Whatever happened to the über wet Matthew Parris? Brexit seems to have driven him to the brink but he’s back, disinterred like Salvadore Dali and he’s in fighting fettle as he sees Brexit on the ropes, his mind may have gone but like Dali’s famed moustache Parris’ arsehole is in perfect working order pumping out the same old bile that it always did as he sees HMS ‘Transition’ sailing to the rescue in swirling muddied waters aided and abetted by the BBC collaborators.
Maybe he’s been on the weed…there has to be some explanation for his ludicrous, rambling ravings….
Why does the Spectator still employ his services? Who knows, he’s well past his prime and his bilious outpourings turned very sour, very bitter and twisted as Brexit loomed but he has bounced back as he thinks Blair & Co will snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and Brexit will be shelved….the Remain MPs will thwart the whole dastardly project…huzzah!!!
Dear Leavebugs, it’s time to admit your mistake
In a spirit of candid friendship I write this letter to die-hard Leavers, of whom a small — but vigorous — colony survives on these Spectator pages…
Dear Leavebugs, You know I am not of your number, but I understand you. I even feel for you.
As an understanding friend, therefore, though never an ally, I write to warn you that your project is in deep trouble.
I know what you really want. You just want Britain out of any entanglement that spans the English Channel. For you this is as much an emotional longing as a practical calculation — an antipathy whose roots go deep, back to the first and second world wars, to the Napoleonic wars, to England’s fear of the French Revolution; back (though some of you may disown this root) to Protestant England’s detestation of Rome.
Be honest with yourselves. Though you’re ready to assert the material benefits you say could flow from leaving Europe, you know in your heart that such calculations are secondary and speculative. They are not what drive you, but a posteriori arguments for an impulse that came, first, from your heart: an impulse that would survive the demolition of any argument of economic advantage. Admit it. For you this isn’t about money.
Shut your eyes and make a supreme effort to confess your inner motivation. What is your immediate, instinctive, unguarded answer to the question: ‘What if Brexit made us poorer?’ You know, don’t you?
You’d be disappointed, of course, and sorry. Impoverishment isn’t what you expect. But you’d still think it was right to leave. Your reasons are almost spiritual. They relate to our whole identity as a people; our nation’s soul; our place in history. They do not (you believe) sit easily on any spreadsheet of material gains or losses, but are about destiny. Perhaps only secretly you could contemplate the idea of being poorer yet prouder: of exchanging a bit of take-home pay for that greater prize: independence and national self-respect. You find haggling about GDP, chlorinated chicken and Toyota’s tariffs beneath the argument.
We have to remind ourselves there was never a majority, never will be a majority, and was certainly no majority at the European referendum last year, for impoverishing ourselves in pursuit of national self-respect.
Voters have understood we’ll take a hit. Few now believe we’ll be richer. People are coming to fear we would be poorer. You do surely know this is the way the mood is turning. You know, too, how the same mood is growing within the Lords and Commons. You may think this faintheartedness is misplaced, but you cannot think it is temporary.
And you know MPs run with the breeze. Can you still believe the ‘hard’ Brexit you favour, requiring Britain’s departure from the single market and the customs union, will ever get through this parliament, still less a new one under a new government? Your version of Brexit will either break or be broken by government.
Beware, too, Remainers bearing ‘transitional arrangements’ for the single market, customs union, and jurisdiction of the ECJ. Suspect a plot by my lot to procrastinate until you lot slip out of vogue. Deadlines for any ‘transition’ can be put back until kingdom come. Allow us to lure you into these thickets, and you lose.
You speak for millions, but unfortunately not tens of millions. We who are not about to die, salute you.
Isn’t 17 million in the tens? And I think there was a majority to leave the EU. In fact I’m sure of it. Nice to see he admits we can’t trust the MPs as far as we would like to throw them and that the transition period plan is a ploy, a plot to delay Brexit until conditions change in some shape or form so that Parris and Co can move in to sell us out once again to the EU idiocracy.
