“Elijah Muhammad,” Muhammed Ali told the TV viewers of 1970s Middle England, “Is the one who preached that the white man of America, number one, is the Devil!”
The whites of America, said Ali, had “lynched us, raped us, castrated us, tarred and feathered us … Elijah Muhammad has been preaching that the white man of America – God taught him – is the blue-eyed, blond-headed Devil! No good in him, no justice, he’s gonna be destroyed!
“The white man is the Devil. We do believe that. We know it!”
Whilst the BBC wouldn’t dream of making any association of black supremacist groups with Obama they have no problem at all in making a positive association of Trump to white supremacists…here actually stating that they are his ‘shock troops’…
Trump’s shock troops: Who are the ‘alt-right’?
A disparate group of provocateurs is challenging conservative orthodoxy from the right. They hate political correctness and love Donald Trump – but their critics say they’re nothing but bigoted white nationalists.
We see this again as the BBC condemns Trump for not singling out white supremacists alone for criticism after violence in Charlottesville whilst not condemning the left’s violence….
President Donald Trump condemned “in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides”.
“The hate and the division must stop right now,” he told reporters, speaking in New Jersey, where he is on a working holiday. “We have to come together as Americans with love for our nation.”
Democrats and Republicans alike took issue with his choice of words, noting that he failed to refer to the central role of white nationalists.
Why should Trump denounce only the Far Right extremists when it was in fact the Far Left groups that attacked the rally? The violence, as with so many EDL rallies attacked by the ‘peaceful’ UAF, was started by the Left. The BBC and anti-Trump US politicians conveniently ignore that left wing violence…and the BBC quotes Republican critics without telling us they are long time critics of Trump…such as Cory Gardner.
President Donald Trump reacted to Saturday’s violence in Charlottesville by condemning violence “on many sides.” His critics pounced, saying that he should have specifically condemned violence by white supremacists, and that by not doing so, he in fact condoned such violence.
The critics are guilty of a double standard, and of exploiting the violence for political gain, widening America’s divisions at a time when national unity is the only proper course.
Condemning one side alone would essentially have given the other side a pass for its tactics — and a political victory that neither deserved.
The purpose of the lie is to connect Trump to white supremacists by implying that he has something to disavow. Many of Trump’s critics compounded that lie Saturday by recycling false claims about members of his staff.
Trump’s critics are guilty of something worse than hypocrisy. They are trying to divide the country when the right thing to do is to stress common bonds, as Republicans did in June, though they were the targets.
Trump’s critics tried the same tactics in 2016, and all they achieved was more hatred. It is well past time for the slander to stop.
We had a look at The Tyranny of the Left a little while ago as freedom of speech is rapidly being closed down in order to try and shut out right wing voices in the US and today in the Telegraph Daniel Hannan notes in relation to Venezuela…
We all hate fascism, so why does the extreme Left always get a free pass?
Socialism always begins with the same trajectory. It begins with slogans about The People; it ends with the knock in the night.
This equally applies in the so-called liberal West as we see the UKIP leadership candidate, Anne Marie Waters, demonised on the Today programme by John Humphrys who could hardly disguise the disdain and contempt for her…her crime? She thinks Islam is ‘evil’. Well evil is a strong word…but possibly appropriate in relation to an ideology that calls itself a religion. The likes of Humphrys have no problem calling fascism evil nor the people who practice it…or indeed those who don’t practice it but hold views, such as on immigration, that the Humphrys of this world want to censor and so label anyone who holds them as facists, nazis and racists. And of course the infamous Google show trial and sacking of a man who said something that is pretty well the standard view…that women are better at communicating and have more emotional intelligence…this you can hear spouted many, many times on the BBC itself…the BBC that promotes the vision of more women in Parliament and in business because they bring a different outlook on the world and we will have a friendlier and more polite Parliament with less testosterone floating about. Apparently such views get you sacked at Google and the BBC doesn’t say a word to condemn Google.
Google that tells us diversity and inclusion are at the heart of its operation…and then sacks a man who dares to have an opinion that doesn’t match the one that Goolge has decided everybody must adhere to. I note that when the BBC first reported his words they concentrated merely on his comments about why fewer women achieve great success in tech companies failing to mention that the whole document was in fact about Google’s left wing attitude and its censorship of debate….vindicated as we now see in a pyrrhic victory as a man with ‘right wing’ views is sacked.
