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Last week Radio 3’s Essential Classics continued its exercise in promoting the BBC’s own by interviewing Clive Myrie, the newsreader whose face merges with the shadows. (Wouldn’t it be nice if the BBC gave space for people who aren’t their pals for a change?).
During the week we were told that Mr Myrie had worked as a correspondent, not just as an autocue reader. Now I know that music is a personal thing and we can have different emotions on hearing a given piece but I did choke on my proverbial cornflakes when he told us that Giacomo Puccini’s O mio babbino caro made him glad to feel alive when, in translation the words read something like: “Yes, yes, I want to go there!
And if my love were in vain,
I would go to the Ponte Vecchio
And throw myself in the Arno!
I am anguished and tormented!
Oh God, I’d want to die!
Papa, have pity, have pity!
Papa, have pity, have pity!”
Can we really trust this man’s skills as a correspondent?
Jon Sopel on tonight’s news. Full of his own opinions despite clear statements from the Whitehouse. Chooses to put his own interpretation on the events to suit the beeb narrative. Yet again no balanced reporting.As I was saying earlier, if this was on Hilary”s watch it would be off the main news by now. Another reporter saying that this could be happening in many cities in America. If I was the US ambassador I might be asking Lord Hall on what basis these comments are made. Can I for one assure any US citizens following our state broadcaster that the coverage given to your President does not reflect the opinions of a lot of our populace.
I avoid watching the BBC news now as they have given up reporting years ago. They have absolutely no interest in anything other than spinning out the latest propaganda line of the Left. As a source of information they are absolutely useless, not only because they are so unreliable, but because everything they say is saturated in that day’s Leftist spin. I cannot emphasize enough how useless the BBC is as a news provider. It is bad enough being a national embarrassment, but more importantly it is a direct and constant threat to our free society. It works in accordance with the Leftist playbook of narrowing the debate and seeking to predetermine its conclusions. I cannot emphasize too much how I despise the BBC, and resent being forced to pay for those lying sanctimonious Guardian reading twats.
A few miles from where I live the world championship athletics has been taking place and Sunday night it ended. Al Beeb really tried to hype it in the way they go way overboard when they like something or someone. But instead they presented a less than magical set of programmes with little for Blighty to celebrate. It will all be forgotten pretty quickly – apart from the South African bloke who kept running in women’s races . And Jeremy corbin dressed as some kind of furry rodent .
Our local Look North.was celebrating that the first Syrian family have been housed in the county, a father, a mother and three children. They had to leave two married daughters behind. They had been here a year and yet managed not a word of English, not even haltingly. What have they been doing with their time? And how soon before they can bring their daughters and the daughters’ families to the UK.
The use of “I don’t speak English” is a common ploy used by immigrants in which to garner a better deal. Be it court cases, (OH if you pretend not to know the language, you can claim you don’t know the law) Benefits, etc.. How do I know this, I was taught it by my immigrant father. (I never did) Years ago on leave, I missed my train , so thinking I was clever, I paid for a coach to Leeds from London (big mistake) anyway the guy in the seat in front of me , was talking like a Jamaican to the guy who was sat next to him. When it transpired they had both gone to the same school in Huddersfield, he dropped the Jamaican Patois and started speaking in a broad Yorkshire accent. That taught me all I needed to know about an inability to speak English.
“What have they been doing with their time?” – The ‘advance guard’? – counting the benefits (jizya) and no doubt numerous visits to NHS facilities. Oh! and probably sussing out where the mosque could be built……………
I have just found out that BBC broadcaster Jim al-Khalili has tweeted: “There should be NO debate any more about climate change”. Probably that attitude is why Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists are unable to debate Climate science at Conferences held on University property. British Universities are no longer places for the older generation to pass down knowledge through debate with the younger generation. Also, Michael Mann was found in contempt of court for refusing to hand over the data documents and computer codes for his fraudulent Hockey Stick graph. Criminal prosecution is expected to follow.
Oddly, the Climate Science Conference and the Timothy Ball versus Michael Mann court case seem to be completely under Media censorship by Journalists. Scientists taking on the roll of amateur Journalists seems to be an ever increasing need.
Richard, strictly speaking, J-a-K is right although he would not be in exact agreement when I agree with him and emphasise that there has always been climate change in the past and there is quite likely to be some climate change in the future but that humankind cannot control its weather, let alone its climate.
He’s kinda missing the fundamental of science isn’t he, that it’s never really done and settled and should always be questioned.
I think it was from this website that I read about an alternative theory from global warming relating to pressure and not carbon dioxide. The scientists arguing this new theory referenced that the whole carbon dioxide theory comes from measuring the effects of air and carbon dioxide in a closed box which is hardly reflective of the atmosphere is it?
I watched a recent pointless fluff piece on the BBC about the ‘truth about alcohol’. In it this A&E doctor (trying his hand at presenting) mentioned how they used to prescribe baileys, whisky or gin as a nightcap to help patients get to sleep. Funny how that science was challenged and not closed for debate meaning that they no longer do it.
Payne, yes … is that the one we were taught at Secondary School, if not at Primary School, about the hot bit of rock rattling around the sun, then the cold ice covered lump, then some more ‘Climate Change’ and hey ho, it’s all “Hi! (waving) We’re over here!” ?
Dammit! I thought I kept up with all the real climate news from reliable sources – GWPF, Paul Homewood, Jo Novo, No Tricks Zone, Climate Audit, WUWT, Climate Change Dispatch – all of which are on my ‘favourites’ list for ready reading, but I missed the key news that Michael Mann had been found in contempt. So thanks, RP, for posting the link. I look forward with keen anticipation to heavy damages being awarded. Likewise, there now should be wonderful outcomes both to Mann’s legal action against Mark Stein, and to Mark Stein’s counter-action against Mann. Naturally, nothing has been said on the BBC. As you say, a complete blank. ‘Jim’ al-Khalili should know better, and his remarks cast doubt on his understanding of the scientific method.
Em Mann has NOT yet been found in contempt of court.
So the headline is like marketing speak
Actually Mann would seem to have put himself in contempt if court, although the judge hasn’t spoken.
And Mann has a lot of friends.
The BBC reveals how Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg inadvertently helped Trump to victory, by revealing how Social Media can be used to spread misinformation and influence voters.
I presume this could refer to Trumps scientifically informed opinion that man-made Climate Change is a hoax, which would be regarded by the BBC’s environmental activists as misinformation. Also, “influence voters” could mean Facebook revealing the criminality of Hilary Clinton censored by the BBC.
While BBC fake news about Russian conspiracy theories continues around the Trump Presidency. BBC censorship of Democratic National Committee emails that conclusively prove that former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and others colluded in order to deny Bernie Sanders the party’s nomination, inspiring Seth Rich to leak information to Wikileaks. Information probably obtained from Imran Awan who has been charged with fraud and other crimes connected to stealing and selling equipment and classified information. Also censored by the BBC is a report by a group of former NSA agents indicating that last year’s DNC “hack” was a leak from inside the DNC.
But the BBC does not reveal how it influences voters by spreading misunderstanding of issues through the use of censorship of information.
The BBC does not reveal how it influences voters by spreading disinformation obtained from environmental activists, about climate science and what scientists think and the scientific papers that they talk about.
Personally, I do not get my information from Facebook, but presumably most people now obtain information from Facebook censored by the BBC, and then confirm the truth of this information from more reliable or core sources.
That’s why better informed people would vote for Trump, Brexit and would regard the causes of Climate Change to be 100% natural
The BBC is a textbook example of abuse of power. The first Information Revolution programme sought to explain why free markets are bad, and the second why Trump stole the election. I had to laugh when the software predicted that the BBC journalist was politically on the Left. Scarily accurate he said! For my next trick I predict the Sun will rise tomorrow.
When the story of the conviction of a Muslim paedophile gang broke recently, there was nothing on the CBBC Newsround Channel. You would think the BBC would warn English girls to avoid “Asians” chanting Allahu Akbar and offering them sweets. But no, there was nothing. Instead they warn our kids not to commit Islamophobia, telling them that Islam means peace, and Muslims are victims all around the world.
This is in complete contrast to the BBC’s response to the recent protest in Charlottesville. These protests were organised to protest the recent decision to remove statues of Confederate heroes from public buildings and parks. This follows the removal of the Confederate flag from state government buildings. The BBC focused on the fringe element of the protest labelling the whole protest as an action of white supremacists. Not only was this story headlined everywhere on the BBC news webpages – it is also the lead story on the CBBC Newsround channel – both the homepage and its news section.
Propagandizing children. It’s what the BBC do. They give themselves awards for doing it. Absolute conformity is required. Anybody who goes out and finds out and thinks about stuff for themselves (especially if they are intelligent) is a threat. They just spoon out their Leftism and hope it turns out mirror images of themselves. They have absolutely zero belief in humanity these “educationalists”. I am struck how young people these days feel that all they have to do is strike the correct political attitudes. Engaging in any reality is not required. Just parrot the creed.
Hi StewGreen – the MainStream Media photoshop images all the time to fake and twist the news.
We have already seen recently how the CNN and BBC faked a Muslim response to the London June 3rd attack in London, handing out flowers and their own A3 printed messages to a small group of actresses, pretending they represented a London Muslim response showing solidarity and support to all the London victims and were against all such Muslim attacks.
I bet the BBC are guilty of exactly the same behaviour. We know that they manipulate the news , suppress what they don’t want us to see and hear and probably fake things they would like to be ‘real’ just like CNN have been caught doing. The biggest spreaders of fake news are the Liberal left MSM.
The Beeb have reporters in both Lahore and Delhi to ‘report’ on the 1947 partition. Could they not just stay in England and read from Wikipedia, thereby stopping some poor and vulnerable person not being fined and perhaps imprisoned for not paying they tv tax? Why on earth do they both have to be on the ground to report on something that happened so long ago?
The weekend rally is a wet dream for the Beeb. Trump is literally a white nationalist. The fact that he condemned all the violence is not enough – he should have specifically condemned the ‘far right.’ Yeah the peaceful side who just want to exercise their first amendment rights, as opposed to the far left ‘counter-demonstrators’ who clearly incited all the violence and openly promote ‘black nationalism’ and incited a spate of shootings of Police officers recently. It is Antifa, the modern day brown shirts, who should be condemned.
So many ad hominem attacks: ‘white nationalist’ and ‘far right.’ It is so lazy. The Left is so emotionally incontinent. As Milo says, they classify anything right of Jane Fonda is Hitler. Why can’t you just refute people’s arguments without having to call them names and get violent?
Super serious faces on the BBc sofa sloths as the report on Charlottesville. Again all the facts are not known. Was the killer a white supremacist? Some US sites are saying not. Also the video they at showing doesn’t include a mob attacking the car and what appears to be the victim jumping on the boot. See what it looks like when all the facts are in. And back to smiley faces it’s athletics.
I condemn the far right, the extreme right, the hard right, the firm right, white supremacists and all their violence. I condemn black supremacists, the firm left, the hard left, the extreme left, the far left and all their violence.
Me too. Only I am now unsure if some will feel condemnation as a term goes far right, or left, enough.
The BBC has accused, impartially, and the White House has duly obliged with a ‘defence’.
Here’s Katty Kay’s strictly impartial partner ‘analysing’ in the BBC’s daily email for the hard of independent thought:
“Why Trump’s response is no surprise
Clues for how the president would react to such a situation were scattered across his presidential campaign. In February 2016, Mr Trump initially declined to disavow support from the Klu Klux Klan and David Duke, the former Klan leader who became a Louisiana Republican politician. If, as Mr Trump’s critics suggest, his statements following the Charlottesville incident were yet another “dog whistle” to white supremacists, there’s evidence that the message was clearly heard.
Read full analysis >
Anthony Zurcher
North America reporter”
a new track sport is sure to appeal to the BBC! The Aussie TV news recently covered a snail race, in which a competitor (named Uslime Bolt) slithered along its mucus trail to the winning post. What’s the appeal for our favourite broadcaster? Most snails are hermaphrodites. If an athlete gets to choose which sex organs it most enjoys using, what does a Beeboid commentator care if it takes six hours to cover a two-foot track?
I am thinking of entering the next race with a trio named Mollusc Farrah, Sebastian Slow and Steve Slowvett. (Or possible Stephanie Slowvett? I wouldn’t want to offend a transitioning gastropod.) But where the hell do you buy a racing snail?
Listened to R4 Farming today on the way to work. Apparently migrant workers are leaving Scotland for fear of Brexit and the Norwegians are welcoming them with open arms according to the report. Really!!!
Was just speaking to a farmer friend here in sunny Perthshire ( not so sunny today, cold, mist and rain ). Mentioned your point and it was news to him ! Beware BBC Fake News especially anything to do with Brexit.
Migrant workers don’t turn up here because they love Britain, they come because they want a job. As long as the job is open and they get paid, they will stay. No-one is proposing that legal EU workers will be deported. If they are going to Norway (non EU of course), it will be because there is more money to be had. It is purely a commercial transaction.