Parris deludes himself if he thinks duplicitous MPs and contemptuous, arrogant, sneering Remainers like him will be left in peace if they successfully block and betray Brexit by their scheming. Careful what you wish for Matthew for as you say yourself ‘Civil wars are always bitter; wars within ourselves the most bitter of all.’
Well OK Mathew tell us about the Remainers . Do they want us in the EU for the economy or for some higher ideal ?
Not well at all in my opinion. I actually wasted a few minutes reading his words. Hell hath no fury like a wannabee intellectual scorned.
I don’t think al beeb employs this person as much as once was. He’d have a nice seat on question time and other albeeb propaganda vessels. Now he’s a bit limited .
However, after disposing of him, on one thing he is right. Our economy may well take a hit cum 2019 – Nigel Farage – in the campaign said this is more than about GDP. And I agree.
We are different from the rest . They all have a pretty shameful history – invaded – overwhelmed – dodgy regimes which make ours look down right saintly and as dear Matthew says – water surrounding us ( oh I know there are nice little countries surrounded by water). That makes us difference .
We did not input to The Treaty of Rome. It was designed to stop the original 6 fighting again – and dragging us in . We went in later on a lie and that can’t stand.
Even by the behaviour of the EU and its elements – al beeb you can see we are doing the right thing . Paris certainly has a pretty low opinion of his fellow countrymen and voters . Maybe he should spend more time listening to al beebs queer season .
Fedup – I agree with your comments re what Farage said and have always thought that this was the case myself. There is no such thing as a free lunch and since we have allowed the EU to tie us up into a financial and legal “Gordian knot” Nothing short of a swift sword strike will release from this mess – but yes in the short term there is bound to be some collateral damage. We can see the evident corruption of this in the likes of the recent IMF report downgrading our economy and raising the EU forecast (Thanks be to Christine -amen!)
I consider the problem with Parris is one of tone more than content. There is no doubt that Parris is a frustrated little attention seeker who is probably disappointed that Aunty didnt offer him any sort of gig in their “Bum sex week” and therefore decided to take his frustrations out on us.
But forgetting the flamboyant remainer showboating – he has made some serious points which should not be ignored. In particular the dangers associated with the “transitional periods” which could well be drawn out for years leaving us in an organisation as some sort of client state but subject to all of the whims and trickery of the likes of Merkel and Junker for years to come.
He accuses us in being almost “spiritual”in our zeal for brexit. Is that not true? Speaking for myself I see it as a “spiritualism” grounded in history and practicality. We have observed the comings and goings of various empires and outside invasions in Europe for years. And the only thing that has protected us from all of this has been our ability to physically and mentally stand aside from this melee and reach out to the rest of the world not jump head long into the constant European orgies of decadence, greed, stupidity and conflict which have regularly afflicted this continent over the centuries.
So by accusing me of being spiritual on this issue – I take it as a compliment.
Parris has also in the past highlighted aspects of our unwholesome relationship with Saudi Arabia where we sell them arms and ignore their actions such as the war in Yemen (and I would argue by implication their funding of Islamic expansion in the West) So he is by no means “establishment”
Yes there is an irritating crowing , confected air about this man – but we should not fall into the socialist trap of binning everything our opponents say especially when they contain evident truths – just because he gets under our skin.
Brexit is not lost – but neither has it been won. And we should be careful about shooting the messenger (no matter how irritating he is) if that focuses attention on potential chinks in our armour which the globalists/left will exploit to drag this country back to EU irrelevance and eventual oblivion when the whole EU project falls apart.
I agree that exiting the EU is a spirtual quest in the same was that the dream of an ever closer union is for remainers.
As for Saudi – a curse on their house as far as I am concerned. They are the source of the Wahhabism which is infecting us and starting to bit them in the arse. They are the source of the cash and propaganda perverting the kids in their bedrooms and madrassas. After 9/11 I could not believe Bush just didn’t end Sauda Arabia. He had the mandate but there must be another story which may or may not come out.
