Pro-EU Lord Hall Hall is the enemy within. We know he was greatly upset by the Brexit result and blamed the BBC for not getting the correct message across. He is now in the process of rectifying that by overseeing a BBC that is blatantly and relentlessly pumping out misinformation and pro-EU propaganda that is meant to damage British interests and to ensure the Brexit negotiations fail. The BBC’s loudest message is that the government is in chaos, doesn’t know what it wants to achieve and is completely unprepared for the negotiations. A classic example of this was when David Davis and his team were photographed at the negotiating table with the EU team. The EU team posed with piles of papers whilst the Brits put nothing on the table.
John Humphrys, one of the BBC’s most respected and experienced journalists, seriously suggested on the BBC’s flagship news programme that this showed the Brits were completely unprepared for the negotiations. Why on earth would he peddle such a blatant untruth on the basis of a photograph that was set up before the negotiations had actually started? This was not the negotiation. What Humphrys failed to tell people was that the Brits had a big team behind them for the negotiations…and Humphrys should have known that as the BBC itself mentioned it in a web report…
A UK government source told the BBC that 98 British officials were in Brussels for the negotiations.
So why did the BBC’s premier news programme promote what is obviously a lie, an anti-British lie designed to make the government look bad? Why is it peddling EU propaganda that the British team is in chaos and is totally unprepared with no idea of what it wants to achieve?
The EU’s preferred tactic is to negotiate in public via the Media and the BBC is the willing fellow traveller who provides the headlines and narratives that the EU wants. The EU wants to portray the British as in chaos, unprepared with no plans or any plans they do have are unworkable, unreasonable and ill-thought out whilst its own position is rational, reasonable and in the best interests of everyone…if only the Brits would accept what we, the EU, offer then negotiations could continue quickly and smoothly…however the unreasonable and intransigent British are making a deal impossible. The BBC happily peddles this lie.
Here is an example of the BBC pushing EU propaganda and portraying the Brits as unprepared….
The call to “get down to business” from David Davis is meant to signal that the Brexit talks are entering a serious phase after an opening session of pleasantries and procedural discussions.
That might raise eyebrows on the European side where there’s a perception that Britain dithered for months after the Brexit referendum before getting down to talks.
Hmmm….we couldn’t start negotiations until Article 50 had been signed off…and that was delayed due to enormous opposition from the pro-EU Remainers trying to prevent it happening. Any delay was down to the EU side not the British government.
Today we had a classic example of the BBC twisting someone’s words that damned the likes of the BBC and the Remainders who resist Brexit and turned them into an attack on the government when they actually back the government.
Ex-Governor of the Bank Of England, Lord King, was on the Today show this morning [08:10] stating that the opponents of Brexit had better get on-board as Brexit is going to happen and they should support it and do the best they can to ensure we have a successful exit from the EU…one way of doing this is to back the idea that we have the nuclear option of leaving the EU with no deal if necessary. This he told us was a vital negotiating tactic. We had to have a credible fallback position that would make the other side think they had better deal fairly, with no such fallback putting pressure on the EU we would have no leverage and be forced to accept whatever terms were imposed upon us. He also told us that the media were producing hysterical reports on Brexit and were damaging British interests. Did he mean the BBC? Here’s a clue to his meaning…
This [no deal better than abad deal] ought to be something people can agree on irrespective of whether they voted for Brexit or not.
What was the BBC’s immediate reaction to his words? They immediately span them into a lie claiming that Lord King had ‘urged the government to come up with a credible fallback position’. But that was not what he said. He wants remainers to back the ‘no deal ‘strategy’ whatever their feelings as Brexit is happening and we need to be in a strong negotiating position to get the best terms. The BBC is trying to make out that the government is unprepared and has no fall back…funnily enough the government does have a fallback, the famous ‘No deal is better than a bad deal’ position…exactly what Lord King was talking about….the BBC of course knows this as it has long sought to undermine that and paint it as a mad and ruinous strategy….
Brexit: What would ‘no deal’ look like?
Negotiations to uncouple Britain from the European Union are about to begin, with Theresa May warning the UK will not accept a “punitive deal”.
The prime minister says leaving the 28 nation organisation with no deal whatsoever would be better than signing the UK up to a bad one.
But the government has not done a thorough economic assessment of the “no deal” scenario, Brexit Secretary David Davis has admitted to MPs.