Wonderful moment on TODAY at 7am just after the Time Signal: the spell checker had the date on the script as April and The Humph, reading on autopilot, did not spot it on time!
Should not an organisation with a £4bn income have graduate staff capable of script writing without a spellchecker?
I know it’s silly season but it can’t be right for the BBC tv news to headline their bulletin with their very own ‘investigation carried out by Panorama’
And don’t go thinking this is investigative jounalism on a par with Watergate…. it’s about the killjoys at the BBC getting uptight about alcohol sales at airports.
Thought for the Day, BBC R4 7.50am – Rev David Wilkinson, St John’s Durham on the “seventieth anniversary of the partition of the sub-continent of south asia”.
Er, no, David. The island of Sri Lanka parted from the Indian land mass not 70 years but many millennia ago.
After very little or no positive action from European Governments and the EU to halt the flow of migrants seeking a life living off benefits in the EU, it appears that yet again, the Libyan ‘Government’ (if that’s what it is) has stepped up to the plate and challenged the people smugglers masquerading as ‘humanitarian charities’ e.g. ‘Doctors Without Borders’ financed, no doubt, by Soros. –
Too late to stop the hundreds of thousands of invaders already in Europe but some action is long overdue in the absence of the EU getting a grip.
Half asleep at 7.xx am listening to Toady, I think I heard a guy being interviewed re Charlottesville, and he said in terms ‘why can’t white people campaign for their own interests?’
I suspect this quote was by the bBBC editors to showcase him as a right-wing extremist and keep the indignation narrative at fever pitch.
But substitute ‘white’ for any other adjective. Black, Asian, Muslim, disabled, gay, transgender.
Would the bBBC be equally apoplectic?
Pretty sure we all know the answer to that one.
I know that on the New Observer web site it is reported that those on the March were subject to intense leftist provocation for some hours before the chap drove into the crowd. It is difficult to be sure as to the truth of what went on. What is clear to me though is that if the liberal elite and their tame MSM chums , with the full support of most governments, keep up their decades long vilification of white people and culture and maintain their support for the invasion of the West by third worlders, the ordinary folks will begin to seek to fight back. Increasingly it looks as though using the ballot box to express views which are not those of the liberal left is useless as the global establishment are able to ignore the result , or to force out of office those who have been elected. The left and many non white special interest groups, use violence whenever it suits them with impunity, almost with government granted immunity. The lesson many are drawing is that if you want to stop the loss of your homeland, your culture and your way of life , the ballot box is useless, you have to demonstrate. This is a dangerous development but it is entirely the fault of the liberal left who’ve ignored the concerns of ordinary people for decades.
No More Boys and Girls: Can Our Kids Go Gender Free?
Just seen a trailer for this disgusting display of what amounts to state sponsored child abuse. What kind of perverted minds thought-up, sanctioned & produced this molestation of children’s minds. Presented by Dr Javid Abdelmoneim.(naturally)
This is disgraceful. Surely it should be a police matter ? Apart from the sheer abuse aspect, can the kids give legal consent to be treated like Guinea Pigs ? This could do lasting damage to these kids. Even by the BBC’s low standards , this is scraping the barrel.
Thought struck me, funny how it’s adults in both photos with ‘dummies in their mouths’ and the child in photo 2 appears to be reading The Times or Telegraph or Daily Mail or Guardian and not really approving of it at all.
You’ll note to do this test of going non-gender they carefully picked a school which is almost entirely white Muslims etc.
.. I thought the BBC habit was to over-represent BME ..and now they can’t find even 5%
Campbell and MacShane , there are a couple of beauties who deserve each other. How either of them have the bare-faced cheek is beyond me. Especially , the odious, criminal MacShane. The ultimate in Eurotrash.
They do seem to have embraced BBC ‘tell it often enough’ techniques with enthusiasm and, having done so, can expect BBC coverage on a selective, approved, ‘one degree of separation’ basis as ‘reward’ (BBC ‘quotes’).
Denis MacShane, born Denis Matyjaszek. Special friend of fellow jailbird Vicky Pryce (real name Vasiliki Kourmouzi). MP for Rotherham during the child rape scandal (other child rape scandals are available…). When interviewed about aspects of the Muslim community in Rotherham, replied “Perhaps yes, as a true Guardian reader, and liberal leftie, I suppose I didn’t want to raise that too hard. I think there was a culture of not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat if I may put it like that.” (see The BBC never forgets its true friends.
Excellent, really excellent article in this weekend’s FT on the subject of Netflix and how competitors are reacting to their success. Two points of note:
1. Last year, Netflix saw revenues significantly higher than what BBC see, and
2. The article defines the future for broadcast media
Question: can anyone explain how the BBC funding model and its defined strategy fits into this future? I doubt it very much, because it doesn’t. The Licence fee structure constrains the BBC, and doesn’t actually work for anyone
The BBC licence fee hasn’t really made any sense since the introduction of commercial television in 1955. The fact that it still exists is a testament to the amazing inertia of public sector vested interests. It’s amazing how long you can stay in “business” if you can send your customers to prison if they don’t buy your product, whether they want it or not. Even the Mafia never thought of that one!
In spite of reservations, I don’t think most people minded too much so long as they were getting a few good programmes that would not have made commercial sense (or so it was said at the time), and the announcers and presenters gave the impression of having at least ‘O’ level English and IQs over 70. Now that has mostly gone and its poverty is exposed (not financially speaking, of course).
One of the flaws in that argument is that Savile was around as early as the 1960s, I believe.
The other point in the Beebs favour, and is probably the most raised objection to doing away with the LF, is that those with more than between three and forty-seven minutes or longer attention span prefer programmes uninterrupted by commercials.
As I have posted on here before, there are ways around that while scrapping the LF: a BBC Trust (a proper one, with investments) could ensure commercial free viewing. The BBC would have to ‘trim its sails’ salary-wise, just a mite, and be determined to live within its income (no more Garvey-esque Champagne bottles littering the corridors or James Naughtie travelling the globe for free) but it could be done. Simple Act of Parliament in the forthcoming Parliamentary Year and ‘hey-ho Hall’s your Uncle’.
Flimsy argument in support of the Licence fee if you ask me. There are parts of the BBC that accept advertising revenue, and they are never beyond advertising their own programmes.
Personally, I couldn’t care less about commercial free viewing. As the FT so accurately says, more and more people are streaming/ recording programmes they want to see now rather than living with pre-defined timetables and its possible to skip adverts easily if you want.
There are far, far greater arguments in favour of abolishing the licence fee than there are in support of it. The Licence fee is an anachronism that no longer suits anyone and certainly not the BBC itself.
The BBC announced to great fanfare that they had won the rights to broadcast the USPGA Golf Championship for the next three years.
This last weekend featured the first of these broadcasts. It was a travesty:
1. The commentators were quite clearly not at the course, so couldn’t comment accurately on aspects that viewers have come to expect: the nature of the lie of the ball, the gradient and sloping of the greens etc
2. There were limited, very limited, player interviews so it was hard to get a perspective of play, what the players had to deal with etc etc
3. With the exception of the ball tracking technology presumably provided by CBS Sports, there was limited use of digital 3-D type graphics of the kind we have all come to expect in describing each hole, green etc
4. Last night, for a critical 5 minutes or so, there was absolutely no commentary at all. The silence was eventually broken by the CBS commentator who came on for a bit, before the BBC came back on again.
5. The entire event was hidden behind the Red Button, indicating something of a lack of priority and making the action quite hard to locate. Nowhere was any publicity provided to indicate what time coverage would start.
Finally, the entire production was dull as ditchwater. It was like watching Golf 20years ago. Dreadful. Simply dreadful.
I thought exactly the same. Why pay for an event and then hide on the Red Button. Shame it was not on as Sky as usual. Clearly Allis is past his sell-by date and, as you say, no commentator had any insight or any idea what was going on. It was as if they were reporting while sat in the studio in London. Truly appalling coverage and a total embarrassment.
Anyway, back to the excellent Sky coverage for this week’s event.
They *were* reporting from a studio in London (or somewhere in the UK). Ken Brown was broadcast from a studio at the start of the programme last night, and from time to time during play. Alliss (in his mid-80s) is too old to fly long haul.
Also, why does Alliss have to be so rude? He described one of the player’s trousers yesterday as being like a bit of carpet cut-off, and had numerous jibes to make at the expense of Luke Donald and Phil Mickleson throughout the weekend. The trouser pattern may not be to everyone’s taste but why be so unnecessarily rude?
The BBC really shouldn’t have gone for the broadcast rights at all if they couldn’t deliver the thing properly.
Alliss has always been a bit cheeky that way, both as a player and commentator. He has an anti-Establishment streak. Seem to recall that Henry Longhurst, who was for sure with Dan Maskell, Raymond Baxter and some of the TMS crew among the greatest commentators of all time, was not above the occasional inspired piece of golf commentary humour.
Remember candy-striped trousers?
Think it was HL who referred to one American who was a bit of a dandy, and occasionally took it to excess, as “getting his trousers for that round out of a toothpaste tube.” !
Earlier this year Sky were boasting on air that they had all 4 Golf majors. What I was told, and it may be wrong, is that the American PGA refused to sell the event to Sky simply because they didn’t want Sky to have a monopoly, and then offered it to BBC at a knockdown price. Hopefully they will learn the lesson that it’s better to let Sky have the monopoly than to have piss poor coverage of your event.
As a fan of track and field I watched the World Athletics Championships entirely on Eurosport this year, as I know from experience that the BBC will spend more time on studio chat than actually covering the athletics, especially when it comes to the field events. If the BBC can’t even cover sport properly now, how on earth can they continue to justify the licence fee?
The house of cards will fall apart if white people were to act as a group. Despite our supposed failings, we provide more tax money to the state than any other group – money that goes on benefits payments, hospitals and prisons for those whom we ‘oppress.’ If that group decided they were sick and tired of being sh*t on then certain minorities would really be in trouble.
All these terrible crimes committed against young white girls – they must be the most oppressed group by a mile. Yet if anyone tries to protect them they are a ‘Nazi.’ Yeah – persecution of people because of their racial background is just enrichment. Trying to stand up against it is the real Nazism.
Just as I am learning, via such as the BBC, that the concept of despicable, violent and indeed deadly protest is the sole province of white people not of the left.
I used to think it was the job of every good journo to double source and check facts but they only seem to do it to contradict Tories.
The BBC are exempt from this requirement and take shouty-Owen’s comments verbatim. There is no evidence whatsoever that he has any connections at all with the higher-ups in the EU, and someone should call him out for some of the claims he makes.
Being listen the Ken Bruce show to get away from the bias of Brexit, Trump and Charlottesville on the radio and television talk shows. Bruce is off this week but they’ve got some mega- star called Trevor Bailey (me neither) who’s presenting in his place. After a while listening it dawned on me that most of the music played was of black origin. Now knowing that we’ve got such bean counters as Maxi on this site I went to the BBC programme page and had a look at the playlists…..and sure enough I was proved correct.
I too am surviving on Benylin and Lemsip because of Typhoid Mary (Mrs Cassie). The BBC and the press are carrying a story about how St. Mo now wants to be known as ‘Mohammed’ because he doesn’t like how he is being presented in the media e.g. questions are being asked about his trainer and drugs, missing drug tests etc. The fawning of BBC presenters reached a low point this week when two of them said they were blessed to (paraphrase) see Bolt competing; and saying that athletes were in awe of Farah.
I’m old enough to remembers when BBC reporters and commentators were objective and referred to sportsmen by their surnames; e.g. “The bowler’s Holding the batsman’s Willey.”
With the maniacal call to worship at the sporting altar with SirMo and Usane…and enjoy Ms Didier Drogba win all his girly races?
And with the slavish obedience to Stalinist Kim Jong Un, tears over losing the Referendum in our streets…with riots over the loss of Nandos or deaths of drug dealers, sperm bankers and babyfathers?
Think this is how Dresden or Bratisalva must have seemed in 1988. Certainly this is a Pink Communist tribute act of a country at the moment.
Sport and Propaganda, Martyrs and Show Trials for historical wrongs?
How more Soviet do we get then?
Soviet or European Union….same aims.
It wouldn’t surprise me if a large percentage of the population don’t even know that “Sir Mo” is in fact “Mohammed”. When she first heard of him a few years back, my dear old mum thought he must be an Irishman called Maurice “Mo” Farrer, a belief which lasted until she actually saw a picture of him.
He may have shot himself in the foot, so to speak.
What a bunch of jealous silly billies we all are – being suspicious about the soon to be Sir Mohammed’s association with Salazar and the missing drugs tests.
When Sir Mohammed starts his own leading sports personality management and consultancy agency maybe he should call it something like “Nuff Respect” – actually thats been done – how about “Not Enough Respect” instead.
I wonder what his true “legacy” really will be. I suspect it will consist of not much more than a string of sponsorship deals and of course the “Mobot” I love doing it – it really does make me feel as if Sir Mo and I share something very special.
