Here you go, a new Open Thread. I see the BBC equates President Trump with Kim Jung Un and chooses to present Trump as the real menace to peace. Sickening.
The multi-cultural salami slicing continues. Radio 4’s PM has just been introduced by a female continuity announcer with a VERY strong South Asian (Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi?).
I’ve said this before, but R4 has a tricky challenge, it needs to have more ‘ethnic’ presenters, but in order for people to know they are non-white, they must have foreign sounding accents, but not to the extent of being impossible to understand, or stereotypical in any way. They need to be just ‘exotic’ enough for people to realise. This is particularly important in the case of announcers of West Indian origin, who, (unlike those of other ethnicities) cannot have their ethnicity signalled by their names, which are near-identical to English names.
Nothing wrong with a nice bit of estruary English with some geezer giving it sum as a continuity announcer. Must be due for a mincer too. ( I’m not sure if I’m allowed to write ‘mincer’ anymore without the need to report myself).
The BBC still have their Islamophobia warning headlined on the CBBC webpage (for 6 to 12 year olds)- on their Newsround News homepage. This has been headlined for coming onto two months. They do not warn kids about for example anti-Semitism. During this period they have had regular stories about poor Muslim refugees, migrants, poor Muslims caught up in war zones: [now occupying a permanent feature towards the bottom right of the page – underneath their History of Gay Rights in the UK feature] [What’s Life Like in Mosul]
On the Cbeebies Webpage (0 to 8 year olds)
They are still headlining their Ramadan Quiz on their Puzzles & Quizzes page. It has been going strong for two and half months now – and hasn’t been replaced by any other world religious festival. [It is on the fourth row of their puzzles & quizzes page]
A quick look at the BBC News website, the main stories are:
Slavery ‘affecting every city’ in UK – caused by uncontrolled EU immigration
Eggs scandal: 700,000 distributed in UK – caused by uncontrolled EU trade
Racism fear ‘perpetuates abuse culture’ – caused by uncontrolled Muslim immigration
and then…
Bus-push jogger suspect arrested – if he turns out to be an immigrant then I can shout BINGO!
Sadly I think the alleged jogger will turn out not to be an immigrant but I’m hoping that he might be an al Beeb employee ( please) after the producer road rage job. Suspect lived in Chelsea so al Beeb should be able to get a Grenfell Tower angle in there.
There are countries where it is perfectly acceptable to push women out of the way, I wonder which ones they might be.. The bridge pusher just looks like a bad tempered so and so, could be more to it of course.
Article on Beeb website concerning issues of ‘race and culture’ in the Newcastle case. Incredibly the ‘I’ word is still not mentioned. You could just imagine Winston Smith sitting down for a shift at the Ministry of Truth tasked with writing an article like this. They interview someone called ‘Mohamed’. So many people called Mohamed involved in these cases, what could they possibly have in common?
The article is so softly softly, saying there could possibly be a ‘cultural issue’ towards white girls here. No shit, Sherlock. If you think it is ok to rape and torture school children that might be a bit of a cultural issue. Just like if both of your legs have been blown off you might have a bit of a walking issue.
When a Libyan woman was stopped at an airport, the Beeb wrote about it and demanded an apology from the airport staff. No apology is demanded from the ‘communities’ who turned a blind eye. Why on earth did they have to pay an informant? Imagine if you knew of people gang raping school girls, how could you not tell the Police? It shows how irreconcilably different our cultures are.
If it was my daughter, these rapists would be removed from this plane of existence, as would their families. I would have no problem going to prison. I simply have no confidence in the British police who actually go out of their way to defend these Islamic rapists . ( one of the girls who was raped in Rotherham was arrested by the police on Islamophobia charges when she bumped into one of her rapists in the middle of the town and had a go at him)
Not only that but two fathers who tracked their daughters down in Rotherham found themselves arrested by the police as they tried to take their daughters home.
These cases present me with an ethical problem, and a legal one. I’ve always believed that the law should be respected but what happens when those who are supposed to enforce it look the other way?
In many countries, if something like this happened, mosques would be going up in flames and the men responsible for the attacks on the women would be dealt with. I have to ask, at what point does this become a reasonable reaction?
If my daughter was treated in this way, I’d want blood, and I’m frankly disappointed that so many supposedly macho northern men have done so little. Hardly a protest of any significance. I grew up with talk of northern “men”, but so far the only robust reaction to anything has come from “soft” southerners in Luton, albeit a bit rough. But then “rough men” have always had the task of allowing milder types to sleep soundly.
With the police “service” in its present indolent state, and the MSM being full of anti-white racists, in a strange way I’d feel relieved if a few people brought about a “backlash”. IMO, it would be a reasonable response to extreme provocation.
Sometimes you have to be ruthless. We knew that in the past, and in 1939-45. If we really value what we have, we need to get it back. But then that highlights another problem – wretched organisations like the BBC telling us that we have nothing of value, and never have had.
Certainly Islam itself awaits a response that it knows is deserved and a long time coming.
It`s perfectly natural for us to rage at what is being done here to our people.
It is NOT natural to rush to tea lights, candles, hashtags, white suited pianists, Lennon sheet music or lighting up buildings with rainbow flag shades.
It`s deviant, cringing, denying and sheer catnip to the next Muslim nutter who wants to see if this zombie nation still has a pulse…or even cares enough to whimper or curl up, instead of revelling in first responder times and surgery dexterity.
Our craven denials are gifts for Allah-and all serious Muslims draw their own conclusions-which would be anybodys (not brainwashed by the idiot left and the BBC since the sixties anyway). Bin Laden called us a “weak white horse”…Fray Bentos may or may not be halal, but we deserve no better soon if we do not fight back.
I’ve often thought about this. Not much experience of Geordies or Yorkshire folk, but here in the North East of Scotland, any abuse of our children would not be left to the ‘authorities’.
Any of the kids of people I know around here abused, and the Kurry Klub 5 in 1 or abuse venues would be destroyed.
The Police are slowly but surely being seen in this country as the enemy. I couldn’t have imagined myself saying that even a few short years ago. Several ex-Police I know say the organisation is unrecognizable.
If those fat, useless he/she things are representative of the modern British Police Force, I don’t see them providing any useful protection for their Paedophiliac left-wing fellow travellers.
“I couldn’t have imagined myself saying that even a few short years ago.”
Me neither. I went through university when it was fashionable to call them “pigs”. Always supported them as far as possible. I’d find that position untenable now.
I have some sympathy for the lower ranks on the beat, except that they never are.
Having listened to BBC radio Newcastle news it came as no surprise to hear this take on the local Pakistan grooming gangs. Somehow exonerating them
This has been repeated several times all day by several different people
They have all stated that there are many more rapes and sexual offences committed by the indigenous white population of this country.
Of course there bloody well is……
But they all fail to add that if you take into consideration that the male Muslim Pakistani probably makes up less than 1% of the population then that puts the real figure into perspective….
But why let the truth get into the way of left wing ideology…..
The BBC is getting very worked up about ‘ modern slavery’ today. But their sly reporting totally fails to point out that this is purely a phenomenon of African, Middle Eastern, Sub- continental and Eastern European mass immigration. Want to stop it? Turf out the migrants and end free movement. How many white indigenous Brits have enslaved other white indigenous Brits since slavery died out in the early Midfle Ages?
Employer appetite for cheap labour having been well and truly wetted by mass migration, slavery is the next logical step.
” It warned that the key sectors for slavery now included food processing, fishing, agriculture, construction, domestic and care workers and car washes.”
Assuming that gangmasters are providing agricultural labour it will be interesting to see if the landowners are ultimately held responsible. I’m struggling to earn a crust now, if I have to compete against slaves then it will definitely be time to wrap it in.
A little anecdote.
On the BBC World Athletics championships, they are occasionally inviting non British athletes into the studio.
We’ve just had the Norwegian hurdles winner, and we’ve had the Botswana guy who was given special permission for the 200m. We’ve had the Jamaican hurdles winner and the American pole-vaulter.
The point is- there is a whole world out there ! Beyond the EU!! Someone at the bBBC has noticed!
If the sports producers have noticed this, how come the doom-and-gloom newsroom Remoaniacs have not? Or do not want to.
Sorry if this has been posted before, I’ve been occupied elsewhere…
Apparently there was a World Indigenous Peoples’ Day yesterday, and earlier in the week, Radio 5 Dead interviewed a Canadian Chief, and a Greenlander journo, on what had happened to their country when they were colonised by France and Denmark respectively.
I turned it all off after half an hour, but did they cover other places like Australia?
Also, did they cover the UK, with the colonisation by Muslims?
With regard to Islam – they could have investigated the colonisation by slaughter and force by the Islamic hordes of Asia Minor (which used to be Greek), Syria, North Africa, Persia, India, Indonesia etc etc. Greece and parts of the Balkans were conquered and formed part of the Ottoman Empire. The conquest is still going on for the rest of Africa, parts of Asia, the far East – & now Europe and elsewhere.
LBC Now : Pakistani female caller speaking to Farage
“WE do have a problem with misogyny in the Pakistani community
but I think it’s a Pakistani-culture thing rather than Islam thing”
… Good on LBC for letting her say something that the BBC would censor
but I would say it’s Islam as a religionwith it’s “don’t question the big man” ethic that provides the framework whereby their own community don’t speak up, so they get away with it.
If the BBC coverage of the World Championship Athletics really must spend the majority of the time providing excuses for the under performance of tax subsidised UK athletes & Brendan’s stereotyping of black athletes (“a warrior”) , could not the red button give us coverage of the actual events?
So the deputy leader of the Green Party is disappointed the BBC gave Lord Lawson airtime on Climate Change. Can’t stand listening to someone else’s point of view for fear that it might sway the poor ignorant listener to disagree with their own dogmatic belief. Producer will be on garden leave for allowing this me thinks.
I see that BBC payroll boffins Jim Al-Khalili & Smiler Brian Cox have also weighed in with a bid to prevent discussion” For @BBCr4today to bring on Lord Lawson ‘in the name of balance’ on climate change is both ignorant and irresponsible. Shame on you”
I’m surprised that Eddie Mair didn’t curl up in shame this evening on PM. Ex-police woman Maggie Oliver described to him how some of the Rochdale/Manchester grooming victims had been arrested. for ‘racially aggravated crime’ when they had responded to taunts from their abusers.
She believes that by applying different ‘race’ standards the abusers thought that they were immune from prosecution and so the abuse continued. By turning a blind eye the ‘do-gooders’ had made things worse.
