Still half asleep this morning – and apologies if this has already been covered – I heard Justin Webb interviewing an Aussie about how they managed back in the seventies when Ted Heath did the dirty on our Commonwealth friends.
Justin admitted that the UK could indeed arrange a free trade deal with Oz and other countries but then he vigorously asserted that any such free trade deals would mean freedom of movement between the signatory nations. WHAAAT???
The Australian guy naturally responded by saying this wasn’t the case. Clearly it isn’t the case. I can’t think of anywhere outside the EU Superstate twilight zone where the two are linked in any way.
So here’s my question; Is Justin Webb
a) Really stupid
b) Badly ill informed
c) Adding to a fake-news, remoaner narrative.
The BBC has spent the last forty years NOT reporting about the EEC/EU, (except when the UK is on the naughty step when it assumes that Brussels has it ‘about right’).
The aim of the EEC/EU has always been to create a United States of Europe which, of course, requires ‘free movement’ within its borders. Trade ‘free’ or otherwise doesn’t imply free movement of people, those that do move usually have to obtain visas that restrict what they can do or how long they can stay. One would think that the BBC with its ‘world class’ reporters in foreign parts would know this.
Let’s be charitable to our Justin and say that you weren’t the only one half asleep. If not – and he thinks that trade agreements involve free movement of labour / people then al Beeb really is in trouble.
People who weren’t about then uk joined the ill fated eu won’t realise how badly we treated out closest blood friends and had to turn to enemies on the European mainland. They may not be military enemies now but they are not commercial friends.
Can you imagine the outrage if 11 white people hunted a Muslim (Or a black person) through the streets of Manchester and stabbed him to death. Yet when its 11 black people hunting a Muslim, the bBC not only leaves out the racist candard, they leave out the Islamophobia one. I wonder why: Abdul Hafidah murder: Gang ‘chased and hunted’ victim
The bBC which is more than happy to play the race card when it comes to non-whites on the telly, in sport, in the civil service, the NHS or even when somebody looks funny at them, remains very silent when 11 black thugs (One cannot be named as he was 14 at the time) murder a 18 year old boy in public during evening rush hour.
Maybe after a successful Brexit we can dump the human rights stuff and re employ hangmen. It would save the taxman a fortune keeping these animals alive and reduce the need for more prisons. They love me at the Guardian .
after straying into the territory of a rival gang”
A member of Manchester’s tight knit Libyan community, his murder was said to have deeply affected Islamic terrorist, Salman Abedi, who murdered 22 people, many of them children, when he blew himself up at a concert at the Manchester Arena in May.
That seems to mean
#1 Abdul Hafidah was in a Libyan gang
#2 The alienation caused by BLACK MALE gangs seemed to cause his mate Salman Abedi to do a bomb attack mainly WHITE teenage GIRLS ?
Somali and Libyan gang warfare. In Tripoli? No, Manchester, England.
Holby City at it again tonight .The featured patent is a farmer and he blaims Brexit for the rise in milk prices which he states have doubled. At the same time the trauma unit is under threat of being closed down to make way for those pesky elderly bed blockers.
They are relentless in their bias.
sit down with me up of coffee and a digestive and it’s gay night again on Holby – as opposed to every other night on the BBC which is err … gay night . If I went into hospital and had two puppy eyed floppy haired blokes leaning over my bed making eyes at each other I would tell them to fk off and get up and leave
Bias now on BBC4 : prog about Utopia begins with rousing Obama Rally
commentary “It seems like a long way away now ..dreams ..utopia”
Prophet Obama to adoring crowd ” Yes we can, yes we can”
21:41 “1968 Star Trek the first interracial TV kiss a commentary on White Supremacist”
..em ..First part sounds like lefty romanticism, let me check.
#1 ” featuring the same young Jamaican actor, Hot Summer Night, televised in Britain on 1 February 1959″
#2 “Granada Play of the Week, You in Your Small Corner, was uncovered which was broadcast in June 1962”
#3 British soap opera Emergency – Ward 10 in 1964
\\The first interracial kiss on U.S. television was broadcast in a 1960 episode of Adventures in Paradise, “Makaha Surfing”//
So basically prog says that Utopia is all about the march to progressive LibSupremacist world
I’d guess that all religions including Hitler’s Fascism and Stalin’s Sovietism is about their own march to building utopia.
BBC reports on signs asking people not to pooh in public places in Peterborough.
Perhaps in the interests of multiculturalism and diversity they should have been published in several languages.
This is outrageous. So where am I supposed to pooh if I can’t pooh in a public place ? What is this country coming to ? What happened to freedom and tolerance ?
Here is a dilemma for the BBC. Should the comrades in the Beeb show solidarity with the heroic striking bin workers of Birmingham, or show solidarity with the responsible Moslems who are volunteering to collect the rubbish and help defeat the strike?
Not mentioned by the BBC is that the Moslems are a kind of Trojan horse outfit, led by a former jihadi mercenary convicted of fraud bankrolling Islamist terrorists.
This issue is causing internal strife among the Islamic supporters of left wing loonies such as Class War who regard as scabs those who help to disrupt strikes. But these scabs are Moslems? And it is racist to call them strike breaking scabs….er innit
The headache of the looney left
link to BBC video here
It appears that the comrades are divided. Half want to support the strikers, the others think it is racist to condemn the Moslem strike breakers. Initially they thought that the beards represented middle class hipsters. Hence the vitriol against the class enemy. But then they discovered the beards indicated heroic Moslems who are oppressed by the far right
On Newshite there is a feature about death rates ‘up north’ being higher than in the south.
Queue lots of implications for socialist equality engineering blah blah blah.
Its a bit like poor kids do worse at school than rich kids. Is anyone other than the biased BBC socialists surprised?
