hammer home global warming? Why do I bother to ask?
Let’s have a nice picture of sun shine sent in by some from somewhere nice ( yawn)
NaughtieMarr rules apply.
I liked this previous post/comment … ‘EU anthem as an encore. Stroking the shaft of the remain camp.’
– Paaaarp and Parcel @donnantwich
JRM now on Twitter
The Mogginator strikes. I like Tempura too.
Yes, we change with the times. Now most of us like curry . The Mogginator for PM !!
The bBC and one of its Grenfell story of the day :
Electricity problems at Grenfell Tower ‘never resolved’
Dozens of residents of Grenfell Tower suffered electricity power surges so strong their appliances malfunctioned, overheated and emitted smoke a few years before the fire, it has emerged. Documents seen by the BBC reveal how 25 residents claimed compensation from the council following the surges in 2013.
Great dragging up a story from 4 years ago, but as this is the bBC they just have to let you know who’s to blame:
The documents show that 45 of the tower’s 129 flats were affected by a particularly powerful electricity surge on 29 May 2013.Eventually, 25 of those residents claimed compensation and received £200 each from the Conservative-controlled Kensington and Chelsea Council, a sum that many of them considered derisory.
Had to laugh at these puerile attempts at which to paint any resident of Granfell as only a victim:
Sajad Jamalvatan, who moved into Grenfell Tower only in August last year, says he was concerned about the safety of electricity…Mr Jamalvatan said the newly installed electrical meter often made a strange buzzing sound at night and constantly had to be topped up with money. He was also concerned about the state of the wiring at the bottom of the tower, adding: “I went to the basement once and I saw a huge mess in the basement. So much wiring.”
Funny enough I was bored the other day and did a search on the bBC website on the number of articles they had knocked out on Grenfell. I stopped counting at 350
If I was having problems with the stability of my electricity I would complain to the people that I bought it from, I wouldn’t expect a landord, even a ‘wicked Conservative-controlled council’ to pay up.
A resident said:
“”Even the dogs in the street knew by this time that the Grenfell Tower power supply was in a highly volatile and dangerous state.””
Is he getting confused with Corgis? They’re the ones that used to do the gas!
The BBC has in the past made comparisons between the (non-EU) US fridge standards and the (obviously Brexit) ‘British’ fridge standards. Of course the odds are that any ‘British’ fridge is really manufactured on the continent, (or further afield), to EU-standards, including 230 volt working. By a bit of sleight of hand the UK voltage of 240 volts is now 230 volts too, except it isn’t, being 10% higher, (those politicians can fix any technical problem by law!), or back where we started, but with inferior appliances. The EU ensuring our safety again, not.
Think he’s referring to non-muslims.
“Dozens of residents of Grenfell Tower suffered electricity power surges ……. caused by other residents trying to by-pass the meters to defraud the supplier”?
Cannabis farms? Possibly coupled with bypassed meters? I do hope the investigation has the correct colour of person to look into such possibilities.
I looked under the bonnet of my car once – so much engine I couldn’t believe it! I also had to constantly keep filling it with petrol every time I used it.
“Sir, when you say ‘So much wiring’ is it just more wires that you have ever seen before? Are the wires in an orderly fashion – trunked around the basement as you would expect to see. Sir, please come with me to this other building to see if the wiring is the same as you experienced in Grenfell. Sir, are you telling me you had access to the maintenance rooms which normally have a lock and say ‘No Unauthorised Access’ written on the door. When you say ‘huge mess’ can you provide a drawing? Sir why didn’t you report your findings to the landlord or Grenfell action group? Sir, in your apartment how many appliances did you have plugged into walls plus did you find that when you used more appliances that you had to put more money into the meter? Sir, instead of asking any journalistic questions I will just write what you say down and enter it onto the website on my way to the coffee shop. Many Thanks.“
Regards the issue of acid attacks (Which came over to these shores with our new peaceful Islamic neighbours. ) Anybody know why the bBC isn’t reporting this court case:
Mustafa Ahmed, sprayed a heavily pregnant woman’s baby bump and her boyfriend with acid after they argued with a ‘group of Somali men'”
A college student sprayed a heavily pregnant woman and her partner with acid hours after they ‘argued with a group of Somali men’, a court has heard. The woman was left with burns to her ‘baby bump’ while her partner was hit in the face by the corrosive spray. Both were hospitalised after the assault with a corrosive substance in Mile End, east London, in the early hours of Tuesday, July 4. Mustafa Ahmed, 19, of Stepney, east London, appeared at Thames Magistrates Court on Tuesday charged with one count of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm and one count of attempted wounding with intent to do GBH.
