An horrific kidnapping, rape and murder….#duetobrexit or some other cause?……
A man has appeared in court charged with the kidnap, rape and murder of a 19-year-old woman in London.
Mujahid Arshid, 33, is also accused of the kidnap, rape, and attempted murder of a woman in her 20s.
Vincent Tappu, 28, from Acton, west London, is charged with the kidnap of both women. The men appeared at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court.
Celine Dookhran’s body was found at an address in Coombe Lane West, in Kingston Upon Thames, on Wednesday.
The second woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, had earlier been treated for stab or slash wounds at a south London hospital.
A post-mortem examination revealed the cause of Ms Dookhran’s death was a neck wound.
Police had started searching for the two women following a concerned call about their safety.
The men were remanded in custody. Mr Arshid, of no fixed address, is scheduled to appear at the Old Bailey on 26 July.
Both defendants will appear at the same court on 21 August.
Mujahid Arshid, 33, appeared in court charged with the murder, rape and kidnap of Miss Dookhran.
He is further charged with the rape, attempted murder and kidnap of the second woman.
He appeared alongside his co-defendant, Vincent Tappu, 28, who is charged with the kidnap of both women.
Binita Roscoe, prosecuting, said: ‘The deceased was involved in a relationship with an Arab Muslim and the family members didn’t approve of this relationship because they are Indian Muslims.’
Two men in balaclavas entered the property on July 19, the prosecutor said. She told the court: ‘Her face and mouth were covered in duct tape. Her hands were tied with cable ties and her feet were tied with rope.
‘She believes a sock was placed in her mouth. She had heard the deceased who was in the shower screaming.’
The surviving victim said a sock was forced into her mouth and the kidnappers used a Taser to subdue both her and Ms Dookhan before they were rolled in dustsheets and bundled into a vehicle, said Ms Roscoe.
Bearded Arshid wore a grey prison-issue tracksuit, while his co-defendant wore a black suit and white shirt, with short black hair and a beard.
Been watching this story gradually come out. I’m guessing albeeb is self censoring for fear of “community tension” – the term they use to gloss over one tribe going at another one whilst the anglos are guests to the story in their own country . Suppress the truth- the raisin detra of al beeb .,
Yet the beeb don’t seem to mind stoking ‘community tension’ when a white cop arrests a black drugs dealer.
Exactly right, the BBC are and have been for years , manipulating the news so as to hide the true horror of Islamic life from the Brits. It’s the same story all over Europe and even in the USA. The job that the BBC are willingly doing is to make Islam acceptable to the People of the West, hide the obvious incompatibility of Islam with Western values, and brainwash us into believing our values are unworthy , all in order to make us acquiescent in the Islamification of our country. My belief is that the politicians of all stripes accepted the migration of Muslims into our country, believing like small children that everyone would live happily , and have now realised that Muslims are very attached to their barbarous religion/ political system and will not accept western values. So they think that the only way to prevent outright war and to cover up their disastrous error a while longer, is to find a way of forcing/ persuading the host population to make concession after concession , which of course will end with the triumph of Islam, but that will be a generation or two down the road of history and it will be someone else’s problem. Spineless fools.
Yes that’s the religion of peace right there innit!
Agree. I am disappointed to see this morning:
Woman ‘slapped’ police car before Justine Damond was shot
Its as if there’s been a little gap whilst the administration come up with a nice bit of evidence that can get this bastard off a murder/manslaughter charge.
They will do anything to excuse this religion, and now they are arming it.
I think your mistaking Islam for harmful cultural practices
I have studied Islam
And what your asserting with no sound knowledge just makes you sound very uneducated my friend
Before you say anything please seek the correct knowledge
You should call your self no thinker.
I don’t write to you to belittle you I write to you to use your brain the Creator gave you
Matthew ,
Not only did I study Islam, I actually collaborated with Muslim doctors on several issues in medicine. Sadly, over the years, the loonies began to dominate, especially with the assistance of cultural relativists and assorted leftists who denounced any criticism of the barbaric aspects as RACIST.
Keep your head attached to your body.
From the nature of his post, Mathew comments sounds that of a Muslim. Every sentence indicates one emanating from a Muslim. I have come across this since LGF days, before even Jihad Watch started up. It is also a common tactic on Jihad Watch since its inception. Muslims will post using Christian/Western names, thus appearing neutral. The other tactic is using a handle such as “ChristiantoMuslim”, indicating the superiority Islam.
‘I have studied Islam’
But did you finish the last few chapters of the Qu’ran?
Not much Peace in that book. Strikes me that Mohammed liked young children a bit too much, murdered innocent people and plagiarised the Bible yet claimed he couldn’t read or write. I admire the way he split the moon in two while riding a winged horse though.
Chaps, I think that Matthew is taking the piss. I certainly hope so !
He’s been drinking it, not taking it .
He also appears to have tethered his horse to a mosque that wasn’t built for another eleven years. Clever that.
‘I have studied Islam’
Is that the bomb making bit ?.
