It is endemic in France, particularly in Paris and the other major conurbations with a high level of Black citizens, ie most of them. So much so that children of couples who are both from sub-Saharan Africa or one of the TOM- DOMs are routinely tested for it.
There is a lot of French spoken in London and we don’t have any French-speaking colonies,iirc, especially since Mauritius became Ile Maurice.
As a related aside. Tuberculosis was eradicated in this (my) country in the 60’s. ‘Somehow’ we now have another expensive epidemic.
As my dead mother, then in the Health Service, once said – “We had a skinny little Pakistani with TB join the practice. He is now a fat little Pakistani without TB”.
I don’t think the comment was a compliment to the government/BBC or made in jest.
IIRC, sickle cell anaemia is also prevalent in west Africa. Grant may confirm this or correct me if it’s not true. A UK born Nigerian friend has it or rather had it.
Yes, you are right. Also a high level of diabetes, high blood pressure. On the other hand, in Gambia, new cases of malaria are in decline following a long term programme which is continuing. New cases of aids in decline. Infant mortality still high and deaths of mothers in childbirth common.
The worst thing is what I call “Sudden Death Syndrome” where someone seems fine one day and is dead the next. If there are no suspicious circumstances, there is no post mortem. Many death certificates say cause of death “Unkown”. I lost one of my best friends last year . She complained to her son that she was feeling hot , went to the bathroom and did not come back. 2 am bundled into the boot of a taxi and taken to the mortuary. 3 sons, 19, 15 and 8 and father already dead. Mary was 37.
If you need a blood transfusion, you have to pay for the blood. If you don’t have the money, tough.
No National Health Service and all medical care has to be paid for. Doctors, although mostly Western trained still cheat their patients and deliberately misprescribe medicines which they sell themselves. Anti-biotics given for everything including period pains.
When some people in this country complain about the NHS and talk about poverty, it makes my blood boil.
We should adopt a more Botswanan attitude and be thankful for what we do have. Having written that I have just remembered Alexander McCall-Smith actually stating that, not so long ago, in an interview on BBC Radio 4
Grant et al.
Thinking about more Africans in the EU –
All the more the merrier I say………………
When they’ve destroyed Europe and the UK, there’ll be nowhere else to go and destroy so there is an end to all this madness even if if means utter destruction of Europe and the UK.
No doubt it will cost a few more billion on the NHS bill. Just like the rise in TB and other diseases we had well under control until we were enriched, not to mention the inbreeding rife in the Muslims . Surely even the most stupid of the open borders brigade , including the mindless fools at the BBC, must realise that mass immigration is going to result in huge health problems. They must realise it , but presumably don’t give a toss for those Brits they going to expose to these diseases and who will find the NHS even more stretched in the future. Perhaps the do gooders can afford private health care, does the BBC termsand conditions include BUPA membership until death? I am sick of these dumb buggers preaching at me and even sicker of the politicians who kow tow to them. Mass migration is a disaster for Europe and may well prove to be fatal for our civilisation.
The term ‘village idiot’ will take on a whole new meaning when the inter-breeding really takes hold. The inmates will really be in charge of the Asylum and the Day of the Zombies will become a reality !!
Re sir A’s first comment.
Hot athletics news. A few athletes at the world championships may have the norovirus.
One huy, from Botswana, in the 400m final has been refused entry to the stadium.
This on the advice of Public Health England.
Funny how they can ban a workd class athlete visiting for a few days but have no problem with thousannds of immigrants bringing TB and Sickle cell anaemia with them, all to be treated on the NHS of course, at the expense of existing citizens.
Certainly right up there in both the jobsworth and the hypocrisy of the month awards.
Who knows what’s in the food imported from the EU. Most of the other countries ignore the regulations and we gold plate hem .Our own produce must be better .So lets consume our own .If only the BBC would take a Brtish stand .Some hope.
Having said that ,I looked for British cherries in two supermarkets.The Spanish ones were at the front and 80p,The British ones were on the top shelf ,hardly noticeable and £2 .In both supermarkets.What is that about ? There is no green grocer around to buy loose. Brexit can’t come soon enough.Im sure our food will be cheaper and better.
Having just learnt how to download programmes to an iPad I tried albeeb thinking there might be a few non political programmes . So wrong . Films, music , drama – all of interest to those connected to the queer world – as al beeb calls homosexual people at the moment .
I remember when my dad used to say he felt queer but I don’t thing he was using the albeeb context . Luckily my dad was a healthy and hardworking man so he didn’t feel queer very often .
I suppose once man has developed a remedy to HIV nature will come along with HIV 2. An observation – no more than that .
I’m old enough to remember when ‘gay’ meant being happy and full of life, and two girls in my year at school were called Gay, I wonder if they’ve since changed their name.
Something I’ve always wondered (and perhaps any of our gay posters could enlighten me), but why do gay men over-exaggerate supposedly feminine movements ? Being a female all my life (I think), I have NEVER come across a limp wristed woman, so all these actions that are made by camp gay men I just don’t recognise in women at all. So why is it necessary ?
Good point Brissles.
I have also wondered, why do so many homosexuals dress as women and feminize themselves to attract other homosexuals? I thought they fancied other men – so why dress and attempt to appear like a member of the (opposite) sex to which you aren’t sexually attracted?
I worked for a while in a college where an openly lesbian lecturer swaggered around the campus and an openly gay man minced. They were very nice people but I still, in the nicest of ways, I don’t understand why who they chose to go to bed with affected how they walk. Please, I prefer only responses that I could have said to my mother.
Deborah – Please tell your mother that it could be because – One really would like to be a daddy and one would rather be a mummy even though they are biologically different to what they “want to be”
But seriously I do wonder whether there is a great deal of attention seeking involved I had a close mate who was gay and he certainly did not need to to go round camping it up. Only his friends really knew about his orientation and he certainly would not ever had been seen dead walking down the high street sporting a rainbow banner or similair.
In the BBC “permissive world” all things that dont really need to be talked about are covered in microscopic detail. Whether we want it or not.
I would say to them – you have won your battle foe acceptance (which is ok) Now shut the F###K up because you are starting to piss people off (Deborah dont repeat that to mother!}
My uncle is gay, its easy to tell, the guy is strong willed, knows how to hold a grudge, quite brave really, but the beta side is very noticable when he is relaxed, or at ease with the person he is talking to, the wrist thing, maybe its for gay-dar reasons.
The exaggerated campness is 80s inspired attention seeking from minimal to maximum degree.
Cleary was a class act, boy george was just vulgar, but they were the tip of an iceburg of an attention seeking loud gay movement on a roll.
We now have a generation of out loud and proud, because thats the scene they grew up in, identity politics has made them special, so the more and more outrageously gay you have to be to get noticed. ofcourse theres still just gay people like my uncle who just quietly get on with their lives and dont feel the need for us to all share in their openness, and constantly trying to trigger a negative response.
And heres another thing, i understand equality just fine, at my age.
I used the term above constantly trying to trigger a negative response, thats how i see gay couples kissing in public, i am a hypocrite because what i actually mean is gay men, i wouldnt feel the same about it being a private ”thing” if it was 2 women.
That is not equality i know, but i would never advocate for gay men not to have the right to kiss in public, or any restriction based on sexuality.
I dont think the general public need educated out of an uncomfortable feeling, i think gay people need to realise they have a responsibility towards social cohesion, very very few people dislike other people on sexuality alone….
Transgenders should just get medical help, or keep it private, because frankly they look ridiculous, and all their ones and noughts aint computing right, they need a reboot.
There is a 2014 documentary about the stereotype of the “gay voice” called Do I Sound Gay?
Sounds like a belter. I wonder which channel will give that it’s network premiere?
Me and my Mrs often wonder why gay men often sound the same. do they put that voice on or what.
Anyway we better be careful or the homophobia Police will come a knockin’.
Years ago I used to work in bars and catering so worked alongside a fair few gay people. Most were really nice people and often a good laugh. I lived with a lesbian couple for a while too. I don’t trouble myself about what people do in their private life.
But that doesn’t stop me from thinking that some of them are annoyingly monstrous neurotic egotists. The last job I was in, I sat next to a chap who was quite high on the camp scale. For any innocent job related question I asked (while I was training) I was subjected to a wailing kind of indignant hysteria that totally put me off talking to the feller for good.
In the couple of team meetings I attended he flounced out, with the line manager scuttling after him to soothe the poor lamb’s feelings. God knows what had offended him. It’s the ‘whole world is against me’ pose and the imperious demands for special treatment that I find irritating.
If anyone wants a break from unmitigated homosexuality you can always tune into the headscarved cake baker, presenting of all things Nadya’s British Food Adventure (8.30)
When is the 2016 winner of Bake Off going to be given a lift into the world of celebrity chefs?
Anyone remember her name?
Just had to endure two men about 25ish snogging and pawing each other on the tube at Kings Cross – trying to cause maximum discomfort to everyone else natch – made me feel physically ill .Oh and the tube driver called us Ladies and Gentlemen guess she’ll be sent for re-training – no mention of that one trans person who catches the tube every Wednesday week
By whom, we might ask? (Anonymous) “Human rights groups(pl) have criticised a decision by an Israeli court to remove the citizenship of an Israeli Arab who attacked people with a car and a knife”. Towards the end of the article a representative of one group is mentioned without mentioning that Human Rights Watch has a long record of anti Israel activity.
The headline and explanatory first paragraph follow the typical BBC practise of when someone they support is attacked they report the defence, When it is someone they oppose they report the attack.
Not mentioned: British Nationality Act 1981
(2) The Secretary of State may by order deprive a person of a citizenship status if the Secretary of State is satisfied that deprivation is conducive to the public good.
(4) The Secretary of State may not make an order under subsection (2) if he is satisfied that the order would make a person stateless.
(4A) But that does not prevent the Secretary of State from making an order under subsection (2) to deprive a person of a citizenship status if—
(b) the Secretary of State is satisfied that the deprivation is conducive to the public good because the person, while having that citizenship status, has conducted him or herself in a manner which is seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the United Kingdom, any of the Islands, or any British overseas territory, and
(c) the Secretary of State has reasonable grounds for believing that the person is able, under the law of a country or territory outside the United Kingdom, to become a national of such a country or territory.
Bloody BBC West sob sob main story about British women who’s foreign other halves are not being allowed visas to live with them and their offspring. ‘Families and children are being broken up because of these laws…”
Fuck ’em they should have thought about that before they married them and opened their legs, (or the other way around maybe) who’s to say these marriages are kosher and why doesn’t the BBC suggest these women take their sproggs and go and live in Turkey? Aren’t the benefits so good?
Had a bit of a chuckle when albeeb said that a number of athletes at the athletics have gone down with foodpoisoning . Judging by the third world staffing around the stadium they’ll be lucky not to have something seriously tropical. But I suppose the local third world hospitals will have plenty of experience dealing with it . Tip – avoid the kebabs in Stratford e15
How on earth are those kebab s**tholes allowed to operate? When you have a huge chunk of compressed “meat” (comprised of ears and a**eholes) sitting exposed on a vertical metal pole all day everyday, then heated up at night and sold to drunks.
TODAY Programme this morning was interesting for couple of bits that were there ‘in between the lines’.
I hope it is not Orwell-induced paranoia and not something I have caught from this web-site or that of other BBC watchers’ web-sites. I think it is more likely that a lifetime of listening has merely made me sensitive to items covered/not covered, priority, language and tone of voice.
This morning, I sensed that Mishal Husain was not happy that the Editorial team had lined up an American contributor who was not prepared to be totally anti-Trump in response to her questioning. She doesn’t ‘disguise’ her feelings well. As the interview finished with some firmly pro-Trump statements, Mishal’s hardness of voice when saying ‘Thank you’ was not unsurprising.
Then they included an item that set-out to rubbish electricity and quite correctly observed that it is not carbon-emission free, despite what they have said about it – often implying that it was – during the past 25 years! They almost seemed to want to bring back oil from death-of-oil (in 2040, if not before) to some form of rehabilitation.
Thank you for the report – having now detoxed from listening to The Today programme it’s good to be informed about their latest bias – even during the dead news month of August ( apart from ritual road / rail / air problems oh – and drunken British coming to a sticky end in hot climates .
Fedup, congrats. I’m tempted to try giving up the BBC altogether now that they want me to mess around signing-in just to listen via a computer. I may not bother and use it as an incentive to detox like you.
There’s a lot that I used to make a point of listening to where now I just do not bother, unless I happen to catch a trail & it seems interesting: Start the Week, Book of the Week, In Our Time, You and Yours, Desert Island Discs, Feedback, PM, Moral Maze, Any Questions, Any Answers and Loose Ends – that’s just Radio 4.
I haven’t watched al Beebus for a while now. The Chromecast gizmos are good as you can watch stuff from YouTube on your TV.
I found the (weird but addictive) C4 3 part series from the 80’s called “Brond” on there, which was never released on dvd or ever repeated (to my knowledge) it starred Stratford Johns, James Cosmo and introduced John Hannah.
AS, detoxing from TV was easy, many years back, not least because there was (FM) radio as an alternative. I have now invested in a DAB radio so I do have some alternatives to the Beeb’s radio stranglehold.
Earlier this morning it was a pleasure to watch the swishy haired Sara-Jane Mee get a verbal thrashing on Sky. She was doing her usual goading – her victim this time was Ken Wharfe, one time bodyguard of Diana, the subject was the Ch 4 publicised tapes; when clearly the guy had enough, and turned on her saying “you were not there, I was, so I know what went on, you don’t. You keep mentioning people said this and people said that…. “. Swishy Mee brought the interview to an abrupt halt. Loved it, about time they had the tables turned on them.
Bris ,
Something I have never understood – why do interviewees so often accept the attitude of interviewers . It’s great to hear people go on the offensive. Jacob RM is great at it because he stays calm whilst challenging interviewers .
Peter, I confess I only had half an ear during the interview, but it tended to hot up at the end when (I agree ‘dumb’) SJM did some challenging and then called a halt for “running out of time”.
New Harra article has open comments Incinerator boom threatens green targets
A rash of new incinerators could make it impossible for the UK to meet future recycling targets.
