Here you go, a new Open Thread. I see the BBC equates President Trump with Kim Jung Un and chooses to present Trump as the real menace to peace. Sickening.
One thing I’ve noticed is the left (looking at the bBC) go well out of their way in which to destroy anything and everything the British are proud of , in this case ‘Dunkirk’
Yes it was a huge disaster, yet it was a disaster of French /Belgium and Dutch making. Now I don’t mock the sacrifice made by the people of those countries, yet the fact remains the British contingent in Europe consisted of 13 Divisions (Approx. 10% of the allied force) The French has 117 divisions, the Belgium 22 and the Dutch 10. Other than Belgium, everybody came under the control of France. Paris said jump, everybody else said “How high?” Which is why the Germans knew exactly how to outflank them.
Belgium had built the biggest and most powerful fort in the world at Eben-Emael it was reputed to be impregnable, manned by 2000 men it was designed to hold off the Germans long enough over the Albert canal crossing for the low countries to mobilise and flood their canals in which to stop any German advance. On the 10 May 1940, 78 German paratroopers captured it in one night. 18 days later Neutral Belgium surrendered . Holland took 4 days to surrender (10-14 May)
The French had presumed that they would have time (3-4 weeks) in which to secure the low countries found itself caught short when the Germans took 4 days. Not only that but for some strange reason the French deployed 2 of its 3 armies behind the Maginot line , the weakest was the one they placed in the north to defend the low countries gap..
Out of all the battles fought during May 1940, only one shocked and scared the Germans. The Battle of Arras where the British/French counterattack pushed the Germans back and so scared Hitler, he halted the German advance in which to allow his troops to rest and resupply. Not only that but the speed of the advancing troops was also reduced on their march to the channel ports , which allowed more troops to be saved. But there’s parts of the story which isn’t even mentioned , for example the Canadians and Scots landed in Normandy and advanced 200 miles towards Paris, before being told to return to the UK. The vast majority of French troops taken off the beaches of Dunkirk were returned to France. And whilst the RAF was sending planes to France to fight, the French were sending theirs to safety in Algeria.
Yet to the revisionists at the bBC, France fell because of the UK.
You have to be fair to plucky little Belgium (Ed: Why?) our long-time allies and the birthplace of our great friend their former PM Guy Verhofrothingstadt. Wiki give the Nazi para force at 494 and only about 1,200 plucky little Belgamians.
Odds of about 2:1 defenders (of an impregnable, Belgamian fortress) against those Nazi terrors who are now ass-cheek by jowl alongside the plucky Belgamians in the peace-keeping EU and it STILL took the Hun all of about 14 hours to take it!
Poirot trilby-chapeau to the plucky little Belgamians I say!
(Twice now we’ve saved the useless bastards and they still want to urinate on us!)
Well said ! Plucky ? Did you run that through spellcheck ? Is this the Belgium that would not sell us ammo in the Falklands War ? It is not even a real country. It is a joke. The same Belgium that committed appalling atrocities in Africa against defenceless Africans ? The same Belgium that did not have the balls to fight the Germans ? As I say, joke country, joke people.
Yes. Belgium is not even a real country. It was cobbled together in 1830 by Lord Melbourne as a DMZ between France and Holland. He then, wisely IMHO, declined to become its king.
I used to live in Dusseldorf and Maastricht was just over the border. I went out of my way to visit as many battlefields and museums during my 8 years there. Eben Emael was a fav of mine as it was the use of German Combat Engineers using beehives (Their first use) which knocked the fort out. (I joined the army as a Combat Engineer) so I know the history very well. However using the same source as your good self it states: “Hauptmann Koch divided his force into four assault groups. Group Granite, under Oberleutnant Rudolf Witzig, composed of eighty-five men in eleven gliders whose task would be to assault and capture Fort Eben Emael; Group Steel, commanded by Oberleutnant Gustav Altmann, and formed of ninety-two men and nine gliders, would capture the Veldwezelt bridge; Group Concrete, commanded by Leutnant Gerhard Schacht and composed of ninety-six men in eleven gliders, would capture the Vroenhoven bridge; and Group Iron, under Leutnant Martin Schächter, composed of ninety men in ten gliders, who would capture the Kanne bridge.”
Only one of the groups was tasked with the fort (Steel) and of those 11 gliders one landed elsewhere, making it 78 paratroopers. and not 85.
I didn’t read all of the article, certainly not enough to make a reasoned comment, but I didn’t really want to. I wanted to take the rise out of the Belgamians but my attempt at irony clearly didn’t come through.
Don’t know if the BBC have reported this, but Barnardos are running a campaign against FGM. Good. The girl in the photo in the publicity material is er……. white !
I’ve not seen the Barnardos’ campaign. I wonder if their chief executive, Javed Khan, is involved?
Since its inception, Barnardos has always been controversial. Its founder went to court on 88 occasions, usually on charges of kidnapping, which he described as ‘philanthropic abduction’. A particular speciality was exporting children to the colonies – especially Australia – where many endured forced labour, exploitation and sexual abuse. Some of these children had been falsely labelled as orphans. The following government paper summarises the period from 1914 onwards, but Barnardo’s and other organisations were very active in this white slave trade before WWI.
My Great Grandfather was a `Barnados` boy and was shipped out to Canada at the turn of the century… When he got there he was used as forced labour on farms…
Norman Hepton was his name….. I would say that being shipped out to work on Canadain farms was only marginally better than being placed in a workhouse… His crime was apparently being orphaned…
What an important piece of family history you have there!
Isn’t it ironic that slavery is making the news often now but you don’t here about this….Wonder why !!
BBC2 are showing a programme called ‘The sweet factory’ set in the Tudor and Georgian periods presumably the next is Victorian as I haven’t watched it yet. There are the obligatory black contributors to our history of sweet making and also the obligatory ten minute anti white hate fest in each episode because of ‘our’ slave sugar trade. The young black girl dutifully cries in each ( well the two I have seen so far ) episode, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. An interesting programme that can only be watched on SKY Plus so you can forward through the anti white parts.
What that documentary searies fails to mention is that prior to the use of african slaves the Sugar Cane industry mainly relied upon forced slave labourers from Ireland…..
Here are three more related newspaper cuttings regarding my Great Grandfathers time as a Barnados boy…
As you can see once they were finished being used as slave labour on one farm, they were immediately transferred to another farm…. apparently once they became adults, thier use as farmhands was no longer applicable.. Probably due to them having to be paid to do the work….
White British children sent to the colonies for exploitation – and in return mass import of cheap ethnic labour into Britain post WWII. Britain has been permanently changed.
I`ve not recieved a single missive from the BBC since this happened …..
They automatically invoked thier right to access my property for me which was a nice outcome for myself, I`ve got two or three more years to go before they knock on my door again, my last coversation with the dickhead who tried and failed to engage me will meet with the same outcome…
The cartel have updated their story now (how long can they hold back on telling the truth for?..)…The French state and Al ShabeeBBC still have no clue what happened, if the car is still ultimately responsible, and what the motive is…
Love these paragraphs from the article…
“An urgent police operation is now under way to find the vehicle – reportedly a BMW – and driver involved in the incident in the north-western suburb of Levallois-Perret.” – Clearly car first then..
“A police hunt is under way for the car and its driver. Police have been more cautious about assigning a motive, saying only that the driver appeared to have acted deliberately” – Yes because unless they get to question that car, they will never truly know whats happened! Haha!
I think they will find its not a BMW but a Camaro…
I’m hearing that the car was using a fake identity and that during a chase, it abandoned its driver in the road, leaving him for dead as it left the road and made it’s escape through dense woodland without him.
Police are looking at the stereo as a possible source of religeous chanting.
“Car ‘lay in wait’
He said a vehicle had been waiting in the road for the soldiers to emerge as they came on duty.
“It was a BMW which accelerated very quickly the moment they came out.”
No wonder these campaigners are trying to ban cars-they really are becoming a menace!
Maybe this is why Sad Dick Khan is concerned about diesel cars causing deaths-no mention of the so called religion of the drivers.
Now forgive me but I was thinking this kind of thing couldn’t happen at the BBC.
Being the person watching is probably ex university and has gone through diversity and awareness courses, he’s either a perv who slipped through the net, or a useless employee who failed to consider the risks of doing what could be a legitimate task on a screen in public view. Bye bye bad guy!
(1) A BBC presenter, making a protest against sexist pay at the BBC, where some mediocrities are paid even more obscene wages than other mediocrities?
(2) An ordinary member of the public (i.e. BBC employee or their partner) preparing for a programme on breast feeding in public for the VD show?
(3) Not actually a woman at all, but a transgendered individual about to complain about his NHS boob job?
What has really shocked me is that, it is a girl stripping off and over age. I would have expected an under age boy. The BBC’s standards are really slipping.
The eye-watering travel bill racked up by unelected European Commissioners was finally made public today after campaigners waged a three year battle to access their expenses claims. The hard-won disclosure reveals the 28 Commissioners spent almost half a million Euro on visits during the first two months of 2016 alone (the only period for which documents have been released). A dossier of claims submitted by Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker includes an astonishing €27,000 bill for a two-day trip to Rome. (Must have been a good wine list…)
Juncker, based in Brussels, also claimed nearly €2000 for a one night trip to Berlin (a single ticket on a budget airline costs around €25 Euro). He claimed for minor excursions despite his €324,377 (£275,275) salary: he was paid €48 in ‘daily allowances’ to attend a meeting in Germany with Martin Schulz. (Wonder what that went on…)
The data, which can be viewed thanks to a campaign led by Access Info Europe, shows the Commissioners enjoyed 261 official trips in January and Feburary 2016. Other tax-payer funded extravagances included splurging on ‘air taxis’ – chartered planes – by foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini, who spent €75,000 in a single trip to Azerbaijan. Christos Stylianides, the commissioner for humanitarian aid, claimed €11,000 for a trip to Somalia and Turkey. (Makes a change from using planes owned by lobbyists…)
Despite the embarrassing release, the Commission still has the brass neck to resist further disclosures covering the remainder of 2016, saying this would impose an “excessive administrative burden”.
For three years the EU has tried to block transparency on Commissioners’ expenses at every turn. Helen Darbishire, Executive Director of Access Info Europe, said: “Giving 120 requesters only two months’ worth of expenses data is a token gesture…The real cost here is not the cost of processing data, but rather it’s the cost to the credibility of and trust in the European Commission when it refuses to publish basic information about the spending of taxpayers’ funds.”
(Thankfully the British taxpayer will no longer be funding Juncker’s junkets…)
I bet the BBC are outraged by this and urgently bringing it to the attention of the general public?
Oh well-Julia Hartley Brewer is going to discuss it next on Talk Radio right after she has finished pointing out how disgusting is the “modus operandum” for the “mainly Muslim” rape gang.
She is specifically bringing attention to the fact and reiterated “not Asian but Muslim men”.
Huge increase in the level of unemployed? Huge drain on public resources like health care, education, and housing from a huge increase in non-tax paying, 100% state dependant ‘citizens’? Massive increase in rapes, violent crime, criminality?
How has Denmark truly been affected by the unrelenting wave of economic and Islamic invaders? Surely thats what we need our journalists to find out and tell people like us, so we all learn from the reality of what our traitorous elite have manufactured and how it has changed the very fabric of Europe itself…..we do not have history to help us answer these very important questions as war and bloodshed have always followed such disastrous acts of stupidity and self suicide made by states …so surely now is the time to get some facts and data and make us all aware…
Do we get this from the Al ShabeeBBC? Do we fook! Its pure crystal meth addict fantasy BS! Even the Nazi propaganda department would cringe at how obviously fake and deceitful this pure propaganda piece of horse sh!t is!
