Here you go, a new Open Thread. I see the BBC equates President Trump with Kim Jung Un and chooses to present Trump as the real menace to peace. Sickening.
Currently it seems evenly split between devoting every square inch of media estate to publishing who awful it was to let on that beastly Lawson chappie… WHO IS NOT A SCIENTIST!!!! Worse, he was a politician.
Meanwhile, the other half is in full gush, laying out the W1A Goatse entrance to one Al Gore.
Al Gore Interview: The former US vice president is tackling climate change with his new film An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power.
BBC Science News correspondent Rebecca Morelle put your question directly to him.
I wonder what that question was?
I’d suggest using Gulag to check out his science and political history but, well, you know.
I distinctly heard Evan Davis ask a Washington Democratic parcel the other day this
“In regard of North Korea-what do you think John Kerry would be doing”?
Only a BBC goon of endless stupidity with a self harming habit would concoct such a question-one that nobody else on this planet would have asked.
Whenever you think that Newsnight has reached the bottom of the pork barrel?….you get that awful scraping sound, and you know the BBC have yet to hit the nadir of national life.
Nearly all dumb politicians cry when they’re caught with their knickers down, and that’s just the blokes.
Evan Davis is just a weedy little fourth-former piddling about with a Thesaurus under one arm, and a teach-yourself-to read book under the other. I can’t stand him.
Wasn`t John Kerry the dolt who wanderede around the Gulf States on his crutches?
He said it was skiing-others think that he just wanted the sympathy vote from the Saudis…Pudsey Al Beari kind of thinking.
Which recent US President brought the country to its knees in an orange jump suit faster than the other? Was it
a) Obama/Kerry and Clinton
b) Carter, Jerry Brown or Ed Koch?
The BBC, in the midst of trying to convince us that the world is about to end because of a spat between Trump and Kim Jung Un, have time to post a quiz on their World News Page: “Who said what? Can you tell the difference between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un?”
I got 6 out of 8 right and the BBC message was:
Feeling confused?
Your score: 6/8
It’s fine, we all get confused with so many sharp words sometimes.
Now I thought 6/8 was pretty good. But of course this is all bullsheet. The BBC are purposely hyping an essentially non-story and at the same time is pretending Donald Trump is as mad and bad as Kim Jung Un. BBC fake news at its fineness.
What transparent feckers the BBC are. It’s incredible how they waste taxpayers money with all this school playground level contrived nonsense.
I too get fed up with the endless BBC equivocation between Trump and Kim Jong Un.
How come Trump gets regarded as “bellicose”…as “wading in”?
Anybody remember what adjectives the BBC chose to use for Kims stuff on wiping out the USA or whatever mad stuff he spouts every month or so?
Moderate…proportionate…a vulnerable plea to reason?
I don`t recall Obama getting accused of “meddling” in our EU Referendum…being “spineless” with his red lines…or “derelict” in letting Benghazi US staff die, before blaming a video on Muhammad….”classy” eh?
Words matter-hope all these loaded descriptors and weasel added-on value judgements by the BBC are getting logged.
Trump got voted in by a sovereign people…Kim is a fat sickup who blows his own relatives up with shells, throws nerve gas around airlime terminals and has his entire people eating lichen when not being battered to death in his gulags.
But he`s a Stalinist Commie…which inevitably gets the BBCs juices tearing up in their gussets…despicable.
Bet North Korea don`t pay THEIR talent as much as we seem to do iwith OUR parallel monoculture of a national broadcaster…at least THEIR ciphers earn their money and are patriotic. Why the heck do we still put up with this?
Despite the rhetoric, it appears that Trump has been quietly talking to NK bejind closed doors:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Beyond the bluster, the Trump administration has been quietly engaged in back channel diplomacy with North Korea for several months, addressing Americans imprisoned in the communist country and deteriorating relations between the long-time foes, The Associated Press has learned.
Lets be honest here the current situation is all down to NK. and it recent surge in Missile tests (14 in 2017 alone) which is more than the combined total of launches from 2005 to 2016. people have tried to talk and be nice and each and everytime the NKs have bit the hand that feeds them: Why the new SK president manifesto was to bite the bullet and sit down at the table with NK. All his good intentions have been dashed against the wall by the belligerent NK.
NK is a hermit country, where human rights is a no-no and where people are executed for the slightest wrong doing, an yet to the likes of the bBC, the US and not NK is at fault. The current bBC article reads like a Hanoi Hannah broadcast: Trump warns N Korea that US military is ‘locked and loaded’
President Donald Trump says the US military is “locked and loaded” to deal with North Korea, ramping up the rhetorical brinkmanship. “Military solutions are now fully in place, locked and loaded, should North Korea act unwisely. Hopefully Kim Jong-un will find another path!” he tweeted.
He spoke as Pyongyang accused him of “driving” the Korean peninsula to the “brink of a nuclear war”.
Moscow said the exchange of threats between Washington and Pyongyang “worry us very much”.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov rated the risk of military conflict as “very high” as he put forward a joint Russian-Chinese plan to defuse the crisis.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said there was no military solution, and “an escalation of the rhetoric is the wrong answer.”
on Friday, North Korea’s official KCNA news agency accused Washington of a “criminal attempt to impose nuclear disaster upon the Korean nation”.
Pyongyang’s media outlet said America was making “desperate efforts” to test weapons in the Korean peninsula.
The US is “the mastermind of nuclear threat, the heinous nuclear war fanatic”.
Anybody under the age of 25 reading that bbC report will automatically presume that the US is in the wrong here.
The bbC, the schoolboy news agency paid billions in which to spread anti-western Propaganda.
Hi Pounce, if there is a real story behind this – it can be sure the BBC are missing it. Kim Jung Un and his father before him have continually used propaganda of how they are going to punish the great Satan of the USA and to reunify Korean peninsula. So why have the BBC decided to hype up the story now?
The BBC seem to have two reasons
a) as part of their anti-Trump narrative – reducing the complex historical situation in the Korean peninsula to spat between two mad men.
b) The recent upgrade in the hype was clearly one of several stories to deflect from the Muslim rape gang convictions.
The real story may be China advising NK – to test Trump & the US resolve. China have their own ambitions over the South China Sea sphere of influence. China is in many ways becoming the new pre- WWI Germany – it is now an economic superpower and it probably wants to translate some of that economic power to push back the US military influence in the Pacific. The presence of the US in South Korea and the waters around it pose a continued threat and irritation to the foreign policy plans of China. China sees this as their neighbourhood and wants the US out.
Oh, I agree, whilst the left love to talk about how the US went to war in SK in 1950. The simple fact of the matter is, the US had pulled nearly all its troops out of the south and wouldn’t allow Sk to have any tanks or heavy weapons. That is why NK did so well with over 200 T34 tanks, when they invaded. For some strange reason the left don’t mention that. Funny enough the very people who are quite vocal on Sk leadership, never treat the fat little fucker (Grandfather, father and son) with the same disdain.
Err you fat abbott shagger, if you had done your fucking homework, you would know that Trump has already said he is willing to meet with the fat little dictator , that the US has been talking and that in the past NK has stuck 2 fingers up at the world: Agreed Framework ROKS Cheonan sinking Bombardment of Yeonpyeong
The interesting thing about the latter is that NK used the excuse to hit the Sk Island of Yeonpyeong with an artillery bombardment that they had responded to South Korean shells being fired into North Korean territorial waters. (The monthly SK training exercise actually fired their guns away from NK), however what wasn’t mentioned was that days before the incident, the North Korean government revealed their new uranium enrichment facility. Now with the NK koreans saying they are going to bracket Guam with ICBMs. They can’t complain if the US strikes back.
Corbyn is the same kind of moron who urged “talks” with Hitler. Corbyn is an ignoramus who knows nothing about history or the world outside his spoilt little worthless life. In short, a wanker.
Corbyn is the same kind of moron who urged “talks” with Hitler. Corbtn is an ignoramus who knows nothing about history or the world outside his spoilt little worthless life. In short, a wanker.
When was was declared in 1939. Labour MPs pushed for a motion where Mr Hitler wasn’t disparaged in Parliament, they got it. It seems they haven’t learnt a f-ing lesson.
Corbyn is the same kind of moron who urged “talks” with Hitler. Corbtn is an ignoramus who knows nothing about history or the world outside his spoilt little worthless life. In short, a wanker.
When war was declared in 1939. Labour MPs pushed for a motion where Mr Hitler wasn’t disparaged in Parliament, they got it. It seems they haven’t learnt a f-ing lesson.
I saw the Abboott shaggers article yesterday. However as you quite rightly pointed out, the child molesters at the Nations beloved news org, decided we need this female sex organs words again on exactly what a nasty person Trump is. The last I looked the US hasn’t lobbed 17 ICBMs over the neighbours these past 8 months.
Breaking BBC story. The BBC are absolutely foaming with rage that UKIP have allowed what they call an “anti-Islam” candidate to stand for the UKIP leadership election: Anne Marie Waters. They claim this is going to split the UKIP party with some UKIP MEPs pledging to quit.
Firstly British MEPS no longer have any influence – with Britain committed to Brexit.
Secondly if UKIP want to remain valid they need new issues to campaign for. An “anti-Islam” agenda would provide a tiny counter to the overwhelming pro-Islam policies of all the major political parties. We need a party with the balls to counter all the pro-Islam and Sharia creep rhetoric.
We need to know whether we can influence this leadership battle to ensure an Anne Marie Waters victory. If UKIP also adopt an end the BBC tax policy (or a major effective reform of the BBC coupled with a significant diminishing of its size and associated tax burden), and a policy of ensuring no back-tracking on Brexit – they could pick up a lot of public support.
Currently the BBC have headlined this story on all their main webpages: their homepage, their news homepage, their UK news homepage, their Politics homepage (it has kicked off their “Jeremy Corbyn as Saviour” story as the top story).
Another idiot who had swallowed the bullshit line of ” its nothing to do with islam”.
What a pc controlled idiot.
Nothing to do with islam my effin arse.
With idiots like him, UKIP is doomed.
Another idiot who had swallowed the bullshit line of ” its nothing to do with islam”.
What a pc controlled idiot.
Nothing to do with islam my effin arse.
With idiots like him, UKIP is doomed.
Re the UKIP election.
1. Eleven candidates-most of who are nonenties who`ve achieved nothing.
2. So the winner may only get 20% tops-so what chance has the winner to make sense of the UKIP pantomine horse.
3. Ballot papers will go out before the hustings and candidates have even toured the country.
4. Most of the candidates are bureaucrats and cringing wannabe Tory landfill.
5. Any party that lets the like of Woolf go, that allowed the Nutall “Amateur Hour” Show to proceed when it had the “once in a lifetime” opportunity to wipe Labour out in Stoke…well, it BADLY needs an Anne Marie Waters.
They will collapse into irrelevance without her knowing the nature of the Left and the power of the feminist gun that will hammer Islam if she`s given it.
Her manifesto is fair-not great-but she`s the Momentum Candidate that could bring Tommy and the like into national debate.
If we don`t get her-well, we`ll need to beg Aaron Banks to fund an online wrecking ball to smash the party system a la Five Star in Italy.
It`s Anne Marie or muerte…
Chris H, Is this the same Anne-Marie Waters who led Pegida UK into total irrelevance?
What makes you think she can do any better with Ukip.?
I have been ploughing through information on the candidates. A few are unknown but does this really make them non-entities? Anyway what have you got against nonentities? I consider myself to be one. ( Albeit an outstanding one.)
I suggest you check out David Kurten. Here is a man who will stand against cultural marxism and is not afraid to take on the the spiraling insanity of the LGBTQWERTYUIOP lobby.
Can`t agree with all of this Yasser.
1. The Pegida thing?…never noticed or cared…a comedy effort to parallel a mirror image of the EU, as imagined in the UK….no problem with that, certainly no indicator of her fitness to herd cats…and , rest assured leading UKIP is that at the minute-has been ever since it was created.
Farage never led it remember?…the NEC prevented him from doing so, which is why he`s not there.
Nigel-like Jacob or Boris-is simply the hook of authenticity that British people love, and the jealous bitter nasty left despise-so we like them all the more!
2. No disrespect to nonentities of course-did see one good one at the hustings..big black guy from the GLA I think…but , as I say-if you want the beehive in knots, AMW is the only game in town…ex Labour, Irish feminist woman with a punchy track record with all the right friends for us in Tommy etal.
3. The BBC seem exercised and the bloke who punched the brilliant Steven Woolf has resigned now she`s a candidate-what else do you need to know to back the fact that AMW will stir up a lot of interest and confuse the idiot Islamic left…especially the Sinn Fein Momentum types who know her from Streatham( Chukka worse nightmare in small Doc Martens?-come on!).
The big gentle black bloke DID mention “cultural marxism” at our meeting here in Dorset…so this may be Kurten.
If so-we`ve got our dream ticket, as long as Brexit Trump, Islam and the BBC are agreed upon-sensed only AMW would be the insurgent when the cameras were turned off, so she`s the leader I want.
From one outstanding nonentity to another eh Yasser?
PS-got to laugh with “MEP Mike Hookem” resigning-what IS it with these death bed shows of gesture?…like Obama and Hollande and their anti Brexit threats on the BBC last year?…deluded sods!…who knew that the bin of history had so many ventriloquists hiding behind it?
Ah bless-the BBC do care…poor Mike eh?…with 1 year and 229 days remaining on his warranty too!
Anne Marie has my backing, my confidence, my vote.
I dont want any pc affected, afraid to speak the word ‘islam’, constantly saying ‘nothing to do with islam’ candidate.
Anne Marie has clear vision of our existential threat, and is not afraid to voice her opinions.
If any of us on here decided to stand in the UKIP hierarchy, I wonder whether the ‘background’ checks would find us posting on here, and thus making us unsuitable for a position of authority ! Scary stuff.
Quite possibly Brissles, especially when the “Prevent Strategy” kicks in properly and is fully implemented. If people think that it is just to deal with “British” Jihadis they need to look again. When people are being threatened by Social Services with having their kids taken into care because of something un-PC their offspring said to a BAME child at school / playgroup, maybe folk will wake up to WTF’s going on in this country.
Even Gardener’s World is ruined- we have a piece by some shrivel titted spinster who works for the LGBT National Trust telling us about plants at the Coast. She is dressed for Winter in August but has to get in ‘ .. and with Climate change this will …” . I despair of the human race these days no self awareness all brainwashed idiots
The programme was ruined when they appointed Monty Don – the PC choice. Gone are the days when a real gardener is allowed to present a programme on the BBC – there are far more important boxes (for them) to be ticked than ability.
I would forgive a lot in Gardeners World if only someone would rid the programme completely of bloody music. What place has that in any garden? It is place for listening to bird song and natural sounds, or for quiet contemplation. For myself, I do occasionally watch GW (and think Monty Don is a reasonable presenter), but it is always only watch with subtitles. It’s the only way to keep sane. Likewise with any wildlife film, and indeed with an increasing number of programmes.
Hi Grant and Clare, music background is a brain-washing technique – either creating a mood (soft music) or breaking up proper thinking (heavy beat music). It is probably taught in advertising 101 classes. Advertising and propaganda use the same techniques.
Note that the Socialist Worker referred to the Muslims who are having to clear their streets of rubbish in Birmingham as a “scab army”. The Muslims are called the Bearded Bruvs I think.
If there was a case of Muslims smashing in the heads of the Lefties of Brum, then this would be it.
Islamophobia I`d have thought.
The natives of Birmingham are perfectly entitled to show some “community spirit” to clear their streets seeing as the union brothers won`t bother their arses to do it.
In this case, hope the Muslims don`t take this insult.
Good comment on Spiked Online:
“If it’s the Mayor of London, the winner of Bake-Off, or volunteers clearing the rubbish from Birmingham’s streets then the term is ‘Muslim’.
If it’s dozens of gangs drugging and raping young white teenage girls in towns all over the UK over several decades then the term is ‘Asian’.”
“Former race tsar Trevor Phillips, ex chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said sex gangs had got away with abusing children for years because of their race.
Marilyn Hawes, found of Enough Abuse UK, said people in Oxford and nationally needed to ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ on child abuse gangs to protect and prevent further abuse to children.”
Pertelote – I suspect that if an ostensibly establishment friendly “black face” such as Trevor Phillips had not have not picked this subject up – I expect we would all still be sitting here complaining about what is going on but being dismissed as islamaphobic or waycist by the likes of the London Emir or or Fatbott.
We have seen this in the way Tommy Robinson (and in fact Griffin the NF bloke) were/have been treated for telling the truth.
