I wonder if the lefties have thought through their demands that Trump name a ‘far right’ organisation to blame for the car death.
If they get their way, the logical outcome would be that the precedent had been set and any future atrocities and similar events would also have an organisation named and blamed.
As the vast majority, in fact, almost all atrocities, are carried out by those on the left and their enriching pets can we expect every organisation to be named in future.
Will May name ‘hate not soap’, antifa, sjw and other unwashed gangs when they cause mayhem.
Will the police name the enrichers who are busy enriching schoolgirls. (And I don’t mean names like ‘Asians’ or ‘men’ as they are almost meaningless)
Those on the right have a decent record for behaving in their marches, it’s the lefties who start the violence.
Pegida (where are they now?) held peaceful meetings but were often attacked by those lovely lefties in their face coverings (just like the kkk and Isis) hiding their identity yet it’s the right who are penalised and not them lefties.
Try adopting in Rotherham if you are a ukip voter for example.
Of course, none of this will happen because the left will never accept they are wrong about anything (although they ARE wrong about almost everything) so the naming and shaming will only apply to those on the right as happens now.
Yes Emmanuel ,
You can see the way right wingers are treated when they try to protest in public . Totally controlled and intimidated by the lefty controlled police for purpose of ‘ public safety’ which is definitely Orwellian .
Good luck to the southern Americans and their attempt to retain their past. Slavery is an easy thing to beat the right with but was always more complicated than al beeb would want it to be.
And Blighty has more than enough to deal with than disputes in foreign countries which are not ours .,
I see the bBC thought police are continuing to regurgitate this sexist crap from the otherday: Clarks in sexism row over Dolly Babe girls’ shoe Clarks has been accused of “everyday sexism” for a calling a girls’ school shoe “Dolly Babe”, while the boys’ equivalent is called “Leader”. The girls’ shoes carry a heart-patterned insole, while the boys’ insoles are decorated with footballs. (Actually the insole is just blue with the Clark motif) The sides of the shoe has a football and the sole has a picture of a goal keeper saving a ball. Which means nobody bothered to check (More on this below)
It appears that in their quest to turn everybody into bisexual whatevertheyare, the left (Including the bBC) object to parents buying shoes with hearts on them for their little girls and shoes with footballs for their little boys. The thing is social experiment after social experiment found that boys prefer ruff and tumble to sitting down at a table and playing with a tea set.
Now Jimmy Crankie
Has come out and the bBC feels it has to report this faux outrage against sexism.
Oh and BTW bBC, the leader isn’t the equivalent for the Dolly babe it’s the equivalent of Lilfolk Bel Infant
and the reason its called leader, well here’s the shoes description from the clarks website: “Leader Game Inf, boys’ school shoes, black leather – With football detailing on the durable rubber sole and a football badge on the side, this new style from our Attackers range will be the one everyone wants. Lightweight thanks to the EVA midsole, these school shoes feature a bungee lace and riptape fastening for a secure fit and our unique Air Spring FX technology and agion linings for breathable comfort. Plus it comes with a free toy. Available in whole and half sizes and different widths. Toy contains small parts, see here for details.”
The irony here is that these wankers are so angry over different styles of clothing for males and females. Well here’s something if you so fucking object, why don’t you buy the opposite genders clothing for your gender free children, even better, take your business elsewhere, or better still cover them in a Burka. Hang on Bukas are gender specific , and males can wear what they want. Where’s the outrage.
(A few years ago in the ME, I got talking to this Muslim. I asked him why women covered up. He explained that it was their religious devotion to god that made them do so., I allowed the chat to go on and then asked who are more religiously devout men or women. He replied ‘Men’ So I then asked him why he was wearing jeans and T-shirt and not religious attire. He walked away.)
The bbC, the self appointed politically correct thought police
You wouldn’t think it strange if you saw the enormous pressure being brought by the Left on children to ‘question their sexual identity’ as early as 4 years old. The idea that if a 4-year-old boy likes playing with trucks or wants to rush around playing football, he must have been “repressed” by his parents into accepting a “normative” view of humanity.
The Leftists pounce with glee on any child who seems less than 100% committed to their biological gender and train them to be, well, nothing, in gender terms.
Like all other Leftist policies, this widespread child abuse is aimed at nothing less than the undermining of Western society and its replacement by the hellhole of a Leftist utopia.
I have posted before, but do the BBC not realise that their obsession with sex and chidren, especially paedophilia and transgenderism is not normal ? It may be normal in the perverted, narrow-minded world of a Beeboid, but not for the rest of us. They are sick and dangerous to children.
When I was small I always wore my “Clark’s Commandos” shoes. Since I am not trans or left wing, perhaps I can blame the shoes for gender stereotyping me at an early age?
Rob wrote: When I was small I always wore my “Clark’s Commandos” shoes.
Did you have a compass in yours?
I was brought up on clarks and remained with until a few years ago. As I got older I gravitated to wearing desert wellies (Kind of helped being in the army) then Clarks moved production to Portugal and the price went up to around £60 , a few years alter they moved again to Vietnam and now your looking at around £100 for shoddy made boots. I looked around and found Loakes not only make Deserts , but they are made in the Uk and around the same price. No brainer.
I’m sorry to hear that Clark’s have gone down the route of importing foreign tat at premium prices, like you I do like a pair of Loake’s shoes these days. No compass in them though, they are missing a trick!
I have to type all of this again because it got wiped.
I have been appalled at the biased way the BBC has reported the goings on in America, especially quoting the Southern Poverty Law centre as an authoritative source despite the fact it is completely discredited.
Reporting nothing about the fact that the Fascist Left attended the demonstration with the sole intention of visiting violence on the opposing side.
Nothing about the offensive weapons they brought with them as well, as opposed to the defensive ones of the right – shields, helmets, and PPE.
Nothing about the fact that although there were some real white supremacists there the majority were not.
Where is the usual false argument the Fascists love to extend to their Muslim Ubermensch – “They’re not all like that”?
Or perhaps the reporting that whereas in Britain everyone not on the centre Left or further to the Left is described as ‘Far Right’, in America everyone not agreeing wholeheartedly with the Fascists is described as a ‘White Supremacist’ Even Black people who disagree with the Fascists are described as being white supremacists
No reporting what so ever on the injuries sustained by the protestors on the Right, one of whom may have been permanently blinded and others with serious injury because the BBC doesn’t want you to know the violence wasn’t all from one side.
Thoughful wrote: I have to type all of this again because it got wiped.
Not just this site, I’ve started composing to word first and then cut and pasting. However as I am a bloke , I tend to forget and lose my post.
I tend not to do long posts, but I usually post after each sentence then edit. Cumbersome , but I shall never lose too much. I am not “Techie” enough to understand why there are some quirks on this site.
I haven’t had that problem on this site, but when I do have problems posting on sites, or when I do a long post, I right-click and ‘copy’, then continue as normal. If there is a problem, right-click and ‘paste’.
The BBC has reported Charlotteville just as it has reported so-called far right demonstrations in the UK. It is the determination of the left wing anti-fascist groups to disrupt marches by the EDL and others that has caused the violence. The BBC always ignores this. The BBC is determined to prove that so-called Far Right groups are as big a threat as Muslim terrorists and the street gangs of the left. However it’s simply not true.
Booze at airports ? Brits drinking . Let’s ban it .
They made a big thing about drinking early in the morning . Well I spent many years on shifts and it was normal for the chaps to go to a market boozer after work so drinking in the morning has s bit of normality about it for me.
Al beeb want to stop something else . Good socialist banning .
Of course, Beeboids are too stupid to know about time differences. So it may be morning in one country, but the travellers’ body clock is saying evening. And he or she may be going to sleep all day. Beeboids would like to ban many things , but there would always be an exemption to any ban. Namely themselves. They are vermin.
This morning led with this rubbish over booze at airports.
We lost our luggage at Terminal 5 way back, so were pretty merry afterwards.
Frankly, given the way we`re treated at boarding and border points-surprised far more people don`t get drunk and abusive.
They`ll end up paying for our delays if they can`t ply us with a cheap sherry or three.
Oh-and what about their drunk pilots? The BBC worried about THAT?
What with all those prisoners with IPP sentences that John Humphrys was fussing over, I had no tissues left for the drunks.
Can I cry for ALL of them BBC?….all this misery and concern must play havoc with their mental health.
No wonder we pay them so well.
Apparently the numbers have “skyrocketed” to 357. 357 so better tighten up licensing at the airports. Alcohol being another one of the BBcs favourite subjects that comes around and around.
This site keeps me as sane as is possible.
Had I no access to it, I might believe the BBC/Channel 4s endless garbage and (frankly weird) choice of stories and priorities.
But I`ve been here a few months, firstly as a reader-and now the rants.
Thanks to this site, I feel I`m vaccinated, feel really sorry for those who prefer the BBC to prechew all stories for them.
Like looking through the world using St George glasses.
So I know that I`ll have no opinion on Virginia until I`ve checked in with Breitbart, Tucker etc.
Steyn, Sowell etc too.
No excuses is there?
No wonder Google and Facebook want us off this stuff…all the more reason to cherish it and let everybody know why the media choose their nonsense.
Totally agree. I know loads of people that take everything the BBC and the msm at face value.
I get into so many arguments with friends and family because I am the only one who will actually dig a little beet deeper, do a little bit research and question the motives.
Of course I am a right wing bigot in their eyes because I don’t accept what I am supposed to.
Global Warming (Climate change) is a perfect example. It must be true because that’s what they say on the tv. If only they would look beyond what is reported, they would find it is not quite above board and a lot of porky’s are told.
If only more people like us would question what is being said, instead of falling for it hook line and and sinker….
At the beginning of the Global Warming hype coming to my attention , I wasn’t sure what to think but searching the Internet I found that some of the scientists had lied. My thought processes were that if it was true, they wouldn’t have had to lie. But I have never heard the BBC mention it.
At the end of the day, no science is settled. Phlogiston/Priestley and Einstein/Quantum Theory being examples. Just a thought – Does the sun still orbit the Earth?
Thats it in a nutshell, everything post modern/progtressive is about perception, all these worthless organisations bestowing awards on each other becoming gold platted.
Scratch the surface and theres just turd underneath, and even thats hollow, disgusting people whose reign in america atleast is just about over, he who controls the funding ultimately controls the politics of their institutions thats how obarma fed billions into the progressive funding machine, the ngo’s non-profits are full of greedy progressives, their whole political machine will collapse eventually, Chinas money funding green destruction will dry up aswell Greenpeace will close their offices there as will others, and that huge money laundering operation comes to an end.
see climate scientists will lose all credibility in the red blue team exercises to be televised, several may even go to jail for fraud once the full extent of the pal review criminality is exposed, then theres the journals, they will be exposed, along with scientific orgs for promoting fake science, they wont have any place to hide.
I’m tired of hearing AGW advocates saying that the science is settled and the Beeb and other lefties happily pump this out. No science is settled but seemingly AGW is locked down.
Funny enough, I thought the science that men and women are different was settled. That changing gender couldn’t be brought about by a simple change of mind but seemingly THAT science is now open to question and fine to be challenged.
I’m tired of hearing AGW advocates saying that the science is settled and the Beeb and other lefties happily pump this out. No science is settled but seemingly AGW is locked down.
Funny enough, I thought the science that men and women are different was settled. That changing gender couldn’t be brought about by a simple change of mind but seemingly THAT science is now open to question and fine to be challenged.
Apologies for going off piste, and its not the Beeb, BUT…
I am mega narked ! Two different occasions now I’ve settled down to watch a subtitled drama (well publicised in press and tv mags), and become engrossed in the story-line; on Channel 4 last night. THEN at the end I’m informed that if I want to watch the rest of the episodes I need to tune in to some sodding online streaming and unheard of channel. Being a lady I’ll just use initials, but FFS, why ????? As a digital dinosaur I don’t “stream” anything, so why con me into watching something that cannot be followed up on the normal terrestrial channels ? The tv mags never indicated it couldn’t be watched on a weekly basis on the presenting channel, so I’m thoroughly pissed off that I’ve wasted an hour of my time.
Rant over.
Ps – just read the above 2 posts, and I agree, this site is great for chest offloading when there’s no-one else to whinge to.
I feel your pain Brissles, and you’re absolutely right of course that they should be making it clear in advance that only the first episode will be shown on TV. I’m guessing you’re talking about Valkyrien. Just in case you don’t know, you can watch it online at http://www.channel4.com/collection/walter-presents, along with lots of other foreign dramas subtitled in English. It’s paid for by advertising and is thus subscription-free. In an age when very little on TV is worth watching, and much of it is simply unwatchable, it’s worth giving this service a go even if you’re not normally into streaming. (I personally watch these programmes on my TV via an Amazon firestick which just plugs into the HD port of the TV set.) As far as I know, Walter Presents is an independent organisation which buys up overseas TV shows and has a deal with Channel 4 to show them on their All4 online service.
