We are warned today that over-cooked potatoes are dangerous to our health, however what they don’t warn us about are the threats posed to our democracy by the half-baked thoughts of half-witted BBC presenters.
A short while ago it was cancer #duetobrexit now the BBC is back with the lies about chlorine washed chicken from the good ol’ USA….we’re all gonna die and all the farmers will be put out of work….this has long been a favourite BBC sensationalist anti-Brexit fable.
If you want a perfect example of why many people voted for Brexit you just had to listen to the ‘impartial’ professor the BBC dragged in[08:50] to scaremonger about ‘toxic’ Colonel Sanders and to peddle a pro-EU narrative…a more arrogant, elitist and snobbish Remainer it’d be hard to find…..did you know the real problem is not the poisonous chicken but the culture war…it’s about the wonderful ‘Europeanisation’ of the UK…don’t your kids just love those exotic foreign pizzas? So much better than the McDonaldisation of the UK that would surely happen if Trump was allowed to send over the armadas of ‘Liberty-Brexit’ ships packed to the gunnells with burgers, Cocoa-Cola and chicken marinaded in chlorine.
So chickens are washed with chlorine…a very, very dilute chlorine wash…the same chlorine that is in swimming pool water that your kids swim in and swallow in great quantities…the same chlorine that is in so much of our tap water...
Why is chlorine added to tap water?
Throughout history, epidemics of diseases such as cholera, dysentery, typhus, and hepatitis A killed tens of millions of people all over the world. It wasn’t until the mid-19th century that scientists like John Snow and Filippo Pacini discovered that these mass-killers were waterborne diseases and measures could start to put an end to the suffering.
A major breakthrough in combating cholera and other waterborne diseases was securing water safety through disinfection. In 1897 the town of Maidstone, England was the first to have entire water supply treated with chlorine.
Nowadays, chlorine is a disinfectant used by the water industry worldwide to maintain hygienic conditions within the public water supply network of pipes. At the very low levels used in drinking water (routinely at 0.5 mg/l or less, whereas WHO sets the maximum guideline at 5mg/l) it is perfectly safe. The WHO further assures that any risks to health from chlorination by-products are extremely small in comparison with the risks associated with inadequate disinfection.
Is the EU ban on safety or shutting out competition?
The ban is really just one more form of EU protectionism. EU chicken-producers don’t like US chicken because it retails for around 80 per cent the price of European chicken.
The European Food Safety Agency has passed chlorinated-washed chicken for safe consumption. As well, it might, given that it is quite happy for us to drink water which has been chlorinated in order to kill off microorganisms. At the levels used by US producers, the agency concluded, you would have to eat three whole chickens every day to risk exceeding safe limits. Even among regular consumers of US-produced chicken 99 per cent of the chlorine they ingest comes from drinking water rather than food.
The European food safety regulator EFSA looked at the issue of chlorine treatment and found “chemical substances in poultry are unlikely to pose an immediate or acute health risk for consumers.”
In conclusion, the review did not identify any likely consumer risks that might arise from the use of ASC, chlorine dioxide or aqueous chlorine (including hypochlorite) when used as decontaminant washes of chicken meat. This also includes the view that there was no evidence that the use of these washes lead to the production of substances with the potential to cause cancer, particularly at the levels of use by the poultry industry. Accordingly there was no need to identify existing risk management options.
The BBC once again broadcasting complete lies, misinformation and black propaganda for its paymasters in the EU.
There will be a long list of issues like this being deployed by al beeb until march 2019 and long beyond aimed at wearing the electorate down and construct another referendum to get the in vote .
Barry Gardner seems to be in the do do yesterday after pledging labour to leave the single market . Corbyn apparently is treating that in the same way as the student loan refund election lie.
I don’t detect much coverage off this but plenty on chlorinating chickens . It’ll probably turn out we’ve been eating them for years .
Albeeb is also thrashing about to get the heat of the pay debacle . I know this is sick but there must be plenty in bush house praying for a disaster .
I’m feeling pessimistic at the moment and think they’ll fix the referendum vote for an “in” . I really believed they’d fix it for the first one but luckily I was wrong and hopefully we are gone !
The other day I watched an old B/W movie on Virgin TV Channel “Talkings pictures”. I’ve never seen the channel before. It broadcasts mainly old British Movies 1930s – 1950s. Its a very good channel.
Anyway, one of the movies I watched was an old B/W movie called “20 questions”. It was a thriller about someone being murdered involving each question.
And as I watched the opening shot of this movie the camera panned round the studio showing each member of both pannels. And lo and behold the camera closed in on a certain Mr Dimbelby (I assume the father of the present question-time presenter). And amazingly, the first thing he said to the viewers was:
“I expect that most of our viewers will be thinking that this programme is FIXED!
