I’ve spent a few days in re-hab trying to wean myself off the BBC but I have relapsed and today I clicked on a few BBC News online videos!
A nice collection of biased BBC video clips from Charlottesville. Left are described always as “protesters” whilst the far right are “nazis”, “KKK”, “Racists”, “white supremacists” etc.
Yeah – all those masked thugs attacking people were gentle ‘counter protestors’ whilst each and every person on the other side was a Hitler loving member of the KKK who loves genocide.
If this group was so terrifying, why did so many ‘counter protestors’ flock to their event? I would be scared sh*tless if a group of genuine Nazis were meeting up. I would stay indoors and and hide under the covers.
Most BBC news reporting is in fact polemic, narrative-driven editorialising
Words and pictures are lazily arranged in such a way as to further a very small set of predictable pre-devised agendas
But still, this being the BBC there is sometimes – if you really concentrate and listen carefully – a line of what the BBC calls balance and what a non-liberal-elite-world-view observer might term a glimmer of truth
And so for instance we are presented with the ‘Sierra Leone floods kill hundreds as mudslides bury houses’ story.
Watch the BBC News Channel report and you will notice hints toward that bastard child of Global Warming and Climate Change meme Global Weather Weirding. Listen out for phrases such as ‘worst ever’
Then there is the constant trope of the innocent third world victim.
But were you listening carefully Licence Payers? There was this one line of easily overlooked caution from our BBC man: “Houses were built illegally on this fragile mountain side”
As though to reinforce the points I made about the BBC tv news reporting just look at the BBC on line report and their favourite opinion tweet:
“Increasingly frequent deluges disproportionately affect those living in informal settlement”
Increasingly frequent? – Scientific evidence, please. Informal settlement? – ie illegal settlement. The BBC attempting to push unsubstanciated climate claims on the public and to bamboozle its readers with weasil words.
First it was undocumented citizen which I thought was a passing moment of lunacy from a deluded left wing but seems to be catching hold and now we have informal settlement to describe an illegal dwelling. Is that what trespassing traveller camps are then, informal settlements – what a joke!
Standard beeboid MO
A story comes in and the start looking to build the narrative based around their tool kit of pet issues.
..so the landslip was caused by Climate Change, the fault of Donald Trump who “has been forced to defend his action’
And a lot of Muslims and Trans are victims
And pet celebrity eg Nadiya has said this about it.
.. And the victims have praised Jeremy Corbyn and blamed ” Tory cuts”
\\So many homes, so many people’
Posted at 17:34 14 Aug
The latest tweet from the Society for Climate Change Communication in Sierra Leone appears to show part of the hillside that fell away killing the people below.
2:19 PM GMT+0100
Sierra Leone is one of more than fifty Muslim majority countries, all of which have poor human rights records and poverty caused by a religious growth strategy of overpopulation. Sierra Leone has been a central player in the blood diamond trade.//
Seems that he is interested in “informal politics ” in Uganda and Sierra Leone. Whatever that means. Well it is the rainy season in SL now. And in most of West Africa. Mudslides, deluges etc are common . How can we realistically measure the incidence ? Maybe Jamie can tell us. On the other hand , maybe not.
Interesting to see his colleague a person with an African name immediately contradicted him below his tweet
Saying it rains every August , just they haven’t been taking care of blocked drains
LOL ! It really pisses off Africans when some white “arriviste ” , like Hitchen, pontificates about something of which they know sweet FA. Just playing to the Western audience for money. Africans may be stupid in some ways , but they know the difference between a geniune white person and a fake and Hitchen is a fake.
On a different scale it’s the same in this country. Due to the rapidly increasing population new houses are being built on whatever land is left. That is often the flood plains that had been left to drain the excess water from winter weather. Now when heavy rains hit the drains have nowhere to pass the sudden excess water and floods occur. There has always been the occasional flood from odd extreme weather happenings but now it happens far more regularly, both due to the reduction of flood plains and the fact there are a lot more, and larger, towns and villages that cause more rain to be passed immediately from gutters into the drains. It’s another problem of unfettered immigration into this country.
Obviously if more towns are being built there in Africa, more and more will be being built on unsuitable land. Also if the houses are not being built as solidly due to the need to rapidly accommodate soaring populations then these tragedies will occur on a more regular basis even if the weather patterns remain the same. The trouble is Europe cannot accommodate any more as we are causing our own disasters due to over-population already.
Near where I live, the geniuses on the local council have decided that a municipal golf course will be redeveloped for housing.
The golf course only dates from the 1970s, before that, the land was fallow, because it was a flood plain. As a golf course, it served the same purpose. As a housing estate, it is a disaster waiting to happen.
When the inevitable happens, I expect Roger Harrabin will explain how it is all down to man made global warming.
Hopefully people here already know that most of the info MSM pushes at us originates from PR Tricksters
..and the general public are played, and got into a state by controlling their worldview.
Yet at 1:15pm on Radio 1 you could hear the 2 DJs realising this.
If you’ve been in the studio you’ll know that when listeners call or text in you often need to use a fresh sim card , cos their database pushes up on the DJs screen the history of your previous calls to the BBC, that’s how they screen ‘trouble makers'”
Well today the DJ realises that listeners X,Y and Z have texted in saying how fantastic it was to hear the track from Z
Except he can see that 2 days ago the same accounts sent the same message and indeed are like bot accounts, cos as soon as a track by Z is played these accounts text Radio 1 saying how fantastic the track is.
So The accounts seem like bot accounts from the Record company PR dept.
The BBC’s persistent undermining of children’s natural genders is deeply upsetting for parents and children, as is the claim that gender is a question of feelings and not biology. Without an ability to meaningfully distinguish between man and woman, traditional marriage is greatly undermined.
Under section 6 of its charter, the BBC is required to “provide impartial news and information”. Its editorial guidelines also say:
“When dealing with ‘controversial subjects’, we must ensure a wide range of significant views and perspectives are given due weight and prominence, particularly when the controversy is active. Opinion should be clearly distinguished from fact.”
Raising pre-pubescent children to have no gender or to believe that they are members of the opposite sex is clearly controversial but there is no discernible effort to balance any of the Corporation’s output on the subject.
We believe the BBC’s decision to dispense with editorial impartiality on this issue is a breach of its legal duty. In the coming weeks, the Coalition for Marriage will continue to do all that it can to push the Corporation to demonstrate the balance and neutrality required of it by law.
It is an ill society which chooses to confuse and worry children in order to appease adults with an extreme agenda. Sadly, our national broadcaster continues to do just this.
This coming Wednesday, August 16th, BBC2 will screen a documentary titled No More Boys And Girls: Can Our Kids Go Gender Free?
In the programme, Dr Javid Abdelmoneim sets out to prove that there are no significant physical or psychological differences between young boys and girls (link here).
To this end a classroom of seven-year-olds is subjected to an experiment in which books with characters “squarely aimed at boys” are thrown away, distinct male and female toilets abolished, and a male make-up artist is brought in to persuade boys to aim for less masculine careers.
The children themselves are horrified at having to share lavatories, with Dr Abdelmoneim admitting that girls feel particularly uncomfortable as a result of the new arrangement (link here).
This is the latest in a series of programmes by the BBC which appear determined to promote transgenderism as a positive, natural development in children.
A nine-year-old boy who uses the name ‘Lily’ is featured along with his friend ‘Jessica’ who is a ten-year-old boy, and ‘Jessica’s’ step-mother who has decided to live as a member of the opposite sex named ‘Alex’.
Court finds in favour of Nigerian lesbian
She has to live in UK cos Nigeria is not fair to Lesbians.
The MSM find its terrible unPC to mention her children, cos that would be sowing doubt
@Gidi_Traffic 50-year-old Nigerian Lesbian Activist Aderonke Apata granted asylum in UK after 13 years fierce legal battle to stay in the UK pic.twitter.com/GbNKiXXWcm
Claim that xenophobes given a choice if donating to German poor or refugees or keeping the money.
Would give more to refugees if told colleagues had donated.
Despite the title oxytocin mostly made no difference
“Xenophobe” is what is LibMob shout at anyone who dares doubt open borders.
But note their behaviour
Whilst they are welcome on Rightwing forums
When a non left shows up on a Lefty forum he is hounded out cos he’s not of the right tribe.
Is LibMob’s actual behavior is xenophobic.
I wonder how the Fascists would react if you called them a bunch of spastics? I know it would be predictable, but consider this, everyday people are struggling to live with very real phobias which affect their daily lives and what difference is there between using someone with a physical condition they have no control over, and a mental one which can have even worse consequences?
The next time you hear a Fascist complaining about some false phobia or other, call them out on it like they do with us.
Call them disgusting hypocrites and ‘disablist’ for making light and using debilitating medical conditions for their own political gains.
When I’ve tried this out once or twice it works, the Fascists have no answer.
I was interested to see what the BBC would make of today’s inflation figures (for July), which remained steady at 2.6%.
I could not find anything about this on the BBC website; although reference was made to it on the business news feed.
I recall that when it increased marginally earlier this year, it was headline news (Brexit, of course, was blamed for this) and was further ramped last month in expectation of another rise. This did not happen and much to the BBC’s amazement and disappointment. The BBC has consistently claimed that a drop in the value of the pound would have a massive and detrimental impact on inflation. As did Nick Clegg. Remember him?
????‼️???????? UK: Oops! And I thought they are thoroughbred Brits, fully integrated with British passport and English patriotism. pic.twitter.com/Xtp6sot27v
Actually it reveals the mindset the bbC belongs to:
1) All week the bBC have been parroting on about partition.
2) According to the bbC, the British are to blame.
3) Whilst much has been aired regards the huge death toll, Muslims are posted in a positive light or even omitted. Whilst the rest are deemed to be vil thugs
4) yesterday was Pakistan independence day and the bBC has spend more time celebrating that, that they ever have done St Georges day
5) Today is the Indian independence day, instead of pictures showing people enjoying themselves, the bBC airs a story which airs all of the HIndu Indians problems by painting Muslims as…victims.
And Muslims and the left opine about how the jews control the media.
The BBC are evidently quite happy to be in the same inane identity politics camp as BuzzFeed, the Guardian etc. You will notice that she has her hair in the European style, but that is not considered “cultural appropriation” of European culture is it? The hypocrisy is mind numbing.. The BBC really is a lost cause.. time for the license fee to go.
I was surprised that the sofa presenters on the BBC World Athletics Championships were wearing cheek microphones that matched their skin colour. I’m even more surprised that Gabby Logan was not forced to wear a black coloured one so not to offend those that seek out offense for a living.
Some news from the U.S. that you won’t hear on al Beebus, wages for construction workers have risen since the Justice Dept led crackdown on illegal immigrants. The white birthrate has also gone up; such things are related.
This is why our government was so wrong to have given all the EU folk who are here carte blanche to stay after we get out.
So what if you have to pay British people more? Maybe it’s because they won’t live 10 per a 2 bedroom house and maybe if you pay them more and improve their f*****g lot in life, in their own country, they might want to start having more children meaning you won’t have to continually import all this cr@p; which will lead to Britons being a minority in Britain – being a minority isn’t a good position to be in anytime but especially not when we can see what the majority is going to be made up of.
This is one of the things I find quite disturbing. The mob toppling of the NC Confederate statue.
What other organisations do we know that wants to eradicate history by destroying monuments.
However, the BBC have been rather quiet on this one. Whilst not condemning it they reported it tucked away in the bbc web site with short video, and the following statement. “The mayors of Baltimore, Maryland, and Lexington, Kentucky, announced plans to remove Confederate monuments in their cities.”
I am sure they would be baying for the removal of all statues that did not meet with agenda if it were not for the fact that they have their own controversial statue’s on the front of their building at W1A.
Eric Gill’s 1932 sculptures of Prospero and Ariel, celebrate peadophilia. His diaries, published in 1989, revealed that he regularly abused his daughters Betty and Petra, as well as the family dog.
A BBC spokesperson in 2013 said: ‘The statue of Ariel and Prospero on the front of Broadcasting House stands as a metaphor for broadcasting, executed by one of the last century’s major British artists whose work has been widely displayed in leading UK museums and galleries. There are no plans to remove or replace the sculptures at the front of Broadcasting House.
And another BBC tribute to Gill is the new BBC font is an updated version of Gills San Font, but that’s another moan for another day…..
I didn’t know about this statue. Absolutely disgraceful that it is there. He also set up the secret police of course, who ultimately killed millions, and was complicit in the cold blooded murder not only of the Tsar but of his wife and children
What a lot of people don’t seem to realize is that once they’ve allowed the Left to remove the statues of and to the heroes of the Confederacy because of their “support for slavery”; it will only be a matter of time before statues of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington will also be candidates for removal, as they both also owned slaves.
It was like the exchange I heard the other day about the recent Charlottesville “events”.
“I wonder what Thomas Jefferson, if he could be reanimated, would say if he could see what was happening there?’
” I think his response would be, ‘Where are the guns?’ And he wouldn’t be on the side of BLM and Antifa.”
I take hope in this endless redrafting of the past by the nasty, vicious and losing left.
When you`ve got no future-then all you`ve got is the airbrushing and parades/demonstrations of the past.
If only the right would rise up and fight the culture wars properly. We`ve had no right fighters now since Nick Ridley from 1989. Dreadful Environment Secretary-but sound on the EU and what Germany was up to even then.
Need to rewrite OUR history for the kids, but at least we have a future with Jacob Rees Mogg, Anee Marie, Bannon and Trump, Gorka and Miller too…and dear Ted Malloch.
Come on Trump . organise then generalise to shaft the reds and greens will you?
Check out the UN’s bookkeepers’ records of tallies – http://migration.iom.int/europe/
Strange how factually accurate the figures are. Its almost as if the UN were in possession of the figures from the people smugglers suggesting, collusion with (God forbid!) the smugglers……………..
A lot of talk of fascism in the media. An attempt to tar Anne Marie Waters with this brush in today’s Telegraph. In that article Tim Stanley claims that the radical Islamist quotes Islam ‘inaccurately’. Really? I think Anne Marie would have something to say about that. Funny how there are so many experts on Islamic scripture. I’m not a member of UKIP but I honestly believe Waters is the only way forward. She is best placed to fight the liberal consensus as represented by Stanley and, of course, the BBC. Have a read of Stanley’s article if you want a laugh…
Like the response to Charlotteville, we are blessed to have yet another litmus test for those who really know what Brexit and Trump represent(our last hope). As opposed to the dabblers and fey camp followers like poor dim Tim Stanley.