To summarise…the author, the Islamic Al Beeb, the government of Denamrk, the EU and all the other traitors and self-hating psychopaths that are committing state suicide could only find a woman who helps teach woman who have been raped to cook (by Muslims? Are they even real cases? Have you fact checked her?) and a man who makes videos for morons!
Arent you glad that the greatest civilisations on earth are eagerly being dragged down to the gutter to ensure our lunatic lefties all feel morally superior than the white men they hate…
Apologies if I am reposting this – I couldn’t find it anywhere else on B-BBC. BBC III delves new depths in its lust for Islam in the normalisation of burqas and to demonise us evil kafirs.
A churlish video of girls in burqas squeaking and screeching – to juvenile music – about how amazing it is to wear a bin liner (no mention of avoiding the assaults from their men). Unwittingly, however, the video exposes exactly the problem. Too many to pick from but my personal favourite is when one burqa-clad cretin is asked: “Do you appreciate British values?”
Her response: “I have fish and chips.”
When someone answers “fish and chips” to a question on values, you know we are doomed.
I won’t be expecting “Things Not to Say to Someone R@ped By A Pakistani Grooming Gang From The Age Of 12” or “Things Not to Say To Someone Whose Child Has Been Shredded By A Nail Bomb At An Ariana Grande Concert” any time soon.
BBC Trending sometimes takes a completely different tack from the rest of the BBC. Relevant to the question are women being forced into particular clothing: Saudia Airlines warn passengers of strict dress code
Perhaps they will fly an other Gulf airline where women throw off the Burqa the moment they are airborne and finish the trip in comfortable clothes?
LGBT is now branded, “….a serious Global problem”. I’ll say it is, but not for the reasons proclaimed in this document!
And to think, there are serious academics involved in this debacle.
However, press on. Now suggestions of rewriting/reinterpreting the Bible to accommodate LGBT!
Read on, it’ll make your hair curl.
I just skim read the early pages. It is very dishonest to pretend there is some equivalence between Christian and Islamic attitudes to gays. If I were gay, I know which society I would prefer to live in. At least I would be allowed to live . Any gay marriages in muslim countries ?
To my knowledge I’ve only known one homosexual so my opinion on all within the so-called, LGBT fraternity stems from that. I hasten to add that I did not have a ‘relationship’ with him other than professional. He played the organ (sorry but its true), in the local Baptist Church. He was utterly shameless with his promiscuity. Even tried to proposition me once in the knowledge that I did not share his proclivities. Similar men of the same persuasion came and went in his home – more akin to studying the comings or goings in a supermarket entrance.
He was in his mid-forties when he died of AIDS.
It is interesting that today my social media timelines are rammed with national day good wishes from and to Singaporeans, irrespective of race or faith.
If repeated here, most would see Emily Thornbury harrumphing around the Today studio or a ticking off from The Metwits.
I was in Singapore for 3 nights many years ago. Stayed in a hotel quite near “Harry’s Place “. By the way does Singapore have open borders and unlimited immigration ?
“By the way does Singapore have open borders and unlimited immigration ?”
Size of the Isle of Wight but with (when I lived there) 2.5 million people living on it. So, I doubt it.
Singapore now has 5 million people, many of whom are carefully chosen migrants.
Singapore doesn’t wait for people to apply — it goes out and gets the ones it wants. You can’t just lob up in Singapore and ask to migrate. They send out job applications, and if you fit what they’re looking for, they lay down the red carpet for you, but if you misbehave, then you get booted out in short order.
The country’s not to everyone’s taste, nor are the people, but there’s no denying that it works.
Singapore has ‘evolved’ with the passing of Lee Kuan Yew, its ‘founding father’.
The new generation, with his son rather dynastically at the helm, are not really of the same calibre, and meritocracy seems more geared to jobs for the generals. Certainly their awesome public transport is not faring as well under the current leadership.
Singapore welcomes one and all, and you are scanned every which way coming and in and ensuring you leave when required. You can get a job if you look set to earn enough and better still employ others. Otherwise enjoy your visit. Seems fair.
A few imported contract workers have tried to stir up things based on race or faith, but I would not want to piss off the Singaporean secret services too much. The prisons are not better than Changi was back in the day. A drug dealer tried to run a police roadblock not long ago and got a 9mm reminder not to repeat the mistake. Few in the population mourned his loss. The state broadcaster there seemed also cool, surprisingly. I would still not advocate Jon Snow risk trying to sneak a spliff in.
No social services or benefits to speak of, even for citizens. 40% of salary taken from worker and employer and held as CPF until retirement. Makes NI look a joke. Pretty smart. But struggling even so.
They are trying to prop things up ethnically by fast tracking PRCs, especially on low end jobs, but this is causing problems elsewhere as they do not speak English or have too great a grasp of cultural niceties.
That all said, it is a pretty slick operation still. And one thing impresses me above all, and that is the people are Singaporeans first, love their country, and only then start to worry about differences that are almost still all diversities actually to be celebrated.
I see the BBC website proudly and prominently reporting on a single white rapist whilst industrial scale crimes perpetrated my multiple offenders of another ethnicity and ideology are thrown straight down the memory hole. Good to see the Beeb discriminating in favour of straight white men for once.
When I consider the Brexit mess, and the power that these nasty EU bureaucrats plus the vile Merkel appear to hold over the UK, I am always sadly reminded of something that Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring said in 1943 about Britain’s capabilities.
It makes me furious when I see the Mosquito. I turn green and yellow with envy. The British, who can afford aluminium better than we can, knock together a beautiful wooden aircraft that every piano factory over there is building, and they give it a speed which they have now increased yet again. What do you make of that? There is nothing the British do not have. They have the geniuses and we have the nincompoops. After the war is over I’m going to buy a British radio set – then at least I’ll own something that has always worked.
Sounds like Trump is quoting Truman post-Hiroshima: "a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth"
— Ezra No Dream No Vote Levin (@ezralevin) August 9, 2017
Pres Trump's statement on North Korea, borrows a phrase from Pres Harry Truman on Aug 6 1945, on use of atomic bomb against Japan
No-one can accuse Trump of being subtle ! I am sure they will be sending private messages to Kim and to the Chinese that there will be a nuclear strike if Kim launches an attack. Also bet that the N. Korea leadership, including military , will be hiding away somewhere .
I hope and would like to believe the BBC were not being deliberately deceitful with WatO on Radio 4 today, merely carelessly incompetent. Certainly the news item about the car attack on soldiers in Paris and attributing it to the enhanced security following the Charlie Hebdo attack could be put down to careless script writing. Perhaps by a new graduate trainee fresh from University, covering for someone more experienced who is on holiday?
However, trying to claim that the EU Leave vote was a consequence of the Credit Crunch and Bank Crash was definitely deliberate deception. After all, the EU Referendum narrative that the BBC has helped to construct is that Leave voters were elderly, ill-educated, well-off retired people to a man or woman, not young unemployed graduates. Then doing so again later in the programme and adding in the election of Donald Trump, the so-called rise of so-called ‘populism’ and other political movements across Europe (why didn’t they add in Venezuela and North Korea for good measure?) definitely makes it one of the worst pieces of FakeNews AND FalseNews I have recently heard from the BBC on Radio4.
It does suggest a measure of deliberate deception, especially the sound clips used that jumbled the time line from 9 August 2007 to other days in the two years that followed. Then they omitted any reference to Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac and the warnings given to world leaders back in the February of 2007. They stated that Lehmans failed in October when it was September 2008 when it filed for Chapter 11 protection and omitted the first warning that came from RBS, the recently acquired Amro subsidiary failure and the UK retail crash that followed Northern Rock’s initial problems.
I used to be the GM running a foreign bank in the City. I would never lend to Northen CRook because its mortgage lending policy was a complete joke. It’s collapse at one time or another was inevitable.
For years I argued, foolish me, with know-nothing blowhards on the old Al Beeb message boards that it was the lack of any adequate supervision by BrownBallsMilipedeminor which led to the several U.K. bank failures, two of which were Scottish banks. I always got the response that a) the Tories wanted less supervision – no they wanted effective supervision with a light touch by other than juvenile schoolboy box-tickers who couldn’t even pose reasonable let alone probing questions, b) it started in America – no the CRock was first, almost a year before Lehman, c) it was Fatcher’s fault, and d) it was not Broon’s Scottish banks which were the biggest disaster as they weren’t headquartered in Scotland – unfortunately I had given up the ghost on educating them by the time the Scottish independence referendum showed RBoS looking to relocate its HQ out of Edinburgh to England if the little Jockies had gotten their dumbass way.
PG, I was probably on the same Blog and HYS boards!
The BBC today were trying to repeat, with Alastair Darling’s help, that it all started in America and involved the whole world. Oh no it didn’t x 2!
Much of the world was left unscathed by the Credit Crunch and Banking Crash. And it started here as much over there. I used to remind people on those message boards where CDOs were invented and who by. Some of them didn’t like that too much.
I think Thatcher’s deregulation did play a part in the whole thing but there were so many factors. A perfect storm from a collection of winds from afar.
I didn’t join all the dots like a few others did but I was concerned about low pay at the lowest levels in banks, the BTL property boom, the siphoning of State Benefits into private hands via same, the excessive State employment, the fact that inflation and unemployment were ridiculously high in the UK during an economic boom (despite all that State employment) and for a world mostly enjoying deflation.
There is nothing wrong with sub-prime lending as such as long as the risk is born by the lender. What we did not know is that there was outright criminality from a few individuals going on with lots of sub-prime mortgages getting bundled with better quality stuff and sold on and on and on without anyway of providing an audit of value at any point in time.
Agree with all of that but I would add that I was particularly strident about the increase in government debt from 2002 despite the booming economy when the idiot Brown started re-distributing my money in the form of increased benefits, to everyone but my family it seemed to me. This coincided with BrownBallsMrsBollox’s televised uttering about having ‘repaid’ debt or ‘prudence’, neither of which were remotely close to the truth.
My hatred of Al Beeb’s bias really started then – they never queried these lies, not Humpty nor Numpty nor any of their highly paid interviewers despite the facts being out there. In 2005 they started the new metric of ‘debt to gdp’ to prove that the wikkid Tories were worse at the economy, despite the economy being a bubble.
From the Guardian an actual quote relating to the latest grooming trial.
Badrul Hussain – who was found guilty of providing premises for drug supply – was caught traveling on public transport without a ticket. The female ticket inspector claimed that he shouted at her: “All white women are only good for one thing. For men like me to fuck and use like trash. That’s all women like you are worth.”
The rest of us call it rape . How typical of the perverted sickos at the BBC to try and minimise the offences , just because they are committed by their beloved muslim paedophiles . Beeboids make me vomit.
I think at this stage we can safely assume that any town with a muslim population has a thriving rape culture to go with it. It is all part of our cultural enrichment, and yet another example of immigrants doing the jobs the British just won’t do.
This is a wave of child abuse and rape across the entire country with one common denominator: islam. Yet as far as the BBC and the left wing elite is concerned, it is just a few bad apples, and all is well. Can a nation ruled by such moral imbeciles hope to survive?
