A new week dawns and another week of fake news and bias from the BBC. Will they get through a day without pushing their “PayGenderGap” phony narrative? Detail the bias here!!!

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570 Responses to START THE WEEK OPEN THREAD…..

  1. StewGreen says:

    Trial for so called “Brexit Murder of Polish man in Harlow” is underway
    Youth in manslaughter trial
    BBC Essex‏ :
    \\Chelmsford Crown Court hears teenage boy killed a Polish man in Harlow last year with a “superman punch” //
    (after leaping up from behind him)

    Other source : “16yo boy killed Polish man with a single “superman” punch to the head after laughing about his English”


    • Guest Who says:

      Such editorialising, along with ‘honour killings’ for ‘cowardly murder’, shows the BBC up for the gutter medium it always has been.


      • MarkyMark says:

        The killing of a Polish man exposes the reality of post-referendum racism {theguardian sep2016}
        Arkadiusz Jóźwik died after an attack in Harlow. The government must not allow xenophobes to set the tone since the Brexit vote

        “Let me start with a disclaimer. We still do not know what was the motive behind the attack on a group of Polish men in Harlow over the bank holiday weekend that resulted in the death of 40-year-old Arkadiusz Jóźwik. It could be a hate crime, but not necessarily. But to many of the hundreds who gathered on Saturday to take part in a silent, emotional march through Harlow’s streets, one thing is clear: the problem with post-referendum racism is real.

        The government needs to urgently reassure migrant communities across Britain with unconditional (unconditional, whatever they want, no limits) and precise guarantees about their future (which cannot be guaranteed!). ”

        – the author, Jakub Krupaadds, adds a disclaimer that nobody knows what happened, but adds ‘killing’ and ‘post-referendum racism’ to the news title and then says an angry, emotional mob are clear (with high emotions, clear thinking?) that ‘post-referendum racism is real’.
        – Did he interview 100’s of people to find out why they felt this way?
        – Who is inflaming the feelings of xenophobes?


        • Grant says:

          Any marches for the poor Indian girl who was murdered ? If not, why not ?


        • Cranmer says:

          Oh yes, remind me please left wing media…how is the ‘post referendum backlash’ coming along? I thought by now we were supposed to have had Krystallnacht and be stoking up the gas chambers.


        • Alicia Sinclair says:

          Can`t let the BBC, Guardian and Remainers get away with this.
          This despicable crime was pinned on Brexit last August.
          How dare they smear us like this.


  2. gaxvil says:

    Shocking news from the EU – they intend to enforce the, old pre EU, rules on asylum. Whatever next?


    • Kaiser says:

      and then punish the visigrad nations for insisting on sticking to the old pre EU, rules on asylum two conflicting cases in one day go figure


  3. StewGreen says:

    Benefits of UK’s ‘Freedom of Movement’ with Nigeria
    5 year old boy dead and another prison place taken up


  4. LynetteO says:

    Just happened to put the BBC World Service on just advertising a programme asking the question “What is it like to be bisexual today?” Gender identity in Pakistan !!!.


    • gaxvil says:

      Bisexuality is simply another form of derangement enjoyed and promoted by the bbc. Simply another something wrong with the wiring of the brain – end of.

      But if you want serious satire:-


      • Alicia Sinclair says:

        Get the idea that male sperm is now refusing to come out , due to being full of shame that such types are increasingly scraping the gene pool.
        Hoping that Ted Malloch will get himself over here pronto, before my girls become lesbian. Still fancy being a granny.


  5. StewGreen says:

    If the BBC do some dramas about recent scooter gangs they’ll be easily able to fill their DIVERSITY quotas
    with enrichers seemingly well overrepresented


  6. StewGreen says:

    Look out for the NON future-appearances of Times writer Emma Duncan
    after what she just wrote about Corbyn.