Suppose if they`re paid by the BBC to show their conservatism on things like press reviews, then they`ll be bought up pink Tories.
Red in tooth and claw is AMW-she knows the left and Islam for what they are, and UKIP won`t stand long if she is not put in charge.
The blazers and pleated skirts have had their own way too long-and Irish lefty lesbian with a big black GLA deputy should deal with the identity cuckolds of medialand.
Remember this ? “Brexit means Brexit” ? “We are all Brexiters now.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36782922
but …………….
“This used to be a lovely town, Chatham. Now all you hear is foreigners,” said Peter Murdoch. “They’re coming over getting all the benefits, houses, the lot. Struggle, that’s all we do. It’s not fair.”
“That’s what’s turned us: immigrants and what they get when they come over here,” he said. “Of course it should stop. Blow the tunnel up as well.” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-voters-insight-idUSKCN1AU164
Many hold the same opinion in Wales – What on earth was the referendum for ?
Are we, the people of Great Britain , outside of London being betrayed ?
Guido has a Euro post wondering what the BBC is up to with a Brexit story that does not involve BBC staff sucking up to EU mucky mucks. Most commenters reckon it’s one of their 100:1 ‘balance’ efforts tucked away where no one bar OFCOM and idiot Tory ministers will be pointed at.
Meanwhile, I had to appreciate the turns of phrase here:
The BBC seemed to be hoping this chap was a fresh face as Nick, Ken and Michael on old white man cycle was palling, but their man seems to have lost it.
Hoffenhein-Liverpool- Brexit- No tip for US waitress with LGBT rainbow tatoo. The three leading features on the
BBC website. Lets have a vote on which one of these is the biggest load of BOLLOCKS!!!
I inadvertently switched on to someone called Jason Manford (?) – apparently he’s a comedian. Really ? he clearly had the audience in stitches, but all I heard was someone observing life’s situations. Schoolboy giggly stuff, that I never raised a smile to. Peter Kay does it better than most – but then, he has a Northern accent, which helps. This seems to be the way of ‘comedians’ in this age, couldn’t tell a joke if their life depended on it – although no-one can beat the master that is Manning.
Says to his wife as he s dieing” Your a jinx”-very funny. Drving instructor to shepherd ” Can you make
a U turn?”” Can I make a U turn ? I can bring tears to her eyes !!” Thanks for the page DownBoy. After
seeing the main feature about the BLT with the rainbow tatoo,it was good to have a good laugh.
Islam is – The Problem that Aunty dare not speak its name .
Aunty shit scared that even their most moronic/dyed in the wool – strictly/Casualty loving viewers may start to ask some awkward questions about the Religion of Peace if they publicise this story in any way. Even if it from a negative standpoint.
Even fools dont like being taken for fools if it is too obvious, like frogs being boiled slowly from cold – if the temperature is increased too quickly they may start to jump out of the water.
BBC now gone into news management mode – “Move along please, nothing to talk about here”
To think that this horrendous bull dyke was being touted as a potential future Tory leader and PM!
WTF! How far we have fallen as a country for such s**t to even be expressed, never mind be given consideration.
The BBC has a dubious history of hitching itself to niche activism wagons that all too easily fall off cliffs. However they do have the bungee chord that is the state-enforced licence fee to bounce back and start over.
There are clearly some bonkers, nasty bits of work all around the world, however trying to freak out about one small collection whilst at the same time utterly ignoring all the rest is some serious revisionist idiocy that only the western media bubble could contemplate.
Zurcher’s comments at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-40943425 have been mentioned on another thread but are worthy of mention here too. Even by the BBC’s own ‘standards’, they are as biased and bilious as you’re ever likely to see. They are in themselves a sufficiently serious breach of the BBC’s charter as to justify its being closed down immediately.
The violence and mayhem in Charlottesville is a result of the failure of the police to properly “police” this long planned and legally permitted (by a Federal court order) march to protest about the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee from the park which formerly bore his name, in the state where he was from. The blame rests with them and no-one else for not keeping Antifa and their BLM pets under control.
The MSM and al Beebus are pushing this constructed narrative that a load of “white supremacists” (whatever the f**k they are) and “neo-Nazis” unexpectedly turned up in Charlottesville to maim and kill people. It’s all garbage.
It will in the fulness of time be revealed as garbage as the organizers of the rally will sue Charlottesville Police and probably their Black Panther Deputy Mayor too, for breaching their civil rights by ignoring an injunction from a Federal Court judge.The way officials like Bull Connor did to Federal court decisions during the Civil Rights protests across the South in the 1960’s.
If it was unconstitutional for wicked whitey to do it then; why isn’t it unconstitutional for wicked progressives to do the same now?
P.S. The only person I’ve heard make mention of the fact that Unite The Right had a legal permit to have the march, was the chap from Breitbart interviewed on Toady by Justine yesterday.
The car did not “mow down” a protestor. The driver of a slow moving car panicked when a left wing hooligan with a baseball bat attacked his car. Robinson must know this, or else he is so bone bloody idle that he cannot even be bothered to watch the videos of the incident.
The BBC/MSM just don’t get it. It is 2017, and we do not rely on their lying shit any more. All too often we can see what happened for ourselves, and then contrast it with the tissue of lies they present to us. The game is up for the liars at the BBC, they are on borrowed time.
I wish I shared your optimism. This morning’s headlines on BBC Scotland are about the horror of Trump saying there was violence on both sides. That is an incontrovertible fact, borne out by video evidence available to anyone who does basic research, yet is being denied.
We have now moved from biased reporting and lies by omission to outright denial of facts. All with the approval of the establishment. I think we have just crossed the line where there is no way out now without considerable violence that will make Charlottesville look like handbags.
They also do false news…bogus news…white flag, false flag, black flag with white scribbles news too.
Their “news” is usually “noise”…not news.
They don`t report-they bake, confect, sytheshise, cobble together and all manner of pot pourris of dead flowers .
Alicia, it is even prejudice in the guise of news with the BBC.
The BBC do not like Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, and I also suspect – as they prominently linked him to his political Party last night – that the BBC also do not like the Bharatiya Janata Party.
They are not paid by the taxpayer to like or not like politicians and their Parties. They are there to report, inform and educate. They can call on to their television and radio programmes any number of political, social or media commentators who when interviewed can do the liking and not liking.
White supremacist/
Poor learner driver, panicked by a chasing police car?
Civil Rights Activist
A Jo Cox failed martyr?
Lefty busybody?
White kuffar slut who`s now nearer to Allahs slave market? Whichever ones it is-whatever Nick says can not be agreed with because he`s a BBC liar on half a million pounds.
This means it will have been excellent-so I`m off to listen.
The BBC always give you the exact opposite of what`s really true. I set my watches by them-they say midnight, I know it`s really six a.m
I wonder if a so called right wing extremist (possibly) just happened to be put out of his misery by a so called left wing extremist (possibly) what the MSM reaction might be.
Status of a Martyr possibly even Sainthood.
A march in London to protest at the internment of the poor innocent freedom fighter.
Hour long special on the BEEB about his/her life.
And an appearance on a reality TV show of his/her choice.
P.S. Wouldn’t it be great if one day a newsreader had a falling down moment, got up and said f$%* your pension BBC, this is all complete bollocks.
A great moment on bBBC radio4 Toady at 0735.
The daily anti Trump agenda is in full swing, the criticism this time is for him apparently changing his mind again over Charlottesville. But maybe they thought by playing him for a longer time he would hang himself. Oops
The Donald goes for the leftmob reporters’ jugular. ‘ They (leftmomb Charlottesville) wanted to take down a statue of Robert E Lee (note – incidentally as reported on the site but not as far as I am aware by the bBBC) What about George Washington? Do you want to take down his statues? He was a slave owner. How about Thomas Jefferson. ? What about him? Do you want to take down all the statues to Thomas Jefferson? He was a big slave owner’
Oh The Donald. Taking it to the American equivalent of the Guardianista BBC left wing intelligensia and showing them up for the selective hypocrites they are. What a guy.
And then. Blow me down with a feather.
In the Mail today . Headline ” my comrades on the Left flaunt their moral superiority. Butbmany of them are the most racist and sexist of all”. The author? Trevor Philips !!!!!
Seems the Donald has more friends than even he realises.
Just walked through the lounge and noticed a programme about school children with an all-white class. “Ah ha”, thinks I, “must be a negative story about education”. Then I realised that the story was about inequality between boys and girls and all became clear. How on earth could they include certain ethnicities whose religion teaches inequalities between the genders. Some little Asian girl, if asked, must have to say that she is not worth the same as her brother, the Imam says so. The thought that must go into how to present these stories by the liberal BBC editors!
Oh, and to add to the above, next week will be results day. Would you like to bet who will be shown celebrating their success? (Unless the Beeb monitor this site and show white children to spite me, though I doubt that would sway their anti-British bias)
Yes Popeye I noticed this as well, not an ethnic kid to be seen, normally you’re lucky to see a white face on any BBC output to do with kids. After the clip from tonight’s (child abuse) programme it’s back to the sofa lettuces who have gone to DEFCON 4 concerned face mode.
The Beeb reports on the ‘outrage’ Trump’s press conference garnered, doing some excellent investigative journalism by reading out the Twitter feeds of people on their side, and for ‘balance’ Republicans who also bear grudges against Trump. But, they sneer, he did have one person supporting him: KKK leader David Duke!
You know what, Beeb? He has a lot of supporters – he just won an election. If people had a vote on whether the BBC should stay in power they would not survive. It is contemptuous liberal elitists like you who have outaged the vast majority of decent people. Was this country so bad? Did you really have to force this reckless experiement of multiculturalism on us, the terrifying results of which become more apparent every day?
People should be allowed to stand up for their own culture without being attacked and bullied by SJW lunatics. I imagine the true number of ‘white nationalists’ at this demonstration was minimal, and like Trump boldly said they were decent people who have worked hard their whole lives and love their country and are sick and tired of having their identity denigrated. Trump is standing up to the bullies; if you do not then it just emboldens them. If only we had had all those inciting murder arrested over the Satanic Verses affair. We just appeased them and now, along with so many other cherished things, we have no free speech – the bedrock of a free society.
Should journalists not establish the facts? Were Antifa violent? Who started it? No – they spring straight to ‘outrage’, ad hominem attacks and guilt by association, which shows the facts are not on their side.
£3 billion a year for this garbage? They employ 3000 ‘journalists’ and this is the lazy sh*t they churn out for their flagship news programme? Someone bad said they liked what he said, how f**king pathetic and childish is that? You could say that about literally anything.
If their multicultural paradise had arrived their extremism could be justified. But it is the complete opposite: grooming gangs; riots; acid attacks; nobody being able to make a joke without fearing their life will be ruined. I could go on. This is starting to look like hell on Earth.
Exactly – why should I not be able to make jokes about whatever I want in case it ‘offends’ someone? They need to toughen up and get an education. If you are well-educated then very little offends you. How can you respect people who have never read a book and think rap music is the highest art form?
All these miserable, obsese and unemployable feminists telling us how we should behave? It is ridiculous. It is the blind leading the sighted.
And the whole basis of Leftist ” comedy ” is to offend and insult people. I guess it just depends who is being offended. What a bunch of stinking hypocrites.
Nothing new here Beeb.
How many interviews have we heard on the Today show where the politician is interviewed, the “political correspondent” of the BBC then brought in to “interpret” what our politician actually said.
Well-what the BBC wants us all to think was said, what spin and emphasis we`re expected to put on the politicans words.
Why else would they be so blatant?
And then we get the edited soundbite on the news for an hour or so-at this time of year, with no news it may well float in the bowl until teatime too.
The “media” now thinks that it “mediates” between we the plebs and the elites who match their pay grade and status in 2017. It does no such thing-why the hell would I care to hear two budding millionaires spout bubble stuff for their gilded allies amusement?
And my care home taxes go towards funding it all as well.
The media today ARE the news-fake, false and bogus versions all subtly different.
And the media not only ARE the news-but they make it, bake it fake it, choose it , lose it-how many shades of shit do you want?
There`s a science here-free research data in this most fertile of areas.
And Trump resurgent , with Hardest Possible Brexit; is the bar that is set for us to see whether we`ll have a country or an Islamic Green Room of a bordello to pass on to our kids.
We can`t afford to lose-so we won`t.
Prefer a white shroud to a black burqa, not as slimming either.
I have just been watching the breakfast programme on the BBC. There was the usual ethnic doctor on .
The diversity department must give their “requirements” to the editors of the breakfast programme. The good doctor
was talking about how little girls should wear boys clothes and play with trucks. Little boys to wear frilly pink
dresses and play with dolls.
The only thing I was surprised at that when the feature on the new aircraft carrier came on afterwards the male Colonel
and Commodore were asked why they were not wearing dresses!
Didn’t see it, but this described in the DT. A BBC programme in which a junior school class will be “gender neutral”. Very creepy.
Almost as creepy is that the class appeared in the photos to be all white, while this “doctor” is ethnic. Is he Muslim? Whether he is or not, the BBC certainly wouldn’t dare to do this programme in an Islamic school.
There`s surely a court case here.
I remember this trans crap in Inner London Schools way back in the 70s-and it caused untold damage. This will be multiplied now by the fact that its quasi-academic pretence will lay the “university” open to charges of grooming, the BBC open to its default position after Savile. And none of this will hide on a ring binder in Kidbrooke-once it`s on telly, they`ll be open to real charges of grooming, condoning deviance and sexualising minors.
The Green soft science lobby have really messed with their fundings, the BBC obviously ever-present now in schools ever since Ken Baker let them in back in the 80s.
Only wish I had a grandson there-I`d be able to get out of my crap jobs I`m doing.
If you want to get an unbiased report on what happened in Charlottesville, which doesnt have the writers/organisations prejudice, intolerance and hate for their ideological enemies (in this case anyone who doesn’t agree with their world view) overflowing from every written word……do not use the legally mandated to be (and clearly breaking its charter to exist) impartial, unbiased, and inclusive Al ShabeeBBC
This article is unbiased, inclusive, reflective and offers solutions…
This is the Al ShabeeBBC’s version, which is just full of Trump hatred, political intolerance, and 100% acceptance of the violence, the hatred, and the cop killings and the racist, facist BLM and antifa militants…which is leading to more violence, more hatred, more division
I am not normally accused of being lost for words but that is a state I am finding myself in time and time again.