The main requisites seem to be a growing,untouchable Muslim population , a cowardly PC ridden Police’ force’ and a Labour local authority largely dependent on the Muslim vote to maintain power.
The social worker at the press conference said as much .She said any authority who doesn’t think they have the same problem is burying their head in the sand.
1 Asian paed rape gang but no details of those convicted e.g. The number of ‘mo’ s nor anything about the victims . In fact al beeb concentrated on the plods use of an informant who they paid . Pretty sure no Beeboid mentioned muslims or Islam . You beauty . The PC NSPCC bod didn’t like this and sounded like he might have been one of those National Trust right on types .
2 impending world war
3 hillsborough ex police in court
4 another sob story milking the tower block . Counselling all round .
5 car attacks and injured 8 soldiers in France . No mention of cars’ motive . The car was shot to stop it. Not sure if car is mental or Muslim or both
Had enough by then. I bet if Guam disappears in a mushroom cloud they’ll lead with brexit causing global warming and tower block fires .
I am impressed the Beeb reported on the Newcastle grooming case.
When I saw one white face amongst the ‘Asian’ perpetrators I shed a tear of joy and felt a surge of patriotic pride. What fantastic integration! The harmonious melting pot has finally worked! O praise this glorious day! Cultural Marxists will rejoice the world over. Though maybe her sentence should be especially harsh as she is also guilty or cultural appropriation.
So, Rotherham, Oxford, Rochdale and Newcastle and so on…. Muslim sex gangs will be operating in every city up and down the land yet if anyone says anything they’re accused of being ‘racist’. These scum should be hung immediately and their families forced to pay the bill for rope.
The creepy Mark Easton on Al Beeb news about 17.10 suggesting that police confirming that there was no political correctness STILL refuses to use the term ‘Muslim’, preferring to use ‘Asian’. If that isn’t PC I don’t know what is.
As for the Newcastle ‘Muslim’ councillor suggesting that other (white, Protestant or Catholic) communities need to look at themselves and citing Savile in justification, words fail me. No comparison in scale and numbers.
When they make such patently absurd comparisons like that they only make themselves look ridiculous.
If so many cases come to court even with the entire establishment desperate to cover up the crimes, the true extent of the offences must beggar belief. I find it hard to believe that it just started a decade or so ago. It must have been going on for much longer than that. There have been no official prosecutions in Luton where we know it has been a big problem.
George Alagaiah to Mark Easton on the six o’clock news re Newcastle rapes: “I think I know what people will be thinking – shock at paying a criminal for information”. Er.. no actually (except in the BBC bubble), what the ‘ people’ are thinking is ” What is it with these Muslim creeps, and how long are we going to put up with it ? “
Beeboids are perverts. What is shocking are the rapes and how long they got they got away with it. Shits like Alagaiah and Easton don’t give a flying F about the victims.
Am I missing something? Who would be surprised at paying criminals? Almost every 70s and 80s TV drama had the local ‘grass’ being handed a five pound note and a packet of B&H by Jack Regan or some other detective, usually while they sat in the back of a strip club. Have more recent, feminised detective serials abolished this practice?
I don’t think white people have tried to hide their disgust of Savile, but there was a cover up. It was a cover up which, IMO, can be put down to mindless celebrity worship which I believe we have to admit is a problem both inside and outside the BBC. A small number of other people in prisons and parts of the NHS don’t come out of it smelling of roses either. However, outside the BBC, the disgust at Savile was so deep that his tawdry gravestone had to be removed.
The Left has been telling us for years that racially motivated crimes are worse. There was no racial angle to Savile’s crimes as far as I’m aware, whereas the groomers are specifically targetting white girls, so now the goalposts have been moved and the racial angle does not seem to matter very much. This is typical.
The most disturbing aspect of the large scale Muslim grooming, to me, is that the groomers seem to be able to rely automatically on the cooperation of friends and relatives. That is very hard to rationalise away. I don’t know of a parallel anywhere else. Even the Mafia has higher standards.
Uncontrolled immigration has allowed communities to develop with attitudes and beliefs which are totally alien. They are large enough to be self sustaining, with no prospect of integration. It is too late for that. We were warned but we didn’t listen, and we ignored early signs of trouble in northern cities. In fact many people in the North ignored the warnings around them. Due to the accelerated increase thanks to Merkel, the wheels are coming off all over Europe but at least the problem is more out in the open, if not the “open” as the BBC understands it. Younger generations are in for a rough ride I think.
So far as the BBC is concerned, criticism if its bias seems to be everwhere these days. Only of few years ago it was confined to sites like this one. I don’t think the wretched BBC Tax will be with us in 10 years’ time, preferably less.
Newcastle police spokesman trying desperately not to say anything ‘racist’ or ‘islamophobic’ that would cost him his job. But so eager is he to show that it’s not just Pakistanis, that he lets slip that those arrested in the operation came from many communities: Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Turkish, Iraqi, Syrian, Indian, Albanian… (+ some I forget)…
Now would could all those ‘communities’ possibly have in common?
Now would could all those ‘communities’ possibly have in common?
1) They all voted Labour
2) They are all child refugees
3)They live off Benefits
4) All have Lilly Allen on Speed dial
5) None have been described as..paedophiles (why is that?)
6) All came to the UK in which to become doctors. 7) All are Islamic child rapists
“those arrested in the operation came from many communities: Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Turkish, Iraqi, Syrian, Indian, Albanian”
Plod doesn’t realise that makes it even worse (if such a thing is possible). It is – just, conceivably – possible to imagine that there is something about a particular country that makes a particular perversion more prevalent there. But when we are talking multiple countries and different races, then it confirms that there is a different common thread. And everyone knows what it is, which is precisely why Plod, the BBC and the Government will not say it.
Warning to prospective bacon throwers. If you are caught throwing bacon sarnies at a mosque there are 18 more offended Moslems waiting to beat the shit out of you when you arrive in jail. And the Home Office will do sod all to protect you.
Now what could all those ‘communities’ possibly have in common?
How about the fact that none of them should be here?
The British people were never, ever asked if they wanted to be invaded by these immigrants. Now, they have proven to be an active threat to our children. They have brought to our country a culture of mass child rape hitherto unkown. They should never have been allowed in this country, and if we wish to survive as a country, they need to go.
Meanwhile, on the BBC, Nadiya has got a new cooking show, and all is well…
7 hours later the bBC decided to report the same story, well actually a different version of it.
Anybody else impressed by the bBC edit which not only glosses over the expenses abuse by the EU, but how they end with: UKIP MEP Nigel Farage, whose own expenses claims have come under scrutiny in the past, said Mr Juncker’s use of a private plane over a commercial option was “outrageous”.
The bBC, the public service child rapists who not only have no problem wasting public cash, but will go out of their way in which to cover up EU abuses unless of course your name is Nigel.
I confess to being a little out to touch with the accomplice offences in criminal law but, members of the Government and/or MP’s are not exempt. So, now listening to the soul-searching taking place, egged-on by the BBC, in relation to the current UK muslim atrocity in Newcastle and whether it was right that a bribe was paid to one of the muslim “gang” for information leading to the whole “gangs” arrest I simply say, arrest those in the Government directly responsible for letting these people into the country. Simple. There is no Statute of Limitation for the criminal law so time lapsed is irrelevant, what are the police waiting for?
Search for when the individual Defendant came into the country and the Government department responsible for allowing the muslim in to stay – was that Minister or official aware of the religious background of that ‘migrant’ and the likelihood that a muslim would exercise the same disgusting practices from their country of origin wholly in line with islam. In the absence of any so-called, “Integration” policy or procedure, were these people just to be let loose on the rest of the UK population? I guess so. So someone has to be an accomplice otherwise these dregs of humanity would not be here.
If a driver of a get-away-car in a robbery with no idea of the crime about to be committed with their assistance is prosecuted along with all the rest of the gang, no Government Minister, ex or current, should be allowed to escape the law.
I just had an email from 38 degrees . No idea how they got my email address. ” Trump is provoking N. Korea . Please sign this petition “. These people are mentally deranged .
If North Korea were to land a nuclear bomb on a US city stand by for Dimbelby stuffing his Question Time show with Norks and fellow travelling communists from Left Unity, Momentum and Class War.
Predictably, al beeb seeks to divert attention from the perpetrators of the paedophile rapes to the issue of police paying criminal informants, seeking to make that the big ethical question.
One overpaid newsreader said something like, “I know people will be horrified that the police paid an informant…”
Is this a form of brainwashing? Subliminally TELLING the public to be horrified by that (minor) issue rather than the truly horrifying issue of mass, sustained, pervasive, violent, muslim paedo rape gangs.
The Paedophile Broadcasting Corp now sanctimoniously asking ‘Could the rapists have been stopped earlier?’
YES you cnuts:
1) if people like YOU hadn’t created a climate of thought where the police couldn’t operate for fear of YOU calling them racists at every turn.
2) If you’d looked into these crimes years ago instead of hushing them up. They’ve been known about for decades!
They really don’t do them selves any favours on the honesty front do they ? However much they are selective in their facts any British person would know or guess what it’s about – however much they don’t want to know about it . Any one with young daughters need to worry in cities with Asians because they are not as safe as they should be.
I wonder what the ” community” as al beeb describes non whites – are doing about their animals .
What did these cultural Marxists expect? Did they genuinely believe that minority cultures were not in power due to ‘oppression’ or because they obviously are just not as good? If you think it is ok to enslave women, attack people with acid or aspire to become a gangster – maybe even rap about it – then of course your society will not succeed.
How can we ever undo this mess? Is is so entrenched as the enemy has taken the media, education and the legal system. Blair’s anthem was Things Can Only Get Better. Yet as each day brings new horrors it is clear things can only get worse.
BBC News Channel anchor Chris Rogers plays host to ghost of Christmas past Vince Cable.
We may know him as the bad santa who predicted thirteen out of the last three recessions but our Chris is lauding the old codger as though he were some cross between Nostradamus and Warren Buffett
Rogers then goes into a remarkable editorial about Sir Vince being so very very right about just about everything and yet the voters for reason or reasons unknown to the BBC just not voting Lib Dem
The unsubtle Rogers doesn’t leave Cable much time to self-depricate before edging the superannuated Jonah onto the main business in hand which is inevitably the Brexit “cliff edge”
Looking somewhat well-tanned, no doubt having had his hols in warmer climbs, the old hobo soon gets the bums rush from Rogers who seems pressed for time and needs to give at least the BBC appearance (fee) of balance….
Cable backtracks : “I’m just describing a situation – it may not happen”
Much of the beebistan reporting on the N Korean standoff is sliding towards a narrative of moral equivalence: a showdown between two belligerent madmen. Now hang on: One runs a Communist dictatorship of terror, has reduced his country to serfdom and famine, has his political enemies murdered, sometimes eaten alive by dogs, and is constantly war mongering, developing nuclear weapons and long range missiles, and destabilising the whole region. The other is the democratically elected leader of a mature democracy, whose main crime is a dodgy hairdo. Equivalence?
(They used to do the same during the Cold War: capitalism and communism were morally equivalent and the beeb was the ‘honest broker’.)
BBC is auditioning non professionals for announcers job. Someone called Emanuelle is upcoming, and Alice Arnold is finding her accent ‘seductive’. Watch out Claire ! Keep your hand on your ha’penny Emanuelle !
Since when has the BBC been recruiting “professionals”, as I understand it?