Poor families can choose to support their kids at school. Or not. They can choose to follow all the caricatures of the smoking, drinking, fat-eating chav steroetype. Or not.
Sometimes it has to be down to individuals and their freedom to make poor decisions, versus state intrusion to make people do only what the state thinks is best for them.
No doubt which side the statist BBC is on.
The irony iof course is that the places with the worst outcomes are the places which already have the highest public expenditure as a proportion of the local economy. Sheffield. Hull. Newcastle. Etc. They have totally frozen out the private sector, which is sometimes seen as the devil incarnate by those who live with a sense of entitlement.. The ‘rich and healthy’ south east has the lowest public expenditure as a proprtion of the total. Just look at pothole strewn roads. Yet it is the healthiest. Perhaps the answer to poor health and education is less state mollycoddling, not even more.
Once upon a time al Beeb would inform the viewers about good basic they just provide dumbed down ‘entertainment’ I suppose – coupled with people cooking complicated things no one will actually copy.
Sluff, – the concept of choice is rare these days, I watched JRM on his brilliant explanation of the EU on YouTube again recently. It’s 13 minutes where he tells the audience straight – about their right to choose options about public spending and immigration. The audience looked like a collective light had come on. The Beeb creatures on the panel sat there listening and looking frightened and bewildered.
I don’t think the education system – embedded left – does ‘choices’ any more – just guilt and blame.
I wonder if results might be skewed by it being less balmy up North too, especially with all those nice extra Eco fees the chaps in London like loading on the fuel tariffs.
And the same earlier on the Today programme, where ‘D’ and ‘E’ smokers and drinkers were complaining that decent food was too expensive. Education in buying and cooking is certainly needed, and that is what some charities are quietly doing – to the benefit of many.
“Church of Mogg Facebook page” visited by two police officers who provided ‘advice’ that included a warning to stop posting content that is ‘critical of Islam.’
Claim that it’s only suspended for 2 weeks from Facebook ( )
Very sinister indeed MM, it would be ludicrous to suuggest we are on the verge of people disappearing after a knock on the door in the middle of the night. But police action of that kind is not a step in the opposite direction is it.
This is terrifying. The Establishment are clearly out to get the Mogginator, but it could be any of us. How can they just close a website on a whim ? How can this country be turning into a police state ? I felt less fear in Gambia under the Jammeh regime. Mind you I have the advantage of being white. The future for the UK looks grim, with or without Brexit.
Concern is well-founded but on a number of fronts. Grant, Olds, it is sinister but we do not know what else the person to which the site belongs has been posting about Islam and Muslims.
And it doesn’t reflect well on an innocent Jacob Rees-Mogg. LeftMob will now automatically link him, as well as his other legitimate, well-behaved and innocent supporters, whatever their ethnic origin or religious belief with the ‘The Church of Mogg’ perpetrator – if he or she has indeed done anything wrong.
Good point . I had not actually thought about that. It could all be a put up job. Guilt by association. I fear for the future of this site. We are moving into a very dark age.
There is an error here, in that something called ‘The Police’ are referred to, when they in fact ceased to exist some time ago. What we have now is a Political Correctness Enforcement Squad which has little to do with fighting real crime.
The more people stop giving them the respect their old position used to have, and refer to them on public forums as Political Correctness Enforcement Officers the more people will realise what is going on.
Clearly there are far too many of them – I would like to their number cut to half of what they are now, and maybe disbanded altogether for the use they have become. Maybe if and when the useless Tory MPs and their supporters are threatened they will perhaps come to their senses, such as they are.
On the apparently low priority subject of regular killings on the capital’s streets (this new one was in Croydon) our BBC London tv newsreader brings us another of her peculiar word formulations: “A man, believed to be a teenager”
The employment of this odd phrase can’t help but remind us of those Calais refugee man-boys.
Here’s a free hint for BBC news editiors – if you’re not sure of a chap’s age – call them a male.
Surely ‘believed to be a male’? We are now in the age of quantum sexuality when a person can exist in many states and only the act of ‘observation’ causes the probability function to collapse.
If Charles Schultz was still writing Peanuts every frame now would be ‘Good grief!’
On today’s programme:
– North Korea says it is considering launching a ballistic missile strike close to the US strategic military base on Guam in the western Pacific.
– It is 10 years since the start of the financial crisis. Could it happen again?
– Hear the rehearsals of a Yorkshire school’s production of Les Miserables to commemorate murdered MP Jo Cox.
Guest Who – I will add comment! The North Korea part of the Today program was notable for an extremely sycophantic and un-probing interview J. Webb gave with a certain Mr Gau (who sounded like a spokesman for the Chinese Government) and who was allowed to get away with repeatedly placing all the blame for tensions over NKPD on Trump and the US. Webb might at least have pointed out to Mr Gau that it is China that has propped up the monstrous regimes in North Korea since the war and has enabled the development of its nuclear capability. All the blame lies with them, but Webb was quite content to allow the US to be blamed. As for the financial crisis, when Webb was interviewing an American economist, I was astonished to hear him ask whether Trump will cause another crash. BBC News and Current Affairs – totally biased and out of control.
Webb might also have pointed out that Chine sent troops into N. Korea to fight in the Korean War. Maybe he didn’t know that. I always think that just because someone looks stupid does not mean they are stupid but Webb disproves my theory.
Grant, I’m sure that in the past and probably now, in the near future, the BBC will be asking “Where have the tourists gone? Can Skye survive without tourism?”
Remind me, which Scottish island was it where the BBC recently covered the closure of the school because the only pupil was now of Secondary Education age and would go off the island to senior school?
The island you both refer to is North Ronaldsay, the most northerly island of Orkney. There are only about 60-odd residents. The children there have to go to mainland Orkney to Kirkwall for senior schooling.
