A new week dawns and another week of fake news and bias from the BBC. Will they get through a day without pushing their “PayGenderGap” phony narrative? Detail the bias here!!!
NWales police had been lending support to Blackpool police over anti-fracking camp there
– But then an anti-fracker got himself elected as PCC in North Wales and ordered the local police to end support to Blackpool police.
BBC usually acts as PR agency for Green activists
but this time has deigned to quote the opposition
And report angry backlash from ‘Backing Fracking’ group
\\Spokesman has described his actions as “cronyism”.// North Wales PCC ‘abused power’ over fracking police
If that’s true then the alarm bells must really ring. If political control is used in that way then we really could head toward a one belief state with dissenters being ‘over prosecuted’ as it were. Bloody sad. No chief constable would resign because they’re all after a gong and pension
Excellent HYS comment. Not one scientific study of halal/kosher slaughter has supported this vile practice. A subject which the BBC has failed to investigate with any rigour
Some good comments on that HYS. I’m probably imagining it but if you look at the comments, most of them initially are pro-Brexit and anti-BBC. But then the pro-BBC, pro-Remain, nasty comments start coming in – almost as if a group of people had been ‘scrambled’ to do so.
“Donald Trump has said he is working on a “major trade deal” with the UK.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40716317
Despite Al Beeb’s war with him . (bet his advisors read this site! đ )
@Taffman Meanwhile new report says German car firms colluded in a big price fixing cartel.
Including the BMW group (manufacturers of MIni), VW Group, and Daimler.
Some detail was leaked to Der Spiegel.
Millions overcharged for German cars. Simple, buy British made cars, Honda, Toyota, Nissan!https://t.co/s1Mk8i53U5
— Bob For Full Brexit (@boblister_poole) July 25, 2017
I really loath vox-pops – what on earth is the point of them? They can simply be manipulated to give whatever impression the broadcaster wants to give.
I don’t think the formula for happiness is ever likely to be found via vox-pop on the news at six, but as a starting point did anybody suggest living in a country with a stable population among people with shared cultural values and generational ties to the land?
I should have stressed predominantly, I fully understand the importance of managed immigration, it’s the manufactured agenda driven stuff I object to.
Exactly – or maybe not being constantly lied to and sneered at by our elites. That would really lift the spirits. That they see the word ‘populist’ as pejorative shows what contempt they have for us.
I’m reporting you because humour on this site will not be tolerated – in accordance with al beebs comedy code of practice volume 4. Nice to see comrade tony Robinson deliver a line .
Sorry if someone has mentioned it already, but the Beeb article mocking Trump for being ‘disrespectful’ at this Scout thing is so pathetic. They detail a couple of people who said they did not like it.
This just is not news. Anything anywhere will have some people who like it and some do it. It is not ‘journalism’ to just list what people on your side think. If anyone says how much they hate these libtards they can get locked up for ‘hate speech’, yet we have to hear them constantly attacking Trump and Conservatives.
I do not care if he says something ‘offensive’ that not everyone likes, if everyone likes you then you are doing something wrong. His travel ban on Libya could have saved 22 lives here, but who cares about dead children when hurt feelings are at stake?
It freaks me out how these SJWs Police language and get off on finger wagging. God just leave us alone and stop bullying everyone.
Keep us safe. Get us a job. If a leader does that, who cares how ‘disrespectful’ a leader is? It is this policing of language by the SJWs which creates politicians like Theresa May, who only felt safe to say about three words during an entire election campaign. Trump has passion and is a normal person which people respond to; he will offend some people, but I prefer that to those whose words never offend but their actions are lethal. You would never find Blair ‘disrespecting’ anyone but look how monumentally he f**ked us over.
I thought this bit was interesting:
“But his speech to the Jamboree in West Virginia railed against Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the “cesspool” of politics, drawing whoops and cheers.”
One parent wrote: “Done with scouts after you felt the need to have my kid listen to a liar stroke his ego.”
So why didn’t they report what those who were “whooping and cheering” had to say?
The BBC doesn’t show Trump’s speech in full. I had to search online to read it, and eventually found a transcript in Time magazine. I agree that there were one or two bits which I think were unnecessarily political – he makes a dig at Hilary Clinton and Obamacare, and says some irrelevant stuff about the election. He makes a couple of jokes at the expense of the media – hardly ‘political’ – and the rest is all about the good things that the Scouting movement has achieved. Yet the BBC makes out it was some kind of Nuremberg Rally speech, because they know most people won’t bother to listen to the whole thing.
Still got those Jimmy Savile costumes have we?
Saw a drag queen at our local Pride bursh a bouncy castle with his size 11, five inch heels two years ago(albeit a slow puncture seeiung it was a stiletto).
Nobody dared to saw anything, the Council would be paying. As for the scared kids who had to get off whilst the geezerbirds showed off?
Well, who cares-they`ll grow up to be empty exhibitionists too one day.
So , “despite Brexit”, the Germans will still be making our mini cars in Cowley, Oxford?
Clive Myrie was far from happy at having to read this out, but help was at hand.
He had some Economist hack from their online business coop.
I didn`t need to listen then-we all KNOW what “The Economist” make of Brexit. Counted three “despite Brexits” from his answers on the subtitles…as well as pouring cold water on it all because “it doesn`t matter or mean much-for there are British iconic cars are they not?”
Anyway-they both await Peugeot and Vauxhall later in the year so they can pour scorn and disdain for whatever THEY choose to do.
Relentless, predictable carping from the same few faces and places. When will the Tories get up off their knees and deal with this endless rubbish?
Euratom junk last week-chlorine washed chickens this week? When will someone strangle their news goose that only lays turkey eggs by way of “stories”?
If the BBC actually WERE looking after their tax funded money mountain, then they surely would come up with a business plan or purpose to why Emily Maitlis is in Washington to carp on about Trump.
Doesn`t she do that from here just as well?
Are we paying for her job trawlings, now she`s huffy with us? What added value is her trip to the USA representing to us-why is she there?
Do all these expenses on our tab get included in her pay packet or not?
Why all the airmiles?
Exactly – we know exactly the crap she will spout about Trump, it has not changed one iota since the start. To actually report on his policies or the substangive business of running a country would be thought crime.
Think of all the food banks they could run if they cut down on the unnecessary travel! We know how the Beeb loves to support the poor and needy.
My all time favourite BBC pointless jolly was when they sent Fergal Keane (and presumably, a cameraman and sound man) to Japan to cover the 70th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. The report was just a few minutes long and didn’t even include any interviews. It could have been made for 50 pence using stock footage and stringer reports.
Just received this email:
This week, the BBC was on everyone’s lips, for all the wrong reasons. Journalists had a field day deciding if the story was about exorbitant salaries, or if it was a gender issue, a diversity story or even a class one. As for me, the fact that the BBC pays huge sums of money to unrepresentative people is just another reason to rethink the TV licence fee (as in, ‘scrap it’ that is). But the main reason is still that the TV licence fee is unfair for the public, uncompetitive for other broadcasters and unreasonably saddles the legal system.
As for previous years, I’ve complied a series of FOIs to illustrate how the TV licence fee affects the public and the courts. For the first year, I noticed a decline in the number of people charged for TV licence offence. But other than that, the level of unnecessary prosecution (trials ending up with a ‘not guilty’ verdict) has remained stable. The already disproportion number of women prosecuted has continued to increase, slowly but surely creeping closer to 3/4. Except in Norther Ireland, the average fine increased. Finally, the number of people jailed (90!) is as shocking as last year. For all the details, have a look here https://endbbclicencefee.wordpress.com/2017/07/13/tv-licence-overview-2016/
The best way to help the ongoing campaign is to find other supporters. Thanks to your effort, we are now fast approaching 230k! Another VERY USEFUL THING TO DO is to contact your local newspaper to let them know the current TV licence situation in your division/county/police force area/court office. I’ve managed to convince 6 papers to run a story. How many more can we manage? Give them a link to the stats on my blog post but do explain why it matters locally to get their attention. If you have any contacts who might be able to pull strings, it all helps.
A debate on the TV Licence was scheduled in parliament for the 8th May but was cancelled or shelved due to the snap election. If there is any news on that, I’ll let you know.
If you want to keep in touch, I’m always on twitter @lalionneuk. Say hello, share your opinion and keep me posted on your results with the local press.
Alicia – nothing has changed. The peculiar people who run the BBC have been happily promoting a man who is sometimes dressed as a drag act to small children on the Cbeebies channel. The man in question doesn’t seem to have done anything particularly noteworthy before 2007, and then, all of a sudden, ‘ 3,575 people’ signed a petition demanding that he be given an OBE. He was, of course, given an MBE. I often find that both the system, and the people that it chooses to promote, are peculiarly creepy. I always found Savile repulsive. How sad it is that our sixth sense is such a useless tool in a five sense world.
Why don’t we start a campaign to still pay a “fee” but that fee is for digital infrastructure? Surely that’s the way forward the BBC is irrelevant what are we getting for our ÂŁ147 a year whats the legacy ? I for one wouldnt baulk at paying 147 a year for a fast and ever improving digital network…….good idea ??
I see our Emily is still at it in the US. No doubt it is nice freebee for her. So when is the BBC going to demand that the President is impeached? Surely the might of the BBC led by our Emily will make Congress see sense and get rid of the man whose very existence is an affront to all right thinking human beings and squirrels.
Speaking as one of nature’s deplorables even I can see that our Emily is mightily upset that the President is still in office. That Brexit is going ahead and that she is paid less than Chris Evans and that squirrels are being given a hard time by Us Border Police.
Emily and Evan two lovely caring people that epitomise everything that we love about the BBC.
I understand now why the BBC are so keen on reporting on that sexual abuse case in the church: it happened in Melbourne! Of course they have flown a crew over there. Far worse sexual crimes have been perpetrated in Huddersfield recently but I imagine nobody fancied a holiday there.
I have noticed several despicable, brain washing, agenda driven articles over the past few days from the BBC. This is just one of them.
CBBC (6 to 12 year olds). Their top story on the newround homepage has been on LGBTQ+ history.