Whether we like it or not we should be grateful for people like Phillips (though an ex race hustler)
Pertelote – I suspect that if an ostensibly establishment friendly “black face” such as Trevor Phillips had not have not picked this subject up – I expect we would all still be sitting here complaining about what is going on but being dismissed as islamaphobic or waycist by the likes of the London Emir or or Fatbott.
We have seen this in the way Tommy Robinson (and in fact Griffin the NF bloke) were/have been treated for telling the truth.
Whether we like it or not we should be grateful for people like Phillips (though an ex race hustler)
I understand that the Moslems cleaning the streets are doing a leftie thing – working on behalf of the local community with an objective of gathering local support. These Moslems turn out to include a number of jihadi supporters.
The left are terribly divided on this. Anti working class if you clean up the rubbish, and racist if you call the volunteer moslems strike breaking scabs.
“He/She, I’m not sure what it is..?”
We are talking about Hero the Hedgehog – the gender ambiguous official mascot of the current London Stadium Athletics (for-godsake-when-will-they-ever-get-over-the-2012-Olympics) Games. Happily sponsored by no end of innovative and experimental performance enhancing pharmaceuticals, umbrella manufacturers, Norovus and, of course, our BBC. No seriously, one way or another this latest diversity fest is public funded.
But what a happy happenstance how extraordinarily on message is our rainbow-vested foam suited mascot for the increasingly transsexual BBC. Sadly not pure serendipity: for we find that it was Blue Peter which invited their present miniscule viewership to design said mascot. And we know what we know about Blue Peter competitions – they’re about as above board as a Russian athlete and as genuine as a modern games competitor’s passport. Did I hear 200 competing athletes had recently altered their nationality – not on the BBC I didn’t.
Oh the hilarious antics of Hero the gender-neutral Hedgehog… You remember the Eurovision Song Contest in the years prior to it going all gay pride? Well the interval between the song performances and the EU-budget-style unaudited point allocation segment… of course you do, it went on for about four hours? The awkward interval would have viewers pine for some advertising on the BBC as we were too often treated to a European comedy act.
Oh dear, the continental concept of comedy must have parted from ours about the time of the last ice age. (This fact will be rapidly dawning on anyone following closely our Brexit negotiations). The interval performance would inevitably consist of very annoying infantile yet arty balletic slapstick – something akin to a cross between Marcel Marceau and the Chuckle Brothers.
There you have it viewers – all offending Britishness washed out in the rain and replaced with a BBC diversity rinsed and mangled makeover. If this is a glimpse of what the future holds..
Asiseeit – I went to the games earlier in the week and I must tell you that I saw the hedgehog take his costume off and saw that is was Jeremy Corbin- honest !!!
The Minister, Ben Bradshaw, interviewed by Humphries BBC ‘Today’. He agrees with former head of MI5 that we are in for 20/30 years of terror, if not more. Both Bradshaw and Humphries straining well to avoid mentioning islam. All that straining – can’t be good for their haemorrhoids. Bradshaw tells the listener that the terrorists are IS sympathisers and very few in number despite the figure of 23,000 mentioned regularly. This also avoiding the surveys conducted that conclusively reveal that over 75% of the whole muslim population in the UK is in agreement with the principles of IS. Nooooo mention of that needless to say.
Apparently, it really is the duty of, not just organs of the State including local authorities that need to watch carefully and report their suspicions, the public must play its part as ‘whistleblowers’ as well. Humphries fails to ask what should be done about the opprobrium brought down immediately by the islamic BBC and media on anyone who identifies a suspicious muslim under the term, “Islamaphobe’ and “Racist”. As if to prove that point, minutes later during the news bulletin, and ignoring the anti-muslim views of Professor Dawkins (no mention whatever) – – we have to hear about one of eleven contenders to lead UKIP, one Anne Marie Walters who campaigns to have Sharia Law outlawed. No information on the other ten contenders?
But, shouldn’t our national broadcaster support the outlawing of Sharia Law? Yes, but, yes but, our islamic editors wouldn’t support that. No discussion about the topic in the ‘Quiet Room’ when the news editors go to pray – the inevitability of an islamic caliphate proceeds nicely………
Having seen the comments about the Chapman v JRM “interview” on al beeb yesterday I thought I’d give it a listen . £650k Humpreys failed to control Chapman who was obviously on medicines or phased by his moment of fame which led to a non interview.
The most worrying thing was that this rabid remainer was senior in the Dept of brexit.
Anna Soubry, Ken Clarke, Heseltine and all those scum Tories all in a field with Umunna, Cable, Clegg etc.
Don`t tell them about the SDP-or about that survey yesterday from Oxford and London Uni that says that we nearly all want to leave on the cheap.
One big landfill full of the wasted blubber that has long destroyed this country.
That a James Chapman has infected the political life of this country-and been paid from our purse via Cameron etc-shows that Rees Mogg is the future.
PS-who`s funding Chapman…same Soros types that pay for MIller and the “New European”? And how revealing to see Humph obsessing on names for this new party? Gossip, intrigue and names to stop the traffic…no wonder we`re leaving and bastards like Chapman need burning off the body politic like the worthless leeches thay`ve always been.
PS. Noted Chapmans microphone get beefed up at the end, Humphrys “winding up” allows for only Chapmans drive by nastiness -and this scummard also got both the first and last word AND made a false accusation or three against Rees Mogg in his few shouty minutes of fame.
Despicable-and Humphrys indulges this shit like a slobbering exuberant young puppy throughout.
Time to dump the BBC…now where have I heard THAT before, and still not done it?
Never heard of this Chapman what a repulsive creep. Seems like he has a chip on his shoulder. Hell hath no fury….. He was even irritating the Humph. The Mogginator excellent as usual.
Question: if we were plunged into some sort of war which, as it seems will partly or perhaps wholly effect the internet and its access, where can we get up-to-date accurate news from? It will clearly be impossible to rely on anything the BBC broadcast. Just a thought.
I’d go down the pub, or have a sneaky discussion of Miss Amelia Newt, who knows absolutely everything in this village!
Couldn’t give a monkeys about anywhere else, as all good people here would be doing the same – not necessarily with our Miss Newt of course, but there are plenty elsewhere!
Anyway, the telephones would all be down, so that means that bbbc wouldn’t get any news either, and their autocue readers are too bone idle/thick/brainwashed to go and find a real story, so they would become even more irrelevant.
Now I come to think about it more, I rather like the scenario, but it would mean we all use the same pub!
My round…
(ps Miss Newt is no relation to Kim un Livingstun).
Never found him funny-has a problem with women like most other spectacle gays.
But-like Russell Brand-a product of the aimless and contrarian culture we`re living in with our kids.
And Milo is on the right side, hence the nastiness he got on university campuses earlier this year.
So I pray for him, he`s needed.
BBC Website ” Watch your words China urges Trump “. Then ” China’s President urges Trump and N. Korea to avoid “words and actions ” which worsen tensions “. So a reasonable statement by the President which applies to both sides is turned into a Fake News headline by the big liars at the BBC. Disgusting.
By the way, where have all the Trolls gone ? Is it still school holidays ?
Xi did NOT say “watch your words”!
Yes, it gives you your hashtag you lying troublemaking creeps. It will wind up anybody who simply looks at your Ceefax crap-and who doesn`t study at this site, therefore aware of the level and peaks of “Fake news”( c/o Emeritus Prof, Trump).
In short-a vegan air buffet via a nothing burger.
Yes, Grant-all the trolls will be in their tight shorts snooping around foodbanks and hoping their local schools will re-open to meet the troubled youngsters with their frosties and crack pipes.
Holiday Hunger doncha know?
Cathy Newman on Channel 4 told me all about it-all the linen suits who write her puff are hanging around the Gower this afternoon, hoping for those Venezuela moments
Compare and contrast… When a crime is suspected of having been committed by a member of a preferred ethnic group, the BBC are curiously quiet. Often the nature of the crime or the location gives strong clues as to the sort of person or people who may have been responsible, yet all we hear are that “police are looking for a man and urge the public to report sightings of the (non-descript) man”. So compare that with this comprehensive description of a suspect: “He is described as white, 5ft 9in tall, with cropped hair and stubble. He was last seen wearing a red Nike sweatshirt with a white logo on it. He was also wearing white trainers and dark grey trousers or tracksuit bottoms. Detectives added that he had recently shaved off his hair and eyebrows.”
Okay, they forgot to mention what he had for breakfast or his favourite TV show, but otherwise it is the level of detail that one might expect to read in such a report if it is available. Now, I wonder what is different in this particular case?
Just caught the end of a BBC TV news item that, as far as I could tell, was claiming that England’s villages are not entirely English. It was clear from the tone that this was considered “a good thing”.
Well, by and large, they still seem pretty English to me but perhaps that’s because any foreigners living there have no interest in changing them. I don’t see what harm a few French, German or Polish people would do. Their villages aren’t so bad either.
As almost everyone outside the government, the police farce and the MSM understand, it’s not a question of who is living there, as who is not living there. Yet.
Its the Saxon and Roman genes no doubt . We were invaded in the past so there is going to be a mix of European DNA. Anyone who learned proper history rather than the BBC version understands it.My grandparents on one side were from Easterm Europe.
It doesn’t equate to mass migration at the current level being good.
They would love to say the DNA is mostly from tribal Africa or Arabia.Its their dream.
The beeb and assorted libtards love to point out that we’re all a bit mixed genetically, we’re not ‘pure’ Anglo-Saxon or whatever. It’s their way of getting at conservatives who oppose mass migration. See? there’s always been migration and immigration, what are you getting so uptight about?
Ignoring the quantum difference between small manageable and assimilatable migration, and mass unmanageable migration by peoples or religions who have no intention of assimilating but on the contrary intend to change US.
Aka invasion.
If we are all descended from Africans it proves that evolution is amazing. So many of us have progressed while Africa stagnates. Was discussing this with a Left-wing African “academic” yesterday who, naturally, claims that the failure of all African countries ( at least he admitted they have all failed ) was due to colonialism . No reply to my question ” so everything was fine before the white man arrived ? “. Also no answer to my question ” Why do most Gambians say to me ” we wish we were still a British colony “. Had to block him when he started to racially abuse me.
Surely this whole topic would make a great , fearless BBC documentary series ?
That tired old excuse of ‘colonialism’ is nonsense. If anything it gave those countries the opportunity to start to develop, which they all squandered. How many decades and centuries will they keep using that excuse? And why are ex-colonies everywhere else booming?
Things are not perfect in India , but I used India as an example of an ex-colony which is moving forward.
I speak a lot to elderly people in Gambia. Not only do they say that it was much better under the British, but it was still good in the few years after independence. As I say, good topic for a BBC documentary but it will never happen .
Grant, I keep struggling to remember which of the southern African kingdoms is the oldest Royal Democracy in the world. I have a notion it matches England & Wales in time scale back to Magna Carta, which was far from the start of democracy for England but ended some of the scrapping and underpinned it.
I spent half an hour on a map and wandering Wiki not so long ago but couldn’t get a definitive answer. Kind of ironic but the BBC told me about it many years ago back when you could learn lots of good things – all the time – from Radio 4.
I recall that once a year that the King reviews his progress with tribal elders from all over the country. They tell him what is going on, what he’s doing right, what could be better. I have a notion that anyone in the country (indigenous) can come to the Council and petition the Elders and the King. They discuss whether the petitioner has a good idea, how it could be made to work and if the Elders agree, they ask the King to agree and sanction it. The King has absolute say but collective wisdom is used to good effect, about eight hundred years of good effect.
I have another notion it is one of South Africa’s Protectorates but could be wrong.
I am not sure about that, but it seems likely. West African villages and provinces have a similar system today. But it is certainly not “one man one vote ” , and certainly not “one woman , one vote ” ! There are areas where the discussions are held called ” Bantaba ” in Mandinka , which also has many other meanings .
Possibly, where the word “banter ” comes from.
But the village headman or province chief has the final decision. The tension arises with central government when they contradict a decision. I could go on , but it slightly reminds me of some countries closer to “home ” !
Three times – we pay to keep the convicted in warmth and comfort and good food and colour TV.
I asked a homelss beggar “What happened?” and he said, “Until last week i had a warm dry place to live, three square meals a day, colour TV, everything I could want. Then they let me out.”
Seek out the police officers and council officials who ignored the issues all those years ago and, if still employed, sack them or, if retired, take their pensions away. That would be real justice.
I’m hearing lots of righteous indignation on Radio 4 (I don’t do TV) about Anne Marie Waters being in the candidate list for the UKIP leadership contest. It’s like they expect all of us listening to nod and agree that being anti islam is beyond the pale . There is smug satisfaction that other candidates disapprove of her anti-islam stance and some worries about how that would affect the vote for UKIP.
What’s depressing for me is the assumption that islam is benign and no right thinking person would oppose it. What’s more depressing is that people probably wouldn’t vote for an anti-islam and anti-sharia party as they should.
Also, in taking this tone, the R4 newsreaders ( and the rest of the media but I don’t know about that yet) may be influencing the thinking and attitudes of the listeners. People want to regard themselves, and have others regard them, as nice people who have nice thoughts. This drip drip strategy from the media might be having a subliminal effect on people’s opinions.
This drip drip strategy from the media might be having a subliminal effect on people’s opinions.
Of course it is, and has for decades, which is why the majority are completely ignorant of the true nature of islam and so many other topics. Everyone wants to feel ‘nice’, and appear nice. It takes guts to be a free-thinker today, and look at reality squarely in the face. And it ain’t always ‘nice’.
Charlie, it’s the same with Trump and Korea. The BBC just don’t like the idea of any sort of tough talking because it might make things worse. I’m reminded of the story of two Jews, Solly and Abe who were about to be shot by the Germans in WW2. The gestapo officer asked if they had any last words. Solly shouted out ‘To hell with Hitler and down with the Nazis.’ Abe looked concerned and said ‘Shh, Solly, don’t make trouble!’
It was quite amusing to speculate what agonies of decision were endured in BBC offices over Ann Marie Waters, i.e. whether to praise her for her LBTG stance or to condemn for her anti-islam stance. Well, today islam won the day. After all, protecting the Religion-of-War is top of the BBC’s agenda. Will we get any mention her querty campaigns? I think not.
Not directly BBC, but in the hills above me, here on a lovely Perthshire day, a barrage of shotgun fire for the last 30 minutes. Trump ? Kim ? No it is the Glorious 12 th and , by the rate of fire, either Grouse populations are high this year or the standard of shooting has declined. Mind you, it is after lunch.
No sign of Chris Packham , but I hope Ian Botham is having a good day. Next will be the whirring of helicopters to take the Grouse to Scone Airport, then private plane to London so that some hypocritical Beeboid can dine on Grouse in a posh restaurant. ( But don’t tell anyone ! ).
And the real joy is that some of them will pay £60 or more for a fat 50p woodpigeon with the touch of pine disinfectant in the gravy to give that ‘authentic’ tang of the heather. That’s why many restaurants leave the hairy legs on!
Mrs GWF agrees with you, she has worked with him. I was concerned about the Equality Commission, which is not my favourite outfit. But I accept what you and Mrs GWF say.
Shock horror: Mad Dog Trump doesn’t rule out military intervention in Venezuela, which proves just how unhinged he is. Well, I know at least one Venezuelan who is struggling to keep her elderly parents ALIVE, who would be delighted with American intervention and a bit of evil capitalism to get the economy moving again, and some food in the shops. (As she is the only Venezuelan I know, I take that to be a 100% endorsement for Trump intervention.)
Incidentally, here’s how the beebistan explain the crisis in one sentence: “Oil prices began to plummet… causing an economic crisis.” End of. Nothing about Socialist mismanagement, cronyism and corruption. See for yourselves, about 30 seconds into the video: (2nd video down, not the first)
Hope this is just silly stuff. My former care assistant came from Venezuela and was a biologist, reduced to my job (poor thing). She raged at what had made her and her family leave Caracas and its univeristy-this was all when Ken Livingston was trading oil for his buses and the Left praised her dreadful countrys leaders. Such a lovely girl-so angry at our BBC and Guardian for lying, dissembling over her needing private security to go home after studies.
Trump must stay out, let the world see what the left is when in power by diktat.
It`ll collapse soon enough and revenge will be swift-just need a quiet sly decapitation.
Send our Eminent Persons Group 2017 to help them-Abbott, Starmer, Burgon and Farron etc….
Why should the Left care about her and people like her ? They are just to be sacrificed on the altar of Marxism. They are just ordinary people. Not the Leftist elite.
Though I have largely given up on the BBC news, I turned on Eddie Mayer for the first time for weeks a few days ago.