They’ve tagged the story as Brexit
Of course it’s nothing to do with Brexit cos incinerator plans were started before Brexit
article says
\\current trends in building incinerators will make a mockery of the ambition of Environment Secretary Michael Gove to achieve a “green Brexit”.//
BTW an incinerator is better than pretend recycling we have now ..where evry week a recycle corp solves its pile of plastic problem by having a huge accidental fire.
Stew, waste incineration was, once-upon-a-time, seen as a green part of recycling with only the non-recyclable waste being burnt locally, possibly, ideally to generate electricity as part of the process and thus saving on transport emissions as well.
An incinerator to do this was proposed in Edmonton, north London, as long ago as the late-1990s but guess what? Yes, local ‘green’ groups, IIRC, led residents to object!
We got one for those exact reasons, shipping waste back out, tyres etc, and generating leccy.
£40/50 million, about 10% of gdp at the time, a vanity project of our ”greeny UN” minister at the time.
Then the geniuses built a big new shinny power station, got enron to biuld it, just as enron went bust, ended up £50 million over-spend as anther big contractor came in to finish the job, and we have 18p a kwh unit leccy with vat.
And we run out of rubbish a decade ago, so they burn mainly bio-mass to keep the eyesore on our countryside below running at a great loss, a testament to green fucknuttery.
Totally worthless to us as a power source.
BTW : Matt McGrath is trailing an R4 prog where he says
‘The CO2 output calculations for countries often seem suspicious’
8pm Tues R4 Counting Carbon
“a massive problem with measuring greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,
a problem that could be a bigger threat to the Paris climate agreement than President Donald Trump.”
..yes cos Paris i a rubbish agreement according to skeptics and true believers
Why are the BBC taking such an interest in the developing sexual organs of a nine year old boy and a ten year old boy? And why are they headlining this on the BBC news homepage: “Transgender children: Preparing for puberty”
According to this BBC report, BBC reporters have been following these two children closely since the age of 6 and 8 years of age respectively. [Although these two children are boys the BBC keep referring to them as girls.] The BBC reporters and their parents are looking forward to the time their children reach puberty so that they can begin taking the various chemical and medical treatments to “physically transition” them from boys to girls. “Coincidently” the stepfather of one of these boys happens to be a “woman to man transitioned individual”. The BBC reporters don’t tell us what the parents of the other boy are.
I think to myself why aren’t the BBC reporting this as a case of child abuse? Why would parents bring in a team of BBC reporters so that they can follow their primary school children through the physical transitioning process as they grow older? Is the fact that at least one of the parents (a stepfather) is themselves a physically transitioned person, not in itself rather suspicious – in the sense that their stepson from primary school age, has become convinced that they too need to be physically transitioned?
Its really worrying and sickening that the BBC appear to be propagandising for transgender children.
i clicked on V D yesterday just to see what the daily virtue signal was and saw the headline-
” referrals for transgender children double in a year ” I didnt hang about to go into it, I can’t stand VB.
Its very dangerous feeding the transgender children line.Its bad enough that male role models are being air brushed .
Any parent that wishes they had a girl instead of a boy ,or vice versa can be doing untold damage to their kids at an age when they simply don’t know anything.Just be happy with what they are I say.
Its the new “in ” word pushed by the BEEB in the name of their diversity crusade .Frightening.
I call it child abuse.
Well its certainly done the trick ! If she was unheard of before, then the ‘alleged’ kidnap clearly worked to get her noticed. And clearly doesn’t need ‘therapy’ to help her get over the ‘ordeal’.
I was dismayed to hear my girlfriend’s daughter stating that a 14 year old female friend was “going to the gay pride march”.
Apparently this 14 year old girl considers herself bi-sexual!
14 years old!
They are not even meant to be “sexual” at that age let alone bisexual!
Seems like there are still jimmy saville supporters in al Beeb. On the one hand al Beeb wanders aloud why so many children are screwed up and on the other look at what albeeb throws at them – sexualisation far to early in their lives.
I’m so glad that I grew up in a quieter non internet age when the worst thing I saw was DR Who ( the pertwee era ).
What do they mean? I am assuming they are referring to women from the Indian sub-continent, probably poor and ill-educated and under the malign domination of the male members of the family, who practice misogyny to boost their own egos. The BBC is disseminating misinformation (euphemism for lying) by omission, their default position on matters racial and cultural. Would I be incorrect to hazard a wild guess that the majority of these unfortunate women are from the UK’s Muslim Pakistani population and to a lesser extent Indian minority. It’s actually culture and lack of education behind such behaviour, but the women as chattels complex is deeply embedded in Islam, as indeed it was in British working class life not so long ago. But it is unhelpful for the BBC to obscure the findings of this study with its usual reluctance to shine a light on the murkier side of immigrant life in this country.
The point I find curious in this article is that there are many references to “God” with a capital G, which to me implies the christian God. Surely the unfortunate ladies would have referred to Allah? Is this “translation” another bit of BBC bias?
Sri Lanka is almost as Christian as the UK, albeit much more Roman Catholic. Majority-wise, I gather it is rather more Bhuddist in a similar quantity to our atheism/humanism/apatheism.
I noticed this label “South Asian women” being used by the MSM of late when “reporting” on them keeping their cancer a secret because of “cultural taboos”
I wonder do they mean the deadly, malignant cancer of Islam that is spreading across Europe?
Having lost several relatives to this disease plus having a connection to the Indian sub-continent, I am not totally indifferent to this topic. But one reaction on reading this article was: What is the vested interest? Who is behind it?
Let me explain. Some years ago I worked with an American pharmaceutical company that had developed a simple test for a certain type of cancer. The test cost around $1 to produce, but could be sold for between $45-$100, depending on the market. In other words, it was highly profitable and, even after taking into account the initial research and development and costs of bringing it to market in diffferent territories (trials, certification etc), it would earn the company hundreds of millions of dollars whilst it held the patent. To market it, they employed what they called ‘advocates’ rather than a conventional salesforce, and most of these people did not have a medical background. Their role was to indirectly create demand by largely political means. For instance, in the US they might go along to, say, an Hispanic women’s group to give a talk on cancer. During this they might say something like: “On average, 40% of American women are tested for this disease once a decade. But among Hispanic women, such as yourselves, this rate plummets to just 39.99% (sic). Now, why do you think this is – is it racism? Don’t you think you should get in touch with your congressman/woman and ask what they are going to do about it?” and so on. The message would be adjusted according to the target group, but would tend to focus on areas such as race, gender, income levels and so on. Of great priority was to establish mandatory testing by public health bodies; ideally, you want, say, an entire state or a regional health authority to mandate testing for all 14 year old schoolgirls or whatever. This is how it worked at what might be called the grassroots level; you can use your own imagination as to what went on behind the scenes with politicians and other decision makers. And yes, the mass media and other, apparently unrelated, activist groups would be engaged.
Now, it might well be the case that certain medical and other societal problems require indirect means to achieve the greater good. But this example should suffice to illustrate that sometimes stories are not neccessarily what they first seem.
Tuesday morning and BBC London TV News is most anxious that we should be concerned about Hate Crime
Well, four people have been arrested after a teenager was stabbed to death in the Old Kent Road in the early hours
But no, of course that’s not the pressing issue. It’s just not the sort of hate the BBC are keen to campaign against – the boys and girls at the BBC and their go-to pals in campaign groups are highlighting supposed hate against ethnic minorites, particularly on social media.
The viewer has to smile when our newsreader either fluffs her lines or has her autocue badly programmed:
And to top it all:
“Cambridgeshire police swiftly dropped an investigation because they clearly saw what the press decided to ignore: that in no sense was this an incitement to racial hatred.”
Pathetic string of excuses. Gets into Cambridge and he’s a victim?
If he’s good enough to get into Cambridge, he should be able to string together a sentence which is not open to misinterpretation, “geddit”?
In the Guardian he concludes:
“The events of last weekend have highlighted the dangers of speaking out, but, more significantly, the importance of speaking up for social justice, particularly from the perspective of a minority. Freedom of speech is viewed as a core value of British society and this must extend to instances where it is criticised or called in for scrutiny. Without challenge and diversity of thought, there can be no progress.”
“Speaking out?” “Speaking up for social justice?” “Diversity of thought?”
Is that what it was? If I want to listen to someone “speaking out”, I’ll choose Tommy Robinson, police permitting, he makes real sense.
I did read it somewhere and it has “social” in the title. Definitely not a science course. Couldn’t be bothered looking it up, TBH.
I think you’re right about Oxbridge. Seems to me a lot of arts courses at many if not most universities have become contaminated with leftish BS, with a few exceptions like music where scope is limited and a graduate can either deliver or cannot. I don’t think the Left has managed to devise a way of playing Mozart in a leftish style. An exception is opera where, like drama, lefty directors have found a way in, showing total contempt for the music and the audience.
I had an argument with a Professor of Political Science once saying that calling it “science” is an insult to real scientists. He was most upset. Never spoke to me again !
Mozart was left-handed. As was Rachmaninov and others ! Obviously making a political statement.
and today another ‘yooman rites’ activist spouting off about how police should be banned from using tazers on “children”.
I wonder if they are referring to the bBBCs immigrant “children” with beards?
BBC Breakfast – or as we have come to know it – Public Sector Nanny Noticeboard – has just noticed the serious drop in Scottish educational standards.
So how do the metrocentric statist and severely frit of the SNP broadcasting socialism corporation fancy they will package this one?
Get SNP deputy dawg in charge of education to tell us there’s nothing to worry about – apparently this has been going on for 30 years – and the teacher unions to blame ‘teacher work overload’ and a somewhat vague ‘lack of support’
I’m guessing lack of support is code for more public money.
Some lessons in plain English and basic economics perhaps are what’s really wanting.
BBC R4 running more Brexit interference on the TODAY Programme thanks to the good Lord Neuberger. Unfortunately, no-one at the BBC or commenting like the noble Lord and, currently, Dominic Grieve appear to know how fulfilling the law in the UK is carried out despite their being taught it from the outset.
The principle of Lex Situs principally applies to personal and real property but also to other legal disputes. As a layman, albeit with some law education, it seems quite clear to me: Lex Situs defines the applicable law. The ranking of the law (Common/Statute/Case) in the UK determines which law applies and may guide or dictate how it applies to the case in question.
HMG has indicated quite clearly that in March 2019, existing EU Law will be incorporated into UK Law, subject to future variation via UK Statute and, in due course, UK Case Law.
If I have got that muddled in my old age (a touch of the Neubergers – aaaghhh!) then hopefully any lawyers on here will correct me.
I was sharp enough (and correct) in spotting and objecting to numerous leading questions from TODAY presenters this morning. Unfortunately, M’Lud was stone deaf and Justin (mostly) and Mishal were allowed to get away with it. Hopefully, the time on my feet will not be wasted and the Jury will be solidly (at least 52%, if not more) will be on my side when the time comes.
The judges: currently making mischief with regard to Brexit.
What kind of judge thinks that the English Legal System has to be propped up by a court in a foreign land.
The English Legal System is based on Common Law and not, as mostly in Europe, on the Roman Law System. It is probably one of the greatest accomplishments in English history and has been for many centuries. Whereas, EU law? A construction based on few decades alone. As before, the UK managed on its own legal system and it will again.
No more 900W vacuum cleaners I say!!
They are the same kind of judges who can only make judgements after checking to see what some other judge has already judged to be the correct judgement. So these ‘judges’ who are revered, respected and highly paid figures in our society are actually very good at reading, taking advice or very occasionally directly using their experience and knowledge to do their job.
This event sums up what Prof: Niall Ferguson was saying about the militant left and its authoritarian and nazi/Stalin like pursuit or controlling our lives and force their warped and dangerous ideology onto everyone else through fear and intimidation…
“…the threat to our society is from the tyrants who control speech to only what they think and believe, and say hate speech or speech that is offensive is defined to only what they find offensive or ideas or views that they alone hate…”
Brilliantly and perfectly summed up in these few passages from the one and only Ben Shapiro….
The original memo, titled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber,” relied on social science data to make the point that a dearth of women in tech wasn’t reflective of large-scale discrimination, but of difference in career preference and capacity between men and women on average. Such wrongthink would not be tolerated at Google, the company quickly responded.
The memo itself is not sexist, nor does it promote sexism. Instead, it opens with this statement:
I value diversity and inclusion, am not denying that sexism exists, and don’t endorse using stereotypes. When addressing the gap in representation in the population, we need to look at population level differences in distributions. If we can’t have an honest discussion about this, then we can never truly solve the problem.
This is eminently correct, of course. But right and wrong don’t matter at Google — only political correct propaganda does. The memo-writer continues:
Google’s political bias has equated the freedom from offense with psychological safety, but shaming into silence is the antithesis of psychological safety.
This silencing has created an ideological echo chamber where some ideas are too sacred to be honestly discussed.
The lack of discussion fosters the most extreme and authoritarian elements of this ideology.
Extreme: all disparities in representation are due to oppression
Authoritarian: we should discriminate to correct for this oppression
Differences in distributions of traits between men and women may in part explain why we don’t have 50% representation of women in tech and leadership. Discrimination to reach equal representation is unfair, divisive, and bad for business.
All of this is again correct — it’s the general leftist take on the world, which attributes natural differences between the sexes to discrimination, and blames society at large for individual decisionmaking. While the author of the memo has been castigated as a rabid right-winger, the document itself states that both “right biases” and “left biases” are “necessary for a functioning society or, in this case, company.” The author states, “Google’s left bias has created a politically correct monoculture that maintains its hold by shaming dissenters into silence.”
How will those who are meant to protect all of our freedoms react here?….whos side of this war against our freedoms are they on?…
Of course we know that answer!! This is the biggest threat to the UK’s social cohesion and our ability to be free and able to debate what we like and say the things we believe are important to say….the so-called BBC’s take on events….note that nowhere does it actually state what he said, yet they have already (like Google) concluded that the speech is offensive, and therefore not allowed, so losing your job or your freedom…maybe your life next??…is acceptable…
I’m not religious in any way Grant, I think it’s all man-made mumbo-jumbo, so as long as he continues to take five wickets in an innings and smash a quick 75 runs I’m happy.
third, any good contribution from anyone will do – it’s a great team game. I’m touching wood (not that that does any good) but I don’t want to put a ‘commentator’s curse’ on England; they do appear to be starting to gel quite nicely at present. Yes Bayliss is right, there have been some under-performances and in the Second Test, England were woefully bad.