The MSM are going on and on and on about Trump. The facts of the death and rioting in Charlottesville don’t seem to matter. All that matters is that Trump didn’t single out the side that the MSM and the usual suspects happen to like the least by a wide margin.
It happens here on a regular basis – not just with the BBC, but SKY, the DT, you name it. Facts mean nothing, it’s all about the feelings of lefties and alleged victims, and identity politics is the centre of it all. The problem I have is that the cycle seems to be repeating itself week after week, month after month, and there’s nothing to say that hasn’t been said 1,000 times already.
I don’t think I’m alone in this. The danger, IMO, is that people will become so frustrated in time that a truly extreme party will come to power. There seems to be little respect these days for truth, facts, and genuinely free debate. The parameters of any debate that reaches a wide audience seem to be determined solely by the left.
I think the west is heading for trouble and I think our lost homogeneity is largely behind it.
True, there is too much apathy. Bread and circuses and all that. However, people were motivated to go against the grain to vote for Brexit so I think there is significant frustration as well – particularly amongst the politically aware working classes who seem to understand what is going on and don’t feel inhibited by so-called “sophisticated” middle class sensitivities.
You make a great point about the politically aware working classes.
Unfortunately I fear we are a dying breed as the recent election proved. The generations coming along behind us seem completely blinded by the Liberal elite and their ideology.
I too feel lost for words at times but as my mates tell me, it soon passes.
Frustration levels peaked yesterday at the beebs antics so I put Led Zep II on the way home from work at full volume. Did the trick.
I am hoping the BBC has again hitched itself too early to knackered horses pulling a collapsing wagon headed for a cliff. Of all things to hang their Trump derangement on… white (or is it black) washing the words and deeds of BLM, Antifa, etc to this point? Nuts. Clearly there are some Pyscho loons with racist views but flipping the KKK from Democrat to Republican takes some revisionism. And the selective ‘X likes Y on this, so Y is an X’ use suddenly applies when it suits?
If the actions and possible motivations (there are examples of poor outcomes for vehicle drivers caught by attacking mobs who stop and are extracted) of one person in the USA tars every single person around the world not in support of the cause he was against, how is the precedent not to apply elsewhere?
There have been scores if not hundreds of vehicular terrorist attacks prior to this, yet the likes of the BBC immediately go into watertight oversight lockdown and start searching for excuses and motivations. Now it is name and shame, smear and fear. The language used by predictably sheep like commentators on social media has been emboldened to a scary level by the faux legitimisation they get from the comfort blanket of such as Sopel, Kay, etc throwing the baby of impartiality under a bus simply because they hate that one man does what he says he would do and people voted for him.
The BBC truly is the spawn of Nazi propaganda (apols to Godwin, but it seems he may have made exceptions legitimate) with Lord Haw Haw at its helm.
on the very few occasions recently I have watched/listened to a BBC news feature on Pres. Trump, brought to my senses by the ever obviously bitter Jon Sopel, I sensed something else emerging: a volte-face.
With regard to impeachment and the numerous attempts to bring Pres. Trump down, Sopel outlines his speculation on progress and, now, it seems to end with a warning: “Of course, they might not find anything”; “If they find anything”; “Of course this is not an option if the evidence is not there” etc. etc. Could it be that Sopel really, really knows some truth about the absense of any evidence but simply, at this stage, wants to continue the illusion that Pres. Trump is failing all round and the BBC wants to continue fanning the flames ?
Politics of the least bad throws up some dilemmas.
Do I think Donald Trump will be seen as a ‘good’ President? I doubt it. Rather depends on who writes the histories, and currently that is the media and controls the internet.
Certainly he seems crass, unsophisticated and prone to knee jerks. But look at the alternatives. Mrs. ‘Duck, sniper’ and her unfortunately death prone close colleagues? Bernie “My other mansion is a mansion”? Barack “Red lines, nothing but red lines do I see”?
But for all his failings (and which leader was or is free of them?) he seems to be trying to do what he said he would, and if presented with a spade, avoids a focus group response that it appears to be some form of hole digging implement, thus giving a clearly deranged media all they need.
At this rate, for the dubious Pyhhric victory of bringing down a figure representing all their considerable hate can muster, namely a democratically elected Presdient of a system that can only function if the majority country pulls with them undistracted by minority media, activist and state employee meddling (plus that idiot May, who hasn’t seen a bandwagon she can’t get run over by), they seem set on bringing a world of pain down on the whole USA… and the rest of the world too.
After Brexit and Trump-the Left are truly rumbled.
They only liked democracy and votes, referenda and independence in as much as they were words for the text books and not actually to be implemented or defended in reality.
Think of the “Liberal Democrats” and Gina Millers version of “Parliamentary Sovereignty”…genuflections to the words, despising them as real things to exercsie in the face of the fascist left that they TRULY are.
But the words are hollowed out lies now-or reverse images of what the EU and Law Courts have made them seem to be.
Both the USA and UK are split into patriots and loathing poppets/ public officials who would sleepwalk us into Islamabad via Brussels.
There may well be civil wars, but we`re the last link to what REAL Fascists, racists and nazis were. We knew them ,fought them…and didn`t just call Reagan and Thatcher by such names to impress a friend.
Awaiting Trump to back the likes of Bannon and Gorka-and to smash the lefty whack-a-moles back into their caves and hell holes. We need a lot of Lefty prosecutions over there, or else it`ll only get worse.
Grant – I remember the Beeb reporting on the jury finding the officers who shot Duggan of not being guilty. They interviewed loads of learned legal minds from the ‘community’ who said stuff like: “Yeah like gotta be 99.99% certain bruv. He didn’t have no gun in his hand.”
The test is subjective: the officer had to have genuinely believed he might have a gun and that belief had to be reasonably held. Given that a gun was found near to his car, they had (correct) intelligence that he was going to pick up a gun and that Duggan had a violent criminal history, that belief was indeed reasonable.
It is not possible to be ‘99.99%’ sure as this vox pop with such a brilliant legal mind suggested. The reductio ad absurdam is that if Police had to be certain of everything when using a firearm, they could never use firearms as such a level of certainty is impossible in most things, certainly in frenetic fight or flight situation like these officers faced. If we have no armed Police, terrorists and criminals could run rampant which would be to the detriment of 99.99% of people.
Why give morons like this a platform for their opinion? He probably thinks subjective and objective are record labels; he clearly had no grasp whatsoever of the legal issues. Yet the Beeb put him on prime time television telling us what we ought to think?
He’s not thinking, he doesn’t know whether it should be 99.99 or 50. As far as he’s concerned whites and the police will always be in the wrong and his point, if you can call it that, is cobbled together on that premise. Anything approaching rational debate in these circumstances is impossible. It would be like arguing with a toddler.
It’s a mentality that destroys prosperity in neighbourhoods, towns, cities and even countries. The Left approves, of course, because they think that they could start with a blank slate and build their utopia. Good luck with that bruv. People with any ability will be long gone.
Would readers like to contribute, say, £1500 to the approx. £4500 per year cost of running my car?
Come on! Why not? Sound weird?
The bBBC (who used to have their own tube station at White City) are bigging up the new rail fare increase.
Shock. Horror. The proportion of rail income from passenger fares has risen from 54% to about 65% since 2010 they tell us. This is obviously unfair, they insinuate.
How about people who do not use the train? Should they have to pay the full cost of their own transport and then subsidise train users as well ?
Don’t expect the collectivist, statist, metropolitan, entitled elite at the bBBC to think about that one.
Can send you a pedalo from Fleetwood if that helps you send us a few older migrants by way of tax exiled refugees if that helps.
Clearly that much-promised Albanian dividend following the Norman Wisdom era has not panned out as it ought to have done.
Will an open cheque do?..not sure how many noughts you seek to add after my “nine”
Have now sent you the “fookin money”….
In islam, if Mohammed (the fake prophet, not the fake British Quorn salesman) did it, then it is all right.
Sex with children
Raping kufar women
Beheading prisoners of war
Are all perfectly all right, because Mohammed did them. Only a BBC “journalist” or left wing virtue signalling idiot (but then I repeat myself) could fail to see the pattern. As far as the islam cult is concerned, sex with children, rape of kufars and murder of hostages are not a bug, they are a feature.
Are you sure there are enough white girls in their own countries to go around, seem more interested in mutilating their own children than having sex with them in the UK.
As a child and then a young man, I was taught that the Americans are uncultured, that they are all fat (due to McDonald’s) and that they are stupid. The left love to perpetuate that train of thought and we see that with how they portray the current US President.
The bBC is currently running with an article on how recent immigrants to the US are changing how they eat (For the better???) Refugee chefs changing the way America eats
The thing is, Mrs Pounce and I like to watch Diners Drive Ins and Dives where the host travels the US visiting eating establishments and we are both amazed at how the US has one of the most eclectic range of foods going, yet all we hear from the left is….Burgers,burgers and more burgers. (which if you frequent Tourist resorts is what you see)
Its as if they appear to not notice that the US is a nation of migrants and that each new influx has brought something new to the table.
When I lived in Texas the best food at a cheap price were Afro American ( in those days just called Black ) joints serving Por Boy Sandwhiches and the like . Some of these small entrepreneurs went on to build a chain of restaurants .
Watching the film clip we are informed that Uganda was a beautiful place, the UK was cold, racist and school children waited to beat you up in Leicester and on returning to Uganda for a visit, what a wonderful country it is.
The bbC, where even fairly recent episodes of non-white racism are excused by the evil that is the white British racist.
Did they highlight the atrocities committed by Amin’s animals on Obote’s people ? The Indians got off lightly. Do the BBC know what is happening in Uganda today ? Do they care ? Of course not.
Grant, the BBC think that Uganda is being run by fundamentalist Christians who are anything but fun and are persecuting and imprisoning the LGBTQietcincaseiveforgottensomeone community.
Pounce ….. the Indian woman wasn’t Yasmin Alibaba Brown was it ? she’s always bleating what a terrible country this is, but no doubt was first in the queue for a British Passport !!!!
No Brissels-can confirm that it was me.
A jar of Pataks Jalfrezi curry paste and some old cinema curtains with a red spot sticker…and I`ve become a Bollywood matron who was hounded out of Southall by Idi Amin…
A Radio 4 series and Press Previews awaits-and will they believe that I was due to star in Hula Hoop Hawaii with fellow Gujerati star Elvis Presley…just before he choked on one of my poppadums on the sqaut loo outside my bungalow in 1977?
Fake News?…see you in court with my son Cliff Richard if you question my memory>
Another month of retrospectives and plenty money to balm my sadness.
It was good to see Trump throw in some ad hominem attacks, such as ‘alt-left.’ Name calling is the lowest form of argument but it is all the Left do and you need to fight them using their own tactics. I wish people called the Beeb ‘far left’ more often. The ‘fake news’ trope really came back to bite them.
A wondrous wrecking ball to the fake news empire in a bad wig!
often wondered why such a great country as the USA does such bad wigs?
Thank God for Brexit eh?…know what I`ll be selling them!
1. The John Bolton.
2. The Paul Daniels “Rusty”
3. The Wogan
4. The Henry Sellars
5. The Ralph Coates/Sir Bobby /George Roper range of combovers…
Just like the white dog turd…whatever happened to the British combover?
Brexit should help with the restoration of this national hairstyle….what`s the tarriff on Brylcreem by the way?
More good Brexit News……………………….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-40947087 Note some of the negative spin in the article , “But with inflation standing at 2.6%, real earnings still fell by 0.5%, the ONS figures showed.”
How’s the rest of the EU doing? – I would say that they are going down like a lead balloon.
We should have cut ourselves free a long time ago.
There is a HYS running on this one.
The left want to police peoples thoughts and views and criminalise only the views and actions they dont agree with. I dont give 2 fooks what another man thinks or wants, I just dont want them to force it upon me…….and thats the issue here. Political violence is political violence. Whether its violence to stop immigration or violence to allow immigration to continue, its violence. This BS about we must stop hate is a lie. The vast majority of the left now seem to hate everything they dont agree with (Trump, Farage..) and they believe that violence is justified. Everyone is a Nazi that doesnt agree with their world view, and Nazi’s can be attacked (look how the MSN have just accepted the each act of violence in the name of attacking the so-called nazi?). This is the worrying part, because the violence is now is no only justified by the antifa and BLM militants they alone are deciding what is acceptable or not. Hate leads to hate. Violence leads to Violence. Whether its white supremacist, black supremacist (BLM or violent rioters in London) or islamic supremacists (which seems to be growing) or political supremacists (Venezuela or the Labour Party under Corbyn) the violence and hatred should be called out and vilified…..but no…the only violence the BBC, our main political parties, and the US MSM are even remotely interested in is by those who have white skin.
Totp, and who are the REAL nazis? In the US, I would suggest they are the national socialists of the Democratic Party. The more moderate Democrats would be horrified at what other Democrats and the Antifa and other mobs did in Charlottesville.
Until relatively recently (until the start of the Clinton era?), it would often be hard at times to push a cigarette paper between Democrats and Republicans in both policy and patriotism terms.
Tried to listen to the BBCs Radio 4 series on Partition…which you`d have thought would be better named as “Independence”-so surely a good thing…evil empires `n all.
But no-it`ll be a bad thing, nasty whitey and Mountbatten to blame of course-not Attlee though-no siree!
Anyway-gave each episode a few minutes until”BREXIT” found its way into the narratives-apparently the young poppets interviewed thought Brexit was akin to Muslims torching Hindus and vice versa..they imagined that this is how their grannies were turfed from the village. A bad look over the Nandos bottle kinda thing.
I now have a stop watch that allows me to time any BBC waffle and its linkage to
a) Climate
c) Brexit.
d) Need for Corbyn to right it
e) Need for Government money(ours in effect)
f) A historicaal apology of some sort.