Here’s the Independent’s take illustrating perfectly the total opposition from Remainers to the fallback policy…
Theresa May’s ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’ Brexit logic could end up destroying the British economy
“No deal is better than a bad deal.” Those fateful words made it into the Conservative manifesto, in relation to Brexit.
It sounds plausible, of course. And rather like the Leave campaign’s “take back control” slogan, it rings true on an emotional level. Why on earth should we accept an insulting and punitive deal offered by Europe? Better, surely, to just walk away.
But it’s a delusion; a perilous mis-framing of the situation Britain faces going into in these negotiations.
Indeed here is the Tory 2017 manifesto….
We continue to believe that no deal is better than a bad deal for the UK.
And of course the video above shows May stating uncategorically that ‘No deal is better than a bad deal’ during the election debates.
So why does the BBC tell us this as if we had no ‘fallback’?….
UK ‘must prepare a Brexit fallback’
The UK needs a “credible fallback” in case no EU trade deal is reached during Brexit negotiations, former Bank of England governor Mervyn King has said.
Lord King said British negotiators needed to show Brussels the country has an alternative over a bad trade deal post-Brexit.
Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Lord King said: “We are where we are, and we are in a negotiation and it’s important that the negotiation succeeds.
“But it cannot succeed without a credible fallback position and that is something which I think is a practical thing that the civil service ought to be taking a lead on.”
Oh hang on the BBC slips in as if almost irrelevant and not actually the government’s main fallback position….
Previously Prime Minister Theresa May has said: “No deal is better than a bad deal.”
Ah but…it adds this to suggest that ‘no deal’ actually isn’t on the table which is complete nonsense…
Previously, Brexit minister Steve Baker said the government was preparing for all possible outcomes over Brexit talks, but added a no-deal with Brussels was unlikely.
What Baker was saying that a deal was likely which is totally different from what the BBC implies.
We also have this….
Lord King said: “I don’t know what the economic consequences of Brexit will be, that’s the only honest answer.”
If I remember rightly what he said was that there will be an economic shock of some description but long term we will bounce back. Why does the BBC not mention that?
King is a Brexit supporter and would not be saying the things the BBC says he has in their own intepretation of his words. He knows May’s position is ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’ and he also knows, as the BBC and Independent’s ‘analysis’ of that stance show, that the opponents of Brexit are trying to undermine that negotiating position of having a nuclear no deal fallback…he was not telling the government to develop a fallback but was telling the likes of the BBC to start to support the British Brexit negotiations by not talking them and the ‘no deal’ strategy down.
Seems he failed to persuade them as they came straight out after the interview spreading misinformation and lies about the things he had said.
Another example of BBC pro-EU propaganda? There are long queues at airport check-ins as new security measures are put in place and the EU countries fail to provide the necessary staff and systems to cope with this. Some might suspect that this was a deliberate tactic by the EU in order to generate the headlines and photographs about chaos on the borders as checks are imposed on travellers with the intent that this create an image of what might be the result of Brexit for Brits travelling to the EU. The BBC conveniently picks up with that narrative as Any Questions asked ‘Is this our future in Europe now and is it a price worth paying [for Brexit]?’
This is complete rubbish…. the queues are a result of EU incompetence [or machiavellian black propaganda] and even a moment’s thought would tell us that such an idea that having to go through passport control will cause massive delays is a nonsense. Just how do we manage to travel to any country outside the EU without such queues? There are no such queues when you travel to America or India or Australia etc etc etc…..because they have systems that work…glitches aside. Having to flash your passport if you want to enter the EU will not mean 4 to 8 hours in a queue. Just more BBC EU scaremongering and alarmism.
Oh..and the bizarrely deluded Owen Jones on the programme said this…
“I know I am banging on about it, but we do have to take the long view, this is all because of a Conservative Party that put their own views ahead of the people.”
Em….the ‘People’ voted for Brexit…Owen Jones’ current position on Brexit?…
I campaigned passionately from a left-wing perspective for Remain during the referendum campaign, in rallies across the country, on television, in my Guardian articles (like here, here, here, here, here, here, and here), on social media, in YouTube videos (like here and here). I received threats of torture and violence as a consequence, which was pretty unpleasant.
May is implementing Brexit, Jones opposes it…just who is putting their views ahead of the ‘People’?
And Owen Jones’ real view of the ‘People’?…
Britain would only exit on the terms of right-wing xenophobic populism.