Talking of the possible tourist tax in Skye, there is a debate currently going on in Orkney about visiting cruise ships which disgorge thousands of tourists into buses which then go to all the main sites and then back to the ship. Not that many wander down the main street and buy in local shops. Yet the council gets huge amounts of dosh from these cruise companies and it is a shame they cannot use that for the betterment of the islands as a whole, such as extending the pier and organising a ro-ro ferry for North Ronaldsay which only has one ferry a week!
Lived in Edinburgh many years and can confirm that the City Council is useless. It seems they are thinking of having a daily tax on people visiting the city for the Edinburgh Festival. Why ? And how will it work ? On a wider note, why are most politicians stupid and almost always get everything wrong ? Is it a qualification for the job ?
Virtue-signalling alert!
Toady this morning prominently features an imminent production of Les Miserables.
In Batley.
As a tribute to St. Jo of Cox.
Queue interviews with people who revered her and admired her. After the event, of course.
Pass the sick bag!
Jim, actually she was an outstanding panellist on her one & only(?) Any Questions appearance and that together with some other extra-curricular stuff she had done as an MP had marked her out as a possible rising star at Westminster.
This Les Miserables thing appears to me to be in incredibly poor taste but there you go.
“when Institutional memories start to fade” Alastair Darling. They certainly have faded – long ago – at the BBC.
They focus today on President Trump’s words and the anniversary of the start of the Credit Crunch and Bank Crash. On the latter, they, along with Alastair Darling, get the timeline and order a little muddled. Then they completely overlook Obama’s ‘Red line’ and Bush’s ‘Shock and awe’ to link Donald Trump’s ‘Fire and fury, like the world has never seen’ with President Truman’s words in the middle of a world war that the Japanese were threatening to fight to the finish.
Now at 8.12am they have lined up someone, Bruce Klingner, to disparage Trump’s words, equating him to other past world dictators.
I wonder how long before the BBC start to sympathise with North Korea & Kim Jong-un and insist that President Trump should not threaten to attack a country much, much smaller and much, much poorer than itself and should instead take on more of an equal – like Russia – doing something that Hillary was hinting at a year ago.
I see today is the ‘International Day of World’s Indigenous Peoples’. I’m working at home and waiting to see/hear the BBC do lengthy pieces on white, indigenous, Brits.
Rhod Sharp did a little item on this last night and nothing that the UN representative said would seem to prevent people like us who have ‘a spiritual connection to the land’ from being given indigenous status.
The ‘anywheres’ can b***er off anywhere else and take their Arab-supremacist invaders with them.
I’m surprised no one has reported on the Google Fascists which the BBC has been celebrating today.
A worker at the company has been sacked simply for failing to share the one true vision, and in the usual Fascist intolerance of diversity of thought has actually been accused of – well nothing actually other than allegedly perpetrating a negative gender stereotype – if that actually has some meaning.
The BBC are apparently in full support of this action as it fits in with their own Fascist ethos. I shall be limiting my own use of this search engine.
Equality of opportunity
is NOT the same as “Equality of Outcome”.
Anyone of any minority/special group is free to become a software engineer
The outcome that some special groups like women often do not CHOOSE to become software engineers usually happens even though they have Equality of opportunity.
Some people push for special groups to be #MoreThanEqual
This is something we must get used to. As cars become smarter they too will begin to suffer from a form of mental issues just as certain people do today.
Cast your collective minds back to 2002, and a terrifying murder spree by two black men which became known as The Beltway sniper attacks.
I can clearly remember this, and imagining the terror of indiscriminate attacks on random individuals going about their business for no apparent reason.
No apparent reason ?
Well it was post 9/11, but the world at that time had not become aware of the risks Islam poses, so reporting could possibly be seen as ignorant rather than biased, save for the fact of the perpetrators statements at their trial.
The perpetrators were John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo – a Jamaican illegal immigrant. John Allen Muhammad was a Muslim convert and member of the notorious Nation of Islam.
Yet the testimony at the trial never seems to have been reported in the UK. Do you remember this?
“While imprisoned, Malvo wrote a number of erratic diatribes about what he termed “jihad” against the United States. “I have been accused on my mission. Allah knows I’m gonna suffer now”, he wrote. Because his rants and drawings featured not only such figures as Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, but also characters from the film series The Matrix, these musings were dismissed as immaterial.
Nonetheless, in at least one of the ensuing murder trials, a Virginia court found Muhammad guilty of killing “pursuant to the direction or order” of terrorism.
Something you were probably never aware of, but why is that when the guilty verdict clearly did find that the motivation was terrorism by way of Islamic Jihad? A string of seeming unconnected victims men women black & white did have something in common, they were not Muslims and therefore fair game for murder.
“At the 2006 trial of Muhammad, Malvo testified that the aim of the killing spree was to kidnap children for the purpose of extorting money from the government and to “set up a camp to train children how to terrorize cities”
It’s just another cover up by the UK media to protect Muslims from their murderous religion, and probably another Jihadist attack which has been presented as inexplicable, when it absolutely was not.
“Arnold Bennett” famous local author of Stoke (Keele) area
Married to Frenchwoman and in the war he was appointed head of Propaganda for France
Maybe not a lefty writer, he was despised by the Bloomsbury set.
his writings “represent a systematic dismemberment of the intellectuals’ case against the masses”
4:30pm R4 MediaShow
– John Malone (the cable cowboy who owns VirginMedia ..possibly merging hos Cable TV with Vodaphone)
– newspapers “ripping” content (ie not paying, just like Google/Facebook do)
– online moderation (That means LibMob censoring and banning people that won’t conform to LibSupremacism ?)