Thanks for that Heisenberg. I’ll give it a go, but perhaps I ought to invest in one of these firesticky things ! (firesticks for me, was kindling that got our open fires going !!! – dear God !)
If al Beebus is as impartial as it likes to portray itself, then why didn’t they interview any of the senior people from the Unite The Right rally?
Why have a lengthy interview with someone who is an “historian of the Far-right in the US”?
Why not set up an interview with Jason Kessler who organized it? Or maybe do one with Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch or Michael Hill who were meant to speak but were illegally prevented from doing so?
This is a good article by Jared Taylor at Vdare about what happened, it also includes a photo of the aerosol flamethrower one of the BLM / Antifa was using (unmolested by the police) against the UTR marchers.
How lucky for the Antifa terrorist that he chose to disarm the most limp wristed white supremacist pussy, who meekly gave up his flame thrower without a fight!
Why does anyone believe a word in the MSM any more?
I really do think Jon Sopel needs to be sacked. Just watched his performance on 10 o’clock news. Total personal hatchet job full of bile. His interpretation of Trump’s press conference was full of falsehoods I think he must have decided what he was going to say well before Trump spoke.
Couldn’t agree more. He seemed almost deranged in his determination that whatever Trump did was beleaguered, tense, not enough or whatever. Trump must know that he cannot win with these people and that they need to be destroyed before they destroy him.
I don’t know the full story of whatever went on in the USA. But I know from this country what happens when the “anti-fascists” pitch up. Violence. Every time, with the authorities happy to let it happen and lay the blame at the feet of the supposedly far-right. So I can be pretty certain that the story the BBC and the rest of the MSM is feeding us is far from the reality.
What I find intensely frustrating is that all this is obvious once your eyes have been opened but it’s very difficult to persuade others without appearing somewhat paranoid or a conspiracy theorist. How much more frustrating then to be a protestor watching the authorities egging on the ones who came with the intention of violence?
Why has Rita Chakribati been sent to Pakistan to celebrate its formation? I thought the BBC had said they were going to use local people and not fly out senior front people to save costs. This has been announced several times, but as usual, they never mean it. To the BBC the importance is the message and truth comes a long way behind.
It is breaking news that a driver has deliberately driven a car into a Pizza restaurant in a village South of Paris killing a little girl and injuring several others.
Now let us watch the reaction of the MSM and compare them to Charlottesville (which is beginning to look like a Fascist left wing set up).
You think they will be calling for Macron to condemn Islam, and Islamism?
Or maybe calling Islam intrinsically Evil ?
Or do you think that they will do the exact opposite of what they have done with whitey yet again, and cover everything up to protect the RoPers.
Beeb website reports a car has rammed someone in France. Those evil cars again! Plus he has a French passport and mental health issues! I bet he was from a family of French chefs who was so angry about his beef being under-seasoned that he went on a rampage: stereotypical Gallic behaviour.
Do they ever consider that a certain ideology might be especially conducive to ‘mental health problems’? Budhists never run people intentionally like this.
The French had the chance, at least to begin, to turn this s**t around a couple of months back in their presidential election; they chose not to take it and do so.
A people won’t be saved who don’t grab any opportunities to start to save themselves.
Confirmed: Police Told to Stand Down in Charlottesville—Did Nothing as War Broke Out
The ACLU confirmed late Saturday that police were given stand-down orders in Charlottesville. This invited violence and only fueled the chaos
“The vice-mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia, Wes Bellamy, posted his support for a black supremacist website called “Melanoid Nation” which refers to the right-wing as “terrorists” and advocates for leftists to carry weapons to use against the Alt-Right and others. “
You know when the Black Lives Matter protesters went crazy and a sniper shot a load of cops in Dallas
Obama JUMPED UP right away and condemned Black Lives Matter
…or have I mis-remembered ??
BTW having thoughts of black superiority
..and actually doing violence against white people , are 2 different things aren’t they ?
Personally I don’t go to marches organised on the common premise of people having the same skin colour or sexuality as me
But is it not days since UK police were praising marches of people having PRIDE of being in a sexuality group ?
If one gay guy hits a cop on one of those marches then does that make the group evil ?
If anti-gay marriage protesters gatecrashed a GAY PRIDE march
and one of those gays somehow drove into the anti-gay marriage protesters
..would be ban all pride marches ?
I think, they think they can put the genie back in the bottle, once he has served their purpose politically, islam is the genie, the liberals are retarded.
oops this was a reply to back on the last page about why the bbc dont see what they themselves have coming.
OK This is profound and not too hard to understand
World Service Radio prog Click did a prog a new world where sinister automated bots on social are/will be used to influence our political opinions
presenter Gareth Mitchell “I can understand how a twitterbot can send out lots of tweets
saying , ‘Vote Leave or Vote Donald Trump’, whatever it is.. But that’s quite difficult from instigating fake news.. that would influence the media and news agenda”
So the totatly new thing is that *bots* would influence the news agenda
but hang on why didn’t Mitchell say Vote Brexit or Vote Donald Trump ?
Em cos he’s a Beeboid
Do you get what I am saying ?
In a prog warning us about brainwashing bots the presenter Mitchell already behaves like a bot himself , being a brainwashed Beeboid he SUBLIMINALLY slips in the LibMob view at every angle !
There’s no way he’s going to suggest anything positive about Libertarian views
We catch Mitchell behaving like a bot at other parts of the prog as he randomly slips in BBCLibMob pet issues
of *Climate Change * and *Gay Rights*
(Expert Chris Sumner talks about how tech can nudge people in positive ways “health care measures, preventative strategies)
Min 27:43 Mitchell drops in
” Yeh acts of persuasion, public health , climate change etc”
Min 5:33 suggesting how people could be targeted to change their values
Mitchell suggests “to do with Gay rights, religious values”
See the Beeboids themselves are a kind of bot
First you brainwash the BBC staff
….. then you use them to brainwash the world
And you’ll notice on Sunday Night’s BBC2 prog on Silicon Valley the presenter did the same
– Whilst suggesting that dark forces like Trump were using advanced mind influencing social media tricks
..he himself kept dropping in LibMob propaganda : like that Obama is a hero
and like that dark social media tricks are only used by the Right wing not the left
Very good BBC2 program explaining how Trump won using Facebook. If he can do it then why not here too? https://t.co/vL9UrD9kIv
BBC London News brought to us by Claudia Elisa Armagh (or something like that – her rapid fire delivery leaves us unsure – there was a time when BBC newsreaders tackled on our behalf those tricky exotic pronunciations – now they appeared to be hired specifically because they personally present the audience with the tongue twisters)
Good news on the regular item “Today’s Murder”
Last night’s shooting at Wood Green brought to us by our rapid fire Claudia should just go down as an attempted murder since the victim has survived.
Also included in the short local news slot is a campaign piece which seems to argue females ought not to be sent to jail. Parent’s apparently wanted their daughter released for not much other reason than she was female?
We return to the national studio for a report celebrating the Scottish Government dishing out £160 worth of freebies to new mothers. Despite an isolated single line that this ‘may not be the best use of public funds’ the opinions presented and tone of the report praise this initiative meanwhile it completely ignores 50% of parenting (fathers) who remain invisible and takes us another step down the road to the State assuming de facto parental responsibility.
Another day in the demise of our society and culture care of the BBC
The Scottish government is in the vanguard of leftist doctrinal attempts to nationalise childcare and abolishing private parental responsibility. Very Big Brother.
There is a lot of opposition to it up here. Thank God I do not have children in Scotland. Maybe Roland, Soap and Thatcher would like to comment if they are reading this ?
PS BBC Website ” Baby box scheme rolled out across Scotland “. All new mothers to get a box containing essentials for their baby so it can have the “best possible start in life “. FFS. I wonder how many mothers will refuse it ?
There has been a fair amount of opposition, though not as much as you would have expected, to the extent that it’s been delayed. By which time my kids will be old enough that it doesn’t directly affect me.
I would have expected more opposition to the “named person” legislation when it actually came into being, but who knows? People are dreadful sheep these days. It was my intention to object to whoever was the named person and thus clog up the system if enough did likewise.
Read the brochures and binned them. My youngest is now 15, so him and his 16 year-old brother only have a couple of years to escape their clutches. They are however, extremely switched on and regularly consult Breitbart, Paul Watson, Pat Condell channels for news. They have been taught never to believe what they are told in school, and after one history class where my son had expressed support for President Trump, was rounded on by the teacher and a baying mob of the other students. Fortunately he simply doesn’t care about leftism, and both of them refused to do the homework on Islam in Religious Studies, and when the Maths class and English class had discussions on Scottish Independence, they were well aware of the SNP bias. Scottish schools and universities are rotten through and through.
Neither will be attending University despite impressive grades.
The Grauniad is a poor little old rag nowadays, isn’t it.
Stupid comments by Toynbee on subjects she doesn’t have a clue about, appeared on my screen by mistake this morning. What planet is that silly bitch on?
Anyway, as they keep holding their withered hands out for money, it shouldn’t be long before they become a freebie (with Bbbc advertising propping them up), then die naturally, which would make the world a much better place.
Beeb reporting on a snowflake ‘demonstration’ outside Trump Tower as he apparently failed to condemn the ‘Far Right’ fast enough – even though he clearly did. How is a few people demonstrating news? They just want to drag the story out as long as possible, shove their propaghanda even further down our throats. So the response to a non news story, Trump’s ostensible ‘failure to condemn the Far Right quickly enough (even though he did – is also news. And they keep reporting on how his enemies are criticising him. What shocking news! Liverpool hate Manchester United – hold the front page.
They are fake news. It is so bad yet they take themselves so seriously.
It was a bad mistake to single out KKK etc., especially when violence was from all sides. It was never going to “go far enough” (nothing ever will) and made him look weak.
Where the left are concerned, never explain, never apologise. It just feeds the beast.
The tally army of media box tickers are a plague, caused by too many with too much time and space to fill and nothing substantive to fill it with.
And apology demands and concessions are about as dire as it gets with, as you say, number or sincerity irrelevant if the actual aim is purely ideological propaganda to stir further unrest.
Why play the game?
If Donald Trump had immediately gone on air to say ‘if I had a niece, she’d look like a Dodge hood ornament’, would that have inflamed or calmed?
The sick irony of the usual suspects trying to push one horrible death, if self placed in harm’s way, whilst ignoring myriad actual innocent bystanders and children consumed by beasts the media spend more time avoiding and excusing than exposing, is not lost.
The Government sensibly wants temporary customs arrangements with the EU yet the BBC Today programme immediately goes on the offensive to rubbish the idea. The negative Guardian is quoted extensively and an ex EU trade commissioner is interviewed, admits its technically possible but still rubbishes it. The BBC is so anti British.
Em Don’t fall for any crap about having to negotiate with 27 countries.
The EU is one market so onece you’ve got your goods into one country you’ve got them in all.
e.g. The Widget corp van can drive into France and Widget Corp Fance driver get in and then drive it to anyone else in Europe.
It would be illegal to stop him.
Stew, the EU finished asking 27 member states when it introduced ‘quantified voting’ which favours the larger members such as Germany and France. This is the system they used with the forced migration quotas. All legal and above board, same with MEP expenses and one candidate entry for EU presidency vote.
EU democracy in motion-or not?
I see the bBC has found its latest cause: ‘Segregation’ in students’ university choices “There are warnings of a lack of “ethnic mixing” in the UK’s universities, in a study from the Institute for Policy Research at the University of Bath. Ethnic minority students are more likely to be concentrated in new universities in London and big cities. But white students are more likely to attend predominantly white institutions, says the study. The report warns of “segregation” as a result of students’ choices of university. There are also ethnic divisions within subjects, with only 25 black Caribbean students entering medicine or dentistry courses in 2014-15….”If we are to create a more tolerant UK society, where people are aware and respectful of cultural and ethnic difference, it is vital that greater mixing happens,” said leader of the research project, Dr Michael Donnelly”. Ah, its that we need to do more moment again:
The thing is the good doctor (and the bbC) can’t seem to be able to put 1=1 together. I quote: “Almost two-thirds of students in the UK from Bangladeshi families go to a relatively small number of “super-diverse” London universities” 54% of the British Bangladeshi population lives in London, like all good Islamic families they don’t like their children going into digs as heavens forbid they may leave the faith and as for an Islamic girl not living at home until she is wed, yeah right. Finally it also means they don’t do into that much debt. Naturally, the bBC has an answer for this: “Researchers found some students from multicultural parts of London were worried they could face racism if they chose universities in less diverse parts of the country.”
Utter tosh, Muslims congregate in Islamic ghettos, be it East London, Birmingham,Bradford or even Saville Town , why is their free choice of where to go to Uni (Usually close to home) the non-Islamic populations fault. Lazy reporting which is shown in their next: “Subjects were “even more segregated than universities” said researchers and some have “huge problems with ethnic diversity”. For medicine and dentistry courses, the study found only 0.3% of the intake were from black Caribbean families – representing 25 students…… This was the lowest proportion of any ethnic minority group – compared with almost 3% who were black African, 11% Indian and 5% Pakistani and 2% Chinese.
