On Friday R4 broadcast Labour’s manifesto pledges on the NHS but in a comic voice…though why I don’t know as it was pretty comic to begin with. I thank you!
‘Polyoaks’, written by a doctor, Phil Hammond, described by the Guardian as “One of the most entertainingly subversive people on the planet.”, was a scathingly political blast on behalf of the NHS….I’m guessing Dr Hammond doesn’t think the NHS is safe in Tory hands as he suggests without Labour to fight for it the NHS is doomed…
The NHS is dying and Labour MPs are ripping themselves to pieces. By the time they finish fighting, there may be nothing worth fighting for
— Dr Phil Hammond (@drphilhammond) June 28, 2016
You have to laugh at the below as the BBC has spent so many hours denying there is a problem with people getting to see GPs…as to admit it might be an admission that social care is not the only thing putting pressure on A&E…and that would put Labour and their money for nothing contracts with GPs in the frame for some blame….
Highly recommend @drphilhammond interview with Rachel Clarke @doctor_oxford on @bbcrb now on iPlayer #nhs #austerity https://t.co/xLCbaDTubb
— Simon Wood (@SimonWood2k5) July 22, 2017
Polyoaks was a rant against the state of the NHS now and blaming it on the Tories…social care, internal markets and privatisation. This episode ended with thoughts that the NHS was to be devolved off to local government…or passing the buck and the responsibility as Polyoaks put it. ‘This is the end of the NHS’ we are told.
‘Will it be good for the patients?’ the ‘Machiavellian’ boss was asked. Her reply…‘I don’t give a damn, I’m off’.
Slightly political, biased and histrionic? Of course, it’s the BBC in campaign mode.
Perhaps if HMG wasn’t such an easy touch on allowing the health system to become the
Inter-National Health Service and the medics not caring about where the money comes from.
From my extremely experience of the NHS and the corrupt way it allows Consultants free rein over private and private clinics I know it cannot go on as it is.
The NHS has let my family down on the few times we needed it . So break it up , make its use condition of payment into the system . Otherwise go somewhere else.
Some people choose to celebrate the things which make Britain Great- usually al beeb and the so called Health Service – not me
“Polyoaks was a rant against the state of the NHS now and blaming it on the Tories…social care, internal markets and privatisation.”
Hammond has been a doctor long enough to know the truth. Until the 21st century the NHS could not be privatised because it was a single legal entity. It might contract with the private sector for specific services but every service and facility that already existed was secure within the public sector because it was an integral part of the NHS. The only way anything could be privatised was if it was first split off. This was done on a massive scale by making every provider of health care a seperate leagal entity, which could be privatised, by forcing them all to become Foundation Trusts. If a hospital refused to become a Foundation Trust it would be given to once which had already converted. This was done by a Labour government. It had nothing at all to do with “the Tories”.
The BBC assumes that most people don’t remember the details of decisions taken more than a decade ago and so a persistent series of lies will eventually be accepted as the truth.
The BBC doesn’t need to assume that ‘most people don’t remember details of decisions taken more than a decade ago’ because it made sure at the time that such details were not publicised. Such facilities and policies which continue today in respect of not simply decisions but also associated activities concerning climate change, Corbyn, MacDonnell, Momentum, Islam, the EU, the NHS, Unite and just about any and every other aspect which does not fit their political agenda.
I’ll show my bias now. After Brexit and we get a proper right wing government the NHS will be broken up and sold off. Train our own medics who speak English and stop importing semi qualified ones from third world shit holes. Break up the royal colleges if need be because of the bias to train the offspring of doctors and keep it in an incestuous group. Plenty of people want to be medics.
Fedup ,
On the one hand I like the idea of the NHS , on the other I like he idea of Father Christmas .