Fancy that! I was shocked! He was deadly serious! Why did grand-dad dimbelby feet the need to state such a thing to the viewers.?! Why would such a member of the BBC Dimbelby family think that the BBC was thought to haved “fixed” certain programmes?!
Vex – that’s an excellent secret channel. They have some real gems of British films from time to time.
Funny you mention dimbley. I did a bit of digging into mentorn – the production company which owns question time and trying to find out whether either dimbley is a director or shareholder. Tricky but doable. I might finish the research . But there’s a bit of a wall around the Dimbleby Partnership so can’t establish it yet. Whatever it does , it is sufficiently productive for offspring to be sent to Eton, as Jacob RM acknowledged recently when challenged about his own background.
Being someone who watches the markets a bit I notice al beebs business journos are increasing the number of times they mention market/crash /correction as well as recession .
It wouldn’t be the first time that al beeb has contributed to a lack of confidence leading to a big fall . Conspiracists might say that they are doing it on purpose as another front to defeat brexit .
After all they know their wages will be paid because so many people joyfully pay their tv licence tax. But not me any more.no taxation without rep… you know the rest
It must be awful for the BBC to know that the FT100 is just slightly below its all-time. I am not sure the BBC has much effect on the big money dealers ! It does not matter what the BBC say or do about anything. They always get it wrong. Idiots.
I don’t actually recall BBC economics correspondents (especially the ghastly Kamel Ahmed) even mentioning the level of the FT index – except when it fell for about 48 in June last year. I think the tax dodging self publicist Branson said the same thing and has not mentioned it since.
By the way, the USD/GBP rate is now only 8c below what is was in Feb 2016 or 5.7% lower. BBC reports keep mentioning a massive drop in the value of the pound. But it fell by much more in the period between May 2015 and February 2016 and prior to the referendum.
Yes. The BBC only mention the FT100 when there is a fall and, for them a 2% drop is a crash ! Fake News and lying, as usual from the BBC.
“especially the ghastly Kamel Ahmed”
I know, He’s a funny fella. He practically salivates when asked about any Brexit question! He doesn’t half ramble-on!
Grant, if not the FTSE 100, it’ll be the 250 or savings ratios or oil or gold . They’ll always find something to fit the narrative eh?
I’m expecting another nice letter saying they’ve opened an investigation and know where I live. To them though I am Karmel Ahmed.
The BBC only discovered the FT 250 about 18 months ago when it was falling more than the FT 100. When it started recovering, they ignored it. Assholes !
Grant and Fed, never fear, anyone who actually does work in the real market wouldn’t give a flying feck what some idiot on bbbc says. They certainly love it when the prat on the screen tries to spin something she/he doesn’t understand, as that’s a market position on a turn to make money from.
Politicians are worse, but then they’re stupid anyway.
No-one I know who deals in the markets ( including me ) takes any notice of what the BBC, any journalist or politician says. They are mostly ignorant people who really know nothing about anything .
I remember many years ago hearing David Davis speak. He was very proud of some negotiating he had done with Brussels about the importation or export of chicken meat. He felt that with his negotiations the UK had come out best. Let’s hope he wasn’t bigging up his own part and is still as strong.
“Let’s hope he wasn’t bigging up his own part and is still as strong.”
And you a lovely lady…;0)
The BBCs full-on campaign against chlorinated chicken entered its second day today . Apart from stirring up anti- Brexit feeling, this campaign was mounted by BBC news to distract attention from Liam Fox’s US visit . From this trip it is clear that Britain will be able to strike a good trade deal with the US thanks to President Trump. The BBC hates this .
What nobody on the BBC has mentioned is the fact that 70% of all supermarket chicken in the UK is infected with E Coli, hence the advice not to wash chicken (as it leads to cross contamination) and to cook it thoroughly.
BBC Wales getting in on the anti-Brexit campaign. It’s the Royal Welsh agricltural Show and Kate ‘notso’ Humble was interviewing exhibitors. Agricultural subsidies are government guaranteed until 2022 at CAP levels, just as long as the EU would garantee them if we stayed in. The assumption thrust into the mouths of responders is that there will be no, or at least minimal, subsidies thereafter due to the Tories. This neglects two facts: 1) Agriculture is devolved, so any decision will be the Welsh Labour government (if necessary with help from the even more left-wing Plaid) who decide and 2) The UK economy will have more money available to spend.
Whenever I see the name Kate Humble I think of her on Birdwatch some years ago asking if Willow Warblers nest in trees. I would not expect laymen to know. But her ignorance extends much further than just birds !
She must be a private production company type since she didn’t turn up on the wage list I think.