So one segment of the rainbow of Ethnic minorities in the UK doesn’t want to go into health care and its a racist issue.
The bbC, the biggest promoters of faux racism in the UK
And there are some universities that the Jewish kids wont go to – something to do with anti-Semitism being rife there, although to be fair, there is anti-Semitism at all UK universities.
I girl I know read History of Art for her degree. She said there were 120 on the course (I forget the actual number, but it was quite a lot) and only six of them were men, and most them were gay. Should that university faculty be investigated?
That paragon of virtue Liz Rateef tells us on the Londonistan programme that the police are to
have video camera’s on their helmets so that we can see when that they are trying to arrest
“alleged” criminals that they behave themselves. To be fair to Rateef she is only reading the
bilge that her Socialist Worker, Trotskyist, Anarchist, Fifth Columnist editors, sub editors, researchers
are putting in front of her.
I thought at one time that the only thing that was missing in the Londonistan studio was a statue
of Mark Duggan as Rateef was defending the character of this noble innocent gentleman.
More good news for Europe which will not be broadcast by the BBC – http://www.newobserveronline.com/2017/08/two-more-charity-invader-smugglers.html
Note the refusal to accept on board the ships, Italian officials who would monitor whether there was any collusion between the so called, “Charities” and the people smugglers. Speaks for itself?
Did the disappointing turndown in Eurozone industrial output register on the BBC yesterday or was it pushed off the agenda by anti-Brexit or anti-Trump stories?:
Industrial output in the eurozone fell in June in an uncomfortable drop that suggests the economic boom may not be as strong as analysts hoped.
Germany’s monthly output fell by 1.1pc while Ireland’s crashed by 7.5pc in the choppy short-term index. French industrial output dropped 1.2pc.
Among the larger economies growth was recorded in Italy, at 1.1pc, and the Netherlands, at 1.2pc.
Output fell by 0.6pc in June compared with May, led by a 1.9pc tumble in the production of capital goods and a 1.7pc fall in consumer durables.
No Eurozone country apart from Germany will ever prosper.
Germany is a major manufacturing country, with a large balance of payments surplus, so its currency should be strong, but because it is the Euro, it is weak. The currencies of other Eurozone countries should be weaker than the Germans, but because of the Euro, they are exactly the same. The result is that they can never really recover.
Germany is bleeding Europe white, yet the other Eurozone members are too pathetic to do anything about it. Yet somehow Britain is the villain for choosing to leave this insane labyrinth of lies and corruption?
A united Germany at the heart of Europe has always led to disaster. It did in 1914 and 1939, and I think German re-unification in 1989 (which led to the Euro) will come to be seen as the start of the third great German catastrophe for the rest of Europe.
So the fat bully in North Korea has blinked first in his high stakes game of Poker with President Trump, yet to the bBC, this is because he is being magnanimous towards the belligerent US: N Korea leader ‘briefed’ on Guam plan but opts to wait North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reviewed plans to fire missiles towards the US Pacific territory of Guam but will hold off, state media said. Although prepared for “the enveloping fire at Guam”, the North said it would watch what “the foolish Yankees” do before taking a decision. Last week’s threat against Guam escalated the sharp rhetoric being exchanged between the two sides. This latest report points to a pause in the increasingly bitter war of words. South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in meanwhile has urged the US not to launch an attack on the Korean peninsula without its consent, saying “no one may decide to take military action without the consent” of the South.
No consideration of what might have happened if Trump had not made his threats. I believe that JFK took much the same line during the Cuban missile crisis. I wounder if the BBC castigated him at the time ? Or what would have been their reaction in the unlikely event that Obama had made similar threats ? I think we all know the answer. The BBC. Vermin.
You are right, JFK said that a missile attack from Cuba on any country in the Western Hemisphere would be treated as an attack by Russia on the USA, and dealt with accordingly.
At the time, the USA had a massive nuclear advantage against the USSR, and if the USSR had been daft enough to have tried it on, the USA would have wiped them out.
After Cuba, the USSR embarked on the huge nuclear weapons build up which eventually bankrupted them and led to the collapse of soviet communism.
Nowadays the BBC would no doubt have castigated JFK as a warmonger, and reported with glee the Antifa demos outside the White House.
After Obama’s equivocations, Trump left Kim in no doubt whatsoever what would happen to North Korea and him personally if he ever attacked the USA or its allies: one minute after he launches a nuclear weapon, North Korea and Kim himself will cease to exist.
He had to be told. He was like a stupid child pulling a dog’s tail and getting away with it: the more he gets away with it, the more he does it. Trump just let him know that if he tries it again, he will get his head bitten off. I think this evil, murdering dictator has got the sense to know that he has got a good thing going, lording it over the poor people of North Korea. If he wants it all to end, all he has got to do it attack the USA, and President Trump will make it happen. You have to let people like Kim know exactly where they stand.
Good point Rob. The whole nature of public discourse since Thatcher left office has been ‘don’t say anything nasty’. This is why Trump is loathed by the bien-pensants, because he knows, like Thatcher, that politics is not about being ‘nice’ or loved. Obummer was the opposite, always at pains to be seen as the good guy, viz his ‘cool clock’ comment to that boy who made a ‘clock’ that looked suspiciously like a bomb.
Radio 5 Phone-In now is going on about there being so few British players in the Premier League
Apparently Arsenal fielded 11 foreign players the other day.
Three Beauties all at once! Starmer is truly a prat of the first order. Toynbee’s article in the Guardian is disgraceful; comments are not being allowed, and we know why.
Don’t normally read comrade Toynbee articles but the comrades have obviously decided that JRM is a serious threat so dusting off some 1960s abuse and intimidation techniques.
Have a look at wiki for Mary Louise Toynbee – inherited , wealth failed oxbridge student ( Dady got her in on one A level ) some prolateriate jobs for creed and then the rest of her life on her fat arse pontificating for all beeb of its far left print version .
Disgusting personal attacks on JMR .
If you get the vibe that I detest the likes of Toynbee . Damn right.
Wow , I would never have guessed: Mo Farah: How easy is it for celebrities to change their name? What’s in a name? Sir Mo Farah is about to find out. The four-time Olympic champion has announced he wants to be known as “Mohamed” when he starts the next chapter of his career.….Rebecca May, PR expert and managing director at Alliance PR, says it is possible to change your name and “rebrand”. She said: “Mohamed is not a name change, as such, he just wishes to be known now by his full name, not nickname.
All week long I have been annoying my wife by saying he is not British, he is a Somalian who used the UK to get access to his dream – living in America. I am not even slightly surprised to see him reverting. Let’s see if the USA media falls in love with Sir Mohammed like the Biased BBC did.
Radio Lincolnshire phone in now – Is LIncolnshire a Racist county ?
..If thy wanted They could pretty much have every non-white person in the county sitting in the studio .
The top liked comment there says
“Having listened to the interview just now – I would say this woman has an attitude problem! Perhaps the racism is actually the other way round!!”
..and it’s hidden by Facebook’s filter
This harping on by the left about the UK being the Crucible of all historical hatred doesn’t mirror what many EU reports have found out: The European Union themselves conducted a similar study, which was published in 2015. In their research, they asked the 28 EU member nations a series of questions based on their personal beliefs and how comfortable they would be with certain minorities in a variety of situations. Overall nations like the UK, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden proved to be the most tolerant countries. Those with consistently racial views across the board included the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus and Lithuania.
Looking at those EU findings on racism, could the reason behind the bBCs views on Lincolnshire be due to so many Eastern Europeans in that county?
It’s hard not conclude that, to the BBC, ‘racism’ is the single most important thing in the world – fundamentally, the only thing they care about.
I can’t think of a time in British history when the country was gripped with a monomania of such proportions, except, perhaps, the Middle Ages when religious fanaticism held people’s minds in a vice.
Future historians will look back in wonder and dismay.
‘the country was gripped with a monomania (‘racism’) of such proportions’
The massive efforts of our media arts and education sectors on behalf of so-called anti-racism is perfectly explainable when you consider the unprecedented hyper-immigration to which our country is recently being subjected. How else would there not be all out race war – even in Britain which honestly is THE most tolerant of societies? How else but by anathematizing the smallest glimmer of objection could an existing ancient people and culture be peacefully superceded? Only with their intensive clamp down on attitudes could authorities police such a transition.
I agree but I also wonder which came first? Does the Left use ‘racism’ merely as a tool to facilitate revolution (a la Frankfurt School) by means of immigration, or is its fanatical attempt to deracinate this country a result of that obsession?
In any case, as Grant points out elsewhere, it is absurdly partial. The BBC has a pathological obsession with Africa and yet largely ignores South America, which might as well not exist at all for all the interest shown in it. Nor, indeed, other parts of the world.
Good points . Especially about S. America. Central Asia is another no go area. The BBC’s obsession with Africa does not extend to telling the truth or reality, assuming they know what it is.
Rapidly being overtaken by trangenderism. But the BBC’ s racism is very selective. Not much about Japanese racism or Arab racism against black Africans and Filipinos , for example. Strange that.
An interesting exercise, not BBC, but then how do they do their ‘research’?
Try searching for ‘white couples’ on Google, then do the same for ‘black couples’.
When I tried it the first produced a good mix of multi-racial pictures and links to the joys of inter-racial marriage while the second was heavily mono-racial for pictures and the links were to the likes of ’20 most succesful black marriages’.
Seek and ye shall find (what we want you to find).
The aim being to dilute “whiteness “. The reverse is true in Africa. Most black African girls want a white husband for the following reasons :-
1. White men generally treat women better than black African men. And don’t cheat as much.
2. They have more money and are more generous with it.
3. African girls want children with lighter coloured skin. It is a sign of prestige. There is a lot of animosity between blacks of different shades of black. For example, the Fula tribe in West Africa tend to have lighter skin colour than the others. So they feel superior and many of the others are jealous .
I would have thought it would make an interesting documentary for the BBC. They would probably conclude that it is all the fault of the white man !
African girls want children with lighter coloured skin. It is a sign of prestige. There is a lot of animosity between blacks of different shades of black. For example, the Fula tribe in West Africa tend to have lighter skin colour than the others. So they feel superior and many of the others are jealous .
Its the same in the Asian community and mirrored in white people who go out of their way in which to become darker.
Quite right. I was talking to a Gambian girl once about a white guy who lives in Gambia and is younger and better looking than me. ( Doesn’t have the same magnetic personality and intellect , of course ). He sun-bathes a lot and has a dark tan. I am fair-skinned and skulk in the shade. She said, “but you are much more attractive than him because your skin is whiter “. I have dined out on that story for years !
Scottish Grant?
Very worrying….thought you were all pale and freckled up there like Neil Lennon and all my Irish cousins!
The Irish do not do skiing…you`ll be telling us that you Scots do!
Confusing days.
Ann continues to knock them all out of the park.
Witness poor Emma Barnetts constant interruptions and refusal to listen to answers-whereas our BLM goon got endless time to talk -well listen-if you can tell me what he`s on about(as opposed to what he`s on)-then do tell.
Reckon we`ll be needing a Coulter Academy here to get OUR pals primed and feisty-so far, they`re nearly all too courteous and soft over here.
We`re media experts and giants here-happy to garner a few experts in areas that i`m not too bothered with like climate change crap!
What`s been the best angry Brexiteer performance in the UK since June 24th 2016 on our telly or on paper?
I`ve seen none yet-we`re nearly all FAR better here surely to God.
The bBC and finding racism in the Blood service: Apology over Indian blood donation ’embarrassment’ The Blood Transfusion Service has said lessons have been learnt after 120 members of the Indian community were turned away from giving blood. The blood drive was organised specifically for the Indian community last year, but confusion over criteria meant many were unable to donate. Community leaders said they were left feeling “hugely embarrassed”. The Northern Ireland Blood transfusion Service (NIBTS) said there had been a “breakdown in communications”. “One of my friends went in to donate blood, he was very enthusiastic, he was first. “They asked had he taken a malaria test since he was from India, a malaria-risk country.” Dr Vijayam said it was then that they realised that there was a problem…
Mr Varma said it was “really shocking and embarrassing” when they were told they could not donate. “Initially it was annoying, why did they not communicate with us what was needed?” he said. “I had to call all my friends that hadn’t arrived and tell them not to come. “They didn’t check our passport to see if we were an Indian citizen or a British citizen. They just looked at our face. “They never checked if you had travelled to India, it was just a blanket ‘no’.”
I give blood, I am also brown skinned and I have been turned away a couple of times. I fill out the questioner and then I sit down with a nurse who questions my answers. Yes maleria comes up and as somebody who has travelled the world, I understand why, but they have never asked for proof, just like they have never asked for me to take my pants off and allow them to inspect my arsehole when I say I have never taken it up the arse. And then there’s the blood test. Unfortunately for me, I eat very little meat (No, I am not a vegetarian) Its just as I have got older, I have just gone off meat. What that means is when they test my blood and it fails the copper sulphate test , i get sent home. There is nothing racist, at all, they have their guidelines and they stick to them. playing the race card is just so pathetic.