But I take great encouragement overall from this last Test series. Shame it wasn’t a five match rubber
(Oops, sorry out of place in relation to other posts – just check the time code when reading – got to go.).
third, certainly you may. Yes,’The Beard that’s Feared’ is a hero. Cricket tends not to be racist but enjoy the classic performances from players irrespective of their nationality, origin, religion. If the whole world – nations of the world – played Test Cricket it would be a better place.
Exactly. Look at the popularity of great cricketers like Sobers, Richards etc. And the furore over Basil d’Oliveira. And that was before racism was universally recognised. Great sport.
He is doing a good job for the national cricket team and ,from what we see on the field , is well liked by his team mates. But the problem I have with all Muslims is that if their religious leaders urge some anti western stance on an issue , which side will they take ? Very few Muslims treat their religion lightly and take they their instruction from their religious leaders without question. If those leaders urge an anti western view would the average Muslim reject the instruction or disobey it ? I doubt it. Islam is the cause of war and tension wherever it is present. I think it unwise to imagine that this will never be the case in the UK, after all we have already had Rotherham et al, terrorists attacks in London and Manchester and we are told numerous other plots foiled. Moeen’s present integration into the England cricket team seems genuine but can the integration be replicated by the millions of other Muslims in our country and tens of millions living on the Continent ? The BBC et al would like to persuade us that of course it easily can but I am very doubtful and if they are wrong and I am right , it is a catastrophe in the making. Having an excellent Muslim cricketing all rounder playing for England is neither here or there in this existentialist crisis. We must recognise the gravity of the situation, we are in deep trouble.
Agreed. Third, no-one would doubt that he is a great cricketer. So was Imran Khan and many others. I love cricket, the only sport I follow now. But, it is only a sport, just entertainment .
A friend of mine has worked in the oil industry for most of his life and has spent time in the ME. He had muslim colleagues who on the surface seemed to embrace Western behaviours at least in the workspace and he knew them quite well. Once he was in a minor shunt in his car in which his one of his colleagues was a passenger. The accident was the other drivers fault. However, when he asked if his colleague would support him he was faced with a stony refusal. A muslim would never take the side of a non-muslim against a fellow muslim. They cannot be relied upon whatever the truth.
You have been warned.
All westerners working out there were advised to head for the airport and get out of the country if any such difficulty occurred. He did.
Very true. And the Arabs are the worst. They actually teach their children how to lie from an early age. For muslims, honesty is a vice and dishonesty is a virtue. Maybe that is why the BBC love them so much. They have so much in common
Was Brexit directly or indirectly responsible for his death? Perhaps he died of a broken heart. The Brexit casualty list grows and grows . Brexit terror is sweeping the country. Voting Leave was a hate crime.
A complete condemnation of the political state of Venezuela – our Mishal Husain interviews Gabriella Montez – the World famous Venezuelian pianist on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme earlier in relation to the political situation in her home country. Montez tells the listener that she was brought up in what was essentially, a “democracy”, but that increasingly vanished to now, being totally non existent as a principle much less concept.
Mishal, needless to say, does not stray into the territory of questioning the “model” Socialist scheme imposed by the deceased Chavez and now intensified and transformed into the pure Socialists goal, the political place where all true Socialists compass points – Marxism – complete and total control of the population.
I hope all the Corbynistas in Momentum and all the Corbyn acolytes closely watch the progress downward of the “model” Socialist regime as a paradigm of what Corbyn would create if elected Prime Minister. It would be very wrong for the Corbynistas to reassure themselves with the expression, ‘It couldn’t happen in the UK’ but few of them understand the ways of the World and in particular the Marxist zeal. No wonder then that Corbyn refuses to discuss his political views on Venezuela.
“I hope all the Corbynistas in Momentum and all the Corbyn acolytes closely watch”
To be honest G. I don’t think Corbyn’s groupies ever watch TV News! Too busy looking for 1) luxury houses to squat in. 2) Too busy looking for “weed” 3) Too busy getting the knots out of their tangled hair through not bothering to wash as that’s what normal people do!
Corbyn and hard left Momentum are unlikely to change their minds about anything.
But I hope the snowflakes and the impressionable young students are following the Venezuelan economic success story. A few just might realise that they were comprehensively shafted by Corbyn at the last election and that socialist nirvana is an oxymoron.
yesterday the so called BBC had some apologist for Venezuela saying it was the americans fault due to them
1 holding down the price of oil
2 using black ops to destabilize the country
he implied that right wingers were to blame for the deaths, saying the police were only responsible for a few of the deaths
yes the so called BBC actually had someone from the morning feking star on radio 4 spouting conspiracy theories as if he was an unbiased commentator only mentioning where he was from after allowing him to spout drivel
If the BBC had to go to the Morning Star to get someone to defend what is happening in Venezuela it tells the whole story. BBC, always trust them to scrape the barrel.
A report from the Labour Party shows that Maternity wards closed 362 times last year.
Well gone is the pretence of being neutral and unbiased. Might as well just relabel themselves as the Labour News as least people would know.
Wonder why they didn’t lead on the Times Business news: “Firms Hiring at fastest rate in 2 years”. Doesn’t fit the negative Anti-Tory, Anti-Brexit categories so no chacnce!
I wonder why there are so many more children being born and the maternity wards cannot cope.
What had happened over the last couple of decades?
I’m racking my brains.
Actually, I know the answer, it’s all the pensioners blocking up the maternity wards.
I read it in the papers and politicians keep saying it so it must be them oldies.
Randy lot our 70+ year olds.
This Gay Pride march would not go down well in rural Perthshire, let alone Auchtermuchty. As for Gambia, they would be arrested, not for being gay, but for indecency.
IMO the whole ‘Pride’ thing has changed because of the ‘pink pound’ – the ability to make money out of it. In the early days I believe the rallies were rather more like earnest 1950s CND marches with lots of rather sad looking men in anoraks and moustaches. I agree now that it’s become a sort of progressive flaunting – ‘we can do what we want and you don’t dare stop us’. If they really believed that though, they’d hold the rally in Bolton or Tower Hamlets.
The article states that…’a male software engineer argued the lack of women in top tech jobs was due to biological differences between men and women.’ “We need to stop assuming that gender gaps imply sexism,” he wrote……Erica Baker said she was “disappointed but unsurprised. What is new is that this employee felt safe enough to write and share an 8 page sexist screed, internally,”
Complete bollocks!
The headline/story is a complete red herring from the BBC to purposefully obscure a balanced reasoned memo ‘from the inside’ that Google is a politically bias, leftist mono-culture that practices shaming of all views outside it’s echo chamber.
The employee merely states that Google has several discriminatory practices:
1. Programs, mentoring, and classes only for people with a certain gender or race.
2. A high priority queue and special treatment for “diversity” candidates.
3. Hiring practices which can effectively lower the bar for “diversity” candidates by decreasing the false negative rate 4. Reconsidering any set of people if it’s not “diverse” enough, but not showing that same scrutiny in the reverse direction (clear confirmation bias).
Yes, there is some opinion on gender diversity but it is not the crux of the piece nor an accurate representation of the memo. For the record, the employee has been fired!
In my opinion a more appropriate headline would be: “Liberal cultural marxism exposed at the the heart of Google”
Thanks for posting this Venutius.
A must-read.
So careful and faily expressed, only the mildest critique of what Google(and the likes of the BBC) are doing to their staff. How dare they sack him.
1984 has long gone-this is insiduous censorting as he sets out in the article.
The BBC would hate it, seeing as THEY similarly discriminate against women in reality.
Hope he gets a good lawyer and makes this known…typical of the BBC to select their hobby horse and ignore by far the bigger issues of “moral” and “moralising” bias.
Remember the BBC’s Fatwa banning anyone who dares criticise GreenDream religion and Global Warming
22:00 BBC Dear Johnny Ball’s 2012 prog about Aging is being repeated
I guess cos he steers clear of that topic
Radio 4 this morning 9am back to the old times before Radio 4 got into promoting queer and Trans
90 year old travel writer Jan Morris
…yes they wouldn’t have had any trans on the radio in his day
…Oh hang on
BTW 11:30 prog on right now is 11:30 Queer Icons
“Alan Carr presents highlights from Front Row’s Queer Icons project.”
Yesterdays Woman’s hour was about same sex couples giving birth.
“The LGBT charity Stonewall estimates there are more than 20,000 children in the UK growing up in families with same-sex parents. Changes in social attitudes, the law and medical technology mean that more gay people are becoming parents.”
2:15pm Drama : Holiday in Soviet Youth Camp
4:30pm Gay Icon Stephen Fry
6:30pm Gay Icon David Sedaris
8pm Bit of Global warming scary scary
Antisemitism on the increase.
According to the BBC a rabbi blames ‘Asian men’ who hurled abuse.
I wager the rabbi was a little more precise in his description.
Yes the missing M-word phenomenon. …as if it’s haram to mention it in a negative context.
They are talking about Rabbi Alex Chapper his 2012 Ilford story and his sons 2017 story
said he was regularly subjected to verbal anti-Semitic abuse when he lived in Ilford, east London, in 2012.
While he was walking to the synagogue in Ilford a group of Asian men would hurl abuse at him and his friends.
He now lives in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, where he said his two sons, aged 12 and 14, were recently verbally abused by a gang of youths.
Yes, trying to create the impression that it was white “men” instead of muslims. I am trying to think of a lower form of life than journalists. Can only come up with politicians and amoebas . No, correction , that is an insult to amoebas.
Grant, you compared journalists to ‘amoebas’. As a retired journalist, I’d like to point out that ‘amoebae’ is the more traditional plural term for lowly life forms!
The Chinese guys who once attacked Rabbi Chapper spoke really good Arabic and mislabelled themselves “Pakistani”
Telegraph 2006
Rabbi Alex Chapper, 33, was the victim of a “faith-hate” crime in July last year. He was returning from a synagogue in Ilford, Essex, with three Jewish friends after conducting a service. All were wearing skull caps. Seven Asian teenagers followed them down the road shouting “Yehudi”, which means Jew in Arabic.
One of them shouted, “We are Pakistani, you are Jewish. We are going to kill you”, before punching Rabbi Chapper in the face and hitting one of his friends over the head with a bottle.
“We identified the youths and told the police but they were never prosecuted. They just did not seem interested. I feel very let down.”
Pathetic. I went to a good school, have a BSc from Aberdeen University, am a Chartered Accountant and specialised in taxation. For 2 years I was chief examiner for the Insitute of Bankers in Scotland. Among other things. But I have to face the fact that I am stupid because I voted Leave. It is the Remainers who are not only stupid, but insulting . As I say, pathetic people who are living in the past. The world has moved on leaving them and the EU behind.
Me too. I have a degree in social work and practised social work for many years and in my day it included having to pass a law exam.
I voted Leave because I’m intelligent and have an enquiring mind .I did my research into what the EU really is and its effects on poor working class people.
Sorry, If you voted leave you cannot be intelligent. I voted leave and have a PhD so I am unintelligent too.
People who voted leave were white, stupid males.
So you must be a stupid white man trapped in an intelligent woman’s body.
You will need to see a gender expert prior to surgery.
PS. Yes, there are people classified as gender experts.
It is the best comedy on twitter. No wonder the BBC uses it for one degree of separation ‘editorial’ whilst pretending it is an actual paper still. Maybe Amol hasn’t told them?
Yes AmolR ex-editor of the Independent who drove its print edition into low sales and closure just wrote a BBC article saying
#1 The Indy is great
#2 Digital is the way to go
#3 Has just sold large stake to Saudi investor.
(Amol wrote a second BBC story about that ..)
#4 Simply and Exaggerate is the key !
BTW Amol revenue & profit are 2 different things
…. Ask the Guardian about that.
Revenue is what a business can spend on itself.
Profit is what owners/bosses can spend on THEMSELVES and pet projects
Libmob managers at BBC/ Guardian don’t get that.
The BBC are starting a hate campaign against British pensioners. A few days ago they had a headlined story everywhere saying How British Pensioners had Shafted The Young over Brexit. Now they have as their top story on their homepage “Pension Jackpot of the Baby-Boomers”. The BBC are really going full guns to radicalise the young against the mainly white old folk.
“Started ” ? The BBC seem to love children, in a BBC way, and hate old people. Unless it is old farts like Dimblebore , of course. Wonder how much his pension “jackpot” is worth and who paid for it ?
PS The piece reports about final salary schemes. These have mainly been abolished in the private sector but not in the public sector , including the BBC. Beeboids, total effing hypocrites. They make me vomit.
AFAIK the BBC final pension scheme was closed some years back due to the funds £2bn black hole
Newer employees don’t get it. , neither pseudo-self employed.
When anyone leaves they still pay into the BBC pensioners fund don’t they….just like the eu want us to pay a huge sum to enable them to pay future pensions even though we will be no part of it.
Exactly. Whatever arrangements the BBC have made for their pension fund, you can be sure it will not be stock market linked and will be fully funded one way or another ! No Beeboid will lose out !
Exactly. You would not think that even Beeboids would be so stupid as to raise the issue of pensions . But they never fail to disappoint with their ignorance. Morons.
Only to be expected. The BBC is deeply committed to the utopian vision of a socialist world without borders. It has succeeded in convincing large tracts of the population to share this vision and to believe that it is entirely possible to achieve it. But it hasn’t been so successful in convincing older people who reached adult hood before the entire educational system and the media were harnessed up to deliver the one world vision. So these older people are a road block and , although the years will take their toll, the liberal left can’t wait and want to speed up the programme. One immediate benefit to the one world project is that this Hate campaign galvanises young people to vote to get their way. Hence the awful GE result. It will also help with a second Brexit referendum if the elite feel the need of a ‘ democratic’ vote in favour of Remaining. In the meantime if a few OAPs are the victims of hate from younger folks it doesn’t matter much because it is all in such a good cause.
