David Cameron tells Russian hosts: KGB tried to recruit me but I failed the test
On a visit to Moscow, he joked that he apparently failed to pass the “interview” during the bizarre incident on a gap-year trip to the Black Sea coast in 1985.
When told of the incident, President Dmitry Medvedev said that Mr Cameron would have made a “very good KGB agent”.
“David would have been a very good KGB agent, but in this case he would never have become a Prime Minister of the UK,” the Russian President said at a press conference in the Kremlin.
Peter Hitchens seems to have the same opinion of Tony Blair that I do…that he was not at all centrist or taking the Labour Party to the Right…he was in fact a hard core left winger who did incredible damage to the democratic infrastructure of this country…Cameron said he was approached by the Soviets at university but he snubbed them, Blair? Not so sure. He was on the same march as his other fellow travellers to take over the institutions…so many of them still in the BBC…..
Corbyn or Blair? Guess which one’s the real Marxist menace
Now, years after it is too late to help us, we learn that Anthony Blair was a student Marxist, an admirer of the bloodthirsty advocate of Red Terror, Leon Trotsky. When did he stop thinking this? We don’t really know.
But isn’t it interesting that all those who faint like shocked maiden ladies at the bearded Leftism of Jeremy Corbyn still fawn over the supposed ‘moderation’ of Blair?
Yet Blair was the man who smiled sweetly as he tried to abolish sterling, surrendered to the IRA, wrecked our economy, our constitution, our civil service, our defences and much of our education system, and wounded the monarchy, too.
The disclosure reminded me of the recent unwise boast by Blair’s one-time close aide, Peter Hyman, who blurted out that the New Labour ‘project’ was ‘infinitely more revolutionary than anything proposed by Jeremy Corbyn’. The plan, Hyman disclosed, was to lock out the Tories to ensure that ‘the 21st Century was a Labour century’. Not very democratic.
One day, and I hope it is soon, people will grasp that Mr Blair was not the pseudo-Tory ‘moderate’ we were sold (and some of you bought) in 1997. He was the most radical political leader this country has had since Oliver Cromwell.
Mr Blair was the figurehead of all the many thousands of Sixties and Seventies campus revolutionaries who, by 1997, had quietly clawed their way into positions of influence in politics, the Civil Service, the law, the BBC and schools. And he did his damage all the more effectively because neither his enemies nor his supporters ever fully understood what he was and still, in a way, is – a smiling menace.
All very convincing as I know from experience just how easy it was in the 60s to undermine the older generation and established custom and the rule of law.
This is exactly why the BBC is now riddled from top to bottom with these people and why reform is impossible and only abolition will do.
The same people are in charge of education ,law and the MSM but getting rid of the BBc would have more than symbolic value. It would deprive those on the other side of a major propaganda tool and give us conservatives a chance of being heard.
Ofcom etc is just window dressing as is the BBC’s complaints department. An exercise in obstruction and deception.
One recent example will suffice of how the BBC really thinks. Remember the DNA test results and how the BBC exulted in the fact that the English seem not to exist. Complete rubbish of course but it fits the agenda, Diminish us as a nation and a people and rewrite and scorn our history and our past. This is the BBC’s way along with it’s current obsession on gender and identity. All really an attack on the concept of the family and that has always been their target. Tonight I saw a trailer for some rubbish to come- no more boys and girls or something like that- next week on BBC2.
The family is now the battle ground . We must not give any ground at all. Refuse to discuss the progressives agenda and treat them with the contempt they really merit. It is the only way now.
Blair typical of his class – The Patrician Trot.
Born and educated to “lead” Meddle freely with the lives of the little people and when you F####D it all up for everyone – move on and meddle with something else and probably F##K that up too. There will always be a microphone free for him and his bullshit at the BBC as the BBC is cut from the same cloth – People who are well paid and generally insulated from the effects of the changes they push for.
The say birds of a feather flock together – and so does shit. Unfortunately removing it is more problematic as it sticks.
Bastards all!
At least Corbyn is up front and open about his socialism. Blair all smiles and soundbites ,a real wolf in sheeps clothing .
If you look at the two most insidious statutes passed in his first year The Human Rights Act and the Public Disclosure Act .Those two have undermined life in general for ordinary people and made victims out of criminals and fraudsters. They made lawyers rich.