Headline: History of gay rights in the UK. This week marks the 50th anniversary of a big change in the way gay people were treated in England and Wales. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround
Link to story: “Decriminalisation of homosexuality: History of gay rights in the UK” http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/40459213
Newsround has been active in indocrinating young children for decades. One programme would incite children to hate Israel in 2003 . The news item interviewed a poor Palestinian shepherd who “couldn’t get to Bethlehem” to tend his sheep and a written caption underneath saying ” the Israeli’s say the so called security fence was built because of terrorist attacks from Palestine”. The Head of Complaints was to argue that the written caption provided the other side of the argument for children and was equal to the emotional interview with the shepherd and the children’s connections with the town of Bethlehem. But anyone would know that children would not necessarily read captions!!
Well of course. China would never put out programs critical of the Chinese agenda – same with our ‘National Broadcaster’.
As long as we make children aware that the bbc has a view but not THE VIEW.
My ten year old’s school report made me proud, “… he understands how language can be used to create a bias …..”.
Here is another pro-Europe (+ pro-women’s sports) propaganda exercise from the BBC – on their CBBC (6 to 12 year old) channel, in the guise of a quiz: “Which Women’s Euros team should you support?” http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/quizzes/womens-euros-quiz?ppp
Kids have to choose their favourite emoji (notice the big turd emoji!), colour, sport, weather and animal. Then the BBC quiz tells them they should support Germany or Spain or some other European nation. Whatever happened to simply supporting your own country?
Now the pattern becomes well established. The Tory government issues a leftist leaning policy announcement, desperately hoping to have a positive write up from the BBC, and yet the BBC reflexively delivers the usual leftist rebuttal.
Of course whatever leftist policy the Tories adopt it will never be as extreme as Labour or those ever convenient never taking time off ‘campaigners’ would like.
This morning the issue is the banning of petrol and diesel cars by the year 2040 (like Macron has already announced in France dontchaknow…)
I’ve a feeling that the outlawing of the internal combustion engine – if that law ever were realised – would have many of us going ‘not far enough, not fast enough’
sorry bbc and hmg i dont believe electric cars will ever replace ones powered by the internal combustion engine
and like gas conversions , ethonol fuels and pushing diesels its once again a political edict with the side effects not thought through , instead of an engineering solution
manufacturers have improved petrol engines massive amounts in the past twenty years and will do so even more in the next 20
Kaiser, “manufacturers have improved petrol engines massive amounts in the past twenty years and will do so even more in the next 20”
Except they have not. There have been small incremental gains over those twenty years and it would appear the consumer could have had massive improvements in fuel consumption from petrol and diesel and, hence, reductions in emissions for everyone, had government (in UK and the EU) enforced proper emissions testing of new vehicles but they did not.
Something smells about this whole thing and it is not a carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide smell; it is something far more ‘fishy’.
As ‘Deep Throat’ in ‘All The President’s Men’ said: “Follow the money.”
The tax and vat on petrol and diesel is easy to collect.
How will this be made up from people charging car batteries?
Will there be some huge tax rise on electricity?
EG, aye and there’s the rub: they have got themselves in a hole over ‘Global Warming’ and ‘Climate Change’ using it as a tax raising scam instead of dealing with the actual implications of warming and any climatic effects. So, in this hole, the media, & enviro-mentalists and the UK government, possibly, will no doubt be digging deeper over the next year or two.
They have ignored what anyone with a basic knowledge of the history of taxation and a grounding in economics has been telling them for years. The really tragic thing is that thanks to the collapse in the oil price about three years ago, we have seen how a reduction in transport costs have been beneficial for the UK economy. Apparently completely unnoticed by the BBC and Government and the Bank of England AND all those fancy economists that contribute to BBC Radio Four.
There is likely to be constant downward pressure on electricity costs from now on. Government has let that hare out of the trap and the greyhounds of the two major Parties are off after it. Nothing like a bit of competition, is there? đ
Now might be a good time to introduce a tax on schadenfreude because there will soon be an enormous amount of it about.
Dont worry Emmanuel by 2040 we ll all have our own automatic drone . Only poor people will use the ground .
Glad I didn’t take out a 50 year lease on a petrol station.
In seriousness I think it’s just a cynical attempt to get out of the doo doo from greens with enough money to take HMG to court .
Never happen .,
Never underestimate the power of government for passing through stupid legislation – especially when the impact of their decisions will only be felt 20 years later.
ps: engine manufacturers have greatly cleaned up exhaust fumes – in the past people could commit suicide by attaching a hose from the exhaust into the car – it was the carbon monoxide that killed them. Nowadays the same tactic has people waiting all day trying to die and then giving up – the carbon monoxide levels in exhaust is down to insignificant levels (due to catalytic convertors and engine management systems).
pps: electric cars are a lot less noisy and early results suggest more people being run over by them!
BoBotC, so true. Consequence of both a lack of/ignoring education (I was taught about taxation at secondary school but then I went to a funny school that did things like that) and being ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ politicians. Robin Day sure had that one right!
We really need a Judge-led Inquiry into vehicle emissions and to find out whether money has changed hands, if there were any ‘donations’ from oil companies to green groups and political parties. It is clear who has really benefited from the ’emissions scandal’: HM Treasury. It is also clear who has lost out: the public, especially vehicle users at all levels. That includes bus passengers who have probably faced the greatest burden. We also need to fully know and clearly identify the impact on the NHS, the emergency services, Royal Mail and local authorities.
Will the PM have the guts to call for an Inquiry, let alone set one in motion?
Grant, I would have thought that a good – and wise – Judge will call for help with anything he considers beyond his expertise. However, if Martin Moore-Bick has been paying attention to BBC News over the past three years, he will already know of the refrigerator fires and that home appliances are covered by EU regulation and tests. He will also know of the housing crisis. He may, in addition, have an idea of what was going on socially-wise for a good many occupants of Grenfell Tower as the BBC carried plenty of information about Ramadan again this year.
It is always assumed by the greater public and their media that Judges are out of touch with what is going on in the world, thanks to a perhaps unwise comment by a m’Learned, way back in the 1960s or 1970s, about some popular entertainer. A Barrister friend who is now doing some Judging assures me that that is not the case for the great majority.
Jeremy Vine gave the electric car lobby a good few minutes to enthuse about the virtues of us all having to go Tesla.
Start at ÂŁ25,000 and go up to ÂŁ75,000 said the salesman-sorry, green owner of such a car.
Free advertising as ever for the greens from the BBC.
Vine had the cheek to say that ÂŁ25,000 is a lot of money as well.
For HIM?
Hardly…but let`s all pretend we`re struggling eh Jeremy?
Bet the BBC is stuffed to the gunnels now with Park Lane car salesmen peddling their windmill cars, sails set for Mecca. Remind me again-why are we getting our faces slapped on our dime-and not yet fighting back?
Who`s going to tell Gove etc that energy used in MAKING the batteries and cars will not be less than that used to fuel the current cars…it`s an entropy thing.
Some bloke called Newton, as if Harrabin would know.
Has anyone looked into potential problems with large scale battery manufacture/disposal, or is this just a rush into “anything but hydrocarbons”?
I have in mind the almost total lack of coverage of the consequences of neodymium mining for wind farms.
As Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate points out below, car exhaust fumes are very clean these days. On the other hand, it’s not unusual to see clouds of smoke from badly maintained vans, trucks and buses. I doubt if cars are the problem at all.
Clare, you are wise to ask questions like that. When you look into some of these things you quickly discover ‘environment’ is just a convenient excuse. Years ago it became apparent that one of the biggest worldwide problems was an excess of used vehicle tyres.
Tax was taken from vehicle users and their customers but was never invested in good road surfaces in the UK and elsewhere so that tyre wear was much higher than necessary. As were all the resulting accidents and ALL their consequences for the environment beyond human injury and death. So many worn out tyres are in stock in the UK and elsewhere that, despite imaginative recycling uses, illegal and highly polluting fires are often started just to reduce the burden to ashes.
The ‘tax and restrict’ policy when set in train following some campaigning from so-called environmentalists (which at times may be genuine and well-intended) tends to lead to a lack of careful thought and a very quick “We’ve solved that problem, what’s next? Aah, the weekend in Prague. Lovely. See you all on Monday at 10.30am, if my flight back is not delayed.”
There will be a huge battery disposal problem in, say, fifteen years time, but they will be recycled ‘greenly’ no doubt by sending them to the other side of the globe by oil burning container ship. No doubt new taxes will be ‘thought up’ then to try to reduce the problem.
Up2..they did exactly that with the air conditioning industry. A rush to phase out certain ‘ozone depleting’ refrigerants which we’re doing zero harm whilst contained within a system. The refrigerants were replaced with ‘less harmful’ alternatives, (which meant some inevitable losses to atmosphere in recovering them from systems). Then later realisation that the replacement refrigerants were, in fact, less efficient and were therefore burning more fossil fuel for the same output, thus creating another environmental ‘issue’.
Dystopian, as well as being more vulnerable to explosion and sudden fire? Grenfell Tower comes to mind. I really hope the good Judge is allowed to dig very deep and examine all the factors there.
We need to know.
If it is swept under the carpet as Grenfell survivors fear, safety may be at risk across Europe. I cannot figure out why a European Union that wishes to mess around with vacuum cleaner power is not all over the Health & Safety implications from the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
Will the BBC ask intelligent & thoughtful questions on this? They have had a GAG spokesman on the radio several times insisting on this and not merely limiting the Inquiry to cladding issues. Anyone at the BBC paying attention to what he said?
is it me or did gove and macron both pop 2040 just by chance out of their arse’s or is something else a foot.
Oddly as well all the reports on the so called bbc this morning talked about rising congestion and pollution, but never asked who is driving all these cars??
The link between more people more cars more congestion more pollution never seems to cross anyone’s tiny little mind
This latest idiotic policy is an example of where the Conservatives have gone so madly and badly wrong. On immigration, ‘LGBT’ issues, leaving the EU, energy and now transport, instead on acting in accordance with what their supporters and voters have mandated, they are carrying out the wishes of the media class – often directly the opposite of what the actual voters want.