Ah yes……little englander nazis.
The left must put Britain’s EU withdrawal on the agenda
As austerity-ravaged Greece was placed under what Yanis Varoufakis terms a “postmodern occupation”, its sovereignty overturned and compelled to implement more of the policies that have achieved nothing but economic ruin, Britain’s left is turning against the European Union, and fast.
“Everything good about the EU is in retreat; everything bad is on the rampage,” writes George Monbiot, explaining his about-turn. “All my life I’ve been pro-Europe,” says Caitlin Moran, “but seeing how Germany is treating Greece, I am finding it increasingly distasteful.” Nick Cohen believes the EU is being portrayed “with some truth, as a cruel, fanatical and stupid institution”. “How can the left support what is being done?” asks Suzanne Moore. “The European ‘Union’. Not in my name.” There are senior Labour figures in Westminster and Holyrood privately moving to an “out” position too.
For those of us on the left who have always been critical of the EU, it has felt like a lonely crusade. But left support for withdrawal – “Lexit”, if you like – is not new. If anything, this new wave of left Euroscepticism represents a reawakening. Much of the left campaigned against entering the European Economic Community when Margaret Thatcher and the like campaigned for membership.
The case for Lexit grows ever stronger, and – at the very least – more of us need to start dipping our toes in the water.
As I have said here before – the EU will use all means available to undermine the negotiations and exit . Chlorinated clean chicken, farm subsidies , the Irish border, long airport queues . It’s almost a sick game to guess what is next .,al beeb is an accomplice in this and will be happy if our position after brexit is Week in order to encourage another referendum to rejoin.
As for O. Jones – why even bother listening to him or commenting . He has no significance outside the N1 ( Islington ) hot aired bubble .
This ‘ walk away with no deal ‘ scenario.
Where can I read the full details of what this will mean for me and my country,, from an unimpeachable , unbiased source ?
If you can’t supply it, how can you advocate it ?
“As I have said here before – the EU will use all means available to undermine the negotiations and exit ”
Those of us who know anything about the Jesuits will remind you;
A sophisticated lie or purposeful deception is allowed when framed in the interest of the greater goal. A barely contained cynicism typifies the attitude toward the normal citizen, the ignorant fool, who within a democracy needs to be protected from himself.
Interesting article.
Blair ‘converted’ to RC when he left office. I wonder if he goes to confession.
He will have too otherwise – anathema!
M. Fylop-Miller, former President of the John Adams Union, wrote to Jefferson in 1816:
“I am not happy about the rebirth of the Jesuits. Swarms of them will present themselves under more disguises ever taken by even a chief of the Bohemians, as printers, writers, publishers, school teachers, etc. If ever an association of people deserved eternal damnation, on this earth and in hell it is this Society of Loyola. ”
Jefferson’s reply: “Like you, I object to the Jesuit’s reestablishment which makes light give way to darkness.”
I’m certain Blair would know all about this! If he doesn’t then he is the perfect victim of his local band of Jesuits!!
Most countries in the world are not in the EU. How do they survive ? Singapore seems to be doing ok. Japan ok. And many others. The whole concept of the EU is a farce.
Ah yes, Japan. Perhaps the bBBC would like to go and inform the Japanese that they are just a set of tiny, insignificant islands of no consequence to the world. That in view of that they will never be able to survive and flourish without becoming an off-shore attachment to mainland China and should hand over whole chunks of their right to create their own laws and surrender the human rights of their population over to Beijing and it’s courts.
Well, isn’t that exactly of how they insist on portraying us in respect to mainland Europe? I wonder what the Japanese reply would be to their outrageous dismissal of their nation and their people or even if it would be printable?
How can the Bank of England have gone from Eddie George and Mervyn King to that buffoon Carney ? I loved Lord King’s comment ” We have wasted a year ” !
The answer to that question can be answered in one word, Ca-moron!
I disagree. When the common market was formed it was a worthy concept. The idea of keeping the Germans from going through the Ardennes for the third time could only be good. It wasn’t for us of course. We had bigger friends and a world view mainly coming from a deep security because so many had tried and failed to invade us. Now , of course , we have Islam doing that by non military means.
I agree with you , Grant, that the EU in its current form , is a farce and a danger to us. I just hope they don’t poison things to much in the exit that we really don’t like the set up for a long time afterwards.