9am From Shame to Pride : novelist Val McDermid, herself in a long-term lesbian partnership
10am Jenni speaks to broadcaster, Anita Rani, and Indian feminist Urvashi Butalia about the violence at partition
11am Stephen K Amos investigates the incredible true story of Ras Prince Monolulu, the first black man ever to appear on British TV screens.
13:45 Five-part series exploring the art and politics of the artists’
9pm Anita Rani on partition of Pakistan
10:45 My Big Gay Jewish Conversion
11:35 I’m Coming Out : Tired of hiding his bisexuality
9-11pm Wooly Lefty stuff
Strangely even Channel 4 isn’t pushing much gay/SJW stuff today.
R5 Now guest about IMMIGRATION
saying we can’t stop ..people will come “and drop off the radar”
Half of asylum seekers after all appeals are found not to have a case, yet they end up staying anyway.
The BBC prints a standard-issue obit for the late Glen Campbell – nothing more than it needs to say, and even then mealy-mouthed and grudging. No proselytizing here, no endless gushing, no grief-stricken mourning for an approved favourite son of the progressive revolution.
Glen’s biggest mistake, as far as progressives are concerned, was his conversion to Christianity in the last twenty years of his remarkable life. That’s an unforgivable mistake. Forget that he was trailblazing back in the 60s, crossing racial divides in a deeply troubled America without a care, working with black musicians and backing singers on a daily basis long before they became a necessary fashion accessory for virtuous white musicians.
Campbell’s legacy is his fantastic musicianship, amazing voice and dignity – both in the face of his addictions and his eventual battle with Alzheimer’s. He was admired for his artistry and his longevity by an entire industry. Nowadays, that’s just not anything to shout about – especially if you’re a bit too white, a bit too Christian.
Both local radio did eulogise him
..I guess cos they are not part of MetroBubble
Strangely here since Saturday BBC Radio Leeds has popped up on 92.4FM even though Leeds is not an adjacent area …It’s as if they have boosted the Transmitter power.
It’s about 2 months since our local radio station Radio Lincs actually finally came to be available on DAB.
Just been asked by a BBC show to do an on air chat about jogging etiquette (as #Today prog did). This was attempted murder, FFS. I said no.
Beeboids are just irresponsible kids with no idea of the consequences of their words. Meanwhile, what does Treezer of Boris have to say about this serious situation ? Or are they on holiday ?
The bBBC report that a child sex gang in Newcastle have been found guilty.
Here are their names.
Eisa Mousavi, Mohammed Ali, Nashir Uddin, Monjur Choudhury, Taherul Alam, Habibur Rahim, Badrul Hussain, Carolann Gallon, Saiful Islam, AbdulHamid Minoyee, Prabhat Nelli, Abdul Sabe, Jahanger Zaman, Nadeem Aslam, Mohammed Azram, Yassar Hussain, Redwan Siddquee, Mohibur Rahman
I can’t help noticing that indigenous white British citizens seem to be ‘under-represented’.
The bBBC seem to be unable to notice what might possibly connect these people and make almost no comment. But in the finest tradition of ‘burying bad news’ the bBBC is bigging up relentlessly the fact that a convicted child abuser was paid as an informant. Cue interview with Peter Saunders, the NAPAC chair, trying to find someone who is against that aspect and can be ‘offended’ and indignant. Saunders, credit due, did not fall for it. Cue yet more interviews focussing on this aspect with a Police leader.
The world class deliberate shit-stirring is clearly more important than reporting on the ‘minorities’ who systematically abuse our young people..
Totally disgusting editorialising. Appalling in standards, taste, choices, and basic humanity.
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Still half asleep this morning – and apologies if this has already been covered – I heard Justin Webb interviewing an Aussie about how they managed back in the seventies when Ted Heath did the dirty on our Commonwealth friends.
Justin admitted that the UK could indeed arrange a free trade deal with Oz and other countries but then he vigorously asserted that any such free trade deals would mean freedom of movement between the signatory nations. WHAAAT???
The Australian guy naturally responded by saying this wasn’t the case. Clearly it isn’t the case. I can’t think of anywhere outside the EU Superstate twilight zone where the two are linked in any way.
So here’s my question; Is Justin Webb
a) Really stupid
b) Badly ill informed
c) Adding to a fake-news, remoaner narrative.
Pick one, cos there ain’t no other options!
The BBC has spent the last forty years NOT reporting about the EEC/EU, (except when the UK is on the naughty step when it assumes that Brussels has it ‘about right’).
The aim of the EEC/EU has always been to create a United States of Europe which, of course, requires ‘free movement’ within its borders. Trade ‘free’ or otherwise doesn’t imply free movement of people, those that do move usually have to obtain visas that restrict what they can do or how long they can stay. One would think that the BBC with its ‘world class’ reporters in foreign parts would know this.
DB, shouldn’t there be a: “d) All of the above.”?
Good point AS 🙂
Will that mean I can move to Australia/ New Zealand freely?
Let’s be charitable to our Justin and say that you weren’t the only one half asleep. If not – and he thinks that trade agreements involve free movement of labour / people then al Beeb really is in trouble.
People who weren’t about then uk joined the ill fated eu won’t realise how badly we treated out closest blood friends and had to turn to enemies on the European mainland. They may not be military enemies now but they are not commercial friends.
Its thought that it was an Australian called Philip Benwell, who persuaded the Queen to support Brexit.
Can you imagine the outrage if 11 white people hunted a Muslim (Or a black person) through the streets of Manchester and stabbed him to death. Yet when its 11 black people hunting a Muslim, the bBC not only leaves out the racist candard, they leave out the Islamophobia one. I wonder why:
Abdul Hafidah murder: Gang ‘chased and hunted’ victim
The bBC which is more than happy to play the race card when it comes to non-whites on the telly, in sport, in the civil service, the NHS or even when somebody looks funny at them, remains very silent when 11 black thugs (One cannot be named as he was 14 at the time) murder a 18 year old boy in public during evening rush hour.