Like many others I now find myself with a serious problem. UKIP has become unelectable, I will never vote for the Conservative party again, so what is left?
There is something funny about all of this. I hope the Prof who did the research over in Canada is right on the money and that good old market forces stick it to any government that is being, er, how shall I delicately put this, let’s say ‘unwise’ over transport.
Transport taxation played a big part in the 2008 crash and bank failures, along with other tax changes and the existing rolling sub-prime & property market overheat crisis.
We are currently walking a delicate line of relative economic success. The PM might be wise to reflect on that if she does any ridge walking on her summer holiday. Watch out for crumbling economic cornices and anything that may tip the UK over the edge and into the scree on either side.
Dead right GC.
Goves decline is very worrying, as if he`s deciding to take the pragmatic road and not that one the REAL pioneers ought to take.
Very sad.
Only hope Owen Paterson doesn`t sell us out, think the Tories need to think on why we let them win, shit as they are.
There seems to be a lot of good ones who are nowhere in the party like Rees Mogg and Davies(P)-we need to keep them encouraged, so they`ll still have a party to lead when this shower hit the fan.
Who knows? Is there perhaps a secret Brexit-breaking deal for those five or six, or maybe more, new French-built power stations which will be required to provide the electricity to recharge all those tens of thousands of environmentally-friendly batteries? Batteries which will never self-ignite, create a staggering level of pollution in the manufacture and require specialist and monumentally expensive re-cycling, of course.
“A photo of the truck, with his Mark-1 Plumbing decals still attached, went viral, leading to thousands of harassing phone calls.
The truck was auctioned off in November 2013. The next month, it was shipped from Houston to Mersin, Turkey, according to the lawsuit.”
I was going to hit the report button because I feared a series of copycat attacks by suitably armed plumbers in London – you’d never find one though.
In fact that could be particular plumbing company from London having its annual holiday in turkey….
Ha Beltane,
I’m still waiting for my stolen landy to turn up somewhere. Had New off roads on it as well. Even if they weld the suicide kit onto it I’d still recognise it. Hope it wasn’t the wagon ran over by the tank posted by markymark which I can’t find here any more.
Unintended consequences … Mosquito threat from used tyres {theguardian mar2002}
“Colonies of aggressive, potentially disease carrying mosquitoes could have arrived (woah! Did they or didn’t they? Could?) in Britain in used car tyres without public health authorities knowing anything about it, scientists have warned.
Unlike other European countries such as France and Italy, Britain has no system set up to monitor the health impact of used car tyre imports. The tyres are a favourite site for certain species of mosquito to lay their eggs.
The Asian mosquito Aedes albopictus, sometimes known as the tiger mosquito because of its striped appearance, spread to the US in imported car tyres in the 1970s and has been identified in 24 states. It was first spotted in Europe in 1979 in Albania, again linked to car tyres; imports passed it to Italy, where it is now well established, and by October 1999, to France.”
… more unintended consequences …
Children as young as seven mining cobalt used in smartphones, says Amnesty {jan2016}
Amnesty International says it has traced cobalt used in batteries for household brands to mines in DRC, where children work in life-threatening conditions.
Global demand for cobalt is increasing, but the global cobalt market remains largely unregulated as it falls outside âconflict mineralâ legislation regulating the extraction and sale of other mineral such as gold, coltan and tin from the DRC.
… there will be unintended consequences for electric cars as well.
I wonder if Robert Spencer will be invited onto one of the beebâs poncey book shows to discuss his latest book.
Donât hold your breath.
âHow Western governments, media, and others in positions of authority have enabled stealth jihad and punished its critics.
What would we do without Robert Spencer? In over a dozen definitive books, and on his invaluable Jihad Watch website, he has served as a one-man truth squad on the subject of Islam, providing readers with lucid, cogent accounts of the belief system itself, of the Koran, of jihad, and of the life of Muhammed. In Stealth Jihad (2008), he described the ways in which Islamic law is being forced upon America, subverting the nationâs constitutional freedoms in aggressive but peaceful and even, at times, seemingly reasonable ways. Now, in The Complete Infidelâs Guide to Free Speech (and Its Enemies), he looks at the same phenomenon from the other side â providing a compendious if not comprehensive history of the ways in which Western governments, media, and others in positions of authority have enabled stealth jihad and punished its critics.â https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/07/how-western-governments-media-and-others-in-positions-of-authority-have-enabled-stealth-jihad-and-punished-its-critics
The msm is doing its job of telling the public about the effects of acid attacks and then sounding the alarm when more attacks take place.
A few years ago my sink blocked. I tried everything and failed. Went to a plumbers merchant and he told me the stuff to use was called **** -90% sulphuric acid . He also told me it was favoured in domestic disputes.
The moment passed but now al beeb and the like are broadcasting every event. Editorial judgement ?
Breakfast. Grenfell Towers. Back to air quality I wonder how we all survive in the toxic swirl. Ban all diesel & petrol cars well at least some of the BBc employees will have no problem buying new vehicles. Strange,pollution from electricity generation not mentioned. The gap in electricity generation not mentioned. As I’ll be 80 I’m not really bothered.
It is interesting that this current obsession over diesel CAR emissions (diesel vans, lorries and buses appear to be innocent) for the last two years appears to be ‘designed’ to lead to more transport taxes in the view of the BBC bit of the media that I have been listening to. It is also interesting that apparently a group of lawyers has been taking the UK Government to court over air quality standards which they claim have been failing to meet agreed standards on pollution for seven years.
Now I do not recall the BBC reporting on Radio 4, at any length or with any constancy or consistency, those apparently failing standards two, three, four, five or six or seven years ago. Now why should that be? If these emissions have been increasing as claimed – there is counter-evidence from car sales that the UK vehicle fleet is newer and less olluting than ever – why has the BBC not been reporting on these breaches of air quality standards with the same intensity as in the past year or so?
After all it has umpteen environmental correspondents who love to appear on air and Blog on the web-site.
Why has there been almost silence from the BBC on UK air quality standards for the first five of the past seven years?
Radio 4 Today’s parting shot was a hamfisted attempt to rubbish Dunkirk and by association attack the successful film currently showing . The two history ‘ experts’ interviewed made some real howlers in their comments showing an amazing degree of ignorance. The Government attempted to cover up that it was a retreat . Really? That’s what Churchill called it. The episode was presented as heroism by the ordinary man in the face of failure by the ruling classes. A very Marxist interpretation of the Battle of France and why the allies lost it, I would say. The bulk of troops were rescued by battleships. Again one can only gasp at this ignorance.
England ,
Being very interested – do you remember who the so called historians were.
I think the reason for sending the BEF was the pre Churchill misjudgement of chamberlain after being turned into a joke by Adolf.
Pretty typical group think about the ability of the Maginot Line ( spelling ) to defend the cheese eating surrender monkeys . Was a nice place to hang ones washing though apparently – especially if there was a swastika on it .
The Boko Haram story is especially evil even by BBC standards. The BBC trying to portray the kidnappings as a good thing. The BBC disgusts me in all aspects.
Has anyone seen or heard any report on the BBC about the momentous news that Maduro has installed Cuban troops in Venezuela, and who are apparently employed in controlling the opponents of his regime. Or is this old news, and Iâve just caught up?
The BBC has resolutely suppressed any news about Venezuela, so as not to embarrass Corbyn and other socialist fantasists – a group which includes most BBC ‘journalists’ of course.
I suppose when the bbC does get round to it, they will headline it with: Tank crushes car containing wedding party Corbyn demands an inquiry over how driver had a postcard from London.
I know it really gets my goat how the bBC which lovingly apes the Arabic hissing pronunciation of Israel, which loves to say Mumbai, Beijing but leaves out Koln, Munchen or even Wien (Cologne, Munich and Vienna) as Clare points out..consistency . But then the bBC are champions in that field when it comes to:
Islamic terrorism
Gay rights
Black rights
Paedophile rights ( But that’s just those who work at the bBC)
Pounce, the new names of Indian cities (Mumbai, Chennai etc) are the product of Hindu nationalism and not all Indians agree with it or use those new names. Don’t expect to hear that on the BBC though!
The German pronunciation of “Volkswagon ” may be too difficult for BBC thickos. One that gets me is their appalling pronunciation of Turkish names and words. You would think that , given their love of Islam and Erdogan, they would make the effort to get that right.
“It was very difficult. I had tried so hard. I was in a choir, I played football, I was doing a German course, I did everything I could, but they said that is the law – you have to go,” he told the BBC.
Farzad Mohammadi from Afghanistan
“I did everything I could” – but Mohammadi disagrees with the law of the country?!
– on the other side did they interview a ‘refugee/immigrant/economic refugee/war refugee’ who had committed a crime in their new host country and is being deported?
A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.
I think by “Reforms”, Soros means the abolition of national governments in the EU, to be replaced by one EU government. Only a guess. But since he is unelected, why should anyone take notice of him ?
“This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants” – not forgetting terrorists of course. The BBC would certainly want to include them as, “migrants” to conceal their real motives. All the more the merrier I say!
This is where BBC journalists should step in ‘Do you mean migrants from war torn countries or economic migrants? Shall we talk about the migrants from war torn countries first rather than group all under the same title. Do we also have ISIS migrants? ISIS wife migrants?”
If you start a conversation with ‘Child Migrants’ and end with ‘All Migrants’ that’s a big leap.
Martin Schulz and Angela Merkel both created the migration mess so both should step down … they are both responsible, but are fighting over it? This is pure madness …
In 2015, more than one million refugees arrived in Germany â mostly uncontrolled (but Schulz was President of the European Parliament at the time?!),â Schulz told Bild am Sonntag newspaper, using a higher number than the roughly 890,000 asylum-seekers who registered in Germany that year.
But just yesterday when we had a 19 year old Muslim killed in a Honour Killing the BBC didn’t mention anything about her killer. No analysis whatsoever and not even a mention of his religion.
I wonder why?
