The real face of the liberal media ‘nice guys’ who lecture us on how we should live and think……..bravo to the male passenger who remained remarkably calm….
The real face of the liberal media ‘nice guys’ who lecture us on how we should live and think……..bravo to the male passenger who remained remarkably calm….
How he kept his cool is beyond me. What an utter wanker !!!
Tremendous, thank goodness for mobiles with cameras. BBC wanker actually makes Bazil Fawlty appear calm, rational and measured.
The true face of the BBC and their contempt for the rest of us.
To be fair the man hasn’t worked for the BBC for ten years…but how that other man kept a straight face I have no idea. I had a bit of security training back in the day and one thing I remember was that people who are ranting and raving and going red in the face are not usually a threat, they are letting off steam and it is best to let them get on with it. Personally though once physical contact had been made I would have let him have it, krav-maga style.
I had a bit of training in the 1st Battalion, The Black Watch. We would take a different view of that incident. The Beeboid is so stupid he did not know who the other person was. It could have turned out much worse for him.
PS. I mean the Beeboid
I would have thought this should be a police matter. That dirty Beeboid should be in chokey. Maybe the sainted David Attenborough could comment . Not sure I would have been as cool as the victim. The Beeboid would be in hospital now.
What it really needs is some David Attenborough, breathy commentary. ‘The dominant male…approaches the pack…the females begin frenzied alarm calls….’ etc.
LOL !!
I thought Mr Attenborough had changed his name to Boaty Mcboatface.
As for the the bbc assailant, judging by his actions in the video there appear to be grounds for a charge of assault. But by his own standards he’s probably too famous to be bound by mere laws; he probably thinks he’s not one of the little people.
It’s a good job they didn’t say they hadn’t paid their TV licence. He’d have really flipped.
He has never drank in the same type of pubs i wet the throat in, he’d be funny, arrive by taxi , leave by ambulance nee naw.
Town was always full of popped up paddy builders and jumped-up scousers , sorry i mean Liverpudlian’s with bail issues back home .
Weve been multi-cunti for decades.
He was obviously upset because the other fella made him late for his anger management course .
He normally sits between Emily maikdo and Rita chackrachachracbartibart