Funny that?
The BBC is institutionally racist.
More enrichment.
Maybe after a successful Brexit we can dump the human rights stuff and re employ hangmen. It would save the taxman a fortune keeping these animals alive and reduce the need for more prisons. They love me at the Guardian .
bit SELECTIVE reporting
That seems to mean
#1 Abdul Hafidah was in a Libyan gang
#2 The alienation caused by BLACK MALE gangs seemed to cause his mate Salman Abedi to do a bomb attack mainly WHITE teenage GIRLS ?
Holby City at it again tonight .The featured patent is a farmer and he blaims Brexit for the rise in milk prices which he states have doubled. At the same time the trauma unit is under threat of being closed down to make way for those pesky elderly bed blockers.
They are relentless in their bias.
sit down with me up of coffee and a digestive and it’s gay night again on Holby – as opposed to every other night on the BBC which is err … gay night . If I went into hospital and had two puppy eyed floppy haired blokes leaning over my bed making eyes at each other I would tell them to fk off and get up and leave
Don’t watch the shite.
Bias now on BBC4 : prog about Utopia begins with rousing Obama Rally
commentary “It seems like a long way away now ..dreams ..utopia”
Prophet Obama to adoring crowd ” Yes we can, yes we can”
Except he didn’t !!
He did manage to marry a bloke though Grant – big strapping Michael ex -running back for the Giants
LOL !!! To quote the late Lenny Bruce ” I would rather f…. mud ” !
21:41 “1968 Star Trek the first interracial TV kiss a commentary on White Supremacist”
..em ..First part sounds like lefty romanticism, let me check.

#1 ” featuring the same young Jamaican actor, Hot Summer Night, televised in Britain on 1 February 1959″
#2 “Granada Play of the Week, You in Your Small Corner, was uncovered which was broadcast in June 1962”
#3 British soap opera Emergency – Ward 10 in 1964
\\The first interracial kiss on U.S. television was broadcast in a 1960 episode of Adventures in Paradise, “Makaha Surfing”//
So basically prog says that Utopia is all about the march to progressive LibSupremacist world
I’d guess that all religions including Hitler’s Fascism and Stalin’s Sovietism is about their own march to building utopia.
BBC reports on signs asking people not to pooh in public places in Peterborough.
Perhaps in the interests of multiculturalism and diversity they should have been published in several languages.
This is outrageous. So where am I supposed to pooh if I can’t pooh in a public place ? What is this country coming to ? What happened to freedom and tolerance ?
You’d think most public order offences would be covered by existing law.
What they seem to have done has made a whole bunch of offences punishable by the officer simply issuing a fine..rather than you going to court.
Here is a dilemma for the BBC. Should the comrades in the Beeb show solidarity with the heroic striking bin workers of Birmingham, or show solidarity with the responsible Moslems who are volunteering to collect the rubbish and help defeat the strike?
Not mentioned by the BBC is that the Moslems are a kind of Trojan horse outfit, led by a former jihadi mercenary convicted of fraud bankrolling Islamist terrorists.
This issue is causing internal strife among the Islamic supporters of left wing loonies such as Class War who regard as scabs those who help to disrupt strikes. But these scabs are Moslems? And it is racist to call them strike breaking scabs….er innit
The headache of the looney left
link to BBC video here
Have they not got their own jobs to be doing?
Shared to Facebook, thanks GWF, are the Union not turning out to stop these scabs?
Are class war saying anything about this?
It appears that the comrades are divided. Half want to support the strikers, the others think it is racist to condemn the Moslem strike breakers. Initially they thought that the beards represented middle class hipsters. Hence the vitriol against the class enemy. But then they discovered the beards indicated heroic Moslems who are oppressed by the far right
On Newshite there is a feature about death rates ‘up north’ being higher than in the south.
Queue lots of implications for socialist equality engineering blah blah blah.
Its a bit like poor kids do worse at school than rich kids. Is anyone other than the biased BBC socialists surprised?
Poor families can choose to support their kids at school. Or not. They can choose to follow all the caricatures of the smoking, drinking, fat-eating chav steroetype. Or not.
Sometimes it has to be down to individuals and their freedom to make poor decisions, versus state intrusion to make people do only what the state thinks is best for them.
No doubt which side the statist BBC is on.
The irony iof course is that the places with the worst outcomes are the places which already have the highest public expenditure as a proportion of the local economy. Sheffield. Hull. Newcastle. Etc. They have totally frozen out the private sector, which is sometimes seen as the devil incarnate by those who live with a sense of entitlement.. The ‘rich and healthy’ south east has the lowest public expenditure as a proprtion of the total. Just look at pothole strewn roads. Yet it is the healthiest. Perhaps the answer to poor health and education is less state mollycoddling, not even more.
Once upon a time al Beeb would inform the viewers about good basic they just provide dumbed down ‘entertainment’ I suppose – coupled with people cooking complicated things no one will actually copy.
Sluff, – the concept of choice is rare these days, I watched JRM on his brilliant explanation of the EU on YouTube again recently. It’s 13 minutes where he tells the audience straight – about their right to choose options about public spending and immigration. The audience looked like a collective light had come on. The Beeb creatures on the panel sat there listening and looking frightened and bewildered.
I don’t think the education system – embedded left – does ‘choices’ any more – just guilt and blame.
I wonder if results might be skewed by it being less balmy up North too, especially with all those nice extra Eco fees the chaps in London like loading on the fuel tariffs.
