Ideological conflicts are likely to occur and extremist groups may use violence to achieve political objectives. There may be a resurgence of anti-capitalist ideologies, such as Marxism. Diaspora communities are likely to increase in size and influence and many will bring economic benefits to their host states. However, those that fail to integrate are likely to remain reservoirs for resentment. Some of these groups are likely to become involved in ideologically driven conflicts, and may act as proxies for other states.
A right-wing journalist has been thrown off the funding platform Patreon because she is right-wing….Patreon says it is because she was usng funds to ‘take part in activities that are likely to cause loss of life’…such as the activities of Italian groups that are trying to stop the reckless picking up and transportation to Italy of thousands of migrants by NGO charities….whose activities result in loss of life and countless ‘rescued’ lives mired in misery as the migrants are trafficked and prostituted across Europe or drown on the way to this splendid new life promised to them by Merkel and Mark Easton.
Trouble is she wasn’t ‘taking part’ but going as a journalist…much as the BBC itself did it its own inimicable and prejudiced fashion….straight off these are not ‘rescue ships’ they actually encourage the migrants to take the huge risks and so are facilitating that loss of life and subsequent depradations suffered by those who do make it to Europe…let’s have the platform that funds the BBC ban the BBC for taking part in activities that will cause loss of life… more TV licence until the BBC stops promoting a free and murderous taxi service across the Med and stops promoting Islamist terrorist and anti-Semitic narratives…..
Migrant crisis: ‘Hipster right’ group trying to stop rescue ships
They call themselves Generation Identity. Made up of mainly 20-something tech-savvy members, the Identitarian movement has been described as the hipster right.
Fiercely anti-immigration and anti-Muslim, its aim is to stop mass migration to Europe. With headquarters in Austria and France, the group may be small in size, but its message is starting to resonate in Italy – a country where sympathy for migrants is wearing thin.
As the number of people seeking to reach Europe rises again, Italy continues to be the major point of entry for those arriving illegally on boats – particularly in the south.
However, attitudes are hardening and now this new “alt-right” movement says it will do whatever it can to protect Italian identity and culture from outsiders.
So already dismissed as ‘fiercely anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim’ as if there were no reason for their concerns..and why ‘fiercely’? That’s a perjorative term. The BBC does admit this…
The vast majority are not refugees fleeing war, but are considered economic migrants and mainly come from sub-Saharan Africa and as far as the Indian sub-continent.
…but soon reverts to type as it accuses the group of exploiting the crisis for their own ends rather than having genuine grounds for concern….
Italy is feeling the full burden of these new arrivals and there are now concerns that anti-immigration activists are exploiting the crisis for their own ends, calling for the “remigration” of second and third generation immigrants and the closure of mosques.
The BBC report ends with this:
While the crisis continues, so will criticism of the humanitarian effort. As will the message of intolerance.
And a solution? No end in sight.
So the BBC’s final conclusion? The attempts to stop the flow of illegal economic migrants are ‘intolerance’…let’s ignore all the problems, many which the BBC did admit to in this piece, and yet as usual with the BBC they manage to dismiss all those concerns with a glib and simplistic good/bad portrayal…good humanitarian rescuers and evil, intolerant anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim neo-Nazis.
And an end in sight could be in sight…you just have to say no, you’re not coming in…and they will stop coming. You just have to have, as Trump said, the will to defend your society, culture and economy….the BBC’s sanctimonious, self-righteous, virtue signalling, cowardly vanity will destroy Europe and ironically destroy the lives of the migrants who come here.
The likes of Mark Easton don’t seem to have the brains nor the backbone to tackle the crisis and do what is necessary….he just couldn’t bare to be thought of as ‘racist’ or lacking compassion…and so is prepared to see Europe destroyed along with all its values, beliefs, culture and economy….welcome to the new Dark Ages……
Britain and Europe face being overrun by mass migration from the Third World within 30 years, a senior Royal Navy strategist claimed yesterday.
