Here you go, a new Open Thread. I see the BBC equates President Trump with Kim Jung Un and chooses to present Trump as the real menace to peace. Sickening.
Cast your collective minds back to 2002, and a terrifying murder spree by two black men which became known as The Beltway sniper attacks.
I can clearly remember this, and imagining the terror of indiscriminate attacks on random individuals going about their business for no apparent reason.
No apparent reason ?
Well it was post 9/11, but the world at that time had not become aware of the risks Islam poses, so reporting could possibly be seen as ignorant rather than biased, save for the fact of the perpetrators statements at their trial.
The perpetrators were John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo – a Jamaican illegal immigrant. John Allen Muhammad was a Muslim convert and member of the notorious Nation of Islam.
Yet the testimony at the trial never seems to have been reported in the UK. Do you remember this?
“While imprisoned, Malvo wrote a number of erratic diatribes about what he termed “jihad” against the United States. “I have been accused on my mission. Allah knows I’m gonna suffer now”, he wrote. Because his rants and drawings featured not only such figures as Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, but also characters from the film series The Matrix, these musings were dismissed as immaterial.
Nonetheless, in at least one of the ensuing murder trials, a Virginia court found Muhammad guilty of killing “pursuant to the direction or order” of terrorism.
Something you were probably never aware of, but why is that when the guilty verdict clearly did find that the motivation was terrorism by way of Islamic Jihad? A string of seeming unconnected victims men women black & white did have something in common, they were not Muslims and therefore fair game for murder.
“At the 2006 trial of Muhammad, Malvo testified that the aim of the killing spree was to kidnap children for the purpose of extorting money from the government and to “set up a camp to train children how to terrorize cities”
It’s just another cover up by the UK media to protect Muslims from their murderous religion, and probably another Jihadist attack which has been presented as inexplicable, when it absolutely was not.
Ten o clock news tonight, French soldiers mown down by probably a Muslim terrorist on at 10.20 after a load of shite about Grenfell towers (which has to be on every news prog) and just before the sport, the BBC have got their priorities totally wrong.
I do some online journalism. Today was a slow news day, so I spoke to my editor about it who said ‘There must be something about Grenfell – use that!’ Sure enough I managed to find something to fill a few column inches, LOL! I also did my bit for the cause by deleting some unnecessary anti-Brexit stuff from an NGO press release!
I watched the bBC news last night regards NK and the US. The bBC was mostly emotive hype. We switched over to ITV and their coverage was vastly superior , they laid down all the facts and from that the watcher was allowed to make his.her own mind up. The bBC version did that for you.
Point to note:
The bBC (And most media outlets) have conveniently left out that the US has since 2013 deployed to Guam a Terminal High Altitude Area Defence unit . (The same system which has upset China/Russian and NK when it was deployed to SK the other month) Not only that but Guam is an Island and such is surrounded by water. Which means the US can deploy any of the 33+ Navy ships fitted out with the SM3 anti-ballistic missile system (figures from 2014, so should be larger in 2017)
Japan and South Korea have ships with that capability also, and yet the bBC leaves out such a salient fact.
None of the anti ballistic missile systems are a 100% guarantee against a missile getting through. You don’t know what is fitted to a missile either, and an explosion which disintegrates a nuclear device will cause fallout which will then be carried by the wind.
The point however is not the fact that one country is capable of defending itself, but the hostile intentions of the other country. This is being backed to the hilt by Communist China it seems as they are doing next to nothing to rein in their dangerous neighbour.
Neither America nor Russia can win a war against China they simply have too large a population they can call on to fight.
The best move possible would be for China to march into North Korea & remove the tiny despot and his family and introduce some free market economics like they have in their own country.
Thanks guys i have caught up with the bias, and ”under-reporting”.
So France car attacks soldiers after ”laying in wait”, snidey bastard.
French police ”think” it could be terror related, their not ruling anything out,
[ mr ] Macron hint’s it could be the Germans up to their old tricks of German vehicles attacking French soldiers.
Ms Merkel responded, that alough it was a German car, a BMW she ”believe’s’ the vehicle had been radicalised on a Norwegian assembly line, and we should all just stay calm as she is busy fixing an election right now, aswell as trying to f/ck the UK over, and statistic’s show that radicalised BMW’s are rare as everyone well knows they are vehicles of peace, and always have been even when they made tanks.
Then the beeb says there was a ”dramatic” shoot out, after a huge car-hunt for the car and its hostage, both were arrested, one injured, not sure which one.
Theres also been ”speculation” here that the hostages name was Mohamed, and Allahu Akbar was ”blasting” from the stereo, this sounds abit far fetched to me.
The latest on ”the car”, charged for emissions violations, looks like the sentence will crush it.
No news on the hostage.
I see the Beeb is focussing on the Police’s payment to an informant in the Newcastle case – good old deflection tactics. Good old PC Al Beebus, punching up against those nasty white men. Never a thought that maybe it was not a great idea to import huge numbers of people who have pre-medieval ideas of women, let alone to cheerlead for them and do everything possible to portray them in a positive light. Where are the feminists in all this? You would expect them to be up in arms; Donald Trump saying derogatory things about women is trifling compared to this horror.
In their heart of hearts do you think they feel guilty for the mosern Britian they have helped create? Growing up in the North of England avoiding sex slavery is becoming just a normal part of life. Isn’t that progressive? And Police in London have their hands tied thanks to leftist lunatics, which must make the streets so terrifying for poor kids from BAME communities.
The story of the conviction has completely gone – they are now re-headlining their “North Korea – Evil Trump – End of the World” story, with the “Police Chief Defends Payment” as a subsidiary headline. The Rape Conviction is now just a link to the “Police Chief Defends Payment” story. They headlined the rape story for about 18 hours or so. It is completely gone from their English News Section. It was so obvious and predictable. They adopted several deflection tactics with for example a story of a white man rapist – who attacked two women after being released. There is just so much material for the BBC bias.
Does anyone remember when the BBC ran a story of an Iraqi immigrant getting beaten up by a gang in South London (Shrublands, near Croydon) – they headlined that story for weeks. Even Theresa May had to make a speech about it condemning it
BBC – I think the BBC like most of the liberal elite (and especially all our wonderful feminists such as Hattiie and Co) have all bought into the left wing group-think that working class white female teenagers are all innately – potential “waycists” and therefore are considered little better than consumables to be used, disposed of and ignored at will.
I suspect even if some of their own children had been abused/raped by “Asian” men – then they would probably still have rationalised it in some weird sort of way. I think the incident of the German girl that was raped and murdered a couple of years ago by a refugee “Asian” man said a lot when her EU employed parents at the funeral asked for any donations to go to “refugee” charities.
So arrogant are these educated idiots that they totally lack any imagination to consider that they might in some way be even slightly culpable for this epidemic of sexually motivated crimes that are currently infecting parts of our society.
Still this is the thing with the left – They are never at fault especially if it means that admitting that much of the “socially conscience ” bull they have been spouting for decades at us may in fact be a little – ahem naive.
The ideological chickens these twats have been breeding for years have certainly come home to roost. Just a pity they did not settle in Islington first.
Hi Justin, that programme aired last night demonstrated the BBC had planned how they were going to cover the story. They had a white male rapist story first. Then they had the conviction story. Then they had the paying £10,000 story. Then they got rid of the conviction story – and now we just have the paying £10,000 to a rapist story.
@Calphate That Shrublands Avenue attack needs an eye keeping on it, cos it’ll probably fizzle down to something way less than the first narrative, just like the Harlow ‘Brexit’ attack.
Only 2 were charged with GBH , a 20 yr old and 17 year old and their trial date is October 4th
11 others were charged with “violent disorder, “but I bet some get dropped before trial.
Just in : “suspect cleared of GBH”
so the case is down to only one 17 year old being charged with GBH
with 12 others charged for“violent disorder
Funny how that news from yesterday hasn’t been mentioned much, nor on twitter either.
Defendant in Croydon asylum seeker attack case is cleared of grievous bodily harm charge
Welcome to the ministry of truth era, every lefty fcuktard’s will be quoting these mother’s, all day.
It will be fake news central, a shrinking of the lefty echo-chamber, and a consensus dream scenario, to some like me, its just another step in the direction the left always take, theres their truth or no truth, this will centralise the propaganda, this really getting dark now, the urgency to control our language and thoughts, cos thats what it is about control.
When i say shrink their echo-chamber, i mean the flash-light of leftism reduced to a laser, everyone will be on ”message” harmoniously.
Then they will take-over monitoring social media, and sites like this shut down, but mainly get
millions of people off social media, those that are not”aligned to current ”thought”, subversives as we will become known, if banned from social media you will be automatically assumed to be right wing,, and probably a racist weirdo climate change denier.
Manxman, it’s fairly obvious that’s the goal – they’re desperately trying to re-establish the ‘gatekeepers’ that have almost disappeared since the internet largely took over from traditional print and broadcast media. This is happening with a lot of the censorship going on on Facebook, Google, Youtube etc. Whether it will succeed is another matter because in order to shut down sites like this they need to pass a lot more laws.
Al beeb’s website continues its campaign of ‘deflection’ in the story of the Newcastle muslim paedo gang, focusing on the lesser issue of the money paid to an informant. The headline being: “Police defend payment to informant”
Also in the Press review, the headline is: “Anger over child rapist spy.”
(Yes, let’s deflect anger away from the muslim rapists and onto the police, that should work – Ed)
Ironically the headline appears under a picture of the Mail which has a very different one: “How many girls’ lives torn apart by sex gangs?” The answer, by the way, is: more than we’ll ever know, and more than al beeb will ever admit.
Good to see one white woman out of the eighteen convicted was employed as a trafficker. Trickle down economics! What a tremendous contribution these enterprising men have made in lifting this woman out of unemployment.
I see the defendants accused the Police of racism. What a surprise. No doubt they were all on legal aid costing millions, and there will be spurious appeals to follow. They accuse their victims of being liars and show no remorse. How do you celebrate diversity like that?
It’s weird that all these ‘Asians’ are men, many of whom were unemployed. If you followed the Beeb you would expect all Muslim immigrants to be women, children and academics. May they rot in hell for what they have done to our heritage; this sceptyr’d isle turned septic with a stench of child rape, violence and mendacity.
7:15am the day after and the so called bbc are still investigating the money paid not the muzzie question , the chief constable giving the beeboid twat the run around mind
My initial thoughts about the bribe were that it was outrageous. Being a bit slow, when I thought about it a bit I came to the conclusion that these racist, rapist Muslims would be unlikely to accept someone unknown to them or who was not willing to participate or who was not known for having participated previously.
I’m with the Chief Constable on this; another example, like Brexit, of the innate common sense of the people of the North when it comes to identifying underlying threats and facing them.
BBC – I think the BBC like most of the liberal elite (and especially all our wonderful feminists such as Hattiie and Co) have all bought into the left wing group-think that working class white female teenagers are all innately – potential “waycists” and therefore are considered little better than consumables to be used, disposed of and ignored at will.
I suspect even if some of their own children had been abused/raped by “Asian” men – then they would probably still have rationalised it in some weird sort of way. I think the incident of the German girl that was raped and murdered a couple of years ago by a refugee “Asian” man said a lot when her EU employed parents at the funeral asked for any donations to go to “refugee” charities.