The BBC, of course, was and still is in the forefront of turning a blind eye to the evils of Islam while at the same time promoting any supposed ‘good’, (Christians, Jews and atheists never do any good works worth reporting).
Twitter comment “we’ve been thoroughly * cucked * ”
ie White guys have been so nervous about being branded racist, that they have rolled over cuckold style and let ethnic-Muslim abusers do anything they want.
Hence they regard white girls “Gori” as “Easy Meat”
I am sure that the white guys would fight for the girls , but the political establishment and the police are on the side of the rapists and they do not care how much the girls suffer.
Very true Stew,but its worse than that .The rise in these crimes over the past 25 years corresponds with the undermining of the family ,especially extended family .The encouragement of single mothers and the emasculation of white fathers.Is it any wonder children are troubled?
Add in white British working class boys being at the bottom of the educational heap, and there you have it .
I wonder if the muslim defendants in Newcastle raised the defence of, ‘the girls were all in their teens or just under. We exercised judgement in not abusing even younger girls just to follow our religious leader who had sex with a girl of nine’.
Grant: stupid, yes; liar, yes; but above all that strange cocktail of political correctness, cowardice, arrogance, and absolute terror of appearing racist or islamophobic like those hideous Daily Mail readers she and her ilk despise more than anything.
R5 now refusing to substantiate about Salford Ibis Hotel incident
… even though the site must be almost visible from their studio !
“Police swoop on Ibis Hotel Salford after car runs over child twice.”
(death confirmed)
Not ongoing cos police are now taking photos of the car
Large police presence at the Ibis Hotel in Salford Quays – live updates
Children have been investigated for wearing UKIP badges, which can offend some members of our diverse communities, and the heavy police presence could be to arrest a bacon thrower. Nothing here, move on
Very critical of Newsnight
considering the item in on a BBC webpage (BBC Wales)
London Newsnight people did a debate about Welsh without asking a Welsh speaker.
Then tonight to make amends they played a Welsh pop song
Ha, ha! #Newsnight can quickly summon up an all Muslim discussion panel but can't find a Welsh speaker. LMAO!
Evidence of how the “so called” British broadcaster is completely out of touch with the indigenous people of Great Britain that live out side the London metro-centric bubble.
Scrap the licence .
Wow, fabulous! I almost can’t believe this article….but wait a minute…. No mention of halal meat….surely there must be some mistake??
On an off topic subject, mark steyn is guest presenting Tucker. Please watch for a white knuckle ride!! I think some of the sponsors might be shitting their pants. Not sure if he’ll be back. I enjoyed it though.
The World Service is reporting on that key news of singer Taylor Swift’s court case. They even have a reporter on the ground in the US. This is celebrity trash, they should not report on it. They certainly do not need a reporter there who is only saying what anyone could read from some gossip website.
If you can bother to look along the countless shelves of celeb pap rubbishy mags in any supermarket, there is obviously a market for such items, normally looked at – or even read if that’s possible – by the stupids in this life.
There are so many brassy old tarts and failed ‘actors’ these days, that maybe the bbbc could actually do something to pay for proper journalism, by selling off its inane ‘celeb’ window-licking ‘stories’, and make some money to make real programmes.
Clearly the moronic fag-on pram-fodder would pay a fortune to gobble up all the rubbish associated with glittery nothings, and we wouldn’t have to subsidise it!
Just watching Biased Breakcrap programme……..Apparently, they have panned to a beach in the UK, where a large hollow pipe has washed up on the beach…….then the two sofa monkeys ask the viewers, “What is the most unusual thing that you have seen washed up on a beach?”
Wasn’t there something washed up on a beach yesterday in Southern Spain?
a) The Islamic threat of the “extremists” who are planning terrorist actions – which is what the MI5 chief is warning about.
b) The Islamic Threat of the majority Islamic community. This is the parable of the “frog in water” threat – where the temperature of the water is gradually warmed up. The frog doesn’t notice the change until it is too late. This is the political Islamic threat and creeping Sharia law (Halal in Schools, guarantees of Muslim representation in all important committee panels for the purpose of presenting the Muslim voice etc)
I’m interested that the above screen shot captured the early version of this BBC report in which they deployed the awkward phrase “…forced to have sex in Newcastle”.
I drew attention to this mealy-mouthed bit of newspeak much further up this thread – a comment which looked somewhat redundant after the BBC edited out the last two words from their headlines. I hesitate to claim credit.
Why are the BBC’s first reactions so often badly misjudged?
Hi AlSeeIt – that is why it is important to screen capture or in some other way to save the webpage to your hard drive. I use two techniques – I screen capture and save, or print out the webpage to a pdf file. Sometimes it is difficult to get the webpage into an acceptable format for printing – which is when I use screen capture.
When you do your own screenshot go to
Check the page hasn’t already been archived and then select “add to archive
Also track news story edits via NewsSniffer
Oh dear, after hen pecking us for months with their anti-US pro-Brussels food safety narrative this morning the BBC news headlines have gone a bit eggy.
If only there were some way to make our own rules and hold our own officials and politicians to account
That’s Anthony Zurcher : BBC North America reporter
“Donald Trump’s nuclear fixation
It’s part of a political worldview that has long since solidified into firm beliefs for the septuagenarian.”
Corbyn is 68
…. as regard nuclear does he have a “political worldview that has long since solidified into firm beliefs” ?
Radio 5 live waxing lyrical about the historical numbers of Scottish athletes on display last night .Erm ,pity they aren’t focussing on why the British team as a whole has won nil. Not even a bronze .If you exclude the Somalian. Its not like they aren’t well funded.
This may have been going on for a while and I have only just noticed but there is a clever little deception going on with the BBC web-site. I noticed this morning that an image illustrating an item on the Homepage does not appear in the article if you click the link to read the piece.
Now why has it changed? What reason could there be? It actually costs the BBC money, only a relatively small amount, to buy a different agency image if they do not use one from the BBC’s own library. Are they trying to spend or even waste money?
Here’s the thing. The Homepage headline was geographically specific but the untitled images might not fit the headline, especially when they disappear when the actual article is accessed. The potential reader might be attracted by the image and want to find the relevance to it of the headline and the article. But it will not be there!
Probably for deceptive framing.
They already do the same with the link text
You click it cos it’s alarmist
Only to find that the title on the page of the story is something less alarmist.
OG, I was late with the On switch for the TODAY Programme and only caught the end of the pre-7am item about Lord Lawson’s AGW/CC and Al Gore-related statements yesterday. As July is turning out to be a cool, cloudy month and half of August seems to be following that trend after a great spring and early summer in the south-east, the BBC obviously feel it necessary to ramp up the Global Warming & Climate Change thing.
After all they wouldn’t want Al Gore’s new film to be an inconvenient flop, would they?
Was looking at climate records on the met Office website yesterday.
There is a remarkable alignment between the undoubted average temperature rise in the uk ( until about 2005 after which it levels off) and the….errr…..hours of sunshine.
Why is an increase in CO2 leading to more sunshine?
Personally I have a slight untrained uneducated feeling that more sunshine may lead to higher average temperatures.
Sluff, I think it depends on what the sunshine falls. If it falls on nice dark grass, then that strangely is rather cool as soon as dusk arrives. If it falls on a very large night storage heater, otherwise known as an urban conurbation, then the ol’ average temp may well get a heave-ho up the scale.
I notice some of the Met/BBC weather presenters do not mention temps, what with that embarrassing London place usually being +2degs higher than elsewhere.
I also noted this morning that The Humph (I think) tried to put Darren Bett in a slightly awkward position of attacking Lawson & defending Gore. DB neatly sidestepped with: “I have now left the Met Office and work for the BBC”.
His neutrality chip worked well at that point.
I have a notion that he may be a keen gardener. He certainly does weather reports for GQT. One thing I have noticed about gardeners on the BBC is that they can get a bit sceptical about Global Warming and are rather better attuned to Climate than most of the ‘experts’ that are like Al Gore.
So we shouldn’t allow old, non scientist, politicians to voice their opinion on climate change? I don’t hear smiley Cox complaining about Al Gore interviews.
The law of unintenteded consequences is clearly not one the BBCphilic science community is aware of or has thought through.
Professor Gnashers, Simon Singh and a host of other luminaries are hitting renowned medium of detail and nuance Twitter to decry the BBC straying from the path of righteous censorship. They are even hailing that champion of editorial integrity, Richard Black, as an ex alumnus full of indignation at their failure to only share what suits.
Presumably they are confident that this could not be used in precedent by others on other areas of BBC selective or inaccurate coverage.
What is a “scientist” exactly? Is it like being a medical doctor? Do you get a centrally regulated, forgery-proof, certificate saying “I am a Scientist”? Can you be struck off?
No, anybody remotely connected with science, like working in a department vaguely connected with some scientific endeavour, is a “scientist”.
Reminds me of all those unemployed drunks who call themselves “writers”.
Since you ask, and as you were doing some science by observation t’other day [before revealing your qualification 😉 ] it is really anyone who seeks to measure and/or make an accurate record of something and compare it to a similar record, then explain or seek a reason for the difference. That is why economics is a science and why there are economists (even if we do not ‘like’ or agree with their findings) on the IPCC. Accountancy is a science, in a way, especially when it gets into the forensic area, education is another that you could add to the long list.
It will not be long before our media, BBC included, is going through the annual fest as a result of our school teachers holding their pupils up to the light and finding them wanting or rather less so or not at all.
Well said. The BBC has the audacity to print a tweet from some science moron saying
“There should be NO debate any more about climate change”.
Yeah, science is all about pessimism, debate and constant questioning. It’s a fundamental part of it.
Hence why I was taught at school in the 1970s about the chance of another ice age or how when the climate stopped warming for the inconvenient pause (until they recalibrated all their previous tests to make sure it gave the right results), they kept on questioning.
Typical that the Beeb would use it as a chance to promote Al Gore’s new film that glosses over the fact that virtually all of his doom laded predictions in the first film, rather inconveniently have not come true or that despite preaching that we should all curb our lives to save energy that his mansion consumes 21 times the amount of the average US family. F****ing hypocrite.
Isn’t the second film just an hour long edit of the first, with all the predictions just re calibrated by a decade until the next hour long edit in another decade, inconvenient truth 3, and so forth until the greedy old bastard dies.
A nice moment on Toady this morning around 0745.
Frank Gardner is presenting. He interviews the Japanese Ambassador about North Korea.
