A misleading headline and text from the anti-nationalist BBC…
The flag doesn’t matter – neutral athlete Klishina
Russian long jumper Darya Klishina tells BBC sports editor Dan Roan “it doesn’t matter about the flag” before competing at the World Athletics Championships in London as a ‘neutral’ athlete.
That gives the idea that she isn’t bothered about being identified as from a particular nation but that is just not true….she makes it clear that this is unfortunate and she wants to identify as Russian…the only reason she said ‘the flag doesn’t matter’ is because she says everyone will know anyway that she is Russian….a completely different meaning to that suggested by the BBC write up. Lazy journalism or just stupid student politics?
Why do you ask “Lazy journalism or just stupid student politics?” when the obvious answer is BOTH?
The bBBC ‘journalists’ are so lazy that they just parrot the party line and don’t bother to investigate anything.
I don’t think it’s lazy of them because it must take quite a lot of thought to twist everything to support their collectivist ideology.
These days there is absolutely nothing that the far-left bbc says and does that can be taken at face value and that is why it cannot be trusted, whether it’s news, politics, sport, drama or children’s entertainment.
The albeeb website headline on this just says flags don’t matter and doesn’t reflect what the girl said .
I wasn’t really interested but al beeb does get a tick for its world without borders or nations propaganda. As quick away to a world war as a North Korean fruit loon.
The BBC will always do its best to rubbish loyalty to a national flag as it is an expression of loyalty to ones culture. I suspect the only flags the BBC would be half interested in promoting are blue ones with gold stars, flags containing crescent moons and rainbow ones. It is interesting that both the first two flags in their own way represent nothing but chaos. And the last flag in lots of ways to me represents decadence.
According to the BBC
Flags dont matter (unless of course they are an EU flag being waved at what is generally regarded as a patriotic music event)
White working class girls dont matter
Heterosexual people dont matter
Population does not matter
History does not matter
Western culture does not matter
The majority of the country outside London does not matter
The bleedin obvious does not matter
Oak, good post.
However, just for today, the heat matters for TODAY. It is dangerously hot in Europe. We are all going to die!
In 2100.
All whiteys fault!
The majority of the world is not white and yet it seems the majority of the none white world wants to come here to live. Surely, if none whites and their ways of living are so superior to our white ways of living, all these none whites would be moving in the opposite direction. I wonder why?
John – with the help of the BBC, our compassionate yoof and our gutless politicians – we will soon have a country where any medieval savage from a third world shithole will be more than comfortable living here.
Street stabbings and acid in the face are probably just the “entrée” What these lefty idiots dont really seem to grasp is that once these changes have happened thats it – there is no going back. It is not a game and by and large all their high minded pro femininist/pro gay principles will be chucked out the window along with all of our free stuff and probably Elton John and Owen Jones as well.
“…all their high minded pro femininist/pro gay principles will be chucked out the window…”
So, there are some positives in addition to the ethnic restaurants?
Nah, they will be thrown off the roof, while still in-situ.
“…all their high minded pro feminist/pro gay principles will be chucked out the window…”
Ian – Every cloud has a silver lining!!
If you visit the BBC, these three flags will be all over the place.

Oh flags matter alright.
Was at a County Town “One World ” Event the other weekend.
Loads and loads of EU flags, lots of hijabs and Romany culture. Wonder what proportion of this “Yeats On The Rates” agitprop was paid for by the Council-and how much came direct from Brussels via its Remoaning ciphers.
Not a Morris dancer is sight, but enough Balkan harpies swaying corpulently to shake a migrant at. No Israel flags either-naturally.