But it was never about a ” Common Market”. That was just a Trojan Horse .
I was trying to remember what the original 6 were called after the Treaty of Rome and thought it was the Common Market . Which was a market for goods and nothing else before the ‘ever closer union ” federalism really got hold.
It was called the European Economic Community and there are residues of that in the abbreviations CEE and CE that appear on labels and standards.
The founding treaty was the Treaty of Rome and that treaty begins with the signatures of the heads of state and the declaration that ‘ever closer union’ was their goal. The EC, ‘Common Market’ or European Union was never just about trade. We were even told that we would be getting ‘free movement’, but assured that in practice it never happened, which was fairly true until eastern Europe was added with their lower living standards. We were also told that if we didn’t agree with any EC/EU proposals we could veto them, but we lost that right to Qualified Majority Voting i.e, ‘do what you are told, you are in the minority now’. That is why the hard-core ‘remainers’ love it, no matter who the plebs vote for the EU still runs the show.
The original con trick was the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, sold to the public as a method of preventing France and Germany starting major war over the riches of their border areas in the Rhur Valley.
In addition to those two were the tiny Benelux countries who, knowing full well that they were always trampled under the boots of their two giant neighbours, immediately sought to be included. Italy, suffering as usual from a massive inferiority complex. immediately requested inclusion in order to appear the equals of France and Germany. Hence the original six countries.
That grouping, within a matter of a few years, decided to expand it’s influence by becoming the European Economic Community (EEC) giving the Franco/German Axis the idea of using their combined economic and political might to take control of the whole of Europe.
And the rest, as they say, is history. Until we decided to upset their cosy little cartel by telling them to take a hike.
Thank you for the reminder. I agree with how we were sold out down the years and now they have been made to pay. Let’s hope, despite the msm constant remain propaganda, we get out of it as soon as we can. Then lock the border .
If Brexit means economic Armageddon ;
HS 2 will not be needed . Nor will any other infrastructure plans for future growth . If you read the rail magazines , the foreigners are investing in British rail projects , never mind some new investment in British firms .
The figure of 12 000 trucks a day going through Dover port means that’s 12 000 drivers — foreign drivers . That’s rounded down massively as most will be double manned , but let’s say each truck has only one driver . We can multiply that by seven days of the week , but again round it down again to five . That’s 48 000 . OK lets slightly round it up for a change . That’s 50 000 drivers per week in one port alone . That’s 50 000 livelihoods . That’s just the drivers , never mind the people who buy the trucks ( have you seen the cost of them ?) , service them , traffic plan them etc .
That’s excluding the other ports . Oh don’t forget the transit traffic from Ireland .
Well 50,000 people seems small change to a bureaucrat affecting the lives of 320 million , but not to those who are directly affected but also those who ARE INDIRECTLY AFFECTED . Because those trucks won’t just be layed up immediately if a cliff edge Brexit happens . They will be redeployed on other routes , routes already choc full of trucking companies . The rates will dive (but the costs will still increase ) and a very competitive industry will be stricken down . No joke no lie , but there will be suicides .
So will the BBC tell us what will happen to all the recent immigrants ? Will they go home , and to what ? Unemployment ? Can their countries afford that ? Can the EU withstand that ?
Can the BBC and liberal/ left explain why EU citizens are worried about their future here , but non EU citizens including millions of illegals are not ?
If there is economic Armageddon , what will the new immigrants live on – jobs or benefits ?
Thanks for the clarifications re Mervyn King.
Didn`t hear him, but knew that the BBC would deliberately misquote whatever he said.
He`s a sensible cove, wrote a good book and would be measured and accurate in what he says. Exactly what the BBC and the moaners fear and dislike.
He`s right that the politics has not been good, but the financial imperative will compensate-we will trade and prosper, and (of course) we`ll need fallbacks and tactics.
But I knew in advance that the BBC would fit him up, glad to read that I was right not to bother with the BBC.
Lying scum as we all know by now.
Alicia Sinclair
And the government do nowt while you pay for it.
Put your name here ……………..
Speaking of loud voices. Impartially of course.
“So why did the BBC’s premier news programme promote what is obviously a lie, an anti-British lie designed to make the government look bad? Why is it peddling EU propaganda that the British team is in chaos and is totally unprepared with no idea of what it wants to achieve?”
You could always try an FOI. But they are exempted.
Or writing to to CECUO. But they may ban you.
Trust them.