I love how the Beeb have to use a picture of the confederate flag and a Klan member on the Charlottesville headline main image. Not suggested viewpoint at all.
I really do tire of the Beeb. We used to laugh at Russian state television but this is exactly what the Beeb is apart from that it doesn’t have the state’s interests at heart but it’s own. Why aren’t ITV scenting the blood in the water and playing on people’s growing frustrations?
Watched the “Dukes of Hazzard” movie on Prime the other day (critique: don’t).
There was a vaguely funny moment when they take General Lee on an urban adventure, apparently without noticing the roof decoration, and many merry japes ensued.
Totally as would have happened in real life, say if having an Israeli flag badge on your rucksack having overshot Golders Green and ended up in Tower Hamlets.
Yes, the Confederates have to be vilified for their bid for independence and slavery, even though some Unionists owned slaves. But the main aim of the BBC is to link them with extremist violence thereby tarring them all with the same brush, so to speak. Yes, straight out of the Marxist textbook and totally dishonest. The BBC bring you all the Fake News, all the time. Exterminate !
Payne: Because it is not in the interest of anyone in TV for the BBC to stop paying ludicrously high salaries. It sets the level for the whole industry.
Endemic grooming gangs and terrorism: absolutely nothing to do with The Religion of Peace. Any connection hushed up and manipulated, though the three are so connected they could be Siamese triplets.
A single rally: Trump personally planned and rejoiced in it and will be having David Duke and the other 5 extant KKK members in his cabinet. Every conceivable association between Trump and the rally is built up, manipulated and shoved down our throats.
On their news briefing this morning they read three different editorials from left wing publications about how bad Trump is. It is so biased it is farcical.
Trump and Bannon etc surely knew that all this would be relentless and contrived. Classic Alinsky, Zinn and Gramsci.
Bannon and Miller, Kellyanne etc are clever people-hopefully refusing to get off the bus, let alone let themselves be thrown under it.
I write bits on Women For Trump type sites in the USA, as well as the usual Breitbart USA links.
I cite Ruth in the bible-where America goes, so do we (Churchill did the same, mind)
Hope plenty others this side of the pond show our respect and thanks for DJT and his gang of outlaws-they are always pleased that we watch their shows and know what CNN are up to as well.
This crap about Americans being insular is lefty stereotyping-they need to know we British are NOT the BBC approved scum that they get led to believe speak for the real Englsh, Scots, Welsh and Ulster.
My line dancing isn`t great, but I`m enthusiastic, thank the Lord that I missed out on the cheerleading.
… after the Newcastle child sex grooming scandal and trial – of some of the criminals – yet another trial is scheduled …
what MP, now dead & much sainted, failed to listen to local child sex facts and thus faiked victims of the molesters ?
Rochdale or Rotherham, was it, lads ?
Unusually, it was the BBC and not Sky which had coverage of the final Golf Major of the year, the US PGA. A vital blow was struck by the eventiual winner Justin Thomas when he chipped in from off the green about two-thirds through the round. There was a great roar. The next shot showed his main challenger Hideki Matsuyama preparing to putt. Commentary from Barbara Madill: “he’ll have heard the roar and be wondering what’s happened”. Oh, yeah? Matsuyama was playing with Justin Thomas, you careless, unprepared, commentator.
Just one example of the lameness of the coverage. Others are listed in the thread above, but for me the best quote came when Alliss announced how overcast the weather was (on day 2), and within 3 minutes coverage shifted to an interview with Paul Casey (one of the few player interviews) who said how great the weather was, not a cloud in the sky!
Also good to see Ian Poulter castigate the boy Richie Persaud for focusing on the negative aspects of his round, last night!
Yes, I thought it would be impossible for the BBC to cover the PGA without adding a diversity element. And so it was. Another no-nothing to go with the rest of the team. Peter Alliss maybe knew his stuff 20 years but his commentary is way out of date and he is not up to date with the current batch of tour players.
This must be the worst sports coverage ever by the BBC.
Thanks for posting that clip. I have been unaware of Brendan O’Neill, but will make an effort to track down more clips and articles by him. No surprise of course he is not to be seen on Al Beeb. Good to see Peter Tatchell listening quietly and occasionally nodding in agreement – he can veer between a pain in the !!! and admirable.
What a treat to watch a ‘person’ speak his views without constant interruption from an ill-informed and biased BBC presenter or a carefully selected audience!
I’m surprised that the BBC even bother with golf as surely it’s too ‘hideously white’ now that Tiger is a spent force and as it seems to be the favourite pastime of Trump every club must be a recruiting ground for the KKK.
Maybe that’s why their coverage has been shit, on purpose, although I dare say that Women’s golf, with Clare Balding and Naga of course, is soon to be on our beloved BBC and will be pushed as much as the female football, rugby and cricket which the BBC didn’t actually care enough about to secure the rights to.
Thanks this gives me an opportunity to explain : The BBC is a network that profits from all the ADVERTISING it shows.
Sports is emphatically tied to advertisers and advertising placards… The BBC plays it’s part by providing a wide platform free of other advertising it is very useful to sponsors/advertisers.
The payback for the BBC is that it is able to pay less for sports rights than commercial channels.. It gets to fill hours and hours cheaply and gets the prestige as well.
Hence Gary Linekers high salary.. He is part of the commercial world package , there’s £millions in that whole deal so he is able to negotiate a salary that a shoe string history programme guy isn’t.
I was waiting for some proper coverage of the BBC salary issue to come up and explain stuff like that, but I never saw any ..the writers preferred to bang on about the salaries of 34 women instead.
So the BBC can signal their virtues, trumpet loudly their support for minority sports and the politics of the participants of the minority sports and cheerlead for equality without any financial risk? Surely there is never any financial risk as their income is guaranteed and there does not seem to be any performance related accountability? So why such poor coverage?
Unless I suppose it’s not about sports coverage or supporting minority sports, rather it’s about appearing to support them, gaining kudos and prestige and a chance to stand on the moral midden and crow loudly, all whilst spending as little as possible on the product and passing the savings on to the talent, front and back of house. Then bemoaning an inability to compete with the greedy capitalist corporations without additional funding, a plucky underdog against Murdochs’ might.
So not only useless, but dishonest as well.
Not a lightbulb moment, I did know I disliked the BBC, I’ve just found another reason.
For years now the BBC types have only ever known of “To Kill A Mockingbird”, “Grapes Of Wrath”, “Mississippi Burning”.
And, of course Springsteen and his fake Tom Joad persona.
If they`d had kids(doubt that)-then all their kids would have done in history is how Hitler was a bad man and the US migrants took all the native American lands.
So we`ve had two generations now of this fake teaching and media mindsliming by the progressives. No wonder then that the Antifa thugs and their elephant traps have been funded by Soros and filmed by CNN.
The BBC calls these thugs “civil rights activists”.
Wish I`d remembered that one as we marched in the Countryside Alliance- PETA shouted out that we were “fascist scum and animal holocaust guards”…and the BBC sure as hell never thought of us as “civil rights activists” back then.
When Repubicans get shot by Bernie and Hillary supporters-did the BBC give a damn about those victims? Course not.
Yes the BBC’s ignorance of the history of the USA is breath-taking. But , their ignorance of everything except transgenderism and baking is breath-taking.
Great fan of America Grant, as are most of us here no doubt. Having seen Marcus Brigstockes apppalling Yankee accent on “Oklahoma” the other night-as well as his Iranian migrant guff that some might think racist if they wanted to-I wonder if we can excuse the Charlotteville local difficulties on Marcus provoking them via his cultural appropriations?
Might be thugs-but could well be good theatre critics cheesed off by this slur on the best of the South.
Just fact “some people are saying that……”
Apropos of Sir Arthur above.
Surely the BBC need to be circumspect here as they always are when Muslims do it.
” A car seemed to lose its control and knock over a jaywalker” maybe?
Would hate to smear all whites with the same brush now wouldn`t we BBC?
… what a sour BBC R4 introduction to the week … Today, this morning, was more like an old fashioned Woman’s Hour than an energetic source of news and fact … ultra virtue signalling, in piece after rehearsed piece, culminating with an apparently British male sorrowfully ***Apologising On Behalf of the British People*** for an alleged Asia massacre long ago – rancid, marxy, anti West etc etc – at which point we switched to a Santa Fe Institute podcast …
BBC making a big ‘thing’ about the partition of India and Pakistan which took place August 15th 1947. A division between Hindu’s and Muslims because, “they couldn’t live together” (point made by one BBC interviewee earlier).
A few facts that the BBC would probably prefer their viewers/listeners to not dwell upon in the saga:
India primarily Hindu: The sixth largest economy in the World; One of the G-20 major economies; Average growth rate of 7% over the past 20 years. –
Pakistan primarily muslim: The twenty-fourth largest economy in the World; “..after decades of war and social instability, as of 2013, serious deficiencies in basic services such as railway transportation and electric power generation had developed. The economy is semi-industrialized…” –
view this against the backdrop of a broken Europe being rebuilt after the war and even rationing in the UK until 1954. Why is it that Europe rebuilt its economies in double-quick time, followed by India after Partition when Pakistan has, to date been unable to create an enduring economy?
For a resume of the history leading up to the 15th August 1947 –
I extract the conclusion of the researcher – “The conclusion I reached from my research is that in March 1947 the Muslims started large-scale violence, mainly against Sikhs but also against Hindus, in the Muslim-majority districts of northern Punjab. Yet at the end of that year more Muslims had been killed in East Punjab than Hindus and Sikhs together in West Punjab.”
I trust there’s a message for the muslims.
The BBC always get it wrong. Muslims and Hindus lived together in peace for hundreds of years. The violence occurred under unique circumstances. But Beeboids do not do history, they are, by definition , ignorant.
I don’t know about Pakistan, but India’s economy really took off once it abandoned centrally planned state socialism/protectionism in the 1990s, in favour of free market capitalism. When I first visited the country back then the police had Lee Enfield MK4 rifles and motorcycles left over from WW2, and the only car available was the Hindustan Ambassador, which was basically the Morris Oxford of the early 50s. When I returned a couple of years ago, urban India in technological terms had changed almost beyond recognition. I wonder if the BBC will be mentioning this?
Swarm – yes. Although the standard lefty answer to that is that it was done only as means of more easily plundering the country. There is an element of truth in that of course – but India is unlikely to have come into being as a modern democratic nation without things like railways, roads, the telegraph, a postal system, the rule of law, and a common language (English). Plus many of its nationalist leaders benefitted from a British university education where they picked up ideas of 19th century romantic nationalism coupled with socialism. So Britain may have ‘plundered’ colonial India, but it also gave birth to modern India.
Think one of the strengths of India may be (the BBC will not like this) but it is a collection of States that have a measure of independence but are one nation. That means that Communism and Socialism can be quarantined to an extent, hence the progress you refer to above.
The motives were often mixed, but vast resources were pumped into India, often to the detriment of this country. At one point, the amount of silver going from here to India nearly caused a collapse in the Engish economy. And, like most of the Empire, India was run ‘at a loss’ during the 20th Century. In 1931, the Indian government banned the import of finished cotton goods and thread from Great Britain, resulting in the mass closure of the mills in Lancashire (later visited by Gandhi himself, to see the resultant poverty). How does that fit into the standard liberal/BBC worldview? The answer is: it doesn’t, matters were a lot more complex. It has been speculated that the obsessions with race and immigration by the upper middle classes and their offspring reflect a deep psychological need for the days of Empire: they have missed out on the opportunity to lord it over the natives in exotic climes, so they will bring the natives to them and do it at home in a more gentile fashion.
Those old enough will have heard of the film “The Americanisation of Emily”. Now we have another ……. “The Westernisation of Nadya”. Having seen umpteen trailers for yet another cook show, she’s undergone a complete transformation, from wearing several (or the same one) black hijab and black coveralls on Bake Off, to natty little coloured turbans, – and shock horror, exposing her chin and neck, accessorised with a rainbow of coloured tops ! She’s also shown dancing around to MUSIC !!! hello, but I thought Muslims didn’t ‘do’ enjoyment. She’ll be shown next with a gin and tonic in hand 🙂 Clearly the producers thought she would be more ‘people acceptable’ dressed in garb that cannot be found in any good sari shop.
There was a muslim cashier at my bank in Gambia, Awa, who always wore little make-up and a headscarf. One day, she suddenly had make-up and no headscarf . I said ” Awa, what is this ? Christian boyfriend ? “. Maybe , Nadya….???
With all the ‘westernising’ taking place, she should watch out as she increasingly runs the risk of incurring the wrath of her fellow muzzies – and that may well lead to them taking some violent action against her. She couldn’t get away with it in Saudi.
Brissles, I’ve noticed that softening of the standard ‘brusque; Islamic attire. You know the one where on the tube you find yourself entering a carriage (with many others) and then on spotting the person dressed from head to toe in black, you all migrate to other carriages. Why a certain Yasmin stated that was ‘Islamophobic’ no it bloody well isn’t. And yet for this mode of dress which western Muslims tell us all is an expression of their faith, the liberal sycophants who defend them never seem to mention how in pure Islamic countries , woman are arrested, tortured, raped, jailed and even killed for not covering up.