    • MarkyMark says:

      A socialist dictatorship has brought oil-rich Venezuela to its knees but Labour’s leader (Jeremy Corbyn) still refuses to denounce it {thetimes jul2017}
      “.. More than 100 people have been killed in the demonstrations and thousands arrested. … According to a report earlier this year from Caritas, a Catholic charity, 11 per cent of under-fives are malnourished. Inflation is running at 700 per cent. The country’s economy is shrinking at an annual rate of 18 per cent. … Corbyn talked about the suffering caused by the European Union to the people of Europe, not a subject that would much appeal to his young, mostly pro-European fans. … While May is taking a three-week walking holiday in Italy and Switzerland he is spending his summer electioneering in 75 marginal seats in the belief that Tory divisions will lead to an election in the autumn. If he’s right he might well win. The Tories certainly deserve to lose. God help us.


      • Grant says:


        It may take a Corbyn Government to really bring this country to its knees , but even then I doubt if it will make much difference. Treezer taking a 3 week holiday at this time of crisis just proves how utterly stupid and out of touch she is .


        • MarkyMark says:

          Agreed – for a holiday Theresa May should be whizzing around the globe, sealing some deals.
          If they can take holidays at this most crucial time, why bother coming back?

          Country seems to run itself, when politicians are on holiday or canvasing the sun still rises it would seem.


        • Alicia Sinclair says:

          To be fair to Corbyn, his ineffective and useless policies on the EU and tuition fees show him to be an incompetent and double dealing liar.
          But he is a creature of habit like all lefty thickies are.
          And he will destroy the EU from within, making us leave in a cliff-like crisis as yet to be arranged.
          Brexit is about the only issue of the age-and he`d bumble us out much better than quislings like Hammond or Rudd.
          AND-hate to say this-but his idea to ensure that public sector chiefs only get ten times what their lowest paid staff get is a good one.
          As well as his hospital car park fees getting finished.
          If we get Brexit, the public sector getting to practice socialism in their pay rates-then , to be honest I`d vote for that.
          No I couldn`t-he`s a Jew baiting creep, some things are NOT for sale.


          • MarkyMark says:

            Why not have two companies running the NHS car parking – add competition and reduce the prices!
            Yeah, public sector pay at max x10 could be trialled, again it would introduce other hidden consequences – employees would extend holidays, or create expenses etc ….


            • Kaiser says:

              the top bod here settled for 20 times lowest earner, after outsourcing the cleaners

              perhaps a direct multiple of nurses wage would be better?

              whilst we are at it perhaps we could get mp’s onto performance related pay and make theirs a multiple of “average” wages (real average including all those who dont earn) , they may not be so keen on low/no skill immigrants then.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Former Business Secretary Vince Cable said his party offered an alternative to the continuing austerity proposed by the Conservatives and Jeremy Corbyn’s “Venezuelan-style socialism”. { jun2017}

      – Above found when searching bbc site for “Corbyn venezuela” (1 result). P
      – Picture of Dine Abbott just above the section … “The shadow home secretary (Diane Abbott) is taking a break from her duties because of illness”


  7. StewGreen says:

    And talking of Socialist friends, Yesterday I heard a recording of Tony Benn praising the progress of the socialist revolution in Venezuela


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Did I read that Maduro actually LOST his last election, but decided to stay on anyway?
      If so, this is real socialism, the kind that the European Union would like.
      I voted May only because I knew that at least she`d give me another vote in a few years time. Remember Brown trying to stay in power, the Left do not like elections anymore.


  8. StewGreen says:

    Do BBC report the new CBI survey on record factory output growth ? *
    The do report the boring 0.3% in 3 months growth in overall economy

    * BBC did a live news interview with CBI but nothing on web so far


  9. StewGreen says:

    LibMob Tribe are into SUSTAINABILITY that’s why the panhandling Guardian just declared another £44m loss
    Proving that targetting LibMob Tribe as a market isn’t very sustainable. #IdentityPolitics


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      How does the Guardian dare to spout on matters financial and fiscal, when their own operation is such a catastrophe as a business. The BBC subsidise it, this cannot be right.
      This hypocrisy, incompetence and double standards is as left a posture as any.
      Any chance of them going back to Manchester, and learning to write news again I wonder?