And the same earlier on the Today programme, where ‘D’ and ‘E’ smokers and drinkers were complaining that decent food was too expensive. Education in buying and cooking is certainly needed, and that is what some charities are quietly doing – to the benefit of many.
Cross Ply Ferry? The pregnancy aspect is a nice extra touch for added innocence.
“Church of Mogg Facebook page” visited by two police officers who provided ‘advice’ that included a warning to stop posting content that is ‘critical of Islam.’
Claim that it’s only suspended for 2 weeks from Facebook ( )
I just clicked on the link. “Page not available “.
That pic needed shown stew,……………… is the UK fecked…………………..
Very sinister indeed MM, it would be ludicrous to suuggest we are on the verge of people disappearing after a knock on the door in the middle of the night. But police action of that kind is not a step in the opposite direction is it.
This is terrifying. The Establishment are clearly out to get the Mogginator, but it could be any of us. How can they just close a website on a whim ? How can this country be turning into a police state ? I felt less fear in Gambia under the Jammeh regime. Mind you I have the advantage of being white. The future for the UK looks grim, with or without Brexit.
Concern is well-founded but on a number of fronts. Grant, Olds, it is sinister but we do not know what else the person to which the site belongs has been posting about Islam and Muslims.
And it doesn’t reflect well on an innocent Jacob Rees-Mogg. LeftMob will now automatically link him, as well as his other legitimate, well-behaved and innocent supporters, whatever their ethnic origin or religious belief with the ‘The Church of Mogg’ perpetrator – if he or she has indeed done anything wrong.
Good point . I had not actually thought about that. It could all be a put up job. Guilt by association. I fear for the future of this site. We are moving into a very dark age.
There is an error here, in that something called ‘The Police’ are referred to, when they in fact ceased to exist some time ago. What we have now is a Political Correctness Enforcement Squad which has little to do with fighting real crime.
The more people stop giving them the respect their old position used to have, and refer to them on public forums as Political Correctness Enforcement Officers the more people will realise what is going on.
Clearly there are far too many of them – I would like to their number cut to half of what they are now, and maybe disbanded altogether for the use they have become. Maybe if and when the useless Tory MPs and their supporters are threatened they will perhaps come to their senses, such as they are.
Today’s Murder
On the apparently low priority subject of regular killings on the capital’s streets (this new one was in Croydon) our BBC London tv newsreader brings us another of her peculiar word formulations: “A man, believed to be a teenager”
The employment of this odd phrase can’t help but remind us of those Calais refugee man-boys.
Here’s a free hint for BBC news editiors – if you’re not sure of a chap’s age – call them a male.
Surely ‘believed to be a male’? We are now in the age of quantum sexuality when a person can exist in many states and only the act of ‘observation’ causes the probability function to collapse.
If Charles Schultz was still writing Peanuts every frame now would be ‘Good grief!’

Reposted without (need for) further comment:
On today’s programme:
– North Korea says it is considering launching a ballistic missile strike close to the US strategic military base on Guam in the western Pacific.
– It is 10 years since the start of the financial crisis. Could it happen again?
– Hear the rehearsals of a Yorkshire school’s production of Les Miserables to commemorate murdered MP Jo Cox.
Guest Who – I will add comment! The North Korea part of the Today program was notable for an extremely sycophantic and un-probing interview J. Webb gave with a certain Mr Gau (who sounded like a spokesman for the Chinese Government) and who was allowed to get away with repeatedly placing all the blame for tensions over NKPD on Trump and the US. Webb might at least have pointed out to Mr Gau that it is China that has propped up the monstrous regimes in North Korea since the war and has enabled the development of its nuclear capability. All the blame lies with them, but Webb was quite content to allow the US to be blamed. As for the financial crisis, when Webb was interviewing an American economist, I was astonished to hear him ask whether Trump will cause another crash. BBC News and Current Affairs – totally biased and out of control.
Webb might also have pointed out that Chine sent troops into N. Korea to fight in the Korean War. Maybe he didn’t know that. I always think that just because someone looks stupid does not mean they are stupid but Webb disproves my theory.
BBC Website. Another brilliant question ” Does Skye have too many tourists ? ” . This is what we are paying for.
Grant, I’m sure that in the past and probably now, in the near future, the BBC will be asking “Where have the tourists gone? Can Skye survive without tourism?”
Remind me, which Scottish island was it where the BBC recently covered the closure of the school because the only pupil was now of Secondary Education age and would go off the island to senior school?
It wouldn’t surprise me !
Not sure which island that was . But on so many they do have to leave to go to secondary school. Quite a wrench.
Up2 and Grant,
The island you both refer to is North Ronaldsay, the most northerly island of Orkney. There are only about 60-odd residents. The children there have to go to mainland Orkney to Kirkwall for senior schooling.
Talking of the possible tourist tax in Skye, there is a debate currently going on in Orkney about visiting cruise ships which disgorge thousands of tourists into buses which then go to all the main sites and then back to the ship. Not that many wander down the main street and buy in local shops. Yet the council gets huge amounts of dosh from these cruise companies and it is a shame they cannot use that for the betterment of the islands as a whole, such as extending the pier and organising a ro-ro ferry for North Ronaldsay which only has one ferry a week!
Yes, as I am sure you know , it is similar in the Western Isles.
Lived in Edinburgh many years and can confirm that the City Council is useless. It seems they are thinking of having a daily tax on people visiting the city for the Edinburgh Festival. Why ? And how will it work ? On a wider note, why are most politicians stupid and almost always get everything wrong ? Is it a qualification for the job ?

I can assure you that our Skye gets treated for fleas once a month.
Whilst been named Skye, she answers to Mrs Miggins.
Ha ! So there are no fleas on Skye, but are there any midges ?
Virtue-signalling alert!
Toady this morning prominently features an imminent production of Les Miserables.
In Batley.