Form Nehru to Brexit in fifteeen minutes though is one I`d not have reckoned on.
which was filmed right on the spot, it is clear that the grey car, driven by the so-called white supremacist, drove into the back of a white car, which then drove into the back of another car. The victim was caught between the grey car and the white car. The acceleration of the grey car was very sudden, consisent with the attack on it seen in other video from the rear. The driver then reverses away at speed, a wise precaution, as the mob would probably have beaten him to death.
It is now quite clear to me that the initial MSM story, that this was some sort of Westminster Bridge attack by a neo-nazi is false. The real criminal is the Antifa thug who attacked the car with a baseball bat. Despite this, President Trump is still being attacked, even, it seems, by Theresa the Appeaser, for condemning violence from all sides. As far as the left wing establishment is concerned, the “Alt-Right” who were protesting legally, with a permit, and who were attacked by Antifa, are the real villains of the piece. Anyone who uses his eyes and makes his own judgments is an enemy of the people.
There is a good reason why George Orwell worked at the BBC before he wrote “Nineteen Eighty-Four”, and we are seeing it yet again now.
Rob in Cheshire
See link to Treezer’s remarks on Trump.
Straight from Socialist Worker/ UAF.
‘Theresa May has said it is important to condemn far-right views “wherever we hear them” as she was asked about Donald Trump’s response to clashes in the United States.
The PM said: “I see no equivalence between those who propound fascist views and those who oppose them.”
Treezer is more than an appeaser; she is an active enemy of the US, our traditional ally, and its President. Her comment about Trump was ill informed and could only be produced from sources which are hostile to Trump. We know the state here backs the UAF and Antifa thugs, financing them in various indirect ways, and employing them as stormtroopers to use violence against patriotic protesters, anti sharia demonstrators, Brexiteers, and what she and her ilk see as far right extremists such as the EDL. Using and supporting Antifa has the advantage both here and the US of a force which can go further in its use of violence than the cops, and you will see that even when arrested Antifa thugs will go free.
Treezer is a creature of the BBC, sharing their perspective on anti Trump, anti Brexit, open borders and Islam.
The Tories do not have the guts to sack this enemy of our country and we have to create an alternative political movement.
The PM said: “I see no equivalence between those who propound fascist views and those who oppose them.”
A profound statement from our excellent Prime Minister. Most people with brains have managed to work out that Hitler and Stalin were two sides of the same coin, but not, it seems, Theresa.
President Trump should tell her to stick her state visit and her trade deal where the sun don’t shine. She is a waste of skin.
Totally agree Rob Theresa has certainly has not wasted any time jumping onto the “right on ” bandwagon.
I cant decide whether she is just pig ignorant and totally insulated from what is happening in the real world or is actually in favour of the Soros/Blair world view that us little people need to be told what to believe even if it flies in the face of the the truth and the evidence of our own eyes..
These days I am leaning towards the latter view, is a fully paid up member of the “liberal elite”and cannot be trusted in any way .
Whilst I am sure there were more than a few unsavoury /fascist type characters at Charlotesville – And yes fascists may well be an accurate term I am sure there were also many people just there because they disagree with the the left re-writing history – just because certain characters in countries past have become an emotional shibboleth for the left wing . Does not mean that they were not important/ influential and should not be remembered even if “triggered” lefties dont like it .
What sort of emotional babies are these people?
All this left wing moral posturing is nothing more than hypocritical bullshit. To enable the left to pretty much do what they like whilst at the same time cowering anyone who still has a regard for the truth and objects to what is happening to our culture and history.
This is conditioning pure and simple. And in order to exist in the BBC/Guardians “Brave new Soros funded World we have to learn the new definitions.
such as
-Anyone black or left wing can never be considered racist or fascist and neither are any of their actions no matter how violent – So MPs or political activists such as Naz Shah calling for the “disappearance” of Israel were just making a reasonable political point. Whearas people marching to object to the mass sexual assault of white working class girls are fascists and can be assaulted without police protection.
The same goes for anyone objecting to Sharia law or similair repressive practices by Islamic preachers or even migration. Because the left consider them “fascists ” too they are likely to be “no platformed” by Universities or attacked verbally and physically, whereas up until recently many hate preachers or similair were welcomed with open arms. and often on television spouting their poison and community victimhood in equal measures.
I think what Theresa has done with this statement is giving the green light for the Antifa/left wing to attack anyone they consider “fascist” And send a message to those of us on the “right” what to expect. We have seen it already with some of Tommy Robinsons demos- and I now I think we can expect much more of the same.
Theresa has definitely nailed her colours to the rainbow/multykulty mast. And I think from now on we can expect things to get much nastier. For a “safe” vicars daughter – she is certainly playing a very dangerous game.
GWF, that is a very worrying article. It shows that prominent Conservatives such as May, Javid and Davidson appear to be very anti-Trump and it implies that they condone far-left violence to an extent. The nuances of Trump’s arguments seem to be lost on them. They seem to be criticising him purely because he has pointed out that the far left engage in acts of violence – something which has been obvious for many years. I am getting very concerned about the mass media’s propaganda onslaught against Trump; it seems to be affecting politicians as well.
May, Javid and Davidson are incapable of any independent thought. Basically, they are stupid and do not understand the consequences of their words. Pygmies. Trump is already sidelining the UK apart from trade. Treezer is too stupid to understand what is happening and the Tories are too stupid to get rid of her. God help Britain.
Heres an easy on the ear instruction vid, on how to make the Left-mob hyperventilate, slap a lefty with one fact, and the ‘tempo” of the ”but’s” increase, slap them around the head with a second factual statement whilst you have them off-script and you get the instant ”transformation” to kidulthood, then if you knock em clean out with a third blow of 100% fact they just the meltdown, and all different shades of illogic[sic] are suddenly on display, google trump statues.
I get it now why the left are wanting to demonise the men the statues are of, its all statues of slave owners that are the target.
This time the leftie elites have been quite smart, and have/are playing the right, if not they got lucky with trumps speech above.
See i think its about the founding fathers 46 of whom were slave owners, this is not about statues at all, they will take their own statues down now, and just say see you ”racists’# its about destroying the worth of what they all signed, this is cultural marxism in forced fast tracking, because they are politically dead in the water for years.
Another version of burn it all down, kill all our enemies and rebuild in our image, this is about destroying the constitution, by destroying the men who wrote it, a concerted attempt by the left to rebuild a new constitution more in their image.
Next time they are in power they will all come down as they will have had years to condition libmob to it.
Tucker’s view here, with the lateral though of, they dont just want to bring trump down, they want a whole NU amerika applied works for me.
They will all be sold as a stain on history and their constitution inherently racist, so they should write a new one a generation of brain-washing and it could easily happen, a generation and a half of libmob would be all for it in 20yrs
This article is worth reading as it relates to a number of posts here, following Ttp’s.
In essence, (if I may make a clear distinction purely for these purposes) the developed West is disintegrating into a ‘left’ and ‘right’ in roughly equal proportions (Brexit Referendum / last election?). The ‘right’ consists of sensible, mature people that just want to get on with life and/or business. They accept that a Government will not get it right all the time but if action is taken to remedy any problem arising – that’s fine with them. I’d like to think, in the main, reasonable people. The ‘left’ consists of a miasma of anyone that feels aggrieved about anything – they coalesce around the, forgive me, ‘broad chapel of the left’. The problem is, the ‘left’ have been left to get very organised over the decades and in the process, lay down unshakeable ‘principles’ which have grown out of proportion over the decades and, indeed, roots of their own. I.e. Stonewall growing to the legitimising of the nut jobs we see masquerading as ‘inbetweeners’. Islam has recognised this and has, for the moment, fallen in to the ranks of the left albeit they have their own agenda and the left is just a vehicle at the moment. One commonality of all factions in the left: prick one faction and all the rest, mob handed, join the fray to defeat the foe. Meanwhile, the disorganised, disheartened right forage around looking for some means of countering the organised left. Will they ever? I don’t know but, one things for sure all the disparate ingredients are in the mixing pot for a very violent future in the West.
G, I think what we’re seeing is the result of the left decoupling from the USSR, a process that has taken a generation. Old fashioned lefties of the Corbyn variety got their inspiration, if not their actual orders, from Moscow, and Moscow kept some of the worst aspects of the left in check. Sort of like a teacher in a classroom. Since the collapse of the USSR the ‘teacher’ has left the classroom and the pupils have taken over, like in ‘Lord of the Flies’ with all the chaos that went along with that.
I agree it’s hard to imagine any writer now producing even something like one of Orwell’s lesser works, ‘Keep the Aspidistra Flying’ which parodies the working class, the lower middle class, the idle rich, capitalists, socialists, the media/literary class and manages to have a go at male/female sexual differences plus a few sly digs at effete homos. Writers since the 1960s have been so doctrinaire left that they aren’t able to write in such a way.
Re G and Cranmer.
Always good to get the historical perspective. The Soviet Union and Maos China, the Khmer Rouge, the Taliban and IS all agreed that removing the past and all its symbols, its books, its statues and traditions was required for the New Man of their creations.
The Cultural Revolutions in all cases begin with symbols, books and history-all ended with the removing of people and memory, documented evidence of their atrocities.
Bet they all dreamed of BBCNN, of Twitter, Facebook and selfies-as long as you didn`t point it at THEM without a permit and the right contacts or univeristy job.
No different in the USA or EU today-just a seeping descent to the same leftish goals and madnesses.
No passeran this tempo!
Re G above.
Disappointed in Bens article. He`s much better than this.
1. Robert Spencer is NOT a racist.
Neither are Bannon or Gorka for that matter.
2. The Dangerous Right are a pustule in comparison to the gargantual brain tumorous growth that is the Left…the Left threaten us all TODAY, the right are easily biddable. The Left leave slime all over and with ballbearings to make governing or education impossible. The right just need to be able to read by comparison.
3. Ben is smug and complacent here-has issues with past employers-hope he doesn`t end up like Anna Soubry, he`s so much better than that. All this being said-he`s clever and he lives there-so I could be talking out of my blagged stetson.
Not the BBC, but to illustrate how PR BS gets into the news.
Times Pg 7 Rail Fare Anger
Chart shows UK has EUs most expensive fares at 50p / mile
Hangon is that right ?
Many people commute 50 miles there and 50 back, does it cost them £50 per day for those 100 miles ?
ie £50K for 1,000 days ? Ie 4 years
Or £12.5K for 250 days of a typical worker in a year ?
Nope Alongside the chart are some season ticket prices of £1,580 to £4,780
So those season ticket fares seem to be 20p per mile
Which is about the same you get for advanced off peak purchase online.
That chart has only 3 EU countries charging less than that
The source of the Times stats Vouchercloud
Which of course is going to tell you normal fares are expensive, cos they want to make their vouchers seem a good deal
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And this one may give the world-renowned voice of the UK slight pause when speaking on behalf of those it doesn’t actually speak for.
Eh, Laura?
I’ve spent a few days in re-hab trying to wean myself off the BBC but I have relapsed and today I clicked on a few BBC News online videos!
A nice collection of biased BBC video clips from Charlottesville. Left are described always as “protesters” whilst the far right are “nazis”, “KKK”, “Racists”, “white supremacists” etc.
Perfect example…
Charlottesville death: Marianne Rubin, 89, joins protests
She is claiming she is a holocaust survivor. Then makes a claim that 20 bad people in her town could be the “next one” – does she mean Hitler?!?
Then a perfect back-of-the-net finish with “it’s so bad…. that they voted for him” – does she mean Trump?
A perfect BBC biased 49 seconds of linking holocaust->Charlottesville->next Hitler->Trump.
Yeah – all those masked thugs attacking people were gentle ‘counter protestors’ whilst each and every person on the other side was a Hitler loving member of the KKK who loves genocide.
If this group was so terrifying, why did so many ‘counter protestors’ flock to their event? I would be scared sh*tless if a group of genuine Nazis were meeting up. I would stay indoors and and hide under the covers.
It’s gone mightily quiet over the car that ran into pizza eaters in France, has it not?
Still not releasing the name of the man. I think we can conclude that he is not a white supremicist .
Did they ever release the name of the Swiss train attacker? It’s amazing how things disappear if it suits the establishment for it to happen.
Most BBC news reporting is in fact polemic, narrative-driven editorialising
Words and pictures are lazily arranged in such a way as to further a very small set of predictable pre-devised agendas
But still, this being the BBC there is sometimes – if you really concentrate and listen carefully – a line of what the BBC calls balance and what a non-liberal-elite-world-view observer might term a glimmer of truth
And so for instance we are presented with the ‘Sierra Leone floods kill hundreds as mudslides bury houses’ story.
Watch the BBC News Channel report and you will notice hints toward that bastard child of Global Warming and Climate Change meme Global Weather Weirding. Listen out for phrases such as ‘worst ever’
Then there is the constant trope of the innocent third world victim.
But were you listening carefully Licence Payers? There was this one line of easily overlooked caution from our BBC man: “Houses were built illegally on this fragile mountain side”
As though to reinforce the points I made about the BBC tv news reporting just look at the BBC on line report and their favourite opinion tweet:
“Increasingly frequent deluges disproportionately affect those living in informal settlement”
Increasingly frequent? – Scientific evidence, please. Informal settlement? – ie illegal settlement. The BBC attempting to push unsubstanciated climate claims on the public and to bamboozle its readers with weasil words.
The BBC is becoming increasingly bizarre and totally unaware that they are making complete fools of themselves.
Christ, that’s amazing.
First it was undocumented citizen which I thought was a passing moment of lunacy from a deluded left wing but seems to be catching hold and now we have informal settlement to describe an illegal dwelling. Is that what trespassing traveller camps are then, informal settlements – what a joke!
Standard beeboid MO
A story comes in and the start looking to build the narrative based around their tool kit of pet issues.
..so the landslip was caused by Climate Change, the fault of Donald Trump who “has been forced to defend his action’
And a lot of Muslims and Trans are victims
And pet celebrity eg Nadiya has said this about it.
.. And the victims have praised Jeremy Corbyn and blamed ” Tory cuts”
All made worse by Brexit’.
BBC news webpage
\\So many homes, so many people’
Posted at 17:34 14 Aug
The latest tweet from the Society for Climate Change Communication in Sierra Leone appears to show part of the hillside that fell away killing the people below.