Islamic humour, you will laugh your head right off.
First of all The Quran has to be read it’s correct context if you seek correct knowledge of Quran you will have a better understanding
As for having a young wife it was a common practice of the time to Mary young I will let you do the research
Mattew James,
I am reluctant to be rude to people who post on this site but you are testing my limits very severely. There are many country which are Islamic and in virtually all of them barbaric practises are commonly performed , in other words it is in the nature of Islam to be associated with a way of life we find barbaric. There are endless documented examples of this, it cannot be denied. Whether these are perversions of what is ‘written’ or not is of no consequence. If you live in an Islamic state these things will happen and be part of daily life and are therefore inextricably linked with Islam, indeed they are part and parcel of it.
A few days ago I asked “where have all the trolls gone ? ” I regret that now and apologise to all of you here.
Just re-read your post. Spot on !
I doubt if Matty Boy will re-surface.
I think that person is a bit of a disrupter – the clue lies in the names – I mean two New Testament Apostles- he/she /it will turn up as LukeMark next time. …..
Back to al Beeb!
My brother this whole story is not true
There was no cultural honour killing it was down right murder
Her brother has come out and exposed the media. You should be educated enough never to believe the media
My advice is to look up Mufti Menk on YouTube on topics you have issues with
May the Creator guide you as I had the same ignorant views as you on Islam and Muslims
I used to call them Muslim c***! Who are filling Australia
I’m a true blue Aussie
MJ writes:
I have studied Islam
And I was born into it, didn’t like it, tried saying no, was made to pay for thinking like so and taken into care. All before the age of 10.
Your post of a couple of years ago describing your early life was grim. I don’t think that any of us who read it will ever forget it. Glad that you are still posting regularly.
I remember that post too. A very moving and brave one. Pounce, I salute you.
I too remember the post of your early life.
Now. Do you think Mathew James is a Muslim? He sounds like it.
Mathew James
I too have studied Islam, like many others before. The reality is that Islam is barbaric to its core. And the proof is in its deeds.
Oh yes, peace to you as well. You must try and convince Muslims of that.
Did he mean “peace” or “pieces” (of mutilated bodies)?
I meant “Peace” to him too.
However, I think “Matthew James” is a Muslim.
Sorry NCBBC, I should have quoted. I was asking the question of the OP “Mathew James”.
Indeed so DoubleT, the ‘Loony Left’ have not only broken out of their asylum but are now very much in charge at Al Beeb!
Their continuous ‘varnishpulation’, (yes, I know!) of any event that might reveal the true agenda of our down-trodden, misunderstood minorities is now so blatant as to be laughable.
Humour however, whilst useful in belittling said Loons should merely be an interesting entree, prefacing a continued and focused campaign to reveal the true intent of this wilfully unaccountable, unbridled and shockingly unrepresentative dinosaur of a Corporation.
To paraphrase a truly great man, the repetition of manifest absurdities is to be questioned and resisted at every event. The veil is lifted. The great but undeniable shame is that the veil now resides firmly . . . at the BBC.
So names now in the frame on this story, as Expected wasnt John Smith knocking Deirdree over the head with a rolling Pin,
initially rumered was a honour crime so guessed wouldnt be Mr John Smith and Deirdree,
Suprised that the Biased BEEB even dare FINALLY mention the Non English Name , Brave of em ,
Funny how reluctant they can as Fedup mentions Gloss over Names and facts when its not John smith comitting the alleged offence, as soon as it is names and facts, interview the neighbours, Friends – poss Documentary into what led to the events on that fatefull day, ,,,
No big mouth rent a mob out on the street protesting this horrific crime? Local community speaking out and united as one in outrage and disgust over this imported barbaric and savage behaviour? I should coco. Silence is acquiescence.
Yep, I saw this on the Express – I knew the BBBC would cover it up, so went to check, glad it already has a headline here. Imagine the headlines, on every tv channel, every local and national radio if two white guys kidnapped two Muslim girls and this happened? Outrageous bias!
Contrast the coverage of this story with that ofhat woman stopped for 15 mins by police on her return from Turkey last year.
Yes – thank God she did not have to endure questioning at an airport. The Beeb were all over that story, nasty whiteys supposedly discriminating on the grounds of race or religion. I would rather be asked questions for a few minutes than brutally murdered.
That story distressed me.
I now demand a 2 million pound flat in Chelsea.
The BBC have quickly moved on to promoting what a great Muslim she was instead of concentrating on the bad Muslim.
Celine Dookhran killing: Tributes paid to ‘beautiful girl’
Interesting that they refer to her as a 19 yr old woman, but the Calais migrants are children up to the age of about 25 (45).
“Prosecutors allege Mujahid Arshid, 33, murdered the teenager – who was of Indian Muslim heritage – for being in a relationship with an Arab Muslim. { jul2017}”
– How can this happen? They are both Muslims? Same religion? Where is this written that a parent has to enact this? What did the mum think? Where did they get their traditions and beliefs from? What has the local Imam got to say about this?