Anybody else wondering how the bBC still haven’t managed to put 1+1 together on the rise of Acid attacks in the UK. Funny enough I did a search on the bBC on the name of Mustafa Ahmed and whilst this wanker wasn’t down on the bBCs books, his name sake was:
Oxford pregnant girl sex attack: Mustafa Ahmed pleads guilty
A man has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a pregnant teenager in Oxford. The girl, who was 17 at the time and cannot be identified, was attacked after waking up in a house in the city in December 2011, the trail has heard. Mustafa Ahmed, 26, of Harrow Road, London, changed his plea to guilty at Oxford Crown Court earlier.
Two blokes with the same name and both in the dock for attack pregnant women. Who would have guessed?
Regards the issue of acid attacks (Which came over to these shores with our new peaceful Islamic neighbours. ) Anybody know why the bBC isn’t reporting this court case:
Mustafa Ahmed, sprayed a heavily pregnant woman’s baby bump and her boyfriend with acid after they argued with a ‘group of Somali men'”
A college student sprayed a heavily pregnant woman and her partner with acid hours after they ‘argued with a group of Somali men’, a court has heard. The woman was left with burns to her ‘baby bump’ while her partner was hit in the face by the corrosive spray. Both were hospitalised after the assault with a corrosive substance in Mile End, east London, in the early hours of Tuesday, July 4. Mustafa Ahmed, 19, of Stepney, east London, appeared at Thames Magistrates Court on Tuesday charged with one count of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm and one count of attempted wounding with intent to do GBH.
Anybody else wondering how the bBC still haven’t managed to put 1+1 together on the rise of Acid attacks in the UK. Funny enough I did a search on the bBC on the name of Mustafa Ahmed and whilst this wanker wasn’t down on the bBCs books, his name sake was:
Oxford pregnant girl sex attack: Mustafa Ahmed pleads guilty
A man has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a pregnant teenager in Oxford. The girl, who was 17 at the time and cannot be identified, was attacked after waking up in a house in the city in December 2011, the trail has heard. Mustafa Ahmed, 26, of Harrow Road, London, changed his plea to guilty at Oxford Crown Court earlier.
Two blokes with the same name and both in the dock for attack pregnant women. Who would have guessed?
When did supposedly serious journalists start using terms like ‘baby bump’? Will we now hear about tummies, peepers, front bottoms and tootsies? Idiots.
Regards the issue of acid attacks (Which came over to these shores with our new peaceful Islamic neighbours. ) Anybody know why the bBC isn’t reporting this court case:
Mustafa Ahmed, sprayed a heavily pregnant woman’s baby bump and her boyfriend with acid after they argued with a ‘group of Somali men'”
A college student sprayed a heavily pregnant woman and her partner with acid hours after they ‘argued with a group of Somali men’, a court has heard. The woman was left with burns to her ‘baby bump’ while her partner was hit in the face by the corrosive spray. Both were hospitalised after the assault with a corrosive substance in Mile End, east London, in the early hours of Tuesday, July 4. Mustafa Ahmed, 19, of Stepney, east London, appeared at Thames Magistrates Court on Tuesday charged with one count of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm and one count of attempted wounding with intent to do GBH.
Anybody else wondering how the bBC still haven’t managed to put 1+1 together on the rise of Acid attacks in the UK. Funny enough I did a search on the bBC on the name of Mustafa Ahmed and whilst this wanker wasn’t down on the bBCs books, his name sake was:
Oxford pregnant girl sex attack: Mustafa Ahmed pleads guilty
A man has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a pregnant teenager in Oxford. The girl, who was 17 at the time and cannot be identified, was attacked after waking up in a house in the city in December 2011, the trail has heard. Mustafa Ahmed, 26, of Harrow Road, London, changed his plea to guilty at Oxford Crown Court earlier.
Two blokes with the same name and both in the dock for attack pregnant women. Who would have guessed?
No, no, no, no – you have it all wrong. Every acid attack on the BBC has been a spurned white man on his ex lover/partner. Names have been listed. Photos shown. No non-whites.
Whats the Bobby Moore with all these duplicate posts?
Pounce – it must be a glitch in the system. It’s happened several times to me, and I’ve had to go back and delete the duplicates.
Lobsters produce thousands of eggs at a time .
That would explain it!
Tonight’s R4 Documentary is about young boys being abused
and focueses on one boy abused by many men
The prog is organised by Shami Charkribarti’s charity Libery
..where were they when the on street grooming gangs were unreported ?