In the picture, you can see two sections of vegetation separated by mud//
Ah yes interesting to see most MSM reports quote “Society 4 Climate Change Communication Sierra Leone”
And embed their Jamie Hitchen tweet
2:19 PM GMT+0100
Sierra Leone is one of more than fifty Muslim majority countries, all of which have poor human rights records and poverty caused by a religious growth strategy of overpopulation. Sierra Leone has been a central player in the blood diamond trade.//
+ Western aid supports that overpopulation
Jamie Hitchen,
Seems that he is interested in “informal politics ” in Uganda and Sierra Leone. Whatever that means. Well it is the rainy season in SL now. And in most of West Africa. Mudslides, deluges etc are common . How can we realistically measure the incidence ? Maybe Jamie can tell us. On the other hand , maybe not.
Interesting to see his colleague a person with an African name immediately contradicted him below his tweet
Saying it rains every August , just they haven’t been taking care of blocked drains
LOL ! It really pisses off Africans when some white “arriviste ” , like Hitchen, pontificates about something of which they know sweet FA. Just playing to the Western audience for money. Africans may be stupid in some ways , but they know the difference between a geniune white person and a fake and Hitchen is a fake.
PS. He says ” increasingly frequent deluges ” . How does he know ? He is a liar and a tosspot.
On a different scale it’s the same in this country. Due to the rapidly increasing population new houses are being built on whatever land is left. That is often the flood plains that had been left to drain the excess water from winter weather. Now when heavy rains hit the drains have nowhere to pass the sudden excess water and floods occur. There has always been the occasional flood from odd extreme weather happenings but now it happens far more regularly, both due to the reduction of flood plains and the fact there are a lot more, and larger, towns and villages that cause more rain to be passed immediately from gutters into the drains. It’s another problem of unfettered immigration into this country.
Obviously if more towns are being built there in Africa, more and more will be being built on unsuitable land. Also if the houses are not being built as solidly due to the need to rapidly accommodate soaring populations then these tragedies will occur on a more regular basis even if the weather patterns remain the same. The trouble is Europe cannot accommodate any more as we are causing our own disasters due to over-population already.
You are completely right.
Near where I live, the geniuses on the local council have decided that a municipal golf course will be redeveloped for housing.
The golf course only dates from the 1970s, before that, the land was fallow, because it was a flood plain. As a golf course, it served the same purpose. As a housing estate, it is a disaster waiting to happen.
When the inevitable happens, I expect Roger Harrabin will explain how it is all down to man made global warming.
Hopefully people here already know that most of the info MSM pushes at us originates from PR Tricksters
..and the general public are played, and got into a state by controlling their worldview.
Yet at 1:15pm on Radio 1 you could hear the 2 DJs realising this.
If you’ve been in the studio you’ll know that when listeners call or text in you often need to use a fresh sim card , cos their database pushes up on the DJs screen the history of your previous calls to the BBC, that’s how they screen ‘trouble makers'”
Well today the DJ realises that listeners X,Y and Z have texted in saying how fantastic it was to hear the track from Z
Except he can see that 2 days ago the same accounts sent the same message and indeed are like bot accounts, cos as soon as a track by Z is played these accounts text Radio 1 saying how fantastic the track is.
So The accounts seem like bot accounts from the Record company PR dept.
Posted on 14th, August 2017
The BBC’s persistent undermining of children’s natural genders is deeply upsetting for parents and children, as is the claim that gender is a question of feelings and not biology. Without an ability to meaningfully distinguish between man and woman, traditional marriage is greatly undermined.
Under section 6 of its charter, the BBC is required to “provide impartial news and information”. Its editorial guidelines also say:
“When dealing with ‘controversial subjects’, we must ensure a wide range of significant views and perspectives are given due weight and prominence, particularly when the controversy is active. Opinion should be clearly distinguished from fact.”
Raising pre-pubescent children to have no gender or to believe that they are members of the opposite sex is clearly controversial but there is no discernible effort to balance any of the Corporation’s output on the subject.
We believe the BBC’s decision to dispense with editorial impartiality on this issue is a breach of its legal duty. In the coming weeks, the Coalition for Marriage will continue to do all that it can to push the Corporation to demonstrate the balance and neutrality required of it by law.
It is an ill society which chooses to confuse and worry children in order to appease adults with an extreme agenda. Sadly, our national broadcaster continues to do just this.
This coming Wednesday, August 16th, BBC2 will screen a documentary titled No More Boys And Girls: Can Our Kids Go Gender Free?
In the programme, Dr Javid Abdelmoneim sets out to prove that there are no significant physical or psychological differences between young boys and girls (link here).
To this end a classroom of seven-year-olds is subjected to an experiment in which books with characters “squarely aimed at boys” are thrown away, distinct male and female toilets abolished, and a male make-up artist is brought in to persuade boys to aim for less masculine careers.
The children themselves are horrified at having to share lavatories, with Dr Abdelmoneim admitting that girls feel particularly uncomfortable as a result of the new arrangement (link here).
This is the latest in a series of programmes by the BBC which appear determined to promote transgenderism as a positive, natural development in children.
Last week the Victoria Derbyshire programme renewed its coverage of two pre-pubescent children living as members of the opposite gender. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4764198/The-school-went-gender-neutral.html
A nine-year-old boy who uses the name ‘Lily’ is featured along with his friend ‘Jessica’ who is a ten-year-old boy, and ‘Jessica’s’ step-mother who has decided to live as a member of the opposite sex named ‘Alex’.
Court finds in favour of Nigerian lesbian
She has to live in UK cos Nigeria is not fair to Lesbians.
The MSM find its terrible unPC to mention her children, cos that would be sowing doubt
Times : Bollix study on Xenophobia
So A Rutherford will probably put it in his prog this week
Claim that xenophobes given a choice if donating to German poor or refugees or keeping the money.
Would give more to refugees if told colleagues had donated.
Despite the title oxytocin mostly made no difference
“Xenophobe” is what is LibMob shout at anyone who dares doubt open borders.
But note their behaviour
Whilst they are welcome on Rightwing forums
When a non left shows up on a Lefty forum he is hounded out cos he’s not of the right tribe.
Is LibMob’s actual behavior is xenophobic.
I wonder how the Fascists would react if you called them a bunch of spastics? I know it would be predictable, but consider this, everyday people are struggling to live with very real phobias which affect their daily lives and what difference is there between using someone with a physical condition they have no control over, and a mental one which can have even worse consequences?
The next time you hear a Fascist complaining about some false phobia or other, call them out on it like they do with us.
Call them disgusting hypocrites and ‘disablist’ for making light and using debilitating medical conditions for their own political gains.
When I’ve tried this out once or twice it works, the Fascists have no answer.
I noticed that story yesterday:
Germany: Scientists have found a way to make Germans accept Millions of refugee, drug them.
Most worrying or what?
Pounce, they had no problem sprinkling cyanide crystals into shower units so I would not certainly put it past them.
Hey remember a Bernie Sanders supporter shot 3 Republican politicians
.. Did the press call for Trump to condemn Sanders supporters ?
No some Democrats even refused to condemn the attack.
I was interested to see what the BBC would make of today’s inflation figures (for July), which remained steady at 2.6%.
I could not find anything about this on the BBC website; although reference was made to it on the business news feed.
I recall that when it increased marginally earlier this year, it was headline news (Brexit, of course, was blamed for this) and was further ramped last month in expectation of another rise. This did not happen and much to the BBC’s amazement and disappointment. The BBC has consistently claimed that a drop in the value of the pound would have a massive and detrimental impact on inflation. As did Nick Clegg. Remember him?
Yet more buggering British Children Propaganda:
Actually it reveals the mindset the bbC belongs to:
1) All week the bBC have been parroting on about partition.
2) According to the bbC, the British are to blame.
3) Whilst much has been aired regards the huge death toll, Muslims are posted in a positive light or even omitted. Whilst the rest are deemed to be vil thugs
4) yesterday was Pakistan independence day and the bBC has spend more time celebrating that, that they ever have done St Georges day
5) Today is the Indian independence day, instead of pictures showing people enjoying themselves, the bBC airs a story which airs all of the HIndu Indians problems by painting Muslims as…victims.
And Muslims and the left opine about how the jews control the media.
Apologies in advance if this ruins your day:
The BBC are evidently quite happy to be in the same inane identity politics camp as BuzzFeed, the Guardian etc. You will notice that she has her hair in the European style, but that is not considered “cultural appropriation” of European culture is it? The hypocrisy is mind numbing.. The BBC really is a lost cause.. time for the license fee to go.
I was surprised that the sofa presenters on the BBC World Athletics Championships were wearing cheek microphones that matched their skin colour. I’m even more surprised that Gabby Logan was not forced to wear a black coloured one so not to offend those that seek out offense for a living.
Some news from the U.S. that you won’t hear on al Beebus, wages for construction workers have risen since the Justice Dept led crackdown on illegal immigrants. The white birthrate has also gone up; such things are related.
This is why our government was so wrong to have given all the EU folk who are here carte blanche to stay after we get out.
So what if you have to pay British people more? Maybe it’s because they won’t live 10 per a 2 bedroom house and maybe if you pay them more and improve their f*****g lot in life, in their own country, they might want to start having more children meaning you won’t have to continually import all this cr@p; which will lead to Britons being a minority in Britain – being a minority isn’t a good position to be in anytime but especially not when we can see what the majority is going to be made up of.
This is one of the things I find quite disturbing. The mob toppling of the NC Confederate statue.
What other organisations do we know that wants to eradicate history by destroying monuments.
However, the BBC have been rather quiet on this one. Whilst not condemning it they reported it tucked away in the bbc web site with short video, and the following statement. “The mayors of Baltimore, Maryland, and Lexington, Kentucky, announced plans to remove Confederate monuments in their cities.”
I am sure they would be baying for the removal of all statues that did not meet with agenda if it were not for the fact that they have their own controversial statue’s on the front of their building at W1A.
Eric Gill’s 1932 sculptures of Prospero and Ariel, celebrate peadophilia. His diaries, published in 1989, revealed that he regularly abused his daughters Betty and Petra, as well as the family dog.
A BBC spokesperson in 2013 said: ‘The statue of Ariel and Prospero on the front of Broadcasting House stands as a metaphor for broadcasting, executed by one of the last century’s major British artists whose work has been widely displayed in leading UK museums and galleries. There are no plans to remove or replace the sculptures at the front of Broadcasting House.
And another BBC tribute to Gill is the new BBC font is an updated version of Gills San Font, but that’s another moan for another day…..
Lenin starved 100 million to death in the Ukraine and his statue remains in Seattle
I didn’t know about this statue. Absolutely disgraceful that it is there. He also set up the secret police of course, who ultimately killed millions, and was complicit in the cold blooded murder not only of the Tsar but of his wife and children
…… He also set up the secret police of course…….
How ironic ! look at the sign on the wall behind the statue, a Freemason’s Lodge 🙂 – the biggest secret society of them all !
What a lot of people don’t seem to realize is that once they’ve allowed the Left to remove the statues of and to the heroes of the Confederacy because of their “support for slavery”; it will only be a matter of time before statues of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington will also be candidates for removal, as they both also owned slaves.
It was like the exchange I heard the other day about the recent Charlottesville “events”.
“I wonder what Thomas Jefferson, if he could be reanimated, would say if he could see what was happening there?’
” I think his response would be, ‘Where are the guns?’ And he wouldn’t be on the side of BLM and Antifa.”
I take hope in this endless redrafting of the past by the nasty, vicious and losing left.
When you`ve got no future-then all you`ve got is the airbrushing and parades/demonstrations of the past.
If only the right would rise up and fight the culture wars properly. We`ve had no right fighters now since Nick Ridley from 1989. Dreadful Environment Secretary-but sound on the EU and what Germany was up to even then.
Need to rewrite OUR history for the kids, but at least we have a future with Jacob Rees Mogg, Anee Marie, Bannon and Trump, Gorka and Miller too…and dear Ted Malloch.
Come on Trump . organise then generalise to shaft the reds and greens will you?
Presumably every statue and bust of Julius Caesar, and any other Ancient Roman, in the world must now be destroyed immediately.
I can hear the UN’s bookkeepers gnashing of teeth from here. Private enterprise has all but stopped their grand plan to continue flooding Europe with so-called, “migrants” for the taxpayer to support – http://www.newobserveronline.com/2017/08/african-sea-invasion-of-europe.html
Check out the UN’s bookkeepers’ records of tallies – http://migration.iom.int/europe/
Strange how factually accurate the figures are. Its almost as if the UN were in possession of the figures from the people smugglers suggesting, collusion with (God forbid!) the smugglers……………..
A lot of talk of fascism in the media. An attempt to tar Anne Marie Waters with this brush in today’s Telegraph. In that article Tim Stanley claims that the radical Islamist quotes Islam ‘inaccurately’. Really? I think Anne Marie would have something to say about that. Funny how there are so many experts on Islamic scripture. I’m not a member of UKIP but I honestly believe Waters is the only way forward. She is best placed to fight the liberal consensus as represented by Stanley and, of course, the BBC. Have a read of Stanley’s article if you want a laugh…
Like the response to Charlotteville, we are blessed to have yet another litmus test for those who really know what Brexit and Trump represent(our last hope). As opposed to the dabblers and fey camp followers like poor dim Tim Stanley.
Suppose if they`re paid by the BBC to show their conservatism on things like press reviews, then they`ll be bought up pink Tories.
Red in tooth and claw is AMW-she knows the left and Islam for what they are, and UKIP won`t stand long if she is not put in charge.
The blazers and pleated skirts have had their own way too long-and Irish lefty lesbian with a big black GLA deputy should deal with the identity cuckolds of medialand.
Remember this ? “Brexit means Brexit” ? “We are all Brexiters now.”
but …………….
“This used to be a lovely town, Chatham. Now all you hear is foreigners,” said Peter Murdoch. “They’re coming over getting all the benefits, houses, the lot. Struggle, that’s all we do. It’s not fair.”
“That’s what’s turned us: immigrants and what they get when they come over here,” he said. “Of course it should stop. Blow the tunnel up as well.”
Many hold the same opinion in Wales – What on earth was the referendum for ?
Are we, the people of Great Britain , outside of London being betrayed ?
BBC 6pm R4 News: A key EU figure said the idea of “invisible borders” was a “fantasy”. (from BBC w/s)
The key figure is none other than Guy Verhofstadt, according to the 6pm R4 News.