So arrogant are these educated idiots that they totally lack any imagination to consider that they might in some way be even slightly culpable for this epidemic of sexually motivated crimes that are currently infecting parts of our society.
Still this is the thing with the left – They are never at fault especially if it means that admitting that much of the “socially conscience ” bull they have been spouting for decades at us may in fact be a little – ahem naive.
The ideological chickens these twats have been breeding for years have certainly come home to roost. Just a pity they did not settle in Islington first.
“I suspect even if some of their own children had been abused/raped by “Asian” men – then they would probably still have rationalised it in some weird sort of way.”
I am convinced the, “…weird sort of way…” is founded on, “all for the better good of the peoples of the World as a whole” (a typical Globalists approach). I conclude this incomprehensible way of thinking is the only way the liberal left can live with themselves when mass raping and child abuse is carried out in our country by islamic foreigners. Absolutely is in accordance with, and explains Emir Khan’s utterances – ‘….get used to it’. That’s the fallout of Globalism – we have to “get used to”, living alongside their disgusting islamic habits.
I recall the retired head of the CPS in the North-East (a muslim apparently) when interviewed about Rotherham. He said, “..Rotherham is only the tip of the iceberg”.
The globalist approach seems to have been adopted when our society reached a point where most of the the majority peoples “needs” seem to have been met so those in power decide to start fulfilling their own “wants” Which in the spirit of “re-distribution of wealth” means inviting and paying for any medievil savage into our country who fancies a change in lifestyle.
With the police all busy chasing hate based bacon crime and similair – Our new guests can just get on with enriching “those whom your right hands possess”
Not a crime at all really – Cultural relativism innit.
A pity the BBC didnt get this Newcastle story checked out first with the new Soros “Fact Checker” – if they had it could have been published under a social issues banner rather than a crime based one.
Scene: the BBC newsroom. Tarquin and Jemima, the two student intern reporters, are preparing news for the website.
Tarquin: Like, Jemima, like, check this out! Just had like a press release that like says a load of men raped a load of girls in some place called Rotherham.
Jemima: OMG, like, WTF? That’s like so, sexist? We really need to like publish this article!
Tarquin: Wait a minute…we’re supposed to run press releases through that Soros Fact Checker thingy first before uploading.
Jemima: Oh yeah…ok, here goes.
(She feeds the paper into the computer. Sounds of bleeps, whirrs, clicks etc. A metallic, central-European robotic voice is heard)
Soros-robot: Report. For. News item on Ro-the-ham rapists. As. Follows. Report. False. Repeat. False. Men. Were. Victims. Of. Western. Cultural. Oppression. Replace story. Repeat. Replace story as follows: ‘Nadia Models New Burkini with Sir Mo’. End. Transmission.
Tarquin. Phew! Thank heavens for that. We nearly published some fake news!
Jemima. OMG, like, WTF, get me out of here – I think I’m having another panic attack!
BBC News at 10 – said “Isaac thanked the authorities” – and quoted him later in the same interview where he mentioned the authorities and the British public : – – Watch at 31:30
Operation deflection is in full swing on BBC Breakfast this morning with lightweight newshound Charlie Stayt yapping away, cocking his back leg and determinedly barking up the wrong tree. Hounding the Newscastle top cop like a dog with a bone – all on the basis of a “some people say” run and fetch remit. Frankly I don’t believe the tactic will distract the general public. Far better to return to the BBC policy line of splurge with the story today and then drop it like a hot potatoe tomorrow.
I love the fact that the BBC suddenly turn into Judge Nutmeg and presume to put everybody in the dock for their own rarings and for sport.
The BBC are more than culpable-they have done nothing else but hunt the likes of Griffin and the BNP. Tommy and the EDL types who first told us about these Northern Muslim gangs. This was just before the 2005 election and the BBC nobbled Griffin to prevent him taking a seat from New Labour.
Much of this could have been dealt with far earlier if the BBC weren`t producing and preening their Saviles…as well as covering for their Muslim mates who had an image problem with all their 9/11 , Zarqawi “difficulties”. The BBC-utter Marxist scum. Muslim shoe horns.
AS – Whether people will buy this line – I dont know really. Its the perfect set up for the BBC in some ways. They have been instrumental in creating the conditions where the police/social services are afraid to call a spade a spade (or even a rape a rape) in case it causes racial offence – they then feel free to bash the authorities/police for not stopping these crimes sooner.
You really could not make this shit up!
I suppose the problem becomes where people swallow the London Emirs line that this is just normal for a city and switch off.
Had to listen to a bit of Today today – fascinating interview with an ex labour DPP Ken McDonald who is often quite sensible for a lefty. £650000pa Humpreys started by doing the al beeb attack of using an informant to get 18 Islamic animals convicted .
Unfortunately for albeeb it ended with McDonald getting somewhere nearer the subject of avoiding the investigation of these cases because white lefty old bill don’t want their careers adversely affected through race and PC allegations
I think Mr McDonald might get less exposure on al beeb and hump will have an interview with an a beeb senior bod – a meeting without coffee – some call it or a bollo::king .
1. The bBBC reports yesterday spent as much time on the ‘convicted rapist informant’ aspect than anything about the nationalities or cultures and especially religions of the perpetrators.
2. No bBBC person ever mentioned the M or I word. Amazingly it was left to an Asian Newcastle councillor to say it.
3. Shock horror. In an interview at 0735 on Toady, John Humphries, slightly apologetic and treading on egg shells, finally said in terms ‘ and let’s be clear we are talking about mainly Muslim men’. Hurrah! At last! This seemed to provide the interviewee, former DPP and not exactly right wing reactionary Ken Macdonald (Blairite Labour From memory) with a temporary spine and he finally described the incident as a ‘profoundly racist crime’.
The biased BBC seem decidedly less coy about fully describing and covering other ‘profoundly racist crimes’, such as throwing bacon rashers around.
The bBBC. World champions in politically correct denial.
Update at 0820. On Toady Humphries interviews a top cop and Sarah Champion, Rotherham MP. They discuss the over-riding political correctness attached to the Asian sexual abuse gangs i.e not mentioning the ethnicity or religious persuasions of those involved. At 0820 Humphries actually refers to a comment by Champion that last nights 10 o clock BBC news also failed to mention the ethnicy and religion aspect !!!!!!!!
The biased BBC. Proven and banged to rights by one of their own programmes !!!!!
Result !!!
I know a detective who works in a regional crime unit in Newcastle dealing with sex crimes. I do not know if she has been involved in this case, but I would think that after an intensive three year investigation, which ended with 18 rapists being convicted, the officers involved might just be a little hacked off that all the BBC wants to talk about is the £10 grand paid to an informant.
Many crimes are solved by the use of informants. This crime involved a close knit gang of muslim rapists, so it follows that the only sort of person who could gain their trust would be a muslim rapist. Any normal person with an ounce of common sense could see that this had to be the case. Of course, “common sense” is racist and islamophobic, and is therefore banned by the BBC. Another reason why I won’t miss it when it’s gone.
And now the BBC is carrying the story . It’s caught somewhere between a rock & a hard place on this one. On one hand it didn’t want to move out of the comfortable Hampstead Islington bubble and mingle with the great unwashed it claims to champion but in reality despises. One the other hand having made the move and spent untold millions it is desperate that it doesn’t prove a failure. It has also in its ego driven belief been shown that it does not have the power and influence it believed it did.
Not the BBC but a means of challenging the narrative.
Paul Ross has actually mentioned the fact that, although the perpetrators are from different countries, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Afghanistan & Iraq, they all “claim to be Muslims”.
His earlier guest made the point that it’s now being realised that they have been playing the “racist” card and that they need to start looking at the “cultural” issues.
His present guest has specifically stated they were “Muslim men from an Islamic faith”
However, Paul Ross has just said something on the lines of ” in the same way that some paedophiles claim to be Christian, these men claim to be Muslim and that’s not what Islam is about”
It is this ignorance that is allowing their cultural practices to be ignored or excused!
Not the BBC but a means of challenging the narrative.
Paul Ross has actually mentioned the fact that, although the perpetrators are from different countries, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Afghanistan & Iraq, they all “claim to be Muslims”.
His earlier guest made the point that it’s now being realised that they have been playing the “racist” card and that they need to start looking at the “cultural” issues.
His present guest has specifically stated they were “Muslim men from an Islamic faith”
However, Paul Ross has just said something on the lines of ” in the same way that some paedophiles claim to be Christian, these men claim to be Muslim and that’s not what Islam is about”
It is this ignorance that is allowing their cultural practices to be ignored or excused!
Humphries on ‘Today’ just, interviewed Sarah Champion MP and the Chief Constable. Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why they ask. Oh why is this only happening at a factory level of abuse when Pakistani and all other asian races are predominantly involved? All carefully avoiding the fact that we all know why these “men” carry out these acts with many more, perhaps hundreds, yet to be uncovered.
ISLAM. There, Sarah Champion MP, I’ve said it. The “men” are merely following the ways of their god. Their god was a paedophile on today’s standards and naturally they would wish to emulate him. That’s why the cloak of ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia’ has been constructed by the Islamists to deflect blame for the behaviour they actually know they will commit.
During the appalling Newcastle rape (rapes) discussions and interviews on the Today programme, my thoughts strayed back to pre-Rochdale days when the earliest warnings came from Nick Griffin (with details) and all he got for his honesty and concern were bile and threats and an arrest. The BBC, politicians and police were all complicit by turning a blind eye (and therefore aiding and abetting) the rape and sexual exploitation of hundreds of vulnerable, largely under-aged girls. It is one of the great scandals of the age. Now at this point, it is obligatory to dissociate myself from the extremist National Front – which I do without reserve. However, I do commend Griffin for his early warnings and for linking it with islam which is, in my view, an undeniable fact. Not that the BBC or any of those they invite on their programs will ever concede that.
Interesting how Champion tried to politicise the Muslim rape gang by pointing to government failure to set up an inquiry to find out why these animals do what they do . She knew the answer- it would be too uncomfortable reading for the politicians of all persuasions who let these peasants from an alien country into a once decent one. Plus, of course, their peasant mentality that if white girls dress ‘freely’ they are in play. Plus at home their wifes and daughters are permanently pregnant. There- that’s the inquiry finding without 2 million quid and a year spunked on it – to use the unpleasant vernacular
BBC breakfast.
Cutting edge reporting.
“In protest at Donald Trump. A giant inflatable chicken appeared on the White House lawn this morning, complete with golden quiff and little hands.” The two muppets on the sofa chuckled and giggled at this amazing spectacle.
Again showing their complete impartiality. Nagga exclaimed, “I quite liked it”
Daily Mail reports that the BMW attacker has been shot and arrested and publishes a photo. He looks suspiciously like a Roper. BBC Website says ” Motivation is not known “. Presumebly they mean motive.
She claims that she has had threats of acid attacks and is scared to leave the house.
Really? She thinks she’s so famous that there are hoards of nasty, racist Brexiters walking around with bottles of acid who will instantly recognize her and throw it in her face? Of course, these foul individuals must be busy during the week because she says it’s only at weekends that she’s scared to go out.