The days when presenters, announcers, news readers ets were able to pronounce words correctly and with consistency, took the trouble a learn a little about what they were talking about, avoided bias, knew how to phrase questions succinctly, and avoided inane chat, are long since gone.
I’m sure Emmanuelle has a nice accent for an episode or two of ‘Allo Allo’ but I thought the object of the exercise was to find new voices to make announcements on the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation.
Naive of me, I know.
albeebi – “These trials involved 26 defendants, who were mostly Asian, facing a total of more than 100 charges and 22 victims.
Those prosecuted were from the Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian and Turkish communities and mainly British-born, with most living in the West End of Newcastle.
Of the 26, three people have been jailed. The rest will be sentenced next month.”
They should throw away the key with this bunch of “mostly Asian” scumbags (as far as I can see 17 of the 18) with one weird looking Caucasian “female”(?) ..a “Carolann Gallon (shame on you.. you piece of filth)!..sadly they won’t!!
I’m surprised no one has reported on the Google Fascists which the BBC has been celebrating today.
A worker at the company has been sacked simply for failing to share the one true vision, and in the usual Fascist intolerance of diversity of thought has actually been accused of – well nothing actually other than allegedly perpetrating a negative gender stereotype – if that actually has some meaning.
The BBC are apparently in full support of this action as it fits in with their own Fascist ethos. I shall be limiting my own use of this search engine.
At last, the beeb are doing an in-depth report on muslim paedophile rapists and traffickers.
Might shed some light on what it is about the religion of peace that produces so many perverts.
Oh, hang on – no: the beeb are doing an in-depth investigation into the POLICE use of a criminal informant.
Good old beeb, missing the big issue as usual.
But they do ask why for years the police took no action despite being aware of muslim rape cases (my words of course, they never use the m word).
Well beeb, for exactly the same reasons as YOU took no action for years despite being aware of such cases, despite your obscene sprawling empire of regional bureaux and overpaid hacks: cowardice, political correctness and islamophilia.
And there will be more as its has been operating on an ‘industrial scale’ for some time.
The NSPCC has been critical, but what have they been doing for their wages?
“”It is for individual communities (??) to ask themselves whether they are doing all they can to eradicate such attitudes and behaviour so that the stigma and shame attached to such people prevents it from rearing its head again.””
Why can’t he say ‘Muslim Communities’ rather than ‘individual communities’?
sadly ..”PC” is all that matters to them anymore..the spineless waste of space. Robert Peel must be turning in his grave…such a national disgrace as they undoubtedly are!
On the ten o clock news a Newcastle councillor who was also one of the ‘Asian’ people said something about “the white people should be asking themselves about Jimmy Saville”.
FFS! He was one person and he was nowhere near as bad as what these Muslim gangs are doing, and he was covered up by the BBC!
The Left and the Muslims are certainly getting their moneys worth out of Jimmy Saville!
When the BBC is reduced to facilitating promoting one of their own’s failings by way of distracting from a delusional pet narrative continually going tits up, things are pretty screwed.
On the ten o clock news a Newcastle councillor who was also one of the ‘Asian’ people said something about “the white people should be asking themselves about Jimmy Saville”.
I noticed that, whilst the bBC is quick to bemoan the use of cash payment in which to catch these followers of Islam from the inside. (Oh sorry, the bBC forgot to mention that due to everybody in the dock being Islamic (Other than the white woman) it was a closed shop and could only be infiltrated from the inside. (You know like when the bBC secretes somebody into a story like the Police/Factory/School/ etc) Well here is a bit more on Councillor Dipu Sultan Ahad : Sack Local Councillor For Elswick Ward Dipu Ahad Dipu Sultan Ahad has shamed NUFC fans everywhere by implying that Newcastle United fans are members or supporters of the Islamic State Jihadist extremist terrorists. The Labour Councillor for Elswick ward in Newcastle upon Tyne posted a public picture on his Twitter and Facebook pages showing Islamic State terrorists holding a Newcastle United flag with the caption “Tony Army!!” The terrorist in my family behind London bomb plot that I should have reported to police When Newcastle councillor Dipu Ahad heard that the Manchester suicide bomber was 22-year-old British-born Salman Abedi, he thought instantly of one of his own. Both young Muslim men grew up on UK shores and both were part of organised terrorist networks. In 2012 Dipu’s cousin’s son, who he calls his nephew, Omar Latif, was jailed in February 2012 for his role in a terror cell which plotted a “Mumbai-style” assault and a bomb attack on the London Stock Exchange. Police drop case against Newcastle City Councillor Dipu Ahad Police investigating a city councillor for sending an allegedly racist message on social media have dropped their case against him….The message is alleged to have been shared on Twitter by the Muslim father-of-two on March 10 and contains an image of a loaf of bread containing the words ‘white’ and ‘thick’ on its packaging. Newcastle councillor claims he was ‘arrested, blindfolded and beaten’ during peace trip to Palestine A Newcastle councillor on a peace trip to Palestine was arrested by Israel Defense Forces and says he was handcuffed, blindfolded, hit with guns and denied food and water as he languished in custody in the baking heat. Dipu Ahad also claimed soldiers kicked him on an injured ankle and took ‘selfies’ of themselves with him despite his distress.
Not hard to see why the the bbC have this person on speed dial.
Maybe our cuck Muslim “councillor” has a point.
Quite possibly Savile was on the tip of the BBC iceberg.
If we follow Hillsborough and Orgreave rules beloved of the BBC?
I myself would tie them up in endless open enquiries under quasi-ad hoc and judicial mockups…just as they deem fit for Trump in the USA.
When will we apply their paralysing tactics back onto THEM?
Works for Brexit and Trump-good enough for the Peadeecee(sorry BBC)
Trying to compare this with Saville is pathetic, here we are talking about up to a Million religiously motivated, and racially targetted, SERIAL child GANG rape victims.
Each victim was subject to SERIL GANG rape, so each victim could have been raped 10, 20, 30, times or more… so that could be 10, 20, 30…. million counts of rape.
Imagine even 10 Million rapes, and their are only 1.6 Million Muslim males in the whole country.
It would seem abvious that a large proportion was either involved, or knew of these rapes.
On the Toady show this morning, one ‘Lord’ McDonald was doing his best to avoid the M word….Humph retorted, you mean MUSLIMS…..hesitent, embarrassed reply by the Ministry man, yes..These imbeciles infest every nook and cranny of our life. We need a mass fumigation…..
AND…..Will these wretched sub-humans be deported to a muslim country, along with every member of their families when they complete their sentences?…..they will have plenty of time to plan it..i suspect not, and so they will return and carry-on as before, so weak and worthless is our legal system now.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I venture to suggest that the lads who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII would be appalled at what…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img]
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Britain is the only country which would have fewer illegal immigrants if we did not have a border force. They…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Building fake vehicles is a time-honored practice dating back to World War II, when the Allies built an entire fake…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The plot thickens .One of my former Parliamentary aides went on to work for Rupert Lowe – she is one…
DeborahMar 10, 12:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Sorry to hear it Atlas. 10 years ago it was the young Lefties who were screaming about ‘Big Pharma’ and…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I fear that is true. If, by 2025, 25% of the population is a first generation immigrant, then Britain is…
What are they hiding? What are they not telling us ? Why is important information being concealed from the public? We demand to know.
Did the car pass its last emissions test?
One thing I’ve noticed is the left (looking at the bBC) go well out of their way in which to destroy anything and everything the British are proud of , in this case ‘Dunkirk’
Yes it was a huge disaster, yet it was a disaster of French /Belgium and Dutch making. Now I don’t mock the sacrifice made by the people of those countries, yet the fact remains the British contingent in Europe consisted of 13 Divisions (Approx. 10% of the allied force) The French has 117 divisions, the Belgium 22 and the Dutch 10. Other than Belgium, everybody came under the control of France. Paris said jump, everybody else said “How high?” Which is why the Germans knew exactly how to outflank them.
Belgium had built the biggest and most powerful fort in the world at Eben-Emael it was reputed to be impregnable, manned by 2000 men it was designed to hold off the Germans long enough over the Albert canal crossing for the low countries to mobilise and flood their canals in which to stop any German advance. On the 10 May 1940, 78 German paratroopers captured it in one night. 18 days later Neutral Belgium surrendered . Holland took 4 days to surrender (10-14 May)
The French had presumed that they would have time (3-4 weeks) in which to secure the low countries found itself caught short when the Germans took 4 days. Not only that but for some strange reason the French deployed 2 of its 3 armies behind the Maginot line , the weakest was the one they placed in the north to defend the low countries gap..
Out of all the battles fought during May 1940, only one shocked and scared the Germans. The Battle of Arras where the British/French counterattack pushed the Germans back and so scared Hitler, he halted the German advance in which to allow his troops to rest and resupply. Not only that but the speed of the advancing troops was also reduced on their march to the channel ports , which allowed more troops to be saved. But there’s parts of the story which isn’t even mentioned , for example the Canadians and Scots landed in Normandy and advanced 200 miles towards Paris, before being told to return to the UK. The vast majority of French troops taken off the beaches of Dunkirk were returned to France. And whilst the RAF was sending planes to France to fight, the French were sending theirs to safety in Algeria.
Yet to the revisionists at the bBC, France fell because of the UK.
You have to be fair to plucky little Belgium (Ed: Why?) our long-time allies and the birthplace of our great friend their former PM Guy Verhofrothingstadt. Wiki give the Nazi para force at 494 and only about 1,200 plucky little Belgamians.
Odds of about 2:1 defenders (of an impregnable, Belgamian fortress) against those Nazi terrors who are now ass-cheek by jowl alongside the plucky Belgamians in the peace-keeping EU and it STILL took the Hun all of about 14 hours to take it!
Poirot trilby-chapeau to the plucky little Belgamians I say!
(Twice now we’ve saved the useless bastards and they still want to urinate on us!)
Well said ! Plucky ? Did you run that through spellcheck ? Is this the Belgium that would not sell us ammo in the Falklands War ? It is not even a real country. It is a joke. The same Belgium that committed appalling atrocities in Africa against defenceless Africans ? The same Belgium that did not have the balls to fight the Germans ? As I say, joke country, joke people.
Yes. Belgium is not even a real country. It was cobbled together in 1830 by Lord Melbourne as a DMZ between France and Holland. He then, wisely IMHO, declined to become its king.
Peter…and they smother chips in Mayonnaise….yeuch..nice beer though…
Wiki give the Nazi para force at 494
I used to live in Dusseldorf and Maastricht was just over the border. I went out of my way to visit as many battlefields and museums during my 8 years there. Eben Emael was a fav of mine as it was the use of German Combat Engineers using beehives (Their first use) which knocked the fort out. (I joined the army as a Combat Engineer) so I know the history very well. However using the same source as your good self it states:
“Hauptmann Koch divided his force into four assault groups. Group Granite, under Oberleutnant Rudolf Witzig, composed of eighty-five men in eleven gliders whose task would be to assault and capture Fort Eben Emael; Group Steel, commanded by Oberleutnant Gustav Altmann, and formed of ninety-two men and nine gliders, would capture the Veldwezelt bridge; Group Concrete, commanded by Leutnant Gerhard Schacht and composed of ninety-six men in eleven gliders, would capture the Vroenhoven bridge; and Group Iron, under Leutnant Martin Schächter, composed of ninety men in ten gliders, who would capture the Kanne bridge.”
Only one of the groups was tasked with the fort (Steel) and of those 11 gliders one landed elsewhere, making it 78 paratroopers. and not 85.