The mum doesn’t count for much in Islamic society. Regardless of whether it is written or not it custom and practice, it’s what Muslims do and is an accepted part of their way of life. A way of life idiots are importing in ever greater numbers into our society.
“Indian Muslim heritage”? If the person was from Pakistan, it would be “Pakistani” heritage,. “Islamic” would be dropped.
BBC semantics when it comes to Islam and Muslims must be a strange document.
The acid ”attacker” was a 19yr old of the faith, ofcourse the BBC dont name children,….looby.
Also interesting how she is considered a woman at 19, but the perpetrator of the very recent acid attack was referred to as a boy of 19.
Spot the difference in reporting:

Islamic honour killing
Where 2 girls are tazered, kidnapped, raped and have their throats slit. BBC keeps away from the subject at hand and informs you what a beautiful girl the victim she was.
How ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses shunned by their families and it leaves them feeling suicidal
Beeboids have never seen a muslim they did not love and never seen a christian they did not hate. Perversion. And that is before we start talking about children.
Be nice if the BBC did a follow up on leaving this religion, makes the JWs seem a bit tame.
“Majorities of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan support the death penalty for leaving Islam”
Hi Pounce – excellent comparative analysis. I wonder if Alan and David might consider article contributions from you in starting discussion threads – assuming you can spare the time. You could contact them through “contact us”.
Dont get wound up by the BBC on this one Pounce. BBC is obviously “cool” with Islamic honour killing and lists it under “Cultural Relativism” Maybe that means its okay to be killed by your relatives providing they are adherents of the “Religion of Peace”
Front page headline, Tributes pour in for killed ”beautiful girl”.
Murdered you Scummy Bastards, she was murdered, it is a result of having your throat cutting from ear to ear, intentional homiced, murder you khants ..
I think this also underlines what cynical, manipulative scum, operate within this organisation. Like all stories the BBC does not wish to talk about, they will always try to swing the narrative away to what they are more comfortable with. Relevant details left to the text and BBC wanting people to centre on the fact that she was beautiful not that she was killed by a bunch of dark age savages who probably found justification for what they done in their main religious text written by that “perfect” man. It should not matter “how beautiful” she was raped and brutally murdered, her beauty is irrelevant to the terror the poor girl would have felt as she was being dealt some “cultural justice” -This is a tabloid approach and the BBC try pretend they are better than that. WHAT BOLLOCKS!
What I found particularly disturbing was one of the BBC repeated tributes said “”RIP Celine, You did not deserve what has happened, May Allah grant you a place in Paradise. Inshallah.” Didnt deserve it – No shit sherlock! Maybe she just deserved a beating with an iron bar or a face full of drain cleaner instead!
I wonder whether Celine will be looking forward to paradise knowing what sort of scum must populate it. What makes me want to puke is the reverential way the BBC offers up these meaningless words as some sort of tribute (knowing how sharia treats women) totally without any sort of irony.
How many more people will have to die because the MSM has made it politically unacceptable to ask harsh questions which may offend “cultural sensitivities” It makes no sense in a democracy.
Still when you realise the BBCs loyalties are with those who wish to destroy us – this all starts to become clear.
I Just googled this search to find them the bbc naming 18yr old white kids or describing them as men or man,…..
Remember they just called the muslim acid attacker a19yr old boy.
All fecking porn links.
The BBC have packaged the story as a pro-Islam – Muslim as Victim story. From the homepage headline it looked like another “Muslim victim of racist Britain” story. Digging into the story – it wasn’t so clear what exactly was going on – apart from a Muslim victimhood narrative.
Ps: this is a very good article with excellent comments. It provides an excellent “case study” of the spin and propagandising of the BBC.
Watched the VD report on Jehovah’s Witnesses. I’m sure it was an attempt to point out certain similarities with Islam but, unfortunately for the BBC, the material was simply not there. There were no examples of thuggery or murder, not even close. Action taken against apostates is weak and, this is the essential difference, shunning by families is entirely down to them. They all have the option of leaving the sect/cult and siding with family members who choose to leave.
The most valid criticism, in my opinion, is the denial of conventional medical treatment to children where it involves blood donation. That is an issue. And I wasn’t aware that they are against university education although, in some instances, it might not be such a bad thing.
Overall, they came over to me as gullible, superstitious fools but, at the end of the day, if members of families want to treat each other in this way, there is little that can be done. It’s not attractive but (what I view as) nutty religious groups rarely are. Enforcement of the rules by elders is weak; there are no physical threats that we are aware of. The only effect on others is the irritating knock on the door from time to time.
A proper heroic story from Eygpt against Terrorism. Yet whilst the nasty Daily Mail, the torygraph and free Metro report it, the bBC doesn’t…funny that:
Egypt: Army uses tank to flatten Suicide Bomb and saves over 50 lives
Muslims incest rape women peasants – cultural enrichment
Al beeb must have really been torn about values on this one.,