She says that she is in discussion with her “police teams” as to whether the threats are serious……..Police teams? All paid for by us the taxpayer over threats that are not even proven or considered serious.
She claims that she may have to leave the country if it becomes any worse. Oh well, never mind.
Shameless deflection tactics from Beeb about paying informant – that tried and tested method of shooting the messenger. His evil white, straight, male face is front and centre. He claims it “was right”. You can almost sense their finger wagging.
Of course that is the real issue, not if importing and protecting child rapists “is right.” Whilst there may be an element of conjecture regarding this man’s decision, I can be absolutely sure that gang raping children is “not right.” Nor is the ongoing destruction of the greatest civilisation in human history, aided and abetted by a liberal elite who have clearly lost their minds.
It’s just like the London Bridge attack was all the fault of the internet for inspiring the attackers. The internet literally forced them to commit murder.
A mum whose young daughter was sexually assaulted by a cab driver has spoken out after the youngster’s attacker was locked up.
The 14-year-old girl took a private hire car home from a friend’s house late at night because her mother felt it was safer than public transport or walking.
But pervert cabbie Moshraf Ali began driving slowly on the short journey, made wrong turns and took the longest route to the address.
Ali, 52, from Oldham, started asking the youngster inappropriate sexual questions and shortly before the end of the journey, he leaned over from the driver’s seat and groped her.
He was sentenced to 12 months in prison after being convicted of sexual assault and was ordered to sign the sex offenders register for 10 years.
Yet again we see the effect of two tier sentencing with Muslims being given far lighter sentences than other offenders.
Thoughtful – I think I’m starting to understand why so many muslims choose taxi driving as a career (despite being highly qualified doctors and engineers). In many towns the whole line of drivers at taxi ranks are bearded.
I always walk, no matter the inconvenience.
A lot of the ” highly educated doctors ” bought their medical certificate in a street market and bunged a hospital for a reference .
Then come to Blighty £200000 a year googling medical conditions and no one to challenge you because they don’t want the finger pointed of you . Better cover for kiddy fondling too
DM: The suspect of the Paris attack is called Hamou Bachir, an illegal immigrant from Algeria, and is somewhat hirsute.
No mention of his ID on beebistan yet, though other media are posting his details.
The beeb are still baffled by the motive for the attack, but, even though I’m not paid £800,000 a year, I’m going to go way out on a limb and make a wild guess…
Beneath the Newcastle grooming story on Beeb website there is an emotive video with lachrymose music about migrants leaving the US to go to Canada; obviously mostly women and children, and the men are all lovely and have been tortured.
I wonder how many of the Newcastle gang claimed to have been tortured to get in the country? What about some emotive music about the victims of child rape? Will they ever, ever learn? Their double think is astonishing. Having just reported on such evil crimes, they churn out propaghanda like this saying Trump is evil for not wanting to let it happen in his country! It is reckless to let absolutely anyone into your country. A few bad eggs can ruin so many lives, and there will inevitably more than just a few bad eggs. Of course if you come from some of the most violent and corrupt countries in the world where you throw rocks at women for leaving the home uncovered you will bring elements of that culture with you.
Beneath the Newcastle grooming story on Beeb website there is an emotive video with lachrymose music about migrants leaving the US to go to Canada; obviously mostly women and children, and the men are all lovely and have been tortured.
I wonder how many of the Newcastle gang claimed to have been tortured to get in the country? What about some emotive music about the victims of child rape? Will they ever, ever learn? Their double think is astonishing. Having just reported on such evil crimes, they churn out propaghanda like this saying Trump is evil for not wanting to let it happen in his country! It is reckless to let absolutely anyone into your country. A few bad eggs can ruin so many lives, and there will inevitably more than just a few bad eggs. Of course if you come from some of the most violent and corrupt countries in the world where you throw rocks at women for leaving the home uncovered you will bring elements of that culture with you.
I would hope that any Indian or Sikh people who might look in here or indeed who watch or listen to the bBC would not hesitate to start a campaign to insist the reporting of these Pakistani Gang rapes are called just that.
It must be difficult to continuously see the word “Asian” used to describe these animals.
The bBC could, therefore, be deemed guilty of facilitating the cover-up.
And why cant these people be simply deported and jailed in Pakistan. After all they receive overseas aid money.
This is the problem. The BBC and others are tarring all ” Asians” with the same brush , when the guilty are muslims. The BBC is institutionally racist . The police should be charging Beeboids with racism .
No BBC have your say on one particular story, so people have taken matters into their own hands with the comments on this one, just click best rated.
Moderator probably wont be able to keep up.
The BBC can’t possibly guess what motivated the Newcastle rapists or the Paris attacker, but apparently they can tell a guy’s job just from grainy CCTV footage:
DJ – thanks for that – there are some good ‘stealth comments’ in that article. Perhaps this is the only way people can now really ‘have their say’ on the BBC if they do not, as WH Auden put it, ‘hold the correct opinions for the time of year’.
Some things I’ve noticed about how the leftist establishment/media responds to certain cases.
1. If an attacker/rapist etc is muslim, it has to be stressed that they are not ‘real’ muslims. This is why the man who shouted ‘you ain’t no muslim bruv’ at that tube station beheader even had his statement mentioned in Parliament by then PM Cameron.
2. Every effort has to be made to show a muslim attacker as being an integrated part of British society. ‘They were born here so immigration is not the problem’. Actually, it is – they are here because of mass uncontrolled immigration, because that is what enabled their parents (or even grandparents in some cases) to come here, and it is mass uncontrolled immigration that creates the ghetto effect which means they don’t have to integrate with British society even if born here.
3. It is considered bad form to hold immigrants (or even second or third generation immigrants) to a ‘higher’ standard of behaviour than native British. There’s even some lefty name for this concept but I can’t remember what it is. Whereas any sane person would say if you are a bit of an outsider in a culture, you ought to make MORE of an effort to abide by laws and customs.
I note on the 11am Radio 2 news the BBC have amended the terminology for the Newcastle groomers/peados to ‘Southern’ Asian. F’off BBC you’re still being disgustingly disingenuous…
I think we should get nations based on their cooking type to complain about being lumped together with the real culprits in the gang cases.
“South Asian cuisine is the cuisine of South Asia, comprising the traditional cuisines from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.” Spot the real ones!
Might start playing the albeeb suspect game again ( still limiting exposure to the toxicity ) . The game is : crime – white suspect – describe as white. Crime – non white suspect – only give gender and age .
“New Commonwealth ” used to be used for the free passport merchants back in the 70s and 80s so now it’s ” southern Asian “
I had the misfortune to listen to Jon Snow interviewing a woman from a ‘muslim womens body’ and another woman talking about the Newcastle situation….not once did the word Muslim get mentioned Jon Snow nearly said it but stopped himself – merely saying most from Pakistan….(muslim)…The lady from the Women’s brigade didn’t want to acknowledge it was mainly (if not all Muslims) and even that it was racist…. turned it to Misogyny—-“and white groups” ( that bit of racism escaped her) ..Missing the point somewhat… and then the other respondent basically said the same – clearly didn’t want to offend her Muslim colleague….
When will responsible Muslims condemn this ‘cultural’ attitude….certainly the BBC have now stopped even mentioning the word Muslim or Islam) if it is in a bad light….no matter how strong the evidence. I am pretty certain they would say Catholic priests if it was the same situation
This was one of the most pointless discussions – if you hadn’t known the context you would be non the wiser….BBC you are a disgrace.
The question the BBC and MSM should be asking all muslims is “why do you not condemn atrocities committed by muslims such as terrorism and rape ? If you do not condemn them , some people might think that you support them or are you worried about reprisals from fellow muslim ? “. Put the feckers on the spot. But cnuts like Snow and all his fellow travellers do not have the balls to do it. Cowards.
For some obscure reason, this reminds me of the old Frank Muir joke. He was driving through Ugley in Essex and saw a village hall with a sign which said Ugley Women’s Institute. Ever polite, Frank stopped, went inside, and mentioned the way the sign could be misinterpreted. The good ladies thanked him and promised to change it.
A couple of months later, he was driving through the same village and saw the sign had been changed to Women’s Institute – Ugley Division.
It’s impossible for a right-leaning mainstream TV channel to be allowed on the UK airwaves, as Grant has said. The best we get now is the odd spokesman like Douglas Murray, Nigel or David Starkey to be invited on a panel to be scorned and vilified.
The revolution, a war or some kind of zombie apocalypse has to come first before we ever find rationality again.
I’m no fan of Facebook but there’s a report today that it may introduce a broadcast tv service. Eventually technology will finish off the BBC. There will be so much consumer choice out there and such a decline in viewing figures for beeb output that a £147 poll tax will become unacceptable, even to the Tories who are so running scared of the BBC. Pity this decision has been put off for 10 years by the cowards Whittingdale and Bradley.
The BBC were really up for the global collapse. The continuously shown footage of the queues at Northern Rock (complete with gloating commentary) were straight from Junior economics text book, Chapter 1: How to start a run on a bank. Then, does any one remember the ‘DOWNTURN’ logo displayed on the back wall of all economic news items and features.
On another sort-of related point, I was once in a position (before the crash) to ask a director in the City. ‘How could you best define trading derivatives?’ Her answer, ‘after 25 years in the business, the nearest analogy I can make is: It’s like betting on horses.’
Lord MacDonald beginning to tell the truth about racist, brown-on-white, muslim paedo sex crimes.
So, finally, the Establishment is timidly inching its way to nervously, reluctantly, furtively, apologetically, whispering a truth that has been glaringly obvious for years to anyone with a pair of eyes and an iota of intelligence.
In other words, not the beeb, for all its obscene massive funding.
The BBC were really up for the global collapse. The continuously shown footage of the queues at Northern Rock (complete with gloating commentary) were straight from Junior economics text book, Chapter 1: How to start a run on a bank. Then, does any one remember the ‘DOWNTURN’ logo displayed on the back wall of all economic news items and features. I’m surprised they don’t have a ‘DOOM’ logo to go with all Brexit news and features. Maybe they do. I never watch any of their crap output.
On another sort-of related point, I was once in a position (before the crash) to ask a director in the City. ‘How could you best define trading derivatives?’ Her answer, ‘after 25 years in the business, the nearest analogy I can make is: It’s like betting on horses.’
Items on the beebistan news include: Newcastle rape gang; slavery and trafficking widespread in UK; overstretched NHS, record waiting lists; increase in homelessness widespread; underfunded and overstretched schools…
Every single one of which is directly or indirectly linked to open borders and mass immigration.
Will al beebistan make the connection?
When pigs fly.
Ps. Is it a coincidence that the beeb news are now following up the Newcastle story with a report on ‘widespread trafficking and slavery in the UK’. Is the subliminal message: See? Everyone’s at it, not just the muzzies.
TWATO (never was an acronym more appropriate!) lead today on this ‘trafficking ‘ and slave labour. Just about every case I’ve seen reported is in respect of EE gangs bringing in whores or agricultural labourers. Yer average Brit wouldn’t fall for it but these people are gullible enough to do so, and when their gang masters are found out we fall over backwards to accommodate and feed and pay them.