“Guy, the whole idea of closer integration in the EU is invisible borders. You’ve heard of Schengen?”
Guido has a Euro post wondering what the BBC is up to with a Brexit story that does not involve BBC staff sucking up to EU mucky mucks. Most commenters reckon it’s one of their 100:1 ‘balance’ efforts tucked away where no one bar OFCOM and idiot Tory ministers will be pointed at.
Meanwhile, I had to appreciate the turns of phrase here:
The BBC seemed to be hoping this chap was a fresh face as Nick, Ken and Michael on old white man cycle was palling, but their man seems to have lost it.
Vince Cable on C4 news. He’s either taking too much medication or not enough. Your guess is as good as mine.
Hoffenhein-Liverpool- Brexit- No tip for US waitress with LGBT rainbow tatoo. The three leading features on the
BBC website. Lets have a vote on which one of these is the biggest load of BOLLOCKS!!!
For no particular reason; Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Bernard Manning;
If you prefer Marcus Brigstocke, maybe you are in the wrong place 🙂
Thanks, tears running down my cheeks.
I inadvertently switched on to someone called Jason Manford (?) – apparently he’s a comedian. Really ? he clearly had the audience in stitches, but all I heard was someone observing life’s situations. Schoolboy giggly stuff, that I never raised a smile to. Peter Kay does it better than most – but then, he has a Northern accent, which helps. This seems to be the way of ‘comedians’ in this age, couldn’t tell a joke if their life depended on it – although no-one can beat the master that is Manning.
Says to his wife as he s dieing” Your a jinx”-very funny. Drving instructor to shepherd ” Can you make
a U turn?”” Can I make a U turn ? I can bring tears to her eyes !!” Thanks for the page DownBoy. After
seeing the main feature about the BLT with the rainbow tatoo,it was good to have a good laugh.
Anybody know why the bBC hasn’t reported on this story which has the left in a f-in meltdown:
UK: Liberals go into melt down over Newspaper article : “What do we do about the Muslim problem”
Islam is – The Problem that Aunty dare not speak its name .
Aunty shit scared that even their most moronic/dyed in the wool – strictly/Casualty loving viewers may start to ask some awkward questions about the Religion of Peace if they publicise this story in any way. Even if it from a negative standpoint.
Even fools dont like being taken for fools if it is too obvious, like frogs being boiled slowly from cold – if the temperature is increased too quickly they may start to jump out of the water.
BBC now gone into news management mode – “Move along please, nothing to talk about here”
In case anyone doubted that the Tories are fucked.
I’m so glad I never voted for her.
She is not a conservative and never was.That statement is just not credible.
To think that this horrendous bull dyke was being touted as a potential future Tory leader and PM!
WTF! How far we have fallen as a country for such s**t to even be expressed, never mind be given consideration.
She is a disgrace to my country and clearly mentally ill.
BBC DNA is clearly as unique as the rest of its make up:
Smitten much? Shame it was only No.2 . On twitter.
The BBC has a dubious history of hitching itself to niche activism wagons that all too easily fall off cliffs. However they do have the bungee chord that is the state-enforced licence fee to bounce back and start over.
There are clearly some bonkers, nasty bits of work all around the world, however trying to freak out about one small collection whilst at the same time utterly ignoring all the rest is some serious revisionist idiocy that only the western media bubble could contemplate.
BBC droids will lose their jobs unless they toe the approved line. Robinson is just covering his back.
Zurcher’s comments at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-40943425 have been mentioned on another thread but are worthy of mention here too. Even by the BBC’s own ‘standards’, they are as biased and bilious as you’re ever likely to see. They are in themselves a sufficiently serious breach of the BBC’s charter as to justify its being closed down immediately.
The violence and mayhem in Charlottesville is a result of the failure of the police to properly “police” this long planned and legally permitted (by a Federal court order) march to protest about the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee from the park which formerly bore his name, in the state where he was from. The blame rests with them and no-one else for not keeping Antifa and their BLM pets under control.
The MSM and al Beebus are pushing this constructed narrative that a load of “white supremacists” (whatever the f**k they are) and “neo-Nazis” unexpectedly turned up in Charlottesville to maim and kill people. It’s all garbage.
It will in the fulness of time be revealed as garbage as the organizers of the rally will sue Charlottesville Police and probably their Black Panther Deputy Mayor too, for breaching their civil rights by ignoring an injunction from a Federal Court judge.The way officials like Bull Connor did to Federal court decisions during the Civil Rights protests across the South in the 1960’s.
If it was unconstitutional for wicked whitey to do it then; why isn’t it unconstitutional for wicked progressives to do the same now?
P.S. The only person I’ve heard make mention of the fact that Unite The Right had a legal permit to have the march, was the chap from Breitbart interviewed on Toady by Justine yesterday.
Dave S,
I think that Prick Robinson is bending over backwards, so to speak, to keep his job. He is a worthless toerag.
Robinson is a liar and a prick.
The car did not “mow down” a protestor. The driver of a slow moving car panicked when a left wing hooligan with a baseball bat attacked his car. Robinson must know this, or else he is so bone bloody idle that he cannot even be bothered to watch the videos of the incident.
The BBC/MSM just don’t get it. It is 2017, and we do not rely on their lying shit any more. All too often we can see what happened for ourselves, and then contrast it with the tissue of lies they present to us. The game is up for the liars at the BBC, they are on borrowed time.
I wish I shared your optimism. This morning’s headlines on BBC Scotland are about the horror of Trump saying there was violence on both sides. That is an incontrovertible fact, borne out by video evidence available to anyone who does basic research, yet is being denied.
We have now moved from biased reporting and lies by omission to outright denial of facts. All with the approval of the establishment. I think we have just crossed the line where there is no way out now without considerable violence that will make Charlottesville look like handbags.
The good thing is that there will now be a trial. I hope there will be truth about motive revealed and no deals done privately to suppress that.
The BBC do not report the news, they invent the news. They are the World leaders in Fake News.
They also do false news…bogus news…white flag, false flag, black flag with white scribbles news too.
Their “news” is usually “noise”…not news.
They don`t report-they bake, confect, sytheshise, cobble together and all manner of pot pourris of dead flowers .
Alicia, it is even prejudice in the guise of news with the BBC.
The BBC do not like Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, and I also suspect – as they prominently linked him to his political Party last night – that the BBC also do not like the Bharatiya Janata Party.
They are not paid by the taxpayer to like or not like politicians and their Parties. They are there to report, inform and educate. They can call on to their television and radio programmes any number of political, social or media commentators who when interviewed can do the liking and not liking.
But not the BBC or their journalists.
It is not their job.
White supremacist/
Poor learner driver, panicked by a chasing police car?
Civil Rights Activist
A Jo Cox failed martyr?
Lefty busybody?
White kuffar slut who`s now nearer to Allahs slave market? Whichever ones it is-whatever Nick says can not be agreed with because he`s a BBC liar on half a million pounds.
This means it will have been excellent-so I`m off to listen.
The BBC always give you the exact opposite of what`s really true. I set my watches by them-they say midnight, I know it`s really six a.m
I wonder if a so called right wing extremist (possibly) just happened to be put out of his misery by a so called left wing extremist (possibly) what the MSM reaction might be.
Status of a Martyr possibly even Sainthood.
A march in London to protest at the internment of the poor innocent freedom fighter.
Hour long special on the BEEB about his/her life.
And an appearance on a reality TV show of his/her choice.
P.S. Wouldn’t it be great if one day a newsreader had a falling down moment, got up and said f$%* your pension BBC, this is all complete bollocks.
A great moment on bBBC radio4 Toady at 0735.
The daily anti Trump agenda is in full swing, the criticism this time is for him apparently changing his mind again over Charlottesville. But maybe they thought by playing him for a longer time he would hang himself. Oops
The Donald goes for the leftmob reporters’ jugular. ‘ They (leftmomb Charlottesville) wanted to take down a statue of Robert E Lee (note – incidentally as reported on the site but not as far as I am aware by the bBBC) What about George Washington? Do you want to take down his statues? He was a slave owner. How about Thomas Jefferson. ? What about him? Do you want to take down all the statues to Thomas Jefferson? He was a big slave owner’
Oh The Donald. Taking it to the American equivalent of the Guardianista BBC left wing intelligensia and showing them up for the selective hypocrites they are. What a guy.
And then. Blow me down with a feather.
In the Mail today . Headline ” my comrades on the Left flaunt their moral superiority. Butbmany of them are the most racist and sexist of all”. The author? Trevor Philips !!!!!
Seems the Donald has more friends than even he realises.
Trevor has the balls to tell it like it is. Good man.
Mohammad bought, sold, captured and owned slaves and, under Islamic law, slavery remains legal today. Over to you BBC.
Just walked through the lounge and noticed a programme about school children with an all-white class. “Ah ha”, thinks I, “must be a negative story about education”. Then I realised that the story was about inequality between boys and girls and all became clear. How on earth could they include certain ethnicities whose religion teaches inequalities between the genders. Some little Asian girl, if asked, must have to say that she is not worth the same as her brother, the Imam says so. The thought that must go into how to present these stories by the liberal BBC editors!
Oh, and to add to the above, next week will be results day. Would you like to bet who will be shown celebrating their success? (Unless the Beeb monitor this site and show white children to spite me, though I doubt that would sway their anti-British bias)
Yes Popeye I noticed this as well, not an ethnic kid to be seen, normally you’re lucky to see a white face on any BBC output to do with kids. After the clip from tonight’s (child abuse) programme it’s back to the sofa lettuces who have gone to DEFCON 4 concerned face mode.
The Beeb reports on the ‘outrage’ Trump’s press conference garnered, doing some excellent investigative journalism by reading out the Twitter feeds of people on their side, and for ‘balance’ Republicans who also bear grudges against Trump. But, they sneer, he did have one person supporting him: KKK leader David Duke!
You know what, Beeb? He has a lot of supporters – he just won an election. If people had a vote on whether the BBC should stay in power they would not survive. It is contemptuous liberal elitists like you who have outaged the vast majority of decent people. Was this country so bad? Did you really have to force this reckless experiement of multiculturalism on us, the terrifying results of which become more apparent every day?
People should be allowed to stand up for their own culture without being attacked and bullied by SJW lunatics. I imagine the true number of ‘white nationalists’ at this demonstration was minimal, and like Trump boldly said they were decent people who have worked hard their whole lives and love their country and are sick and tired of having their identity denigrated. Trump is standing up to the bullies; if you do not then it just emboldens them. If only we had had all those inciting murder arrested over the Satanic Verses affair. We just appeased them and now, along with so many other cherished things, we have no free speech – the bedrock of a free society.
Should journalists not establish the facts? Were Antifa violent? Who started it? No – they spring straight to ‘outrage’, ad hominem attacks and guilt by association, which shows the facts are not on their side.
£3 billion a year for this garbage? They employ 3000 ‘journalists’ and this is the lazy sh*t they churn out for their flagship news programme? Someone bad said they liked what he said, how f**king pathetic and childish is that? You could say that about literally anything.
Top post. With you 100% .
I am sick of being told what to do and what to think by morons who I consider to be my inferiors.
If their multicultural paradise had arrived their extremism could be justified. But it is the complete opposite: grooming gangs; riots; acid attacks; nobody being able to make a joke without fearing their life will be ruined. I could go on. This is starting to look like hell on Earth.
Exactly – why should I not be able to make jokes about whatever I want in case it ‘offends’ someone? They need to toughen up and get an education. If you are well-educated then very little offends you. How can you respect people who have never read a book and think rap music is the highest art form?
All these miserable, obsese and unemployable feminists telling us how we should behave? It is ridiculous. It is the blind leading the sighted.
And the whole basis of Leftist ” comedy ” is to offend and insult people. I guess it just depends who is being offended. What a bunch of stinking hypocrites.
Nothing new here Beeb.
How many interviews have we heard on the Today show where the politician is interviewed, the “political correspondent” of the BBC then brought in to “interpret” what our politician actually said.
Well-what the BBC wants us all to think was said, what spin and emphasis we`re expected to put on the politicans words.
Why else would they be so blatant?
And then we get the edited soundbite on the news for an hour or so-at this time of year, with no news it may well float in the bowl until teatime too.
The “media” now thinks that it “mediates” between we the plebs and the elites who match their pay grade and status in 2017. It does no such thing-why the hell would I care to hear two budding millionaires spout bubble stuff for their gilded allies amusement?
And my care home taxes go towards funding it all as well.
The media today ARE the news-fake, false and bogus versions all subtly different.
And the media not only ARE the news-but they make it, bake it fake it, choose it , lose it-how many shades of shit do you want?
There`s a science here-free research data in this most fertile of areas.
And Trump resurgent , with Hardest Possible Brexit; is the bar that is set for us to see whether we`ll have a country or an Islamic Green Room of a bordello to pass on to our kids.
We can`t afford to lose-so we won`t.
Prefer a white shroud to a black burqa, not as slimming either.
I have just been watching the breakfast programme on the BBC. There was the usual ethnic doctor on .
The diversity department must give their “requirements” to the editors of the breakfast programme. The good doctor
was talking about how little girls should wear boys clothes and play with trucks. Little boys to wear frilly pink
dresses and play with dolls.
The only thing I was surprised at that when the feature on the new aircraft carrier came on afterwards the male Colonel
and Commodore were asked why they were not wearing dresses!
Didn’t see it, but this described in the DT. A BBC programme in which a junior school class will be “gender neutral”. Very creepy.
Almost as creepy is that the class appeared in the photos to be all white, while this “doctor” is ethnic. Is he Muslim? Whether he is or not, the BBC certainly wouldn’t dare to do this programme in an Islamic school.
BBC – creepy, hypocrictical cowards.
BBC raping the minds of white kids.
Good point. They would never dare to do it with muslim kids. The BBC is evil, pure evil.
There`s surely a court case here.
I remember this trans crap in Inner London Schools way back in the 70s-and it caused untold damage. This will be multiplied now by the fact that its quasi-academic pretence will lay the “university” open to charges of grooming, the BBC open to its default position after Savile. And none of this will hide on a ring binder in Kidbrooke-once it`s on telly, they`ll be open to real charges of grooming, condoning deviance and sexualising minors.