Liberty’s past tweets contain noting about paedoophile abuse of boys
They have never mentioned keywords like groomed, grooming before today
Wonder if the skin colour of tonight’s victim has something to do with their interest ?
‘About a Boy‘ … language hides the number of victims. How many will be found?
“3 Girls” vs “47 Innocent Rochdale Girls Raped over 2 years (2008-2010)”
“1400 Innocent Rotherham Girls Raped over 16 years (1997-2013)”
Here is the next but one tweet on the bBC file twitter site:
Here is the next but one tweet on the bBC file twitter site:
“London paramedic has liquid thrown in face by masked men”
Its those “Men” again …………………….
Read how the bBC politicises a down to earth job application
Theatre company advert asks if millennials understand ‘real world’
A theatre company has questioned if millennials “are taught anything about… the real world” after being unimpressed by applicants for a job. The Tea House Theatre, in Vauxhall, south London, posted an advert for the £15,000-£20,000 administration role on Arts Council England’s ArtsJobs site. In it, the advert read that “it shouldn’t be this hard” to find “a grafter, who can commit”.
So a company sick of time wasters asks for a hard worker:
“It saddens me to be putting this advert up for the third time in as many months,” the ad goes on. Are you just not taught anything about existing in the real world, where every penny counts. Did no one teach you that the end of your studies is the beginning of your education?”Brushing up your CV? There’s more. “We need a grafter, who can commit. The absolute dogs in office skills, the ability to run a paper filing system as well as a computerised one … we have not been impressed so far.”
and here is what the bBC thinks is the reason why: Tea House Theatre wonders why “millennials” – the generation born between 1980 and 1999 and the largest age group since the baby boomers – are so turned off a job that “shouldn’t be this hard” to fill, but perhaps the answer lies in the pay. It wants to offer someone between £15,000 and £20,000 a year for an administrative job in London. This works out at between £288 and £384 a week. That’s less than the UK median wage for a full-time administration worker (excluding secretaries).
That figure of £288 is gained by dividing 15,000 by 52 (the nbr of weeks in a year) Hands up who works 52 weeks a year.
“Which adverts drew complaints over sexism?”
More PC rubbish per year for your “telly tax “.
Al Beeb doesn’t rely on revenue from adverts – it mugs you lot every year !
Black Muslim US Cop shoots dead a white Australian woman who had reported a rape in the back alley.
Wonder why the BBC won’t be calling this a hate crime or suggesting the locals riot, or that they form a group called white lives matter.
White lives don’t matter?
@Thoughtful stop being such a BROFLAKE
excuse the language on the second link i left it as a link as it is littered with expletives… However still funny and relevent…
Seeing as I don’t fall into the straight white male category it’s going to be a little difficult!
Well that just goes t show how much i care about racially motivated agendas… I`ve never up until now considered that side of anyones life and thier racial or ethnicity… I don`t do identity politics I would rather listen to what a person has to say than make an assumption based on colour… Apart from that how could I possibly know or care about that on a forum full of people whose viewpoints are the reason for my being here and the site covers all types of BBC bias… That is the way I like it, so people can debate the issues not attack the person who posted it…. So anyway… that kind of stuff isn`t a bad thing it goes to show that people from all parts of the country are here and they can post an opinion on a topic without it descending into an immature schoolyard type debate… I get mistaken for a BNP or EDL little Englander often in the same way and yet my origins are N.Irish/Australian and Catholic, I will admit to being born in N.E.Lincolnshire and being white but it doesn`t affect my opinions or viewpoints on the BBC bias we discuss here either…Thats the best thing about this forum, we are able to say what we think as long as it isn`t breaking the websites rules and we remain civil we can post counter opinions without it bewing destructive… Constructive and informed debate when needed is possible here mainly due to the members knowing thier subject matter… I honestly had no idea and still don`t know anything about who you really are and tbh it doesn`t matter I am more interested in what you have to say.. The same goes for all of the people who post here… That`s a good thing and a forum like that is hard to find these days…
Justin Casey – your post sums up why I post here. Thanks for that. I remember listening to Ann Coulter and thinking I didn’t like here voice and switched off. For some reason I went back and actually listened to what she was saying which was amazing, clear and on point.
This was an important lesson for me that I will never forget – it was also Christopher Hitchens who said it’s language which is our most amazing gift. Just our ability to communicate is amazing – a gift we should not overlook and one that we need to appreciate and look after.
“Free Education” – Free? Do you mean available to everyone rather than without cost or payment. Because someone will have to pay by taxes or effort.