Edit: The article about the ginger haired killer makes sure we know his parents religion though. Can you guess what it is? Christianity of course.
I thought I would like to share this. I am a proud alumnus of Aberdeen University and have just received a copy of the evocatively named ” Voice ” ” conversation and news from the University “. Alas , I had to reach for the sick bag. On the front cover , in full University gown and all the trappings, a photo of my fellow alumnus. Step forward Dame Nicky Campbell !
When my son got his degree , we had Russell T Davies( Doctor Who writer) as HIS hero on the alumnus appeal for money magazine as we left the convocation. So his yoony is barely any better than yours!
All went south when Oxford wilfully, spitefully refused Mrs Thatcher HER honorary award. She`d only got her chemistry degree from there, only become the first lady PM.
But no. Which is where the rot set in.
Wonder which uni has Alastair Campbell as THEIR honorary degree holder?
THAT would have to be the baseline of integrity or standards I`d have thought.
He`s probably the lowest creature in public life isn`t he?
Think Mandelson is the better one.
1. Think that he tried to join VSO after his degree, which shows some early principles.
2. Think he saved us from the SDP, by getting Labour out of Militants hands.
3. Did put himself up for election and got voted in , albeit in Hartlepool where they`d have voted any pal of Blairs into office.
4. Stitched up Osborne on one occasion.
5. Never played on his mental health by way of a career.
6. Never wrote paid porn for Robert Maxwell
7. Not got the blood of a weapons inspector on his hands as far as I know
8. Never pretends to be anything other that what he is in terms of football or Scottish bagpipe stuff.
9. He is openly paid by the EU pension pot, Campbell passes his bile with no obvious need to suck up to the EU.
A brilliant piece of teaching. These historical time lapses are tremendous, and Roslings is great.
But so many more questions arise, and a detailed breakdown would REALLY show us how , say Communism or getting the meaningful vote ; is related to wealth and health.
All of this is set to go into reverse, due to Islamic and African migration and the collapse of the western code from within.
Would Rosling and his team still be able to show this on telly, even if the conclusions did not include faster broadband, electric cars or Branson on the moon?
Doubt it. Thanks for posting.
A couple of days ago i posted the following tweet on Twitter ” The BBC its so full of shit that the toilet is jealous” And for some unknown reason its been getting quite a few likes and retweets ?? Wonder why
Fail to see why Douglas is left alone to deal with all this.
Where the hell are the churches? This is theology, and Murray has neither the vocabulary or the vision to see what is happening.
The likes of Robert Spencer and Hirsi Ali certainly do.
But where is Welby…the Methodists, Sally Army, Baptists and Elim, let alone the Catholics?
Think I know where-throwing Michael Nazir Ali and Partrick Sookhodeo to the wolves of islam, as they share tea and cakes with Tariq Ramadan and his goons.
Murray is good, but Tommy Robinson knows far more Islamic rationale for all that Islam is doing.
BBC WS – Piece about women who’d joined IS included the German 16 year old. Interviewer asks, “Should they be allowed back home or should they be put on trial?”
The impression was all too clear – these are just silly women who don’t know what they’re doing we should just forget their crimes. Hmm, women of ISIS – stupid enough to work for the bbc and be paid less than their male colleagues – maybe?
Have a vague student memory of Angolan mercenaries getting executed in Angola in the mid-late 70s.
General idea was that if you decide to be a traitor or simply a stupid gun for hire?
Then you run big risks don`t you?
No-have no sympathy whatsoever.
Let Syrian justice deal with it…if they think they`re harmless, then send them to someone who doesn`t for a while.
We have no money or need to waste on traitors.
End of.
The Donald’s announcement that he is banning transgender people from his military must have been done when he found out it was al beeb queer week .
There must be apoplexy in albeeb towers only exceeded when the beeboids saw the wages the creme de la crap are on . Don’t think G . norton will be getting a green card any time soon.
Ah shoot!
Rather fancied myself as a Melvyn Hayes drag act who would head up the Yemen offensive…Obama would have wanted me to meet the gang.
Imagine-the USA actaully being able to win a war again?
Only hope all the Yankie trannies choose to join the coming EU Army-bring their own dope, and they`d be welcome in the UN Peacekeeping forces.
Well done Donald…have set the howls of pain meter to register the off the scale readings we`ll be getting from CNN and the BBC. Thought they`d not want to join anyway-wouldn`t that be imperial colonisation, at odds with their pacifist feminist leanings? Talk about cultural appropriation of women that these dragmen employ serially?
Court cases surely?
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of â royalâ delivery which i think is based on the way…
AsISeeItMar 4, 11:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Netflix’s Black Doves update. I’m putting myself through this spy thriller like the preverbial Oscars-allied Sex Worker Community heart-of-gold hooker…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 âGive me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the TRANS manâ? Aristotle.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 95% clean power by 2030 ** does not include bombing Russia https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn9gxvppxqpo [img]https://sceeus.se/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/emerson-tabell.png[/img]
Philip_2Mar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC is at it again! Now theyâre pushing drag queen prostitutes onto six-year-olds! The CBeebies website has listed Marsha…
vladMar 4, 10:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wokies and normies and the BBC think that giving Ukraine enough arms and money to keep feeding their men into…
JohnCMar 4, 10:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Any more ‘Lammy’ and he will pop. When someone looks like that, it is usually an indicator to the character…
JohnCMar 4, 10:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 They told you wrong : they have paused, not halted, offensive operations only against Russia. Nothing to do with ‘monitoring’…
Eh up : Anti-frackers have got police under command for their own POLITICAL purposes now
NWales police had been lending support to Blackpool police over anti-fracking camp there
– But then an anti-fracker got himself elected as PCC in North Wales and ordered the local police to end support to Blackpool police.
BBC usually acts as PR agency for Green activists
but this time has deigned to quote the opposition
And report angry backlash from ‘Backing Fracking’ group
\\Spokesman has described his actions as “cronyism”.//
North Wales PCC ‘abused power’ over fracking police
If that’s true then the alarm bells must really ring. If political control is used in that way then we really could head toward a one belief state with dissenters being ‘over prosecuted’ as it were. Bloody sad. No chief constable would resign because they’re all after a gong and pension
“Electric Mini to be built in Oxford”
Despite Brexit!
Can the Germans foresee a big export market for the new electric Mini in the USA?
“Brexit: UK ‘overwhelmingly reliant’ on abattoir vets from EU”
Check out the top HYS , its a ‘corker’ !
Excellent HYS comment. Not one scientific study of halal/kosher slaughter has supported this vile practice. A subject which the BBC has failed to investigate with any rigour
Some good comments on that HYS. I’m probably imagining it but if you look at the comments, most of them initially are pro-Brexit and anti-BBC. But then the pro-BBC, pro-Remain, nasty comments start coming in – almost as if a group of people had been ‘scrambled’ to do so.
“Donald Trump has said he is working on a “major trade deal” with the UK.”
Despite Al Beeb’s war with him . (bet his advisors read this site! đ )
Brexit .
Does ‘Comical Ali’ run Anti-Brexit spin courses for Al Beeb news readers ?
@Taffman Meanwhile new report says German car firms colluded in a big price fixing cartel.
Including the BMW group (manufacturers of MIni), VW Group, and Daimler.
Some detail was leaked to Der Spiegel.
An important message to all you ‘Remainers’.
‘Remainers’ that remain paying the telly tax ………………………………….
Envy of the Word, Number #26789 in a series…
Bet the Yanks were impressed.
Good use of money. Mind you, flying Emily elsewhere to get wet and not appear may see me donating to the crowd fund.
Some claptrap on news at six about some formula for how to be happy; lots of vox pops with people talking inanely about their lives and hobbies.
These ‘journalists’ are worth every penny. This is daring, cutting-edge stuff. How is it ‘news’ to just ask people in the street what they like doing?
I really loath vox-pops – what on earth is the point of them? They can simply be manipulated to give whatever impression the broadcaster wants to give.
I don’t think the formula for happiness is ever likely to be found via vox-pop on the news at six, but as a starting point did anybody suggest living in a country with a stable population among people with shared cultural values and generational ties to the land?
I should have stressed predominantly, I fully understand the importance of managed immigration, it’s the manufactured agenda driven stuff I object to.
Exactly – or maybe not being constantly lied to and sneered at by our elites. That would really lift the spirits. That they see the word ‘populist’ as pejorative shows what contempt they have for us.
Doesn’t the BBC use Flash?
Guest Who
“Doesnât the BBC use Flash?”
“Flash by name flash by nature!”
Has it become Politically Incorrect already ?
I’m reporting you because humour on this site will not be tolerated – in accordance with al beebs comedy code of practice volume 4. Nice to see comrade tony Robinson deliver a line .
Sorry if someone has mentioned it already, but the Beeb article mocking Trump for being ‘disrespectful’ at this Scout thing is so pathetic. They detail a couple of people who said they did not like it.
This just is not news. Anything anywhere will have some people who like it and some do it. It is not ‘journalism’ to just list what people on your side think. If anyone says how much they hate these libtards they can get locked up for ‘hate speech’, yet we have to hear them constantly attacking Trump and Conservatives.
I do not care if he says something ‘offensive’ that not everyone likes, if everyone likes you then you are doing something wrong. His travel ban on Libya could have saved 22 lives here, but who cares about dead children when hurt feelings are at stake?
It freaks me out how these SJWs Police language and get off on finger wagging. God just leave us alone and stop bullying everyone.
Keep us safe. Get us a job. If a leader does that, who cares how ‘disrespectful’ a leader is? It is this policing of language by the SJWs which creates politicians like Theresa May, who only felt safe to say about three words during an entire election campaign. Trump has passion and is a normal person which people respond to; he will offend some people, but I prefer that to those whose words never offend but their actions are lethal. You would never find Blair ‘disrespecting’ anyone but look how monumentally he f**ked us over.
Here is the BBC report on President Trump’s speech.
I thought this bit was interesting:
“But his speech to the Jamboree in West Virginia railed against Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the “cesspool” of politics, drawing whoops and cheers.”