As for Parris – it’s lucky he is not am MP any more as he would be sitting next to that joke ‘cable ‘.
I wrote yesterday about how al Beeb is talking up a recession. I haven’t seen the 2nd quarter GDP figure yet but whatever they are they will be fitted into the albeeb narrative.
If there is a crash cum recession this may be outside the control of the Brexit timetable and will add yet more spice to this ‘cake’?
‘We have observed the comings and goings of various empires and outside invasions in Europe for years. And the only thing that has protected us from all of this has been our ability to physically and mentally stand aside from this melee and reach out to the rest of the world not jump head long into the constant European orgies of decadence, greed, stupidity and conflict which have regularly afflicted this continent over the centuries.’
Well said and this is what continental Europeans, and Britons who have adopted a continental mindset, can never understand. One only has to look at the new film ‘Dunkirk’ to see that a small stretch of water is all that has protected us against tyranny and mass slaughter, still within living memory.
Cranmer – I regard Britons who have a “continental mindset” as “nowhere people” In that they have no true loyalty to our land or culture and to them seemingly everything generally comes down to a financial transaction (either regarding business or leisure). It is an “easy come/easy go” mindset where nothing is worth defending other than your own personal freedom and the sacrifices of others who have gone on before us are worth nothing. If you dont like the country – you go somewhere else rather than putting energy into preserving your country of choice.
I loved the way these EU loving onanists wrapped themselves in the Union jack as well as the EU flag in the referendum. Our flag to them being nothing more than another prop to be discarded in the gutter when their interest settles on another cause. Today the union jack tomorrow the “pride ” flag – to them they are all the same.
This why the BBC is so poisonous as they are in the main responsible for pushing the international outlook at the expense of loyalty and patriotism. For years they have been pushing the line that all patriots are thick waycists. Yet when it suits them they are quite happy to wave the union jack in a awkward incongruous display of loyalty if it suits their narrative such as when Mo (Im innocent Guv) wins something.
But what makes ‘the continent’? Isn’t it French wines and cheeses, German Oktoberfest, Italian opera etc.? In other words national cultures, cultures that are being destroyed by the globalists and Islamists.
Too true Jim – I think those with the “continental mindset” only identify with these things in the loosest possible way.
This is more a demonstration for our benefit of how “multicultural” cosmopolitan and sophisticated they all are as opposed to all of us waycists with closed minds, who still have some concept of “nationality” and nationhood which isnt just all about making money.
“Our flag to them being nothing more than another prop to be discarded in the gutter when their interest settles on another cause. Today the union jack tomorrow the “pride ” flag – to them they are all the same.”
This is a simple and excellent observation Oaknash. I hadn’t thought about this before but you are right.
The Union Flag represents freedom and it is really not necessary to use another.
Something to ponder on: I am sure there are thousands of gay/lesbian etc people who share our point of view. I know one very well and he (and his partner) are as horrified as we are at the BBC and the Remain 5th Column actions.
It is naughty that the gay (I can’t remember how many letters to add to be up to date but they know who they are) ‘community’ are being painted as Remainers. Surely it’s possible to not be straight and want to leave Europe? Surely one’s sexuality is separate from one’s political persuasion?
At this point I can’t help thinking of BlackAdder and Bob slapping each other’s thighs and growling.
291029 – Not in the BBC s eyes it isnt. They consider themselves the moral judge , jury and executioner on all things pertaining to politics and morality. The unspoken agenda is that if you are gay but dont support us on all the other tripe we regularly spout then you are a traitor to your sexuality. All gays should be labour – period.
You rarely see David Starkey invited onto many BBC programmes – I wonder why?
Obviously he cant be a real gay cos he supported Leave.
The relentless pro-EU and anti-Brexit propaganda even gets into supposedly harmless soaps like The Archers on Radio 4.