The expansion of the Quangos and especially Browns tax credits keep people tied up and bogged diwn in beaurocracy when they should just be living their lives .The soviets would be proud.
Not that Cameron did anything to repeal any of it.
People say ,oh but Blair got fox hunting banned.Big deal.Hooray for the foxes What about we humans .
Quite right, Corbyn is more-or-less honest about what he is, but Blair? Remember the “evil eyes” election poster that was withdrawn? Somebody knew what was really going on back then.
I’m pleased that I was never taken in by him; I know many non-lefties who spouted drivel like “time for a change” and “a breath of fresh air” and then regretted it. They weren’t obvious idiots either.
I think it’s the smaller things that gave the game away, like the end of The Royal Tournament. Far too traditional, patriotic and a therefore a threat. A true conservative government would have brought it back in its original form and made damn sure the BBC didn’t sneer at it.
Other than at State occasions, there are fewer opportunities for ordinary folk to see our military. Uniforms in public are rare thanks to the IRA and their degenerate successors. Remember what happened in Luton.
As my late father used to say about the Tories “slow-motion socialists ” .
That’s very true, sadly.
Somebody also said something about governments being there to “manage decline”. Don’t know who it was.
Nothing like aiming low.
Yes, most of the Tories are defeatists. They don’t have the stomach for a fight. The Mogginator being one notable exception .
If albeeb ever tried to cancel the last night of the proms on the telly, there’ s no telling what action I would be forced to take.
Doubt if they will cancel it , just keep watering it down until it is 100% Reggae.
Yes, if anecdotal evidence is anything to go by, a lot of people seem to be moving from “disillusioned” to “verging on militant”.
A lot of talk – maybe ??
Blair & Cameron ditched the unfashionable SU for the more a la mode EU.
Totally agree about Blair . His government was the worst since those of Harold Wilson , and in turn they were the worst since Atlee’s.
Blair was lucky to preside during an economic boom. The horrendous rise in government expenditure after his first term still dogs us today . The growth of welfare has created a client labour vote and an expectation of something for nothing. Brown’s in work benefits have been a major factor behind mass migration. Devolution was also a disastrous policy . In Wales it’s largely about expense , linked to a Cardiff based Welsh elite that feeds off England . As for Scotland , devolution has almost pulled the nation apart . The SNP may gave peaked but we can’t yet be sure. Another long term ticking time bomb has been the ” long march through the institutions” of the left , a deliberate policy of Blair, as was mass immigration. The effects on the BBC, the universities , the NHS, big charities, local government senior officers, the civil service, the National Trust and countless quangos seem intractable .
All in all quite a legacy! Maybe Blair was a Trot all along.
Blair was certainly not a Marxist or a ‘trot’, his attitude towards money showed that. He found a way to enrich himself at the cost of his country by championing the Saudi program of Islamising Britain.
Blairs Father was chairman of the local Tory party and would have gone on to stand as PPC had he not had a stroke. Blair did not develop any real Left wing thinking until getting to indoctrination central – Oxford University.
Blair damaged the country in a number of ways. By manipulating the law how it suited at the time, sometimes for a single case. Mass Immigration, including known terrorists and rabble rousers – the only explanation for this being the Saudi Money. New laws which were highly oppressive, but trendy, such as hate crimes which are an affront to freedom of democracy. His failure to invest in infrastructure meant that who ever followed him would face a crisis. Money was spent in ways which did not return any benefit. He gave away hard won rights to the EU in return for nothing.
Blair was very fortunate that he had the tax receipts from the profits of the banks which later proved false.
He started at least 7 wars which need never have been fought and again in the interests of his Saudi masters.
His younger life story
I thought it was well known that Blair & Brown had had a radical past. It was not unusual in the 1960s and 1970s and was equally the same in the 1920s and 1930s. It was unusual to be a reactionary to some degree but that happened too. Especially in response to the two Wilson administrations and the disappointment over Heath.
One or two of my contemporaries were very outgoing & keen Young Conservatives and played a part in the Heath victory in 1970. The quieter, much more conservative reactionaries just turned up to vote.
It is puzzling what happened in June. Where did the supposed Conservative reactionary youth vote go? Was it all seduced by Corbyn’s promise of free money? Could that awful Tory manifesto put thinking young reactionaries off in such large numbers? Was the supposed Conservative revival among the teens over hyped and almost non-existent?