“Newcastle rape gang; slavery and trafficking widespread in UK;” – Purely the benefits of ‘enrichment’ from Albanians, Asians and all the rest ‘seeking refuge’ in the UK.
It’s funny that clip of someone watching a possibly pornographic film during the BBC News. It confirmed my suspicions that despite all those cool and professional looking studios, their staff spend most of their time doing nothing. Such is the tyrannical strait jacket of political correctness: there are so many subjects they refuse to report on. They only ever seem to report on about five different subjects yet employ 3000 journalists! Trougher parasites!
I wonder if any of those highly trained, intelligent Oxbridge educated investigative ‘journalists’ at the bBBC could spot a possible link between the Paris attack testerday and the Newcastle child abusers?
I have a slight idea, but being an untrained pleb. I could of course be wrong and in need of state-provided multicultural indoctrination…errr…I mean ‘education’.
Beebistan are delighted to quote Pyongyang that Trump is ‘bereft of reason’ (this from the maddest despot on the planet) and to interview a resident of Guam whom they manoeuvre to say how worried she and her children are. After careful questioning (and grooming off-camera?) they get their killer quote: “These are 2 unpredictable men leading this conversation in a very irresponsible way”. So they got their equivalence between psychotic Kim and bouffant-haired Trump.
We didn’t say it gov, it was her wot said it.
It’s a wrap.
It is so typical of the perverts at the BBC to pretend a moral equivalence . They saw no difference between Bush and Saddam , for example. Actually, they did. For the BBC, Saddam held the high ground. Beeboids are scum .
Goodness knows where the bBBC found the loony weepy woman from Guam. She said she had explained to her children that the US military were putting them in danger from North Korea.
Her ‘worried’ children were aged 5 and 2!
This is either moronic fake news (which doesnt do anyone any good) or its the most ridiculous cover up of important news that i have ever witnessed in my lifetime! Search for “DOJ offer Clinton plea” and you will find that not 1 major news organisation has ran with this story. Not one! Yet the entire MSM run with fake news stories, rumours and hearsay like crack heads sharing 1 needle when even a 10th Hand source fake news story about Trump emerges! And thats every day! Do you think even if this was obviously fake news about Trump, that this wouldnt be on every news organisation?…especially the Al ShabeeBBC?
Lets hope this is fake news, as this would be the clearest example yet of a cartel of news organisations that are all in it together to control, manipulate and re-engineer information and facts to suit their personal gains and agendas
Invasion of Spanish beaches! I hope that our leaders are proud with their efforts. This was initially on YAHOO but my wife cannot find it there now……….
Allow me to ramble. I will get there….
Earlier this week I avoided the first of a two parter on the BBC about Indian Independence and the partition creating Pakistan in 1947. I avoided the programme sensing a narrative of blaming the British for the partition and the bloodshed that went with it. Of course the great irony here is that the main reason for the partition was not the British at all (Wavell wanted a single state) but the insistence of the Muslim League and its leader Ali Jinnah to create an independent Muslim country. It just so happens that I have visited the Vice Regal lodge in Shimla, where many of the talks took place, and seen their fascinating photo archive and other evidence which conclusively attests to this version of events.
Jinnah subscribed to the ‘two nation theory’ which wikipedia describes thus:
‘the ideology that the primary identity and unifying denominator of Muslims……. is their religion, rather than their language or ethnicity’
Read that sentence and then think of the Newcastle rape case, and Rochdale, and Rotherham, and the Paris attacks, and the Belgium and London and Cologne attacks etc. There, in that sentence was the prevailing ideology, not of some white British stereotypical right-wing ‘racist’ (left wing Al Beeb/Corbynista student/ Guardianista/ definition) but of a key historically significant Muslim leader.
And then contrast that with the bBBC’s total self denial on the issue, their constant refusal to mention the M word in the context of various crimes and atrocities, their constant treading-on-eggshells apologist approach.
The extent of the bias and political correctness can be seen in a new light – clear, unambiguous, deliberate, and sinister.
Daed right sluff.
The BBC and Sky have been dancing around the Kaaba Rock all day trying to tell me that the Newcastle abuse was a “cultural” issue.
And not all the gang could be categorised-why some may well have come from the Balkans or Afghanistan as well as Pakistan and Bangladesh-so let`s not jump to any conclusions shall we?
May I?
Sod their nationalities-they don`t give a damn whether we call them Pakistani, Bangla, British-Bosnians or Bosnian British-only the media think THAT matters. They did what they do-because-they are- MUSLIM…ISLAMIC followers and followers of ISLAM. Have yet to hear that word used unless it has “phobe” tacked onto it.
Disgusting BBC creeps and their weasel ways…they MUST Be offered to Islam as haram offal before they bring any more evil in with them.
Where have BBC Newcastle been throughout all this-they will only be a mile of so from Benwell and Fenham where all this happens?
BBC Asian Network needs a good checking.
Sluff –
Make sure you miss the upcoming salman boring Rushdie week when al Beeb is droning out one of his books. I suppose the people at al Beeb who do the listings are on their hols so it’s queer week followed by partition week followed by god knows what week.
As an aside – has anyone noticed how hideously White the crowd at the athletics this week are? Quite something for a London borough where the majority are officially ethnics. Al Beeb should be doing something about the crowd reflecting the community crap.
Overlooked these days but it was French collusion which enabled Khomeini to get back to Tehran and begin the process to topple the Shah, and the ayatollah’s fatwah on the singularly pointless Rushdie that launched the first definable indication of modern muslim intolerance.
So take that scrofulous writer out of the equation and we’d have saved several £million and quite possibly left islam in its backwater.
As ever, we have much to thank our neighbours for. And of course the liberal ‘intelligentsia’ who decided that Rushdie had something of merit to say.
And that hideously White crowd cheer and shout irrespective of the colour or religion of the given athlete.
My additional observation is that most of the volunteers at the venue are also hideously White.
Radio 2 3pm news: “Modern slavery and human trafficking in the UK is far more prevalent than previously thought”
Introduces expert: “Human rights lawyer Cherie Blair…” introduced as if she is just another of those talking head lawyers. Did the BBC not want us to make the connection that she just happens to be married to the f*cker who is responsible for such sh1t happening in in our country today?
Just when you thing that the BBC cannot get any lower?
To equate Trump with PsychoBoy in Pyongyang is really dangerous. It puts the world at risk, especially those countries within the orbit of North Koreas dememted regime.
The BBC and CNN seem to be no better than the raging kimono frump who reads North Koreas news for it…and at least she is biased and servile , with the army probably having executed her family or suchlike. The BBCNN have NO such excuses-they peddle their Stalinist Justifications and apologies , only to slap Trump and his idiot followers as they think us.
Appalling-the BBCNN are now putting the West at risk, goading and trying to get the US to create Obama Red Lines around Guam…only to set him up to fail.
Gorka handled Webb well this morning on Today-but what questions and arrogance, what presumptions and equivocations. Never heard anything like this-the BBC have GOT to go before they give North Korea any more excuse to bring us to war.
Trump is clearly speaking to China and Russia-and has got the sanctions passed at the UN…yet HE is regarded as a warmonger. This is NOT North Korea-time to bin the Beeb before they create it in our country.
I`ll say it again-the BBC have got to go, this land is not getting bombed or dragged into a war because the BBC wants Trump gone and us to stay in the EU.
Wake up Britain!
Only the BBC could ever see neutrality between an American President and a North Korean dynastic psychopath…how amoral and evil do you have to be to think this?
It is truly bizarre that the UK government again sits idly by as the national broadcaster allows its ideological prejudices and hate for a single person sweep the fates of so many aside.
Despite a piece showing the mindless masses ‘protesting’ sanctions by the UN, the BBC is determined to make this a Kim vs. Don match.
As a broadcaster with world reach, as complex geopolitical jockeying takes place, such undermining of a democratically elected western leader is hard to believe.
All we need is Emily, Katty and Kirsty in Pyongyang to ‘Springtime for Dear Leader’ and the circus is complete.
I am reminded of a very funny episode of 90s news spoof ‘The Day Today’ where the news team goaded two tinpot dictators into arguing with each other during an interview to the point where they declared war on each other. The anchorman dramatically announced ‘It’s war!’ and they cut to a special ‘war report studio’ which had obviously been prepared in advance for just such an outcome! It would be funny if it was not so serious…
Clip here:
Daniel Greenfield ( Sultan Knish blog ) has a very good piece on the problems the President is facing in Washington.
Posted on the 7th . It is so far beyond anything the Guardian or the BBC is capable of producing that it really is required reading.
Quite frankly our media is embarrassingly bad most of the time. The BBC and the Guardian in particular seem to employ bile filled incompetents who lack basic skills at explaining complex matters.
The internet is going to finish them off eventually and I am beginning to think they know it.
Newsnight is a bad parody of a TV news show now.
Couldn’t help but notice on the article referring to Drunker’s trip to Rome on his expenses, the bBBC underlined & highlighted in bold type the comments about Nigel. Yet more editorial licence to suit.
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Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are brainwashed into believing in diversity and net zero from their first day at school. That’s all I can…
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From [img][/img]
Cast your collective minds back to 2002, and a terrifying murder spree by two black men which became known as The Beltway sniper attacks.
I can clearly remember this, and imagining the terror of indiscriminate attacks on random individuals going about their business for no apparent reason.
No apparent reason ?
Well it was post 9/11, but the world at that time had not become aware of the risks Islam poses, so reporting could possibly be seen as ignorant rather than biased, save for the fact of the perpetrators statements at their trial.
The perpetrators were John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo – a Jamaican illegal immigrant. John Allen Muhammad was a Muslim convert and member of the notorious Nation of Islam.
Yet the testimony at the trial never seems to have been reported in the UK. Do you remember this?
“While imprisoned, Malvo wrote a number of erratic diatribes about what he termed “jihad” against the United States. “I have been accused on my mission. Allah knows I’m gonna suffer now”, he wrote. Because his rants and drawings featured not only such figures as Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, but also characters from the film series The Matrix, these musings were dismissed as immaterial.
Nonetheless, in at least one of the ensuing murder trials, a Virginia court found Muhammad guilty of killing “pursuant to the direction or order” of terrorism.
Something you were probably never aware of, but why is that when the guilty verdict clearly did find that the motivation was terrorism by way of Islamic Jihad? A string of seeming unconnected victims men women black & white did have something in common, they were not Muslims and therefore fair game for murder.
“At the 2006 trial of Muhammad, Malvo testified that the aim of the killing spree was to kidnap children for the purpose of extorting money from the government and to “set up a camp to train children how to terrorize cities”
It’s just another cover up by the UK media to protect Muslims from their murderous religion, and probably another Jihadist attack which has been presented as inexplicable, when it absolutely was not.
Ten o clock news tonight, French soldiers mown down by probably a Muslim terrorist on at 10.20 after a load of shite about Grenfell towers (which has to be on every news prog) and just before the sport, the BBC have got their priorities totally wrong.
I do some online journalism. Today was a slow news day, so I spoke to my editor about it who said ‘There must be something about Grenfell – use that!’ Sure enough I managed to find something to fill a few column inches, LOL! I also did my bit for the cause by deleting some unnecessary anti-Brexit stuff from an NGO press release!