I suppose it could, but by filtering out those that could fail the test, the BS would be saving time,effort and money which they could direct elsewhere.
I`m setting up a spoof website to “champion” the NEGATIVE sterotyping of those of us with an O-neg blood group. For years now I`ve been caricatured and labelled as “negative” by the blood transfusion service and the NHS…and this has made me sad and a chronically fat and useless underachiever. Thank God at 86 I`ve discovered this, and can now transition to being Jennifer Anistons stepmum…and she`s got no right to say i`m not either. She`d better visit for my sleepover parties too!
Any OTHER similarly-afflicted Blood Groups who are self-identifying as “negative”?
You`re not-you`re positive and I`m here to champion you (oo er)-and a nice Class Action on You and Yours, Mail Online . Worried Well Ninnies.com…and a nice little Arthur Daley type of compo-earnie may well be worth a punt.
Twenty minutes of hurt-and the taxi meter is running,
Our Rhesus Monkey Policy is yet to be decided however!
I became aware of this when I had to have a transfusion at Mid Staffs , simply in order to give birth to my twin rhesus monkeys Tazer and Tyson-hate crime!
Did think of adding my sickle cell charity run awareness raising wobble around the grounds here-but , to be arsed, it`s too much and can`t be arsed-and the state pays in all events anyhoo.
I`m black you know-today.
Lovely scrumping, nursey!
My mother wanted to give blood once, but because she had had yellow jaundice as a child, she was turned down. Is the Blood Transfusion Service guilty of subtle anti-Chinese prejudice, or are these Indians just race hustlers? You decide!
When Obama uses Facebook and social media to try and increase his popularity he’s “a shrewd leader who knows how to connect with people in the modern world”.
When Trump uses social media he “stole the election” and has “an obsession with tweeting”
Why is it nearly all Independent headlines that appear on my iPhone’s suggested stories, when they’re such an unpopular news source?
I never click on them, but judging by the headlines they’ve turned in to a sort of looney Left Sunday Sport.
You can customise your favourite news sources. However when I went in just now to try that, the list was headed by BBC, Independent, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed. It’s interesting to see what they choose from and may just explain your observations.
It’s very telling that the former editor of the failed Independent is now employed to spout the same nonsense by the BBC. Both outlets, of course, being little more than sewage pipes for the Left’s effluent.
The BBC is obsessed with diversity to the point where one expects to
see the main headline on their website ” BRONZE MEDAL for John Jane Munchkin
at the Friends of Dorothy European Championships .
Meanwhile, I am still trying to work out why the BBC has devoted countless broadcasting hours to the allegedly deliberate mowing down of far Left protestors by some maniac in the USA and yet is willing to show only scant interest in the deliberate mowing down of an innocent child, in Paris.
Ebba Åkerlund, 11, deliberately mown down and killed by Rakhmat Akilov in Stockholm in April, was another innocent child who, in that case, was completely ignored by the BBC. They are liars by omission.
The joy of this site is that I need not listen to the BBC.
You reveal ALL their big lies, their games and it`s entirely right to get hacked off with the 24/7 endless diarrhoea from the incontinent, incoherent Lefty nuttaz!
Relax though if you can.
It`s all about us staying in the EU and getting Trump impeached. Charlotteville only separated the “true believers” from the “hare and hounds” leisure-wearing tourists. I`m a pilgrim-not a tourist.
Did anybody think that 45 years of the EU…over 60 years of Kennedy-type cutural wipeout…would be gone in a year, in ten months?
Course not.
The Mail and Telegraph, Spectator and the likes of McMaster, Scaramucchi, Gove and Farage can only ever take you to the lowest pit stops-then they will know better and try to run it all for you.
Steve Bannon is my acid test-as long as he`s in the White House, then Trump has a brain and a heart.
If only he had the fight or soldiers to come out screaming over Charlotteville as the Left did…and if only we had angry types with The Overview to come out screaming when a Far Islamic Extremist crashes into a French pizzeria and kills a protester..demanding Macron account for this, how come the EU have gone 24 hours with no apology from Juncker?
This is war-cultural war. Bannon knows this-Trump is in mortal danger of forgetting it.
Nine blacks killed in Chicago over the last weekend-yet one white lefty causes riots and presidential apologies…those nine are martyrs for the Left, no reproaches or excuses required by their bleeding arse media outlets.
Deep State and Soros-no idea about the realities, but I do know that Trump cannot be allowed to go floppy on us-being funny or a wind up is OK for him and Nigel, but we need to stop laughing, find the levers and get fighting nasty back.
Very proud to say that I`m in the business of “dividing and ruling”-Dianne Abbott is worth a quoting!
The Left want us to “unite and submit”…therefore I want the complete opposite.
Far-Right is now Far Left! Fascism is AntiFa!…God Bless St Eric Blair of Eton!
Where`s Mogg?
Oh…Anne..Marie …Waters…to be sung to the tune of “Seven Nation Army”!
Well said. My only contact with the BBC for months now has been TMS and even that has been feminised. Looking forward to the first transgender commentator .
One of my other coming spoof campaigns involves getting all those bloody womens magazines banned in Tescos, WH Smith etc.
Loads of them-no-one buys them, laminated in polythene-and a disaster for the environment…those poor trees and landfills!
They also make no room for gender fluidity…all “Woman ” this and “Womens” that-what of us sensitive, gender confused pensioners and temporary greybacks, let alone the metrosexuaul fops?
I therefore am planning a load of labels to censor the “WO” bit from all those magazines that presume to miss out our tranny pals-trans fatties and Pasty Patsies down here in Wess-Inter-sex.
I demand gender fluidity on all those “Mens and Home”…”Mens Home and Gardens” glossies now…got my pink Sharpie at the ready, this one could run like my free tights I hope to offer free with every purchase of my Transfatties Helpful Healthy Elf magazine.
Exclusive interview with “The Gastric Band” in the first edition.
“As the UK now begins the long process of exiting the European Union, we can reflect that the departing nation’s most important broadcasting institution has been behaving, for several years, as if its true aim were to reproduce the thought control that prevailed in the Soviet Union.”
From a truly excellent and very funny article by Clive James: https://www.thegwpf.org/content/uploads/2017/07/Clive-James.pdf
These last days of Clive have proved a glorious autumn.
Sad it`s taken so long to reclaim his inner Aussie.
That said, he was largely responsible for the sewer sadistic telly that is now commonplace on Freeview(@£145.50 and rising). Had he kept that Jap crap where it belonged and didn`t go all ironic on us , TV would be far less the sinister Lefts Rollerball and Blade that it is today.
God love him though.
An excellent article and one which I urge all on here to read. Mr James puts his finger on exactly why there is so much BS floating around in the media: there simply aren’t enough intelligent well trained sceptical journalists to report anymore. They’ve dwindled as the fall out cloud from the internet has gradually killed them off, like the end of Neville Shute’s post-nuclear novel ‘On the Beach’ where a junior lieutenant is the only man left to command the entire US navy.
This comment struck me in particular: ‘Alarmists have always profited from their insistence that climate change is such a complex issue that no ‘science denier’ can have an opinion about it worth hearing.’ You need well trained, intelligent, sceptical humanists to objectively analyse what scientists are saying – not the scientific detail, but the WAY they say it and the way their message is put across. If Newton had discovered gravity today, he would probably start up a scare story that it would cause the moon to fall on top of us.
Journalists, to their shame, attack non-scientists such as Lord Lawson who question scientists’ claims, probably because they themselves have largely lost the ability to objectively analyse a subject. Instead, they have become a form of parish clerk parroting the views of the high priests of science, whom nobody else is ‘qualified’ enough to question.
BBC Website ” Is Trump too tough on N. Korea ? “. The BBC is so impartial that it is difficult to know which side they are on .
Strangely, they do not ask the question ” Was Obama too soft on N. Korea ? “. Many of the world’s big problems today were caused by Obama’s weakness. He has left an awful legacy. Thank god he has gone and we have a real man in the White House and not a pussycat.
R4 news earlier had on some analyst suggesting NK’s response to Trump is to buy some time as they aren’t quite ready. FFS, not a single hint that Trumps stance may have led to the response.
Brilliant from John Redwood on BBC2 5 minutes ago.
Discussing Brexit and Barnier and Verhofstadt in relation to the latest comments from David Davis, he summed up BBC current affairs coverage in general beautifully,
‘I hope there will be fewer of these painful interviews where nothing is happening ‘.
Even more amazing is that they let Nigel Farage on during WATO and, naturally, he made the dull as ditch water Martha Kearney sound like the clod-hopper she is.
Even if you were a Brexitophobe, even if you were a Leftie, it really ought to occur to these chumps that the real brains are on the Right, as the likes of Messers Farage, Redwood and Rees-Mogg always demonstrate.
While I’m here, some of you might want to have a listen to Amol interviewing Al Gore on Monday night, after 6.30 I think, while Amol is covering for Simon Mayo on Radio 2. I use the term interviewing loosely.
I only listened to the first half but heard ‘ the sky as a sewer ‘ used a couple of times without definition or qualification and the one contentious point that Amol made, I think querying Gore’s comparison of the climate change cause to the fight against fascism and racism, went unanswered properly by Gore although Amol did his best to help out.
Never paid much attention to Al Gore before and was unimpressed by his presentation and rhetoric. Amol remains a sycophantic twat.
Oh, and latest contestant on Strictly, Susan Calman. She’s a pint-sized Perkins, sightly more feminine than Sandi, you never see her and Ruth Davidson in the same room.
50 years since emancipation with her and the Rev on board and the great taboo/ injustice/ prejudice/ human rights infringement of the lack of a same sex dance pairing to be broken, this could be the year my wife and daughters finally switch this shite off.
Susan Calman’s as broad as she’s long. I can’t imagine why the BBC would choose this particular left wing Scottish lesbian to be on Strictly Come Dancing. Has anyone got any ideas?
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If you are looking for overtly extreme left wing news look no further than Channel 4
Moaning about president Trump not talking about right wing groups in the right language
Moaning about illegal migrants drowning in the med
Moaning about people overdosing from illegal drugs they choose to take
Moaning about a bunch of illegal freeloaders not getting a free house after a fire
Switched off then as some scatty lefty woman came on to talk more anti Tory anti brexit waffle .
They’ll want the stars and bars banned next .
I wonder if the lefties have thought through their demands that Trump name a ‘far right’ organisation to blame for the car death.
If they get their way, the logical outcome would be that the precedent had been set and any future atrocities and similar events would also have an organisation named and blamed.
As the vast majority, in fact, almost all atrocities, are carried out by those on the left and their enriching pets can we expect every organisation to be named in future.
Will May name ‘hate not soap’, antifa, sjw and other unwashed gangs when they cause mayhem.
Will the police name the enrichers who are busy enriching schoolgirls. (And I don’t mean names like ‘Asians’ or ‘men’ as they are almost meaningless)
Those on the right have a decent record for behaving in their marches, it’s the lefties who start the violence.
Pegida (where are they now?) held peaceful meetings but were often attacked by those lovely lefties in their face coverings (just like the kkk and Isis) hiding their identity yet it’s the right who are penalised and not them lefties.
Try adopting in Rotherham if you are a ukip voter for example.
Of course, none of this will happen because the left will never accept they are wrong about anything (although they ARE wrong about almost everything) so the naming and shaming will only apply to those on the right as happens now.
Yes Emmanuel ,
You can see the way right wingers are treated when they try to protest in public . Totally controlled and intimidated by the lefty controlled police for purpose of ‘ public safety’ which is definitely Orwellian .
Good luck to the southern Americans and their attempt to retain their past. Slavery is an easy thing to beat the right with but was always more complicated than al beeb would want it to be.
And Blighty has more than enough to deal with than disputes in foreign countries which are not ours .,
I see the bBC thought police are continuing to regurgitate this sexist crap from the otherday:
Clarks in sexism row over Dolly Babe girls’ shoe
Clarks has been accused of “everyday sexism” for a calling a girls’ school shoe “Dolly Babe”, while the boys’ equivalent is called “Leader”. The girls’ shoes carry a heart-patterned insole, while the boys’ insoles are decorated with footballs. (Actually the insole is just blue with the Clark motif) The sides of the shoe has a football and the sole has a picture of a goal keeper saving a ball. Which means nobody bothered to check (More on this below)
It appears that in their quest to turn everybody into bisexual whatevertheyare, the left (Including the bBC) object to parents buying shoes with hearts on them for their little girls and shoes with footballs for their little boys. The thing is social experiment after social experiment found that boys prefer ruff and tumble to sitting down at a table and playing with a tea set.
Now Jimmy Crankie

Has come out and the bBC feels it has to report this faux outrage against sexism.