Great research, Pounce, thank you.
I didn’t read all of the article, certainly not enough to make a reasoned comment, but I didn’t really want to. I wanted to take the rise out of the Belgamians but my attempt at irony clearly didn’t come through.
Don’t know if the BBC have reported this, but Barnardos are running a campaign against FGM. Good. The girl in the photo in the publicity material is er……. white !
I’ve not seen the Barnardos’ campaign. I wonder if their chief executive, Javed Khan, is involved?
Since its inception, Barnardos has always been controversial. Its founder went to court on 88 occasions, usually on charges of kidnapping, which he described as ‘philanthropic abduction’. A particular speciality was exporting children to the colonies – especially Australia – where many endured forced labour, exploitation and sexual abuse. Some of these children had been falsely labelled as orphans. The following government paper summarises the period from 1914 onwards, but Barnardo’s and other organisations were very active in this white slave trade before WWI.
Click to access dh_4090030.pdf
My Great Grandfather was a `Barnados` boy and was shipped out to Canada at the turn of the century… When he got there he was used as forced labour on farms…

Norman Hepton was his name….. I would say that being shipped out to work on Canadain farms was only marginally better than being placed in a workhouse… His crime was apparently being orphaned…
What an important piece of family history you have there!
Isn’t it ironic that slavery is making the news often now but you don’t here about this….Wonder why !!
BBC2 are showing a programme called ‘The sweet factory’ set in the Tudor and Georgian periods presumably the next is Victorian as I haven’t watched it yet. There are the obligatory black contributors to our history of sweet making and also the obligatory ten minute anti white hate fest in each episode because of ‘our’ slave sugar trade. The young black girl dutifully cries in each ( well the two I have seen so far ) episode, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. An interesting programme that can only be watched on SKY Plus so you can forward through the anti white parts.
What that documentary searies fails to mention is that prior to the use of african slaves the Sugar Cane industry mainly relied upon forced slave labourers from Ireland…..
Here are three more related newspaper cuttings regarding my Great Grandfathers time as a Barnados boy…
As you can see once they were finished being used as slave labour on one farm, they were immediately transferred to another farm…. apparently once they became adults, thier use as farmhands was no longer applicable.. Probably due to them having to be paid to do the work….
White British children sent to the colonies for exploitation – and in return mass import of cheap ethnic labour into Britain post WWII. Britain has been permanently changed.
Even the Daily Mail has the headline “Trump takes Kim to the brink of war “.
The Daily Mail and the BBC. See… balance!
A few more red lines in the sand and it clllllll goes away. For a while.
Here by the way is the BBC audience comment to a BBC Facebook ‘what you need to know’ that garners top likes; they know what their audience wants:
Mckale Makaveli I support the NK. The USA is a world bully that must be stopped
Like · Reply · 95 ·
Last month I didn’t receive anything from TV Licensing , this month I’ve received a threatogram dated July 1917 .
And NO , if you’re reading this , TV Licensing and BBC , I will not be in on Monday , try Tuesday or Wednesday .
Better still let’s book a day in court .
The new sexy Dr who can take you to the court, its just 100yr back, be there before she’s got your zip down.
I`ve not recieved a single missive from the BBC since this happened …..

They automatically invoked thier right to access my property for me which was a nice outcome for myself, I`ve got two or three more years to go before they knock on my door again, my last coversation with the dickhead who tried and failed to engage me will meet with the same outcome…
Wow. Maybe you can lead the revolution! We need people like you. Down with the BBC tax. Down with inept careerist politicians.
Its developing….
The cartel have updated their story now (how long can they hold back on telling the truth for?..)…The French state and Al ShabeeBBC still have no clue what happened, if the car is still ultimately responsible, and what the motive is…
Love these paragraphs from the article…
“An urgent police operation is now under way to find the vehicle – reportedly a BMW – and driver involved in the incident in the north-western suburb of Levallois-Perret.” – Clearly car first then..
“A police hunt is under way for the car and its driver. Police have been more cautious about assigning a motive, saying only that the driver appeared to have acted deliberately” – Yes because unless they get to question that car, they will never truly know whats happened! Haha!
I think they will find its not a BMW but a Camaro…
You beat me to it Tothepoint.
P.s. It might have been a Scimicar…
I’m hearing that the car was using a fake identity and that during a chase, it abandoned its driver in the road, leaving him for dead as it left the road and made it’s escape through dense woodland without him.
Police are looking at the stereo as a possible source of religeous chanting.
Fake identity ? The “B” really stands for Brexit .
A car with unknown motives rams into soldiers in Paris, according to beebistan.
Oh dear, another of them mentally deranged cars with unknown motives. Is it something they’re putting in the petrol, one wonders? Or diesel?
One thing’s for sure, I blame Brexit.
And another thing’s for sure: this has nothing to do with Islam.
LOL ! A German car attacks French soldiers. The motive is obvious.
Grant – Of course – silly me, how did I miss it? It’s that unfair Treaty of Versailles kicking off again.
Is it possibly a German car that was assembled in Norway?
“Car ‘lay in wait’
He said a vehicle had been waiting in the road for the soldiers to emerge as they came on duty.
“It was a BMW which accelerated very quickly the moment they came out.”
No wonder these campaigners are trying to ban cars-they really are becoming a menace!
Maybe this is why Sad Dick Khan is concerned about diesel cars causing deaths-no mention of the so called religion of the drivers.
Was the car armed ?
Not armed, but it had mental health problems.
Charlie, well it is German !
No not armed, it had wings tho.
Sounds like a plot line from ‘Christine’ by Stephen King
Sounds more like this to me:
I think that BMW cars should be proscribed as a terrorist if they are attacking normal people.
That goes for any other car make that decides to attack people.
Can we be absolutely sure it was a BMW? I don’t think a true BMW would behave like this; it is, after all, known as a Car of Peace.
Now forgive me but I was thinking this kind of thing couldn’t happen at the BBC.
Being the person watching is probably ex university and has gone through diversity and awareness courses, he’s either a perv who slipped through the net, or a useless employee who failed to consider the risks of doing what could be a legitimate task on a screen in public view. Bye bye bad guy!
Is the topless woman:
(1) A BBC presenter, making a protest against sexist pay at the BBC, where some mediocrities are paid even more obscene wages than other mediocrities?
(2) An ordinary member of the public (i.e. BBC employee or their partner) preparing for a programme on breast feeding in public for the VD show?
(3) Not actually a woman at all, but a transgendered individual about to complain about his NHS boob job?
What has really shocked me is that, it is a girl stripping off and over age. I would have expected an under age boy. The BBC’s standards are really slipping.
Not an old edition of Top of the Pops then?
Colourful tale from Baltimore:
Just read this on Guido’s site. I copy it in full for your delectation but the full thing is here, plus photos!!!
If ever there was a reason to leave, THIS is it!
(Guido’s comments which were in red are now in brackets.)
The eye-watering travel bill racked up by unelected European Commissioners was finally made public today after campaigners waged a three year battle to access their expenses claims. The hard-won disclosure reveals the 28 Commissioners spent almost half a million Euro on visits during the first two months of 2016 alone (the only period for which documents have been released). A dossier of claims submitted by Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker includes an astonishing €27,000 bill for a two-day trip to Rome. (Must have been a good wine list…)
Juncker, based in Brussels, also claimed nearly €2000 for a one night trip to Berlin (a single ticket on a budget airline costs around €25 Euro). He claimed for minor excursions despite his €324,377 (£275,275) salary: he was paid €48 in ‘daily allowances’ to attend a meeting in Germany with Martin Schulz. (Wonder what that went on…)
The data, which can be viewed thanks to a campaign led by Access Info Europe, shows the Commissioners enjoyed 261 official trips in January and Feburary 2016. Other tax-payer funded extravagances included splurging on ‘air taxis’ – chartered planes – by foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini, who spent €75,000 in a single trip to Azerbaijan. Christos Stylianides, the commissioner for humanitarian aid, claimed €11,000 for a trip to Somalia and Turkey. (Makes a change from using planes owned by lobbyists…)
Despite the embarrassing release, the Commission still has the brass neck to resist further disclosures covering the remainder of 2016, saying this would impose an “excessive administrative burden”.
For three years the EU has tried to block transparency on Commissioners’ expenses at every turn. Helen Darbishire, Executive Director of Access Info Europe, said: “Giving 120 requesters only two months’ worth of expenses data is a token gesture…The real cost here is not the cost of processing data, but rather it’s the cost to the credibility of and trust in the European Commission when it refuses to publish basic information about the spending of taxpayers’ funds.”
(Thankfully the British taxpayer will no longer be funding Juncker’s junkets…)
I bet the BBC are outraged by this and urgently bringing it to the attention of the general public?
Oh well-Julia Hartley Brewer is going to discuss it next on Talk Radio right after she has finished pointing out how disgusting is the “modus operandum” for the “mainly Muslim” rape gang.
She is specifically bringing attention to the fact and reiterated “not Asian but Muslim men”.
Comments to 0344 4991000
Huge increase in the level of unemployed? Huge drain on public resources like health care, education, and housing from a huge increase in non-tax paying, 100% state dependant ‘citizens’? Massive increase in rapes, violent crime, criminality?
How has Denmark truly been affected by the unrelenting wave of economic and Islamic invaders? Surely thats what we need our journalists to find out and tell people like us, so we all learn from the reality of what our traitorous elite have manufactured and how it has changed the very fabric of Europe itself…..we do not have history to help us answer these very important questions as war and bloodshed have always followed such disastrous acts of stupidity and self suicide made by states …so surely now is the time to get some facts and data and make us all aware…
Do we get this from the Al ShabeeBBC? Do we fook! Its pure crystal meth addict fantasy BS! Even the Nazi propaganda department would cringe at how obviously fake and deceitful this pure propaganda piece of horse sh!t is!
To summarise…the author, the Islamic Al Beeb, the government of Denamrk, the EU and all the other traitors and self-hating psychopaths that are committing state suicide could only find a woman who helps teach woman who have been raped to cook (by Muslims? Are they even real cases? Have you fact checked her?) and a man who makes videos for morons!
Arent you glad that the greatest civilisations on earth are eagerly being dragged down to the gutter to ensure our lunatic lefties all feel morally superior than the white men they hate…
What is especially stupid about Lefties is that they will suffer just as much as the rest of us. It is suicide. They are mentally ill.
Apologies if I am reposting this – I couldn’t find it anywhere else on B-BBC. BBC III delves new depths in its lust for Islam in the normalisation of burqas and to demonise us evil kafirs.
A churlish video of girls in burqas squeaking and screeching – to juvenile music – about how amazing it is to wear a bin liner (no mention of avoiding the assaults from their men). Unwittingly, however, the video exposes exactly the problem. Too many to pick from but my personal favourite is when one burqa-clad cretin is asked: “Do you appreciate British values?”
Her response: “I have fish and chips.”
When someone answers “fish and chips” to a question on values, you know we are doomed.
I won’t be expecting “Things Not to Say to Someone R@ped By A Pakistani Grooming Gang From The Age Of 12” or “Things Not to Say To Someone Whose Child Has Been Shredded By A Nail Bomb At An Ariana Grande Concert” any time soon.
It is a perversion that the BBC try and make being a woman in Islam something to be desired. But then Beeboids are perverts on every level.
