Oh dear, the BBC has been caught out in a sexist pay scam and it doesn’t like it one bit. Already a rapid counter move is under way, Operation Muddy Water, intended to downplay, distract and disrupt criticism and unwanted attention. The BBC really, really wants to talk about the gender pay gap….in other companies….and then to proclaim that well, yes, the BBC was at minor fault, but it is putting that right, and anyway just look at all these other companies…the BBC is so much better than them. Shamefully Jane Garvey on Woman’s Hour betrayed the Sistas by suggesting that the BBC may be a ‘beacon of good practice’ in comparison to these others as she spoke to someone who was quite clearly not in favour of publishing the pay figures and who thought the move was politically motivated…wonder why the BBC got her on.
Unfortunately there was an expert in gender pay issues on Wake Up To Money early doors who said that such issues were widespread but not as bad as at the BBC…so giving the lie to the rest of the day’s narrative of a BBC in the wrong but that is better than the rest.
The BBC sistas just don’t get it .They are pressuring for parity with the men .They think they should be getting more.Most think they should all be getting less.Money grabby socialists .
Thankfully the over achieving motor mouth Marr has poored more petrol on the sistas fire by saying he is paid so much because of his experience . One Libby ( is that posh Elizabeth?) pervis of the smug midweek fame explained how she was presenting Today when young marr was still sharpening pencils for the bigger boys ( she said this in a tweet) . Come on beeb girls – strike!!!!
Lovely to watch ferrets fighting in a sack. What a bunch of thoroughly revolting creatures.
PS. No insult to ferrets intended !
That reminds me of a story Gerald Durrell told. He unwisely put six opossums in a sack and ended up with one very fat, contented and sleepy opossum. Do you think the Beebyanka could try the same thing with its “talent”? Saturday night “Fat Cats in a Sack”, Round One: Marr versus Lineker; the survivor to challenge Mishal Hussain.
I’m watching this all with great interest. How far do you think the Sistas will go in rocking the boat?
Will they latch onto pensions and the impact there of the pay differential? How far will they drive the BBC towards proper equality?
It is always nice to see the BBC squirm, but it is quite typical of the BBC never to get to the heart of an issue/story, and how they like to run the narrative. Perhaps, someone should further turn the screw on them by pointing out racial pay differentials. I am sure that some journo could do this. All these divas (both men and women) are so full of themselves, and so hypocritical, it is truly nauseating.
I would like to know how much the BBC pay the weather girls and men. Excuse the pun, that could be a fair weather test into pay differentials, and gender bias (if any).
Does Carol Kirkwood get paid more than others? I would not be surprised if she did.
Further, a long time ago, I remember reading that the BBC provides wardrobe/a wardrobe allowance for the girl presenters. Have they taken account of make up and wardrobe allowances (which could be very substantial) when compiling their figures.
As others have noted, the real issue is the exorbitant sums being paid to all. Everyone is grossly over paid and the pay to men should most definitely be reduced down to the level of the women, not the pay of the women increased. I have yet to hear anyone justify the vast sums being paid to them, or for that matter any woman give a convincing reason why they are worth another £100,000 or more.
The other issue is the amount of data being concealed because they are paying talent (and I use that word very loosely since most are not particularly talented) via management companies/production companies. Until all the data is out, it is not possible to properly get a feel for pay and any gender issues.
Indeed… what disparities exist on the management side? I’d lay good odds that there is some disparity there too.
How about this for proper fake news…
“Sources say that while some of the salaries published recently show many presenters taking home more than £150,000 p.a, it is understood that well over seventy percent of the presenters actually get money via their production companies, and their income amounts to more than double, sometimes treble the threshold ‘demanded’ by the government.”
Anyone out there to prove me wrong?
Ferrets in sacks, grossly overpaid , hideously white males, rampant socialist narrative, endless airtime for Abbot and Popeye,
huge, bloated management structure.
What could possibly be missing?
Oh!…Islam or as it was called when I was growing up Moslem.
High time for a severe external audit with%of the audit team to be voted for by the Licence Tax Payer.
A simple objective might be to slim this thing down so it fits round a £50 Lic Fee……max.