Oh and BTW bBC, the leader isn’t the equivalent for the Dolly babe it’s the equivalent of Lilfolk Bel Infant
and the reason its called leader, well here’s the shoes description from the clarks website:
“Leader Game Inf, boys’ school shoes, black leather – With football detailing on the durable rubber sole and a football badge on the side, this new style from our Attackers range will be the one everyone wants. Lightweight thanks to the EVA midsole, these school shoes feature a bungee lace and riptape fastening for a secure fit and our unique Air Spring FX technology and agion linings for breathable comfort. Plus it comes with a free toy. Available in whole and half sizes and different widths. Toy contains small parts, see here for details.”
The irony here is that these wankers are so angry over different styles of clothing for males and females. Well here’s something if you so fucking object, why don’t you buy the opposite genders clothing for your gender free children, even better, take your business elsewhere, or better still cover them in a Burka. Hang on Bukas are gender specific , and males can wear what they want. Where’s the outrage.
(A few years ago in the ME, I got talking to this Muslim. I asked him why women covered up. He explained that it was their religious devotion to god that made them do so., I allowed the chat to go on and then asked who are more religiously devout men or women. He replied ‘Men’ So I then asked him why he was wearing jeans and T-shirt and not religious attire. He walked away.)
The bbC, the self appointed politically correct thought police
Strange really that the vast majority of animals – mammals – have male and female . They behave in particular ways toward each other.
Humanity , however, has decided to go against the natural order and a few engage with their own gender and others don’t know what they are.
I’m glad to be so old fashioned but not surprised by how the number of apparently screwed up people there are these days is increasing .
You wouldn’t think it strange if you saw the enormous pressure being brought by the Left on children to ‘question their sexual identity’ as early as 4 years old. The idea that if a 4-year-old boy likes playing with trucks or wants to rush around playing football, he must have been “repressed” by his parents into accepting a “normative” view of humanity.
The Leftists pounce with glee on any child who seems less than 100% committed to their biological gender and train them to be, well, nothing, in gender terms.
Like all other Leftist policies, this widespread child abuse is aimed at nothing less than the undermining of Western society and its replacement by the hellhole of a Leftist utopia.
Pounce ,
I have posted before, but do the BBC not realise that their obsession with sex and chidren, especially paedophilia and transgenderism is not normal ? It may be normal in the perverted, narrow-minded world of a Beeboid, but not for the rest of us. They are sick and dangerous to children.
Fed up,
Typical muslim hypocrite. No wonder the BBC love them so much.
When I was small I always wore my “Clark’s Commandos” shoes. Since I am not trans or left wing, perhaps I can blame the shoes for gender stereotyping me at an early age?
Rob wrote:
When I was small I always wore my “Clark’s Commandos” shoes.
Did you have a compass in yours?
I was brought up on clarks and remained with until a few years ago. As I got older I gravitated to wearing desert wellies (Kind of helped being in the army) then Clarks moved production to Portugal and the price went up to around £60 , a few years alter they moved again to Vietnam and now your looking at around £100 for shoddy made boots. I looked around and found Loakes not only make Deserts , but they are made in the Uk and around the same price. No brainer.
Yes, the compass was a big selling point for me!
I’m sorry to hear that Clark’s have gone down the route of importing foreign tat at premium prices, like you I do like a pair of Loake’s shoes these days. No compass in them though, they are missing a trick!
Dear God this site is a mess for positing on!
I have to type all of this again because it got wiped.
I have been appalled at the biased way the BBC has reported the goings on in America, especially quoting the Southern Poverty Law centre as an authoritative source despite the fact it is completely discredited.
Reporting nothing about the fact that the Fascist Left attended the demonstration with the sole intention of visiting violence on the opposing side.
Nothing about the offensive weapons they brought with them as well, as opposed to the defensive ones of the right – shields, helmets, and PPE.
Nothing about the fact that although there were some real white supremacists there the majority were not.
Where is the usual false argument the Fascists love to extend to their Muslim Ubermensch – “They’re not all like that”?
Or perhaps the reporting that whereas in Britain everyone not on the centre Left or further to the Left is described as ‘Far Right’, in America everyone not agreeing wholeheartedly with the Fascists is described as a ‘White Supremacist’ Even Black people who disagree with the Fascists are described as being white supremacists
No reporting what so ever on the injuries sustained by the protestors on the Right, one of whom may have been permanently blinded and others with serious injury because the BBC doesn’t want you to know the violence wasn’t all from one side.
Thoughful wrote:
I have to type all of this again because it got wiped.
Not just this site, I’ve started composing to word first and then cut and pasting. However as I am a bloke , I tend to forget and lose my post.
Tip : If you compose in Yahoo Mail on a mobile you can “save to drafts” every so often.
If you are on a desktop then it auto saves as you go along.
I tend not to do long posts, but I usually post after each sentence then edit. Cumbersome , but I shall never lose too much. I am not “Techie” enough to understand why there are some quirks on this site.
I haven’t had that problem on this site, but when I do have problems posting on sites, or when I do a long post, I right-click and ‘copy’, then continue as normal. If there is a problem, right-click and ‘paste’.
The BBC has reported Charlotteville just as it has reported so-called far right demonstrations in the UK. It is the determination of the left wing anti-fascist groups to disrupt marches by the EDL and others that has caused the violence. The BBC always ignores this. The BBC is determined to prove that so-called Far Right groups are as big a threat as Muslim terrorists and the street gangs of the left. However it’s simply not true.
When has the BBC ever allowed the truth to get in the way of its perverted agenda. ?
Whatever happened to Panorama . ?
Booze at airports ? Brits drinking . Let’s ban it .
They made a big thing about drinking early in the morning . Well I spent many years on shifts and it was normal for the chaps to go to a market boozer after work so drinking in the morning has s bit of normality about it for me.
Al beeb want to stop something else . Good socialist banning .
Of course, Beeboids are too stupid to know about time differences. So it may be morning in one country, but the travellers’ body clock is saying evening. And he or she may be going to sleep all day. Beeboids would like to ban many things , but there would always be an exemption to any ban. Namely themselves. They are vermin.
Good point Grant, but a bit unfair on actual rats .
Fair point. I have a certain admiration for rats .
This morning led with this rubbish over booze at airports.
We lost our luggage at Terminal 5 way back, so were pretty merry afterwards.
Frankly, given the way we`re treated at boarding and border points-surprised far more people don`t get drunk and abusive.
They`ll end up paying for our delays if they can`t ply us with a cheap sherry or three.
Oh-and what about their drunk pilots? The BBC worried about THAT?
What with all those prisoners with IPP sentences that John Humphrys was fussing over, I had no tissues left for the drunks.
Can I cry for ALL of them BBC?….all this misery and concern must play havoc with their mental health.
No wonder we pay them so well.
Apparently the numbers have “skyrocketed” to 357. 357 so better tighten up licensing at the airports. Alcohol being another one of the BBcs favourite subjects that comes around and around.
This site keeps me as sane as is possible.
Had I no access to it, I might believe the BBC/Channel 4s endless garbage and (frankly weird) choice of stories and priorities.
But I`ve been here a few months, firstly as a reader-and now the rants.
Thanks to this site, I feel I`m vaccinated, feel really sorry for those who prefer the BBC to prechew all stories for them.
Like looking through the world using St George glasses.
So I know that I`ll have no opinion on Virginia until I`ve checked in with Breitbart, Tucker etc.
Steyn, Sowell etc too.
No excuses is there?
No wonder Google and Facebook want us off this stuff…all the more reason to cherish it and let everybody know why the media choose their nonsense.
Quite agree. When I come onto this site , it makes me feel that I am not alone. Very important for my mental health.
Totally agree. I know loads of people that take everything the BBC and the msm at face value.
I get into so many arguments with friends and family because I am the only one who will actually dig a little beet deeper, do a little bit research and question the motives.
Of course I am a right wing bigot in their eyes because I don’t accept what I am supposed to.
Global Warming (Climate change) is a perfect example. It must be true because that’s what they say on the tv. If only they would look beyond what is reported, they would find it is not quite above board and a lot of porky’s are told.
If only more people like us would question what is being said, instead of falling for it hook line and and sinker….
Ask then what they think about wrestling and WWF
Just about everything on TV is ‘constructed reality’ for entertainment purposes rather than reality.
At the beginning of the Global Warming hype coming to my attention , I wasn’t sure what to think but searching the Internet I found that some of the scientists had lied. My thought processes were that if it was true, they wouldn’t have had to lie. But I have never heard the BBC mention it.
At the end of the day, no science is settled. Phlogiston/Priestley and Einstein/Quantum Theory being examples. Just a thought – Does the sun still orbit the Earth?
Thats it in a nutshell, everything post modern/progtressive is about perception, all these worthless organisations bestowing awards on each other becoming gold platted.
Scratch the surface and theres just turd underneath, and even thats hollow, disgusting people whose reign in america atleast is just about over, he who controls the funding ultimately controls the politics of their institutions thats how obarma fed billions into the progressive funding machine, the ngo’s non-profits are full of greedy progressives, their whole political machine will collapse eventually, Chinas money funding green destruction will dry up aswell Greenpeace will close their offices there as will others, and that huge money laundering operation comes to an end.
see climate scientists will lose all credibility in the red blue team exercises to be televised, several may even go to jail for fraud once the full extent of the pal review criminality is exposed, then theres the journals, they will be exposed, along with scientific orgs for promoting fake science, they wont have any place to hide.
I’m tired of hearing AGW advocates saying that the science is settled and the Beeb and other lefties happily pump this out. No science is settled but seemingly AGW is locked down.
Funny enough, I thought the science that men and women are different was settled. That changing gender couldn’t be brought about by a simple change of mind but seemingly THAT science is now open to question and fine to be challenged.
I’m tired of hearing AGW advocates saying that the science is settled and the Beeb and other lefties happily pump this out. No science is settled but seemingly AGW is locked down.
Funny enough, I thought the science that men and women are different was settled. That changing gender couldn’t be brought about by a simple change of mind but seemingly THAT science is now open to question and fine to be challenged.
Alicia and Grant: Me three!
Apologies for going off piste, and its not the Beeb, BUT…
I am mega narked ! Two different occasions now I’ve settled down to watch a subtitled drama (well publicised in press and tv mags), and become engrossed in the story-line; on Channel 4 last night. THEN at the end I’m informed that if I want to watch the rest of the episodes I need to tune in to some sodding online streaming and unheard of channel. Being a lady I’ll just use initials, but FFS, why ????? As a digital dinosaur I don’t “stream” anything, so why con me into watching something that cannot be followed up on the normal terrestrial channels ? The tv mags never indicated it couldn’t be watched on a weekly basis on the presenting channel, so I’m thoroughly pissed off that I’ve wasted an hour of my time.
Rant over.
Ps – just read the above 2 posts, and I agree, this site is great for chest offloading when there’s no-one else to whinge to.
I feel your pain Brissles, and you’re absolutely right of course that they should be making it clear in advance that only the first episode will be shown on TV. I’m guessing you’re talking about Valkyrien. Just in case you don’t know, you can watch it online at http://www.channel4.com/collection/walter-presents, along with lots of other foreign dramas subtitled in English. It’s paid for by advertising and is thus subscription-free. In an age when very little on TV is worth watching, and much of it is simply unwatchable, it’s worth giving this service a go even if you’re not normally into streaming. (I personally watch these programmes on my TV via an Amazon firestick which just plugs into the HD port of the TV set.) As far as I know, Walter Presents is an independent organisation which buys up overseas TV shows and has a deal with Channel 4 to show them on their All4 online service.
Thanks for that Heisenberg. I’ll give it a go, but perhaps I ought to invest in one of these firesticky things ! (firesticks for me, was kindling that got our open fires going !!! – dear God !)
Saw what was advertised and didn’t even bother to watch what was available.
Just breaking news, it’s those cars again
And the silence will follow……..
Mrs K,
” The incident is not being treated as a terror attack “. I would have been pretty terrified if I had been a victim or witness.
One wonders where he got the idea from………
If al Beebus is as impartial as it likes to portray itself, then why didn’t they interview any of the senior people from the Unite The Right rally?
Why have a lengthy interview with someone who is an “historian of the Far-right in the US”?
Why not set up an interview with Jason Kessler who organized it? Or maybe do one with Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch or Michael Hill who were meant to speak but were illegally prevented from doing so?
This is a good article by Jared Taylor at Vdare about what happened, it also includes a photo of the aerosol flamethrower one of the BLM / Antifa was using (unmolested by the police) against the UTR marchers.
Yeah the flame-thrower, he hero-ically took off a white supremacist so he says, perish the thought he brought it there himself.
How lucky for the Antifa terrorist that he chose to disarm the most limp wristed white supremacist pussy, who meekly gave up his flame thrower without a fight!
Why does anyone believe a word in the MSM any more?
I really do think Jon Sopel needs to be sacked. Just watched his performance on 10 o’clock news. Total personal hatchet job full of bile. His interpretation of Trump’s press conference was full of falsehoods I think he must have decided what he was going to say well before Trump spoke.
Sopel is still smarting from Trump’s “there’s another beauty ” jibe. Yes, it is personal and Sopel, like all Beeboids, is a child.