Gardner, keen to keep to the bBBC anti Trump narrative, asks in terms if Japan is worried about Trump’s stance.
The ambassador is having none of it. The provocation and responsibility for the situation are entirely due to North Korea flouting international obligations, asserts the ambassador. Thwack !!!!
Gardner was put right back in the box where the bBBC belong. Result!
The ability of the bbc to ignore the legitimate concerns and actions of the entire global community (they even carried a story on their own pages of a NK staged protest by the masses… against UN sanctions) to focus almost all their obsessions on one man they don’t like is beyond obsessed, and dangerous.
It’s like they have handed overall editorial control on this to that loopy peroxide sink Katty Kay, just as they have the ME beat to Bowen.
Do the Tories really not see that the BBC are a serious threat to the UK ? Or is it just that they are “frit” ? If so , why ? Their silence could be taken as collusion.
It’s a mystery. Certainly career opportunism trumping national obligation.
The BBC is a vastly powerful mechanism to set policy and make or break political futures.
Our MP is very bright, and was once prepared to represent based on the wishes of his constituents. He even had a stellar progression stalled by crossing Cameron. Back on track now.
His replies on matters BBC are as vapid as they come. All ‘national treasure’, etc. Haven’t seen him on DP for a while, but guessing once AN off he’ll be vying for a sofa slot with every other BBC suck up.
Just as I currently have the option of not paying the TVL, so I have some powers of choice via the ballot. He might be well advised to bear this in mind. Keeping out Miliband and then Corbyn has used up my tactical goodwill.
My view is that the Government and the BBC are singing from the same sheet. Apart from a few permitted minor differences the BBC is the state broadcaster, blasting out state propaganda from multicultism to climate change to anti Trump, anti Brexit and pro immigration.
Tory MPs are by and large either supporting or acquiescing .
Is Treezer’s cabinet actually opposed to the BBC?
In one of the excellent articles in Conservative Woman is a comment that this Government reflects the long march through the institutions of cultural Marxism,
Most politicians and journalists are venal and selfish. They are not to be trusted. They are pigs feeding at the same trough but that is an insult to pigs .
I am no longer interested in tactically keeping out Corbyn. If the Tories are so useless they cannot trounce him then they are equally unfit for office.
MSM highlighting modern day slavery. Might have missed it but I didn’t catch anyone making a link between this and mass immigration. Simple equation, too many people looking for work will ultimately result in some being taken advantage of.
Blaming people for treating fellow humans in this way is obviously commendable but we all know who is to blame for this current mess.
The bBC and its so called military experts: More soldiers failing drug tests on foreign deployments The equivalent of a battalion of soldiers failed drug tests on a foreign deployment during the past five years. The number failing had risen from 80 in 2012-13 to 110 in 2016-17, a BBC freedom of information request found.
Squad/Section = Between 7 to 10
Troop =around 30 (4 squads)
Squadron/Company = around 120 (4 Troops)
Regiment/Battalion = around 460 (4 Squadrons)
Regards why so many troops (110?) have failed the CDT (Compulsory Drugs Testing) here is the main reason as published on Part One Orders across the Military: PS2(A) DISCIPLINE ADVICE – 01/2011 UNREGULATED USE OF SUPPLEMENTS AND THE HEIGHTENED RISK OF CDT POSITIVE RESULTS
1. Over recent months there has been increasing concern over the use of supplements, which are purchased legally over the counter, and used to aid and enhance the effects of body building practises. As a direct result of their incorrect use, the possibility of the provision of a positive drugs test is increased. An additional issue is the use of expired prescriptions by Service Personnel or that of prescription belonging to other family members.
2. General. Supplements sold within the European Union (EU) have strict rules regarding the ratio of Testosterone permitted. It is measured in a ratio against the body’s naturally produced epi-testosterone or ‘epimer’; supplements contain a ratio of 1 part testosterone to 3 parts epimer .The International Olympic Committee (OIC) has mandated that a ratio of 1:7 will result in a drugs failure for athletes competing in sports events, this ratio will also trigger a positive drug result within UK law.
3. Banned Substances. The following list identifies generic ingredients found in supplements and sports drinks that are directly banned by the IOC: Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, Strychnine, Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), Androstenedione, Androstenediol, 19-norandrostenedione or norandrostenediol and related compounds.
4. The Law. The use of non prescribed class C medications is illegal in both civil and service law under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. The Armed Forces Compulsory Drugs Testing Team (AFCDT) test for a number of such medicines under the group classification of Benzodiazepines. Legally used prescription medicines must be disclosed at the time of CDT donation.
5. Positive CDT. Instructions in relation to correct usage of all medicines or supplements are clearly displayed on the packaging; however, the desire to achieve quick results inevitably leads to their overuse and the provision of a positive AFCDT. A positive result can also be produced in a number of other ways:
a. The supplement contains a banned substance as a stated ingredient, but the individual is not aware that the substance is banned or that it acts to cause a positive drug test;
b. The supplement contains a banned substance within stated ingredients, but the individual is unaware of the relationship between the products. For example, athletes may not recognise that
Ma Huang herbal products contain ephedrine; and,
c. The supplement contains banned substances that are not declared as a stated ingredient. These ingredients may be added deliberately and not declared, or added inadvertently as by-products of other ingredients or occur as contaminants of the production process.
In general, single product supplements like creatine, protein, and chromium piconolate, in their pure form, are not banned. However, it must be stressed that there is no guarantee that other substances are not included.
6. Availability. Individuals have ready access to supplements from overseas via mail order, Internet sales and PX locations. Consequently, it is important that a global understanding of the regulation of supplements is developed. For example, in countries such as the US, there is less regulation of the production and marketing of supplements than under the EU system. This can be readily witnessed in the sale of pro-hormones. Pro-hormones are permitted ingredients in over-the-counter preparations, supplements and sports foods and are available from PX locations in Afghanistan and Germany.
7. CO’s Responsibility. Civil and Service law prohibits the possession of anabolic steroids. Service law additionally forbids steroid misuse and identifies a number of notices that are to be displayed on routine orders at regular intervals. CO’s are to ensure that the Drugs Misuse Policy (Annex B to Chapter 4 to JSP 835) in relation to Misuse of Drugs, Solvents, other Substances, Misuse of Anabolic Steroids and CDT, is published in Standing Orders and repeated at intervals not exceeding 3 months. Notices relating to drug abuse prevention sweeps by Service Police Search Dog Teams and Service Police Confidential phone lines are to be published in Routine Orders and repeated at intervals not exceeding 6 months.
8. Education. To address the issues surrounding steroid, supplement and prescription medicine misuse, AD PS2(A) has directed the Drug Awareness Programme (DAP) and CDTO training will be enhanced, in order to deliver supplement and prescription medicine information. The enhanced education will focus on the dangers, not only to individual careers but also personal health and the wider impact on operational effectiveness. Further media campaigns have been and continue to be used, to identify the dangers of steroid and supplement use. Unit Health Trainer development includes tools enabling trainers to signpost and offer nutritional information to individuals.
9. Unit Drug Policies. Unit drug policies should include measures to educate and tackle the supplement and prescription misuse that may affect unit personnel.
10. In sum, PS2 (A) has identified the increased threat from uneducated supplement and prescription medicine misuse which includes the use of steroids and benzodiazepines. The additional measures implemented will be closely monitored as will results from CDT positive steroid and benzodiazepine analysis. Where questions remain the undersigned should be contacted in the first instance.
If the dickhead who wrote the bBC article had actually done his/her job, they would have found out exactly why in 5 mins. Just another example of the poor calibre of the idiots the bbC recruits. Why if they had subscribed to the army method of 7 Ps. (Proper, Preparation and, Planning, Prevents, Piss, Poor, Performance) they would have come up with an article worthy of the so called….bBC
Beeboids are not fit to lick the ass of one of our soldiers. Do these pricks at the BBC ever wonder why the military regularly come top of public approval ratings and journalists and politicians come bottom ? The military are professional and the latter two are amateur. I guess it is just childish jealousy.
I rather expected that the BBC’s “My Family, Partition and Me: India 1947” ( Wednesday 9th August) would provide an opportunity in British Raj bashing; I was not wrong. Assertions were made, without rebuttal, that the British Forces stood idly by and watched as people were murdered in the streets. A letter to The Times today puts the record straight:
…..the claim made by the BBC programme that Britain “stood well back as the whole poisonous, combustible brew exploded after Independence” was not exactly accurate. The letter writer to The Times, R.P. Fernando, points out that British troops were not used because Congress objected to their deployment. Nehru said that he would rather have every village in India go up in flames than keep a single British soldier in India a moment longer than necessary. However, many of the officers in both the Indian and Pakistani armies, which ended the violence, were British.
The BBC, never known to let the truth spoil their story.
Not an expert but I seem to remember reading somewhere that independence was rushed through as a result of pressure from America, which had us over a barrel in 1945. Ideally, more care should have been taken over the consequences.
Yes, that was one factor. But all-in-all it was badly handled although I would not blame the British entirely. I would have rather had all my teeth pulled than deal with Nehru and Jinnah !
Not BBC, but just checking out the programme for the International Bird Fair at Rutland this month. On sunday morning there is a christian service ” Christians in Conservation “. On Friday muslim prayers ” Muslims in destruction “.
In previous years , I have paid the airfare of a Gambian birder to give a talk. Pretty expensive for 20 minutes ! Bit strapped for cash this time and disappointed there will not be one this year.
Oh, there is a BBC connection , Chris Packham has 2 slots. I should have asked him to give a talk as he has visited Gambia many times. And Bill Oddie and Simon King are speaking. Thank God I am not going !
That is one of the funniest articles I have read in a long time . Brilliant ! The writing style reminds me of someone but I can’t think who. Almost a bit like Pat Condell. Something tells me that “Ben Pensant ” isn’t his real name ! I am still laughing.
I noticed that. I checked YouTube the other day and there does not seem to be anything in the last few months. And there is no lack of material ! Peace.
Broke my rule about never listening to R4 News
At 8am they seemed to say ‘Shock horror 22% of UK aid money goes into SUBSIDISING fossil fuels, when she should be supporting renewables ” say CAFOD
Then they wheeled on Harra
I always hesitate to call Charlie a hypocrite because I think most people realise that he is total fruitcake and cannot be held responsible. No wonder the Queen is hanging on !