Times : job sexism
There are 26,000 men in the profession
And only 2,800 women
So Coventry Uni have got a grant to give 10 women a £1,000 /grant during their degree.
Do you think that will cure the inequality ?
Actually the profession is nursing so when I said men I meant women and vice versa
Same page a Google man is to be witch burned for daring to say that generally women don’t make good coders.
Sunday there was a history Radio 4 item on women brickies in the 70’s none of the women who’d qualified stayed in the profession after training .. Tho one became a trainer.
Hi StewGreen, maybe you could start your own blog – ordering all this information you are finding. Or maybe write a book (or both). You can self-publish. I like this idea of “reversing” and then revealing it to be discrimination in the opposite direction. One thing I have noticed is that the BBC are putting young / youngish women as lead presenter in most of their sports coverages. [I have noticed you and Pounce seem to be especially good at digging up all this information on bias]
I used to have a life
Yet now every minute seems to have BS pushed at us by BBC/MSM
Something doesn’t seem quite right so then I fact check and it unearths stuff.
Either before we very naive.
Or they have ramped up the BS.
They have ramped it up significantly. It has made me rethink what I was told at school and elsewhere about the evil British Empire, the evil Christian Church with its rampaging paedophile priests, the evil orange order in Northern Ireland – at least I now aim to add balance and read up on all sides of an issue.
I see there are several structurally issues with the BBC – they are mixing up the entertainment – fictional side of the BBC remit – with the “news service”. For example many of the news video have been fictionalised and stylised. They introduce background music with heavy beats to prevent people from thinking – rather the BBC are presenting “news experiences” which sort of creates false memories – which will later be recalled as truth. It is a form of brainwashing.
Ps the issue is too big for a single person or small group of people to track – you will go mad trying to track it all. If you are going to keep this up and remain sane – I recommend you focus on one aspect and try documenting it. Best wishes.
Are the BBC over-reporting the production fall in Germany ?
They repirt nothing, yet the news is
‘Germany industrial production fell 1.1% vs. expectations of a 0.2% gain’
#DespiteBrexit Britain does better.
R4 now : actress saying “I’m passionate remainer God my parents supported Enoch Powell”
“I did not know ONE person who voted remain
.. So I realised London is a bubble”
Is it Pride day every day now? Spotted in Tottenham Court Rd tube station, the rainbow logo below.
So the police are wasting our money painting their vehicles rainbow colours, the ambulance service too, the National Trust, and now London Transport. It’s not a statement of tolerance, Gayism has become a provocative in-your-face political campaign with a so-called ‘liberal, progressive’ agenda. I object to it being rammed down our throats, dodgy pun intended. Next they’ll make it compulsory.
Remember the campaign slogan ‘Some people are gay, get over it’?
How about ‘Some people are homophobic, get over it’.
They’ve already totally destroyed the meaning of a delightful English word, and are well on the way to totally subverting and corrupting the image which represents one of the most arresting and fleetingly beautiful sights of the heavens.
B*****ks to them! And their “Pride” marches. I wish they’d all march off a cliff edge, Bempton Cliffs would do nicely.
I like that term, ‘gayism’. All this ‘pride’ stuff seems to be the iron fist in the velvet glove (and that’s not a sexual fetish as far as I know…) It basically says ‘be tolerant, or else.’ I was briefly hopeful when I heard of a counter-protest movement called Gay Shame, until I found out that they are actually MORE left wing than gay pride!
“How about ‘Some people are homophobic, get over it’.”
Some people are normal, get over it, (bolts fit nuts, bolts don’t fit bolts, nuts don’t fit nuts and only one of these pairings makes baby bolts and nuts which has got to be ‘normal’ in any sane sense of the word).
The BBC has hidden away (at the time of me typing this) a report on the shocking statistic that more than 40% of maternity wards being closed closed their doors to expectant mothers at least once in 2016.
Here is part of the speech that Enoch Powell made in Birmingham in April 1968…
“…But while, to the immigrant, entry to this country was admission to privileges and opportunities eagerly sought, the impact upon the existing population was very different. For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country.
They found their wives unable to obtain hospital beds in childbirth, their children unable to obtain school places, their homes and neighbourhoods changed beyond recognition…”
Have a look at some of the new born babies born into the New Year in Birmingham a few years ago…
The ever impartial BBC, showing it knows the BIG stories that matter, on Facebook right now:
BBC News
After the 2016 presidential election many Americans claimed they were moving to Canada.
Meet the young couple doing just that.
Two people are moving home. Get in touch with one of 20,000 overpaid media types from the UK with nothing that their bosses will sanction to fill their pages, and lo…
I seem to remember many, mainly ignorant luvvies, in the UK saying that they would leave if we voted for Brexit. Unfortunately, I do not think any have gone. How can anyone take these airheads seriously ?
Good old Justin has just upped the golden handshake to Canada by several mil, and luvvies might not have any ethical qualms about taking out military personnel of any ally to swing it.
Big laugh (unplanned) on the bBBC 1 6pm news.
George Alagiah reports in the prime post-halftime spot that many hospital maternity units at some point last year had to close. “According to a Freedom of Information request by the Labour Party ”
Need any more be said?
Anyone watch the main 1800 news on National BBC this evening?
If not, you missed a typically well crafted news feature on the current problems with maternity hospitals and their shortage of facilities and staff to deal with the “unprecedented” demand.
One would automatically think that the BBC would take the opportunity to push the multikulti benefit line of the predominance of foreigners giving birth in the UK, (‘on our dime’). But no, the BBC choose to focus on one woman and her particular experience in being turned away from her maternity hospital of choice. No doubt spoilt for choice of foreign interviewees, the BBC go for a white Brit. Why, I wonder: all in the spirit of multiculturalism – we don’t want the white viewers thinking that the shortage is caused directly by nasty foreigners do we?
I wonder if the white woman interviewed by the BBC realised that her access problem was as a direct of the “unprecedented” foreign invasion?
A large part of bBBC news is doom and gloom whingeing. They will define their narrative and go and find some convenient vox pop to support the editorial line. Sometimes the ‘minority’ view in question is absolutely laughable.
At other times, such as tonight, when a young boy had his £35,000 a year drug bill turned down by the NHS but overturned by the high court, a serious issue (limitless demand for NHS services) is made personal, attracting all the snowflakes, but all proper debate is avoided.
What a shame the bBBC cannot bring themselves to interview Corbyn about the success of the Venezuelan economy.
You mean, Amber Rudderless I presume?
Anyway, BBC4 2100 – “New Series: Utopia: In Search Of The Dream”………..
Well now, will the programme include interviews with the erudite Mr Corbyn ably supported by Nicolás Maduro from Venezuela since they both claim to seek ‘Utopia’. I wonder.
Al beebus are very crafty in when to use footage with plenty of BAME and when to not.
I recall watching a piece on our local news about the increasing violence teachers face. The school which they showed, for illustrative purposes, was 99.9% White. If, however, it had been a positive story about schools or education then one with pupils of a suitably “diverse” range of ethnicities would have been selected; preferably one where Whites were the minority.
Al beebus are the absolute dregs and never fail to take an opportunity (no matter how small) to do down our country and its people. Yet unceasingly attempt to polish the multicultural turd, which is all the Third World cr@p and their offspring, with whose swelling presence and concomitant “vibrancy” our country has been blessed (subjected to) these past fifty odd years.
Ok its all clear, alarm over ……………….
“It’s a mentally unstable person,” a spokeswoman for prosecutors Ine van Wymersch told Reuters. “The military did not find any explosive in his vehicle.” Time to call Inspector Jacques Clouseau ?
“She said that the suspect was from Rwanda and was not known to have a police record.”
Another mentally unstable person?
The bBC and how it lies in which to promote its anti Brexit agenda: Entente still cordiale for French in UK
A special report by the Office for National Statistics has found there were an estimated 148,800 British citizens living in France in 2016. Most of these live in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, which includes the Dordogne. In the UK, there were 154,800 French citizens estimated to be resident in 2013 to 2015, the majority of them working. About half of British citizens in France were working – the majority of those aged under 50 years old.
So out of that number of 148,800 British people living in France the bBC says it is about 50/50 when it comes to workers and those who have retired. Following the link as provided by the bBC paints a different picture. I quote: “In 2011 (most recent available data), of the 106,200 estimated to be aged 15 to 64 years living in France; 52% were employed, 5% were unemployed and 43% were not currently economically active. Not currently economically active is neither working nor looking for work, for example retired, studying or staying at home to look after children. This does not include the 20,400 people aged 0 to 15 years who account for 13% of the British citizens living in France, and the 30,100 people aged 65 and over who account for 19%.”
In fact there’s even a very simple to understand chart which the bBC doesn’t post: (I wonder why)
So anybody here with CSE Maths, still think that the mix is 50/50 as stated by the bBC
The bBC , the public funded so called Impartial news org which is anything but.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
bBBC 6 o’clock ‘news’. Sickle-cell anaemia is the fastest-growing disease in the UK.
Well, no shit, Sherlock!
I wonder why ? LOL !!!
PS It is an inherited disorder . So where did it come from ?
It is endemic in France, particularly in Paris and the other major conurbations with a high level of Black citizens, ie most of them. So much so that children of couples who are both from sub-Saharan Africa or one of the TOM- DOMs are routinely tested for it.
There is a lot of French spoken in London and we don’t have any French-speaking colonies,iirc, especially since Mauritius became Ile Maurice.
Found the link where I first read it –
Wondering now if it was cited here.
As a related aside. Tuberculosis was eradicated in this (my) country in the 60’s. ‘Somehow’ we now have another expensive epidemic.
As my dead mother, then in the Health Service, once said – “We had a skinny little Pakistani with TB join the practice. He is now a fat little Pakistani without TB”.
I don’t think the comment was a compliment to the government/BBC or made in jest.
IIRC, sickle cell anaemia is also prevalent in west Africa. Grant may confirm this or correct me if it’s not true. A UK born Nigerian friend has it or rather had it.
Yes, you are right. Also a high level of diabetes, high blood pressure. On the other hand, in Gambia, new cases of malaria are in decline following a long term programme which is continuing. New cases of aids in decline. Infant mortality still high and deaths of mothers in childbirth common.
The worst thing is what I call “Sudden Death Syndrome” where someone seems fine one day and is dead the next. If there are no suspicious circumstances, there is no post mortem. Many death certificates say cause of death “Unkown”. I lost one of my best friends last year . She complained to her son that she was feeling hot , went to the bathroom and did not come back. 2 am bundled into the boot of a taxi and taken to the mortuary. 3 sons, 19, 15 and 8 and father already dead. Mary was 37.
If you need a blood transfusion, you have to pay for the blood. If you don’t have the money, tough.
No National Health Service and all medical care has to be paid for. Doctors, although mostly Western trained still cheat their patients and deliberately misprescribe medicines which they sell themselves. Anti-biotics given for everything including period pains.
When some people in this country complain about the NHS and talk about poverty, it makes my blood boil.
Grant, so right!
We should adopt a more Botswanan attitude and be thankful for what we do have. Having written that I have just remembered Alexander McCall-Smith actually stating that, not so long ago, in an interview on BBC Radio 4
Yes, and he knows Africa !
Grant et al.
Thinking about more Africans in the EU –
All the more the merrier I say………………
When they’ve destroyed Europe and the UK, there’ll be nowhere else to go and destroy so there is an end to all this madness even if if means utter destruction of Europe and the UK.
No doubt it will cost a few more billion on the NHS bill. Just like the rise in TB and other diseases we had well under control until we were enriched, not to mention the inbreeding rife in the Muslims . Surely even the most stupid of the open borders brigade , including the mindless fools at the BBC, must realise that mass immigration is going to result in huge health problems. They must realise it , but presumably don’t give a toss for those Brits they going to expose to these diseases and who will find the NHS even more stretched in the future. Perhaps the do gooders can afford private health care, does the BBC termsand conditions include BUPA membership until death? I am sick of these dumb buggers preaching at me and even sicker of the politicians who kow tow to them. Mass migration is a disaster for Europe and may well prove to be fatal for our civilisation.
“and may well prove to be fatal for our civilisation”
Carry on like this and it will be!
Agreed . But wouldn’t it be sweet if some of those “dumb buggers ” went down with these imported diseases !
The term ‘village idiot’ will take on a whole new meaning when the inter-breeding really takes hold. The inmates will really be in charge of the Asylum and the Day of the Zombies will become a reality !!
Bob Monkhouse joke when he went to live in a village ” My next door neighbour introduced me to his wife and her sister. It was the same woman “
Yes it would be. But as long as they shut up I don’t mind if they recover from their self inflicted illness.
……….without demanding free treatment from our NHS ( as opposed International HS).
Re sir A’s first comment.
Hot athletics news. A few athletes at the world championships may have the norovirus.
One huy, from Botswana, in the 400m final has been refused entry to the stadium.
This on the advice of Public Health England.
Funny how they can ban a workd class athlete visiting for a few days but have no problem with thousannds of immigrants bringing TB and Sickle cell anaemia with them, all to be treated on the NHS of course, at the expense of existing citizens.
Certainly right up there in both the jobsworth and the hypocrisy of the month awards.
Is ‘presumably’ the new ‘allegedly’? Apparently.
OK somebody please explain to me how this is headline news:
Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black share honeymoon photos
Pounce – YUCK!!!
It is highly educational and fascinating and that is part of the BBC Charter. Who are these buggers anyway ? Never heard of them .
Cant wait – to hear the “baby” announcement! – It must come soon!
Every one look out for pink stork carrying bundles!
I’m no Roman Catholic but see how Daley is smirking in the image and lo-and-behold directly above his left shoulder we see a crucifix!
Forget dodgy washed chickens……………
What about EU Eggs?…………………………..
What about the Dodgy EU accounts?
Time to get out now.
Come on Al Beeb become patriotic and start fighting for Great Britain!
Don’t betray us.
Not to mention BSE. Where did that come from ?
And the EU ‘Meat’ ? Where did that come from ?……………..
The horse meat scandal !