Couldn’t agree more. He seemed almost deranged in his determination that whatever Trump did was beleaguered, tense, not enough or whatever. Trump must know that he cannot win with these people and that they need to be destroyed before they destroy him.
I don’t know the full story of whatever went on in the USA. But I know from this country what happens when the “anti-fascists” pitch up. Violence. Every time, with the authorities happy to let it happen and lay the blame at the feet of the supposedly far-right. So I can be pretty certain that the story the BBC and the rest of the MSM is feeding us is far from the reality.
What I find intensely frustrating is that all this is obvious once your eyes have been opened but it’s very difficult to persuade others without appearing somewhat paranoid or a conspiracy theorist. How much more frustrating then to be a protestor watching the authorities egging on the ones who came with the intention of violence?
Jon Sopel and Jeremy Bowen.
Two beauties of impartial DNA left at the door.
The BBC does know how to pick them, install them and keep them in place no matter what.
Why has Rita Chakribati been sent to Pakistan to celebrate its formation? I thought the BBC had said they were going to use local people and not fly out senior front people to save costs. This has been announced several times, but as usual, they never mean it. To the BBC the importance is the message and truth comes a long way behind.
Just like the EU Deborah, always telling us they’re going to reform.
I wonder when James O’Brien is going to be sent by the BBC to celebrate the 3,000th of his home planet?
Which planet ? Uranus ?
He’s pretty far up his own anus!
She was probably delivering a few British passports to the extended family or giving out a few tower hamlets postal voting forms…
It is breaking news that a driver has deliberately driven a car into a Pizza restaurant in a village South of Paris killing a little girl and injuring several others.
Now let us watch the reaction of the MSM and compare them to Charlottesville (which is beginning to look like a Fascist left wing set up).
You think they will be calling for Macron to condemn Islam, and Islamism?
Or maybe calling Islam intrinsically Evil ?
Or do you think that they will do the exact opposite of what they have done with whitey yet again, and cover everything up to protect the RoPers.
Beeb website reports a car has rammed someone in France. Those evil cars again! Plus he has a French passport and mental health issues! I bet he was from a family of French chefs who was so angry about his beef being under-seasoned that he went on a rampage: stereotypical Gallic behaviour.
Do they ever consider that a certain ideology might be especially conducive to ‘mental health problems’? Budhists never run people intentionally like this.
The French had the chance, at least to begin, to turn this s**t around a couple of months back in their presidential election; they chose not to take it and do so.
A people won’t be saved who don’t grab any opportunities to start to save themselves.
BBC Website headline ” Car rams pizzeria ” . The BBC , the World Leaders in Fake News and self-parody.
I hate pizzeriophobic cars.
Confirmed: Police Told to Stand Down in Charlottesville—Did Nothing as War Broke Out
The ACLU confirmed late Saturday that police were given stand-down orders in Charlottesville. This invited violence and only fueled the chaos
The big problem figure in this appears to be the deputy mayor Wes Bellamy – an alleged Black Panther supporter
“The vice-mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia, Wes Bellamy, posted his support for a black supremacist website called “Melanoid Nation” which refers to the right-wing as “terrorists” and advocates for leftists to carry weapons to use against the Alt-Right and others. “
You know when the Black Lives Matter protesters went crazy and a sniper shot a load of cops in Dallas
Obama JUMPED UP right away and condemned Black Lives Matter
…or have I mis-remembered ??
BTW having thoughts of black superiority
..and actually doing violence against white people , are 2 different things aren’t they ?
Black Lives people killed cops in various towns didn’t they ?
Personally I don’t go to marches organised on the common premise of people having the same skin colour or sexuality as me
But is it not days since UK police were praising marches of people having PRIDE of being in a sexuality group ?
If one gay guy hits a cop on one of those marches then does that make the group evil ?
If anti-gay marriage protesters gatecrashed a GAY PRIDE march
and one of those gays somehow drove into the anti-gay marriage protesters
..would be ban all pride marches ?
I think, they think they can put the genie back in the bottle, once he has served their purpose politically, islam is the genie, the liberals are retarded.
oops this was a reply to back on the last page about why the bbc dont see what they themselves have coming.
OK This is profound and not too hard to understand
World Service Radio prog Click did a prog a new world where sinister automated bots on social are/will be used to influence our political opinions
So the totatly new thing is that *bots* would influence the news agenda
but hang on why didn’t Mitchell say Vote Brexit or Vote Donald Trump ?
Em cos he’s a Beeboid
Do you get what I am saying ?
In a prog warning us about brainwashing bots the presenter Mitchell already behaves like a bot himself , being a brainwashed Beeboid he SUBLIMINALLY slips in the LibMob view at every angle !
There’s no way he’s going to suggest anything positive about Libertarian views
We catch Mitchell behaving like a bot at other parts of the prog as he randomly slips in BBCLibMob pet issues
of *Climate Change * and *Gay Rights*
See the Beeboids themselves are a kind of bot
First you brainwash the BBC staff
….. then you use them to brainwash the world
And you’ll notice on Sunday Night’s BBC2 prog on Silicon Valley the presenter did the same
– Whilst suggesting that dark forces like Trump were using advanced mind influencing social media tricks
..he himself kept dropping in LibMob propaganda : like that Obama is a hero
and like that dark social media tricks are only used by the Right wing not the left
Is the Tory Government surrendering ?
Time for them to be ‘Mogginated !’
BBC London News brought to us by Claudia Elisa Armagh (or something like that – her rapid fire delivery leaves us unsure – there was a time when BBC newsreaders tackled on our behalf those tricky exotic pronunciations – now they appeared to be hired specifically because they personally present the audience with the tongue twisters)
Good news on the regular item “Today’s Murder”
Last night’s shooting at Wood Green brought to us by our rapid fire Claudia should just go down as an attempted murder since the victim has survived.
Also included in the short local news slot is a campaign piece which seems to argue females ought not to be sent to jail. Parent’s apparently wanted their daughter released for not much other reason than she was female?
We return to the national studio for a report celebrating the Scottish Government dishing out £160 worth of freebies to new mothers. Despite an isolated single line that this ‘may not be the best use of public funds’ the opinions presented and tone of the report praise this initiative meanwhile it completely ignores 50% of parenting (fathers) who remain invisible and takes us another step down the road to the State assuming de facto parental responsibility.
Another day in the demise of our society and culture care of the BBC
The Scottish government is in the vanguard of leftist doctrinal attempts to nationalise childcare and abolishing private parental responsibility. Very Big Brother.
There is a lot of opposition to it up here. Thank God I do not have children in Scotland. Maybe Roland, Soap and Thatcher would like to comment if they are reading this ?
PS BBC Website ” Baby box scheme rolled out across Scotland “. All new mothers to get a box containing essentials for their baby so it can have the “best possible start in life “. FFS. I wonder how many mothers will refuse it ?
There has been a fair amount of opposition, though not as much as you would have expected, to the extent that it’s been delayed. By which time my kids will be old enough that it doesn’t directly affect me.
I would have expected more opposition to the “named person” legislation when it actually came into being, but who knows? People are dreadful sheep these days. It was my intention to object to whoever was the named person and thus clog up the system if enough did likewise.
Read the brochures and binned them. My youngest is now 15, so him and his 16 year-old brother only have a couple of years to escape their clutches. They are however, extremely switched on and regularly consult Breitbart, Paul Watson, Pat Condell channels for news. They have been taught never to believe what they are told in school, and after one history class where my son had expressed support for President Trump, was rounded on by the teacher and a baying mob of the other students. Fortunately he simply doesn’t care about leftism, and both of them refused to do the homework on Islam in Religious Studies, and when the Maths class and English class had discussions on Scottish Independence, they were well aware of the SNP bias. Scottish schools and universities are rotten through and through.
Neither will be attending University despite impressive grades.
The Grauniad is a poor little old rag nowadays, isn’t it.
Stupid comments by Toynbee on subjects she doesn’t have a clue about, appeared on my screen by mistake this morning. What planet is that silly bitch on?
Anyway, as they keep holding their withered hands out for money, it shouldn’t be long before they become a freebie (with Bbbc advertising propping them up), then die naturally, which would make the world a much better place.
Beeb reporting on a snowflake ‘demonstration’ outside Trump Tower as he apparently failed to condemn the ‘Far Right’ fast enough – even though he clearly did. How is a few people demonstrating news? They just want to drag the story out as long as possible, shove their propaghanda even further down our throats. So the response to a non news story, Trump’s ostensible ‘failure to condemn the Far Right quickly enough (even though he did – is also news. And they keep reporting on how his enemies are criticising him. What shocking news! Liverpool hate Manchester United – hold the front page.
They are fake news. It is so bad yet they take themselves so seriously.
It was a bad mistake to single out KKK etc., especially when violence was from all sides. It was never going to “go far enough” (nothing ever will) and made him look weak.
Where the left are concerned, never explain, never apologise. It just feeds the beast.
The tally army of media box tickers are a plague, caused by too many with too much time and space to fill and nothing substantive to fill it with.
And apology demands and concessions are about as dire as it gets with, as you say, number or sincerity irrelevant if the actual aim is purely ideological propaganda to stir further unrest.
Why play the game?
If Donald Trump had immediately gone on air to say ‘if I had a niece, she’d look like a Dodge hood ornament’, would that have inflamed or calmed?
The sick irony of the usual suspects trying to push one horrible death, if self placed in harm’s way, whilst ignoring myriad actual innocent bystanders and children consumed by beasts the media spend more time avoiding and excusing than exposing, is not lost.
The Government sensibly wants temporary customs arrangements with the EU yet the BBC Today programme immediately goes on the offensive to rubbish the idea. The negative Guardian is quoted extensively and an ex EU trade commissioner is interviewed, admits its technically possible but still rubbishes it. The BBC is so anti British.
Em Don’t fall for any crap about having to negotiate with 27 countries.
The EU is one market so onece you’ve got your goods into one country you’ve got them in all.
e.g. The Widget corp van can drive into France and Widget Corp Fance driver get in and then drive it to anyone else in Europe.
It would be illegal to stop him.
Stew, the EU finished asking 27 member states when it introduced ‘quantified voting’ which favours the larger members such as Germany and France. This is the system they used with the forced migration quotas. All legal and above board, same with MEP expenses and one candidate entry for EU presidency vote.
EU democracy in motion-or not?
I see the bBC has found its latest cause:
‘Segregation’ in students’ university choices
“There are warnings of a lack of “ethnic mixing” in the UK’s universities, in a study from the Institute for Policy Research at the University of Bath. Ethnic minority students are more likely to be concentrated in new universities in London and big cities. But white students are more likely to attend predominantly white institutions, says the study. The report warns of “segregation” as a result of students’ choices of university. There are also ethnic divisions within subjects, with only 25 black Caribbean students entering medicine or dentistry courses in 2014-15….”If we are to create a more tolerant UK society, where people are aware and respectful of cultural and ethnic difference, it is vital that greater mixing happens,” said leader of the research project, Dr Michael Donnelly”.
Ah, its that we need to do more moment again:
The thing is the good doctor (and the bbC) can’t seem to be able to put 1=1 together. I quote:
“Almost two-thirds of students in the UK from Bangladeshi families go to a relatively small number of “super-diverse” London universities”
54% of the British Bangladeshi population lives in London, like all good Islamic families they don’t like their children going into digs as heavens forbid they may leave the faith and as for an Islamic girl not living at home until she is wed, yeah right. Finally it also means they don’t do into that much debt. Naturally, the bBC has an answer for this:
“Researchers found some students from multicultural parts of London were worried they could face racism if they chose universities in less diverse parts of the country.”
Utter tosh, Muslims congregate in Islamic ghettos, be it East London, Birmingham,Bradford or even Saville Town , why is their free choice of where to go to Uni (Usually close to home) the non-Islamic populations fault. Lazy reporting which is shown in their next:
“Subjects were “even more segregated than universities” said researchers and some have “huge problems with ethnic diversity”.
For medicine and dentistry courses, the study found only 0.3% of the intake were from black Caribbean families – representing 25 students…… This was the lowest proportion of any ethnic minority group – compared with almost 3% who were black African, 11% Indian and 5% Pakistani and 2% Chinese.
So one segment of the rainbow of Ethnic minorities in the UK doesn’t want to go into health care and its a racist issue.
The bbC, the biggest promoters of faux racism in the UK
And there are some universities that the Jewish kids wont go to – something to do with anti-Semitism being rife there, although to be fair, there is anti-Semitism at all UK universities.
I girl I know read History of Art for her degree. She said there were 120 on the course (I forget the actual number, but it was quite a lot) and only six of them were men, and most them were gay. Should that university faculty be investigated?
The bBC and the racism about using…black emojis and gifs?
Is it OK to use black emojis and gifs?
What a pile of of steaming shite.