Kafir, the valiant Paul Watson answered that disgraceful beebistan bit of agitprop:
BBC Trending sometimes takes a completely different tack from the rest of the BBC. Relevant to the question are women being forced into particular clothing: Saudia Airlines warn passengers of strict dress code
Perhaps they will fly an other Gulf airline where women throw off the Burqa the moment they are airborne and finish the trip in comfortable clothes?
I can’t, for the life of me, see where all this leads to –
Click to access WP1488-Report.pdf
LGBT is now branded, “….a serious Global problem”. I’ll say it is, but not for the reasons proclaimed in this document!
And to think, there are serious academics involved in this debacle.
However, press on. Now suggestions of rewriting/reinterpreting the Bible to accommodate LGBT!
Read on, it’ll make your hair curl.
G ,
I just skim read the early pages. It is very dishonest to pretend there is some equivalence between Christian and Islamic attitudes to gays. If I were gay, I know which society I would prefer to live in. At least I would be allowed to live . Any gay marriages in muslim countries ?
To my knowledge I’ve only known one homosexual so my opinion on all within the so-called, LGBT fraternity stems from that. I hasten to add that I did not have a ‘relationship’ with him other than professional. He played the organ (sorry but its true), in the local Baptist Church. He was utterly shameless with his promiscuity. Even tried to proposition me once in the knowledge that I did not share his proclivities. Similar men of the same persuasion came and went in his home – more akin to studying the comings or goings in a supermarket entrance.
He was in his mid-forties when he died of AIDS.
No surprise there then. Just re-read your original post. Any suggestions of re-writing the Koran LGBT ?
It is interesting that today my social media timelines are rammed with national day good wishes from and to Singaporeans, irrespective of race or faith.
If repeated here, most would see Emily Thornbury harrumphing around the Today studio or a ticking off from The Metwits.
I was in Singapore for 3 nights many years ago. Stayed in a hotel quite near “Harry’s Place “. By the way does Singapore have open borders and unlimited immigration ?
“By the way does Singapore have open borders and unlimited immigration ?”
Size of the Isle of Wight but with (when I lived there) 2.5 million people living on it. So, I doubt it.
And , coincidentally, both are a similar shape !
Singapore now has 5 million people, many of whom are carefully chosen migrants.
Singapore doesn’t wait for people to apply — it goes out and gets the ones it wants. You can’t just lob up in Singapore and ask to migrate. They send out job applications, and if you fit what they’re looking for, they lay down the red carpet for you, but if you misbehave, then you get booted out in short order.
The country’s not to everyone’s taste, nor are the people, but there’s no denying that it works.
Rick, Absolutely. I wish Lee ( “Harry ” ) was alive today and PM of the UK. He did not mess about !
5.6 million now, 227 sq miles.
we are 11 at widest and 33 nose to tale, 221sq miles, how can you possibly fit 60 x our population on here, thats some population density .
ps didnt see ricks reply G.
Still a large chunk given over to military areas.
Hong Kong denser, (or Gaza if you believe the BBC) but neither have any real issues.
HDB (Housing Development Board) estates are tight and high, but usually clean and well serviced. Community groups also take pride in their areas.
Maybe there is something the Thornburys of this world have not grasped?
Singapore has ‘evolved’ with the passing of Lee Kuan Yew, its ‘founding father’.
The new generation, with his son rather dynastically at the helm, are not really of the same calibre, and meritocracy seems more geared to jobs for the generals. Certainly their awesome public transport is not faring as well under the current leadership.
Singapore welcomes one and all, and you are scanned every which way coming and in and ensuring you leave when required. You can get a job if you look set to earn enough and better still employ others. Otherwise enjoy your visit. Seems fair.
A few imported contract workers have tried to stir up things based on race or faith, but I would not want to piss off the Singaporean secret services too much. The prisons are not better than Changi was back in the day. A drug dealer tried to run a police roadblock not long ago and got a 9mm reminder not to repeat the mistake. Few in the population mourned his loss. The state broadcaster there seemed also cool, surprisingly. I would still not advocate Jon Snow risk trying to sneak a spliff in.
No social services or benefits to speak of, even for citizens. 40% of salary taken from worker and employer and held as CPF until retirement. Makes NI look a joke. Pretty smart. But struggling even so.
They are trying to prop things up ethnically by fast tracking PRCs, especially on low end jobs, but this is causing problems elsewhere as they do not speak English or have too great a grasp of cultural niceties.
That all said, it is a pretty slick operation still. And one thing impresses me above all, and that is the people are Singaporeans first, love their country, and only then start to worry about differences that are almost still all diversities actually to be celebrated.
I see the BBC website proudly and prominently reporting on a single white rapist whilst industrial scale crimes perpetrated my multiple offenders of another ethnicity and ideology are thrown straight down the memory hole. Good to see the Beeb discriminating in favour of straight white men for once.
BBC : ‘Car rams French soldiers, wounding six’
and yet…
‘Drivers avoid pay-by-phone parking bays’
bias by inconsistency of automotive agency?
Goodness only knows how the BBC will report on the antics of their much anticipated driver-less cars?
When I consider the Brexit mess, and the power that these nasty EU bureaucrats plus the vile Merkel appear to hold over the UK, I am always sadly reminded of something that Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring said in 1943 about Britain’s capabilities.
Point taken, but when nincompoopery was doled out we also had our share.
And someone did whip up the ME262, luckily hampered by Herm and his boss.
For whom the war was well over in all senses of the word without any cross channel shopping trips.
The French police have arrested a man suspected of driving a BMW into a group of soldiers.
His name is Mohammed and he shouted ‘Allahu akbar’.
I just added the last bit because the bBBC didn’t.
The BBC has a handy ‘background explainer’ on the current situation.
It seems a bit shy on the role of previous presidents, deals brokered and promises made to get to this point.
Possibly explaining, if not excusing many comments made by a large chunk of the BBC Facebook fanboi club.
It seems a good description of the fate that awaits them , well said Trump .
Quick link back to today’s last page of comments
No-one can accuse Trump of being subtle ! I am sure they will be sending private messages to Kim and to the Chinese that there will be a nuclear strike if Kim launches an attack. Also bet that the N. Korea leadership, including military , will be hiding away somewhere .
I hope and would like to believe the BBC were not being deliberately deceitful with WatO on Radio 4 today, merely carelessly incompetent. Certainly the news item about the car attack on soldiers in Paris and attributing it to the enhanced security following the Charlie Hebdo attack could be put down to careless script writing. Perhaps by a new graduate trainee fresh from University, covering for someone more experienced who is on holiday?
However, trying to claim that the EU Leave vote was a consequence of the Credit Crunch and Bank Crash was definitely deliberate deception. After all, the EU Referendum narrative that the BBC has helped to construct is that Leave voters were elderly, ill-educated, well-off retired people to a man or woman, not young unemployed graduates. Then doing so again later in the programme and adding in the election of Donald Trump, the so-called rise of so-called ‘populism’ and other political movements across Europe (why didn’t they add in Venezuela and North Korea for good measure?) definitely makes it one of the worst pieces of FakeNews AND FalseNews I have recently heard from the BBC on Radio4.
It does suggest a measure of deliberate deception, especially the sound clips used that jumbled the time line from 9 August 2007 to other days in the two years that followed. Then they omitted any reference to Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac and the warnings given to world leaders back in the February of 2007. They stated that Lehmans failed in October when it was September 2008 when it filed for Chapter 11 protection and omitted the first warning that came from RBS, the recently acquired Amro subsidiary failure and the UK retail crash that followed Northern Rock’s initial problems.
I used to be the GM running a foreign bank in the City. I would never lend to Northen CRook because its mortgage lending policy was a complete joke. It’s collapse at one time or another was inevitable.
For years I argued, foolish me, with know-nothing blowhards on the old Al Beeb message boards that it was the lack of any adequate supervision by BrownBallsMilipedeminor which led to the several U.K. bank failures, two of which were Scottish banks. I always got the response that a) the Tories wanted less supervision – no they wanted effective supervision with a light touch by other than juvenile schoolboy box-tickers who couldn’t even pose reasonable let alone probing questions, b) it started in America – no the CRock was first, almost a year before Lehman, c) it was Fatcher’s fault, and d) it was not Broon’s Scottish banks which were the biggest disaster as they weren’t headquartered in Scotland – unfortunately I had given up the ghost on educating them by the time the Scottish independence referendum showed RBoS looking to relocate its HQ out of Edinburgh to England if the little Jockies had gotten their dumbass way.
Hey ho!
PG, I was probably on the same Blog and HYS boards!
The BBC today were trying to repeat, with Alastair Darling’s help, that it all started in America and involved the whole world. Oh no it didn’t x 2!
Much of the world was left unscathed by the Credit Crunch and Banking Crash. And it started here as much over there. I used to remind people on those message boards where CDOs were invented and who by. Some of them didn’t like that too much.
I think Thatcher’s deregulation did play a part in the whole thing but there were so many factors. A perfect storm from a collection of winds from afar.
I didn’t join all the dots like a few others did but I was concerned about low pay at the lowest levels in banks, the BTL property boom, the siphoning of State Benefits into private hands via same, the excessive State employment, the fact that inflation and unemployment were ridiculously high in the UK during an economic boom (despite all that State employment) and for a world mostly enjoying deflation.
There is nothing wrong with sub-prime lending as such as long as the risk is born by the lender. What we did not know is that there was outright criminality from a few individuals going on with lots of sub-prime mortgages getting bundled with better quality stuff and sold on and on and on without anyway of providing an audit of value at any point in time.
Agree with all of that but I would add that I was particularly strident about the increase in government debt from 2002 despite the booming economy when the idiot Brown started re-distributing my money in the form of increased benefits, to everyone but my family it seemed to me. This coincided with BrownBallsMrsBollox’s televised uttering about having ‘repaid’ debt or ‘prudence’, neither of which were remotely close to the truth.
My hatred of Al Beeb’s bias really started then – they never queried these lies, not Humpty nor Numpty nor any of their highly paid interviewers despite the facts being out there. In 2005 they started the new metric of ‘debt to gdp’ to prove that the wikkid Tories were worse at the economy, despite the economy being a bubble.
Oh look, another mass rape case. The Grauniad even manages to include the names of those guilty.
The BBC are probably having a meeting on how best to bury this.
Dave, – a “gang” no mention of religious inclination…………..
The BBC: ‘Always protecting your sensitive self from day-to-day muslim horror’
From the Guardian an actual quote relating to the latest grooming trial.
Badrul Hussain – who was found guilty of providing premises for drug supply – was caught traveling on public transport without a ticket. The female ticket inspector claimed that he shouted at her: “All white women are only good for one thing. For men like me to fuck and use like trash. That’s all women like you are worth.”
I bet they enjoyed publishing that.
The irony is that scum like Hussain are the trash and most white women are superior. Not that the BBC or Lefties would agree with that.
So, 18 ‘people’ raped and trafficked underaged girls in Newcastle?
It’s them ‘people’ again.
Somewhat brown and bearded people, judging by the mugshots.
But I don’t understand: I was led to believe it was just 1 or 2 bad apples in Rochdale. Oh, and Rotherham.
Now I’m shocked to hear from a police spokesperson that she is sure this case is not unique.
You mean it’s been happening on a huge scale up and down the country, as bloggers on bbbc have been saying all along?
Could it perhaps be ‘systemic’ to a certain faith??
Well well, who’d have thunk it?
P.s. I blame the police. And the social services. And Brexit.
I most definitely do NOT blame muslims, as that would be islamophobic, which is a crime.
