Word Perfect


Good old Drunker, never lets us down as he always provides the proof of why we should leave the EU in our dust.

Today he encapsulates perfectly the BBC narrative on Brexit…the very same narrative that the EU would love you to ‘understand’….it’s going to be very, very complex, much much too difficult…perhaps we should just call the whole thing off….

The European Commission is leading the EU’s Brexit negotiations on behalf of the remaining 27 member states.

Although he offered his full confidence to Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator, Mr Juncker warned that Brexit would be extremely complex.

“People will become more and more conscious of the density of problems on a daily basis, without always being able to provide a coherent answer to these problems,” he said.

The BBC works hard to assure us of that supposed density of problems on a daily basis….ne’er  day goes by without the BBC providing a doom-laden prediction of what Brexit will entail….and all too often it is spurious, sensationalist and vastly over-exaggerated and takes absolutely no account of the fact that economics was not the reason for Brexit and yet the BBC bases its whole narrative for staying in the EU on the supposed financial cost of leaving..hence we had the trail for ‘Any Questions’ asking ‘Is this our future in Europe now and is it a price worth paying [for Brexit]?’

We also had this recent piece of outrageous scaremongering from Newsnight essentially telling us Brexit means we are grounded and we’ll never fly to Spain again:

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16 Responses to Word Perfect

  1. Alicia Sinclair says:

    How the hell do 27 sovereign countries-most of who have great histories, cultures and people-and most of who we`ve visited and got friends in maybe?-allow themselves to be pushed around and drilled by pigmies, crooks and ex-Nazis/Maoists like Juncker?

    The sprouts of Brussels like Verhofstad and Juncker remind me of the Skylab tin foil hat you could buy in 1976…and , as the Euro implodes and the migrant hordes swarm all over Berlin and Paris…about as useful too.
    About time we sent postcards to Warsaw and Rome, Budapest and Bratislava and pre-empted that trade stuff-surely all of them will be leaving the EU before too long.

    This is the land of Sir Freddie Laker , Billy Butlin and Fred Pontin-stuff Newsnight and its mile high freebies, what about our air miles.
    Once they`ve cleared Calais of the scum, we may yet be able to get over to France for our cheap cheese, perfumes and wine as of old…sod the EU, it won`t stand long anyway.


  2. TruthSeeker says:

    Solution, simple.
    As I advised one David Cameron on this website.
    Stop the cheques, for one month, the whole corrupt edifice would have collapsed long ago.
    Then we could addressed the problem of which lamppost should be selected for which traitor.
    We probably do need to be more efficient and suspend several Beeboids from one gibbet.
    Without overloading the National Grid.


  3. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    Has anyone seen the latest BBC headline: “Cable: Young Shafted after Brexit”. The BBC are running it on their homepage, news homepage and as their lead stories on their UK homepage and on their Politics homepage. “Shafted” means “taken up the ass” as in taking a penis up the ass. It seems the BBC are getting more and more perverted.

    More perversions of the BBC:
    A masturbating man in Pompeii
    How to love small penises
    highlighting vaginas
    In defence of chav porn
    calling penises dicks

    End the BBC tax now!


    • Grant says:


      If you buy that idiot Cable’s logic and assume that the vote was swung by older people, would he have said that the old were shafted by the young if the vote had gone the other way ? The man is a cretin.

      I propose that none of us over the age of 50 should have the vote, but we should be exempt from all taxation including VAT.

      Scum like Cable simply do not believe in democracy. That is one reason they are pro-EU .


      • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

        Vince Cable personally pulled down the undergarments of the young and shafted them in 2010 – and there is not one word from the BBC about that in their article. Vince Cable was the minister that tripled tuition fees in 2010 after the lib dems promised the young as an election pledge not to increase tuition fees. Based on that pledge the lib dems were able to get into power as part of the coalition government. Vince Cable and Nick Clegg proved themselves to be back-stabbing hypocrites – and since then I haven’t taken them seriously.

        The BBC are just using Vince Cable to continue their anti-brexit campaign – headlining the story everywhere and now using perverted language. But now the BBC are demonising the over-65s. The BBC supports Islam, remainers, migrants, transgenders … and demonises everyone else – in particular the indigenous English.


        • Grant says:


          You mean you took them seriously before that ?


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          Exactly BBC, Cable knows more than most politicians (okay, with exception of Keith Vaz) about shafting UK youth.

          If you look at the break down of the voting figures for the EU referendum, in basic terms this is what you got:

          18-24 year olds 2/3rds remain 1/3rd leave
          25-64 year olds 1/2 remain 1/2 leave
          65+ year old 1/3rd remain 2/3rds leave

          To say the ‘old shafted the young’ is to ignore the third of under 25 year olds who voted leave, and the third of over 65s who voted remain, what about the half of all 25-64 year olds who voted leave, are they all ‘old’?