This evening, we heard a story from a student-aged character called Phoebe Tucker of ‘racist’ graffiti on a caravan used by a woman called Lexi, who is a Bulgarian crop-picker temporarily (?) in Ambridge for the fruit harvest. Lexi was not inclined to pursue the matter with the police but Phoebe’s father Roy Tucker (something of a local yokel man who doesn’t exactly speak English with an RP/BBC accent, even voted for Brexit and who himself was involved on the fringes of a racist attack on token Asian solicitor lady Usha Gupta around two decades ago) insisted that the incident should be reported.
This is all well and good: Roy has long since been rehabilitated, after stupidly facilitating the attack on Usha’s home by two racist fellow students called Spanner and Craven; he confessed to her and is now something of a pillar of the community. The problem is, the attack on Lexi was not ‘racist’ in the way that the attack on Ms Gupta almost certainly was. Lexi, as a Bulgarian, will be fairly White and not obviously racially different from White British people in the way Usha is. Any attack on Lexi by, presumably, White British people cannot – by definition – be racist, though it might well be xenophobic.
The BBC, on the home of intelligent talk radio (its own words, not mine) is deliberately misusing the word ‘racist’ as it tries to promote White British guilt about any hostility to foreigners. Phoebe is doing some humanities degree at Oxford, where she might be expected to learn about accurate use of language, and is back for the summer holidays. The whole story has been shoe-horned into the nightly soap as part of the BBC’s cultural Marxist approach to brainwashing the listeners. In the very same edition, we had a ludicrous protest outside a posh restaurant, with eco-warrior Kirsty and Jill Archer (86!) shouting stupid slogans about hunger and food poverty, ending with Jill being cautioned by PC Plod for injuring celebrity chef Lulu Duxford by throwing a piece of home-made flapjack at her!
Jill’s son David couldn’t believe what she had done when he went to the police station to pick her up. But nothing is any surprise once the BBC decides to promote an agenda (here, wealth inequality and supposed food poverty). The crudeness of the whole thing was so embarrassing that it would have shamed a Primary School play.
If only they had all died attempting to rescue Grace!
The Archers is a load of twaddle. I stopped listening when they had that ridiculous ‘gaslighting’ storyline where a man was somehow able to browbeat his educated, middle class wife into a state of insanity. It might have been relevant in 1877 but nowadays it just seemed like the repetitive bleatings of clapped out feminist dogma.
I try to get to the off switch before that dire theme tune comes on. Al beeb love to flog a dead horse and boast about how long some of their tired stuff has been running – question time , have I got news, news quiz, just a minute , top gear , Match of the day. A little while ago a new ab beeb manager promises a more interesting daytime diet for consumers – but I see it’s still the mix of cooking , auctions , moving to somewhere white by the sea or country … I’m waiting for a couple of just married burka dudes to do it.
I am sad to read that The Archers is still such a load of PC rubbish.
I stopped listening to it around 2000, at the time of the great Countryside Alliance march on London. This massive event was barely mentioned in The Archers, whereas the fact that the gay landlord of the Cat & Fiddle and his partner were going to London for the “Pride” march was a running theme.
I had a feeling that Gay Pride might be more important than the Countryside Alliance if you were, for example, a middle class urban lesbian. What a surprise it was to learn that that is exactly what the editor of The Archers was!
Rob, I recall a few years ago R4 started a new soap called ‘Citizens’. It was supposed to be like the Archers but set in a multi-culti, liberal-leftie north London street. It didn’t last long – I suspect people realised if they wanted the values of Islington they were getting that from the Archers anyway!
Good memory, that pile of crap went out in the 1980s I think.
I imagine that you are referring to Vanessa Whitburn, who was in charge of The Archers for over 20 years.
A glance at her Twitter page reveals retweets of comments from such predictable sources as:
The Guardian newspaper; Jeremy Corbyn; NHS Million; Owen Jones; Corbyn @ Glastonbury; Caroline Lucas; Jon Snow; Robert Peston; the Labour Party; Gary Lineker; Ed Miliband; Paul Mason; David Miliband; Yvette Cooper; Cardiiff University School of Journalism; Save Our BBC; Hillary Clinton; Nick Robinson; Keir Starmer; Why To Vote Green; Alice Arnold; …
Good point. No evidence of her living in a left wing, gay metropolitan bubble there, I can quite see why she got the Archers gig, clearly a countrywoman down to her fingernails.