  10. StewGreen says:

    The Times carries 4 pages of statutory advertising fro the HS2 project
    … and has had 2-3 pages previously twice
    ..Is that a good use of public money in 2017 ?


  11. StewGreen says:

    Today : Eight Humboldt penguins killed by “urban fox” at Chessington
    Yesterday : Vinnie Jones was a villain for killing foxes
    (I tend to believe that his Twitter was hacked , cos how could anyone shoot 100 foxes in 1 night ?)


    • gaxvil says:

      Lone Fox attack?
      Climate Change denying, xenophobic Brexit fox for sure.


      • Manxman says:

        I’ve flashed the lamp into eyes more times than ive shaved, you always know whats what, cattle cats rabbits, but i was taken aback when a pair of basil’s lit up, first one i saw, i know it was, i checked the footprints, must have been an escapee or a delibrate attempt tore- introduce them, because we hadnt had them for over a 100yrs+, i heard tales of others spotted, then some guy nailed the pair of them with a rifle,.


  12. Tabs says:

    Nothing to do with the BBC but I thought I’d share this.

    Just been watching the Graduation Ceremony at Brighton University live streamed as a niece is graduating from there today.

    Every time a white graduate name is called out you get the token 2 seconds of light clapping. Every time a dark skinned graduate or a difficult to pronounce foreign name is read out the crowd go wild with cheering and shouting.

    I thought I was imagining it but in the middle of 10 foreign names was a white skinned lad with a very British name and the crowd went back to a mediocre clap. Next person was foreign and the loud cheers came back.

    Even a white guest speaker barely managed to get an applause from the crowd.

    Is this the result of Liberal Left brain washing?

    The live streaming is here if anyone wants to view it


    • Cranmer says:

      Tabs, I’m guessing there are two reasons. 1. The family and friends of ‘darker’ peoples may be less inhibited about applause, cheering etc than their buttoned up white counterparts, and will probably have larger families so more ‘fans’ . 2. There will probably be some residual idea (especially in the minds of older white people) that university is more of an ‘achievement’ for darker peoples and therefore they are more deserving of applause.


      • Tabs says:

        I think it’s number 2.
        The old white alumni sat on the stage are the ones clapping loudly for the foreign graduates.


        • Fedup says:

          Sounds like communism meets racialism in the Stalinist sense . The first one to stop clapping gets invited outside for a bullet in the head and family off to Siberia. I don’t particularly care but did any of the third worlders get a useful qualification or just a National Insurance number and An arranged marriage.,


  13. StewGreen says:

    Telegraph Premium : The BBC may spend big on its stars but their salaries shouldn’t come at the expense of its radio output
    by Gillian Reynolds
    (article premium so not available free on line)

    Amol Rajan is smarting cos she’s lays into his BBC managers for failing to give him proper voice training.
    Well he wasn’t recruited for the COLOUR of his voice.


  14. MarkyMark says:

    USA have the same issue as BBC News by omission … What we have here, for the benefit of American reporters who may be unfamiliar with the concept, is an actual news story – an unusual event that’s happened in recent times. {steynonline jul2017}

    On Monday night Imran Awan, the principal IT aide to former DNC honcho Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was arrested at Dulles Airport attempting to flee the country. “IT” means information technology, as in computers, as in hacking, as in what the Democrats insist happened to the election.

    Mr Awan’s wife, Hina Alvi, has already flown the coop. In March, she pulled their three kids out of school and skipped back to Lahore (Pakistan), with (according to the FBI) “numerous pieces of luggage” and over $12,000 in cash.

    Monday’s airport arrest follows the seizure of broken hard drives from the garage of the Awans’ former home. The hard drives had been smashed with a hammer. Whether it was the same ceremonial DNC hammer used to smash Hillary’s Blackberries has not yet been determined.