To discuss the crisis in Venezuela the urbane Eddie had on a lunatic from The Socialist Worker, (I kid ye not), and some American journalist who had spent time in that crumbling nation.
After the Socialist worker fellow uttered nonsense after nonsense, neither challenged nor interrupted by Eddie, the lady was asked how responsible was the US for the problems in Venezuela. She remained staggeringly calm as she pointed out the problems had nothing to do with the US, and everything to do with the policies of Chavez and his successor. Not able to hear her reply, Eddie pressed on with his questions about US actions to undermine the country … at which point I turned off.
Sticking my head above the parapet here, but I ENJOYED very much a BBC programme last night ! BBC4 the Proms with John Wilson Orchestra and a top class performance of Oklahoma by a bevy of West End performers who did the musical justice – such a change to hear good music and a pleasure to watch from the comfort of an armchair.
The orchestra wasn’t as dynamic and precise as the that on the film sound track and Ado Annie had none of the innocence but nevertheless it was enjoyable.
But why on earth was Marcus Brigstocke in it? Did he have a few spare hours left on his BBC block contract? I was surprised that he managed to keep up that peculiar gruff voice throughout the performance, I doubt if he could maintain it for a full West End run!
As is to be expected nowadays, one of Sir Lenny’s mates managed to get a speaking part. However the BBC doesn’t help Lenny or us by pushing the quota agenda.
Hate to disagree with you Brissles…it`s a first.
But I simply couldn`t get past bloody Brigstocke-he needs a fatwa and hauling before the race police for his terrible “blacking up” as an Iranian-well, psychically anyway!
Surely to Betsy , there`s plenty Americans in London who`d have done this justice.
Borderline racist in its dreadful portrayal of Americans too-never heard so many dumb accents since Daphne Moons idiot English family showed up in “Frasier”. Won`t slag off the Yanks again now!
I think they`d decided that granny and Ellie Mae Clampitt from the Beverley Hillbillies would do for the women too. Thought the fashion was dud too, but that`s another post…those bloomers were not what I`d have been wearing back then in Okie, I`m sure.
No…reckon they`ve all dumbed down…it`ll be Brexit I expect. Always is.
Sorry Brissles, always agree with you usually. Maybe I`m still in grieving mode after the death of Glen Campbell. Keep snivelling over Wichita Lineman reruns. His last live ones are keeping me up too late blubbering.
You have to follow the Classic FM definition these days: “Anything with violins”, otherwise you’re a snob. There’s virtually nothing you can say about other genres in a classical context without that coming up. It needs its own Godwin’s Law.
I believe the usual justification is that there is nothing formal saying that the Proms must be exclusively classical, which seems to be missing the point. I think we all know what the BBC is up to – squeeze out the DWEM stuff a little at a time and hope that nobody notices.
I suppose the John Wilson Orchestra comes closer than Tom Jones (1 September), as it plays Gershwin and such like. Nothing against Tom Jones, he’s very good at what he does, but why here? (And why did I feel obliged to insert that caveat?)
And BTW, St Sepulchre-without-Newgate in London, laughably known as the musicians’ church, has told the choirs and orchestras who hire it that they are no longer welcome. The church actually holds Henry Wood’s ashes. I understand that there is an evangelical group which pays more for hirings than the musicians can afford.
Alicia – that’s ok. And I agree with everything you say. To be honest I’d never heard of Marcus Brigstock so I couldn’t comment one way or t’other. Admittedly it was a tad over the top even with the diverse casting; and I did expect more John Wilson as he was the reason I tuned in, but I took it for what it was, a chance to enjoy some good music and singing.
(Sad to hear about Glen C, and nostalgically watched shots of his Wichita Linesman. I felt as you do when Phil Everly died, I played their music for days until the dog decided he’d had enough and refused to come indoors !!)
Beebistan ‘News’ ends its report on N Korea crisis by slyly suggesting Trump is using it to divert attention from his domestic problems (whipped up by leftie media like the beeb). They slip in ‘we are hearing these claims’. Who? Where? You mean your leftie pals in the news studio perhaps?
On the BBC TV news tonight, Kate Silverton refers to “white nationalists” protesting about the removal of a statue of “a pro-slavery general” in Charlottesville. Listen, Kate, the man’s name was Robert E. Lee, one of the greatest military commanders in history, a decent and honourable man who was as respected by the North as he was by the South. His primary motivation was not to defend slavery, which he acknowledged was “a moral and political evil” but to remain loyal to his home state of Virginia when it seceded from the Union. Southerners are proud of Robert E. Lee and are justly outraged by the plan to remove his statue. Kate Silverton, you could have at least called him by his name.
Well said. Lee was a great man and soldier. The American Civil War was quite a complex matter and slavery was not an issue at the start. But don’t expect some BBC airhead like Kate Silverton ( whoever she is, never heard of her ) to spend any time researching the subject. For thick Beeboids everything has to be kept simple. Union good , Confederacy bad. 4 legs good , 2 legs bad . Beeboids are idiots.
As you say Grant, Lee was probably the best tactician of them all. All-American hero Lincoln, inconveniently, while believing in the slow emancipation of slaves, did not agree that they were the equals of whites, nor that they should serve on juries.
Kate Silverton is best defined as apparently having some frog genes – the amphibian, not the nation.
LOL ! Agreed on all points. By the way , I took my moniker “Grant” from my hero ,US Grant, who saved the USA with a bit of help from his soldiers. Lee, at the end of the day, did not have the resources. Both great men. But, of course, they were pygmies compared with the giants of the BBC.
If you have freeview – PBS shows the 8 hour documentary on the Civil War which carefully explains the complexity of the issues which still affect the states and will for a long time . I learnt a lot.
I think of that series when al beeb simplifies these foreign events for their multicultural politics
I gotta feeling on reflection that I’m not telling you anything new.
It is a masterpiece which will never be surpassed. And very even-handed. It represents everything that the BBC is not. It is well researched, deep, well edited, professional and compelling. Contrast that with the BBC’s miserable , superficial, amateur output on everything.
Shelby Foote RIP. Hope I live long enough to read his 3-volume history. A real historian. Not like the Fake BBC ” historians “. Dan Snow, FFS !!!
Yes that’s right Grant . Once upon a time it was the sort of programme bbc2 would have shown but doesn’t have an albeeb celebrity to wander about the planet being filmed looking into the distance ..
Lincoln was, indeed, for much of his life, a white supremacist. In his 1858 debate with Sen. Steven Douglas, Lincoln maintained, “And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”
The American civil war was largely about land to the west and its ownership. I seem to remember that Lincoln signed a document to have all blacks exported to another part of the world.
Zelazek,I agree, General Lee was a very honourable man and history has falsely maligned him IMO. The BBC should recognise Lee’s loyalty and integrity. But there again, the BBC wouldn’t recognise integrity if it hit it in the face.
Lincoln was a great man , but his attitude to slavery and black people was always ambivalent. He tended to trim his opinion depending on the audience. It was not he who saved the Union. It was Grant and those brave soldiers who had been so badly led before and then had faith in one of the great military Commanders, US Grant.
Agreed Grant,
Grant (not you Grant) is now praised for having a strategic view of the war, rather than focusing solely on the area around Virginia, as Lee so often did. And he gets credit for believing in civilian control of the military. When some of his officers were upset about black soldiers serving in the Union Army, Grant “said, ‘Look, this is the policy of the government, and the Army has to carry it out. … If there’s anyone who can’t deal with it, resign right now,’”
Grant seems to be a more genuine person than Lincoln. Lincoln although clever seems a bit shady.
Grant’s memoirs are worth reading . He comes over as straight down the line. And his soldiers had confidence in him and he always put them first. I think he is one of the unsung military heroes and a very modest man. I think I am right in saying that he only met Lincoln twice. Once when he was appointed and second time after victory !
Haven’t seen that one but will check it out. Have to be a bit careful with revisionary history.
But, I still think that Lincoln was the greatest President. His biggest problem was not dealing with the Confederates, but the competing people in the Union. Yes , a lot of his published correspondence and articles are a little contradictory. But , one way or another, he succeeded.
Just started looking at the second video clip. Seems like pure Left -wing anti-Lincoln propaganda. Dictator ? Using rape as a weapon ? I shall look again tomorrow , but given Lincoln’s personal and professional history, the initial accusations seem improbable to me.
Wasn’t much of the opposition to slavery from northern industrialists who resented the south having access to labour virtually free of charge? They don’t mention that much these days either.
Good point Cranmer,
It was about money ,power,territory and black manpower to defeat the Confederates.
The abolition of slavery was categorically not the main reason for the civil war.
The BBC would would like us to believe their narrative though.
It wasn’t really a Civil War as such but the War of Southern Independence, since the Confederacy didn’t seek to take over the entire country they just wanted to secede from the Union and form their own; as the original thirteen colonies had done when they seceded from Great Britain and had done so for the same reason that the southern states sought to leave the Union: tariffs, not the institution of slavery – which would have ended anyway without the need for war.
The interesting comparison between the generals Lee and Grant, was that the former freed his slaves before hostilities between North and South commenced whereas the latter maintained possession of his slaves even after the war ended; his response when questioned as to why he refused to free them: “Good help is hard to find these days.”
Biased Broadcasting Corp describes the trouble in Charlotesville Virginia as a confrontation between the ‘Far Right’ and ‘counter protestors’. Elsewhere they’re described as ‘anti racist BLM’.
Note: not the ‘Far Left’, but ‘counter protestors’ and ‘anti racists’.
If you notice there is no”right” in beeb speak – only ” far right”
I think the Beeb would do well to stay out of disputes in the South about the Confederate Flag as it is neither an academic or British issue . It’s recent painful history.
The other reason the BBC should butt out of it is because they know nothing about it. But then they know nothing about anything much. Beeboids’ ignorance is no obstacle to them having an opinion. Empty vessels …….
I wasted 6 minutes looking at the video you posted and other than three or four people waving their arms in the air in the same manner that one could see in any Glastonbury Festival, I saw no evidence of the “Nazi salutes” that you referred to. Did you actually watch it yourself?
Also, I have seen more violence on the Rugby field.
Typical Al Beeb bias and propaganda by you.
You do Al Beeb no service – give it up.
Rubbishy maxi , watch the whole video other than the first page image that you just posted. let the rest of the posters decide . You waste your time.
Nuremberg rally , utter nonsense.
You’re still offering up this pretence that a bunch of White Nationalists marching through the streets with flaming torches, chanting “Blood and Soil” have no connecton with the Nazi Party?
Please stop embarrassing yourself taffman; it’s becoming too painful to watch…
I’m reading utter shite, full of these mysteron’s.
Ofcourse they mean their own staff, or tweet.
Some observers also argue that US President Donald Trump’s election to the White House re-energised the far right across the US.
Heres another, bbc luvvie who has watch a movie.
On Friday, the white nationalists held lit torches – which some observers described as a reference to the Ku Klux Klan – and chanted “White lives matter” as they marched through the University of Virginia in the city.
And this ”anti-protest protestor” i.e. Antifa, …………….”””fighting” hate of all kinds, with hate of all kinds,………cos she is at war man innit …………….to fucking stupid to realise the nutjob hypocrisy.
And this little nugget about ”them not having a message, then in the next sentence stating the polar opposite, probably exited to be on foriegn tv.
Shiquan Rah, a 21-year-old demonstrator who had joined the counter-protest said about the far-right groups: “These people don’t have a message, their message is hate and violence. This is a spiritual war we’re in.”
And then the devious bastards say this.
Violent clashes erupted between far-right groups and counter-protesters who have also gathered in the city.
At least two people have been injured, police say.
Police have fired tear gas against demonstrators and said that arrests had been made after a declaration of unlawful assembly at Emancipation Park.
And the video is of antifa and black lives matter flags and placards being pepper sprayed and arrested,……for kicking off on the police……only aggro as usual coming from the BBC’s lefty rent-a-mobs.
Beeb end their ‘article’ on Charlotsville: “Some observers also argue that US President Donald Trump’s election to the White House re-energised the far right across the US.”
CM, to anyone talking like that I would ask three linked questions:
“1. What happened in Germany on 9/10 November 1938,
2. What happened in the USA on 9/10 November 2016 and also over the following weekend, and,
3. Who was responsible for each?”
This is a good sign. It suggests that the BBC know that they are losing the arguments and more people are just ignoring them. So they are becoming increasingly desperate. It seems to me that they are just having a dialogue with themselves these days. And how boring and pointless is that ? Lots of good signs out there.
Nice one Charlie.
Will now use that “some people are saying” crap for all and any abuse I`ll shower on the BBC, Guardian, Channel 4 and all lefty liberal cabbages from now one.
” Some people are saying….why the hell are we mug enough to pay for Saviles travels to the Underworld?”
(Actually-it`s just me saying it-but who`s checking?)
When you think that the autocue-readers get paid huge sums to say what their ‘line managers’ tell them to say, it’s not really fair to call them journalists, they’re just bbbc sock puppets of the worst kind.
If there was a real journo out there, actually having to work for a living, then as failures, the bbbc would attract them far more than a cut-throat publication which relies on sales, not crap funded by the tax-payer.
Been watching Fox News livestream on Charlottesville… not only did they just show some video of armed marines standing in a dusty, war torn middle eastern town while describing police in the streets of Charlottesville but one of their guests very likely dropped a truth bomb.
Danny Coulson, former FBI Deputy Asst Director, was asked what is the role of law enforcement in demonstrations such as this…. his reply “Well my business engages in this. We plan violen… ahem… i’m sorry, we play public events that can potentially turn violent”
Watching the novovirus championships on Saturday night . Al beeb is creating new deities for we no licence payers to worship – St. Mo ( irony ) and St . Usain . If either fail in their running I suspect al beeb faces might have the same look at the Brexit night.
Katie Hopkins has a very funny article about the “Great God Sport”(Daily Mail today)
And what a joke all this weeks BBC licking up has been seeing the numerous farces we`ve heard of(surely to God, no-one is actually watching).
I even saw this morning some woman losing her way to the water jump in her race(don`t ask)-having to get back onto the track seeing as her satnav had been buggered-and then causing a couple of athletes to fall over behind her in her track event. Comnedy Gold-like the Monty Python thick toffs race in fact. But serious faces all round at the BBC spoorts desk-for “Sport Is Not Mocked”.
Harry Hill for FIFA!
PS-line two-did I mean farces or faeces?
You decide…
As for all the cringing over Usains “legacy”-loads of white dollies in nightclubs notwithstanding( where are the wimmins libbies here then?).
Just two words…Lance…Armstrong.
Sir Mohammed Farah will do the rounds on albeeb before announcing he’s not retiring at all and will have another go and is applying for US nationality ….
Radio Four news today has been having a go at Trump, claiming his rhetoric is making the Korean situation worse, with Macron posing as some sort of voice of reason. For God’s sake, a sovereign territory of the USA has been threatened by a maniac with a nuclear bomb – what is Trump supposed to do? I suppose the Beeb would prefer him to act like Barry and just say ‘make no mistake’ a lot. There was a more truth I think in the response by the Governor of Guam when Trump telephoned him – he sounded like he was in the Residency at Lucknow and had just heard ‘The Campbells are Coming’ on the bagpipes*.
Also, double murder in Golders Green, London NW11 – suspect clearly named as Cohen, with pictures and descriptions issued, presumably so that we didn’t get any ideas about any other religions.
*In 1857 during the Indian Mutiny the Residency was besieged and just as they were about to capitulate they heard the pipes of a Scots regiment in the distance, reassuring them of rescue.
What the hell has it got to do with that useless prat Macron ? His ratings in France have gone down even faster than Chirac when he first was President. Why should anyone listen to that clown ?
PS. What does world stateswoman Treezer have to say ? Oh, I forgot , she is on a long holiday. Does not really matter. Anything she has to say is irrelevant.
Grant, I imagine someone in the BBC said ‘For God’s sake get a quote from someone who wants to avoid war at any cost’ and they immediately thought of the French.
Would urge everybody to read this article at how Trump is getting nobbled regarding Islam. I trust Daniel Greenfield and this article is truly creepy.
Explains a lot actually about why he`s having such problems from Deep State and Obama Rehashes.
Thanks for that painful post . Racism in the police – whether US/UK is always difficult . Albeeb and its published version The Guardian carry American stories in the absence of anything happening here. Totally different because of gun possession .
Anyway – studying criminology – which is ordinarily quite a lefty subject taught me that coppers start their careers as black or shot or whatever but after a while there is only one colour – blue – and the public – like the bastard in the video
Not sure how genuine that video is. Seems strange that the cop is filming it, but not ready with his gun. Also strange that he does not have a buddy as back-up, close.