Examples of Charlie’s ‘individual’ approach to life are legion, the white leather loo-seat cover high among them, but his ultimate legacy must surely be Poundbury, near Dorchester. Simply walking the deserted streets of this monumental monument to vanity will demonstrate just what an anachronism it is, but perhaps the strangest thing is the lack of trees. For one of such high profile pretentions on climate change and bio-diversity, the fact that no trees were planted in the initial stages to establish the town and give it some credibility is extraordinary. Combine this with the mono-ethnic Englishness of its Georgian proportions and the boy’s well-known admiration for islam becomes all the stranger.
An earlier Prince of Wales indulged himself with the Brighton Pavillion, Poundbury fully outclasses that but is essentially just as pointless.
A matter of opinion. Property prices suggest that it is popular and I think a lot of people would agree that the architects that he dislikes have done the country no favours. As for “mono-ethnic Englishness” – ???? – sounds a bit like BBC BS to me.
Nobody would deny its popularity – by one of those happy coincidences Poundbury lies in one of the south’s richest areas – and the cranes perpetually on the skyline indicate ever more development to cater for the right sort of clientele. But as an example of modern-day reality the town is in a time warp, even down to the industrial revolution ‘factory’ with its non-functioning chimney.
As for the mono-ethnicity, show me the families on benefits and the mosque and, as you say, that would be far closer the BBC ideal, and reality – however sad that might be.
“As for the mono-ethnicity, show me the families on benefits and the mosque and, as you say, that would be far closer the BBC ideal, and reality – however sad that might be.”
Now you’ve lost me completely.
There aren’t any – good. I’m quite happy to enjoy the “unreality” of rural Suffolk, as I suspect most people outside our large cities are. I’m sure that quite a few people within them would enjoy a dose of unreality as well.
I find it bizarre that the presence of people who believe in fairy stories, and many darker fantasies, can be taken as evidence of “reality”.
Surely the point of a ‘model town’ would be to cater for diversity? Surely Charles as future king would not want to create an elitist enclave? How is that likely to endear him to his subjects?
Yet that is precisely what Poundbury has become. Lovely, architecturally charming, peaceful most of the time, but affordable and a reflection of his grasp on reality? I think not.
I have to laugh at the indignation in the Beed reporting that “Equality complaint sinks women-only swimming class”.
Well what do you expect when you keep pushing the equality agenda? Do the BBC think that equality shouldn’t be applied equally? Surely a classic case of ‘hoisted by your own petard’.
I see that they allowed the comment “I cant believe they have stopped a session that enables women the opportunity to feel safe and confident.” to be published. ‘safe’ – is she saying that all men are leering, lecherous rapists. Sounds like a blatant stereotypical slur.
“…is she saying that all men are leering, lecherous rapists. Sounds like a blatant stereotypical slur.” She may have spent some time in Germany or Sweden or the Netherlands or Belgium (I’ll stop now as I don’t know where to sensibly stop – probably easier to just say, ‘countries where there are large numbers of muslims’).
As comedian Andrew Lawrence (banned by the BBC) said, ‘Statistics show that far more men commit suicide than women. So if women are serious about equality, they ought to start killing themselves.’
Was it my imagination or did Evan Davis seem a little overly gentle and awkward with his four Muslim guests last night? Hmmm…a queer interview, methinks! Perhaps he was worried about being dropped from a tall building?
I watched that too CB, and the only one who talked any sense was the young film maker. He seemed to hit the nail on the head about the psyche of the Muslim men and their treatment of women. He wasn’t bothered in the least about decrying his own religion and culture, unlike the guy opposite him who took exception to the current child abuse ‘problem’ being a purely Islamic pastime.
Twitter hashtag #R4Today is a wall if frithing hate against Nigel Lawson
In their mad world POLITICIAN Al Gore should not have another politician on who’ll criticise his global warming propaganda.
PaulM points out that their ate graphs if temperature falling
Due to 1998 being a super warm year.
The source for Nigel Lawson's #r4today comment about temperature over the last 10 years may well have been this graph:
There was a stunningly inept piece by some twerp called McGrath on the BBC’s fakenews website today. He’d clearly been told to appease the whining fascists who’d objected to Toady trying to at least pretend they were interested in balance, by phoning round all the usual suspects for anti-Lawson quotes. Needless to say, Lawson was given no right of reply, nor were any of the increasing number of scientists who have seen through the AGW scam.
It was business as usual for the biased BBC, in fact.
No wonder the public is absolutely pissed off with lying, cheating politicians.
Douglas Murray on lying Treezer’s: “Enough is enough” speech outside No.10 on terrorism – she should have added, “well, ‘terrorism’ we’ve not had enough of yet” –
I keep saying, until the white British population rise up and actually do something about the muslim terror, the Government will continue to put the public’s lives at risk on a daily basis.
Man i love the BBC lefties at times, funny funny stuff, a gift from god for sardonic whit, the ”lord lawson scandal”. Facebook the today program……..
Me … Lord Lawson is correct, all 12 satellite temperature datasets show a slight global cooling since the 1997/98 Strong El Nino, as does the Radiosondi weather balloon data set, of over 14 million measurements,……..why you people crave ”disaster” is beyond my logic,……..AGW is politics/taxes/control…………but most of all its about money, and the £12 billion pension fund the BBC has invested in the EU green-bank…………..
nutjob……….what a nut job, “£12 billion pension fund the BBC has invested in the EU green-bank”, doesnt explain how NASA, the Royal Society and everyone else in science thinks you’re a moron and he is as well. Please tell me your scientiifc research back ground ?? Your knowledge of science ?? Yeah, thought sao.
LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 32 mins
Me…after clocking him………..Your logic has reduced you to a ”progressive shouty man parody………….Nasa is a huge organisation, with a huge archive of earth sciences………..only a small cabal in charge of a 2 billion budget promote global warming,….and have the only data set that shows any warming,………….the small department of 27 government scientist’s as of September are having their responsibility for the data set handed over to another meteorological department, the whole set is going to be de-politiced and rebuilt, it then come into line with the 13 other data sets, mostly run by NASA …….which show a slight cooling since 1998…………..Gavin Schmidt is running to Berkley to corrupt their satellite set, to give muggs like you hope that the world really is doomed………………….I also remember you got all shouty once before with me, because your face looks like a sliced loaf half slipped down……white sliced, and certainly not healthy, have a nice day
the overall trend is up – and quite distinctly so. The line wobbles up and down (there was another dip back in the 50s or 60s linked to El Nino effect) but the dips go nowhere near low enough to change the overall shape of the line.
This raises two possibilities – either A. Lawson doesn’t know how to read a graph (hardly advanced mathematics) so we have to seriously doubt his intelligence, or B. he knows perfectly well that what he’s saying is drivel and he’s saying it for some other reason. He’s either stupid or evil.
At any rate the BBC should not be giving him air-time
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
or c] the graph you have relied on is of a rogue data set that is way out of sync with the other 13 temperature data sets, and which Lawson is quite correctly disseminating,……..warming only exists in Gavin Schmidts politicised head, and now his absurd alarmist bogus data set………………anyone can google Gavin Schmidt GISS frauds…………why doesn’t he sue his ex climate modeller work mate who devoted a site to Gavins data fraud and his corrupt methodology………………………………… ps cannot give someone airtime who doesnt use Gavins data on the BBC, but Al Gore is fine for the BBC to roll out almost daily using only Gavins data………… people are so dumb you need face slapping machines,………an hour a night before bed………
4:30pm R4 Feedback is a Science special
What a joke since BBC science is reduced to cutNpasting NGO press releases
And inviting producers own cherrypicked pop scientists
Rather than people who understand the scientific method.
I just looked thru the 14 people Feedback producer contacted this week.
Basically he just looked thru twitter and looked for people who tweeted positively about 2 Gay season progs on R4
One bloke replied , I didn’t listen the the pog I just tweeted cos I know that area.
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atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
The multi-cultural salami slicing continues. Radio 4’s PM has just been introduced by a female continuity announcer with a VERY strong South Asian (Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi?).
Just discovered this, PM is running a competition for would be announcers…
So there you have it, bet a Nadiya type wins it.
I’ve said this before, but R4 has a tricky challenge, it needs to have more ‘ethnic’ presenters, but in order for people to know they are non-white, they must have foreign sounding accents, but not to the extent of being impossible to understand, or stereotypical in any way. They need to be just ‘exotic’ enough for people to realise. This is particularly important in the case of announcers of West Indian origin, who, (unlike those of other ethnicities) cannot have their ethnicity signalled by their names, which are near-identical to English names.
Nothing wrong with a nice bit of estruary English with some geezer giving it sum as a continuity announcer. Must be due for a mincer too. ( I’m not sure if I’m allowed to write ‘mincer’ anymore without the need to report myself).
The BBC still have their Islamophobia warning headlined on the CBBC webpage (for 6 to 12 year olds)- on their Newsround News homepage. This has been headlined for coming onto two months. They do not warn kids about for example anti-Semitism. During this period they have had regular stories about poor Muslim refugees, migrants, poor Muslims caught up in war zones: [now occupying a permanent feature towards the bottom right of the page – underneath their History of Gay Rights in the UK feature] [What’s Life Like in Mosul]
On the Cbeebies Webpage (0 to 8 year olds)
They are still headlining their Ramadan Quiz on their Puzzles & Quizzes page. It has been going strong for two and half months now – and hasn’t been replaced by any other world religious festival. [It is on the fourth row of their puzzles & quizzes page]
A quick look at the BBC News website, the main stories are:
Slavery ‘affecting every city’ in UK – caused by uncontrolled EU immigration
Eggs scandal: 700,000 distributed in UK – caused by uncontrolled EU trade
Racism fear ‘perpetuates abuse culture’ – caused by uncontrolled Muslim immigration
and then…
Bus-push jogger suspect arrested – if he turns out to be an immigrant then I can shout BINGO!
Sadly I think the alleged jogger will turn out not to be an immigrant but I’m hoping that he might be an al Beeb employee ( please) after the producer road rage job. Suspect lived in Chelsea so al Beeb should be able to get a Grenfell Tower angle in there.
There are countries where it is perfectly acceptable to push women out of the way, I wonder which ones they might be.. The bridge pusher just looks like a bad tempered so and so, could be more to it of course.
Spot the Difference:
A white man pushing a white woman onto a road is an example of a misogynistic British culture according to the BBC.
A group of Muslims raping white English children, is an example of a failure of the British police according to the BBC.