Only found when a horses tag was found in EU ‘beef’.
Who knows what’s in the food imported from the EU. Most of the other countries ignore the regulations and we gold plate hem .Our own produce must be better .So lets consume our own .If only the BBC would take a Brtish stand .Some hope.
Having said that ,I looked for British cherries in two supermarkets.The Spanish ones were at the front and 80p,The British ones were on the top shelf ,hardly noticeable and £2 .In both supermarkets.What is that about ? There is no green grocer around to buy loose. Brexit can’t come soon enough.Im sure our food will be cheaper and better.
Having just learnt how to download programmes to an iPad I tried albeeb thinking there might be a few non political programmes . So wrong . Films, music , drama – all of interest to those connected to the queer world – as al beeb calls homosexual people at the moment .
I remember when my dad used to say he felt queer but I don’t thing he was using the albeeb context . Luckily my dad was a healthy and hardworking man so he didn’t feel queer very often .
I suppose once man has developed a remedy to HIV nature will come along with HIV 2. An observation – no more than that .
I’m old enough to remember when ‘gay’ meant being happy and full of life, and two girls in my year at school were called Gay, I wonder if they’ve since changed their name.
Something I’ve always wondered (and perhaps any of our gay posters could enlighten me), but why do gay men over-exaggerate supposedly feminine movements ? Being a female all my life (I think), I have NEVER come across a limp wristed woman, so all these actions that are made by camp gay men I just don’t recognise in women at all. So why is it necessary ?
Good point Brissles.
I have also wondered, why do so many homosexuals dress as women and feminize themselves to attract other homosexuals? I thought they fancied other men – so why dress and attempt to appear like a member of the (opposite) sex to which you aren’t sexually attracted?
I worked for a while in a college where an openly lesbian lecturer swaggered around the campus and an openly gay man minced. They were very nice people but I still, in the nicest of ways, I don’t understand why who they chose to go to bed with affected how they walk. Please, I prefer only responses that I could have said to my mother.
Deborah – Please tell your mother that it could be because – One really would like to be a daddy and one would rather be a mummy even though they are biologically different to what they “want to be”
But seriously I do wonder whether there is a great deal of attention seeking involved I had a close mate who was gay and he certainly did not need to to go round camping it up. Only his friends really knew about his orientation and he certainly would not ever had been seen dead walking down the high street sporting a rainbow banner or similair.
In the BBC “permissive world” all things that dont really need to be talked about are covered in microscopic detail. Whether we want it or not.
I would say to them – you have won your battle foe acceptance (which is ok) Now shut the F###K up because you are starting to piss people off (Deborah dont repeat that to mother!}
My uncle is gay, its easy to tell, the guy is strong willed, knows how to hold a grudge, quite brave really, but the beta side is very noticable when he is relaxed, or at ease with the person he is talking to, the wrist thing, maybe its for gay-dar reasons.
The exaggerated campness is 80s inspired attention seeking from minimal to maximum degree.
Cleary was a class act, boy george was just vulgar, but they were the tip of an iceburg of an attention seeking loud gay movement on a roll.
We now have a generation of out loud and proud, because thats the scene they grew up in, identity politics has made them special, so the more and more outrageously gay you have to be to get noticed. ofcourse theres still just gay people like my uncle who just quietly get on with their lives and dont feel the need for us to all share in their openness, and constantly trying to trigger a negative response.
And heres another thing, i understand equality just fine, at my age.
I used the term above constantly trying to trigger a negative response, thats how i see gay couples kissing in public, i am a hypocrite because what i actually mean is gay men, i wouldnt feel the same about it being a private ”thing” if it was 2 women.
That is not equality i know, but i would never advocate for gay men not to have the right to kiss in public, or any restriction based on sexuality.
I dont think the general public need educated out of an uncomfortable feeling, i think gay people need to realise they have a responsibility towards social cohesion, very very few people dislike other people on sexuality alone….
Transgenders should just get medical help, or keep it private, because frankly they look ridiculous, and all their ones and noughts aint computing right, they need a reboot.
There is a 2014 documentary about the stereotype of the “gay voice” called Do I Sound Gay?
Sounds like a belter. I wonder which channel will give that it’s network premiere?
Me and my Mrs often wonder why gay men often sound the same. do they put that voice on or what.
Anyway we better be careful or the homophobia Police will come a knockin’.
And when they get old they end up as old queens, and often display rather particularly disgusting behaviour.
Years ago I used to work in bars and catering so worked alongside a fair few gay people. Most were really nice people and often a good laugh. I lived with a lesbian couple for a while too. I don’t trouble myself about what people do in their private life.
But that doesn’t stop me from thinking that some of them are annoyingly monstrous neurotic egotists. The last job I was in, I sat next to a chap who was quite high on the camp scale. For any innocent job related question I asked (while I was training) I was subjected to a wailing kind of indignant hysteria that totally put me off talking to the feller for good.
In the couple of team meetings I attended he flounced out, with the line manager scuttling after him to soothe the poor lamb’s feelings. God knows what had offended him. It’s the ‘whole world is against me’ pose and the imperious demands for special treatment that I find irritating.
If anyone wants a break from unmitigated homosexuality you can always tune into the headscarved cake baker, presenting of all things Nadya’s British Food Adventure (8.30)
When is the 2016 winner of Bake Off going to be given a lift into the world of celebrity chefs?
Anyone remember her name?
Or all the programmes about drugs and the legalising thereof?
Just had to endure two men about 25ish snogging and pawing each other on the tube at Kings Cross – trying to cause maximum discomfort to everyone else natch – made me feel physically ill .Oh and the tube driver called us Ladies and Gentlemen guess she’ll be sent for re-training – no mention of that one trans person who catches the tube every Wednesday week
Only one trans person? There is a trans club just about every other Wednesday at Kings Cross called, would you believe it, ‘Sweet Wednesday’.
I couldn’t stand that even if they were a man and woman (hetrosexual, remember them), they really need to grow up.
Anyone seen maxincony?
I miss Maxiboy . Especially his cracking wit and sense of humour. I guess he is on holiday somewhere exotic, courtesy of the taxpayer.
Can tell you are an accountant with wit like that, Grant.?
I do hope its on a private beach where poor brown people live, how exiting.
Perhaps he was on the tube at kings x with a friend earlier on ( nothing illegal about that now sadly ).
Israel decision to revoke attacker’s citizenship condemned
By whom, we might ask? (Anonymous) “Human rights groups(pl) have criticised a decision by an Israeli court to remove the citizenship of an Israeli Arab who attacked people with a car and a knife”. Towards the end of the article a representative of one group is mentioned without mentioning that Human Rights Watch has a long record of anti Israel activity.
The headline and explanatory first paragraph follow the typical BBC practise of when someone they support is attacked they report the defence, When it is someone they oppose they report the attack.
Not mentioned: British Nationality Act 1981
(2) The Secretary of State may by order deprive a person of a citizenship status if the Secretary of State is satisfied that deprivation is conducive to the public good.
(4) The Secretary of State may not make an order under subsection (2) if he is satisfied that the order would make a person stateless.
(4A) But that does not prevent the Secretary of State from making an order under subsection (2) to deprive a person of a citizenship status if—
(b) the Secretary of State is satisfied that the deprivation is conducive to the public good because the person, while having that citizenship status, has conducted him or herself in a manner which is seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the United Kingdom, any of the Islands, or any British overseas territory, and
(c) the Secretary of State has reasonable grounds for believing that the person is able, under the law of a country or territory outside the United Kingdom, to become a national of such a country or territory.
It rather puts the Israeli act into perspective.
Bit unusual to leave one alive . Someone must have slipped up.
Why should terrorists have human rights FFS?
Bloody BBC West sob sob main story about British women who’s foreign other halves are not being allowed visas to live with them and their offspring. ‘Families and children are being broken up because of these laws…”
Fuck ’em they should have thought about that before they married them and opened their legs, (or the other way around maybe) who’s to say these marriages are kosher and why doesn’t the BBC suggest these women take their sproggs and go and live in Turkey? Aren’t the benefits so good?
Had a bit of a chuckle when albeeb said that a number of athletes at the athletics have gone down with foodpoisoning . Judging by the third world staffing around the stadium they’ll be lucky not to have something seriously tropical. But I suppose the local third world hospitals will have plenty of experience dealing with it . Tip – avoid the kebabs in Stratford e15
How on earth are those kebab s**tholes allowed to operate? When you have a huge chunk of compressed “meat” (comprised of ears and a**eholes) sitting exposed on a vertical metal pole all day everyday, then heated up at night and sold to drunks.
It’s their culture.
TODAY Programme this morning was interesting for couple of bits that were there ‘in between the lines’.
I hope it is not Orwell-induced paranoia and not something I have caught from this web-site or that of other BBC watchers’ web-sites. I think it is more likely that a lifetime of listening has merely made me sensitive to items covered/not covered, priority, language and tone of voice.
This morning, I sensed that Mishal Husain was not happy that the Editorial team had lined up an American contributor who was not prepared to be totally anti-Trump in response to her questioning. She doesn’t ‘disguise’ her feelings well. As the interview finished with some firmly pro-Trump statements, Mishal’s hardness of voice when saying ‘Thank you’ was not unsurprising.
Then they included an item that set-out to rubbish electricity and quite correctly observed that it is not carbon-emission free, despite what they have said about it – often implying that it was – during the past 25 years! They almost seemed to want to bring back oil from death-of-oil (in 2040, if not before) to some form of rehabilitation.
Thank you for the report – having now detoxed from listening to The Today programme it’s good to be informed about their latest bias – even during the dead news month of August ( apart from ritual road / rail / air problems oh – and drunken British coming to a sticky end in hot climates .
Fedup, congrats. I’m tempted to try giving up the BBC altogether now that they want me to mess around signing-in just to listen via a computer. I may not bother and use it as an incentive to detox like you.
There’s a lot that I used to make a point of listening to where now I just do not bother, unless I happen to catch a trail & it seems interesting: Start the Week, Book of the Week, In Our Time, You and Yours, Desert Island Discs, Feedback, PM, Moral Maze, Any Questions, Any Answers and Loose Ends – that’s just Radio 4.
I haven’t watched al Beebus for a while now. The Chromecast gizmos are good as you can watch stuff from YouTube on your TV.
I found the (weird but addictive) C4 3 part series from the 80’s called “Brond” on there, which was never released on dvd or ever repeated (to my knowledge) it starred Stratford Johns, James Cosmo and introduced John Hannah.
AS, detoxing from TV was easy, many years back, not least because there was (FM) radio as an alternative. I have now invested in a DAB radio so I do have some alternatives to the Beeb’s radio stranglehold.
beebo- chism = rightwing masochism Up2.
Manxie, LOL!
Earlier this morning it was a pleasure to watch the swishy haired Sara-Jane Mee get a verbal thrashing on Sky. She was doing her usual goading – her victim this time was Ken Wharfe, one time bodyguard of Diana, the subject was the Ch 4 publicised tapes; when clearly the guy had enough, and turned on her saying “you were not there, I was, so I know what went on, you don’t. You keep mentioning people said this and people said that…. “. Swishy Mee brought the interview to an abrupt halt. Loved it, about time they had the tables turned on them.
Bris ,
Something I have never understood – why do interviewees so often accept the attitude of interviewers . It’s great to hear people go on the offensive. Jacob RM is great at it because he stays calm whilst challenging interviewers .
Yes i find that strange aswell.
Imagine the golden opportunity john snow popping up in your face would present.
Manxman, its called a head-but.
Surely It was Lady(boy) Colin Campbell who Ken Wharfe turned on because she claimed ‘to know’ because she had been there, not the dumb S-J.
Peter, I confess I only had half an ear during the interview, but it tended to hot up at the end when (I agree ‘dumb’) SJM did some challenging and then called a halt for “running out of time”.
New Harra article has open comments
Incinerator boom threatens green targets
A rash of new incinerators could make it impossible for the UK to meet future recycling targets.
They’ve tagged the story as Brexit
Of course it’s nothing to do with Brexit cos incinerator plans were started before Brexit
article says
\\current trends in building incinerators will make a mockery of the ambition of Environment Secretary Michael Gove to achieve a “green Brexit”.//
BTW an incinerator is better than pretend recycling we have now ..where evry week a recycle corp solves its pile of plastic problem by having a huge accidental fire.
Stew, waste incineration was, once-upon-a-time, seen as a green part of recycling with only the non-recyclable waste being burnt locally, possibly, ideally to generate electricity as part of the process and thus saving on transport emissions as well.
An incinerator to do this was proposed in Edmonton, north London, as long ago as the late-1990s but guess what? Yes, local ‘green’ groups, IIRC, led residents to object!
We got one for those exact reasons, shipping waste back out, tyres etc, and generating leccy.
£40/50 million, about 10% of gdp at the time, a vanity project of our ”greeny UN” minister at the time.
Then the geniuses built a big new shinny power station, got enron to biuld it, just as enron went bust, ended up £50 million over-spend as anther big contractor came in to finish the job, and we have 18p a kwh unit leccy with vat.
And we run out of rubbish a decade ago, so they burn mainly bio-mass to keep the eyesore on our countryside below running at a great loss, a testament to green fucknuttery.
Totally worthless to us as a power source.
Can see england in that pic.
BTW : Matt McGrath is trailing an R4 prog where he says
‘The CO2 output calculations for countries often seem suspicious’
8pm Tues R4 Counting Carbon
“a massive problem with measuring greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,
a problem that could be a bigger threat to the Paris climate agreement than President Donald Trump.”
..yes cos Paris i a rubbish agreement according to skeptics and true believers
Why are the BBC taking such an interest in the developing sexual organs of a nine year old boy and a ten year old boy? And why are they headlining this on the BBC news homepage: “Transgender children: Preparing for puberty”
According to this BBC report, BBC reporters have been following these two children closely since the age of 6 and 8 years of age respectively. [Although these two children are boys the BBC keep referring to them as girls.] The BBC reporters and their parents are looking forward to the time their children reach puberty so that they can begin taking the various chemical and medical treatments to “physically transition” them from boys to girls. “Coincidently” the stepfather of one of these boys happens to be a “woman to man transitioned individual”. The BBC reporters don’t tell us what the parents of the other boy are.