That paragon of virtue Liz Rateef tells us on the Londonistan programme that the police are to
have video camera’s on their helmets so that we can see when that they are trying to arrest
“alleged” criminals that they behave themselves. To be fair to Rateef she is only reading the
bilge that her Socialist Worker, Trotskyist, Anarchist, Fifth Columnist editors, sub editors, researchers
are putting in front of her.
I thought at one time that the only thing that was missing in the Londonistan studio was a statue
of Mark Duggan as Rateef was defending the character of this noble innocent gentleman.
I have to laugh as to the bBC, Saint Duggen can only be a holy person.
More good news for Europe which will not be broadcast by the BBC –
Note the refusal to accept on board the ships, Italian officials who would monitor whether there was any collusion between the so called, “Charities” and the people smugglers. Speaks for itself?
You might like this then:
Libyan Coast Guard achieves in 30 seconds what the EU has failed to do in 4 years
and I’ve also noticed the bBC hasn’t mentioned any of this.
Problem is, Pounce,
Where will they move to and set themselves up again? Spain, Morocco……….
I love the quote ” The Libyan Navy has assumed control of Libyan waters “. Er….. Isn’t that their job ?
G, the investigative journalists at the BBC ought to be all over a story like that!
Where is a good Editor when you need one at the BBC?
C’mon Mr Trump: condemn the solely black violence in Chicago equally as you were forced to in relation to the “white supremacists” in Charlottesville –
Did the disappointing turndown in Eurozone industrial output register on the BBC yesterday or was it pushed off the agenda by anti-Brexit or anti-Trump stories?:
Industrial output in the eurozone fell in June in an uncomfortable drop that suggests the economic boom may not be as strong as analysts hoped.
Germany’s monthly output fell by 1.1pc while Ireland’s crashed by 7.5pc in the choppy short-term index. French industrial output dropped 1.2pc.
Among the larger economies growth was recorded in Italy, at 1.1pc, and the Netherlands, at 1.2pc.
Output fell by 0.6pc in June compared with May, led by a 1.9pc tumble in the production of capital goods and a 1.7pc fall in consumer durables.
When the FT100 falls by 1 % it is headline news on the BBC and a “plunge “. These output figures are very serious. Especially Ireland.
Grant, that’s right. IIRC, Ireland owes the UK and RBS especially, quite a lot of money.
No Eurozone country apart from Germany will ever prosper.
Germany is a major manufacturing country, with a large balance of payments surplus, so its currency should be strong, but because it is the Euro, it is weak. The currencies of other Eurozone countries should be weaker than the Germans, but because of the Euro, they are exactly the same. The result is that they can never really recover.
Germany is bleeding Europe white, yet the other Eurozone members are too pathetic to do anything about it. Yet somehow Britain is the villain for choosing to leave this insane labyrinth of lies and corruption?
A united Germany at the heart of Europe has always led to disaster. It did in 1914 and 1939, and I think German re-unification in 1989 (which led to the Euro) will come to be seen as the start of the third great German catastrophe for the rest of Europe.
So the fat bully in North Korea has blinked first in his high stakes game of Poker with President Trump, yet to the bBC, this is because he is being magnanimous towards the belligerent US:
N Korea leader ‘briefed’ on Guam plan but opts to wait
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reviewed plans to fire missiles towards the US Pacific territory of Guam but will hold off, state media said. Although prepared for “the enveloping fire at Guam”, the North said it would watch what “the foolish Yankees” do before taking a decision. Last week’s threat against Guam escalated the sharp rhetoric being exchanged between the two sides. This latest report points to a pause in the increasingly bitter war of words. South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in meanwhile has urged the US not to launch an attack on the Korean peninsula without its consent, saying “no one may decide to take military action without the consent” of the South.
No consideration of what might have happened if Trump had not made his threats. I believe that JFK took much the same line during the Cuban missile crisis. I wounder if the BBC castigated him at the time ? Or what would have been their reaction in the unlikely event that Obama had made similar threats ? I think we all know the answer. The BBC. Vermin.
You are right, JFK said that a missile attack from Cuba on any country in the Western Hemisphere would be treated as an attack by Russia on the USA, and dealt with accordingly.
At the time, the USA had a massive nuclear advantage against the USSR, and if the USSR had been daft enough to have tried it on, the USA would have wiped them out.
After Cuba, the USSR embarked on the huge nuclear weapons build up which eventually bankrupted them and led to the collapse of soviet communism.
Nowadays the BBC would no doubt have castigated JFK as a warmonger, and reported with glee the Antifa demos outside the White House.
After Obama’s equivocations, Trump left Kim in no doubt whatsoever what would happen to North Korea and him personally if he ever attacked the USA or its allies: one minute after he launches a nuclear weapon, North Korea and Kim himself will cease to exist.
He had to be told. He was like a stupid child pulling a dog’s tail and getting away with it: the more he gets away with it, the more he does it. Trump just let him know that if he tries it again, he will get his head bitten off. I think this evil, murdering dictator has got the sense to know that he has got a good thing going, lording it over the poor people of North Korea. If he wants it all to end, all he has got to do it attack the USA, and President Trump will make it happen. You have to let people like Kim know exactly where they stand.
Trump would never have let the Falklands trouble go unresolved as long as it did. The Argies would have got nowhere near invading.
Good point Rob. The whole nature of public discourse since Thatcher left office has been ‘don’t say anything nasty’. This is why Trump is loathed by the bien-pensants, because he knows, like Thatcher, that politics is not about being ‘nice’ or loved. Obummer was the opposite, always at pains to be seen as the good guy, viz his ‘cool clock’ comment to that boy who made a ‘clock’ that looked suspiciously like a bomb.
Agreed . And I get the Chinese are getting a bit pissed off with Kim too.
Radio 5 Phone-In now is going on about there being so few British players in the Premier League
Apparently Arsenal fielded 11 foreign players the other day.
Shadow Brexit Sec StarmEUr back from his summer hols clutching his instructions from the puppet masters.
He is also tweeting Toynbee’s Guardian article denigrating JRM, and retweeting Brendan Cox.
Transl. “We should stay in the EU “.
Disgraceful that he is a member of the Privy Council.
It is disgraceful that he exists, full stop.
Indeed. Starmer was a creature of Bliar. That’s a good enough reason for forced exile, if you ask me.
Or worse !
He must know where I good number of skeletons are buried or be senior in the masons .
Three Beauties all at once! Starmer is truly a prat of the first order. Toynbee’s article in the Guardian is disgraceful; comments are not being allowed, and we know why.
Don’t normally read comrade Toynbee articles but the comrades have obviously decided that JRM is a serious threat so dusting off some 1960s abuse and intimidation techniques.
Have a look at wiki for Mary Louise Toynbee – inherited , wealth failed oxbridge student ( Dady got her in on one A level ) some prolateriate jobs for creed and then the rest of her life on her fat arse pontificating for all beeb of its far left print version .
Disgusting personal attacks on JMR .
If you get the vibe that I detest the likes of Toynbee . Damn right.
Toynbee from a disgusting family.
Wow , I would never have guessed:
Mo Farah: How easy is it for celebrities to change their name?
What’s in a name? Sir Mo Farah is about to find out. The four-time Olympic champion has announced he wants to be known as “Mohamed” when he starts the next chapter of his career.….Rebecca May, PR expert and managing director at Alliance PR, says it is possible to change your name and “rebrand”. She said: “Mohamed is not a name change, as such, he just wishes to be known now by his full name, not nickname.
I don’t think it’s a brand that his sponsors will be too keen on.
What does the name “Mohammed” bring to mind:
and Quorn sausages?
All week long I have been annoying my wife by saying he is not British, he is a Somalian who used the UK to get access to his dream – living in America. I am not even slightly surprised to see him reverting. Let’s see if the USA media falls in love with Sir Mohammed like the Biased BBC did.
Radio Lincolnshire phone in now – Is LIncolnshire a Racist county ?
..If thy wanted They could pretty much have every non-white person in the county sitting in the studio .
The top liked comment there says
“Having listened to the interview just now – I would say this woman has an attitude problem! Perhaps the racism is actually the other way round!!”
..and it’s hidden by Facebook’s filter

This harping on by the left about the UK being the Crucible of all historical hatred doesn’t mirror what many EU reports have found out:
The European Union themselves conducted a similar study, which was published in 2015. In their research, they asked the 28 EU member nations a series of questions based on their personal beliefs and how comfortable they would be with certain minorities in a variety of situations. Overall nations like the UK, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden proved to be the most tolerant countries. Those with consistently racial views across the board included the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus and Lithuania.
Looking at those EU findings on racism, could the reason behind the bBCs views on Lincolnshire be due to so many Eastern Europeans in that county?
It’s hard not conclude that, to the BBC, ‘racism’ is the single most important thing in the world – fundamentally, the only thing they care about.
I can’t think of a time in British history when the country was gripped with a monomania of such proportions, except, perhaps, the Middle Ages when religious fanaticism held people’s minds in a vice.
Future historians will look back in wonder and dismay.
‘the country was gripped with a monomania (‘racism’) of such proportions’
The massive efforts of our media arts and education sectors on behalf of so-called anti-racism is perfectly explainable when you consider the unprecedented hyper-immigration to which our country is recently being subjected. How else would there not be all out race war – even in Britain which honestly is THE most tolerant of societies? How else but by anathematizing the smallest glimmer of objection could an existing ancient people and culture be peacefully superceded? Only with their intensive clamp down on attitudes could authorities police such a transition.
I agree but I also wonder which came first? Does the Left use ‘racism’ merely as a tool to facilitate revolution (a la Frankfurt School) by means of immigration, or is its fanatical attempt to deracinate this country a result of that obsession?
In any case, as Grant points out elsewhere, it is absurdly partial. The BBC has a pathological obsession with Africa and yet largely ignores South America, which might as well not exist at all for all the interest shown in it. Nor, indeed, other parts of the world.
Good points . Especially about S. America. Central Asia is another no go area. The BBC’s obsession with Africa does not extend to telling the truth or reality, assuming they know what it is.
Rapidly being overtaken by trangenderism. But the BBC’ s racism is very selective. Not much about Japanese racism or Arab racism against black Africans and Filipinos , for example. Strange that.
An interesting exercise, not BBC, but then how do they do their ‘research’?
Try searching for ‘white couples’ on Google, then do the same for ‘black couples’.
When I tried it the first produced a good mix of multi-racial pictures and links to the joys of inter-racial marriage while the second was heavily mono-racial for pictures and the links were to the likes of ’20 most succesful black marriages’.
Seek and ye shall find (what we want you to find).
The aim being to dilute “whiteness “. The reverse is true in Africa. Most black African girls want a white husband for the following reasons :-
1. White men generally treat women better than black African men. And don’t cheat as much.
2. They have more money and are more generous with it.
3. African girls want children with lighter coloured skin. It is a sign of prestige. There is a lot of animosity between blacks of different shades of black. For example, the Fula tribe in West Africa tend to have lighter skin colour than the others. So they feel superior and many of the others are jealous .
I would have thought it would make an interesting documentary for the BBC. They would probably conclude that it is all the fault of the white man !
African girls want children with lighter coloured skin. It is a sign of prestige. There is a lot of animosity between blacks of different shades of black. For example, the Fula tribe in West Africa tend to have lighter skin colour than the others. So they feel superior and many of the others are jealous .
Its the same in the Asian community and mirrored in white people who go out of their way in which to become darker.
Quite right. I was talking to a Gambian girl once about a white guy who lives in Gambia and is younger and better looking than me. ( Doesn’t have the same magnetic personality and intellect , of course ). He sun-bathes a lot and has a dark tan. I am fair-skinned and skulk in the shade. She said, “but you are much more attractive than him because your skin is whiter “. I have dined out on that story for years !
Scottish Grant?
Very worrying….thought you were all pale and freckled up there like Neil Lennon and all my Irish cousins!
The Irish do not do skiing…you`ll be telling us that you Scots do!
Confusing days.
News-shite proving that they’ve been entirely ignoring the wave of extreme left violence in the USA –
Left wingers and Isis re-write history.
Storming a statue, that’s so brave.
Mice, 9/10 November 1938 in Germany & 9/10 November 2016 in the USA!
Ann continues to knock them all out of the park.
Witness poor Emma Barnetts constant interruptions and refusal to listen to answers-whereas our BLM goon got endless time to talk -well listen-if you can tell me what he`s on about(as opposed to what he`s on)-then do tell.
Reckon we`ll be needing a Coulter Academy here to get OUR pals primed and feisty-so far, they`re nearly all too courteous and soft over here.
We`re media experts and giants here-happy to garner a few experts in areas that i`m not too bothered with like climate change crap!
What`s been the best angry Brexiteer performance in the UK since June 24th 2016 on our telly or on paper?
I`ve seen none yet-we`re nearly all FAR better here surely to God.
“News-shite proving that they’ve been entirely ignoring the wave of extreme left violence in the USA”
Judging by that Leftist BBC journalist they are not simply ignoring it, they are unashamedly promoting it.