Parris was a Conservative MP which I find astounding. He is a full on wet whinger. He clearly belongs with the Lib Dems ..Think his status as a prominent gay has gone to his head. I always get the feeling his world revolves around him and him alone.
I want Brexit for the future and the future of my children and I am prepared to take any economic hardships to ensure it happens .I endured worse in the recessions of the 80s .Thats the difference between Brexiteers and Remainers.We are prepared to stick it out and fight for what we believe in .
I dont think Brexit is ” up against the wall ” with ordinary people.Just the whinging class are trying to give that impression and force capitulation .
There is a silent majority out there,which the BBC cannot seem to find.
And that’s because it isn’t looking. Very, very hard.
I visit London frequently. There, nearly everyone I know voted ‘Remain ‘. If I admit to having voted Brexit, friends look at me as though I have grown an extra head. There are so many non-British born within the M25 added to the fact that Remain used the campaign leading up to the vote to liken Brexiters as racist xenophobes, that people in London dare not say they support Brexit. Those working in the BBC, certainly those earning enviable salaries including all those women high in management, living in the London bubble, dare not admit anything other than that the Remainers were robbed, and the fight could still be won. Then it all feeds on itself and those at the BBC in constant competition to prove their anti-Brexit credentials.
I do not consider London to be part of the UK, except geographically.
London is, and has been for twenty years or so, a city-state with little connection to the rest of the UK. It is something akin to the globalised trading treaty-ports of the old days such as Alexandria, Shanghai, Tangiers, Venice etc. British people are in the minority and native Londoners going back more than two generations are probably almost extinct now. Such a city cannot be expected to speak for the nation.
It would help, of course, if those parts of the country that consider themselves so British, had not insisted on sending the wrong people to Westminster, as well as their own councils, for several decades.
Ray Honeyford actually got a brief mention on TV a week or so ago. I think it was a newspaper reviewer on SKY. A recent “report” had said that communities in Bradford are divided. God on a bike!
Ray Honeyford’s troubles started in 1984. Significant numbers of people in Bradford, Rotherham, Yorkshire, the North, and much of the rest of the country, have learned very little since. There’s some evidence of the penny dropping, but not as much as you’d expect. York, for instance, could be 1,000 miles from Bradford.
There aren’t many places of any size that can speak for the nation in 2017.
The building of the m25 means that when sharia law is declared with the 32 boroughs it will be easy to build a wall keeping kaffirs out .
They’ll probably met the crew who builds the Mexico wall.
As a born and bred Londoner ( white) I barely reckonise it now. It’s ok though because it’s always been a transit camp for incomers right . ? Bloody hate that line .
Need a majority? 65% “Leave EU + happy either way”, 35% “Remain EU”.
Take the article and switch words Leave with Remain, it works both ways for most of what is said.
I also wonder what the EU referendum result would have been if companys had not threatened employees that staying in EU was in their best interests.
Were the BBC balanced in its output, and regularly explained the benefits of leaving the EU on all varieties of radio and television, then my guess is that far more voters would come to see its benefits. The “65% Leave + happy either way” would be transformed into 65% Leave. But the BBC isn’t going to change its behaviour, is it? and the wimpish Conservative Party aren’t going to force it to.
…and, by the way, has anyone seen or heard any report on the BBC about the momentous news that Maduro has installed Cuban troops in Venezuela, and who are apparently employed in controlling the opponents of his regime. Or is this old news, and I’ve just caught up?
And this is the problem that I struggle with, Corbyn will talk about human rights and doing the right thing, but Corbyn does not question the flip side when a Country or Government has done wrong.