I think to myself why aren’t the BBC reporting this as a case of child abuse? Why would parents bring in a team of BBC reporters so that they can follow their primary school children through the physical transitioning process as they grow older? Is the fact that at least one of the parents (a stepfather) is themselves a physically transitioned person, not in itself rather suspicious – in the sense that their stepson from primary school age, has become convinced that they too need to be physically transitioned?
Are the BBC contributing to child abuse in order to push their own highly sexualised perversions? A quick look at other recent stories of the BBC seems to confirm this conclusion:
Its really worrying and sickening that the BBC appear to be propagandising for transgender children.
i clicked on V D yesterday just to see what the daily virtue signal was and saw the headline-
” referrals for transgender children double in a year ” I didnt hang about to go into it, I can’t stand VB.
Its very dangerous feeding the transgender children line.Its bad enough that male role models are being air brushed .
Any parent that wishes they had a girl instead of a boy ,or vice versa can be doing untold damage to their kids at an age when they simply don’t know anything.Just be happy with what they are I say.
Its the new “in ” word pushed by the BEEB in the name of their diversity crusade .Frightening.
I call it child abuse.
VD is like Jeremy Kyle only without the sensible restraint and respect for the viewer rather than just ratings.
…here she is now:
She doesn’t appear very traumatised. Publicity seeking?
Well its certainly done the trick ! If she was unheard of before, then the ‘alleged’ kidnap clearly worked to get her noticed. And clearly doesn’t need ‘therapy’ to help her get over the ‘ordeal’.
” Alleged” being the operative word !
I was dismayed to hear my girlfriend’s daughter stating that a 14 year old female friend was “going to the gay pride march”.
Apparently this 14 year old girl considers herself bi-sexual!
14 years old!
They are not even meant to be “sexual” at that age let alone bisexual!
As I have said before, the BBC obsession with children is not healthy.
I agree:
Seems like there are still jimmy saville supporters in al Beeb. On the one hand al Beeb wanders aloud why so many children are screwed up and on the other look at what albeeb throws at them – sexualisation far to early in their lives.
I’m so glad that I grew up in a quieter non internet age when the worst thing I saw was DR Who ( the pertwee era ).
“UK South Asian Women”. Is this a new mealy-mouthed BBC euphemism ?
What do they mean? I am assuming they are referring to women from the Indian sub-continent, probably poor and ill-educated and under the malign domination of the male members of the family, who practice misogyny to boost their own egos. The BBC is disseminating misinformation (euphemism for lying) by omission, their default position on matters racial and cultural. Would I be incorrect to hazard a wild guess that the majority of these unfortunate women are from the UK’s Muslim Pakistani population and to a lesser extent Indian minority. It’s actually culture and lack of education behind such behaviour, but the women as chattels complex is deeply embedded in Islam, as indeed it was in British working class life not so long ago. But it is unhelpful for the BBC to obscure the findings of this study with its usual reluctance to shine a light on the murkier side of immigrant life in this country.
The point I find curious in this article is that there are many references to “God” with a capital G, which to me implies the christian God. Surely the unfortunate ladies would have referred to Allah? Is this “translation” another bit of BBC bias?
Perhaps they really were South Asian women?
Sri Lanka is almost as Christian as the UK, albeit much more Roman Catholic. Majority-wise, I gather it is rather more Bhuddist in a similar quantity to our atheism/humanism/apatheism.
The BBC does like its odd demographic labels.
UKSAW does have potential though, acronymically.
I noticed this label “South Asian women” being used by the MSM of late when “reporting” on them keeping their cancer a secret because of “cultural taboos”
I wonder do they mean the deadly, malignant cancer of Islam that is spreading across Europe?
Having lost several relatives to this disease plus having a connection to the Indian sub-continent, I am not totally indifferent to this topic. But one reaction on reading this article was: What is the vested interest? Who is behind it?
Let me explain. Some years ago I worked with an American pharmaceutical company that had developed a simple test for a certain type of cancer. The test cost around $1 to produce, but could be sold for between $45-$100, depending on the market. In other words, it was highly profitable and, even after taking into account the initial research and development and costs of bringing it to market in diffferent territories (trials, certification etc), it would earn the company hundreds of millions of dollars whilst it held the patent. To market it, they employed what they called ‘advocates’ rather than a conventional salesforce, and most of these people did not have a medical background. Their role was to indirectly create demand by largely political means. For instance, in the US they might go along to, say, an Hispanic women’s group to give a talk on cancer. During this they might say something like: “On average, 40% of American women are tested for this disease once a decade. But among Hispanic women, such as yourselves, this rate plummets to just 39.99% (sic). Now, why do you think this is – is it racism? Don’t you think you should get in touch with your congressman/woman and ask what they are going to do about it?” and so on. The message would be adjusted according to the target group, but would tend to focus on areas such as race, gender, income levels and so on. Of great priority was to establish mandatory testing by public health bodies; ideally, you want, say, an entire state or a regional health authority to mandate testing for all 14 year old schoolgirls or whatever. This is how it worked at what might be called the grassroots level; you can use your own imagination as to what went on behind the scenes with politicians and other decision makers. And yes, the mass media and other, apparently unrelated, activist groups would be engaged.
Now, it might well be the case that certain medical and other societal problems require indirect means to achieve the greater good. But this example should suffice to illustrate that sometimes stories are not neccessarily what they first seem.
Tuesday morning and BBC London TV News is most anxious that we should be concerned about Hate Crime
Well, four people have been arrested after a teenager was stabbed to death in the Old Kent Road in the early hours
But no, of course that’s not the pressing issue. It’s just not the sort of hate the BBC are keen to campaign against – the boys and girls at the BBC and their go-to pals in campaign groups are highlighting supposed hate against ethnic minorites, particularly on social media.
The viewer has to smile when our newsreader either fluffs her lines or has her autocue badly programmed:
“Year on year rise since records began”
All the buzz phrases, no actual facts.
Hate crime? Like Jason Osamede Okundaye, president of Cambridge University student union’s Black and Minority Ethnic campaign:
“ALL white people are racist. White middle class, white working class, white men, white women, white gays, white children they can ALL geddit”
“Just catching up on the rioting, excellent stuff, smash everything #NoJusticeNoPeace”
The usual excuse is employed – his comments were taken out of context. Pity Enoch Powell wasn’t shown the same tolerance.
Not surprisingly, he’s studying a soft “social something” arts subject, not a hard one like Maths or Physics.
Working class white people have been convicted for less.
Never heard of him. Looks like a Nigerian name to me but nice to see that he is so grateful to be here.
Walking in the footsteps of giants, like renowned alumnus Diane Abbott.
Regards Mr Okundaye. The guardian gave him a soapbox to stand on in which to allow him to play the;
“I am the victim here”
And to top it all:
“Cambridgeshire police swiftly dropped an investigation because they clearly saw what the press decided to ignore: that in no sense was this an incitement to racial hatred.”
What a mealy mouthed excuse. Why does he not also refer to black anti-white racism ? Well, I think we all know the answer .
Pathetic string of excuses. Gets into Cambridge and he’s a victim?
If he’s good enough to get into Cambridge, he should be able to string together a sentence which is not open to misinterpretation, “geddit”?
In the Guardian he concludes:
“The events of last weekend have highlighted the dangers of speaking out, but, more significantly, the importance of speaking up for social justice, particularly from the perspective of a minority. Freedom of speech is viewed as a core value of British society and this must extend to instances where it is criticised or called in for scrutiny. Without challenge and diversity of thought, there can be no progress.”
“Speaking out?” “Speaking up for social justice?” “Diversity of thought?”
Is that what it was? If I want to listen to someone “speaking out”, I’ll choose Tommy Robinson, police permitting, he makes real sense.
I am not sure that Oxford and Cambridge are quite what they used to be, except maybe in science and I bet he is not studying science .
I did read it somewhere and it has “social” in the title. Definitely not a science course. Couldn’t be bothered looking it up, TBH.
I think you’re right about Oxbridge. Seems to me a lot of arts courses at many if not most universities have become contaminated with leftish BS, with a few exceptions like music where scope is limited and a graduate can either deliver or cannot. I don’t think the Left has managed to devise a way of playing Mozart in a leftish style. An exception is opera where, like drama, lefty directors have found a way in, showing total contempt for the music and the audience.
I had an argument with a Professor of Political Science once saying that calling it “science” is an insult to real scientists. He was most upset. Never spoke to me again !
Mozart was left-handed. As was Rachmaninov and others ! Obviously making a political statement.
and today another ‘yooman rites’ activist spouting off about how police should be banned from using tazers on “children”.
I wonder if they are referring to the bBBCs immigrant “children” with beards?
BBC Breakfast – or as we have come to know it – Public Sector Nanny Noticeboard – has just noticed the serious drop in Scottish educational standards.
So how do the metrocentric statist and severely frit of the SNP broadcasting socialism corporation fancy they will package this one?
Get SNP deputy dawg in charge of education to tell us there’s nothing to worry about – apparently this has been going on for 30 years – and the teacher unions to blame ‘teacher work overload’ and a somewhat vague ‘lack of support’
I’m guessing lack of support is code for more public money.
Some lessons in plain English and basic economics perhaps are what’s really wanting.
Some science and maths would come in handy too.
I see those marvellous EU food safety regulations have failed to protect us from dodgy Dutch and Belgian eggs.
Would washing the chicken’s eggs in flouride have helped?
Aaaugghhh! No more curried eggs for me!!
Or maybe chlorine?
Or maybe chlorine?
BBC Website ” Would you holiday like Trump or Putin ? “. FFS . The BBC gets more absurd every day.
…or a Clinton?
“Duck… sniper!”
“Close, but no cigar”
I see Katty Kay has RT’d a poster who is sharing approval ratings that place Donald Trump below her heroes.
Guess she may need a dry cleaner now, so knows dry cleaner who can help.
BBC R4 running more Brexit interference on the TODAY Programme thanks to the good Lord Neuberger. Unfortunately, no-one at the BBC or commenting like the noble Lord and, currently, Dominic Grieve appear to know how fulfilling the law in the UK is carried out despite their being taught it from the outset.
The principle of Lex Situs principally applies to personal and real property but also to other legal disputes. As a layman, albeit with some law education, it seems quite clear to me: Lex Situs defines the applicable law. The ranking of the law (Common/Statute/Case) in the UK determines which law applies and may guide or dictate how it applies to the case in question.
HMG has indicated quite clearly that in March 2019, existing EU Law will be incorporated into UK Law, subject to future variation via UK Statute and, in due course, UK Case Law.
If I have got that muddled in my old age (a touch of the Neubergers – aaaghhh!) then hopefully any lawyers on here will correct me.
I was sharp enough (and correct) in spotting and objecting to numerous leading questions from TODAY presenters this morning. Unfortunately, M’Lud was stone deaf and Justin (mostly) and Mishal were allowed to get away with it. Hopefully, the time on my feet will not be wasted and the Jury will be solidly (at least 52%, if not more) will be on my side when the time comes.
The judges: currently making mischief with regard to Brexit.
What kind of judge thinks that the English Legal System has to be propped up by a court in a foreign land.
The English Legal System is based on Common Law and not, as mostly in Europe, on the Roman Law System. It is probably one of the greatest accomplishments in English history and has been for many centuries. Whereas, EU law? A construction based on few decades alone. As before, the UK managed on its own legal system and it will again.
No more 900W vacuum cleaners I say!!
“What kind of judge thinks that the English Legal System has to be propped up by a court in a foreign land.”
I was thinking the same thing – even made me spill me tea!
They are the same kind of judges who can only make judgements after checking to see what some other judge has already judged to be the correct judgement. So these ‘judges’ who are revered, respected and highly paid figures in our society are actually very good at reading, taking advice or very occasionally directly using their experience and knowledge to do their job.
This event sums up what Prof: Niall Ferguson was saying about the militant left and its authoritarian and nazi/Stalin like pursuit or controlling our lives and force their warped and dangerous ideology onto everyone else through fear and intimidation…
“…the threat to our society is from the tyrants who control speech to only what they think and believe, and say hate speech or speech that is offensive is defined to only what they find offensive or ideas or views that they alone hate…”
Brilliantly and perfectly summed up in these few passages from the one and only Ben Shapiro….
The original memo, titled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber,” relied on social science data to make the point that a dearth of women in tech wasn’t reflective of large-scale discrimination, but of difference in career preference and capacity between men and women on average. Such wrongthink would not be tolerated at Google, the company quickly responded.
The memo itself is not sexist, nor does it promote sexism. Instead, it opens with this statement:
I value diversity and inclusion, am not denying that sexism exists, and don’t endorse using stereotypes. When addressing the gap in representation in the population, we need to look at population level differences in distributions. If we can’t have an honest discussion about this, then we can never truly solve the problem.
This is eminently correct, of course. But right and wrong don’t matter at Google — only political correct propaganda does. The memo-writer continues:
Google’s political bias has equated the freedom from offense with psychological safety, but shaming into silence is the antithesis of psychological safety.
This silencing has created an ideological echo chamber where some ideas are too sacred to be honestly discussed.
The lack of discussion fosters the most extreme and authoritarian elements of this ideology.
Extreme: all disparities in representation are due to oppression
Authoritarian: we should discriminate to correct for this oppression
Differences in distributions of traits between men and women may in part explain why we don’t have 50% representation of women in tech and leadership. Discrimination to reach equal representation is unfair, divisive, and bad for business.
All of this is again correct — it’s the general leftist take on the world, which attributes natural differences between the sexes to discrimination, and blames society at large for individual decisionmaking. While the author of the memo has been castigated as a rabid right-winger, the document itself states that both “right biases” and “left biases” are “necessary for a functioning society or, in this case, company.” The author states, “Google’s left bias has created a politically correct monoculture that maintains its hold by shaming dissenters into silence.”