3pm News reported 17 convicted
Mainly Pakistanis , grooming gangs
BBC: “…forced to have sex in Newcastle…”
I know the Blair government put thousands of new offences onto our statute books but I must admit that’s a new one on me.
I am sadly aware this is a serious matter but I’m convinced the BBC are becoming increasingly prone to peculiar turns of phrase in their newspeak
The rest of us call it rape . How typical of the perverted sickos at the BBC to try and minimise the offences , just because they are committed by their beloved muslim paedophiles . Beeboids make me vomit.
The stinking BBC are already starting to undermine the convictions , on the grounds of the use of a previously convicted informer
Funny, they don’t look the type.
These are all engineers and doctors .
I think at this stage we can safely assume that any town with a muslim population has a thriving rape culture to go with it. It is all part of our cultural enrichment, and yet another example of immigrants doing the jobs the British just won’t do.
This is a wave of child abuse and rape across the entire country with one common denominator: islam. Yet as far as the BBC and the left wing elite is concerned, it is just a few bad apples, and all is well. Can a nation ruled by such moral imbeciles hope to survive?
The main requisites seem to be a growing,untouchable Muslim population , a cowardly PC ridden Police’ force’ and a Labour local authority largely dependent on the Muslim vote to maintain power.
Dick R,
And a Tory Government which does sweet FA and has no authority whatsoever.
The social worker at the press conference said as much .She said any authority who doesn’t think they have the same problem is burying their head in the sand.
Ah the enrichment and diversity continues…..
I don’t normally watch or look forward to al beeb 1800 or 2200 news. But tonight should be a hum dinger .
1- attempted Islamic terrorist attack in Belgium yesterday
2. Attack if France today
3. Conviction of organised Asian ( paki) paedo rape ring today in Newcastle
So guess the al beeb running order ???
1 Korea
2 Trump and Russian
Will I be right or wrong .
You forgot
3. Brexit / Far-Right Xenophobia
Ha yes Justin
The actual order was
1 Asian paed rape gang but no details of those convicted e.g. The number of ‘mo’ s nor anything about the victims . In fact al beeb concentrated on the plods use of an informant who they paid . Pretty sure no Beeboid mentioned muslims or Islam . You beauty . The PC NSPCC bod didn’t like this and sounded like he might have been one of those National Trust right on types .
2 impending world war
3 hillsborough ex police in court
4 another sob story milking the tower block . Counselling all round .
5 car attacks and injured 8 soldiers in France . No mention of cars’ motive . The car was shot to stop it. Not sure if car is mental or Muslim or both
Had enough by then. I bet if Guam disappears in a mushroom cloud they’ll lead with brexit causing global warming and tower block fires .
Oh yeah happy Nagasaki day
I am impressed the Beeb reported on the Newcastle grooming case.
When I saw one white face amongst the ‘Asian’ perpetrators I shed a tear of joy and felt a surge of patriotic pride. What fantastic integration! The harmonious melting pot has finally worked! O praise this glorious day! Cultural Marxists will rejoice the world over. Though maybe her sentence should be especially harsh as she is also guilty or cultural appropriation.
I think the white was female
Yet another peadostani gang:
So, Rotherham, Oxford, Rochdale and Newcastle and so on…. Muslim sex gangs will be operating in every city up and down the land yet if anyone says anything they’re accused of being ‘racist’. These scum should be hung immediately and their families forced to pay the bill for rope.
The creepy Mark Easton on Al Beeb news about 17.10 suggesting that police confirming that there was no political correctness STILL refuses to use the term ‘Muslim’, preferring to use ‘Asian’. If that isn’t PC I don’t know what is.
As for the Newcastle ‘Muslim’ councillor suggesting that other (white, Protestant or Catholic) communities need to look at themselves and citing Savile in justification, words fail me. No comparison in scale and numbers.
And what an insult to non-muslim Asians, tarring them all with the same brush.
When they make such patently absurd comparisons like that they only make themselves look ridiculous.
If so many cases come to court even with the entire establishment desperate to cover up the crimes, the true extent of the offences must beggar belief. I find it hard to believe that it just started a decade or so ago. It must have been going on for much longer than that. There have been no official prosecutions in Luton where we know it has been a big problem.
George Alagaiah to Mark Easton on the six o’clock news re Newcastle rapes: “I think I know what people will be thinking – shock at paying a criminal for information”. Er.. no actually (except in the BBC bubble), what the ‘ people’ are thinking is ” What is it with these Muslim creeps, and how long are we going to put up with it ? “
Beeboids are perverts. What is shocking are the rapes and how long they got they got away with it. Shits like Alagaiah and Easton don’t give a flying F about the victims.
Am I missing something? Who would be surprised at paying criminals? Almost every 70s and 80s TV drama had the local ‘grass’ being handed a five pound note and a packet of B&H by Jack Regan or some other detective, usually while they sat in the back of a strip club. Have more recent, feminised detective serials abolished this practice?
I don’t think white people have tried to hide their disgust of Savile, but there was a cover up. It was a cover up which, IMO, can be put down to mindless celebrity worship which I believe we have to admit is a problem both inside and outside the BBC. A small number of other people in prisons and parts of the NHS don’t come out of it smelling of roses either. However, outside the BBC, the disgust at Savile was so deep that his tawdry gravestone had to be removed.
The Left has been telling us for years that racially motivated crimes are worse. There was no racial angle to Savile’s crimes as far as I’m aware, whereas the groomers are specifically targetting white girls, so now the goalposts have been moved and the racial angle does not seem to matter very much. This is typical.
The most disturbing aspect of the large scale Muslim grooming, to me, is that the groomers seem to be able to rely automatically on the cooperation of friends and relatives. That is very hard to rationalise away. I don’t know of a parallel anywhere else. Even the Mafia has higher standards.
Uncontrolled immigration has allowed communities to develop with attitudes and beliefs which are totally alien. They are large enough to be self sustaining, with no prospect of integration. It is too late for that. We were warned but we didn’t listen, and we ignored early signs of trouble in northern cities. In fact many people in the North ignored the warnings around them. Due to the accelerated increase thanks to Merkel, the wheels are coming off all over Europe but at least the problem is more out in the open, if not the “open” as the BBC understands it. Younger generations are in for a rough ride I think.
So far as the BBC is concerned, criticism if its bias seems to be everwhere these days. Only of few years ago it was confined to sites like this one. I don’t think the wretched BBC Tax will be with us in 10 years’ time, preferably less.
Remember, “Rochdale was only the tip of the iceberg” we were told at the time.
Yes, but wasn’t Nick Griffin viciously criticised for claiming at an early stage that 47/49 groomers were involved?
49 !!!!!
It must have exceeded three figures some time ago.
Nick Griffin, for all his faults (mainly in his early years, just like Corbyn in fact), knew exactly what was going on.
So what sentences will this new gang get?
I would prefer the death penalty.
Newcastle police spokesman trying desperately not to say anything ‘racist’ or ‘islamophobic’ that would cost him his job. But so eager is he to show that it’s not just Pakistanis, that he lets slip that those arrested in the operation came from many communities: Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Turkish, Iraqi, Syrian, Indian, Albanian… (+ some I forget)…
Now would could all those ‘communities’ possibly have in common?
They are all Buddhists.
Now would could all those ‘communities’ possibly have in common?
1) They all voted Labour
2) They are all child refugees
3)They live off Benefits
4) All have Lilly Allen on Speed dial
5) None have been described as..paedophiles (why is that?)
6) All came to the UK in which to become doctors.
7) All are Islamic child rapists
“those arrested in the operation came from many communities: Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Turkish, Iraqi, Syrian, Indian, Albanian”
Plod doesn’t realise that makes it even worse (if such a thing is possible). It is – just, conceivably – possible to imagine that there is something about a particular country that makes a particular perversion more prevalent there. But when we are talking multiple countries and different races, then it confirms that there is a different common thread. And everyone knows what it is, which is precisely why Plod, the BBC and the Government will not say it.
Warning to prospective bacon throwers. If you are caught throwing bacon sarnies at a mosque there are 18 more offended Moslems waiting to beat the shit out of you when you arrive in jail. And the Home Office will do sod all to protect you.
Now what could all those ‘communities’ possibly have in common?
How about the fact that none of them should be here?
The British people were never, ever asked if they wanted to be invaded by these immigrants. Now, they have proven to be an active threat to our children. They have brought to our country a culture of mass child rape hitherto unkown. They should never have been allowed in this country, and if we wish to survive as a country, they need to go.
Meanwhile, on the BBC, Nadiya has got a new cooking show, and all is well…
Sooner the better.
Good riddance to bad rubbish. But I bet it is just for tax purposes !
I doubt if she had much attachment to Blighty anyway so no loss. Guam seems hot at the moment
I think N Korea would be better !
Major ‘child protection’ failure in Newcastle and PM is worried about the £10,000 given to the informant.
Pretty small beer compared to the pay of Newcastle Council’s chief executive, chief constable etc. etc.
Useful diversionary tactics for ‘those men’ though.
This morning Guido fawkes reported this story:

7 hours later the bBC decided to report the same story, well actually a different version of it.
Anybody else impressed by the bBC edit which not only glosses over the expenses abuse by the EU, but how they end with:
UKIP MEP Nigel Farage, whose own expenses claims have come under scrutiny in the past, said Mr Juncker’s use of a private plane over a commercial option was “outrageous”.
The bBC, the public service child rapists who not only have no problem wasting public cash, but will go out of their way in which to cover up EU abuses unless of course your name is Nigel.
Now who else is prone to such a thing?
The Clan McEnsorship has some dubious bedfellows.
I confess to being a little out to touch with the accomplice offences in criminal law but, members of the Government and/or MP’s are not exempt. So, now listening to the soul-searching taking place, egged-on by the BBC, in relation to the current UK muslim atrocity in Newcastle and whether it was right that a bribe was paid to one of the muslim “gang” for information leading to the whole “gangs” arrest I simply say, arrest those in the Government directly responsible for letting these people into the country. Simple. There is no Statute of Limitation for the criminal law so time lapsed is irrelevant, what are the police waiting for?
Search for when the individual Defendant came into the country and the Government department responsible for allowing the muslim in to stay – was that Minister or official aware of the religious background of that ‘migrant’ and the likelihood that a muslim would exercise the same disgusting practices from their country of origin wholly in line with islam. In the absence of any so-called, “Integration” policy or procedure, were these people just to be let loose on the rest of the UK population? I guess so. So someone has to be an accomplice otherwise these dregs of humanity would not be here.
If a driver of a get-away-car in a robbery with no idea of the crime about to be committed with their assistance is prosecuted along with all the rest of the gang, no Government Minister, ex or current, should be allowed to escape the law.
I just had an email from 38 degrees . No idea how they got my email address. ” Trump is provoking N. Korea . Please sign this petition “. These people are mentally deranged .
If North Korea were to land a nuclear bomb on a US city stand by for Dimbelby stuffing his Question Time show with Norks and fellow travelling communists from Left Unity, Momentum and Class War.
Just as they did with Moslems after 9/11
In that scenario, I suspect that QT will become even more irrelevant than it already Is !
Predictably, al beeb seeks to divert attention from the perpetrators of the paedophile rapes to the issue of police paying criminal informants, seeking to make that the big ethical question.
One overpaid newsreader said something like, “I know people will be horrified that the police paid an informant…”
Is this a form of brainwashing? Subliminally TELLING the public to be horrified by that (minor) issue rather than the truly horrifying issue of mass, sustained, pervasive, violent, muslim paedo rape gangs.