So we got some floppy haired dick head who used to be in a band and now has mastered the art of tilting his head and looking at the sky so calls himself an Astromoner – Brian Cox
Some fat bald bloke who comes from Ireland who once told a joke that nobody laughed at calls himself a comedian – Dara O’Brien
And these two blokes , who have taken the BBC shilling and sold their souls, have decided that nobody is allowed to question Climate change ?
I bow to you two and you’re fantastic intellect and huge brains – how about you two complete tossers get a real job and stop living off our fkking licence fee money
The aptly-named Cox has an obscure academic record. I have never been able to find out any original research that he did. All books that he has written are co-authored. I suspect that he is a bullshitter and a fake. Perfect for the BBC.
His Wikipedia entry says that he has supervised some PhD students . That is normal in academia. Most genuine academics would not even bother to put that in a Wikipedia entry.
According to a publishing/tv agent friend of mine, media friendly scientists are very hard to get hold of. Most of them are too busy doing proper work to get involved, look and sound weird and/or are a little bit ‘on the spectrum’ and don’t come across well on the air. The holy grail for telly people is, apparently, an attractive female mathematician.
I lusted after the gym mistress. Never did classes with her, but the sight of her in tennis shorts that stopped level with her knees was too much for my adolescent imagination.
I went to a decent school where we didn’t have lefties – please don’t fiddle with the memories of a 14 year old . I always blame miss —- for me being no good at sums.
Why doesn’t al beeb do those OU programmes any more ??
I think Cox has a similar effect on kids interested in astronomy as Patrick Moore did.
I don’t want to speak ill … but he kept astronomy as an anorak weirdo sport for 30 years or more . I was one of those anoraks so had to deal with the funny looks when I got my refractor out ( oo matron)
Grant – I think you are on to something here. I can’t find anything either . To get a Doctorate of Phil in Particle Physics don’t you have to publish something pretty grandiose – if so where is it ?
Maybe the Emperor has no clothes – something smells because if he was that smart he would know this climate change stuff his bollocks – he just doesn’t strike me as very smart when I hear him
I am not an academic , but I have had many dealings with them. The usual hideaway is ” PhD thesis, unpubl “. However, an unpublished PhD thesis should still be available in a university library. Many years ago, I tried to access Gordon Brown’s PhD thesis to no avail. It is a murky business.
I have no intention of reading it – I’m no scientist.
Hopefully one of the scientists who contribute here can read it and let us know if it’s any good.
I am not a physicist, but had a quick scan of your link and it appears to be genuine. So apologies to Brian Cox. Still seems strange to give up full-time research for a celebrity career. Maybe vanity and money. Who knows ?
PS In my limited experience ‘academics’ are obsessed with publication, encouraged by their relevant institutions for funding purposes. Quite often their subsequent articles are re-hashes of their original theses.
Looks like a load of bollocks to me. Maybe Brian can explain in plain English what he did that is so great – colliding particles yeh we got that – what has Brian actually added to the argument?
I always enjoy reading weekend evening posts. ChrisH’s weekday stuff with a bit of booze added (while still allowed). When the bbbc finally curls its toes up….let’s all find a rendezvous to celebrate – and to pick up a signed copy of aforementioned ChrisH’s pithier comments.
King ,
I’ve mused about a “live ” link up of regulars on this site . I would attend a session anywhere at any time to celebrate the demise of albeeb. I would buy shares in it for its eventual take over by Sky or RT
Most kind Mr Crimson!
Don`t get by here as much as I`d like to-it is the scrumpy season near enough and I`m still counting the bad body language bruises from Tolpuddle.
Yes, think we need a few of us to form a steering committee on topics here-Pounce to lead anything military, our many Green Warriors to keep us up to date on the likes of Lord Mighty Nigel Lawsons work etc.
Great scattergun fun here-but Dave S and his link to Sultan Knishs work on McMasters derailing of the Trump Revolution in the USA deserves some feeding into UKIP/Alt -Right links I`d say…otherwise we`re getting grumpy individually, and not really turning over the evil that is the BBC and Channel 4.
This week for example
1. Universities preferring rich thick foreign students to the white trash that fund the VCs yacht at Bolton Poly.
2. The General Lee Righteous Protest in Charlotteville, and the BBCs response
3. Trump/North Korea bias
4. Junckers free pass on his piggery.
There`ll be plenty more-James Damore at Google also a Daniel Greenfield piece of brilliance.
Off to the wifes church barbecue now , but this site keeps me right.
Anne Marie and Jacob Rees Mogg, free Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn?…these are good times, enjoy them as we can.
Grant for Africa correspondent and Brissles to write the obits for Van, Bob, Joni, Keef and all the others to come…agreed 100% that we`ve not got over Phil Everly.
Luvaduck…start with the Everlys and end with Jedward…what an arc eh?
Scottish Calvin for our cBBC Newsbeat Op…brilliant stuff SC!
Looks like a good team. I read “Damore ” as “Dalmore “, but I would , wouldn’t I ? Scrumpy season starts early down your way. Another month, at least, until apples are ripe here in the frozen North. Dalmore has put an idea into my head !
Find myself working on a full eleven a side “Team With All the Talents”…acronym yet to be decided upon.
Reckon Pounce is a Daniel Passerella type of captain. Enforcer type needed to deal with the thugs that I for one, am scared of.
I`m a long haired fop who blows hard and does little in the end-a Glen Hoddle/Mario Kempes type.
With your African links-you can be either a Didier Drogba or a George Weah…or Weay-Hay if you do a good Jack Douglas impression.
I`ll get that team yet-failing that, we`ve got a good five-a-side that may yet be the Alt-Rights Harlem Globetrotters…well Wessex boundaries with a Megabus to London or Perth maybe?
Ha ! Even I can work out that acronym ! Not into football myself, but I would put you down as a Shane Warne ! Megabus ? Stagecoach is better. I have to say that as Brian Souter’s Estate is just up the road from here. Funny he never invites me for drinks. I wonder why ?
Forget Trump, forget Kim Il Whatsit, forget May’s holiday snaps, forget ISIS. All is lost anyway. Mo has been beaten. End of all life as we know it…..
Are the Tories to blame, or Brexit?
Beltane ,
Please treat st. Mo with the adoration he deserves . He could have done the decent thing and turned up 4th like everyone else in the British norovirus team
hope he now f8cks off to wherever he emerged from..or his current tax haven..poor lamb!!.. lol!!
Goes to show you can’t trust those bloody Ethiopians..and there’s plenty trying to get into UK under any number of brand names..send ’em all back..don’t need the sort of enrichment they bring..let alone the infectious diseases etc..thank you.
He will become a beeb presenter, that’s almost nailed on.
And the winner,………………just a disrespectful barsteward that ”trolled” little mo, by doing the ”mobot” as he crossed the line.
All the results for mo farah of a google search all concentrate on the winners mobot, what a bastard, not a word of praise for the ethiopian who won, their sick puppies our media.
How do you like this insight into,……………….they love the word ”hate” lefties,…………they just dont get scorn……..
These themes – hatred and distrust of the old media giants and a belief that the establishment is using extreme and nefarious measures to keep the populace compliant – are common on alt-right message boards…….
It isnt ”these people see right thru our bullshit”’ no no we are conspirators,………………..but speculating on some mythical trump russia connection for months and months without a single strand of evidence is perfectly normal and rational.
Mohamid Farah lost.
He needs to be introduced to a better God, a better religion.
Try the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Guaranteed faster that Allah
BBC2 now a boat of white people refuse to accept a brown man and kick him to death
(The 30 minute drama from Hull is set in the future
reference was made to “the orange lifejackets like migrants used to wear”
(the 2 other main characters are also English but none white
eh up, a white character just appeared a female rescue angel)
I like to think of myself, although not too often, as fairly well educated, not an intellectual, but curious about the world and open to learning , discussion and new ideas. But, I am worried that I may be a bit narrow-minded, because I think that Beeboids are a bunch of wankers. Should I seek medical help ?
Don’t underestimate yourself Grant. I concur with much of what you write.
‘I think that Beeboids are a bunch of wankers’ sums them up perfectly.
For what it’s worth I’ve a lifetime of mathematical qualifications coming out of my ears, but I couldn’t find the words that so specifically and accurately sum up the BBC as you did.
But there again I only lectured using numbers and not words.
I always struggled with maths. Got a bit lost when it came to integration and differentiation . Thank God I do not need maths to realise that Beeboids are a bunch of wankers ! KISS ” Keep it simple stupid ” . Why waste words on the BBC ?
Stuart Agnew is no expert on Islam so easily can be made to look a fool. UKIP should have sent with him an expert on Islam (perhaps who is also an ex-Muslim), or had someone who lived under Sharia Law – such as a Christian Yazidi refugee.
Jihadism in the bigger sense is the struggle to defend and spread Islam and Sharia Law. In that sense even western feminists who claim to be Muslim and wear the burqa can be said to be jihadists when they wear that burqa in Britain.
I know and probably you know more about Islam than Stuart Agnew. But we are not politicians – so we would probably have been mauled by Nolan and the “Muslim voice” legal representative they had on his show.
You need to be an expert on Islam as well as politically astute to handle Nolan and the various Islamic legal defenders.
I try to watch as little of the BBC news output as possible but of course I have to watch it sometimes just to remind myself of why I don’t watch it all the time.
Is Laura Bicker effin wise? The report from Charlottesville on the news tonight at 10.30 was concluded by this US correspondent condemning Trump as a failure because he didn’t directly attack the ‘Alt-right’ for their role in this violence and the unfortunate death of a protestor. A headcase in a Corvette drove into a crowd but hasn’t yet been identified, that I know of, and so, quite rightly, Trump unequivocally condemned the violence from both sides, stating that violence at protests had been an issue for a while and that it was unacceptable. Not good enough for Laura, no real surprise there.
Her presentation though was awful, verging on the manic, finding it hard to contain her vitriol for Trump, who in her mind, I have no doubt, is directly responsible for this death. Her face, try and find the report, is full of impotent aggression, tensed and twisted. She reminded me of Alan Rickmans witch in Robin Hood, Geraldine McEwan on speed. You really have to laugh at these people, they’re not just right.
I’m going to watch a bit of MotD now so I don’t have to look at it again until the start of next season.
The BBC buried the “conviction of an “Asian” paedophile gang” story in less than 24 hours turning it into a “BBC Police pays £10,000 to a rapist story” – which is still being featured in the BBC’s England News section.
So far the “UKIP has selected an anti-Islam candidate” story has lasted longer on the BBC news homepage than their “Asian paedophile gang” story which has now been buried.
Perhaps Maxincony would like to make a comment to defend them?………………
Any bias to offer us Maxincony – Left or Right ?
I have noticed that a surefire way to be banned by the Guardian is to infer that any particular journalist is factually wrong or just poor at the job. Same with the BBC.
Such sensitive souls that like to dish it out but cannot abide mild criticism. The Guardian is number one on this. Daily vicious insults heaped on President Trump and nearly all just opinion and lacking factual references .
Apparently, it’s getting smaller and smaller, and possibly this is down to fewer advertisers unless I’m mistaken – or hearing fake news. Perhaps the thousands of copies bought by the bbbc make up the money somehow.
Soon, it’ll be the size of a second class book of stamps, and about as interesting.
“Cometh the hour cometh the man ”
“Jacob Rees Mogg for PM? Tory maverick refuses to rule out challenge to replace Theresa May as ally reveals ‘he wants it all’.
Al Beeb and the liberal controlled media won’t like it , they will label him as a ‘populist’ and try to lampoon him.
Go for it Jacob I say, go for it!
The ordinary hard working people of Great Britain are behind you .
New Sharia Law introduced into California – when arresting a hijabed Muslim woman, the woman must be dealt with by a female police officer and not a man: “Female police officers are now required to remove headscarves, away from male officers and inmates, and only “when necessary for officer safety”, Long Beach assistant city attorney Monte Machit told the Los Angeles Times.”
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diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
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Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
9pm C4 Comedy show The Last Laugh
features All Gore
.. the Climate Clown ?
The BBC can surpass itself.
Currently it seems evenly split between devoting every square inch of media estate to publishing who awful it was to let on that beastly Lawson chappie… WHO IS NOT A SCIENTIST!!!! Worse, he was a politician.
Meanwhile, the other half is in full gush, laying out the W1A Goatse entrance to one Al Gore.
Al Gore Interview: The former US vice president is tackling climate change with his new film An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power.
BBC Science News correspondent Rebecca Morelle put your question directly to him.
I wonder what that question was?
I’d suggest using Gulag to check out his science and political history but, well, you know.
I distinctly heard Evan Davis ask a Washington Democratic parcel the other day this
“In regard of North Korea-what do you think John Kerry would be doing”?
Only a BBC goon of endless stupidity with a self harming habit would concoct such a question-one that nobody else on this planet would have asked.
Whenever you think that Newsnight has reached the bottom of the pork barrel?….you get that awful scraping sound, and you know the BBC have yet to hit the nadir of national life.
I’d expect Kerry to start crying again, Alicia.
Nearly all dumb politicians cry when they’re caught with their knickers down, and that’s just the blokes.
Evan Davis is just a weedy little fourth-former piddling about with a Thesaurus under one arm, and a teach-yourself-to read book under the other. I can’t stand him.
Wasn`t John Kerry the dolt who wanderede around the Gulf States on his crutches?
He said it was skiing-others think that he just wanted the sympathy vote from the Saudis…Pudsey Al Beari kind of thinking.
Which recent US President brought the country to its knees in an orange jump suit faster than the other? Was it
a) Obama/Kerry and Clinton
b) Carter, Jerry Brown or Ed Koch?
Brother of famous actress cheated by using affirmative action
I would NOT want to be operated on by an Affirmative Action-ed surgeon, who got there by race not merit!
The BBC, in the midst of trying to convince us that the world is about to end because of a spat between Trump and Kim Jung Un, have time to post a quiz on their World News Page: “Who said what? Can you tell the difference between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un?”
I got 6 out of 8 right and the BBC message was:
Feeling confused?
Your score: 6/8
It’s fine, we all get confused with so many sharp words sometimes.
Now I thought 6/8 was pretty good. But of course this is all bullsheet. The BBC are purposely hyping an essentially non-story and at the same time is pretending Donald Trump is as mad and bad as Kim Jung Un. BBC fake news at its fineness.
What transparent feckers the BBC are. It’s incredible how they waste taxpayers money with all this school playground level contrived nonsense.
I too get fed up with the endless BBC equivocation between Trump and Kim Jong Un.
How come Trump gets regarded as “bellicose”…as “wading in”?
Anybody remember what adjectives the BBC chose to use for Kims stuff on wiping out the USA or whatever mad stuff he spouts every month or so?
Moderate…proportionate…a vulnerable plea to reason?
I don`t recall Obama getting accused of “meddling” in our EU Referendum…being “spineless” with his red lines…or “derelict” in letting Benghazi US staff die, before blaming a video on Muhammad….”classy” eh?
Words matter-hope all these loaded descriptors and weasel added-on value judgements by the BBC are getting logged.
Trump got voted in by a sovereign people…Kim is a fat sickup who blows his own relatives up with shells, throws nerve gas around airlime terminals and has his entire people eating lichen when not being battered to death in his gulags.
But he`s a Stalinist Commie…which inevitably gets the BBCs juices tearing up in their gussets…despicable.
Bet North Korea don`t pay THEIR talent as much as we seem to do iwith OUR parallel monoculture of a national broadcaster…at least THEIR ciphers earn their money and are patriotic. Why the heck do we still put up with this?
Currently (11/1726/08/17) North Korea is moving a number of ICBMs:
Despite the rhetoric, it appears that Trump has been quietly talking to NK bejind closed doors:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Beyond the bluster, the Trump administration has been quietly engaged in back channel diplomacy with North Korea for several months, addressing Americans imprisoned in the communist country and deteriorating relations between the long-time foes, The Associated Press has learned.
Lets be honest here the current situation is all down to NK. and it recent surge in Missile tests (14 in 2017 alone) which is more than the combined total of launches from 2005 to 2016. people have tried to talk and be nice and each and everytime the NKs have bit the hand that feeds them: Why the new SK president manifesto was to bite the bullet and sit down at the table with NK. All his good intentions have been dashed against the wall by the belligerent NK.
NK is a hermit country, where human rights is a no-no and where people are executed for the slightest wrong doing, an yet to the likes of the bBC, the US and not NK is at fault. The current bBC article reads like a Hanoi Hannah broadcast:
Trump warns N Korea that US military is ‘locked and loaded’
President Donald Trump says the US military is “locked and loaded” to deal with North Korea, ramping up the rhetorical brinkmanship. “Military solutions are now fully in place, locked and loaded, should North Korea act unwisely. Hopefully Kim Jong-un will find another path!” he tweeted.