How will those who are meant to protect all of our freedoms react here?….whos side of this war against our freedoms are they on?…
Of course we know that answer!! This is the biggest threat to the UK’s social cohesion and our ability to be free and able to debate what we like and say the things we believe are important to say….the so-called BBC’s take on events….note that nowhere does it actually state what he said, yet they have already (like Google) concluded that the speech is offensive, and therefore not allowed, so losing your job or your freedom…maybe your life next??…is acceptable…
Can I just say that Moeen Ali is the acceptable face of Islam ?
True, but does he sing Jerusalem ?
I’m not religious in any way Grant, I think it’s all man-made mumbo-jumbo, so as long as he continues to take five wickets in an innings and smash a quick 75 runs I’m happy.
third, any good contribution from anyone will do – it’s a great team game. I’m touching wood (not that that does any good) but I don’t want to put a ‘commentator’s curse’ on England; they do appear to be starting to gel quite nicely at present. Yes Bayliss is right, there have been some under-performances and in the Second Test, England were woefully bad.
But I take great encouragement overall from this last Test series. Shame it wasn’t a five match rubber
(Oops, sorry out of place in relation to other posts – just check the time code when reading – got to go.).
I am not religious , but a lot of non-religious people sing along.
…I’m not
third, certainly you may. Yes,’The Beard that’s Feared’ is a hero. Cricket tends not to be racist but enjoy the classic performances from players irrespective of their nationality, origin, religion. If the whole world – nations of the world – played Test Cricket it would be a better place.
Great post
Exactly. Look at the popularity of great cricketers like Sobers, Richards etc. And the furore over Basil d’Oliveira. And that was before racism was universally recognised. Great sport.
There is no acceptable face of islam.
He’d be a damn sight more acceptable without that silly beard.
And before anyone makes comparisons with W G Grace, the noble doctor did not have the potential ‘terrorist’ label to contend with.
He is doing a good job for the national cricket team and ,from what we see on the field , is well liked by his team mates. But the problem I have with all Muslims is that if their religious leaders urge some anti western stance on an issue , which side will they take ? Very few Muslims treat their religion lightly and take they their instruction from their religious leaders without question. If those leaders urge an anti western view would the average Muslim reject the instruction or disobey it ? I doubt it. Islam is the cause of war and tension wherever it is present. I think it unwise to imagine that this will never be the case in the UK, after all we have already had Rotherham et al, terrorists attacks in London and Manchester and we are told numerous other plots foiled. Moeen’s present integration into the England cricket team seems genuine but can the integration be replicated by the millions of other Muslims in our country and tens of millions living on the Continent ? The BBC et al would like to persuade us that of course it easily can but I am very doubtful and if they are wrong and I am right , it is a catastrophe in the making. Having an excellent Muslim cricketing all rounder playing for England is neither here or there in this existentialist crisis. We must recognise the gravity of the situation, we are in deep trouble.
I agree with you Double,
I detest Islam and think it’s followers are as ludicrous as those who believed in witchcraft in the middle ages.
The point I was trying to make was that he is a great cricketer – I should have worded my post better.
Agreed. Third, no-one would doubt that he is a great cricketer. So was Imran Khan and many others. I love cricket, the only sport I follow now. But, it is only a sport, just entertainment .
A friend of mine has worked in the oil industry for most of his life and has spent time in the ME. He had muslim colleagues who on the surface seemed to embrace Western behaviours at least in the workspace and he knew them quite well. Once he was in a minor shunt in his car in which his one of his colleagues was a passenger. The accident was the other drivers fault. However, when he asked if his colleague would support him he was faced with a stony refusal. A muslim would never take the side of a non-muslim against a fellow muslim. They cannot be relied upon whatever the truth.
You have been warned.
All westerners working out there were advised to head for the airport and get out of the country if any such difficulty occurred. He did.
Very true. And the Arabs are the worst. They actually teach their children how to lie from an early age. For muslims, honesty is a vice and dishonesty is a virtue. Maybe that is why the BBC love them so much. They have so much in common
Love the last two sentences Grant
Mishal now having a go at Brexit via the death of Martin Roth!
Disgraceful, BBC.
Mishal using deaths?
Shocked I tell you… shocked!
Was Brexit directly or indirectly responsible for his death? Perhaps he died of a broken heart. The Brexit casualty list grows and grows . Brexit terror is sweeping the country. Voting Leave was a hate crime.
Only a matter of time until believing in Brexit will be a criminal offence .
A complete condemnation of the political state of Venezuela – our Mishal Husain interviews Gabriella Montez – the World famous Venezuelian pianist on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme earlier in relation to the political situation in her home country. Montez tells the listener that she was brought up in what was essentially, a “democracy”, but that increasingly vanished to now, being totally non existent as a principle much less concept.
Mishal, needless to say, does not stray into the territory of questioning the “model” Socialist scheme imposed by the deceased Chavez and now intensified and transformed into the pure Socialists goal, the political place where all true Socialists compass points – Marxism – complete and total control of the population.
I hope all the Corbynistas in Momentum and all the Corbyn acolytes closely watch the progress downward of the “model” Socialist regime as a paradigm of what Corbyn would create if elected Prime Minister. It would be very wrong for the Corbynistas to reassure themselves with the expression, ‘It couldn’t happen in the UK’ but few of them understand the ways of the World and in particular the Marxist zeal. No wonder then that Corbyn refuses to discuss his political views on Venezuela.
Mishal on comparisons again?
Bit tricky when there is a nine to one fatality imbalance that Jez is trying to pitch as an even ‘split’ between both sides.
“I hope all the Corbynistas in Momentum and all the Corbyn acolytes closely watch”
To be honest G. I don’t think Corbyn’s groupies ever watch TV News! Too busy looking for 1) luxury houses to squat in. 2) Too busy looking for “weed” 3) Too busy getting the knots out of their tangled hair through not bothering to wash as that’s what normal people do!
Corbyn and hard left Momentum are unlikely to change their minds about anything.
But I hope the snowflakes and the impressionable young students are following the Venezuelan economic success story. A few just might realise that they were comprehensively shafted by Corbyn at the last election and that socialist nirvana is an oxymoron.
No, they wont see it. Thick as shit, minds ruined by the education system.
No hope for them.
yesterday the so called BBC had some apologist for Venezuela saying it was the americans fault due to them
1 holding down the price of oil
2 using black ops to destabilize the country
he implied that right wingers were to blame for the deaths, saying the police were only responsible for a few of the deaths
yes the so called BBC actually had someone from the morning feking star on radio 4 spouting conspiracy theories as if he was an unbiased commentator only mentioning where he was from after allowing him to spout drivel
If the BBC had to go to the Morning Star to get someone to defend what is happening in Venezuela it tells the whole story. BBC, always trust them to scrape the barrel.
BBC Breakfast, Headlines @ 8:00 a.m.
A report from the Labour Party shows that Maternity wards closed 362 times last year.
Well gone is the pretence of being neutral and unbiased. Might as well just relabel themselves as the Labour News as least people would know.
Wonder why they didn’t lead on the Times Business news: “Firms Hiring at fastest rate in 2 years”. Doesn’t fit the negative Anti-Tory, Anti-Brexit categories so no chacnce!
Lardberg in her mobility scooter moaning to her drug addict assist at the surgery today.
With luck nature has intervened for both, though they may be gunning for IVF.
Lucky none of the Eastern Europeans with their broods could understand them.
I wonder why there are so many more children being born and the maternity wards cannot cope.
What had happened over the last couple of decades?
I’m racking my brains.
Actually, I know the answer, it’s all the pensioners blocking up the maternity wards.
I read it in the papers and politicians keep saying it so it must be them oldies.
Randy lot our 70+ year olds.
EG…..Randy lot our 70+ year olds…….
Oh to be able to find someone half decent to be randy with would be a miracle !!!!!
LOL !!!
BBC backs Pride events. Bigots are people who don’t join in the crowds who support them
Well done Lauren Southern for exposing the oppressive side of Pride Parades
This Gay Pride march would not go down well in rural Perthshire, let alone Auchtermuchty. As for Gambia, they would be arrested, not for being gay, but for indecency.
IMO the whole ‘Pride’ thing has changed because of the ‘pink pound’ – the ability to make money out of it. In the early days I believe the rallies were rather more like earnest 1950s CND marches with lots of rather sad looking men in anoraks and moustaches. I agree now that it’s become a sort of progressive flaunting – ‘we can do what we want and you don’t dare stop us’. If they really believed that though, they’d hold the rally in Bolton or Tower Hamlets.
Google employee anti-diversity memo causes row – BBC headline and piece today
The article states that…’a male software engineer argued the lack of women in top tech jobs was due to biological differences between men and women.’ “We need to stop assuming that gender gaps imply sexism,” he wrote……Erica Baker said she was “disappointed but unsurprised. What is new is that this employee felt safe enough to write and share an 8 page sexist screed, internally,”
Complete bollocks!
The headline/story is a complete red herring from the BBC to purposefully obscure a balanced reasoned memo ‘from the inside’ that Google is a politically bias, leftist mono-culture that practices shaming of all views outside it’s echo chamber.
The employee merely states that Google has several discriminatory practices:
1. Programs, mentoring, and classes only for people with a certain gender or race.
2. A high priority queue and special treatment for “diversity” candidates.
3. Hiring practices which can effectively lower the bar for “diversity” candidates by decreasing the false negative rate 4. Reconsidering any set of people if it’s not “diverse” enough, but not showing that same scrutiny in the reverse direction (clear confirmation bias).
Yes, there is some opinion on gender diversity but it is not the crux of the piece nor an accurate representation of the memo. For the record, the employee has been fired!
In my opinion a more appropriate headline would be: “Liberal cultural marxism exposed at the the heart of Google”
You can read the full article here:
Thanks for posting this Venutius.
A must-read.
So careful and faily expressed, only the mildest critique of what Google(and the likes of the BBC) are doing to their staff. How dare they sack him.
1984 has long gone-this is insiduous censorting as he sets out in the article.
The BBC would hate it, seeing as THEY similarly discriminate against women in reality.
Hope he gets a good lawyer and makes this known…typical of the BBC to select their hobby horse and ignore by far the bigger issues of “moral” and “moralising” bias.
Remember the BBC’s Fatwa banning anyone who dares criticise GreenDream religion and Global Warming
22:00 BBC Dear Johnny Ball’s 2012 prog about Aging is being repeated
I guess cos he steers clear of that topic
Radio 4 this morning 9am back to the old times before Radio 4 got into promoting queer and Trans
90 year old travel writer Jan Morris
…yes they wouldn’t have had any trans on the radio in his day
…Oh hang on
BTW 11:30 prog on right now is 11:30 Queer Icons
“Alan Carr presents highlights from Front Row’s Queer Icons project.”
Yesterdays Woman’s hour was about same sex couples giving birth.
“The LGBT charity Stonewall estimates there are more than 20,000 children in the UK growing up in families with same-sex parents. Changes in social attitudes, the law and medical technology mean that more gay people are becoming parents.”
2:15pm Drama : Holiday in Soviet Youth Camp
4:30pm Gay Icon Stephen Fry
6:30pm Gay Icon David Sedaris
8pm Bit of Global warming scary scary
Tomorrow’s Woman’s hour
The triple shame of having a child
Who is white, male and straight.
Quadruple shame : not Muslim
Quintuple : not a Remainiac
Versus the TRUE JOY of having a child who’s non-white, female, queer and wears a hijab !
…. And a Remainiac.
Sad , very sad. But holiday in a Soviet Youth Camp should be a bundle of laughs. BBC have never got over the fall of the Soviet Union.
Antisemitism on the increase.
According to the BBC a rabbi blames ‘Asian men’ who hurled abuse.
I wager the rabbi was a little more precise in his description.
Yes the missing M-word phenomenon. …as if it’s haram to mention it in a negative context.
They are talking about Rabbi Alex Chapper his 2012 Ilford story and his sons 2017 story
Missing words
#1 Faiths forum re-report by cutting the word ASIAN
“in Ilford when some men started to hurl abuse directed at him”
#2 The incident with his sons is
Reported here..
\\group of teenagers around the same age who were calling out abusive antisemitic words to them, for example ‘f***ing Jews’//.
TDoes sickle cell anaemia cause antisemitic attacks.
Both are apparently growing, so could there be a correlation ?
Yes, trying to create the impression that it was white “men” instead of muslims. I am trying to think of a lower form of life than journalists. Can only come up with politicians and amoebas . No, correction , that is an insult to amoebas.
Grant, you compared journalists to ‘amoebas’. As a retired journalist, I’d like to point out that ‘amoebae’ is the more traditional plural term for lowly life forms!
The Chinese guys who once attacked Rabbi Chapper spoke really good Arabic and mislabelled themselves “Pakistani”
The British police. Institutionally anti-semitic .
Quick link back to yesterday’s posts
I wouldn’t even use this paper for toilet roll. Rancid. No wonder its print arm went bust.
Pathetic. I went to a good school, have a BSc from Aberdeen University, am a Chartered Accountant and specialised in taxation. For 2 years I was chief examiner for the Insitute of Bankers in Scotland. Among other things. But I have to face the fact that I am stupid because I voted Leave. It is the Remainers who are not only stupid, but insulting . As I say, pathetic people who are living in the past. The world has moved on leaving them and the EU behind.
Me too. I have a degree in social work and practised social work for many years and in my day it included having to pass a law exam.
I voted Leave because I’m intelligent and have an enquiring mind .I did my research into what the EU really is and its effects on poor working class people.
Doesn’t matter. If you voted Leave, you are stupid .
Sorry, If you voted leave you cannot be intelligent. I voted leave and have a PhD so I am unintelligent too.
People who voted leave were white, stupid males.
So you must be a stupid white man trapped in an intelligent woman’s body.
You will need to see a gender expert prior to surgery.
PS. Yes, there are people classified as gender experts.
LOL ! OK , you have a PhD in “Gender Expertise ” . Big deal ! I wonder how many Beeboids have PhDs ?
Another Leave voting retard here. I have a worthless BSc and MSc in Engineering, amongst other qualifications.
Amazing work by Gender Specialists. Probably certified by the Jimmy Saville University
It is the best comedy on twitter. No wonder the BBC uses it for one degree of separation ‘editorial’ whilst pretending it is an actual paper still. Maybe Amol hasn’t told them?