In an apocalyptic vision of security dangers, Rear Admiral Chris Parry forecast ‘reverse colonisation’, where migrants become more dominant than their hosts.
He said the seeds of the problem were spiralling population growth and environmental destruction.
In the competition for resources, many would flee their homelands and head en masse for better places such as Britain.
The Internet, cheap foreign travel and free international phone calls would hasten the demise, he said, because new migrants would stay connected with their homelands rather than assimilate into the host country’s culture.
His prognosis is that Western civilisation faces a threat on a par with the collapse of the Roman Empire after the 5th century invasion of Rome by the Goths, the East Germanic tribe.
I would totally agree with Chris Parry that our current predicament is very similar to that faced by the Romans in the fifth century. The Goths and other Germanic tribes wanted a piece of the action, to enjoy Roman prosperity. They ended up destroying the very thing they wanted because of their sheer numbers. Previously the Romans had let in smaller numbers and had assimilated them. Roman culture and political/ military control continued.
We are now approaching the tipping point at which the sheer number of immigrants, who want our prosperity but not our culture, will destroy us.
The Chris Parry article (2006) that Alan refers to above goes on to say
“The flashpoints would also be regions affected by radical Islam.
With rural areas of Third World countries falling into ruin, millions would be forced into towns and cities, with the result that large metropolises such as Mexico City face becoming ungovernable.
In an effort to control population growth, some countries might be tempted to copy China’s ‘one child’ policy, but with the widespread preference for male children this would produce a ratio of boys to girls as much as 150 to 100.
‘When you combine the lower prospects for communal life with macho youth and economic deprivation you tend to get trouble, typified by gangs and organised criminal activity,’ he said.
He pinpointed 2012 to 2018 as the period when the current global power structure was likely to crumble, with the United States’s superpower status challenged by the rise of nations such as China, India, Brazil and Iran….
He did not claim all the threats would come true, but warned what was likely to happen if problems were not addressed by politicians.
Lord Boyce, a former Chief of Defence Staff, said of the analysis: ‘Bringing it together in this way shows we have some very serious challenges ahead.
‘The real problem is getting them taken seriously at the top of the Government.”
I didn’t know much about Chris Parry but a look at his Twitter confirms he is one of the good guys.
I served on HMS Fearless when he was the captain. A liked leader with a firm grip on the world geopolitical situation. He talks with the authority of somebody who has commanded the military in some critical flashpoints over the last few decades. I would happily serve under his command again.
Precedent. It is a great leveller over time, as the BBC will come to appreciate. Eventually.
England – We live in a society that has had its guts and heart slowly eviscerated by the MSM and in particularly the BBC. In league with a weak minded and shallow political class. Who have allowed the left and the globalists to lie and willfully misrepresent the truth.
We are afraid to speak out about what is happening in case of being labelled as WAYCIST (the death of a peoples smugglers son coming from a safe country was misrepresented and suddenly the gates to our society are flung wide open to those who do not want to integrate – just dominate)
We have become slaves to other distracions and self absorbtion to the point of decadence – as a society we dont want to know about what is really going on because it intrudes on our own little bubble of delusion and pleasure seeking . All aided and abbetted by the BBC
Kids have been encouraged to become “emotionally incontinent” rather than dealing with problems head on or battling through. – We even have the heir to the throne emotionally leaking in public. Today everyone is a “victim” Well kids if you think that is the case now carry on sitting on your hands and just you wait twenty years down the line then – you can really know how a victim feels.
We dont want to know about it, until the point that we will have to know about it. And if we leave it that late – it will probably be too late. At the end of the day it is about whos will is the stronger – and at the moment things do not look good.
“Andrew Marr’s introduction was blatantly biased against the government and in favour of Labour”
Is that news? Marr was (and is) a New Labour toady employed by the BBC precisely because he was (and is) more New Labour than their previous political correspondent – whom they fired. He has been on the BBC tax payer gravy train ever since.