One parent wrote: “Done with scouts after you felt the need to have my kid listen to a liar stroke his ego.”
So why didn’t they report what those who were “whooping and cheering” had to say?
Trump really is Immanuel Goldstein to them.
The BBC doesn’t show Trump’s speech in full. I had to search online to read it, and eventually found a transcript in Time magazine. I agree that there were one or two bits which I think were unnecessarily political – he makes a dig at Hilary Clinton and Obamacare, and says some irrelevant stuff about the election. He makes a couple of jokes at the expense of the media – hardly ‘political’ – and the rest is all about the good things that the Scouting movement has achieved. Yet the BBC makes out it was some kind of Nuremberg Rally speech, because they know most people won’t bother to listen to the whole thing.
Good interviews today with Michael Heaver and also Ted Malloch on Jon Gaunt Pod 1 at about 19m and 37m respectively
No BBC, but lightens the mood
Drag Queen Storytime for kids at the library — What in the name of Captain Kangaroo is going on?
However, I do think this heralds the end of western civilisation.
Still got those Jimmy Savile costumes have we?
Saw a drag queen at our local Pride bursh a bouncy castle with his size 11, five inch heels two years ago(albeit a slow puncture seeiung it was a stiletto).
Nobody dared to saw anything, the Council would be paying. As for the scared kids who had to get off whilst the geezerbirds showed off?
Well, who cares-they`ll grow up to be empty exhibitionists too one day.
So , “despite Brexit”, the Germans will still be making our mini cars in Cowley, Oxford?
Clive Myrie was far from happy at having to read this out, but help was at hand.
He had some Economist hack from their online business coop.
I didn`t need to listen then-we all KNOW what “The Economist” make of Brexit. Counted three “despite Brexits” from his answers on the subtitles…as well as pouring cold water on it all because “it doesn`t matter or mean much-for there are British iconic cars are they not?”
Anyway-they both await Peugeot and Vauxhall later in the year so they can pour scorn and disdain for whatever THEY choose to do.
Relentless, predictable carping from the same few faces and places. When will the Tories get up off their knees and deal with this endless rubbish?
Euratom junk last week-chlorine washed chickens this week? When will someone strangle their news goose that only lays turkey eggs by way of “stories”?
If the BBC actually WERE looking after their tax funded money mountain, then they surely would come up with a business plan or purpose to why Emily Maitlis is in Washington to carp on about Trump.
Doesn`t she do that from here just as well?
Are we paying for her job trawlings, now she`s huffy with us? What added value is her trip to the USA representing to us-why is she there?
Do all these expenses on our tab get included in her pay packet or not?
Why all the airmiles?
Exactly – we know exactly the crap she will spout about Trump, it has not changed one iota since the start. To actually report on his policies or the substangive business of running a country would be thought crime.
Think of all the food banks they could run if they cut down on the unnecessary travel! We know how the Beeb loves to support the poor and needy.
My all time favourite BBC pointless jolly was when they sent Fergal Keane (and presumably, a cameraman and sound man) to Japan to cover the 70th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. The report was just a few minutes long and didn’t even include any interviews. It could have been made for 50 pence using stock footage and stringer reports.
Just received this email:
This week, the BBC was on everyone’s lips, for all the wrong reasons. Journalists had a field day deciding if the story was about exorbitant salaries, or if it was a gender issue, a diversity story or even a class one. As for me, the fact that the BBC pays huge sums of money to unrepresentative people is just another reason to rethink the TV licence fee (as in, ‘scrap it’ that is). But the main reason is still that the TV licence fee is unfair for the public, uncompetitive for other broadcasters and unreasonably saddles the legal system.
As for previous years, I’ve complied a series of FOIs to illustrate how the TV licence fee affects the public and the courts. For the first year, I noticed a decline in the number of people charged for TV licence offence. But other than that, the level of unnecessary prosecution (trials ending up with a ‘not guilty’ verdict) has remained stable. The already disproportion number of women prosecuted has continued to increase, slowly but surely creeping closer to 3/4. Except in Norther Ireland, the average fine increased. Finally, the number of people jailed (90!) is as shocking as last year. For all the details, have a look here https://endbbclicencefee.wordpress.com/2017/07/13/tv-licence-overview-2016/
The first newspaper to start the ball this year was the News & Star (Cumbria) http://www.newsandstar.co.uk/news/Figures-show-more-than-1000-people-in-Cumbria-prosecuted-for-not-having-a-TV-licence-45ca1532-7774-49d2-9700-285ed523d325-ds
followed by the Evening Telegraph (Dundee) https://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/fp/dundonian-females-twice-likely-caught-without-tv-licence-men/
The Press (North Yorkshire) http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/15410161.License_prosecutions/
the Belfast Telegraph http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/revealed-worst-towns-for-tv-licence-dodgers-in-northern-ireland-35929075.html
the Register https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/07/17/70_pc_tv_licensing_convictions_women/?mt=1500307377626
and the Evening Times (Glasgow)
The Daily Express and the Isle Of Man Today are also working on a story, but nothing was out at the time of this update. I will keep you posted.
It’s also worth noting that the Register has written another piece earlier, highlighting the situation in London (and mentioning this petition) https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/03/02/tv_licensing_two_thirds_prosecutions_women_one_london_court/?mt=1488453844302
The best way to help the ongoing campaign is to find other supporters. Thanks to your effort, we are now fast approaching 230k! Another VERY USEFUL THING TO DO is to contact your local newspaper to let them know the current TV licence situation in your division/county/police force area/court office. I’ve managed to convince 6 papers to run a story. How many more can we manage? Give them a link to the stats on my blog post but do explain why it matters locally to get their attention. If you have any contacts who might be able to pull strings, it all helps.
A debate on the TV Licence was scheduled in parliament for the 8th May but was cancelled or shelved due to the snap election. If there is any news on that, I’ll let you know.
If you want to keep in touch, I’m always on twitter @lalionneuk. Say hello, share your opinion and keep me posted on your results with the local press.
Caroline LĂŠvesque-Bartlett
Caroline LĂŠvesque-Bartlett started this campaign on the 38 Degrees Campaigns by You website. If there’s an issue close to your heart that you’d like to campaign on, you can start your campaign here.
wowsa real ones look.
Alicia – nothing has changed. The peculiar people who run the BBC have been happily promoting a man who is sometimes dressed as a drag act to small children on the Cbeebies channel. The man in question doesn’t seem to have done anything particularly noteworthy before 2007, and then, all of a sudden, ‘ 3,575 people’ signed a petition demanding that he be given an OBE. He was, of course, given an MBE. I often find that both the system, and the people that it chooses to promote, are peculiarly creepy. I always found Savile repulsive. How sad it is that our sixth sense is such a useless tool in a five sense world.
Why don’t we start a campaign to still pay a “fee” but that fee is for digital infrastructure? Surely that’s the way forward the BBC is irrelevant what are we getting for our ÂŁ147 a year whats the legacy ? I for one wouldnt baulk at paying 147 a year for a fast and ever improving digital network…….good idea ??
Why don’t you just read this and have a little think …………………………..
KISS “keep it simple stupid”
Halifax, “Why donât we start a campaign to still pay a âfeeâ but that fee is for digital infrastructure?”
Because the BBC would receive next to nothing. There will always be too much free competition for the BBC on the internet in such a situation.
I see our Emily is still at it in the US. No doubt it is nice freebee for her. So when is the BBC going to demand that the President is impeached? Surely the might of the BBC led by our Emily will make Congress see sense and get rid of the man whose very existence is an affront to all right thinking human beings and squirrels.
Speaking as one of nature’s deplorables even I can see that our Emily is mightily upset that the President is still in office. That Brexit is going ahead and that she is paid less than Chris Evans and that squirrels are being given a hard time by Us Border Police.
Emily and Evan two lovely caring people that epitomise everything that we love about the BBC.
Dave S
She is looking very drawn, not well at all . Something is worrying her ?
Maybe her son has shown her bad poll results?
Poor Em, how’s a girl to live on less than 150 grand?
Maybe Ian Katz could start a campaign?
He could call it ‘Operation… ‘ something.
taffman I thought so as well. Could be squirrels. They start to see them everywhere.
“Could be squirrels. They start to see them everywhere.”
Something to do with Nuts ?
Lets be clear the term is honour murder, or honour slaying, but killing ?.
Not so sure why ‘honour’ ever got in there either.
“Honour” makes it sound respectable. Makes murder seem honourable. Doublespeak.
I see the bBC has started opennly campaigning for the right of captured Isis followers to be returned to their home countries. According to the BBC these women and children can only be victims. Why am I not surprised.
Yes this popped up on my news feed today. Glamourising the muzzies yet again.
Damn pounce I thought they were dropping them off roofs.
I understand now why the BBC are so keen on reporting on that sexual abuse case in the church: it happened in Melbourne! Of course they have flown a crew over there. Far worse sexual crimes have been perpetrated in Huddersfield recently but I imagine nobody fancied a holiday there.
I have noticed several despicable, brain washing, agenda driven articles over the past few days from the BBC. This is just one of them.
CBBC (6 to 12 year olds). Their top story on the newround homepage has been on LGBTQ+ history.
Headline: History of gay rights in the UK. This week marks the 50th anniversary of a big change in the way gay people were treated in England and Wales.
Link to story: “Decriminalisation of homosexuality: History of gay rights in the UK”
This CBBC article has links to following older CBBC stories headlined:
1) Thousands of gay and bisexual men pardoned for ‘crimes’
2) Video What is homophobic bullying?
3) Video Same-sex marriage now legal in England and Wales
It would appear that the Cbeebies, Newsround etc are not merely educating children, but indoctrinating them from an early age. I found this from 2013…
I suspect the comments are provided by BBC employees!
Newsround has been active in indocrinating young children for decades. One programme would incite children to hate Israel in 2003 . The news item interviewed a poor Palestinian shepherd who “couldn’t get to Bethlehem” to tend his sheep and a written caption underneath saying ” the Israeli’s say the so called security fence was built because of terrorist attacks from Palestine”. The Head of Complaints was to argue that the written caption provided the other side of the argument for children and was equal to the emotional interview with the shepherd and the children’s connections with the town of Bethlehem. But anyone would know that children would not necessarily read captions!!