He spoke as Pyongyang accused him of “driving” the Korean peninsula to the “brink of a nuclear war”.
Moscow said the exchange of threats between Washington and Pyongyang “worry us very much”.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov rated the risk of military conflict as “very high” as he put forward a joint Russian-Chinese plan to defuse the crisis.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said there was no military solution, and “an escalation of the rhetoric is the wrong answer.”
on Friday, North Korea’s official KCNA news agency accused Washington of a “criminal attempt to impose nuclear disaster upon the Korean nation”.
Pyongyang’s media outlet said America was making “desperate efforts” to test weapons in the Korean peninsula.
The US is “the mastermind of nuclear threat, the heinous nuclear war fanatic”.
Anybody under the age of 25 reading that bbC report will automatically presume that the US is in the wrong here.
The bbC, the schoolboy news agency paid billions in which to spread anti-western Propaganda.
Hi Pounce, if there is a real story behind this – it can be sure the BBC are missing it. Kim Jung Un and his father before him have continually used propaganda of how they are going to punish the great Satan of the USA and to reunify Korean peninsula. So why have the BBC decided to hype up the story now?
The BBC seem to have two reasons
a) as part of their anti-Trump narrative – reducing the complex historical situation in the Korean peninsula to spat between two mad men.
b) The recent upgrade in the hype was clearly one of several stories to deflect from the Muslim rape gang convictions.
The real story may be China advising NK – to test Trump & the US resolve. China have their own ambitions over the South China Sea sphere of influence. China is in many ways becoming the new pre- WWI Germany – it is now an economic superpower and it probably wants to translate some of that economic power to push back the US military influence in the Pacific. The presence of the US in South Korea and the waters around it pose a continued threat and irritation to the foreign policy plans of China. China sees this as their neighbourhood and wants the US out.
Oh, I agree, whilst the left love to talk about how the US went to war in SK in 1950. The simple fact of the matter is, the US had pulled nearly all its troops out of the south and wouldn’t allow Sk to have any tanks or heavy weapons. That is why NK did so well with over 200 T34 tanks, when they invaded. For some strange reason the left don’t mention that. Funny enough the very people who are quite vocal on Sk leadership, never treat the fat little fucker (Grandfather, father and son) with the same disdain.
I see the cock suckers at the bBC have brought out the worlds secret weapon regards North Korea:
Jeremy Corbyn urges Trump and Kim to talk ‘in the interests of sanity’
Err you fat abbott shagger, if you had done your fucking homework, you would know that Trump has already said he is willing to meet with the fat little dictator , that the US has been talking and that in the past NK has stuck 2 fingers up at the world:
Agreed Framework
ROKS Cheonan sinking
Bombardment of Yeonpyeong
The interesting thing about the latter is that NK used the excuse to hit the Sk Island of Yeonpyeong with an artillery bombardment that they had responded to South Korean shells being fired into North Korean territorial waters. (The monthly SK training exercise actually fired their guns away from NK), however what wasn’t mentioned was that days before the incident, the North Korean government revealed their new uranium enrichment facility. Now with the NK koreans saying they are going to bracket Guam with ICBMs. They can’t complain if the US strikes back.
But you don’t hear any of the above from the bBC
Corbyn. How can anybody who shagged Fatbot talk about sanity ?
Hi Grant, he could have been attracted to Diane Abbot in the gravitational sense.
Hi Pounce, that story has been the lead headline on the BBC’s Politics news section since midday yesterday. They have updated the story several times and have now added the video story. If you check the comments section of the main headline story you will find the first post is dated 10 Aug 2017 15:13 (the comments section was added after the story had been posted). It is blatant propaganda for Jeremy Corbyn and his party.
Corbyn is the same kind of moron who urged “talks” with Hitler. Corbyn is an ignoramus who knows nothing about history or the world outside his spoilt little worthless life. In short, a wanker.
Corbyn is the same kind of moron who urged “talks” with Hitler. Corbtn is an ignoramus who knows nothing about history or the world outside his spoilt little worthless life. In short, a wanker.
When was was declared in 1939. Labour MPs pushed for a motion where Mr Hitler wasn’t disparaged in Parliament, they got it. It seems they haven’t learnt a f-ing lesson.
If they have never learned anything, there is nothing to forget.
Corbyn is the same kind of moron who urged “talks” with Hitler. Corbtn is an ignoramus who knows nothing about history or the world outside his spoilt little worthless life. In short, a wanker.
When war was declared in 1939. Labour MPs pushed for a motion where Mr Hitler wasn’t disparaged in Parliament, they got it. It seems they haven’t learnt a f-ing lesson.
I saw the Abboott shaggers article yesterday. However as you quite rightly pointed out, the child molesters at the Nations beloved news org, decided we need this female sex organs words again on exactly what a nasty person Trump is. The last I looked the US hasn’t lobbed 17 ICBMs over the neighbours these past 8 months.
Breaking BBC story. The BBC are absolutely foaming with rage that UKIP have allowed what they call an “anti-Islam” candidate to stand for the UKIP leadership election: Anne Marie Waters. They claim this is going to split the UKIP party with some UKIP MEPs pledging to quit.
Firstly British MEPS no longer have any influence – with Britain committed to Brexit.
Secondly if UKIP want to remain valid they need new issues to campaign for. An “anti-Islam” agenda would provide a tiny counter to the overwhelming pro-Islam policies of all the major political parties. We need a party with the balls to counter all the pro-Islam and Sharia creep rhetoric.
We need to know whether we can influence this leadership battle to ensure an Anne Marie Waters victory. If UKIP also adopt an end the BBC tax policy (or a major effective reform of the BBC coupled with a significant diminishing of its size and associated tax burden), and a policy of ensuring no back-tracking on Brexit – they could pick up a lot of public support.
Currently the BBC have headlined this story on all their main webpages: their homepage, their news homepage, their UK news homepage, their Politics homepage (it has kicked off their “Jeremy Corbyn as Saviour” story as the top story).
Ever impartial, the BBC comments on Ann Marie Walters bid for UKIP leadership
There was an interview in the Times Thursday with her
page 2-3 of the entertainment section
Another candidate for UKIP Leadership.
“You cannot blame a religion”
If it is a religion which preaches death to non-muslims, apostates and gays and treats women like cattle, I think you can blame it.
Another idiot who had swallowed the bullshit line of ” its nothing to do with islam”.
What a pc controlled idiot.
Nothing to do with islam my effin arse.
With idiots like him, UKIP is doomed.
Bring on Anne Marie !
Another idiot who had swallowed the bullshit line of ” its nothing to do with islam”.
What a pc controlled idiot.
Nothing to do with islam my effin arse.
With idiots like him, UKIP is doomed.
Bring on Anne Marie !
now being discussed on R5 Live
Rubbish… they just did 1 minute
Re the UKIP election.
1. Eleven candidates-most of who are nonenties who`ve achieved nothing.
2. So the winner may only get 20% tops-so what chance has the winner to make sense of the UKIP pantomine horse.
3. Ballot papers will go out before the hustings and candidates have even toured the country.
4. Most of the candidates are bureaucrats and cringing wannabe Tory landfill.
5. Any party that lets the like of Woolf go, that allowed the Nutall “Amateur Hour” Show to proceed when it had the “once in a lifetime” opportunity to wipe Labour out in Stoke…well, it BADLY needs an Anne Marie Waters.
They will collapse into irrelevance without her knowing the nature of the Left and the power of the feminist gun that will hammer Islam if she`s given it.
Her manifesto is fair-not great-but she`s the Momentum Candidate that could bring Tommy and the like into national debate.
If we don`t get her-well, we`ll need to beg Aaron Banks to fund an online wrecking ball to smash the party system a la Five Star in Italy.
It`s Anne Marie or muerte…
Chris H, Is this the same Anne-Marie Waters who led Pegida UK into total irrelevance?
What makes you think she can do any better with Ukip.?
I have been ploughing through information on the candidates. A few are unknown but does this really make them non-entities? Anyway what have you got against nonentities? I consider myself to be one. ( Albeit an outstanding one.)
I suggest you check out David Kurten. Here is a man who will stand against cultural marxism and is not afraid to take on the the spiraling insanity of the LGBTQWERTYUIOP lobby.
Can`t agree with all of this Yasser.
1. The Pegida thing?…never noticed or cared…a comedy effort to parallel a mirror image of the EU, as imagined in the UK….no problem with that, certainly no indicator of her fitness to herd cats…and , rest assured leading UKIP is that at the minute-has been ever since it was created.
Farage never led it remember?…the NEC prevented him from doing so, which is why he`s not there.
Nigel-like Jacob or Boris-is simply the hook of authenticity that British people love, and the jealous bitter nasty left despise-so we like them all the more!
2. No disrespect to nonentities of course-did see one good one at the hustings..big black guy from the GLA I think…but , as I say-if you want the beehive in knots, AMW is the only game in town…ex Labour, Irish feminist woman with a punchy track record with all the right friends for us in Tommy etal.
3. The BBC seem exercised and the bloke who punched the brilliant Steven Woolf has resigned now she`s a candidate-what else do you need to know to back the fact that AMW will stir up a lot of interest and confuse the idiot Islamic left…especially the Sinn Fein Momentum types who know her from Streatham( Chukka worse nightmare in small Doc Martens?-come on!).
The big gentle black bloke DID mention “cultural marxism” at our meeting here in Dorset…so this may be Kurten.
If so-we`ve got our dream ticket, as long as Brexit Trump, Islam and the BBC are agreed upon-sensed only AMW would be the insurgent when the cameras were turned off, so she`s the leader I want.
From one outstanding nonentity to another eh Yasser?
PS-got to laugh with “MEP Mike Hookem” resigning-what IS it with these death bed shows of gesture?…like Obama and Hollande and their anti Brexit threats on the BBC last year?…deluded sods!…who knew that the bin of history had so many ventriloquists hiding behind it?
Ah bless-the BBC do care…poor Mike eh?…with 1 year and 229 days remaining on his warranty too!
Anne Marie has my backing, my confidence, my vote.
I dont want any pc affected, afraid to speak the word ‘islam’, constantly saying ‘nothing to do with islam’ candidate.
Anne Marie has clear vision of our existential threat, and is not afraid to voice her opinions.
Peace be upon her.
One thing is certain, no matter how much UKIP expresses the contribution Moslems make to Britain they won’t get a single Mohamidan vote.
If any of us on here decided to stand in the UKIP hierarchy, I wonder whether the ‘background’ checks would find us posting on here, and thus making us unsuitable for a position of authority ! Scary stuff.
Quite possibly Brissles, especially when the “Prevent Strategy” kicks in properly and is fully implemented. If people think that it is just to deal with “British” Jihadis they need to look again. When people are being threatened by Social Services with having their kids taken into care because of something un-PC their offspring said to a BAME child at school / playgroup, maybe folk will wake up to WTF’s going on in this country.
Even Gardener’s World is ruined- we have a piece by some shrivel titted spinster who works for the LGBT National Trust telling us about plants at the Coast. She is dressed for Winter in August but has to get in ‘ .. and with Climate change this will …” . I despair of the human race these days no self awareness all brainwashed idiots
The programme was ruined when they appointed Monty Don – the PC choice. Gone are the days when a real gardener is allowed to present a programme on the BBC – there are far more important boxes (for them) to be ticked than ability.
I would forgive a lot in Gardeners World if only someone would rid the programme completely of bloody music. What place has that in any garden? It is place for listening to bird song and natural sounds, or for quiet contemplation. For myself, I do occasionally watch GW (and think Monty Don is a reasonable presenter), but it is always only watch with subtitles. It’s the only way to keep sane. Likewise with any wildlife film, and indeed with an increasing number of programmes.
“if only someone would rid the programme completely of bloody music ………. and indeed with an increasing number of programmes.”
Don’t get me started, MartinW. Even serious documentaries are plagued by it, why?
I like old documentaries, generally better all round and no mindless drumming.
Not sure I would class much of it as music. It destroys wildlife documentaries and I have given up watching them.
Hi Grant and Clare, music background is a brain-washing technique – either creating a mood (soft music) or breaking up proper thinking (heavy beat music). It is probably taught in advertising 101 classes. Advertising and propaganda use the same techniques.
10 year olds in charge as usual.
“Shrivell titted spinster ” -ha poetry indeed!!
Have they done an Islamic garden yet???
Surely it should have plants which kill another plant not of its kind and be presented by someone who has been on the baking programme ?
As has been previously reported, in Wales we voted for Brexit.
I wonder why?????????????
……………….and the BBC continues to prat on about how immigration ‘enriches’ both our society and our economy.
In my understanding 17 years & 12 years in custody costs, us taxpayers, several hundred thousand GBP.
Does not compute!!
Note that the Socialist Worker referred to the Muslims who are having to clear their streets of rubbish in Birmingham as a “scab army”. The Muslims are called the Bearded Bruvs I think.
If there was a case of Muslims smashing in the heads of the Lefties of Brum, then this would be it.
Islamophobia I`d have thought.
The natives of Birmingham are perfectly entitled to show some “community spirit” to clear their streets seeing as the union brothers won`t bother their arses to do it.
In this case, hope the Muslims don`t take this insult.
Good comment on Spiked Online:
“If it’s the Mayor of London, the winner of Bake-Off, or volunteers clearing the rubbish from Birmingham’s streets then the term is ‘Muslim’.
If it’s dozens of gangs drugging and raping young white teenage girls in towns all over the UK over several decades then the term is ‘Asian’.” the worm turning..someone in authority finally calling it like it is?
“Former race tsar Trevor Phillips, ex chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said sex gangs had got away with abusing children for years because of their race.
Marilyn Hawes, found of Enough Abuse UK, said people in Oxford and nationally needed to ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ on child abuse gangs to protect and prevent further abuse to children.”
Pertelote – I suspect that if an ostensibly establishment friendly “black face” such as Trevor Phillips had not have not picked this subject up – I expect we would all still be sitting here complaining about what is going on but being dismissed as islamaphobic or waycist by the likes of the London Emir or or Fatbott.
We have seen this in the way Tommy Robinson (and in fact Griffin the NF bloke) were/have been treated for telling the truth.
Whether we like it or not we should be grateful for people like Phillips (though an ex race hustler)
Pertelote – I suspect that if an ostensibly establishment friendly “black face” such as Trevor Phillips had not have not picked this subject up – I expect we would all still be sitting here complaining about what is going on but being dismissed as islamaphobic or waycist by the likes of the London Emir or or Fatbott.
We have seen this in the way Tommy Robinson (and in fact Griffin the NF bloke) were/have been treated for telling the truth.
Whether we like it or not we should be grateful for people like Phillips (though an ex race hustler)
I understand that the Moslems cleaning the streets are doing a leftie thing – working on behalf of the local community with an objective of gathering local support. These Moslems turn out to include a number of jihadi supporters.
The left are terribly divided on this. Anti working class if you clean up the rubbish, and racist if you call the volunteer moslems strike breaking scabs.
Er, can anyone see the difference between those faces above, and the mugshots of abusers ? No, me neither.
“He/She, I’m not sure what it is..?”
We are talking about Hero the Hedgehog – the gender ambiguous official mascot of the current London Stadium Athletics (for-godsake-when-will-they-ever-get-over-the-2012-Olympics) Games. Happily sponsored by no end of innovative and experimental performance enhancing pharmaceuticals, umbrella manufacturers, Norovus and, of course, our BBC. No seriously, one way or another this latest diversity fest is public funded.
But what a happy happenstance how extraordinarily on message is our rainbow-vested foam suited mascot for the increasingly transsexual BBC. Sadly not pure serendipity: for we find that it was Blue Peter which invited their present miniscule viewership to design said mascot. And we know what we know about Blue Peter competitions – they’re about as above board as a Russian athlete and as genuine as a modern games competitor’s passport. Did I hear 200 competing athletes had recently altered their nationality – not on the BBC I didn’t.
Oh the hilarious antics of Hero the gender-neutral Hedgehog… You remember the Eurovision Song Contest in the years prior to it going all gay pride? Well the interval between the song performances and the EU-budget-style unaudited point allocation segment… of course you do, it went on for about four hours? The awkward interval would have viewers pine for some advertising on the BBC as we were too often treated to a European comedy act.
Oh dear, the continental concept of comedy must have parted from ours about the time of the last ice age. (This fact will be rapidly dawning on anyone following closely our Brexit negotiations). The interval performance would inevitably consist of very annoying infantile yet arty balletic slapstick – something akin to a cross between Marcel Marceau and the Chuckle Brothers.