    … provided IT services to Debbie Wasserman Schultz and dozens of lesser Democrat congressmen since about 2004

    …. I remember seeing this story brew months ago …


    Imran Awan and his two brothers, Jamal and Abid, are at the center of an investigation that deals with, among other things, allegations of illegal access. They have been barred from the House of Representatives network.

    A member of Congress expressed concern that, “they may have stolen data from us.”


  15. Charlie Martel says:

    Al beebeera still avoiding saying what much of the media are stating, that the muslim teenager was kidnapped, raped and murdered by fellow muslims for dating an Arab.

    Naturally it is deeply embarrassing to the beeboid mentality that their beloved muslims commit ‘honour killings’, and doubly so in this case with its racist angle.

    So they simply omit any mention of religion or race. Nice one, you lying bastards.


  16. Oldspeaker says:

    Looking at the BBCs “Diesel and petrol car ban: Clean air strategy ‘not enough'”
    Many questions, all seems a bit pie in the sky, lack of information regarding the environmental cost of all those batteries, Middle East stability etc. I was most struck by the tone of the piece pandering to the greens, can’t help but suspect an ulterior motive. And why are judges making these decisions, who elected them? Client Earth and their backers? All smells very fishy.


    • StewGreen says:

      Big point is that Air Pollution is being used by activists and subsidy suckers as a Trojan horse to push their anti-CO2 agenda.
      They are 2 separate things
      * CO2 is global
      * Air Pollution is LOCAL
      Almost all UK roads are OK, cos they are within EU pollution limits
      .. There are only 8 UK cities which have hot spots
      “thus: eighty-one UK streets suffer from dangerous pollution levels,
      so we’re going to make lots of tiny changes in the hope that these specific pollution levels drop. ”
      Telegraph article : Low-emission vehicles are not an ecological panacea – that £1bn could be better spent elsewhere

      That Telegraph article by seen by signing up for a free Premium account
      but the writer is wrong, in many ways as he a Metrobubble guy and fails to understand that

      Metrobubble people say
      ‘We CHOOSE to live in overcrowded London etc.
      and bring in even more immigrants to crowd it even more
      but everyone else in UK should SUBSIDISE us to pay for all the problems that crowding causes.’


  17. StewGreen says:

    Channel 4 new flash drama about ISIS recruits
    Trailer just started playing on Yesterday-channel just now
    The State : co-production with NatGeo of US
    Will it avoid the elephant issue ?


    • GCooper says:

      I noticed a trailer for this last week. Somehow I don’t feel quite ready to have my sympathies toyed with in a (vain) attempt to make me feel in any way sympathetic to these murderous sub-humans.

      What next? A heart-rending drama about SS concentration camp guards?


  18. StewGreen says:

    Moral Maze now is gender pay gap

    Girl just said “Things have changed. Look at me I’m just a grocer’s daughter and now I am on Radio 4”
    ..seemingly unaware of the other famous grocer’s daughter


    • Despairada says:

      I can’t stand Moaning Siddiqui because of her islam pushing on thought for the day on R4 Today, so I aways turn over to Planet Rock when she’s on the Moral Maze.


    • StewGreen says:

      “Peak BBC: the Moral Maze, on the BBC, discussing whether there is too much navel gazing at the BBC, by discussing salaries at the BBC…”


  19. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “”Trump: Transgender people ‘can’t serve’ in US military””

    “”The president’s action will create a furore among liberals and the media commentators whose disdain for the current administration is not a new development. This is a fight the White House will welcome.””

    Written by Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America Reporter. Zurcher hates Trump and has never reported anything positive about the democratically elected President. The BBC obviously approve of his stance. He who pays the piper….


    • Kaiser says:

      I guess the logistics of keeping the trannies in drugs in the field is just another problem thats really just not needed

      just how many trannies are in the US army one, two, half a million lets have the scale

      imagine insisting you carried a gun with non-standard ammo, and the entire army had to gear up just to keep you supplied

      Once again its the SJW storm on behalf of the tiniest mythical minority they can find