So Britain is not perfect and Corbyn will tell you about all the faults, but he won’t say where it did good in the World. I do think a very British value is being able to hold in mind the good and bad together … so as not to lose sight of the true cost of events in history. Rather than a rose-tinted, one sided, version history.
“Given the chaos that has engulfed the country, one might expect Corbyn to stand up for Venezuela in its hour of need. But he has stayed silent, and it is claimed he’s also deleted several previous articles about Venezuela since becoming Labour leader in 2015. {talkradio.co.uk may2017}”
This also holds true for the Conservatives, the UK public are still waiting for the Saudi report to be released …
Saudi Arabia has ‘clear link’ to UK extremism, report says {bbc.co.uk jul2017}
“Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has called for the immediate suspension of UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia because of its human rights record and involvement in military action in Yemen.”
– funny that the BBC end with a line that puts Corbyn on the side of wanting justice.
– why not add that Corbyn has also been paid to appear on Iranian Press TV who … was complicit in the forced confession of a tortured journalist {businessinsider jul2016}.
I hear Venezuela is to reward loyal military personal with……………………..Toilet paper. Ah the wonders of leftard socialism.
Remainers = all about money. End of.
No soul.
No honour , no principle. They would sell their souls to the devil.
Yes theisland – it’s their God. Any other direction is downward for them. They will attempt to appropriate any group (gay, Public sector etc etc) as a fig-leaf for the truth in that they’re border-less, fickle, grabbing fakes with no understanding of history or sense of fairness, honour or Britishness.
All the Remainers I know are without exception either as described above or too stupid/cowardly to investigate the truth. It takes a lot to come out with a Brexit argument in a group and most people are afraid. I speak my mind (as someone who has actually READ history) and as a consequence have reduced my circle of friends dramatically (they won’t talk to me anymore as if I’m infected).
I’m not religious but I am reminded of Jesus turning over the money-changer’s tables in the Temple.
Anyone else lost friends for being pro-Brexit out there? We are discriminated against. Perhaps we should have a flag? Oh wait – we’ve already got one. The Union Flag.
Lets take a look at some of the logic of bigoted, supremacist cucks like Matthew and the totalitarian loving miliant fascists that are fighting Brexit..
Fascists on EU = “We cant allow ourselves to be poorer! Is that what you want? Who will pay for all the things we need to function as a society when our economy crashes when we cut all lies with Europe (just leaving the EU you f**king moron)? There are many things that arent good with the EU, but is it worth making ourselves poorer? Having open borders and allowing our laws to be made in Brussels is a small price to pay….”
Fascists on US = “Why would we sign a free trade deal with the US!! They are going to water down our food standards and we could get chlorine-washed chicken!!”
So…its OK when the EU take away our sovereignty, remove our control of our own borders, set our laws and control our trade with the rest of the world…..but mention chlorine-washed chickens!!! Allahu Akbar!! Fu**ing hypocrites! Its nothing to do with making us poorer! Its about control. These traitors hate everything about us and like the dirtiest and most intolerant fascists want to take away our freedoms and our ability to control our own lives. They will do whatever it takes to own us…its what the EU was created for, what Killery and Caliph Obama were trying to do in the US, and what the hate filled fascists at the Islamic Al ShabeeBBC and Liebour are spending every second of the day trying to implement here in the UK
I suspect that the underlying reason is not the fact that the chicken is chlorine washed, but the fact that it isn’t halal.
The windmills of Mathew’s mind may have become contaminated with campylobacter!
I have to agree that it’s difficult to see quite why the Spectator continues to give little Matt column inches, except that his waspish and self-indulgent offerings are so admirably off-set by Rod Liddle, James Delingpole, Charles Moore and….well, just about everyone else. And he supplies balance of a sort, I suppose – BBC please note.
Still, despite being well past his prime, whenever that might have been, at least his faded peacockery must allow him the distinction of having his hair-shirts tailored by Turnbull & Asser.
Parris has lost a lot of weight since T&A tailored the shirt he’s wearing in that photo!