I watched the bBC news last night regards NK and the US. The bBC was mostly emotive hype. We switched over to ITV and their coverage was vastly superior , they laid down all the facts and from that the watcher was allowed to make his.her own mind up. The bBC version did that for you.
Point to note:
The bBC (And most media outlets) have conveniently left out that the US has since 2013 deployed to Guam a Terminal High Altitude Area Defence unit . (The same system which has upset China/Russian and NK when it was deployed to SK the other month) Not only that but Guam is an Island and such is surrounded by water. Which means the US can deploy any of the 33+ Navy ships fitted out with the SM3 anti-ballistic missile system (figures from 2014, so should be larger in 2017)
Japan and South Korea have ships with that capability also, and yet the bBC leaves out such a salient fact.
None of the anti ballistic missile systems are a 100% guarantee against a missile getting through. You don’t know what is fitted to a missile either, and an explosion which disintegrates a nuclear device will cause fallout which will then be carried by the wind.
The point however is not the fact that one country is capable of defending itself, but the hostile intentions of the other country. This is being backed to the hilt by Communist China it seems as they are doing next to nothing to rein in their dangerous neighbour.
Neither America nor Russia can win a war against China they simply have too large a population they can call on to fight.
The best move possible would be for China to march into North Korea & remove the tiny despot and his family and introduce some free market economics like they have in their own country.
Thanks guys i have caught up with the bias, and ”under-reporting”.
So France car attacks soldiers after ”laying in wait”, snidey bastard.
French police ”think” it could be terror related, their not ruling anything out,
[ mr ] Macron hint’s it could be the Germans up to their old tricks of German vehicles attacking French soldiers.
Ms Merkel responded, that alough it was a German car, a BMW she ”believe’s’ the vehicle had been radicalised on a Norwegian assembly line, and we should all just stay calm as she is busy fixing an election right now, aswell as trying to f/ck the UK over, and statistic’s show that radicalised BMW’s are rare as everyone well knows they are vehicles of peace, and always have been even when they made tanks.
Then the beeb says there was a ”dramatic” shoot out, after a huge car-hunt for the car and its hostage, both were arrested, one injured, not sure which one.
Theres also been ”speculation” here that the hostages name was Mohamed, and Allahu Akbar was ”blasting” from the stereo, this sounds abit far fetched to me.
The latest on ”the car”, charged for emissions violations, looks like the sentence will crush it.
No news on the hostage.
I see the Beeb is focussing on the Police’s payment to an informant in the Newcastle case – good old deflection tactics. Good old PC Al Beebus, punching up against those nasty white men. Never a thought that maybe it was not a great idea to import huge numbers of people who have pre-medieval ideas of women, let alone to cheerlead for them and do everything possible to portray them in a positive light. Where are the feminists in all this? You would expect them to be up in arms; Donald Trump saying derogatory things about women is trifling compared to this horror.
In their heart of hearts do you think they feel guilty for the mosern Britian they have helped create? Growing up in the North of England avoiding sex slavery is becoming just a normal part of life. Isn’t that progressive? And Police in London have their hands tied thanks to leftist lunatics, which must make the streets so terrifying for poor kids from BAME communities.
The story of the conviction has completely gone – they are now re-headlining their “North Korea – Evil Trump – End of the World” story, with the “Police Chief Defends Payment” as a subsidiary headline. The Rape Conviction is now just a link to the “Police Chief Defends Payment” story. They headlined the rape story for about 18 hours or so. It is completely gone from their English News Section. It was so obvious and predictable. They adopted several deflection tactics with for example a story of a white man rapist – who attacked two women after being released. There is just so much material for the BBC bias.
Does anyone remember when the BBC ran a story of an Iraqi immigrant getting beaten up by a gang in South London (Shrublands, near Croydon) – they headlined that story for weeks. Even Theresa May had to make a speech about it condemning it
BBC – I think the BBC like most of the liberal elite (and especially all our wonderful feminists such as Hattiie and Co) have all bought into the left wing group-think that working class white female teenagers are all innately – potential “waycists” and therefore are considered little better than consumables to be used, disposed of and ignored at will.
I suspect even if some of their own children had been abused/raped by “Asian” men – then they would probably still have rationalised it in some weird sort of way. I think the incident of the German girl that was raped and murdered a couple of years ago by a refugee “Asian” man said a lot when her EU employed parents at the funeral asked for any donations to go to “refugee” charities.
So arrogant are these educated idiots that they totally lack any imagination to consider that they might in some way be even slightly culpable for this epidemic of sexually motivated crimes that are currently infecting parts of our society.
Still this is the thing with the left – They are never at fault especially if it means that admitting that much of the “socially conscience ” bull they have been spouting for decades at us may in fact be a little – ahem naive.
The ideological chickens these twats have been breeding for years have certainly come home to roost. Just a pity they did not settle in Islington first.
`How the BBC fought to report the full story`……………
SERIOUSLY … You have to read it …….
Hi Justin, that programme aired last night demonstrated the BBC had planned how they were going to cover the story. They had a white male rapist story first. Then they had the conviction story. Then they had the paying £10,000 story. Then they got rid of the conviction story – and now we just have the paying £10,000 to a rapist story.
@Calphate That Shrublands Avenue attack needs an eye keeping on it, cos it’ll probably fizzle down to something way less than the first narrative, just like the Harlow ‘Brexit’ attack.
Only 2 were charged with GBH , a 20 yr old and 17 year old and their trial date is October 4th
11 others were charged with “violent disorder, “but I bet some get dropped before trial.
Just in : “suspect cleared of GBH”
so the case is down to only one 17 year old being charged with GBH
with 12 others charged for“violent disorder
Funny how that news from yesterday hasn’t been mentioned much, nor on twitter either.
Apparently he spent 5 months on remand before being cleared of GBH.
Surely the average daily knife crime in London is a GBH offence
Thanks for the update.
Welcome to the ministry of truth era, every lefty fcuktard’s will be quoting these mother’s, all day.
It will be fake news central, a shrinking of the lefty echo-chamber, and a consensus dream scenario, to some like me, its just another step in the direction the left always take, theres their truth or no truth, this will centralise the propaganda, this really getting dark now, the urgency to control our language and thoughts, cos thats what it is about control.
When i say shrink their echo-chamber, i mean the flash-light of leftism reduced to a laser, everyone will be on ”message” harmoniously.
Kinnel! If it’s genuinely fact checking it will probably malfunction trying to sort through the bBBC bullshit and propaganda!
Then they will take-over monitoring social media, and sites like this shut down, but mainly get
millions of people off social media, those that are not”aligned to current ”thought”, subversives as we will become known, if banned from social media you will be automatically assumed to be right wing,, and probably a racist weirdo climate change denier.
Manxman, it’s fairly obvious that’s the goal – they’re desperately trying to re-establish the ‘gatekeepers’ that have almost disappeared since the internet largely took over from traditional print and broadcast media. This is happening with a lot of the censorship going on on Facebook, Google, Youtube etc. Whether it will succeed is another matter because in order to shut down sites like this they need to pass a lot more laws.
Paedo child rape gang – this is how an American news webiste reports it :
This is how the British taxpayer-funded BiasedBBC reports it – after 2 years of silence on the fact that there even IS an ongoing trial! –
Al beeb’s website continues its campaign of ‘deflection’ in the story of the Newcastle muslim paedo gang, focusing on the lesser issue of the money paid to an informant. The headline being: “Police defend payment to informant”
Also in the Press review, the headline is: “Anger over child rapist spy.”
(Yes, let’s deflect anger away from the muslim rapists and onto the police, that should work – Ed)
Ironically the headline appears under a picture of the Mail which has a very different one: “How many girls’ lives torn apart by sex gangs?” The answer, by the way, is: more than we’ll ever know, and more than al beeb will ever admit.
Good to see one white woman out of the eighteen convicted was employed as a trafficker. Trickle down economics! What a tremendous contribution these enterprising men have made in lifting this woman out of unemployment.
I see the defendants accused the Police of racism. What a surprise. No doubt they were all on legal aid costing millions, and there will be spurious appeals to follow. They accuse their victims of being liars and show no remorse. How do you celebrate diversity like that?
It’s weird that all these ‘Asians’ are men, many of whom were unemployed. If you followed the Beeb you would expect all Muslim immigrants to be women, children and academics. May they rot in hell for what they have done to our heritage; this sceptyr’d isle turned septic with a stench of child rape, violence and mendacity.
7:15am the day after and the so called bbc are still investigating the money paid not the muzzie question , the chief constable giving the beeboid twat the run around mind
personally i would call this £10k well spent
Kaiser, BBC still lancing the puss in the boil to avoid the obvious: Allah’s approval of sex with children?
My initial thoughts about the bribe were that it was outrageous. Being a bit slow, when I thought about it a bit I came to the conclusion that these racist, rapist Muslims would be unlikely to accept someone unknown to them or who was not willing to participate or who was not known for having participated previously.
I’m with the Chief Constable on this; another example, like Brexit, of the innate common sense of the people of the North when it comes to identifying underlying threats and facing them.
BBC – I think the BBC like most of the liberal elite (and especially all our wonderful feminists such as Hattiie and Co) have all bought into the left wing group-think that working class white female teenagers are all innately – potential “waycists” and therefore are considered little better than consumables to be used, disposed of and ignored at will.
I suspect even if some of their own children had been abused/raped by “Asian” men – then they would probably still have rationalised it in some weird sort of way. I think the incident of the German girl that was raped and murdered a couple of years ago by a refugee “Asian” man said a lot when her EU employed parents at the funeral asked for any donations to go to “refugee” charities.
So arrogant are these educated idiots that they totally lack any imagination to consider that they might in some way be even slightly culpable for this epidemic of sexually motivated crimes that are currently infecting parts of our society.
Still this is the thing with the left – They are never at fault especially if it means that admitting that much of the “socially conscience ” bull they have been spouting for decades at us may in fact be a little – ahem naive.
The ideological chickens these twats have been breeding for years have certainly come home to roost. Just a pity they did not settle in Islington first.
“I suspect even if some of their own children had been abused/raped by “Asian” men – then they would probably still have rationalised it in some weird sort of way.”
I am convinced the, “…weird sort of way…” is founded on, “all for the better good of the peoples of the World as a whole” (a typical Globalists approach). I conclude this incomprehensible way of thinking is the only way the liberal left can live with themselves when mass raping and child abuse is carried out in our country by islamic foreigners. Absolutely is in accordance with, and explains Emir Khan’s utterances – ‘….get used to it’. That’s the fallout of Globalism – we have to “get used to”, living alongside their disgusting islamic habits.
I recall the retired head of the CPS in the North-East (a muslim apparently) when interviewed about Rotherham. He said, “..Rotherham is only the tip of the iceberg”.
Agreed G
The globalist approach seems to have been adopted when our society reached a point where most of the the majority peoples “needs” seem to have been met so those in power decide to start fulfilling their own “wants” Which in the spirit of “re-distribution of wealth” means inviting and paying for any medievil savage into our country who fancies a change in lifestyle.