Article on Beeb website concerning issues of ‘race and culture’ in the Newcastle case. Incredibly the ‘I’ word is still not mentioned. You could just imagine Winston Smith sitting down for a shift at the Ministry of Truth tasked with writing an article like this. They interview someone called ‘Mohamed’. So many people called Mohamed involved in these cases, what could they possibly have in common?
The article is so softly softly, saying there could possibly be a ‘cultural issue’ towards white girls here. No shit, Sherlock. If you think it is ok to rape and torture school children that might be a bit of a cultural issue. Just like if both of your legs have been blown off you might have a bit of a walking issue.
When a Libyan woman was stopped at an airport, the Beeb wrote about it and demanded an apology from the airport staff. No apology is demanded from the ‘communities’ who turned a blind eye. Why on earth did they have to pay an informant? Imagine if you knew of people gang raping school girls, how could you not tell the Police? It shows how irreconcilably different our cultures are.
If it was my daughter, these rapists would be removed from this plane of existence, as would their families. I would have no problem going to prison. I simply have no confidence in the British police who actually go out of their way to defend these Islamic rapists . ( one of the girls who was raped in Rotherham was arrested by the police on Islamophobia charges when she bumped into one of her rapists in the middle of the town and had a go at him)
Not only that but two fathers who tracked their daughters down in Rotherham found themselves arrested by the police as they tried to take their daughters home.
These cases present me with an ethical problem, and a legal one. I’ve always believed that the law should be respected but what happens when those who are supposed to enforce it look the other way?
In many countries, if something like this happened, mosques would be going up in flames and the men responsible for the attacks on the women would be dealt with. I have to ask, at what point does this become a reasonable reaction?
If my daughter was treated in this way, I’d want blood, and I’m frankly disappointed that so many supposedly macho northern men have done so little. Hardly a protest of any significance. I grew up with talk of northern “men”, but so far the only robust reaction to anything has come from “soft” southerners in Luton, albeit a bit rough. But then “rough men” have always had the task of allowing milder types to sleep soundly.
With the police “service” in its present indolent state, and the MSM being full of anti-white racists, in a strange way I’d feel relieved if a few people brought about a “backlash”. IMO, it would be a reasonable response to extreme provocation.
Sometimes you have to be ruthless. We knew that in the past, and in 1939-45. If we really value what we have, we need to get it back. But then that highlights another problem – wretched organisations like the BBC telling us that we have nothing of value, and never have had.
Certainly Islam itself awaits a response that it knows is deserved and a long time coming.
It`s perfectly natural for us to rage at what is being done here to our people.
It is NOT natural to rush to tea lights, candles, hashtags, white suited pianists, Lennon sheet music or lighting up buildings with rainbow flag shades.
It`s deviant, cringing, denying and sheer catnip to the next Muslim nutter who wants to see if this zombie nation still has a pulse…or even cares enough to whimper or curl up, instead of revelling in first responder times and surgery dexterity.
Our craven denials are gifts for Allah-and all serious Muslims draw their own conclusions-which would be anybodys (not brainwashed by the idiot left and the BBC since the sixties anyway). Bin Laden called us a “weak white horse”…Fray Bentos may or may not be halal, but we deserve no better soon if we do not fight back.
I’ve often thought about this. Not much experience of Geordies or Yorkshire folk, but here in the North East of Scotland, any abuse of our children would not be left to the ‘authorities’.
Any of the kids of people I know around here abused, and the Kurry Klub 5 in 1 or abuse venues would be destroyed.
The Police are slowly but surely being seen in this country as the enemy. I couldn’t have imagined myself saying that even a few short years ago. Several ex-Police I know say the organisation is unrecognizable.
If those fat, useless he/she things are representative of the modern British Police Force, I don’t see them providing any useful protection for their Paedophiliac left-wing fellow travellers.
Yes, the Police are the enemy and a big part of the problem in the UK .
“I couldn’t have imagined myself saying that even a few short years ago.”
Me neither. I went through university when it was fashionable to call them “pigs”. Always supported them as far as possible. I’d find that position untenable now.
I have some sympathy for the lower ranks on the beat, except that they never are.
“Modern slavery and trafficking ‘in every UK town and city”
“Child sex abuse: Sarah Champion MP says ‘consider race and culture”
Housing shortage, Hospital waiting lists etc etc………………….
Ah..!….The benefits of unfettered immigration and Multiculturalism ……….
Yep, looks more like an invasion every day…
Beeboids think it’s great, yay, more diversity!
And the Spanish want to take over Gibraltar ! Not a good foretaste of what’s in store for Gibraltarians!
Having listened to BBC radio Newcastle news it came as no surprise to hear this take on the local Pakistan grooming gangs. Somehow exonerating them
This has been repeated several times all day by several different people
They have all stated that there are many more rapes and sexual offences committed by the indigenous white population of this country.
Of course there bloody well is……
But they all fail to add that if you take into consideration that the male Muslim Pakistani probably makes up less than 1% of the population then that puts the real figure into perspective….
But why let the truth get into the way of left wing ideology…..
“Of course there bloody well is……”
The BBC should spend a tiny fraction of its billions on a few calculators – the sort with percentage buttons.
And I’m not aware of any racial motive amongst white paedos – and it’s the Left that raised this motive to its present elevated state.
The BBC is getting very worked up about ‘ modern slavery’ today. But their sly reporting totally fails to point out that this is purely a phenomenon of African, Middle Eastern, Sub- continental and Eastern European mass immigration. Want to stop it? Turf out the migrants and end free movement. How many white indigenous Brits have enslaved other white indigenous Brits since slavery died out in the early Midfle Ages?
Employer appetite for cheap labour having been well and truly wetted by mass migration, slavery is the next logical step.
” It warned that the key sectors for slavery now included food processing, fishing, agriculture, construction, domestic and care workers and car washes.”
Assuming that gangmasters are providing agricultural labour it will be interesting to see if the landowners are ultimately held responsible. I’m struggling to earn a crust now, if I have to compete against slaves then it will definitely be time to wrap it in.
A little anecdote.
On the BBC World Athletics championships, they are occasionally inviting non British athletes into the studio.
We’ve just had the Norwegian hurdles winner, and we’ve had the Botswana guy who was given special permission for the 200m. We’ve had the Jamaican hurdles winner and the American pole-vaulter.
The point is- there is a whole world out there ! Beyond the EU!! Someone at the bBBC has noticed!
If the sports producers have noticed this, how come the doom-and-gloom newsroom Remoaniacs have not? Or do not want to.
Paul Watson on the ‘migrant’ taxi service scam…
Am looking forward to the beeb doing an in-depth report it.
R4 5 o’clock news. Referred to them at one point as South Asian. Perhaps some Chinese have complained. Just can’t bring themselves to say the M word.
Sorry if this has been posted before, I’ve been occupied elsewhere…
Apparently there was a World Indigenous Peoples’ Day yesterday, and earlier in the week, Radio 5 Dead interviewed a Canadian Chief, and a Greenlander journo, on what had happened to their country when they were colonised by France and Denmark respectively.
I turned it all off after half an hour, but did they cover other places like Australia?
Also, did they cover the UK, with the colonisation by Muslims?
With regard to Islam – they could have investigated the colonisation by slaughter and force by the Islamic hordes of Asia Minor (which used to be Greek), Syria, North Africa, Persia, India, Indonesia etc etc. Greece and parts of the Balkans were conquered and formed part of the Ottoman Empire. The conquest is still going on for the rest of Africa, parts of Asia, the far East – & now Europe and elsewhere.
LBC Now : Pakistani female caller speaking to Farage
“WE do have a problem with misogyny in the Pakistani community
but I think it’s a Pakistani-culture thing rather than Islam thing”
… Good on LBC for letting her say something that the BBC would censor
but I would say it’s Islam as a religionwith it’s “don’t question the big man” ethic that provides the framework whereby their own community don’t speak up, so they get away with it.
If the BBC coverage of the World Championship Athletics really must spend the majority of the time providing excuses for the under performance of tax subsidised UK athletes & Brendan’s stereotyping of black athletes (“a warrior”) , could not the red button give us coverage of the actual events?
Yes I was trying to work out whether to call it the mediocre games or the norovirus games . All that lottery money wasted .
Mind you there are quite a few lady athlete runners who look like blokes. Wonder if they shoot up testosterone to get round the drugs tests?
So the deputy leader of the Green Party is disappointed the BBC gave Lord Lawson airtime on Climate Change. Can’t stand listening to someone else’s point of view for fear that it might sway the poor ignorant listener to disagree with their own dogmatic belief. Producer will be on garden leave for allowing this me thinks.
I see that BBC payroll boffins Jim Al-Khalili & Smiler Brian Cox have also weighed in with a bid to prevent discussion” For @BBCr4today to bring on Lord Lawson ‘in the name of balance’ on climate change is both ignorant and irresponsible. Shame on you”
” Smiler” Brian Cox . LOL ! It is that smile that I find so repulsive among other things.
A personal friend of Blair of course!
LOL ! Yes , they both have the same fake smile .
The BBC imprison more of the poor than any other organisation.
I’m surprised that Eddie Mair didn’t curl up in shame this evening on PM. Ex-police woman Maggie Oliver described to him how some of the Rochdale/Manchester grooming victims had been arrested. for ‘racially aggravated crime’ when they had responded to taunts from their abusers.
She believes that by applying different ‘race’ standards the abusers thought that they were immune from prosecution and so the abuse continued. By turning a blind eye the ‘do-gooders’ had made things worse.
The BBC, of course, was and still is in the forefront of turning a blind eye to the evils of Islam while at the same time promoting any supposed ‘good’, (Christians, Jews and atheists never do any good works worth reporting).
Islam is evil and the BBC is evil. Simple as that .
Twitter comment “we’ve been thoroughly * cucked * ”
ie White guys have been so nervous about being branded racist, that they have rolled over cuckold style and let ethnic-Muslim abusers do anything they want.
Hence they regard white girls “Gori” as “Easy Meat”
I am sure that the white guys would fight for the girls , but the political establishment and the police are on the side of the rapists and they do not care how much the girls suffer.
Very true Stew,but its worse than that .The rise in these crimes over the past 25 years corresponds with the undermining of the family ,especially extended family .The encouragement of single mothers and the emasculation of white fathers.Is it any wonder children are troubled?
Add in white British working class boys being at the bottom of the educational heap, and there you have it .