Personally I voted Leave on grounds of political principle. Economics was a distant secondary consideration for me.
Much comment on BBC last 24 hours re. the possible abomination of US chlorine washed chicken……..yet no mention that UK supermarket chicken has an E Coli infection rate of 75%………..I wonder which Parris would choose?
As above I believe the reason for this is that they know US chicken will not be halal.
This has come just in time for those poor lowly paid female BBC employees!
I’m sorry I appear to have mis-posted this should have been in open thread.
A guaranteed way to get banned from the Spec is to mock the simpering prick
I can understand Parris, as I used to be a Europhile until Maastricht. It was only then that I stood back and re-examined my views. Before then there was an instinctive belief in the rightness and inevitability of the EU. I remember saying to a friend when Germany reunited that the sooner further integration took place in Europe the better – to safeguard us. That is how wrongheaded Europhiles can be. The point is it is not a rational argument but an emotional almost a religious one. I accept that in the short term there may well be economic disruption but the future looks much brighter outside the EU which is a 1950s construct, predating the internet, satellite communications, containerisation, the WTO (and the GATT) and the emergence of the Soviet Union and China from socialism into free markets and capitalism (of a sort). But it hasn’t adapted to change and it can’t.
The economic argument is the only argument that remain supporters think they can win.
But I don’t think there is any proof that more democracy has ever produced more poverty, all the correlations point to the economic benefits of Britain leaving the EU. Commonwealth territories similar to Britain have a higher standard of living because:
(1) They don’t pay a massive membership fee to trade with an organisation in which they have a trade deficit with, and also restricts external trade from this organisations single market. Which can even be more costly than being on World Trade Organisation tariff, if in a trade deficit within the single Market.
(2) Free trade is free
(3) Points based immigration policy raises standards of living by increasing productivity and value of work, by making cheap labour unavailable.
(4) Abolition of Feudalism, Slavery and cheap labour did not cause the predicted collapse of the economy because it created a massive and unpredicted boost in new customers, who could then afford to buy things previously seen as luxuries.
This is why the correlations show that leaving the European Union can only boost the economy, and why freedom doesn’t bring poverty.
This proves that European Union supporters are either ignorant or Racists who support the EU because of its hideously white racial image in comparison with the Commonwealth, and hatred of Jews, Americans, Russians, as well as Blacks and Asians more intelligent than themselves, who coming from the self-governing Commonwealth, obviously support UKIP, not the undemocratic EU.
Richard Pinder, I often point out to people that just as we should not be ‘Little Englanders,’ neither should we be ‘Little Europeans’; we should be outward facing to the world, not just a corner of one continent. This seems to drive Remainers potty for some reason.
Richard Pinder……….Good points very well made….Thank you
Good analysis Richard.
Parris is a media trustie like Ken Clarke, and always on the right side for the BBC.
He first came to prominence as an MP who agreed to live on the dole in Newcastle for a week for the telly. He lasted only a couple of days, so was clearly an idiot then as well. His “Leavebugs” article is offensive and goading, but this gets him brownie points with his fey elite chums who despise those of us who voted to leave….especially if we come from Essex or Lincolnshire kind of constituencies.
A privileged snob.
He and his mates can hardly believe that we dared to put our pay packets(such as they are) behind the need for sovereignty taking back control of borders and immigration. Making our own laws as we used to.
That`s our crime-and why we will only ever “bang on” about our democracy and our lawmaking.
Our economy will be fine-and surely it`d be GOOD to trade with those countries whose debt they pressured us all to drop in 2000, 2005 , 2007 etc.
The EU is a rich white German-based global cartel…when else do such cabals get the free pass from Parris, Blair and the BBC?
AND-it`ll be gone soon.
And its a conspiracy against Europes youth in the Mediterranean countries.
And the Euro will collapse with hideous consequences,
And we know Turkeys coming, an EU Army is coming, Article 50 will be scrapped, and Islam will strip their gullible members like locusts.