The Green soft science lobby have really messed with their fundings, the BBC obviously ever-present now in schools ever since Ken Baker let them in back in the 80s.
Only wish I had a grandson there-I`d be able to get out of my crap jobs I`m doing.
If you want to get an unbiased report on what happened in Charlottesville, which doesnt have the writers/organisations prejudice, intolerance and hate for their ideological enemies (in this case anyone who doesn’t agree with their world view) overflowing from every written word……do not use the legally mandated to be (and clearly breaking its charter to exist) impartial, unbiased, and inclusive Al ShabeeBBC
This article is unbiased, inclusive, reflective and offers solutions…
This is the Al ShabeeBBC’s version, which is just full of Trump hatred, political intolerance, and 100% acceptance of the violence, the hatred, and the cop killings and the racist, facist BLM and antifa militants…which is leading to more violence, more hatred, more division
So-called BBC…Traitors
I am not normally accused of being lost for words but that is a state I am finding myself in time and time again.
The MSM are going on and on and on about Trump. The facts of the death and rioting in Charlottesville don’t seem to matter. All that matters is that Trump didn’t single out the side that the MSM and the usual suspects happen to like the least by a wide margin.
It happens here on a regular basis – not just with the BBC, but SKY, the DT, you name it. Facts mean nothing, it’s all about the feelings of lefties and alleged victims, and identity politics is the centre of it all. The problem I have is that the cycle seems to be repeating itself week after week, month after month, and there’s nothing to say that hasn’t been said 1,000 times already.
I don’t think I’m alone in this. The danger, IMO, is that people will become so frustrated in time that a truly extreme party will come to power. There seems to be little respect these days for truth, facts, and genuinely free debate. The parameters of any debate that reaches a wide audience seem to be determined solely by the left.
I think the west is heading for trouble and I think our lost homogeneity is largely behind it.
Agreed. Apart from anything else, Lefties are so boring and repetitive and have no sense of humour. They are also always big losers .
Not sure that the danger is frustration but more likely complete apathy.
So many lazy people just believe what the MSM serves up to be the truth without bothering to delve a little deeper.
True, there is too much apathy. Bread and circuses and all that. However, people were motivated to go against the grain to vote for Brexit so I think there is significant frustration as well – particularly amongst the politically aware working classes who seem to understand what is going on and don’t feel inhibited by so-called “sophisticated” middle class sensitivities.
You make a great point about the politically aware working classes.
Unfortunately I fear we are a dying breed as the recent election proved. The generations coming along behind us seem completely blinded by the Liberal elite and their ideology.
I too feel lost for words at times but as my mates tell me, it soon passes.
Frustration levels peaked yesterday at the beebs antics so I put Led Zep II on the way home from work at full volume. Did the trick.
” Dazed and Confused ” !
If it wasn’t for this site I would be.
I am hoping the BBC has again hitched itself too early to knackered horses pulling a collapsing wagon headed for a cliff. Of all things to hang their Trump derangement on… white (or is it black) washing the words and deeds of BLM, Antifa, etc to this point? Nuts. Clearly there are some Pyscho loons with racist views but flipping the KKK from Democrat to Republican takes some revisionism. And the selective ‘X likes Y on this, so Y is an X’ use suddenly applies when it suits?
If the actions and possible motivations (there are examples of poor outcomes for vehicle drivers caught by attacking mobs who stop and are extracted) of one person in the USA tars every single person around the world not in support of the cause he was against, how is the precedent not to apply elsewhere?
There have been scores if not hundreds of vehicular terrorist attacks prior to this, yet the likes of the BBC immediately go into watertight oversight lockdown and start searching for excuses and motivations. Now it is name and shame, smear and fear. The language used by predictably sheep like commentators on social media has been emboldened to a scary level by the faux legitimisation they get from the comfort blanket of such as Sopel, Kay, etc throwing the baby of impartiality under a bus simply because they hate that one man does what he says he would do and people voted for him.
The BBC truly is the spawn of Nazi propaganda (apols to Godwin, but it seems he may have made exceptions legitimate) with Lord Haw Haw at its helm.
on the very few occasions recently I have watched/listened to a BBC news feature on Pres. Trump, brought to my senses by the ever obviously bitter Jon Sopel, I sensed something else emerging: a volte-face.
With regard to impeachment and the numerous attempts to bring Pres. Trump down, Sopel outlines his speculation on progress and, now, it seems to end with a warning: “Of course, they might not find anything”; “If they find anything”; “Of course this is not an option if the evidence is not there” etc. etc. Could it be that Sopel really, really knows some truth about the absense of any evidence but simply, at this stage, wants to continue the illusion that Pres. Trump is failing all round and the BBC wants to continue fanning the flames ?
Politics of the least bad throws up some dilemmas.
Do I think Donald Trump will be seen as a ‘good’ President? I doubt it. Rather depends on who writes the histories, and currently that is the media and controls the internet.
Certainly he seems crass, unsophisticated and prone to knee jerks. But look at the alternatives. Mrs. ‘Duck, sniper’ and her unfortunately death prone close colleagues? Bernie “My other mansion is a mansion”? Barack “Red lines, nothing but red lines do I see”?
But for all his failings (and which leader was or is free of them?) he seems to be trying to do what he said he would, and if presented with a spade, avoids a focus group response that it appears to be some form of hole digging implement, thus giving a clearly deranged media all they need.
At this rate, for the dubious Pyhhric victory of bringing down a figure representing all their considerable hate can muster, namely a democratically elected Presdient of a system that can only function if the majority country pulls with them undistracted by minority media, activist and state employee meddling (plus that idiot May, who hasn’t seen a bandwagon she can’t get run over by), they seem set on bringing a world of pain down on the whole USA… and the rest of the world too.
Nice one, Jon & Co.
After Brexit and Trump-the Left are truly rumbled.
They only liked democracy and votes, referenda and independence in as much as they were words for the text books and not actually to be implemented or defended in reality.
Think of the “Liberal Democrats” and Gina Millers version of “Parliamentary Sovereignty”…genuflections to the words, despising them as real things to exercsie in the face of the fascist left that they TRULY are.
But the words are hollowed out lies now-or reverse images of what the EU and Law Courts have made them seem to be.
Both the USA and UK are split into patriots and loathing poppets/ public officials who would sleepwalk us into Islamabad via Brussels.
There may well be civil wars, but we`re the last link to what REAL Fascists, racists and nazis were. We knew them ,fought them…and didn`t just call Reagan and Thatcher by such names to impress a friend.
Awaiting Trump to back the likes of Bannon and Gorka-and to smash the lefty whack-a-moles back into their caves and hell holes. We need a lot of Lefty prosecutions over there, or else it`ll only get worse.
Grant – I remember the Beeb reporting on the jury finding the officers who shot Duggan of not being guilty. They interviewed loads of learned legal minds from the ‘community’ who said stuff like: “Yeah like gotta be 99.99% certain bruv. He didn’t have no gun in his hand.”
The test is subjective: the officer had to have genuinely believed he might have a gun and that belief had to be reasonably held. Given that a gun was found near to his car, they had (correct) intelligence that he was going to pick up a gun and that Duggan had a violent criminal history, that belief was indeed reasonable.
It is not possible to be ‘99.99%’ sure as this vox pop with such a brilliant legal mind suggested. The reductio ad absurdam is that if Police had to be certain of everything when using a firearm, they could never use firearms as such a level of certainty is impossible in most things, certainly in frenetic fight or flight situation like these officers faced. If we have no armed Police, terrorists and criminals could run rampant which would be to the detriment of 99.99% of people.
Why give morons like this a platform for their opinion? He probably thinks subjective and objective are record labels; he clearly had no grasp whatsoever of the legal issues. Yet the Beeb put him on prime time television telling us what we ought to think?
He’s not thinking, he doesn’t know whether it should be 99.99 or 50. As far as he’s concerned whites and the police will always be in the wrong and his point, if you can call it that, is cobbled together on that premise. Anything approaching rational debate in these circumstances is impossible. It would be like arguing with a toddler.
It’s a mentality that destroys prosperity in neighbourhoods, towns, cities and even countries. The Left approves, of course, because they think that they could start with a blank slate and build their utopia. Good luck with that bruv. People with any ability will be long gone.
Agree. ” Subjective and Objective ” . Record labels . LOL ! One of the best comments I have seen here !!!!
Thanks mate.
Would readers like to contribute, say, £1500 to the approx. £4500 per year cost of running my car?
Come on! Why not? Sound weird?
The bBBC (who used to have their own tube station at White City) are bigging up the new rail fare increase.
Shock. Horror. The proportion of rail income from passenger fares has risen from 54% to about 65% since 2010 they tell us. This is obviously unfair, they insinuate.
How about people who do not use the train? Should they have to pay the full cost of their own transport and then subsidise train users as well ?
Don’t expect the collectivist, statist, metropolitan, entitled elite at the bBBC to think about that one.
There are only two groups of people who can pay for the railways – those who travel by train and those who don’t.
”Would readers like to contribute, say, £1500 to the approx. £4500 per year cost of running my car?”
Go on then i will, send us your bank details.
Mr Haveit-Rightoff
The Nigerian Embassy
33 Grafters green
The estate Foxedale
Isle of Men.
999 IMO
Can send you a pedalo from Fleetwood if that helps you send us a few older migrants by way of tax exiled refugees if that helps.
Clearly that much-promised Albanian dividend following the Norman Wisdom era has not panned out as it ought to have done.
Will an open cheque do?..not sure how many noughts you seek to add after my “nine”
Have now sent you the “fookin money”….
We would call them muslim paedophiles but in islam, having sex with children is the norm and islam will fight ‘tooth and nail’ to continue this, ‘facility’. After all, one of their cult leaders ‘wives’ was a mere nine when his ‘marriage’ was consummated –
In islam, if Mohammed (the fake prophet, not the fake British Quorn salesman) did it, then it is all right.
Sex with children
Raping kufar women
Beheading prisoners of war
Are all perfectly all right, because Mohammed did them. Only a BBC “journalist” or left wing virtue signalling idiot (but then I repeat myself) could fail to see the pattern. As far as the islam cult is concerned, sex with children, rape of kufars and murder of hostages are not a bug, they are a feature.
Are you sure there are enough white girls in their own countries to go around, seem more interested in mutilating their own children than having sex with them in the UK.
As a child and then a young man, I was taught that the Americans are uncultured, that they are all fat (due to McDonald’s) and that they are stupid. The left love to perpetuate that train of thought and we see that with how they portray the current US President.
The bBC is currently running with an article on how recent immigrants to the US are changing how they eat (For the better???)
Refugee chefs changing the way America eats
The thing is, Mrs Pounce and I like to watch Diners Drive Ins and Dives where the host travels the US visiting eating establishments and we are both amazed at how the US has one of the most eclectic range of foods going, yet all we hear from the left is….Burgers,burgers and more burgers. (which if you frequent Tourist resorts is what you see)
Its as if they appear to not notice that the US is a nation of migrants and that each new influx has brought something new to the table.
The bBC, the biggest promoter of Fake news going.
Pounce ,
When I lived in Texas the best food at a cheap price were Afro American ( in those days just called Black ) joints serving Por Boy Sandwhiches and the like . Some of these small entrepreneurs went on to build a chain of restaurants .
The Railhead in Fort Worth would get my vote.
So the bbC interviews an Indian woman who was one of the 60,000 Asians kicked out of the country in 1972 by a Black leader.
Idi Amin’s orders banished my family from Uganda
Watching the film clip we are informed that Uganda was a beautiful place, the UK was cold, racist and school children waited to beat you up in Leicester and on returning to Uganda for a visit, what a wonderful country it is.
The bbC, where even fairly recent episodes of non-white racism are excused by the evil that is the white British racist.
Did they highlight the atrocities committed by Amin’s animals on Obote’s people ? The Indians got off lightly. Do the BBC know what is happening in Uganda today ? Do they care ? Of course not.
Grant, the BBC think that Uganda is being run by fundamentalist Christians who are anything but fun and are persecuting and imprisoning the LGBTQietcincaseiveforgottensomeone community.
Pounce ….. the Indian woman wasn’t Yasmin Alibaba Brown was it ? she’s always bleating what a terrible country this is, but no doubt was first in the queue for a British Passport !!!!
No Brissels-can confirm that it was me.
A jar of Pataks Jalfrezi curry paste and some old cinema curtains with a red spot sticker…and I`ve become a Bollywood matron who was hounded out of Southall by Idi Amin…
A Radio 4 series and Press Previews awaits-and will they believe that I was due to star in Hula Hoop Hawaii with fellow Gujerati star Elvis Presley…just before he choked on one of my poppadums on the sqaut loo outside my bungalow in 1977?
Fake News?…see you in court with my son Cliff Richard if you question my memory>
Another month of retrospectives and plenty money to balm my sadness.
It was good to see Trump throw in some ad hominem attacks, such as ‘alt-left.’ Name calling is the lowest form of argument but it is all the Left do and you need to fight them using their own tactics. I wish people called the Beeb ‘far left’ more often. The ‘fake news’ trope really came back to bite them.
A wondrous wrecking ball to the fake news empire in a bad wig!
often wondered why such a great country as the USA does such bad wigs?
Thank God for Brexit eh?…know what I`ll be selling them!
1. The John Bolton.
2. The Paul Daniels “Rusty”
3. The Wogan
4. The Henry Sellars
5. The Ralph Coates/Sir Bobby /George Roper range of combovers…
Just like the white dog turd…whatever happened to the British combover?
Brexit should help with the restoration of this national hairstyle….what`s the tarriff on Brylcreem by the way?
More good Brexit News………………………..
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-40947087 Note some of the negative spin in the article , “But with inflation standing at 2.6%, real earnings still fell by 0.5%, the ONS figures showed.”
How’s the rest of the EU doing? – I would say that they are going down like a lead balloon.
We should have cut ourselves free a long time ago.
There is a HYS running on this one.
Top comment:
9. Posted by ukfurrie
Can we all agree that this is good news, 57,000 more people with jobs can only be viewed this way surely.
Closely followed by:
Comment number 3. Posted by achilles
Good news for the British economy.
Bad news for the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation.
Tony… get the feeling your DNA is compromised?
I had to laugh at this comment: ‘The jobs are insecure and low-paid’. Some people are never satisfied!