Its almost as though it were planned…
I wonder if the muslim defendants in Newcastle raised the defence of, ‘the girls were all in their teens or just under. We exercised judgement in not abusing even younger girls just to follow our religious leader who had sex with a girl of nine’.
Channel4 News is rancid
BTW tonight was a special about “Hate crime against Muslims” like a terrifying guy took his clothes off in front of a mosque.
The timing is interesting. This use of Asian is particularly galling I expect to our Chinese/Vietnamese citizens. It is lazy but predictable.
Is Cathy Newman really so stupid that she does not think it is relevant or is she a liar ?
Grant: stupid, yes; liar, yes; but above all that strange cocktail of political correctness, cowardice, arrogance, and absolute terror of appearing racist or islamophobic like those hideous Daily Mail readers she and her ilk despise more than anything.
Well done Mandy Baldwin!!
But isn’t Cathy Newman a nasty piece of work.
R5 now refusing to substantiate about Salford Ibis Hotel incident
… even though the site must be almost visible from their studio !
“Police swoop on Ibis Hotel Salford after car runs over child twice.”
(death confirmed)
Not ongoing cos police are now taking photos of the car
Live updates
Children have been investigated for wearing UKIP badges, which can offend some members of our diverse communities, and the heavy police presence could be to arrest a bacon thrower. Nothing here, move on
I hope the above link works . I am not welch but think the article is helpful to our cause
Very critical of Newsnight
considering the item in on a BBC webpage (BBC Wales)
London Newsnight people did a debate about Welsh without asking a Welsh speaker.
Then tonight to make amends they played a Welsh pop song
Evidence of how the “so called” British broadcaster is completely out of touch with the indigenous people of Great Britain that live out side the London metro-centric bubble.
Scrap the licence .
CCTV to be compulsory in all abattoirs in England
Wow, fabulous! I almost can’t believe this article….but wait a minute…. No mention of halal meat….surely there must be some mistake??
On an off topic subject, mark steyn is guest presenting Tucker. Please watch for a white knuckle ride!! I think some of the sponsors might be shitting their pants. Not sure if he’ll be back. I enjoyed it though.
Now watch the Halal slaughterhouses shout “racism”.
The World Service is reporting on that key news of singer Taylor Swift’s court case. They even have a reporter on the ground in the US. This is celebrity trash, they should not report on it. They certainly do not need a reporter there who is only saying what anyone could read from some gossip website.
That’s a very shrewd observation, BB.
If you can bother to look along the countless shelves of celeb pap rubbishy mags in any supermarket, there is obviously a market for such items, normally looked at – or even read if that’s possible – by the stupids in this life.
There are so many brassy old tarts and failed ‘actors’ these days, that maybe the bbbc could actually do something to pay for proper journalism, by selling off its inane ‘celeb’ window-licking ‘stories’, and make some money to make real programmes.
Clearly the moronic fag-on pram-fodder would pay a fortune to gobble up all the rubbish associated with glittery nothings, and we wouldn’t have to subsidise it!
Just watching Biased Breakcrap programme……..Apparently, they have panned to a beach in the UK, where a large hollow pipe has washed up on the beach…….then the two sofa monkeys ask the viewers, “What is the most unusual thing that you have seen washed up on a beach?”
Wasn’t there something washed up on a beach yesterday in Southern Spain?
Come on everybody, phone in and enlighten them!
Laugh my head off then hit the off button!
“UK could face Islamist threat for decades, former MI5 chief warns”
Yep, like our wise Emir said, just part and parcel of life in colourful enriching multicultural Britain.
But I would change 2 words: Britain could face Islamic threat forever.
There are two types of Islamic Threat.
a) The Islamic threat of the “extremists” who are planning terrorist actions – which is what the MI5 chief is warning about.
b) The Islamic Threat of the majority Islamic community. This is the parable of the “frog in water” threat – where the temperature of the water is gradually warmed up. The frog doesn’t notice the change until it is too late. This is the political Islamic threat and creeping Sharia law (Halal in Schools, guarantees of Muslim representation in all important committee panels for the purpose of presenting the Muslim voice etc)
The decades of ‘threat a)’, predicted by MI5’s chief, presumambly end when ‘threat b)’ has achieved its purpose and the frog is thoroughly poached.
Broadcasting – You’re right about the 2 threats of islam.
I find the second more alarming.
I’m interested that the above screen shot captured the early version of this BBC report in which they deployed the awkward phrase “…forced to have sex in Newcastle”.
I drew attention to this mealy-mouthed bit of newspeak much further up this thread – a comment which looked somewhat redundant after the BBC edited out the last two words from their headlines. I hesitate to claim credit.
Why are the BBC’s first reactions so often badly misjudged?
Hi AlSeeIt – that is why it is important to screen capture or in some other way to save the webpage to your hard drive. I use two techniques – I screen capture and save, or print out the webpage to a pdf file. Sometimes it is difficult to get the webpage into an acceptable format for printing – which is when I use screen capture.
When you do your own screenshot go to
Check the page hasn’t already been archived and then select “add to archive
Also track news story edits via NewsSniffer
Thanks – I will look into this.
Oh dear, after hen pecking us for months with their anti-US pro-Brussels food safety narrative this morning the BBC news headlines have gone a bit eggy.
If only there were some way to make our own rules and hold our own officials and politicians to account
And by the way,
‘GM pigs take step to being organ donors By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News website’
So it looks as though the BBC are on board with the idea of GM animals – no ethical issues raised ?
BBC Website ” Donald Trump’s Nuclear Fixation ” and refers to Trump as a “Septuagenarian”.
The BBC using the term ‘fixation’ when it comes to Trump is… Brave.
That’s Anthony Zurcher : BBC North America reporter
“Donald Trump’s nuclear fixation
It’s part of a political worldview that has long since solidified into firm beliefs for the septuagenarian.”
Corbyn is 68
…. as regard nuclear does he have a “political worldview that has long since solidified into firm beliefs” ?
Say hi to Katty, Al.
Radio 5 live waxing lyrical about the historical numbers of Scottish athletes on display last night .Erm ,pity they aren’t focussing on why the British team as a whole has won nil. Not even a bronze .If you exclude the Somalian. Its not like they aren’t well funded.
This may have been going on for a while and I have only just noticed but there is a clever little deception going on with the BBC web-site. I noticed this morning that an image illustrating an item on the Homepage does not appear in the article if you click the link to read the piece.
Now why has it changed? What reason could there be? It actually costs the BBC money, only a relatively small amount, to buy a different agency image if they do not use one from the BBC’s own library. Are they trying to spend or even waste money?
Here’s the thing. The Homepage headline was geographically specific but the untitled images might not fit the headline, especially when they disappear when the actual article is accessed. The potential reader might be attracted by the image and want to find the relevance to it of the headline and the article. But it will not be there!
Deceptive? Yes. Why?
Probably for deceptive framing.
They already do the same with the link text
You click it cos it’s alarmist
Only to find that the title on the page of the story is something less alarmist.
Lord Lawson on the BBC, speaking about climate change! Wow! Progress?
Well, not exactly, as certain “celeb scientists” have popped their little heads out of the woodwork in shrill outrage Reeeeeeeeeee!!
OG, I was late with the On switch for the TODAY Programme and only caught the end of the pre-7am item about Lord Lawson’s AGW/CC and Al Gore-related statements yesterday. As July is turning out to be a cool, cloudy month and half of August seems to be following that trend after a great spring and early summer in the south-east, the BBC obviously feel it necessary to ramp up the Global Warming & Climate Change thing.
After all they wouldn’t want Al Gore’s new film to be an inconvenient flop, would they?
Was looking at climate records on the met Office website yesterday.
There is a remarkable alignment between the undoubted average temperature rise in the uk ( until about 2005 after which it levels off) and the….errr…..hours of sunshine.
Why is an increase in CO2 leading to more sunshine?
Personally I have a slight untrained uneducated feeling that more sunshine may lead to higher average temperatures.
Sluff, I think it depends on what the sunshine falls. If it falls on nice dark grass, then that strangely is rather cool as soon as dusk arrives. If it falls on a very large night storage heater, otherwise known as an urban conurbation, then the ol’ average temp may well get a heave-ho up the scale.
I notice some of the Met/BBC weather presenters do not mention temps, what with that embarrassing London place usually being +2degs higher than elsewhere.
I also noted this morning that The Humph (I think) tried to put Darren Bett in a slightly awkward position of attacking Lawson & defending Gore. DB neatly sidestepped with: “I have now left the Met Office and work for the BBC”.
His neutrality chip worked well at that point.
I have a notion that he may be a keen gardener. He certainly does weather reports for GQT. One thing I have noticed about gardeners on the BBC is that they can get a bit sceptical about Global Warming and are rather better attuned to Climate than most of the ‘experts’ that are like Al Gore.
So we shouldn’t allow old, non scientist, politicians to voice their opinion on climate change? I don’t hear smiley Cox complaining about Al Gore interviews.
If “non-scientist” politicians are not allowed to comment that would rule out almost all of them, and a good thing too.
The law of unintenteded consequences is clearly not one the BBCphilic science community is aware of or has thought through.
Professor Gnashers, Simon Singh and a host of other luminaries are hitting renowned medium of detail and nuance Twitter to decry the BBC straying from the path of righteous censorship. They are even hailing that champion of editorial integrity, Richard Black, as an ex alumnus full of indignation at their failure to only share what suits.
Presumably they are confident that this could not be used in precedent by others on other areas of BBC selective or inaccurate coverage.
What is a “scientist” exactly? Is it like being a medical doctor? Do you get a centrally regulated, forgery-proof, certificate saying “I am a Scientist”? Can you be struck off?
No, anybody remotely connected with science, like working in a department vaguely connected with some scientific endeavour, is a “scientist”.
Reminds me of all those unemployed drunks who call themselves “writers”.
Clare, you are right.
Since you ask, and as you were doing some science by observation t’other day [before revealing your qualification 😉 ] it is really anyone who seeks to measure and/or make an accurate record of something and compare it to a similar record, then explain or seek a reason for the difference. That is why economics is a science and why there are economists (even if we do not ‘like’ or agree with their findings) on the IPCC. Accountancy is a science, in a way, especially when it gets into the forensic area, education is another that you could add to the long list.
It will not be long before our media, BBC included, is going through the annual fest as a result of our school teachers holding their pupils up to the light and finding them wanting or rather less so or not at all.
Well said. The BBC has the audacity to print a tweet from some science moron saying
“There should be NO debate any more about climate change”.