“For the Many, Not the Few” – who are the few you’re excluding in this statement, who are the Many and who are the Few? Please give some examples from all the political parties and ordinary people.
“Enough is Enough” – what is enough and if it happens again will it be “More than Enough”? Has there been enough freedom of expression on the internet.
“Stop the War” – do you mean all wars including those by other Nations, how can you get them to stop ‘wanting’ war? Here I am thinking of North Korea who train their children to hate all except North Korea to the point where the state controls all TV and rewrite maps of the world.
“Do you think those who didn’t vote should be included in the final EU Referendum Result?” – if so does this apply – “Leave the EU” + “Happy Either Way” @65% “Remain in the EU” @35%
“Strong and Stable” – weak and unstable is the alternative, by strong do you mean a majority and stable means inflexible?
“More Diversity” – when is enough? Is more 50% or 99%? Which of these sounds better? “Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive Diversity ala Merkel”
Yep, the cop has been named as …….. Mohammed ! but because the body and car cameras were for some reason switched off, nobody can ‘understand’ why or how it happened. Different tactics employed by Islam now ? I’m going to be extra wary next time I see a medic if he’s not white and Protestant.
Well, at least we’ll always have Newsni… Ian Katz….
‘It’s an editor’s job to make sure that expensive, time-consuming think pieces do more than pose questions – they should answer them’
And yet… almost every BBC piece hides behind a question about a quote the BBC likes from a favoured BBC patsy…
BBC Newsnight
1 hr ·
Brexit is “a disastrous mistake for the country” – Tony Blair tells us.
No further questions, M’Lud.
Revealed: Tony Blair worth a staggering £60m {telegraph jun2015}
Exclusive: Tony Blair’s fortune now stands at three times the amount he has previously claimed, at some £60 million – which includes 10 homes (and 27 flats).
Tony Blair courted Chinese leaders for Saudi prince’s oil firm
* Former PM helped PetroSaudi (totalitarian regime) break into Chinese market (totalitarian regime)
* His firm was paid £41,000 a month plus 2% commission (does not say how long contract was or money made on commissions)
* Blair held role as Middle East peace (and making deals at the same time? Legal? Moral? Ethical?) envoy at the time
Blair has been able to make a nifty income, earning as much as $300,000 per speech. Indeed, in two half hour speeches in the Philippines in 2012, Blair is said to have made close to £400,000 – or over £6,000 a minute.{cityam}
Why is Tony Blair interested in the UK?
I know it`s `O/T but it came from a Newsthump related article in the DM relating to Coventry being labelled a sh*thole along with four other places which are entrants for next years City Of Culture Award…. This years winner is Hull and the BBC can`t stop harping on about it… I live not far from Hull and that is a sh*thole trust me don`t bother going there!!!
Anyways here`s a link to one of the websites other pages that came up after I had read the Article…. It is very relevent to the BBC as it is about diversity and racial bias etc…. I hope you all like it, I know it`s old but still it is relevent…
Its official! We are dying younger because of Mrs May’s austerity, the BBC says tis true; and we’ll die younger still if Brexit goes ahead: we must stop Brexit NOW!
Fegg off BBC.
If people are dying younger, then it`s because the BBCs endless bellyaching over Brexit and Trump is driving the snowflakes to self harm or the loony bins. About time the media and schools were put in the dock over THEIR clear link to mental illness and suicide rates.
Thankfully, our generation have learned not to believe a word of the liberals media and curriculum-but our kids still believe what ObamaBlair tells them. Thick, poor sods.
Good points Alicia. I cannot remember a time when so many schoolchildren are committing suicide – its unprecedented since the 1870 Education Act, and particularly since the advent of social media. We’ve all faced ‘pressure’ as children to do well at school, but we live in different times now, and sadly a lot of things aren’t for the better in other aspects of school ‘life’. Small children are sent to school still wearing nappies, don’t know how to use a knife and fork, and don’t get any breakfast before they set off. Yet we see parents demanding this and that, are the first to lay into the teachers if their kids are disciplined but cant even potty train them. This state of affairs is even worse than in Victorian times, – even 60 years ago our Mum’s cobbled together some Ready Brek or toast before we left the house. Now the indoctrination of left wing ideals is rampant, just read the following in todays D/Mail, its spot on reading …………….
Left-wing campaigners love to blather about tolerance, but in truth, when it comes to schooling, they are deeply intolerant of any viewpoints other than their own. { jul2017}
… I found this which matches the article …
“…because they’ve held over our heads, with contempt, the false narrative of their innate (natural) tolerance. The least tolerant people you will ever meet in your entire lives…” – Andrew Breitbart