The left want to police peoples thoughts and views and criminalise only the views and actions they dont agree with. I dont give 2 fooks what another man thinks or wants, I just dont want them to force it upon me…….and thats the issue here. Political violence is political violence. Whether its violence to stop immigration or violence to allow immigration to continue, its violence. This BS about we must stop hate is a lie. The vast majority of the left now seem to hate everything they dont agree with (Trump, Farage..) and they believe that violence is justified. Everyone is a Nazi that doesnt agree with their world view, and Nazi’s can be attacked (look how the MSN have just accepted the each act of violence in the name of attacking the so-called nazi?). This is the worrying part, because the violence is now is no only justified by the antifa and BLM militants they alone are deciding what is acceptable or not. Hate leads to hate. Violence leads to Violence. Whether its white supremacist, black supremacist (BLM or violent rioters in London) or islamic supremacists (which seems to be growing) or political supremacists (Venezuela or the Labour Party under Corbyn) the violence and hatred should be called out and vilified…..but no…the only violence the BBC, our main political parties, and the US MSM are even remotely interested in is by those who have white skin.
Now…who are the ones who are racist?
Top post !
Totp, and who are the REAL nazis? In the US, I would suggest they are the national socialists of the Democratic Party. The more moderate Democrats would be horrified at what other Democrats and the Antifa and other mobs did in Charlottesville.
Until relatively recently (until the start of the Clinton era?), it would often be hard at times to push a cigarette paper between Democrats and Republicans in both policy and patriotism terms.
Tried to listen to the BBCs Radio 4 series on Partition…which you`d have thought would be better named as “Independence”-so surely a good thing…evil empires `n all.
But no-it`ll be a bad thing, nasty whitey and Mountbatten to blame of course-not Attlee though-no siree!
Anyway-gave each episode a few minutes until”BREXIT” found its way into the narratives-apparently the young poppets interviewed thought Brexit was akin to Muslims torching Hindus and vice versa..they imagined that this is how their grannies were turfed from the village. A bad look over the Nandos bottle kinda thing.
I now have a stop watch that allows me to time any BBC waffle and its linkage to
a) Climate
c) Brexit.
d) Need for Corbyn to right it
e) Need for Government money(ours in effect)
f) A historicaal apology of some sort.
Form Nehru to Brexit in fifteeen minutes though is one I`d not have reckoned on.
The Brits were the first to give independence to their colonies. Not that you would know that from the self-hating perverts at the BBC .
If you view this clip:
which was filmed right on the spot, it is clear that the grey car, driven by the so-called white supremacist, drove into the back of a white car, which then drove into the back of another car. The victim was caught between the grey car and the white car. The acceleration of the grey car was very sudden, consisent with the attack on it seen in other video from the rear. The driver then reverses away at speed, a wise precaution, as the mob would probably have beaten him to death.
It is now quite clear to me that the initial MSM story, that this was some sort of Westminster Bridge attack by a neo-nazi is false. The real criminal is the Antifa thug who attacked the car with a baseball bat. Despite this, President Trump is still being attacked, even, it seems, by Theresa the Appeaser, for condemning violence from all sides. As far as the left wing establishment is concerned, the “Alt-Right” who were protesting legally, with a permit, and who were attacked by Antifa, are the real villains of the piece. Anyone who uses his eyes and makes his own judgments is an enemy of the people.
There is a good reason why George Orwell worked at the BBC before he wrote “Nineteen Eighty-Four”, and we are seeing it yet again now.
Rob in Cheshire
See link to Treezer’s remarks on Trump.
Straight from Socialist Worker/ UAF.
‘Theresa May has said it is important to condemn far-right views “wherever we hear them” as she was asked about Donald Trump’s response to clashes in the United States.
The PM said: “I see no equivalence between those who propound fascist views and those who oppose them.”
Treezer is more than an appeaser; she is an active enemy of the US, our traditional ally, and its President. Her comment about Trump was ill informed and could only be produced from sources which are hostile to Trump. We know the state here backs the UAF and Antifa thugs, financing them in various indirect ways, and employing them as stormtroopers to use violence against patriotic protesters, anti sharia demonstrators, Brexiteers, and what she and her ilk see as far right extremists such as the EDL. Using and supporting Antifa has the advantage both here and the US of a force which can go further in its use of violence than the cops, and you will see that even when arrested Antifa thugs will go free.
Treezer is a creature of the BBC, sharing their perspective on anti Trump, anti Brexit, open borders and Islam.
The Tories do not have the guts to sack this enemy of our country and we have to create an alternative political movement.
The PM said: “I see no equivalence between those who propound fascist views and those who oppose them.”
A profound statement from our excellent Prime Minister. Most people with brains have managed to work out that Hitler and Stalin were two sides of the same coin, but not, it seems, Theresa.
President Trump should tell her to stick her state visit and her trade deal where the sun don’t shine. She is a waste of skin.
If Red Tess was a leader of any merit, she could have condemmed political violence of any form. But these irresponsible statements are simply intended to give carte blanche (or rather carte rouge) to the mob. The investment in antifa and BLM by Soros, Reeves and Berger is generating a return.
Spot on ! “Red Tess” sums her up !
Agreed. Treezer is so stupid, it beggars belief . How did that idiot become PM ?
Totally agree Rob Theresa has certainly has not wasted any time jumping onto the “right on ” bandwagon.
I cant decide whether she is just pig ignorant and totally insulated from what is happening in the real world or is actually in favour of the Soros/Blair world view that us little people need to be told what to believe even if it flies in the face of the the truth and the evidence of our own eyes..
These days I am leaning towards the latter view, is a fully paid up member of the “liberal elite”and cannot be trusted in any way .
Whilst I am sure there were more than a few unsavoury /fascist type characters at Charlotesville – And yes fascists may well be an accurate term I am sure there were also many people just there because they disagree with the the left re-writing history – just because certain characters in countries past have become an emotional shibboleth for the left wing . Does not mean that they were not important/ influential and should not be remembered even if “triggered” lefties dont like it .
What sort of emotional babies are these people?
All this left wing moral posturing is nothing more than hypocritical bullshit. To enable the left to pretty much do what they like whilst at the same time cowering anyone who still has a regard for the truth and objects to what is happening to our culture and history.
This is conditioning pure and simple. And in order to exist in the BBC/Guardians “Brave new Soros funded World we have to learn the new definitions.
such as
-Anyone black or left wing can never be considered racist or fascist and neither are any of their actions no matter how violent – So MPs or political activists such as Naz Shah calling for the “disappearance” of Israel were just making a reasonable political point. Whearas people marching to object to the mass sexual assault of white working class girls are fascists and can be assaulted without police protection.
The same goes for anyone objecting to Sharia law or similair repressive practices by Islamic preachers or even migration. Because the left consider them “fascists ” too they are likely to be “no platformed” by Universities or attacked verbally and physically, whereas up until recently many hate preachers or similair were welcomed with open arms. and often on television spouting their poison and community victimhood in equal measures.
I think what Theresa has done with this statement is giving the green light for the Antifa/left wing to attack anyone they consider “fascist” And send a message to those of us on the “right” what to expect. We have seen it already with some of Tommy Robinsons demos- and I now I think we can expect much more of the same.
Theresa has definitely nailed her colours to the rainbow/multykulty mast. And I think from now on we can expect things to get much nastier. For a “safe” vicars daughter – she is certainly playing a very dangerous game.
GWF, that is a very worrying article. It shows that prominent Conservatives such as May, Javid and Davidson appear to be very anti-Trump and it implies that they condone far-left violence to an extent. The nuances of Trump’s arguments seem to be lost on them. They seem to be criticising him purely because he has pointed out that the far left engage in acts of violence – something which has been obvious for many years. I am getting very concerned about the mass media’s propaganda onslaught against Trump; it seems to be affecting politicians as well.
May, Javid and Davidson are incapable of any independent thought. Basically, they are stupid and do not understand the consequences of their words. Pygmies. Trump is already sidelining the UK apart from trade. Treezer is too stupid to understand what is happening and the Tories are too stupid to get rid of her. God help Britain.
“Theresa May on Trump comments: Far-right should always be condemned”.
What about the “far left”?
Heres an easy on the ear instruction vid, on how to make the Left-mob hyperventilate, slap a lefty with one fact, and the ‘tempo” of the ”but’s” increase, slap them around the head with a second factual statement whilst you have them off-script and you get the instant ”transformation” to kidulthood, then if you knock em clean out with a third blow of 100% fact they just the meltdown, and all different shades of illogic[sic] are suddenly on display, google trump statues.
I get it now why the left are wanting to demonise the men the statues are of, its all statues of slave owners that are the target.
This time the leftie elites have been quite smart, and have/are playing the right, if not they got lucky with trumps speech above.
See i think its about the founding fathers 46 of whom were slave owners, this is not about statues at all, they will take their own statues down now, and just say see you ”racists’# its about destroying the worth of what they all signed, this is cultural marxism in forced fast tracking, because they are politically dead in the water for years.
Another version of burn it all down, kill all our enemies and rebuild in our image, this is about destroying the constitution, by destroying the men who wrote it, a concerted attempt by the left to rebuild a new constitution more in their image.
Next time they are in power they will all come down as they will have had years to condition libmob to it.
Tucker’s view here, with the lateral though of, they dont just want to bring trump down, they want a whole NU amerika applied works for me.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zTSZiX-zig …
I think you are on to something.
If a 19th century slave owner cannot have a statue, why should an 18th century slave owner have a Constitution?
Imagine the sort of Constitution Hillary Clinton and Antifa would like!
They will all be sold as a stain on history and their constitution inherently racist, so they should write a new one a generation of brain-washing and it could easily happen, a generation and a half of libmob would be all for it in 20yrs
Tothepoint made an excellent contribution above. He provided a superb link viz –
This article is worth reading as it relates to a number of posts here, following Ttp’s.
In essence, (if I may make a clear distinction purely for these purposes) the developed West is disintegrating into a ‘left’ and ‘right’ in roughly equal proportions (Brexit Referendum / last election?). The ‘right’ consists of sensible, mature people that just want to get on with life and/or business. They accept that a Government will not get it right all the time but if action is taken to remedy any problem arising – that’s fine with them. I’d like to think, in the main, reasonable people. The ‘left’ consists of a miasma of anyone that feels aggrieved about anything – they coalesce around the, forgive me, ‘broad chapel of the left’. The problem is, the ‘left’ have been left to get very organised over the decades and in the process, lay down unshakeable ‘principles’ which have grown out of proportion over the decades and, indeed, roots of their own. I.e. Stonewall growing to the legitimising of the nut jobs we see masquerading as ‘inbetweeners’. Islam has recognised this and has, for the moment, fallen in to the ranks of the left albeit they have their own agenda and the left is just a vehicle at the moment. One commonality of all factions in the left: prick one faction and all the rest, mob handed, join the fray to defeat the foe. Meanwhile, the disorganised, disheartened right forage around looking for some means of countering the organised left. Will they ever? I don’t know but, one things for sure all the disparate ingredients are in the mixing pot for a very violent future in the West.
G, I think what we’re seeing is the result of the left decoupling from the USSR, a process that has taken a generation. Old fashioned lefties of the Corbyn variety got their inspiration, if not their actual orders, from Moscow, and Moscow kept some of the worst aspects of the left in check. Sort of like a teacher in a classroom. Since the collapse of the USSR the ‘teacher’ has left the classroom and the pupils have taken over, like in ‘Lord of the Flies’ with all the chaos that went along with that.
Cranmer, excellent post!
May help to explain Merkel’s unilateral decision to open the EU to allcomers.
The problem with Fascists like Mad Merkel is that they think they can control it. She is an idiot and she has lost control.
Grant, yes – and Golding had that covered in the book as well.
PS. There are no writers like Orwell or Golding today, so far as I am aware.
If there were, they would be silenced.
The time will come when their books will be banned anyway .
I agree it’s hard to imagine any writer now producing even something like one of Orwell’s lesser works, ‘Keep the Aspidistra Flying’ which parodies the working class, the lower middle class, the idle rich, capitalists, socialists, the media/literary class and manages to have a go at male/female sexual differences plus a few sly digs at effete homos. Writers since the 1960s have been so doctrinaire left that they aren’t able to write in such a way.
Re G and Cranmer.
Always good to get the historical perspective. The Soviet Union and Maos China, the Khmer Rouge, the Taliban and IS all agreed that removing the past and all its symbols, its books, its statues and traditions was required for the New Man of their creations.
The Cultural Revolutions in all cases begin with symbols, books and history-all ended with the removing of people and memory, documented evidence of their atrocities.
Bet they all dreamed of BBCNN, of Twitter, Facebook and selfies-as long as you didn`t point it at THEM without a permit and the right contacts or univeristy job.
No different in the USA or EU today-just a seeping descent to the same leftish goals and madnesses.
No passeran this tempo!
Re G above.
Disappointed in Bens article. He`s much better than this.
1. Robert Spencer is NOT a racist.
Neither are Bannon or Gorka for that matter.
2. The Dangerous Right are a pustule in comparison to the gargantual brain tumorous growth that is the Left…the Left threaten us all TODAY, the right are easily biddable. The Left leave slime all over and with ballbearings to make governing or education impossible. The right just need to be able to read by comparison.
3. Ben is smug and complacent here-has issues with past employers-hope he doesn`t end up like Anna Soubry, he`s so much better than that. All this being said-he`s clever and he lives there-so I could be talking out of my blagged stetson.
Now closer to Calais and these shores –
Not the BBC, but to illustrate how PR BS gets into the news.
Times Pg 7 Rail Fare Anger
Chart shows UK has EUs most expensive fares at 50p / mile
Hangon is that right ?
Many people commute 50 miles there and 50 back, does it cost them £50 per day for those 100 miles ?
ie £50K for 1,000 days ? Ie 4 years
Or £12.5K for 250 days of a typical worker in a year ?
Nope Alongside the chart are some season ticket prices of £1,580 to £4,780
So those season ticket fares seem to be 20p per mile
Which is about the same you get for advanced off peak purchase online.
That chart has only 3 EU countries charging less than that
The source of the Times stats Vouchercloud
Which of course is going to tell you normal fares are expensive, cos they want to make their vouchers seem a good deal
Don’t talk to me about turn up and buy fares especially involving London zone 1.
Most people know to use internet advanced purchase.