The bBBC are going full blast at the 70th anniversary of…..of what exactly….the ending of the British Raj????
Why? Just another multiculti narrative variant ????
On the 1 pm news we AGAIN had a big thing about the partition and by inference British failings…..but nothing really on why it came about.
Which was because the Muslim league and its leader Ali Jinnah insisted on a separate Muslim state. Which we now call Pakistan. He could not be persuaded to support a one state independence solution.
The bBBC are being very sheepish on this point.
It was left to local school children being interviewed as to how that history is taught in their schools to give the best approximation to the facts.
A most enlightening moment when local Indian and Pakistani schoolchildren give a better description of history than the biased BBC !!!!!!!!
Do note all this celebration of the establishment of a rump state that was partitioned from India in response to Muslims citing the need for their own state so as not to be defiled by Sikhs and Hindus. This is Pakistan. August 1947.
Next May will commemorate the establishment of another state, partitioned after Balfour and WW1, But not agreed to, or allowed until millions of Jews had been needlessly and brutally slaughtered or made stateless..and after 30 years and a European Holocaust for its Jews.
This will be Israel-like Pakistan it will be seventy years old. May 1948.
Any chance of the BBC being so cock-a-hoop over necessary rights to self-determination for Israel, as it is for Pakistan…why does one never get its right to exist questioned..yet the other gets nothing else BUT questions and criticisms, especially via UN cipher states amd lefties?
On a lighter note.
The 1 o clock tv news had Rita Chakribati reporting live from Lahore.
They had put her presentation position right next to a loudspeaker for the local Mosque calling the faithful to prayer. It totally drowned her out and so she was inaudible. She carried on without making reference to it. It was absolutely bizarre.
Such professionalism and yours for only £4bn a year.
Times page 11 : Tfl withdraw children’s traffic book after Female Muslims points point out that trying to be PC and showing a child in a Hijab, they are sexualising childrens and facilitating the oppression of Muslim women.
Women’s rights campaigner Gina Khan, told The Times: “You are sexualising a four-year-old girl. It is as simple…
Everywhere the TfL logo appears we are reminded it is endorsed by the Mayor of London
For example – the TfL mission statement:
‘TfL is a statutory body created by the Greater London Authority (GLA) Act 1999. This Act gives the Mayor of London a general duty to develop and apply policies to promote and encourage safe, integrated, efficient and economic transport facilities and services to, from and within London’
By the way, I don’t know if anyone was looking forward to this bridge but Little Man Knan has scrapped it
.@BBCNews always claims it airs 'all sides of debate'. And yet the public is relentlessly bombarded by propaganda promoting war.
Tuning in at 5pm apparently it’s Pakistan Day on the BBC News Channel
Our Reeta Chakrabarti (English degree from Oxford, so hardly the typical daughter of immigrants to this country from Bengal) introduces us to a Pakistani young woman intended to give us some insights into her young nation – except she is introduced as a “social media comedienne” – realising I will learn only about liberal elite concerns and absolutely nothing about the attitudes of the mass of Pakistanis, I switch off
Got to say that I`m likely to be happier than most with this “Indian” theme.
OTT of course, but not nerly as offensive to me as the enforced gay themed hoopla over these last few weeks.
Guess that summer gets all this filler, because it saves them having to cook their agendas freshly every day. Pre-baked cliched tropes for their Guardian munching chums. That said, my sister lives near Southall, and have always felt safe and happy when i`ve gone there.
Do like the Indian culture, they`re quite right to dislike the Pakistani one that they know only too well.
Was in Bombay(yes, I know!) way back and saw a culture on the rise-despite their well-known serious problems, the Indians seem to like and respect we former colonials. And I liked them too.
So yes the Guru-Murthys and Chakrabhatis can make you sick-but real India is a coming friend post-Brexit, and we`ll surely be needing their mutual affections again.
None of this remotely applies to Pakistan-which would terrify me, despite their rare existing nods to our empire efforts re railways, buildings and legal systems.
Every day is some kind of day now at the BBC, if only to keep 20,000 staff with too many channels and not enough content occupied punting out ‘something’.
As a matter of interest did they get excited about previous ‘days’ of significance in Pakistan’s history, or does the BBC staffing quota need to hit a certain level before they get interested in the old country?
R4 5 o’clock news. They really are relentless in their efforts to get him out. He condems acts of violence on all sides. Seems a pretty balanced view to me but not good enough for the Beeb. Unless he comes out and says murder by a white person is worse than that of any other ethnic gender I feel he’s on a hiding to nothing.
It`s what they do.
Scaramucchi said as much on US telly yesterday.
Won`t work as long as he`s got Bannon and true patriots watching his back and attacking for him, like Gorka, Gingrich and Miller(S).
Sooner we get Ted Malloch over here to crush the Eurovison crap we get freely on our “news”, the better-why on earth has he not appointed a load of true believers to excise Obamas holdover tumours?
Synch, with an arrest made, does not the President have to be careful – especially in the lawyer loaded USA – about prejudicial statements that may be taken as concerning the accused, before a trial can be held?
Good point snuff. Trouble is that MSM only like to point out the due process of law when it suits. Can you imagine Sopel mentioning this in his recent reports.
Donald ought to know better than most.
“Don`t Feed The Trolls”. Even when its disguised as MSN.
THe Lefty Trolls need starving and repeated scorn, bile and physical shunning-they ought to pay for lies and sedition.
And if they want violence-then they`re welcome because we`re the new Jews. No ghettoes for us, I can assure you…the last of the line has nowhere else to go.
As others have mentioned the bBC keeps on parroting on how the Brits fucked up with the partition of India. Yet not once have they mentioned that one of the agreements of India helping the Mother counntry fight the axis (They actually threatened to withdraw from the war or in the case of the Muslims, side with Japan) was for them to earn their independence. This started off on the right foot with the 1946 Cabinet Mission to India for planning of the transfer of power from the British Raj to the Indian leadership (that was in May 1946) 3 months later the Muslim league under Muhammad Ali Jinnah (The father of Pakistan) not happy with how fast things were going and worried that Muslims wouldn’t get their own little homeland declared a Direct Action Day which resulted in Muslim started riots which saw 4000 people killed and 100,000 injured Scared of further bloodshed, (There had been a previous riot in feb 1946 in the city where 41 people were killed) the British under Mountbatten noting how the riot was conducted in the most organised manner decided to speed thing up in which to spare further bloodshed. Lets be honest here, (And I’m the child of Indian parents who came here in the 50s) the Uk whilst not squeaky clean, are not the ones to blame, for that I would point the finger at the Muslim league.
My father never had a good word to say about Jinnah.
Later, I got to see the Cartier-Bresson (I think) portrait of Jinnah and it did him no favours. Seemed rather telling, just like Alfie Eisenstaedt’s famous photo of Goebbels: the inner man made plain for all to see.
I have been interested that in subsequent anniversaries of 1947/48 (10 and 20 years ago) the BBC have appeared to be doing a revisionist job on Jinnah. It could be that when I was young he was harshly judged but, as I have already posted, the last few days on R4 – today, especially – it seems to me that India is in the dock, along with the UK of course.
My late father had much the same view of Jinnah. But Jinnah was a muslim , so the BBC love him. In their twisted minds , there is no such thing as a bad muslim.
Grant, I’m all for a rigorous examination of history, especially if somebody may have been treated badly, but somebody stirred up trouble between Muslims & Hindus and not many people appeared to try to halt it, Jinnah included. To be fair, it is said that he realised too late how badly things would go and, IIRC, made a last minute trip to the UK to ask for help but thanks to his previous ‘demands’, he’d put some F&CO noses out of joint and he was given a frosty reception.
The fact that a repetition was held between East and West Pakistan within a quarter century says it all really. Middle East apart, we have had the same old, same-oh in China, Indonesia, Russia and several African countries.
Ironic rather, that one place where two and a bit branches of Islam and Christians and Jews rubbed along together pretty well – Damascus and western Syria – was turned into a bloodbath by Muslim outsiders stirring up other Syrians.
Watched some attempted “Partition” thing on BBC2 last night. Utter junk-like Blue Peter.
Nice enough bland kids (girl from India, lad from Pakistan and Burnley)…but steered well away from what caused the division-and why-70 years on-it`s no batter today. Easier to emote and blame the Raj and Mountbatten for all the problems.
Islam given its usual clean bill of health from the BBC-to do other would get the poppets into trouble.
Making inroads into Douglas Murray’s latest book . Superb. But the time will come soon when it will be illegal to publish a book like this. In fact , even possession may be a crime . A new dark age is approaching . Am I being paranoid ?
No mate. Sadly, you’re not. The death of free speech is only a symptom, but as telling and as ominous as flecks of blood in your hankie. The depth and darkness of that dark age will be terrifying to behold. And its onset is likely to be a lot swifter and more sudden than people think.
Back in the day, I served in Bosnia. It was a sobering experience, mainly because the people involved were Europeans, just like us. There were many reminders of how like the people back home they actually were. Talking to the locals, the thing they all seemed taken aback by was how fast it all happened. They were just ordinary folks like us, worrying about paying the bills and kids’ schools, the usual stuff. There were factional differences, but most people just rubbed along. Two weeks later they were hiding in the rubble of their homes, dodging snipers and mortar fire, eating dogs and cats to survive, and life would never be the same again. There was bad shit done by both sides, as in all civil wars, but funny old thing, both the EU and the BBC sided with the Muslims as being the “victims”, even back then.
We are heading down the same path and the liberal-lefty trendies like the morons at Al Beebazeera seem to be clapping their hands at the prospect, without ever seeming to see the consequences of what they are promoting, or their own complete inability to survive it.
Trouble is, once you go over that particular cliff, there’s no way back.
I don’t think many Beeboids do love Islam, Grant. They fear it, and like a fearful spouse, put up a show of love in the hope that someday he will change.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
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(my cartoon on the past week’s events for those who didn’t catch Friday’s Korea posting
(my cartoon on the past week’s events for those who didn’t catch Friday’s Korea posting
(my cartoon on the past week’s events for those who didn’t catch Friday’s Korea posting
Just like buses?
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JimS – I wonder if it’s the one Sadiq Khan’s dad drives?
Last week Radio 3’s Essential Classics continued its exercise in promoting the BBC’s own by interviewing Clive Myrie, the newsreader whose face merges with the shadows. (Wouldn’t it be nice if the BBC gave space for people who aren’t their pals for a change?).
During the week we were told that Mr Myrie had worked as a correspondent, not just as an autocue reader. Now I know that music is a personal thing and we can have different emotions on hearing a given piece but I did choke on my proverbial cornflakes when he told us that Giacomo Puccini’s O mio babbino caro made him glad to feel alive when, in translation the words read something like:
“Yes, yes, I want to go there!
And if my love were in vain,
I would go to the Ponte Vecchio
And throw myself in the Arno!
I am anguished and tormented!
Oh God, I’d want to die!
Papa, have pity, have pity!
Papa, have pity, have pity!”
Can we really trust this man’s skills as a correspondent?
Jim, I guess that in comparison to the character singing, anyone would feel glad to be alive!
Jon Sopel on tonight’s news. Full of his own opinions despite clear statements from the Whitehouse. Chooses to put his own interpretation on the events to suit the beeb narrative. Yet again no balanced reporting.As I was saying earlier, if this was on Hilary”s watch it would be off the main news by now. Another reporter saying that this could be happening in many cities in America. If I was the US ambassador I might be asking Lord Hall on what basis these comments are made. Can I for one assure any US citizens following our state broadcaster that the coverage given to your President does not reflect the opinions of a lot of our populace.
I avoid watching the BBC news now as they have given up reporting years ago. They have absolutely no interest in anything other than spinning out the latest propaganda line of the Left. As a source of information they are absolutely useless, not only because they are so unreliable, but because everything they say is saturated in that day’s Leftist spin. I cannot emphasize enough how useless the BBC is as a news provider. It is bad enough being a national embarrassment, but more importantly it is a direct and constant threat to our free society. It works in accordance with the Leftist playbook of narrowing the debate and seeking to predetermine its conclusions. I cannot emphasize too much how I despise the BBC, and resent being forced to pay for those lying sanctimonious Guardian reading twats.
A few miles from where I live the world championship athletics has been taking place and Sunday night it ended. Al Beeb really tried to hype it in the way they go way overboard when they like something or someone. But instead they presented a less than magical set of programmes with little for Blighty to celebrate. It will all be forgotten pretty quickly – apart from the South African bloke who kept running in women’s races . And Jeremy corbin dressed as some kind of furry rodent .
Our local Look North.was celebrating that the first Syrian family have been housed in the county, a father, a mother and three children. They had to leave two married daughters behind. They had been here a year and yet managed not a word of English, not even haltingly. What have they been doing with their time? And how soon before they can bring their daughters and the daughters’ families to the UK.
