It has been suggested that if everyone on the planet consumed as much as the average US citizen, four Earths would be needed to sustain them.
The average American, says GFN, uses seven global hectares, compared to a global average of 2.7, according to the most recent GFN figures (based on data from 2011). It’s this figure of seven global hectares that allows Wackernagel and his colleagues to calculate that it would take four Earths – or to be precise, 3.9 Earths – to sustain a population of seven billion at American levels of consumption.
White, blond female shot by cop in America in extraordinary circumstances and the BBC tucks the story away on the ‘America’ page with a heading that seems designed to hide more than it reveals…..
Australian’s death raises US questions
No mention that the victim was ‘white’ or the identity of the cop…indeed the full report lacks a description of the cop other than his name and there is no photo of him. The officer, Mohammed Noor, is black, a Somali immigrant, a Muslim…miraculously I have been able to source a picture of him that the fabulously well resourced BBC couldn’t seem to find….
If this had been a black female shot in the same way the BBC would have had this on the frontpage and been declaring it a racially motivated killing…..the BBC’s coverage of other shootings by police officers has been designed to make you think white police officers have been engaged in ethnic cleansing….being Black in the US is a crime according to the BBC. The BBC had to silently reel back on that narrative when it emerged that many of the officers shooting Blacks were themselves either black or some other non-white identity…however the BBC still slips in the idea of a racist white America.
The BBC’s sensationalist, race based coverage will have contributed to the massive rise in ethnic tensions and the subsequent killings by Blacks of police officers….the BBC admits that…
It felt as if the nation was on the brink of a race war.
The BBC helped to create that situation….and the BBC is a growing presence [menace?] in the US.
To the BBC today’s story may be good news…the only good white person is a dead white person….and this is one less whitey in the world….they just can’t wait for the nasty old whites to die…..
How young Americans are set to change the US forever
Older white Americans still hold most of the economic and political power in the US. But the great ethnic diversity of younger generations means that change is coming.
America’s workforce, politics and place on the world stage will soon be changed forever.
So great and so rapid are the shifts in the country’s population, that, in the coming decade, the US is set to be transformed far more than other nations.
Almost half of millennials and children are from ethnic minority groups and it is this great diversity that is at the heart of demographic changes.
As the country comes to rely on them for its future prosperity, everyone will have to consider how society must change to make a success of this new reality.
Donald Trump rode into the White House on a wave of support from older white Americans – those over the age of 45.
The white population of the United States will soon be on the decline.
The median age of whites – the point at which half the population is older and half younger – is now 43.
Among Hispanic Americans, the nation’s largest minority, the median age is 29; while it is 20 for mixed race Americans, the fastest growing minority.
The reality is that America will soon have large numbers of older white people dependent on the support of younger, more diverse, generations.
The reality of America’s changing population is likely to mean that “demography is destiny”.
The “diversity explosion” that the nation is now experiencing will alter all aspects of society.
This population growth will, in turn, help to power America’s economy – increasing production, consumption and entrepreneurial opportunities.
Yet were it not for its youthful new minorities – Hispanic and Asian Americans – the country’s workforce would actually decline.
Note the BBC’s very unpleasant racist narrative…old white people will be at the mercy of the young ethnic population, dependent upon them, so better start favouring the young ethnics especially as all these ‘immigrants’ are so good for the economy.
Seem to remember it wasn’t so long ago that the BBC was blaming the US for climate change and environmental destruction due to its ever growing population due to immigration…..when the population of the US went over 300 million the BBC told us that Americans were greedily ‘hoovering up’ the world’s resources…..I guess ‘race’ trumps climate in the BBC pantheon of virtues…just as ‘Islam’ trumps the right to be gay or freedom of speech, women’s rights or peace on our streets in the BBC’s mind.
“The BBC’s sensationalist, race based coverage will have contributed to the massive rise in ethnic tensions and the subsequent killings by Blacks of police officers …
Exactly. Another excellent article Alan.
Alan, before Maxincony gets to you – the BBC did show his photo yesterday
I remember, cos my eyes nearly popped out of my head. No discussion – I think I posted that there would be no outcry, rioting etc. However, I hope this is looked into with some more seriousness, having just read that he had only been with the force for 2 years, and his partner had only been with them for one? Immigrated as a young child…Does not look good for the US Police force. I suppose there are similar ‘incidents’ in armed forces recruits.
Hi Loobyloo – one of the tricks of the BBC is that they often alter articles several times after initial publication. Usually after a significant change they alter the publication time – but not always. It is interesting to see how a story develops if you can catch it – as it gives some insight in the editorial thinking process.
If the GDP per capita of the US is about 55 thousand dollars and the GDP per capita of Mexico is 9 thousand dollars as the US becomes more ‘Mexican’ might a bit of the old ‘regression to the mean’ be expected to take place?
Thinking about it the other way, if lots of old rich white Americans moved to Mexico you would expect the GDP per capita of Mexico to improve. So why should poor young Mexicans moving to the US lead to an economic miracle in the US?
Of course we see the same happening here. The BBC doesn’t understand that growing the country’s economy by importing more people is of no benefit to us if the number of people that it is shared with increases faster than the growth of the economy.
was thinking exactly the same will america become mexico, or will mexicans become more ahem white
I dont know what proportion of mexicans are of spanish descent but perhaps there is a little hope there
but realistically the rich educated successful mexicans are probably staying in mexico
If America is as racist as the BBC believes, why are mixed race Americans the fastest – growing minority?