With the police all busy chasing hate based bacon crime and similair – Our new guests can just get on with enriching “those whom your right hands possess”
Not a crime at all really – Cultural relativism innit.
A pity the BBC didnt get this Newcastle story checked out first with the new Soros “Fact Checker” – if they had it could have been published under a social issues banner rather than a crime based one.
Scene: the BBC newsroom. Tarquin and Jemima, the two student intern reporters, are preparing news for the website.
Tarquin: Like, Jemima, like, check this out! Just had like a press release that like says a load of men raped a load of girls in some place called Rotherham.
Jemima: OMG, like, WTF? That’s like so, sexist? We really need to like publish this article!
Tarquin: Wait a minute…we’re supposed to run press releases through that Soros Fact Checker thingy first before uploading.
Jemima: Oh yeah…ok, here goes.
(She feeds the paper into the computer. Sounds of bleeps, whirrs, clicks etc. A metallic, central-European robotic voice is heard)
Soros-robot: Report. For. News item on Ro-the-ham rapists. As. Follows. Report. False. Repeat. False. Men. Were. Victims. Of. Western. Cultural. Oppression. Replace story. Repeat. Replace story as follows: ‘Nadia Models New Burkini with Sir Mo’. End. Transmission.
Tarquin. Phew! Thank heavens for that. We nearly published some fake news!
Jemima. OMG, like, WTF, get me out of here – I think I’m having another panic attack!
Cranmer, how did you get your listening device into the bBBC newsroom?
Biased BBC lies about Makwala comments – First thing Isaac says is “God is great. I put everything on God, after what happened, you know, so I thank God” – Watch at 2:58:30
BBC News at 10 – said “Isaac thanked the authorities” – and quoted him later in the same interview where he mentioned the authorities and the British public : – – Watch at 31:30
Operation deflection is in full swing on BBC Breakfast this morning with lightweight newshound Charlie Stayt yapping away, cocking his back leg and determinedly barking up the wrong tree. Hounding the Newscastle top cop like a dog with a bone – all on the basis of a “some people say” run and fetch remit. Frankly I don’t believe the tactic will distract the general public. Far better to return to the BBC policy line of splurge with the story today and then drop it like a hot potatoe tomorrow.
I love the fact that the BBC suddenly turn into Judge Nutmeg and presume to put everybody in the dock for their own rarings and for sport.
The BBC are more than culpable-they have done nothing else but hunt the likes of Griffin and the BNP. Tommy and the EDL types who first told us about these Northern Muslim gangs. This was just before the 2005 election and the BBC nobbled Griffin to prevent him taking a seat from New Labour.
Much of this could have been dealt with far earlier if the BBC weren`t producing and preening their Saviles…as well as covering for their Muslim mates who had an image problem with all their 9/11 , Zarqawi “difficulties”. The BBC-utter Marxist scum. Muslim shoe horns.
AS – Whether people will buy this line – I dont know really. Its the perfect set up for the BBC in some ways. They have been instrumental in creating the conditions where the police/social services are afraid to call a spade a spade (or even a rape a rape) in case it causes racial offence – they then feel free to bash the authorities/police for not stopping these crimes sooner.
You really could not make this shit up!
I suppose the problem becomes where people swallow the London Emirs line that this is just normal for a city and switch off.
Had to listen to a bit of Today today – fascinating interview with an ex labour DPP Ken McDonald who is often quite sensible for a lefty. £650000pa Humpreys started by doing the al beeb attack of using an informant to get 18 Islamic animals convicted .
Unfortunately for albeeb it ended with McDonald getting somewhere nearer the subject of avoiding the investigation of these cases because white lefty old bill don’t want their careers adversely affected through race and PC allegations
I think Mr McDonald might get less exposure on al beeb and hump will have an interview with an a beeb senior bod – a meeting without coffee – some call it or a bollo::king .
Newcastle Paedo gang update and afterthoughts.
1. The bBBC reports yesterday spent as much time on the ‘convicted rapist informant’ aspect than anything about the nationalities or cultures and especially religions of the perpetrators.
2. No bBBC person ever mentioned the M or I word. Amazingly it was left to an Asian Newcastle councillor to say it.
3. Shock horror. In an interview at 0735 on Toady, John Humphries, slightly apologetic and treading on egg shells, finally said in terms ‘ and let’s be clear we are talking about mainly Muslim men’. Hurrah! At last! This seemed to provide the interviewee, former DPP and not exactly right wing reactionary Ken Macdonald (Blairite Labour From memory) with a temporary spine and he finally described the incident as a ‘profoundly racist crime’.
The biased BBC seem decidedly less coy about fully describing and covering other ‘profoundly racist crimes’, such as throwing bacon rashers around.
The bBBC. World champions in politically correct denial.
The BBC suddenly seem less keen on ‘sources’ than usual for their news leads. Or subbing.
Ah there’s a white one, possibly not a Muslim. There’s the bBBC get out clause!
Update at 0820. On Toady Humphries interviews a top cop and Sarah Champion, Rotherham MP. They discuss the over-riding political correctness attached to the Asian sexual abuse gangs i.e not mentioning the ethnicity or religious persuasions of those involved. At 0820 Humphries actually refers to a comment by Champion that last nights 10 o clock BBC news also failed to mention the ethnicy and religion aspect !!!!!!!!
The biased BBC. Proven and banged to rights by one of their own programmes !!!!!
Result !!!
I know a detective who works in a regional crime unit in Newcastle dealing with sex crimes. I do not know if she has been involved in this case, but I would think that after an intensive three year investigation, which ended with 18 rapists being convicted, the officers involved might just be a little hacked off that all the BBC wants to talk about is the £10 grand paid to an informant.
Many crimes are solved by the use of informants. This crime involved a close knit gang of muslim rapists, so it follows that the only sort of person who could gain their trust would be a muslim rapist. Any normal person with an ounce of common sense could see that this had to be the case. Of course, “common sense” is racist and islamophobic, and is therefore banned by the BBC. Another reason why I won’t miss it when it’s gone.
BBC’s move to Salford brought a ‘very small benefit to the region’, says report
Worth a read if only to see the reaction of local Labour leaders – like a load of headless chickens.
And now the BBC is carrying the story . It’s caught somewhere between a rock & a hard place on this one. On one hand it didn’t want to move out of the comfortable Hampstead Islington bubble and mingle with the great unwashed it claims to champion but in reality despises. One the other hand having made the move and spent untold millions it is desperate that it doesn’t prove a failure. It has also in its ego driven belief been shown that it does not have the power and influence it believed it did.
Not the BBC but a means of challenging the narrative.
Paul Ross has actually mentioned the fact that, although the perpetrators are from different countries, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Afghanistan & Iraq, they all “claim to be Muslims”.
His earlier guest made the point that it’s now being realised that they have been playing the “racist” card and that they need to start looking at the “cultural” issues.
His present guest has specifically stated they were “Muslim men from an Islamic faith”
However, Paul Ross has just said something on the lines of ” in the same way that some paedophiles claim to be Christian, these men claim to be Muslim and that’s not what Islam is about”
It is this ignorance that is allowing their cultural practices to be ignored or excused!
Discussion taking place now on Talk Radio
Not the BBC but a means of challenging the narrative.
Paul Ross has actually mentioned the fact that, although the perpetrators are from different countries, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Afghanistan & Iraq, they all “claim to be Muslims”.
His earlier guest made the point that it’s now being realised that they have been playing the “racist” card and that they need to start looking at the “cultural” issues.
His present guest has specifically stated they were “Muslim men from an Islamic faith”
However, Paul Ross has just said something on the lines of ” in the same way that some paedophiles claim to be Christian, these men claim to be Muslim and that’s not what Islam is about”
It is this ignorance that is allowing their cultural practices to be ignored or excused!
Discussion taking place now on Talk Radio
Humphries on ‘Today’ just, interviewed Sarah Champion MP and the Chief Constable. Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why they ask. Oh why is this only happening at a factory level of abuse when Pakistani and all other asian races are predominantly involved? All carefully avoiding the fact that we all know why these “men” carry out these acts with many more, perhaps hundreds, yet to be uncovered.
ISLAM. There, Sarah Champion MP, I’ve said it. The “men” are merely following the ways of their god. Their god was a paedophile on today’s standards and naturally they would wish to emulate him. That’s why the cloak of ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia’ has been constructed by the Islamists to deflect blame for the behaviour they actually know they will commit.
Sorry G – Sarah s not listening
Everyone knows that “Tip toe through the Islamic Tulips” is the only game in town.
During the appalling Newcastle rape (rapes) discussions and interviews on the Today programme, my thoughts strayed back to pre-Rochdale days when the earliest warnings came from Nick Griffin (with details) and all he got for his honesty and concern were bile and threats and an arrest. The BBC, politicians and police were all complicit by turning a blind eye (and therefore aiding and abetting) the rape and sexual exploitation of hundreds of vulnerable, largely under-aged girls. It is one of the great scandals of the age. Now at this point, it is obligatory to dissociate myself from the extremist National Front – which I do without reserve. However, I do commend Griffin for his early warnings and for linking it with islam which is, in my view, an undeniable fact. Not that the BBC or any of those they invite on their programs will ever concede that.
Interesting how Champion tried to politicise the Muslim rape gang by pointing to government failure to set up an inquiry to find out why these animals do what they do . She knew the answer- it would be too uncomfortable reading for the politicians of all persuasions who let these peasants from an alien country into a once decent one. Plus, of course, their peasant mentality that if white girls dress ‘freely’ they are in play. Plus at home their wifes and daughters are permanently pregnant. There- that’s the inquiry finding without 2 million quid and a year spunked on it – to use the unpleasant vernacular
At least Champion referred to “the floppy Left”…a new term for us.
I wonder if the bBBC will be prominently covering this story, perhaps they could get a ‘Remainer’ on for an interview? Ha ha ha.
Juncker – £24,000 on airfares for a single trip to Italy.
Average per trip travel expenses for EU commission – £1700.
I won’t hold my breath.
The BBC website did report it but took the opportunity to point out that there had been comments about Nigel Farage’s expenses !
BBC breakfast.
Cutting edge reporting.
“In protest at Donald Trump. A giant inflatable chicken appeared on the White House lawn this morning, complete with golden quiff and little hands.” The two muppets on the sofa chuckled and giggled at this amazing spectacle.
Again showing their complete impartiality. Nagga exclaimed, “I quite liked it”
Daily Mail reports that the BMW attacker has been shot and arrested and publishes a photo. He looks suspiciously like a Roper. BBC Website says ” Motivation is not known “. Presumebly they mean motive.
Gina Miller gets another sympathetic headline in the Evening Standard courtesy of her best pal George Osbourne.
She claims that she has had threats of acid attacks and is scared to leave the house.
Really? She thinks she’s so famous that there are hoards of nasty, racist Brexiters walking around with bottles of acid who will instantly recognize her and throw it in her face? Of course, these foul individuals must be busy during the week because she says it’s only at weekends that she’s scared to go out.
She says that she is in discussion with her “police teams” as to whether the threats are serious……..Police teams? All paid for by us the taxpayer over threats that are not even proven or considered serious.
She claims that she may have to leave the country if it becomes any worse. Oh well, never mind.