Over the weekend, Google was rocked by the publication of an internal manifesto that alleged wide-ranging political bias within the company. In exclusive interviews with Breitbart News, more Google employees are now speaking out.
The 10-page manifesto, which was met by an immediate backlash, described a climate of fear at the company, in which employees who challenged prevailing leftist narratives on diversity were faced with immediate threats to their career.
Niall Ferguson is right, the real tyranny that we should fear is that of the Left…unfortunately the left have a monoploy of the media, academia, social action groups, social media and in politics as even right wing polticians dare not voice their true opinions…just look at the Tory Party now.
Still, there’s always the impartial and non-partisan BBC to hold such people to account and to ensure that there is a balance of views and ideas being aired in public. LOL.
KT nails it once again.
What I have noticed is that the BBC News website has devoted its front page top headline spot to the violence at the far right demo in the USA for 2 days now. However when left-wing anti-capitalists tore up Hamburg at the G20 meeting earlier this year the BBC News website devoted… no front page headlines to the violence at all; in the number 1 spot on the front page they put a story about about the G20 meeting in which the violence wasn’t mentioned until the last 2 lines of the article, and as we all know virtually no-one is still reading by that point; next to it in the number 2 spot they ran another story on the G20 meeting much of which detailed the violence, but it was headlined as an environmental story; you had to be either concerned about the environment or a very dedicated reader to find out there was any violence in Hamburg from the BBC.
Bias much?
I think the reason that the left have a monopoly, is that high IQ people make up only two percent of the media, academia, social action groups, social media and politics. We are therefore a beleaguered minority swamped by the shear numbers of white middle-class left-wing morons. Pushed out, and our existence censored, See Below.
BBC 2: Secrets of Silicon Valley:
The BBC reveals how Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg inadvertently helped Trump to victory, by revealing how Social Media can be used to spread misinformation and influence voters.
I presume this could refer to Trumps scientifically informed opinion that man-made Climate Change is a hoax, which would be regarded by the BBC’s environmental activists as misinformation. Also, “influence voters” could mean Facebook revealing the criminality of Hilary Clinton censored by the BBC.
While BBC fake news about Russian conspiracy theories continues around the Trump Presidency. BBC censorship of Democratic National Committee emails that conclusively prove that former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and others colluded in order to deny Bernie Sanders the party’s nomination, inspiring Seth Rich to leak information to Wikileaks. Information probably obtained from Imran Awan who has been charged with fraud and other crimes connected to stealing and selling equipment and classified information. Also censored by the BBC is a report by a group of former NSA agents indicating that last year’s DNC “hack” was a leak from inside the DNC.
But the BBC does not reveal how it influences voters by spreading misunderstanding of issues through the use of censorship of information.
The BBC does not reveal how it influences voters by spreading disinformation obtained from environmental activists, about climate science and what scientists think and the scientific papers that they talk about.
Personally, I do not get my information from Facebook, but presumably most people now obtain information from Facebook censored by the BBC, and then confirm the truth of this information from more reliable or core sources.
That’s why better informed people would vote for Trump, Brexit and would regard the causes of Climate Change to be 100% natural.
In BBC Land, the only racists are white males.
The BBC should take note of the rantings and slaughter between other races.
Al beeb can’t come to terms with half the world being primitive and tribal . I remember being told in detail by a friend at school about the pecking order of hate between the islands which you never hear whitee at al beeb talking about ( my friend was from jam ) but didn’t have their national tendency of killing .
I’m not sure it’s a left versus right issue as a corporatist / authoritarian/ paternalistic versus libertarian / populist issue .
For example it’s not as though I WANT someone in the private sector to earn stratospheric amounts of money but I don’t want to stop others paying him/her if that is their choice and they think it’s alright .
But I don’t want to be forced to pay someone extraordinary amounts of money via the state , with no real say in the matter .
If anyone takes any money from the state , by a contract for a project , service ,wage or benefit then that should be public knowledge . A private deal between consenting parties is not something that should be public knowledge .
( so that’s MPs and civil servants outed for a start ) .
On the violent extremism of the American left, this is a good video: youtube.com/watch?v=ZQwfTPqn5kc .