Yes AmolR ex-editor of the Independent who drove its print edition into low sales and closure just wrote a BBC article saying
#1 The Indy is great
#2 Digital is the way to go
#3 Has just sold large stake to Saudi investor.
(Amol wrote a second BBC story about that ..)
#4 Simply and Exaggerate is the key !
And after failing at Independent he now works for a lower salary at the BBC… boo hoo!
BTW Amol revenue & profit are 2 different things
…. Ask the Guardian about that.
Revenue is what a business can spend on itself.
Profit is what owners/bosses can spend on THEMSELVES and pet projects
Libmob managers at BBC/ Guardian don’t get that.
Times : “Canada welcomes illegal migrants !” hoax causes Canada stadium to fill with Haitian illegals.
The BBC are starting a hate campaign against British pensioners. A few days ago they had a headlined story everywhere saying How British Pensioners had Shafted The Young over Brexit. Now they have as their top story on their homepage “Pension Jackpot of the Baby-Boomers”. The BBC are really going full guns to radicalise the young against the mainly white old folk.
Previous headlined story:
“Started ” ? The BBC seem to love children, in a BBC way, and hate old people. Unless it is old farts like Dimblebore , of course. Wonder how much his pension “jackpot” is worth and who paid for it ?
PS The piece reports about final salary schemes. These have mainly been abolished in the private sector but not in the public sector , including the BBC. Beeboids, total effing hypocrites. They make me vomit.
AFAIK the BBC final pension scheme was closed some years back due to the funds £2bn black hole
Newer employees don’t get it. , neither pseudo-self employed.
How can the BBC have a pensions black hole?
When anyone leaves they still pay into the BBC pensioners fund don’t they….just like the eu want us to pay a huge sum to enable them to pay future pensions even though we will be no part of it.
Exactly. Whatever arrangements the BBC have made for their pension fund, you can be sure it will not be stock market linked and will be fully funded one way or another ! No Beeboid will lose out !
The BBC going near old folk and pensions is ‘brave’.
As is risking the means of making up shortfalls:
Exactly. You would not think that even Beeboids would be so stupid as to raise the issue of pensions . But they never fail to disappoint with their ignorance. Morons.
Only to be expected. The BBC is deeply committed to the utopian vision of a socialist world without borders. It has succeeded in convincing large tracts of the population to share this vision and to believe that it is entirely possible to achieve it. But it hasn’t been so successful in convincing older people who reached adult hood before the entire educational system and the media were harnessed up to deliver the one world vision. So these older people are a road block and , although the years will take their toll, the liberal left can’t wait and want to speed up the programme. One immediate benefit to the one world project is that this Hate campaign galvanises young people to vote to get their way. Hence the awful GE result. It will also help with a second Brexit referendum if the elite feel the need of a ‘ democratic’ vote in favour of Remaining. In the meantime if a few OAPs are the victims of hate from younger folks it doesn’t matter much because it is all in such a good cause.
The UK, as second largest contributor to the EU coffers, contribute to this –
Anyone that has any thoughts of remaining in the EU and continuing to fund dole money to people living outside of the EU has my full sympathy – insanity is truly such a debilitating condition to have to live with.
Times : job sexism
There are 26,000 men in the profession
And only 2,800 women
So Coventry Uni have got a grant to give 10 women a £1,000 /grant during their degree.
Do you think that will cure the inequality ?
Actually the profession is nursing so when I said men I meant women and vice versa
Same page a Google man is to be witch burned for daring to say that generally women don’t make good coders.
Sunday there was a history Radio 4 item on women brickies in the 70’s none of the women who’d qualified stayed in the profession after training .. Tho one became a trainer.
Hi StewGreen, maybe you could start your own blog – ordering all this information you are finding. Or maybe write a book (or both). You can self-publish. I like this idea of “reversing” and then revealing it to be discrimination in the opposite direction. One thing I have noticed is that the BBC are putting young / youngish women as lead presenter in most of their sports coverages. [I have noticed you and Pounce seem to be especially good at digging up all this information on bias]
I used to have a life
Yet now every minute seems to have BS pushed at us by BBC/MSM
Something doesn’t seem quite right so then I fact check and it unearths stuff.
Either before we very naive.
Or they have ramped up the BS.
They have ramped it up significantly. It has made me rethink what I was told at school and elsewhere about the evil British Empire, the evil Christian Church with its rampaging paedophile priests, the evil orange order in Northern Ireland – at least I now aim to add balance and read up on all sides of an issue.
I see there are several structurally issues with the BBC – they are mixing up the entertainment – fictional side of the BBC remit – with the “news service”. For example many of the news video have been fictionalised and stylised. They introduce background music with heavy beats to prevent people from thinking – rather the BBC are presenting “news experiences” which sort of creates false memories – which will later be recalled as truth. It is a form of brainwashing.
Ps the issue is too big for a single person or small group of people to track – you will go mad trying to track it all. If you are going to keep this up and remain sane – I recommend you focus on one aspect and try documenting it. Best wishes.
Was at the Dox today. About 8 GPs. About 50:50 mix (old measures).
About 16 staff behind the counter, all of whom were clustered around the cute puppy.
All female (I estimate).
Are the BBC over-reporting the production fall in Germany ?
They repirt nothing, yet the news is
‘Germany industrial production fell 1.1% vs. expectations of a 0.2% gain’
#DespiteBrexit Britain does better.
Hush now.
They only have so much space.
Titter ye not.
Guest Who
A pink rainbow in Bristol, reported by the BBC
That is queer.
‘People who photographed it described it as “amazing” and “pretty”
But sadly, no one seems to have gone for ‘pretty amazing’.
Surprised no one went for ‘it looked like a war zone’. Or ‘it was like something out of a movie’
Or both.
Anyhow… ‘pink sky at in the evening… Beeboids go kneeling’
FT100 nudging all time high right now, despite Brexit. This must be headline news on the BBC, surely ?
We’ll, there is this….
Seems to be a linking theme.
Another : Bristol poo powered bus resurrected
Particulates ? I guess it’s bio gas
They just cutNpasted from Green NGOs
R4 now : actress saying “I’m passionate remainer God my parents supported Enoch Powell”
“I did not know ONE person who voted remain
.. So I realised London is a bubble”
Is it Pride day every day now? Spotted in Tottenham Court Rd tube station, the rainbow logo below.
So the police are wasting our money painting their vehicles rainbow colours, the ambulance service too, the National Trust, and now London Transport. It’s not a statement of tolerance, Gayism has become a provocative in-your-face political campaign with a so-called ‘liberal, progressive’ agenda. I object to it being rammed down our throats, dodgy pun intended. Next they’ll make it compulsory.
Remember the campaign slogan ‘Some people are gay, get over it’?
How about ‘Some people are homophobic, get over it’.
They’ve already totally destroyed the meaning of a delightful English word, and are well on the way to totally subverting and corrupting the image which represents one of the most arresting and fleetingly beautiful sights of the heavens.
B*****ks to them! And their “Pride” marches. I wish they’d all march off a cliff edge, Bempton Cliffs would do nicely.
I just ‘googled’ this (DuckDuckgo actually) because I thought it was a joke/photoshop.
Apparently not.
I despair.
Saw it with my own eyes at Ttnhm Crt Rd. Looks permanent?
I like that term, ‘gayism’. All this ‘pride’ stuff seems to be the iron fist in the velvet glove (and that’s not a sexual fetish as far as I know…) It basically says ‘be tolerant, or else.’ I was briefly hopeful when I heard of a counter-protest movement called Gay Shame, until I found out that they are actually MORE left wing than gay pride!
Charlie ,
They are building up to making being gay compulsory and being heterosexual illegal. But it won’t apply to muslims .
“How about ‘Some people are homophobic, get over it’.”
Some people are normal, get over it, (bolts fit nuts, bolts don’t fit bolts, nuts don’t fit nuts and only one of these pairings makes baby bolts and nuts which has got to be ‘normal’ in any sane sense of the word).
The BBC has hidden away (at the time of me typing this) a report on the shocking statistic that more than 40% of maternity wards being closed closed their doors to expectant mothers at least once in 2016.
The Daily Mail readers in the comments section of the story understand exactly what the real reasons are behind this problem…
Here is part of the speech that Enoch Powell made in Birmingham in April 1968…
“…But while, to the immigrant, entry to this country was admission to privileges and opportunities eagerly sought, the impact upon the existing population was very different. For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country.
They found their wives unable to obtain hospital beds in childbirth, their children unable to obtain school places, their homes and neighbourhoods changed beyond recognition…”
Have a look at some of the new born babies born into the New Year in Birmingham a few years ago…
BBC Website ” Man found guilty of airport pipe bomb plot “. It is these “men ” again . Do the BBC really think we are stupid ?
No. But they know who is. And they play the numbers.
The old James O’Brien path to greatness?
How long before Ian Katz nudges Owen from near pervasive commentator to host?
The ever impartial BBC, showing it knows the BIG stories that matter, on Facebook right now:
BBC News
After the 2016 presidential election many Americans claimed they were moving to Canada.
Meet the young couple doing just that.
Two people are moving home. Get in touch with one of 20,000 overpaid media types from the UK with nothing that their bosses will sanction to fill their pages, and lo…
No word from Lily Savage as yet.
I seem to remember many, mainly ignorant luvvies, in the UK saying that they would leave if we voted for Brexit. Unfortunately, I do not think any have gone. How can anyone take these airheads seriously ?
Early days.
Good old Justin has just upped the golden handshake to Canada by several mil, and luvvies might not have any ethical qualms about taking out military personnel of any ally to swing it.
Big laugh (unplanned) on the bBBC 1 6pm news.
George Alagiah reports in the prime post-halftime spot that many hospital maternity units at some point last year had to close. “According to a Freedom of Information request by the Labour Party ”
Need any more be said?
No. But I will point out the irony of such data being easily refused by the BBC if any political party asked it if them.
Anyone watch the main 1800 news on National BBC this evening?
If not, you missed a typically well crafted news feature on the current problems with maternity hospitals and their shortage of facilities and staff to deal with the “unprecedented” demand.
One would automatically think that the BBC would take the opportunity to push the multikulti benefit line of the predominance of foreigners giving birth in the UK, (‘on our dime’). But no, the BBC choose to focus on one woman and her particular experience in being turned away from her maternity hospital of choice. No doubt spoilt for choice of foreign interviewees, the BBC go for a white Brit. Why, I wonder: all in the spirit of multiculturalism – we don’t want the white viewers thinking that the shortage is caused directly by nasty foreigners do we?
I wonder if the white woman interviewed by the BBC realised that her access problem was as a direct of the “unprecedented” foreign invasion?
A large part of bBBC news is doom and gloom whingeing. They will define their narrative and go and find some convenient vox pop to support the editorial line. Sometimes the ‘minority’ view in question is absolutely laughable.
At other times, such as tonight, when a young boy had his £35,000 a year drug bill turned down by the NHS but overturned by the high court, a serious issue (limitless demand for NHS services) is made personal, attracting all the snowflakes, but all proper debate is avoided.
What a shame the bBBC cannot bring themselves to interview Corbyn about the success of the Venezuelan economy.
Not to mention the health services in Venezuela !
Then lets hope the Tory readers of this site remember this promise to reduce immigration …………………..
Cameron, the master of bullshit ably backed by his Home Secretary, the mistress of bullshit, who now has his job !
You mean, Amber Rudderless I presume?
Anyway, BBC4 2100 – “New Series: Utopia: In Search Of The Dream”………..
Well now, will the programme include interviews with the erudite Mr Corbyn ably supported by Nicolás Maduro from Venezuela since they both claim to seek ‘Utopia’. I wonder.
I was thinking of Treezer when she was Home Secretary. But they are all interchangeable and equally useless.
Al beebus are very crafty in when to use footage with plenty of BAME and when to not.
I recall watching a piece on our local news about the increasing violence teachers face. The school which they showed, for illustrative purposes, was 99.9% White. If, however, it had been a positive story about schools or education then one with pupils of a suitably “diverse” range of ethnicities would have been selected; preferably one where Whites were the minority.
Al beebus are the absolute dregs and never fail to take an opportunity (no matter how small) to do down our country and its people. Yet unceasingly attempt to polish the multicultural turd, which is all the Third World cr@p and their offspring, with whose swelling presence and concomitant “vibrancy” our country has been blessed (subjected to) these past fifty odd years.
So what’s happening in Europe ? Its those ‘men’ again ……………….
Anything on Al Beeb yet, perhaps their researchers will pick it up from this site and start reporting it ?
Yet another good reason for getting out of the EU.
Ok its all clear, alarm over ……………….
“It’s a mentally unstable person,” a spokeswoman for prosecutors Ine van Wymersch told Reuters. “The military did not find any explosive in his vehicle.” Time to call Inspector Jacques Clouseau ?
“She said that the suspect was from Rwanda and was not known to have a police record.”
Another mentally unstable person?
The bBC and how it lies in which to promote its anti Brexit agenda:
Entente still cordiale for French in UK
A special report by the Office for National Statistics has found there were an estimated 148,800 British citizens living in France in 2016. Most of these live in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, which includes the Dordogne. In the UK, there were 154,800 French citizens estimated to be resident in 2013 to 2015, the majority of them working. About half of British citizens in France were working – the majority of those aged under 50 years old.
So out of that number of 148,800 British people living in France the bBC says it is about 50/50 when it comes to workers and those who have retired. Following the link as provided by the bBC paints a different picture. I quote:
“In 2011 (most recent available data), of the 106,200 estimated to be aged 15 to 64 years living in France; 52% were employed, 5% were unemployed and 43% were not currently economically active. Not currently economically active is neither working nor looking for work, for example retired, studying or staying at home to look after children. This does not include the 20,400 people aged 0 to 15 years who account for 13% of the British citizens living in France, and the 30,100 people aged 65 and over who account for 19%.”
In fact there’s even a very simple to understand chart which the bBC doesn’t post: (I wonder why)
So anybody here with CSE Maths, still think that the mix is 50/50 as stated by the bBC
The bBC , the public funded so called Impartial news org which is anything but.