Why should we believe a word that repulsive woman says about anything ?
” She claims that she may have to leave the country…”
Let’s club together and buy her a ticket!
Shameless deflection tactics from Beeb about paying informant – that tried and tested method of shooting the messenger. His evil white, straight, male face is front and centre. He claims it “was right”. You can almost sense their finger wagging.
Of course that is the real issue, not if importing and protecting child rapists “is right.” Whilst there may be an element of conjecture regarding this man’s decision, I can be absolutely sure that gang raping children is “not right.” Nor is the ongoing destruction of the greatest civilisation in human history, aided and abetted by a liberal elite who have clearly lost their minds.
It’s just like the London Bridge attack was all the fault of the internet for inspiring the attackers. The internet literally forced them to commit murder.
Here’s yet another story which the BBC haven’t covered yet and it’s another horror.
A mum whose young daughter was sexually assaulted by a cab driver has spoken out after the youngster’s attacker was locked up.
The 14-year-old girl took a private hire car home from a friend’s house late at night because her mother felt it was safer than public transport or walking.
But pervert cabbie Moshraf Ali began driving slowly on the short journey, made wrong turns and took the longest route to the address.
Ali, 52, from Oldham, started asking the youngster inappropriate sexual questions and shortly before the end of the journey, he leaned over from the driver’s seat and groped her.
He was sentenced to 12 months in prison after being convicted of sexual assault and was ordered to sign the sex offenders register for 10 years.
Yet again we see the effect of two tier sentencing with Muslims being given far lighter sentences than other offenders.
Thoughtful – I think I’m starting to understand why so many muslims choose taxi driving as a career (despite being highly qualified doctors and engineers). In many towns the whole line of drivers at taxi ranks are bearded.
I always walk, no matter the inconvenience.
A lot of the ” highly educated doctors ” bought their medical certificate in a street market and bunged a hospital for a reference .
Then come to Blighty £200000 a year googling medical conditions and no one to challenge you because they don’t want the finger pointed of you . Better cover for kiddy fondling too
DM: The suspect of the Paris attack is called Hamou Bachir, an illegal immigrant from Algeria, and is somewhat hirsute.
No mention of his ID on beebistan yet, though other media are posting his details.
The beeb are still baffled by the motive for the attack, but, even though I’m not paid £800,000 a year, I’m going to go way out on a limb and make a wild guess…
like al-beebisee..looking the other way!
Beneath the Newcastle grooming story on Beeb website there is an emotive video with lachrymose music about migrants leaving the US to go to Canada; obviously mostly women and children, and the men are all lovely and have been tortured.
I wonder how many of the Newcastle gang claimed to have been tortured to get in the country? What about some emotive music about the victims of child rape? Will they ever, ever learn? Their double think is astonishing. Having just reported on such evil crimes, they churn out propaghanda like this saying Trump is evil for not wanting to let it happen in his country! It is reckless to let absolutely anyone into your country. A few bad eggs can ruin so many lives, and there will inevitably more than just a few bad eggs. Of course if you come from some of the most violent and corrupt countries in the world where you throw rocks at women for leaving the home uncovered you will bring elements of that culture with you.
Beneath the Newcastle grooming story on Beeb website there is an emotive video with lachrymose music about migrants leaving the US to go to Canada; obviously mostly women and children, and the men are all lovely and have been tortured.
I wonder how many of the Newcastle gang claimed to have been tortured to get in the country? What about some emotive music about the victims of child rape? Will they ever, ever learn? Their double think is astonishing. Having just reported on such evil crimes, they churn out propaghanda like this saying Trump is evil for not wanting to let it happen in his country! It is reckless to let absolutely anyone into your country. A few bad eggs can ruin so many lives, and there will inevitably more than just a few bad eggs. Of course if you come from some of the most violent and corrupt countries in the world where you throw rocks at women for leaving the home uncovered you will bring elements of that culture with you.
I would hope that any Indian or Sikh people who might look in here or indeed who watch or listen to the bBC would not hesitate to start a campaign to insist the reporting of these Pakistani Gang rapes are called just that.
It must be difficult to continuously see the word “Asian” used to describe these animals.
The bBC could, therefore, be deemed guilty of facilitating the cover-up.
And why cant these people be simply deported and jailed in Pakistan. After all they receive overseas aid money.
This is the problem. The BBC and others are tarring all ” Asians” with the same brush , when the guilty are muslims. The BBC is institutionally racist . The police should be charging Beeboids with racism .
Channel 4 news last night just referred to the rapists as ‘men’, as a man I was deeply offended to be but in the same group as these scumbags.
It reminds me of some crazy feminist who once said ” All men are rapists “
Next, some dopey bird will be saying “All whites are racist”
No BBC have your say on one particular story, so people have taken matters into their own hands with the comments on this one, just click best rated.
Moderator probably wont be able to keep up.
The BBC can’t possibly guess what motivated the Newcastle rapists or the Paris attacker, but apparently they can tell a guy’s job just from grainy CCTV footage:
That will help the court case.
Clearly his appetite is whetted after tracking down that person he captured with his cycling arse-camera.
Worth every penny… pound… million.
DJ – thanks for that – there are some good ‘stealth comments’ in that article. Perhaps this is the only way people can now really ‘have their say’ on the BBC if they do not, as WH Auden put it, ‘hold the correct opinions for the time of year’.
Some things I’ve noticed about how the leftist establishment/media responds to certain cases.
1. If an attacker/rapist etc is muslim, it has to be stressed that they are not ‘real’ muslims. This is why the man who shouted ‘you ain’t no muslim bruv’ at that tube station beheader even had his statement mentioned in Parliament by then PM Cameron.
2. Every effort has to be made to show a muslim attacker as being an integrated part of British society. ‘They were born here so immigration is not the problem’. Actually, it is – they are here because of mass uncontrolled immigration, because that is what enabled their parents (or even grandparents in some cases) to come here, and it is mass uncontrolled immigration that creates the ghetto effect which means they don’t have to integrate with British society even if born here.
3. It is considered bad form to hold immigrants (or even second or third generation immigrants) to a ‘higher’ standard of behaviour than native British. There’s even some lefty name for this concept but I can’t remember what it is. Whereas any sane person would say if you are a bit of an outsider in a culture, you ought to make MORE of an effort to abide by laws and customs.
I note on the 11am Radio 2 news the BBC have amended the terminology for the Newcastle groomers/peados to ‘Southern’ Asian. F’off BBC you’re still being disgustingly disingenuous…
BBC ‘evolving’ editorial is like some bizarre skewed form of ‘The Golden Shot’.
“Left a bit. A bit more left. Down a bit. Left again…”
Surprised they don’t go for ‘East End Nonces’.
I notice this term “southern Asian” is the new fad. Are they referring to immigrants with cockney accents?
I think we should get nations based on their cooking type to complain about being lumped together with the real culprits in the gang cases.
“South Asian cuisine is the cuisine of South Asia, comprising the traditional cuisines from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.” Spot the real ones!
Might start playing the albeeb suspect game again ( still limiting exposure to the toxicity ) . The game is : crime – white suspect – describe as white. Crime – non white suspect – only give gender and age .
“New Commonwealth ” used to be used for the free passport merchants back in the 70s and 80s so now it’s ” southern Asian “
I had the misfortune to listen to Jon Snow interviewing a woman from a ‘muslim womens body’ and another woman talking about the Newcastle situation….not once did the word Muslim get mentioned Jon Snow nearly said it but stopped himself – merely saying most from Pakistan….(muslim)…The lady from the Women’s brigade didn’t want to acknowledge it was mainly (if not all Muslims) and even that it was racist…. turned it to Misogyny—-“and white groups” ( that bit of racism escaped her) ..Missing the point somewhat… and then the other respondent basically said the same – clearly didn’t want to offend her Muslim colleague….
When will responsible Muslims condemn this ‘cultural’ attitude….certainly the BBC have now stopped even mentioning the word Muslim or Islam) if it is in a bad light….no matter how strong the evidence. I am pretty certain they would say Catholic priests if it was the same situation
This was one of the most pointless discussions – if you hadn’t known the context you would be non the wiser….BBC you are a disgrace.
The question the BBC and MSM should be asking all muslims is “why do you not condemn atrocities committed by muslims such as terrorism and rape ? If you do not condemn them , some people might think that you support them or are you worried about reprisals from fellow muslim ? “. Put the feckers on the spot. But cnuts like Snow and all his fellow travellers do not have the balls to do it. Cowards.
Maybe the question should be ” Why do you not condemn atrocities committed by Asians”
A little light relief in these troubled times, initially the advert is a little distracting, then you realise it’s actually a blessing.
That woman is mentally ill !
For some obscure reason, this reminds me of the old Frank Muir joke. He was driving through Ugley in Essex and saw a village hall with a sign which said Ugley Women’s Institute. Ever polite, Frank stopped, went inside, and mentioned the way the sign could be misinterpreted. The good ladies thanked him and promised to change it.
A couple of months later, he was driving through the same village and saw the sign had been changed to Women’s Institute – Ugley Division.
Old – We need a UK Fox News and a UK Tucker.
Charlie ,
There is no way a UK Tucker would be allowed on UK TV .
It’s impossible for a right-leaning mainstream TV channel to be allowed on the UK airwaves, as Grant has said. The best we get now is the odd spokesman like Douglas Murray, Nigel or David Starkey to be invited on a panel to be scorned and vilified.
The revolution, a war or some kind of zombie apocalypse has to come first before we ever find rationality again.
Surely a ‘Racist’ Meter could be recalibrated quite easily to count references to ‘Fascist’ instead?
And speaking of Adolf and the lads, is this lady still knocking about in the good old US of A?
Because she seems to have tweeted 13hrs ago, so Don better get the men in black greatcoats to up their game if he is to live up to Sunny’s hype.
I’m no fan of Facebook but there’s a report today that it may introduce a broadcast tv service. Eventually technology will finish off the BBC. There will be so much consumer choice out there and such a decline in viewing figures for beeb output that a £147 poll tax will become unacceptable, even to the Tories who are so running scared of the BBC. Pity this decision has been put off for 10 years by the cowards Whittingdale and Bradley.
The BBC were really up for the global collapse. The continuously shown footage of the queues at Northern Rock (complete with gloating commentary) were straight from Junior economics text book, Chapter 1: How to start a run on a bank. Then, does any one remember the ‘DOWNTURN’ logo displayed on the back wall of all economic news items and features.
On another sort-of related point, I was once in a position (before the crash) to ask a director in the City. ‘How could you best define trading derivatives?’ Her answer, ‘after 25 years in the business, the nearest analogy I can make is: It’s like betting on horses.’
Lord MacDonald beginning to tell the truth about racist, brown-on-white, muslim paedo sex crimes.
So, finally, the Establishment is timidly inching its way to nervously, reluctantly, furtively, apologetically, whispering a truth that has been glaringly obvious for years to anyone with a pair of eyes and an iota of intelligence.
In other words, not the beeb, for all its obscene massive funding.