There you have it viewers – all offending Britishness washed out in the rain and replaced with a BBC diversity rinsed and mangled makeover. If this is a glimpse of what the future holds..
Asiseeit – I went to the games earlier in the week and I must tell you that I saw the hedgehog take his costume off and saw that is was Jeremy Corbin- honest !!!
And they say the BBC cannot still do comedy:
They don’t do intentional comedy , but they fearlessly tackle the big topics.
I’m sure “The Brains Trust” covered this in the 1950/60s 😉
Remember that? When Chris Evans/Graham Norton/Jonathan Ross would have been thrown off the roof of Broadcasting House. Now there’s a thought ….
Sorry, too young !! Would you care to expand ?
“Sorry, too young”
I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt:
And I was a child at the time, you insolent young bugger.
(Was that an example of hate speech?)
They could always do a split screen at a Labour rally. Oh… no need.
The Minister, Ben Bradshaw, interviewed by Humphries BBC ‘Today’. He agrees with former head of MI5 that we are in for 20/30 years of terror, if not more. Both Bradshaw and Humphries straining well to avoid mentioning islam. All that straining – can’t be good for their haemorrhoids. Bradshaw tells the listener that the terrorists are IS sympathisers and very few in number despite the figure of 23,000 mentioned regularly. This also avoiding the surveys conducted that conclusively reveal that over 75% of the whole muslim population in the UK is in agreement with the principles of IS. Nooooo mention of that needless to say.
Apparently, it really is the duty of, not just organs of the State including local authorities that need to watch carefully and report their suspicions, the public must play its part as ‘whistleblowers’ as well. Humphries fails to ask what should be done about the opprobrium brought down immediately by the islamic BBC and media on anyone who identifies a suspicious muslim under the term, “Islamaphobe’ and “Racist”. As if to prove that point, minutes later during the news bulletin, and ignoring the anti-muslim views of Professor Dawkins (no mention whatever) – – we have to hear about one of eleven contenders to lead UKIP, one Anne Marie Walters who campaigns to have Sharia Law outlawed. No information on the other ten contenders?
But, shouldn’t our national broadcaster support the outlawing of Sharia Law? Yes, but, yes but, our islamic editors wouldn’t support that. No discussion about the topic in the ‘Quiet Room’ when the news editors go to pray – the inevitability of an islamic caliphate proceeds nicely………
Having seen the comments about the Chapman v JRM “interview” on al beeb yesterday I thought I’d give it a listen . £650k Humpreys failed to control Chapman who was obviously on medicines or phased by his moment of fame which led to a non interview.
The most worrying thing was that this rabid remainer was senior in the Dept of brexit.
Yes I did the same and agree wholeheartedly with your post.
Anyone who hasn’t already listened should do so.
Behold the calibre of our ‘civil servants’.
Going to have to ponder the subtle distinctions between ‘nation’ and ‘country’ for a while…
As best exemplified here –
Anna Soubry, Ken Clarke, Heseltine and all those scum Tories all in a field with Umunna, Cable, Clegg etc.
Don`t tell them about the SDP-or about that survey yesterday from Oxford and London Uni that says that we nearly all want to leave on the cheap.
One big landfill full of the wasted blubber that has long destroyed this country.
That a James Chapman has infected the political life of this country-and been paid from our purse via Cameron etc-shows that Rees Mogg is the future.
PS-who`s funding Chapman…same Soros types that pay for MIller and the “New European”? And how revealing to see Humph obsessing on names for this new party? Gossip, intrigue and names to stop the traffic…no wonder we`re leaving and bastards like Chapman need burning off the body politic like the worthless leeches thay`ve always been.
PS. Noted Chapmans microphone get beefed up at the end, Humphrys “winding up” allows for only Chapmans drive by nastiness -and this scummard also got both the first and last word AND made a false accusation or three against Rees Mogg in his few shouty minutes of fame.
Despicable-and Humphrys indulges this shit like a slobbering exuberant young puppy throughout.
Time to dump the BBC…now where have I heard THAT before, and still not done it?
Never heard of this Chapman what a repulsive creep. Seems like he has a chip on his shoulder. Hell hath no fury….. He was even irritating the Humph. The Mogginator excellent as usual.
Question: if we were plunged into some sort of war which, as it seems will partly or perhaps wholly effect the internet and its access, where can we get up-to-date accurate news from? It will clearly be impossible to rely on anything the BBC broadcast. Just a thought.
I’d go down the pub, or have a sneaky discussion of Miss Amelia Newt, who knows absolutely everything in this village!
Couldn’t give a monkeys about anywhere else, as all good people here would be doing the same – not necessarily with our Miss Newt of course, but there are plenty elsewhere!
Anyway, the telephones would all be down, so that means that bbbc wouldn’t get any news either, and their autocue readers are too bone idle/thick/brainwashed to go and find a real story, so they would become even more irrelevant.
Now I come to think about it more, I rather like the scenario, but it would mean we all use the same pub!
My round…
(ps Miss Newt is no relation to Kim un Livingstun).
Scrobie, LOL x 3!
There could be a bit of run on carrier pigeons.
Milo lives, Hallelujah!!
Glad to see Milo back in the media but it’s a bit of a silly show.
Never found him funny-has a problem with women like most other spectacle gays.
But-like Russell Brand-a product of the aimless and contrarian culture we`re living in with our kids.
And Milo is on the right side, hence the nastiness he got on university campuses earlier this year.
So I pray for him, he`s needed.
Good to see Milo back. He may not be everyone’s cup of tea , but so long as he annoys Lefties, that is fine with me.
Enricher murderer
Amber Rudd
BBC Website ” Watch your words China urges Trump “. Then ” China’s President urges Trump and N. Korea to avoid “words and actions ” which worsen tensions “. So a reasonable statement by the President which applies to both sides is turned into a Fake News headline by the big liars at the BBC. Disgusting.
By the way, where have all the Trolls gone ? Is it still school holidays ?
Beeboids are at their villas in Tuscany @Grant
Xi did NOT say “watch your words”!
Yes, it gives you your hashtag you lying troublemaking creeps. It will wind up anybody who simply looks at your Ceefax crap-and who doesn`t study at this site, therefore aware of the level and peaks of “Fake news”( c/o Emeritus Prof, Trump).
In short-a vegan air buffet via a nothing burger.
Yes, Grant-all the trolls will be in their tight shorts snooping around foodbanks and hoping their local schools will re-open to meet the troubled youngsters with their frosties and crack pipes.
Holiday Hunger doncha know?
Cathy Newman on Channel 4 told me all about it-all the linen suits who write her puff are hanging around the Gower this afternoon, hoping for those Venezuela moments
Compare and contrast… When a crime is suspected of having been committed by a member of a preferred ethnic group, the BBC are curiously quiet. Often the nature of the crime or the location gives strong clues as to the sort of person or people who may have been responsible, yet all we hear are that “police are looking for a man and urge the public to report sightings of the (non-descript) man”. So compare that with this comprehensive description of a suspect:
“He is described as white, 5ft 9in tall, with cropped hair and stubble. He was last seen wearing a red Nike sweatshirt with a white logo on it. He was also wearing white trainers and dark grey trousers or tracksuit bottoms. Detectives added that he had recently shaved off his hair and eyebrows.”
Okay, they forgot to mention what he had for breakfast or his favourite TV show, but otherwise it is the level of detail that one might expect to read in such a report if it is available. Now, I wonder what is different in this particular case?
Going by his name ‘Joshua Cohen’, he could be Jewish?
BBC would be buggered if he turned out to be a white muslim !
Wild, I posted before I read yours. BBC must be delighted if it is a Jew, given the BBC’s institutional anti-semitism .
Just caught the end of a BBC TV news item that, as far as I could tell, was claiming that England’s villages are not entirely English. It was clear from the tone that this was considered “a good thing”.
Well, by and large, they still seem pretty English to me but perhaps that’s because any foreigners living there have no interest in changing them. I don’t see what harm a few French, German or Polish people would do. Their villages aren’t so bad either.
As almost everyone outside the government, the police farce and the MSM understand, it’s not a question of who is living there, as who is not living there. Yet.
Its the Saxon and Roman genes no doubt . We were invaded in the past so there is going to be a mix of European DNA. Anyone who learned proper history rather than the BBC version understands it.My grandparents on one side were from Easterm Europe.
It doesn’t equate to mass migration at the current level being good.
They would love to say the DNA is mostly from tribal Africa or Arabia.Its their dream.
Not sure precisely what their point was. Got the impression it was more recent arrivals but I missed the beginning.
The beeb and assorted libtards love to point out that we’re all a bit mixed genetically, we’re not ‘pure’ Anglo-Saxon or whatever. It’s their way of getting at conservatives who oppose mass migration. See? there’s always been migration and immigration, what are you getting so uptight about?
Ignoring the quantum difference between small manageable and assimilatable migration, and mass unmanageable migration by peoples or religions who have no intention of assimilating but on the contrary intend to change US.
Aka invasion.
If we are all descended from Africans it proves that evolution is amazing. So many of us have progressed while Africa stagnates. Was discussing this with a Left-wing African “academic” yesterday who, naturally, claims that the failure of all African countries ( at least he admitted they have all failed ) was due to colonialism . No reply to my question ” so everything was fine before the white man arrived ? “. Also no answer to my question ” Why do most Gambians say to me ” we wish we were still a British colony “. Had to block him when he started to racially abuse me.
Surely this whole topic would make a great , fearless BBC documentary series ?
That tired old excuse of ‘colonialism’ is nonsense. If anything it gave those countries the opportunity to start to develop, which they all squandered. How many decades and centuries will they keep using that excuse? And why are ex-colonies everywhere else booming?
Things are not perfect in India , but I used India as an example of an ex-colony which is moving forward.
I speak a lot to elderly people in Gambia. Not only do they say that it was much better under the British, but it was still good in the few years after independence. As I say, good topic for a BBC documentary but it will never happen .
Quite. It’s like spending your whole life blaming your parents for everything that’s gone wrong with your life.
Well said !
Grant, I keep struggling to remember which of the southern African kingdoms is the oldest Royal Democracy in the world. I have a notion it matches England & Wales in time scale back to Magna Carta, which was far from the start of democracy for England but ended some of the scrapping and underpinned it.
I spent half an hour on a map and wandering Wiki not so long ago but couldn’t get a definitive answer. Kind of ironic but the BBC told me about it many years ago back when you could learn lots of good things – all the time – from Radio 4.
I recall that once a year that the King reviews his progress with tribal elders from all over the country. They tell him what is going on, what he’s doing right, what could be better. I have a notion that anyone in the country (indigenous) can come to the Council and petition the Elders and the King. They discuss whether the petitioner has a good idea, how it could be made to work and if the Elders agree, they ask the King to agree and sanction it. The King has absolute say but collective wisdom is used to good effect, about eight hundred years of good effect.
I have another notion it is one of South Africa’s Protectorates but could be wrong.
Please can you help me out?
I am not sure about that, but it seems likely. West African villages and provinces have a similar system today. But it is certainly not “one man one vote ” , and certainly not “one woman , one vote ” ! There are areas where the discussions are held called ” Bantaba ” in Mandinka , which also has many other meanings .
Possibly, where the word “banter ” comes from.
But the village headman or province chief has the final decision. The tension arises with central government when they contradict a decision. I could go on , but it slightly reminds me of some countries closer to “home ” !
That sounds like language tricks
What they mean by English is not normal people understand as English.
Rotherham compensation in process for 70 girls
‘Police and council pay”
Which means YOU taxpayer pay !
So we have to pay twice. First their salaries then for their negligence. Have any of these cnuts been disciplined or lost their jobs yet ?
Three times – we pay to keep the convicted in warmth and comfort and good food and colour TV.
I asked a homelss beggar “What happened?” and he said, “Until last week i had a warm dry place to live, three square meals a day, colour TV, everything I could want. Then they let me out.”
Seek out the police officers and council officials who ignored the issues all those years ago and, if still employed, sack them or, if retired, take their pensions away. That would be real justice.
I’m hearing lots of righteous indignation on Radio 4 (I don’t do TV) about Anne Marie Waters being in the candidate list for the UKIP leadership contest. It’s like they expect all of us listening to nod and agree that being anti islam is beyond the pale . There is smug satisfaction that other candidates disapprove of her anti-islam stance and some worries about how that would affect the vote for UKIP.
What’s depressing for me is the assumption that islam is benign and no right thinking person would oppose it. What’s more depressing is that people probably wouldn’t vote for an anti-islam and anti-sharia party as they should.
Also, in taking this tone, the R4 newsreaders ( and the rest of the media but I don’t know about that yet) may be influencing the thinking and attitudes of the listeners. People want to regard themselves, and have others regard them, as nice people who have nice thoughts. This drip drip strategy from the media might be having a subliminal effect on people’s opinions.
This drip drip strategy from the media might be having a subliminal effect on people’s opinions.
Of course it is, and has for decades, which is why the majority are completely ignorant of the true nature of islam and so many other topics. Everyone wants to feel ‘nice’, and appear nice. It takes guts to be a free-thinker today, and look at reality squarely in the face. And it ain’t always ‘nice’.
Charlie, it’s the same with Trump and Korea. The BBC just don’t like the idea of any sort of tough talking because it might make things worse. I’m reminded of the story of two Jews, Solly and Abe who were about to be shot by the Germans in WW2. The gestapo officer asked if they had any last words. Solly shouted out ‘To hell with Hitler and down with the Nazis.’ Abe looked concerned and said ‘Shh, Solly, don’t make trouble!’
It was quite amusing to speculate what agonies of decision were endured in BBC offices over Ann Marie Waters, i.e. whether to praise her for her LBTG stance or to condemn for her anti-islam stance. Well, today islam won the day. After all, protecting the Religion-of-War is top of the BBC’s agenda. Will we get any mention her querty campaigns? I think not.
If the perverts at the BBC have to decide between gays and the evil of Islam, they will always choose Islam .
Martin – Islamophilia trumps everything at the beebistan.
Not directly BBC, but in the hills above me, here on a lovely Perthshire day, a barrage of shotgun fire for the last 30 minutes. Trump ? Kim ? No it is the Glorious 12 th and , by the rate of fire, either Grouse populations are high this year or the standard of shooting has declined. Mind you, it is after lunch.
No sign of Chris Packham , but I hope Ian Botham is having a good day. Next will be the whirring of helicopters to take the Grouse to Scone Airport, then private plane to London so that some hypocritical Beeboid can dine on Grouse in a posh restaurant. ( But don’t tell anyone ! ).
And the real joy is that some of them will pay £60 or more for a fat 50p woodpigeon with the touch of pine disinfectant in the gravy to give that ‘authentic’ tang of the heather. That’s why many restaurants leave the hairy legs on!
LOL ! I bet most Beeboids would not know the difference between Grouse and Woodpigeon. I suspect that is what you are implying !
Blimey Beltane – have to remember that next time I shoot a woody!
Trevor Phillips blames Islam and PC
Welcome to the club Trevor. A bit late, but a welcome comment
Have to respect a black man for speaking up against all the crap. Of course, his days are numbered.
PS. From a traditional , conservative, W. Indian background. Leftists hate him .
Mrs GWF agrees with you, she has worked with him. I was concerned about the Equality Commission, which is not my favourite outfit. But I accept what you and Mrs GWF say.
Always safer to agree with one’s wife. Keeps the peace !
Shock horror: Mad Dog Trump doesn’t rule out military intervention in Venezuela, which proves just how unhinged he is. Well, I know at least one Venezuelan who is struggling to keep her elderly parents ALIVE, who would be delighted with American intervention and a bit of evil capitalism to get the economy moving again, and some food in the shops. (As she is the only Venezuelan I know, I take that to be a 100% endorsement for Trump intervention.)
Incidentally, here’s how the beebistan explain the crisis in one sentence: “Oil prices began to plummet… causing an economic crisis.” End of. Nothing about Socialist mismanagement, cronyism and corruption. See for yourselves, about 30 seconds into the video: (2nd video down, not the first)
Hope this is just silly stuff. My former care assistant came from Venezuela and was a biologist, reduced to my job (poor thing). She raged at what had made her and her family leave Caracas and its univeristy-this was all when Ken Livingston was trading oil for his buses and the Left praised her dreadful countrys leaders. Such a lovely girl-so angry at our BBC and Guardian for lying, dissembling over her needing private security to go home after studies.
Trump must stay out, let the world see what the left is when in power by diktat.
It`ll collapse soon enough and revenge will be swift-just need a quiet sly decapitation.
Send our Eminent Persons Group 2017 to help them-Abbott, Starmer, Burgon and Farron etc….