The use of “I don’t speak English” is a common ploy used by immigrants in which to garner a better deal. Be it court cases, (OH if you pretend not to know the language, you can claim you don’t know the law) Benefits, etc.. How do I know this, I was taught it by my immigrant father. (I never did) Years ago on leave, I missed my train , so thinking I was clever, I paid for a coach to Leeds from London (big mistake) anyway the guy in the seat in front of me , was talking like a Jamaican to the guy who was sat next to him. When it transpired they had both gone to the same school in Huddersfield, he dropped the Jamaican Patois and started speaking in a broad Yorkshire accent. That taught me all I needed to know about an inability to speak English.
“What have they been doing with their time?” – The ‘advance guard’? – counting the benefits (jizya) and no doubt numerous visits to NHS facilities. Oh! and probably sussing out where the mosque could be built……………
I have just found out that BBC broadcaster Jim al-Khalili has tweeted: “There should be NO debate any more about climate change”. Probably that attitude is why Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists are unable to debate Climate science at Conferences held on University property. British Universities are no longer places for the older generation to pass down knowledge through debate with the younger generation. Also, Michael Mann was found in contempt of court for refusing to hand over the data documents and computer codes for his fraudulent Hockey Stick graph. Criminal prosecution is expected to follow.
Oddly, the Climate Science Conference and the Timothy Ball versus Michael Mann court case seem to be completely under Media censorship by Journalists. Scientists taking on the roll of amateur Journalists seems to be an ever increasing need.
Richard, strictly speaking, J-a-K is right although he would not be in exact agreement when I agree with him and emphasise that there has always been climate change in the past and there is quite likely to be some climate change in the future but that humankind cannot control its weather, let alone its climate.
He’s kinda missing the fundamental of science isn’t he, that it’s never really done and settled and should always be questioned.
I think it was from this website that I read about an alternative theory from global warming relating to pressure and not carbon dioxide. The scientists arguing this new theory referenced that the whole carbon dioxide theory comes from measuring the effects of air and carbon dioxide in a closed box which is hardly reflective of the atmosphere is it?
I watched a recent pointless fluff piece on the BBC about the ‘truth about alcohol’. In it this A&E doctor (trying his hand at presenting) mentioned how they used to prescribe baileys, whisky or gin as a nightcap to help patients get to sleep. Funny how that science was challenged and not closed for debate meaning that they no longer do it.
Payne, yes … is that the one we were taught at Secondary School, if not at Primary School, about the hot bit of rock rattling around the sun, then the cold ice covered lump, then some more ‘Climate Change’ and hey ho, it’s all “Hi! (waving) We’re over here!” ?
Dammit! I thought I kept up with all the real climate news from reliable sources – GWPF, Paul Homewood, Jo Novo, No Tricks Zone, Climate Audit, WUWT, Climate Change Dispatch – all of which are on my ‘favourites’ list for ready reading, but I missed the key news that Michael Mann had been found in contempt. So thanks, RP, for posting the link. I look forward with keen anticipation to heavy damages being awarded. Likewise, there now should be wonderful outcomes both to Mann’s legal action against Mark Stein, and to Mark Stein’s counter-action against Mann. Naturally, nothing has been said on the BBC. As you say, a complete blank. ‘Jim’ al-Khalili should know better, and his remarks cast doubt on his understanding of the scientific method.
Em Mann has NOT yet been found in contempt of court.
So the headline is like marketing speak
Actually Mann would seem to have put himself in contempt if court, although the judge hasn’t spoken.
And Mann has a lot of friends.
Jim as in Jameel (Syrian)
Mo as in Mohammed
BBC as in lefty multicultural propaganda machine.
BBC 2: Secrets of Silicon Valley:
The BBC reveals how Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg inadvertently helped Trump to victory, by revealing how Social Media can be used to spread misinformation and influence voters.
I presume this could refer to Trumps scientifically informed opinion that man-made Climate Change is a hoax, which would be regarded by the BBC’s environmental activists as misinformation. Also, “influence voters” could mean Facebook revealing the criminality of Hilary Clinton censored by the BBC.
While BBC fake news about Russian conspiracy theories continues around the Trump Presidency. BBC censorship of Democratic National Committee emails that conclusively prove that former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and others colluded in order to deny Bernie Sanders the party’s nomination, inspiring Seth Rich to leak information to Wikileaks. Information probably obtained from Imran Awan who has been charged with fraud and other crimes connected to stealing and selling equipment and classified information. Also censored by the BBC is a report by a group of former NSA agents indicating that last year’s DNC “hack” was a leak from inside the DNC.
But the BBC does not reveal how it influences voters by spreading misunderstanding of issues through the use of censorship of information.
The BBC does not reveal how it influences voters by spreading disinformation obtained from environmental activists, about climate science and what scientists think and the scientific papers that they talk about.
Personally, I do not get my information from Facebook, but presumably most people now obtain information from Facebook censored by the BBC, and then confirm the truth of this information from more reliable or core sources.
That’s why better informed people would vote for Trump, Brexit and would regard the causes of Climate Change to be 100% natural
The BBC is a textbook example of abuse of power. The first Information Revolution programme sought to explain why free markets are bad, and the second why Trump stole the election. I had to laugh when the software predicted that the BBC journalist was politically on the Left. Scarily accurate he said! For my next trick I predict the Sun will rise tomorrow.
When the story of the conviction of a Muslim paedophile gang broke recently, there was nothing on the CBBC Newsround Channel. You would think the BBC would warn English girls to avoid “Asians” chanting Allahu Akbar and offering them sweets. But no, there was nothing. Instead they warn our kids not to commit Islamophobia, telling them that Islam means peace, and Muslims are victims all around the world.
This is in complete contrast to the BBC’s response to the recent protest in Charlottesville. These protests were organised to protest the recent decision to remove statues of Confederate heroes from public buildings and parks. This follows the removal of the Confederate flag from state government buildings. The BBC focused on the fringe element of the protest labelling the whole protest as an action of white supremacists. Not only was this story headlined everywhere on the BBC news webpages – it is also the lead story on the CBBC Newsround channel – both the homepage and its news section.
Propagandizing children. It’s what the BBC do. They give themselves awards for doing it. Absolute conformity is required. Anybody who goes out and finds out and thinks about stuff for themselves (especially if they are intelligent) is a threat. They just spoon out their Leftism and hope it turns out mirror images of themselves. They have absolutely zero belief in humanity these “educationalists”. I am struck how young people these days feel that all they have to do is strike the correct political attitudes. Engaging in any reality is not required. Just parrot the creed.
Australia’s Richard Branson launches Control Immigration campaign
MSM react by picturing him with a devil’s pitchfork
Hi StewGreen – the MainStream Media photoshop images all the time to fake and twist the news.
We have already seen recently how the CNN and BBC faked a Muslim response to the London June 3rd attack in London, handing out flowers and their own A3 printed messages to a small group of actresses, pretending they represented a London Muslim response showing solidarity and support to all the London victims and were against all such Muslim attacks.
I bet the BBC are guilty of exactly the same behaviour. We know that they manipulate the news , suppress what they don’t want us to see and hear and probably fake things they would like to be ‘real’ just like CNN have been caught doing. The biggest spreaders of fake news are the Liberal left MSM.
The Beeb have reporters in both Lahore and Delhi to ‘report’ on the 1947 partition. Could they not just stay in England and read from Wikipedia, thereby stopping some poor and vulnerable person not being fined and perhaps imprisoned for not paying they tv tax? Why on earth do they both have to be on the ground to report on something that happened so long ago?
The weekend rally is a wet dream for the Beeb. Trump is literally a white nationalist. The fact that he condemned all the violence is not enough – he should have specifically condemned the ‘far right.’ Yeah the peaceful side who just want to exercise their first amendment rights, as opposed to the far left ‘counter-demonstrators’ who clearly incited all the violence and openly promote ‘black nationalism’ and incited a spate of shootings of Police officers recently. It is Antifa, the modern day brown shirts, who should be condemned.
So many ad hominem attacks: ‘white nationalist’ and ‘far right.’ It is so lazy. The Left is so emotionally incontinent. As Milo says, they classify anything right of Jane Fonda is Hitler. Why can’t you just refute people’s arguments without having to call them names and get violent?
Super serious faces on the BBc sofa sloths as the report on Charlottesville. Again all the facts are not known. Was the killer a white supremacist? Some US sites are saying not. Also the video they at showing doesn’t include a mob attacking the car and what appears to be the victim jumping on the boot. See what it looks like when all the facts are in. And back to smiley faces it’s athletics.
I condemn the far right, the extreme right, the hard right, the firm right, white supremacists and all their violence. I condemn black supremacists, the firm left, the hard left, the extreme left, the far left and all their violence.
I also condemn violence, if any, from centrists.
Specific enough?
OK now?
Me too. Only I am now unsure if some will feel condemnation as a term goes far right, or left, enough.
The BBC has accused, impartially, and the White House has duly obliged with a ‘defence’.
Here’s Katty Kay’s strictly impartial partner ‘analysing’ in the BBC’s daily email for the hard of independent thought:
“Why Trump’s response is no surprise
Clues for how the president would react to such a situation were scattered across his presidential campaign. In February 2016, Mr Trump initially declined to disavow support from the Klu Klux Klan and David Duke, the former Klan leader who became a Louisiana Republican politician. If, as Mr Trump’s critics suggest, his statements following the Charlottesville incident were yet another “dog whistle” to white supremacists, there’s evidence that the message was clearly heard.
Read full analysis >
Anthony Zurcher
North America reporter”
a new track sport is sure to appeal to the BBC! The Aussie TV news recently covered a snail race, in which a competitor (named Uslime Bolt) slithered along its mucus trail to the winning post. What’s the appeal for our favourite broadcaster? Most snails are hermaphrodites. If an athlete gets to choose which sex organs it most enjoys using, what does a Beeboid commentator care if it takes six hours to cover a two-foot track?
I am thinking of entering the next race with a trio named Mollusc Farrah, Sebastian Slow and Steve Slowvett. (Or possible Stephanie Slowvett? I wouldn’t want to offend a transitioning gastropod.) But where the hell do you buy a racing snail?
You missed out semen-ya ?
Listened to R4 Farming today on the way to work. Apparently migrant workers are leaving Scotland for fear of Brexit and the Norwegians are welcoming them with open arms according to the report. Really!!!
Was just speaking to a farmer friend here in sunny Perthshire ( not so sunny today, cold, mist and rain ). Mentioned your point and it was news to him ! Beware BBC Fake News especially anything to do with Brexit.
Migrant workers don’t turn up here because they love Britain, they come because they want a job. As long as the job is open and they get paid, they will stay. No-one is proposing that legal EU workers will be deported. If they are going to Norway (non EU of course), it will be because there is more money to be had. It is purely a commercial transaction.
Hangon they said Guest workers are leaving UK cos of Brexit
… and going to work in NON-EU Norway instead ?
doh !
Wonderful moment on TODAY at 7am just after the Time Signal: the spell checker had the date on the script as April and The Humph, reading on autopilot, did not spot it on time!
Should not an organisation with a £4bn income have graduate staff capable of script writing without a spellchecker?
You don’t get much for £600,000 a year these days. Shades of Ron Burgundy.
I know it’s silly season but it can’t be right for the BBC tv news to headline their bulletin with their very own ‘investigation carried out by Panorama’
And don’t go thinking this is investigative jounalism on a par with Watergate…. it’s about the killjoys at the BBC getting uptight about alcohol sales at airports.
Thought for the Day, BBC R4 7.50am – Rev David Wilkinson, St John’s Durham on the “seventieth anniversary of the partition of the sub-continent of south asia”.
Er, no, David. The island of Sri Lanka parted from the Indian land mass not 70 years but many millennia ago.
It must be that dreaded spellchecker again!
Recalling when some posters here resorted to whinging about failure to decry. Albeit selectively. Soon stopped as it worked out poorly for them.
After very little or no positive action from European Governments and the EU to halt the flow of migrants seeking a life living off benefits in the EU, it appears that yet again, the Libyan ‘Government’ (if that’s what it is) has stepped up to the plate and challenged the people smugglers masquerading as ‘humanitarian charities’ e.g. ‘Doctors Without Borders’ financed, no doubt, by Soros. –
Too late to stop the hundreds of thousands of invaders already in Europe but some action is long overdue in the absence of the EU getting a grip.
Funny how the BBC get to the Vice-Mayor, (black) of Charlottesville to interview but not the (white) mayor, Michael Signer.
Half asleep at 7.xx am listening to Toady, I think I heard a guy being interviewed re Charlottesville, and he said in terms ‘why can’t white people campaign for their own interests?’
I suspect this quote was by the bBBC editors to showcase him as a right-wing extremist and keep the indignation narrative at fever pitch.
But substitute ‘white’ for any other adjective. Black, Asian, Muslim, disabled, gay, transgender.
Would the bBBC be equally apoplectic?