If you haven’t seen it already, it would be an idea to look it up soon, because it is the kind of thing that the people at Youtube are looking to hide, or ban outright, in the near future.
On the subject of Google, Youtube’s parent, this is a good article: frontpagemag.com/fpm/267519/google-gulag-daniel-greenfield . The slightly optimistic note it contains is that Google may be about to collapse, now that talented software designers are being hounded out by “diversity officers”; James Damore was not the first, by a long chalk.
Regarding Charlottesville, it seems pretty clear that the original parade had absolutely nothing to do with President Trump. I am not aware that he has ever expressed opinions about American Civil War statues. The hijacking of the protest by members of the ku klux klan and neo-n*zis was nothing to do with Trump, either. The kkk was historically a Democratic organisation. Although it tried to endorse Trump in the election and got plenty of Democrat-inspired publicity in the process, Trump didn’t need to disown it, because the Republicans had never owned it in the first place.
Likewise, the neo-n*zis. There was never any connection between them and Trump supporters, apart from the ones libellously asserted and shamelessly co-ordinated in the leftist media. Just now, the accusations have resurfaced that White House advisor, Sebastian Gorka, has n*zi links, because of a lapel pin he wears, representing a medal awarded to his father, who fought in the 1956 Hungarian Uprising. That the purported n*zi connection is without any substance whatever has been repeatedly demonstrated, but the MSM would love to get a scalp. So far, the Beebyanka seems to have resisted picking up on the renewed attacks on Dr Gorka, but they’d pile on with every insinuation under the sun, if he got fed up and resigned, or was sacrificed.
Meanwhile, the self-styled “anti-fascists” get a free pass. They are the mirror image of the neo-n*zis, just as communists and n*zis were exact equivalents in Weimar: looking for trouble and determined to find it, desperate to subvert the constitution and the rule of law, with the crucial difference that the “liberal” media in the United States and our own dear Beebyanka are not remotely interested in recording the antics of “antifa” (and the Beebyanka doesn’t make many documentaries about the German communists of the Twenties and Thirties and their various fates, either, come to think of it).
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t reported this example of racism from the above protest:
Heeb is a a (purposeful) mispelling of the Jewish slur ‘hebe’. While before ‘hebe’ was an ethnic slur, ‘heeb’ is a word of pride regarding ones Jewish idenity. This transformation is due in large part to the emerging Jewish youth culture coming out of New York
These days I show my naiveté by having to ask, but is that not surely a spoof account like that UK police sergeant one?
That final para is on par with Support Our Lefty at their most creative.
What ever happened to him ?
Still active on twitter I think. Unless now banned too.
But not active here ?
Not seen his posts for a while.
That wacky prog BBC Trending said 2 weeks ago : People should stop going on about that CONSPIRACY THEORY that the Democrat Party Insider SETH RICH leaked Hillary’s emails and then died in suspicious circumstances,
cos it’s detracting from OUR CONSPIRACY THEORY that the Russians hacked Hillary’s emails to have Donald Trump as their puppet.
Those Trendoids are really headcases.
BBC recent output under the tag : Trump
Antifa are the ISIS under 21s team. even dress the same, have same m.o. stoning their opponents.
Police need to start ”dropping” a few of them.
I’m compromised here with Ali, no-one could call him a coward, he followed Islam obviously by peaceful observance, and his stance vietnam being part of that.
But i loved the guy, simple as that, not in a gay-way ofcourse, but in the same way as mark bolan or peter kay.
For f#€%s sake. I have avoided bbc news for a couple of weeks. I made the mistake of looking to see what thier coverage of this incident would be. I should have known better. Blood now boiling. Every single sentence… Far right, faschist, extremist, white nationalist. And the counter protesters. A noble picture of a middle aged black woman sat home, looking thoughtfull. Labeling an osth keeper as a white supremacist. Aaaaargh. The oath keepers are not white supremacists. Look them up. Even gulag (google) will be somewhat honest about them. For gods sake tell you friends everyone you work with; Stop paying the licence.
Come on spider you can avoid for longer than two weeks.im doing really well . No Toady Programme despite listening to it on and off for 40 years . No al beeb news on tv or radio.
Gave up Newsnight when that weird little queer with the ears took over and only occasionally dip into the G on line version .
It can be done . I take my cue from friends on this site. Thank you .