Well of course. China would never put out programs critical of the Chinese agenda – same with our ‘National Broadcaster’.
As long as we make children aware that the bbc has a view but not THE VIEW.
My ten year old’s school report made me proud, “… he understands how language can be used to create a bias …..”.
Here is another pro-Europe (+ pro-women’s sports) propaganda exercise from the BBC – on their CBBC (6 to 12 year old) channel, in the guise of a quiz: “Which Women’s Euros team should you support?”
Kids have to choose their favourite emoji (notice the big turd emoji!), colour, sport, weather and animal. Then the BBC quiz tells them they should support Germany or Spain or some other European nation. Whatever happened to simply supporting your own country?
Been done before, “No single target of Nazi propaganda took higher priority than Germany’s young.”
‘Not going far enough or fast enough…’
Now the pattern becomes well established. The Tory government issues a leftist leaning policy announcement, desperately hoping to have a positive write up from the BBC, and yet the BBC reflexively delivers the usual leftist rebuttal.
Of course whatever leftist policy the Tories adopt it will never be as extreme as Labour or those ever convenient never taking time off ‘campaigners’ would like.
This morning the issue is the banning of petrol and diesel cars by the year 2040 (like Macron has already announced in France dontchaknow…)
I’ve a feeling that the outlawing of the internal combustion engine – if that law ever were realised – would have many of us going ‘not far enough, not fast enough’
sorry bbc and hmg i dont believe electric cars will ever replace ones powered by the internal combustion engine
and like gas conversions , ethonol fuels and pushing diesels its once again a political edict with the side effects not thought through , instead of an engineering solution
manufacturers have improved petrol engines massive amounts in the past twenty years and will do so even more in the next 20
Kaiser, “manufacturers have improved petrol engines massive amounts in the past twenty years and will do so even more in the next 20”
Except they have not. There have been small incremental gains over those twenty years and it would appear the consumer could have had massive improvements in fuel consumption from petrol and diesel and, hence, reductions in emissions for everyone, had government (in UK and the EU) enforced proper emissions testing of new vehicles but they did not.
Something smells about this whole thing and it is not a carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide smell; it is something far more ‘fishy’.
As ‘Deep Throat’ in ‘All The President’s Men’ said: “Follow the money.”
The tax and vat on petrol and diesel is easy to collect.
How will this be made up from people charging car batteries?
Will there be some huge tax rise on electricity?
EG, aye and there’s the rub: they have got themselves in a hole over ‘Global Warming’ and ‘Climate Change’ using it as a tax raising scam instead of dealing with the actual implications of warming and any climatic effects. So, in this hole, the media, & enviro-mentalists and the UK government, possibly, will no doubt be digging deeper over the next year or two.
They have ignored what anyone with a basic knowledge of the history of taxation and a grounding in economics has been telling them for years. The really tragic thing is that thanks to the collapse in the oil price about three years ago, we have seen how a reduction in transport costs have been beneficial for the UK economy. Apparently completely unnoticed by the BBC and Government and the Bank of England AND all those fancy economists that contribute to BBC Radio Four.
There is likely to be constant downward pressure on electricity costs from now on. Government has let that hare out of the trap and the greyhounds of the two major Parties are off after it. Nothing like a bit of competition, is there? đ
Now might be a good time to introduce a tax on schadenfreude because there will soon be an enormous amount of it about.
Dont worry Emmanuel by 2040 we ll all have our own automatic drone . Only poor people will use the ground .
Glad I didn’t take out a 50 year lease on a petrol station.
In seriousness I think it’s just a cynical attempt to get out of the doo doo from greens with enough money to take HMG to court .
Never happen .,
Never underestimate the power of government for passing through stupid legislation – especially when the impact of their decisions will only be felt 20 years later.
ps: engine manufacturers have greatly cleaned up exhaust fumes – in the past people could commit suicide by attaching a hose from the exhaust into the car – it was the carbon monoxide that killed them. Nowadays the same tactic has people waiting all day trying to die and then giving up – the carbon monoxide levels in exhaust is down to insignificant levels (due to catalytic convertors and engine management systems).
pps: electric cars are a lot less noisy and early results suggest more people being run over by them!
BoBotC, so true. Consequence of both a lack of/ignoring education (I was taught about taxation at secondary school but then I went to a funny school that did things like that) and being ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ politicians. Robin Day sure had that one right!
We really need a Judge-led Inquiry into vehicle emissions and to find out whether money has changed hands, if there were any ‘donations’ from oil companies to green groups and political parties. It is clear who has really benefited from the ’emissions scandal’: HM Treasury. It is also clear who has lost out: the public, especially vehicle users at all levels. That includes bus passengers who have probably faced the greatest burden. We also need to fully know and clearly identify the impact on the NHS, the emergency services, Royal Mail and local authorities.
Will the PM have the guts to call for an Inquiry, let alone set one in motion?
It might just be a very good idea to do so.
Yes, the general ignorance of politicians about most things is a serious problem. Not sure I would trust any inquiry led by a judge , but who else ?
Grant, I would have thought that a good – and wise – Judge will call for help with anything he considers beyond his expertise. However, if Martin Moore-Bick has been paying attention to BBC News over the past three years, he will already know of the refrigerator fires and that home appliances are covered by EU regulation and tests. He will also know of the housing crisis. He may, in addition, have an idea of what was going on socially-wise for a good many occupants of Grenfell Tower as the BBC carried plenty of information about Ramadan again this year.
It is always assumed by the greater public and their media that Judges are out of touch with what is going on in the world, thanks to a perhaps unwise comment by a m’Learned, way back in the 1960s or 1970s, about some popular entertainer. A Barrister friend who is now doing some Judging assures me that that is not the case for the great majority.
Jeremy Vine gave the electric car lobby a good few minutes to enthuse about the virtues of us all having to go Tesla.
Start at ÂŁ25,000 and go up to ÂŁ75,000 said the salesman-sorry, green owner of such a car.
Free advertising as ever for the greens from the BBC.
Vine had the cheek to say that ÂŁ25,000 is a lot of money as well.
For HIM?
Hardly…but let`s all pretend we`re struggling eh Jeremy?
Bet the BBC is stuffed to the gunnels now with Park Lane car salesmen peddling their windmill cars, sails set for Mecca. Remind me again-why are we getting our faces slapped on our dime-and not yet fighting back?
Who`s going to tell Gove etc that energy used in MAKING the batteries and cars will not be less than that used to fuel the current cars…it`s an entropy thing.
Some bloke called Newton, as if Harrabin would know.
Has anyone looked into potential problems with large scale battery manufacture/disposal, or is this just a rush into “anything but hydrocarbons”?
I have in mind the almost total lack of coverage of the consequences of neodymium mining for wind farms.
As Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate points out below, car exhaust fumes are very clean these days. On the other hand, it’s not unusual to see clouds of smoke from badly maintained vans, trucks and buses. I doubt if cars are the problem at all.
Clare, you are wise to ask questions like that. When you look into some of these things you quickly discover ‘environment’ is just a convenient excuse. Years ago it became apparent that one of the biggest worldwide problems was an excess of used vehicle tyres.
Tax was taken from vehicle users and their customers but was never invested in good road surfaces in the UK and elsewhere so that tyre wear was much higher than necessary. As were all the resulting accidents and ALL their consequences for the environment beyond human injury and death. So many worn out tyres are in stock in the UK and elsewhere that, despite imaginative recycling uses, illegal and highly polluting fires are often started just to reduce the burden to ashes.
The ‘tax and restrict’ policy when set in train following some campaigning from so-called environmentalists (which at times may be genuine and well-intended) tends to lead to a lack of careful thought and a very quick “We’ve solved that problem, what’s next? Aah, the weekend in Prague. Lovely. See you all on Monday at 10.30am, if my flight back is not delayed.”
There will be a huge battery disposal problem in, say, fifteen years time, but they will be recycled ‘greenly’ no doubt by sending them to the other side of the globe by oil burning container ship. No doubt new taxes will be ‘thought up’ then to try to reduce the problem.
Up2..they did exactly that with the air conditioning industry. A rush to phase out certain ‘ozone depleting’ refrigerants which we’re doing zero harm whilst contained within a system. The refrigerants were replaced with ‘less harmful’ alternatives, (which meant some inevitable losses to atmosphere in recovering them from systems). Then later realisation that the replacement refrigerants were, in fact, less efficient and were therefore burning more fossil fuel for the same output, thus creating another environmental ‘issue’.
Dystopian, as well as being more vulnerable to explosion and sudden fire? Grenfell Tower comes to mind. I really hope the good Judge is allowed to dig very deep and examine all the factors there.
We need to know.
If it is swept under the carpet as Grenfell survivors fear, safety may be at risk across Europe. I cannot figure out why a European Union that wishes to mess around with vacuum cleaner power is not all over the Health & Safety implications from the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
Will the BBC ask intelligent & thoughtful questions on this? They have had a GAG spokesman on the radio several times insisting on this and not merely limiting the Inquiry to cladding issues. Anyone at the BBC paying attention to what he said?
is it me or did gove and macron both pop 2040 just by chance out of their arse’s or is something else a foot.
Oddly as well all the reports on the so called bbc this morning talked about rising congestion and pollution, but never asked who is driving all these cars??
The link between more people more cars more congestion more pollution never seems to cross anyone’s tiny little mind
I once thought Gove quite smart – not any longer!
This latest idiotic policy is an example of where the Conservatives have gone so madly and badly wrong. On immigration, ‘LGBT’ issues, leaving the EU, energy and now transport, instead on acting in accordance with what their supporters and voters have mandated, they are carrying out the wishes of the media class – often directly the opposite of what the actual voters want.
Like many others I now find myself with a serious problem. UKIP has become unelectable, I will never vote for the Conservative party again, so what is left?
Top post and spot on.