Pretty sure we all know the answer to that one.
I know that on the New Observer web site it is reported that those on the March were subject to intense leftist provocation for some hours before the chap drove into the crowd. It is difficult to be sure as to the truth of what went on. What is clear to me though is that if the liberal elite and their tame MSM chums , with the full support of most governments, keep up their decades long vilification of white people and culture and maintain their support for the invasion of the West by third worlders, the ordinary folks will begin to seek to fight back. Increasingly it looks as though using the ballot box to express views which are not those of the liberal left is useless as the global establishment are able to ignore the result , or to force out of office those who have been elected. The left and many non white special interest groups, use violence whenever it suits them with impunity, almost with government granted immunity. The lesson many are drawing is that if you want to stop the loss of your homeland, your culture and your way of life , the ballot box is useless, you have to demonstrate. This is a dangerous development but it is entirely the fault of the liberal left who’ve ignored the concerns of ordinary people for decades.
No More Boys and Girls: Can Our Kids Go Gender Free?
Just seen a trailer for this disgusting display of what amounts to state sponsored child abuse. What kind of perverted minds thought-up, sanctioned & produced this molestation of children’s minds. Presented by Dr Javid Abdelmoneim.(naturally)
This is disgraceful. Surely it should be a police matter ? Apart from the sheer abuse aspect, can the kids give legal consent to be treated like Guinea Pigs ? This could do lasting damage to these kids. Even by the BBC’s low standards , this is scraping the barrel.
How to screw up your kids:
Lesson 1:
UK’s first GENDER FLUID FAMILY: mum is dad, dad is mum and child is non-specific
Lesson 2:
Stay away from 2″ thick supermarket pizzas.
Reminds me of this.

And this:
Somebody has helpfully pointed out that lesson 2 should be the other way around.
Never mind – you get the gist.
Clare, LOL x 5!
Thought struck me, funny how it’s adults in both photos with ‘dummies in their mouths’ and the child in photo 2 appears to be reading The Times or Telegraph or Daily Mail or Guardian and not really approving of it at all.
You’ll note to do this test of going non-gender they carefully picked a school which is almost entirely white Muslims etc.
.. I thought the BBC habit was to over-represent BME ..and now they can’t find even 5%
Seems the BBC is quite selective with what it reports on a global scale.
In which comical Ali ensures a favoured slot on Amol’s media show:
Campbell and MacShane , there are a couple of beauties who deserve each other. How either of them have the bare-faced cheek is beyond me. Especially , the odious, criminal MacShane. The ultimate in Eurotrash.
They do seem to have embraced BBC ‘tell it often enough’ techniques with enthusiasm and, having done so, can expect BBC coverage on a selective, approved, ‘one degree of separation’ basis as ‘reward’ (BBC ‘quotes’).
Denis MacShane, born Denis Matyjaszek. Special friend of fellow jailbird Vicky Pryce (real name Vasiliki Kourmouzi). MP for Rotherham during the child rape scandal (other child rape scandals are available…). When interviewed about aspects of the Muslim community in Rotherham, replied “Perhaps yes, as a true Guardian reader, and liberal leftie, I suppose I didn’t want to raise that too hard. I think there was a culture of not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat if I may put it like that.” (see The BBC never forgets its true friends.
Excellent, really excellent article in this weekend’s FT on the subject of Netflix and how competitors are reacting to their success. Two points of note:
1. Last year, Netflix saw revenues significantly higher than what BBC see, and
2. The article defines the future for broadcast media
Question: can anyone explain how the BBC funding model and its defined strategy fits into this future? I doubt it very much, because it doesn’t. The Licence fee structure constrains the BBC, and doesn’t actually work for anyone
The BBC licence fee hasn’t really made any sense since the introduction of commercial television in 1955. The fact that it still exists is a testament to the amazing inertia of public sector vested interests. It’s amazing how long you can stay in “business” if you can send your customers to prison if they don’t buy your product, whether they want it or not. Even the Mafia never thought of that one!
In spite of reservations, I don’t think most people minded too much so long as they were getting a few good programmes that would not have made commercial sense (or so it was said at the time), and the announcers and presenters gave the impression of having at least ‘O’ level English and IQs over 70. Now that has mostly gone and its poverty is exposed (not financially speaking, of course).
One of the flaws in that argument is that Savile was around as early as the 1960s, I believe.
The other point in the Beebs favour, and is probably the most raised objection to doing away with the LF, is that those with more than between three and forty-seven minutes or longer attention span prefer programmes uninterrupted by commercials.
As I have posted on here before, there are ways around that while scrapping the LF: a BBC Trust (a proper one, with investments) could ensure commercial free viewing. The BBC would have to ‘trim its sails’ salary-wise, just a mite, and be determined to live within its income (no more Garvey-esque Champagne bottles littering the corridors or James Naughtie travelling the globe for free) but it could be done. Simple Act of Parliament in the forthcoming Parliamentary Year and ‘hey-ho Hall’s your Uncle’.
Flimsy argument in support of the Licence fee if you ask me. There are parts of the BBC that accept advertising revenue, and they are never beyond advertising their own programmes.
Personally, I couldn’t care less about commercial free viewing. As the FT so accurately says, more and more people are streaming/ recording programmes they want to see now rather than living with pre-defined timetables and its possible to skip adverts easily if you want.
There are far, far greater arguments in favour of abolishing the licence fee than there are in support of it. The Licence fee is an anachronism that no longer suits anyone and certainly not the BBC itself.
The BBC announced to great fanfare that they had won the rights to broadcast the USPGA Golf Championship for the next three years.
This last weekend featured the first of these broadcasts. It was a travesty:
1. The commentators were quite clearly not at the course, so couldn’t comment accurately on aspects that viewers have come to expect: the nature of the lie of the ball, the gradient and sloping of the greens etc
2. There were limited, very limited, player interviews so it was hard to get a perspective of play, what the players had to deal with etc etc
3. With the exception of the ball tracking technology presumably provided by CBS Sports, there was limited use of digital 3-D type graphics of the kind we have all come to expect in describing each hole, green etc
4. Last night, for a critical 5 minutes or so, there was absolutely no commentary at all. The silence was eventually broken by the CBS commentator who came on for a bit, before the BBC came back on again.
5. The entire event was hidden behind the Red Button, indicating something of a lack of priority and making the action quite hard to locate. Nowhere was any publicity provided to indicate what time coverage would start.
Finally, the entire production was dull as ditchwater. It was like watching Golf 20years ago. Dreadful. Simply dreadful.
But they can send reporters to India and Charlottesville for no reason. The BBC is a sick joke but an expensive one..
I thought exactly the same. Why pay for an event and then hide on the Red Button. Shame it was not on as Sky as usual. Clearly Allis is past his sell-by date and, as you say, no commentator had any insight or any idea what was going on. It was as if they were reporting while sat in the studio in London. Truly appalling coverage and a total embarrassment.
Anyway, back to the excellent Sky coverage for this week’s event.
They *were* reporting from a studio in London (or somewhere in the UK). Ken Brown was broadcast from a studio at the start of the programme last night, and from time to time during play. Alliss (in his mid-80s) is too old to fly long haul.
Also, why does Alliss have to be so rude? He described one of the player’s trousers yesterday as being like a bit of carpet cut-off, and had numerous jibes to make at the expense of Luke Donald and Phil Mickleson throughout the weekend. The trouser pattern may not be to everyone’s taste but why be so unnecessarily rude?
The BBC really shouldn’t have gone for the broadcast rights at all if they couldn’t deliver the thing properly.
Alliss has always been a bit cheeky that way, both as a player and commentator. He has an anti-Establishment streak. Seem to recall that Henry Longhurst, who was for sure with Dan Maskell, Raymond Baxter and some of the TMS crew among the greatest commentators of all time, was not above the occasional inspired piece of golf commentary humour.
Remember candy-striped trousers?
Think it was HL who referred to one American who was a bit of a dandy, and occasionally took it to excess, as “getting his trousers for that round out of a toothpaste tube.” !
Earlier this year Sky were boasting on air that they had all 4 Golf majors. What I was told, and it may be wrong, is that the American PGA refused to sell the event to Sky simply because they didn’t want Sky to have a monopoly, and then offered it to BBC at a knockdown price. Hopefully they will learn the lesson that it’s better to let Sky have the monopoly than to have piss poor coverage of your event.
As a fan of track and field I watched the World Athletics Championships entirely on Eurosport this year, as I know from experience that the BBC will spend more time on studio chat than actually covering the athletics, especially when it comes to the field events. If the BBC can’t even cover sport properly now, how on earth can they continue to justify the licence fee?
The house of cards will fall apart if white people were to act as a group. Despite our supposed failings, we provide more tax money to the state than any other group – money that goes on benefits payments, hospitals and prisons for those whom we ‘oppress.’ If that group decided they were sick and tired of being sh*t on then certain minorities would really be in trouble.
All these terrible crimes committed against young white girls – they must be the most oppressed group by a mile. Yet if anyone tries to protect them they are a ‘Nazi.’ Yeah – persecution of people because of their racial background is just enrichment. Trying to stand up against it is the real Nazism.
Nice daily dose of VD impartiality…
And none of the parties in Europe have internal divisions , of course.
Of course not.
Just as I am learning, via such as the BBC, that the concept of despicable, violent and indeed deadly protest is the sole province of white people not of the left.
This I did not know.
VD – such appropraite initials for that Lefty.
I used to think it was the job of every good journo to double source and check facts but they only seem to do it to contradict Tories.
The BBC are exempt from this requirement and take shouty-Owen’s comments verbatim. There is no evidence whatsoever that he has any connections at all with the higher-ups in the EU, and someone should call him out for some of the claims he makes.
You won’t see anyone on the BBC do it though.
Just walked into the room and I saw this shot of Owen on’t telly!
Immediately made a bee-line for me remote!
Being listen the Ken Bruce show to get away from the bias of Brexit, Trump and Charlottesville on the radio and television talk shows. Bruce is off this week but they’ve got some mega- star called Trevor Bailey (me neither) who’s presenting in his place. After a while listening it dawned on me that most of the music played was of black origin. Now knowing that we’ve got such bean counters as Maxi on this site I went to the BBC programme page and had a look at the playlists…..and sure enough I was proved correct.
It’s Trevor Nelson hence the playlist.
Thanks for the correction, Rick’s, I should have checked.
That’s ok Cassandra. It’ll be saint Farah on tomorrow (brought to you by Benylin)
I too am surviving on Benylin and Lemsip because of Typhoid Mary (Mrs Cassie). The BBC and the press are carrying a story about how St. Mo now wants to be known as ‘Mohammed’ because he doesn’t like how he is being presented in the media e.g. questions are being asked about his trainer and drugs, missing drug tests etc. The fawning of BBC presenters reached a low point this week when two of them said they were blessed to (paraphrase) see Bolt competing; and saying that athletes were in awe of Farah.
I’m old enough to remembers when BBC reporters and commentators were objective and referred to sportsmen by their surnames; e.g. “The bowler’s Holding the batsman’s Willey.”
With the maniacal call to worship at the sporting altar with SirMo and Usane…and enjoy Ms Didier Drogba win all his girly races?
And with the slavish obedience to Stalinist Kim Jong Un, tears over losing the Referendum in our streets…with riots over the loss of Nandos or deaths of drug dealers, sperm bankers and babyfathers?
Think this is how Dresden or Bratisalva must have seemed in 1988. Certainly this is a Pink Communist tribute act of a country at the moment.
Sport and Propaganda, Martyrs and Show Trials for historical wrongs?
How more Soviet do we get then?
Soviet or European Union….same aims.
It wouldn’t surprise me if a large percentage of the population don’t even know that “Sir Mo” is in fact “Mohammed”. When she first heard of him a few years back, my dear old mum thought he must be an Irishman called Maurice “Mo” Farrer, a belief which lasted until she actually saw a picture of him.
He may have shot himself in the foot, so to speak.
What a bunch of jealous silly billies we all are – being suspicious about the soon to be Sir Mohammed’s association with Salazar and the missing drugs tests.
When Sir Mohammed starts his own leading sports personality management and consultancy agency maybe he should call it something like “Nuff Respect” – actually thats been done – how about “Not Enough Respect” instead.
I wonder what his true “legacy” really will be. I suspect it will consist of not much more than a string of sponsorship deals and of course the “Mobot” I love doing it – it really does make me feel as if Sir Mo and I share something very special.
I love how the Beeb have to use a picture of the confederate flag and a Klan member on the Charlottesville headline main image. Not suggested viewpoint at all.
I really do tire of the Beeb. We used to laugh at Russian state television but this is exactly what the Beeb is apart from that it doesn’t have the state’s interests at heart but it’s own. Why aren’t ITV scenting the blood in the water and playing on people’s growing frustrations?
Watched the “Dukes of Hazzard” movie on Prime the other day (critique: don’t).
There was a vaguely funny moment when they take General Lee on an urban adventure, apparently without noticing the roof decoration, and many merry japes ensued.