Yeah, science is all about pessimism, debate and constant questioning. It’s a fundamental part of it.
Hence why I was taught at school in the 1970s about the chance of another ice age or how when the climate stopped warming for the inconvenient pause (until they recalibrated all their previous tests to make sure it gave the right results), they kept on questioning.
Typical that the Beeb would use it as a chance to promote Al Gore’s new film that glosses over the fact that virtually all of his doom laded predictions in the first film, rather inconveniently have not come true or that despite preaching that we should all curb our lives to save energy that his mansion consumes 21 times the amount of the average US family. F****ing hypocrite.
Isn’t the second film just an hour long edit of the first, with all the predictions just re calibrated by a decade until the next hour long edit in another decade, inconvenient truth 3, and so forth until the greedy old bastard dies.
A nice moment on Toady this morning around 0745.
Frank Gardner is presenting. He interviews the Japanese Ambassador about North Korea.
Gardner, keen to keep to the bBBC anti Trump narrative, asks in terms if Japan is worried about Trump’s stance.
The ambassador is having none of it. The provocation and responsibility for the situation are entirely due to North Korea flouting international obligations, asserts the ambassador. Thwack !!!!
Gardner was put right back in the box where the bBBC belong. Result!
The ability of the bbc to ignore the legitimate concerns and actions of the entire global community (they even carried a story on their own pages of a NK staged protest by the masses… against UN sanctions) to focus almost all their obsessions on one man they don’t like is beyond obsessed, and dangerous.
It’s like they have handed overall editorial control on this to that loopy peroxide sink Katty Kay, just as they have the ME beat to Bowen.
Yet the British government remains frit.
Do the Tories really not see that the BBC are a serious threat to the UK ? Or is it just that they are “frit” ? If so , why ? Their silence could be taken as collusion.
It’s a mystery. Certainly career opportunism trumping national obligation.
The BBC is a vastly powerful mechanism to set policy and make or break political futures.
Our MP is very bright, and was once prepared to represent based on the wishes of his constituents. He even had a stellar progression stalled by crossing Cameron. Back on track now.
His replies on matters BBC are as vapid as they come. All ‘national treasure’, etc. Haven’t seen him on DP for a while, but guessing once AN off he’ll be vying for a sofa slot with every other BBC suck up.
Just as I currently have the option of not paying the TVL, so I have some powers of choice via the ballot. He might be well advised to bear this in mind. Keeping out Miliband and then Corbyn has used up my tactical goodwill.
Grant, Guest Who,
My view is that the Government and the BBC are singing from the same sheet. Apart from a few permitted minor differences the BBC is the state broadcaster, blasting out state propaganda from multicultism to climate change to anti Trump, anti Brexit and pro immigration.
Tory MPs are by and large either supporting or acquiescing .
Is Treezer’s cabinet actually opposed to the BBC?
In one of the excellent articles in Conservative Woman is a comment that this Government reflects the long march through the institutions of cultural Marxism,
Most politicians and journalists are venal and selfish. They are not to be trusted. They are pigs feeding at the same trough but that is an insult to pigs .
I am no longer interested in tactically keeping out Corbyn. If the Tories are so useless they cannot trounce him then they are equally unfit for office.
Fool me once…
Just surprised the jellyfish (Spineless) didn’t play the “I am a Muslim” card in which to allow him to wheel off up the nearest dark hole.
Sluff, I thought that the Japanese Ambassador produced very diplomatic answers.
They also made sense to me.
Found myself thinking as I often do ‘I like the Japanese.’
MSM highlighting modern day slavery. Might have missed it but I didn’t catch anyone making a link between this and mass immigration. Simple equation, too many people looking for work will ultimately result in some being taken advantage of.
Blaming people for treating fellow humans in this way is obviously commendable but we all know who is to blame for this current mess.
The bBC and its so called military experts:
More soldiers failing drug tests on foreign deployments
The equivalent of a battalion of soldiers failed drug tests on a foreign deployment during the past five years. The number failing had risen from 80 in 2012-13 to 110 in 2016-17, a BBC freedom of information request found.
Squad/Section = Between 7 to 10
Troop =around 30 (4 squads)
Squadron/Company = around 120 (4 Troops)
Regiment/Battalion = around 460 (4 Squadrons)
Regards why so many troops (110?) have failed the CDT (Compulsory Drugs Testing) here is the main reason as published on Part One Orders across the Military:
1. Over recent months there has been increasing concern over the use of supplements, which are purchased legally over the counter, and used to aid and enhance the effects of body building practises. As a direct result of their incorrect use, the possibility of the provision of a positive drugs test is increased. An additional issue is the use of expired prescriptions by Service Personnel or that of prescription belonging to other family members.
2. General. Supplements sold within the European Union (EU) have strict rules regarding the ratio of Testosterone permitted. It is measured in a ratio against the body’s naturally produced epi-testosterone or ‘epimer’; supplements contain a ratio of 1 part testosterone to 3 parts epimer .The International Olympic Committee (OIC) has mandated that a ratio of 1:7 will result in a drugs failure for athletes competing in sports events, this ratio will also trigger a positive drug result within UK law.
3. Banned Substances. The following list identifies generic ingredients found in supplements and sports drinks that are directly banned by the IOC: Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, Strychnine, Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), Androstenedione, Androstenediol, 19-norandrostenedione or norandrostenediol and related compounds.
4. The Law. The use of non prescribed class C medications is illegal in both civil and service law under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. The Armed Forces Compulsory Drugs Testing Team (AFCDT) test for a number of such medicines under the group classification of Benzodiazepines. Legally used prescription medicines must be disclosed at the time of CDT donation.
5. Positive CDT. Instructions in relation to correct usage of all medicines or supplements are clearly displayed on the packaging; however, the desire to achieve quick results inevitably leads to their overuse and the provision of a positive AFCDT. A positive result can also be produced in a number of other ways:
a. The supplement contains a banned substance as a stated ingredient, but the individual is not aware that the substance is banned or that it acts to cause a positive drug test;
b. The supplement contains a banned substance within stated ingredients, but the individual is unaware of the relationship between the products. For example, athletes may not recognise that
Ma Huang herbal products contain ephedrine; and,
c. The supplement contains banned substances that are not declared as a stated ingredient. These ingredients may be added deliberately and not declared, or added inadvertently as by-products of other ingredients or occur as contaminants of the production process.
In general, single product supplements like creatine, protein, and chromium piconolate, in their pure form, are not banned. However, it must be stressed that there is no guarantee that other substances are not included.
6. Availability. Individuals have ready access to supplements from overseas via mail order, Internet sales and PX locations. Consequently, it is important that a global understanding of the regulation of supplements is developed. For example, in countries such as the US, there is less regulation of the production and marketing of supplements than under the EU system. This can be readily witnessed in the sale of pro-hormones. Pro-hormones are permitted ingredients in over-the-counter preparations, supplements and sports foods and are available from PX locations in Afghanistan and Germany.
7. CO’s Responsibility. Civil and Service law prohibits the possession of anabolic steroids. Service law additionally forbids steroid misuse and identifies a number of notices that are to be displayed on routine orders at regular intervals. CO’s are to ensure that the Drugs Misuse Policy (Annex B to Chapter 4 to JSP 835) in relation to Misuse of Drugs, Solvents, other Substances, Misuse of Anabolic Steroids and CDT, is published in Standing Orders and repeated at intervals not exceeding 3 months. Notices relating to drug abuse prevention sweeps by Service Police Search Dog Teams and Service Police Confidential phone lines are to be published in Routine Orders and repeated at intervals not exceeding 6 months.
8. Education. To address the issues surrounding steroid, supplement and prescription medicine misuse, AD PS2(A) has directed the Drug Awareness Programme (DAP) and CDTO training will be enhanced, in order to deliver supplement and prescription medicine information. The enhanced education will focus on the dangers, not only to individual careers but also personal health and the wider impact on operational effectiveness. Further media campaigns have been and continue to be used, to identify the dangers of steroid and supplement use. Unit Health Trainer development includes tools enabling trainers to signpost and offer nutritional information to individuals.
9. Unit Drug Policies. Unit drug policies should include measures to educate and tackle the supplement and prescription misuse that may affect unit personnel.
10. In sum, PS2 (A) has identified the increased threat from uneducated supplement and prescription medicine misuse which includes the use of steroids and benzodiazepines. The additional measures implemented will be closely monitored as will results from CDT positive steroid and benzodiazepine analysis. Where questions remain the undersigned should be contacted in the first instance.
If the dickhead who wrote the bBC article had actually done his/her job, they would have found out exactly why in 5 mins. Just another example of the poor calibre of the idiots the bbC recruits. Why if they had subscribed to the army method of 7 Ps. (Proper, Preparation and, Planning, Prevents, Piss, Poor, Performance) they would have come up with an article worthy of the so called….bBC
Pounce ,
Beeboids are not fit to lick the ass of one of our soldiers. Do these pricks at the BBC ever wonder why the military regularly come top of public approval ratings and journalists and politicians come bottom ? The military are professional and the latter two are amateur. I guess it is just childish jealousy.
I rather expected that the BBC’s “My Family, Partition and Me: India 1947” ( Wednesday 9th August) would provide an opportunity in British Raj bashing; I was not wrong. Assertions were made, without rebuttal, that the British Forces stood idly by and watched as people were murdered in the streets. A letter to The Times today puts the record straight:
…..the claim made by the BBC programme that Britain “stood well back as the whole poisonous, combustible brew exploded after Independence” was not exactly accurate. The letter writer to The Times, R.P. Fernando, points out that British troops were not used because Congress objected to their deployment. Nehru said that he would rather have every village in India go up in flames than keep a single British soldier in India a moment longer than necessary. However, many of the officers in both the Indian and Pakistani armies, which ended the violence, were British.
The BBC, never known to let the truth spoil their story.
I did not see it but guess it would be from the muslim point of view.
Not an expert but I seem to remember reading somewhere that independence was rushed through as a result of pressure from America, which had us over a barrel in 1945. Ideally, more care should have been taken over the consequences.
Can’t vouch for this.
Yes, that was one factor. But all-in-all it was badly handled although I would not blame the British entirely. I would have rather had all my teeth pulled than deal with Nehru and Jinnah !
Not BBC, but just checking out the programme for the International Bird Fair at Rutland this month. On sunday morning there is a christian service ” Christians in Conservation “. On Friday muslim prayers ” Muslims in destruction “.