          I don’t know about anyone else, but if I was one of those third of all 18-24 year olds who voted leave I’d be pretty annoyed about always being told my generation ‘all’ voted remain continuously.

          The other figures are interesting as well:

          GCE/GCSE Highest Qual 1/3rd remain 2/3rds leave
          A Levels 1/2 remain 1/2 leave
          Degree 2/3rds remain 1/3rd leave

          Two factors in this one:

          1. The younger you are the more likely you are to have gone to Uni – 50% of all school leavers these days, versus 20% in 1990, 10% in 1980…. etc,,.

          2. You’re far more likely to have been replaced/competing against cheap East European labour if you work in a trade, or manual labour = far more likely NOT to have qualifications beyond GCE/GCSE

          Con voters (2015) 1/3rd voted remain 2/3rds voted leave
          Lab voters 2/3rds voted remain 1/3rd leave
          Lib Dem 2/3rds voted remain 1/3rd leave

          So, even among the Lib Dem supporters (in 2015) a third voted out – they must have been pissed off with Timmy Farron at the last election… oh yeah, he did get right royally ‘shafted’ didn’t he?

          Frankly Cable is speaking utter shit and the BBC are only too happy to publicise it because it fits with their (biased) agenda.


  4. Alicia Sinclair says:

    Vince Cable has done buggerall in an empty, venal life.
    He only is back in Parliament due to Zac Goldsmith being so shit.
    He speaks for nobody-and as LibDem dumpstop, this continues to be true.
    For nobdy gives a damn what the LibDamned says.
    So -if I were Bob Mueller-I`d be asking this.
    How come some fetid flatulent old cabbage gets to write such self-loathing shite?
    And then the Mail On Sunday sees fit to publish it?
    And then the BBC choose to make it some kind of story?
    This is cartel stitching, nobody in this chain has any opinion worth a damn. Yet we oldies are now imflamed.
    Cable is a biddable easily flattered old fool, he only hopes to die before the young get wise and hang him as a traitor.
    As is said above, Cable shafted the students in 2010, but his visceral EU kapo role allows him to spout his shite unchallenged by the Beeb.


  5. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    A few places are coming out with a figure of £36 billion being the price we have to pay to get out of the eu.

    I haven’t yet seen any breakdown on what this £36 billion is actually paying for.

    For such a huge amount we should have a detailed account of where every £ is going to.
    I cannot imagine how we are supposed to owe them so much to get out of their club.

    Are our negotiators asking for the details as to how these monster exit sums are actually made up, where, why and what do we owe this money to.

    Had some eu bloke just pulled this sum out of thin air, “You owe us £36/50/100 billion to leave”, sort of thing?
    Do our earlier payments of almost £200 billion count for nothing? (and all our fish)

    We should pay exactly £0 billion.
    We should demand up to £30 billion for our share of the eu assets.
    We then wouldn’t need £70-90 billion for hs2 so that some rich people can get to Birmingham 20 minutes earlier. Just arrange the meetings 20 minutes later, instead of meeting at 1:00 meet at 1:20.
    There, £70-90 billion saved.

    How much would it cost Italy or Greece to leave?
    Would recipients like Poland be paid £36 billion or so if they left?
    When the eu falls to bits, who gets all the money? the last one left in after the other 26/7 have paid exit fees?

    Hard Brexit NOW.


    • Grant says:


      Excellent points .


      • theisland says:

        According to JRM (Twitter)
        “There is no logic to this figure, legally we owe nothing.”


        • Grant says:


          I do not know the detail but, I believe that the legal , statutory basis for leaving, does not refer to any financial settlement. The Eurofanatics are just trying it on. They are a bunch of chancers . A strong PM would just tell them to eff off.


        • Fedup says:

          If JMR says there is no legal requirement to pay taxpayers money to the EU then that will do me. I know a bit of EU law from a few years ago and I think there was no provision for costs of a member state leaving because they never believed any one would.

          I actually think that in their mindset Blighty will recognise the error of its ways and return to the fold and we ll all be happy Europeans again. I’m trying to imagine how things would go if we were diverted from the path to Brexit by scheming remainers. I don’t see how HMG could send 17 million? People on an anger management course.


          • Grant says:


            Agreed. The Mogginator would not have said it if he had not been sure. Lots of EU law, but at the end of the day, they just make it up as they go along !


    • Fedup says:

      I was hoping that number was one of those rumours governments put out to see what sort of support / criticism it might get.
      I suppose when it comes down to it there will be horse trading and accusations of shambles thrown around because of the need to keep real negotiations from the opposition, backbencher, press and voters.

      As for cable –
      How a joke politician in a failed party gets some much attention fails me. The is particularly as the only official remain party in the election they failed to pick up significant support. Maybe it was because the didn’t appoint Norman Lamb as there leader and put in a fool who liked the sound of his own voice a bit too much.


      • Grant says:


        The BBC are a very serious organisation. It is because he was on “Strictly “.