Totally as would have happened in real life, say if having an Israeli flag badge on your rucksack having overshot Golders Green and ended up in Tower Hamlets.
Yes, the Confederates have to be vilified for their bid for independence and slavery, even though some Unionists owned slaves. But the main aim of the BBC is to link them with extremist violence thereby tarring them all with the same brush, so to speak. Yes, straight out of the Marxist textbook and totally dishonest. The BBC bring you all the Fake News, all the time. Exterminate !
Payne: Because it is not in the interest of anyone in TV for the BBC to stop paying ludicrously high salaries. It sets the level for the whole industry.
Payne, spot on.
Folk on here do sometimes refer to Portland Place as Beebyanka.
Endemic grooming gangs and terrorism: absolutely nothing to do with The Religion of Peace. Any connection hushed up and manipulated, though the three are so connected they could be Siamese triplets.
A single rally: Trump personally planned and rejoiced in it and will be having David Duke and the other 5 extant KKK members in his cabinet. Every conceivable association between Trump and the rally is built up, manipulated and shoved down our throats.
On their news briefing this morning they read three different editorials from left wing publications about how bad Trump is. It is so biased it is farcical.
Trump and Bannon etc surely knew that all this would be relentless and contrived. Classic Alinsky, Zinn and Gramsci.
Bannon and Miller, Kellyanne etc are clever people-hopefully refusing to get off the bus, let alone let themselves be thrown under it.
I write bits on Women For Trump type sites in the USA, as well as the usual Breitbart USA links.
I cite Ruth in the bible-where America goes, so do we (Churchill did the same, mind)
Hope plenty others this side of the pond show our respect and thanks for DJT and his gang of outlaws-they are always pleased that we watch their shows and know what CNN are up to as well.
This crap about Americans being insular is lefty stereotyping-they need to know we British are NOT the BBC approved scum that they get led to believe speak for the real Englsh, Scots, Welsh and Ulster.
My line dancing isn`t great, but I`m enthusiastic, thank the Lord that I missed out on the cheerleading.
… after the Newcastle child sex grooming scandal and trial – of some of the criminals – yet another trial is scheduled …
what MP, now dead & much sainted, failed to listen to local child sex facts and thus faiked victims of the molesters ?
Rochdale or Rotherham, was it, lads ?
Unusually, it was the BBC and not Sky which had coverage of the final Golf Major of the year, the US PGA. A vital blow was struck by the eventiual winner Justin Thomas when he chipped in from off the green about two-thirds through the round. There was a great roar. The next shot showed his main challenger Hideki Matsuyama preparing to putt. Commentary from Barbara Madill: “he’ll have heard the roar and be wondering what’s happened”. Oh, yeah? Matsuyama was playing with Justin Thomas, you careless, unprepared, commentator.
Just one example of the lameness of the coverage. Others are listed in the thread above, but for me the best quote came when Alliss announced how overcast the weather was (on day 2), and within 3 minutes coverage shifted to an interview with Paul Casey (one of the few player interviews) who said how great the weather was, not a cloud in the sky!
Also good to see Ian Poulter castigate the boy Richie Persaud for focusing on the negative aspects of his round, last night!
Yes, I thought it would be impossible for the BBC to cover the PGA without adding a diversity element. And so it was. Another no-nothing to go with the rest of the team. Peter Alliss maybe knew his stuff 20 years but his commentary is way out of date and he is not up to date with the current batch of tour players.
This must be the worst sports coverage ever by the BBC.
Great spot Lewis…
at 31m.20s
Unbelievable ineptitude from someone who must be cheap.
‘Maureen Madill turned professional in 1986 and played on the Ladies European Tour until 1996 where she had limited success’
Unfortunately I believe the legend, Peter Alliss, will soon be put out to pasture because he is old, white and totally non PC.
Brendan o Neill of spiked is very good here
What a guy.
Great answers.
First time I have seen him. Great stuff !!! KatieH, thanks for the link !
Thanks for posting that clip. I have been unaware of Brendan O’Neill, but will make an effort to track down more clips and articles by him. No surprise of course he is not to be seen on Al Beeb. Good to see Peter Tatchell listening quietly and occasionally nodding in agreement – he can veer between a pain in the !!! and admirable.
You will find Brendan O’Neil with Spiked, a free online magazine which campaigns primarily in favour of free speech.
Link here.
and here'Neill
Agree with you about Tatchell. He went up in my estimation when he had the balls to protest against Mugabe and got roughed up by Mugabe’s thugs.
What a treat to watch a ‘person’ speak his views without constant interruption from an ill-informed and biased BBC presenter or a carefully selected audience!
I’m surprised that the BBC even bother with golf as surely it’s too ‘hideously white’ now that Tiger is a spent force and as it seems to be the favourite pastime of Trump every club must be a recruiting ground for the KKK.
Maybe that’s why their coverage has been shit, on purpose, although I dare say that Women’s golf, with Clare Balding and Naga of course, is soon to be on our beloved BBC and will be pushed as much as the female football, rugby and cricket which the BBC didn’t actually care enough about to secure the rights to.
Thanks this gives me an opportunity to explain : The BBC is a network that profits from all the ADVERTISING it shows.
Sports is emphatically tied to advertisers and advertising placards… The BBC plays it’s part by providing a wide platform free of other advertising it is very useful to sponsors/advertisers.
The payback for the BBC is that it is able to pay less for sports rights than commercial channels.. It gets to fill hours and hours cheaply and gets the prestige as well.
Hence Gary Linekers high salary.. He is part of the commercial world package , there’s £millions in that whole deal so he is able to negotiate a salary that a shoe string history programme guy isn’t.
I was waiting for some proper coverage of the BBC salary issue to come up and explain stuff like that, but I never saw any ..the writers preferred to bang on about the salaries of 34 women instead.
So the BBC can signal their virtues, trumpet loudly their support for minority sports and the politics of the participants of the minority sports and cheerlead for equality without any financial risk? Surely there is never any financial risk as their income is guaranteed and there does not seem to be any performance related accountability? So why such poor coverage?
Unless I suppose it’s not about sports coverage or supporting minority sports, rather it’s about appearing to support them, gaining kudos and prestige and a chance to stand on the moral midden and crow loudly, all whilst spending as little as possible on the product and passing the savings on to the talent, front and back of house. Then bemoaning an inability to compete with the greedy capitalist corporations without additional funding, a plucky underdog against Murdochs’ might.
So not only useless, but dishonest as well.
Not a lightbulb moment, I did know I disliked the BBC, I’ve just found another reason.
I wonder from where the Charlottesville driver got the idea of ramming his vehicle into a group of people.
The bBBC doesn’t tell us.
… of course not … the deplorable must remain forgotten;
apart from being marxy it is quite simply the easiest and laziest way to ”report” the news …
For years now the BBC types have only ever known of “To Kill A Mockingbird”, “Grapes Of Wrath”, “Mississippi Burning”.
And, of course Springsteen and his fake Tom Joad persona.
If they`d had kids(doubt that)-then all their kids would have done in history is how Hitler was a bad man and the US migrants took all the native American lands.
So we`ve had two generations now of this fake teaching and media mindsliming by the progressives. No wonder then that the Antifa thugs and their elephant traps have been funded by Soros and filmed by CNN.
The BBC calls these thugs “civil rights activists”.
Wish I`d remembered that one as we marched in the Countryside Alliance- PETA shouted out that we were “fascist scum and animal holocaust guards”…and the BBC sure as hell never thought of us as “civil rights activists” back then.
When Repubicans get shot by Bernie and Hillary supporters-did the BBC give a damn about those victims? Course not.
Yes the BBC’s ignorance of the history of the USA is breath-taking. But , their ignorance of everything except transgenderism and baking is breath-taking.
Great fan of America Grant, as are most of us here no doubt. Having seen Marcus Brigstockes apppalling Yankee accent on “Oklahoma” the other night-as well as his Iranian migrant guff that some might think racist if they wanted to-I wonder if we can excuse the Charlotteville local difficulties on Marcus provoking them via his cultural appropriations?
Might be thugs-but could well be good theatre critics cheesed off by this slur on the best of the South.
Just fact “some people are saying that……”
Marcus , so so big in the USA I don’t think .
Apropos of Sir Arthur above.
Surely the BBC need to be circumspect here as they always are when Muslims do it.
” A car seemed to lose its control and knock over a jaywalker” maybe?
Would hate to smear all whites with the same brush now wouldn`t we BBC?
… what a sour BBC R4 introduction to the week … Today, this morning, was more like an old fashioned Woman’s Hour than an energetic source of news and fact … ultra virtue signalling, in piece after rehearsed piece, culminating with an apparently British male sorrowfully ***Apologising On Behalf of the British People*** for an alleged Asia massacre long ago – rancid, marxy, anti West etc etc – at which point we switched to a Santa Fe Institute podcast …
BBC making a big ‘thing’ about the partition of India and Pakistan which took place August 15th 1947. A division between Hindu’s and Muslims because, “they couldn’t live together” (point made by one BBC interviewee earlier).
A few facts that the BBC would probably prefer their viewers/listeners to not dwell upon in the saga:
India primarily Hindu: The sixth largest economy in the World; One of the G-20 major economies; Average growth rate of 7% over the past 20 years. –
Pakistan primarily muslim: The twenty-fourth largest economy in the World; “..after decades of war and social instability, as of 2013, serious deficiencies in basic services such as railway transportation and electric power generation had developed. The economy is semi-industrialized…” –
view this against the backdrop of a broken Europe being rebuilt after the war and even rationing in the UK until 1954. Why is it that Europe rebuilt its economies in double-quick time, followed by India after Partition when Pakistan has, to date been unable to create an enduring economy?
For a resume of the history leading up to the 15th August 1947 –
I extract the conclusion of the researcher – “The conclusion I reached from my research is that in March 1947 the Muslims started large-scale violence, mainly against Sikhs but also against Hindus, in the Muslim-majority districts of northern Punjab. Yet at the end of that year more Muslims had been killed in East Punjab than Hindus and Sikhs together in West Punjab.”
I trust there’s a message for the muslims.
The BBC always get it wrong. Muslims and Hindus lived together in peace for hundreds of years. The violence occurred under unique circumstances. But Beeboids do not do history, they are, by definition , ignorant.
I don’t know about Pakistan, but India’s economy really took off once it abandoned centrally planned state socialism/protectionism in the 1990s, in favour of free market capitalism. When I first visited the country back then the police had Lee Enfield MK4 rifles and motorcycles left over from WW2, and the only car available was the Hindustan Ambassador, which was basically the Morris Oxford of the early 50s. When I returned a couple of years ago, urban India in technological terms had changed almost beyond recognition. I wonder if the BBC will be mentioning this?
If it was Pakistan they would !
Cranmer, think not. From Rev David Wilkinson and others, I have noticed a faint anti-India, pro-Pakistan tone at the BBC recently and today.
Wonder how the Beeboids will manage when the fiftieth Anniversary of the East:West Pakistan War comes up? Not long now.
Nervous breakdown?
Blame India?
Blame the British?
The Indians never got round to the No4 rifle, they kept making SMLEs, but they did update them from .303″ to 7.62mm.
Apologies Rob. To me they all look alike (Lee-Enfields I mean, not Indians). Apart from the Mark V which had a different muzzle.
I’m afraid I see enough of them where I live without the need for al beeb to spend another week on it . Maybe next week it’s ” queer Islam week”
Am I correct in thinking that we, the despicable British, oversaw the building of railways, roads and cities in India?
Swarm – yes. Although the standard lefty answer to that is that it was done only as means of more easily plundering the country. There is an element of truth in that of course – but India is unlikely to have come into being as a modern democratic nation without things like railways, roads, the telegraph, a postal system, the rule of law, and a common language (English). Plus many of its nationalist leaders benefitted from a British university education where they picked up ideas of 19th century romantic nationalism coupled with socialism. So Britain may have ‘plundered’ colonial India, but it also gave birth to modern India.
Think one of the strengths of India may be (the BBC will not like this) but it is a collection of States that have a measure of independence but are one nation. That means that Communism and Socialism can be quarantined to an extent, hence the progress you refer to above.
They don’t mention the number of Indians who fought against us during the Second World War.
Hopefully they were “offed” when captured .,
The motives were often mixed, but vast resources were pumped into India, often to the detriment of this country. At one point, the amount of silver going from here to India nearly caused a collapse in the Engish economy. And, like most of the Empire, India was run ‘at a loss’ during the 20th Century. In 1931, the Indian government banned the import of finished cotton goods and thread from Great Britain, resulting in the mass closure of the mills in Lancashire (later visited by Gandhi himself, to see the resultant poverty). How does that fit into the standard liberal/BBC worldview? The answer is: it doesn’t, matters were a lot more complex. It has been speculated that the obsessions with race and immigration by the upper middle classes and their offspring reflect a deep psychological need for the days of Empire: they have missed out on the opportunity to lord it over the natives in exotic climes, so they will bring the natives to them and do it at home in a more gentile fashion.