As a tribute to St. Jo of Cox.
Queue interviews with people who revered her and admired her. After the event, of course.
Pass the sick bag!
Also featured on bBBC Breakfast TV at 0900 just to make sure all indoctrination points are covered.
I’m quite sure that had Jo Cox not been killed she would be lost amongst all the other 600 plus anonymous MPs.
Jim, actually she was an outstanding panellist on her one & only(?) Any Questions appearance and that together with some other extra-curricular stuff she had done as an MP had marked her out as a possible rising star at Westminster.
This Les Miserables thing appears to me to be in incredibly poor taste but there you go.
Sorry but this sums up Jo Cox…..
“when Institutional memories start to fade” Alastair Darling. They certainly have faded – long ago – at the BBC.
They focus today on President Trump’s words and the anniversary of the start of the Credit Crunch and Bank Crash. On the latter, they, along with Alastair Darling, get the timeline and order a little muddled. Then they completely overlook Obama’s ‘Red line’ and Bush’s ‘Shock and awe’ to link Donald Trump’s ‘Fire and fury, like the world has never seen’ with President Truman’s words in the middle of a world war that the Japanese were threatening to fight to the finish.
Now at 8.12am they have lined up someone, Bruce Klingner, to disparage Trump’s words, equating him to other past world dictators.
I wonder how long before the BBC start to sympathise with North Korea & Kim Jong-un and insist that President Trump should not threaten to attack a country much, much smaller and much, much poorer than itself and should instead take on more of an equal – like Russia – doing something that Hillary was hinting at a year ago.
My memories of Darling faded years ago.
Yes, funny how Trumps rhetoric is attacked and Kim’s now. I suspect the BBC are already siding with N. Korea.
I have never forgotten, Grant, how he dithered and Brown denied, when the run on Northern Rock started.
I wonder how the BBC will remember that particular 10th anniversary?
PS “now” should read “not” in my post above.
I see today is the ‘International Day of World’s Indigenous Peoples’. I’m working at home and waiting to see/hear the BBC do lengthy pieces on white, indigenous, Brits.
How about a “White British Day ” to celebrate all great achiements and contributions to humanity ?
Keep up – those are overshadowed by Islam’s contributions.
Sorry, I forget !
Rhod Sharp did a little item on this last night and nothing that the UN representative said would seem to prevent people like us who have ‘a spiritual connection to the land’ from being given indigenous status.
The ‘anywheres’ can b***er off anywhere else and take their Arab-supremacist invaders with them.
WTF!! Transformers is real!
Cars in Paris
I’m surprised no one has reported on the Google Fascists which the BBC has been celebrating today.
A worker at the company has been sacked simply for failing to share the one true vision, and in the usual Fascist intolerance of diversity of thought has actually been accused of – well nothing actually other than allegedly perpetrating a negative gender stereotype – if that actually has some meaning.
The BBC are apparently in full support of this action as it fits in with their own Fascist ethos. I shall be limiting my own use of this search engine.
Equality of opportunity
is NOT the same as “Equality of Outcome”.
Anyone of any minority/special group is free to become a software engineer
The outcome that some special groups like women often do not CHOOSE to become software engineers usually happens even though they have Equality of opportunity.
Some people push for special groups to be #MoreThanEqual
Awful snitchy woman…. Wouldn’t happen under sharia I can tell you….
Seems the BBC have decided to create their next Malia.
In passing, that slicked back hair trick worked gangbusters. Serious.
Time to enforce tougher sentences on cars!
The nasty cars can hide among all the other nice cars though so very hard to detect them.
What can one do?
Sky seems to be trying to take the dehumanising to a whole new level:
I am surprised they even mentioned the driver. Surely it should be ” A BMW car is still at large ” ?
This seems……apposite…..
I blame this evil man…….
This is something we must get used to. As cars become smarter they too will begin to suffer from a form of mental issues just as certain people do today.
American birth rate up for the non-hispanic white people –
Depressing news for the muslims.
Cast your collective minds back to 2002, and a terrifying murder spree by two black men which became known as The Beltway sniper attacks.
I can clearly remember this, and imagining the terror of indiscriminate attacks on random individuals going about their business for no apparent reason.
No apparent reason ?
Well it was post 9/11, but the world at that time had not become aware of the risks Islam poses, so reporting could possibly be seen as ignorant rather than biased, save for the fact of the perpetrators statements at their trial.
The perpetrators were John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo – a Jamaican illegal immigrant. John Allen Muhammad was a Muslim convert and member of the notorious Nation of Islam.
Yet the testimony at the trial never seems to have been reported in the UK. Do you remember this?
“While imprisoned, Malvo wrote a number of erratic diatribes about what he termed “jihad” against the United States. “I have been accused on my mission. Allah knows I’m gonna suffer now”, he wrote. Because his rants and drawings featured not only such figures as Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, but also characters from the film series The Matrix, these musings were dismissed as immaterial.
Nonetheless, in at least one of the ensuing murder trials, a Virginia court found Muhammad guilty of killing “pursuant to the direction or order” of terrorism.
Something you were probably never aware of, but why is that when the guilty verdict clearly did find that the motivation was terrorism by way of Islamic Jihad? A string of seeming unconnected victims men women black & white did have something in common, they were not Muslims and therefore fair game for murder.
“At the 2006 trial of Muhammad, Malvo testified that the aim of the killing spree was to kidnap children for the purpose of extorting money from the government and to “set up a camp to train children how to terrorize cities”
It’s just another cover up by the UK media to protect Muslims from their murderous religion, and probably another Jihadist attack which has been presented as inexplicable, when it absolutely was not.
VD is shaping up as a ‘much-catch’ daily:
Impartially of course. It’s a DNA thing. Apparently.