Why should the Left care about her and people like her ? They are just to be sacrificed on the altar of Marxism. They are just ordinary people. Not the Leftist elite.
Though I have largely given up on the BBC news, I turned on Eddie Mayer for the first time for weeks a few days ago.
To discuss the crisis in Venezuela the urbane Eddie had on a lunatic from The Socialist Worker, (I kid ye not), and some American journalist who had spent time in that crumbling nation.
After the Socialist worker fellow uttered nonsense after nonsense, neither challenged nor interrupted by Eddie, the lady was asked how responsible was the US for the problems in Venezuela. She remained staggeringly calm as she pointed out the problems had nothing to do with the US, and everything to do with the policies of Chavez and his successor. Not able to hear her reply, Eddie pressed on with his questions about US actions to undermine the country … at which point I turned off.
Only the BBC.
Spelling Eddie Mair
Sticking my head above the parapet here, but I ENJOYED very much a BBC programme last night ! BBC4 the Proms with John Wilson Orchestra and a top class performance of Oklahoma by a bevy of West End performers who did the musical justice – such a change to hear good music and a pleasure to watch from the comfort of an armchair.
The orchestra wasn’t as dynamic and precise as the that on the film sound track and Ado Annie had none of the innocence but nevertheless it was enjoyable.
But why on earth was Marcus Brigstocke in it? Did he have a few spare hours left on his BBC block contract? I was surprised that he managed to keep up that peculiar gruff voice throughout the performance, I doubt if he could maintain it for a full West End run!
As is to be expected nowadays, one of Sir Lenny’s mates managed to get a speaking part. However the BBC doesn’t help Lenny or us by pushing the quota agenda.
Hate to disagree with you Brissles…it`s a first.
But I simply couldn`t get past bloody Brigstocke-he needs a fatwa and hauling before the race police for his terrible “blacking up” as an Iranian-well, psychically anyway!
Surely to Betsy , there`s plenty Americans in London who`d have done this justice.
Borderline racist in its dreadful portrayal of Americans too-never heard so many dumb accents since Daphne Moons idiot English family showed up in “Frasier”. Won`t slag off the Yanks again now!
I think they`d decided that granny and Ellie Mae Clampitt from the Beverley Hillbillies would do for the women too. Thought the fashion was dud too, but that`s another post…those bloomers were not what I`d have been wearing back then in Okie, I`m sure.
No…reckon they`ve all dumbed down…it`ll be Brexit I expect. Always is.
Sorry Brissles, always agree with you usually. Maybe I`m still in grieving mode after the death of Glen Campbell. Keep snivelling over Wichita Lineman reruns. His last live ones are keeping me up too late blubbering.
Since when is “Oklahoma” classical music ? I do not think this was what Henry Wood intended.
You have to follow the Classic FM definition these days: “Anything with violins”, otherwise you’re a snob. There’s virtually nothing you can say about other genres in a classical context without that coming up. It needs its own Godwin’s Law.
I believe the usual justification is that there is nothing formal saying that the Proms must be exclusively classical, which seems to be missing the point. I think we all know what the BBC is up to – squeeze out the DWEM stuff a little at a time and hope that nobody notices.
I suppose the John Wilson Orchestra comes closer than Tom Jones (1 September), as it plays Gershwin and such like. Nothing against Tom Jones, he’s very good at what he does, but why here? (And why did I feel obliged to insert that caveat?)
And BTW, St Sepulchre-without-Newgate in London, laughably known as the musicians’ church, has told the choirs and orchestras who hire it that they are no longer welcome. The church actually holds Henry Wood’s ashes. I understand that there is an evangelical group which pays more for hirings than the musicians can afford.
The BBC have had the proms in their sights for some years now .
Alicia – that’s ok. And I agree with everything you say. To be honest I’d never heard of Marcus Brigstock so I couldn’t comment one way or t’other. Admittedly it was a tad over the top even with the diverse casting; and I did expect more John Wilson as he was the reason I tuned in, but I took it for what it was, a chance to enjoy some good music and singing.
(Sad to hear about Glen C, and nostalgically watched shots of his Wichita Linesman. I felt as you do when Phil Everly died, I played their music for days until the dog decided he’d had enough and refused to come indoors !!)
Beebistan ‘News’ ends its report on N Korea crisis by slyly suggesting Trump is using it to divert attention from his domestic problems (whipped up by leftie media like the beeb). They slip in ‘we are hearing these claims’. Who? Where? You mean your leftie pals in the news studio perhaps?
The BBC , world leaders in Fake News. If the facts and evidence don’t fit, just make it up !
On the BBC TV news tonight, Kate Silverton refers to “white nationalists” protesting about the removal of a statue of “a pro-slavery general” in Charlottesville. Listen, Kate, the man’s name was Robert E. Lee, one of the greatest military commanders in history, a decent and honourable man who was as respected by the North as he was by the South. His primary motivation was not to defend slavery, which he acknowledged was “a moral and political evil” but to remain loyal to his home state of Virginia when it seceded from the Union. Southerners are proud of Robert E. Lee and are justly outraged by the plan to remove his statue. Kate Silverton, you could have at least called him by his name.
Zel, you beat me too it. Below.
Well said. Lee was a great man and soldier. The American Civil War was quite a complex matter and slavery was not an issue at the start. But don’t expect some BBC airhead like Kate Silverton ( whoever she is, never heard of her ) to spend any time researching the subject. For thick Beeboids everything has to be kept simple. Union good , Confederacy bad. 4 legs good , 2 legs bad . Beeboids are idiots.
As you say Grant, Lee was probably the best tactician of them all. All-American hero Lincoln, inconveniently, while believing in the slow emancipation of slaves, did not agree that they were the equals of whites, nor that they should serve on juries.
Kate Silverton is best defined as apparently having some frog genes – the amphibian, not the nation.
LOL ! Agreed on all points. By the way , I took my moniker “Grant” from my hero ,US Grant, who saved the USA with a bit of help from his soldiers. Lee, at the end of the day, did not have the resources. Both great men. But, of course, they were pygmies compared with the giants of the BBC.
If you have freeview – PBS shows the 8 hour documentary on the Civil War which carefully explains the complexity of the issues which still affect the states and will for a long time . I learnt a lot.
I think of that series when al beeb simplifies these foreign events for their multicultural politics
I gotta feeling on reflection that I’m not telling you anything new.
If that is the Ken Burns documentary, I have it on DVD. Superb. No way the BBC could ever produce something of that quality.
Riveting, I agree. And Shelby Foote’s warm Southern drawl is a frequent highlight.
It is a masterpiece which will never be surpassed. And very even-handed. It represents everything that the BBC is not. It is well researched, deep, well edited, professional and compelling. Contrast that with the BBC’s miserable , superficial, amateur output on everything.
Shelby Foote RIP. Hope I live long enough to read his 3-volume history. A real historian. Not like the Fake BBC ” historians “. Dan Snow, FFS !!!
Yes that’s right Grant . Once upon a time it was the sort of programme bbc2 would have shown but doesn’t have an albeeb celebrity to wander about the planet being filmed looking into the distance ..
LOL !!!
Lincoln was, indeed, for much of his life, a white supremacist. In his 1858 debate with Sen. Steven Douglas, Lincoln maintained, “And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”
The American civil war was largely about land to the west and its ownership. I seem to remember that Lincoln signed a document to have all blacks exported to another part of the world.
Zelazek,I agree, General Lee was a very honourable man and history has falsely maligned him IMO. The BBC should recognise Lee’s loyalty and integrity. But there again, the BBC wouldn’t recognise integrity if it hit it in the face.
Lincoln was a great man , but his attitude to slavery and black people was always ambivalent. He tended to trim his opinion depending on the audience. It was not he who saved the Union. It was Grant and those brave soldiers who had been so badly led before and then had faith in one of the great military Commanders, US Grant.
Agreed Grant,
Grant (not you Grant) is now praised for having a strategic view of the war, rather than focusing solely on the area around Virginia, as Lee so often did. And he gets credit for believing in civilian control of the military. When some of his officers were upset about black soldiers serving in the Union Army, Grant “said, ‘Look, this is the policy of the government, and the Army has to carry it out. … If there’s anyone who can’t deal with it, resign right now,’”
Grant seems to be a more genuine person than Lincoln. Lincoln although clever seems a bit shady.
Well Lincoln was a lawyer and politician.
Grant’s memoirs are worth reading . He comes over as straight down the line. And his soldiers had confidence in him and he always put them first. I think he is one of the unsung military heroes and a very modest man. I think I am right in saying that he only met Lincoln twice. Once when he was appointed and second time after victory !
As is often the case Grant, your on the ball, good knowledge.
have a look at these, you might find them interesting
Haven’t seen that one but will check it out. Have to be a bit careful with revisionary history.
But, I still think that Lincoln was the greatest President. His biggest problem was not dealing with the Confederates, but the competing people in the Union. Yes , a lot of his published correspondence and articles are a little contradictory. But , one way or another, he succeeded.
‘Have to be a bit careful with revisionary history.’
Context is everything, it is often difficult to view the the past from modern eyes.
Just started looking at the second video clip. Seems like pure Left -wing anti-Lincoln propaganda. Dictator ? Using rape as a weapon ? I shall look again tomorrow , but given Lincoln’s personal and professional history, the initial accusations seem improbable to me.
Sorry about that Grant!! First one is better.
I shall look at that one tomorrow . Fascinating period of history which shaped the modern world .
Wasn’t much of the opposition to slavery from northern industrialists who resented the south having access to labour virtually free of charge? They don’t mention that much these days either.
Good point Cranmer,
It was about money ,power,territory and black manpower to defeat the Confederates.
The abolition of slavery was categorically not the main reason for the civil war.
The BBC would would like us to believe their narrative though.
It wasn’t really a Civil War as such but the War of Southern Independence, since the Confederacy didn’t seek to take over the entire country they just wanted to secede from the Union and form their own; as the original thirteen colonies had done when they seceded from Great Britain and had done so for the same reason that the southern states sought to leave the Union: tariffs, not the institution of slavery – which would have ended anyway without the need for war.
The interesting comparison between the generals Lee and Grant, was that the former freed his slaves before hostilities between North and South commenced whereas the latter maintained possession of his slaves even after the war ended; his response when questioned as to why he refused to free them: “Good help is hard to find these days.”
Biased Broadcasting Corp describes the trouble in Charlotesville Virginia as a confrontation between the ‘Far Right’ and ‘counter protestors’. Elsewhere they’re described as ‘anti racist BLM’.
Note: not the ‘Far Left’, but ‘counter protestors’ and ‘anti racists’.
Fair and balanced? My a*se.
If you notice there is no”right” in beeb speak – only ” far right”
I think the Beeb would do well to stay out of disputes in the South about the Confederate Flag as it is neither an academic or British issue . It’s recent painful history.
The other reason the BBC should butt out of it is because they know nothing about it. But then they know nothing about anything much. Beeboids’ ignorance is no obstacle to them having an opinion. Empty vessels …….
Charlie Martel,
UniteTheRight Torch Rally in Charlottesville, August 11:
Nazi salutes; chants of “Blood and Soil”.
If everyone who opposes Nazis is ‘Far Left’; what does that make you, Charlie?
I wasted 6 minutes looking at the video you posted and other than three or four people waving their arms in the air in the same manner that one could see in any Glastonbury Festival, I saw no evidence of the “Nazi salutes” that you referred to. Did you actually watch it yourself?
Also, I have seen more violence on the Rugby field.
Typical Al Beeb bias and propaganda by you.
You do Al Beeb no service – give it up.
“I saw no evidence of the “Nazi salutes” that you referred to”.
Of course you didn’t. Neither did you hear anyone chanting “Blood and Soil”, or notice the aping of the Nuremberg rally.
If you support the Nazis on this demo why not just say so; instead of hiding behind this pretend nievety?
“waving their arms in the air in the same manner that one could see in any Glastonbury Festival”
Stupidest comment of the year:
Rubbishy maxi , watch the whole video other than the first page image that you just posted. let the rest of the posters decide . You waste your time.
Nuremberg rally , utter nonsense.
“Nuremberg rally, utter nonsense.”
You’re still offering up this pretence that a bunch of White Nationalists marching through the streets with flaming torches, chanting “Blood and Soil” have no connecton with the Nazi Party?
Please stop embarrassing yourself taffman; it’s becoming too painful to watch…
Then why watch ? Why troll.
Certainly don’t look like Nazi salutes to me.
I’m reading utter shite, full of these mysteron’s.
Ofcourse they mean their own staff, or tweet.
Some observers also argue that US President Donald Trump’s election to the White House re-energised the far right across the US.
Heres another, bbc luvvie who has watch a movie.
On Friday, the white nationalists held lit torches – which some observers described as a reference to the Ku Klux Klan – and chanted “White lives matter” as they marched through the University of Virginia in the city.
And this ”anti-protest protestor” i.e. Antifa, …………….”””fighting” hate of all kinds, with hate of all kinds,………cos she is at war man innit …………….to fucking stupid to realise the nutjob hypocrisy.
And this little nugget about ”them not having a message, then in the next sentence stating the polar opposite, probably exited to be on foriegn tv.
Shiquan Rah, a 21-year-old demonstrator who had joined the counter-protest said about the far-right groups: “These people don’t have a message, their message is hate and violence. This is a spiritual war we’re in.”
And then the devious bastards say this.
Violent clashes erupted between far-right groups and counter-protesters who have also gathered in the city.
At least two people have been injured, police say.
Police have fired tear gas against demonstrators and said that arrests had been made after a declaration of unlawful assembly at Emancipation Park.
And the video is of antifa and black lives matter flags and placards being pepper sprayed and arrested,……for kicking off on the police……only aggro as usual coming from the BBC’s lefty rent-a-mobs.
Beeb end their ‘article’ on Charlotsville: “Some observers also argue that US President Donald Trump’s election to the White House re-energised the far right across the US.”
Which observers?
Some observers argue the beeb are full of crap.
LOL ! BBC, just make it up as they go along. Fairy stories by fairies for fairies.
CM, to anyone talking like that I would ask three linked questions:
“1. What happened in Germany on 9/10 November 1938,
2. What happened in the USA on 9/10 November 2016 and also over the following weekend, and,
3. Who was responsible for each?”
“Well, there you have it.”
They are relying more and more on the ” some say” technique of being critical .
This is a good sign. It suggests that the BBC know that they are losing the arguments and more people are just ignoring them. So they are becoming increasingly desperate. It seems to me that they are just having a dialogue with themselves these days. And how boring and pointless is that ? Lots of good signs out there.
Nice one Charlie.
Will now use that “some people are saying” crap for all and any abuse I`ll shower on the BBC, Guardian, Channel 4 and all lefty liberal cabbages from now one.
” Some people are saying….why the hell are we mug enough to pay for Saviles travels to the Underworld?”
(Actually-it`s just me saying it-but who`s checking?)
Too true, Chris.
When you think that the autocue-readers get paid huge sums to say what their ‘line managers’ tell them to say, it’s not really fair to call them journalists, they’re just bbbc sock puppets of the worst kind.
If there was a real journo out there, actually having to work for a living, then as failures, the bbbc would attract them far more than a cut-throat publication which relies on sales, not crap funded by the tax-payer.
Been watching Fox News livestream on Charlottesville… not only did they just show some video of armed marines standing in a dusty, war torn middle eastern town while describing police in the streets of Charlottesville but one of their guests very likely dropped a truth bomb.
Danny Coulson, former FBI Deputy Asst Director, was asked what is the role of law enforcement in demonstrations such as this…. his reply “Well my business engages in this. We plan violen… ahem… i’m sorry, we play public events that can potentially turn violent”
They are disgusting, it is lying.
Watching the novovirus championships on Saturday night . Al beeb is creating new deities for we no licence payers to worship – St. Mo ( irony ) and St . Usain . If either fail in their running I suspect al beeb faces might have the same look at the Brexit night.
Katie Hopkins has a very funny article about the “Great God Sport”(Daily Mail today)
And what a joke all this weeks BBC licking up has been seeing the numerous farces we`ve heard of(surely to God, no-one is actually watching).
I even saw this morning some woman losing her way to the water jump in her race(don`t ask)-having to get back onto the track seeing as her satnav had been buggered-and then causing a couple of athletes to fall over behind her in her track event. Comnedy Gold-like the Monty Python thick toffs race in fact. But serious faces all round at the BBC spoorts desk-for “Sport Is Not Mocked”.
Harry Hill for FIFA!
PS-line two-did I mean farces or faeces?
You decide…
As for all the cringing over Usains “legacy”-loads of white dollies in nightclubs notwithstanding( where are the wimmins libbies here then?).