The Paedophile Broadcasting Corp now sanctimoniously asking ‘Could the rapists have been stopped earlier?’
YES you cnuts:
1) if people like YOU hadn’t created a climate of thought where the police couldn’t operate for fear of YOU calling them racists at every turn.
2) If you’d looked into these crimes years ago instead of hushing them up. They’ve been known about for decades!
Exactly. If Beeboids were more intelligent, I would credit them with taking the piss, but they are not that bright.
They really don’t do them selves any favours on the honesty front do they ? However much they are selective in their facts any British person would know or guess what it’s about – however much they don’t want to know about it . Any one with young daughters need to worry in cities with Asians because they are not as safe as they should be.
I wonder what the ” community” as al beeb describes non whites – are doing about their animals .
What did these cultural Marxists expect? Did they genuinely believe that minority cultures were not in power due to ‘oppression’ or because they obviously are just not as good? If you think it is ok to enslave women, attack people with acid or aspire to become a gangster – maybe even rap about it – then of course your society will not succeed.
How can we ever undo this mess? Is is so entrenched as the enemy has taken the media, education and the legal system. Blair’s anthem was Things Can Only Get Better. Yet as each day brings new horrors it is clear things can only get worse.
“How can we ever undo this mess? ”
Martial law and mass deportation.
BBC News Channel anchor Chris Rogers plays host to ghost of Christmas past Vince Cable.
We may know him as the bad santa who predicted thirteen out of the last three recessions but our Chris is lauding the old codger as though he were some cross between Nostradamus and Warren Buffett
Rogers then goes into a remarkable editorial about Sir Vince being so very very right about just about everything and yet the voters for reason or reasons unknown to the BBC just not voting Lib Dem
The unsubtle Rogers doesn’t leave Cable much time to self-depricate before edging the superannuated Jonah onto the main business in hand which is inevitably the Brexit “cliff edge”
Looking somewhat well-tanned, no doubt having had his hols in warmer climbs, the old hobo soon gets the bums rush from Rogers who seems pressed for time and needs to give at least the BBC appearance (fee) of balance….
Cable backtracks : “I’m just describing a situation – it may not happen”
There’s his epitaph!
Much of the beebistan reporting on the N Korean standoff is sliding towards a narrative of moral equivalence: a showdown between two belligerent madmen. Now hang on: One runs a Communist dictatorship of terror, has reduced his country to serfdom and famine, has his political enemies murdered, sometimes eaten alive by dogs, and is constantly war mongering, developing nuclear weapons and long range missiles, and destabilising the whole region. The other is the democratically elected leader of a mature democracy, whose main crime is a dodgy hairdo. Equivalence?
(They used to do the same during the Cold War: capitalism and communism were morally equivalent and the beeb was the ‘honest broker’.)
BBC is auditioning non professionals for announcers job. Someone called Emanuelle is upcoming, and Alice Arnold is finding her accent ‘seductive’. Watch out Claire ! Keep your hand on your ha’penny Emanuelle !
Since when has the BBC been recruiting “professionals”, as I understand it?
The days when presenters, announcers, news readers ets were able to pronounce words correctly and with consistency, took the trouble a learn a little about what they were talking about, avoided bias, knew how to phrase questions succinctly, and avoided inane chat, are long since gone.
I’m sure Emmanuelle has a nice accent for an episode or two of ‘Allo Allo’ but I thought the object of the exercise was to find new voices to make announcements on the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation.
Naive of me, I know.
BBC News Channel lead with the Newcastle case at 7pm
Their one and only reference to ethnicity (and it’s a long and complicated one) comes in the second line of news telling us these were:
“men of Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi heritage…”
…if only there were one short simple descriptive catch-all word…
albeebi – “These trials involved 26 defendants, who were mostly Asian, facing a total of more than 100 charges and 22 victims.
Those prosecuted were from the Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian and Turkish communities and mainly British-born, with most living in the West End of Newcastle.
Of the 26, three people have been jailed. The rest will be sentenced next month.”
They should throw away the key with this bunch of “mostly Asian” scumbags (as far as I can see 17 of the 18) with one weird looking Caucasian “female”(?) ..a “Carolann Gallon (shame on you.. you piece of filth)!..sadly they won’t!!
Enough to make me vomit.
They will be out of prison in a few years like the Rotherham lot.
I’m surprised no one has reported on the Google Fascists which the BBC has been celebrating today.
A worker at the company has been sacked simply for failing to share the one true vision, and in the usual Fascist intolerance of diversity of thought has actually been accused of – well nothing actually other than allegedly perpetrating a negative gender stereotype – if that actually has some meaning.
The BBC are apparently in full support of this action as it fits in with their own Fascist ethos. I shall be limiting my own use of this search engine.
Here comes the ideal BBC presenting formula… a woman, an ethnic and one of the family…
‘Londoner’s Diary: BBC gives Giles Coren a place in the family business’
‘…he will be joined by Amol Rajan and Nikki Bedi’
At last, the beeb are doing an in-depth report on muslim paedophile rapists and traffickers.
Might shed some light on what it is about the religion of peace that produces so many perverts.
Oh, hang on – no: the beeb are doing an in-depth investigation into the POLICE use of a criminal informant.
Good old beeb, missing the big issue as usual.
But they do ask why for years the police took no action despite being aware of muslim rape cases (my words of course, they never use the m word).
Well beeb, for exactly the same reasons as YOU took no action for years despite being aware of such cases, despite your obscene sprawling empire of regional bureaux and overpaid hacks: cowardice, political correctness and islamophilia.
And there will be more as its has been operating on an ‘industrial scale’ for some time.
The NSPCC has been critical, but what have they been doing for their wages?
London Police Find Violent Gangs, Acid Attacks, and Moped Crime ‘Linked’
Holy Mackerel !
Thank God for detectives.
No sh*t Sherlock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I note that the BBC are upset that the police payed a known paedo to assist in the conviction of eighteen paedos.
Well, the BBC for over twenty years paid a paedo (undercover name ‘Jimmy the Sovile’) to secure absolutely no convictions.
Quote from the Chief Constable of Northumbria:
“”It is for individual communities (??) to ask themselves whether they are doing all they can to eradicate such attitudes and behaviour so that the stigma and shame attached to such people prevents it from rearing its head again.””
Why can’t he say ‘Muslim Communities’ rather than ‘individual communities’?
The evidence is somewhat overwhelming, is it not?
Well, ‘he’ likely has a fair grasp of what keeps a PC PC PC.
As it were.
Not laudable of course. But safe.
sadly ..”PC” is all that matters to them anymore..the spineless waste of space. Robert Peel must be turning in his grave…such a national disgrace as they undoubtedly are!
On the ten o clock news a Newcastle councillor who was also one of the ‘Asian’ people said something about “the white people should be asking themselves about Jimmy Saville”.
FFS! He was one person and he was nowhere near as bad as what these Muslim gangs are doing, and he was covered up by the BBC!
The Left and the Muslims are certainly getting their moneys worth out of Jimmy Saville!
When the BBC is reduced to facilitating promoting one of their own’s failings by way of distracting from a delusional pet narrative continually going tits up, things are pretty screwed.
On the ten o clock news a Newcastle councillor who was also one of the ‘Asian’ people said something about “the white people should be asking themselves about Jimmy Saville”.
I noticed that, whilst the bBC is quick to bemoan the use of cash payment in which to catch these followers of Islam from the inside. (Oh sorry, the bBC forgot to mention that due to everybody in the dock being Islamic (Other than the white woman) it was a closed shop and could only be infiltrated from the inside. (You know like when the bBC secretes somebody into a story like the Police/Factory/School/ etc) Well here is a bit more on Councillor Dipu Sultan Ahad :
Sack Local Councillor For Elswick Ward Dipu Ahad
Dipu Sultan Ahad has shamed NUFC fans everywhere by implying that Newcastle United fans are members or supporters of the Islamic State Jihadist extremist terrorists. The Labour Councillor for Elswick ward in Newcastle upon Tyne posted a public picture on his Twitter and Facebook pages showing Islamic State terrorists holding a Newcastle United flag with the caption “Tony Army!!”
The terrorist in my family behind London bomb plot that I should have reported to police
When Newcastle councillor Dipu Ahad heard that the Manchester suicide bomber was 22-year-old British-born Salman Abedi, he thought instantly of one of his own. Both young Muslim men grew up on UK shores and both were part of organised terrorist networks. In 2012 Dipu’s cousin’s son, who he calls his nephew, Omar Latif, was jailed in February 2012 for his role in a terror cell which plotted a “Mumbai-style” assault and a bomb attack on the London Stock Exchange.
Police drop case against Newcastle City Councillor Dipu Ahad
Police investigating a city councillor for sending an allegedly racist message on social media have dropped their case against him….The message is alleged to have been shared on Twitter by the Muslim father-of-two on March 10 and contains an image of a loaf of bread containing the words ‘white’ and ‘thick’ on its packaging.
Newcastle councillor claims he was ‘arrested, blindfolded and beaten’ during peace trip to Palestine
A Newcastle councillor on a peace trip to Palestine was arrested by Israel Defense Forces and says he was handcuffed, blindfolded, hit with guns and denied food and water as he languished in custody in the baking heat. Dipu Ahad also claimed soldiers kicked him on an injured ankle and took ‘selfies’ of themselves with him despite his distress.
Not hard to see why the the bbC have this person on speed dial.
Maybe our cuck Muslim “councillor” has a point.
Quite possibly Savile was on the tip of the BBC iceberg.
If we follow Hillsborough and Orgreave rules beloved of the BBC?
I myself would tie them up in endless open enquiries under quasi-ad hoc and judicial mockups…just as they deem fit for Trump in the USA.
When will we apply their paralysing tactics back onto THEM?
Works for Brexit and Trump-good enough for the Peadeecee(sorry BBC)
Trying to compare this with Saville is pathetic, here we are talking about up to a Million religiously motivated, and racially targetted, SERIAL child GANG rape victims.
Each victim was subject to SERIL GANG rape, so each victim could have been raped 10, 20, 30, times or more… so that could be 10, 20, 30…. million counts of rape.
Imagine even 10 Million rapes, and their are only 1.6 Million Muslim males in the whole country.
It would seem abvious that a large proportion was either involved, or knew of these rapes.
Agreed Dover – but on the other hand he has to speak in code and euphemisms or he’d be out of a job faster than you can say Allahu Akbar.
On the Toady show this morning, one ‘Lord’ McDonald was doing his best to avoid the M word….Humph retorted, you mean MUSLIMS…..hesitent, embarrassed reply by the Ministry man, yes..These imbeciles infest every nook and cranny of our life. We need a mass fumigation…..
AND…..Will these wretched sub-humans be deported to a muslim country, along with every member of their families when they complete their sentences?…..they will have plenty of time to plan it..i suspect not, and so they will return and carry-on as before, so weak and worthless is our legal system now.
“Will these wretched sub-humans be deported to a muslim country, along with every member of their families when they complete their sentences”
Hopefully. Not afore this has visited their beloved Mosque:
Typical BBCnews meeting
..producer “Right the news is X
. . but we’d like not to mention Y
… So let’s make the NARRATIVE Z ”
Hence this narrative is about PAID INFORMER
.. not about Muslim culture
Just as BBC pay got directed away from overpaying your lefty mates
..towards being about 34 women’s pay