In previous years , I have paid the airfare of a Gambian birder to give a talk. Pretty expensive for 20 minutes ! Bit strapped for cash this time and disappointed there will not be one this year.
Oh, there is a BBC connection , Chris Packham has 2 slots. I should have asked him to give a talk as he has visited Gambia many times. And Bill Oddie and Simon King are speaking. Thank God I am not going !
This is a good read:
BBC3 is Marvellous
For those who haven’t discovered it, the site has some real gems from time to time.
That is one of the funniest articles I have read in a long time . Brilliant ! The writing style reminds me of someone but I can’t think who. Almost a bit like Pat Condell. Something tells me that “Ben Pensant ” isn’t his real name ! I am still laughing.
Pat Condell seems to have gone quiet. Miss him.
I see another article on Ben Pensant’s own site has a go at Owen Jones. Good target – especially at 70mph.
Have to go, will save that for later.
I noticed that. I checked YouTube the other day and there does not seem to be anything in the last few months. And there is no lack of material ! Peace.
Nope Pat’s still tweeting
Superb pisstake.
Dont miss it.
Broke my rule about never listening to R4 News
At 8am they seemed to say ‘Shock horror 22% of UK aid money goes into SUBSIDISING fossil fuels, when she should be supporting renewables ” say CAFOD
Then they wheeled on Harra
..actually they meant of support for energy projects 46% goes to FF
22% goes to renewables
See mass of Stuff pouring from CAFODs twitter
No one is retweeting it
Is Marie Antoinette head of CAFOD ?
Why should we impose crap renewable intermittent energy on world’s poor ?
Eco-warrior Prince Charles has flown his entourage to Corfu to holiday on his super yacht
I always hesitate to call Charlie a hypocrite because I think most people realise that he is total fruitcake and cannot be held responsible. No wonder the Queen is hanging on !
Examples of Charlie’s ‘individual’ approach to life are legion, the white leather loo-seat cover high among them, but his ultimate legacy must surely be Poundbury, near Dorchester. Simply walking the deserted streets of this monumental monument to vanity will demonstrate just what an anachronism it is, but perhaps the strangest thing is the lack of trees. For one of such high profile pretentions on climate change and bio-diversity, the fact that no trees were planted in the initial stages to establish the town and give it some credibility is extraordinary. Combine this with the mono-ethnic Englishness of its Georgian proportions and the boy’s well-known admiration for islam becomes all the stranger.
An earlier Prince of Wales indulged himself with the Brighton Pavillion, Poundbury fully outclasses that but is essentially just as pointless.
Yes. As I say, he is a nutter.
A matter of opinion. Property prices suggest that it is popular and I think a lot of people would agree that the architects that he dislikes have done the country no favours. As for “mono-ethnic Englishness” – ???? – sounds a bit like BBC BS to me.
Nobody would deny its popularity – by one of those happy coincidences Poundbury lies in one of the south’s richest areas – and the cranes perpetually on the skyline indicate ever more development to cater for the right sort of clientele. But as an example of modern-day reality the town is in a time warp, even down to the industrial revolution ‘factory’ with its non-functioning chimney.
As for the mono-ethnicity, show me the families on benefits and the mosque and, as you say, that would be far closer the BBC ideal, and reality – however sad that might be.
“As for the mono-ethnicity, show me the families on benefits and the mosque and, as you say, that would be far closer the BBC ideal, and reality – however sad that might be.”
Now you’ve lost me completely.
There aren’t any – good. I’m quite happy to enjoy the “unreality” of rural Suffolk, as I suspect most people outside our large cities are. I’m sure that quite a few people within them would enjoy a dose of unreality as well.
I find it bizarre that the presence of people who believe in fairy stories, and many darker fantasies, can be taken as evidence of “reality”.
Surely the point of a ‘model town’ would be to cater for diversity? Surely Charles as future king would not want to create an elitist enclave? How is that likely to endear him to his subjects?
Yet that is precisely what Poundbury has become. Lovely, architecturally charming, peaceful most of the time, but affordable and a reflection of his grasp on reality? I think not.
I have to laugh at the indignation in the Beed reporting that “Equality complaint sinks women-only swimming class”.
Well what do you expect when you keep pushing the equality agenda? Do the BBC think that equality shouldn’t be applied equally? Surely a classic case of ‘hoisted by your own petard’.
I see that they allowed the comment “I cant believe they have stopped a session that enables women the opportunity to feel safe and confident.” to be published. ‘safe’ – is she saying that all men are leering, lecherous rapists. Sounds like a blatant stereotypical slur.
“…is she saying that all men are leering, lecherous rapists. Sounds like a blatant stereotypical slur.” She may have spent some time in Germany or Sweden or the Netherlands or Belgium (I’ll stop now as I don’t know where to sensibly stop – probably easier to just say, ‘countries where there are large numbers of muslims’).
As comedian Andrew Lawrence (banned by the BBC) said, ‘Statistics show that far more men commit suicide than women. So if women are serious about equality, they ought to start killing themselves.’
GDAR2 is on about current moral panic : Modern Slavery
Well it’s 5 mins since LibMob were telling us that showing concern for OPEN BORDERS is racism.
Grooming gang sex slaves are not mentioned in this discussion.
Here is a report on child slaves.
But the climate change greenies at the BBC will not take up their case
This may be a serious attempt to stop the charity/NGO’s financed by Soros/UN from meddling in European business. But, simply a shame that the Europeans’ Navies are not tackling the problem in a similar way –
I won’t hold my breath until I see this item of news broadcast by the BBC
The BBC simply do not report anything they do not want you to know.
Was it my imagination or did Evan Davis seem a little overly gentle and awkward with his four Muslim guests last night? Hmmm…a queer interview, methinks! Perhaps he was worried about being dropped from a tall building?
I watched that too CB, and the only one who talked any sense was the young film maker. He seemed to hit the nail on the head about the psyche of the Muslim men and their treatment of women. He wasn’t bothered in the least about decrying his own religion and culture, unlike the guy opposite him who took exception to the current child abuse ‘problem’ being a purely Islamic pastime.
No agenda here with the picture chosen for the BBC’s article on Trump’s latest tweet.

Twitter hashtag #R4Today is a wall if frithing hate against Nigel Lawson
In their mad world POLITICIAN Al Gore should not have another politician on who’ll criticise his global warming propaganda.
PaulM points out that their ate graphs if temperature falling
Due to 1998 being a super warm year.
There was a stunningly inept piece by some twerp called McGrath on the BBC’s fakenews website today. He’d clearly been told to appease the whining fascists who’d objected to Toady trying to at least pretend they were interested in balance, by phoning round all the usual suspects for anti-Lawson quotes. Needless to say, Lawson was given no right of reply, nor were any of the increasing number of scientists who have seen through the AGW scam.
It was business as usual for the biased BBC, in fact.
What happens to you when you don’t conform to LibSupremacist values ?
….. They put you in the Goolag
No wonder the public is absolutely pissed off with lying, cheating politicians.
Douglas Murray on lying Treezer’s: “Enough is enough” speech outside No.10 on terrorism – she should have added, “well, ‘terrorism’ we’ve not had enough of yet” –
I keep saying, until the white British population rise up and actually do something about the muslim terror, the Government will continue to put the public’s lives at risk on a daily basis.
Man i love the BBC lefties at times, funny funny stuff, a gift from god for sardonic whit, the ”lord lawson scandal”. Facebook the today program……..
Me … Lord Lawson is correct, all 12 satellite temperature datasets show a slight global cooling since the 1997/98 Strong El Nino, as does the Radiosondi weather balloon data set, of over 14 million measurements,……..why you people crave ”disaster” is beyond my logic,……..AGW is politics/taxes/control…………but most of all its about money, and the £12 billion pension fund the BBC has invested in the EU green-bank…………..
nutjob……….what a nut job, “£12 billion pension fund the BBC has invested in the EU green-bank”, doesnt explain how NASA, the Royal Society and everyone else in science thinks you’re a moron and he is as well. Please tell me your scientiifc research back ground ?? Your knowledge of science ?? Yeah, thought sao.
LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 32 mins
Me…after clocking him………..Your logic has reduced you to a ”progressive shouty man parody………….Nasa is a huge organisation, with a huge archive of earth sciences………..only a small cabal in charge of a 2 billion budget promote global warming,….and have the only data set that shows any warming,………….the small department of 27 government scientist’s as of September are having their responsibility for the data set handed over to another meteorological department, the whole set is going to be de-politiced and rebuilt, it then come into line with the 13 other data sets, mostly run by NASA …….which show a slight cooling since 1998…………..Gavin Schmidt is running to Berkley to corrupt their satellite set, to give muggs like you hope that the world really is doomed………………….I also remember you got all shouty once before with me, because your face looks like a sliced loaf half slipped down……white sliced, and certainly not healthy, have a nice day
Another bite.
the overall trend is up – and quite distinctly so. The line wobbles up and down (there was another dip back in the 50s or 60s linked to El Nino effect) but the dips go nowhere near low enough to change the overall shape of the line.
This raises two possibilities – either A. Lawson doesn’t know how to read a graph (hardly advanced mathematics) so we have to seriously doubt his intelligence, or B. he knows perfectly well that what he’s saying is drivel and he’s saying it for some other reason. He’s either stupid or evil.
At any rate the BBC should not be giving him air-time
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
or c] the graph you have relied on is of a rogue data set that is way out of sync with the other 13 temperature data sets, and which Lawson is quite correctly disseminating,……..warming only exists in Gavin Schmidts politicised head, and now his absurd alarmist bogus data set………………anyone can google Gavin Schmidt GISS frauds…………why doesn’t he sue his ex climate modeller work mate who devoted a site to Gavins data fraud and his corrupt methodology………………………………… ps cannot give someone airtime who doesnt use Gavins data on the BBC, but Al Gore is fine for the BBC to roll out almost daily using only Gavins data………… people are so dumb you need face slapping machines,………an hour a night before bed………
4:30pm R4 Feedback is a Science special
What a joke since BBC science is reduced to cutNpasting NGO press releases
And inviting producers own cherrypicked pop scientists
Rather than people who understand the scientific method.
The BBC does not do science. End of story.
I just looked thru the 14 people Feedback producer contacted this week.
Basically he just looked thru twitter and looked for people who tweeted positively about 2 Gay season progs on R4
One bloke replied , I didn’t listen the the pog I just tweeted cos I know that area.
Metro bubble Libtards
Prog began ..and the first thing is the prog was recorded last month