There is something funny about all of this. I hope the Prof who did the research over in Canada is right on the money and that good old market forces stick it to any government that is being, er, how shall I delicately put this, let’s say ‘unwise’ over transport.
Transport taxation played a big part in the 2008 crash and bank failures, along with other tax changes and the existing rolling sub-prime & property market overheat crisis.
We are currently walking a delicate line of relative economic success. The PM might be wise to reflect on that if she does any ridge walking on her summer holiday. Watch out for crumbling economic cornices and anything that may tip the UK over the edge and into the scree on either side.
Dead right GC.
Goves decline is very worrying, as if he`s deciding to take the pragmatic road and not that one the REAL pioneers ought to take.
Very sad.
Only hope Owen Paterson doesn`t sell us out, think the Tories need to think on why we let them win, shit as they are.
There seems to be a lot of good ones who are nowhere in the party like Rees Mogg and Davies(P)-we need to keep them encouraged, so they`ll still have a party to lead when this shower hit the fan.
38 Degrees just swung into petition action again, and it’s going full Gove.
Never go full Gove.
It is so predictable it would be funny if this does not now ensure the BBC has their required ‘people who say’ for a few weeks.
Me, I just had a salad and am off to the lido. I shall survive.
Who knows? Is there perhaps a secret Brexit-breaking deal for those five or six, or maybe more, new French-built power stations which will be required to provide the electricity to recharge all those tens of thousands of environmentally-friendly batteries? Batteries which will never self-ignite, create a staggering level of pollution in the manufacture and require specialist and monumentally expensive re-cycling, of course.
Beltane, I can imagine a sudden interest in Mamod models. đ
The only vehicles likely to be on the roads in France and the UK in 2040 are rusty white pick up trucks with light machine guns mounted on the back.
Paris diesel trucks in 2040 … Plumber sues dealership for $1 million after truck ends up with terrorists
“A photo of the truck, with his Mark-1 Plumbing decals still attached, went viral, leading to thousands of harassing phone calls.
The truck was auctioned off in November 2013. The next month, it was shipped from Houston to Mersin, Turkey, according to the lawsuit.”
I was going to hit the report button because I feared a series of copycat attacks by suitably armed plumbers in London – you’d never find one though.
In fact that could be particular plumbing company from London having its annual holiday in turkey….
Love that cammo net. Do you suppose they think it might fool the drones?
Ha Beltane,
I’m still waiting for my stolen landy to turn up somewhere. Had New off roads on it as well. Even if they weld the suicide kit onto it I’d still recognise it. Hope it wasn’t the wagon ran over by the tank posted by markymark which I can’t find here any more.
Unintended consequences … Mosquito threat from used tyres {theguardian mar2002}
“Colonies of aggressive, potentially disease carrying mosquitoes could have arrived (woah! Did they or didn’t they? Could?) in Britain in used car tyres without public health authorities knowing anything about it, scientists have warned.
Unlike other European countries such as France and Italy, Britain has no system set up to monitor the health impact of used car tyre imports. The tyres are a favourite site for certain species of mosquito to lay their eggs.
The Asian mosquito Aedes albopictus, sometimes known as the tiger mosquito because of its striped appearance, spread to the US in imported car tyres in the 1970s and has been identified in 24 states. It was first spotted in Europe in 1979 in Albania, again linked to car tyres; imports passed it to Italy, where it is now well established, and by October 1999, to France.”
… more unintended consequences …
Children as young as seven mining cobalt used in smartphones, says Amnesty {jan2016}
Amnesty International says it has traced cobalt used in batteries for household brands to mines in DRC, where children work in life-threatening conditions.
Global demand for cobalt is increasing, but the global cobalt market remains largely unregulated as it falls outside âconflict mineralâ legislation regulating the extraction and sale of other mineral such as gold, coltan and tin from the DRC.
… there will be unintended consequences for electric cars as well.
I wonder if Robert Spencer will be invited onto one of the beebâs poncey book shows to discuss his latest book.
Donât hold your breath.
âHow Western governments, media, and others in positions of authority have enabled stealth jihad and punished its critics.
What would we do without Robert Spencer? In over a dozen definitive books, and on his invaluable Jihad Watch website, he has served as a one-man truth squad on the subject of Islam, providing readers with lucid, cogent accounts of the belief system itself, of the Koran, of jihad, and of the life of Muhammed. In Stealth Jihad (2008), he described the ways in which Islamic law is being forced upon America, subverting the nationâs constitutional freedoms in aggressive but peaceful and even, at times, seemingly reasonable ways. Now, in The Complete Infidelâs Guide to Free Speech (and Its Enemies), he looks at the same phenomenon from the other side â providing a compendious if not comprehensive history of the ways in which Western governments, media, and others in positions of authority have enabled stealth jihad and punished its critics.â
Here comes Mr. Jordan.
Extra marks for it being on a site named ‘Journalism’.
The msm is doing its job of telling the public about the effects of acid attacks and then sounding the alarm when more attacks take place.
A few years ago my sink blocked. I tried everything and failed. Went to a plumbers merchant and he told me the stuff to use was called **** -90% sulphuric acid . He also told me it was favoured in domestic disputes.
The moment passed but now al beeb and the like are broadcasting every event. Editorial judgement ?
Breakfast. Grenfell Towers. Back to air quality I wonder how we all survive in the toxic swirl. Ban all diesel & petrol cars well at least some of the BBc employees will have no problem buying new vehicles. Strange,pollution from electricity generation not mentioned. The gap in electricity generation not mentioned. As I’ll be 80 I’m not really bothered.
Does the ban extend to USA, India and China ? This is complete craziness.
Dave ,
Well done on the 80
Isn’t is terrible that we won’t even be able to export our car fumes to Europe . Bloody brexit .
It is interesting that this current obsession over diesel CAR emissions (diesel vans, lorries and buses appear to be innocent) for the last two years appears to be ‘designed’ to lead to more transport taxes in the view of the BBC bit of the media that I have been listening to. It is also interesting that apparently a group of lawyers has been taking the UK Government to court over air quality standards which they claim have been failing to meet agreed standards on pollution for seven years.
Now I do not recall the BBC reporting on Radio 4, at any length or with any constancy or consistency, those apparently failing standards two, three, four, five or six or seven years ago. Now why should that be? If these emissions have been increasing as claimed – there is counter-evidence from car sales that the UK vehicle fleet is newer and less olluting than ever – why has the BBC not been reporting on these breaches of air quality standards with the same intensity as in the past year or so?
After all it has umpteen environmental correspondents who love to appear on air and Blog on the web-site.
Why has there been almost silence from the BBC on UK air quality standards for the first five of the past seven years?
I know this is from a while back, but I have been watching it again as it always makes me smile.
Skip to 6.10 where we see the naked bias on a stick.
“I did not say anything even remotely like that.”
Radio 4 Today’s parting shot was a hamfisted attempt to rubbish Dunkirk and by association attack the successful film currently showing . The two history ‘ experts’ interviewed made some real howlers in their comments showing an amazing degree of ignorance. The Government attempted to cover up that it was a retreat . Really? That’s what Churchill called it. The episode was presented as heroism by the ordinary man in the face of failure by the ruling classes. A very Marxist interpretation of the Battle of France and why the allies lost it, I would say. The bulk of troops were rescued by battleships. Again one can only gasp at this ignorance.
And I don’t suppose they went into precisely why a totally underprepared British Expeditionary Force was sent across the Channel in the first place?
Ignorance and Fake News are the BBC’s trademarks. We need to ditch the bastards.
England ,
Being very interested – do you remember who the so called historians were.
I think the reason for sending the BEF was the pre Churchill misjudgement of chamberlain after being turned into a joke by Adolf.
Pretty typical group think about the ability of the Maginot Line ( spelling ) to defend the cheese eating surrender monkeys . Was a nice place to hang ones washing though apparently – especially if there was a swastika on it .
A quick scan of the BBC News website and I see…
Why I joined the ‘caliphate’
Acid attack suspected as men targeted in Bethnal Green
Letter from Africa: Freed Boko Haram ‘wives’ return to captors
Gay and persecuted: One man’s tragic story
oh, and something about banning diesel cars.
Well that’s me updated with news about “Britain” then!
The Boko Haram story is especially evil even by BBC standards. The BBC trying to portray the kidnappings as a good thing. The BBC disgusts me in all aspects.
The BBC have recently gone from a pro-Muslim stance to a pro-ISIS stance.
I think the BBC has always been pro-ISIS. They are just stepping up the propaganda.
Meanwhile….I can’t see this one from the bBBC?
Teenage girl ‘tried to get weapons for UK terror attack’ – Sky News
Has anyone seen or heard any report on the BBC about the momentous news that Maduro has installed Cuban troops in Venezuela, and who are apparently employed in controlling the opponents of his regime. Or is this old news, and Iâve just caught up?
The BBC has resolutely suppressed any news about Venezuela, so as not to embarrass Corbyn and other socialist fantasists – a group which includes most BBC ‘journalists’ of course.
Damn, placed this in the wrong thread:
A proper heroic story from Eygpt against Terrorism. Yet whilst the nasty Daily Mail, the torygraph and free Metro report it, the bBC doesnâtâŚfunny that:
Egypt: Army uses tank to flatten Suicide Bomb and saves over 50 lives
I suppose when the bbC does get round to it, they will headline it with: Tank crushes car containing wedding party Corbyn demands an inquiry over how driver had a postcard from London.
Very trivial point, but on the BBC TV business programme this morning, why was German pronunciation used for “Daimler”, but not for “Volkswagen”?
If they must use affectations, they should at least be consistent.
I know it really gets my goat how the bBC which lovingly apes the Arabic hissing pronunciation of Israel, which loves to say Mumbai, Beijing but leaves out Koln, Munchen or even Wien (Cologne, Munich and Vienna) as Clare points out..consistency . But then the bBC are champions in that field when it comes to:
Islamic terrorism
Gay rights
Black rights
Paedophile rights ( But that’s just those who work at the bBC)
Pounce, the new names of Indian cities (Mumbai, Chennai etc) are the product of Hindu nationalism and not all Indians agree with it or use those new names. Don’t expect to hear that on the BBC though!