The bBC and finding racism in the Blood service:
Apology over Indian blood donation ’embarrassment’
The Blood Transfusion Service has said lessons have been learnt after 120 members of the Indian community were turned away from giving blood. The blood drive was organised specifically for the Indian community last year, but confusion over criteria meant many were unable to donate. Community leaders said they were left feeling “hugely embarrassed”. The Northern Ireland Blood transfusion Service (NIBTS) said there had been a “breakdown in communications”.
“One of my friends went in to donate blood, he was very enthusiastic, he was first. “They asked had he taken a malaria test since he was from India, a malaria-risk country.” Dr Vijayam said it was then that they realised that there was a problem…
Mr Varma said it was “really shocking and embarrassing” when they were told they could not donate. “Initially it was annoying, why did they not communicate with us what was needed?” he said. “I had to call all my friends that hadn’t arrived and tell them not to come. “They didn’t check our passport to see if we were an Indian citizen or a British citizen. They just looked at our face. “They never checked if you had travelled to India, it was just a blanket ‘no’.”
I give blood, I am also brown skinned and I have been turned away a couple of times. I fill out the questioner and then I sit down with a nurse who questions my answers. Yes maleria comes up and as somebody who has travelled the world, I understand why, but they have never asked for proof, just like they have never asked for me to take my pants off and allow them to inspect my arsehole when I say I have never taken it up the arse. And then there’s the blood test. Unfortunately for me, I eat very little meat (No, I am not a vegetarian) Its just as I have got older, I have just gone off meat. What that means is when they test my blood and it fails the copper sulphate test , i get sent home. There is nothing racist, at all, they have their guidelines and they stick to them. playing the race card is just so pathetic.
Am I missing something ? Can’t the blood test just include malaria ?
I suppose it could, but by filtering out those that could fail the test, the BS would be saving time,effort and money which they could direct elsewhere.
I`m setting up a spoof website to “champion” the NEGATIVE sterotyping of those of us with an O-neg blood group. For years now I`ve been caricatured and labelled as “negative” by the blood transfusion service and the NHS…and this has made me sad and a chronically fat and useless underachiever. Thank God at 86 I`ve discovered this, and can now transition to being Jennifer Anistons stepmum…and she`s got no right to say i`m not either. She`d better visit for my sleepover parties too!
Any OTHER similarly-afflicted Blood Groups who are self-identifying as “negative”?
You`re not-you`re positive and I`m here to champion you (oo er)-and a nice Class Action on You and Yours, Mail Online . Worried Well Ninnies.com…and a nice little Arthur Daley type of compo-earnie may well be worth a punt.
Twenty minutes of hurt-and the taxi meter is running,
Our Rhesus Monkey Policy is yet to be decided however!
I became aware of this when I had to have a transfusion at Mid Staffs , simply in order to give birth to my twin rhesus monkeys Tazer and Tyson-hate crime!
Did think of adding my sickle cell charity run awareness raising wobble around the grounds here-but , to be arsed, it`s too much and can`t be arsed-and the state pays in all events anyhoo.
I`m black you know-today.
Lovely scrumping, nursey!
My mother wanted to give blood once, but because she had had yellow jaundice as a child, she was turned down. Is the Blood Transfusion Service guilty of subtle anti-Chinese prejudice, or are these Indians just race hustlers? You decide!
That bankrupt joke of a newspaper, the Independent, continues with it’s fake news headlines:-
“Barack Obama’s record-breaking tweet about Charlottesville prompts widespread yearning for former President”
You might be yearning for him at the Independent, the Guardian and the BBC, but the rest of us just wish he’d just shut up and go away.
When Trump uses Twitter he is castigated . When Obama uses Twitter he is praised. Bias, what bias ? Pathetic.
PS It is not just the Independent which is bankrupt, it is the whole Left which is intellectually bankrupt.
Pathetic is right Grant,
When Obama uses Facebook and social media to try and increase his popularity he’s “a shrewd leader who knows how to connect with people in the modern world”.
When Trump uses social media he “stole the election” and has “an obsession with tweeting”
Why is it nearly all Independent headlines that appear on my iPhone’s suggested stories, when they’re such an unpopular news source?
I never click on them, but judging by the headlines they’ve turned in to a sort of looney Left Sunday Sport.
You can customise your favourite news sources. However when I went in just now to try that, the list was headed by BBC, Independent, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed. It’s interesting to see what they choose from and may just explain your observations.
It’s Apple. What did you expect?
In other news, the BBC has just reported that the sun really does shine out of Obama’s arse.
It’s very telling that the former editor of the failed Independent is now employed to spout the same nonsense by the BBC. Both outlets, of course, being little more than sewage pipes for the Left’s effluent.
The BBC. “There’s none so blind as those that will not see “.
The BBC is obsessed with diversity to the point where one expects to
see the main headline on their website ” BRONZE MEDAL for John Jane Munchkin
at the Friends of Dorothy European Championships .
Meanwhile, I am still trying to work out why the BBC has devoted countless broadcasting hours to the allegedly deliberate mowing down of far Left protestors by some maniac in the USA and yet is willing to show only scant interest in the deliberate mowing down of an innocent child, in Paris.
Surely the BBC can’t have an agenda, can it?
Ebba Åkerlund, 11, deliberately mown down and killed by Rakhmat Akilov in Stockholm in April, was another innocent child who, in that case, was completely ignored by the BBC. They are liars by omission.
It’s the BBC for God’s sake, you don’t expect impartially, or even facts, just Leftist crap.
The joy of this site is that I need not listen to the BBC.
You reveal ALL their big lies, their games and it`s entirely right to get hacked off with the 24/7 endless diarrhoea from the incontinent, incoherent Lefty nuttaz!
Relax though if you can.
It`s all about us staying in the EU and getting Trump impeached. Charlotteville only separated the “true believers” from the “hare and hounds” leisure-wearing tourists. I`m a pilgrim-not a tourist.
Did anybody think that 45 years of the EU…over 60 years of Kennedy-type cutural wipeout…would be gone in a year, in ten months?
Course not.
The Mail and Telegraph, Spectator and the likes of McMaster, Scaramucchi, Gove and Farage can only ever take you to the lowest pit stops-then they will know better and try to run it all for you.
Steve Bannon is my acid test-as long as he`s in the White House, then Trump has a brain and a heart.
If only he had the fight or soldiers to come out screaming over Charlotteville as the Left did…and if only we had angry types with The Overview to come out screaming when a Far Islamic Extremist crashes into a French pizzeria and kills a protester..demanding Macron account for this, how come the EU have gone 24 hours with no apology from Juncker?
This is war-cultural war. Bannon knows this-Trump is in mortal danger of forgetting it.
Nine blacks killed in Chicago over the last weekend-yet one white lefty causes riots and presidential apologies…those nine are martyrs for the Left, no reproaches or excuses required by their bleeding arse media outlets.
Deep State and Soros-no idea about the realities, but I do know that Trump cannot be allowed to go floppy on us-being funny or a wind up is OK for him and Nigel, but we need to stop laughing, find the levers and get fighting nasty back.
Very proud to say that I`m in the business of “dividing and ruling”-Dianne Abbott is worth a quoting!
The Left want us to “unite and submit”…therefore I want the complete opposite.
Far-Right is now Far Left! Fascism is AntiFa!…God Bless St Eric Blair of Eton!
Where`s Mogg?
Oh…Anne..Marie …Waters…to be sung to the tune of “Seven Nation Army”!
Well said. My only contact with the BBC for months now has been TMS and even that has been feminised. Looking forward to the first transgender commentator .
One of my other coming spoof campaigns involves getting all those bloody womens magazines banned in Tescos, WH Smith etc.
Loads of them-no-one buys them, laminated in polythene-and a disaster for the environment…those poor trees and landfills!
They also make no room for gender fluidity…all “Woman ” this and “Womens” that-what of us sensitive, gender confused pensioners and temporary greybacks, let alone the metrosexuaul fops?
I therefore am planning a load of labels to censor the “WO” bit from all those magazines that presume to miss out our tranny pals-trans fatties and Pasty Patsies down here in Wess-Inter-sex.
I demand gender fluidity on all those “Mens and Home”…”Mens Home and Gardens” glossies now…got my pink Sharpie at the ready, this one could run like my free tights I hope to offer free with every purchase of my Transfatties Helpful Healthy Elf magazine.
Exclusive interview with “The Gastric Band” in the first edition.
“As the UK now begins the long process of exiting the European Union, we can reflect that the departing nation’s most important broadcasting institution has been behaving, for several years, as if its true aim were to reproduce the thought control that prevailed in the Soviet Union.”
From a truly excellent and very funny article by Clive James: https://www.thegwpf.org/content/uploads/2017/07/Clive-James.pdf
These last days of Clive have proved a glorious autumn.
Sad it`s taken so long to reclaim his inner Aussie.
That said, he was largely responsible for the sewer sadistic telly that is now commonplace on Freeview(@£145.50 and rising). Had he kept that Jap crap where it belonged and didn`t go all ironic on us , TV would be far less the sinister Lefts Rollerball and Blade that it is today.
God love him though.
Love him indeed Chris.
Take your point but maybe he was just ahead of his time with the TV circus. Did make me laugh though.
An excellent article and one which I urge all on here to read. Mr James puts his finger on exactly why there is so much BS floating around in the media: there simply aren’t enough intelligent well trained sceptical journalists to report anymore. They’ve dwindled as the fall out cloud from the internet has gradually killed them off, like the end of Neville Shute’s post-nuclear novel ‘On the Beach’ where a junior lieutenant is the only man left to command the entire US navy.
This comment struck me in particular: ‘Alarmists have always profited from their insistence that climate change is such a complex issue that no ‘science denier’ can have an opinion about it worth hearing.’ You need well trained, intelligent, sceptical humanists to objectively analyse what scientists are saying – not the scientific detail, but the WAY they say it and the way their message is put across. If Newton had discovered gravity today, he would probably start up a scare story that it would cause the moon to fall on top of us.
Journalists, to their shame, attack non-scientists such as Lord Lawson who question scientists’ claims, probably because they themselves have largely lost the ability to objectively analyse a subject. Instead, they have become a form of parish clerk parroting the views of the high priests of science, whom nobody else is ‘qualified’ enough to question.
BBC Website ” Is Trump too tough on N. Korea ? “. The BBC is so impartial that it is difficult to know which side they are on .
Strangely, they do not ask the question ” Was Obama too soft on N. Korea ? “. Many of the world’s big problems today were caused by Obama’s weakness. He has left an awful legacy. Thank god he has gone and we have a real man in the White House and not a pussycat.
R4 news earlier had on some analyst suggesting NK’s response to Trump is to buy some time as they aren’t quite ready. FFS, not a single hint that Trumps stance may have led to the response.
Trump seems to be more ready than Kim. Kim will not have the balls to do anything. Much to the BBC’s disappointment .
Brilliant from John Redwood on BBC2 5 minutes ago.
Discussing Brexit and Barnier and Verhofstadt in relation to the latest comments from David Davis, he summed up BBC current affairs coverage in general beautifully,
‘I hope there will be fewer of these painful interviews where nothing is happening ‘.
LOL ! Redwood is one of the few politicians with intelligence , integrity and honesty. I am amazed the BBC even interviewed him.
Even more amazing is that they let Nigel Farage on during WATO and, naturally, he made the dull as ditch water Martha Kearney sound like the clod-hopper she is.
Even if you were a Brexitophobe, even if you were a Leftie, it really ought to occur to these chumps that the real brains are on the Right, as the likes of Messers Farage, Redwood and Rees-Mogg always demonstrate.
If it is looking at quotes then the BBC will be frit.
While I’m here, some of you might want to have a listen to Amol interviewing Al Gore on Monday night, after 6.30 I think, while Amol is covering for Simon Mayo on Radio 2. I use the term interviewing loosely.
I only listened to the first half but heard ‘ the sky as a sewer ‘ used a couple of times without definition or qualification and the one contentious point that Amol made, I think querying Gore’s comparison of the climate change cause to the fight against fascism and racism, went unanswered properly by Gore although Amol did his best to help out.
Never paid much attention to Al Gore before and was unimpressed by his presentation and rhetoric. Amol remains a sycophantic twat.
Oh, and latest contestant on Strictly, Susan Calman. She’s a pint-sized Perkins, sightly more feminine than Sandi, you never see her and Ruth Davidson in the same room.
50 years since emancipation with her and the Rev on board and the great taboo/ injustice/ prejudice/ human rights infringement of the lack of a same sex dance pairing to be broken, this could be the year my wife and daughters finally switch this shite off.
Susan Calman’s as broad as she’s long. I can’t imagine why the BBC would choose this particular left wing Scottish lesbian to be on Strictly Come Dancing. Has anyone got any ideas?
PS: Will we finally get to see her “wife”?
You asked for it Rob,
Good God!
There are another 2 beauties !
Rich, but he (Amol) does sound like Gary Bellamy.
That’s got to be one redeeming characteristic, no?
(Oops, site software! Not my fault, this should be in reply to and under Rich’s post at 1.02pm, 15th August.)