Just two words…Lance…Armstrong.
Can we get their stool or vomit on ebay?
All these sacred relics huh?
Sir Mohammed Farah will do the rounds on albeeb before announcing he’s not retiring at all and will have another go and is applying for US nationality ….
I am watching the darts, old whitey throwing spears. that’s diversity at play, tattoos the lot, i love alt-Right sports.
Come on get with it – it’s “extreme right” .
St Mohammed will be the sports personality of the year in Somalia again this year .,
So you enjoy cultural appropriation
Radio Four news today has been having a go at Trump, claiming his rhetoric is making the Korean situation worse, with Macron posing as some sort of voice of reason. For God’s sake, a sovereign territory of the USA has been threatened by a maniac with a nuclear bomb – what is Trump supposed to do? I suppose the Beeb would prefer him to act like Barry and just say ‘make no mistake’ a lot. There was a more truth I think in the response by the Governor of Guam when Trump telephoned him – he sounded like he was in the Residency at Lucknow and had just heard ‘The Campbells are Coming’ on the bagpipes*.
Also, double murder in Golders Green, London NW11 – suspect clearly named as Cohen, with pictures and descriptions issued, presumably so that we didn’t get any ideas about any other religions.
*In 1857 during the Indian Mutiny the Residency was besieged and just as they were about to capitulate they heard the pipes of a Scots regiment in the distance, reassuring them of rescue.
What the hell has it got to do with that useless prat Macron ? His ratings in France have gone down even faster than Chirac when he first was President. Why should anyone listen to that clown ?
PS. What does world stateswoman Treezer have to say ? Oh, I forgot , she is on a long holiday. Does not really matter. Anything she has to say is irrelevant.
Grant, I imagine someone in the BBC said ‘For God’s sake get a quote from someone who wants to avoid war at any cost’ and they immediately thought of the French.
LOL !!!
Would urge everybody to read this article at how Trump is getting nobbled regarding Islam. I trust Daniel Greenfield and this article is truly creepy.
Explains a lot actually about why he`s having such problems from Deep State and Obama Rehashes.
What would Treezer say?
Brexit is Brexit, Enough is enough, Trump is Trump, and Kim Jong-un is Kim Jong-un.
Funny how slow the beeb are to ID a terrorist Roper, and how quick a whitey.
No doubt BLM will be out in force rioting against the shooting of this black police officer by a, erm, black man. So probably not then.
The racists at the BBC will not be interested in that.
Thanks for that painful post . Racism in the police – whether US/UK is always difficult . Albeeb and its published version The Guardian carry American stories in the absence of anything happening here. Totally different because of gun possession .
Anyway – studying criminology – which is ordinarily quite a lefty subject taught me that coppers start their careers as black or shot or whatever but after a while there is only one colour – blue – and the public – like the bastard in the video
Not sure how genuine that video is. Seems strange that the cop is filming it, but not ready with his gun. Also strange that he does not have a buddy as back-up, close.
So we got some floppy haired dick head who used to be in a band and now has mastered the art of tilting his head and looking at the sky so calls himself an Astromoner – Brian Cox
Some fat bald bloke who comes from Ireland who once told a joke that nobody laughed at calls himself a comedian – Dara O’Brien
And these two blokes , who have taken the BBC shilling and sold their souls, have decided that nobody is allowed to question Climate change ?
I bow to you two and you’re fantastic intellect and huge brains – how about you two complete tossers get a real job and stop living off our fkking licence fee money
The aptly-named Cox has an obscure academic record. I have never been able to find out any original research that he did. All books that he has written are co-authored. I suspect that he is a bullshitter and a fake. Perfect for the BBC.
His Wikipedia entry says that he has supervised some PhD students . That is normal in academia. Most genuine academics would not even bother to put that in a Wikipedia entry.
As I say, I think he is a fake.
According to a publishing/tv agent friend of mine, media friendly scientists are very hard to get hold of. Most of them are too busy doing proper work to get involved, look and sound weird and/or are a little bit ‘on the spectrum’ and don’t come across well on the air. The holy grail for telly people is, apparently, an attractive female mathematician.
Cranmer ,
Forgive (or not ) the overt racism but a female mathemetician who is black pretty but swings either way – as I believe the modern term is .
Declaration : i fell in love with my maths teacher – she was American and left her top unbuttoned just a bit too much … ahhh
‘… attractive Left wing female mathematician, surely?
I lusted after the gym mistress. Never did classes with her, but the sight of her in tennis shorts that stopped level with her knees was too much for my adolescent imagination.
G.W.F – Was her name Miss J. Hunter Dunn perchance?
I went to a decent school where we didn’t have lefties – please don’t fiddle with the memories of a 14 year old . I always blame miss —- for me being no good at sums.
Why doesn’t al beeb do those OU programmes any more ??
I think Cox has a similar effect on kids interested in astronomy as Patrick Moore did.
I don’t want to speak ill … but he kept astronomy as an anorak weirdo sport for 30 years or more . I was one of those anoraks so had to deal with the funny looks when I got my refractor out ( oo matron)
Grant – I think you are on to something here. I can’t find anything either . To get a Doctorate of Phil in Particle Physics don’t you have to publish something pretty grandiose – if so where is it ?
Maybe the Emperor has no clothes – something smells because if he was that smart he would know this climate change stuff his bollocks – he just doesn’t strike me as very smart when I hear him
Lock 13,
I am not an academic , but I have had many dealings with them. The usual hideaway is ” PhD thesis, unpubl “. However, an unpublished PhD thesis should still be available in a university library. Many years ago, I tried to access Gordon Brown’s PhD thesis to no avail. It is a murky business.
This appears to be his PhD thesis, Univ of Manchester 1998 (link from his Wiki page)
Click to access h1th-679.pdf
I have no intention of reading it – I’m no scientist.
Hopefully one of the scientists who contribute here can read it and let us know if it’s any good.
I am not a physicist, but had a quick scan of your link and it appears to be genuine. So apologies to Brian Cox. Still seems strange to give up full-time research for a celebrity career. Maybe vanity and money. Who knows ?
PS In my limited experience ‘academics’ are obsessed with publication, encouraged by their relevant institutions for funding purposes. Quite often their subsequent articles are re-hashes of their original theses.
Looks like a load of bollocks to me. Maybe Brian can explain in plain English what he did that is so great – colliding particles yeh we got that – what has Brian actually added to the argument?
I always enjoy reading weekend evening posts. ChrisH’s weekday stuff with a bit of booze added (while still allowed). When the bbbc finally curls its toes up….let’s all find a rendezvous to celebrate – and to pick up a signed copy of aforementioned ChrisH’s pithier comments.
King ,
I’ve mused about a “live ” link up of regulars on this site . I would attend a session anywhere at any time to celebrate the demise of albeeb. I would buy shares in it for its eventual take over by Sky or RT
Most kind Mr Crimson!
Don`t get by here as much as I`d like to-it is the scrumpy season near enough and I`m still counting the bad body language bruises from Tolpuddle.
Yes, think we need a few of us to form a steering committee on topics here-Pounce to lead anything military, our many Green Warriors to keep us up to date on the likes of Lord Mighty Nigel Lawsons work etc.
Great scattergun fun here-but Dave S and his link to Sultan Knishs work on McMasters derailing of the Trump Revolution in the USA deserves some feeding into UKIP/Alt -Right links I`d say…otherwise we`re getting grumpy individually, and not really turning over the evil that is the BBC and Channel 4.
This week for example
1. Universities preferring rich thick foreign students to the white trash that fund the VCs yacht at Bolton Poly.
2. The General Lee Righteous Protest in Charlotteville, and the BBCs response
3. Trump/North Korea bias
4. Junckers free pass on his piggery.
There`ll be plenty more-James Damore at Google also a Daniel Greenfield piece of brilliance.
Off to the wifes church barbecue now , but this site keeps me right.
Anne Marie and Jacob Rees Mogg, free Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn?…these are good times, enjoy them as we can.
Grant for Africa correspondent and Brissles to write the obits for Van, Bob, Joni, Keef and all the others to come…agreed 100% that we`ve not got over Phil Everly.
Luvaduck…start with the Everlys and end with Jedward…what an arc eh?
Scottish Calvin for our cBBC Newsbeat Op…brilliant stuff SC!
Looks like a good team. I read “Damore ” as “Dalmore “, but I would , wouldn’t I ? Scrumpy season starts early down your way. Another month, at least, until apples are ripe here in the frozen North. Dalmore has put an idea into my head !
Find myself working on a full eleven a side “Team With All the Talents”…acronym yet to be decided upon.
Reckon Pounce is a Daniel Passerella type of captain. Enforcer type needed to deal with the thugs that I for one, am scared of.
I`m a long haired fop who blows hard and does little in the end-a Glen Hoddle/Mario Kempes type.
With your African links-you can be either a Didier Drogba or a George Weah…or Weay-Hay if you do a good Jack Douglas impression.
I`ll get that team yet-failing that, we`ve got a good five-a-side that may yet be the Alt-Rights Harlem Globetrotters…well Wessex boundaries with a Megabus to London or Perth maybe?
Ha ! Even I can work out that acronym ! Not into football myself, but I would put you down as a Shane Warne ! Megabus ? Stagecoach is better. I have to say that as Brian Souter’s Estate is just up the road from here. Funny he never invites me for drinks. I wonder why ?
Forget Trump, forget Kim Il Whatsit, forget May’s holiday snaps, forget ISIS. All is lost anyway. Mo has been beaten. End of all life as we know it…..
Are the Tories to blame, or Brexit?
Beltane ,
Please treat st. Mo with the adoration he deserves . He could have done the decent thing and turned up 4th like everyone else in the British norovirus team
hope he now f8cks off to wherever he emerged from..or his current tax haven..poor lamb!!.. lol!!
Goes to show you can’t trust those bloody Ethiopians..and there’s plenty trying to get into UK under any number of brand names..send ’em all back..don’t need the sort of enrichment they bring..let alone the infectious diseases etc..thank you.
It was racism, pure and simple.
brexit innit’
He will become a beeb presenter, that’s almost nailed on.
And the winner,………………just a disrespectful barsteward that ”trolled” little mo, by doing the ”mobot” as he crossed the line.
All the results for mo farah of a google search all concentrate on the winners mobot, what a bastard, not a word of praise for the ethiopian who won, their sick puppies our media.
How do you like this insight into,……………….they love the word ”hate” lefties,…………they just dont get scorn……..
These themes – hatred and distrust of the old media giants and a belief that the establishment is using extreme and nefarious measures to keep the populace compliant – are common on alt-right message boards…….
It isnt ”these people see right thru our bullshit”’ no no we are conspirators,………………..but speculating on some mythical trump russia connection for months and months without a single strand of evidence is perfectly normal and rational.
Mohamid Farah lost.
He needs to be introduced to a better God, a better religion.
Try the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Guaranteed faster that Allah
BBC2 now a boat of white people refuse to accept a brown man and kick him to death
(The 30 minute drama from Hull is set in the future
reference was made to “the orange lifejackets like migrants used to wear”
(the 2 other main characters are also English but none white
eh up, a white character just appeared a female rescue angel)
well its set in the future so majority none white is right, true to historical fact, so to speak.
I like to think of myself, although not too often, as fairly well educated, not an intellectual, but curious about the world and open to learning , discussion and new ideas. But, I am worried that I may be a bit narrow-minded, because I think that Beeboids are a bunch of wankers. Should I seek medical help ?
Don’t underestimate yourself Grant. I concur with much of what you write.
‘I think that Beeboids are a bunch of wankers’ sums them up perfectly.
For what it’s worth I’ve a lifetime of mathematical qualifications coming out of my ears, but I couldn’t find the words that so specifically and accurately sum up the BBC as you did.
But there again I only lectured using numbers and not words.
I always struggled with maths. Got a bit lost when it came to integration and differentiation . Thank God I do not need maths to realise that Beeboids are a bunch of wankers ! KISS ” Keep it simple stupid ” . Why waste words on the BBC ?
I can see logic and sense with numbers, I see no logic and no sense with the BBC.
Yes , it is a total collective self-delusion. I mean the BBC , not maths .
Now on R5 Anne Marie Waters election agent
Pig headed Nolan like a dog with a bone got caught up on
“Why in her manifesto does she say the burka is a jihadi symbol ?”
Rule 1 is ‘if you leave out context then that is deception’

Here’s a screenshot
Stuart Agnew said “It’s a symbol of oppression”
I’m surprised he failed 2add
‘see when jihadis take a territory women are forced to wear it
& on liberation women ditch it”
Stuart Agnew is no expert on Islam so easily can be made to look a fool. UKIP should have sent with him an expert on Islam (perhaps who is also an ex-Muslim), or had someone who lived under Sharia Law – such as a Christian Yazidi refugee.
Jihadism in the bigger sense is the struggle to defend and spread Islam and Sharia Law. In that sense even western feminists who claim to be Muslim and wear the burqa can be said to be jihadists when they wear that burqa in Britain.
I know and probably you know more about Islam than Stuart Agnew. But we are not politicians – so we would probably have been mauled by Nolan and the “Muslim voice” legal representative they had on his show.
You need to be an expert on Islam as well as politically astute to handle Nolan and the various Islamic legal defenders.
I try to watch as little of the BBC news output as possible but of course I have to watch it sometimes just to remind myself of why I don’t watch it all the time.
Is Laura Bicker effin wise? The report from Charlottesville on the news tonight at 10.30 was concluded by this US correspondent condemning Trump as a failure because he didn’t directly attack the ‘Alt-right’ for their role in this violence and the unfortunate death of a protestor. A headcase in a Corvette drove into a crowd but hasn’t yet been identified, that I know of, and so, quite rightly, Trump unequivocally condemned the violence from both sides, stating that violence at protests had been an issue for a while and that it was unacceptable. Not good enough for Laura, no real surprise there.
Her presentation though was awful, verging on the manic, finding it hard to contain her vitriol for Trump, who in her mind, I have no doubt, is directly responsible for this death. Her face, try and find the report, is full of impotent aggression, tensed and twisted. She reminded me of Alan Rickmans witch in Robin Hood, Geraldine McEwan on speed. You really have to laugh at these people, they’re not just right.
I’m going to watch a bit of MotD now so I don’t have to look at it again until the start of next season.
they can’t help it they live in a bubble.
.. Their behaviour is cultlike just as if they were Scientologists or JWs
“Former Tory aide renews call for anti-Brexit party”
HYS taking a hammering again – worth a look !
Only the BBC could keep publicising the ranting of some failed nonentity who obviously has a personal axe to grind.
The BBC buried the “conviction of an “Asian” paedophile gang” story in less than 24 hours turning it into a “BBC Police pays £10,000 to a rapist story” – which is still being featured in the BBC’s England News section.
So far the “UKIP has selected an anti-Islam candidate” story has lasted longer on the BBC news homepage than their “Asian paedophile gang” story which has now been buried.
Perhaps Maxincony would like to make a comment to defend them?………………
Any bias to offer us Maxincony – Left or Right ?
I have noticed that a surefire way to be banned by the Guardian is to infer that any particular journalist is factually wrong or just poor at the job. Same with the BBC.
Such sensitive souls that like to dish it out but cannot abide mild criticism. The Guardian is number one on this. Daily vicious insults heaped on President Trump and nearly all just opinion and lacking factual references .
Dave S
The Guardian is a dying newspaper.
Apparently, it’s getting smaller and smaller, and possibly this is down to fewer advertisers unless I’m mistaken – or hearing fake news. Perhaps the thousands of copies bought by the bbbc make up the money somehow.
Soon, it’ll be the size of a second class book of stamps, and about as interesting.
“Cometh the hour cometh the man ”
“Jacob Rees Mogg for PM? Tory maverick refuses to rule out challenge to replace Theresa May as ally reveals ‘he wants it all’.
Al Beeb and the liberal controlled media won’t like it , they will label him as a ‘populist’ and try to lampoon him.
Go for it Jacob I say, go for it!
The ordinary hard working people of Great Britain are behind you .
He is head and shoulders above all the other nonentities. But I think the failed Tory Establishment will do everything to keep him out.
Sharia Creep.
New Sharia Law introduced into California – when arresting a hijabed Muslim woman, the woman must be dealt with by a female police officer and not a man: “Female police officers are now required to remove headscarves, away from male officers and inmates, and only “when necessary for officer safety”, Long Beach assistant city attorney Monte Machit told the Los Angeles Times.”
This change in the law was a victory for the “Council on American-Islamic Relations” who took up a test case in order to get the state law changed.
Knock Knock
Who’s There?
Sharia Creep.