The German pronunciation of “Volkswagon ” may be too difficult for BBC thickos. One that gets me is their appalling pronunciation of Turkish names and words. You would think that , given their love of Islam and Erdogan, they would make the effort to get that right.
The BBC luvvies never pronounce Florence by its modern name .
And they never pronounce Paris like the French
Brussels Economic Forum 2017: keynote speech by George Soros, Founder and Chairman of the Open Society Foundations
– George Soros is against Totalitarian regimes @6:25
– piecemeal social engineering (European Union) @10:20
– all went well until Maastricht treaty @11:08
– says rise of parties with values opposed to EU, but does not reveal those values @17:02
– Trump is one of EUs enemies along with Russia,Turkey and Egypt. @17:15
– European Union needs to be radically reinvented @20:31
– I stopped here, but worth a listen to – George Soros: The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens.
Soros is a big liar. He is for one world government.
“… it (EU) should use BREXIT as a catalyst for introducing far reaching reforms. (in the European Union)” @21:55
– George Soros
This means the EU is failing and not responding – far reaching reforms, from the same people who took the EU to where it is today?
EU court says Austria can deport asylum seekers {bbc.co.uk jul2017}
“It was very difficult. I had tried so hard. I was in a choir, I played football, I was doing a German course, I did everything I could, but they said that is the law – you have to go,” he told the BBC.
Farzad Mohammadi from Afghanistan
“I did everything I could” – but Mohammadi disagrees with the law of the country?!
– on the other side did they interview a ‘refugee/immigrant/economic refugee/war refugee’ who had committed a crime in their new host country and is being deported?
A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.
I think by “Reforms”, Soros means the abolition of national governments in the EU, to be replaced by one EU government. Only a guess. But since he is unelected, why should anyone take notice of him ?
People do listen to and believe George Soros – so we must listen to. It’s a bit like turning a blind eye to Anjem Choudary.
“..we will dominate this country (UK) brother and implement the beauty and perfection of the Sharia justice of Islam.” – Anjem Choudary
Just swap ‘perfection of the Sharia justice of Islam’ with ‘perfection of the European Laws’, you see where we are going.
“This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants” – not forgetting terrorists of course. The BBC would certainly want to include them as, “migrants” to conceal their real motives. All the more the merrier I say!
This is where BBC journalists should step in ‘Do you mean migrants from war torn countries or economic migrants? Shall we talk about the migrants from war torn countries first rather than group all under the same title. Do we also have ISIS migrants? ISIS wife migrants?”
If you start a conversation with ‘Child Migrants’ and end with ‘All Migrants’ that’s a big leap.
Martin Schulz and Angela Merkel both created the migration mess so both should step down … they are both responsible, but are fighting over it? This is pure madness …
BERLIN â To draw Angela Merkel out of her shell, the German chancellorâs main challenger Martin Schulz (Ex-President of the European Parliament) is taking a big gamble: Heâs playing the refugee card {politico.eu jul2017}.
In 2015, more than one million refugees arrived in Germany â mostly uncontrolled (but Schulz was President of the European Parliament at the time?!),â Schulz told Bild am Sonntag newspaper, using a higher number than the roughly 890,000 asylum-seekers who registered in Germany that year.
Martin Schulz
President of the European Parliament
17 January 2012 â 17 January 2017 {wiki}
i.e. was leading when the migration crisis was happening, and did nothing … but now he has a solution!
âSchulz has realized that it wonât be possible until September 24 to continue pretending that illegal mass migration to Europe doesnât exist,â said AfDâs deputy leader Alexander Gauland.
He argued Schulz could not offer answers to the refugee crisis (even when he was President of the European Parliament) when the SPD had been part of the problem.
âIt was his comrades in the parliament and government who contributed to creating this catastrophic situation in Germany and Europe,â Gauland said.
This is very strange. The BBC have created a very in depth 50 screens long article about a ginger haired killer
But just yesterday when we had a 19 year old Muslim killed in a Honour Killing the BBC didn’t mention anything about her killer. No analysis whatsoever and not even a mention of his religion.
I wonder why?
Edit: The article about the ginger haired killer makes sure we know his parents religion though. Can you guess what it is? Christianity of course.
This is fine, mentioning Christian family, as long as they are consistent – to see a problem we have to be informed and have freedom of speech.
I thought I would like to share this. I am a proud alumnus of Aberdeen University and have just received a copy of the evocatively named ” Voice ” ” conversation and news from the University “. Alas , I had to reach for the sick bag. On the front cover , in full University gown and all the trappings, a photo of my fellow alumnus. Step forward Dame Nicky Campbell !
When my son got his degree , we had Russell T Davies( Doctor Who writer) as HIS hero on the alumnus appeal for money magazine as we left the convocation. So his yoony is barely any better than yours!
All went south when Oxford wilfully, spitefully refused Mrs Thatcher HER honorary award. She`d only got her chemistry degree from there, only become the first lady PM.
But no. Which is where the rot set in.
Wonder which uni has Alastair Campbell as THEIR honorary degree holder?
THAT would have to be the baseline of integrity or standards I`d have thought.
He`s probably the lowest creature in public life isn`t he?
Trying to think of lower than Alastair Campbell. Mandelson ?
Think Mandelson is the better one.
1. Think that he tried to join VSO after his degree, which shows some early principles.
2. Think he saved us from the SDP, by getting Labour out of Militants hands.
3. Did put himself up for election and got voted in , albeit in Hartlepool where they`d have voted any pal of Blairs into office.
4. Stitched up Osborne on one occasion.
5. Never played on his mental health by way of a career.
6. Never wrote paid porn for Robert Maxwell
7. Not got the blood of a weapons inspector on his hands as far as I know
8. Never pretends to be anything other that what he is in terms of football or Scottish bagpipe stuff.
9. He is openly paid by the EU pension pot, Campbell passes his bile with no obvious need to suck up to the EU.
I`ll raise you Keith Lemon?
What about the mandelson mortgage application?
“Hans Rosling’s 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes – The Joy of Stats – BBC Four”
– what has driven this wealth and prosperity? {quick timelapse}?
– can he break them into Socialist economies?
A brilliant piece of teaching. These historical time lapses are tremendous, and Roslings is great.
But so many more questions arise, and a detailed breakdown would REALLY show us how , say Communism or getting the meaningful vote ; is related to wealth and health.
All of this is set to go into reverse, due to Islamic and African migration and the collapse of the western code from within.
Would Rosling and his team still be able to show this on telly, even if the conclusions did not include faster broadband, electric cars or Branson on the moon?
Doubt it. Thanks for posting.
A couple of days ago i posted the following tweet on Twitter ” The BBC its so full of shit that the toilet is jealous” And for some unknown reason its been getting quite a few likes and retweets ?? Wonder why
He is epitome of ‘by any means necessary’.
The excellent Douglas Murray who, as always, has a pithy view on Politicians platitudes such as, Treezer’s, “enough is enough” –
Fail to see why Douglas is left alone to deal with all this.
Where the hell are the churches? This is theology, and Murray has neither the vocabulary or the vision to see what is happening.
The likes of Robert Spencer and Hirsi Ali certainly do.
But where is Welby…the Methodists, Sally Army, Baptists and Elim, let alone the Catholics?
Think I know where-throwing Michael Nazir Ali and Partrick Sookhodeo to the wolves of islam, as they share tea and cakes with Tariq Ramadan and his goons.
Murray is good, but Tommy Robinson knows far more Islamic rationale for all that Islam is doing.
The Church “leaders” are a total disgrace. Stupid cowards .
Where are the Church ‘leaders’? Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
They’re scared shitless of seeming to promote their own team above islam.
Impotent hand-wringing is all they’re good at. And shagging choirboys of course.
Oops. Discord in paradise?
Next the BBC will be genuflecting to Michael Gove.
“Dogs and cats dating….”
Links to Tweet “Just seen the ‘antidepressant murder’ article on @BBCNews. Undoing years of anti-stigma campaigning with lurid, tabloid sensationalism.”
reply – “Yes morning coverage on @BBCr4today was terrible too.”
BBC WS – Piece about women who’d joined IS included the German 16 year old. Interviewer asks, “Should they be allowed back home or should they be put on trial?”
The impression was all too clear – these are just silly women who don’t know what they’re doing we should just forget their crimes. Hmm, women of ISIS – stupid enough to work for the bbc and be paid less than their male colleagues – maybe?
How do we know they haven’t returned under false pretences? Talk about a Trojan horse!
“Oh just silly women who blew themselves up in public”?
Lone She-Wolfs?
Have a vague student memory of Angolan mercenaries getting executed in Angola in the mid-late 70s.
General idea was that if you decide to be a traitor or simply a stupid gun for hire?
Then you run big risks don`t you?
No-have no sympathy whatsoever.
Let Syrian justice deal with it…if they think they`re harmless, then send them to someone who doesn`t for a while.
We have no money or need to waste on traitors.
End of.
there didn’t seem to be many ISIS wives trying to leave when they seemed to be winning, funny that
LOL ! The whole thing is a farce , but it is a deadly farce.
Bad things happen in wars, that’s a fact.
The Donald’s announcement that he is banning transgender people from his military must have been done when he found out it was al beeb queer week .
There must be apoplexy in albeeb towers only exceeded when the beeboids saw the wages the creme de la crap are on . Don’t think G . norton will be getting a green card any time soon.
Ah shoot!
Rather fancied myself as a Melvyn Hayes drag act who would head up the Yemen offensive…Obama would have wanted me to meet the gang.
Imagine-the USA actaully being able to win a war again?
Only hope all the Yankie trannies choose to join the coming EU Army-bring their own dope, and they`d be welcome in the UN Peacekeeping forces.
Well done Donald…have set the howls of pain meter to register the off the scale readings we`ll be getting from CNN and the BBC. Thought they`d not want to join anyway-wouldn`t that be imperial colonisation, at odds with their pacifist feminist leanings? Talk about cultural appropriation of women that these dragmen employ serially?
Court cases surely?