“Arnold Bennett” famous local author of Stoke (Keele) area
Married to Frenchwoman and in the war he was appointed head of Propaganda for France
Maybe not a lefty writer, he was despised by the Bloomsbury set.
his writings “represent a systematic dismemberment of the intellectuals’ case against the masses”
And his first name was Enoch !
4:30pm R4 MediaShow
– John Malone (the cable cowboy who owns VirginMedia ..possibly merging hos Cable TV with Vodaphone)
– newspapers “ripping” content (ie not paying, just like Google/Facebook do)
– online moderation (That means LibMob censoring and banning people that won’t conform to LibSupremacism ?)
Today’s BBC #MoreEqualThan policy
9am From Shame to Pride : novelist Val McDermid, herself in a long-term lesbian partnership
10am Jenni speaks to broadcaster, Anita Rani, and Indian feminist Urvashi Butalia about the violence at partition
11am Stephen K Amos investigates the incredible true story of Ras Prince Monolulu, the first black man ever to appear on British TV screens.
13:45 Five-part series exploring the art and politics of the artists’
9pm Anita Rani on partition of Pakistan
10:45 My Big Gay Jewish Conversion
11:35 I’m Coming Out : Tired of hiding his bisexuality
9-11pm Wooly Lefty stuff
Strangely even Channel 4 isn’t pushing much gay/SJW stuff today.
The BBC ‘making up’ for Channel 4?
R5 Now guest about IMMIGRATION
saying we can’t stop ..people will come “and drop off the radar”
Half of asylum seekers after all appeals are found not to have a case, yet they end up staying anyway.
Hilarious propaganda. A couple who are ‘fleeing Trump’.
Couple moves abroad. Why is this news?
The BBC prints a standard-issue obit for the late Glen Campbell – nothing more than it needs to say, and even then mealy-mouthed and grudging. No proselytizing here, no endless gushing, no grief-stricken mourning for an approved favourite son of the progressive revolution.
Glen’s biggest mistake, as far as progressives are concerned, was his conversion to Christianity in the last twenty years of his remarkable life. That’s an unforgivable mistake. Forget that he was trailblazing back in the 60s, crossing racial divides in a deeply troubled America without a care, working with black musicians and backing singers on a daily basis long before they became a necessary fashion accessory for virtuous white musicians.
Campbell’s legacy is his fantastic musicianship, amazing voice and dignity – both in the face of his addictions and his eventual battle with Alzheimer’s. He was admired for his artistry and his longevity by an entire industry. Nowadays, that’s just not anything to shout about – especially if you’re a bit too white, a bit too Christian.
But imagine if he had converted to Islam. The BBC really are the pits. But , barring the trolls, all of us here know that.
Both local radio did eulogise him
..I guess cos they are not part of MetroBubble
Strangely here since Saturday BBC Radio Leeds has popped up on 92.4FM even though Leeds is not an adjacent area …It’s as if they have boosted the Transmitter power.
It’s about 2 months since our local radio station Radio Lincs actually finally came to be available on DAB.
The BBC at its world classy best.
Apparently the bBC have found somebody new to talk on the subject:
@GuestWho : Is that a J or a D in JHB’s tweet ?
Maybe they thought JHB has expertise somehow
BTW the Indy says the push event took place on May 5th
Why’d it take 2 months to make news ?
Clearly Nick is trying to impress Katty Kay, the stoat…
…when not, as an editor, until now realising it is best to read editorial before publishing.
Now who should be holding off stirring up trouble on Twitter ?
Some of those American citizens are in Guam. Yet NR jokes about threats to them
The BBC is a joke. A bad one.
Their hatred of Trump is trumping any grasp of how serious this all is and the role they are playing making it worse… all round.
Either making silly comments or stirring like fury. Waiting from Pyongyang Katty in her skimpies live OBing anytime soon.
That the UK government allows this shambles to bear this country’s name, much less claim to represent its views, is a mystery.
Beeboids are just irresponsible kids with no idea of the consequences of their words. Meanwhile, what does Treezer of Boris have to say about this serious situation ? Or are they on holiday ?
Clearly hoping any relatives of these guys are avid BBC watchers and no other sources of education or information…–1953
Prick Robinson did not get his name for nothing. For Beeboids all of life is a joke. Wankers.
The bBBC report that a child sex gang in Newcastle have been found guilty.
Here are their names.
Eisa Mousavi, Mohammed Ali, Nashir Uddin, Monjur Choudhury, Taherul Alam, Habibur Rahim, Badrul Hussain, Carolann Gallon, Saiful Islam, AbdulHamid Minoyee, Prabhat Nelli, Abdul Sabe, Jahanger Zaman, Nadeem Aslam, Mohammed Azram, Yassar Hussain, Redwan Siddquee, Mohibur Rahman
I can’t help noticing that indigenous white British citizens seem to be ‘under-represented’.
The bBBC seem to be unable to notice what might possibly connect these people and make almost no comment. But in the finest tradition of ‘burying bad news’ the bBBC is bigging up relentlessly the fact that a convicted child abuser was paid as an informant. Cue interview with Peter Saunders, the NAPAC chair, trying to find someone who is against that aspect and can be ‘offended’ and indignant. Saunders, credit due, did not fall for it. Cue yet more interviews focussing on this aspect with a Police leader.
The world class deliberate shit-stirring is clearly more important than reporting on the ‘minorities’ who systematically abuse our young people..
Totally disgusting editorialising. Appalling in standards, taste, choices, and basic humanity.
BBC TV News just now: “Barcelona, Munich, Westminster, Finsbury Park – Can More Be Done to Prevent Vehicle Attacks?”
Gordon Corera item on crash barriers, obstacles etc. Because that is what is behind this spate of attacks, not enough barriers!