The BBC were really up for the global collapse. The continuously shown footage of the queues at Northern Rock (complete with gloating commentary) were straight from Junior economics text book, Chapter 1: How to start a run on a bank. Then, does any one remember the ‘DOWNTURN’ logo displayed on the back wall of all economic news items and features. I’m surprised they don’t have a ‘DOOM’ logo to go with all Brexit news and features. Maybe they do. I never watch any of their crap output.
On another sort-of related point, I was once in a position (before the crash) to ask a director in the City. ‘How could you best define trading derivatives?’ Her answer, ‘after 25 years in the business, the nearest analogy I can make is: It’s like betting on horses.’
Items on the beebistan news include: Newcastle rape gang; slavery and trafficking widespread in UK; overstretched NHS, record waiting lists; increase in homelessness widespread; underfunded and overstretched schools…
Every single one of which is directly or indirectly linked to open borders and mass immigration.
Will al beebistan make the connection?
When pigs fly.
Ps. Is it a coincidence that the beeb news are now following up the Newcastle story with a report on ‘widespread trafficking and slavery in the UK’. Is the subliminal message: See? Everyone’s at it, not just the muzzies.
TWATO (never was an acronym more appropriate!) lead today on this ‘trafficking ‘ and slave labour. Just about every case I’ve seen reported is in respect of EE gangs bringing in whores or agricultural labourers. Yer average Brit wouldn’t fall for it but these people are gullible enough to do so, and when their gang masters are found out we fall over backwards to accommodate and feed and pay them.
“Newcastle rape gang; slavery and trafficking widespread in UK;” – Purely the benefits of ‘enrichment’ from Albanians, Asians and all the rest ‘seeking refuge’ in the UK.
It’s funny that clip of someone watching a possibly pornographic film during the BBC News. It confirmed my suspicions that despite all those cool and professional looking studios, their staff spend most of their time doing nothing. Such is the tyrannical strait jacket of political correctness: there are so many subjects they refuse to report on. They only ever seem to report on about five different subjects yet employ 3000 journalists! Trougher parasites!
I was surprised that it was not child porn !
Of course it really only is a problem if your employer is not also onboard.
I wonder if any of those highly trained, intelligent Oxbridge educated investigative ‘journalists’ at the bBBC could spot a possible link between the Paris attack testerday and the Newcastle child abusers?
I have a slight idea, but being an untrained pleb. I could of course be wrong and in need of state-provided multicultural indoctrination…errr…I mean ‘education’.
Do you mean they all read the Guardian?
Beebistan are delighted to quote Pyongyang that Trump is ‘bereft of reason’ (this from the maddest despot on the planet) and to interview a resident of Guam whom they manoeuvre to say how worried she and her children are. After careful questioning (and grooming off-camera?) they get their killer quote: “These are 2 unpredictable men leading this conversation in a very irresponsible way”. So they got their equivalence between psychotic Kim and bouffant-haired Trump.
We didn’t say it gov, it was her wot said it.
It’s a wrap.
It is so typical of the perverts at the BBC to pretend a moral equivalence . They saw no difference between Bush and Saddam , for example. Actually, they did. For the BBC, Saddam held the high ground. Beeboids are scum .
Goodness knows where the bBBC found the loony weepy woman from Guam. She said she had explained to her children that the US military were putting them in danger from North Korea.
Her ‘worried’ children were aged 5 and 2!
This is one to watch out for…..
This is either moronic fake news (which doesnt do anyone any good) or its the most ridiculous cover up of important news that i have ever witnessed in my lifetime! Search for “DOJ offer Clinton plea” and you will find that not 1 major news organisation has ran with this story. Not one! Yet the entire MSM run with fake news stories, rumours and hearsay like crack heads sharing 1 needle when even a 10th Hand source fake news story about Trump emerges! And thats every day! Do you think even if this was obviously fake news about Trump, that this wouldnt be on every news organisation?…especially the Al ShabeeBBC?
Lets hope this is fake news, as this would be the clearest example yet of a cartel of news organisations that are all in it together to control, manipulate and re-engineer information and facts to suit their personal gains and agendas
She should be prosecuted anyway. Disgusting woman .
Not a bBBC article as such:
Invasion of Spanish beaches! I hope that our leaders are proud with their efforts. This was initially on YAHOO but my wife cannot find it there now……….
Allow me to ramble. I will get there….
Earlier this week I avoided the first of a two parter on the BBC about Indian Independence and the partition creating Pakistan in 1947. I avoided the programme sensing a narrative of blaming the British for the partition and the bloodshed that went with it. Of course the great irony here is that the main reason for the partition was not the British at all (Wavell wanted a single state) but the insistence of the Muslim League and its leader Ali Jinnah to create an independent Muslim country. It just so happens that I have visited the Vice Regal lodge in Shimla, where many of the talks took place, and seen their fascinating photo archive and other evidence which conclusively attests to this version of events.
Jinnah subscribed to the ‘two nation theory’ which wikipedia describes thus:
‘the ideology that the primary identity and unifying denominator of Muslims……. is their religion, rather than their language or ethnicity’
Read that sentence and then think of the Newcastle rape case, and Rochdale, and Rotherham, and the Paris attacks, and the Belgium and London and Cologne attacks etc. There, in that sentence was the prevailing ideology, not of some white British stereotypical right-wing ‘racist’ (left wing Al Beeb/Corbynista student/ Guardianista/ definition) but of a key historically significant Muslim leader.
And then contrast that with the bBBC’s total self denial on the issue, their constant refusal to mention the M word in the context of various crimes and atrocities, their constant treading-on-eggshells apologist approach.
The extent of the bias and political correctness can be seen in a new light – clear, unambiguous, deliberate, and sinister.
The British could have handled it better, but the blood is on Jinnah’s hands .
Daed right sluff.
The BBC and Sky have been dancing around the Kaaba Rock all day trying to tell me that the Newcastle abuse was a “cultural” issue.
And not all the gang could be categorised-why some may well have come from the Balkans or Afghanistan as well as Pakistan and Bangladesh-so let`s not jump to any conclusions shall we?
May I?
Sod their nationalities-they don`t give a damn whether we call them Pakistani, Bangla, British-Bosnians or Bosnian British-only the media think THAT matters. They did what they do-because-they are- MUSLIM…ISLAMIC followers and followers of ISLAM. Have yet to hear that word used unless it has “phobe” tacked onto it.
Disgusting BBC creeps and their weasel ways…they MUST Be offered to Islam as haram offal before they bring any more evil in with them.
Where have BBC Newcastle been throughout all this-they will only be a mile of so from Benwell and Fenham where all this happens?
BBC Asian Network needs a good checking.
Sluff –
Make sure you miss the upcoming salman boring Rushdie week when al Beeb is droning out one of his books. I suppose the people at al Beeb who do the listings are on their hols so it’s queer week followed by partition week followed by god knows what week.
As an aside – has anyone noticed how hideously White the crowd at the athletics this week are? Quite something for a London borough where the majority are officially ethnics. Al Beeb should be doing something about the crowd reflecting the community crap.
Overlooked these days but it was French collusion which enabled Khomeini to get back to Tehran and begin the process to topple the Shah, and the ayatollah’s fatwah on the singularly pointless Rushdie that launched the first definable indication of modern muslim intolerance.
So take that scrofulous writer out of the equation and we’d have saved several £million and quite possibly left islam in its backwater.
As ever, we have much to thank our neighbours for. And of course the liberal ‘intelligentsia’ who decided that Rushdie had something of merit to say.
All true. And never forget the role the French played in harbouring and fostering that other shining star of socialism, Pol Pot.
And that hideously White crowd cheer and shout irrespective of the colour or religion of the given athlete.
My additional observation is that most of the volunteers at the venue are also hideously White.
Radio 2 3pm news: “Modern slavery and human trafficking in the UK is far more prevalent than previously thought”
Introduces expert: “Human rights lawyer Cherie Blair…” introduced as if she is just another of those talking head lawyers. Did the BBC not want us to make the connection that she just happens to be married to the f*cker who is responsible for such sh1t happening in in our country today?
Just when you thing that the BBC cannot get any lower?
To equate Trump with PsychoBoy in Pyongyang is really dangerous. It puts the world at risk, especially those countries within the orbit of North Koreas dememted regime.
The BBC and CNN seem to be no better than the raging kimono frump who reads North Koreas news for it…and at least she is biased and servile , with the army probably having executed her family or suchlike. The BBCNN have NO such excuses-they peddle their Stalinist Justifications and apologies , only to slap Trump and his idiot followers as they think us.
Appalling-the BBCNN are now putting the West at risk, goading and trying to get the US to create Obama Red Lines around Guam…only to set him up to fail.
Gorka handled Webb well this morning on Today-but what questions and arrogance, what presumptions and equivocations. Never heard anything like this-the BBC have GOT to go before they give North Korea any more excuse to bring us to war.
Trump is clearly speaking to China and Russia-and has got the sanctions passed at the UN…yet HE is regarded as a warmonger. This is NOT North Korea-time to bin the Beeb before they create it in our country.
I`ll say it again-the BBC have got to go, this land is not getting bombed or dragged into a war because the BBC wants Trump gone and us to stay in the EU.
Wake up Britain!
Only the BBC could ever see neutrality between an American President and a North Korean dynastic psychopath…how amoral and evil do you have to be to think this?
It is truly bizarre that the UK government again sits idly by as the national broadcaster allows its ideological prejudices and hate for a single person sweep the fates of so many aside.
Despite a piece showing the mindless masses ‘protesting’ sanctions by the UN, the BBC is determined to make this a Kim vs. Don match.
As a broadcaster with world reach, as complex geopolitical jockeying takes place, such undermining of a democratically elected western leader is hard to believe.
All we need is Emily, Katty and Kirsty in Pyongyang to ‘Springtime for Dear Leader’ and the circus is complete.
It’s time to deploy the Huw Edwards roadshow – live ( or dead) from Seoul … cue the North Korean refugee steel band.
Don’t forget to get the expenses claim in before the war starts.
I think all Beeboids should be sent to N. Korea.
I am reminded of a very funny episode of 90s news spoof ‘The Day Today’ where the news team goaded two tinpot dictators into arguing with each other during an interview to the point where they declared war on each other. The anchorman dramatically announced ‘It’s war!’ and they cut to a special ‘war report studio’ which had obviously been prepared in advance for just such an outcome! It would be funny if it was not so serious…
Clip here:
Brilliant pisstake of the BBC. They do not do that humour now .
Not a blonde moment the BBC is likely to emulate.
Thanks for the clip- I bet paxo watches that every day before he goes out – ‘”the stretched twig of peace is melting ” ….
Daniel Greenfield ( Sultan Knish blog ) has a very good piece on the problems the President is facing in Washington.
Posted on the 7th . It is so far beyond anything the Guardian or the BBC is capable of producing that it really is required reading.
Quite frankly our media is embarrassingly bad most of the time. The BBC and the Guardian in particular seem to employ bile filled incompetents who lack basic skills at explaining complex matters.
The internet is going to finish them off eventually and I am beginning to think they know it.
Newsnight is a bad parody of a TV news show now.
Couldn’t help but notice on the article referring to Drunker’s trip to Rome on his expenses, the bBBC underlined & highlighted in bold type the comments about Nigel. Yet more editorial licence to suit.