If the likes of Paypal are manipulated into taking sides, it just goes to show the high level of support for flooding Europe with Africans and others. All part of the UN/Soros plan?
It can only be massive people support that will wreck this conspiracy.
Those old enough will have heard of the film “The Americanisation of Emily”. Now we have another ……. “The Westernisation of Nadya”. Having seen umpteen trailers for yet another cook show, she’s undergone a complete transformation, from wearing several (or the same one) black hijab and black coveralls on Bake Off, to natty little coloured turbans, – and shock horror, exposing her chin and neck, accessorised with a rainbow of coloured tops ! She’s also shown dancing around to MUSIC !!! hello, but I thought Muslims didn’t ‘do’ enjoyment. She’ll be shown next with a gin and tonic in hand 🙂 Clearly the producers thought she would be more ‘people acceptable’ dressed in garb that cannot be found in any good sari shop.
Question: why didn’t she dress like this before?
There was a muslim cashier at my bank in Gambia, Awa, who always wore little make-up and a headscarf. One day, she suddenly had make-up and no headscarf . I said ” Awa, what is this ? Christian boyfriend ? “. Maybe , Nadya….???
With all the ‘westernising’ taking place, she should watch out as she increasingly runs the risk of incurring the wrath of her fellow muzzies – and that may well lead to them taking some violent action against her. She couldn’t get away with it in Saudi.
Brissles, I’ve noticed that softening of the standard ‘brusque; Islamic attire. You know the one where on the tube you find yourself entering a carriage (with many others) and then on spotting the person dressed from head to toe in black, you all migrate to other carriages. Why a certain Yasmin stated that was ‘Islamophobic’ no it bloody well isn’t. And yet for this mode of dress which western Muslims tell us all is an expression of their faith, the liberal sycophants who defend them never seem to mention how in pure Islamic countries , woman are arrested, tortured, raped, jailed and even killed for not covering up.
Oh, but it’s ok, the bbc told us her husband doesnt mind her taking part in bake-off.
Done with no sense of irony of course.
And nothing to do with money, of course.
The bBBC are going full blast at the 70th anniversary of…..of what exactly….the ending of the British Raj????
Why? Just another multiculti narrative variant ????
On the 1 pm news we AGAIN had a big thing about the partition and by inference British failings…..but nothing really on why it came about.
Which was because the Muslim league and its leader Ali Jinnah insisted on a separate Muslim state. Which we now call Pakistan. He could not be persuaded to support a one state independence solution.
The bBBC are being very sheepish on this point.
It was left to local school children being interviewed as to how that history is taught in their schools to give the best approximation to the facts.
A most enlightening moment when local Indian and Pakistani schoolchildren give a better description of history than the biased BBC !!!!!!!!
Do note all this celebration of the establishment of a rump state that was partitioned from India in response to Muslims citing the need for their own state so as not to be defiled by Sikhs and Hindus. This is Pakistan. August 1947.
Next May will commemorate the establishment of another state, partitioned after Balfour and WW1, But not agreed to, or allowed until millions of Jews had been needlessly and brutally slaughtered or made stateless..and after 30 years and a European Holocaust for its Jews.
This will be Israel-like Pakistan it will be seventy years old. May 1948.
Any chance of the BBC being so cock-a-hoop over necessary rights to self-determination for Israel, as it is for Pakistan…why does one never get its right to exist questioned..yet the other gets nothing else BUT questions and criticisms, especially via UN cipher states amd lefties?
Detention Sinclair.
Write out 200 times: ‘I must not ask leading questions or make reasonable assumptions, counter to current established opinion.’
Alicia, since Israel was formerly British Palestine I am sure some colonial guilt angle can be played up by the media!
On a lighter note.
The 1 o clock tv news had Rita Chakribati reporting live from Lahore.
They had put her presentation position right next to a loudspeaker for the local Mosque calling the faithful to prayer. It totally drowned her out and so she was inaudible. She carried on without making reference to it. It was absolutely bizarre.
Such professionalism and yours for only £4bn a year.
They should leave her there forever.
Bet they were really impressed having a woman turning up. Bet they wondered why she wasn’t in doors punching out more little mo s for allah.
Oxford University new graduates Men earn 30% more than women
Shock horror starting salary of £26K vs £19K
Sorry did I say “men”, actually I meant BAME
Times page 11 : Tfl withdraw children’s traffic book after Female Muslims points point out that trying to be PC and showing a child in a Hijab, they are sexualising childrens and facilitating the oppression of Muslim women.
Telegraph has a handy guide
Child abuse !
Everywhere the TfL logo appears we are reminded it is endorsed by the Mayor of London
For example – the TfL mission statement:
‘TfL is a statutory body created by the Greater London Authority (GLA) Act 1999. This Act gives the Mayor of London a general duty to develop and apply policies to promote and encourage safe, integrated, efficient and economic transport facilities and services to, from and within London’
By the way, I don’t know if anyone was looking forward to this bridge but Little Man Knan has scrapped it
It’ll be interesting to hear what BBC London News has to say about their best mate tonight
More specifically, that would be wars the BBC likes the sound of.
Any others are nifty way to mount the ‘sabre rattling’ accusation cavalry.
Tuning in at 5pm apparently it’s Pakistan Day on the BBC News Channel
Our Reeta Chakrabarti (English degree from Oxford, so hardly the typical daughter of immigrants to this country from Bengal) introduces us to a Pakistani young woman intended to give us some insights into her young nation – except she is introduced as a “social media comedienne” – realising I will learn only about liberal elite concerns and absolutely nothing about the attitudes of the mass of Pakistanis, I switch off
Got to say that I`m likely to be happier than most with this “Indian” theme.
OTT of course, but not nerly as offensive to me as the enforced gay themed hoopla over these last few weeks.
Guess that summer gets all this filler, because it saves them having to cook their agendas freshly every day. Pre-baked cliched tropes for their Guardian munching chums. That said, my sister lives near Southall, and have always felt safe and happy when i`ve gone there.
Do like the Indian culture, they`re quite right to dislike the Pakistani one that they know only too well.
Was in Bombay(yes, I know!) way back and saw a culture on the rise-despite their well-known serious problems, the Indians seem to like and respect we former colonials. And I liked them too.
So yes the Guru-Murthys and Chakrabhatis can make you sick-but real India is a coming friend post-Brexit, and we`ll surely be needing their mutual affections again.
None of this remotely applies to Pakistan-which would terrify me, despite their rare existing nods to our empire efforts re railways, buildings and legal systems.
Every day is some kind of day now at the BBC, if only to keep 20,000 staff with too many channels and not enough content occupied punting out ‘something’.
Speaking of which…
As a matter of interest did they get excited about previous ‘days’ of significance in Pakistan’s history, or does the BBC staffing quota need to hit a certain level before they get interested in the old country?
R4 5 o’clock news. They really are relentless in their efforts to get him out. He condems acts of violence on all sides. Seems a pretty balanced view to me but not good enough for the Beeb. Unless he comes out and says murder by a white person is worse than that of any other ethnic gender I feel he’s on a hiding to nothing.
It`s what they do.
Scaramucchi said as much on US telly yesterday.
Won`t work as long as he`s got Bannon and true patriots watching his back and attacking for him, like Gorka, Gingrich and Miller(S).
Sooner we get Ted Malloch over here to crush the Eurovison crap we get freely on our “news”, the better-why on earth has he not appointed a load of true believers to excise Obamas holdover tumours?
Surely we can crush the Eurovision Song Contest without Ted Malloch ?
Synch, with an arrest made, does not the President have to be careful – especially in the lawyer loaded USA – about prejudicial statements that may be taken as concerning the accused, before a trial can be held?
Good point snuff. Trouble is that MSM only like to point out the due process of law when it suits. Can you imagine Sopel mentioning this in his recent reports.
Donald ought to know better than most.
“Don`t Feed The Trolls”. Even when its disguised as MSN.
THe Lefty Trolls need starving and repeated scorn, bile and physical shunning-they ought to pay for lies and sedition.
And if they want violence-then they`re welcome because we`re the new Jews. No ghettoes for us, I can assure you…the last of the line has nowhere else to go.
As others have mentioned the bBC keeps on parroting on how the Brits fucked up with the partition of India. Yet not once have they mentioned that one of the agreements of India helping the Mother counntry fight the axis (They actually threatened to withdraw from the war or in the case of the Muslims, side with Japan) was for them to earn their independence. This started off on the right foot with the 1946 Cabinet Mission to India for planning of the transfer of power from the British Raj to the Indian leadership (that was in May 1946) 3 months later the Muslim league under Muhammad Ali Jinnah (The father of Pakistan) not happy with how fast things were going and worried that Muslims wouldn’t get their own little homeland declared a Direct Action Day which resulted in Muslim started riots which saw 4000 people killed and 100,000 injured Scared of further bloodshed, (There had been a previous riot in feb 1946 in the city where 41 people were killed) the British under Mountbatten noting how the riot was conducted in the most organised manner decided to speed thing up in which to spare further bloodshed. Lets be honest here, (And I’m the child of Indian parents who came here in the 50s) the Uk whilst not squeaky clean, are not the ones to blame, for that I would point the finger at the Muslim league.
Very fair summing up , which is more than I can say for the BBC.
My father never had a good word to say about Jinnah.
Later, I got to see the Cartier-Bresson (I think) portrait of Jinnah and it did him no favours. Seemed rather telling, just like Alfie Eisenstaedt’s famous photo of Goebbels: the inner man made plain for all to see.
I have been interested that in subsequent anniversaries of 1947/48 (10 and 20 years ago) the BBC have appeared to be doing a revisionist job on Jinnah. It could be that when I was young he was harshly judged but, as I have already posted, the last few days on R4 – today, especially – it seems to me that India is in the dock, along with the UK of course.
My late father had much the same view of Jinnah. But Jinnah was a muslim , so the BBC love him. In their twisted minds , there is no such thing as a bad muslim.
Grant, I’m all for a rigorous examination of history, especially if somebody may have been treated badly, but somebody stirred up trouble between Muslims & Hindus and not many people appeared to try to halt it, Jinnah included. To be fair, it is said that he realised too late how badly things would go and, IIRC, made a last minute trip to the UK to ask for help but thanks to his previous ‘demands’, he’d put some F&CO noses out of joint and he was given a frosty reception.
The fact that a repetition was held between East and West Pakistan within a quarter century says it all really. Middle East apart, we have had the same old, same-oh in China, Indonesia, Russia and several African countries.
Ironic rather, that one place where two and a bit branches of Islam and Christians and Jews rubbed along together pretty well – Damascus and western Syria – was turned into a bloodbath by Muslim outsiders stirring up other Syrians.
Watched some attempted “Partition” thing on BBC2 last night. Utter junk-like Blue Peter.
Nice enough bland kids (girl from India, lad from Pakistan and Burnley)…but steered well away from what caused the division-and why-70 years on-it`s no batter today. Easier to emote and blame the Raj and Mountbatten for all the problems.
Islam given its usual clean bill of health from the BBC-to do other would get the poppets into trouble.
Making inroads into Douglas Murray’s latest book . Superb. But the time will come soon when it will be illegal to publish a book like this. In fact , even possession may be a crime . A new dark age is approaching . Am I being paranoid ?
No mate. Sadly, you’re not. The death of free speech is only a symptom, but as telling and as ominous as flecks of blood in your hankie. The depth and darkness of that dark age will be terrifying to behold. And its onset is likely to be a lot swifter and more sudden than people think.
Back in the day, I served in Bosnia. It was a sobering experience, mainly because the people involved were Europeans, just like us. There were many reminders of how like the people back home they actually were. Talking to the locals, the thing they all seemed taken aback by was how fast it all happened. They were just ordinary folks like us, worrying about paying the bills and kids’ schools, the usual stuff. There were factional differences, but most people just rubbed along. Two weeks later they were hiding in the rubble of their homes, dodging snipers and mortar fire, eating dogs and cats to survive, and life would never be the same again. There was bad shit done by both sides, as in all civil wars, but funny old thing, both the EU and the BBC sided with the Muslims as being the “victims”, even back then.
We are heading down the same path and the liberal-lefty trendies like the morons at Al Beebazeera seem to be clapping their hands at the prospect, without ever seeming to see the consequences of what they are promoting, or their own complete inability to survive it.
Trouble is, once you go over that particular cliff, there’s no way back.
Top post. Sadly, I suspect you are right .
The bBC loves to promote the view that everything under Islam is superior to our western ways, to that end I wonder if they would endorse this method of dealing with Islamic paedophiles::
Paedophile killer executed in Yemeni public square after raping and murdering a four-year-old girl
The strange thing is that most Beeboids do not convert to Islam . If they love it so much, why not ?
I don’t think many Beeboids do love Islam, Grant. They fear it, and like a fearful spouse, put up a show of love in the hope that someday he will change.
Maybe, either way, it will not work. They are idiots .
Cranmer – Do you mean “Hes a bastard but I love him”